News Briefs – 09/08/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Joe Kent, currently  a Representative, had been Special Forces and lateraled into CIA Paramilitary, interviewed by former SEAL and CIA Contractor Shawn Ryan, describes his wife’s death, serving in the Middle East at the hands of a suicide bomber. It is about 11 minutes. What is mainly interesting is he describes being in the Agency, and loving the common sense of Trump, who intended to pull out of the Middle East, and then hearing everyone in the Agency telling him, “Yeah, we’re not doing that.” He said he was baffled as he thought America elected a President and everyone followed his orders, but the government didn’t work that way. Had they obeyed Trump and followed his orders to pull out by the date Trump ordered, Kent’s wife would have still been alive.

Tough to say what to make of Ryan and Kent. It kind of feels like their loyalty is viewed as exploitable by CIA/Conspiracy which is why both are where they are, however they themselves seem to be in the mold of Thomas Mixon, the bank-robbing DevGru SEAL who obviously had no idea about the Conspiracy and its surveillance, and subversion of the government.

RFK Jr. just launched a super emotional ad to all his followers, saying his decision to join forces with Trump is a spiritual thing.

The mRNA vaccines contained a secret weapon of mass depopulation for globalists to trigger at will – top scientists warn. From a trained perspective – maybe. Definitely an interesting hypothesis. The case made here is they used mRNA vaccines because by making the body produce the spike protein and present it on our own cell surfaces, for extended periods, in ways the immune system could not wipe out in short order as it is designed to with actual pathogens, the vaccinated had their immune systems programmed to see the spike as “self” and shut down immune responses to it (In this theory, the autoimmunity causing the cancers and heart problems was just a byproduct). So now if the depopulationists chose, they can create a new pathogen from lesser bugs with the spike protein inserted as a major docking constituent, and the vaccinated will have immune systems programmed to shut down on encountering it, allowing the pathogen to just kill them, unopposed.

Maybe. I am trained, but what I have to confront is this Conspiracy running things may be far advanced beyond normal training in the field. It may have AI which has been running for years or decades longer than our’s, it may have tested all this on Ukrainians or something. And it could be a lot older than us technologically. So my opinion may not be as important.

On the one hand, I have said, presenting the spike on our cell surface with mRNA, rather than using tried and proven peptide vaccines which would have kept it away from cell surfaces, isolated in an oil-emulsion carrier delivered as a bolus into a muscle was illogical and they had to know that. This would reconcile that, if it was the operating theory underlying what they did. If I wanted to program immune systems to see the spike protein as self, then mRNA makes perfect sense as a vehicle. Will it work?

I don’t know. With the level of knowledge regular science has, I tend to think something similar would have occurred in evolutionary history given all of the species’ genomes are filled with old viral DNA snippets which got lodged in there through random chance events over millions of years and they did no harm. As a result I assume there would be some backup mechanism that would kick in and bring the immune system back online. In the biological sciences, theories often, often, fail simply because there are so many backup systems baked into everyone through millions of years of evolution, and we have never even seen them triggered, and have no idea they are there, baked in and ready.

The wildcard is, the splinter society could be more advanced than the state of the art for us, and they could have run extensive testing to make sure it did work. Or, they could know it will work because this could be how the farmhands have culled the cattle over ten or fifteen of these civilizational cycles they have hidden from us.

We are supposedly coming up on the tenth-generation culling. Of course Alex Jones implies the people pushing the vaccines may have been working for China, which did not take the vaccine, and which could now wipe out the West without any threat to itself using almost any pathogen they want to splice the spike into. The video is interesting if for no better reason than the possibilities it explores. Nothing there is certain though, from our current known level of knowledge.

However for your future reference grasp, programming the immune system is complex, and potentially dangerous. The reason I said, rather than get the vaccine, just mask up, glove up, wash your hands, and avoid the virus until you see how the vaccine pans out in other people was this. It is easy to program it wrong, and once programmed, it is tough to deprogram it. Lots of people in which it gets misprogrammed accidentally, just have to then crush the immune system with steroids, which comes with its own problems.

Very dangerous times though, with these psychopaths in power.

CDC pushes for babies to get 3 unlicensed Covid mRNA shots by 9 months.

North Carolina elections agency appeals to keep RFK Jr. on ballot.

Tony Blair calls for global agreement on social media speech restrictions.

Kamala Harris has changed her mind about banning plastic straws in her latest move to appeal to voters as a centrist.

Heartbreaking moment Springfield, Ohio, resident tells mayor that she “can’t take it anymore” as Haitian migrants squat on her lawn, litter in her yard and harass her and elderly husband daily.

It had to be this way.

The Sylacauga city (Alabama) council meeting ended abruptly Thursday night after council president Tiffany Nix shut down public comment after citizens voiced concern with a recent influx of Haitian migrants. See, we are not electing these assholes. As a result, they will piss off every single voter and not give a shit, because they know elections are bullshit. They are pledging loyalty to the conspiracy, then shitting on every part of the Constitution for years or decades working for the American Stasi, and once they are trusted, they just get handed these offices. And if the conspiracy tells them to fuck everyone over, they will do it happily.

Animal sacrifices on the rise in Queens with chickens, pigs being tortured in ‘twisted’ rituals.

A suspected Venezuelan gang member who is not a U.S. citizen now has an ICE detainer hold after he was accused of sexually assaulting a juvenile female in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, according to Prairie du Chien Police Chief Kyle Teynor.

Armed Venezuelan gangs steal oil, copper wire, assault workers at Texas oil field.

Biden-Harris regime quietly opens floodgates for ‘economic migrants’ under refugee status.

Venezuelan gang members released on $1K bond after attempted murder in Aurora. Like Epstein, they belong to intelligence.

Death of the consumer economy: over a third of U.S. adults now struggle to pay for their most basic expenses.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) charged an illegal immigrant from Guatemala for illegally voting in American elections and stealing the identity of an American citizen. Voted in 2016 and 2020 primaries and generals.

Biden’s astonishing vacation total revealed — Biden took 48 years worth of an average American’s vacation time in 4 years.

Harris camp offered $1K to Biden allies before she was floated for board seat on Beau foundation prior to becoming VP: Hunter laptop emails.

Active shooter on I-75 in Kentucky; multiple people shot. 33 year old white dude being sought.

Telegram quietly updates FAQ, removing: “All Telegram chats and group chats are private amongst their participants. We do not process any requests related to them.”

Ex-Mafia hitman who killed Boston crime boss Whitey Bulger sentenced to 25 years on top of the life sentence he was already serving.

Social Security facing $63 trillion in unfunded liabilities.

Liz Crokin appears to not be machine-approved, judged by how she is showing X is just another controlled propaganda outlet, doling out $500K-$1 million per year to some accounts, and nothing to others of identical size:

Amazing to imagine $1 million per year being dropped in your account, and you do not even have to work for it. Just repost what you are given by your handler.

Everything you see is a script, and all the relationships are arranged. The guy doing the interview here would never interview me. I could get  millions of followers on American Stasi, I could have come up with r/K Political Theory, all sorts of interesting stuff. I could not get in contact with him, and if by some chance I caught him somewhere and pitched myself as having more followers than Dan Bilzarian, he would not give me the time of day, and would judge me an idiot for not having landed someplace plugged in to what he is plugged in to, and for not knowing he could not interview me if he wanted to, absent that hookup. I also do not think, in this interview Bilzarian would know all these current events, if it was not his job and in his script. So here, you are seeing a script some egghead somewhere, who has a gross outline of where Management wants things to go, came up with to help get them there:

It is possible there is Trump, and a Q, and things as they stand now will get disrupted. But if not, I have said to Jewish anons, figure out how to put your life on ice for a few years, store your shit and mothball your house, while you cool your heels somewhere remote. You may never need the plan, but that video makes me think that the leadership of the conspiracy feels like we are getting close to seeing them, and as a result, this script, as currently written, is going full 14/88 to focus everyone on the Jews and away from whatever is at the top of this thing.

Turkey’s Erdogan: Islamic countries should form alliance against ‘Israel’s growing expansionism.’

China has backed the right of the Palestinian people to use armed force to combat Israel’s occupation of their land, calling it an “an inalienable right well founded in international law.”

Police across US given new UFO handbook as they warn craft ‘pose significant safety risks.’ The handbook is here. I have wondered, if the Cabal made a deal with them to supply humans, and the ne regime is going to annul the deal, that might account for why we are being armed up – periodically some people may find themselves having to fight for their lives.

Brazilian Air Force (FAB) has released a report detailing 80 unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings in Brazilian airspace during 2023.

Brazil’s X ban drives outraged Bolsonaro supporters to rally for ‘free speech.’

Former President Jair Bolsonaro asserts that it is the first time in Brazil’s history that there is a president without the people: “The most wicked thief is the one who steals our future and our freedom; the 2022 elections were entirely conducted in a biased manner.”

Biden cease-fire push falters again after new demand by Hamas.

French protesters rage at ‘stolen election’ as Macron picks conservative Barnier for PM.

Top German MP threatens X and Telegram with bans.

Venezuelan security forces surround Argentine embassy after opposition members take refuge inside.

Venezuela says opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González has left the country for asylum in Spain.

Ukrainian conscription officials have begun installing cell phone jamming devices in their vehicles to prevent the men they snatch on the street from calling for lawyers or help, according to lawmaker Sergey Yevtushok. They acknowledge it is totally illegal, but do it anyway. Of course the recruiters can’t call for backup either then. Surprised nobody got a suppressed repeating air rifle, to lure them into an ambush.

The Russians cut off several Ukrainian brigades in one move. 60 days to the election, I expect Putin will collapse the Ukrainian forces within that time period, to maximize the embarrassment of the Democrats at their failure there and the massive waste of funds.

Outgunned and outnumbered, Ukraine’s military is struggling with low morale and desertion.

On Friday the governments of Iraq and the United States reached a landmark agreement for the final exit of all US-coalition troops from the territory of Iraq.

CNN data guru says if Trump outperforms polls by a mere 1 point, it’s game over for Kamala.

Nate Silver says Harris is continuing to decline against Trump.

Donald Trump’s lead over Kamala Harris grows among independents.

Send people to, because sometimes when your enemy makes it so nobody can call for help, it is worse for them

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6 months ago

“It had to be this way.”

I hope that Q understands that we have to hang them, it’s just what has to be.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

And Q can hang, too. Nothing had to be like anything. No plan survives contact with the enemy. Just kill the f****** enemy already. Instead we get Romney’s gross, smug face on my X feed suckling Harris’ (bleep). The Mormons need to excommunicate that putz.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
6 months ago

“Q can hang too”

That’s what I meant.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

A great philosopher of our times once said, “When we win do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it’s funny.”

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

With all due respect, none of us know whether “had to be this way” is true or not. None of us have anywhere near the knowledge they do, despite what all of us armchair quarterbacks may think. Is it frustrating as hell? It sure is. But if any of you are Christian, I would remind you that we are not to despair. Have some faith, God is clearly protecting Trump. God wins.

Last edited 6 months ago by Max Barrage
Reply to  Max Barrage
6 months ago

We do too know it didn’t have to be this way, the only reason it “had to be this way” is because Q think like the enemy does and won’t risk open exposure and conflict, Q is playing cabal’s game by cabal’s rules.

Only GOD has a right to “teach people a lesson” by hitting them with calamities through action or inaction, Q had a duty to protect and defend the American people, not to deliberately hand the enemy the reigns of power and sit back and watch the death and destruction.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

Sorry Farce, 99% of the time I think you’re spot on, but i have to disagree with you on this one. We don’t know what the alternative is or was. Maybe there was no good option, they all were terrible and this is just the least bad?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

Lol right? Or taken someone’s identity that was off-limits.

6 months ago

> something similar would have occurred in evolutionary history given all of the species’ genomes are filled with old viral DNA snippets which got lodged in there through random chance events over millions of years and they did no harm. As a result I assume there would be some backup mechanism that would kick in and bring the immune system back online. 

Are you familiar with the “evolutionary choke point” the DNA researchers have theorized?,human%20ancestors%20close%20to%20extinction.%22

6 months ago

Surprised nobody got a suppressed repeating air rifle, to lure them into an ambush.

Air rifle? Shit, son, this is Ukraine. They are lucky someone doesn’t huck a hand grenade in their little minivan.

Machine Trooper
6 months ago

Re: Trump deploying military to defend border.

When I saw the Texas National Guard cordon breaking and allowing invaders to swarm through, it cemented my conclusion that Americans lack the will to save our country. It has to get so much worse before our countrymen would be willing to do what’s necessary, that it will be far too late by then.

And Trump lacks the will, more than any of those NoGo Weekend Warriors. He told us he would declassify the JFK files, but reneged because Pompeo whined about how it would be bad for the living conspirators (“compromise national security” which is impossible if Oswald really did act alone with no help from anybody). Trump buckles on just about everything. Part of that is his misplaced compassion; part of that is his surrounding himself with traitors, then acting on their advice.

If he did deploy the military, it would be Beruit II, where troops have no live ammo, or do have ridiculous counterproductive ROI. “Stop, or I’ll tell you to stop again!”

Trump is a lot of hot air on most issues. I’m voting for him, in the hope he will buy us some time, but that is best-case-scenario as I see it. If he really were the wrecking ball some people imagine him to be, I would have much higher hopes for the future.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
6 months ago

When I saw the Texas National Guard cordon breaking and allowing invaders to swarm through, it cemented my conclusion that Americans lack the will to save our country.

It is pointless to assume we Americans have any say in whether or not to save this country: we have no say in its governance.

6 months ago

The mRNA vaccines contained a secret weapon of mass depopulation for globalists to trigger at will – top scientists warn.”

There is one point I have noted in these articles. I just got done reading another one posted on the Critical Shower Shots reddit. I haven’t run across anyone else on the internets making this argument.

That is the studies critical of the COVID injections study samples of the products that have not been administered, or data obtained by the manufacturer, usually due to litigation. These injections have not been administered. It is by definition impossible to study an injection that has been administered into a body. I don’t think they are even taken from unadministered injections kept at the injection sites.

So yes, I still think what was actually administered was saline. But some seriously dangerous stuff was produced in the labs, and that was then leaked to dissidents.

Why do this? So “vaccine damage” can cover for people getting injured or even killed by some other method.

What I have been paying attention to, as with the COVID “pandemic” itself, is the excess death data. This told me not to take the “pandemic” that seriously, but its the same with “COVID vaccine injury”. In both cases excess deaths have increased worldwide, but not to the extent you would expect if there was an actual pandemic, or poisonous shots were administered to 60% to 80% of the population in the developed world.

Four years after the height of the campaign to get people “vaccinated”, you have lots of early deaths and injuries, but most people who got injected are fine. If this was a depopulation plot, they certainly took their time to let it unfold. At this rate most of the injected will die of old age before this kicks in.

By the way, China had its own vaccine, the Sinovax, which was also used in other countries, and we have no idea at all how that worked and whether it was fake, or basically the same as the Pfizer and Moderna products, or something else.

Reply to  Ed
6 months ago

China had two vaccines, Sinovac and Sinopharm, and I took the latter. it was that or let my family starve. It messed me up for about 8 months. giving me pain like nails being pounded into my arms (I took one in each arm) and pins and needles in my feet. Doctor said the veins in my feet had closed up and gave me medicine to treat varicose veins. I seem fine now.
I did have a strange experience both times I went in for the shot; a “gardener” with perfect English singling me out of the crowd and trying to talk me out of taking the Chinese shot and a woman in a bright yellow shirt directly in line in front of me who froze in place and refused to go in. I felt like she was trying to make me have second thoughts. The whole thing had a very staged feel.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
6 months ago

“…What I have been paying attention to, as with the COVID “pandemic” itself, is the excess death data. This told me not to take the “pandemic” that seriously…”

Do not listen to him. He’s wrong. We KNOW there were a large amount of deaths in Italy. We were told a lot of the top leadership of Iran died from covid. We KNOW a large amount of old people died in New York State retirement homes. There is a vast amount of information that there were a huge number of deaths in China. We KNOW that the evolution of engineered viruses are that they can be very lethal but break up quickly to less dangerous forms. This is EXACTLY what we saw.

The reason I tell people this is if another plague breaks out, do not listen to yahoos who tell you not to take precautions. DO wear mask, say away from public places if you can. Store food up so you don’t have to go out and you need water if there’s a total breakdown.

“…but its the same with “COVID vaccine injury”. In both cases excess deaths have increased worldwide, but not to the extent you would expect if there was an actual pandemic, or poisonous shots were administered to 60% to 80% of the population in the developed world…”

Get a damn clue. When young people are falling out in the prime of their lives, in perfect shape, can’t you see there is something wrong with this? I’ve never seen this before. Never. And never heard of a time when young people constantly fall out and die for seemingly no reason at all. And are these, whatever they are, masses clogging up people’s veins normal? Are you so blind as to not see what is in front of your face? That the whole entire world has not fallen over dead, you somehow think that “nothing” has happened??? Do you not see what you say is absurd and nonsensical? The obvious thing that happened is some were spiked and some not. In fact, we have DIRECT evidence for this from bad reactions and deaths depending on which batch of vaccine people got. In fact, the ones that killed frequently were spread out. They did not send the deadly batches to one place.

And now the Japanese government, or so I read, is sick of having their people die for no reason. They studied the blood of vaxed people and have come out with a report that there is some sort of self assembling structures in their blood that they can not yet identify. They made this public.

I’m astounded that with all the information available on this, you would say such malformed things. Either you are seriously mentally problematic or some sort of disinformation agent. It has to be one or the other.

Reply to  Sam J.
6 months ago

With Covid it’s very interesting. I’m paraphrasing midwestern doctor here. But basically social distancing, masks, handwashing all don’t work against covid or any other aerosol spread like measles. They would’ve worked if it was droplet spread. (like influenza or almost any viral thing)

UV or Ozone disinfecting of rooms really was the way to go, along with Ivermectin.

And you’re right that the Covid of early 20 was a nasty piece of work but it really mutated to be way less deadly. Also it was interesting that the spike protein or whatever caused the surface oxygen % to drop very low. Normally the oxygen % that low is deadly, thus the harsh ventilators were used on people. But covid was deceptive as the internal oxygen was still high, so the patients secretly were not hypoxic. And thus it’s true that it’s the ventilators which were the killers but the doctors and med system were such NPCs, but it was still super understandable why they would use them(ie, typically not intentional murdering)

Last edited 6 months ago by kid
Reply to  Sam J.
6 months ago

I am a surviving widow of an uninjected doctor who died from the bioweapon being administered to his patients. The danger may not be quite as they describe it but it is very real

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
6 months ago

BTW the Chinese stopped the viral attack on them cold by the oldest and best known method known. Quarantine. I believe that the reason they have not been plagued with more attacks is they told the Jews the next biological attack on them, they were going to nuke the Jews and kill as many off as possible. I’m willing to bet any Jew who goes to China is now watched constantly and searched constantly, so they will not deliver more viral attacks. Then the mass viral attacks stopped.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Ed
6 months ago

What a shit take.

I’ve seen so many people die/vax-injured in my social circles I still can’t believe it. Crazy thing is that, like you, they just can’t seem to grasp it all started after the shots rolled out. Not after Covid hit.
Ya know, I almost understand the elite’s hatred for the common man. They’re so naïve and trusting it’s laughable. Dodo birds on two legs.
Hell, I remember early on them getting the first shot and telling me how they thought they were going to die afterwards and then they turn around and get the second shot as well with the same result. Wtf! Why would you get it again?
Doesn’t make murdering them any less evil but holy shit living amongst these retards is tiring. Four years on and many of them still don’t know their leaders want them dead.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Corn Pop
6 months ago

So far, two completely unexpected cases of encephalitis I’ve heard about within the past couple of months. I automatically assumed it was the vax. Never heard of any adult getting this before. According to Wikipedia, “7.4 cases per 100,000 people per year.”

Reply to  Ed
6 months ago

Ed, are you telling us that you got the vax without telling us that you got the vax?

6 months ago

Joe Kent is not a Congressman. Yet.

6 months ago

“How much trouble am I in if I get caught with an unserialized/homebrew gun?” I’m not telling you what to do, I have not changed my own life in any way.

BTW, if you had planned Form 1 builds for NFA items you just saved a bunch of money because ATF will now automatically fail your background check on grounds that the items would now be illegal, so no need to pay out for the tax stamps that you won’t be getting.

It’s VERY likely that this law will be challenged in court, just a matter of time. I think everyone is waiting for SCOTUS to rule on frames/receivers, braces, all of that just to see what the optimum legal language for the challenge will be. Also, as mentioned, much like 114, the state has mandated a registration/serialization scheme without the bureaucracy in place to handle it, so getting into compliance with the bullshit law is ridiculously difficult and not even possible in all areas. Standard Oregon state government shit show.

Bottom line, Oregon NEEDS federal intervention to be saved. Even simply changing federal election laws to BAN mail-in voting and require valid ID would give us a functioning beachhead. Until then they can pump in as many fake votes as needed to squeak by.

Oregon, Here’s What You Need to Do to Stay Out of Jail

Washington Gun Law

Reply to  lowell
6 months ago

> Even simply changing federal election laws to BAN mail-in voting and require valid ID would give us a functioning beachhead. 

“But… but… how could we stop the Wrong People from being elected? The masses will fall for almost anyone’s rhetoric; they must be carefully guided to make correct decisions about their governance.”

6 months ago

Ian Kummer answered a Quora question about the removal of Soviet monuments in Russia:

Neither the question nor the answer are really about Russia. Kummer is an American expat living in Russia. Both the question and the answer about really about the United States.

Kummer is a good writer, and his response is short enough to post in full here, but there is a picture that is an important past of his response that can only be found by going to the link, and then doing a “control F” for “Kummer” to find his response:

“It is a complex issue and I don’t think this Quora prompt is a true statement. Russia is indeed “woke” and does have pervasive cancel culture. Ideas and individual people do frequently get canceled. In general, when Russia embraces a new idea, the people who still believe in the old idea are smeared as bad.”

“So it is true that in the 1990s a lot of Soviet era names and monuments were taken down or relocated to a less visible place. And there was tons of self-flagellation about how bad Soviet culture was.”

“A good example of this self-flagellation, which started within the Soviet period itself, is the work of Svetlana Alexievich, best known internationally for her book The Unwomanly Face of War. I took her seriously for a long time when I didn’t know any better, but in hindsight it is pretty clear that she’s an ambulance chaser who pours shit on the sacred war for attention, and is too dull and talentless to come up with a better way to do it.”

“Her post-Soviet “uncensored” edition of UFOW is just a bunch of cheap shock value, and it is clear the censors (who she portrays as Stalinist mustache twirling villains, probably wearing those blue NKVD hats) were completely right to cut out the more gratuitous elements of the book. I think gender played a role here too. Alexievich was airing the dirty underwear of young girls who fought (and sometimes died) in the war, and the men reviewing her story were deeply offended on the girls’ behalf. That’s the great feminist hero Svetlana for you.”

“The problem with cancel culture is that it is a “negative” action and it is important to identify the “positive” goal behind it. In other words, when an old idea is torn down, what is the new idea replacing it. When someone wants to pour shit on your history, he probably does not want anything good for you.”

“Apply this to the USA. The old slave owners are bad so we need to tear down their statues. Okay, but what are the new statues? Now we have an answer.”

6 months ago

Haitians in small Ohio town eating pets and wildlife. I don’t really see what the big deal is. They’re just like us so why the othering? Honestly they’re probably more American than you or I. The true embodiment of enlightenment values. Who doesn’t love a traditional American dinner of apple pie and roast cat? /s

Reply to  Ultra
6 months ago

If the Haitians really wanted to be good citizens and benefit the country, they would be eating the Canada geese./sarc

Reply to  Ultra
6 months ago

Muh…..they came here LEGALLY. Acceleration is the only way to break people’s belief systems. When Mom and Pop can’t find Fido because his was skinned and cooked by the new neighbors, they might wake the fuck up. Wait till the LEGAL immigrants that have been here join in on the BBQ.

6 months ago

Tokyo actually has a slum. Even has graffiti and garbage on the streets. Homeless drunks.

Entering the Slum that Japan Doesn’t Want You to See

Drew Binsky

6 months ago

Peak white privilege. The vid is of WV, but all of Appalachia is like this down to Kentucky and Tennessee. Visited a few of the towns they’re driving through when I lived in Virginia.

Exploring America’s Poorest Region Alone

Drew Binsky

6 months ago

So now if the depopulationists chose, they can create a new pathogen from lesser bugs with the spike protein inserted as a major docking constituent, and the vaccinated will have immune systems programmed to shut down on encountering it, allowing the pathogen to just kill them, unopposed.

Yes, but who are “the depopulationists”?

Even if the cabal did the heavy lifting in getting the mRNA into ~ 80% of people so as to booby-trap their immune systems, they are not the only ones who could figure out how to exploit those compromised immune systems to set off a mass genocide. Anyone with enough chops to figure out what they did could possibly do the same.

Anyone who could be framed in such a way that the public might believe it, would do.

Of course, just putting this potential scenario out there into the public consciousness might be just the script the cabal might like to make known. They could use it to avoid accountability and escape justice. (“We couldn’t imagine that anyone would ever think to do such a thing. It’s terrible that <insert name of expendable microbiologist here> would not only consider such a plan, but also take active steps to carry it out!”)

… In which case it may best you don’t approve this comment and put these ideas out there.

I hate cabal. I hate the way that they treat innocent people. Zersetsung should not even “be a thing”. I wish only the best for anyone who’s been targeted by them, including you, AC. I’m telling you this not to neutralize you or reduce your motivation or effectiveness; but be careful, and keep your nose clean – cabal will exploit any weakness, real or imagined.

Last edited 6 months ago by Mononomous