Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
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DFT – G7 Nations Cease Performing Reviews Of Russian Price Cap
DFT – Brazil Takes Top Corn Exporter Title From American Farmers
DFT – Huawei Works Around US Sanctions, Releases New 5G Smartphone
DFT – Germany’s Auto Manufacturers Warn Energy Prices Are Too High
DFT – Chinese Air-Travel Boom Increasing Oil Demand
I put this here because it is interesting whatever it is. At present, you will not be able to understand the truth behind it, there just isn’t enough data, so it will fill your probability matrix with several different possibilities which I will list after it. The video, which basically depicts people testing vaxxed people, and finding one is emitting some sort of wireless WiFi signal:
The possibilities – It is a psyop produced by Cabal. Which is itself interesting, as it is pretty high production value, and requires actors, and a script, and camera people. You would think it would leak online that people are making such fake films. And you would have to ask what is worth such effort to the creators?
Or surveillance hacked the computer and made it look like they were giving out a signal, and everyone there is innocent and psyoped themselves, as they psyop us.
Or, they are emitting a signal and it is from the vax. If it were the case, then you are looking at a level of tech beyond our known capabilities. Not impossible intelligence has something in nanotech, but IMO, it would really require the Tic Tac crew be behind it, which seems unlikely, as I do not see why they would risk betraying a relationship between them and the government just to slap a WiFi network name on someone. I put this near zero.
There is a third possibility, and that is they are emitting a signal, and it is unrelated to the vax. There is a very bright German female physicist PhD, you have seen me feature here. She worked at CERN as a physicist, was fine, then sadly took a job applying her math skills to create economic models to predict how economies would behave for some investment thing. I think surveillance calculated she was about to stumble on the fact our economic system is not organically operating as a bunch of independent actors, but rather is a scam. So she immediately began getting gangstalked. When we first met her, she was in bed at night, under layers of aluminum foil, and a neighbor who was apparently running a miniature linear particle accelerator in their home pointed at her bedroom, was pelting the aluminum foil with alpha particles or something which they were blasting through the walls, as she tried to sleep, and you could hear them pelting the foil as she laid there. Then in another vid, she was doing a podcast with Bill Binney on Gangstalking and domestic surveillance, as both apparently are getting the same thing. In her last video, she was showing people how she used some sort of signal scanner to detect where they had injected some sort of signal-emitting chips into her rib cage on each side, after knocking her out somehow, and breaking into her home while she was unconscious. It is possible the signal emitters above are just targets who went under anesthesia for dental work or even came home and pulled a spiked casserole out of the fridge, and now they have a bonafide Mac address on the network.
I do not know what to make of the video above, but to me, any of those three possibilities is fascinating. And again, this is stuff you will never see any investigative reporter look into to resolve one way or another. And you would think they would.
This was killed very quickly on 4Chan – A redditor found a Chinese source selling documents online which indicate, among other interesting revelations, a lot of the Jan 6th protestors were getting paid by the CCP, including Enrique Tarrio, as was the guy who blew up his RV outside an AT&T telecommunications hub in Nashville. Looks like Tarrio was selling his services to multiple parties (As was Epstein reportedly), which may be why the FBI cut him loose and let him get 22 years. You can never verify these things 100 percent, but if they could loosely fit, you can stash them in your probability matrix, and see if other things bear on them later. I am suspicious such a great thread died so fast. And China gave us Covid-19 which was necessary for the election steal, and here it seemed involved in Jan 6th, if this is real. It could fit, and would mean China is one facet of Cabal.
Tucker interviews the gay guy who smoked crack with Obama and had sex with him in Chicago. Long analysis, follows, but you may just want to watch it. Interesting in places, as the gay guy asked his limo driver for somebody to party with, and the limo driver immediately brings him right to local politician Obama. He says the limo driver was plugged into Tony Rezko, the businessman/Dem-contributor, and knew Obama through that, but a limo driver will be surveillance, and Obama sounds like he was “on-call” and able to be mobilized on a moment’s notice. He specifically says, he did not feel Obama was there honestly doing it all because he wanted to, but that Obama was there as some sort of “con,” and that he was there playing a “game” for some personal benefit. Fits with a surveillance op. The limo driver dropped the gay guy off first, even though he could have dropped Obama right where they were. So Obama stayed in the limo, for a long drive to the gay guy’s hotel, and then had to make the long drive back to get home, rather than just get out. Possibly ground surveillance was looking to recruit this gay guy, monitoring his travel plans, this was all some sort of probe to analyze him, and Obama and the driver had to do a debrief after the night ended, when they delivered the videos as part of the op. Obama may also have done it to provide blackmail on himself, which is why he was trusted enough to be installed as President. Obama then showed up unexpectedly at his hotel room unsolicited the next day, to do the coke and sex again, which he said he was surprised by. I get the impression he was surprised Obama knew what room he was in at the hotel. Be interesting to know how this guy ended up gay, and if he was molested as a child and how it happened, because he sounds like a target. He was later reached out to by someone who said they were associated with Barack’s campaign in 2007, who was not actually associated with the campaign, who knew all about the two of them having sex, without him mentioning it. He thought it strange Obama would tell someone else when he had said nothing, but obviously this guy calling would have been surveillance, and surveillance had him call, and Obama probably had no idea he was calling. The guy who called was Donald Young, the gay choir director at Jeremiah Wright’s church, and he was later killed, possibly with a suppressed weapon. Choir Director, gay, with access to the kids. Young later called the gay guy again, admitted he was told to call, and gather as much intel on this guy as he could, and find out who he told, and he warned the gay guy that he should watch himself. When the gay guy posted a youtube video, youtube deleted all his videos, and Microsoft deleted all his Hotmail emails, locked him out, and set the account to auto-respond to senders that he was busy giving blowjobs and would get back to them when he was done. That was his local surveillance watchers shutting him down.
Elon Musk trolls Barack Obama with pedophile codes found in the Podesta E-mails. Instead of “domino effect,” Elon wrote “Dominoes effect.” Dominoes they say was code for a sex act in the Podesta emails, and of course Pizza was also code.
On this next one, Liberty Safe Company keeps a Master Unlock Code for each safe they sell, and they turned it over to the FBI for a Jan 6th protestor after the FBI called and asked for it and said they had a warrant for the house, but not the safe. Which means when domestic surveillance surreptitiously breaks into your house while you are at work, they have free access to the interior of your Liberty Safe, by simply using a code just like you, and you will never know they were in there. Because they will have those codes:
I am more interested that a dude who was at Jan 6th and apparently in the Capitol had a high end multi-thousand dollar electronic safe for his guns. Some interesting 4Chan comments, thrown together:
Resetting the master code does nothing. Their backdoor supersedes whatever you do. There is no way to stop them from opening your safe for the feds if the feds want in, and they have demonstrated they will open it for the feds with no fight.
i can tell you this young grasshopper, the more sussy their company name sounds the more likely they work with glowies. ergo: liberty safe, american first lock, patriot front, etc.
I’ve worked in electronic locking hardware for 20 years. Every single electronic lock of any kind has a backdoor, and all of the ones for homes and apartments have backup codes for police, fire, military, etc. It’s billed as “emergency access” and also each lock has an audit trail, where every interaction with the lock is recorded.
Apparently we are still on the FBI is the enemy scene of the script in this one:
12 of 18 were FBI assets. Suppose 18 of 18 were Cabal agents, all reading lines from a script. It is possible FBI got comped by Cabal, this is the White Hats disassembling it, and the regular rank and file agents who did good will just have to go down with the ship now. I am getting so paranoid I wonder if the FBI guy who ran this was actually instructed in the script to go to a wife-swapping party, and then get arrested for beating his wife, and his wife, who was also a ground-level agent, was told she needed to bruise up her face and get the husband arrested, and put in the report he beat her after a wife-swapping party, and all of that was scripted too.
The two options are, Cabal has so degenerated that all of their people are just totally criminal, and entirely incompetent degenerates, and this all was as it appears (and somehow they have lost the ability to quash stuff on Twitter), or it is a script to destroy the organization from within by infiltrating, creating public goatfuck after public goatfuck, and then going so far you turn yin into yang and destroy the Bureau – and whoever is destroying FBI controls Twitter, and is allowing/creating this.
I just think, it would not have been difficult for a competent intelligence operation like FBI, manned by selected and trained professionals, to avoid producing this magnitude of a public goat-fuck, with so many aspects publicized which were just total pooch-screws from every angle. And we are getting one after another of these. I am not even trained, and I could have avoided almost all of this, especially given access to Cabal’s ground surveillance files, which offer incredible control, and would have let them find a large group of people who actually would have shot at the governor for money, instead of refused to do crimes at every turn. I am sure there are nuts are out there.
And then there is Twitter. I am telling you, the Stasi is in full control. They could very easily let Tucker post this, and just not show it to anyone, bar their people from promoting it, and see to it every mention of it, though visible to the poster, was invisible to everyone else, and just got no engagement, or only got engagement from their ground assets who would see it would go no further. I get that treatment myself, it is no big deal to them. So this coming out is the show, and we are being manipulated by people who cannot just explain something to us, and get our acquiescence, in a democratically elected representative republic. Whatever they are up to, they feel they have to fool us, because if they explained it, we would not agree with them. Obviously, if we can find them one day, they will not agree with us then either.
The number of people under 50 diagnosed with cancer has surged worldwide in the last three decades but it is not fully clear why, a study said on Wednesday. I would bet you it is surveillance tech. They removed lead paint so it would see and hear through walls more effectively, the neighborhood crews deployed it liberally to monitor people in their homes for the local surveillance commands, and maybe just for fun, and now we are seeing the effects in cancer rates. I have been hit by this stuff, and at high revs it is no joke over the short term. At low revs, day in and day out, I will bet it does real damage over time. And they are using it a lot. I will bet many of the drive-bys are doing it too from the street. And they are not going to stop just because innocent citizens are dying. Again, I do not see, how after this is exposed, you have a country with people whose loved ones died from cancer, who are just content to let all this go and live side by side with these people.
Obama, Clinton and Biden ALL used secret, fake-name email accounts to hide their actions.
National Archives threatening to withhold some evidence in Biden probe as ‘personal,’ Comer reveals.
COVID-exposed Joe Biden goes maskless in front of elderly hero at Medal of Honor ceremony.
Prosecutors plan to ask a grand jury to indict President Joe Biden’s son Hunter by the end of the month, likely on charges related to having a firearm while being a drug user. Oddly enough I could see him walking, off a Bruen defense. I mean if you do drugs, and break a law there, do you lose the right to free speech everywhere else? Can they show up on your doorstep and quarter troops in your home all of a sudden if you smoke a joint and Raul on the street sees you? Does that mean you have no Fourth Amendment rights and they no longer need a warrant to go through your home, or they can torture you until you incriminate yourself? Especially if you have not yet been convicted of anything, and nothing is proven, you have just done it in a private setting, like Hunter? If no right in the Bill of Rights is bigger than another, and can be denied by the government, I think he walks, and expands our gun rights in the process.
Pence to take aim at ‘the siren song of populism’ as Trump, Ramaswamy surge.
Harris on Trump charges: ‘I believe that people should be held accountable under the law.’ Says the cunt who was laughing at how she sent young guys to prison for pot, and then went home and smoked a joint as she laughed about what she had done to them.
2024 will be lit, literally, as in cities will burn down – New York AG Letitia James forces NYPD to send less officers to protests after BLM agitators win $13.7 million 2020 riot lawsuit.
The city of Denver just agreed to pay out $4.7 million to 300 BLM rioters arrested in 2020. Do you see what is going on here? They waited to do all these settlements until now, to show BLM and Antifa, right before the next election season, not only won’t they be arrested, they will be given millions if they will burn down the cities. The next election season will probably be an order of magnitude worse than 2020. I mean, we may see a city which looks like Hiroshima after the bomb. And we may see a case like Kyle Rittenhouse where they succeed in killing the targets, and some pedophile will kill seven or twenty conservatives. 2024 will be a warzone. The question is, when will the good guys wage war back?
NY Post. You do want to pay for these migrants, don’t you anon?:
New York City education officials were scrambling Tuesday to get as many migrant kds registered before the start of school in two days. About 19,500 kids currently live in temporary housing — most of them asylum seekers — according to recent numbers released by City Hall — and most have been enrolled since 2022. With public schools set to open on Sept. 7, the Big Apple is moving into the next phase of the humanitarian crisis: finding room, money, and teachers to handle the influx of children who speak more than a dozen languages.
Wealth transfer: New Yorkers paying millions to NGOs aiding illegal aliens.
Federal deficit unexpectedly set to double this year. Coming on the heels of pandemic spending, mind you.
What it looks like when you are not allowed to leave your surveillance post under any circumstances, and you have to always play it cool, from this video of kids feeding laxatives to seagulls:
77% of US youth unqualified for military service. And those are the kids of our society. One thing is many surveillance are not active physically due to sitting in the car all day, and they never built up a reserve of physical capability when they were younger. I feel like I am in better shape now than 99 percent of them, even despite all the time I spend doing this site. Those 23 percent who qualify will overwhelmingly be our kind.
‘Sound of Freedom’ screening CANCELED on US military base over false allegations of ‘QAnon’ ties.
As a general rule, you probably should not get liberals into guns:
Between that, and the fact there will probably be a Civil War soon, and they are likely to be Cabal, we are probably best keeping to ourselves for now.
Over half of Americans believe they’ve interacted and communicated with a deceased loved one: study. It does not end here. Live long enough, and keep your eyes open, and you will realize that.
From a comment on a Garand Thumb interview, (the GunTuber):
16:10 = Micah was watching Garand Thumb’s video on setting up his Crye JPC (Jumpable Plate Carrier) when he was airsofting.
18:15 = Mike had a buddy filming for him before Micah. Micah met Mike at a shooting class off of Instagram (at the time had 300K subscribers). Micah mentioned he was a camera guy and Mike said to reach out. Micah sent a message via Instagram and Mike never opened it. A month later Mike and Micah’s mutual friend gets them introduced to each other. Then, Mike’s original camera guy (Qua?) sleeps in. Micah steps in and Qua is out.
39:00 = Mike hired Micah’s friend as well.
Feels off. Like things went too well too many times. Suppose I want to be Garand Thumb’s cameraman. I am a fan, I then have to meet him in a class and stand out from the thousands of people who will all want to have a moment connecting with him as fans. I have to DM him, he misses it, so then I need a “mutual friend” to help things along. Then I need his regular cameraman to “sleep late.” And it all happens. Feels off. You want those connections in your life to just happen – bang! If it misses, and then there is a second bite at the apple, and then it needs a third bite at the apple, and then that all happens, it is too many bites. It feels like somebody is helping things along. I don’t know what it means. I would have assumed Mike was in too, but maybe Cabal needs that second point of control? Or was Mike just viewed as clueless and harmless? Or did they want him planted there in controlled fashion with an asset overseeing because he might be dangerous elsewhere? I do not know, but the link up with Micah feels off.
Israeli Intelligence company Black Cube made sure all three of its international phone numbers ended in 666 (click for full size):
Intelligence is kind of the work of the Father of Lies, from lying and deception, to manipulating people to steal their free will. It might not be surprising those best at it got a leg up in it by appealing to him directly, to get additional advantages. Might explain why we do not really see an intel agency which seems to be doing good these days.
Scientists grow whole model of human embryo, without sperm or egg. If we are here now publicly, this may have been what Pelosi was talking about with her drunken “He’s doing mine!” statements. There may, right now, be warehouses full of these things, all strapped down, producing young blood transfusions for the elites they were cloned from.
Germany: Migrants skirt local polygamy laws, import second wives.
Mexico’s Supreme Court decriminalizes abortion nationwide. I find it fascinating their President started out anti-surveillance and anti-Cabal, and then he seemed to pull a complete reversal. Like he was replaced with a look-alike.
At his first press conference since latest freezing episode Mitch McConnell says Biden has been too slow in giving more assistance to Ukraine. MK Ultra re-programming status: Successful.
Judge rules Georgia can resume ban on hormone replacement therapy for transgender minors.
NYT: Joe Biden’s Black, Hispanic polling numbers worst since Walter Mondale in 1984.
Spread r/K Theory, because 2024 is coming, and it feels like a climax
“This was killed very quickly on 4Chan – A redditor found a Chinese source selling documents online which indicate, among other interesting revelations, a lot of the Jan 6th protestors were getting paid by the CCP, including Enrique Tarrio, as was the guy who blew up his RV outside an AT&T telecommunications hub in Nashville. Looks like Tarrio was selling his services to multiple parties (As was Epstein reportedly), which may be why the FBI cut him loose and let him get 22 years. You can never verify these things 100 percent, but if they could loosely fit, you can stash them in your probability matrix, and see if other things bear on them later. I am suspicious such a great thread died so fast. And China gave us Covid-19 which was necessary for the election steal, and here it seemed involved in Jan 6th, if this is real. It could fit, and would mean China is one facet of Cabal.”
China is still in the forced abortion biz. They’re just not aborting Han babies now. It’s pure Canaanite moloch worship. Make no mistake, if they take over Australia or the US/Canadian west coast you will see piles, heaping piles, of dead White babies. Don’t trade Babylon for Canaan.
> Texas ordered by federal judge to remove Rio Grande floating barrier, Gov. Greg Abbott promises to appeal.
“Dude! That barrier belongs to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. It’s there to provide a safe habitat for river fish endangered by water level changes due to globular wormening. Sorry the illegal invaders are upset with it, but frankly, the Rio Grande Lesser Smelt is far more important to us than a bunch of wetbacks.”
I wish I were governor. I’d tell the judge to come and take it down.
We have the best commenters.
You love to see it.
All things give way to the current agenda.
Environmentalism has no power unless they want it to.
re Vaxx signals, how about Cabal using RFID-like tech to ping people either with 5-G or available local WiFi (every router has a back door already). You either need a very good Faraday Cage or be in the sticks to avoid being subject to Cabal being ableto reach out and touch you.
So Liberty Safe is just like Black Rifle Coffee… pretending to be a “God, Guns, and Guts” kind of company while being something completely different behind the scenes. At this point any entity that uses liberty/patriot/1776/etc. in their name is immediately suspect.
(And BTW I’m no Charlie Kirk fan but he happened to present the info on his timeline.)
Just had a pending comment disappear when I refreshed the page.
Wow. It got moved to trash. I just see it in there. And that does feel like a personal thing.
It is like the sidebar. I change passwords, pay this ridiculous amount for antimalware bullshit. It is not at that level. It is like an admin at the host, or somebody who is even deeper than that.
It is just crazy.
I’m mystified why they don’t just hard delete things.
Me too. Maybe they are doing that so I will think they are not deleting anything, but there are other messages which could sink them which they do delete. But I assume nothing is deleted because I keep seeing stuff in trash they did not delete.
I have sent emails and they never got there. I assume others have sent them to me and I never saw them.
I just made a comment about the blood clots that I don’t see either. Too touchy I guess
I have a comment from 4 months ago that appears as “waiting for approval”
This one. When I commented the link it said it was
A lot of my comments don’t show.
There is nothing about that, which I would not have approved it if I saw it, and it is there now when I go to the thread. It is probably like ten pages back in my moderation queue behind a raft of various schizo posts, threats to me and my family and Filthy British comments. If it was alone, I would say, well I maybe hit approve and it didn’t take, but then I got curious and clicked your IP to see if any others from you didn’t take and three pages in I see the bottom one below too, and I think I would remember that comment if I saw it, and I do not:
I had to use a screenshot because of another weird thing. Notice the time and date of posting. That is supposed to be a link to the comment in the thread so I can click it, and see what it was in response to. The top post, which got approved, it is a link. The bottom one, which never got approved, is not. I click those when a comment looks like it might be a troll or something, and I want to see the context of the comment in the thread, which obviously I can’t get clearly when I just see them in order of posting like that list. I wanted to right click the comment to grab an url, but it is not a link.
I do not know how any of this works, it is probably just bugs, but I pretty much approve your stuff, sometimes when I have to go fast, without even reading them.
The one thing which always bothers me about this as I think about it is, I know they have to be doing something. I think the surveillance stuff here, is really well done. And the commenters we attract, the potential here to become an uncorrupted group of our kind, the truths we are revealing to our kind, they have to be doing something. They have to control things. OK, I post on Twitter, and they just never show it to people. But how do they do that here, and I know they have to do it and will in some form.
All these comment anecdotes always haunt me because I wonder if I am just almost touching something I am missing here, which if I figure it out, would let me thwart them and spread naturally, and put this material in front of the whole nation. Like the commenter here who did this, and never got any traction, left their site for years, years later visited it from a completely different computer, and the site was all schizo ramblings they had never written. They thought they had written stuff, and like twitter, when they logged in they saw it, but everyone else who visited their url saw something completely different an unreadable.
I just want to be rid of this, and live in a free country, with none of this bullshit, so bad. And I know they are fucking that up here somehow, I am just not able to figure it out yet.
Consider that at one time it had a purpose, but now it is three generations of incompetence later, and they do it from habit with no clue about WHY they originally did it.
Yeah, I think there is a lot of that.
I have assumed it’s just bugs in the system, so I haven’t said anything but did so because…well bugs in the system, you should know about. The problem of calling attention to this sort of this is you are busy enough, and I feel like complaining is…taking time you do not have.
Thanks for all the hard work you do.
Thank you. I should know, because of the possibility of it being something I need to understand though. I am not sure about bugs, because I see zero reason my sidebar keeps getting nuked for like a week every day straight, and then goes long times with nothing happening to it. It feels like different people taking over and one has a bug up his ass, and another could care less.
Plus I look at other sites, and feel like we should be the dominant site now. Nobody is discussing this vital, interesting intel stuff. Or commenters beat everyone’s. But I can feel the brakes being put on. I used to be able to see the cycles in our growth, where it was absolutely regular, a surge, almost doubling or tripling at election time, and a smaller pullback right after, and then another surge. You would see it in the bar graph. After 2020, that all stopped. We are just flat, even with a small decline. I mean, we did almost 800K pageviews on Similarweb last month, but it feels like a fraction of what it should be. I know they are doing something. If I can just figure it out it would be a huge step forward.
It does seem like the “bugs” come and go in cycles.
The wordpress install “glitch” is back recently after being gone for a long time.
I guess someone didn’t appreciate my comment about the Virtuous Pagans.
All ur bases belong to Vox
It’s a hoax. Physics doesn’t allow it. Nano scale tech can’t broadcast wifi, because it needs an antenna. The wavelength for wifi is about 12mm. That it really short at our scale, but ENOURMOUS for nano scale. There’s a little inch-long antenna in all your wifi devices. The antenna (and battery) is really defining the lower limit for wifi device sizes.
If they wanted to make nano tech put out a signal, it would be at a much higher frequency, like infra-red, to allow it to be produced at that scale.
(1/4 wave monopole for wifi is 6m. Still needs some kind of ground plane, too.)
Could the human body be the antenna?
If they are emitting a signal, I think somebody broke in at night after drugging the food in their fridge and tagged them, or a dentist got a crown back from the crown guy and put it on, and it is somehow transmitting. Something like that. I would think the vax thing is just coincidental, and made them look.
In Chameleo, the author talked with the UFO people who mostly now think most abductions are actually US Mil defense contractors, because the vast majority happen by Mil facilities associated with a specific defense contractor, SAIC. They think the company makes it look like aliens to the abductee, because people might actually believe a military contractor is kidnapping people to use as guinea pigs. Once they say aliens, everyone laughs.
Those guys could be like ten generations of science beyond what we know of. No telling what they are up to.
This. They rely on us making assumptions. We are assuming, “vaccinated person, detecting a signal, vaccine is making a signal.” We have, for some reason, ruled out them just shoving a traditional transmitter up the victim’s ass while they were out for a colonoscopy.
The human body is often an antenna, for lots of things. The transmitter still has to be a working transmitter, though.
Still, very long clots, which are primarily composed of iron-rich hemoglobin could theoretically act as an antenna.

Hate to remind you all about these clots but you do not have to get the vax to have these nightmares form in your body. This is what my husband died of in February this year. He did a chest to chest manual adjustment on a sick boosted patient and one week later he was dead. He would’ve died sooner if he had been doing something strenuous. There is no clot pain to warn you either. I assure you he did not get to the clot shot. He was a chiropractor He was a major loudmouth on FB about the dangers of the shots and masks so it is horrible how he died. They designed this poison to be transferred by body fluids like sweat and aerosolized breath. If I was an athlete or a doctor who actually TOUCHES their patients I would be very concerned
Antennas need to be tuned by length to be effective. You can do tricks with capacitors and inductors to mitigate some variances, but those also take up space, especially inductors.
No, it means the ruling elites have been hiding advanced tech which their servants — what else are they — have been inventing for many decades; also, this is not the first global reset they have pulled off over the centuries. This I didn’t know about it therefore it must be ALIENS! stuff is ridiculous.
I’m not a radio guy… but I remember something about radio astronomy, where they were proposing to build a radio telescope for very long wavelengths by using arrays of smaller telescopes that “looked” like one big telescope compared to the wavelength they were interested in.
Adding two and two and getting 22, I wonder if you could connect a bunch of nano-whatever antennas s in a mesh network that would “look” like a much longer antenna.
That works for reception, but transmission is different.
“…Physics doesn’t allow it. Nano scale tech can’t broadcast wifi, because it needs an antenna…”
You’re incorrect. Atoms retransmit signals when intercepting radio waves.And don’t take this personally phelps. I’m not trying to troll you. Electromagnetism is a bizarre and freakish thing, and there are all sorts of strange and bizarre things going on with it.
AM radio antennas are far shorter than the actual wavelength.
The way this works is they create a large virtual field that is much larger than the actual size of the antenna. It’s very odd stuff. I got this from Bill Beaty.
C. F. Bohren, How can a particle absorb more than the light incident on it-Am J Phys, 51 no.4, pp323 Apr 1983 bohren1983
This might have some relation to zapping through walls. Say they resonate a person with one frequency to make them into a sort of antenna, then they send another frequency slightly off of that one. Now you have a beat frequency in between the two. Maybe that’s the part, the beat frequency, that attacks you. They turn you into an antenna, then you absorb the beat frequency. Or not???
This also means in some cases, I think but not sure, Faraday shields do not work.
Want to see something really freaky.
So some field is holding these together. You would think every physics professor would be 24 hours a day trying to figure this out but…no. I don’t know of any explanation for this. It was found out by some freakish guy who built coral castle, for which we also have no explanation how he built it. I would venture to guess, at the almost certain odds that I’m wrong, that this force is what holds molecules and atoms of materials together. It appears to be something like a superconductor but of magnetism(????????), or something.
All antennas are shorter than the wavelength. No one builds a full wavelength antenna (anymore). 1/2 wave is generally your best gain, but 1/4 are practical and you are pushing your luck with 1/8, especially when your signal still has to get through skin, which attenuates more of the signal the higher the frequency.
Yes, you can receive AM signals with a short antenna. You cannot effectively radiate with a short antenna.
A huge part of making a shorter antenna effective is to have it tied to a ground plane. The human body isn’t an effective ground plane.
So again, we are looking at 12.7mm wavelength. 1/2 is 6.3mm. 1/4 is 3.2. A 1/10 antenna is 1.27 mm. A 1/100 antenna for wifi signals would still be 127000 nanometer.
Could you do some tricks to get it really small? Sure. Can you get a 1/127000 antenna to transmit effectively, through skin? Not in a billion years.
I would not rule out that they can transmit from things in the blood. Is blood salty? Yes. Can salt water transmit, yes. Are blood vessels long? Yes.
Could be a phased-array with multiple transmitters? Doubt it, but theoretically possible.
I doubt it. There’s so much involved in a phased array, including that you have to still have a “good enough” antenna for each element of the array, and then you have to know the exact relative position of each element to know the phasing, and then there is the heat from the calculations, and on and on.
It’s much easier to say “the vax is a gene editing poison” than to come up with Level 4 Civilization explanation.
I dont know if China is Cabal, but Cabal’s plans for us is what CCP did to the Chinese
I still think the Cabal is a bunch of viciously competing factions, and none of them care about ordinary people.
It’s why people like me find it hard to have faith. I get the idea that Earth might be a place to face trails but, FFS, does it have to be this relentlessly excessive?
It’s the children mixed up in all this that gets me. You can’t claim the free will argument for terrorized children trafficked and treated like playthings.
In Judaism there is no taboo against the numbers 666.
They can just be trolling Christians or just like the number.
Fucking irl LOL
They are signalling their hostility to Christianity.
And it has occult significance to them in their heretical religion that is actually devil worship at the higher levels.
I was talking with some friends yesterday and they were saying the 5g phone areas actually get worse reception and data rates than the 4g areas. I was wondering if anyone else had thoughts on that.
The surveillance may be using the 5G to transmit stuff, video from cars, audio from in houses, and other stuff, and clogging the network?
4g was worse than 3g too.
It has been that way since the beginning; there was considerable discussion about that on the phone forums. Just making a 5g connection to the tower doesn’t mean there’s 5g bandwidth upstream.
‘77% of US youth unqualified for military service.’
Hard to imagine your average soy-boy being decimated by a Marine DI or trying to make it through Ranger school.
This has nothing to do directly with any stories in today’s news briefs. It’s more about a verbal tick I’ve recently noticed. The tick is the word “concern.”
Years back I became the pastor of a small, insignificant church in a small, insignificant American town. The church belonged to a free association national body. That means we had congregational autonomy, but we associated with other congregations to fund seminaries, missionaries, and mutual assistance – like if a congregation lost its church in a fire or tornado, the other congregations would provide assistance to get it rebuilt.
The congregation hosted a pot luck dinner for me and my family our first week there. Most people were average small town middle and working class Americans, but a group of three or four couples came bursting in all loudly chattering about the latest episode of the BBC’s Downtown Abbey. Over time it became obvious these couples saw themselves as above everyone else. They faked being nice, but there was always had an edge to their social interactions. AC wrote a comment a few weeks back about people standing around talking about their trips and travels. That hit me because those couples did the same thing – all the time. They were always going somewhere or coming back from somewhere, both in the US and internationally. I found it odd. This is small town America, and it’s rare to find people who’ve done more than one or two trips outside of the country in their life and these couples were doing it several times a year.
Eventually this group decided to oust me as the pastor. Long story short, their project took several years, during which things would happen in the congregation that I could not understand because I didn’t know these people were working behind the scenes to drive people out, and create disruptions, all while blaming me for the problems they were creating. Eventually, the national body sent in a regional representative to investigate me. In the end, he determine I could not longer be associated with the national body. Here’s where it gets weird. A pastor of a church in this same national body called me. I respected him, but the phone call was . . . odd. I remember the converstation word for word. He said, “Hey buddy, I was told to call you and tell you that if you do whatever [the regional representative] tells you to do, this will all go away.” I told him I could never make that commitment, to do WHATEVER anyone says to anyone, except God. This other pastor’s voice dropped down and became borderline hissing, “No. You don’t understand. Dooooooooo whateeeeeeever [regional representative] teeeeeeeeeellsssss you to doooooo. And thisssssss will aaaaaaaaaaaaall goooooooo awaaaaaaaaaaaaay.” The thought hit me, I’m hearing Satan through the voice of this pastor. Of course I said no. And I got kicked out the national body. And in discovery we found out the troublemakers in my church had been coordinating behind the scenes with the national body for years to drive me out.
Oh, also, I would talk out loud when alone to order my thoughts, then discover a few days later that this troublesome group would seem to know that I had said to myself. I chalked up to demons, but having read this site for a while now, I wonder if the explanation is a bit more prosaic.
One things we noticed was the overuse of the word, “concern.” These people, and the national representative would constantly say things like, “Pastor, we are concerned about you and your family.” “Pastor, people have expressed concern about what you said on Sunday.” “Pastor, we are concerned about the concerns that concerned members of your congregation are concerned about.”
Two days ago, in Moonofalabama, I came across a comment refering to a 2021 meeting between US and Chinese delegates in Alaska. The comment linked to the opening remarks, and read them. Here’s the link:
Then yesterday, I listened to this old CNN interview. Twenty seconds in, the CNN host uses the word “concern.”
Is this a cabal verbal tick? Does cabal unconsciously use common words or phrases? Is the word “concern” one of them?
One last comment, and this is for Phelps, after I was kicked out of the national body, the congregation voted to leave the national body and go independent. Two days later we were hit with a lawsuit by an ex-member claiming to be the president of the congregation and claiming that the church leadership was not the real church leadership, therefore our vote to leave the national body was illegitimate. We went to court, and the county judge issued a temporary ruling removing the congregation’s four corporate officers and replacing them with people from the small group that had caused all the problems. In case some people don’t understand, most American churches are registered non-profit corporations. This allows them to own property, pay taxes, etc. Most states have rules about corporate officers. We had four – president, vice president, treasurer, and corporate secretary. The judge removed all four elected officers and replaced them, with non-members being put into the president and vice-president positions. As we prepared for future hearings and began discovery, our lawyer called me gleefully announcing that we had won. According to him, the plaintiff had gone back to the judge and told him that because this was a religious matter, the court had no jurisdiction. According to our lawyer, when a plaintiff knowingly brings a matter before a court when he knows the court has no jurisdiction, and the fraud on the court is discovered, the case is immediately settled in favor of the defendent and sanctions are levied against the plaintiff by the court. Except, what actually happened in our case is the judge declared that, although the court had no jurisdiction and there was a fraud on the court, the temporary injuction would remain and become permanent and we had no right to appeal it – since the court could not rule on the appeal since the court had no jurisdiction. We appealed it anyway, and the appeals court smacked us down hard.
So much for the “rules” in the rules based order. That last bit was just interesting information. My post is really about the overuse of the word “concern” in cabal. And how these small town nobodies travelled internationally all the time.
Just data points on how a person may be able to identify local cabal members.
Thank you for the account. You certainly sound like you bumped up against this. And you see how dangerous it is. Because it works from the shadows, and maintains deniability, and has such intelligence and the ability to listen in houses, and access so much, it is very difficult to guard against. It can lurk out of range, planning, scheming, and waiting until everything is just right. And if you do not know it is out there, you just have no hope. It will be done with you and gone before you ever knew what hit you. And worst of all, it catches you when you are a kid, and really have no idea such a thing is even possible.
It is just a very bad thing to have out there, drifting around.
On the word concern, I have not heard that, but they do develop phrases. In my case I have gotten Be Careful, and seen it used in a bunch of other places. Concern could be a regional variant.
All this happened a few years before I began reading this site. Over time, I have had to re-evaluate what I went through. I thought it was all random events, a perfect storm, brought about by unconnected individuals. I don’t believe that anymore. Reading your site has converted me to the belief what happened to my church was a cabal operations.
You have mentioned cabal wargames possible outcomes. That explains a lot. Every time I refused to resign as a pastor, something new hit me. The troublemakers in the church made no headway to destroy me. That led to the escalation of bringing in an investigator from the national body – the regional representative. When I failed to fold and “do whatever he told me,” they escalated to having a psychologist a clinical diagnosis of me which was released to the congregation. I didn’t mention that one before. I reminded me of the Stalinistic tactic of declaring dissidents to be mentally ill.
These are a few quotes from that assessment. The regional representative/investigator contacted an out of state psychologist and wrote, “I have a situation . . . where I have a confessional pastor who needs some serious counseling in order for him to remain in his pastoral role. It’s quite a complex situation where his anger and rigid style are being fed by his head elder – a former union organizer . . . There is some evidence there are domestic factors that may be contributing to his acting out in anger. He is formerly an Air Force fighter pilot. . . What arrangements can I possibly make with you to deal with this man . . . ?” He then went on to speak about my traumatic combat experiences that must have resulted in severe PTSD.
The funny thing is the head elder was not a union organizer. He had spent much of his working life as a union member because it was a requirement for his job. Even funnier, I was never “an Air Force fighter pilot.” That would have been a cool job. I wish I had been one, but I wasn’t. The story of combat trauma and PTSD were made up. These are examples of the fact free accusations thrown around by people who representated themselves as good Christians.
The psychologist replied, “”The matter of your . . . confessional pastor is surely a tangle of conflict, anger, demoralization, interpersonal deficits and perhaps congregational malaise, as well. . . . I don’t know if he has any history of mental health diagnoses which contribute to the current difficulties. I suspect he would be an individual unlikely to seek mental health care. . . . I’m guessing that one hour of psychotherapy every two weeks will do very little to accomplish what may be required. Perhaps an intensive outpatient (“day program”) which will have him participate in treatment multiple hours daily.”
The investigator then e-mailed his point man in my church, “They [various people in the church] will get the individual reports and a synopsis of the initial observations of a clinical psychologist. This should just about put the icing on the cake.” The church member replied that day, “That would be great.”
It did not work. In the end, the investigator recommended the national body expel me, and based on his report, they did. Part of the agreement when a church joins the national body is they have a minister who is in good standing with the national body. I think the idea was to have my church defrock me. Instead, it held a congregational meeting and voted to leave the national body. Except cabal has every possibility wargamed. And we got hit with the lawsuit. And the judge pulled his pranks. And we bought some property, built a new building and I’m still with the congregation as their pastor.
Like I said, as I’ve read your stuff for the last two years or so, I’ve re-evaluated my understanding of what went on. I used to be completely baffled as to how all the parts fit together – a small troublesome group in an insignificant church, a regional representative/investigator who is supposed to be impartial, but works behind the scenes with the troublemakers, an out of state psychologist who writes some ersatz assesment of me, a non-member who shows up claiming to be the church president, and a local judge who makes bizarre rulings. I could not believe there could be any linkage between all of these disparate individuals. Your theory of cabal is the only thing that makes sense of it.
Like any theory, you need to test it against observable facts. I now believe in the existence of a cabal like organization because it’s the only theory that adaquetly explains the facts as I experienced it.
I am grateful to have maybe shined a light somewhere for one of our kind. When they focus on you for some reason, it is astonishing how far they go. There are parts of my story which I suspect, and they are so far gone, even many here would think me crazy if I laid them out. Even I am not sure, and think, “Could it really be?” I think it is.
It is just that the Darwinian world favors the most extreme conspirators, and after all this time, the most extreme conspirators have had millennia to assemble just a massive conspiracy, and to take it a step further and brainwash us into thinking it is impossible such a thing could exist.
It makes me feel good though to think our kind are waking up, and hopefully will not be as helpless as time goes on.
Thank you for the story. The first step to our kind’s freedom is understanding and I feel like my life was worthwhile when I see places I have helped there.
The Eternal Reply, preferably delivered with a disinterested tone and a distant gaze:
“Your concern is noted.”
I’ve been wondering recently, if you know you’re targeted and they’re listening, how does preaching to them work? God’s word has a profound affect on believers and non-believes alike. Nineveh had gone over completely to Satan and when Jonah preached everyone repented. I’ve noticed if you start speaking the word of God to someone mired in sin the reaction is often immediate. If you don’t stop they’ll practically run away or break down and repent. Just a shot in the dark of anyone’s tried this? Or if someone tries it what kind of response they get?
I think I might just try that next time
Good question about preaching. It had no effect on them. Their previous minister had retired early – it took a couple years but as people got to know me, someone mentioned that the church leadership had hounded him until he gave in and retired – and a local guy filled in for about eighteen months before I arrived. I had several conversations with the temporary minister and he noted the congregational leaders were badly ignorant of basic Christian doctrine – at least the doctrine as taught by our tradition. That caused him to institute a rigorous program of adult catechesis, a fancy word for religious instruction. Despite his efforts, I found the congregational leaders profoundly ignorant – almost defiantly ignorant – of basic Christian doctrines.
There are things in life that make parts of the Bible come alive. I had never encountered people who called themselves Christians who had obviously hardened their hearts against Christ until I found myself battering against the group in my church. It made me understand the Pharisees of Jesus’ time and what it must have been like for Jesus to teach them, but have them refuse to understand or believe Him.
No matter what I preached, or taught, it was as if it went right by the troublemakers without leaving any impact on them.
There’s always an effect. Just because they have a particularly good poker face don’t let them fool you. They’re not indifferent. There are things happening under the surface that you don’t see, may never see, but that is happening all the same. Also, others observe the interactions and are affected.
Amazing testimony, thanks for sharing.
There is a disinfo tactic online called “concern trolling.” Look into it, see if there is any connection to your experience, as they seem remarkably similar. I have no doubt it’s an organized tactic used by cabal in the infiltration and replacement phase of taking over a new group of people.
So here’s one for ya in the schools…I remember my kids being in public school in the 2000s and 2010s up to about 2018. In elementary and middle school, there was a discipline program called “make your day” where I KID YOU NOT: the kids would literally rat on each other at the end of the day and say something like (and they used this ONE WORD): “I have a concern about Jimmy…he didn’t treat me right blah blah blah”. And they had a kind of point system and you always wanted to “make your day” (e.g., make the amount of points for that day). It was totally ridiculous, but now it’s starting to make more sense.
Sigh…even my kid’s childhoods were lies…all lies.
What kind of bull$#1t program is that? I guess that’s a quick way to find the perfect little snitches that you need to man the pumps
“very concerning”
7 SEP, 08:09
Bank of Russia sees potential of tokenization of money in accounts for making settlements
“The prospects of the development of tokenized cashless money are generally determined by the needs and business strategies of market participants,” the regulator noted
MOSCOW, September 7. /TASS/. The technology of tokenization of money in bank accounts will open up additional opportunities for making settlements, Russia’s Central Bank said in a statement.
According to the regulator’s information and analytical report, this will depend “on the extent to which the payment system is developed in a particular country, the plans for introducing a central bank digital currency there, and the functional effectiveness of the proposed solutions.”
“Despite the fact that tokenized cashless money is usually referred to as cashless money in international practice, its accounting and circulation call for the use of new technologies. Banks can record money in the form of a standard entry in the customer account or in the form of an entry using tokenization technology,” the Bank of Russia said.
“The prospects of the development of tokenized cashless money are generally determined by the needs and business strategies of market participants. In doing so, regulators can create additional conditions by fine-tuning regulation and limiting possible risks. There is currently an ongoing active worldwide discussion of optimal regulatory approaches and scenarios ensuring that the advantages of digital payment development are implemented and risks are duly controlled,” the Central Bank noted. TASS
Now, I fully understand many people see the prospect of CBDC as a horrible outcome. And that Cabal is driving the implementation in order to drastically increase control. And that some ppl honestly believe that the prospect is actually Apocalyptic. I don’t think that’s crazy talk or hysteria, either. These risks are real. And the risks are significant.
But, the thing is, and the thing to remember is, that ppl who conduct multi-national trade and trade on a large scale for a living really like the idea. And they don’t like it for nefarious reasons. They just think it’s a good idea and obviously the way things should be done.
For example, INDIA wants to purchase (trade) 100,000bbl of oil per month from RUS. What can INDIA offer RUS? Rupees? Ok. RUS accumulates a lot of Rupees. But wtf is RUS going to do with those? INDIA doesn’t nake anything RUS wants, really. And no other country wants Rupees.
So, let’s say RUS says that pymnt has to be in Rubles. Ok. Simple for RUS. But INDIA has to get Rubles somewhere to cover each pymnt. How does it do that? Well, it isn’t super easy. And the problem is at massive scale. It’s a pita and frustrating and sometimes scuttles deals.
What has been super easy by comparison is using the USD. Everyone used it and there were a whole lot (prob never enough for ease and sig growth but still much much easier). Nations naturally accumulated the stuff.
And the US also made transport of goods and resources safe. And offered a legal system that was pretty good at resolving disputes.
Obv, that has all changed. The ease if use and availability of the USD has plummeted. Most nations think the USD is now a huge pita. Many think they can’t effectively conduct trade using it. And therefore can’t grow. And want out.
A “tokenized” DC solves these issues elegantly. It ends the Rube Goldberg hustle for various currencies prior to pymnt and it simplifies the actual transfer of pymnt hugely (esp at scale). The “tokenization” allows accounting and avoids counterfeiting because “tokenization” means block-chain.
It’s really a no-brainer for ppl involved in Int’l Trade and Trade at scale.
Yes. Bad ppl will try and use it to do bad things. But it isn’t Usury which is a purely destructive technology. It’s like nuclear power. Yes there are risks from bad ppl. But jfc it is still the obvious choice rn. And will allow a paradigmatic shift upwards in technological society.
That’s what ppl who deal with this stuff as a job think.
PHYSICAL Gold as a reserve asset in place of USTs. 100%. Already being done widely. Also other commodities. CHN bought 50% of global lithium mines instead of using those USDs to buy USTs.
And perhaps (prob) phys gold as one commodity in a group on which to basr this new “unit of account”. Because it will be more like a unit of account in a ledger than what we consider a currency these days.
But phys gold as the actual currency or solely backing a currency? It is theorerically possible and has been done before. But almost zero chance. The ppl who deal with Int’l Trade and transactions at scale don’t want it. Currencies backed by a finite commodity are a colossal pita. And really just as subject to abuse as anything else. History shows that clearly.
Honestly, a gold std is just a Rube Goldberg machine that doesn’t avoid what it was built to avoid.
Politicians are upstream of everything: the military, the economy, culture etc. Ppl suffer when the politicians suck. Wars get lost and economies crash.
I think if ppl look at the issue dispassionately, it becomes clear that a tokenized DC of readily expandable and contractible amount is the best tool to accomplish global trade.
Our politicians being comped by Cabal is unrelated to that. And I think contriving a Rube Goldberg System instead of using the best tool because our politicians suck is a bad idea. It won’t do what it is supposed to. Or if it has some marginal effect, the secondary effects will outweigh the marginal benefit. It always does.
At the same time, I absolutely admit that Cabal will use something like this for evil.
I love good tools and elegant machines. And it is hard for me to watch everyone using crap tools and using Rube Goldberg contraptions.
“Currencies backed by a finite commodity are a colossal pita.”
If you are a thief.
“And really just as subject to abuse as anything else. History shows that clearly.”
History shows just the opposite.
Nothing is immune to abuse, but a single commodity is the closest you can get.
“Honestly, a gold std is just a Rube Goldberg machine that doesn’t avoid what it was built to avoid.”
Nonsense, that’s what blockchain is.
“I think if ppl look at the issue dispassionately, it becomes clear that a tokenized DC of readily expandable and contractible amount is the best tool to accomplish global trade.”
If you are a thief.
We’ll just have to disagree.
And Bitcoin is Rube Goldberg. But the blockchain isn’t.
They could agree to use euros, or maybe the BRICS could declare their own “bricks”.
Agreed, the US dollar offered a lot of convenience… but that was back when armies of clerks, desk calculators, and paper files were needed to track things, and communications were via telex or telegram.
With modern computers it’s easy. Look at all the *coin schemes. Or Facebook’s aborted proposal to make their own money.
Let them set up a central bank, and they could pool their rupees, rand, pesos, rubles, renminbi, and whatnot and exchange them for $USD or whatever in bulk.
That’s what BRICs is trying to do: set up a Central Bank and create a unit of account to trade in unrelated to the USD.
It’s clear to everyone that involved there that a tokenized DC is the best tool. They’re discussing if it should be backed by anything and if so what. None seem interested (rightly) in backing it solely with phys gold. The current idra is a “basket of commodities and currencies”.
Fichte, in his Closed Commercial State, argued that as a matter of logic the perfect currency was valueless, uncounterfeitable and zero cost to make and backed by nothing. That may seem weird at first, but I think it is undeniable. That’s what serves everyone best. Everyone from the top to the bottom.
Now, we have Cabal in charge. Obviously. Is that a reason to construct and enforce a Rube Goldberg monetary system? Is that a reason to use crap tools and operate crap machines? We’re doing that everywhere now. And it too really really sucks. And it hasn’t worked.
Maybe I am just tired of all the bullshit rigamarole of life in the current year.
But so help me God, I think the total transparency and permanence of a block-chain digital currency is something Cabal is horrified by. I think their schemes would be functionally impossible and they’d have to rule by pure force. And they either can’t or won’t do that yet.
Either way and seemingly paradoxically, they really don’t want a tokenized DC. They do want a non-tokenized (non block-chain) DC. Which is kinda ehat the USD is what with Bernanke adding zeros to Goldman’s account….
“Fichte, in his Closed Commercial State, argued that as a matter of logic the perfect currency was valueless, uncounterfeitable and zero cost to make and backed by nothing.”
That’s impossible.
A tokenized digital currency not backed by any commodities is so close as to be the functionally the same thing.
More globalist devices
The Sinclair interview is just so banal. That old saw about the banality of evil is true. That’s a big part if why Cabal hides everything: the reality is just completely banal and cringe. Just so painfully cringe. Irrevocably cringe. “You are done here” lvls of cringe.
Yes, I’m looking at you Mason bro. Your secret meetings are CRINGE lol. That’s why you want them secret. 13yr old all night Mt Dew Doritos D&D geek-fests are like a meeting of the gods compared to your ceremonies.
“Oh yes, the 24th lvl is still very lame Mason anon but the 25th! Oh the 25th! That’s when it gets cool. Trust me. Just a little more cringe to show you are worthy anon. Just a little more.” *slides hand down anon’s pants*
All the worst Despots in history are sustained by legions of Bureaucrats doing their jobs and hoping to advance their Careers.
and thugs happy to crack skulls
I am on the exact same page. When I saw that documentary on the two different female “lodges”, egads it was pathetic. All of these “sayings” some of which had secret meanings. The secret handshakes. It’s all so asinine.
But hey…maybe some people just need secrets…(‘course there’s all the demonic symbolism too…).
“I find it fascinating their President started out anti-surveillance and anti-Cabal, and then he seemed to pull a complete reversal. Like he was replaced with a look-alike.”
Or they buck broke him. And make him theirs.
Agreed about the lead paint. Since when has the govt actually cared about us? Ties in to the tech they can use to see through walls w/ WiFi.
Re: Fed Debt.
That has to be re-financed at a higher level. So, debt service will go up a whole lot.
Not that that really matters. Well, unless the RUS sub fleet is better than ours…
“Whatever they are up to, they feel they have to fool us, because if they explained it, we would not agree with them.” Well I’m not going to just repeatedly throw out quotes from the Protocols, but I’ll summarize that they intend to destroy the relations between all men and their governments so that at some point everyone will be like FINE, we will follow your despot, whoever you want us to, just leave us alone. That’s the Antichrist, he’ll be offering peace from these assholes and the time will come when they wear everyone down to the degree that he will be welcomed. These clowns think they’re diabolical geniuses but it’s really easy to destroy things, whoops whoops whoops things get destroyed left and right, this doesn’t take genius just determined hatred. You hate the US, Western civilization (really just hate Christianity) hmm take over every institution that offers any good service and wreck it, oooooh genius plan. If you lock out every decent man, you don’t even need a secret handshake. You can identify the enemy by his liberalism and he should have been shunned from even family events but we coddled these scum and now they’ve taken over with their sneaky surveillance and they’re theatrical productions. Now, it’s going to be ugly, to get them out of power will be ugly or to fail and suffer the tyranny of their despot, the Antichrist will be ugly.
Nailed it.
Lots and lots of escalation btwn Barry Faction and DJT Faction. And btwn RUS and US and CHN and US.
Clinton Faction seems to smug and looking for how to profit.
Bush Faction laying very low but Mitch on the ropes.
When the Bushies get visibly dragged in, it will be on.
I can’t wait for the Bushes to get dragged in. Get the popcorn out
I am not lazy, I have tried looking (and continue), and am asking for help if anyone knows off the bat. I am looking for a comprehensive analysis of what efforts it would take to set up all three 9-11 buildings for controlled demolition, and the corollary question whether there is any actual evidence of people noticing activity which could be construed as doing the setting up.
Seems to me this sort of analysis ought to be out there, but I am just not finding it. lays out all the connections, from owning the structures all the way to who helped get rid of all the steel from ground zero. There is a heavy (((ethnic))) component to his analysis. Also, zioncrimefamily does similar work.
Check Bruce Baird’s twitter.
Try quantum of conscience on YT. There are others, but he has a wry style and an octarine-pilled take.
Tldr: Israeli artists
I remember several stories citing people who claimed to be demolition contractors talking how they would do it, if that’s of any help to you. That’s as much as I remember after two decades, though.
“…I am looking for a comprehensive analysis of what efforts it would take to set up all three 9-11 buildings for controlled demolition, and the corollary question whether there is any actual evidence of people noticing activity which could be construed as doing the setting up….”
It’s all there. Every bit. They covered it up and there is first-hand information on all of it.
CIA WhistleBlower Susan Lindauer EXPOSES Everything! Extreme Prejudice
Start here. She warned them explicitly that it was coming, and in turn was put into solitary confinement by Pres. Bush under the Patriot act, and only because she was well-connected did she eventually get out.
time 00:28:45
when explosives were added to the building
Susan Lindauer,”I have been told, by somebody that saw the videos, that at the world trade center, on approximately, from approximately August 23 … until approximately September 3…3:00 in the morning, strange vans, maybe three of them…three possibly four, arrived…after the janitorial trucks had left the building…they were able to identify the vans….know they were not the janitorial vans…they showed up for ten days…[approximately]…and then they were never seen again. And that’s when they believe they wired the building…and they do believe…my friend told me it was absolutely a thermate bomb…it’s a military grade weapon…[I think she gets this right, but wrong. It can be made but it’s a very strong possiblity that nano-thermate, (the smaller the particles it is made of the faster and hotter it burns) was used which is procured from the military , meaning we could likely track when and where it was obtained, if we looked hard enough. She likely doesn’t know this stuff.]
She has several videos. Mostly the same, buts there’s lots of little info spread around in them. I’ll give you the names of some but I’m not going to link them. You can find them.
CIA 9-11 Whistleblower Susan Lindauer Interview.mp4
Susan Lindauer – Extreme Prejudice – Cambridge, MA 10212.mp4
CENSORED_ CIA Asset Susan Lindauer – 911 @censorednewsnow
There’s all the time new videos coming out. This one you can see the explosives blowing out the building.
Unique, rare 9_11 material shot from the Hudson
Here’s what I think happened, or how I would have done it. There was a LOT of elevator work done around the same time. Remember, the Jew bought the building and fired all the security. Security was taken over by George Bushes brother and other Jews. So they install explosives in the elevator shafts. For the outer columns they want them destroyed but this would be too obvious, so they melt them with thermate. I’m guessing the vans, I think from urban moving, go in at night. They have prepared packages with magnets on them. The ceiling are drop in ceiling tiles. So they take a cart with the packaged thermate radio controlled devices. They lift a ceiling tile near the columns they need destroyed. It’s not every floor. Every third, I think, they scrape the fire proofing off and stick the magnetically held package on the column. I can’t imagine this taking more than a few minutes for each one. Over a few days or so it would be easy to do all they needed. I saw a explosives expert that brought down large buildings and he said all the explosives needed to bring down the WTC would fit in a couple of regular vans.
The real key, and always has been, building 7. Building 7, not hit by a plane, fell over 100 feet the same speed as if only AIR held it up. This is clearly impossible as you can see well over this distance is not vaporized to the density of air. Some sort of demo bought it down. It may well be a waste of time to talk about the other two buildings when building 7 is clearly demoed. There is no other explanation. Just for the hell of it, this is the only picture I’ve seen of the back side of building 7 after the other buildings have fallen, You can clearly see the whole back side of it is not torn off. There are pictures and videos that appear to be doctored to me that show more damage.
Talking about one and two may be a waste of time but not completely. Here’s one of the very best videos I’ve seen done by a mechanical engineer. He doesn’t go into much, just straightforward explanations and video evidence anyone can see for themselves.
Fwiw, Bruce Baird argues that it was an ISR nuke (mini) in the same area you indicate.
Dear G_d,
Please continue to protect us, especially the children, from the evils of this world.
Please help humanity to recognize and reject the satanic influences pervasive throughout politics and media.
God will heal all those who die in trauma.
New Details of Extensive ADL Spy Operation Emerge : Inquiry
Police on Thursday served search warrants on the Anti-Defamation League here and in Los Angeles, seizing evidence of a nationwide intelligence network accused of keeping files on more than 950 political groups, newspapers and labor unions and as many as 12,000 people.
Describing the spy operation in great detail, San Francisco authorities simultaneously released voluminous documents telling how operatives of the Anti-Defamation League searched through trash and infiltrated organizations to gather intelligence on Arab-American, right-wing and what they called “pinko” organizations.
Police allege that the organization maintains undercover operatives to gather political intelligence in at least seven cities, including Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Groups that were the focus of the spy operation span the political spectrum, including such groups as the Ku Klux Klan, the White Aryan Resistance, Operation Rescue, Greenpeace, the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, the United Farm Workers and the Jewish Defense League. Also on the list were Mills College, the board of directors of San Francisco public television station KQED and the San Francisco Bay Guardian newspaper.
“…or it is a script to destroy the organization from within by infiltrating, creating public goatfuck after public goatfuck, and then going so far you turn yin into yang and destroy the Bureau – and whoever is destroying FBI controls Twitter, and is allowing/creating this.” 45 communist goals from 58 years ago were entered into the record of Congress by Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr., (D-Florida), in 1963. This is the 35th goal: “35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.”
…then someone figured it would be more useful to just subvert the FBI and run it as a puppet. Extra bonus: established credibility (though largely undeserved) among the citizenry. Double extra bonus: the citizenry pays for their own oppression via their taxes, so the commies don’t have to spend their own money.
Re: communication with deceased loved one
The following is true. My deceased wife came to me in what was more than a dream. Her words to me remain the most moving experience in my life, and were words of comfort and reassurance. They were very, very simple.
She told me: “I understand.” This had (and has) profound meaning to me because it meant she “got” something I tried (unsuccessfully) to tell her when she was alive.
She told me: “I’m OK.” Again, this meant a lot to me, and reassured me for significant personal reasons.
These first two things I understood deeply and immediately.
The third thing she said was: “Tell my family, everything will be OK.”
This I did not understand. I had long been out of contact with her family. Less than a month later I was standing with them all in the aftermath of a horrific circumstance.
My wife was never serene in life. When she appeared in the more-than-a-dream, she had a beautifully perfect look of serenity.
There is far more detail, but that is the gist.
“An angel appeared to Joseph in a dream.” I know what that means, but it is more than a dream. “Dream” is the best word we have to use.
Thank you. I am sorry for your loss, but I understand. For all the awfulness we see each day, the world is ultimately magical, and the losses we endure are just temporary, and we will see them again.
Sorry; but this is not biblical.
While I agree that any “voices” one hears tend not to be good, but Demonic in nature, I don’t see that as an explicit rebuttal of the concept. It’s more sealing the fate of those who are saved vs those who are damned, in that there are no second chances after death to reclaim your spot in heaven.
Sorry, but this is wildly irrelevant and uncomprehending.
Competitive Christianity is puzzling, and pointless at best (IMO).
“Mexico’s Supreme Court decriminalizes abortion nationwide. I find it fascinating their President started out anti-surveillance and anti-Cabal, and then he seemed to pull a complete reversal. Like he was replaced with a look-alike.”
I think they do that with public figures, though the operation is difficult enough to pull off that it doesn’t happen often.
The normal process is to arrange for the public leaders to be ticker takers or surveillance agents. For example, the four US presidents between 1989 and 2017 were all CIA, and there is a good chance Reagan was too.
However, “Biden” was the result of an early CIA proof of concept operation to see if they could create a fictional character and pass it off as an elected politician. They rotate actors through the role if “Biden” has to interact with people and keep “Biden” out of the public eye as much as possible. This has to be too resource intensive for it to be normal procedure. But they activated “Biden” at a time where they decided they couldn’t afford to risk a prez who was an agent or a ticket taker, but was an actual person, not following instructions or turning against them.
Or take the current Pope. There is an entire sedevaccantist theory that often emerges on the internet that is controlled opposition, its designed to throw people who have suspicions off from what really happen and make them sound completely crazy. However, the Cabal could not risk the Catholic Church not going along with the 2020 COVID psyop, they needed the churches closed to the public. And the Catholic Church is both run in an authoritarian manner and a majority of Christians are affiliated. They get the Catholic Church to go along and they can manage the other churches, which they did. And there wasn’t time to infiltrate an agent into the Papal seat the normal way. So they had to have just kidnapped the Pope at the time and replaced him with a double. I don’t see any other way for them to pull that one off.
So they do these things, but they are difficult enough that they have to be used only when it is essential that there is has to be no chance of a controlled organization not following the script. If the Mexican government was targetted like this, it would be because the southern US border operation and the cartels are hugely important to them.
The parody Bond movie “Casino Royale” (1960s) had this as a plot point.
Both the highly Bureaucratic Epispocal Church and Roman Catholic Church could be taken over this way.
Less bureaucratic hierarchies are likely more resource intensive to infiltrate and and over.
See also The Simulacra by PKD, who knew a thing or two about Cabal’s more metaphysical methods. The presidential character in the novel, although a woman, is basically various actresses rotating around the role.
Idk about all this but Prighozin is an eerie eerie twin of Pope Francis. Incredible clone level likeness.
So they had to have just kidnapped the Pope at the time and replaced him with a double. I don’t see any other way for them to pull that one off.
With how corrupt are people here, I dont think so, the church here is really fucked up, and bergoglio has always been a philo communist, plus it has been “normal” for generations” that as the church here is government backed and financed due to article 2 of the argie constitution, and the catholic church prohibits marriages, it got a lot of homosexuals in its seminaries, whom are also raging leftists, and bergoglio having been part of puerta de hierro, is and from his agents in the country, moreno guillermo and juan grabois, they are both far left, so is him, and has always been, all his life fren.
Sorry to tell you, no intel operation needed there for it, if an operation, it was to make him pope in the first place, as it must had been quite a massive political operation.
An interview I gave the wedneday 6th in a radio, its in spanish, and an hour talking about electoral electronic fraud.
Found the english wikia its fine, and Its guardia de hierro instead of puerta de hierro, sorry for the mistake, its midnight here, so I should go to sleep.
The Catholic Church contains some mysteries, like the Holy Trinity. The Papacy is one of the most unmysterious doctrines. Has to be a man, has to be Catholic, some are good Catholics, some bad. If the man isn’t Catholic, he’s not the Pope. Jorge is not Catholic, he’s a Communist, Roncalli was not Catholic, he was a Communist and Freemason. There’s not even a hint of mystery that cabal interfered with the 1958 Conclave and Catholics have been floundering around ever since, fighting corruption in an anti Catholic fake church, the New Order, when what is needed is the valid election of a Catholic man to the Papacy.
Vatican II heretical? Satanic?
Yeah, there is a good chance that the crazy and alarming chemtrails conspiracy theory will turn out to be accurate:
This is has been my point, after seeing what Owen and Vox has shown.
People immediately take a binary position on this (Flat/Globe). This and other experiments show data that contradicts the main stream story. Instead of taking a binary approach, I want someone to blow holes in the math and data that is shown. Is the earth bigger? If you went to the moon, why do we have pictures stitched together with word sex in the clouds. Why was the blue marble made to “MEET OUR EXPECTATIONS” of what its supposed to look like?
If anyone dares discuss it, the lemming programming kicks in and naming calling starts.
Open to other possibilities. But flat earth is definitely psyop that too many fall into.
Fwiw, that’s where I am.
“…Owen and Vox has shown…”
Let’s see Owen says that there’s a shield around the earth and when rockets try to go through it, they explode. He shows us convincing videos[sic] of plumes from rockets to prove this.
“…This and other experiments show data that contradicts the main stream story…”
Fantastic experiment where they use google Internet sources that come from, supposedly, fake satellites, to decide where the ships are.
Right. OK.
It’s about up to the quality of every other FLERF “proof” out there.
I’m willing to entertain all sorts of possible lies that we have been told, but FLERF is put out there to make conspiracy theorists sound crazy.
“There may, right now, be warehouses full of these things, all strapped down, producing young blood transfusions for the elites they were cloned from.”
That’s right out of the movie “Parts: The Clonus Horror” although it was focused on organ transplants.
Parts: The Clonus Horror – Wikipedia
Pretty cheap movie (it got MST3K-ed), but the concept behind it was solid. A well done remake could strike a chord these days, especially with a marketing campaign suggesting it’s really happening.
“77% of US youth unqualified for military service.”
Oh noes! The neocon warpigs won’t be able to field an army to corrupt the rest of the world with their fake and gay garbage!
Wait, is there a downside here?
Thanks @farcesensitive
Non-Fiction! Big BasedCon Based Book Sale – ÆtherCzar (
Harris on Trump charges: ‘I believe that people should be held accountable under the law.’ Says the cunt who was laughing at how she sent young guys to prison for pot, and then went home and smoked a joint as she laughed about what she had done to them.
Then, to add insult to injury. She keeps them after their sentence has been served to fight forest fires, and drops the charges on the people who started those fires.
basically –
Hump or Death
Any car theft news that looks like Cabal financial shenanigans? Reddit is hopping with stories about car theft rings.
Just had a gang of them snooping around our cars the other day. In broad daylight
Same in my AO. Non-stop car thefts, as well as dramatically increasing credit card fraud.
Simple answer is law enforcement ain’t enforcing shit, so scammers and thieves are getting bold. Complex answer certainly is part of a larger plot to up the level of social distrust in all areas of life, probably to gin up anxiety and amygdala jacking in preparations for some nonsense that makes summer of love v1 look like peaceful times.
Joe Rogan’s comedy club scans your face and keeps it on file. To enter, you must surrender your phone. It is locked away until you leave.
Explain to me how is this in Texas? Is there a Voight Kampf test they should give people before they are allowed to move to Texas? I mean, some other California guy had an essay about freedom, small towns, and then asked why the government of Texas wasn’t enforcing masking rules during Covid.
I’m, just, the people who moved to Texas moved out of the United States, into Comanche, Kiowa and Karankawa territory, around all kinds of poisonous snakes to not be the sort of people who rely on government for anything. What more do people need to live next door to, to get away from authoritarian weirdos? Cannibals and poisonous snakes aren’t enough?
We need more walls brother, just one to the south ain’t enough.
We won’t need one on the northern border once we liberate and cleanse Canada.
Briefing by Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov on U.S. military-biological activity–09-06
Hey, AC… I have been working on something and wanted to include useful and convincing information about the Surveillance. With that in mind, recalling the old adage, “Knowledge is power,” I wondered who said that because surely, there is no greater power than having 10 or 15 percent of a nation state’s population spying on the rest of the folk.
It’s attributed to Francis Bacon. Hobbies aside, Bacon’s main interest was science and particularly making and using *observations* including controlled scientific experimentation.
OK. We know these guys always make up nice-sounding excuses for what they do. What kind of observation was Bacon chiefly interested in. What was his office or position? Lord High Chancellor of England, under King James I. Right?
Francis Bacon was interested in “enlarging human beings’ knowledge in order to improve human life on earth. Nice, eh? Well, that depends upon what your mean by “improve;” who you think is human; and what do you call “living.” Right?
This guy is beginning to sound a lot like Bill Gates, isn’t he? Just another dude who effing loved science! So much, in fact, that he invented the scientific method!
Let’s blow this pop sickle stand and take a look at someone else.
I’m thinking of another English man who’s two-syllable surname also begins with the letter B This fellow also had some notoriety and power.
To avoid a wall of text, I’ll confess it’s Jeremy Bentham, who’s first great love was also philosophy, Utilitarianism, to be exact: “a moral theory that argues that actions should be judged right or wrong to the extent that they increase or decrease human well-being or utility.”
OK. Again, we’ve a case of who or what do you deem human and what do you mean by “well-being.”
As an aside, didn’t Margie Sanger claim that if you are not in the the 1%, then the most well-being you can get for a family member is to abort them? What do you suppose were her thoughts about Bentham, who was also big time interested in “reforming” the prison system and who’s fondest dream was an entire society that will function as one big happy prison system. I wonder if he was thinking world wide? What do you think?
Didn’t Jermey Bentham set up a “prison in the round” in which each convict was under — or could be under — total observation at any given time? As I recall, to save on labor, the observed was never able to tell whether or not he was being observed.
So these pricks have been at this for a long, long time, haven’t they? You know and I know that both of the above men have had some bearing upon the current surveillance system. The only remaining question of major import is…. how cozy were these guys with a certain chosen Tribe? I mean on a scale of 1 (not cozy at all) to 10 (Blood relation).
Given the above facts, it stands to reason that once this “small club” gained control of all the funny money in the world, thanks to the Rothschild banking system, combined with greater and ever greater “OT” (Observation Technology), something very much like the Surveillance cartel that you describe was assured? With the final steps being the electronic ID, Currency, and Credit Rating. Moi bad; there will never be a final step, because there is no end to their evil. Right?
Can you or anyone here contribute anything to help tie that all together? Thanks in advance and sorry for the long text.
Bacon was allegedly the illegitimate son of Elizabeth I. He was raised by one of her ladies in waiting, but knew he should be heir to the throne. Supposedly, he wrote the Shakespeare plays to spill the Royal dirty laundry in a manner with plausible deniability.
Maybe he wasn’t cheated out of the throne.
Maybe he was promoted to the shadow nobility. (still probably on the lowest rung, but higher than the visible monarch)
Thanks. I found that info after writing the comment. Bacon was also suspected of Sodomy, for which his brother was put on trial — a serious offense at the time. He was related by marriage to one influential Cecil family member. He was definitely an important member of the “small club.” I see that your comment has one down vote. Why? Shakespeare. I wonder. Hasn’t Bacon also been attributed by some as writing the King James Bible? James was a creepy tyrant and his Bible version was created as a “Government-issue, to replace the then popular Geneva Bible, at least according to my old Christian Patriot friends, who seemed to know what they were talking about.
I ignore downvotes. I assume they’re either bots or retards, but I’ve never downvoted anything in my life so maybe I’m projecting. For me, if I scroll past something without liking it, that’s a downvote. At the very least, it doesn’t register for me. But I read the comments in RSS, so one has to really stand out for me to load the page and like the comment. Some of the best I save to Evernote for future reference.
I hadn’t heard of Bacon’s involvement with the KJV. He may have been one of the many translator involved. I have the book “God’s Secretaries” about the production of the KJV but haven’t read it yet. Maybe he’s mentioned in there. I have heard that Elizabeth I’s occultist (John Dee?) was involved in the KJV.
William Shakespeare was allegedly the manager of the theater and was illiterate, but Bacon gave him credit for writing the plays.
The whole topic is fascinating and also interesting, as in the old “interesting times” Chinese proverb.
Particularly interesting is how those elites had such obvious double standards. For example, retaining occultists, while burning old ladies for herbal medicine. King James was notorious for persecuting the masses and killing “witches.” Bacon had been intensely fascinated by the occult until he decided that science would serve him better (so he invented it).
Bacon’s Sodomy scandal is another example. In those days it was a hanging offense. Obviously true about him and there is record of him referring to himself as somebody’s catamite. If so, then that business was running rampant through those “elites” and he would have gotten it in the usual manner: by being abused as a child.
All of this looks very Jewish, in that it’s the same old story today, isn’t it?
Those British kings and queens accused of being crypto Jews all treated their subjects as Goyim, so we may assume a Jewish pedigree, methinks. I mean, they had nothing in common with the commoners! No empathy, either, and exhibiting the typical Jewish childishness (also shown by the Jewish God, doncha know).
Compare to Alfred the Great, Harold, and other pre-Norman rulers.
Normans had been Vikings that settled an area controlled by Jews (Septimania?) and intermarried aka race mixed. William the bastard has also been flagged as a Jew. His mother was one. He brought Jews along to change the laws, especially regarding land transfer.
This is the basic objection to Christianity: it is death to ethnicity and a Folk.
Do all US Presidents really show direct descent from Charlemagne? Or would that be true of all people in the western world today, who would also, by now, descend from the carpenters and blacksmiths of those days? Interesting!
Definitely interesting, and it’s a bottomless well of information. I think it’s King John I that US Presidents are descended from
I’ve done quite a bit of study of British history, and I’ve barely scratched the surface. There is a neat show on Netflix called “The Last Kingdom” which is about Alfred and his bloodline and how England went from only Wessex standing alone to united by the end of the show. It’s based on “The Saxon Chronicles” which I picked up on Amazon but who knows when I’ll get to it.