News Briefs – 09/06/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Here is a facial bifurcation of the Fox News Reporter talking about confirming that President Trump ridiculed service members. Her right face, which is what she is consciously projecting for you to see is a mixture of calmness and disgust, complete with upturned lip that is almost snarling. But her left, “true” face, that is what she really feels, has no disgust, but rather has a fearful, deer in the headlights quality. That is the look you would get if you suddenly pulled a gun and shoved it in her face, and she didn’t know what to do. Again, I think of Amy Robach thinking about (((Them))) killing Epstein, and breaking down in tears over how completely powerless she felt.

Should be noted, though she said she confirmed the Atlantic story, she later said she couldn’t confirm the salacious part (ie Trump said WWII vets were losers and suckers), but rather claimed she had confirmed that President Trump disparaged the Vietnam War.

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell had a secret lair on the Michigan grounds of Interlochen Centre for the Arts — the famed fine arts boarding school for children, according to one alleged victim.


Nineteen foreign nationals face federal charges in U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina for illegally voting in the 2016 federal elections, according to federal charges publicly announced on Wednesday.

Rep. Matt Gaetz recommends Donald Trump pardon fugitive NSA leaker Edward Snowden.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott says he’s considering state control of Austin’s police department. I wonder if DOJ consent decrees could be forced on departments, just as Cabal used them to alter Policing for its purposes, only instead Trump would use them to force Departments to put down unrest in minority communities, despite the interference of Political leaders. Might take too long though to push them through the courts, and judges might be comped anyway.

Black Lives Matter terrorists in Washington DC now calling for Police executions to begin saying that ‘Cops need to be killed’ for justice. At what point does this become like screaming fire in a crowded theater again?

Two ‘Boogaloo Bois’ are charged with attempting to team up with Hamas to blow up a courthouse and assassinate US senators after one gave an interview at a Minneapolis George Floyd protest saying ‘it’s time heavily armed rednecks stand up.’ There is absolutely no glowing going on there, whatsoever.

A group of “bipartisan” neoconservative Republicans and establishment Democrats have been plotting ways for Biden to prevent a Trump inauguration by triggering a Constitutional crisis, even if Trump wins a decisive victory.

America has had roughly 550 violent demonstrations in three months.

Protesters show up at the residences of city leaders, sometimes shooting paintballs, spraying graffiti and starting fires. Given how organized and controlled these protests are, I wonder if these are warnings to the mayors to hold their lines for Cabal, or else.

Federal judge orders Detroit Police to stop using batons, gas, and chokeholds on ‘peaceful protesters.’

Michelle Obama says that Biden gives his personal phone number to kids.

The Biden campaign promoted a “dangerous conspiracy theory” about a potential coronavirus vaccine on Saturday, suggesting it may not be safe due to it being rushed for political reasons ahead of the November elections.

Soros spends millions to win women voters in battleground states.

Ann Romney is set to join former First Lady Michelle Obama, former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor Larry Hogan, and Cindy McCain in a special to encourage voting.

UN forced to admit a Gates-funded vaccine is causing a Polio outbreak in Africa.

Jacob Blake makes a court appearance from his hospital bed, and pleads not guilty to his prior charges.

Lebanon’s army finds 4.35 tonnes more explosive chemicals near Beirut port.

Northeastern University kicks out 11 students over small party, keeps their $36,000 semester tuition.

Twitter has blocked anyone from posting the link “,” which redirects users to Joe Biden’s official campaign website.

Former acting AG Whitaker says Facebook and Twitter algorithms could be viewed by DOJ as an ‘illegal campaign contribution.’

Russia is preparing a mass vaccination against coronavirus for October.

GOP lawmaker Thomas Massie praises Kyle Rittenhouse’s ‘restraint’ for not emptying magazine during shooting.

Executives of Chinese companies which produce chips — vital in every device that stores data from computers to mobile phones to barcode scanners — are increasingly worried their industry is next on the Trump sanctions hit list.

Smith & Wesson stepping up production as sales soar 140 percent.

Nearly 700 U.S. Veterans issue an open letter in support of President Trump.

Black voter approval of Trump hits 45%.

Massive Trump boat parade in blue state New Jersey, over 6 miles long.

Spread r/K Theory, because if it is good, it doesn’t need to be taken underground.

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4 years ago

Cabal is still planning to reduce America population by 200 million:

It could be fake but this isn’t beyond plausibility.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

“….That guy is curious….”

I’lll sat. I’ve reaf mst all maybe all of his stuff and he’s perfectly reasonable but…

“… But he adds in pieces saying he was in some sort of secret government unit where they implant presumably alien device implants…”

I really don’t know what to think of that. Maybe he’s an ex intelligence officer that knows they will leave him alone if he adds crazy sounding stuff to his writings. I’m just grasping here though in reality I have no idea.

I can believe in aliens but I can’t believe that they are whizzing around where we can see them.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

I’ll say. I’ve read most all, maybe all of his stuff and he’s perfectly reasonable but…

Whoops what happened? I garbled that.

4 years ago

This September 5 report by NC Scout is an incredible on-the-ground action report by ex-mil who tried to probe an antifa protest. Here’s the end; read the whole thing, it’s excellent.

“We get 11 blocks down the road and this black Chevy Impala is ghosting us down the street, he’s kind of been in our shadow since block two or three He rolls his window down and starts asking us a bunch of questions. Why are we here, what are we doing, telling us we need to get the fuck out of here, asking us where our car is etc., we pretty much told him to get the fuck away from us because we didn’t know who he was. I finally asked him at one point, Who the fuck are you, man, you need to leave us alone, and he was like I’m the fucking police, bro, who are you? So he pulled his car over and he and his partner talked to us. He was one of the special programs guys, either with SWAT or SRT or whatever. He was the one that yelled at me not to reach, and tried to help us out. He said he knew that we’ve been pepper sprayed and we’re having trouble seeing, I kind of snapped at him, Like hey motherfucker, You’ve been watching this whole thing fucking unfold and you didn’t intervene at all or light the crowd up or something? He started laughing and he was like, Man, if I got out and tried to help you guys, my fucking car would be on fire right now, and I’d be running next to you.

Bottom line: don’t go to an Antifa protest where you can put yourself in that situation. And if you find yourself in that situation, expect them to employ tactics that take away your situational awareness, and complicate the use of force continuum.”

Reply to  Bale
4 years ago

its been good advice for centuries: the rabble are ignorant, but shrewd.

so don’t stick your dick in a hornet’s nest.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
4 years ago

An excerpt from the link about Epstein and the Michigan boarding school.

“When he met Melissa he spoke about her cello music and the musicians in her family, almost as if he had a dossier prepared for him prior to his run-in with the underage stranger. ”

The was the 14 year old South African cellist that refused to be involved with the operation. Very organized.

4 years ago

Reporting from the commie/Marxist town of Battle Creek, home of white cucks, the Land of SJW Churches, in the Soviet Republic of Michigan:

Gov. Synder—“””Republican””””—-comes out in support of Biden:


MSNBC, yesterday about 6:50pm (or was it 7:50pm), anchor of show is talking about the QANON “conspiracy” and their,—-get this—their VIOLENT actions in the past!!!!

I know of NO violent actions by any QANON people or events whatsoever. I could be wrong, please correct me if I’m wrong—but I know of NO violence by any QANON.

Commentary: just like the Jew at the Atlantic saying Pres. Trump disparaged wounded vets—the Media is outright lying! I mean they make stuff out of thin air.

—But that is exactly what Hegel the Kabbalist taught. What is regular Western Culture and Civilization is that European man always conformed himself to reality; the ancient Greeks, Romans, conformed themselves to reality, facts matter; it was a matter of commonsense and natural.

On the other hand, throughout Judaism and the Kabbalah is the idea of Magic–of twisting reality. To Change reality thru Magic. This was also part of the Egyptian scene and quite common throughout the Classical Oriental/Egyptian milieu.

This idea of Magic which is literally “creating a *alternative* reality” is what Kabbala is. The German Hegel picked that up and said, “We MAKE reality”. Just say it—and it become so!

Hegel is the intellectual powerhouse behind International Socialism and National Socialism—all forms of Socialism have Hegel as their intellectual foundation. Socialism is really Judaism. Hegel is the product of German Idealism which was created by the influence and teachings of the Kabbala throughout Europe in the Renaissance and Early Modern Europe.

It is NO longer “lying” but re-creating Reality—Kabbala teaches—I can create my own reality. As modern republicanism ended Western Civilization, Hegel ended Western Culture. Hegel ended traditional philosophy and brought in a Judaic sophistry. This is now the norm—That is why Goldberg can make shit up. That is why MSNBC can make shit up. That is why that reporter at the press conference said, “It doesn’t matter if true or not——IT RESONATES”.

iN THE 1850s—-1850—there were Hegelian clubs throughout America. In St. Louis in particular—The Midwest.

It is NOT lying—but creating their own reality. Magic.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

The Kabbalah would not have been possible without the Talmud. If every warrior of ancient Simeon, Issachar, Levi, Ephraim, Manasseh and Benjamin was reincarnated tomorrow they would wage endless war upon every Talmudist and Kabbalist they could find.

4 years ago

The boogaloo boys teamed up with hamas? Are people really that stupid they would ever think that was a legit alliance? Pic related:

comment image

4 years ago

> America has had roughly 550 violent demonstrations in three months.

Sure, if that’s what you want to call vandalism, grievous bodily harm, murder, riots, and acts of terrorism.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  info
4 years ago

That’s a really good article. The way to deal with them is when they are not organized. I saw a video where they were housing the rioters in tents hidden behind a fence that was purported to be a art project but someone ran up on it. The time to attack them is when they go there or on the way. And if you are going to engage with them you are going to have to be willing to do some serious damage or don’t waste your time.

Reply to  info
4 years ago

It should be a legal principle that in that kind of situation they are ALL valid targets and you can kill as many as you like.

4 years ago

Federal judge orders Detroit Police to stop using batons, gas, and chokeholds on ‘peaceful protesters.’

That means that the force continuum in Detroit now looks like this:

Strong words ——————- Lethal Force

With nothing in between.

4 years ago

Northeastern University kicks out 11 students over small party, keeps their $36,000 semester tuition.

Sue them. Deceptive trade practices, right off the bat. Universities are marketed as places to meet people and have parties. If whatever contract they have doesn’t have an explicit carveout to keep the tuition, then sue them for breach of contract. If it does, sue them for fraud in the inducement.

The fundamental issue is that parties, socializing and meeting people are the only reason to go to a university in person anymore. Their marketing is based entirely around it. They cannot run from their own marketing.

4 years ago
4 years ago

I love your analyses on facial expressions. Would love it if you’d do one about Kamala Harris’s insane laughter. I’ve known one person who would laugh the way she does. I don’t have a word for it. But it’s excessive, seems to spiral, seems to make the other person feel bewildered eventually, seems inappropriate to the circumstances/comment, and doesn’t seem to be related to nervousness. Is it some type of bullying behavior? Is it to hide facial expressions? It’s so strange.

4 years ago

Extensive document on techniques of gangstalking: structure, tactics, objectives, use of private security contractors.

Reply to  CanTre
4 years ago

thank you.

Reply to  CanTre
4 years ago

Very interdasting.
Thanks fren.

I’m reading this now and still at the start, and the author does seem to correlate gang stalking groups with drug and human trafficking (which my first hand experiences confirm, drug dealers and all the corrupt cops that protect them are into the gangstalking scene here) and Satanism, which is interesting because from my own first hand experience the things that I have tested that consistently make the gaybal ground level faggots freak out and literally go on crazy rants is these 3 things:
Mentioning surveillance and illegal/para-legal surveillance
Big no no, gets them reacting in no time;
Criticizing Israel, Jews or Jewish collective power.
Same thing;
Praising Jesus.
The most 2 spectacular meltdowns I have witnessed from 2 confirmed low level gaybal ground operators where when broaching the subject of Jesus, and telling them God is a very real thing, and that Satan is the enemy of Humanity.
It was hilarious in both instances.

Also, some confirmed gaybal ground level operatives I have came across before that where openly Satanists, and even tried to talk me into it. At the time I was still not a Christian (although I was baptized as a baby, I never cared for it), I had not accepted Jesus Christ and called His name, and it was actually interesting now looking back at it after all this time, because both of them tried to get me into it by saying things like “God doesn’t exist. What kind of God would let so much evil happen in the first place” and shit like that, and my line of thinking at the time was (and I told them this, which seemed to jam a wrench in their own narrative, judging from their reaction to it): “That Satanic shit is just more crap. If you don’t believe in God, why would you believe in the enemy of God? If you believe in Satan, you believe that God exists too, by definition.”

4 years ago

Patriot Sitrep: America is undergoing a communist putsch, a color revolution. (Color Revolutions were developed, instigated and propagated by our own CIA!) Color Revolutions are about subverting the status quo.

This semester at the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research they are teaching a course called The Black Jacobins: Liberation, Political Theory, and the Haitian Revolution (Wednesday Section)
Instructor: Ajay Singh Chaudhary

This Asian Indian, Chaudhary learned Marxism in London, England and then moved to NYC and is teaching revolutionary social change of the Frankfurt School in New York.

This is about teaching Revoluiton! Free Speech? You have given these people Free Speech—and what are they teaching—-Revolution. A blurb:

[quote] “What “the Black Jacobins,” as CLR James famously dubbed the Haitian revolutionaries, threatened was nothing less than the overthrow of an already global colonial and imperial project, both in its political forms and at its economic roots. …

What does a close examination of the Haitian Revolution contribute to contemporary discussions of race, capitalism, abolition, national liberation, and freedom?” [End quote]

The Haitian Revolution ended with all the whites, women and children, massacred. Even the white friends of the slaves were killed.

The whole agenda of the Frankfurt School was to place the White man, European man, as the oppressor, and in practicing Judaism—-all oppressors are to be liquidated.

The essence of this program is instill Haitian Revolutionary elan into its students, to bring about, what one book titles itself “Fire in the mind”, that has to express itself in a killing frenzy.

Understanding Reality 101. The Natural Law runs all things. Aristotle notes a law of nature:

“All things are either in authority or in subjection”. —-ALL things. By nature the European is in “Authority” and so is an “oppressor”. Therefore, liquidation. This is why America is a failed state since democracy can never exist because there is an “authority” but the FFofA thought reality was a zero-sum-game with everybody assuming they will all accept a middle place and there will NEVER arise an authority or a subjection. (or this supposed “natural aristocracy” arising out of the yeoman, of English good manners.)

The Frankfurt School has come in and is teaching that all Europeans are Oppressors to the minorities. They will rage a war until all oppressors are eliminated. (but then these hypocrites set themselves up as the ruling authority.) Once the Fire in the mind is lit—there is no stopping it. It must reach its telos.

The Haitian Revolution—-IS THEIR PARADIGM. The Haitian was Successful! It is the Model for Revolutionary Success! —coming to your neighborhood—it’s already in the classroom!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

As was noted here in one link and over at Vox Day, Antifa is Organized and well-funded.

Let me ask this question of you all—-100 days of rioting in Portland—and NOTHING Stops this????

Let me give a comparison: Waco.

The ATF immediately went in. And when they failed, the FBI came in with Tanks and ended it by burning all alive. What was it–Sixty days at Waco?

We have 100 days at Portland. Where is the ATF? Where is Wray’s FBI?

And may I ask a question—What after the Civil War? Back to the same-ol’, same-ol’? The same stuff that failed?

We can’t organize into anything without an ATF informant, FBI informant in our midst. We have NO organization. We have no leadership. We have no rallying point.

Compare and Contrast. The Spanish Civil War. All the Conservative were of One religion, they had all one goal–the Old Society of Spain, and a Leader, Franco, a major general of the armed forces.

When the National Guard was called to one of the American riots, one of the soldiers knelt in solidarity with BLM. In the Spanish Civil War, Mostly Military units were all conservative, of one religion, of one race. When retired general McAlister is working with the Democrats—what do we have? Silence. Crickets. Who? General Kelly? General McMasters? General Powell?

There is NOT even a scintilla of a plan about After Civil War. There is NOT even a scintalla of planning, organization, modus operandi if Biden wins. What do we do? Silence. Crickets. Do we fight back? How and what do we do? I see nothing. I hear nothing.

Waco was crushed within sixty days. The Portland riots are continuing. Where’s Durham? We just had a failed coup-de-etat in this country—and there is NOTHING, no consequences, nothing. This is unbelievable!

The talk is that Fascism and Corporations go together, but we see now that almost all corporations are financing the Left and subsidizing the Tyranny. Asian Indians in Google and at Facebook. Tech Giants are part of the Leftist Tyranny seizing this country. And nothing is being done.

I think our goose is already cooked. In the Spanish Civil War, the reactionaries coalesced around Franco. Who are we to coalesce around? We have no leadership. No organization. No cohesion. No racial cohesion. No religious cohesion. No ideological cohesion. We have No plan for the future. No funds. I just saw the Black militia that showed up at the Kentucky Derby. Wow. I saw over a 100 individuals. All dressed the same. Tactical gear. Weapons. Any ATF informants in there? We can’t do that!

Everything necessary for a counter-revolution, I do not see on our side. Furthermore, there is NO acknowledgement from Rush, Hannity, or any political leader on the failure of the American system that led to this civil war. Why have a civil war—when you are going back to the failed system????? What’s the purpose?

In the Spanish Civil War, The Church was on the side of conservatives. In the American Revolution, the Presbyterians all hung together. But now? There is not a single church, that is for us. We are facing a religious zealotry bent on killing. What do we have on our side? Elan is a powerful combat force. We don’t have that either.

The Democrats are running War games on this election. What are we doing? ….

I don’t see nothing on our side. What a way to approach a coming Civil War.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

“…My guess is, it has been decided this is a case of not interfering with your enemy when they are in the process of destroying themselves…”

As much as I’m always jumping up and down about Trump should “do something” after watching this unfold…I think you and Trump are right. Even with them trying their best to bury the optics on this they have done themselves more harm that good.

That ad Trump ran has got to scare the hell out of the Women and without the White Women’s vote the Democrats are sunk.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

“…nothing the Democrats are doing makes sense…”

I’m totally baffled by this. It’s why, yes I know that it’s not good to think this way but…the only glaring, super honest way to look at this complete destruction of the Democratic party is that it’s on purpose and Trump is guaranteed to win. This brings to question why are the Jews doing him this favor???? They are funding it and they are controlling the press and the politicians so that this is happening. I do not believe they are so stupid that they don’t know what’s going on and it’s not likely that they have somehow been totally controlled by some secret group. I mean how likely is that?

It’s not a comforting fact if this is true but if you just look at the raw facts then what do you see?

If Trump is playing the Jews this is the greatest deception event in the history of the world.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

This brings to question why are the Jews doing him this favor????

I don’t think it is a favor. I think it is just the best move they have left. It’s like a chess game where the board has been locked up and it’s four moves from checkmate. Even though the only moves left to you are all leading to mate and you know it, you keep moving your pieces in the hopes that your opponent doesn’t see it.

And of course an honorable opponent would concede the game and get ready for the next round, but they closed off that option with crossfire hurricane. You know the saying, if you strike at a king you must kill him? Well, if you strike at a prince you must never, NEVER allow him to become king.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

And people often don’t remember to remember this data point:
Trump has been denying the gaybal and Jewish collective power (aka: gaybal’s middle managment) their so much coveted military conflict between the US and Syria and Iran, which would further push forward the Israeli expansionist agenda.

That right there is a BIG proof that gaybal is dying of AIDS.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

The pattern was same now as it was under Franco and Pinochet. The Communists always have first mover advantage because they instigate the conflict and prepare before hand. It is easy to ambush a society just like it is easy to sucker-punch a random person.

Here’s the problem: to win a civil war, you have to control the countryside. The Bolsheviks won because they controlled the countryside, not the cities. Pinochet and Franco won because they controlled the countryside, not the cities.

The Left, today, controls only the cities, cities that make nothing, move nothing, mine nothing, and grow nothing. Everything they have has to be shipped in, including power and water. Cities are not operable bases at all. They can be easily siege’d.

4 years ago

Thomas Witkor analysis of the assassination of one of ours:

Reply to  info
4 years ago

Thanks for that!

4 years ago

Lungs damaged by coronavirus can repair themselves in three months