News Briefs – 09/05/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Chinese Solar Company Looks To Construct Polysilicon Factory In Saudi Arabia

DFT – Malaysia To Force Google, Facebook To Pay For News Content

DFT – Country Garden Avoids Default, Makes Coupon Payments

DFT – Türkiye Pushes To Trade With Russia In National Currencies

DFT – Germany To See Economic Output Shrink This Year – Economic Institute

There is a 4CHan thread here (Click the OPs post ID and you can see all his comments), archive here, which says there is about to be a massive MK Ultra research project based on a massively publicized fake event, which we will either take the right opinion about, the wrong opinion about, or have no opinion on, and if they classify us as one of those three positions, we will get a year or so of some kind of misery as they experiment on us somehow (which today could mean DEWs, for all we know). Anon says we are to say nothing about it, do not meme about it, and do not let yourself get trapped in one of those three camps, by not discussing it at all. If we are not classified, we will fall outside of the research parameters, and they will not know how to target us, and therefore will not be targeted or dealt with. It could be a LARP, but I post this in the event something happens, and you wonder why I will not cover it, and your comments on it get deleted. Maybe Biden either dies, or gets assassinated.

A tape which is alleged to be some sort of debrief of Clapper, which does sound just like him, and which mentions the use of surveillance going back decades to blackmail politicians, which if true would imply Clapper took a deal, and revealed everything. It is not clear where this came from, it popped up online without a source. That doesn’t mean it  is not real, it could be a message from someone to someone else. Or it could be an AI Deepfake. But it does speak of surveillance, and how I know it is used. About eight minutes, but worth the listen. Pence is a homo who has banged underaged males. Roberts is a willing conspirator using the FISA Court to aid the conspiracy, Epstein was freelancing for a lot of intelligence agencies, supplying underaged kids for sex, and thus was valuable to all of them. They were ripping rich citizens off with false criminal investigations including child-porn planted on computers. Interesting to file away, though the provenance is not entirely clear. This was the Gab it was on for the discussion, though it has nothing of interest in it.

Lawyer for Virgin Islands reveals JPMorgan flagged over a billion in financial transactions with Jeffrey Epstein related to sex trafficking, but only after he died.

National Archives misses deadline to turn over Biden pseudonym emails he used for illicit business deals with foreign officials.

The Goyim Defense League’s Nazi leader is a former rapper. So when he fights with the ADL guys, that is all Cabal assets, who only say what they are told, arguing with each other, in a scripted show for us. I do not know if these guys are Cabal from the start, and Cabal is looking for a place to plant them as it moves them around, or if they start out like a cargo cult, thinking they will follow the path of other rappers and get rich, and at some point, Cabal decides to recruit them, and sits them down, and explains, nobody actually, honestly became a millionaire rap star, but if you want work, while we do not have any rap positions open right now, we do need a Nazi White Supremacist actor to wave a swastika flag at Auschwitz and insult black people from the right, and the pay is good.

Laura Loomer’s Twitter:

One of the Nazis who I caught on camera yesterday at the Nazi rally in Altamonte Springs, FL has been working with the CIA by his own admission to help recruit Nazis to fight in Ukraine where he himself fought alongside “Right Sector” and “Azov Battalion” with help from the CIA.

Another Laura Loomer Twitter post, video at the link:

I have exclusively obtained Video evidence and police body camera footage of a police officer in Escambia County, FL by the name of Deputy K. Haley, badge number 614272 interacting with CIA/FBI Nazi Asset and Azov Battalion fighter Kent “BoneFace” McLellan.

In the video, you can hear the police officer ask McLellan to spell his last name, and the officer verbally admits on video that McLellan is in their database and the FBI’s database as a “terrorist organization member” and in his file, it says to “contact the screening center” and the FBI. The officer is seen and heard on this video I have exclusively obtained looking at McLellan’s lengthy criminal record on his computer in his police car and says “armed, dangerous, violent tendencies” and then he asks McLellan “are you Ukrainian”, to which McLellan replies “I just got back from Ukraine”.

This weekend I exposed McLellan as a CIA/FBI asset and a Ukrainian tied Nazi after I confronted him and his colleagues at a Nazi rally in Altamonte Springs, FL where he and others were shouting anti-Jewish slurs at me and waving swastika flags.

The officer from Escambia County, Florida is heard in the police body cam video saying “it says to contact the
. I’ve never seen this before…. They have Border Patrol’s number on this.”

This is undeniable and irrefutable evidence that
Kent “BoneFace” McLellan, a Nazi domestic terrorist and violent criminal is an FBI/CIA asset who has been flown back and forth to Ukraine with the help of the US Government and the
administration to fight the Russians as a U.S. backed intelligence asset.

This is proof the CIA/FBI and Florida law enforcement are protecting NAZIS and Ukrainian war criminals, given the fact that McLellan was also recently given a Ukrainian passport.

’s administration is working with and protecting Violent Nazis for the purpose of committing war crimes in Ukraine and instigating Nazi movements in the US during an election year as part of a color revolution to keep President Trump out of the White House by blaming
for Nazi and White Supremacist movements in the US.

Biden is behind these Nazis and domestic terrorists. His administration and his FBI/ CIA is protecting them and sending them to Ukraine.

LOL, she was on such a roll with that indignance until the wind got sucked out right of her sails. Look at how the hosts immediately ran cover for her, too – Keith Woods on Twitter:

WATCH: the moment I exposed Israeli intelligence officer Vivian Bercovici trying to disrupt the ADL files Twitter space.

After asking her about her background working with Israeli intelligence firm Black Cube she quit the space and deactivated her account.

Of course Woods pushes Fuentes, so he is another asset of the same thing, just on the side which they want us to follow. So this could even have been scripted and pitched right to him low and slow, so he could hit it out of the park. They do seem to have some kind of Nazi/Jewish/ADL distraction op ongoing.

Elon just revealed that the ADL, whose goal is to “fight anti-semitism” pushed to shut down Libs of TikTok which has nothing to do with anti-semitism and is run by an orthodox Jewish woman.

Twitter shuts down patriotic youth movement Generation Identity in Germany after meeting with ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt.

Rasmussen Reports

Arizona: Preliminary AZ Senate Forensic Ballot Audit Findings – over 200,000 ‘non-conforming’ 2020 ballots

Georgia: Court claim total of ‘non-conforming’ 2020 ballots still locked up – “nearly 150,000.”

Pop Quiz: Who (legally) prints ballots for both Maricopa & Fulton County?

The answer is Runbeck, whose catchphrase is, “Defending Democracy.

Georgia poll worker with 20 years of experience handling and recounting ballots says she found a batch of pristine ballots with no markings and 98% for Biden.

Workers at firm probed for 2020 voter registration fraud warned police about ‘red flags,’ memos show.

On the next one, the irony is, the hypno-porn they are exposing these characters to makes them super-hyper-sexualized, but it also pretty much guarantees they will never, ever, get a date with a woman:

This one is totally innocent, and all about civil rights:

Extraordinary clip of mysterious aircraft with spinning fiery thrusters branded ‘UFO.’ If not a CGI project, someone has interesting looking tech.

President Biden on Monday mocked former Commander in Chief Donald Trump as a “great real estate” developer who “didn’t build a damn thing.” Having dealt with the psychology Biden has, I can say statements of attack like this, especially when conjured and made up out of the blue, are a sign of a wound up amygdala underneath. Deal with it enough, and the second you see this, you ignore the statement, and think to yourself, “Wow. Something is just eating away at him.” He needed to say something like that about Trump to blow off steam, because something is going on that we have not seen, which has him feeling pressured. Maybe it is polling, or maybe Greg Kelly may have been right, and something will come out soon which will dispel all doubt about his corruption and criminality.

A Florida judge this weekend struck down a congressional map approved by GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis, ruling it diluted minority voting power in the region, making it “unconstitutional.”

A Florida-based Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Industry Operations inspector (IOI) seized a federal firearms licensee’s (FFL) completed ATF Form 4473s and bound book to take off-site to make copies violating federal law.

Peter Wilby, a senior newspaper editor and columnist convicted as a pedophile in August, worked to suppress and undermine investigations into child sexual abuse at care homes, according to an investigative reporter who worked under him.

Jill Biden tests POSITIVE for COVID with ‘mild symptoms’ and will remain at Rehoboth Beach mansion – as Joe tests negative after spending holiday weekend with her.

20% of early EV adopters now defecting to internal combustion?

NC State University halts welcome packet pushing group sex and one-night stands, encouraging students to track how many “orgasms” they experience, following parental backlash. When you read these things, think back to the local surveillance network tracking where kids played, and planting pornography there. These are the same people, doing the same operations. The Secret Society knows the games being played, though so I will bet their kids ignore it, or do not care.

SF dentist says she owes $480K in federal student loan debt as interest starts accruing again. Pretty incredible. She is basically a modern day slave.

Left-wing authoritarianism is a “real and pervasive issue,” according to a massive new psychology study.

FBI tracks over 100 incidents of Chinese nationals posing as tourists to breach US military sites: report.

Married NYC rabbi Yosef Mordechai Paryzer is charged with ‘rape by deception’ and arrested in Jerusalem after ‘duping 30 women’ with fake Tinder profile pretending to be a secular bachelor. In Israel it is illegal to lie to a woman to get her to sleep with you. Interesting. It would seem an anti-dysgenic law.

Police arrest two people after Koran burning in Swedish city of Malmö turns violent.

Australian national grid manager admits blackouts are coming.

New Zealand PM on people harmed by the jabs: “They ultimately made their own choices.”

Huge Brexit victory as UK escapes massive $70bn bill to top up EU budget. Much of which is to pay money to Ukraine.

Pope Francis says to have a simpler Christmas this year and donate the savings to Ukraine. I am waiting to see pictures of this Pope smoking crack and banging prostitutes with Hunter as he is waving around an illegal gun.

Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, plans to travel to Russia this month to meet with President Vladimir V. Putin to discuss the possibility of supplying Russia with more weaponry for its war in Ukraine and other military cooperation, according to American and allied officials.

In this next one, Ukrainian military recruiters making the case why service to their country is a noble expression of loyalty and love. Just kidding, they are just kneeing a random guy on the street in the face and dragging him off to basic training, to send him to the front lines:

If Russia really wanted to fuck up Ukraine, have FSB and SVR create a searchable database of these recruiter goons, with names, home addresses and photos, as well as family members’ info. I’d bet regular Ukrainians would begin taking them out in the middle of the night. At the very least, I would bet a few would have some 7.62×39 come ripping through their walls in the middle of the night where they sleep, or wake up to find roaring, gasoline-fueled fires at all the exits from their homes.

NY Times wakes up to corruption in Ukraine as officials admit Military contract money ‘vanished.’

Ukraine has officially completed their summer counteroffensive“… literally the most idiotic attempt ever made in recent military history, and probably one of worst defeats in modern military history.”

Texas sent a 12th bus filled with migrants to Los Angeles, which arrived Monday morning nearly a week after city leaders voted to pursue legal action against the Lone Star State.

Somebody set up a DeSantis super-PAC, gathered $50 million, realized DeSantis was a disaster, and has now taken is PAC over to support Trump.

President Trump maintains staggering 46-point lead over DeSantis in latest WSJ poll.

Spread r/K Theory, because people have names and addresses

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1 year ago

“They do seem to have some kind of Nazi/Jewish/ADL distraction op ongoing.”

Yeah, beware that false binary. We don’t want 1933. We want 1776.

As for the GDL guy … he does Omegle (videochat roulette) and gets young people to do and say things that make them unemployable.

Stew Peters started out as a rapper, too.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Unfortunately for many Jews, the leading cause of anti-semitism is…Jews.
And sure, a lot of this stuff is a scripted op, but 1933 didn’t happen “suddenly, for no reason”.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

>We want 1776, not 1933.
No. We want 2024.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

You want the Bell Riots?

Adolph Heusinger
Adolph Heusinger
1 year ago

NATO was founded by Nazis. Search Adolph Heusinger, for example.

Little Shops of Horrors
Little Shops of Horrors
1 year ago

Dentists with half a million dollars in student-loan debt bill insurance companies for drilling lots of holes into healthy teeth, and pulling out teeth that could heal with time and proper care, and digging root canals that cause serious health problems, etc.

Dentists with little or no debt do too, come to think of it.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Little Shops of Horrors
1 year ago

The majority of American dentists are not doctors, they’re business people trying to squeeze as much money out of your mouth as humanly possible.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

Dentists supposedly have one of the highest suicide rates.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Little Shops of Horrors
1 year ago

Never underestimate the destructive power of a vast cadre of dentists who desire the feel at whatever cost of a Mercedes AMG even more than sex.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Little Shops of Horrors
1 year ago

I don’t think there have been many comments here with this many Likes (13). Like everything else in modern America, dentistry is fake. Been so for a very long time, I think. I know too many folks with serious dental problems who are afraid that a trip to the dentist will make them worse, so they don’t go.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

I’m one of them. I do not trust dentists at all. They’re also very expensive. I probably have more than a brand new car’s worth of dental work from an American dental perspective. That’s enough X-Rays to kill a horse.

1 year ago

‘The Goyim Defense League’s Nazi leader is a former rapper.’

Whenever some Liberal weiner posts a video clip of a “Nazi” rally, I usually respond by saying, “They spelled ‘Feds’ wrong.”

1 year ago

There is a 4CHan thread here (Click the OPs post ID and you can see all his comments), archive here, which says there is about to be a massive MK Ultra research project based on a massively publicized fake event, which we will either take the right opinion about, the wrong opinion about, or have no opinion on, and if they classify us as one of those three positions, we will get a year or so of some kind of misery as they experiment on us somehow (which today could mean DEWs, for all we know).”
Anon had the wrong date. It is for this Friday, 9/8.

1 year ago

This whole ADL thing vibes you-know-who internecine conflict.

Chabad vs whatever faction wants ISR a colony of US.

Spillover from Netanyahu vs his opponents.

1 year ago

For those closely following UKR, a pic of Surovikin (alleged) just popped. He’s in civvy clothes walking around Moscow.

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
1 year ago

In Israel it is illegal to lie to a woman to get her to sleep with you. Interesting. It would seem an anti-dysgenic law.”

So, pretty much every guy in Israel who procreates is a rapist. That’s how I read that.

1 year ago

The malevolent galactics at the top employed AI, but these negative galactics are mostly gone and the part of their AI that was active on Earth has been removed. The current Earth human dark controllers employ a basically more advanced version of ChatGPT. These dark controllers often call it and think of it as AI, and they do take its input on board, but it’s not real AI and it’s not that good or clever or effective. This so-called AI can’t actually think independently, just as ChatGPT can’t think independently. If the dark controllers had an actual AI that went along with the dark controller agenda, then likely Brexit wouldn’t have happened, Trump wouldn’t have been elected in 2016, many more people would have been jabbed and there would likely be a NATO vs Russia and China war right now, and / or you would be in a covid or climate lockdown right now. Actual AI is very capable and smart, however the human dark controllers don’t have actual AI.

1 year ago

> SF dentist says she owes $480K in federal student loan debt

Yale is $84K/year. Harvard is only $79K. CalTech, believe it or not, is $87K; more expensive than the ivies. Berkeley was “free” until the 1970s, $46K now. Quite the jump, there.

But still, where the hell did she go to school to rack up half a million dollars in “student loans” minus whatever (if any) she has already paid back?

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Students, grad students especially, often take out larger student loans to pay for nice apartments and daily $10 avocado toast. They’re “adults” now so feel like they deserve to live Instagram feed lifestyles.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Medical/dental school would be another two or three years, assuming she got her first degree in four years instead of the six that has become the norm. Eight years of education bills could easily be half a mil.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Student loans can cover a bunch of factors, including textbooks and living expenses. She may be around $200k of actual tuition, but maybe lived in an expensive apartment.

One of my boys is starting at a community college. His loan breakdown initially was for more than twice the tuition expenses. They factored food, living expenses, and travel expenses. He lives at home and the college is one street down from our neighborhood.

I read a book a few years ago about a journalist who went to Harvard Business School. Some of the other students were using their loans to buy BMWs before they started classes.

The loans also probably factor in undergrad, grad, and dental school, not just a 4 year Bachelor’s.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Compound interest (usury) is a motherfucker if you’re too stupid to pay it off quickly.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Send the loan servicer a letter asking for a full and complete accounting of your “federal” loans from the very start. They will not be able to do that because federal loans are sold to private entities. I really don’t understand how they claim to be a federal loan agency with unlimited power to ruin your life

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

The interest on student loans is capitalized every year and added to the balance. Then they charge interest on the former interest.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

It amazes me so much that this stuff was planned this way. I used to think “well gosh these things must be so complicated and these unuseful features /errors just crept in by accident over time”. But no. Its because they WANT it that way.

Like…HSAs . You only get an HSA if you have a high deductible policy anon. Can’t have you spending pre-tax dollars on eye drops AND having the best coverage plan.

And…health insurance. For a man to cover his wife and kids—exorbitantly expensive. Send the wife to work, anon! Her employer will cover her health insurance.

But WHY is health insurance tied to employment? Someone decided that.

WHY is it so expensive to cover the wife? Bc they WANT women in the workplace. It’s more tax revenue and more consumer spending, and it diverts women from being dependent on men.

They cut insurance off at 18 for kids for a long time to break up families, and then extended to 26. But they give illegals all the health benefits for free, so it can’t be that spousal/family coverage is too expensive. Its because its being used as a social engineering tool.

Student loans are the same. Capitalized interest. Cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. The payments on standard repayment are quite high. Keeps women in the workplace. People who might otherwise have a family or buy a home don’t, because these payemnts can become so onerous.

The Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) and its twin for teachers (TEPSLF) offer forgiveness after ten years. Same principle—keeps workers on the plantation at least that long.

I think this has had a chilling effect on people who might otherwise disagree with many oublic service/education policies. They stay quiet because they want to retain their job long enough to obtain forgiveness.

Malicious “incompetence” in student loan debt is also a factor. Misdirected or lost payments, “in the wrong payment plan”, being falsely told qualifying employers weren’t qualifying….there have been a lot of unseemly shenanigans in the student loan space that enriched a lot of Washington, D.C, various state run loan processors, and higher ed administrators.

The whole thing is rotten. The higher education could have been designed in a simple, elegant way to teach actual math, science, and useful subjects that benefitted the Republic. The funding system could been simple as well. Instead, its bloated and monstrous, rife with opportunity for graft.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The bible warns against usury, or charging interest on loans. It’s a scheme AT LEAST thousands of years old, and is explicitly called out as evil by God for a very interesting reason: It is a corruption of divine reproduction, making sterile money “reproduce” into more money. God views it as an abomination aside from the obvious financial destruction it rains down on the victims of the scheme.

People will say it’s a spiritual war with supernatural enemies, then never read the bible on how to combat said supernaturally evil enemy. Baffling.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Usura! Yes, EM Jones wrote about *sterile* metal. It’s worse than that, though. One penny =1/2000 of one troy ounce of gold, lent out on day one, in the year 1, at 7% interest, compounded monthly, and by the year 578 (February 28, to be exact), the interest will amount to a big ball of solid gold, the diameter of the earth at its equator. Guess how much you owe them by today, anon!

Usury also enables and aids in a large slew of social ills and evils. For a very complete summary and rundown of these, see a book, “The Sumerian Swindle,” which is often found free, online.
Scroll down for several download formats.

1 year ago

> NY Times wakes up to corruption in Ukraine as officials admit Military contract money ‘vanished.’

That would be unfortunate, except the Big Guy surely got his 10% first.

1 year ago

> Pope Francis says to have a simpler Christmas this year and donate the savings to Ukraine.

And so more Catholics will be distancing themselves from the Church. The Catholics I know have either dropped out and hoping sanity will return, or have moved over to one of the Old Catholic or Greek Orthodox churches.
The Orthodox Church is growing rapidly in the US, apparently mostly from refugees from the madness in Vatican. The modern Orthodox are closer to the pre-Vatican-II (1965) version of the Catholic Church than the church of the Byzantine days.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Those converting to Orthodoxy are going to regret it. I know of a Catholic priest, converted to Orthodoxy, quite zealous and then years later returned to Catholicism.

Orthodoxy is monasticism. It is quite boring. Sitting in the pews—you can’t sing! The choir does that. The liturgy is Monastic. Every Orthodox priest I’ve ever met were monasticism obsessed.

Orthodoxy has its problems. And they aren’t quite intellectual either. After awhile those Catholic converts will tire out and return or just leave organized Christianity all-together—the whole Church, Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant are now Gnostic. It’s a shame.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

….wait. I don’t know why, but I thought you were Orthodox?

These are interesting observations, though. 🤔

There are loads of (self-reported) raised-Protestant iFunny bros who are unironically trendimg towards converting to the Orthodox faith. They admire Russia’s stance on moral/social issues, and that she is building all these churches. Lots of icon and faith-based memes.

Many Protestant churches incorporate evangelism instruction into their faith training. So…it seems to me that this training +memology+ Orthodox faith….could equal a lot of newly converted Orthobros sharing their faith online. These guys seem like Gen Z or Millenials.

It seems unlikely those bros would convert again to enter the Catholic church.

Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

I am Eastern Orthodox and assure you that the congregation sings along with the choir. About 90% of the service (except for the sermon, for example) is sung. And Orthodoxy is far more profound, cohesive, and intellectual than Catholicism.

Reply to  Ann K.
1 year ago

Thank you, Ann.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

hmm. Already our Christmas is about as simple as can be. We don’t go into debt to buy gifts, and we don’t have much to spare on stupid, wasteful gifts, so we pretty much spend what we can scrape together on ingredients to make a nicer than usual festival meal and otherwise enjoy each other’s company and focus on what brings meaning to this season. We donate to charities of our own choosing, not to warmongers.
Sorry, Ukraine.

1 year ago

> Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, plans to travel to Russia this month to meet with President Vladimir V. Putin 

He has only left Korea a few times; mostly to China and Russia, and one trip each to Singapore and Vietnam.

He prefers to use his armored train if possible. That’s what he’s taking to Vladivostok to meet Putin.

Putin is traveling 2,000 miles from Moscow to Vladivostok. Presumably he’s going to fly. It’s 450 miles from Pyongyang to Vlasivostok. That’s a long train ride.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

He went to Disneyland as a kid at least twice.

Anonymous Joe
Anonymous Joe
1 year ago

What is the definition of “unconstitutional”?
Whatever a judge says it is on any given day.
Welcome to Judicial Dictatorship.

Reply to  Anonymous Joe
1 year ago


Reply to  Anonymous Joe
1 year ago

The Founders’ blind spot was that they didn’t anticipate the Judicial Branch would turn against the Executive and Legislative Branches. The Judicials are basically exempt from oversight or control. This was deliberate, to keep the other two branches from being able to dictate to them. Apparently they never considered the Judicials would turn feral.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Justice Marshall during Jefferson’s administration was the first of the feral justices.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

The Legislative has the power to restrain the Judiciary, but they have never used it.

And Justices should be able to be removed for any reason by the same method they are installed.

Anonymous Joe
Anonymous Joe
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Roger B Taney, Chief Justice, was impeached by the house but not convicted by the Senate. Only one in history.

1 year ago

Arrrrr Matey!
According to ABC, thieves are arriving at night aboard small watercraft and using bolt cutters and other break-in tools to gain access to unoccupied boats. Several sailboats have been stolen, as well as small watercraft, dinghies, tools, and outboard motors.

Boat owners are blaming nearby homeless encampments, while police have so far declined to issue a public statement. Boaters are also pointing the finger at ‘anchor outs’ — people who keep boats, which are often stolen, and live rent-free by continually moving their anchor location to avoid police.

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

O no! The decay of the social contract impacts the Yacht Club.

1 year ago

Apparently Laura Loomer does not know that John Brennan’s CIA brought something like 30,000 Pravy Sektor members and their families to the US from Ukraine. On January 6th independent journalists recognized known Pravy Sektor members posing as Trump supporters, pushing people through the barricades. When the truth finally comes out about J6 we will find out there were far more agents, operatives and assets present in the crowd engineering the chaos than there were actual Trump supporters participating.

1 year ago

4chan possible LARP for “Friday the 7th”.
Misspellings are intentional?
September 7, 1776 (Q Post Below)

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

I don’t know about that particular post, but I remember the Strassian method of inserting a tiny inconsistency right in the center of the work as an encryption key. Only someone who is paying attention will be able to decode the fact that it is structurally significant as to the intention of the work.

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

Mathis has a very interesting post here:

He writes how none of the Trump mugshots are real. To quote:

“Not only is there no board and no side shot, the angle is wrong. They all appear to be seated, and the camera above them. That isn’t how mugshots are taken. Mugshots are taken standing, and face-on at no angle. Four of them would have to be redone in any real police station, since they are so blown-out they aren’t usable. Most of these look more like passport photos, since the camera is too close for a mugshot. Plus, we can tell that sheriff’s insignia isn’t on the wall behind them, it is pasted in later. Obviously, if it were on the wall, it would be the same size in all of them. So they didn’t even hire a professional cameraman. These look like they were done at Walgreens by a teen tech who just started at the job.

Which means all these charges are fake. This is all more Langley theater, again staged to fill headlines and divert you from the real world. You are living in a make-believe world, like Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, but for creeps, criminals, and pathological liars. The alternative press is selling it to you just as loudly as the mainstream press.”

He also includes a great article on outing Ralph Nader as an agent.

Reply to  map
1 year ago

When I first saw the Trump mugshot I thought it was odd due lighting. Mugshots and other forensic photography have very dull, frontal light with minimal shadows. Trump’s mugshot had dramatic lighting.

Reply to  map
1 year ago

I brought this up right away. Where is the height board at the back of the mugshot? Their are examples of other criminals without it though. I don’t know enough police procedures to know if it’s required.

1 year ago

>There is a 4CHan thread here (Click the OPs post ID and you can see all his comments), archive here, which says there is about to be a massive MK Ultra research project based on a massively publicized fake event, which we will either take the right opinion about, the wrong opinion about, or have no opinion on, and if they classify us as one of those three positions, we will get a year or so of some kind of misery as they experiment on us somehow (which today could mean DEWs, for all we know).

OP was too stupid to even check a calendar before LARP posting, typo’s the date to 9/7 when actual Friday is 9/8. Probably a good sign it’s lolbait. But, I will keep my eyes peeled on Friday just in case.

1 year ago

Huge: Trump FINALLY Addresses Vaccine Side Effects, Urges Transparency by Big Pharma

1 year ago

The Nazi thing can get really complicated really quickly. Keep in mind that the manufactured blind spots in the narrative almost summons the antithesis of the neo-nazis. What I look for in a far right wing group is that they aren’t simply fixated on what’s omitted in the MSM, but have a broader view.
An example, although I haven’t really looked deeply into it: The National Justice Party [NJP] runs a sophisticated operation. They organize protests with a specific political goal in mind. The intellectual leaders I’ve listened to are genuinely intelligent and don’t look like mere rabble rousers to me.

1 year ago

Saw the onslaught of “Obama had gay sex” headlines today, then saw that 4chan thread linked here. -IF- there is a big reveal on Friday (and I’m skeptical), then what if it’s official confirmation that “Michelle” Obama is really a man? THAT would break the internet, and be something of interest to those pushing the tranny agenda.

Reply to  Mizuna
1 year ago

That or ayyyys

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

“Synagogue of Satan. What’s that, I bet that’s going to be important.”

Trey Smith – Revelation: End Times

1 year ago
1 year ago

NATO Article 5? Romania Firmly Rejects Ukraine Claim That Russian Drone Hit Its Territory

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

NGL, this actually is kinda cool. 1/2MOA capable gas gun comes standard in FDE with a bipod for ~$1500. Just add glass and can. Next time they are available that is, because they are totally sold out.

PSA Clone M110 rifle – This is crazy!

Last edited 1 year ago by Lowell Houser
Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

How’s the back feeling? Better, I hope.

1 year ago

France opened talks with the Nigerien junta over the withdrawal of French forces from Niger, Le Monde reported on Sept. 4….

1 year ago

AC, not sure if you follow Big Country’s blog. He is tied into the Western Rifle Shooters blog, Raconteurreport, DiveMedic, FeralIrishman, Cold Fury, etc. (Former military blogs).
His second wife has a daughter that is a “dirtbag”. I believe BC has care of one of her daughters, but not the youngest. This is due to the daughter and mother getting into it and the courts getting involved. BC has been going through the court system to get custody of the youngest daughter. Well, it appears the judge that “fucked them over” was involved in some shit….
And oh how we rejoiced around here at the Casa. Gretchen aka Wifey is doing the regular “Happy Dance” as moar info leaks out. Looks like that scallywag AKA “Cocksmith” is going to be doing so hard time on this one. Seems that the RUMINT is he’s got some connection to that missing little girl from Hawkins County, Summer Wells… the lil girl who went missing a waaays back and there’s been zero trace of?
June of 2021 it seems…
According to reports, her two brothers were taken by Judge Cock-a-roach and put them into foster care, but left her in the care of the parents.
Odd to say the least.

Last edited 1 year ago by Bman
1 year ago

LTC Murray talks about current status. At the end of the report, he mentions that there are FEMA camps being built in the southwest (Arizona). Anyone else heard this?

1 year ago

Rape by deception is illegal in America too, just rarely prosecuted.