Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – G7 Imposes Russian Oil Price Caps
DFT – Bed Bath & Beyond’s Turnaround Plan Judged Insufficient
DFT – Larry Summers Says Unemployment Will Need To Hit 6% To Get Inflation To Target Rate
DFT – Facebook Parent Meta Focusing On Making Paid Features For Its Apps
DFT – Chinese Exports From Xinjiang Surge Despite Forced Labor Import Ban
We sound nuts here sometimes, but stick around and eventually the nutty ideas promoted here end up just as common knowledge. Just don’t forget where these ideas are revealed first:
Were the Marines digitally added to Biden’s speech?
Melania Trump bought new wardrobe after FBI ‘contaminated’ her clothes during Mar-a-Lago raid.
Donald Trump: FBI did a ‘deep and ugly search’ of Barron Trump’s room.
Bannon Swatted for a third time.
GOP PAC buys New Hampshire ads to boost establishment candidate over Trump-allied front-runner.
Oklahoma education sec demands teacher’s license pulled for ‘providing access to banned pornographic material.’ When I went to school, my teachers were competent, but they really didn’t give a fuck. My impression was teaching was just how they got money fairly easily to live the lives they wanted when they left work. All these teachers, caring so much about exposing kids to sexualizing materials, caring enough to risk losing their jobs, is not how it works. They have to be under some kind of orders, carrying out some kind of assignment.
Former Planned Parenthood instructor: We pushed sex ed on kids to create a market for abortion.
U.S. Army approves order for thousands of Microsoft augmented reality combat goggles.
America has the highest rate of children living in single-parent households in the world. I want to say richest nation, freest resources, most r-strategy, but if you have an intel operation using tier one psychological techniques to manipulate the population, r/K may not have anything to so with it. Though I suspect it made it easier.
Bed Bath & Beyond CFO, 52, is identified as man who jumped to his death from 18th floor of NYC’s ‘Jenga’ tower – two days after firm announced plans to lay off 20% of staff and close 150 stores. Be interesting if we find out there was a lot of financial fuckery going on at Bed Bath & Beyond.
China vows ‘counter-measures’ as US okays $1.1bn Taiwan arms sales.
Russia to expose evidence of US Bioweapon research in Ukraine.
70,000 protest in Prague against Czech government, EU, and NATO.
2 in 5 Americans say a second civil war is likely, poll finds.
Trump leads Biden by 7 points in Pennsylvania.
Thousands line up in PA for Trump’s first rally since Mar-a-Lago raid and Biden’s Moloch speech.
Spread r/K Theory, because if you aren’t cheating you aren’t trying.
[…] News Briefs – 09/04/2022 — Anonymous Conservative […]
Melania’s new wardrobe…
“ Melania Trump’s friend noted that she is a “bigger germaphobe” than the former president, who Politico once described as “the most germ-conscious man to ever lead the free world.”
Germ often referred to as a bug.
Are we having comments about surveillance, as in the “bugs” that intel plants?
Trump is always shaking hands and taking pictures.
Not the actions of a “germ-conscious” person.
Germans and Russians are both germaphobes. Behind the Iron curtain where Melania Knauss came from, things like antibiotics were more scarce. The authorities really pushed cleanliness including food preparation, medicine, washing hands, etc. as a way of promoting good health.
They also had Phage Therapy in place of antibiotics:
AC, I loved this line:
I was reading your Neurological basis and Homosexuality thingy and what I don’t understand is the biological illogic, contradiction. —Women relatives of homosexual men who are very fecund—AT the same time hate children, families and unstable.
How does Nature put “fecund” and “hate children” together? Though I agree with your work there, very interesting. I can’t wrap my mind around this contradiction. “Nature is screwy”? sometimes dysfunctional itself? is there some dysfunctionality in Nature? Or is this logical?
Really the act of making children is very different from the act of raising children. Even to the point one is blindly hedonistic and an excess of the drive will produce irresponsibility, while the other requires an unflinching willingness to sacrifice, and a blind commitment to responsibility.
Making and raising are two entirely different things, which draw on entirely different psychological underpinnings. And it is not by chance they are that way, and it just happens to be perfect for splitting humans off into purely r or purely K.
Its the severing of rights from responsibilities
As perfectly exemplified with the severing of legitimate pleasure(in that case sexual) from its consequences and responsibility which is the obligation to the spouses and children.
Work being severed from reward is why we end up with addiction. Rather than hard work somehow tempering the reward and preventing it from overrunning one’s own life.
Asceticism tempering hedonism.
It’s an instinct to quantity over quality.
If you have too many kids you can’t afford to keep them around so you drive them off as soon as possible.
This is why I don’t get the “you leave the house at 18” mentality. I suspect this is a psyop designed to completely demoralize young adults and make them hate their parents. What’s the point of a family legacy if everyone gets kicked out just before they even become minimally competent? Supporting them for another couple years would be far more effective long-term for everyone.
Yes, it’s a very r selected and inhuman thing to do.
You do t have children do you?
You dodn’t understand the point.
Someone asked why some women have lots of children even though they hate children and I gave a logical reason of why that would be that also fits what we know about r selection.
On “Resource availability”
look back on my life. I’m a tall, big boy when I was kid–but never had enough to eat. At night, I would sneak down and raid the refrigerator and get the peanut butter and just mix jelly with peanut butter on a spoon. I would eat the dry dog food (it was good). and when my parents came home from eating out at the fancy restaurant and give me the doggy bag to the dogs, I would take out the bone, and chew off the meat before I gave it to the dogs.
There is something to that. People excoriate the Spartan training of boys into stealing—the Spartans purposely underfed the boys, so they would steal. A resource limited supply creates k people. But not only that stealing requires planning, action, concerted stealth and a flexibility and creative mindset. One also has to be a detective in reverse—“where are the players/restrictors” so one manuevers around them. That creates a hyper mind, a aerobic mind.
Your constant drumbeat in your r/k articles is that boys need to be trained into k. That is the Virtue of Manliness. That is the first step. Raising boys to be men is a science. And no, most parents really don’t have the time, resources and knowledge to do that. That is the ingenuity and brilliance of the Spartans and their agoge.
Theft is r selected disdain for the rules and a lack of respect for others.
Forcing people into that thought pattern is not good.
I do understand you a bit more now and place more blame on your parents for your issues.
Also the Spartan society failed spectacularly. And underperformed militarily against more flexible forces like the Thebans. They were never able to recover.
“…Also the Spartan society failed spectacularly….”
False. They only failed because they ran out of man power. Look it up. A fact.
If you want to blame anyone on the Spartans failure, it’s their Women. They only had one real job, have kids, and didn’t.
Which means they failed spectacularly.
A more effective Military society is the Mongols for example. Nomads had logistical advantages with food on hooves that they bring along with them like Sheep and Cattle. So long as there was grass to eat. They weren’t so constrained logistically.
Also they didn’t have the rigidity of the Agoge to destroy their strategy and tactics.
A good blog post on why Sparta was a complete failure:
I think this guy is a hack job. I’ve read probably every one his essays. I eventually quit reading them. I got this uneasy feeling reading them not unlike Miles Mathis stuff where he constantly tries so hard to push a bizarre point of view.
Now he has all sorts of facts on this and that and the other but how does he explain how the Spartans dominated from 650BC to 371 BC and kept political independence until 192 BC when it was forced into the Achaean League. Yet it gained independence somewhat under the Romans and was only sacked in 396 AD. So it mostly was independent all these years. Who else can you say that about? He’s missing something. I think he cherry picked his facts. His name is BretDevereaux and I bet he is Jewish.
So why would he go to all this trouble. Jews do this constantly. They attack White peoples civilization all the time(They are so hostile most of us would, and I do, consider them mentally ill). He says the Spartans had all these failures, so how the hell did they remain independent? Bluff everyone for hundreds and hundreds of years? No I don’t think so. I have little faith in “experts” especially, most especially, if they have even a whiff of Jew about them or are a part of any sort of Jewish run anything. A lot of times when people tell you stuff like this you have to look at the big picture or the root of what they are saying and the longevity of the Spartans DOES NOT in any way look like the society he is saying it was. He should explain this. With all these “facts” why can’t he explain this?
The guy has all sorts of articles in all sorts of Jewish run publications, meaning, he’s probably Jewish and just another in a long line of Jews trying to demoralize stupid White people who pay any attention to what Jews say.
Probably. But when they are compared with the Nomads of the Steppe. The Nomads are a better Militaristic society.
I want to add. Think of all the lies and bullshit they have told you for decades. Gould wrote a book that said a guy who measured skulls of different races and said the brain volume was race specific lied. “The Mismeasurement of Man”.They taught that in colleges for many decades. I think they still do even though someone actually, finally, took the exact same skulls measured them again and found, he was right. Skull volumes are different by race. The guy lied and because he was Jewish they pumped that stuff into our heads for decades.
Think of the decades of “meat is bad for you” and now we find that the data is fake. Think about the study done. I think was the 7 countries or some such. That also proved that meat was bad for you but, it was fake. He lied. He was a vegetarian and lied.
Think about all these studies we now find are fake.
Here’s what I do. No matter what they babble on about, I look at the big picture and use Musk idea that you get to the root of the evidence and if parts don’t make sense, then I don’t believe them. I generally only trust evidence that fits the big picture.
Publishing is money laundering and payoffs, but primarily an influence op. Every bookstore has tons of feminist material, but try finding a book that criticizes that ideology. Or textbooks that make teenagers associate not freedom but slavery with America’s founders.
I think this attempt to keep everyone on the same mental plantation has been quite successful. I have been in the homes of some very bookish elderly people, with master’s degrees in the humanities or STEM professors with interests also outside of the sciences, and a book by Ben Shapiro would have been more provocative than anything in their personal libraries.
It’s also possible that a lot of authors are just PR fronts for ghostwritten texts, and do agent-y things on their book tours or even most of the time. There was one young pretty female author who more or less wrecked the life of the son of some big landowners in the UK. She just so happened to vacation in the same luxury resort as he did. Crazy marriage and divorce, followed by a very long and complicated custody battle over their kid.
> Microsoft augmented reality combat goggles
Blue Screen of Death takes on a new meaning
These goggles I bet make great training. No it’s not the real thing but if squads can practice moving together, attacking, etc. while just marching in place to substitute for moving that’s 85% of what they need. The real benefit is that it’s cheap so they can do a lot of it. Could combine with tanks, APCs, aircraft, all networked to see the same battle. The ability to critique the after battle step by step without killing anyone would be priceless.
Exactly this. Already being used at West Point.
> America has the highest rate of children living in single-parent households in the world.
propaganda: “single-parent households”
reality: “single-mother households”
Fathers have been removed because mothers are strong and independent and don’t need no man.
and theyll leave a man too if they dont get to fat up, quit werking in or out of home, and watch teevee all the time. and either give it up for some other guy, or leech free hints off them. but yeah they make up their own minds on politix and vaxes etc
– Children who live with biological fathers are LEAST likely to be involved in crime as perps or victims.
– Children living with single mothers are MOST likely to be involved in crimes as both perps and victims.
– Single mothers are the #1 murderers of children with black single mothers at the top. As a matter of fact the #1 cause of death for black boys under age 10 is murder by mother. It goes even deeper. Most of these mothers are on opioids prescribed by white doctors.
– 70% of prison inmates in American prisons were raised by single mothers. That number jumps to 90% for blacks, males and females alike.
Finally, the #s for single fathers are the same whether the mothers are present or not.
Yes, fathers are very important. But what happens when the father dies early? That is what the Spartan agoge was—a surrogate father. The agoge was headed up by a paidonomos. All the boys were under constant authority of either older boys or the paidonomos.
And all those murderers who just happen to be women ought to all be executed. Exterminated from the face of the earth.
I’m not so sure. Remember, most of them are on DOCTOR PRESCRIBED OPIOIDS. OPIOIDS HAVE VIOLENT SIDE EFFECTS. INCLUDING SUICIDE AND HOMICIDE. If it was up to me I would execute the “doctors” first.
Same with abortion. Abortion is murder but I don’t blame the women. It is the Satanic Nazi doctors. Abortion “doctors” deserve death en masse. Even when talking about veteran suicide the D.O.D. gives opioids to combat soldiers to make them coldblooded killers.
Suicide is the side effect of the depression caused by the drugs and having to face the atrocities they have committed. LEARNED THAT FROM MY DAD WHO WAS IN VIETNAM 67-68. HE HAD ISSUES THAT ENDED UP TAKING HIS LIFE IN 99 WHEN HE WAS ONLY 53.
BIG PHARMA is the real enemy. The real perp.
See the origin of the word ‘assassin’ — would-be killers got high on hash to make ‘em willing to do the job
Murder is murder. God makes no exceptions. Neither does he exempt women from responsibility.
I do see you point. However in regards to Big Pharma.
Anon, You need to read AC’s Neurological Correlates of Political Ideology and Homosexuality – The Extreme r-Hypothesis of Homosexuality | Anonymous Conservative
If the marines were digitally added, then when and where was the speech really performed?
If Biden is really senile, could he have given that speech in one go? Was the speaker an actor or was this speech a cut ‘n’ paste job Of Biden’s lucid moments while he was in Delaware?
Is the technology that good that elements can be added as the speech is being broadcast? Does the present audience see one thing and the remote audience see another?
To what extent was the media complicit in this deception?
Of all your ?s we can be sure of one thing: media, intel, and Cabal are one. To the full extent possible media is/was complicit. That is no longer a question.
If some former Marine could comment on this, I would be much obliged: What kind of stance was that the Marines were assuming? It’s not attention, it’s not parade rest — is this actually a legitimate stance?
I saw someone say it is a stance for funerals but the feet were placed wrong.
Short answer = No.
Notice they were white. “They” only use white when they want your buy in.
> Is the technology that good that elements can be added as the speech is being broadcast?
Absolutely. Green screens have been good enough for broadcasts for a long time, and the new real-time projected 3D digital environment tech used in shows like The Mandalorian are going to be even better for background compositing.
Look into the International Space Station broadcasts being faked on green screens.
They have augmented reality tech that allows the actors to “handle” 3D composited elements that do not exist in reality using special finger sensors and either AR contacts or a monitor showing the composite in real time. Once you see the level of visual deception used to keep the space myth alive you’ll see a lot of the techniques they use in day-to-day deceptions more clearly.
I assume many speeches are CGI or by actors
I posted a link to a really good AI drawn picture. Looking around I happened to find a link to an online AI picture drawing program. So I entered,
epstein politician vaccine
it said
“…This prompt contains prohibited words: “Epstein politician vaccine”…”
So I tried
Enki vaccine politician ufo neanderthal
the result might not be saved but here it is. Not really impressed.
I entered “syringe coffin meadow” and chose a “sinister”-type canvas. The muddled result falls curiously short of any hoped-for outcome.
It does look “sinister” though.
“In Alaska, Republicans received 60% of the vote and lost the race to a Democrat with 40% of the vote.”
“Missouri Republican Governor Mike Parson is pushing “ranked choice” voting in attempt to help Democrats win in state from now on.”
This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of. Republicans that support this should be put on a rocket and blasted into the sun.
“U.S. Army approves order for thousands of Microsoft augmented reality combat goggles.”
Pre-op tranny simulators? They want to know what life is like ‘with different gear’.
What a waste of money and time if tptb think this type of training is anywhere equal to real life. How do they think recruits will react when live ammo comes whistling past their unprepared skulls?
Better than without the training.
> Indiana’s Supreme Court has ruled unanimously in favor of upholding the termination of a former Catholic high school teacher due to his same-sex marriage.
The teacher will now set up a GoFundMe that will more than pay for his lawyers, who will file a case in Federal court, since that violates a bunch of different Federal laws. He has “the law” on his side, and the taxpayers of Indiana will pay the state’s assessment for damages, which are likely to be substantial.
I view this as very much a “state’s rights” issue, that the Fed has suborned via regulatory capture. The ruling, which will almost certainly favor the teacher, will add another notch to weaken state’s rights.
The Court looks based, but the consequences are going to come out different from what casual headline-viewers think.
The 1stA is against him so thanks to Trump you can’t count on SCOTUS taking his side.
> Prosecutor for state’s Child protection division arrested on multiple charges for preying on children.
Pedos always gravitate toward where their targets are.
Parents are always worried about “stranger danger”, but their children are far more likely to be abused by daycare, schoolteachers, ‘children’s services’, or other people, than some rando.
Have not ever done. Will not ever do. Thanks for noticing.
Every one of those environments should be stuffed with recording cameras that livestream over the internet these days.
And nobody should be letting their kids go to those places.
This is why homeschooling is better. And an SAHM is superior to dropping kids off at “childcare” which they deceptively call daycare as and other children services.
Surveillance guide?
Surveillance guide (sorry previous one was wrong link)
Thank you for posting this. I had seen this ages ago, but didn’t see the full context until just now, as so much of this has been revealing itself in the interim, and I just have not had time to gaze at the whole picture.
Just for the newbies happening by, obviously I am followed by this weird civilian surveillance network many call gangstalking, but which is really just some kind of Stasi-like embedded intelligence gathering surveillance/informant network being run by whatever really runs things. Oddly enough, long before I saw it, or even could have believed it possible, back when I was clueless, my Mom would talk about incidents which baffled her, but which were clearly this thing following her as a child, back in the 50’s, around when this video, and another later version out there, would have been made. My mom would get on public transportation, back in those days when kids could do that alone without fear, and adults would get on and take the seats around her, and begin talking loudly, as if to be sure she would notice them and could hear them, about things going on in her life, people she knew, and so on. She was baffled, and for most of her life told herself, these people must have all had the same events going on in their lives as she did in hers, just happened to know the same people somehow and were coincidentally talking about these things in front of her, despite her having no idea who they were. Decades later, telling me these things, she would furrow her brow, and ask me quizzically if I ever felt strangers in public were talking loudly like that, so I would hear what they said, and it would be stuff significant to me. I said no, but I was picturing being on a bus or a train with strangers, and the reality was I did have similar situations in school.
The point being, between her story, and the story of Pulitzer Prize winning author John Kennedy Toole, who was also surrounded by this strange operation, I now feel comfortable saying it is pretty much 100% this thing was operational when this video was made. And given it seems to be run by the real elites, likely based out of Europe, it is a safe bet it was running over there too. Indeed, the story of James Tilley Matthews indicates it may have been running over there for hundreds of years.
Which begs the question, what is CIA doing here with this video? It isn’t for use behind the iron curtain. They were not running three-car surveillance there, at risk of KGB catching them. Was CIA actually training spies in this type of surveillance, and turning them loose in Europe, to play amateur surveillance, as they were literally being buried under a non-stop flood of walkers, bicyclists, bums, flower delivery vans, cabbies, old ladies looking out their windows all day, and so on, corner to corner, street to street, by the massive civilian informant networks they could never escape? Were the most elite CIA Officers clueless about this?
I say a lot of whacked out crazy shit that ten years later turns into common knowledge. Here is the latest thing. I think it increasingly likely our intelligence services were not intelligence services, at least at the lower to mid levels, short of senior leadership. And I don’t think they had anything to do with national security either. I think when all is said and done, we are going to find out they were a sort of multi-trillion dollar espionage fantasy camp, where they sent people who they felt would never notice this stuff, to play junior spy, maybe even pitting them against other intelligence services in organized “competitions,” all played out and documented, perhaps even for the amusement of the elites, by the massive civilian domestic surveillance/informant infrastructures in the various nations. And we will probably find out the military was often something similar, based on Dick-Marcinko’s guy who went on a bank robbery spree, with no idea any of the domestic network existed, despite him serving on the most elite SEAL unit ever, hand-picked from SEAL Team Six.
Not to say they aren’t also cultivating these organizations for use, like in training and screening shooters, or operatives, in the event they need them some day.
But I think for the most part, they are just organizing fake fights to keep the people who could be problematic occupied, and feeling like they are fighting evil, when in reality evil has full control of them. Maybe those doors are closed to guys like me because they figured out early I would spot the watchers, figure out the game, and begin talking about it.
I mean picture the rubes who watched that little three-car surveillance team video trying to follow a KGB operative in Prague, and all around them is about 10% of the population, blanketing them in a way they could never imagine possible, and documenting everything that was going on. Why is the three-car team even there? If your concern is the fate of the nation, use the domestic network.
We are going to find out things were a lot weirder than even we think right now.
Haven’t read, but NGO, science, names.
> In Alaska, Republicans received 60% of the vote and lost the race to a Democrat with 40% of the vote.
Ranked choice, working as intended! Friendly reminder: in times as corrupt as they are now, ANYTHING new or any innovation to the system will be a downgrade. We have to look at least 100 years back, maybe more, to find inspiration for real reform.
“ALASKA ELECTION: Republicans Received 60% of Vote and Lost the Race to a Democrat with 40% of Vote — THANKS GOP FOR SUCKING SO BAD YOU LOST ALASKA TO RANKED-CHOICE VOTING”
And there is NO WAY TO FIX IT. The people that put it in place aren’t going to change it because this is exactly what they wanted. And now the people will NEVER be able to elect politicians that want to change the system back. The state is a red state that just turned permanently blue with no non-violent way back. With Alaska 100% of Pacific coast states fit this description.
Federal intervention is the only recourse. Requiring a state level electoral college would go a long way. Federal bans on mail-in voting. Breaking up all of the left coast states into multiple parts would fix the problem. But whatever it is, the states in question have voting systems that are now permanently rigged in one direction with no hope or reversal short of the feds imposing it.
the people may get to move on to voting with another box.
I am also among other things note the following:
– A Manmade Global Warming Denier
– A 2020 Election Denier
– A Moonlanding Denier
– A 9-11-2001 Planes Brought Down Buildings Denier
I am of the position that I don’t have to believe anything pushed on the tv screen.
Stop defining yourself by what you deny and instead choose something to fight FOR. We’ve seen “conservatives” fail time and again for one simple reason: defending never wins, just delays the defeat. You have to go on the offense with something rather than be reactive to external forces.
Definitely possible to be active in denying the established narrative. If I didn’t read Sam J.’s writeups on denying the 9/11 claims, I wouldn’t have understood how to weaponize that even because I was a child back then. Now I do. It’s possible to play defense and offense with denial. Think claymore.
Not certain that proves anything.
The Global Coup d’Etat seems to be entering the endgame. There is nobody to oppose it.
I support Trump for POTUS simply because of the cheating. However, do not forget Trump’s support for the Injections.
AC, your opinion about this would be appreciated.
Hard pass on that. Remember the bit about, “Don’t worry, the mRNA doesn’t hang around and is all gone in two weeks…” which turned out to be bullshit? Well, that mRNA comes with a second half that encodes the machine to replicate it. Which introduces so much that could fuck up, it boggles the mind. It is basically like if you took the current mRNA vaccine, and instead of just making the spike, it also made a protein machine which would churn out more mRNA, to make even more spike, and probably would do it indefinitely from what I see, maybe just increasinbgly amplifying it, without any additional shots. Nor am I sure they know it will plateau at some dose level.
And I would not want that mRNA-replicating gene anywhere near me. One of the things which people do not realize is when you eat stuff, you are ingesting the DNA of it. Obviously not a problem as we have evolved to handle it all, and it apparently works, and has for a long time. But in the gut are a lot of bacteria, and they are designed to pick up pieces of DNA which are floating around, suck them into the cell, and can try them out. Most mammalian proteins, who cares?
Now these things don’t absolutely happen. They don’t even likely happen. But when you are dealing with billions of cells, even a one in a billion small, small chance is good enough. That is actually one way they use bacteria to make proteins. You add the DNA coding the protein to a mix of bacteria, and actually damage the bacteria, making holes in the membranes using heat, or electricity or mechanical damage. A lot of the bacteria die. A lot seal up the membrane themselves, and go on like nothing happened. But a couple will seal up their membrane after a piece of DNA entered it, and the bacteria will then begin reading it and producing the protein.
There is a lot which has to go right, in terms of the right sequences on what you need read to get the machinery to read it, and so on, but it happens. So I just see a world filled with multiple countries of people eating meat which may have this funky self-replicating piece of mRNA, which is kind of like a virus, minus the capsid shell. And it is entering their GI tracts, where bacteria may pick it up, and now they maybe begin producing ever larger quantities of this self-replicating mRNA which codes for something which your immune system doesn’t like, and now your GI tract is filled with a self-reproducing immune irritant churned out non-stop, and maybe a little of that self-reproducing mRNA encounters some damage in the irritated intestinal tract, and makes it across into your blood, where it may make it into a cell and begin self-reproducing.
I don’t have the foggiest what that chances are of that, but you put this in a few hundred million people or billion people, each with a few billion microbes in their guts, and do it for years, decades, over and over, and I have no idea how that works. Nobody really will, which is why you are supposed to test these things out extensively, but obviously we are well past the point where we still do that. If it didn’t kill the three mice they shot it into in the three days they looked at them and it is good to go.
Steer clear of all this shit, until our society reorganizes itself and people get conscientious again. Until then, all of it is a crap shoot.
“For in fact, I have it on good terms GOD is about to have a say in the matter.”
This is specifically for you ac:
You don’t have to read the whole thing, but if you click on the knight rider section, I think you will find it particularly illuminating. I’ve posted symbols stuff before, but I also don’t want to spam people with it, so I stopped posting it. Remember guys, dark to light…
From October 1, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will begin the mandatory recruitment of women.
It appears that from that date, Ukrainian women subject to military service will be barred from leaving the country, subject to the same restrictions as conscripted men.
Yeah! the feminist heroine’s journey begins: Karens are on the march!
It is a slave state
I PROTEST! Their army is not anywhere near multicultural enough. We should send large quantities of Negros over there so that they may feel the blessings of diversity.
The really disgusting aspect of modern egalitarianism is the dissolution of sex distinctions.
By making Women like Men and Men like Women. I include “Conservatives” who are enthusiastic in pushing their daughters towards masculine activities and making them “badass”. And applauding female heroes like Furiosa, Ripley and action women like them which are masculine and masculine adjacent more than feminine role models like Sarah, Ruth and Rebekah.
Its simple cross-dressing.
Just like dressing sons like drag.
The conscription of women is no different. Since it is was never even considered given how women are so valuable as wives and mothers and their feminine roles until modern times.
Dalrock has good posts on this:
There is room for some variation in women.
But ideals remain ideal and we should promote ideals and push the spectrum towards those ideals.
The same goes for men.
US ambassador to Russia leaves post