News Briefs – 09/03/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


President Biden introduces Kamala Harris at Pittsburgh rally: “I know her, I trust her – not a joke!”

MSNBC’s mixed race focus group brutally trashes Kamala.

Vice President Kamala Harris will apparently favor attacks on former President Donald Trump rather than “substance” at the September 10 ABC News presidential debate, according to a report. They are probably afraid if she tries to talk about something she will fall into a word salad.

Tim Walz slammed for appearing to flee question about Gaza hostage murders in viral video: ‘Spineless.’

Vets who served with Tim Walz go scorched earth in Megyn Kelly sit down: ‘Habitual liar, coward.’ If his brother is genuine (and it is far from certain they are not just a Cabal theater-kid family playing roles), but if he was, it would be interesting to see a case where the family was not Cabal, but one sibling was a degenerate moral reprobate, and surveillance ID’d him, probably very early in life, and guided him up until he was VP material.

Tim Walz took a big step toward scrapping the Electoral College when as Minnesota Governor, he signed the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact that provides a path toward electing the president by majority vote.

Trump: The way Harris treated Pence was ‘horrible.’ She is exceedingly unlikable.

Elon Musk slammed a New York Times writer that wrote an article which claimed the U.S. Constitution can be considered one of the “biggest threats” to the country. View it, not as something that happened, but rather as the dialog they are presenting.

Texas State Police gear up for massive expansion of surveillance tech. If LE departments are smart, they will all “discover” gangstalking going on in their areas of operations, and lead the charge to expose and destroy it with Congress, maybe even using these tools to do it. 500 Sheriffs storming Congress on behalf of their people and demanding action would be a powerful sight. If they do that, then in the drama to come, they will be David – the protectors of even the weakest people in their communities, who used these powers for good to shield the weakest of their charges from a Goliath of a massive criminal intelligence operation which was criminally assaulting innocent citizens. In that scenario, they might even be allowed to keep access to these toys afterward, having proven where they stand. If not, or if worse if there is any evidence out there they lent operational support to the criminal “gangstalking” domestic surveillance which was assaulting people in their homes, then they will be labeled as enemies of the people and the people will clamor to strip them of all power and authority. Defund the Police will suddenly be a Conservative issue, as much as a leftist issue, and there will be no going back. Domestic Surveillance is coming out. The trajectory of events is clear.

Where local law enforcement falls in the chaos to come, and whether local department heads awaken every day to a living nightmare they cannot escape, which will destroy their lives and destroy their families forever,  or whether they will merely watch the lives of fed-glowies and the criminal civilians in their sectors reduced to rubble, and be grateful every day it is not them and their families, is still open to being molded – but the doors are closing fast. Nothing can stop the exposure of the American Stasi, or the absolute horror of all Americans at what was created. It would be wise for everyone to position themselves clearly against it in the runup to the cataclysm.

Just hours before a law banning foreign nationals from contributing to ballot issue campaigns was set to take effect, a federal judge blocked part of it because it violates their First Amendment rights.

Tufts University study shows Cheerios healthier than eggs, beef. Just a reminder you can never trust the science today.

In a troubling sign of the times, credit card defaults are surging across the board, with no age group spared from the financial strain.

At least 6 struck in mass shooting along popular West Indian Day Festival parade route in NYC.

A 90-year-old veteran and grandfather of five, with six great-grandchildren, was killed after he was shot – and then run over with his own car — during a violent carjacking outside a Houston retirement home over the weekend, cops said. Are we sure it had to be this way?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced it was giving a private, historically black university in New Orleans a $19.9 million grant, some of which will be used to buy electric bikes for 300 families. $20 million so 300 people will not have to pedal as much on their bikes. Somebody plugged in is cleaning up on that, and probably kicking back a decent amount to Cabal Management. And it is just a grain of sand on the beach of theft from the treasury.

One of Facebook’s marketing partners reveals the firm has AI listening to your private conversations around your phone and analyzing them to better target ads. if they can listen for AI, you know domestic intel has the backdoor to that.

Oklahoma’s GOP Gov. Kevin Stitt wants to help employers hire migrants instead of Americans. If we elected them, they would be eager to please us.

Mississippi’s state auditor released a report saying that over 22,000 illegal immigrants have settled in the state, and it will cost taxpayers over $100 MILLION every year.

Migrant gangs in Colorado have robbed eight gun stores using children between the ages of 12 and 17 to commit the crimes, but some of the attacks have not gone as planned thanks to proactive measures put in place by shop owners.

Aurora Mayor on the Venezuelan gang (many of which have been shown to be Venezuelan intelligence) which appears to have been sent by federal officials (Cabal assets), to take over two apartment buildings from the management by force, and begin collecting rents:

Warren Buffet dumps more Bank of America stocks indicating possible financial meltdown.

Forbes – Fed suddenly braced for a U.S. dollar ‘crisis’ that’s predicted to spark ‘total collapse’ and a ‘critical’ Bitcoin price ‘tipping point.’ I don’t endorse this, or not endorse this, just it is an article out there.

Two U.S. Marines from the USS Wasp were attacked during a port visit in Izmir, Turkey, the U.S. Sixth Fleet said Monday.

Turkey detains 15 members of anti-American youth group for assaulting 2 U.S. servicemen.

Turkey has formally requested to join the BRICS group of emerging economies, Bloomberg cited informed sources as saying on Monday.

Massive mob of rabid anti-Israel protesters storm NYC on Labor Day, light flares and set off smoke bombs.

Left-wing UK government suspends dozens of arms export licenses to Israel.

Hamas put out a video message on Telegram Monday that threatened to release a second video soon of the recently executed six hostages and their “last message” before their death, according to reports.

President Biden on Monday said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not doing enough to secure a hostage deal, adding pressure on the Israeli leader to reach a cease-fire agreement after six more hostages were found dead in Gaza over the weekend.

Netanyahu answers Biden’s criticism: ‘What message does this send Hamas? It says, kill more hostages.’

Brazil’s telecom regulator Anatel could revoke Starlink license, says official.

The full Brazilian Supreme Court upholds the ban on “X” social media app in Brazil.

Hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman joined critics of a court order to suspend Elon Musk’s X in Brazil, saying the ruling will likely drive away investors and harm the country.

US seizes Venezuelan President Maduro’s airplane in the Dominican Republic following sanction violations.

Finland´s future President may be a foreigner, says current President Alexander Stubb.

German Democracy: AfD wins regional election, will NOT be ‘allowed’ to form government.

German police on Tuesday said they had shot dead a man suspected of attacking passers-by with knives in the western town of Moers, days after a deadly knife attack in nearby Solingen.

Conservative leadership race: Kemi Badenoch says Tories ‘talked right but governed left’ as James Cleverly vows to resurrect Rwanda scheme. To understand this, try to get into politics and watch the surveillance deploy thousands of people to dissuade you, and then understand none of these people get that treatment.

EU imports more gas from Russia than from US – Welt.

Kremlin says Russia prefers ‘predictable’ Kamala Harris as President. LOL.

Fullsized image

Massachusetts switchblade ban overturned on Second Amendment grounds.

New poll shows critical swing state of Michigan could be flipped – with devastating consequences for Kamala Harris and Democrats.

MSNBC host Chris Hayes rages after seeing polls showing Trump leading, calls Electoral College a “suicide pact” and “a wildly dangerous institution that undermines democracy.”

New poll finds Kamala is losing support since her convention.

Send people to, because the American Stasi is the real enemy of the people

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12 days ago

Can we have summary’s of eLawn qoutes?
I grow sick of his smug face topping his satan suit.

12 days ago

A 90-year-old veteran and grandfather of five, with six great-grandchildren, was killed after he was shot – and then run over with his own car — during a violent carjacking outside a Houston retirement home over the weekend, cops said. Are we sure it had to be this way?

Why are you questioning it?
It was just a used up old pawn who had one foot in the grave already.
Sure there have been lots of innocent young children and productive adults too, but they’re just pawns, who cares?


Let me know how many Q team members and their family members die or have their lives ruined when this is over, I want to compare the percentage to the list for the Founding Fathers.
0% won’t impress me.

Last edited 12 days ago by Farcesensitive
Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
12 days ago

The worst part about that horrible news item is that similar attacks happen every day in every major city in America, and have been for a very long time, many decades.
Q said “it had to be this way.”
I say…. bullshit.

12 days ago

“Freedom” and “Liberty” are Enlightenment values, not Western Culture. Sophrosyne is. In chapter 2 of Titus, St. Paul stresses the need for all Christians of all stripes to be sophron:

2:2 Old men are to be sophron
2:5 Young women are to be sophron
2:6 Young men are to be sophron!
2:12 “…training us to renounce irreligion and worldly passions, and live sophroniously, upright, and godly lives in this world,…”

Sophrosyne is a part of Arete (virtue). Arete is commanded here II Peter 1:5, “Supplement The Faith with Arete (virtue)”.


We are called to be Righteous–

Book of Wisdom in the Septuagint (which is Catholic/Orthodox Scripture), the four main virtues of the Greeks are listed:

“And if a man love(s) righteousness, her labours are arête: for she teacheth sophrosyne and phronesis, righteousness and manliness”. (LXX. Wisdom 8:7)

{liberty was taken to correct the English translation in the LXX by calquing the Greek because Latin and English can NOT translate these complicated Greek terms.}

Arete is Righteousness in the sight of God. We are to attain to Righteousness, not “Freedom and liberty”.


“Sophrosyne is the greatest virtue, and wisdom is speaking and acting the truth, paying heed to the nature of things.” ~ Heraclitus fragment 112 (5th century B.C.)

This is the definition of Sophrosyne:

“Knowing/doing one’s status-based behavioral propriety within one’s hierarchy; that includes within it, discipline/obedience; knowing one’s self; kosmiotis –knowing one’s station in life and keeping it, orderliness, regularity; moderation (“Nothing too much”; the Golden Mean); not valuing highly, bodily pleasures and enjoyments; not to be covetous of every enjoyable pleasure; to fear disorder, to live an orderly life in small things and great alike; shame (humility); engaged in caution and Prudence; minding one’s business; to desire and do the right thing, the right way, at the right time.”

God calls us to be Sophros. “Freedom and liberty” is the opposite of Sophrosyne! We are called to live UNDER OBEDIENCE and to our station in life. To live in the Golden Mean. To have propriety. “Freedom and Liberty” is Anarchism. Sophrosyne is Western Culture, Western Civilization and the Christian ethic.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
12 days ago

Use effing English Lindsay. Even the Bible translators aren’t as arrogant as you are.


prudent, sensible, reasonable

Adjective. sophron (comparative more sophron, superlative most sophron) (in Ancient Greek philosophy) Of a sound and well-balanced mind; moderate, prudent, sensible, reasonable.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
12 days ago


May the Lord rebuke you.

Galatians 5:1
“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”

1 Corinthians 8:9
“But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak.”

1 Peter 2:16
“As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.”

Galatians 5:13
“For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.”

2 Corinthians 3:17
“Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”

James 1:25
“But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.”

Galatians 2:4
“And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage:”

Last edited 12 days ago by Farcesensitive
English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
12 days ago

Liberty is a term used in Maritime law. It still signifies the Maritime jurisdiction. Legalese, part of the infrastructure of slavery.

Reply to  English Tom
11 days ago


Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
12 days ago

“Freedom and liberty” is the opposite of Sophrosyne


I saw a Chinese teen in Shanghai wearing a tee shirt which read:

Freedom… means being free to be your best.

He gets it.

Globohomo does not want you to be free to live how you describe. The cabal wants to force you to act in such a way that you give evidence of your approval of them.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
11 days ago

God wants us to have the freedom to choose good or evil. Our mortal existence is all a test of some type; do we choose to love God, or do we choose to love evil?

He knows giving us free will will lead to some amount of us choosing evil, but that’s a choice He wants us able to make, as forced goodness is no goodness at all.

12 days ago

Currently watching Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn cover all the latest information control news. They are getting everything out in one podcast, so I’m sharing the link:

12 days ago

> Our upcoming expose will reveal the horrors


Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  TRX
12 days ago

How many ‘two more weeks” intervals have we been forced to live through for the last 8 years?

Reply to  TRX
11 days ago

Far too many, unfortunately. It’s like there’s some template or handbook somewhere, that they’re following.

People fall for it every time. The average working memory for news is only two or three weeks; after that everything is new again.

12 days ago

>  $19.9 million grant, some of which will be used to buy electric bikes for 300 families. 

The ones that aren’t stolen will wind up on Craigslist or eBay.

Reply to  TRX
12 days ago

How does this work? An e-bike in my town is roughly 1k. So where is all the other money going? I know, someone’s pocket.

Reply to  ChaoticNeutral
11 days ago

“Administrative overhead.” Hurr, hurr, hurr, nudge, nudge, nudge.

12 days ago

> One of Facebook’s marketing partners reveals the firm has AI listening to your private conversations around your phone and analyzing them to better target ads

Google does it. Apple does it. Facebook does it. Anything that has access to the microphone can do it, and there’s not really much that can be done about it, at least on Android, where the “turn off microphone for this app” slider doesn’t actually disable access to the microphone, it just tells the app “don’t do that.”

Anything that seems to slow the phone down or use lots of your data limit is probably chatting with the mothership behind your back, just like iOS and Android do. And so do the “preloads” of garbageware from Samsung, Verizon, etc.

You have *no* privacy when you have a cellular phone. You don’t even have to be carrying one yourself, as long as enough people neaby are carrying one.

Most people have been told about this over and over, but they simply don’t *care*. “Oooh, shiny!” trumps privacy every time.

Reply to  TRX
12 days ago

I’ve seen people freak out when they immediately see ads after talking about a subject. But then I guess they get over it and keep using the platforms. Most of the things I talk about are banned from advertising, but last year when my son mentioned he had a crack in his windshield, I started getting ads for Safelite right away.

Reply to  TRX
12 days ago

Freelancers also listen in. Some represent domestic interests, others foreign. Expect an AI layer to speed through hours of mundane convos.

Reply to  Faraday
11 days ago

You don’t even need “AI”; you just need some algorithms that are good enough to pick up a limited list of keywords, then you spam the device with matching ads, or forward the whole call to someone willing to pay a few cents for it.

12 days ago

President Biden introduces Kamala Harris at Pittsburgh rally: “I know her, I trust her – not a joke!”
Hahaha, when he says “not a joke” everyone now knows that means he’s lying.

12 days ago

> Hamas put out a video message on Telegram Monday that threatened to release a second video soon of the recently executed six hostages and their “last message” before their death, according to reports.

I put forth a proposal during the “Iranian Hostage Crisis.” Nobody liked it, but I still think it was correct and appropriate.

Notify Hamas they have 24 hours to deliver all the hostages to a specified location.

For every day they are late, bomb a city.

For every hostage who died, bomb a city.

For every hostage who is injured, bomb a city.

Then bomb half a dozen more, just to show you can.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  TRX
12 days ago

Now be a real tough guy and give Mossad and the IDF the exact same ultimatum.

Reply to  TRX
12 days ago

Party like it’s 2003!

Reply to  TRX
11 days ago

If terrorist organizations were real, great strategy.

We know none of these fuckers is legit or organic or separate from Cabal; you’d be better off enacting this plan on CIA field offices if you wanted real splash instead of just blowing up innocent civilians.

12 days ago

> Americans own 46% of the World’s 1 Billion Guns

I think their numbers are considerably off, unless they’re talking about government plus “licensed”. More than half of America don’t need no steenking papers for their guns.

“If you have 8 guns and the government takes 6, how many guns do you have left?”

“12 guns.”

12 days ago

> calls Electoral College a “suicide pact” and “a wildly dangerous institution that undermines democracy.”

Oddly, he’s exactly correct. The Electoral College was designed specifically to undermine the kind of “democracy” he is talking about: mob rule.

This sort of thing is why “American Government” or “Civics” weren’t even offered as an elective in the high school I went to. An ignorant populace is easier to rule.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
12 days ago

Ignorance is strength! There’s a film I watched recently, think it was called Widows, with Liam Neeson. A character said “ignorance is the new excellence.”

Reply to  English Tom
11 days ago

Given how many agencies have used the excuse of “we’re not at fault, we’re too incompetent to do our jobs” – and gotten away with it – I agree.

We have a lot of that kind of excellence in the Fed.

Reply to  TRX
12 days ago

Agree with you.
i had a similar though lt after I read that, which was “well yeah, that’s the whole point of the Electoral College.”

12 days ago

Re: American gun ownership

Just yesterday a Trump supporting, well informed friend said in effect: bring on the civil war, Republicans have a lot more guns than Democrats, and they know how to use them.

Yes, he unironically identified us as “Republicans” and the other side as “Democrats.” And he really took emphatic comfort in ownership of guns.

I hear this a lot. It shows how the consciousness on our side is far short of what is needed. Our side to a large extent is still deluded.

The other side has already considered gun ownership, and whatever they have planned will side-step that issue completely. We will be in concentration camps or worse before a weapon gets loaded.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Tonawanda
12 days ago

While I agree vast numbers of American “patriots” are still far from awake to the true nature of our predicament, the fact that cabal is always in a mad rush to abolish, or severely restrict, gun ownership, shows that they are still quite terrified of an armed populace.

A hundred million, or more, gun owners is a wild card cabal doesn’t want to have to deal with if it doesn’t have to.

Reply to  Tonawanda
12 days ago

Some people seem pretty excited about a civil war, but nobody has details. I guess they just assume everything will work out. I started asking people questions like “What are the sides? Where do I muster? Who are the officers I have to follow? Who is my squad leader? Where do we get our operational, logistical, financial, intelligence, and administrative support from? Who supplies our ammo and weapons?”

One friend just told me the 2A says we’re all the militia and we should show up with our own weapons and ammo. But that doesn’t answer a single question, like where the fuck do we show up in the first place. And even if we individually have training, we don’t have training as a unit, so it’s likely going to be a freaking mess.

I’ve learned to just leave them to their intellectual masturbation about a civil war.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
11 days ago

And then there is the other group, who is going to opt out by “living in the mountains” until it’s all over. Most of them seem entirely unaware that the owners of their potential campsites might object to squatters on their property.

Reply to  Tonawanda
12 days ago

Be not afraid fren.
First, the left is trained for restrained violence. They expect to operate in a big mob with impunity, because they always have. You revert to training.
Your friend, naive as he is, has at least decided. He’s decided, at least intellectually, that a GUNFIGHT is on the table, and that this is the form of the conflict.
That’s way more powerful than you think.

Reply to  phelps
11 days ago

The nanosecond 2A is finally interpreted as machine guns are legal (should have been day 1), the lefty mob maneuvers disappear, guarantee it.

They know their mobs are relatively safe as long as semi-auto is the biggest threat; even a moderately sized element taking the fight to them wouldn’t be able to do massive damage fast enough to keep the roaches from scurrying.

A few chaps with 1000rnds worth of belts linked up, assistant loaders and spotters, in proper positions? A mob of goofballs with bricks and bike locks wouldn’t stand a chance at destroying the city any more.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Tonawanda
12 days ago

The civil war would be a race war within one day, and a world war by the end of a week. Is he a bommercon? They’re notorious for thinking the enemy is a bunch of skinny unarmed Gen Z types (judging by their memes), and not gangs with cartel supplied automatics and absolutely no hesitation in murdering anything that moves.

Last edited 12 days ago by Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
11 days ago

Not all boomers – though there are more than enough idiots who think they attended Woodstock – either spiritually, physically, or in a marijuana infused hallucination – are as stupid as you think we are.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
11 days ago

A good reminder.
When US Rangers took on gangbangers.

Reply to  Tonawanda
11 days ago

Skin color is uniform.
Can’t afford exceptions.

Reply to  Tonawanda
11 days ago

The average boot in any war is largely oblivious to the larger strategic goals and definitely the true motives of any war. All they need to know is what to shoot at and where to be and when to make shooting have the best impact.

Not every cog in the resistance has to be hyper-informed and self-guided, so long as they have a competent command structure to lead their efforts.

Reply to  Tonawanda
11 days ago

Already loaded. Just say no.

12 days ago

> Turkey has formally requested to join the BRICS group of emerging economies, Bloomberg cited informed sources as saying on Monday.

It’s the smart thing to do.

When the US economy finally implodes, it’s going to drag a bunch of other countries down with it.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
12 days ago

As Vox pointed out, a condition imposed on Turkey to join BRICS by Russia and China will be Turkey leaving NATO. This will be a massive geopolitical event. Expect it.

Reply to  English Tom
11 days ago

Erdogan’s Turkey hasn’t been happy with either the EU or NATO for quite some time. And, frankly, NATO’s increasing pressure to start a war with Russia is making membership much less attractive than before.

Turkey is an Islamic dictatorship, but it’s neither backward nor poor. They’re in a lot better position to swing a deal with Russia than, say, Belarus.

I have no idea what Turkey will do, but they’re in a good position for whatever deal they want to negotiate.

12 days ago

MSNBC host Chris Hayes

His father moved to New York from Chicago while studying at a Jesuit seminary, and began community organizing in the Bronx.[8]


12 days ago

Here you go. Finally, a good reason for the Ukraine war. Oil field control drove significant parts World War 1 and World War 2.

Also, has a nice Royal Dutch Shell connection.

12 days ago

I like this running commentary on things by friend-of-the-blog Texas Arcane.

12 days ago

“Migrant gangs in Colorado have robbed eight gun stores using children between the ages of 12 and 17 to commit the crimes, but some of the attacks have not gone as planned thanks to proactive measures put in place by shop owners.”

There’s several korean mahwa (comic, manga) about gang wars utilizing anyone legally a minor because they don’t get punished as hard for crimes. All the cast are under 18 schoolkids and are paid to organize violent gangs to control territory to sell drugs and own businesses as proxies for actual conglomerates.

Re: The Beam. It may be worth trying to drink a teaspoon up to an ounce of DMSO a day to see if it alleviates some of the damage from the beam.
There are many papers, this is just one, that basically say that if you chug DMSO before chemo radiation therapy you get no lasting post-rad damage.

DMSO is a huge topic in and of itself but it may help your body against the Beam. You will smell like garlic though.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
12 days ago

Here’s a general application book. I’ve found it helps wound healing, reduces bug bites to non-itchy fast, prevents sunburn blisters, reduces arthritis pain, helps joints and more. The radiation protection reminded me of your situation, and it shows up in this pdf if you search for the term.

Reply to  Dav
11 days ago

They will absolutely use kids more and more as it gets worse.

  1. They hate kids and willingly sacrifice them all the time, why would they care if some kids get killed in the line of duty?
  2. Real humans are going to hesitate if they have to defend their lives by shooting a hostile child with an AK47. Hesitation is all the need to win, and the AK doesn’t care if a kid or an adult pulls the trigger.
12 days ago

Tufts University study shows Cheerios healthier than eggs, beef.

A bag of Cheerios is healthier than steak and eggs!
I don’t have room for either after swallowing that big of a Honkpill.

12 days ago

Guntuber’s goodbye.

I’m Dead
Paul Harrell

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  lowell
11 days ago

Paul was a real man, and his message to his subscribers was perfect, and heartbreaking.

He was one of the best gun tubers on that platform.

His humor, skill, experience and stoicism will be missed.

12 days ago

Antifa/BLM is getting foreign reinforcements. At this point I will tell you what I have been telling you – be ready to kill these people. The Plan may have failed or this may be part of it, but either way 5,56 AR, 9mm doublestack sidearm and cheap plate carrier with cheap plates. You won’t need to worry about anything beyond your town.

I don’t have any friends that I could convince to join a fireteam and practice accordingly. I’m alone. I hope you aren’t in the same situation. Seriously a bone-stock $500 AR and a PSA Dagger will get you through this if you have friends armed similarly and you’ve trained together.

Shit, do you know how easy it would be for a platoon of GWOT vets to take these guys out? Cheap surveillance drones to identify them, and then launch the raid and take no prisoners. Repeat until they’ve worked their way back to the source. But nothing like that is gonna happen yet because it’s a guaranteed life sentence. The rules will still be applied to US, while these guys have literal free rain to set up a protection racket and DIG IN, which will make it impossible to get them out without leveling the damn building.

Venezuelan Gangs Take Over Chicago Apartments, CO Residents TERRIFIED Of Illegal Migrant Gangs

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 days ago

On reflection, and post above image if you want–but we need a clear green light from someone like Trump w/pardons issued in advance before anything like that takes place

Reply to  lowell
11 days ago

Addendum: get VERY familiar with non-traditional warfare methodology and insurgent action. It will likely be used against you, and you might have to use it as well.

You don’t have to assault a building when you can burn it down or pump it full of smoke/chemicals. You don’t have to assault a building when you can lay siege and prevent resupply. You don’t have to assault a building when you can find the occupant’s family members and “persuade” them to surrender the fort. Often, wounded enemies are more useful than dead ones as it ties up supplies and manpower.

Since many of our guys will be working alone as mentioned, finding ways to reduce risk to yourself and achieve results is going to be the name of the game. If you can win without ever pulling a trigger, you’re golden.

Reply to  lowell
11 days ago

How does siege warfare work? Think those pinheads have even a week of food and water, especially if you turn off the tap and electricity? Can’t worry about the occupants being hostaged or thrown out the windows, just use that as a talking point in the bullhorn that each of them will be put over a roasting spit if one gets hurt in a show of force.

11 days ago

The Surprising History Of The President’s ‘Resolute’ Desk

British infiltration was complete by 1856. (just in time to cause the Civil War and begin the long destruction of the Republic)