News Briefs – 09/02/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.



Quick note to T-shirt anon – When I do comments, I am almost always at about 30-50% mental capacity or less lately – either at the end of the day, or when I wake up. I save what thinking time I have each day for the daily brief, so I forgot to say when so generously offered a few T-shirts (and thank you for the offer), if you are selling American Stasi T-shirts, you can post a link in the comments to the page, and I will be happy to put it at the top of the next day’s brief.

Oddly enough, there is an anon on 4Chan who posts the Israelis have developed software which can make computers emit harmful EM fields which will impact health, and his posts are immediately swarmed with glowies calling him a schizo, and telling him to take his  meds, before jannies quickly disappear the threads. FYI.

LOL at this one:

I replied, and got a reply from someone who knows, but who knows if Adams will see it:

I am telling you, it is wild out there. They are rolling The Beam out for everyone.

Somebody on Free Republic pointed out the DNC logo is a thinly guised representation of “Death to America”:

That was an Iranian motto in the 80’s, if I am not mistaken. And a lot of Iranians in government today…

New Hampshire hired a company to update their voter database, then found out the company had outsourced the work to unvetted coders overseas. From the piece:

The probe unearthed some unwelcome surprises: software misconfigured to connect to servers in Russia and the use of open-source code — which is freely available online — overseen by a Russian computer engineer convicted of manslaughter, according to a person familiar with the examination and granted anonymity because they were not authorized to speak about it….

New Hampshire officials say the scan revealed another issue: A programmer had hard-coded the Ukrainian national anthem into the database, in an apparent gesture of solidarity with Kyiv.

Mitch McConnell moves to torpedo election integrity efforts by blocking SAVE Act in upcoming spending bill – and open door to illegals voting in US elections.

Vice President Kamala Harris closed out what was already a terrible week with a desperate flail trashing 13 Gold Star families that then blew up spectacularly in her stupid and incompetent face.

Newsweek – Lousy interview bodes ill for Harris-Walz campaign.

Jon Passantino, CNN’s deputy managing editor for media and misinformation, expressed regret that “Meta-Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg openly admitted cooperating with the Biden Administration to censor content that the President found disagreeable. What had previously been a unanimous agreement that the enemies of democracy were spreading misinformation has been shattered.”

Chase Bank made a programming error, and allowed you to deposit a check for any amount at an ATM, and immediately withdraw the funds, so much hilarity quickly ensued:

In their defense, while that is technically check-kiting, and subject to multi-decade prison sentences, our government does do basically do the same thing all the tim: The $400 billion federal clean-energy lending program that has faced criticism for moving too slow is stepping up efforts to push cash out the door before the election.

Mexico offers escorted rides north from southern Mexico for migrants with US asylum appointments.

Colorado Mayor asks for eviction of Venezuelan migrant gang, Gov. Polis dismisses problem.

The Guardian: ‘Regulators around the world should threaten Musk with arrest.’

CO Democrat Gov. Jared Polis tells citizens to ignore video of armed migrant gang taking over apartments.

California reparations bill stalls — some say Newsom is to blame. Two reparations bills just suddenly killed together. Gavin Newsom says sorry to the blacks, but he has to give $150,000 to every illegal so they can all buy new homes. There just is no money left over. Maybe next time, assuming the Zeta Riticuli aliens don’t show up and all need new Cadillac Escalades.

Black activists at the California assembly threatened a “direct impact” on Vice President Harris’ presidential campaign after state Democratic lawmakers held off on two bills that would have greenlighted slavery reparations.

Los Angeles Times says “American democracy” is in danger and that reforms are essential, so we should ditch the Constitution, and rewrite an entirely new one from scratch.

CIA Talking Points? NY Times – The Constitution Is Sacred. Is It Also Dangerous? One of the biggest threats to America’s politics might be the country’s founding document.

Big Tech liable for breaking promises to users that led to suicide, death threats: appeals court.

University removes Anglo-Saxon from course titles to ‘decolonize the curriculum.’ They are also looking to “problematize” the word Viking, so people will not use it either, as it is associated with “white people.” I think we have Problematized enough for now.

Family of US-Israeli hostages still in Gaza demand Netanyahu accept cease-fire deal after captives found dead. 

Netanyahu said ‘worried’ about protests as firm estimates 280,000 rallied in Tel Aviv.

Netanyahu: Accusing me of war crimes in Gaza is like accusing George Bush of 9/11. Ahhh, Bibi? About that analogy….

Blacklisted Huawei posts record profits despite U.S. sanctions — Chinese tech giant raked in $7.7B in net profit in 1H 2024.

Ferfal, the Argentine survivalist, explains that Millei has apparently unilaterally shipped Argentina’s gold to the UK, $4.5 billion of gold, in return for more loans, and now the gold can be seized over old debts. Long video, repetitive, but that is the gist.

Brazil’s ban on X is a taste of things to come – The global crackdown on free speech is getting more aggressive by the day. Whatever is coming must be somehow dangerous for them, and they feel they need full control of all information flows. My guess is Elon is in on it, and is in control of Twitter, and playing “our guy,” so they know exactly how things will go, and control all sides of the battles you see. Were someone uncontrolled in Elon’s position, they could do anything, and maybe even come up with a random piece of brilliance which would fuck everything up.

The notorious Shanghai-based Marxist millionaire behind a sprawling anti-U.S and anti-Israel disinformation network has a cadre of operatives embedded at Columbia University, The Post has learned.

UK children are being sent home by the thousands for racism, and racial strife skyrockets in the schools.

How criminal clans and extremists are taking over the German capital of Berlin. A video of how migrants and left-wing extremists are destroying Berlin with the help of the political class, and the citizens seem helpless to stop it. The reason they are helpless is the surveillance. Once the surveillance comes down, anything can happen, and that is when the criminals destroying things will cease being so bold.

The far-right Alternative for Germany won a state election for the first time Sunday in the country’s east, and was set to finish at least a very close second to mainstream conservatives in a second vote, projections showed. Two things that are important to understand when you see things like this. If we in America do not have honest elections, then everyone else’s elections are even more rigged. And two, the surveillance is just one major criminal aspect of their conspiracy, which is a massive amalgamation of criminality and treason. So they are in so deep, they cannot allow anybody else to gain enough power to challenge them. By all means fight, wage the war. But also make sure you know the reality as you plan strategy, so you are working under a clear understanding of reality, and your strategy to win is not based on misunderstandings. This war will not be won at the ballot box, but it will begin with getting rid of the surveillance.

Ukraine wants all weapons registered, so they can be controlled after the war. Also passed a new law allowing civilians to lunch unilateral terrorist attacks on Russian Forces without being any sort of uniformed Military, in violation of the laws of war.

Ukraine launches a massive drone swarm at Russia, sounds like Russia took almost all of them down.

Russian strikes obliterate Kiev forces in Kursk.

A rather gory photo of a Ukrainian woman who was hit in the head by missile fragments. I would bet money that she was surveillance, sitting on a park bench with her little backpack.

Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev says Ukraine needs Donbass because it is rich in natural resources which the conspiracy running the war will need to pay for all the money already spent fighting Russia. According to open-source data, the natural resources located in Donbass are estimated to be worth $7.3 trillion.

A federal appeals court rejected an appeal by pro-transgender advocates, allowing Alabama to keep protecting children and youths from transgender advocates.

RFK Jr: “There still has to be a reckoning” for Covid.

Black activist Tariq Nasheed:

Fullsized image

RFK’s former running mate:

Kamala Harris trails Donald Trump in 5 new battleground polls.

A Trafalgar Group survey of seven of the toughest contests – considered by experts to be Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina and Nevada – show Trump in the lead in six races and even with Harris in one. ABC News tonight said a recent national poll showed Harris up over Trump 52-46%.

Send people to, because once it is gone, the enemy will not be nearly so bold

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Just Me
Just Me
6 months ago

Sidebar, 7am

Just Me
Just Me
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

11am and it’s gone again!

Just Me
Just Me
6 months ago

DNC 20 logo is from 2020

Reply to  Just Me
6 months ago

And it worked.

Just Me
Just Me
6 months ago

“ New surveillance footage from Denver, Colorado reveals a gang of masked criminals, armed and ready, as they prepare to launch a terrifying attack on a suburban home.”

I guess the moral of the story is, don’t leave your garage door open.

6 months ago

> Brazil’s ban on X is a taste of things to come – The global crackdown on free speech is getting more aggressive by the day. 

Ahem. Twatter aggressively censors political content. Musk hired many of the old censor crew back.

Musk’s censorship isn’t as blatant as Dorsey’s was, but make no mistake – every byte that moves across the platform is “shaped” to try to influence you.

6 months ago

> Ukraine wants all weapons registered, so they can be controlled after the war. —Zelensky was all for “right to keep and bear arms” last year, when he thought he could raise a bunch of self-supporting militia. But at this point, I doubt anyone in Ukraine cares what drivel is coming out of Kiev.———————————————————————
> Also passed a new law allowing civilians to lunch unilateral terrorist attacks on Russian Forces without being any sort of uniformed Military, in violation of the laws of war.—Advocacy of terrorism. They’re setting Ukraine up for some brutal reprisals from the Russians. Maybe they think it will encourage the population to resist. But what will likely happen is that the Russians just execute anyone they think *might* be a terrorist. That’s a long-standing practice in war.
Read the part in Clauswitz’ “On War” where he denounces ‘francs-tireurs’ and details how they should be dealt with. Official or not, most militaries will do the same.

Last edited 6 months ago by TRX
Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

That looked fine on my screen before I posted it. Besides needing two blank lines to show as one on the screen, the editor is now occasionally swallowing linefeeds and running things together.

6 months ago

> Colorado Mayor asks for eviction of Venezuelan migrant gang, Gov. Polis dismisses problem.—The Mayor has his own police, and most cities have arrangements with nearby cities and counties to borrow manpower in an emergency.
What he wants is either:
A) he is already in the pocket of the gangs, and just doing some PR to try to avoid the blame for letting things get into this state
B) he’s finally realized things are out of control, but doesn’t want to deal with the inevitable backlash when the gangs fight back. Better the blame falls on the governor, right?

Last edited 6 months ago by TRX
6 months ago

> CO Democrat Gov. Jared Polis tells citizens to ignore video of armed migrant gang taking over apartments.

He has a pretty good “Baghdad Bob” imitation, doesn’t he?

6 months ago

Chase Bank made a programming error

Yes, but how did these thugs find out about it.

Danger Semiconductor
Danger Semiconductor
Reply to  teotoon
6 months ago

Perhaps by constantly attempting small amounts of fraud and noticing the change of behavior in the system.

6 months ago

> NY Times – The Constitution Is Sacred. Is It Also Dangerous?

Dangerous as hell to totalitarians. Which is why they hate it so much.

Remember, all the important bits of the Constitution are in the first ten Amendments, which were added when the Founders made a deal with the anti-Federalists, who had successfully blocked ratification for years. “Give us this, and we’ll sign it.”

Be honest. How many times have you looked up something in the Federalist part (the top) of the Constitution, versus the anti-Federalist part (the first ten amendments, or Bill of Rights)? Which is more important in your daily life?

The Federalist Constitution was a naked power grab. Remove the Bill of Rights, and it’s a lot more obvious

6 months ago

> The notorious Shanghai-based Marxist millionaire 

“Marxist millionaire” is basically a contradiction in terms, but hey, the CCP are all about practicality. “One country, two systems” and all that.

6 months ago

> Russian strikes obliterate Kiev forces in Kursk.

But… but… we were told the Ukrainians’ superior American and British weapons would make short work of those incompetent Russkis! How could such a thing happen?!

6 months ago

> UK children are being sent home by the thousands for racism, and racial strife skyrockets in the schools.

Well, obviously. Racism is inherent, and genetically linked to whiteness, therefore all white kids are racist from the beginning. Might as well just send them home and reduce the workload on the teachers and stress on the important students, amirite?

And since math, English, and punctuality are also racist, their ethnically cleansed student body may show up to school occasionally to buy drugs and play grab-ass, and they certainly won’t have to suffer the white supremacy of doing classwork.

“Coming to a school near you!”

6 months ago

> How criminal clans and extremists are taking over the German capital of Berlin. A video of how migrants and left-wing extremists are destroying Berlin with the help of the political class

In the mid-1950s West Germany implemented a “guest worker” program. Foreigners were imported to “do the jobs Germans didn’t want.” Naturally, they weren’t exactly getting the best type of people. The gastarbeiter program included workers from Turkey, Greece, Morocco, and Tunisia, among others, with Turks being the largest percentage.

This worked out about as well as you would expect, with skyrocketing crime rates in the areas inhabited by the imports. Who mostly refused to go home after their contracts ended, and were still a problem when the tap opened back up and new ones started moving in recently.

6 months ago

> RFK Jr: “There still has to be a reckoning” for Covid.

I don’t know if it’s his real opinion or just his speechwriter, but I fully agree. I just doubt he has enough cowbell to do anything about it, even if DJT give him the FDA.

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

Still think that RFK’s best position for Trump is just “human hand grenade.” Anything that needs blowing up, just give him executive power to do so and chuck him in head first.

If he’s legit, and has grudges with the cabal for fucking up his family, giving him unlimited power to bring down the house on people would be amazing. It would take the heat off Trump doing some of the more extreme actions (since he’s playing a bit of the fence sitter these days), and frankly if he gets killed for digging his nose in too deep it’s a canary in the mine of being too close to the truth.

6 months ago

Pedantic point follows.

Use the term “win election” for elections where there are candidates for one office, and only one candidate will be elected to that office. Don’t use it for elections to a legislature in a parliamentary system, where no party has won a majority of seats in the legislature. Almost always with proportional representation, no party will win a majority of the seats. The “winner” will be a coalition negotiated after the election. If one party gets a majority of the seats, you can say they “won”.

Since I’m discussing elections, on Emerald Robinson’s point, a lot depends on how obviously fake they are willing for these things to get and keep running them. The historical evidence indicates that the answer is really obviously fake:

But if they don’t need the legitimacy to control the American public, they probably need the legitimacy when dealing with any not Cabal controlled countries, so I think it helps to push them to make the fake more and more obvious, or to cancel the elections altogether.

6 months ago


Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
6 months ago

Posted this late yesterday. Posting again so the anon who asked about it has a better chance to see it.

Recently an anon inquired about finding a site which consolidates links to evidence of election fraud, since 2020. Here is one:
The usual suspects don’t want anyone to find it, so your browser will try to scare you away saying it’s “a security risk.” But you can get through it by clicking “Advanced.”

Reply to  Machine Trooper
6 months ago

This could be a sticky, since it will be a very relevant topic in the near future.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
6 months ago

Sidebar gone again at 10:12 EST.

a non 0
a non 0
6 months ago

SBG 9:18 CST, guess it is time to just re-up every time you get back in the saddle, first things first.

Much appreciated, AC.

6 months ago

The Starmer governments plans for Britain:

Sixteen minutes, and not a white pill. The interesting part where Mercouris estimates that the new government’s actual support is probably about 15% of the population, that that will be all they really need.

6 months ago

Got the WP-install page several times. Upon trying to open a second window, or when reloading and/or following a link and trying to go back (this happens regularly and then may take many attempts/minutes before again opening properly).
BTW This only happens for the blog-page, main site always works properly.
However, if opening in an incognito-window, the page usually loads. However, one might run into the same issue there (when reloading or returning).
If so, opening in a different browser usually works again.
IOW it might be the ‘re-visiting’ that causes the issue.

6 months ago

Before I even read the news today, I gotta share this anecdote: Around my neighborhood, someone posted Lost Dog flyers on all the telephone poles. Award $2000, which is A LOT for these flyers. The dog pictured is a miniature Italian greyhound, just like the kind my evil half-sister Lucy and evil brother-in-law Sully and evil niece and nephew (in-laws, Sully’s LEGALLY-STOLEN niece and nephew, merely adopted by my evil sister) April and Simon used to own. The sign says “Lost Dog” in big letters. I have been SHRIEKING about Cabal Stasi BITTER LOSERS, for a while now, specifically calling them Bitter Losers, at the tip of my lungs, like a vocal one-man leaflet drop to warn them that Justice and Pain is coming. And then these flyers show up, in *MY* neighborhood. The dog’s name on the flyer: LUCA. Which can be easily decoded to: LUC, A. Luc-ayyyy. Lucy. Also recalls the Suzanne Vega song which actually TAUNTS victims because that seemingly innocuous cunt is an evil witch herself, just like my sister Lucy. Lucy Sullivan. BARBRI Office Manager since, oh, 2000. Looooooves the play Wicked. Has dressed up like a Wicked Witch for Halloween AT LEAST once since the early 1990s, at least. Used to go to Disney with Sully ALONE as a couple, before Simon and April. As a family, they LOOOOOOOVED Monsters Inc. Is the math coalescing in your head yet? PUBLISH THIS COMMENT, ABSOLUTELY. I am including a meme that artistically represents the flyers my neighborhood has been bombarded with. ASK ME MORE QUESTIONS, if you want. Such as: “What did Lucy discover in BARBRI’s immaculate sub-basement archives when her Jewish BARBRI/Thomson-Reuters superiors ordered her to retrieve Obama’s BARBRI registration card from his Harvard Law days which might have featured a handwritten signature of a name OTHER THAN Obama but which Lucy later nervously told her half-brother whom she used to have trapped as an underling for over a decade that she did not find which was SO OBVIOUSLY a lie?” Or perhaps: “Did Erica Fine, one of Lucy’s Jewish NYC BARBRI superiors, and JFK Jr.’s personal bar exam tutor, TRY TO HELP him pass the bar exam, or was she way more obviously part of the scheme to gaslight and sabotage JFK Jr.?”

6 months ago

Good links. Yes you have been talking about Scott Adam for a while now. Wonder if he’ll respond. Everyone in the comments is says it’s the dimmer and LED’s suck with dimmer switches.

Hopefully whatever this is is going to come to a head soon.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
6 months ago

All Hail Vox Day!
His latest post about Conspiracies, though.
You might find it mentationally profitable to read both James Delingpole posts that Vox quotes from here. Especially that second one.
“All American Presidents,” Mr. Day? “‘Jo’ Rogan?”
You don’t say!
Hey, AC, you will probably find that both of these posts connect to the people behind Surveillance.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
6 months ago

Vox is SPOT-ON here, pretty much.
If anything, I now realize, he is an OPTIMIST.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  teotoon
6 months ago

That 14-minute Neil Kramer presentation is outstanding. Thanks. Hadn’t seen it.

6 months ago

Recently both Vox Day and Bruce Charlton posted comments about navigating the Matrix of deception.

The Vox Day post is a secondary post off of a James Delingpole substack, but Vox has comments on it, so I will link to his post:

Read this together with the Bruce Charlton take on the same issue:

Vox often posts that you don’t know what is true, but you know the official narrative will always be false, its just hard to tell in which way.

6 months ago
6 months ago

Chemerinsky, the law professor who just wrote the LA Times oped that said we should totally dispense with the Constitution and rewrite it, was the Constitutional Law lecturer for BARBRI, by the way, F-Y-fuckin’-I.

Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

Chemerinsky was born in 1953 in Chicago, Illinois. He grew up in a working-class Jewish family in the South Side of Chicago and attended the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools for high school.[4]

Furthermore, his efforts extended to social advocacy, as he was a founding member of the Progressive Jewish Alliance.[11]

Chemerinsky supports gun control and disagreed with the decision in District of Columbia v. Heller. He thinks that even if an individual’s right to bear arms exists, the District of Columbia was justified in restricting that right because it believed that the law would lessen violence.[13]

He also believed that gay marriage should be legal many years prior to the decision in Obergefell v. Hodges.[15]

On April 9, 2024, Chemerinsky’s wife, law professor Catherine Fisk, was involved in a physical altercation with a Muslim law student during an invitation-only dinner for graduating law students held at the professors’ home. When the student attempted to give a speech in protest of Israel’s actions in Gaza, Fisk attempted to take the student’s microphone.[29]
UC Berkeley opens civil rights investigation into backyard confrontation between a law professor and a student

Boomers these days …

Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

Let me guess, Ukrainian heritage as well.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

Every. Single. Time.

6 months ago

BARBRI…kinda sounds/looks like BARBARI, no?
Barbari = Latin for “Barbarians”, F-Y-fuckin’-I.

6 months ago

Dad just picked up a new Ronin AOS in 10mm and we took it out yesterday. The red dot that it comes with absolutely SUCKS. We each put one mag through it and wasted no more ammo. He likes the Burris FastFire3 so we’re going to try one of those on there. The pistol felt exactly as good as I expected from SA. Bang for the buck, best factory 1911 on the market…. except for SIG if you want an external extractor that you can change yourself, because you can’t really on the S&W 1911s which are also in that quality tier.

Dad has a SIG that he purchased second hand. The previous owner had the trigger tuned for competition and it’s amazing. The gun itself feels hand built even though it’s probably not even worn in completely, and it looks like the only thing done to it was the trigger job. It’s in .45.

Once again, I SUCK with handguns. Was shooting a plate rack at 15ish yards with the awful irons on the SIG and I haven’t shot a lot of .45 so I hit maybe 1 out of 5. I could blame the bulk S&B ammo but I’m more honest than it. It was me, I need way more trigger time.

Springfield Armory Optics-Ready 1911 AOS Pistols

6 months ago

You gotta be kidding me…..

World’s Biggest Unregulated Bank – Starbucks
The Fat Files

6 months ago

I’m posting this for eyes connected to bigger brains than mine:

Reply to  Anominous
6 months ago

Cool handle

6 months ago

They aren’t trying to fool you, they are trying yo i struct you…

brilliant comment

6 months ago

Mr. Beast’s Mom was military.
Ran military prisons?
A mother who spent 21 years on active duty now works for her 24-year-old son who is raking in millions as a top YouTube star after a childhood partially spent moving between U.S. Army installations.

Sue Donaldson now manages finances for her son, Jimmy, who has amassed over 107 million YouTube subscribers for his videos of elaborate stunts, challenges, and giveaways under the name “MrBeast.” While not many details of Sue Donaldson’s service have been shared publicly, she and her son have described the road from military life to internet superstardom in a Rolling Stone profile and episode of “Beyond the Spotlight.”

She told the magazine she served as a prison warden in Mannheim, Germany, and was later stationed at Fort Leavenworth, an Army installation in Kansas. But that wasn’t all.

“We lived in three different locations in the southern U.S. before he [Jimmy] was seven,” she said. “There were no cousins, no aunts, no uncles. It was really just us.”

She worked 12-hour days on active duty, often leaving her children to babysitters, Rolling Stone reported.

While she told the magazine her son “thinks it’s pretty badass that his mom ran a prison,” she credited that workload and her frequent moving for her son’s introversion, which he overcame through bombastic stunt videos that would become his YouTube calling card.

A first-generation college student, Sue Donaldson initially pushed her son toward higher education, but his success began to pay off in 2017. That’s when her son recorded himself handing his mom $100,000 in what he described as the “proudest day of my life.”

“That was his way of saying, ‘Thanks, mom,’” she said on “Beyond the Spotlight.” “Thanks, mom for all that you did for me. Thanks for all that you did growing up, and, here, I want you to be part of my success.”

Reply to  Bman
6 months ago
6 months ago

Mr. Beast keeps a cool million in cash at his warehouse. Guarded by his Step-Father.
Then, we come to the money. “If you wanted to rob us, here’s where you’d rob us,” Donaldson says.

The cash is guarded by an affable man named Tracy, a former physical therapist with bright blue eyes and an eastern Carolina twang; he is an operations manager at MrBeast YouTube LLC, and the stepfather of its founder. Piles of bills lie in a steel-plated closet in filing cabinets, stacked neatly in rows, all in ones. Usually, it’s a full million, but today there’s $100,000 missing, for an upcoming trip to Florida, where Donaldson and his crew will shoot a “Would You Rather” video — as in, would you rather swim with sharks for that money or walk a bridge of alligators. Some of the bills are crumpled on the floor at Donaldson’s Adidas sneakers: “It takes up more space and looks better on camera [that way],” he explains.
Plans on giving all his money to charity:
Donaldson says he doesn’t “give a fuck about money,” and plans to give it all away before he dies.

Reply to  Bman
6 months ago

He’ll give all his money away the same way that Gates has. Which is, not likely.

Reply to  bigD
6 months ago

Give it away to the next cabal mouthpiece that needs startup funding. Is there a more obvious tell than that in the public sphere?

6 months ago

Looks like we are all far right…
.comment image

Reply to  Bman
6 months ago

The only flag they like of those who disagree with them on ANY issue is the white flag.

6 months ago

Here’s a story that I came across on Quora, the ‘true crime’ that inspired the ‘Jeepers Creepers’ movie, the murder of Marylin DePue.
“Marilyn DePue was a High School Guidance Counselor in Coldwater, Michigan, who, in early 1990, had recently divorced her husband Denis. On Easter of 1990, Denis, who had been granted visitation rights of the divorced couple’s two children, went to Marilyn’s home to pick the children up and take them to his house for the holiday.
An argument soon ensued between the two parents, which ended with Dennis attacking Marilyn & injuring her. Denis stated to his children that he was going to take Marilyn to the hospital in his van, but after taking her to his van, he killed her then began the drive to an isolated area as to dispose of her body.
A couple by the names of Ray & Marie Thornton were driving on Snow Perry Road near Coldwater when Denis’s van blew past them. The two had a habit of taking mental note of the license plates of cars that had passed them, and saw that the van’s tag number begin with GZ, to which Marie said “Geez, he’s going fast!”
As the Thorntons drove on, they saw Denis carrying a bloodied sheet into an old, abandoned schoolyard located on the side of the road. Minutes afterwards, the same van caught up with them and tailgated them for several miles. The van eventually pulled off to the side of the road, and the Thorntons observed the driver of the van changing the plates.

Think about this in terms of surveillance. Who in the world ‘has a habit of taking mental note of the license plates of cars that pass them’? Who in the world drives slow enough to see a fellow who was going fast, park and carry a bloodied sheet? And then get out of the car to try and find the body? They find the bloody sheet but don’t find the body, and the cops mysteriously listen to them and extensively search for the body! (it’s the second on the page titled Jeepers Creepers.)

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Ingot9455
6 months ago

You could have a sports car with the number plate MNSTRC0X fly past me on the interstate and I’d briefly think it’s Ron Jeremy …

Then not more than two minutes later, I’d forget about what kind of car it was, let alone what else it looked like.

Yeah, who are these people who memorise ordinary number plates and drive so slow they can get an extended view of people on the side of the road?

Do they find these people in elementary schools and turn them on to Cabal?

Hackers, take note: we want these files instead, because don’t you want to know how you’ve been fucked with at the schools you’ve had to survive?

6 months ago


Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

If anyone wants to get deep into facial expressions, Paul Ekman is the guy. He first developed his system in his Facial Action Coding System Manual, which is very technical and less watered down compared to his more well known works. His teacher was Silvan S. Tomkins, who first developed the idea of micro facial expressions. Tomkins’ magnum opus is Affect, Imagery, and Consciousness, where he develops his framework of how human emotion works.

6 months ago

3 downvotes for my post about Dog Comms, 0 upvotes, amazing. I guess the verifiable information about BARBRI, my sister Lucy, Obama’s mysterious registration card, and JFK Jr.’s bar exam tutor were…what, combative Hamlet nonsense? Who could possibly downvote that reply? Anyway, here is a photo of the ACTUAL flyer. You people must not understand: THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I THINK IT IS. Dog/God Comms specifically targeting *ME*, without a doubt. My sister is EVIL, EVIL, EEEEEEEVIL. Her husband Sully is EVIL. The two demonic brats they raised and probably molested the unholy shit out of are EVIL. Their dog, their ONLY dog this entire century was a MINI ITALIAN GREYHOUND. Again, my sister’s name is LUCY. Even *without* the “Y” or an “A” substitution, her name would still be encoded in this supposed dog’s supposed name, because LUC = LU, C. Suzanne Vega *is* an evil not-so-crypto-lesbian witch, FOR REAL, all one has to do is examine her NINE Objects of Desire album, with the one-eye cover, the eye covered by an APPLE, with a song like Stockings about a secret lesbian affair, a song titled Lolita, a song titled Headshots, a song titled World Before Columbus, an album produced by her “husband” Mitchell (((Froom))), who also produced the previous album 99.9°F, which is 666 upside down. You think this is schizo shit, anyone? Then you don’t know what the fuck is going on. Also, Suzanne Vega’s Facebook page is where I met Lara Wilkinson, the daughter of John Wilkinson, who translated Jacques Ellul’s Technological Society into English. Lara seduced me into driving a rideshare cross country in 2010 to Go See About Her, a la Good Will Hunting. She wound up being a hideous weirdo an alcoholic crypto-lesbian who worked for the local MoveOn DNC call center. Her mother was SUPPOSEDLY devout Russian Orthodox…yeah, right. NOT JUST A PERSONAL ANECDOTE. You want Cabal Kids? THIS IS IT. This is what EVIDENCE looks like, as it piles up. It looks WEIRDLY PERSONAL and can be MISTAKEN for schizo shit. That “Luca” song from Suzanne Vega was not Raising Awareness about child abuse, it was devilishly *paying tribute* to child abuse. I would bet $50 on that, which is a lot of money to me these days. Anyway, THIS FLYER WAS DEFINITELY MEANT TO SEND ME A SIGNAL. That’s how these psychotic scumbags work. Imagine, AC, if some Cabal operatives posted all over YOUR neighborhood a Lost Dog flyer of an unusual breed YOUR close relative owned, with that close relative’s NAME not-so-cleverly encoded in the supposed dog’s name. What would YOU think? Duh, right? Mind you, Quincy is also home to Puppy Doe, a dog that was tortured to death, and then a black granite bench describing the dog’s torture and death in script on the bench was installed INSIDE A CHILDREN’S PLAYGROUND, RIGHT NEXT TO THE JUNGLE GYM! Who does that? SATANISTS, that’s who. Some satanic cult. By the way, Ruth Gordon is from Quincy, she played the nosy neighbor in Rosemary’s Baby. Lee Remick is from Quincy, too, she played the mother in The Omen, about…the same fucking thing, the Antichrist as a child. THESE ARE NOT RANDOM OMENS. Quincy starts with WHAT LETTER?! Is there any more prominent a city that starts with Q than Quincy? TWO presidents are buried here, the ONLY TWO non-slaveowning early presidents. John Quincy Adams was THE MOST *PROMINENT* ANTI-MASON IN HISTORY, he despised the Masons, and 10 years ago (WASN’T ME!) the Masonic Temple here which DARED to exist in JQA’s hometown MYSTERIOUSLY BURNED DOWN. He and his father are buried/trapped in the basement of a church now dominated/skinsuited by Unitarian Universalist scumbags, led by a treasonous cunt named Rebecca (((Froom))), ahem. Her assistant pastor is a creepy trans weirdo. The church *pays tribute* to dead homeless people from the shelter down the street beloved by Elizabeth Warren, and that shelter, Father Bill’s, nominally Catholic, also hired a FASCIST TRANS CREEP, and those people who die and get *honored* at the church might be RITUALISTICALLY MURDERED AND EATEN, if one believes Ariel/Prolotario on Twitter, and about that I DO BELIEVE IT. The shelter is also home the last year or so to an increasing number of VIOLENT OUT-OF-STATE MIGRANTS a veritable fucking WAVE of them. Ahem. NONE OF THIS IS A COINCIDENCE!!!!!!! Pay attention, you bastards, and DO NOT DOWNVOTE THIS!!!!!!! [stares in unspeakable fury]

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago


Reply to  Max Barrage
6 months ago


You are TOO LAZY.
It will be said about you:
“He didn’t make it.”

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

Needs more cowbell

Ann K.
Ann K.
6 months ago

Just FYI from today’s Expose:
Dr. Duncan authored the book ‘How to Tame a Demon: A short practical guide to organised intimidation stalking, electronic torture, and mind control’.  “He was in charge of designing a lot of this tech for wartime [to be used] against adversaries when they want to get information from them etc,” Orlewicz explained.
Dr. Duncan believes there are currently about one million targeted individuals worldwide.  These people are being used as guinea pigs to work out what needs to be done to hook everybody up to the internet. “[They] are testing on [targeted individuals’] brains this new technology, which they do from far away,” Orlewicz said.

General's Addition
General's Addition
6 months ago

“… and the use of open-source code — which is freely available online — overseen by a Russian computer engineer convicted of manslaughter …”

Looking forward to Dave’s Killer Coders now that we have Dave’s Killer Bread.  🙂