News Briefs – 08/12/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

From the comments, a long video on how airsoft training and dry firing can translate into real firearms skills. If you are pressed for time, it basically shows how a bunch of shooters sent a Japanese kid who had practiced on airsoft guns in Japan to a real American shooting school, and he very quickly adapted to recoil and was as fast as the guys there doing shooting, moving, and reloads:

Two more Epstein Island videos:

8 minutes of Jim Watkins from 8Chan. Kind of rambling, the only significant thing is he says 8chan is being kept offline voluntarily until he talks with Homeland Security, and then he will bring it back up, though they will not have any DDOS protections, which I would think would just let Cabal take it down at will:

Antifa has plans to make MAGA look bad in Portland:

I hesitate to post this obvious joke (a joke because Secret Service doesn’t suicide people, they kill you dead if you fuck around), given somebody will try to claim I am endorsing the idea of storming the estate (I am not, and you would have to be beyond an idiot to try it). But it was just too funny a meme not to post, and the meme is valuable to promote the idea that people who know things about the Clintons do end up dead:

To be clear, I do not think Hillary is having people killed. I think she is just a Cabal employee, who does what “Management” tells her. But I think she is a valued employee, probably because her utter lack of morals and decency means she will do anything she is told, so when somebody poses a threat to her (or Bill), “Management” picks up on it and has them taken care of.

Barr Visited Epstein in jail at MCC around the time of Epstein’s first incident two weeks ago.

Jeffrey Epstein’s death may never be conclusively determined, because we’re told standard practice in the area where he was detained is that cameras do not point inside cells. Article also says he would have sheets, T-shirts, and other stuff to hang himself with, and beds to suspend them from. Of course the news is often fake and outright lies. Another account by a prisoner said the clothes they give you are toilet paper thin so they tear, the beds are designed so you can’t affix anything to them and the ceiling is 9 feet and you cannot get to anything up there to tie anything to.

NY Post confirms there is no video. While I do not want to dox myself, I will note my local news assigned a reporter to cover Epstein who I made special note months ago was a Cabal employee due to something they were involved in. So the local news was taking no chances of the reporter on the story letting out anything Cabal might want kept secret. They assigned a Cabal-member to cover it. If this happened at my local affiliate, it has happened at all other news outlets across the nation. It was all hands on deck for this one. So the point is, if there was film, and it captured the whole murder, and all of these news rooms had already seen it, this is still what you would see these outlets report. Nothing you see in the news is necessarily the truth, or even close to it. What you are seeing is what Cabal has dictated you are to see. Perhaps this is why leaving the machinery in place was part of the plan. Q could have been diverging reality from the illusion to the greatest degree he could, before revealing the split to everyone it all its shocking glory, and blowing their minds.

Taking Epstein off suicide watch that soon was also a violation of the jail’s normal procedures.

MCC told Justice Epstein would have a cellmate and be checked every 30 minutes. Then they transferred out his cellmate and left him unobserved with no checks all night. What happened to the suicide watch?

Epstein guards blame overwork and too many OT shifts.

New York’s Medical Examiner says his determination is that Jeffrey Epstein’s cause of death is “pending further information at this time.” Best comment on Free Republic was somebody saying, “I am just waiting to hear some orderly accidently cremated the body.”

Ghilsane Maxwell has disappeared overseas, and is unlikely to return to the US for fear of arrest.

Another house blows up due to a gas leak. True story. I was chatting with an expert in forensics ages ago, who worked scenes for a living every day. He was recounting a case where somebody had tried to do a murder and cover it up and fucked it all up. He laughed, and almost offhandedly, explained how he would kill somebody and get away with it. Without going into the exact mechanism, it would have produced a crime scene which looked exactly like this, and left absolutely no evidence it was anything but an accident. Which is why this rash of houses blowing up interests me. Also, primary observation posts monitoring neighborhoods will often, if not always, have propane-powered generators for automatic power-backup to keep their monitoring tech powered if the power goes out, meaning they are all vulnerable to this type of thing, if it was some sort of counter-offensive against Cabal’s ground-game to blind them in an area for some reason. That is mainly why I am putting these gas explosions in neighborhoods in the briefs. This could be part of the Storm.

Author petitions judge to let him exhume Dorothy Kilgallen’s body for DNA evidence. Sounds like a shot across Cabal’s bow. Kilgallen was investigating JFK’s murder and the ties to the mob. This author believes he tracked down a reporter (ie. Secret Society member) who was involved in luring her to her disappearance. Back then DNA couldn’t have proved contact between them, but now it could, and he wants to reopen the investigation based on that, to see whose DNA is on her, and move the investigation forward. It may put Cabal in a rough spot, as they didn’t know about DNA at the time, and they are wondering what else might be waiting in the wings once the DNA is pulled and tested.

Hepatitis A is breaking out across the country in wake of opioid crisis.

The 25 wealthiest dynasties on the planet control $1.4 trillion. Only interesting part of the article is where it says the wealth of the Rothschilds and other older dynastic families was too difficult to track, so they didn’t bother to look at their wealth in this article. As if that would have been a pointless distraction, and the Kochs and the Waltons were the important families anyway.

“Don’t go out alone” – Swedish cops warns women after 4 rapes in 4 days.

Denmark’s 3rd largest bank is now paying people to take out a mortgage. I know nothing about this, but I have to imagine this is a sign the elites are afraid of some sort of economic contagion beginning there at this moment. Makes me wonder if the end is closer than it appears.

A good piece at Zerohedge that touches on a small piece of the technology that has been quietly deployed, watching everything. In this case it is 3100 streetlights in San Diego (soon to be 4200) with cameras and microphones that can be used in real time to track people and listen to them, as well as Bluetooth scanners and hidden facial recognition cameras arrayed around. The article makes a big deal about Police having it, but the real thing of interest is behind the Cops (which is the cover), ie. (((Them))). Notice they approach a local politician for comment, and she can’t get away from it fast enough. Try it yourself – approach a local politician wanting to talk about covert surveillance technology deployed on the population in your neighborhood. Watch their eyes go wide and them run off. Politicians don’t fear cops. They will hang them out on a moment’s notice, destroy their lives, and happily, happily use them to advance their careers. But you mention covert surveillance of the public, and notice how they suddenly clam up. They clam up for a reason, and it is the same reason Jeffrey Epstein walks into a holding cell, and everybody knows he is either getting wheeled out feet first, or somebody is going to have to go great lengths to try and get him out alive some other way. It is fascinating. Somebody is building something which there is no doubt will a) be something the nation is utterly repulsed and horrified by to the point of creating a Civil War, and b) which will, without fail, at some point be exposed and produce an uproar. I hope the Trump administration makes it clear they are far outside the blast radius of this one when it is revealed.

Chinese begin moving troops into Hong Kong.

Schumer bill would require FBI to regulate body armor sales. Notice how they want all the rabbits helpless.

Aspiring ballsack-waxee Jessica Yaniv’s page deemed not helpful to trans-activism, so Wikipedia deleted it.

Joe Biden promises to ban assault weapons. The divide now transcends mere ideology. Politics has morphed for the left into a way to lash out at the right by trying to make the world as oppressive and unpleasant as possible for us on every issue. Everything we hold dear, will be a target for destruction by the left, and they will gleefully go down the list, should they ever hold power again. And that could easily trigger a Civil War, because fucking with our kids and forcing degeneracy on them will be on their list. I’m not sure we will make it to the Apocalypse.

40 people shot, three fatally since Friday night in Chicago.

Castro leaked names of Trump supporters, and in so doing triggered a boom in business for the Texas BBQ chain owner of “Bill Miller’s Barbeque,” who supports Trump. That’s free targeted advertising right there.

Steve Bannon says, “To defeat Donald Trump you have to defeat him. He’s the toughest candidate I’ve seen in my lifetime. Tougher than Ronald Reagan. And so you’re going to have to bring it… Remember what President Trump is trying to do on the border is all about the rule of law. I happen to think he’s going to get 40 or 50% of the Hispanic vote in this country. “

Another Old Guard falls: Guatemala electoral tribunal declares conservative Alejandro Giammattei winner of presidential election.

Judge greenlights libel suit against NPR over Seth Rich reports. Basically a guy looking into the weirdness around the death of Seth Rich is suing NPR for defamatory reporting about him.

DeBlasio campaign event draw all of 15 people.

Two of Jeffrey Epstein’s longtime attorney’s have hired criminal defense attorneys.

Former Democrat Jeffrey Peterson says in a twitter thread that he watches Asian news feeds and what comes out in them is the shock and confusion of the Chinese that a President is standing up to them and looking out for America for once.

Rudy says, “You can’t believe what’s coming out regarding shocking crimes that go to heart of our republic.” Ostensibly he is talking about spygate, but he probably knows the rest too, and just can’t overload the public now.

Spread r/K Theory, because Q is still with us.

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5 years ago

Interesting result in the Presidential election in Guatemala. Pelosi and a team of Democrats have been seen there offering economic opportunities and security to Guatemala..

Jeff Wood
Jeff Wood
5 years ago

Ghislaine Maxwell: I have wondered for a while if she would suddenly hammer on your Bill Barr’s office door, begging to be let in.

If she is in hiding, it may be here, in the Mediterranean, likely on someone’s yacht. Perhaps she will fall from it, as her father did. Another loose end tied off.

5 years ago

AC : “Politics has morphed for the left into a way to lash out at the right by trying to make the world as oppressive and unpleasant as possible for us on every issue.”

‘All part of the plan’.

Silly Soycialits can never see the “forest for the trees”.
Yet forests & trees matter not, if the underlying intent is a “scorched earth policy”…

5 years ago

On the video, the main thing I noted that I had missed the significance of (because I hadn’t thought deeply about the counter-arguments) is that there are two silver stovepipes that are obviously exhausts for the two generators for the island — and you would expect two, so that you can run them back and forth to balance wear, and service one while the other runs.

That means that the half-dozen pipes coming out of the ground are not power plant exhausts. I also noted that the gutter drains for that building go underground. Could be to drain pipes out to the shoreline, but could also feed underground cisterns for a structure.

5 years ago

long video on how airsoft training and dry firing can translate into real firearms skills.

Dry-firing has long been known to improve skills. But why even go airsoft? Just get the real deal, what you actually plan on using in the real world, and dry-fire away. As you do that, be sure to stock up on (necessary) accessories, parts and ammo.

Reply to  Bonaventure
5 years ago

I watched a subsaharan african unselfconsciously cradle and swing an ordinary crooked stick, waving it around as though he brandished the barrel of a Kalashnikov. It was a visual reminder that mass migration has changed the situation entirely.

Once I read a police file on a man they were prosecuting on unrelated charges.
“…A loaded hand gun was found in a drawer.”
The “loaded handgun”? An airsoft pistol filled with some tiny plastic pellets. So don’t think a rifle replica is without risks, if a plastic toy is deemed at least incriminating through not illegal.

It has been known for hundreds of years that rulers don’t want certain populations acquiring even technical proficiency with a weapon. Consider exclusive right of nobles to bear swords or duel. At least one author has made the same observating over 100 years ago. Another grim reminder: Even then warfare put great emphasis on making an enemies list. And they are attacked in the most distant ways.

Rather Not
Rather Not
5 years ago

Barr is dirty. Skip over that his Daddy gave Epstein-the-college-dropout his first big break bit.

Barr asked the FBI, still very firmly in the hands of the scheme team (Wray, Boente, Bowditch etc), to do the investigation. Also the IG. The IG does not have power to compel testimony/subpoena.

The issue is that the IG is supposed to provide an alternative to the ‘chain of command’ authority. It is supposed to be a side channel, and a follow up validation that procedures were followed. The key tell is that it is Barr ordering the IG investigation. Barr IS the chain of command. Barr’s leadership and his employees are what the IG is supposed to provide an alternative to.

Barr doesn’t need the IG to investigate. Every single person involved WORKS for Barr, directly, or indirectly. He can order the head of the Bureau of Prisons, and the head of the MCC, and anyone else into his office Monday at 9AM to explain themselves. Barr is ducking his own responsibility as leader of his own department of so-called-justice. Barr does not need the FBI, or the IG, to investigate what happened. Barr needs to call to account his own employees with direct responsibility leading directly to Barr. And the AG is not doing that. Instead, he is starting a many months long administrative circle jerk which will never get to the bottom of anything. It will stay at the ‘mistakes were made’ stage, forever.

The correct procedure is for the DOJ/Bureau of Prisons to report on its own failings, then the FBI to follow up criminally and the IG to ensure the BoP report was properly done. By skipping the primary chain of command, and making the supposed to be secondary IG check the primary, he is ensuring there is no check. Only one investigation to corrupt, and no check on it. Dirty.

Rather Not
Rather Not
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

AC, I wish you were right, and I hope you’re right, but I see too much evidence that Barr is on the wrong side. Between starting his career at CIA, his daddy starting with the CIA even before it was the CIA, and the fact that G.H.W. Bush, former head of CIA, made Barr AG at age 41….I think he is in and of the swamp. His actions are supporting that he is not on the side of the light.

It was Barr’s Justice department’s BOP that did whatever it was that happened to Epstein It is Barr that has been sitting on the declassification authority Trump delegated to him for 3 months now. It is Barr’s attorneys that are fighting things like disclosing the Archey Declarations. It is Barr’s DOJ that is ‘declining to prosecute’ all those corruptocrats the IG refers.

I see that malignant, pervasive, invasive force. I don’t see Barr fighting it, I see him as a part of it. Other than ‘hoping’ and some reflected trust from Trump, why do you believe Barr is a white hat as opposed to black hat? What of Barr’s actual actions make you think that?

Everlastingphelps, I too would like evidence that Donald Barr was not the one who originally hired Epstein. What source do you have for Epstein’s start date?

Reply to  Rather Not
5 years ago

Skip over that his Daddy gave Epstein-the-college-dropout his first big break bit.

When you start out with an easily disproved lie, I just assume that everything following it is more lying.

Barr left in Feb 74. Epstein was hired summer of 74. Stop listening to stupid people.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

What is your source for Epstein not being hired until summer 74? (agree on Feb departure for donald)

My understanding is that Donald Barr hired Epstein, and JE spent the spring getting his teacher certs in order and subbing, and didn’t teach his own classes until the fall. I can say from personal knowledge that Dalton students in the late 90’s were talking about the school’s ‘Epstein Barr’ problem. And I don’t think it was only a play on the virus overlap.

That falls into the category of ‘everyone knew’

Reply to  Np
5 years ago

Bill Barr’s father had resigned from Dalton in February 1974, (according to the March 14, 1974 issue of The Daltonian) and Epstein didn’t work there until after the summer of 1974.

Teachers weren’t certified in 1974, and it certainly wasn’t a requirement for private schools. Teacher’s certificates are a very recent invention/devolution. If he had been required to get one, he wouldn’t have qualified. The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards wasn’t even formed until 1986.

Reply to  Bman
5 years ago

“Mr. Barr said that he would remain until June 7 as headmaster of the coeducational school, which has grown rapidly under his leadership to an enrollment of 1,254 from prekindergarten through 12th.”

Anyone know when Epstein hire date was?

NY Times:
“In February 1974, Mr. Barr had announced that he was resigning as headmaster, protesting the meddling by the board of trustees, but that he would stay on until the end of the school year. It is unclear whether Mr. Barr hired Mr. Epstein during that time.”

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

There is no proof, only assertions, in the ‘and we can prove it’ article. It doesn’t even cover that Donald Barr stayed on after his resignation through the end of the year, in June. It is weak sauce, at best.

It seems, like the NYT says, unclear whether Donald Barr was the one who hired Epstein, or if it was his successor’s decision. Given the timeline, I think it likely D. Barr did, but that is why my original comment was to skip over it.

Reply to  No
5 years ago

There is absolutely no evidence that he was hired by Barr, or that he worked there or was hired before Barr left in June. Lame ducks don’t generally go on big hiring sprees before they go — the opposite, in fact.

Every story I’ve seen asserting this has a big fat lie shoved into it somewhere, like this Heavy article:

However, he stayed on throughout the rest of the year, which is when Epstein was hired.

He didn’t stay on the rest of the year. He didn’t even stay half of the year. (June 7 is the 158th day.) Lies like this tell me that these articles are written by stupid people who, at best, are bad researchers and at worst bald faced liars who have been handed talking points, knowing that debunking the lie just reinforces the lie in most people.

5 years ago

Rome is being overrun by wild pigs and wolves

5 years ago

Just putting some thoughts in order……

We’ve all been operating this whole time ready to abandon Q Anon/Trump and declare failure (I know I have). Some of us have already taken the black pill and and thrown Trump in with the global-homo swamp/ruling class. Epstein dying is ultimate proof that Trump is just as corrupt and will bury the crimes of the ruling class, OR is simply just that incompetent after all. Pick the one that bothers you more.

But what if Q Anon has been telling us this would happen the entire time. Repeatedly. No, really, what are some of the things Q has repeated over and over and what picture does it paint?

1)We have it all.

We’ve been assuming that Epstein was actually needed for some kind of legal action. What if that assumption was in error?

2)No deals.

Again, everyone assumed that Epstein was cutting a deal to turn over his associates and his handlers, but what if they didn’t need him to? That would go a long way towards explaining why he was in a public facility rather than say, a black site where his safety could actually be certain.

3)Panic in DC.

What if they only arrested Epstein to cause panic in the swamp? The swamp understands cutting a deal to save yourself a heavier sentence or on the other side to guaranty a conviction even if it’s an unsatisfying outcome of something being better than nothing. But what if Epstein’s role in the plan was to be blatantly murdered for the world to witness?

4)These people are stupid.

People do not make wise decisions when panicked. Don’t imagine stupidity improves the quality of the decisions.

5)Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.

6)The Great Awakening. Conspiracy no more. Dark to light.

Have you seen the headlines since Epstein’s death was announced? They all boil down to “we’re all conspiracy theorists now.” Some believe Epstein to be alive having been secreted away to Israel, some believe he’s at an NSA black site having been secreted away by the Q Team, but most believe that a shadowy cabal controlled the operations of the prison that night and rigged things to murder Epstein before he could talk. In the end what actually happened to him doesn’t matter, because for the first time all sides in American politics agree that the official story is bogus. Trump even connected Epstein to the Clinton body count. A sitting president implied that a former president is in some way responsible for a current murder. Think about what that means.

8)You are watching a scripted movie. Enjoy the show.

The good guys always spend the first two thirds of any movie getting their butts handed to them only to come back and overcome in the end. Q recently posted a meme of a smiling Trump with the caption “My Turn.” Then Coates was fired and the Epstein docs were released creating massive panic in the swamp. These weren’t even new documents, but unsealed ones from Epstein’s earlier conviction.

9) Trust the plan. Nothing can stop what’s coming.

Does nothing mean “Epstein has to name names” or does nothing actually mean nothing?

If Epstein was required for the swamp draining, why would you risk putting him in a facility the swamp controls? You know these people murder children for fun after sexually torturing them, so why would you risk your star witness with them…. unless the only real use you had for him was to dangle him in front of them and count on their lack of imagination and long term planning and just plain panic for them to make an extreme tactical mistake? So Epstein has gotten what’s coming to him and the public is finally ready to listen and actually hear the truth of just how evil all of these people really are and the Trump admin can show and tell you about how evil these people are because they have everything.

How much faith do you possess, because this interpretation requires a lot of it. But I can’t help it. I want to believe.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Its a game of persuasion, Epsetin’s death ‘awoke’ the mass to existence of the Cabal. You bypass years of conditioning on population with one moment. How does one get to have everyone with a thinking brain to see what is wrong, you create salient event that no one can denied that something is wrong. The left and right now know something is wrong, just start dumping more information for them to have common ground.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell
5 years ago

@Lowell-That’s a REALLY good set of points you have there. I myself before I read this have become convinced that Trump played us and is all in with the Jews. I will admit that if Trump is not swamp and this was planned it is one of the most brilliant achievements in the entirely of politics since the beginning of civilization. I sure hope it’s so because I have lost all faith in Trump. The last false flag combined with Epstein, who is probably in Israel, did me in. Even the most optimistic of people have a hard time believing Trump will do anything with whats going on. Now I’m at a “I’ll believe it when I see it” but I don’t expect anything from Trump.

The question that needs answering is why couldn’t he have used the videotapes from the false flags to do exactly the same??? Why wait? Those peoples blood is on his hands if he waited. There’s lots and lots and lots of evidence from 9-11 and plenty of other false flags to show even the most stupid and dense that there’s a deep State running things.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

The last false flag combined with Epstein, who is probably in Israel, did me in.

I love how you think a bunch of amoral psychopaths who are bent on world domination would also take a guy who has screwed every pooch imaginable and almost brought the whole house down would be getting a reward from these people, rather than being murdered in a cold jail cell.

It doesn’t give the rest of your interpretation any credibility.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Phelps
5 years ago

“…a guy who has screwed every pooch imaginable…”

Did he??? He did the job they hired him for. Out of multiple hundreds of girls one talked, (if I understand correctly her Mom is the one that pushed things), and couldn’t be bought. If she was killed it would have brought even more attention. This is the price of doing this sort of unsavory business. Think of the unbelievable mass of information, leverage and power he gave them over the lifetime of his operation. Eventually he had to get caught. Jews frequently shepherd people off when one of their schemes goes bad. That one girl talked and you think that means they should off him immediately means you are a serious fuck wit that no one would work for. You don’t how this works at all. Intel agencies move heaven and earth to protect their agents. Especially one that compromised so many important people as Epstein. That he was important is easily shown by the seriously massive amount of money they shoveled his way to keep this thing going. Islands, mansions, jet planes none of this shit is cheap. Even after he was caught they still didn’t cut off his cash flow. If they were that displeased the first thing to go would be the cash and it didn’t stop.

You say they’re psychopaths and I 100% agree but psychopaths are way more in tune with doing things that are calculated than the average person which may do things for totally irrational reasons like love or patriotism or duty. If the Jews don’t protect their psychopaths doing this sort of work then they would soon run out of people to do it. It’s not 100% but Jews are extremely likely to allow any transgression as long as it’s against non-Jews.

If Trump is playing us…we’ll see…then Epstein is alive somewhere. At the very least we know the picture said to be him, the person doesn’t look dead and it’s not even Epstein at all because the face and ears don’t match. I don’t care what is reported to have happened to Epstein if we know the picture they release of him is not even him. Why should we believe any of it???? If Epstein was really dead why not show the real Epstein…dead????

One case where a Jew paid for fucking up was when Joan Rivers mentioned that Michelle Obama was a tranny. Dead immediately. The difference is she outed the operation herself. Not like Epstein who just ran across the wrong person.

Oh and by the way,

“…It doesn’t give the rest of your interpretation any credibility…”

There’s no interpretation at all. Just that there are lots of false flags. This is 100% true. Building 7 had to be demoed in some way to fall as if only air was holding it up. Several videos from the Vegas shooting have multiple shooters. You can hear them yourself and people have done excellent analysis to back it up. The school shootings have video…not released, lots of witnesses of multiple shooters, etc. etc. so in reality you have no idea what you’re even reading because I didn’t analyze anything at all. I merely asked why these were not enough.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

I don’t expect anything from Trump.

This is interpretation.

Even on all the false flags, it’s like a conversation I had with a boomer.

“So YOU think we never went to the moon!?!”

I don’t know if we’ve gone to the moon. I only know that the footage that they show us that purports to be on the moon is fake. That doesn’t mean that we have or haven’t gone.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

“… I don’t expect anything from Trump.

This is interpretation….”

No this is what I believe. It’s not the same and you’re silly quibbling shows you’re dishonest.

I repeat again, any one working with you would believe you to be a fuck wit who can not comprehend how things work, has no loyalty nor can you understand simple writing.

Your reply is exactly the same as slimy Hasbara, Jew talk. You disagree that ALL the videos of 9-11 building 7, I know of at least 23 different ones, are all fake??? You believe a building with only 3 or 4 floors on fire can fall the same speed as a rock dropped in air with no support??? You believe that the many first person testimonies in the many shootings that there were more than one shooter are lying??? You believe that all the many video tapes of more than one shooter in Vegas are false??? You believe that that it’s totally innocent that all the video from the school shootings have not been shown??? You believe the pictures of Epstein are him???

You don’t have to interpret this. There’s no interpretation to be done. Either you believe the government story or not.

“…I don’t know if we’ve gone to the moon. I only know that the footage that they show us that purports to be on the moon is fake…”

Couldn’t help throwing in the favorite Jew tactic of dragging in things that have nothing, nothing, to do with what we are talking about about at all to confuse the issue and derail it.

The real message here is that the best thing for real Americans to do is get rid of the Jews. Peacefully if we can get it but by any means possible we must get rid of them and allow them no say in any aspect of our lives. All this is just one big Jew trap and the answer is the tried and true , guaranteed method that has worked repeatedly over thousands of years to deal with the Jews. Kick them out, get rid of them.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

It’s not the same and you’re silly quibbling shows you’re dishonest.

Well, that’s me told.

You disagree that ALL the videos of 9-11 building 7, I know of at least 23 different ones, are all fake???


You believe that the many first person testimonies in the many shootings that there were more than one shooter are lying???


You believe that all the many video tapes of more than one shooter in Vegas are false???

You believe that that it’s totally innocent that all the video from the school shootings have not been shown???


You believe the pictures of Epstein are him???

Yes. If he was killed, then roll the body. If he’s “relocated” then you might as well film the relocation to sell your story. There are no scenarios where a double makes more sense than Epstein himself. Stop being stupid.

I wasn’t sure if you were a shill or just stupid before, but I’m now 95% sure you are a shill. Go back to shareblue or whatever shady criminals are funding you. You are no longer fooling anyone here. Your time and your funder’s money is being wasted, and they don’t have much left to work with.

People who actually read this site and didn’t get sent here by their masters know me and know what I’m about. They know that your stupid rant doesn’t even fit me, much less make any sense.

Stay here, and we will just use you to figure out your methods and make ourselves even stronger.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

Thanks for outing yourself.

5 years ago

Huge Blast At Pro-Iran Militia Base Rips Through Baghdad Near ‘Green Zone’

5 years ago

Iraq Accuses Pentagon Of “Extremely Exaggerating” Numbers Of ISIS Fighters

5 years ago

Brazil’s Bolsonaro warns of Argentina exodus after Macri defeat

5 years ago

Rand Paul is wavering on Red Flags:

Paul, a strong gun-rights advocate, signaled his willingness to support something along the lines of “red flag” laws that allow guns to be removed from those who may be a danger to themselves and others.

“I’m not opposed to sort of an emergency order for 48 hours and then you get a hearing in a court where you get the full due-process protections,” he said in the interview. “It’s the one thing that could fix a lot of stuff. I think most of these homicidal attackers … are sending off signals to their family and community.”


Rand should have been the safety net for Trump’s 3D chess to make sure nothing passed no matter what Trump said.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

The God Emporer does a similar thing with his hands regularly though.

Angela Merkel likewise!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I would much prefer a declaration of Martial Law and a a declaration of war on the cabal.

When the Martial Law was over we wouldn’t have a Red Flag law hanging around on the books.