News Briefs – 08/05/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Note that for some reason tweets display better if you click the title and go to the page, rather than simply skim the post on the blog’s main page. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Cloudfare terminates service for 8Chan, where Q posts. Interesting the shooter chose there rather than 4Chan. According to the operators, it is just a bump in the road and things will be fully operational in 24-48 hours. Q will probably stay dark to minimize bandwidth.

Hotwheels, the site’s creator called for it to be taken down. Freedom is difficult work, and not for all.

The Ohio gunman described himself on social media as a pro-Satan “leftist” who wanted Joe Biden’s generation to die off, hated President Trump and law enforcement, and hoped to vote for Sen. Elizabeth Warren for president. Voted in two Democrat Primaries, was registered democrat. Also he had been suspended from high school for writing a hitlist of people to be killed on a wall.

Ohio shooter may have been radicalized by this Antifa-chick on twitter, who now regrets interacting with him:

Number of Mexican nationals injured in El Paso shooting rises to 9.

Mexico vows to take legal action against U.S. after El Paso massacre, because of dead Mexican nationals.

El Paso shooter’s dad wrote in a memoir of how he beat his drug use through extensive talk therapy and now is an energy healer who says he has seen visions of Jesus Christ and dead relatives. Almost makes me wonder if MK Ultra progressed to the point they would hypnotize people into becoming hypnotists who would create the shooters, to establish a second layer of deniability.

In a strangely deleted CBS News tweet, CBS reported that “El Paso Police say they have “no doubt” there are multiple shooters.” The tweet was captured by WWL AM/FM radio of New Orleans before it disappeared. I am reaching a point in my own paranoia, where I am not able to tell if things really are deeper, or if the weirdness already is just overwhelming critical systems in the brain. If there were multiple shooters, why hide it? Were they taken prisoner and are being interrogated as enemy combatants? Were they so hypnotized they have no idea what happened? Did complicit local officials let them go, and the real US government is afraid to let the public know how much control it has lost to Cabal? But we keep getting people at these events describing much more complicated operations with more moving pieces, and then it disappears.

George P. Bush denounces ‘white terrorism’ after El Paso shooting. Notice how this subtly fans the racial flames of the masses. Is he just a Low IQ apple falling close to a Low IQ tree, or did he get orders from his masters to keep the animus alive?

James Comey had a written piece ready to go. Says, “America has long had a radioactive racist soup in the center of our national life.” We did? I know Trump must want to launch the full takedown of Cabal ASAP, and it must be a hell of a reason he cannot. The only thing I can see is they need everyone to have a sealed indictment, so they are all under indictment when it begins, and they have to be removed from the legal/judicial system immediately at the outset.

Mexico wants the shooting declared an act of terrorism so it can have access to all intelligence surrounding the event.

The push for gun control is on, though it would appear nobody actually is trying to do an Assault Weapons ban. Red Flag laws will still be a danger, but I wouldn’t bet on them. Sheila Jackson Lee said she wants to ban “5.50” caliber ammunition (ARs fire 5.56).

In a brilliant turn, Trump says both cases appear to be mental illness, which makes it look like he will turn this around and push to increase the role asylums play in getting the mentally ill off the streets. I forget where I read it, but somebody, possibly Bill Cooper, had said that part of Cabal’s plan had been to eliminate asylums in the 70’s, to get the crazies out on the streets so they could be weaponized, and One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest was part of the propaganda plan. This would be classic Trump jiu jitsu if he plays it like this.

Mitch McConnell fractures shoulder after falling at Kentucky home. I’m always suspicious of these, since Robert Bryd essentially said Bill Clinton had committed an impeachable offense by lying under oath, and then showed up at the impeachment proceedings with a horribly burned hand and arm, supposedly from the 12V reading light in his car exploding into flames. After that he was the most reliable defender of Clinton.

New Zealand government plans to ease abortion restrictions.

Chicago shootings leave 47 shot, 4 fatally; Mt. Sinai Hospital closes emergency room. There were 25 shot in just 4 hours.

Another mass shooting in Lubbock Texas narrowly averted.

Gasline explosion in a hotel in Nashville.

McAfee says his wife was informing on him for the first two years of their relationship. If you are a target, chances are that will be the case, and if you pick up a phone and order a prostitute, it will definitely be the case. She says her pimp introduced her to cartel members who made her do it. McAfee claims it was for the Belize government, but obviously I would tend to lean toward it being a higher power than just some small Latin American government. At his level of importance, he was getting an informant-partner whether he had ever been to Belize or not. And Cabal in America will not fail to see, or tolerate, a foreign spy in that position. They would have had her arrested and replaced with their own.

Victoria’s Secret hires its first transgender model. It will be worse than Gillette. Most models have androgenized faces to begin with. Now people will genuinely not know if the picture they see is a man or a woman. And that revulsion will attach to their brand. I have almost wondered if Q infiltrated people into these Cabal companies, got them to leadership positions, and is now destroying them from the inside out. Are leftists really this stupid and nuts?

Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe says Trump should be Impeached because his support for border security is what is behind the mass shootings. What do you want to bet Tribe has been to Epstein’s soirees? I wonder if giving Epstein blackmail was how you got hired on at Harvard. Things may not work the way you were told.

Twitter is locking accounts that spread the memes with the picture of Putin, saying “Don’t let Russia interfere in 2020, #DemandVoterID “

In Britain, 89 per cent of 16- to 29-year-olds believe that their lives have no meaning or purpose. Man needs a dragon to slay. Ironically the dragon out there is more deserving of slaying than anything in the past, just nobody knows about it yet.

An estimated half of Ebola cases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are going unidentified. It has already adapted to an incredible degree, and that will accelerate. This may be the one. It just needs to get airborne.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson points out, in 48 hours 39 people were killed in the two mass shootings, but also, 500 were lost to Medical errors, 300 were lost to the Flu, 250 were lost to Suicide, 200 were lost to Car Accidents, 40 were lost to Homicide via Handgun. His effort to show people how emotion is driving them rather than raw logic was unpopular with the rubes on twitter. Someone said there were 3500 abortions, as well, which could be a lot of stem cells and blood, if you think about it. Cabal is using those dead babies for something.

National Review claims we have mass shootings because each lowers the threshold for the next. Doesn’t explain bombings, or suicide bombings, or the indiscriminate mass murder by mentally ill people with cars, which didn’t happen in the past. With respect to mass shootings, it sounds good, except for the fact the mass shootings have progressed through phases. Phase one was men like Patrick Purdy killing children. When that didn’t provoke gun control, it became school kids killing fellow children, so we couldn’t punish the offender and our frustration would turn to guns. Then workplace shootings, so we would all be vulnerable. Now we are at racists, and anti-immigrant shootings so you can lobby for guns, and opposing immigration becomes verboten. Each is an isolated phase, and each is perfectly designed to try and evoke a political response that favors the Democrats and their political agenda of the moment. It also does not explain William Cooper predicting all of it before it started.

Strong earthquake measuring 6.2 hits off Fukushima Prefecture in Japan, felt in Tokyo.

I forgot to point out yesterday, in this video, the leftists at DSA are so traumatizable due to addled amygdalae they have banned applause, and instead hold their hands up and quietly flutter them to show approval, which will, of course weaken their amygdalae further until even that is too stimulating. So loud sudden noises are triggering if you are working an amygdala hijack:

In a YouTube interview Tom Fitton says Obama knew of Spygate and was running the show.

Five Thirty-eight statistician does a piece on WaPo saying his research shows no one gun control law will make a difference and bans won’t solve anything.

HSBC CEO John Flint is stepping down, according to Reuters.

Instagram down in parts of the world.

U.S. Rep. Kenny Marchant will not seek reelection, marking the fourth recent GOP retirement in Texas. Are we still cleaning house?

FBI has been launching secretive raids on Los Angeles government offices. Everything is under seal.

Trump is taking out an intellectual think tank with Top Secret Clearances that was previously untouchable. Sounds like Cabal is getting fully blinded.

Trump is now featured on North Korean commemorative stamps with the Singapore summit.

Bill Maher warned Democrats this week that they are “blowing” their chance to beat President Trump in 2020 by “coming across as unserious people who are going to take away all your money so migrants from Honduras can go to college for free and get a major in ‘America sucks.'” What is going on with the Democrats has serious parallels to what went on with Republicans forever. The difference is, when Republican traitors tried to take down the Republican Party, they just evened things out because the country is mostly K. When the Democrats do this it should swing the balance much farther to our side.

Salvini blocks refugee ships from docking, says Italy is not a refugee camp.

Bill allowing concealed-carry without a permit advances in Ohio House.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because something is coming, judging by the false flags.

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5 years ago

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ee33a6 No.300345 📁
Feb 7 2018 21:59:30 (EST)
Make sure the list of resignations remains updated.
When does big pharma make money?
Curing or containing?
Mind will be blown by chain of command.

AC, Check out resignations – under cancer.

This guy MC comes up – he’s just found a cure for cancer.

Rather Not
Rather Not
5 years ago

POTUS should add the multitude of shootings in deep blue, gun controlled Chicago and Baltimore the reasons for lowering the flag to half mast.

5 years ago

The difficulty that Chicago hospitals had with processing fewer than 50 gunshot casualties make me wonder once again how the hospitals in Las Vegas were able to handle 400? 500? casualties occurring in a short time span. That was the greatest number of American killed-and-wounded since Ia Drang, but Local hospitals evidently took it all in stride.

5 years ago

People have been noticing that Jason Group for a long time.

5 years ago

Think maybe there is another DEW sat up there, and things just escalated?

5 years ago

MS-13 is reportedly involved in manipulating the census:

And I doubt they are the only ones involved.

5 years ago

Trump needs to shut up about the Red Flag laws and Social Media monitoring.

It doesn’t do any good and it feeds the enemy.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

He’s tying it to closing the border. The Dems AND the cabal can’t afford to close the border, so it turns into another, “hey, I guess you didn’t really want that after all.”

Reply to  Phelps
5 years ago

I pray you are right.

5 years ago

K is coming:

‘gay-hunters’ strike terror in Russia’s LGBT community

5 years ago

I can’t find the Q post right now which mentions a 10 day blackout.
Perhaps we are at the first day? I can’t access Q research board on 8c.

5 years ago

“OPUS 167 Mossad Epstein Connection”, by Steve Pieczenik

Links to archives for the Cabal global view graphs for ease of sharing (to save the full series of the graphs, go to the archive link, and open the image in a new tab/window, then save it): – #1 version 1.2 – Annex 1 version 0.2 – #2, version 1.0 – #3, version 1.0 – #4, version 1.0 – #5, version 1.0 – Annex 2, version 1.1 – Annex 3, version 1.1
<Also check this protocol to exploit zionist gate-keeping shills easely using GAB and the "Flat-Tire Protocol" (named after the Laura Loomer flat tire scam fiasco): (and here you can think a text version of the text in that graph if you do not find it easy to read or you want to grab the links faster: )

==VERY IMPORTANT: Connection between Israel, zionists and Masons==
Check out King's Solomon's temple, the temple mount and Heram Abif (the Mason's main hero).

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

“…Mitch McConnell fractures shoulder after falling at Kentucky home…”

If they won’t do what they’re told they just beat the shit out of them.

Bernie Sanders Gets Stitches After Run-in With Glass Shower Door

Sen. Harry Reid was sporting a sling on his arm and a goose egg over his left eye Wednesday after he slipped while jogging and dislocated his right shoulder.

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Harry Reid Breaks Face & Ribs In Exercise Accident.

John Kerry’s hockey accident, two black eyes and a broken nose.

comment image

John Kerry Breaks Leg in Bike Accident

George W. Bush choked on pretzel.

comment image

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

Let me guess, the Jason Group is mostly Jews and they give bad advice. Looking here

they’re pushing global warming. DARPA dropped them a while ago because they refused to let DARPA name any of their group. I bet Jews took over the group and refused to allow any impartial members. As with everything the Jews get involved with they turned to shit as they tool it over. Probably all the data they gather goes immediately to Israel.