News Briefs – 08/31/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.



Army is taking over civilian hotels in New York City:

Nancy Pelosi just told Bill Maher that she plans to grant citizenship to every illegal immigrant and give them free housing—paid for by hardworking American taxpayers:

One of the more interesting things here. Read her facial expression and mannerisms. She doesn’t believe that. She knows Maher is leading her to say something awful, traitorous, and she knows she is espousing something stupid and repulsive to everyone, which will make her hated, and which will cost her. And she pushes through, and says it anyway. She looks afraid, like it is a hostage video, a scripted hostage video, where she has to say that, even as she is repulsed by it. Even the applause was fake. I don’t know what went on to produce that, but that did not arise organically and logically through the conspiracy – and it looks very interesting.

Translation: They were running cover for some of the pedophiles they happened across.

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has approved a request to provide the Secret Service with additional military support capabilities for presidential and vice-presidential candidates for the upcoming election, the Pentagon and the Secret Service said separately on Thursday.

Feds are now threatening to lay a seditious conspiracy charge on retired Special Forces Vet who refused to work as an informant at Jan 6th, to try and bully him into a plea bargain so he will not get discovery. A good example of a nation being run by intelligence. He never went in the Capitol, but they have come after him for refusing to work as an informant.

Politicization of intelligence at the CIA reached new levels of activism under President Biden, according to an academic analysis of recent political influence within the agency.

Kamala has Bidenesque brain break during Georgia rally. I have a relative, who, exactly like a young woman on 60 minutes who was hit with Havana, is having trouble remembering words for things, which it is assumed is due to their beaming. I am not even sure the beaming is always punitive. Sometimes I suspect it may be some sort of scanning, maybe even trying to recreate a model of a brain, but to get the required detail, it pours tremendous amounts of energy into a limited space, and inevitably disrupts things, which the conspiracy just sees as a cost of doing business.

Nationally recognized conservative commentator Michael Medved says he will likely vote for Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris in November. This is a guy who does not get beamed by surveillance, and who probably gets money funneled to him somehow by the operation. Total Traitor, and probably always has been.

Kamala claimed to have worked at McDonalds, and it is looking like she made the claim up:

She wants you to think she had to bust ass like everyone else because she is keenly aware everyone else had to bust ass, but she was taken care of by something she cannot let you know about.

Democrat Maryland Gov. Wes Moore has apologized for falsely labeling himself a Bronze Star recipient on a White House application in 2006.

Massachusetts GOP demands information on state’s $1 billion in ‘secret’ migrant spending: ‘Veil of secrecy.’

Official Dem platform backs plan to give Amnesty to already-deported aliens, with violent felon criminals included!



Defamed Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and her daughter are seeking Rudy Giuliani’s homes and World Series rings.

New study indicates vaccinated Sperm is not swimming properly, and the semen contains some sort of self-assembling subunits which are forming strange structures in it. The real problem is there is a good chance Cabal biotechnology will be as much as two or three generations advanced beyond the current state of the art in the US-proper. Given that, it is very tough to know exactly what they may have done in the vaccine, or what these structures are.

Japanese citizens were left stunned when NHK, Japan’s largest national broadcaster, on 28th Aug aired an hour long comprehensive report on the harms of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

RFK Jr describes the great wealth transfer that occurred during Covid —— $4.3 trillion dollars from the American middle-class. founder Michael Lacey sentenced to 5 years, fined $3M in prostitution case. I am unfamiliar with this specific case, but I would warn you, if you ever start a classified ad publication, a Craigslist, or something similar, and it begins to take off, Cabal will have its prostitutes, child traffickers, child porn people, and its pedophiles show up and dirty your operation with an eye to getting you charged. You are not allowed to do that, and they will do what they have to, to stop you, in such a way it will look like it was your fault it failed.

The Chicago Transit Authority announced Thursday it is one month into a year-long pilot program with ZeroEyes, a company that uses artificial intelligence to identify guns in surveillance video and alert police, but the ACLU has issues with the program.

New wage data show no STEM worker shortage – contradicts National Academies Report arguing that there are not enough STEM degree holders to meet demand.

Armstrong – 94 US banks burdened by uninsured deposits – risk of bank runs.

“Racist” signs telling blacks to go to the back of the bus so Kamala’s migrants can sit in the front, which are popping up in Denver are connected to controversial street artist Sabo.

Candace Owens has gotten into it with “The Jews”:

The girl is such a rebel, and clearly not “of the machine.” Or not. She was one of the girls picked up by that Jewish pornographer’s modelling site, which looked kind of like an escort site, where it seemed the intel op was trolling for new script-reading conservathots. And she did hitch up with some royal from England. One of the few advantages of my position is, I have no doubt, I am out over the hairy edge of anti-establishmentism. I am burning the most illegal crime being committed against every American by this conspiracy, something so dramatic I have no doubt it will trigger a Civil War, and maybe lead to a few million deaths one day. I can show it to people, they can see it with their own eyes. Candace could not possibly hurt this corrupt machine more, than to join me and help reveal the American Stasi. But I know she never will, unless her handlers tell her to. I could imagine us meeting, me introducing myself, her realizing who I was, and her eyes going wide as she desperately sought to get away from me, without saying anything of any value.


A major California health insurer as hit with California’s largest-ever penalty, and must hire a dedicated case manager for people diagnosed with gender dysphoria after state regulators found it improperly denied coverage to some patients.

A coordinated push among leftists to get rid of the Constitution, due to being outdated and limiting.

The stranded Boeing Starliner astronauts planned to hitch a ride home with SpaceX, but their space suits aren’t compatible with Elon Musk’s spacecraft.

The Houthis published a video on Thursday that they claimed showed its members boarding the Greek-flagged oil tanker Sounion and planting bombs while chanting, “Allahu akbar.” Ship is carrying 150,000 tons of crude, and is floating abandoned after being attacked..

Telegram channel of DDoSecrets shut down shortly after publication of Israeli ministry of justice ‘leak’ (the big hack last week), with a request from Israel’s ‘cyber unit’ viewed as the likely cause.

Five people have been injured, three of them critically, in a stabbing attack by a 32 year old woman, on a bus in the western German city of Siegen, police say.

Ukrainian defense minister tells CNN ‘I hope we were heard’ after presenting list of targets inside Russia to US officials.

WW3 watch: Netherlands approves Ukraine use of its F-16s to strike Russian territory.

In war-fatigued east Ukraine, Zelensky loses his shine.

A night out in Moscow watching a movie:

Remember what they have taken from you.

Judge overseeing Elon Musk and ?’s defamation lawsuit against Soros-backed Media Matters just DENIED their motion to dismiss.

Federal Appeals Court: Illegal aliens do not have 2nd Amendment rights.

Elon Musk leads parade of Tech Titans boosting Trump as the true ‘Freedom Candidate.’

Send people to, because we want back what was taken

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6 months ago

Today’s posting is incredibly depressing. The rubber band of the nation and the world seem to be stretched so far. Doesn’t it snap at some point? Who or what sets it off?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

*cut&paste whitepill

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

“I view all of what you see as depressing …”

Don’t view it like that.  🙂

I see most people as essentially lazy and unwilling to work toward the positive goals they seek because they seek solace and addiction in their dysfunctions, setting up cycles of boredom so that they can game their addiction without much effort.

Someone back in the 1990s figured it out:

Be warned: it’s a slow Web site on some very slow hardware, so maybe try Internet Archive for a cached copy.

“We propose that the subjective experience of boredom is a first level safety mechanism analogous to pain, that has evolved to keep humans moving about so that they can discover and exploit their environment.”

“This safety mechanism could itself prove fatal in siege situations, such as having to hide quietly up a tree until a predator leaves. So a second safety mechanism has evolved to place a human into a partially conscious standby mode after the human has been bored long enough that it would have moved on if it possibly could. The level of the neuroinhibitor dopamine in the human’s brain rises. This induces a subjective experience of self-absorbed well being, while rendering the human quiescent but sufficiently conscious to notice when it is safe to move, by deactivating an entire layer of cognition …”

And so: stop weaponising states of “depression” against yourself so that you can enjoy continued boredom that reinforces your addiction to a second-line form of pain relief.

“We stagnate now, because things are too good.”

No, it’s because there’s a veritable feast of attention gathering and engagement seeking informational vortexes out there that will change your attention into boredom so that you get hooked on paying attention to stuff that essentially has no meaning or importance.

It’s like those people on Reddit’s r/areweinhell have noticed, but going further: the blockages are there to wear you down and to demand your immediate engagement so that your threshold for addiction is adjusted, and then the rest of the full societal programming package is able to do its work.

In this the idea of “too good” is one in which there’s a fake peace created by making people less likely to create new and disruptive things, which are then reserved for people who have been able to escape The Creative Plantation or by those who are employed within it for the purposes of a soft power penal colony, for which the audiences they command are either far too small or far too large, respectively.

The more people who turn off the TV and its equivalents, who put it back in its box, and who set about creating, maintaining, repurposing, discovering, inventing, and overthrowing stuff, the better things get.

“American Stasi” in this vein is an effort to discover how systems of surveillance have been put into place to exploit this second-line mechanism so that most people remain bored, pliable, and complacent.

Don’t be like them, and don’t believe that any of this is being “too good”.

And so today’s good work: I fixed a device that the manufacturer says has no user serviceable parts inside, one which I’m supposed to throw away once I’ve removed the battery, an act itself that renders the warranty void.

So I voided the warranty by cutting out the battery, then crimped in some new terminals for a replacement battery with an attached regulator/charging circuit, after which it’s back to behaving like a new and liberated device.

Fuck you, Waterpik, that’s one sale you’re not getting yet.

I don’t do this because I can’t afford a new Waterpik.

I do it out of contempt for the manufacturer’s hostility toward self-repair.

Hate these systems harder by fixing them at every scale.

Reply to  General's Addition
6 months ago

YOU…you’re a Good One. Please post here as often as you can!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

We need THE TRUTH. The truth shall set all of us free…BUT NOT UNTIL IT IS FINISHED WITH YOUUUUUUUUUU FIRRRRRRRRRST. Unless you reckon with the unwelcome truth about YOURSELVES first, those unacknowledged truths WILL TRIP/TRAP YOU, and you WILL FAIL. Understood? You CANNOT designate SOME truths as Unwelcome or Disruptive. If you do, then you are OPPOSING THE TRUTH, which is EVEN WORSE THAN FIGHTING GOD. You all need to stop being Little Babies Who Are *Slightly* Morally Superior to the Cabal Cunts. You want to win? Then you need to DEFEAT YOUR OWN SHALLOW, ROTTEN EGOS FIRST. Sorry. I may or may not make many rules, but THAT is a COSMIC PRINCIPLE that you CANNOT BYPASS. Capiche?

Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

Physician, heal thyself.

Reply to  General's Addition
6 months ago

Thank you so much for this link. Wow.

Most people’s dopamine levels are horrifyingly high. They were only ever evolved to be anything like as high for short periods, with long periods of separation between them. The high levels devastate people’s consciousness and are unhealthy.

The driver organ is therefore a positive feedback loop whereby a human hooked on its own dopamine (Secretion) will perform boring behaviours to stimulate dopamine production (Constraint). As with other addictive situations, the higher the usage, the greater the craving, such that the positive feedback loop will always tend to increase boring behaviour and levels within the bounds of the possible.

Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

If indeed we are teeing up a 2nd American revolution, it makes me wonder about the FIRST American revolution.
After we repelled the british and began our country, was it basically a golden age for awhile? It seems so.
So if THAT is true, and if we “win” the 2nd American revolution, will there be another golden age (even for just a little bit…like…say…enough time in the next 4 years to REALLY prep and REALLY get our mountain redoubts ready)?
Hoping so.
Meanwhile, God is in control and my life is hid in Jesus…so onward we go.

6 months ago

> A coordinated push among leftists to get rid of the Constitution, due to being outdated and limiting.

Being limiting was the *point* of the Constitution; it talks too much about what the government is not allowed to do. Which is why the leftists hate it so much.

6 months ago

> Democrat Maryland Gov. Wes Moore has apologized for falsely labeling himself a Bronze Star recipient on a White House application in 2006.

Hmm. If he has made the “bronze star” claim anywhere after 2013, he’ll be in violation of the Stolen Valor Act.

6 months ago

> The Houthis published a video on Thursday that they claimed showed its members boarding the Greek-flagged oil tanker Sounion and planting bombs while chanting, “Allahu akbar.” 

Weapons are prohibited at every major port, and ships bringing them in – even slingshots or pellet guns in some places – can be fined or impounded.

The shipping industry doesn’t really care about piracy; they just buy insurance and pass the cost on to their customers. Everyone hates insurance companies, so there’s no push for the ships to be able to defend themselves against piracy. Meanwhile, the crews get kidnapped, raped, murdered, or all of the above, but hey, fukkem, they should have considered that when they hired on.

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

I didn’t know that. Could they sail with a “weapons dinghy” on board, that can be cast off before entering port with a couple of crew members and the weapons cache?

Reply to  Ed
6 months ago

Some companies pick up deliveries of firearms at sea then just dump them into the ocean near their destination port. In the grand scheme of multi billion dollar shipping organizations, a few million on scrapped guns is nothing.

Reply to  Ed
6 months ago

Sounds like a good idea.
Those Russian pirate hunting tourists must be doing something like that.

Last edited 6 months ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Ed
6 months ago

I haven’t read about anyone doing that, but it’s an idea.

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

BS. I had a sailboat that I banged through a few countries in; with weapons.
Every port of entry has a form for declaring weapons, including “how many cannon”.
At the port of entry, they ask you declare your port of departure.
Depending on weapons and country, you can lock them up in a sealed locker, or they will transport them to your port of departure.

Reply to  Sparky
6 months ago

What I heard is that insurance companies won’t cover cargo ships that have weapons for defense.
Some garbage about it being cheaper to take losses to pirates than to incur losses from fighting.

6 months ago

“New study indicates vaccinated Sperm is not swimming properly, and the semen contains some sort of self-assembling subunits which are forming strange structures in it.”

So much money slipping through my fingers everyday.

Reply to  Cornpop
6 months ago

HAH! Dang that is funny.

Unvaxxed sperm cows…UNITE!
(sadly, I cannot avail myself of selling said semen because I gots the snip a LOOOOONG time ago and there is NO WAY I’m having some idiot doctor attempt to hook those tubes together again…nope).

Unless the price per ounce shoots (see what I did?!) through the roof…hmmmm….

6 months ago

> New wage data show no STEM worker shortage – contradicts National Academies Report arguing that there are not enough STEM degree holders to meet demand.

The IT and trucking industries work like that, to my personal knowlege.

What they really mean is, “There are plenty of Americans we won’t hire, because they want decent money. What we want are foreigners who are willing to work for peanuts.”

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

It started with farmers, then construction, it keeps spreading to more and more industries.

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

As several smart people I know have said, in different fields, “there is no shortage of electricians at $200 / hr, there is a huge shortage at $20/hr.” Bean-counters in the big companies want 1st-world quality at 3rd world wages. Something has to break. We are getting close.

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

You’re correct.
“You mean… (?)”
“Always has been.”

6 months ago

> Twitter banned on Brazil

Good on ’em. Twitter is like mainlining trash directly into your brain.

Now they need to ban the other antisocial media sites as well.

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

Horrible take.
+500 social credit points.

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

Is this a joke? Surely, TRX is joking. Yes?

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

Maybe rethink this TRX. Lot’s of people who aren’t trash there are now locked out of info/news/social connections.

6 months ago

Defamed Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and her daughter are seeking Rudy Giuliani’s homes and World Series rings.
This along with the Alex Jones’ fines, even Trump has demonstrated that the Eight Amendment has been expunged from the Constitution. Total destruction of the defendant is not justice.

6 months ago

Reply to  teotoon
6 months ago

Whatever that is can’t be seen.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

Erase it. When I cut and pasted it, all I got was a black box which would not go away even when I tried to delete it; so I just hit post hoping A.C. could delete it.

6 months ago

comment image

6 months ago

No sidebar.

6 months ago

comment image

That’s some plan you got there Q.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

“Just 2 more weeks! Trust Sessions! Trust Barr! Trust Pence! Trust the plan! Patriots in control! We have it all!”

6 months ago

comment image

On caveat, unused land larger than some size like 10 acres should be taxed, we don’t want Bill Gates and the Sierra Club etc. buying up millions of acres of land and playing dog in the manger to force everyone else into cities for the UN.

6 months ago

Army is taking over civilian hotels in New York City:

I’m telling you—The US Military is NOT our friend. They are mercenaries for Jew Globo-homo.

An invasion on our Southern border–demography is a type of warfare–being done by the Jews. Where is our Military—overseas–helping the very same people who are not only genociding us–but orchestrating another Helter Skelter. Phuck the US Military.

6 months ago

Ruby and her daughter should be suing the gov’t for making them get the deep nasal swab everyday they came in during the election. They recorded everything. Ruby in a warehouse of mail-in ballots, by herself pretty much, dutifully putting the ‘votes?’ into the computer. No oversight, she recorded it all, herself. Made into a reality show pretty much, advertising her and her daughter’s businesses along the way.

Last edited 6 months ago by Stephanie
Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
6 months ago

Army is taking over civilian hotels in New York City:

Meaning the hotels not already taken over by foreign parasites?

6 months ago

I’m sure the Russians truly feel bad for the American people after the total clusterfark we’ve been living through, but not so sorry that they won’t walk all over America to achieve their objectives.

6 months ago

Wikipedia bios are still useful for putting basic information, that is a matter of public record and can be found elsewhere, in one place, and they you do your own interpretation.

I’m in late middle age, and would expect that a majority of pols I heard of to be younger than me, but that is not the case. Joe Biden was elected to the Newark, Delaware city council before I was born, and there are photos of Nancy Pelosi with John Kennedy in the White House.

However, I went to the Wikipedia page for “Joe Biden” and found there was almost nothing from before 1969. Nancy Pelosi was the daughter of the Mayor of Baltimore and started early as basically a Democratic Party hackette. She was put into a number of party positions, before chairing the California Democratic Party in 1983. She was first elected to Congress in 1986, and received attention from the political media from the start.

Until the 2010s, Pelosi was perfectly coherent, even well spoken, in her media appearances. She was better at them then most of the old school Dem pols in the House of Representatives. She advocated policies that were pretty much standard for Democrats at the time. This is in contrast to “Joe Biden”, who was always a reliable water carrier for the Deep State.

But in the 2010s and 2020s, she has only pushed Cabal projects in her public career. And AC is right in that she comes across as being in some sort of hostage video in these, when she doesn’t appear to be drunk.

Reply to  Ed
6 months ago

Don’t forget InfoGalactic. Most of the time it simply mirrors Wikipedia, but sometimes its editors make significant changes or additions to the Wikipedia text.

Reply to  Ed
6 months ago

I saw a video of her recently saying Joe Biden should be put on Mt. Rushmore and even the interviewer had to bust out laughing.

Last edited 6 months ago by Stephanie
6 months ago

I take Laura Loomer’s reports with a lot of salt, though I still pay attention to them. The first item, on Jeff Walz, is plausible. Tim Walz was “elected” Governor of Minnesota in 2018, and the brothers stopped speaking to each other some time before hand. Tim Walz was in Congress, but his record there was not particularly remarkable. So I can see a growing disenchantment, and then finally when this guy starts getting national attention, his brother wants to speak out.

On the second report, trying to put Trump in jail is crazy to begin with, and goes to eleven on the craziness meter now that the Republican Party has nominated him (btw Eugene Debs got 914,191 recorded votes for President in 1920, while in jail).

Calling in the National Guard before the big event is not crazy. Though if its for a sentencing on September 18th, its a little early. That is three weeks away. But why are they in hotels in midtown Manhattan? I looked up the Wolcott Hotel and its a few blocks from the empire state building.

Maybe the National Guard is different, but reservists on orders will be kept in either military housing, or in really cheap hotels and motels (which in New York City would mean out by the airports,or in New Jersey). The housing is provided only if they live outside commuting distance. There are National Guard units based in the five boroughs and nearby suburbs. The soldiers assigned to them all live within commuting distance. There is no reason to call in units from upstate. They have large armories in the five boroughs where you can set up cots. The soldiers would be staying in the hotels, not manning the front desk of the hotel, in uniform.

6 months ago

I posted a link yesterday to a Gods, Goats, and Guns podcast where Alex Krainer and Tom Luongo discuss how Ukraine is the piece at the bottom of the Jenga tower of the world financial system.

For those who would rather read, Vox Day has a post up discussing this, and linking to Alex Krainer’s related Zero Hedge article:

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ed
6 months ago

It’s a rather sobering read.

6 months ago

New wage data show no STEM worker shortage – contradicts National Academies Report arguing that there are not enough STEM degree holders to meet demand.

The link goes to a Center for Immigration Studies that summarizes the report in one page, with graphs.

First, if there was a “STEM worker shortage”, you would expect wages for these worker to increase. They haven’t increased. Actually they seem to have decreased, according to the figures.

Second, the report gives some hard numbers:

9.4 million STEM degree holders working not STEM jobs

5.7 million STEM degree holders working STEM jobs

2.9 million workers in STEM jobs without STEM degrees

2.1 unemployed STEM degree holders

It also notes that just under a third of STEM jobs are filled by foreign born workers, which also helps explain the wage stagnation.

The figures also imply that someone with a STEM degree has less than a 50% chance of getting a STEM job, and something like a 12% chance of being completely unemployed. So I guess get one of these only if you really want to work in STEM, because its not some sort of magical ticket into the workforce.

Reply to  Ed
6 months ago

I don’t know how much it skews the numbers, but quite a few people get STEM degrees because their parents, counselors, and everybody else told them to “because you can make a lot of money!” Then they realized they couldn’t stand the field and went to do something else. I don’t have numbers on it, but it’s more than 1 or 2.

Reply to  Ed
6 months ago

A part of it is that there is a huge shortage of STEM guys at $20/hr, no great shortage at $200/hr. The boomers and bean-counters in mega-corps want 1st world quality at 3rd-world prices.
Another part is that someone with a math degree can make a lot more money on Wall Street as quants than designing widgets, so there are a fair number of them in more financially-rewarding jobs. Smart enough for STEM is a great proxy for “smart and math savvy” and they can’t formally require IQ tests. Alternately, a math, chemistry, physics, or biology degree guy might become a HS teacher, a “non-STEM” job.
A third part is the DEI puts a lot of white STEM types at the bottom of the hiring pile.
A fourth is the vax mandate made a lot of people unemployed when the said “no.” I know no small number of STEM-types who refused the jab and became funemployed.

6 months ago


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

Reminded me of The Great Conspiracy and the arcani – secret watchers who sold out the Romans in Britain:

 Peter Vansittart‘s historical novel Three Six Seven: Memoirs of a Very Important Man, was very good.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

All of these people are related. Hollywood is a family business.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

Could be. But there are a lot fewer faces than people.

I know of two men who could be my twins. Triplets? One is a famous terrorist. He’s a few months younger than I am, entirely different racial background, but the genetic dice are apparently loaded, at least when it comes to faces.

The other was a DJ in California. According to his bio, he was born in the same town and same month I was. And he has the *same name* as I do. I actually exchanged a couple of messages with him. After I mentioned the resemblance, he ghosted me, and apparently quit his job and has no further Web presence.

If my mother was still alive, I would be asking her some questions.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

Most of those aren’t even close to looking the same.

Reply to  Corn Pop
6 months ago

Close enough to be related, 1st cousins even.

Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

Attractive people have faces with symmetrical features. Hollywood mostly selects for attractive faces which is why we see sameness in these faces, although if you saw other photos or saw them in real life you would see all the differences eg Keira Knightly has a square face & Natalie Portman has an oval face. Less attractive people have asymmetry & features that are out of proportion – this is what makes their faces more strongly individual.

Just Me
Just Me
6 months ago

Seems every day now, I think “Things can’t get much worse.”
They do. And they get more bizarre.
This movie really sucks.

6 months ago

Sidebar gone.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

Gone again.

6 months ago

Re: Scottish Guy in Moscow

This man’s videos are a breath of fresh air. Moscow does represent something precious we’ve been robbed of here in the West – but we will get it back again. Of that I’m sure. Meanwhile, we have work to do.

Reply to  Huck
6 months ago

I don’t know if I’m missing something but this is a standard European lifestyle