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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
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DFT – Chinese Real Estate Developer Faces Its Lehman Moment
DFT – UAE Plans To Use BRICS Membership To Develop Trade
DFT – Japanese Department Store Sogo & Seibu Workers To Engage In Rare Strike Over Sale To Fortress
DFT – Toyota Resumes Operations After 24-Hour Stoppage Due To Glitch
DFT – Binance Eyes Complete Exit From Russia
Posted by AetherCzar at TA:
“I’m gearing up for another book sale. The sale will run Wednesday, September 6, 2023, 12:00 AM PDT through Wednesday, September 13, 2023, 12:00 AM PDT to coincide with BasedCon September 8-10 in Grand Rapids, MI.
I’m looking for authors who’d like to participate.
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You cannot say 100 percent this story of a nice elderly woman whose husband died, and the community suddenly banded together to harass her until she maybe committed suicide, is the domestic network, but it looks like it, and it is certainly the type of thing living in a lawless land with no rules, run by a shadow dictatorship would facilitate. No American should support this. We should strive to protect the weakest among us, elderly widows, living alone, at the top of the list. Everyone who supports this system is ass deep in evil.
Signal is secure and encrypted, anon – Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson said the US National Security Agency hacked into his Signal account and read correspondence about a planned interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) revealed on Tuesday morning that he was recently diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, what he calls “a very treatable blood cancer.” Obviously, he will be a surveillance target, and will have some sort of emissions being beamed through his home.
NYC migrant shelter neighbor who complained says he’s a “prisoner in my own neighborhood,” after cops install surveillance cameras outside his house. “I’m in a fishbowl. I don’t recognize my country anymore. They’re doing things in secret, and now I’m the one under a microscope for standing up.” They may have had cops do it, but I think the ones who ordered it are either some sort of ultra-deep cover CIA, or they are a part of something in the private sector, the command of which can call up any government agency, and make them bow down.
Greg Kelley says there is a tape of Joe Biden which will be revealed between Labor Day and Halloween, which will end him, because it will leave no doubt about his corruption. Which means somebody else will be running for President. That could be a Cabal move which was long planned. That could also kill Biden literally, as his body is already failing, and a narcissist will not deal well with that type of thing.
New Hampshire Secretary of State backs down, ‘not seeking’ to remove Trump from ballot.
Biden to be first President not to visit crash site for 9/11 memorial anniversary. Might he have been barred from it by white hats in control?
The man on the street interview is fake – Pete Buttigieg and Big Pharma Vivek both getting called to ask questions on MSNBC when they are just young guys?!
Gunman suspected of plotting mass shooting at black church gets turned away at door because it’s too crowded. They come in waves too often for it to not mean something.
Tucker Carlson interview of Hungarian Prime Minister, Victor Orban. “Liberal originally meant freedom but in Europe Liberal means that you are an enemy of the people” Again, it has nothing to do with liberal or conservative though. What we face is non-ideological. When the population turns K, if it can hang onto power, this thing will purge the left like nobody’s business, and the corrupt who will by spying on your kids and keeping you tied down as they execute leftists will be spouting the ultra-conservative platitudes. What we face is an intelligence operation. And likely a very old, very sophisticated one, IMO.
Tiffany Gomas flies again, in the same outfit as her meltdown over some motherfucker who was “not real.” From the piece:
…when asked about what she saw. ‘But I have been told that I cannot comment on that right now. So, I’m sorry.’
The question asked by TMZ has prevailed among those on social media as many have wondered what exactly Gomas saw that made her flip out.
Later on in the nearly two-minute interaction, the outlet once again asked if she could at least give some insight to her outburst.
She refused but did share that something had made her uneasy and that she was committed to getting off the American Airlines flight.
‘I was distressed, I was getting off the plane no matter what, I just probably didn’t need to make the scene that I made,’she said. ‘I was getting off that plane.’
More video here, about five minutes long, not much, but she is saying things are not right, something is not right with the guy. Weird black woman walks up for unclear reasons, and tells her she is a licensed attorney, so “Be careful. Just be careful.” Being under surveillance, this black woman had the feel of somebody who knew what was going on, and was trying to take control with that phrase, but who was stopping short of basically spelling out everything and demanding Gomas bend the knee and be quiet.
“Oliver Anthony” is making more money in a day than his followers make in a year. $40K per day, supposedly. Maybe music is different than everything else, but Vox Day is probably the top pinnacle of publishing success as a normal non-ticket-taker, and I do not see him making $40K per day off of The Best Thing That Ever Happened. My suspicion is this guy will be kicking most of that back to somebody, and what he keeps, he will spend on what he is told to spend it on. Good work if you can get it, but only if you can get it without the pedo-networking, the treason, and the sale of your soul. I doubt that door is open to you, anon.
Britney Spears believes that ex Sam Asghari was ‘secretly working’ with her estranged dad Jamie to feed him information about her life that would help keep popstar locked in 13-year conservatorship. Tough to say how accurate Britney’s reads on situations would be, but if she was a target (and she was in Disney as a very young child star), there are strange cases where relatives, even blood relatives, even parents, end up being part of the conspiracy targeting someone. I suspect this happens because the targeting is made based on an genetic line, a sleeper is sent in to marry the target, they have kids, the sleeper can never reveal whatever it is they are a part of, and as a result, the sleeper continues to treat their own child as a target, just like the wife. And of course the guy they send in to her would be one. Sometimes I feel like we are only scratching the surface of just how strange the full reality of this thing is, and how weird how they view us is. Be interesting some day to see what the deal was with the ancestry of Brittney’s mom. Or what it is which makes our kind different to them.
One minute Kanye is on a mission to expose “the Jews,” and he cannot be stopped, and then his Jewish “personal trainer” threatens to have him locked up like he did once before, he disappears for a bit, and when he comes back he will not talk to anyone while he is jetting around a city without trousers on, seemingly getting oral sex in public from some bitty who showed up out of nowhere. I do not know what to make of it beyond something weird is going on up there.
An intelligence specialist who was found dead in a Pentagon parking lot earlier this year died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the chest, investigators said. Who shoots themselves in the chest?
BLM protester hit by police projectiles during 2020 riots awarded $3.75 million.
ATF agents arrested Gabriel Cowan Metcalf for possessing a firearm in the controversial “gun free school zone” defined by federal law as possession of a firearm within a thousand feet of a school. Eventually to be overturned by the Supreme Court, they say.
Avoid blood donations if possible – Gay Biden doctor donates blood to mark new FDA rule that finally allows millions more homosexual men to become donors.
More than 1,600 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, declare climate ’emergency’ a myth.
Second person dies as unprecedented 450 wildfires scorch Louisiana amid heat wave.
First Ugandan charged with ‘aggravated homosexuality’ punishable by death.
More than 60 “gay suspects” detained at same-sex wedding in Nigeria.
Macron: BRICS expansion threatens the existence of the “Western” world order.
US announced $250 million security aid package for Ukraine.
Western press fetishizes Ukrainian amputees as limb loss epidemic grows.
A good Book for those interested:
AC you may believe this is worthy of Archiving. This has been out of Print or hard to find.
The author said one could skip to the end and just read that. I did, and it is very cool and I agree with him. Socialism is a “death drive” or nihilism. And humans seem to have that aspect naturally.
It’s also cool how he talks about the possibilty this is necessary to educate us by forcing us to pass through it as a stage. RUS seems to have come out the other side and they talk and act like they realize this. And that EUR has to go through it themselves.
Lafferty and Guenon talk about the same things. But this book is much more accessible and direct.
Very interesting. Thank you for sharing.
The fallacy that lay at the Utopian Projects from Plato till recently is that of the Principle of Equality:
“”It is natural enough to begin the analysis of this social ideal by elucidating the interrelationship of its various elements. It is immediately clear they do not play an equal role.
For example, Plato argues for the necessity of communal property and wives, since only under these conditions will the citizens take joy in and grieve over the same things. In other words, he considers the communality of property and the abolition of the family as means for achieving equality.
He regards equality, however, not in the usual sense of equality of rights or opportunities, but as identity of behavior, as the equalization of personalities. Both these traits–the abolition of private property and of the family as a means to achieve equality, and this special understanding of equality–run through the majority of socialist teachings.
The view that equality is the basic principle from which other socialist doctrines proceed played an especially large role in the gnostic sects. “God’s justice consists of community and equality”–such a proposition was used to justify both the abolition of private property and the demand for communal wives.
This theme can be traced in the medieval heresies and the doctrines of the Reformation. Niklaus Storch preached: “Everything should be common, for God sent all into the world equally naked.” Müntzer taught: “No one should rise above others; every man must be free, and there should be community of property.”
Citing Plato, More asserted that those laws are best that provide for “distributing all the good things of life among all equally,” and deduced the need for communality of property. Meslier writes that “all people are equal by nature” and also deduces the necessity of abolishing private property””
Eden featured Adam naming the Animals and his Wife as “Woman” for she was taken out of man. Naming in the Ancient World indicates Dominion over said creature being Named. This all happened BEFORE THE FALL.
This is carried forward to the Husband and Wife relationship being the Analogues of Christ and the Church. God being the Man and the Church being the Woman.
Hence Hierarchy existed in the Garden of Eden. Heaven is a Hierarchy. Inequality is Heavenly. Equality isn’t.
True. But More’s Utopia was making fun of Utopians.
R A Lafferty’s sci-fi novel Past Master is about all this and incredibly good.
I mean, good at a level that transcends genre. I think it is one of the greatest American novels (not a high bar admittedly). But it is an amazing amazing book.
It may be. But people take it as Gospel it appears.
If you have any interest in Sci-fi, Past Master is really good.
It’s very different from but in the same conceptual area as Canticle for Lebovitz.
But we wont find a shred of such doctrines in Roman Catholicism, will we anon; nah, we wont find even scribble of such doctrines in the papacy.
“Heaven is a Hierarchy. Inequality is Heavenly. Equality isn’t.”
Exactly! Heaven is a patriarchal kingdom, with all that entails.
Ask people what they think of communal property and wives. They aren’t burdened by delusions of Plato, Commies or others out of touch with daily reality. Thought exercises that got turned into disastrous policies, nothing more.
Yet despite this. Those ideas keep popping up. Or there actual cultural transmission with various cults promoting the same ideas and implementing them yet pretending to not have influence from elsewhere.
Communal property open to all, including mates is pure r-selection. It doesn’t need to be pushed by any central structure, it’s instinctual. That doesn’t mean a power structure favoring those tactics doesn’t exist, it only means it’ll get picked up rapidly by osmosis by those who naturally favor that strategy.
The author defaults to “black boxing” that issue and positing a “death drive” inherent in humanity that leads to the emergent phenomenon of “socialism”.
I don’t buy it. I don’t buy any “emergent phenomenon” unless one considers God’s Plan an “emergent phenomenon”. Which seems to me a fundamental misunderstanding.
But still, his theory is much better than others I have read. And closer to the Truth.
And yeah, there are an enduring group of “wreckers” who’ve worked throughout history to destroy everything. Behind the scenes. This seems so obvious to me that I have trouble even understanding how someone could think otherwise after a moments reflection.
Of course, who the wreckers are is another thing….
Gnostics are older than Plato after all.
Plato is not writing a “utopia” but a manual to prevent the anakyklosis. The Community of equals that the above comment is talking about ONLY PERTAINS TO THE GUARDIAN CLASS! Not to the merchants, Not the farmers, Not the artists, Not the priests, Not the slaves—ONLY the Guardian Class. It was NOT about hatred towards the family—but about creating peace and harmony—nobody murdering somebody else for adultery.
Plato is not writing a utopia–because much of what he writes was ALREADY implemented in the Spartan Republic; Plato is copying them. The Spartiates were the Guardian class. The Spartan Republic lasted some 800 years—without the anakyklosis happening at all! Athens between the time of Solon and Plato suffered like 4-5 Kyklosis’, “turning of the government”. Plato was trying to solve the problem of upheavals in society.
Peace and Harmony through communism?
The preferred way to stop murder as punishment for adultery, never rub another man’s rhubarb. Or be prepared to die if you’re caught.
Yeah. I think “Utopian” is the wrong category for Plato. “Liar” is better. “Self-admitted Liar” is prob best.
Idk where I come down on the eternal “Plato or Aristotle?” question. It all comes down to Socrates. And who he really was and what he was really trying to do. And we just don’t know.
Fwiw, LaRouche was militantly pro-Plato to his usual almost comical extent. He argued Aristotle poisoned Alexander the Great. And that the Plato/Aristotle split lay behind everything. And that Aristotle created the SYSTEM of Control.
“Sparta or Athens?” Isn’t the same question, really. But it too is hard to figure out at this late date and get past all the propaganda.
Plato was obviously using circumlocution to discuss esoteric doctrines. But for what purpose?
We honestly don’t even know why Socrates was put to death. Plato’s story can’t be trusted.
By the time of Plato, Greece was totally degenerate and the collapse was inevitable. It was a spiritual vacuum/void.
Ohhh, Anonymous—your garbage American Masonic pseudo-republic is a disaster from A to Z. Sparta was a success and admired by all in classical antiquity. I was born and raised an American and I despise this crap hole more and more every day. Many people around the world are beginning to hate America too. Her colors are running.
Quit defending Plato’s degeneracy.
Sparta was a failure that got wiped from existence.
Your precious European royals were also degenerate failures who sold their nations to the cabal.
If our eyes are not opened by now, they never will be . . .
A warning to DeSanctimonius not to drop out.
The Proverbial Gun to DeScantimonius’ Head.
LA to ban cashless businesses,
I’ve been to a major theme park and a ballpark recently that were completely cashless. Their workarounds are ATMs that take cash and dispense a pre loaded visa card that you can use anywhere, not just at the event. My first thought was it was an easy way to turn a pile of cash into $500 (Max pre load) cards. Can be used online or anywhere that takes credit. I’m sure the machines record with facial recognition but that doesn’t seem to be a problem if you’re with the machine.
Was it Knotts? Went there earlier this year and I was disgusted I couldn’t buy a bottle of water with cash.
Cedar Point in Ohio. Also a minor league ballpark in Midland Michigan. I suspect it’s going to be popping up everywhere. This is a major leap forward, “we still accept cash, there’s a machine to trade it in right over there”. It’s like when housing managers go to a corporate retreat and you have to deal with the same stupid policies on job sites everywhere you go for the next few months until they forget about them and move on to the next talking point.
Ah, misunderstood, thought you were in the LA area as well not just reporting on the news LA is considering banning cashless businesses. Sad to see cashless is taking hold across the nation.
Gabon coup: Army cancels elections and seizes power
I knew someone who shot themselves in the heart, with a short .22 rifle. Is all they had. I guess you do it so it wasn’t so gruesome.
Women do it to protect their pretty faces.
If not signal then what? Session? Or all corrupted?
They are in every device off their own gear on the motherboards which operate below the bios. Literally, all you have is couriers, and even then they will insert a few of their agents as couriers.
John Dee claimed to be able to use “angelic messengers” to transmit his intelligence back to England.
It’s a problem as old as time.
Its no coincidence that the Czech court that was famous for Sorcery had their men defeated at White Mountain.
Whilst England which had the proper Reformation even with the existence of Men like John Dee along Godly Lines had help from God against the Spanish Armada.
I recently hacked a Huawei phone to upgrade to their newest Harmony OS (only Chinese models are able to upgrade so you have to change the model code) and now it is a de-googled phone. I have been monitoring web traffic before and after the upgrade & the phone has not sent any location, contacts other unknown packages like it used to do to google, daily. Sad but I trust the Chinese more than the “good guys”.
That sounds awesome. Where did you see how to do that? Is there a tutorial I could link to for people here?
You could also just buy a Chinese model Huawei online with Harmony OS pre installed. I just happen to have had 3 Huawei phones already so Iv and to upgrade.
Ya Fkk China but… I want one too!
In all probability its not Signal (or Session or Briar) that is the root cause here. They are all Open Source and heavily audited by paranoid software developers. Any software you run on a regime-compromised device is untrusthworthy and he was almost certainly running Signal on an Android or Apple device. Both companies are just the Tyrant Tech arm of the Deep State.
Yes, your smartphones are listening to you and Google and Apple, and by extension the Deep State, have access to them at their discretion. I’m “on the inside”. I know this first hand.
Going to a “dumb” phone doesn’t solve the problem completely but it can help.
>I’m “on the inside”. I know this first hand. Going to a “dumb” phone doesn’t solve the problem completely but it can help.
No, you’re not, or you’re one of them. They were wire tapping people on flip phones, no problem, so the mechanism easily exists to be exploited. Claiming it helps at all to go to a “dumb phone” which is still full of easily exploitable circuitry is lol-tier.
Greg Kelley says….
And then there’s the tried & true “people in the know” tease. If true, this is the out the feckless Republicucks have been desperately praying for so they don’t have to do anything on their own despite the nasty landfill of evidence they have now plus it saves them from being labeled with the dreaded “mean spirited” tag which to them is like Kryptonite to Superman.
And why wait for “sometime” between Labor Day & Halloween if it’s such a bombshell? Meh…
Timing is part of tactics. Make the other side sweat, take advantage of their calendar, holidays, news cycles, subsequent events to influence, etc.
To at least partially play Devil’s Advocate…
The argument would be we’ve been seeing a sequence of responsive escalations. And this would be the threat of another. DJTs indictments being escalation from the other side which this is in response to.
I do think that like all conflict, this ends at the table where some agreement will be signed by those authorized by their supporters to do so.
Trump may be the guy to sign for his group or perhaps he is abandoned by them. Who knows who will sign for the other side? Or what the terms will be? Or who gets the better end of the deal….
The same thing is eventually coming wrt UKR. RUS is signalling that they intend to establish an even better position before coming to the table.
It appears DJTs group is signalling the same.
Our rulers are pre-selected; maybe even created through breeding programs as has been suggested with Obama.
This kinda thing makes me want to scream. Everything is so fake and gay. Eapecially “the internet”. Swear to god I would mandate a Butlerian Jihad and go back to solid state switches if I could.
Pigeon beats internet in data transfer.
I second the call for a Butlerian Jihad.
A necessary first step in reclaiming our humanity and grounding ourselves back in the real world.
Smartphones, and social media in particular, have had an incredibly corrosive effect on Western society.
I don’t need to feed or build a coop for fiber internet, or deal with it pooping all over the place.
The Redclaw Technophile Anti-Jihad will see you on the battlefield. 🙂
Yes of course I am a Luddite who wants to use pigeons to transfer data.
That was clearly my point.
Long, long ago, Professor Andrew Tannenbaum said something along the line of, “it’s hard to beat the bandwidth of a station wagon full of 9-track tapes.”
I’m almost to the point where I think “coding” was a total psyop.
I used to think it just got captured early on. But at this point….
“there are strange cases where relatives, even blood relatives, even parents, end up being part of the conspiracy targeting someone.”
I was just wondering about this a couple of days ago. After already concluding that my stepmother is probably cabal, I then started to wonder if my own mother is part of it too. I quickly rejected that idea because it is too awful to contemplate.
But then today I read the above comment by AC. Sadly, this would explain a lot, if it were true in my case. Things such as, why does she exhibit NPD traits only in our relationship, and not in her other relationships?
Previously, I concluded her behavior could be caused by demonic influence. She has certainly committed enough mortal sin to offer an opening to demons. Also, she wasn’t hostile to me until after she left my father for another man. That’s when her behavior toward me changed.
Anyway, I hope this rabbit hole doesn’t go any deeper, because it’s already too much.
I have gone pretty far down. I’ve just given up on hoping for anything which makes sense. For some reason, there is something about some people which make them a focus, and once they are, things like this mechanism cause stuff to spiral out of control and become so weird that people who you would never think would side with this thing against you were never on your side.
I think demonic possession helps explain why some people who may not actually be members of the mortal organization still seem to engage in coordinated activity with it.
Excellent point. In my own family, Bob appears to have known stuff about the surveillance, and has all the indices of having been involved as a plant, except it is unclear when he could have been making contact with control, or receiving orders. And yet there was one time I swear, he looked like he was taken over by a different, clever, contemptuous, self-assured, in-control personality which was the opposite of him – and which completely freaked out both of my dogs.
It is still weird, because I was not raised to believe in any of this stuff.
My cousins and aunt and uncle participated in targeting my family. They were delivered success in business and at the same time I’m sure gravely threatened.
watch the Godfather. It spells it out. They don’t try to persuade you to join cabal, it’s not fucking Amway. They make you an offer you can’t refuse. If you refuse, you’re made poor and your kids are targeted. If you keep refusing things get really bad. It’s much better to just take the money and do what they say.
So much better to sell your soul to the devil to make your life easier… Eternity be damned.
I think his health is so bad that his doctors won’t sign off on him flying more than a few hours a day, which is why he is hopping from place to place, and he just can’t make the miles from Asia in the amount of time he has. Alaska is the best he can do.
But I think he is spitting in the eyes of the American people on purpose.
“The strong do as they will. The weak do as they must.”
Embrace the power of “and.”
What patriotic value does the people who engineered 9/11 doing a cutesie little grave dance on their accomplishment on the anniversary have?
I’m glad the fag didn’t show, I bet he would have popped a boner knowing his kind killed all those people for no reason but pure evil.
They have conditioned the American people to see it as a sacred day of mourning those who died.
Brandon is letting the average American normie know he doesn’t give a fig for America or her people.
TMZ regularly pays for interviews, so this was probably a job for her, which is why she is dressed the same (the video is worthless to TMZ if no one remembers who she is.) Remember that this is part of the context.
Phelps what do you think is the story? She had too many adavan and alcohol, smoked her the vape and had a hallucination/ anxiety attack? Skinsuits and psychics among us? Just a psyop skit for programming the population to be fearful or believe in aliens or demons as shapeshifters?
I think they paid her money so she said what they wanted to hear.
As for the initial thing, I think she sees what we see and freaked out over it.
It would fit with her freaking out over the lost ear buds too. It establishes itself in the mind as a massive threat trying to thwart you with thousands of people whose whole job when around you seems to be to act against you and slow you down, every moment, poised and ready to act, and soon everything which happens that goes wrong, you immediately think, could it be them?
It is weird. You would think it would be better off hiding. Now I wonder if the reveal, on all of us, is part of the script. It would fit with everything else right now. They saw me for years as a kid, somebody tries to push me and I sperg out, and just run headfirst into it. No matter how big the kid, or what the chances. They had to know they start with the walk-bys shouting at the house, and the guys in sunglasses driving by in convoys trying to act threatening, and I would end up right here. I am wonder if I am actually reading my lines in the script.
“Biden to be first President not to visit crash site for 9/11 memorial anniversary. Might he have been barred from it by white hats in control?”
There haven’t been any White Hats in charge in any of our lifetimes.
More likely they just feel no need to pander to citizens concern over the event. Or perhaps they want to let it slide from focus because the masses of people are starting to come to the realization that it was a Mossad + CIA operation all along.
The room where rez officials are reviewing the video:
Re: who shoots himself in the chest?
In Clouds of Witness (Sayers) the mystery depends on that premise, although the premise is barely alluded to during the story – – the medical examiner in passing just says it is possible. Sayers lets the reader make the assumption, based on the unlikelihood, and it is a rare reader (IMO) who sees that very unlikelihood as the key to the mystery. Very clever writing (like all of Sayers).
Anyone notice weird stuff going on with the power and internet lately? We had a thunderstorm come through the other day that knocked out power – normal. Not normal? No cell service. And the stranger thing is that the second I pulled out of my neighborhood, I got 5 bars. Coming back home, turned into my neighborhood – zero. I usually get 3-4 so it’s super weird. Electronics have just been glitching more in general too. Wonder if it’s a sunspot/EM flare thing.
My cell service is all fucked up.
Diversity, quitting and quiet quitting. There are just not enough people capable of maintaining the systems we’ve built. It’s going to get allot worse too. I don’t know how much of the infrastructure burning down, food plants, power stations, Internet hubs, is sabitoge and how much is Idiocracy. The only clear thing is it’s accelerating.
Re: blood donations
Have looked extensively for a long time to find some means to donate non-vax O- blood. Red Cross and other Cabal organizations are excluded.
Rather astonishing to me that this is not possible. And yes, I did find the organization which was broadcast a year or so ago, but found it was a dead-end.
Even some site where those in need can be contacted, and arrangements made, like the “MY MOM needs a kidney” signs you see.
I am too scared to donate that blood type. Dont want to end up being a living blood bag somewhere
That is one thing I was thinking about.
I will bet surveillance has lists for all sorts of stuff. I think some poor guy had the misfortune to have in his file he was passable as Jeffrey Epstein. He may have gone out to put out his garbage one night, and at the end of his driveway he got clocked in the head by some guy with a sock-full of pennies, and next thing you know the medical examiner is wheeling his dead body in a shopping cart on a sidewalk in New York City while a New York Post photographer is snapping away, all to show everyone Epstein really is dead.
You wonder how many people are tooling along, not knowing that in the files, they are listed as potential organ donors for various people, if they get medical problems. Because I would not be surprised if at this point surveillance has DNA, and blood type, and tissue type on everyone, and knows who matches who, and that is a perk the people running things would want to be able to dole out. I wouldn’t be surprised they encourage yearly checkups so they can keep track of who is healthy enough to be a good donor, and who is not.
There may be lots of crazy stuff in the shadows we do not know about.
Predictive programming: The Island (Scarlett Johan…whatsername)
Always relevant to re-post the Kay Griggs interview. Especially here, it’s all in there.
Thanks for the signal boost on the book sale!
No prob. We are the revolution, and we are a team.
Plus, anything for Farce.
British Spy Stabs American Spy
RE: Researchers at the University of Montana and their partners are nearing human trials for vaccines to prevent fentanyl and heroin drug overdoses.
So, chemical lobotomy?
You have to wonder what happens if the immune system begins binding out stuff which looks like dopamine from the blood with antibodies. That is am important neurotransmitter, and then you are drawing the immune system into the nervous system, where it could begin attacking something else. Could it produce parkinsons? MS? We won’t know, because they are going to give it to people, and we will have to wait a decade, and see.
If it prevents overdoses, well, that just may mean more people will try the stuff because they don’t have to worry about dying from it?
> Rudy Giuliani’s drinking on and after election day,
So what? All the lawyering was done by Election Day, and as I remember it, it was more than a week before every precinct turned in its numbers.
Who cares anyway?
If he didn’t make any errors it’s his business.
From Lookoutfa Charlie
Tim Pool on his show last night came out and openly talked about surveillance. Of course he took the party line and said it was a conspiracy theory promoted by individuals with a mental disorder who only think they’re being followed. 18:00 min mark on the Aug 29th episode of IRL if anyone wants to see it. He’s either oblivious, doubtful since he’s been a member of some fairly prolific/capable hacker spaces, or he’s owned and on orders to make normies comfortable dismissing stalking that they witness.
He has like a whole house devoted to doing his show. There just isn’t that money on here. I have the smartest readers and probably well off, but if I asked all you guys to buy me a dedicated house, so I could do shows here, I cannot possibly see how even if everyone here wanted to they could. And what I do here is more interesting than listening to him pontificate. You can see the real American Stasi wrecking this nation like Rome with your own eyes on Google streetview. And if this is here now, that changes how everything may have been in history. He has nothing like that.
When you see that kind of money, somebody is paying his bills. And it isn’t us. We don’t have that kind of money.
Agree 100%, I thought the interesting thing, the only thing that lends to him being clueless as opposed to owned is that he mentioned it at all. You see Joe Rogan recoil any time Owen Benjamin is mentioned, to the point he won’t even utter his name. That’s the level of not mentioning gang stalking I would expect from an owned individual. Also is the fact that known entity Cassandra Fairbanks does his show booking now and it’s about 80% gay Jews as guests to control the narrative. And I agree if you did get a Internet podcast going out would be defcon 1 time. Fully sanctioned direct action. I believe God is with you, stay the course and keep the faith. Many of us are behind you with whatever support we can provide.
Thank you for everything you do.
Thank you. That means a lot to me
James 1:12 “ Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.”
Hang in there, brother!
Any grown adult stupid enough to make that tard-beanie their “brand” is a.) mad and bald b.) not to be trusted.
5.56 with heavy bullets really outperforms in terms of hits over .308 and heavier cartridges. On an earlier vid Karl mentioned that the US Marines had a pilot program using an M16A4 with 4x ACOG and Mk262 as a DMR and it worked basically as well as Karl demonstrates in this vid, and even produced so many headshots in one particular battle ion Iraq that an inquiry was opened to make sure that those shots were from range and not simply execution of prisoners.
InRangeTV – SVD vs WWSD – Time & Grains on Target
Good to know.
I was thinking I needed a .308, but apparently I don’t.
Never hurts to have more. Ammo variety and it’s practical applications for hunting over 5.56 are enough reason to get one alone.
“aggravated homosexuality”
What I’m hearing through non-MSM sources is the “aggravated” part of the crimes was rape. Nothing to see here. Just usual MSM gaslighting.
In the research I’ve done on “homosexuality”, nobody wakes up randomly one day and proclaims “Sodomy is so hot!” There are two ways one becomes gay: 1) molested as a child and/or 2) An overdose of pr0n. And most develop narcissistic tendencies to impose the same trauma on unsuspecting others.
Some lesbians are just college experimentation. Others are molested while young by some man they trusted and never are able to develop that trust in other men.
What I have seen reported of the law is that it requires sodomy and then an aggregating factor, which are giving someone AIDS, or abusing a child or disabled person. That gets you the death penalty. Regular old sodomy gets you up to life in prison.
I made a brand new meme for the coming COVID push rather than recycle. Enjoy.
Owen Benjamin does a better and more honest version of the slave song Rich Men North of Richmond.
Operation Anthony not gonna like this:
Re: “that motherfucker is not real”
Did no one on that plane videotape the MFer that was not real? I saw a plethora of cellphones held aloft when Gomas announced she wasn’t flying, but not one aimed at the guy? Not one?
If she is being gangstalked, which seems a decent explanation, most of those cell phones could be ground surveillance, since most of us would not bother to videotape her, but the ground surveillance would all get their cells up to record a target finally breaking down.
Don’t forget, before clamming up, she said they were staking out her house, staking out her neighbors, going through her mail.
There was a video of a guy who claimed that it was him. He was covered in occult tattoos and piercings, and was wearing a shirt with a mix of satanic and masonic symbology.
Someone registered at TA, we think it was someone here and we have a guess as to who it was.
Please come back and post an application in the application section so we can be sure where you came from:
Since you already registered you will not be able to post an application with the screen name you used so do so with a 1 added to the end or something similar.
Vox Day has an article up on the bat-shiite craziness of our quote leadership unquote.
He is referencing Bruce Charlton’s 8/30/23 article:
His conclusion:
Vivek is cabal-sponsored.
Mitch McConnell is asked if he is going to run for re-election.
He freezes up and asked, “What am I talking about?”
Re: Who shoots themselves in the chest.
I’m a forensic pathologist. In one 2013 study, 13% of handgun suicides, 20% of shotgun suicides, and 15% of rifle suicides are in the chest. The most common location is the head, of course, and make up 82%, 71% and 79% of cases for handgun, shotgun, and rifle respectively
See: Molina, D. K., DiMaio, V., & Cave, R. (2013). Gunshot Wounds. The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 34(4), 366–371.
I appreciate the contribution from a bonafide expert in a fascinating field. But do we know that? I mean, if we assume there is no intel op out there as ruthless as the CIA, maybe the CIA, running the country with an iron fist, that is believable. But I just was driving around today and I would estimate about 30 percent of the cars I see are surveillance told to converge where I am and drive by me as a show of force. They are running kids against other kids in the schools, and they are running petty street crime to make Portland unlivable. Maybe, fairly often, they are punching tickets and making it look like suicide, and it is enough that disbursed through the small population of suicides it creates weird numbers.
I shoot, and if I had to do that, a shot to the chest is an awful way to go. If somebody wants out, why shatter a massive hole through the sternum, and maybe hit the spine, and know you will hang around, for a few minutes which make the misery of your life, which had you shooting yourself, look like a picnic.
I question everything. There is a lot of people’s stuff they may want, and there is really no consequence to them killing people, given how they control everything.
Suicide is usually an inherently irrational behavior, so trying to logic through why someone didn’t choose the most efficient way to do it seems like a waste of time. It’s probably a manic episode resulting in impulsive suicide rather than a thought out scheme with cause and effect laid out rationally.
I’m also pretty sure you’d go unconscious pretty quick from a direct heart shot. You’d lose blood flow to the brain and black out relatively fast, probably not too different from an effective blood choke applied to the neck. Not an expert like the OP anonymous, but logically it makes sense.
Thanks for your concern.
Q Gadsden:
Nope. Some are saved, many are lost forever.
WWG1WGA is about the saved.
International security mercenaries leaving the island have commented that 95% of the island is run by gangs and the government, which hardly exists, doesn’t have the ability to pay security forces. Cannibalism & rape are rampant.
” Americans have justifiably lost faith in the broken justice system. But if there is any hope of ending the sale of America to foreign adversaries, then the true depths of China’s compromise of U.S. politicians and intelligence agencies must be completely exposed.
” To understand the full scope of China’s strategy to wage political warfare on America and emerge as the world’s next superpower, the entire complicated web of the Bidens’ and Clintons’ corruption spanning decades must be untangled.
” Congressional investigations are zeroing in on the Biden family’s compromise by foreign powers, as lawmakers introduced articles of impeachment and are seeking an impeachment inquiry of Joe… ”
Say it isn’t so.
“..the true depths of China’s compromise of U.S. politicians and intelligence agencies must be completely exposed.”
How about the true depths of Cabal’s compromise of U.S. politicians and intelligence agencies? Look over there, don’t look here. These fucks are masters of deflection and distraction.
Embrace the power of and.
It’s both and you do no good by deflecting away from the CCP.
Especially since they work together.
The sidebar is beautiful today, AC.
It is a measure of how this works, and just how much control they have over this mechanism we are trying to use against them. I am not changing that, and I’ve changed passwords, but they are just watching, and have everything backdoored, so it just keeps changing back.
It is crazy, because they don’t even try to hide it. They just delete stuff on the site. I am sure there is a way to defeat them. It will be interesting if we find it to see how far it will go.
Well thank you for all that you do so we can learn from one another and you.
Seeing mitch mconell freeze up again makes me think of a movie where all these old geezers like him, Pelosi, Biden, Soros etc are ancient ghouls occupying flesh as long as possible, waiting for the next cosmically appropriate vessel to transfer their evil souls into.
The soul transfer ceremony is attacked by white hats, they burn the site and everyone in it to hell, putting an end to centuries of evil.
That’s the kind of movie I hope this is. Maybe when q says we’ve already won it’s because they’ve already taken out their cosmically appropriate vessels and we just have to wait for these assholes to die.
Forgive the Battlestar Galactica reference, but they destroyed the Resurrection Ship. That would be cool.
It would also explain why the Senate and WH are basically Alzheimer’s care homes at this point.
Oh hey, big Titanic story featuring lots of name drop of Isador Straus earlier this year, even linking back to Q, and now this:
A new Titanic expedition is planned. The US is fighting it, says wreck is a grave site
The Titanic was a British ship, so they would be the ones with “standing” to claim that.
It was built in the shipyard at Belfast, Ireland, and its Port of Registry was Liverpool, England. It had two sister ships – Britannic was sunk by a German mine in WWI, and Oceanic served for 24 years before being retired.
Who remembers the Olympic, laying on the bottom of the ocean and appropriately mistaken for the sister ship Titanic, or is it not?
Makes one wonder what there is to be found down there?
…like a big hole blown in the ship from an iceberg…
There are already AI actors appearing all over TV as minor characters, like waitresses or background extras. In ten years there won’t be a Hollywood production made with human involvement. The script, the camera work, the acting, the music – every part will be AI generated. This also means that the currently expensive CGI animations studios are also similarly doomed. Ditto for AAA game studios.
… on one hand this could be seen as bad, if you still care about mainstream entertainment. I don’t, and that being the case what I see is a glorious opportunity at picking up a new hobby, that is remaking old movies which currently suck but could be much better. Think about it, in five years I might be able to remake Superman Returns so that it actually doesn’t suck and even retconns the Christopher Reeve movies so that the endings of those films make sense. I have a fanfiction background and even at that low level of talent I would improve that film. Imagine continuing Firefly, or whatever your favorite show is that ended on a cliffhanger.
“Okay AI prompt – use video clip A. use video clip A actors, voices, music. use script B. generate four different takes.”
I could have the new version of SupReturns done in an afternoon. So this is the end of Pedowood, but it’s the democratization of entertainment. Disruption is coming to every industry, but you can ride the wave by doing something tangible instead of getting drowned. Make things. Builds things. Fix things.
Overlord DVD -Hollywood Using Woke AI To DESTROY Entertainment | Veteran Screenwriter Exposes How BAD It IS!
And “Organic” or “semi-Organic” movies and shows will still be made just like Organic produce.
There will be a quality difference.
“Imagine continuing Firefly.” You could now include the Halo series into Firefly as Nathan Fillion appears as Spartan soldier in the later videos.
> Macron: BRICS expansion threatens the existence of the “Western” world order.
He’s a bit late to notice that.
> Signal
It has been a few years since I investigated Signal, so some of this might have changed.
1) though the web site said it was “open source”, there was no source code posted, nor any hint of where any might be found. There was a github project called “signal”, but without a link from the main site, it could have been anything.
2) assuming you wanted to run a precompiled binary, there were only two ways to get it: through the Google of Apple “app store.” I was running a LineageOS phone at the time, and had no desire to install Google’s infamous “store” malware in order to download the file. There were supposedly some sites that would download an .apk for you, which you could then download from them, but then you would have an executable that had passed through *two* sets of untrusted hands.
Uh, no.
There were some other problems, but those were the two major ones. At best, they indicated a happy-slappy approach to “security” at odds with their claims; at worst, it was a false front. Signal’s freaky front man didn’t exactly inspire my confidence, either.
I don’t even care if they’ve dealt with those things now. They put minimal effort into security while cranking “promotion” up to 11; that sort of thing is generally an institutional problem that seldom gets fixed.
I have a friend that for a while would only call me over Signal claiming “I don’t want the NSA listening in.” I told him “ They already have our microphones tapped before Signal can encrypt the call.”
While the two guys in the house next door with the microwave microphone listening inside your house looked at each other and said, “This guy is good!”
The Irish were settled by the tribe of the second born son of Judah whose hand was the first to appear, had a scarlet thread tied around its wrist; and then withdrew back into the womb; hence the “red hand” on Irish heraldry; Jeremiah brought the daughters of the last king of Jerusalem to Ireland, making the blood line one. Judahites are not Jewish; Judah has an issue with Ephraim.
Deep lore. Yes. I think this is almost all correct.
Dr Gene Scott knew all this.
What is interesting is that the Massacre of the Protestant Huguenots at St Bartholomew’s Day and the French Revolution which targeted Traditional Catholics including the Civilian Population of the Vendee.
Both coincidentally disproportionately killed off the Germanic Elite that was ruling France and Constituting its Aristocracy. Cutting several inches off the height of the French:
This coincides with the apparent hatred of the particularly Aristocratic Nordic Bloodline of Nordstrom which was attacked over generations.
The Old American Nobility was systematically destroyed and replaced by Cabal.
Interesting insight. Raises the question: which bloodline killed off the Germanic bloodlines; as Freemasonry is controlled by the Jews at the top, the genocide was at its root a Khazarian action; WWI & WWII were continued action: the Jewish cry “European Whites must be destroyed!” is then over two centuries old.
What I noticed is that the “Red Pill” used to be very useful and actually contained true information.
Now with the Astroturfed rise of Andrew Tate and other Grifters who are taking everything to the extreme and saying blatantly false things that doesn’t reflect reality.
The “Red Pill” is being discredited among those I know.
Dream on.
Sure. If you want to deny the truth.
Yeah. When Rossy, Roosh and Rollo ruled the day back on the blogs the material was fresh, new and insightful. But you can only go so far with the hedonistic nihilism of spin plates/ lift weights. Even Heartiste changed his tune and started talking about demographics and collapse. The new “it” thing is traditionalism and family building. And while it definitely has it’s proponents who are goofs, (Crowder) it is the way forward. As bumbling and clunky as it is there’s some real gems i.e. rhetorical power that directly addresses the ennui of modern man.
Taking pills to solve your problems is never a good idea.