News Briefs – 08/29/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.



Trump shooter Thomas Crooks spent months before assassination attempt planning attack at large gathering and saw rally as ‘target of opportunity’, FBI says. Pic of the rifle, which has a Holosun 2 MOA dot sight. We were told the first sniper shot impacted the buffer and disabled the gun’s ability to cycle, but it looks in the photo like the damage to the stock is way behind the buffer tube, unless the cop was shooting from behind and the right, and the bullet clipped the left rear corner of the buffer as it moved forward. Though in that case, Crooks should have caught it in the face after it exited. Can’t say for sure without seeing the left side of the gun, but looks peculiar, like the gun should cycle, and that account was bogus. Also they put out a photo of the gun, next to a backpack, implying Crooks smuggled the gun in, in the backpack, but it looked to me like the backpack was enlarged in the picture, and even so, it appears the upper receiver assembly would not have fit in the backpack. I’d suspect however he got the gun there is a sensitive point, and that pic is supposed to fool people into thinking the issue is resolved.

Almost two years old, but interesting in that RFK Jr does Testosterone supplementation – STUDY: Testosterone Treatment Turns Democrat Voters More Conservative.

Evidence emerges the FBI knew Hunter’s laptop was real but STILL instructed Mark Zuckerberg to censor it.

Jim Jordan issues a subpoena to the company led by the daughter of the NY v Trump judge. The concern is she has been cashing in on Dad’s trial decisions.

Flashback to 2021 – Former director of the CIA James Woolsey says he was skeptical about aliens until a friend’s aircraft was ‘paused at 40,000ft’ and he ‘hopes we can be friendly to other creatures if they exist.’  If it was stopping a plane, these things likely did not pick it at random. Which would mean they have the intelligence to find the plane, and know where it will be and when, which would mean they are running intel ops on our society. There are spots in this world where you can end up seeing amazing technology, some maybe alien, others, probably human, and just a little beyond us, but still impressive. It is a shame he could not explain exactly what happened, what was seen, why it was done, and who they were targeting. As I have said, this journey is going to a weird place. And along the way, be ready to accept there were a lot of people who should have held loyalty with us, who sold everyone out just to suit themselves.

An interesting rundown on Zuckerberg’s compound in Hawaii, and the bunker he is constructing to survive what is coming.

Fox News host Jesse Watters was last night in desperate damage-control mode after a comment he made about Kamala Harris was slammed by his female co-hosts and viewers. Watters faced calls to resign after stating Harris would be ‘paralyzed’ by generals who ‘would have their way’ with her in the White House Situation Room. Is anybody here good at getting quality AI images? We need a photoshop of Kamala sitting crosslegged, on the white couch smiling, surrounded by the Joint Chiefs, standing behind her, looking down on her. You could use that meme with a lot of stuff. World leaders lined up behind her, like Putin, Kim Jong Un, the Ayatollah, and Xi Jinping, all looking down on her. Or you could do Republicans and other political opposition, as she smiles broadly. Netanyahu and a bunch of Rabbis to piss off the pro-Palestinian people in her party. Mexican migrants in traditional Mexican outfits to highlight the border issues, and on and on. Seems like a Goldmine to seed 4Chan with that stuff. Everybody would suddenly just see her as a fucktoy pornstar, with no value or talent.

Kamala Harris dragged on CNN for ‘weaksauce’ decision to bring Tim Walz to first interview, noting it showed a ‘lack of confidence.’

The Kamala Harris campaign has created a digital operation with over 175 staff members to attack former President Donald Trump online.

Donald Trump warns Mark Zuckerberg could ‘spend the rest of his life in prison’ if Meta ‘cheats’ in election, in new book coming out. Sounds like Trump is reminding Zuckerberg of a deal he cut.

How Mark Zuckerberg is moving to MAGA – after being called a ‘secret Republican’ in 2013.

Donald Trump shared more than a dozen posts on his social media network Wednesday that call for the trial or jailing of House lawmakers who investigated the attack on the U.S. Capitol, special counsel Jack Smith and others, along with images that reference the QAnon conspiracy theory.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is facing a powerful defamation lawsuit arising from false claims he made about a Republican election volunteer in his 2021 book “Integrity Counts,” where he claimed “a video presentation of unsupervised ballot counting at State Farm Arena in Atlanta had been “doctored,” “chopped up,” “cut,” “sliced up,” and “deceptively sliced and edited so that it appeared to show the exact opposite of reality,” allegedly including a “slice of video that had removed the clear evidence” that the law had been followed.”

An armed gang of illegal immigrants from Venezuela has reportedly taken full control of an apartment complex and parts of the town of Aurora. New footage by @vicentearenastv reveals an armed gang taking over a complex in Aurora, Colorado:

This is such a great plan.

Massachusetts GOP demands ‘transparency’ from state over ‘$1 billion in secret migrant crisis spending.’

Biden-Harris slush fund: DHS showers millions on sanctuary cities, NGOs for resettling migrants in U.S.

JD Vance’s Senate Seat taken over by Dave Chapelle? Some are pushing the idea. Honestly, the entire machine is designed to make sure nobody with common sense and morals gets anywhere near such a position. Putting Chapelle, who knew not to trust his own wife to call her, when he booked to Africa, into that seat, is a blow against Cabal, IMO.

House appropriations chairman, two other incumbents knocked out in Republican runoffs.

Democrats urge FEC to censor Grok, calling its meme-production abilities “dangerous for democracy.”

A Republican state party official in Georgia, Kandiss Taylor, appeared to agree with the host of a white nationalist TV show who said Jews run the government, responding, “They’re controlling everything.” Tough to argue when Netanyahu has to wait through 30 minutes of cheers and applause and greetings just to speak in Congress. Boy Bands get lesser entrances to arenas filled with teen girl fans.

CalFIRE confirms that illegals are setting wildfires out in San Diego’s back country.

A group of illegal migrants in San Diego County, California tried to hijack TWO school buses full of Elementary & Middle school kids from the Jamul-Dulzura Union District on Highway 94:

The Biden administration was dealt another major blow by the Supreme Court, which denied its request to reinstate a major student loan forgiveness plan.

Federal courts across the country are handing back disparate rulings over federal and state gun laws despite nearly back-to-back Second Amendment cases at the Supreme Court that sought to clarify the scope of the right to bear arms.

Interesting Twitter vid on Blackrock’s ownership. I assume this guy is a Cabal jester, but do not know why this would be getting promoted.

Since Elon Musk took over Twitter, the company’s self-reported data shows that, under Musk, the company has complied with hundreds more government orders for censorship or surveillance — especially in countries such as Turkey and India.

A former Biden administration appointee and aspiring Texas lawmaker has been accused of running four fake social media accounts that were harassing him and his campaign. “Taral Patel, 30, was arrested in June and charged with online impersonation and a Class A misdemeanor after he allegedly staged racist attacks against himself in an attempt to gain sympathy.” Turns out he used pictures of real people, and the identity of a real judge to launch racist attacks on himself.

Biden Admin is still trying to get a confirmation of the definition of the bump stock as a machine gun from the Supreme Court.

The US will spend a record $454 million this year to secure religious organizations, with the majority of the funds going to Jewish institutions and a minority being given to other religious groups.

Sarah Palin’s defamation suit against New York Times revived by Second Circuit Court.

Warren Buffett offloads Bank of America shares worth $982 million in latest sale.

Nevada Democrat official found guilty of murdering Las Vegas-Review Journal reporter who exposed his corruption, extramarital affair.

Backyard privacy in the age of drones. This is a thing. What do you think it will be when people realize intelligence just assumes it has the right to listen inside everyone’s homes?

27-year-old footballer Juan Izquierdo has tragically passed away just days after collapsing during a match in Brazil. I suspect we will now see these become fewer and fewer, and the deaths will manifest as weakened bodies, not getting enough blood, succumbing to other diseases which are arguably not vax related. For each of these, you will see ten deaths from infections, or organ failures, or other issues, but none of them will be associated with the Vaxx.

Pope Francis: Turning away migrants is a ‘grave sin.’ Fascinating how the Pope of all people is just a planted Cabal propaganda agent.

Breaking: US government-funded censorship arm ‘Atlantic Council’ targeted Telegram just two months before Durov arrest.

French prosecutors say Telegram messaging app CEO has been freed from custody, will appear in court.

Pavel Durov, the CEO and co-founder of the news and messaging app Telegram, has been charged in France with enabling various forms of criminality in the app, French prosecutors said Wednesday. The real problem in the West is we were guided away from the violent ways of our past. Back when the palace could have been stormed, and somebody like Macron actually beheaded to the cheers of a crowd, there was a pressure driving leaders to please the citizenry. Now that we no longer do that, there is no such pressure. The irony people need to grasp is there really is a yin and a yang, a pleasant and an unpleasant, a peaceful and a violent, which must exist as a balanced pair. Remove the bad, and the good will disappear as well.

WSJ: France was wooing Telegram boss Pavel Durov at the same time it was spying on him. The carrot and the stick travel together.

Violent knife and sex offenders in the UK can increasingly escape prosecution if they show contrition and say sorry, a report Wednesday claims. Obviously you must be a migrant foreigner for this defense to work.

English activist Tommy Robinson has been served another contempt of court notice over allegedly making false statements about a Syrian refugee. No apologies from Tommy.

Starmer in the UK decides to nuke the heating assistance to pensioners so he can import more migrants.

London, England: A pack of 50 Africans beat a lone 15 yr old White British girl nearly to death. She collapsed not far from the scene and was rushed to the hospital with internal injuries and concussion.

In Ireland:

Australian soccer team with 5 transgender players goes undefeated in women’s tournament: ‘Huge difference in ability.’

Brazil’s Supreme Court threatened to ban X within 24 hours on Wednesday night unless Elon Musk’s social-media platform appoints a new legal representative for the country.


Ford joins list of companies walking back DEI policies.

More polls show no post-convention bounce for Kamala’s awful Presidential campaign.

Don Lemon admits Black voters are flocking to Trump, don’t care about Kamala Harris.

After repeated irregularities, Texas to oversee November election in Harris County.

North Carolina poll: Donald Trump leads Kamala Harris.

Poll: Donald Trump overtakes Kamala Harris among Independents.

Send people to, because you must gather what weapons you can, lads

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6 months ago

This seems like an increase in Trump’s tempo of attack. I’m not sure if he (or his team) has done this before but the volume is higher and the focus is much more direct. Almost as if he is saying, “The win is in the bag. Now… face the consequences. Not my retribution but by that of the Constitution.”

6 months ago

comment image

Pot, meet kettle.
Kettle, meet pot.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

I’m less upset with a Korean who is exploitative to Koreans than a people who as a group are exploitative to everyone, and smug, oblivious, and cruel about it.

Reply to  Steve.O.Morris
6 months ago

N. Korea genocides its own people, like all communist countries.
That’s less bad for us, it it is much worse than abusing foreigners.
They also do plenty of damage to foreigners as they can.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago


Do we REALLY think we’ve been told the truth by our Governments/Media about..

But yeah yeah all the propaganda about NK is true!
Rothschild Cabal whoever.. wouldn’t lie now would they?

Ntm Trump seemed to get on alright with Kimmy.

Reply to  Mr Twister
6 months ago

Venezuela and N. Korea can be seen to be the evil communist hellholes they are.
Liars tell the truth when it suits them.

Trump was being diplomatic and possibly trying to help Kim escape an evil system he was born into.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

Big difference between the two.

North Korea has not received hundreds of billions in direct financial assistance from the U.S.

North Korea has always been openly referred to as an authoritarian police state, whereas Israel gets kid gloves special treatment from all major Western powers, the U.S. in particular, no matter what Israel does, including violently attacking the U.S., as in the U.S.S. Liberty attack.

Israel has a powerful lobby, acting as a fifth column in the U.S., which bribes and extorts a large number of our elected officials.

6 months ago

> An interesting rundown on Zuckerberg’s compound in Hawaii, and the bunker he is constructing to survive what is coming.—“Yes, I’m building my supervillain lair near the tip of the world’s largest active volcanic chain. It’s traditional.”

Last edited 6 months ago by TRX
Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

He will only survive in that thing for so long. Once islanders find out where it is a great sealing ceremony will occur. He won’t ever be coming out.

6 months ago

> How Mark Zuckerberg is moving to MAGA – after being called a ‘secret Republican’ in 2013.

We have too many of that kind of “Republican” already. Some purges may be appropriate.

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

Twist his arm, use his capacity to help win, then hang him (after a fair trial in a us court of law, of course). Leveraging the enemy’s infrastructure is no sin, winning is the only goal left, and him double crossing us again just signs the death warrant faster.

6 months ago

A former Biden administration appointee and aspiring Texas lawmaker

Turns out he used pictures of real people, and the identity of a real judge to launch racist attacks on himself.

It’s pretty bad when a pol is too dumb for the Democrats…

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

And yet we’ve imported millions of people like this who are chomping at the bit to use overt third world style theatrics and corruption to achieve their personal goals.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

>It’s pretty bad…
Not when he’s a pajeet.
Jews may wreck you nation, but Indians will smother it in a fecal mass…and then turn it over to the Jews!
And there are hundreds of millions of them dreaming of “becoming Americans.”
Most are not brain surgeon quality, either.
Sorry to sound so bigoted, but sewage should not encouraged.

6 months ago

> Australian soccer team with 5 transgender players goes undefeated in women’s tournament: ‘Huge difference in ability.’

XX female athletes are on the way out. In a few years most women’s sports will be entirely composed of XY males in bad makeup.

6 months ago

> Brazil’s Supreme Court threatened to ban X within 24 hours on Wednesday night unless Elon Musk’s social-media platform appoints a new legal representative for the country.

Most countries have national firewalls now. Britain, Australia, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Pakistan, and North Korea, off the top of my head. Probaby many more. They can do packet inspection and ghost any web sites they don’t want their proletariat to see.

6 months ago

> Ford joins list of companies walking back DEI policies.

Too late. And they can’t take back the millions of dollars they so enthusiastically donated to BLM.

6 months ago

> Democrats urge FEC to censor Grok, calling its meme-production abilities “dangerous for democracy.”

Someone isn’t fully tuned in to the Narrative. That should be “dangerous for OUR democracy.”

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

Hilarious they would admit that these AIs mass-producing propaganda is, in fact, dangerous to real human society, but fail to realize that they support the existence of OTHER ai, just not this specific one.

They’re not sending their best, people, they’re not!

6 months ago

> Don Lemon admits Black voters are flocking to Trump, don’t care about Kamala Harris.

Democrats are always astonished when black people don’t slavishly follow the Democratic line.

6 months ago

> After repeated irregularities, Texas to oversee November election in Harris County.

Paper ballots, counted by hand in public, with video. Anything less is just ‘election theater’.

And TNG called up to provide armed poll security. It’s a legitimate use of the National Guard.

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

The only think Indians have gotten right in the last century is marking voters with highly visible dye that lasts a week or two after the application.

Jose shows up to vote again with a purple hand you know you can just fire him back across the border via catapult, no questions asked.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

Not just India. Much of the muslim world and Africa uses the inkblot on fingers or hands to insure one person, one vote.

Apparently, the third world is more concerned with election integrity than we are.

Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

Might be better to remove his head and put it on a pike outside the polling location. Oh wait, I forgot campaigning is not allowed so close to the polls.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
6 months ago

“Starmer in the UK decides to nuke the heating assistance to pensioners so he can import more migrants.”

Sure, that’s part of it, but the UK’s waving of the flag and arming and pushing the Ukies to continue the SMO is what has really blown the hole in the UK budget.

re Kim Jong Un, how funny is it when the DPRK is more moral than the US’ “BestAlly” and beacon of “Democracy” in the Middle East ?

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
6 months ago

They’re not.
The scandal is that “Best Ally” is equaling the Norks to the point the pot can call the kettle black.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
6 months ago

EXACTLY! And mr. Farcesensitive quoting the popular pot/kettle thing makes me seriously wonder: do we REALLY know what it’s like inside NK? Could it be a similar thing as Russia (where maybe it’s not quite what we thought)? Not attempting to justify anything…I’m genuinely curious at this point.

Reply to  selbs
6 months ago

It’s possible. Russian officials have commented that our State Department people are trained on the Russia of the 19th and 20th centuries. They think they’re still dealing with the Tsar and Soviet Union. It’s entirely possible they’re lying to us about NK, Iran, and pretty much everybody else. We know they lie about everything else; why would we think they’re telling us the truth about certain other areas, like North Korea?

Reply to  selbs
6 months ago

Trump had the right approach. Promote growth within NK with it’s inherent resources both natural and human. Allow foreign investment but maintain sovereignty. In other words keep the you know who out and more of your people will thrive instead of the chosen few.

6 months ago

Sidebar gone.

6 months ago

West Bank Explodes Overnight With Largest IDF Raid In Decades, ‘Evacuations’ Could Be Next

Saudi Arabia Outraged At Ben-Gvir’s Call To Build Synagogue Over Al-Aqsa Mosque

6 months ago

“Evidence emerges the FBI knew Hunter’s laptop was real but STILL instructed Mark Zuckerberg to censor it.”

The funny thing is that I always assumed that the information about the laptop was being suppressed because it was real, back in 2020, and then just realized that it makes a difference if this gets into Official World, because it means Official World noticing that the FBI has been engaging in censorship to benefit a presidential campaign.

I always thought the laptop thing was way overblown, because they were always going to rig the balloting anyway. And I knew about it before the 2020 election. I might be unimaginative in not realizing just how limited normies keep their sources of information.

Reply to  Ed
6 months ago

We still haven’t seen Weiner’s laptop.

Reply to  Festis
6 months ago

Too dangerous: the Weiners were Hilary’s people.
Oh look, it’s 9:08 and the WordPress hacker just sat down at his computer; he must have gotten his coffee first. Slacker.

6 months ago

What’s fascinating about Jorge Bergoglio is that it reveals most people who claim to be Catholic do so because they like that social club and not anything to do with knowing, loving and serving God. The fake popes since 1958, who have set up a fake religion that is anti-Catholic, should have been thrown out of the Vatican immediately but instead they still reside there and have a New Order religion with a billion followers. The Catholic Church has no pope but a billion idiots follow Jorge and the New Order religion. People are the worst.

Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

The Catholic Church as an establishment is holy, specifically created to serve God’s will and made by God / Jesus Himself for that purpose.

But at the end of the day, it is a mortal institution and subject to man’s flawed nature. It is an objective good to attempt to help the church rid itself of its demonic infestation, but if you solely listen to the leadership for spiritual guidance you’re mistaken no matter the quality of leaders. God wants you to have a personal relationship, which includes conversation directly with God, reading His word via the bible, forming a community of trustworthy believers, and at the lowest tier relying on church leadership.

Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

How many migrants has he welcomed to stay at the Vatican? It’s regarded as a sovereign nation, therefor, should be a location for the swarms. Fair is fair right your holy blather-er?

Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

a fake religion that is anti-Christ.
Don’t limit the scandal, protestants and other denominations are anti-Catholic.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

What exactly is fake about Catholicism? Please enlighten us rubes.

6 months ago

Support For AfD Surges In Germany After Knife Attack Leaves 3 Dead

Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

Note the National Socialist German Workers’ Party not only had “law and order” as part of their political platform, they also put uniformed Party security guys on the street when the economy got so bad that the lawful police walked off their jobs because they weren’t being paid. The brown-shirted Party enforcers went toe-to-toe with the various Communist, royalist, and Christian(*) political parties, breaking up their “mostly peaceful protests.”

The NSDAP gained a big helping of goodwill from that. And it’s important to remember that *at the time* they were definitely not the worst party; all the crazies were out, and organizing.

(*) Not notably Christian in the ‘follower of Jesus’ sense; it was just a label to differentiate them from their competitors.

6 months ago

About the article about the US Senate, the chances of the GOP taking a majority is over 72%.

Assume a situation where the Democrats win the presidential election and holds the VP tie breaker, and then they get McConnell’s seat in Kentucky because he dies or resigns and the Democratic governor chooses his replacement. That means the Republicans need three Democratic seats to take a majority.

There are no good prospects of the Republicans losing any seats, not even Ted Cruz’s, they hold now, so the scenario of a Democratic Prez and McConnell dying or resigning is the best case scenario for the Democrats.

Democratic aligned observers agree that a Republican pickup of West Virginia is all but guaranteed. So that is one. Ohio would be the second and Montana the third. They have Democratic incumbents, but Trump carried both states by large margins in 2020 and things are more partisan now.

If for some reason the GOP doesn’t get Montana and/ or Ohio, they have chances in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Virginia, off the top of my head, and I’m not counting Maryland.

The point is that this adds to my argument that they will have do to something stronger than another election steal, since they best outcome for them for the steal is Harris as President (but an actual person, not an AI or actor in a mask), a narrow Democratic margin in the House, a Republican Senate, and a much stronger objection among the public and official done to what happened. And this is if they roll sixes on everything they are trying. Someone in the higher cabal leadership is going to look at this when they get back from summer vacation and tell them to come up with some other plan.

6 months ago

Lame Carry: AI manipulated videos.
The Smoking Gun of the Trump Assassination

6 months ago

>Fascinating how the Pope of all people is just a planted Cabal propaganda agent.
Their biggest mistake was allowing jews to convert. Splash some water on them and let them repeat a prayer and boom they’re totally Christian now guys.
I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the “catholic priest molesting” was done by cryptos.

Reply to  anon
6 months ago

Vatican II, 6 for 6 first generation conversos.

Reply to  anon
6 months ago

Yes, it is like Sammy Davis Jr. upon his conversion to Judaism in order to marry his Jewish girlfriend became a Semite; so criticizing a Black person is now anti-Semitism.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
6 months ago

An interesting rundown on Zuckerberg’s compound in Hawaii, and the bunker he is constructing to survive what is coming.

Revelation 6:
15 Then the kings of the earth and the great ones and the generals and the rich and the powerful, and everyone, slave[a] and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, 16 calling to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, 17 for the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?”

Reply to  Machine Trooper
6 months ago

I always liked part.

Protect the littlest of us
Protect the littlest of us
6 months ago

Children under assault by illegal immigrants. That is what it will take to get MSM to pay attention to the border. Those two school bus incidents in San Diego County serve as a warning that something horrible is more likely to occur.
Dems will have (more) blood on their hands.
Pray that nothing happens to the children.

Reply to  Protect the littlest of us
6 months ago

Dems live for the blood of innocents under the shield of “feelings”.

6 months ago

A history lesson from Martin Armstrong (test at end):
The First Sovereign Default of the United States on the MilitaryTest: How many capitals did the United States government have before moving to Washington D.C.?
(Heee’s baaack.)

Reply to  teotoon
6 months ago

Wasn’t the first one Philadelphia?

Reply to  bigD
6 months ago

New York.

Reply to  bigD
6 months ago

No, New York City was.

6 months ago

Pepe Escobar on France’s arrest of Telegram’s Pavel Durav.
Why the need for MGTOW is an extra.
The hacker is gone.

Last edited 6 months ago by teotoon
Pebble skimmer
Pebble skimmer
6 months ago
He writes about a green phenonom (towards the end) on the Ukie side:
“Top credible Ukrainian radioelectronics channel reports:

I receive a third letter from our military. A silent thing on the front lines shines a green beam (photo) at our positions. Sometimes it accompanies the equipment with a beam.

From a military point of view, this whole process is incomprehensible.

6 months ago

GAB AI can tell the future, ya’ll!

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
6 months ago

Alternate: “The president will see you now, President Netanyahu.”

Marielle Redclaw
6 months ago

Generated with Grok on X

6 months ago

An armed gang of illegal immigrants from Venezuela has reportedly taken full control of an apartment complex and parts of the town of Aurora. New footage by @vicentearenastv reveals an armed gang taking over a complex in Aurora, Colorado:

All I see are untrained goons relying on fear and surprise; you can just read by their stance and movement they’re not trained warriors, just thugs with more firepower than the fools they’re shaking down. It may sound boisterous, but I honestly don’t feel any concern I could single-handedly repel those idiots from trying to get into my home. Would it be fun? No, but nothing about repatriating 100 million foreign invaders (preferably to the dirt) is going to be fun.

6 months ago

Trump shooter Thomas Crooks spent months before assassination attempt planning attack at large gathering and saw rally as ‘target of opportunity’, FBI says. Pic of the rifle, which has a Holosun 2 MOA dot sight.

Another thing to note: more writing on the rifle in white sharpie. Picture is hard to read so it might be police CSI nonsense, but if not then this is the same shit we saw starting in Christchurch, same shit we see in all the manufactured shooter memes these days. There is no reason this consistent pattern would exist outside of MK Ultra style programming motivating these ops.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

This. If there is some form of motivational or doctorine type of scripts written upon the gun, certainly if done in a schizo or haphazardly hasty like manner, it is mk ultra programming. People generally won’t defile “their guns”, in such a manner above adding parts or camoflaged pattern paint jobs. Just as military recruits or monastery converts repeating incantations for root memory, this is an added programming layer among all the other techniques used by cabal to maintain the program lock upon those targeted individuals. Example of intel crumbs that shows identical similarities in various incidents, nationally and globally. Stay frosty….

Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

I wonder if they’re picking it up from some video game.

Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

Naval yard shooter and all the scribble on that rifle (ELF).

6 months ago

27 year old soccer player: “He was immediately rushed to Albert Einstein Israelite Hospital, where he was placed under intensive care.”
Well, only a conspiracy theorist would wonder if the rest of his organs were in good shape for transplant to another patient at Albert Einstein Israelite Hospital.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
6 months ago

I’m sure the Global Stai don’t have access to this….

“I’m wondering why they are allowing all these nonstop criminality taking place all over. Why are they not arresting the Venezuelan gangs in Colorado( Aurora)? I don’t need to tell you why because I believe everyone already knows it.”

6 months ago

Where have I heard this before?

Theater Kids Took Over the Government

Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

Some theater – theatre? – kids wait tables, some. ahem,’serve’ in government.

6 months ago

To the basement with him!

“I am announcing today that under the Trump administration, your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment.”

“We want more babies!”
Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom)

We don’t need more government handouts or mandates.
And a lot of conservatives view IVF as the same thing as abortion because of the unused embryos.

Is he trying to make it impossible for me to defend his platform?
There lots more issues too.


Campaign walks back Donald Trump support for amendment to overturn 6-week abortion ban


Last edited 6 months ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

We know very well that Trump will a/b test things, or sometimes he’ll say something off the wall and it disappears. Give it two days before reacting.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
6 months ago

The damage is done immediately.
It goes down on the TDS lists as proof he’s controlled opposition, and him backtracking is rightfully dismissed as flipflopping.

He’s losing votes with everyone of these stupid statements on all sorts of issues, more than he might possibly gain from the center or the mythical moderate left.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
6 months ago

And we don’t want a president who A/B tests leftist ideas.
We need a strong Reactionary, Trump was the weakest possible first step and he’s floating this kind of garbage now.
If he wasn’t our only option to avoid going the way of Venezuela he’d have lost me already.

6 months ago

From gab ai:

6 months ago

Another from gab ai:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

Just in case I’m not the only one here who had no idea this meme existed with the white girl porn star.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

Gab only allows a couple a day. Here is another:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

Working on getting the prompt just right.
And another:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

Oops, here it is:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

Round 3.1:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

Round 3.2

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

Gab (dot) ai

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

And 3.3

6 months ago

One of the signs was at the bus stop near the building the Venezuelan gang took over in Aurora. A supposed witness said he saw two white women putting up the signs. I wonder…Racist signs targeting migrants, Kamala Harris posted at Denver, Aurora bus stops
Racist and anti-immigrant signs that also targeted Vice President Kamala Harris popped up Thursday in multiple bus stops along Denver’s Colfax Avenue, and transit agencies in at least one other state reported similar incidents.