News Briefs – 08/29/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Interestingly Q’s board has been dysfunctional, going back to about when the audit results could have dropped. It has screwed up the image display function pretty well. Also, I notice a complete lack of election-audit-related news. Everything has gone cold. It feels kind of like when Q would post something was about to break, and some major event would happen, and it would occupy all of the news.

This piece criticizes both State Senator Doug Mastriano and Senate President Jake Corman for publicly fighting over how to move forward with a vote audit in Pennsylvania, and it accuses both of being RINOs. However it also criticizes Christina Bobb for her organization, Voices and Votes, paying for Mastriano to check out the Arizona Audit, so the writer is kind of an asshole prone to castigate people over nothing. But the writer seems worried something is going to happen now under Corman.

Federal court rules Judicial Watch lawsuit can proceed to force a cleanup of Colorado voter rolls.

Joe Biden personally overruled military advice and ordered Kabul airport, not Bagram, to be used for evacuating Afghanistan.

John Cardillo tweets- “High ranking source in IC told me IC officials know Biden is cognitively disabled, they argued with him to not give the order, he became combative and did it anyway. They’re concerned for global stability. Sentiment is that Kamala will at least make lucid decisions.” This may be why Biden looked so fucked up at that press briefing. He literally made a dementia-driven decision out of frustration, and got all those guys killed and created a disaster, and he knows it is his fault. Of course, on the flip side, everything is controlled way above Biden’s head, and much is scripted. This could be the opening act of a new scene.

Brian Kennedy of the Claremont Institute states that the administration’s Afghanistan move “was done on purpose,” as part of the Great Reset to demoralize our Military & reduce America’s position globally, on this Bannon’s War Room video.

The state of Michigan has a program where it takes a sample of blood from every newborn shortly after birth, and, “They don’t tell the parents, they don’t explain it to the parents, they just do it,” It was just found unconstitutional.

Alex Berenson tweeted the following, indicating the jab is starting to kill people in large quantities in the UK, he said we need to figure this out fast, before we hit more people with a potentially fatal Jab:

1/ The UK has stunningly detailed and up-to-date mortality statistics. With a lag of under two weeks, it reports deaths by age and cause – and compares them to the expected number.

The figures paint a troubling picture. In the last few weeks, excess deaths have turned positive…

2/ After months in which they were negative. We thought excess mortality would be negative for a year-plus after Covid ended – many people who die from Covid are near the end of life, so those deaths were being pulled forward. That was the spring pattern. Now it’s changed…

3/ And not (only) because Covid is back. No, something specific is happening. Cancer and some lung disease deaths remain low, for example. But cardiac and stroke deaths are significantly higher than normal, and rising…

4/ And rates for younger people are strikingly higher than normal and rising (though they are still only a tiny fraction of overall deaths).

Maybe delayed care explains this pattern. But then why is it so centered around heart and not cancer deaths?

Something bad is happening.

5/ And no, I don’t know what. But we’d be well-advised to find the answer as soon as possible, and ideally BEFORE we start hitting the population with yet more mRNA.

Berenson went on to tweet this, and his account was permanently nuked:

And now they want to vaccinate all of our Military, Police, and Fire/Rescue by force with this thing. And nobody is allowed to even talk about it.

16 year old got the vaccine, and five days later he died with a heart twice its normal size.

Deaths in the UK, where 80% are vaccinated, are up tenfold from this time last year when zero people were vaccinated.

UK Covid deaths surge 27% in a week with more than 30k new cases for 11th day in row.

From here – “Although there is no specific test for the Delta variant, it’s likely a positive Covid-19 result indicates you could be infected with the variant, according to Human and Health Services of Texas. The reason is because the majority of Covid cases in the United States are the Delta variant.” They say they could genetically sequence it, but they don’t because they already know it is the dominant variant, even though there is no test for it.

Fully vaccinated will be allowed to leave their home for one hour of recreational time, Australia says. Not a joke headline.

Australia created a Police state to stop COVID-19, yet data shows it’s not working.

Police have raided a Thai hospital after reports of Covid-19 patients having orgies, taking drugs and starting a brawl, but they found only 23 cartons of smuggled cigarettes.

Eric Clapton appears frustrated with Covid-19 vaccine on new song ‘This Has Gotta Stop.’

A liquor store security guard was acting in self defense when he shot a customer three times because the customer was “putting other’s lives at risk by not wearing a [COVID] mask.”

New study finds 1 in 3 Americans were infected with coronavirus by the end of 2020. Imagine how high it is now – that should be near herd immunity. I wonder if the new infections are almost entirely illegals being deposited in communities while positive.

Freeper’s healthy 30 year old nephew got jabbed in February, was found dead in his bed from an apparent blood clot a couple of days ago.

A professional video gamer got the vax, and tweeted about it, and it is as good as you would thinnk:

Fully vaxxed!

Until they tell us we need a 3rd one at least…

Aug 24


Yep this 2nd dose hitting reallll hard. Been in bed the past 5 hours with awful fever. Still worth it though. Gotta be strong

Aug 25


Update: the fever and stuff is gone from the vaccine, but ive been in bed for two days now since then with a migraine… too much screen watching

Aug 27


Might have to go to the ER to get a painkiller shot

Aug 28


Went to the ER, they gave me drips to help with the migraine, felt quite good, got home and slept.
Woke up with a pounding headache still, so i still have the migraine, this is day 3 going on to day 4. They gave me strong meds to take but this is insane.

Aug 29

A 46 year old US Army veteran in Texas has tragically and needlessly passed away because no hospital would admit him to perform an emergency surgery that could have saved his life from a highly treatable condition – gallstone pancreatitis. If you take nothing from this site, remember this name – Hospital Patient Advocate. If you ever feel shorted at a hospital or need help, make your next mission to find that hospital’s Patient Advocate. This is a position created at just about every hospital to make sure patients interests are protected, and the position is vested with immense power. It will often be a very small girl, very pleasant, nice smile, and with one call to a doctor and a slightly stern voice, she will be able to get the entire staff of the hospital trembling in fear, and desperate to do whatever you want. Send her boss a letter afterward, telling them how great she was.

Top leadership at the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) informed active duty and retired service members that they cannot condemn President Joe Biden amid the chaotic and now deadly pullout of American troops from Afghanistan.

The fathers of two Marines killed in Thursday’s suicide attack at Kabul’s international airport have expressed outrage at the US government’s handling of the withdrawal of American forces, with one claiming that President Biden “turned his back” on his murdered son.

Reporter’s tweet – US Embassy in Kabul just issued an alert about a “specific, credible threat” to #HKIA. Directed US citizens to avoid traveling to the airport and avoid airport gates. Defense official tells me it’s a suicide vest threat

Biden’s Pentagon won’t tell anyone who was killed in that drone strike against ISIS which they say happened.

The individual killed in a US drone strike in Afghanistan is not believed to be a senior ISIS-K official, according to a source quoted by Reuters news agency.

Pictures of where the drone strike on ISIS-K occurred in Afghanistan, no human remains can be seen.

Biden’s US Embassy Alert page goes offline for hours, and gives a “404 Error” to stranded Americans looking for updates on how to safely reach evacuation flights.

Desperate Afghan Christians turned away at the airport, aid groups say. Compare it with how Ilhan Omar was treated, and ask yourself what the difference was.

Pakistani Military opens fire on Afghan refugees at border, kills 6.

Biden has vowed to end US combat operations in Iraq by year’s end, a withdrawal that threatens to reprise the Afghan debacle.

117,000 evacuated from Kabul, with 5,400 being Americans citizens.

Hundreds of migrants depart southern Mexico in caravan to protest the slow asylum process.

Police intervened as a group of Antifa dressed in black bloc got their asses beat by a group of conservatives.

Air Force veteran left homeless after tenants refuse to pay rent. The level of injustice is astounding. They are just trying to force her to sell to Blackrock, at fire sale prices. And it is a conspiracy, because they are also not distributing federal funds which could help

U.S. inflation hits a 30-year high as fed keeps QE and House democrats seek to spend almost $5 trillion.

House Democratic leaders are considering using a resolution of disapproval process for suspending the debt limit, which would give the White House the ability to waive the limit unilaterally, but give Congress a veto if it could get the votes, which it probably couldn’t.

A California school district is investigating a teacher after she posted a video admitting that she encouraged her students to pledge allegiance to a gay pride flag after she removed the American flag from her classroom.

Justin Trudeau rally cancelled after angry protests.

A man poses for a selfie with Justin Trudeau and calls him a “commie fuck.”

Judge says case against former Parkland school resource officer Scot Peterson, who stood outside as all the students got shot, can go to trial.

Joe Biden appears to fall asleep while meeting with the Israeli PM.

Biden’s devastating month stokes midterm fears among Democrats.

DeSantis demands feds account for all illegal aliens ‘resettled’ in Florida.

Spread r/K Theory, because people only understand force.

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Just Me
Just Me
3 years ago

Drone strike in AFG

Looks like they took out a rogue golf cart. 😒

3 years ago

This is not another 4-year election.

If Taiwan becomes the next dominant news story we’ll have the second directly China-linked narrative twist in as many years. Most here have little doubt Covid-19 was sprung to enable the mail-in voting election fraud of November 2020. Conflict in Taiwan would similarly allow a news blackout on election audit revelations and voter ID demands prior to November 2022. In fact, very little major conflict has to happen if the CCP deems it too risky. An occasional stray missile or maritime incident, well short of invasion, along with staged UN-grandstanding, would be sufficient for MSM to suffocate discussion of any competing, off-narrative story.

If you are a skeptic of the CCP’s investment in America’s election outcomes it is instructive to consider not just the enormous economic threat Trump evidenced towards China. The CCP has been growing its PLA platform into a major global player, intimidating neighbors and establishing “friendly” bases internationally in an expansionist thrust. This is an inevitable result of China’s capitalist economic growth financed by globalist investment there and disinvestment in US/Europe. That economic growth inevitably brought forth domestic social freedom demands that threaten the CCP. The Party’s nationalist rhetoric, global expansionism and pervasive social surveillance are necessities to address the very real threat to the CCP from within China.

This is where it is important to ask: what is the CCP defending? The CCP is defending an enormous network of economic and power fiefdoms – domestically and globally. Here is where we address the equally enormous, shit-stinking but apparently invisible pig in the room. Who, or what is the CCP? The global media and political establishment’s silence on this interesting question is deafening. Nevertheless, rest assured from the historical evidence of many hundreds of years, if not a thousand or more, that the CCP is ruled by the same secret society triads that dominated China’s pre-Communist Qing, Republic, and Japanese years.

Mao and the early CCP were an extension of the global Cabal partnered with triads, both local and international. Cabal, with China operations headquartered in Shanghai and Hong Kong, had already been partnered with the triads for a hundred years. Some believe Cabal was operative in China back to the Venetians, Marco Polo, the merchants of the Silk Road and the Kaifeng Jews. The triads rely on familial and regional networks that operate throughout China and its huge overseas diaspora. It is characteristic of China’s triads to create, infiltrate and dominate political parties whether Nationalist, Republican, Imperialist, or Communist. The CCP is no different and won the domestic power battle versus the weakened Nationalist forces after sheltering from the Japanese and allowing the Nationalists to suffer the cost of defending the country. This was a typical case of Cabal and the triads playing both sides – heads we win, tails you lose.

Now with its enormous land and slave population, the Cabal/Triad CCP had the vast denied zone it had always dreamed of to develop its satanic plan. Over the last two generations the West has fallen victim to this Invisible Enemy and its Unrestricted Warfare. Cabal has ruthlessly undermined the social and cultural fabric of the West since the 1960s and strip-mined its industry to shift economic power to the “cheaper, more productive” Chinese assets Cabal/Triad CCP owns. Next in line is the destruction of our Western populations through a Great Reset of targeted biological, psychological and nuclear warfare. In this way, Cabal achieves its satanic goal of total global power, resource exploitation, avarice and cruelty using an engineered population of conformist, non-Christian, Chinese slaves.

Our White Hats, our Patriots, are fighting a war that will determine the wellbeing of our people for centuries to come. In my opinion, the triads are unlikely to go away, but can they be co-opted in their own self-interest? Probably. It may be the case that Trump and our Patriots have managed to separate and isolate one Cabal triad faction from other triads in China and that we would witness its destruction in a Taiwan-China denouement. We can speculate if Xi leads the Cabal Triad faction or the anti-corruption, traditionalist faction he claims to. My gut tells me more likely the latter and that he may be fighting Cabal interests within China as much as Trump is within the US. The Taiwan story, if it develops, will illustrate this more clearly but at all times follow not what the MSM says but what it doesn’t say.

This is not another 4-year election.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

You make a lot of big statements and back none of it up with even a shred of evidence.
It doesn’t even make any logical sense. I’m calling bullshit until you deliver.

Jimmy Two Times
Jimmy Two Times
3 years ago

New study finds 1 in 3 Americans were infected with coronavirus by the end of 2020. Imagine how high it is now – that should be near herd immunity. I wonder if the new infections are almost entirely illegals being deposited in communities while positive.

Leaky, non-sterilizing vaccines increase mutational pressure on the coronavirus spike protein, creating “variants.” We cannot achieve herd immunity when leaky vaccinations continue to create more variants.

This paper out of Vietnam, looking at hospital health care workers, showed viral counts 250x (!) greater than non-vaxxed workers. Many of the vaxxed workers with high viral counts were asymptomatic, and were felt to be the source of continual spread of “delta.”

Infected immigrants don’t help, but the main problem we are facing is that the vaccinated are the super-spreaders. Heavily vaxxed Israel and UK are facing huge spikes in cases. Israel doesn’t have an immigrant problem, obviously, and the Palestinians next door, with very low vaccination rates, have low case counts.

Wait until flu season starts in 4 weeks.

Although I don’t think we’ll see a full-blown Marek’s-type occurrence, with all non-vaxxed individuals dead, and all who were vaxxed but didn’t get the boosters dead (all previously-vaccinated chickens must get constant boosters that target variants or they die), the data we’re seeing now raise serious concerns.

My advice to the non-vaxxed–prepare to avoid the vaccinated like the plague. Masks, unfortunately, offer only limited utility. Stay as far away from them as possible. They are virus-variant factories, and, contrary to Fauci’s prevarications, the vaccinated are the super-spreaders.

Also, with regards to Alex Berenson (Yale ’94, former NYT reporter), his observations about the UK data are salient–the apparent increase in cardiovascular deaths is explained by the fact that the spike protein is thrombogenic, promotes coagulopathy (blood clotting), whether it’s from COVID19 or the mRNA vaccinations.

Would love to see Baric, Fauci in court explaining “gain-of-function” research and the patents they took out on SARS variants.

The effect on children, small business, mental health, the loss of civil liberties…those responsible must be held to account.

Jimmy Two Times
Jimmy Two Times
3 years ago

“Went to the ER, they gave me drips to help with the migraine, felt quite good, got home and slept.
Woke up with a pounding headache still, so i still have the migraine, this is day 3 going on to day 4. They gave me strong meds to take but this is insane.”

A young, recently vaccinated person in previous good health who shows up at the ER with “severe pounding headache” persisting for several days, and who doesn’t get at least a head CT (preferably MRI with MR venogram) to exclude dural sinus thrombosis (or subarachnoid hemorrhage or any other intracranial hemorrhage) is not being appropriately evaluated.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Hospital Administration may have clamp down on docs doing proper assessment. Doctors are clogs in a machine, now. You don’t have the independence that previous generation of docs have. Hence if you were found to do proper assessment on this young man, you be fired and blacklisted by hospital networks.

Another reason is the guy only saw nurse or PA instead of MD/DO. To save money, PA run some EDs in the US as its cheaper for the hospital in the long run.

Most important factor is Big Pharma is paying lot of hospital networks money/Cabal Network is ordering to alter reports on Vaccine injuries and cases.

3 years ago

TGE: Walk softly and carry a big stick. It is what real leaders do. It is what real Presidents do. It is what enemies respect. It is all us good folks ask for of the guy who swears on a bible to defend and protect our inteests, and not the interests of anyothers, first and foremost.

I find it beyond my ability to bullshit myself, falling into the vast array of psychological traps and mind jobs which this evil incarnate inundates us and our excellent culture and wonderful civilization with, I find it goes against all my codes and faith in my country and what we stand for and we believe in as right and good, I have ultimate Faith that President Trump has not quit, That he fights for us, he has not stopped, that he and his brave compatriots are doing what has to be done to save and MAGA, and niether should we all who are together in this warre upon us.

3 years ago

This is so funny it’s unreal:

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Love those posts 🙂

Reply to  info
3 years ago

This one contains a bunch of them, all extremely hilarious (it also contains the 2 I have already linked, you can just fast forward on those), I hadn’t laughed so much in a long time:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  info
3 years ago

Could these goof AI scripts be publicized so that we will think all AI stuff is stupid and they have no capabilities because AI’s in a a lot of other areas like finance, driving cars, recognizing speech, translation of different languages, solving certain math problems. etc. don’t show this level of stupidity.

I’ve seen AI papers that didn’t show any of this level of stupidity and could not be distinguished from a human. That these are so bad…makes me think fake.

Judging by what is generally thought as being the processing power of the human brain a $1,000 computer processor is supposed to have the same processing power as a human in 2025.

So we have Trump being elected then doing nothing(or at least nothing that really changes the trajectory of the country[games and circus to keep the boobs busy]), corona, lock downs to financially ruin people then…AI robots running around killing whoever is left.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

>”Could these goof AI scripts be publicized so that we will think all AI stuff is stupid”

I think it’s the exact opposite. Off course the randomness of some of the phrases is silly (and that makes it hilarious), but the overall fact that the AIs can build a coherent narrative from recycling data (although filled with silly details) is pretty mindblowing to me. It reminds me of those earlier robot walking and failing videos where the robots all seemed drunk, and now 10 years latter they are doing parkour. I think there is a real possibility that much of the entertainment could be someday produced with AI assistance (I have used semi-random pattern generators for some artistic things, and it’s pretty awesome what you can do with it (you still need to polish it thou, obviously)).

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

AI has limits that I believe it will never overcome.
THEY have been trying to get people to believe that AI is superior to humans or will shortly be for many years but it just isn’t true.
It has uses but it has limits.

And don’t be fooled by the parkour videos, they aren’t showing you anything but the best results:

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

The pro gamer just posted the following:

“Last night i felt fine, today the pain came back and its a throbbing head pain on my right side, but oddly enough also the back of my head. Im starting to think it might be my neck issues giving me headaches. So im gonna get a chiropractic adjustment and massage to see if that helps, if not then the next step will be to get scans done to see if i have anything in my head. (This would be the worst ofc) im really hoping its either just a bad migraine as a side effect of the vaccine, or neck related issues.”

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

I hope the chiropractor helps your neck Corny.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

Thanks for the kind thought Dawg.

3 years ago

Oh man, AI written movie scripts are genius level comedy:

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

The expired coupon for new parents had me dying for like 10m straight.
So based. Joker is my hero now.

David S
David S
3 years ago

This is interesting and I don’t know what to make of it..
No information on arrests.

They were using this. $120.

Police find electronic signal-jamming device inside California home

After a search warrant was granted for the residence, officers entered and found two large electronic signal jamming devices. While inside the residence, the officers noted that their police radios and cellular phones were not working. County emergency communications technicians immediately disabled the jamming device, at which time the police radios and cellular phones became operable.

Police said the severity of the signal jamming in the immediate area resulted in the loss of WiFi, a satellite signal and cellular signals along with a county radio communication tower located nearby.

Reply to  David S
3 years ago

It’s almost impossible to jam a satellite with something like that.
There is an error somewhere here.

3 years ago

Eric Clapton appears frustrated with Covid-19 vaccine on new song ‘This Has Gotta Stop.’
Here’s why he’s frustrated: “I took the first jab of AZ and straight away had severe reactions which lasted ten days. I recovered eventually and was told it would be twelve weeks before the second one…,” Clapton wrote.

“About six weeks later I was offered and took the second AZ shot, but with a little more knowledge of the dangers. Needless to say the reactions were disastrous, my hands and feet were either frozen, numb or burning, and pretty much useless for two weeks, I feared I would never play again, (I suffer with peripheral neuropathy and should never have gone near the needle.) But the propaganda said the vaccine was safe for everyone…”

Police intervened as a group of Antifa dressed in black bloc got their asses beat by a group of conservatives.
What gets me every time I watch these Antifa videos is that no one seems to know how to fight on either side. I’m no expert but I did study Tae Kwon Do and Kenpo from 1973 to 1994 and eventually became an instructor. You don’t throw looping, telegraphed punches at your opponent and you certainly don’t punch them in the face unless you don’t mind breaking your fingers or knuckles. That’s something that Hollywood believes is fighting but it’s not.

Reply to  Anon70
3 years ago

Based benis puncher enjoyer.

3 years ago

Mister Metokur has cancer at a pretty young age. I wonder if he’s a target.

Reply to  seth
3 years ago

He’s pretty popular so I would assume so. Wasn’t that chick he hooked up with Chinese? Hmmm

Reply to  seth
3 years ago

Mister Metokur’s video was one key catalyst for GamerGate:

Featuring Zoe Quinn and the five guys she slept around with.

Reply to  seth
3 years ago

Very plausible.
He’s back now.

Johannes Q
3 years ago

This might interest some, Mister Metokur returned after a 18-month hiatus to do a stream, here’s Part 2:

at 37:20 he address his health problems, chan-rumour was he had ass cancer or AIDS but it seems it’s a plethora of weird symptoms (with some curious minor details, e.g. tinnitus). I thought of it as I was earlier listening to a Thomas Sheridan video about giants in archaeology & folklore, and an interlocuter said that a pioneer in this field had proven that megaliths have some kind of objective electromagnetic effect, but sadly said pioneer got mysteriously ill and died. Metokur is one of the 2015-17 era Youtubers who really created the internet battlefield of meme warfare, to the extent he’s on a Murdoch Murdoch vid about The Great Meme War. He seems baffled by his illness, as it seems to have no normal causation. I wonder, given his uncontrollable wild humour & charisma, if he was targeted. Just to give an idea, when his new stream was announced on 4chan last night, it had tens of thousands of people sitting on the stream just waiting for it to begin.

Johannes Q
Reply to  Johannes Q
3 years ago

Later, I wondered why Metokur would be targeted, and not Vox or Molyneux or a dozen others. The only real difference I noticed is that Metokur is apolitical and anonymous. Perhaps it’s the anonymity. It’s striking that after so many years, no one has doxxed him; he even said once that his voice is out there but no one would recognise it. It sounds easy to be undoxxable but is actually very difficult, especially with your voice on record. Three great YouTube channels I followed deleted their content after a doxx threat and two others were doxxed but soldiered on. I find it incredible that Metokur has remained anonymous after 6+ years, with his huge audience. It suggests real care and professionalism.

I wonder if the Machine’s algorithm is tripped when someone demonstrates that level of tradecraft, and assets are assigned on a purely AI basis. That is, the ability to evade attention could itself attract attention.

3 years ago

Huck at 8 AM has an important comment that I mostly agree with. As to my few disagreements, reading J.A.G. Robert’s second edition of his history of China, I get the impression that the eastern cabal originated in a network at the Qing court in the late nineteenth century. There have been similar networks in Chinese history, all emerging towards the end of the dynastic lifecycle, but the fall of the dynasty and the transition to warlords tends to end them. This cabal survived the fall of the dynasty and later converged the CCP. I get the impression that the CCP did not start as a cabal organization, but was converged after it took power. The eastern cabal may have had help from the western cabal in doing this.

The western cabal seems to have emerged from the European aristocracy, also in the late eighteenth century, and formed an alliance with the eastern cabal. To all intents and purposes, they are functioning as one organization, but could fall out later once they are done crushing their opponents.

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

China’s connection to Cabal goes back to the late 1500s. Look into Matteo Ricci. He was a Jesuit missionary who taught geometry and western science to the youth of China’s elite. The Jesuits have always sought out the youth of the elite, either to educate or… well, something worse.

The Jesuits are the main educational branch of Cabal. They provide the skilled labor. Look at which university provides the most State Department employees: Georgetown. In fact, the State Department is basically a Jesuit front. As is the CIA.

The Jesuits also have influence in Japan. And other Asian Countries. And they are of course powerful throughout Latin America. Their “liberation theology” is basically just dressed of Marxism to brainwash the devoted into being good little foot soldiers for Cabal. Many involved in Cabal think it’s a glorious socialist revolution bringing them emancipation from the evil rich and powerful.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Thanks -will read about Ricci. I agree the Jesuits were most likely an extended arm of the Cabal merchant princes. In fiction, both James Clavell (“Shogun”) and Robert Shea (“Shike”) describe insidious Jesuit influence in Japan, as well as Macau etc on the Chinese side.

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

Thanks e,D – I’ll check out Robert’s history.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

If anyone enjoyed the galaxy-brained shepherd video, check out this galaxy-brained forester. Video keeps getting better as it goes. Layers upon layers. These (GBS and the GBF) are impressive because they understand that their concepts are memetic, civilizational, and have a degree of scale that modern corporate logic instinctively hates and the satanists actively work to destroy. Note the lack of chemicals, additives, media, etc. in both of their lifestyles.

“In 1968, Charles Bello and his wife, Vanna Rae, moved onto 240 acres of redwood forest looking to live a simpler life off the land. They had spent their savings to purchase the land so they got to work building their home themselves. Their first structure was a panelized A-frame that they erected in 5 days (with help from a couple family members). The total cost was $2,800.

The property is a half-hour drive down a dirt road and it was bare land when they arrived so Charles and Vanna Rae built their own infrastructure: roads, bridges and went decades without refrigeration nor phone (they eventually installed PV panels and cabling for phone lines).

After 15 years in the A-frame, they built a cabin in the woods, and there they lived for a decade until the trees began to block out their views. In 1991 Charles (who once apprenticed under famed architect Richard Neutra) designed the Parabolic Glass House. With a curvilinear wood roof and two curved walls of windows, the home feels enveloped in trees.

Charles and Vanna Rae built it for $8,500 with the timber they milled themselves, using salvaged materials for everything from doorknobs to stoves. The couple relied on photovoltaics, solar thermal and gas for power, and a dug-in greenhouse attached to the home provided much of their food. By canning and preserving, they could go for months without going to a grocery store. Their two boys were homeschooled. The couple supported themselves selling Christmas trees.

Nearly all the old-growth trees on the property were logged in the early 20th century, but Charles has spent the past half-century restoring the land. He and his wife set up the Redwood Forest Institute in 1997 to manage and preserve the forest. He has carefully selected 1,000 trees to be preserved for 2 millennia as the next generation of old-growth.

Now, 88 years old and a widower, Charles is determined to find successors; he hopes to find “three professional couples in their early 40’s, financially independent, who want to settle on the property continuing 52 years stewardship of this special place in a sustainable lifestyle where one does for himself or herself rather than urban living”. He is currently building “glamping” guest houses that he hopes will help fund the enterprise.”

Jimmy Two Times
Jimmy Two Times
3 years ago

AC wrote: “Interesting. Is it possible doctors are seeing so much of it they now just dismiss it as the vaccine, but word isn’t drifting out ot us? Or might there be pressure to not dig too deeply into vaccine cases, for fear you might identify a problem with it that goes viral?”

No. If they thought it was related to the vaccine, they would consider dural sinus thrombosis. But the history given warrants CT or MR in most cases (never mind the character who shows up every Saturday night with “worst HA of his life.” Assuming the “professional video game player’s” (wut lol) story is true, an ER doc who signed him out with meds and no scan is skating on thin ice and likely committing malpractice.

Usually it’s the opposite: the ER doc is wary that the patient is just looking for pain meds, and they get the scan to rule out bleed and then decide whether he gets anything.

As for the notion that biotechs lean on ER docs, it doesn’t work that way. Biotechs exert influence through institutional financing: research in universities, pharmD programs, running drug trials and then touting the results (if any) through fairly skilled and well-compensated sales reps. The good ones know the names of your kids and even the birthdays if you’re a big utilizer of their product (prostheses, catheters, drugs, whatever). Plus they fund the FDA.

That institutional control, of course, filters down to the lowly ER guy, whose entire knowledge of pharmacology comes from the industry, but there is no external pressure on an ER physician to leave an intracranial hemorrhage, dural thrombosis, or cardiac or pulmonary thrombosis undiscovered. And of course it could simply be Covid, hypertension, vasculitis, coagulopathy, etc etc causing it, vax or no. Were a biotech or hospital mgmt even to consider such influence as part of a cover-up, they best not leave any trail that can be “discovered” down the road by plaintiff’s attorney.

Plus the CT scanner in the ER is a huge cash cow for hospitals. No reason not to scan.

3 years ago

>Top leadership at the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) informed active duty and retired service members that they cannot condemn President J…
Most pozzed service next to USAF since Forrestal was LSD’d and defenstrated by the phosphorescent veranda simians at least.

Reminder that Robert D. Steele was ‘cherry marine’ Al Gray’s protege.

indirect fire mechanic, minimap lighitng, & sub pings

>Some believe Cabal was operative in China back to the Venetians, Marco Polo, the merchants of the Silk Road and the Kaifeng Jews
Financial Vipers of Venice, Joseph P. Farrell. The Columbus-as-Catalan thesis would tie him to interests in that region antedating the Albigensian crusade, templars and all that.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Just added Farrell to my reading list. You’re keeping me busy, fren.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

There is more than 1 Anonymous fren

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago


3 years ago

Dude thread about a guy working in a GPT AI company: he says news outlets are using their ai generator to make news articles and releasing them unaltered but for a few nouns. In the most harmless case Indian blog news companies are being extraordinarily lazy and in the worst case human culture is being shaped by AI forces that appeal to the worst of human nature.

More on the later, it’s like those YouTube ”Elsa poops on Spider-Man” videos. Pure unadulterated clickbait designed by brute force AI keyword matching. However because they get so many clicks human beings copy them, and the culture spirals downwards.

I’m told corn syrup has caused a similar downward spiral: humans were not designed to eat such sweet foods so we are obese because our natural systems were not designed to regulate eating them. And so NPCism might be those whose brains were overwhelmed by media, now high fructose AI media, because their inbuilt systems were not designed to handle it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Martin Armstrong,”…I continue to believe that this virus was manufactured and deliberately released neither by China nor the US Military..”

Then by Que? I know Que.

I wonder if I have that right, Que(I tried Qui also but if I remember correctly it was Que.). I went to check by looking for the Trotsky looking French TV presenter by the usual search I used to find that meme. A few weeks ago I could easily find it but…it’s been wiped. I mean with standard search words like “Que” “french defense minister” it used to come right up or you would get a picture of the Trotsky saying QUE but now. Nothing. Nada. I mean it seems to be totally wiped. That Trotsky dude really let it slip by doing that and they damn sure don’t want the Defense minister of France saying the Jews are responsible for this mess. This is on three different search engines I tried.

I find it extraordinary that they have hidden this so well. Not that it isn’t somewhere (I didn’t find it with a maybe 10 minute searching around)but normal search terms it isn’t available at all. This means someone has deliberately gone in a made a rule that when the little Trotsky Jew saying Que is searched for you won’t find it.

I did find some links too it but the word Que is not in the articles. It’s only about how the guy is an anti-semite and is being investigated.

OK I did find it on and it’s Qui but I tried that on other sites and nothing came up.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

It’s qui

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago
3 years ago

One Nation senators attend QLD #IStandWithTruckies protest