Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Evergrande Shares Plunge On First Day Of Trading
DFT – EU Members Look To Extend Ban On Ukrainian Grain
DFT – Binance Again Imposes Restrictions On Russian Users
DFT – Norway’s Economy Stalls
DFT – Euro’s Use In International Trade Settlements Plummeting
James O’Keefe appears to put a gangstalker who got too overt on blast. Notice, the guy is using his cell phone just like we describe here. I have told you, I see this everywhere, from parking lots to grocery stores, to the cable guy in my basement. James thinks he is taking a picture, but the reality is domestic surveillance is plugged into the camera and mic live, and there is a team assigned to handle James’ follow, watching in some command bunker somewhere, controlling all the surveillance people assigned to James. Remember the reporter we detailed on the surveillance page, who was gangstalking a black guy, and he was videoing a parking lot the guy was walking toward just like this, as he said into his phone, “You’ll see him now…” Also understand, this guy did not go in alone. He was not the one agent sent in to bug James. He was just the most obvious of the five to seven people I would assume were surrounding James in there, and one of the probably eight hundred to four thousand, just like him, who are on call in that section of that community to do a pass-by as domestic surveillance/informants, and who were at some point or other assigned to walk or drive by James that day. This is fascinating to me, as it indicates O’Keefe is not entirely aware of how things work. Either that, or he is, and he was just given a script which features him re-enacting what we have done here, and exposing the gangstalking/domestic-surveillance himself, so the exposure is controlled, rather than having someone like me be the one with the microphone, calling for outright war, and killing everyone involved. Of course, I doubt my calls will be necessary, if people figure out they are running hostile intel ops against their children, in the schools, using other children. This could be a notable step toward Civil War II. Also, to be clear, this dude is not a “Fed.” He will, if investigated, appear to be a regular civilian, with a regular 9 to 5 in the civilian sector, living down the street in a regular house. He will be as provably unconnectable to the US government as Ray Epps, who probably reports to the same command structure, which may be entirely in the private sector, even as it’s higher-ups will wield notable government influence over other agencies.
I have told you, a cataclysm, which will rip America apart, and leave two aggrieved parties which will never be able to live together, is coming. Surveillance has fundamentally betrayed the spirit of the Constitution, common decency, our children in schools, and their fellow freedom-loving citizens to a despotic, all-intrusive “government” of some sort. I truly believe when it hits, the reveal of the level of intrusion by surveillance, will mean either they will need to kill, drive out, or completely subjugate everyone else, or they will be completely killed or driven out, since we have no desire to subjugate anyone. I think the full truth will come out, and once it does, there will be no living together, anymore than you would have Jews from the camps and German Nazi guards living side by side in Israel. It will be the happening of happenings, and I do not see how it can be avoided at this point. It is just this massive tsunami wave heading for our shores. And this was one more inkling of the fact it cannot be hidden any longer.
Be interesting if someone could catch James someday, and see if he would say anything about my surveillance pages. It would have to happen in person, as I am sure all his comms are strictly controlled and filtered.
Tucker has requested an interview with President Putin – RT Editor-in-Chief.
Trump’s first post back to Twitter gets over 210 million views in 24 hours.
Florida Poll Shows Massive Shift Away from Ron DeSantis to Donald Trump. DeSantis just isn’t a warrior. He is like a pudgy goof trying to appear as a throat-slitter. I think the problem Cabal has is, they cannot actually employ real warriors, because the moment a warrior saw the pedophilia or the cowards and scum being elevated above decent people, or the surveillance, they would swear a blood oath to destroy it all. It needs people who will buckle under its pressures. It makes me think nobody in this thing is fighting for it on principle. They are all just out for their self-interest. So if Cabal falters, expect them to change sides.
I cannot find the original source on this Wexner allegation below, but the story is going around on Twitter and Gab, and curiously you cannot research it on search engines because there are hundreds of Les Wexner articles all of a sudden, which have links to Vivek stories which bury any potential results. It is possible Wexner was told to invest in something Vivek did, to lift him up so he could run someday:
Oliver Anthony accused of promoting antisemitic 9/11 conspiracy theories. One, it looks like 9/11 was a CIA op, and Mossad was observing/recording it, maybe for the Cabal scrapbook. According to CIA Officer Kevin Shipp, several of the hijackers were official CIA assets (to quote him “Make of that what you will…”), as I have said, there is no way it evaded the domestic surveillance I see embedded in every neighborhood looking everyone over. It would have taken a US agency like CIA to quash James Woods’ report to FBI. And obviously only a US agency could have taken over the airport to seize the fifth plane which failed to be hijacked, to scrub it of the tech and weapons they installed on it for the op. So IMO, one, the Mossad blame is a distraction, and two, Newsweek is mentioning this guy by name. I could smuggle a nuke into DC and level the Capitol and the White House, and none of these organizations would give me any press which might raise my profile. But look at how brilliant this is. They got him named by a national news org, they diverted blame from the responsible parties for 9/11, and they convinced all the “red pilled” this guy believes stuff the establishment forbids belief in, so he must be one of us. It is very well done. I bet they have bigger plans for him. You have not seen the last of him.
Joseph Wurzelbacher, or “Joe the Plumber,” a plumber who famously confronted then-candidate Barack Obama on his tax plan during the 2008 presidential election has passed away from pancreatic cancer. Whether he was in Cabal or stumbled into the spotlight, you can bet he was under surveillance and at least at times had something beamed through his house to peer inside.
Wisconsin Supreme Court flips liberal, creating a ‘seismic shift.’ Does anybody still believe we elect our leaders?
Massive emergency alert test will sound alarms on US cellphones, TVs and radios in October.
LA considers ban on cashless businesses because they exclude low-income people, people of color, and seniors. On the one hand, good for cash. On the other, good for Cabal as it makes it so they can send their robbers into any business to rob it blind.
Thieves with no ‘respect for the house of God’ swipe $10,000 5-ton AC unit from Atlanta church.
Las Vegas visitor wins 10 separate jackpots, collects over $2 million in winnings.
GOP activist Alex Talcott fatally stabbed in New Hampshire home.
AP confirms Maui Police blocked desperate families from escaping Lahaina firestorm.
Firefighters in Greece are struggling to battle the E.U.’s biggest wildfire ever recorded.
Putin will not attend G20 summit in India next month due to a warrant accusing him of war crimes in Ukraine, issued by the International Criminal Court. You have to wonder if white hats pushed for the warrant to keep Putin out of harm’s way. The last thing he needs right now is to have to board a plane which was sitting on a tarmac at an airport in the West. Cabal wants a World War.
Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) sees no downside in the U.S. supporting Ukraine in its war with Russia.
“Ukraine has already lost 400,000 men on the battlefield” – former Pentagon adviser.
Donald Trump still leads GOP race by double digits, even if convicted of a crime.
President Trump took his biggest lead yet in the primary polls.
Spread r/K Theory, because all truths will ultimately be revealed
Read two good things on RUS this AM. The first is from Martyanov’s site. I think it’s a pretty good summary of the high-ranking RUS viewpoint. The machine translation from Brave is readable. The thing that stood out for me was the awareness that AI is really meant to be a thing to make “should we?” decisions. And of course the rejection of technocratic “transnational elite” decision-making.
One’s opponent/enemy always sees one very clearly (if only partially). They have the incentive. This was a hard realization for me, personally. I am not a fan of libs and well… I’m full on [redacted] in re Cabal. But, they see us clearly (as far as they see us). RUS isn’t lib or Cabal thank god. Thank God.
The other is the heavy reporting on CTSO issues in TASS. Pieces on the nuclear defense umbrella aspect of CTSO and the intention to expand into Lat Am and SE Asia. RUS is claiming they can extend their nuclear umbrella wherever they want over the threat of the US sub fleet. That seems tectonuc to me. And obv a necessary condition for a true alternative to the USD to form.
“Families on Facebook are beginning to report their vaxxed relatives are coming down with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease”
I mentioned previously that an associate of mine took the vaxx and was dead within a month from CJD. His wife said that his oncologist was floored by how aggressive it was.
Sane here with a VERY healthy friend. He was a vax enthusiast. Took a booster and died weeks later of CJD.
I keep hearing stories like… X visited the hospital for minor ailment… hospital finds something on a scan… X dead 6 weeks later.
> Vivek is a Soros Fellow
> Can he be trusted?
The fact that he is an invading streetshitter is reason enough to distrust him
If elected (installed) to presidency he would only advocate for his own kind, and White Heritage Americans would be thrown overboard (again)
The progeny of 1776 British Americans are the ONLY Americans.
Not the Africans.
Not the European imports in the 19th Century.
Not the Chinese railroad workers.
Not Mexicans rolling across the border.
Not the streetshitters from Asia’s asscrack.
America has a bloodline. Americans are different, because of blood. That blood/DNA is great, not lines on a map.
I think you should be made aware that Dutch had a bit of an influence on this country.
beyond that, you should be made aware that the majority of those bloodlines you’ve mentioned have been terminated long ago by cabal. Most Americans are completely unaware of the genocide that has occurred in this country.
Not just the Dutch.
Scots, Irish, Welsh, Scandinavians and Germans.
If you tell all of the 19th century imports from Europe to go home, you won’t have too many white people left.
The Jews have had more influence than the Dutch. Are they Americans?
People need to start recognizing who their fellow countrymen are before it’s too late. There has been way too much propaganda in the wrong direction. We need to figure this out before next year.
There are far more genetic and cultural ties between the Dutch and the English/Americans than there are with the Jews.
Same thing with many of the other Europeans who came here.
And what matters at this point is whether someone fights for the myth of America and to expose and destroy cabal or not.
So…we’re back to The Daughters of The American Revolution?
The Brahamin class of New England?
“Families on Facebook are beginning to report their vaxxed relatives are coming down with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, and as they find each other, there is suspicion an explosion of cases is being hidden because doctors are not allowed to speak of such things.”
Take it to the bank, spike proteins cause active prions. You should still be taking ivermectin fruit shakes, quercetin+bromelein and C and D supps along with getting natural sunlight to get rid of shedding and other spike proteins even if you never got vaxxed. The vaxxed are the walking dead although some may be able to have children that reach adulthood. Within 10 years 60% of people in the west will have melted brains. Invest in wheelchairs and robotics.
“Almost 5,000 pilots have been investigated for failing to disclose receiving disability benefits, which could bar them from the cockpit, according to FAA.”
Unvaxxed Airbus pilots are reporting million euro offers. Being a red-pilled pilot is the quickest way to make 10 or 15 million usd in a relatively short career.
| Thieves with no ‘respect for the house of God’ swipe $10,000 5-ton AC unit from Atlanta church.
Reminds me of the sign in front of a church, (don’t know if real or fake), which read:
> To those who stole our air conditioning unit: Take the other one. You’re going to need it where you’re going.
I see only one purpose in the Oliver Anthony psy-op. They will make him come out as anti-Trump at the right moment.
Yep. Because Trump is racist. He doesn’t understand that diversity is our strength. And he’s one of those rich guys from north of Richmond who really doesn’t understand our plight. We need a real, decent guy from a place like Scranton.
Any “ists” is just bullshit at this point.
He already has, in the form of saying Biden isn’t that bad and muh heal the world by backing the “president” no matter who is in office, etc.
Dumbass ConservaCuck nonsense has already been played, he’s burnt.
Oh yes.
Families on Facebook are beginning to report their vaxxed relatives are coming ‘down with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, and as they find each other, there is suspicion an explosion of cases is being hidden because doctors are not allowed to speak of such things.’
I studied Mortuary Science in college. (I was raised on horror movies.) This is one disease you don’t want to get.
I would ask readers to contact their federal and state senators and representatives with this msg:
World Net Daily is reporting that Revolver News uncovered video showing fence cutters on J6 who have NOT been arrested nor it seems that the government is interested in them!
“A new video has been uncovered by Revolver News that adds to the already-significant evidence that there were federal agents at the Jan. 6, 2021, protest-turned-riot at the U.S. Capitol egging on the unhappy crowd.”
What alerted me to this very disturbing event was a segment of Blaze TV, of Glenn Beck interviewing the editor of Revolver News, Darren Beattie.
Well, Jack Prosebic back in Oct 13, 2021 on X (twitter) mentioned the same thing:
This entire time I have been waiting for a single charge for the people who cut the barriers on Jan 6. Shouldn’t they have been charged immediately? I saw those videos. Preplanned action.
3:15 PM · Oct 13, 2021 @JackPosobiec
Darren Beattie also mentions scaffold commander, who had a bullhorn and was egging on the protesters to “go into the capitol”!
It seems that there are four people who the government not only has NOT arrested–but have not asked for information on these people who need to be arrested. These four people are Ray Epps, fence cutter, scaffold commander and the pipe bomber.
I personally saw Ray Epps instigating the riot, telling people to ‘GO INTO THE CAPITOL’ and he is NOT arrested!
Why is that? All of these incidents are anomalies that are illogical. Your pretence that this was an “insurrection” is falling apart. There was a HUGE undercover, DC police, FBI and other government actors engaged in pushing the protests and yet you continue to push a false narrative.
Obviously the Democrat Senators and their office staff are going to dispute this because the Democrat Party conducted a Coup in the 2020 Election. You are a Criminal Party. You are Communists and are engaged in Tyranny in this country.
Many people are recognizing that the Democrat Party is the party of criminals:
Handout: Scott Adams–The Democrat Party is a Criminal Organization
These four instances of clear provocation and acts of violence which the government seeks to hide is clear evidence that the narrative of J6 is all fake and gay; its all lies. The Government used agent provocateurs to instigate the breaching of the capitol! Please clear this up and arrest the government officials that perpetuated these crimes of provocations and violence.
Someone connected the timelines of the “riot” and the proceedings inside the Capitol. A challenge was entered which would have REQUIRED s review of the vote totals, but this motion was interrupted by the “riot”. Having been interrupted, the legal obligation to investigate was quashed.
It wasn’t a dumb, stupid psyop. It was a calculated operation.
No. “Fence-cutters” – true. “Preplanned action” – true. “Anomalies that are illogical” – true. “Agents provocateur” – true. “Government actors” – maybe true, but not necessarily.
Most likely the Cabal recruited the “rioters” and instigated the “riot.” Whether or not the “rioters” had governmental cover is less clear. Could the author of this letter be trying to lead us astray, tempting us to assert a narrative now which Cabal later might prove false?
‘Hypnosis abuse’ minister jailed for abusing boys
No standing. The Obama birth certificate put this one to bed pretty firmly.
Please explain.
The Florida attorney has not personally been harmed therefore he is not allowed to bring the case. Only the proper government representative can bring the case.
Similarly, no individual person can claim personal harm from Obama not being a natursl born citizen and still on the ballot. The only person with ‘standing’ to bring the case is the state government representative in charge of that detail, and they chose not to do so
The courts ruled that essentially no one has standing to challenge the legal qualifications of another candidate, even if they are the opposing candidate. He acknowledges that he has this problem in the filing, but his argument is that he is somehow magically in standing because he’s a lawyer. It’s a non sequitur argument and it will fail.
The position that the courts laid out is that it is up to the parties and the People to decide if a candidate is legally qualified.
Who cares? The Judiciary is gone. Words have no meaning. The Law is useless where there is no virtue. So? Our law schools are putting out marxists in overtime. As soon as Biden wins a second term, say good-by to SCOTUS for it will permanently become Marxist; they will overthrow everything and esconce DIE as the law of the land.
America is a farce and everything from here on out is corrupt. It’s gone.
So China is on fire, too.
China Insights – What’s going on? Fires broke out in Tianjin, Beijing, and Shanghai, as well as earthquakes…
> [Cabal] needs people who will buckle under its pressures. It makes me think nobody in this thing is fighting for it on principle. They are all just out for their self-interest. So if Cabal falters, expect them to change sides.
And remember, they will flip back the millisecond a new network tries to emerge and undermine us in the future. There is no de-converting people that have participated in this evil of a scheme no matter how much they beg or cry or promise to change. They are not the same kind of human as the rest of us real people and can’t be treated the same in the aftermath of the reorganization of society.
Expulsion from our country is the minimum punishment for the least guilty.
Nothing less will do.
Where do you plan to expel them to?
If you say England, do we get to expel our shit stains to you?
A sort of Cabal exchange program?
No, death seems the only acceptable option.
It is basically the issue. If they are left operative anywhere, you have the post-Revolution, where the King’s spy networks were left in place, and we suddenly turned into a nation of immigrants, all drawn from Cabal nations which wanted to take us over, and next thing you know your tweets are getting censored and the election is just a sham. It is not a matter of if the US will be rapidly returned to a shadow dictatorship ruled by a covert intel op targeting our children again, but when.
It sounds radical, but if Q was real, everyone involved in Cabal would either have to be given a death sentence, imprisoned for life, or there would have to be some way to mark them, which would permanently relegate them to some sort of former-surveillance status, which could never be let any position of power, from decision making, to hiring.
All are such radical measures, that for them to happen, I almost think you would need the chaos and disorder of a violent war, so that imposing that measure would seem a more ordered step to move to.
The only other possibility, and it is a small one, would be if Kyle Odom was right, and they are not human, but rather are something else we could expel back to their world, wherever that is. I only hold it out as possible because if, as the military seems to allege, we have a near-Class 3 civilization hiding here and running airborne touring vehicles inside relativistic bubbles, lots of weird stuff suddenly becomes entirely possible.
But yeah, when I think of Q, I ask myself, is it really possible we are going to see as much as 10 percent of the population executed or imprisoned for life, by a present governmental entity? If not, then Q is probably blowing smoke up people’s asses, because that is really the only way you can create the groundwork to maybe avoid this fate in the future.
But if we expose the surveillance, and set off a civil war, then a 10 percent figure is possible, given I expect most Cabal would flee once the targeting started. If people realize their kids are just meat popsicles to this thing, to be ruined at the drop of a hat, and it is happening, and nobody has any privacy because the neighborhood surveillance is invading their homes at will, then you will see a lot of killing start up. And once it starts, then things will change because the population will change, in its very nature.
You have to pull the trigger sometime on something which irritates your amygdala, and see the vortex which is its consciousness evaporate, and feel that amygdala suddenly let go and relax. It is instinctual, and once people start flipping those switches in their brains, it will change them, and they will stand for the woke/leftist/Cabal bullshit a lot less. And once killing is on the table, populations get real polite, real fast. Go to a gun range, and see how many assholes are yelling and waving their arms over their heads as they throw tantrums.
I think we are really close, and we could do this if we play things right, pray, and have God’s grace. Exposure is going to be a matter of finding the right force-multiplying mechanism. If we find it, we win.
“All are such radical measures, that for them to happen, I almost think you would need the chaos and disorder of a violent war, so that imposing that measure would seem a more ordered step to move to.”
This is a fuckup, because you wouldn’t necesarily have the intel apparatus to identify them, nor keeping the records, at all, nor unedited / tampered.
“The only other possibility, and it is a small one, would be if Kyle Odom was right, and they are not human, but rather are something else we could expel back to their world, wherever that is.”
These fuckers are human. Very human. Now, the upper echelon may not be. But the people who are causing all the real horrendous damage to normal people, the ones who raped and tortured my family members and destroyed everything I love in this life… all of them fucking human.
Not a single goddamned freemason among them.
Honestly, the higher ranking ones don’t concern me. It’s the public school teachers, cops, civil servants, human resources managers, and on and on who are the ones that all need to be dealt with severely and never will be. There’s too many of them. And they likely just go right back to their old games.
Unless their panicked fear of trump is real and they know what’s coming.
They have been dumping their trash in our yard and it’s time to return the favor.
Mexico is a failed state anyway and we already have to secure the border militarily.
And I did say that was the MINIMUM acceptable option.
Expulsion upwards at escape velocity
“HAARP” is a directed energy weapon.”
And I’ve seen photos of junked Soviet radio arrays that basically prove that they got the NAZI’s working on the Death Rays, meaning the US was LATE to the party.
Salty Cracker – Helicopter Footage Shows Maui Mansions Spared From Space Lasers
Jeff Snider has a webinar (free w/reg) on the 1st. If you like heterodox economics and nitty gritty currency analysis, you will prob like. He’s the first guy I saw expand analysis of the eurodollar (not euro).
Lol. I’ve been poasting anon for idk how long.
“The Zman
Some final observations about the debate. King Cobra was the clear winner by virtue of the fact that everyone is talking about him now. He is trending on Twitter and the usual suspects are flinging their poo at him. Conservatives are terribly angry with him, which gives him the crown.
The surprise of the night was Nikki Haley. Her screeching harpy routine got her the attention she needed to overtake Tim Scott for the “what can brown do for you?” candidate in this race. The degenerates in the Kagan cult loved her act.
The big loser was Tim Scott. He was ignored by everyone including the camera man for most of the night. He and Bugman could have been playing dominos over in the corner for all anyone cared.
The wildcard is now Mike Pence. He is the Zombie option who the party might think can appeal to Trump voters, while being totally safe. DeSantis was supposed to be this guy, but his campaign is now dead in the water.
Finally, the DeSantis performance was another example of a campaign that does not understand its candidate or his appeal. DeSantis is supposed to be the competent version of Trump. Instead, he was the guy from accounting who snapped and trashed his office.”
This is the first and last time I expect to talk about the GOP debate field – The whole field is full of losers and snakes. Trump is going to get his Reagan-Landslide that he was cheated out of in 2020. Cabal knows and that’s why Trump has been indicted. Q predicted four indictments, which has happened,Trump will get his day in court and he will be cleared. Once officially POTUS and not a COG CnC, he will begin the the process of accountability which will involve doing to them what they did to him. How successful that will truly be is anybodies guess. Is it worth noting that GITMO has been expanded quite considerably.
I wouldn’t talk with any of them at a party.
Which Q drop indicated 4 indictments? Anything other than the “4 steps?”
Masters of debate:
(15) on X: “@AntesKato @HAv2RtrnVdeoTps” / X (
How Virtuous Pagans Spread Virtue EVERYWHERE
AC, FWIW the site/posts have been very slow to load the last few days; and I’ve had a coupla comments that were disappeared. This is via Epic browser, a {supposedly} anon thing. (but then AC has always loaded fast on Epic before) {{They’re}} obvs trying to choke off engagement, I’d love to know exactly what {{they’re}} wanting to squelch.
Again, FWIW. just so’s you know.
Thank you. I did not know that, and it is good to know.
About your 9/11 comments, how do they explain “lucky Larry” and Al Franken getting “the jew call”? I think you got it backwards. Mossad op with CIA observing.Who benefited ultimately? That would be Israel.
I just saw a clip this week of netanyahu from 1980 bragging about how jews had control of the house and senate.
The big awakening will NOT be surveillance,it will be when the common folk see how many jews are in positions of power well disproportionate to their population size.
The jew card is already well known, so your theory is bunk. Surveillance opens the flood gates as it’s a system that personally effects everyone, even the dumbest normie, and reveals the scale of the evil surrounding them.
Not card… CALL. At least look it up.It’s not a theory, it happened.
What effects everyone is the minority controlling the banks, media, government.
Why would the Jews, or Israel, want us to attack Afghanistan?
Could we have any reason to go to war in Afghanistan? Yes, we could. Controlling that part of Central Asia ultimately supports an important strategic goal for the United States: preventing the development of a cross Eurasia power.
Israel could benefit from having Iraq destroyed, yes.
So they would be likely in on 9/11. But it’s not entirely obvious that the US did not have its own strategic goals in all of this.
Cabal isn’t just the Jews. It’s also vatican. I know the frantic defenders of street level catholics get all upset when I mention this (because it’s so damned obvious.) But the vatican is a vast global network of finance, power, influence, and crime. Catholicism is just one of the Vatican’s tools to keep average people in line.
The Vatican is always, ALWAYS involved in wars where we are stirring up hostilities on non-Catholics. They’ve been central to this Ukraine conflict for a long time, just more in the shadows than Nuland. The CIA always represents Vatican issues. In many ways, it’s a Vatican institution holding the US government hostage. As Q said, the agency needs to be dissolved, it’s impossible to clean. If so, who is it infiltrated by? It’s been known as “Catholics in Action” since the beginning.
9/11 was a good cover to take control of central asia and destroy one of the few strong, economically and technically diversified societies in the middle east. We plowed it over, slaughtered their scientists, doctors, poets, and scholars, destroyed their institutions, looted their museums. It was absolute carnage and conquest unlike anything we’ve seen in decades.
There’s far more to it than Mossad, Jews, and Israel.
I think the first goal of 9/11 was control over Americans. It is embarrassing to look back at how that event made me just blindly line up behind George W Bush and the US government. You need more surveillance? Of course, we have to beat these 80 IQ Muslims, who somehow are able to attack us from across the ocean, even though they have no money and we have the CIA.
Once they did that, the restiveness from the Clinton years, the anti-government sentiment, the distrust and skepticism, it all went away. Then you got a forever war, which the MIC would have wanted, and saved the US from the financial collapse which appeared to be brewing. Don’t know enough about geopolitics, but you are probably right and it did stuff there.
“don’t you dare suggest closing the border and tightening immigration, racist islamophobe”
“But look at how brilliant this is. They got him named by a national news org, they diverted blame from the responsible parties for 9/11, and they convinced all the “red pilled” this guy believes stuff the establishment forbids belief in, so he must be one of us. It is very well done. I bet they have bigger plans for him. You have not seen the last of him.”
It also set him up as a symbol of southern white conservatives and then branded him a NAZI.
Download and save.
Young Lad Makes His Own Hand Held Laser Direct Energy Weapon – DEW
> Thieves with no ‘respect for the house of God’ swipe $10,000 5-ton AC unit from Atlanta church.
Tweekers. The AC unit will show up at the nearest metal recycler as $15 worth of copper scrap.
They’re one reason most construction sites have armed security now; the tweekers will come in at night and “liberate” electrical wiring, copper A/C components, and copper plumbing.
Have a funny in these trying times: