News Briefs – 08/27/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.



In the UK, Police and psychologist raid home over social media post saying “Christians must stand up.” It feels like too much. And too weird. I would bet everyone involved in this post is “them,” the post was scripted, the raid was scripted, and the effect it has on your mental state was planned. And OK, they want you to stifle yourself to avoid this – that much makes sense. But it feels like this is heading to us overrunning them one day and killing them, Starmer pulled from some closet and dragged to the street blubbering, where he will be executed summarily, probably not too gently. And it feels like even as he plays the role realistically, that will be what he knows is coming, and almost wants. Like he is a character actor on some ride at the local carnival. Case in point – this is a promoted, Cabal mouthpiece account, saying what they want you to think:

It is a compelling script. It is almost like this whole world is some weird ride we are dropped in, and all this bullshit is scripted to guide us to adhere to the storyline of the little skit we are in. It just feels weird, like surveillance telling some chubby girl to walk down the street where a mass shooter is popping off, and so she does, getting stitched in the back by a whole 30 rnd mag of 9mm.

And it feels like by exposing the surveillance, we are fucking up the script in a way it is not supposed to be fucked up, like we are supposed to kill Starmer, as surveillance watches over it all approvingly, not go next door, ice our neighbors out of the blue, and then go on in life free and peaceful, enjoying a world which makes sense.

There is something weird going on here. I cannot put my finger on it just yet, but it is there. Case in point:

If he was a super-ballsy dude, who grew up in one of the toughest Judo clubs in the state, and he likes to rumble, OK. Maybe he is getting in over his head, but be could theoretically be crazy like that. But it is not like that. He is a fag who already shit himself the moment things got real. And yet he has to know, he is pushing things towards getting real – and he has absolutely no reason to want to make things get real. Even if he is a crazy despot, there is no reason to say that. It only harms his interests to admit that. It doesn’t make sense in the context we were raised to view it in. There is some other reality going on here, something hidden, which if revealed would make it all make sense. And yeah, I think this script is designed to push everyone toward some kind of Civil War and getting these characters all killed somehow. But that is not the reality of what is going on under the surface. Whatever is going on, I don’t think it is supposed to touch the surveillance. So I think we should push it until it touches the surveillance, and then see what shakes out.

A three-judge panel ruled 3–0 in rejecting the law, which was passed by the GOP-controlled state Legislature in 2021.A federal appeals court on Monday ruled in favor of the Biden administration by scrapping a Missouri state law that declared several federal gun laws invalid.

Epstein’s brother tells all he knows to Tucker Carlson.  Interview is one thing after another which does not make sense about the death.

RFK Jr. Tweets to this chemtrails video: ‘We are going to stop this crime.’ If they are beaming people in large swaths, they will probably be spraying them too. There is no telling the full scale of the lengths these psychopaths will have gone to.

RFK Jr interviewed by Tucker Carlson. Three hours after Trump was shot, he had an intermediary feel out RFK Jr on taking the Vice-Presidency role in his campaign – at 42:30 minutes.

Ex-Dem congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard endorses Donald J. Trump.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office has been working behind the scenes to get House conservatives to drop their demands that a short-term funding bill include an immigrant voting crackdown, Axios has learned.

The members of the bipartisan Trump assassination task force are heading to Butler, Pennsylvania, to demand answers after the Secret Service continues to ‘slow walk’ information.

Father of Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks hires powerhouse criminal lawyer as FBI intensifies investigation into his role in son’s assassination attempt.

CDAN: “The dad talked the son into doing the shooting. Who paid the dad?”

Former Democratic Congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard confirmed that she continues to be under surveillance by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) under their controversial ‘Quiet Skies’ program on Sunday, August 25. It puts surveillance in people’s minds, I suppose, opening the door to what we are after.

Paul, Grassley question TSA in alleged targeting of Tulsi Gabbard, others for their political views.

Kamala Harris is trying to back out of the debates. I think she was thinking she was actually going to campaign, and there would be at least a minor semblance of realism to the campaign, and so she agreed to debate, thinking she had to. Now she sees they are boosting all fake polls showing her winning decisively, and she realizes her job is to not campaign, or even show herself, as in 2020.

Kamala’s campaign demands seated debate, with notes, for Sept. 10 ABC event: report.

More than 200 Bush, McCain, Romney aides endorse Harris. All are in the club, and no matter the resume you built, those doors were always closed to you.

Kamala Harris: “220 million Americans have died from COVID.”

Schweizer: ‘No question’ CCP has been grooming Tim Walz.

Suspected Capitol pipe bomber possibly interacted w/ Police on video. New video, cop car’s lights obscure what was going on, but he was there for three minutes.

A Georgia judge says presidential candidates Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Claudia De la Cruz, along with the Georgia Green Party, which nominated Jill Stein, are not qualified to appear on Georgia’s ballot.

Special counsel Jack Smith on Monday asked a federal appeals court to reinstate former President Donald Trump’s classified documents case, after it was dismissed last month.

A first-in-the-nation California proposal could make undocumented immigrants [illegal aliens] eligible for up to $150,000 in state-supported home loans just as immigration has become an incendiary topic in the presidential election.

Mark Zuckerberg admits Biden administration ‘pressured’ Facebook to censor Americans.

Harris and Schumer target the Supreme Court – Democrats make clear that if they win, they’ll push measures to destroy the judiciary’s independence.

All-cause deaths are surging among Covid-vaxxed, study warns.

An article which makes the case that now that the Democrats fucked over Biden, Biden may decide to not resist a Trump victory, and just turn over the keys to the White House regardless of any Democrat shenanigans to try and prevent Trump from taking power.

A three-judge panel ruled 3–0 in rejecting the law, which was passed by the GOP-controlled state Legislature in 2021.A federal appeals court on Monday ruled in favor of the Biden administration by scrapping a Missouri state law that declared several federal gun laws invalid.

Stabbings and slashings surge across NYC, leaving bloody trail of death and destruction.

Convicted felon and former New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez fought back tears while describing his legacy as one of “breaking down barriers,” denying that it entailed breaking laws as well.

Half of Americans under 35 would rather quit their job than work with political ‘opponents.’ 

Biden-Harris equity commission wants to spend $20 million to disarm traffic cops.

Woke nonprofit staff who want to abolish police left in stunning bind after discovering founder ‘blew fortune of charity cash on designer clothes and mansions.’ LOL. Rabbits are gonna rabbit.


For over a year, surface temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean hit new highs, but that trend has reversed at record speed over the past few months, and nobody knows why.

Samsung just showed a 600-mile solid-state EV battery, charges in 9 minutes.

Children in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo are worst-affected by the current outbreak of Monkeypox, which has been declared a public health emergency of international concern by the World Health Organization.

Pope Francis declares Monkeypox a “Global health emergency.” Little known fact – he is an MD/PhD with post-doctoral work at Oxford in virology. Not really. He is probably just a closeted homo afraid of getting monkey love-bumps. But I had you  going there.

I do not know if this is true, but it is Kim DotCom’s tweet:

China is planning to restrict exports of a key mineral, Antimony, needed to make weapons while a U.S. company that could be reducing America’s reliance on foreign suppliers is languishing in red tape.

China’s strategic silver takeover: A calculated move to drain the west.

BRICS: Payments in Chinese Yuan surpasses the US dollar by 2.5%.

France’s arrest of Telegram boss Pavel Durov “not a political decision at all,” President Emmanuel Macron says. Not incorrect. It was an intelligence agency which wants to be king, and has taken over the law enforcement and judicial systems there, so it can do whatever it wants to anyone who does not bend their knee before it.

Official charges released against Telegram founder Pavel Durov after his arrest in France – he faces 20 years in prison. If you are in any position where intel might target you, you have to view any woman in your sphere as potentially an agent leading you to your doom, and be on the lookout for her doing things which would compromise your security. Those things will not be accidental, but they may telegraph future moves by your enemy.

Russia seizes $100 million from Google. Using funds from CIA to facilitate a victory in Ukraine. Tsk Tsk,

Russian overnight attack on Ukraine involved over 100 missiles and about 100 drones.

Zelensky: Russian strikes cause ‘heavy damage’ to Ukrainian power grid, blackouts ‘everywhere.’

Massive Russian strikes hit Ukraine for second day.

Bishop Strickland warns of apostasy ‘at the top’ of the ChurchBishop Joseph Strickland warns in his latest letter about ‘corruption and the powerful evil forces’ in the Church and society and calls on the faithful to ‘cling fiercely’ to Our Lady and the Eucharist in response to Our Lady’s messages at Fatima and Akita.

Tennessee Secretary of State rejects Memphis gun control push: City ‘can‘t override state law.‘

Governor Abbott announces over 1 million ineligible voters removed from voter rolls in Texas.

Texas Judge blocks Biden plan to grant legal status to spouses of citizens.

Massachusetts cross border carry case receives new support. District court found it obviously unconstitutional to require somebody who can carry in one state to be unable to carry in another state.

Echelon Insights Poll: Trump maintains lead over Harris in head-to-head matchup.

Trump still holds lead over Harris in Pennsylvania.

Shawn Ryan interviews Trump:

Spread r/K Theory, because our enmies are laying the foundations of a world without them,,,

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6 months ago

> A federal appeals court on Monday ruled in favor of the Biden administration by scrapping a Missouri state law that declared several federal gun laws invalid.

All Federal gun laws are invalid. “Shall not be infringed.”

Maybe the Founders should have drawn some arrows and frowny faces?

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

They should have used simpler language, being acquainted with the law they should have known how complex language can be manipulated.

The 2ndA in my rewritten Constitution:

The right to keep and bear arms is absolute.

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

The only use r- selects find in rules is to stack the deck against their K competitors who follow them. Soon, we will abandon all rules for a time. God help them.

6 months ago

> Governor Abbott announces over 1 million ineligible voters removed from voter rolls in Texas.

A MILLION bad voter records. Out of 18 million registered voters.

That didn’t happen by accident.

Makes you wonder what other state functions have been pwned, doesn’t it?

6 months ago

> Kamala Harris is trying to back out of the debates.

Trump should let her.

Then hold the ‘debate’ anyway, except with a cardboard Kamala cut-out.

Really, there wouldn’t be that much difference.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

Or a little cage with a chicken in it trained to cackle on command

6 months ago

> Samsung just showed a 600-mile solid-state EV battery, charges in 9 minutes.

No mention on if a charger is going to need its own electrical substation to power it.

Anyone have an idea what the current draw of such a battery would be when charging?

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

1.21 gigawatts, at least.

Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

Great Scott!

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

The faster the charge the more current, so the charging connector gets beefier as well.

This, basically

Just Me
Just Me
Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

From the article: “ Now, if you’re thinking that all this sounds too good to be true, well, that’s because it kinda is. There definitely is a catch, and that catch is the fact that these ultra-fast charging batteries require some pretty solid infrastructure for you to get the claimed nine-minute charge time. If we look at China, whose EV makers offer similar charging speeds, 480kW and sometimes even 600kW chargers are an absolute must. But even in China, charging stations of this capacity are far and few in between.
Then, of course, there’s the issue of cost. At present, it costs way more to manufacture solid-state EV batteries than Lithium-ion and LFP batteries found in current EVs—around three or four times.

Ain’t gonna happen.

Reply to  Just Me
6 months ago

I’ve said for a while, quick change batteries. Like propane tanks. Swap them out at a service station and be on your merry way. At least solid state batteries don’t blow at the slightest disruption. No liquid electrolytes.

Reply to  Steve.O.Morris
6 months ago

I thought the Tesla “supercharger” stations already did that? At least, they were talking like it, years ago. Supposedly you pulled up on a platform, power wrenches came up from underneath, dropped the battery, and installed a charged one. They were bragging that it took less time than fueling a gasoline car.

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

How long does it take to get a new set of tires on a car? 1 – 1.5hrs, and that’s if you are first in line. Imagine now that you’re driving from L.A. to Vegas and you have to stop in Mojave to get new batteries. You think there will be lots of places out there to handle the job? Get back to me in 100 years for the answer.

Reply to  Steve.O.Morris
6 months ago

look at the design of an ev and see exactly where the batteries are. all ev’s would need to be completely redesigned to have easy access to replace batteries. then just think of how many racks of batteries, of all the types necessary, to meet demand in a ev station or truck stop. An on site storage warehouse would be needed. Plus all the additional equipment needed to recharge these plug and play batts. Not to mention just how long it would take to do the job. Now move on to the power grid that these stations would need for this purpose alone. It would take trillions of public and private money to even start. We’re gonna need a bigger bank. Sorry, but it’s never going to happen. Remote controls and cell phone batteries are as close as we’ll ever get to something simple for ev’s.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

“…Anyone have an idea what the current draw of such a battery would be when charging?…”

If the total battery storage is 100KW-hour then at maximum total charge it would need a one megawatt charger at 2,083 amps and 480 volts to charge in 9 minutes. Of course that’s the maximum case.

Someone should invent a microwave charging system. The “cable” would be a hollow sheet metal waveguide.

“…Rectangular waveguides are used routinely to transfer large amounts of microwave 9 power at frequencies greater than 3 GHz. For example at 5 GHz, the transmitted power might be one megawatt…”

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

Localized brown outs anyone?

6 months ago

> Zelensky: Russian strikes cause ‘heavy damage’ to Ukrainian power grid, blackouts ‘everywhere.’

The Russians have lat/long coordinates for every transformer and substation, from back in the Soviet days. And anything built since would be trivial to obtain.

If Putin wants to take out the entire Uke grid, or even just specific areas, all he has to do is issue the order and drones or precision munitions can take them out.

All you need to take out a transformer is a decent rifle or a small shaped charge on a drone. They can’t be repaired; at the best case, the core might be salvaged and rewound.

The big substation transformers in the USA are mostly made to order. They’re too expensive to have sitting around waiting for a sale. I doubt things are much different in Ukraine. So it’s not like they can be replaced from inventory, and sourcing foreign transformers wouldn’t help the lead time much.

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

Should have done that a lot earlier.

6 months ago

> China’s strategic silver takeover: A calculated move to drain the west.

If you think back, you’ll probably remember several attempts to corner the silver market.

Americans don’t normally think of silver as money; that’s due to the US dollar being pegged to a dual silver/gold standard in the 1800s, then eventually to gold only. Plus fantasy stories and gaming, which are almost all gold-based.

For the rest of the world, going back to prehistory, money was usually silver. Gold was valuable too, and sometimes used as a medium of exchange, but it was secondary to silver. When the Spanish pillaged the New World, they returned home with silver; the gold and gems were for jewelry.

So China’s attempt to corner the silver market isn’t just about the metal; it’s a direct strike against the economic underpinnings of most of the world. With a sufficient amount of silver under their control, they could wreck economies by twiddling the supply up and down.

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

It will all be stolen by party officials and smuggled out of the country.

6 months ago

A/C, today’s opening piece is a good take on the cabal’s usage of it’s “actor’s” to act as deflection and distractions of the normies and population subgroups. It is a >>>them<<<, using (((they))), to be the backstop and meat shields of any violence or blowback caused by the cabal thievery, hijinks, and head games departments. Matt Bracken posits there are often buffalo jumps or traps set by deep staters for patriots or do gooders to either be outed, doxxed or identified as an oppositon member, or lead them into lawfare traps or set up preemptive (precrime) type ambushes or takedowns. The front facing or public face actors that are acting in all manner contrary to the their nations and peoples well being are only low hanging fruit or ancilliary causes to the problem. The actual surveillance operatives and upper hiearchy levels are the nut to crack. Any 4d chess or trust the plan type of actions will fail and cabal will reconstitute itself in any new systems evolving from civil wars or collapsed states. It is like hunting near a waterhole, find out where the black eye club meets their handlers. Follow the money and follow the intelligence crumbs. The photo is the car that circles your houses anons. Stay frosty out there.

6 months ago

What a bunch of flowery, idolatrous BS. “Our sacred institutions…” Just bull.

6 months ago

How are the orders these turncoats are given to backstab their constituents given? Through the handler? Through coded direction in plain sight? How is it timed because it sure seems all of the movement is synchronized not only locally but nationally and even globally.

Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

I think they use numbers stations.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

these guys all work in the same building and are on the phones all day. the real mystery is where from above do the orders come?

Reply to  bigD
6 months ago

Remember that wife of one of the Russiagate tards that had a shortwave radio?

6 months ago

For over a year, surface temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean hit new highs, but that trend has reversed at record speed over the past few months, and nobody knows why.

This guy knows why, and had been telling us for years:

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  FtR
6 months ago

Also check out, magnetic reversal news on YouTube.

6 months ago

It would be so nice if these people could be housed right next to the people who are pushing their import.

6 months ago

AC – Something odd yesterday – there was “Awaiting for approval” displayed. Hiccup with the software?

Last edited 6 months ago by G
6 months ago

comment image

He may be right about the spy cloud in China being (relatively) safe if you don’t live there (if you are ever in a position that’s useful to them they will blackmail you), but I seriously doubt the technological superiority.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

Yes, China does no action in cahoots with western demonic rule, they’re totally isolated! That’s why China is allowed to buy up land near US military bases, totally monopolize the housing markets in many cities with foreign funny money, and import soldiers across both southern and northern borders for God knows what reason.

China is as much the enemy as any of the people following me is. Just because the slopes are across an ocean doesn’t meant they don’t want to fuck us up just as bad as our local crews.

Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

This guy gets it.

Though I do think the CCP does sometimes fight with their western cabal friends and may keep cards up its sleeve for use against them.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

BUT what about those virtuous pagans, are they next to the other unicorns on the disease-free prostitute bench?

Reply to  a
6 months ago

Yeah, that bench is on ocean front property in Arizona.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
6 months ago

Beaming victim?
“Over the last month, he has been struggling with severe insomnia and has become increasingly anxious,” his wife Jackie wrote on Facebook. “During the week of Aug. 19, Stan became paranoid, thinking that people, including authorities, were pursuing him.”

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

re The Beam

“In the year 1962 the American scientist Allan H. Frey carried out experiments with pulsed microwaves, which produced clicking, buzz, hissing or knocking sounds in the heads of people at a distance of up to several thousands yards. In his report, he also wrote that with the change of parameters he can produce pins and needles sensation or perception of severe buffeting in the head and claimed that this energy “could possibly be used as a tool to explore nervous system coding… and for stimulating the nervous system without the damage caused by electrodes“… ..For governments it is not difficult to pulse the cell phone signals in the brain frequencies and in this way manipulate the thoughts of their own or foreign citizens. The difference between pulsed microwaves and extra long electromagnetic waves is that pulsed microwaves can be targeted on one person (or the whole nation if cell phone signals are pulsed in brain frequencies) while extra long electromagnetic waves, transmitted in brain frequencies, with their length up to 300 hundred thousands kilometers will reach brains in large areas.”

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
6 months ago

Allan H. Frey. Seems pretty unusual for a renowned scientist to have no wiki page. hmm…

6 months ago

Twenty five years ago I wrote a master’s degree paper surveying the interactions between China and Europe. Silver played a major role in it. My wife had the unenviable job of proofreading my papers. After that one, she had a standard response anytime anyone brought up China, “I don’t know anything about that, but I’m sure silver is involved.”

I showed her the headline about China stockpiling silver. It made her laugh.

This is the short version of the impact of silver on China. China traditionally used silver to back its currency. When the Mongols conquered China, it used it’s vast silver deserves to fund their empire building. When the Chinese regained control of their land, every dynasty has a policy of rebuilding the silver reserves. As trade between China and Europe grew, just about the only thing the Chinese wanted was silver. This led to the depletion of silver in Europe as merchants used it to buy Chinese goods. This eventually led the Spanish sending silver fleets from their mines in Central America to China. Finally, the British created the opium trade (opium from British controlled India, which at the time included the vast Afghan opium fields, to China) in a desperate attempt to find something other than silver to send to China. The funny thing is, opium was illegal in China, but the British used their superior military technology to protect the illegal British run drug trade into China in order to addict Chinese people in order to economically gut China.

All I can say is, things just don’t change. China wants silver and the Anglo powers want to control the Afghan opium fields in order to get everyone addicted to drugs. It’s just crazy.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

Ie the more things change, the more they stay the same!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

“…he British used their superior military technology to protect the illegal British run drug trade into China…”

Uhhh…was it the “British” or someone else…

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  Sam J.
6 months ago

Maybe, but whom ever it was, rest assured the Royal Crown had a piece of the action.

Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

The opium trade wouldn’t have been possible if the British didn’t destabilize the economy by smuggling out tea plants to grow in India. The tea economy was the Achilles heel China didn’t see coming.

Fed Up
Fed Up
6 months ago

Remember when Clint Eastwood used that empty chair prop to mock Oblowma?
Trump could do something similar in his first town hall to highlight the absence of Kamunist.

6 months ago

Another day with no loss of the sidebar.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

I assume they’re hoping that the time it takes you to find out the sidebar is missing will prevent people from finding the site and the information in the sidebar. They apparently think it’s important enough to keep doing it.

6 months ago

RFK Jr interviewed by Tucker Carlson. Three hours after Trump was shot, he had an intermediary feel out RFK Jr on taking the Vice-Presidency role in his campaign – at 42:30 minutes.”
This happened three hours after Trump was shot. The selection of Vance was announced a couple of days later.
Before the attempt, though Vance and Carson were on the list of people Trump was considering, the rest of the list was made up of establishment GOP types. The assassination attempt probably made Trump and his advisors realize that his running mate and possible VP had to be someone the Deep State did not want to remove Trump to make President.
Also consider that its been speculated that the play was to kill Trump and make Nikki Haley, or someone like her, the GOP nominee. That produces a race between “Biden” and Haley and changes everything. The people behind Trump may have just realized that Trump needed a back up, and to be someone as different from Nikki Haley as possible, who could still be sold to Republicans.
I have not seen the interview of RFK Jr. with Tucker Carlson, but I read elsewhere that RFK Jr. said that Trump told him that it was Mike Pompeo who convinced him not to declassify all the files on the JFK assassination. That is a sign that there is more their than we realize. RFK Jr. also said that he wasn’t going to be CIA director because he would never be confirmed by the Senate.

Reply to  Ed
6 months ago

If RFK is for real, his best position would be totally unrestrained power to expose every fucked up operation of the CIA and other intel ops, starting with the obvious inside job assassination of JFK.

If trump puts him in charge of a “fuck you, intel fags” committee with freedom to declassify and blow up every secret op they’ve pulled over the past 100+ years I’ll start to think the plan is actually real and in control.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

I admire your restraint, AC. The entire villainous clans deserve Romanov-ing.

Reply to  Anon
6 months ago

I admire your restraint, AC.


More soberly, I have no doubt that there’s going to be more “extrajudicial” problem solving happening in the future. Cabal has been engaging in just such tactics, and has no intention to quit.

It would be best if “lawful good” won this war. Whether or not this happens, who knows…?

I’d also like to say; I don’t pray for many people. (“I don’t pray for the world”. — J.C.) But I have, and promise I will pray for you, AC. You’re up against a formidable enemy, and I don’t want to see you fold.
— a long-time reader.

Last edited 6 months ago by Mononomous
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anon
6 months ago

The few squeamish people here might do well to study The Bible about how God dealt with evil people prior to Christ and how God will deal with them once Christ comes back. Among the many diverse stories, one that particularly stands out in my mind is how Jezebel died and what happened to her corpse.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
6 months ago

…”blood as high as horse bridles” or something like that?

Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

A couple of years ago Bayou Renaissance Man posted a link to a Twitter thread written by Larry Correia. The posting was about what he would do to fix government if he were President. He would start by creating a new department: The Department of F*ck Your Job Security.

It’s a broader take on your “FY,IF” committee but along the same lines.

6 months ago

I will try to supply some context to one of the four Tulsi Gabbard items, though it will wind up becoming a “nothing to see here post.”

United States army Civil Affairs (CA) and Psychological Affairs (PSYOPS) units are both organized under the major command United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (Airborne), USACAPOC(A), or CAPOC:

This is a two star (major general) command that reports to the three star US Army Reserve Command, which means its an umbrella command that administers a ton of CA, PSYOPS, and information warfare units in peacetime. The handful of active duty units of these types would be placed under various active duty organizations.

USCAPOC contains two PSYOP groups, the 2nd PSYOP Group and the 3rd PSYOP Groups, which in turn administratively command the US Army Reserve PSYOP battalions.

USCAPOC also contains four reserve Civil Affairs Commands, the 350th, 351st, 352nd, and 353rd. These seem to be intermediate HQs between the divisional and brigade HQ that often appear in the army reserves. Each Civil Affairs Command contains two Civil Affairs brigades, and each Civil Affairs brigade contains four Civil Affairs battalions, for a total of 32 reserve army reserve battalions.

It turns out Wikipedia has a page for the 440th Civil Affairs Battalion, based in Fort Carson, Colorado, currently commanded by Tulsi Gabbard:

She would report to the commander of the 364th Civil Affairs Brigade, based in Clackamas, Oregon (near Portland). This is one of the four Civil Affairs Brigade that in theory would be operationally assigned to active duty commands in East Asia (INDOPACOM) upon activation, so administratively, the 364th CA Brigade would fall under the 351st CA Command, then USCAPOC. And USCAPOC does contain two separate PSYOP Groups, along with the four CA commands.

So no, Tulsi Gabbard is not conducting psychological operations in her spare time or as part of her reserve duties. Reserve command relationships are pretty administrative, and reserve units or soldiers would have be be put under orders to do anything operationally, in which case they would be assigned to separate active duty organizations. She commands a battalion that is three levels down from a two star reserve command, that also contains PSYOP units.

6 months ago

The Neo-Ciceronian Times posted an essay about Q:

The essay is not really about the QANON thing. On the surface, its about JD Vance, and also Trump and other elites, sometimes blue elites, who are increasingly identified as MAGA aligned.

The argument applies Peter Turchin’s writings to 21st century American politics. The concept is that when a regime runs into a resource shortage or otherwise has to stop expanding, a common reaction of the elites is to circle the wagon and maintain their position by squeezing the peasants harder. Eventually this includes attacks on other members of the elite, because in the situation the elite circle has to get smaller, meaning kicking people out, and elites not willing to submit to the discipline necessary to maintain the cabal have to be removed.

So you start getting stuff like the Telegram owner getting arrested, Tulsi Gabbard being followed around in airports, pretty much Trump’s entire life after he turned seventy, Bannon and Navarro getting jailed, the attacks on anyone associated with RFK Jr. Matt Taibbi does a periodic podcast with Walter Kirn, and pointed out in the one I saw last night that many of these people would have been perfectly happy to go along with the program, until they were attacked. I don’t think members of the elite get the surveillance treatment, until they do.

The “counter-elite” is sort of talked here as Q, but one lesson is that the opposition to an increasingly narrow elite has to first come from within the elite. That is because this starts with controls on the peasants so extensive that political movements arising from below are effectively blocked. If some Q like entity exists, they have to start up by recruiting from the existing cabal.

I think eventually the counter-elite will have to make a deal with more authentic opposition forces, the same way the Afrikaner Brotherhood had to chose to deal with the ANC to avoid being controlled by BOSS. Watch for this dynamic to unfold in Israel.

Reply to  Ed
6 months ago

All successful revolts are led by lesser “nobility”.
Our problem is that our “lesser nobility” have been too happy eating the scraps that fall from the table for too long and only seemed to really care about money.

Reply to  Ed
6 months ago

i found this great paper about Q anon from Miles Mathis

6 months ago

Good article on how manipulation of the 2024 US election can happen.

Marielle Redclaw
6 months ago

I don’t know… I feel like speculating that the daily examples of tyranny are just scripted events is dangerous. I feel like it denies the actual growing tyranny we are facing. Kind of like “First they came for $GROUP, but I said nothing because I thought it was staged…”

Not trying to be mean, but it feel like actual tyranny- the kind they’ve been writing books and articles and giving speeches calling for since over a century ago- is the more straightforward explanation.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

Amen, AC.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

Maybe you are dealing with a Satanic force and not technology. Which could be why it seems more and more folks are being hit and the world appears to be circling the drain.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

Appreciate the response. I feel like the odd gal out here sometimes, just a millennial mom. It’s unusual I can’t recall how I originally found this site. I normally have very good memory- not quite eidetic, but close.

I haven’t lost all hope, BTW. I have to stay strong for my family at the very least.

Last edited 6 months ago by Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
6 months ago


6 months ago

Came upon this post on nextdoor dot com:
This morning, while trying to leave my house, I asked this mail person if he could please move his van so I could get out of my garage. To my disbelief, he responded by yelling “SHUT UP” in my face. He is not my mail delivery person, so I do not know his name. I tried asking him his name, and he refused to share it with me. His truck had no license plates on it either, so all I could do was snap his photo. Is there any way I can report him? I tried calling USPS, and it seems impossible to speak to someone. How is it acceptable for a government employee to act like this on the job? I am in complete shock.

Imagine how shocked and pissed off he’s gonna be when he finds out that guy is actually surveillance.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

Why not?

I saw reports of fake UPS trucks back in the 1990s, along with fake utility trucks, locksmiths, plumbers, telephone men, appliance repairmen, etc. Basically, anything that would reasonably be expected to be loitering about a residential area.

The difference here is that the USPS are Feds. Yeah, they’re “private” when it suits them, but USPS inspectors carry Federal badges.

Once upon a time I would have thought that someone had big cojones impersonating a postal employee, but finding out that USPS runs its own unauthorized intelligence operations dissolved that bit of innocence.

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

I had a local cop come to my business location (I don’t own) and ask for our magnetic business signs to use on their unmarked vans for a surveillance situation. He was rather shocked when I told him the company had changed hands and he would have to contact the main office. He said “we never had to do that before” what a putz. There can be major liabilities for getting involved in that crap.

Reply to  bigD
6 months ago

About fifteen years ago a story hit the local news. A trucker had helped the State Police drug cops in some kind of an entrapment deal where he was carrying drugs for a Mexican cartel. He and his truck got shot up when a different cartel tried to hijack the shipment.

The ASP declared that wasn’t their problem, rotsa ruck sucka, and the guy’s insurance carrier wouldn’t pay for the damage to his truck since his policy didn’t cover use in government service (I think; it has been a while now). I don’t know how it all finally shook out since it dropped off the news without any reports of that.

What I took away from it was, “when you’re doing work for the cops, you’re on your own.”

Reply to  AnonL
6 months ago

Legit USPS vehicles have a seven digit number on the back of the vans in lieu of a plate. Get a pic of that, notify local police, and your local postal inspector.

6 months ago

I read an article in the Aug 21 issue of The New American. It was written by former Congressman David Brat. The article was kind of an economic firehose, but one paragraph in particular stood out. It’s on page 31:

“It might shock the reader to know that the Communist Chinese totalitarian surveillance state has a smaller share of the economic pie than the U.S. government. China’s government sector is 14 percent of GDP, while the U.S. government’s share is 18.4 percent.”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

When I saw you post Kim Dot Com’s recommendation to use Chinese phones, it made me realize: their Communists are somehow less evil than our Communists.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  EricTheAwful
6 months ago

ALL communists are evil. Read the trilogy by Frank Dikotter about China. Horrendous. There’s an outstanding book called Claws of the Dragon, about a Chinese functionary called Kang Sheng, a thoroughly evil man.

Those at the top of communist organisations sold their souls long ago.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
6 months ago

potato, potatoe, any touch of poison is too much, if one stabs you with an 8 inch blade, the other using a 7 inch blade must be better…

Reply to  EricTheAwful
6 months ago

They are not, they just are hiding it more to facilitate the “Virtuous Pagans” propaganda.
They started out behind the western cabal and need to appropriate the moral high ground in order to take dominance.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
6 months ago

One nitpick, statistics like that usually ignore the State owned enterprises which control so much of the CCP economy and they always ignore the huge party member owned enterprises that might as well be state owned.
Ask Jack Ma if he actually “owned” his company.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

Good point. But at least China isn’t pushing rainbows everywhere.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
6 months ago

Yes they are, just not at home.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

Where is Jack by the way?

6 months ago

Kamala’s campaign demands seated debate, with notes, for Sept. 10 ABC event: report.

Trump should show up without notes, and then wait for Kamela to do the head down answering straight from her notes thing, and challenge her, “I didn’t bring any notes. Show the cameras your notes. Show America your notes, show them who is really running the country.” (Read it in his voice and I think it works.)

6 months ago

An article which makes the case that now that the Democrats fucked over Biden, Biden may decide to not resist a Trump victory, and just turn over the keys to the White House regardless of any Democrat shenanigans to try and prevent Trump from taking power.

They really haven’t given him any reason to fight. Especially if Trump agrees to pardon Hunter and say that Joe should have done it.

6 months ago

From AetherCzar:

The Fall 2024 BasedCon Based Book Sale will be 12:00AM PDT Wednesday September 4, 2024 through 12:00AM PDT Wednesday September 11, 2024.

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