Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Attorney General Mark Brnovich announced that the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors is in violation of state law for failing to comply with the Arizona Senate’s legislative subpoena related to the 2020 election audit, and if they do not change course, the AGO will notify the Arizona Treasurer to withhold Maricopa County’s state-shared funds as required under the law. Either they turn over the routers and the passwords, or it is $700 million they can’t afford to lose down the drain if they don’t comply.
Remember yesterday, Japan discarded 1.6 million Moderna Vaxx doses due to contaminates? It turns out those contaminates are reactive to magnets. Which means those magnet videos are probably real. Now the weird part. I had assumed if those videos were real, those were special vials designed to be given to special individuals the government wanted to track. If they are giving those magnetic doses to everyone, you have to ask why they need every single human emitting an electromagnetic signature which could be used to locate them, and with high-enough technology, perhaps at some distance away and while hidden in some sort of structure or bunker. Vault-Co was saying, every ten generations, something happens, society is wiped clean, its advances are mostly lost, and whatever happens is erased from history, so nine generations later, only a few people like Vault-Co will even talk about it, while the rest of society has no idea. Q said we are being farmed. Maybe the farmer is going to come back, and harvest this crop, and they are making sure nobody can hide from them, except the smartest specimens who will restart the process. I’m looking for any other reason they might want every human being emitting a magnetic signature, but I am not coming up with one. It creates too much noise for surveillance.
Just a quick walk-through of this video through the eyes of a target. The video is an English guy who is visiting Belarus and videoing himself. He sees two guys who look like town workers in worker vests and a third guy walking with them in plainclothes, walking by him at 00:10, and asks where all the people are in the town, which appears empty. He may have just arrived, and surveillance had not yet got a team up and running, and everyone else was at work. So maybe Belarus has a limited domestic surveillance operation that is not watching everyone all the time, and ready for redeployment on a new guy on a moment’s notice. The guy in plainclothes immediately stops to talk to him, and offers to show him the town, as if he wasn’t really on his way to anything. He takes him to an isolated cemetery to show him some monument, but apparently can’t find it and they stumble around for a while, which could be a delaying tactic while local surveillance calls up everyone available to check out this newcomer. The guy then asks if the Englishman can buy him some alcohol and chocolate (an inebriant and a dopamine eliciter), and takes him to a grocery store. Getting a target drunk is a good way to get him talking, and dopamine can go a long way to turning off the amygdala and the suspicion and behavioral constraint/control it produces. At the grocery store the guy steers him to the best alcohol, and puts some groceries on the tab as well since the Englishman has offered to pay, and then offers to take him to his apartment. They exit the grocery store, and a group of three girls and one guy just happen to be passing the store and begin walking in front of them at 3:57. There is no doubt these are foot surveillance, and their timed approach is a sure sign he was being watched as he checked out, and the watcher was calling out his exit to the team outside so they could time their walk-by. Notice the guy in the red jacket repeatedly turning back to look at around 4:02. At 4:35, the Belarusian calls out to the girls, “This dude is filming you!,” as a warning to them. Watch the dynamic between the girls and the guy with them as they walk after that. The guy almost views them as an obstacle to move around as he walks and they hide – they are not close friends, and were thrown together for a bigger cause, which is the guy’s focus. Notice how the girls freak and cover their faces as the Englishman begins to film them. Notice the guy’s demeanor. He isn’t on his own path, doing stuff with some girls he knows, and focused on that. He is fully engaged in the moment with the foreigner, and amused by what is going on. If I were walking, I would have looked, first, more on my own wavelength doing my own thing, and once I was engaged by him filming, I would have looked more intrigued, or curious at who he was and why he was filming. This guy has no curiosity or surprise. It is a slight demeanor violation, but as I look at him, I immediately feel like he is in on a secret joke that is going on, and not just going somewhere with some girls he knows. Spend time under this, and you immediately recognize the secret joke demeanor. I’d bet the guy walking toward them at 5:34 was one too, though there is nothing tangible to base that on, beyond the fact that once you are under, their people will be all around. Note that is unlike at the start of this video, when he was asking where all the people were.
The Belarusian claimed he couldn’t speak more than a little English, but his accent when he said, “My name is Victor,” was quite good, and he slips out a perfect, “Thank you,” reflexively later on as if it is part of his lexicon. At 5:49, the Englishman narrates, “The muddy track to Victor’s house…,” which Victor hears and corrects in Belarusian, saying he is actually taking him to a friend’s apartment. He might know more English than he is saying.
The friend with the apartment is supposedly from Chechnya. The Belarusian reveals he is a former Police Officer, and when the Chechen first showed up he met him and tried to get him to talk, but the Chechen wouldn’t say anything, until the Belarusian got him drunk, at which point he opened up and they “became friends.” Notice the Belarusian is very, very angry this Chechen never revealed he could speak English until this moment, and he can’t get over it in the meeting for some time, looking visibly upset. He later demands to know how the friend learned English, and who taught him. Fluency in a foreign language is a big deal in the spook world, and could mean the Chechen was a spy, or government-trained in some regard. If this Belarusian is local surveillance, he was responsible for finding this out, and he might now get shit for letting such an important detail elude him for so long.
The Belarusian then turns the subject to WWII with an accusatory tone, which could be a subtle test of this Englishman’s knowledge of war history – something a spook would probably be quite knowledgeable on, in a way which might get a drunk target to blurt out something he knew, defensively by accident. At 11:45, he drills the Englishman on why he is in Belarus, and accuses him of lying when he says he is a tourist. At 12:42, asked to name five towns in England, Victor the Belarusian says Los Angeles, and New York is the capital of Britain, two answers that are ridiculously stupid. The video ends with the Englishman noting Victor disappeared into thin air, shortly after calling the Englishman a spy. A fitting end.
I write these things, because to paraphrase Captain Jack Sparrow, you’d best start believing in spy stories, because you are living in one. More often than you would think. Know this material, because you will see it again. If you want to fight the machine, you must first take its high ground away from it. And this is the high ground.
Robert Kennedy Jr. supports the release of Sirhan Sirhan and believes he is innocent and was set up.
Australian state’s police tracking 1,000 suspected neo-Nazis. They are not doing it impersonally, and they are not doing it just to neo-Nazis.
Capitol Police Officer who shot Ashli Babbitt identifies himself in an interview. Lt. Michael Byrd. He is the one who left his Glock 22 in a bathroom open to the public, and suffered no consequence, something he predicted when he told other officers he would be treated differently due to his powerful position. Interestingly, of four such incidents noted here, one was him, as a high ranking leader, one was personal security for John Boehner, and one was personal security for Mitch McConnell. I almost wonder if those “elite” Capitol cop jobs are just given to Cabal gunslingers with no training as Cops, but who are in the conspiracy, and that is why they are always leaving guns in bathrooms, and can say with decisiveness when caught out that they will face no consequences for it. Nothing necessarily works the way we think or the way we were told, in this system.
Vox Day makes a convincing case that although COVID had no effect on overall deaths, the Vaxx appears to possibly be dramatically increasing deaths from all other causes like heart attacks, strokes, and so on. One of the problems is a lot of diseases, from cardiovascular issues to nerve problems, to Alzheimer’s, and even cancers, have an inflammatory component. There is some indication I have seen that some cancers may have a number of things required to happen to produce them, and one may be the creation of auto-antibodies to receptors on a cell’s surface which activate the receptors just like a hormone. So if you have a vaccine, presenting the antigen on cell surfaces, right alongside the active sites of other important cell surface receptors, that could precipitate exactly that type of autoimmunity in some people. Even worse, you could not link one disease to the Vaxx, as you would just have a general rise in all causes of death with an auto-inflammatory component. This would actually be a brilliant, nearly untraceable way to potentially cull the herd of a lot of weaker people purposely. I present it as a possibility, designed to show nobody knows what these vaccines will do. But when you see all cause deaths spike, it is certainly a sobering cause for pause. This feels like a massive earth-shattering scandal of epic proportions in the works for a year or two from now. There is also the strangely perfect design of the failure, which will tend to cull those who already had problems. If we were a farm, I would think it possible the farmers had decided to cull the herd for the most fit.
Aussie journalist shares ‘intense’ vaccine side-effect from hospital bed. And he tells other people that despite his heart inflammation putting him in a hospital, they should get the vaccine too.
Vaccine mandate in Ecuador province defeated by legal action.
The newest “inescapable” COVID-19 antibody therapy neutralizes all known SARS-CoV-2 strains.
The Islamic State militant group (ISIS) has taken credit through its official news outlet for a deadly blast that killed at least a dozen U.S. military personnel and dozens more Afghans in what was set to be the final days of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. I am struck by a couple of things. ISIS was a Cabal creation, armed and designed by Cabal to keep areas of Syria a no-go zone so Iran could move their nuclear operations into there. And second, Wednesday, the results of the Arizona Audit were given to the Arizona State Senate, and it could reasonably have been expected those results would have leaked Thurday. So a Cabal asset launched a major terrorist attack on the very day Cabal’s biggest scandal appeared about to be revealed. In retrospect, it almost looks predictable.
Pelosi’s first tweets after the Kabul bombings were about Women’s Equality Day.
At his press conference Biden looked dazed and confused, and after his remarks he pulled out a piece of folded paper, unfolded it, and said, “Ladies & Gentlemen, they gave me a list here. The first person I was instructed to call on was Kelly O’Donnell of NBC.” At one point, Biden was breathing heavy, and it looked to me like a physical reaction, and if anybody had purposely tried to jack up his amygdala, they could have precipitated a serious physical episode. He did not look well, or cognitively capable of handling any sort of crisis.
CNN reporting only 36 hours left to evacuate Americans and Afghan allies.
Unasked, obvious question – Why aren’t MUSLIM countries taking the Afghan refugees?
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy called for bringing the chamber back from recess so lawmakers can vote on legislation that would prohibit withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan until all remaining Americans are evacuated. Unless this asshole is going to go out there and man the lines himself, he needs to shut the fuck up. If ever there was a loser issue, it is this.
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said his country can’t help the United States with migrants “forever” and that there must be investments in “poor countries” such as in Central America where many migrants come from, the Associated Press reported. He’d never have dared say this to Trump. It is a lesson in dealing with people from a position of strength.
Man in London arrested on suspicion of injecting food at stores with syringes. Police looking into what was in the syringes.
A Salmonella outbreak has spread to 17 states and it’s linked to Italian meats.
FBI Agent, Army Reserves Col. charged with sex crimes against children. These stories are fascinating. I can tell you, 100%, there is no way I could even have been sexually attracted to children without surveillance knowing and noting it in my file, and I was completely unimportant before r/K. I see no way this guy was an outright pedophile, actively molesting children, and he made it through FBI selection, unless FBI selection doesn’t work anything like what we are told.
Lawyer on Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey’s staff arrested on child solicitation charge.
White supremacist radio host Hal Turner was an FBI informant, his lawyer revealed in court. It is overwhelmingly likely these days, if you look at a shitbag, they will actually be an agent or employee of the government, in some regard.
Politico sells to German publishing giant Axel Springer in deal worth about $1 billion. No idea what this is, but I guarantee you Politico is not making that kind of money in advertising, nor does it have that kind of traffic. More likely, this is about money laundering payments, buying political influence, and getting a machine to launder payments to everyone in the network.
Samsung apparently tracks all its TV’s, and can disable any TV connected to the internet at will.
Israel is accelerating operational plans to take action against Iran according to IDF chief Kohavi.
Vladimir Putin rejects any military mission into Afghanistan, saying, ‘We learned our lesson.’
Supreme Court blocks Biden’s COVID-19 eviction moratorium.
Trump claims executive privilege on records sought by House Jan. 6 probers.
Statement from President Trump:
“Vox Day makes a convincing case that although COVID had no effect on overall deaths, the Vaxx appears to possibly be dramatically increasing deaths from all other causes like heart attacks, strokes, and so on.”
The biggest issue that I see is that COVID is/was no where near as lethal as SARS or MERS. This is on purpose, as more municipalities and areas “rebel” from bs lockdowns they will get hit with purposely released COVID variants that are progressively more lethal. If an area fully rebels or gains “freedom” from (((them))) then they will get hit with the most lethal variants.
Australia is a test. America will be next. It will get progressively worse until they get what they want, which is Western collapse and culling. So prepare now. Stock up and network. Harden your homes and communities. Don’t take the vaxx. Go rural. Have stored food and weapons. Educate your children, convert people and get right with your Father in Heaven. Before people “complain” truly, I have no clue how to fight a hardened, secretive, international conspiracy/group that is actively releasing progressively worse bio-weapons against my country. Even if you win a battle your trophy is just some super SARS variant with a 50% kill rate. Cabal won’t stop and this is the book of Revelation coming to pass.
Despite the blackpill, there is always eventual whitepill, so spoiler alert, the good guys win in the end. Make sure you get to the end.
>”this is the book of Revelation coming to pass”
>”Despite the blackpill, there is always eventual whitepill, so spoiler alert, the good guys win in the end. Make sure you get to the end.”
Yep. Assuming we are looking at the preparation for the temporary ascension of the anti-Christ into power (although I think its NWO is not going to manage to run Russia, I think Russia will manage to stay independent from (but still struggle with problems caused by) the anti-Christ lead NWO), which I believe we are (but only time will tell), then we should prep and rejoice because the ascension of the anti-Christ into power is itself a precursor for the 2nd coming of Christ.
Related threads from Roosh V’s forum:
“Why the early 90’s are the beginning of the events in the book of Revelation”
>”Make sure you get to the end.”
And take comfort in the mercy of Christ that even if you don’t, your soul is immortal.
God bless everyone and have mercy on our souls.
I know there is much room for interpretation so rather than give my own beliefs I will just strongly suggest that you read the prophecies and any information about their translations and how the culture they came through understood the world and its nations to discover as best you can what nations may or may not fall to the Antichrist.
And try to account for the conscious and unconscious biases of those you get your information from.
(I imagine that Russian Orthodox sources would really want to believe that Russia doesn’t fall)
Daniel has good information in addition to the Revelation of St. John.
There are more in other books as well.
After doing the research as best you can you then need to pray for guidance.
Thanks fren.
I would love to read what your believes are regarding this if you don’t mind posting them.
>”you then need to pray for guidance”
I pray for guidance, protection and repentance every time I pray (I pray lots of times per day (I am a basement dweller so I have time to do it), but not for as long as I’d like (I tried to go longer but it lead me to abandon my prayer rule)), but it’s always good to have a reminder and encouragement. I am big on asking God to guide me so I can learn to love Him as much as He loves us, and so that I can do all the right things that He wants me to in order for my soul to get saved and I can acquire the Holy Spirit.
I’ll try to give you the highlights of my beliefs.
TL;DR version:
England, Italy, Russia and Persia along with most of the nations around and in between are likely to fall to the Antichrist and his predecessors.
America stands opposed to the predecessors but is destroyed or collapsed before the Antichrist and Armageddon.
All other areas are unknown but most will probably be conquered because hyperbola or not the prophecies state the whole world will worship the Beast.
Full version with citations:
Chapter 16
12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.
From this we know that the army seeking to destroy Jerusalem which Christ will defeat is coming from the East across the Euphrates.
(There will be a significant number of Jews there at the time whether it is the current regime that controls it or another one, most of them will be killed and the survivors will finally accept Christ)
Chapter 17
3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.
8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
This is commonly interpreted as the 7 hills of Rome so Italy will probably be involved.
Chapter 8
8 Therefore the he goat waxed very great: and when he was strong, the great horn was broken; and for it came up four notable ones toward the four winds of heaven.
9 And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land.
10 And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them.
11 Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down.
12 And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered.
Now we get to one of the places that according to my understanding we are given the same timeline in multiple different revelations with different details that we can line up side by side.
Chapter 11
3 And a mighty king shall stand up, that shall rule with great dominion, and do according to his will.
4 And when he shall stand up, his kingdom shall be broken, and shall be divided toward the four winds of heaven; and not to his posterity, nor according to his dominion which he ruled: for his kingdom shall be plucked up, even for others beside those.
(we are then given a timeline that concentrates on the kings of the north and south who seem to be more important than those of the East and West.
When we get to the last King of the North he seems to line up with the little horn.)
36 And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
The interpretation that I have seen and that makes sense to me is that the North is Russia.
The little horn seems to succeed at reuniting the four kingdoms under his control but eventually is killed.
I believe Daniel’s little horn is the same as the mouth of the first beast from Revelation 13
Chapter 13
1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
(Leopards were historically associated with the kingdom of Persia {Iran is Persia}, the bear is used as a symbol of Russia, the lion is a symbol of England or Israel but since Israel is the nation attacked at Armageddon I would go with England here, the dragon in this chapter is the devil, I do not believe China will be a great power involved with events at the time)
3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
(note that there is Biblical hyperbola here and also later, if it was really ALL nations and people there would be nobody to fight at Armageddon and nobody for Christ to save with his return)
The actual Antichrist is the second beast but he rules everything the first beast did.
11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
Going back to the last king of the North in Daniel we have this.
Chapter 11
29 At the time appointed he shall return, and come toward the south; but it shall not be as the former, or as the latter.
30 For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant.
I have been told that Chittim is Cyprus.
Now it could be that Cyprus is what is being talked about but it is unlikely they will be a great power that could come to the aid of the South and cause trouble for the king of the North.
The interpretation I have seen to explain this is that Chittim was a naval power to the west of Israel and is being used to represent a naval power to the west which was unknown to Daniel.
America is the most likely to my mind.
(this will be the last significant thing America will do before being destroyed or collapsing {not necessarily conquered due to its geographic location})
So, to summarize, England, Italy, Russia and Persia along with most of the nations around and in between are likely to fall to the Antichrist and his predecessors.
America stands opposed to the predecessors but is destroyed or collapsed before the Antichrist and Armageddon.
All other areas are unknown but most will probably be conquered because hyperbola or not the prophecies state the whole world will worship the Beast.
Make sure to account for the conscious and unconscious biases of those you get your information from.
(I am an American as you know)
Still, even if Russia falls to the anti-Christ, I assume there will be pockets of modern day catacomb Christians just enduring the whole mess while Christ doesn’t arrive again. God willing I get to make there and get accepted into a Monastery I fit in on.
“So a Cabal asset launched a major terrorist attack on the very day Cabal’s biggest scandal appeared about to be revealed.”
Not just that, but they targeted Marines, our most red-pilled service branch. Watch yourselves guys, Cabal is a caged animal and it’s desperate.
” unless FBI selection doesn’t work anything like what we are told.”
FBI selection changed after 2010. Very different types of people started populating the Bureau during the Obama years. More than diversity hires, blue hair and hambeasts are a common sight in many a field office. Remember the Muslim agent who wouldn’t investigate muslims? That was all the way back in 2016. Remember the FBI agent who joined ISIS? Completely ignored, that was Comey’s and McCabe’s agency. I notice patterns, patterns everywhere.
The FBI was murdering innocent civilians and doing shady shiz long before 2010 fren
Grassroots group sues Canadian gov’t over ‘dictatorial and unlawful’ COVID measures
“Epstein, 44, was raised in Flushing, Queens, as a self-described ‘assimilated and disinterested reform Jew’ in the nation’s most diverse borough.
In 2005, Epstein received ordination as a Humanist Rabbi from the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism.
He holds a B.A. (Religion and Chinese) and an M.A. (Judaic Studies) from the University of Michigan and a Masters of Theological Studies from the Harvard Divinity School”
Ha. A Jew from Queens who, like many Jews from Queens, headed west to Ann Arbor to attend school at the self-proclaimed Harvard-on-the-Huron, The University of Michigan, is now Actual Harvard’s chaplain.
Epstein. Wonder if he ever rented out Cousin Jeffrey’s timeshare up in Interlochen.
Who knows. Asking questions like that can only lead to trouble.
Vault-Co was saying, every ten generations, something happens, society is wiped clean, its advances are mostly lost, and whatever happens is erased from history, so nine generations later…
10 generations is too short a time. Shouldn’t it be 10 saeculums? Makes more sense.
Yes, ten generations is about 200 to 300 years. I have books that old on my shelf, so I don’t think we had any major, society-wiping events between 1721 and 2021.
We have a pretty good handle on history for about 6,000 years, so any of those events would have to be about that far back, give or take a few thousand.
AMA Rothchild(the one who did the ama) implied that humans are energy food for harvesting.
I wonder if the harvesters are the ones doing the reset.
>”Maybe the farmer is going to come back, and harvest this crop, and they are making sure nobody can hide from them, except the smartest specimens who will restart the process.”
Immunochads win again, how will magnetic immunelets ever recover?
>the virgin clot shot fan vs the intact immune system enjoyer
Chad human vs virgin GMO
>”Australian state’s police tracking 1,000 suspected neo-Nazis. They are not doing it impersonally, and they are not doing it just to neo-Nazis.”
And you can bet that Australia’s gov definition of neo-Nazi: anyone that anyone with power in the state wants to mess with.
>”Ghislaine Maxwell ‘barricaded’ herself in the prison conference room by blocking the door with a cart of legal documents, creating a security threat, prosecutors claim.”
Top kek, the absolute state of mossad evasion and escape techniques.
Symbolism will be their downfall.
More likely she just needed 10 minutes to fuck her lawyer,
On the vaccins in the army:
“Australian state’s police tracking 1,000 suspected neo-Nazis”
The Australian police & military need a serious reminder from the People that their continued obedience to these evil orders will absolutely have to be answered for.
They live amongst us and not their bosses. We know who they are, where they live, and their patterns. We track too you see.
Maybe give them one warning after the next big crackdown.
“Is your home insurance up to date mate? What? No, it’s not a threat! I sell insurance is all. Have you done something to make you feel threatened friend? You seem on edge.”
If they continue they’ll be joining their masters when the narrative shifts. And it always shifts.
Top kek, check out rt’s front page, the whole Afg situation just keeping getting more and more ridiculous to the point of it seeming like a caricature of an ever increasing cluster fug of absolute incompetence and retardation.
Interesting thread:
“How TPTB Plan To Seize World Power via China by Proxy”
Suppose you are on to something, AC, with your notion a galactic civilization or consortium of aliens, or even an unknown branch of human’s are galactic people and been so for a long time, and Earth is a kind of preserve for raw human rootstock, that they leave mostly to its own devices, but with minimal but crucial hybridizing interference, yet, knocking it back technologically and philosophically so it remains earth bound, technologically not reaching escape velocity, where it doesn’t gain FTL travel capability, so it remains in relative terms to the galactic regime, backwards and earth bound. In other-words, they inhibited us as a species from becoming a space travel capable planet. Which gives pause to wonder why Elon Musk is so adamant and driven that need for urgency and economically private venture space fairing humans is the single most critical driving factor for SpaceX and the people working involved in reaching that commercially viable breech into the beginnings of being a planetary race.
I’ll say this, if there is a constant thread which is hiding in plain sight that cabal or whatever influences, its the advancement of high technology, to be specific it is through their economic powers and monopoly, they move to stop and inhibit the steady sequential natural technological advancement of physical sciences and materials, R&D, and creative improvisational leaps, predominately created and produced by K Strategist.
I used to think it was so cabal would not lose its grip of economic control due to an unfettered wild west technological zeitgeist and scientific/technological paradigm. Think hillary clinton for example, as regime usurper in the oval office, I just can not imagine her promoting any sort of technological advent beyond what exists. Space Marines? Elon Musk private interplanetary venture? Yeah, right. Not. Of course any cunning intelligence orientated technology and counter insurgency weapons systems under total control of machine assets, certainly, but open unfettered technological activity? Uh Uh.
That nasty fucking adrenal-chrome addict, stalinist megalomaniac was intended for exactly imposing the most totalitarian statist kind of control over creativity and improvisational science and technology imaginable.
But what if that is only the apparent outside carapace of the cameleo-suit cabal and its machine uses to keep the truth outing that is unavoidably visible?
What if that galactic power uses Earth as a farm that grows wild humans as you contend AC?
What would they be after?
Mercenary soldier stock for private mercenary regiments or some sort of protective guard soldiers?
May be this galactic civilization is become so statist in its ways they themselves have lost their aggressive, violent, and warrior tendencies, and thus use the pick of hybridized wild humans as proxy slaves to perform distasteful or culturally unacceptable chores?
What if they have the technological capabilities to harvest the best warriors off the battlefield under cover of their KIA? They’d only need to grab a few, here and there, or this guy or that woman of particular combat skill, value and mindset, over centuries, because they have the technology to keep their Janasaries’ alive hale and hearty for centuries.
They keep wild humans in case something happens to the galactic human population?
They frequently dip into the wild humans for genetic reasons, for certain traits and capabilities say from DNA of R Strategists, many be even certain r/strategists because of certain desirable and useful genetic traits used in other vocations, these harvested galactic Nomenklatura slave class humans fill?
No small amount of these notions kind of dovetail with characteristic cabal/machine objectives, activities and strategies.
And what of the American’s who for the first time, in the newly discovered new world continent, on this human farm preserve planet made the great leap into ordered and individual liberty? Who also became the most heavily individually armed civilization and culture as never before occurred? A civilization which produces extremely competent highly effective individual warriors? Not a military per say, but a warrior caste within this civilization of ordered liberty?
Would they be both a valuable resource and present an existential threat to the great secret that is the wild human preserve world?
What if a galactic cabal is running this human farm world, for its own private use, and what they are doing is very illegal in the galactic civilization, so they have to do things to Earth and it’s human race to maintain its secret status?
What if there is another kind of conflict going on, a war for control of wild human preserve world? One between galactic white and black hats over Earth?
What id the galactic slave masters are about to get caught red handed their secret human slave world discovered, and they began a genocidal effort to kill off most of the wild human’s, and the galactic good guys are involved in efforts in stopping them?
Would they co-opt wild human’s in their crusade to stop the genocide, and the bad guys do the same and they have their wild human cadre, in the form of the network, glowies and gangstalkers? Even importing other wild human’s like musloids and latin American proxy vandal’s to destroy the galactic good guy’s base of operations, which is America? An entire proxy army of alien invaders, to deal with the individually armed to the fucking teeth K Strategist Americana wild human’s? 100 million armed to the fucking teeth pissed off K Strategist army represents very very serious problem for r/strategist galactic cabal, so serious to be all but unstoppable short of an act of vast genocide?
That would explain a number of things we see taking place?
And Brother, AC, are you ever fucking right about things are not even close to what we are told to believe and caused to generally perceive.
The thing is, this sounds crazy, because the “organized government” over us, whatever that means, tells us it would be crazy.
But that organized government also told us anyone who saw a UFO was crazy. At the same time they knew they had pilots telling them they were looking right at one, as they were watching on radar as they did 8,000 mph right angle turns, something that requires space/time actually get warped around the ship, which would take levels of power and physics we cannot begin to replicate. Not only was that happening, the government was lying to us, and telling us it was not possible.
The Fermi paradox is real. Mathematically it is highly likely we should be seeing other organisms here – lots of them. That we are not very likely has to have some reason behind it, like something keeping them away.
Anything is possible in this world. And given they are lying to us, the only way you can tell what is possible is to map out what might be possible, from a dinosaur species growing sentient and technologically advanced somewhere in their 300 million years (statically likely, I’d think), and hiding on the planet, to some other sentient species coming here from somewhere, and staking this place out as their own.
Something is up with this place, and whatever it is, I think there are humans who know, in power over us, and they are lying to us.
This is very similar to the plot of Jupiter Ascending, another movie the Wachowski “sisters” created after being punished for The Matrix.
In the movie, Earth is a giant farm, cultivated so that the humans that rule a giant galactic empire can live forever.
Sentient dinosaurs are their enforcers.
“And it’s all in the name of… PROFIT!”
I thought that was the clunkiest line ever when I heard it. Now I think it was more like a statement of actual truth, almost a 4th-wall break. It’s also become clear that “Enemy of the State” was not fiction, it was a demonstration. The woman I saw it with told me as much, claiming that her ex-husband was CIA and everything in the movie was real. I didn’t believe her then.
Back when Enemy of the State came out, an Air Force PJ said he had a friend in intel who sent him a message (through a big complicated procedure to keep it from being seen) saying he just saw it and he couldn’t believe the movie got made, because there actually was a massive machine set up in the nation to do exactly what the team in the movie did to Will Smith, and it was a huge secret that would trigger a civil war if it was revealed.
I filed it away as a maybe, but had no idea how right the guy was, or how massive the machine was. I thought it would be a small team assembled ad-hoc out of DC for one person out of every hundred million. The idea they could neighborhood-ize something like that would have been unimaginable to me back then.
>mfw when all the “schizos” were always right
It’s all very tiresome.
I believe the key point to understand is this:
You are not watching entertainment.
You are not watching fiction.
You are not even watching propaganda.
You are watching exaggerated documentaries.
Why would a movie like “Enemy of the State” get made?
Writers write what they know.
Writers write what they know.
Holy shit.
Bros (and bronetes)…
There was a 2017 movie entitled UNLOCKED where Michael Douglas plays a government Deep State operative who deliberately attempts to unleash a deadly virus to gain the power to impose a Medical Tyranny with forced isolation of all contacts, and quarantine camps with the troops to secure them and real-time access to private medical records. Sound familiar?
The first and last news stories I heard about murder hornets was during the peak of the Rona hysterics a little over a year ago.
Now that the Delta fear is being ratcheted up I’m seeing stories about them again.
I wonder if these stories are coms of some sort?
They were in the Hunger Games movie. Tracker Jacker
This daft punk memes have been cracking me up for days no. I catch stop watching
Strikes me as commonsensical, the primary sequence of withdrawal is not incompetence, it is the malicious willful action of the regime running the final stages of Afghanistan pullout involving cover for the unfettered unrestricted mass transport of a musloid alien invasion army into America, because cabal is not capable on its own resources and network assets to effectively deal with 100 million armed to the fucking teeth K Strategist American’s. Nor can it rely on the military in general, for its rank and file soldiers to follow illegitimate regime agents orders to use its weapons to round up, and kill their fellow American’s.
And even this alien invasion force, infiltrating from the southern border and under the gaslight plausible deniability false flag operation of Afghanistan “refugees” is insufficient to the task of effectively fighting at the tactical level against our 100 million armed to the fucking teeth brothers and sister Patriots.
It would be logical those alien invaders are to be used as a political ploy shock troops, who create a suitable level of violent disruptive conflict on the civilian level of our Republic, that it provides the pretense for the regime to seek “legitimate” assistance from the diverse community of global partners who each provide “peacekeeping” battalion forces to put down the white Christian raycist rebels and terrorist insurgency.
The seeming number one problem the glowies, is they have been unable to cause or manipulate violent uprising of suitable Patriots so to fulfill the physical optics of their yellow media compatriots false narratives which stigmatize the good folks of America as these horrible despicable evil human culture and racial supremacists of the first order, they can not get past the steadfast nature and prudent virtues of good folks both not and armed to the fucking teeth, the glowies can not break that great innate prudence all of us high amygdalae K Strategists possess.
It’s those damned AR15’s, in the hands of Trump’s basket of deplorable racial terrorist insurrectionists.
Its a serious fucking pickle for cabal. They got no clear effective way to counter it. They are monkey tricking it to death. And at every turn and attempt they fail. And none of us are even shooting the fuckers… Yet.
And every day we grow stronger, our K/strategist nature awakens. Resolve solidifies. Awareness of the danger increasingly becoming more sophisticated, a unique Zeitgeist is taking place. If anything else, the death jab has backfired causing Patriots to become a most powerful united plurality, creating solidarity and great common cause. Soon, a preference cascade begins to snowball. This is already apparent outside the influence of the hive collective narrative control propaganda theater.
A 100 million armed to the fucking teeth American Patriots who do not give a fuck about cabal’s vast surveillance, do not care what, ignores outright, the influence agents messages, has no use for gangstalkers and other network assets like antifart, a hundred million cold anger motivated good folks with a bone in their teeth. No one knows just how mean us good folks get when our codes are so ruthlessly violated. When all we ever wanted was just to be simply left alone. We never asked for much. Now that little bit is denied us.
You put good folks like us back’s up against the wall, your stupid enough to do that, you really get what you wish for, as we are those who pushed past our humble tolerance are experts at giving you a belly full of what you so ruthlessly desire. Once that switch is thrown we think of nothing else, we do not stop, we have no mercy.
In regard to Vox Day’s bringing up the teaching of Confucius, that it is Character, Good character that really matters, St. Peter in II Peter 1:5 has the same thing that ALL churches have missed.
II Peter 1:5: “Supplement The Faith with Arete”. St. Peter commands the same thing as the Spartan Lawgiver Lycurgus had done–which was command Arete by all Spartans. Lycurgus preceded Confucius but it seems they taught the same thing!
We know Arete by the Latin translation of virtues. I just completed a study of the Virtue of Sophrosyne. No one, but no one has this; the definition of sophrosyne:
>>>”“Knowing/doing one’s status-based behavioral propriety within one’s hierarchy; that includes within it, discipline/obedience; knowing one’s self; kosmiotis –knowing one’s station in life and keeping it, orderliness, regularity; moderation (“Nothing too much”; the Golden Mean); not valuing highly, bodily pleasures and enjoyments; not to be covetous of every enjoyable pleasure; to fear disorder, to live an orderly life in small things and great alike; shame (humility); engaged in caution and Prudence; minding one’s business; to desire and do the right thing, the right way, at the right time.”
St. Paul comands all Christians to be sophros; to have sophrosyne.
Here is article that explains that: It is fully researched and annotated.
The Virtue of Sohphrosyne is the complete opposite of Americanism and its ideology. We are to hold to our station and to have propriety.
> It turns out those contaminates are reactive to magnets.
“The Japanese giant Hitachi has developed the world’s smallest and thinnest Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip. Measuring only 0.15 x 0.15 millimeters in size and 7.5 micrometers thick”
That’s .006 inches on a side, .003 inches thick. Roughly twice the width of a human hair. The Hitachi chips will store 128 bits of information, 38 ASCII digits.
Not just magnetic, they’ll return those digits when pinged by the RFID reader.
That’s not “the future”; that’s what you can buy right now.
> Robert Kennedy Jr. supports the release of Sirhan Sirhan and believes he is innocent and was set up.
Members of the Kennedy family were calling bullshit on Sirhan as the killer before he was even sentenced. Same with Martin Luther King’s family about James Earl Ray.
They were close enough to see what was going on, but not powerful enough to overcome the Narrative.
> Ghislaine Maxwell ‘barricaded’ herself in the prison conference room by blocking the door with a cart of legal documents, creating a security threat, prosecutors claim.
Security threat? What kind of Keystone Kops clowns are working for the jail, that a prisoner can be a “security threat” by blocking a door with a cart?
Hey, next will be a “no tolerance for security threats” policy, and they’ll beat the next one down until they’re brain damaged, like the guards used to do in Arkansas. The guards called them “mush melons” after they got tuned up. It got to the point where the Feds were forced to take notice.
Comms? Barracading herself in with information only she knows? Perhaps a call for a hit?
They just mean they didn’t want her to kill herself. Or if anyone was in the room with her for them to kill herself.
> The newest “inescapable” COVID-19 antibody therapy neutralizes all known SARS-CoV-2 strains.
Sure, until SARS-COVID-21 Zeta Variant laughs at it, and everyone will have to wear Tyvek overalls with full helmets and bottled air, and the police shoot violators down on sight.
“It’s for their own good!”
> Highest ranking Enlisted man in the Army is tweeting diversity bullshit as our men are dying in Afghanistan.
You’re not going to make past sergeant unless you’re playing the political game. After that, nobody is going to jeopardize their career and retirement by speaking out of turn.
> Unasked, obvious question – Why aren’t MUSLIM countries taking the Afghan refugees?
Silly wabbit! They’re already full of Muslims, and don’t want any more.
One very relevant CT debate is whether the COVID psyop is part of a Chinese plan for world domination, or a western elite plan for world domination. I don’t take assertions that the Cabal is all Jewish very seriously and suspect they are controlled opposition. Anonymous 8:24 AM posted a discussion thread which had the Cabal as Jewish, but switching their operations to China. Presumably the Chinese would not notice or care that Jews fill most of the elite positions in China.
All that said, Martin Armstrong today made a long blog post that made a substantial argument that this is a western cabal operation, with China used as the location for the lab:
This is a substantial argument, but note that CCP internet propaganda farms were used to dominate internet discussion boards, and flood fake videos showing people collapsing on the street, so I think the Chinese government were not exactly innocent victims here.
My working theory is that the western Cabal is basically European aristocracy, but they have an alliance with the eastern Cabal, or the CCP, that functions sort of like how the Nazi-Soviet pact functioned.
“Inventors of evil things”
Alex Thompson (of UKColumn) presentation at AV9 into history of the “Cabal”
Cabal and royalty have always been kosher.
Does that include the Carolingians, William the Conqueror, and the early Tudor Kings and Queens? There’s a book, “When Scotland was Jewish,” by Donald Yates and Elizabeth Hirschman. Have you read it? If so, can you review? Thanks.
According to Miles Mathis it does.
I know some here do not like him but he is right about some things and he makes a good case for this.
The operative statement in Armstrong’s article.,”…Therefore, there was NO strategic advantage to China release such a virus….”. There’s no way that the Chinese unleashed some wild ass strain of corona that would have mutated into ???? whatever unknown without knowing, and I defy anyone to tell me they can specifically tell what the mutations of a corona virus will be, and release that into China.
I repeat again who is the guy that set up their lab and helped channel the research, we know it’s the Harvard Jew that was arrested shortly after corona broke who was paid millions to do so. His lab also provided samples of viruses that Chinese researchers/students were busted trying to carry them out of the country. What do you want to bet the same Harvard Jew notified the border patrol that they were leaving with the samples so that when corona hit why it could all be pointed to as being from China and the lab they were taking the samples too.
The Jews set the Chinese up to take the fall for this. Not that they are angels but just like the various Arabs supposedly in charge on 9-11 they just happened to be following paths similar to the “scenario” that Jews set up as “the story”.
You know I didn’t say anything but the big list, of mostly Europe noble types with a few Jews sprinkled on top, that AC posted the other day, it’s a big smoke screen. Everywhere you look it’s the Jews behind the whole rotten carcass. Not that every one of these might not be rotten but they are not the driving force.
I want you all to think like Musk and Thoreau.
“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” – Henry David Thoreau.
About what is the foundations, the root. What is the base operation that makes things run. We all know the Jews own the information stream and so if they are the good guys and NOT in charge then…why don’t they tell us all this is going on???
It’s just the same old story. This time it’s the nobles of Europe. Sometimes they say it’s the Queen of England that’s responsible for all the mayhem in the world, sometimes it’s the Jesuits or the Masons or the Chinese but in reality the people who control all the communications, the banks, the monetary system and seemingly the vast majority of the US and Western governments, the Jews. That’s who is doing this.
It may very well be that the psychopath Jews have decided that this is the time to take over the world. This is it. The internet is really killing them. I know the internet is what made me aware. Before it I had no idea. They tried to knock off the Chinese but the Chinese moved very, frighteningly fast and choked off corona there. They are having better luck in the more controlled West. They may even be taking out some of the Jews in Israel that are not in on this game plan. Jews usually don’t screw other Jews but when they have no other prey readily available like in the Jewish ghettos in the past in Europe they move in on their own and this is “the end”. They either make this work now or the possibility could be that they lose all of their propaganda advantages the have worked on since the 19th century. This may be their last chance.
That they will fail is 100% but that won’t help us. We will all be in cages or dead. Certainly with a black death type situation where most of the military is gone it would not surprise me if the Chinese just moved right into the US and made it theirs . All the guns in the world won’t help if they are willing to exterminate everything in their path.
Oh and by the way if any one happens to throw up the smoke screen that,”it might not be the Jews, it might be some larger entity”, ok I say let’s get rid of the Jews then find out if that is true. We wouldn’t have lost anything by doing that first.
>”Jews usually don’t screw other Jews”
Have you heard about the prostitution networks the Jews put together in Brazil where they would marry Jew women from poor families in Eastern Europe (Poland, etc) and then travel with them to Brazil to pimp them out?
See the first and 4th pic on this infograph:

Powerful criminal Jews don’t give a fug about Jews that can’t or won’t do stuff for them.
And you also have the whole Mesirah thing, which is a Jewish rule coming from Rabbinical tradition that says that if a Jew commits a crime and another Jew talks with the authorities, the Jews in the community can kill the “snitch” in “self-defense”, and some rabbis apply this even to crimes against children, as you can see from this under-cover footage of a Jew child abuse victim talking to a rabbi and the rabbi telling him that going to the authorities would be Mesirah (basically threatening with death if he spills the beans about the Jew pedo that raped him):
See this pic from an article about it:

Off course not all Jews subscribe to this, etc, but Christians need to take notice about the things that make Judaism and Christianity incompatible. If Jews want to integrate (instead of being subversive, or running cover for Jewish subversion), they need to push the discussion about this issues into the public, unless they just want to allow the pressure cooker to endlessly build up steam and end up exploding in their faces. I say this with much love to both Jews and Gentiles, this is not about trying to incite hate nor any of that, it’s the exact opposite.
God bless everyone and God have mercy on our souls.
“…Have you heard about the prostitution networks the Jews put together in Brazil…”
I covered this exact thing, although I didn’t cover all the details, in the exact same sentence.
“…but when they have no other prey readily available like in the Jewish ghettos in the past in Europe they move in on their own…”
“…If Jews want to integrate (instead of being subversive, or running cover for Jewish subversion), they need to push the discussion about this issues into the public…”
This will never happen. Ever. If several thousand years of behaving as they do will not convince you that they will never change then I don’t know what to tell you.
> FBI Agent, Army Reserves Col. charged with sex crimes against children.
Another colonel. Hmm. A few years ago there was a huge news story about a former Army colonel who kidnapped a young boy and kept him in his motorhome as he traveled the country. The story was on all the mass media.
I just spent fifteen minutes trying to find it on the Goog and Bing, and got bupkis. Stories about lost children and motorhomes going back to 2002, but hardly any results at all even for gay child kidnappers in general, which is something that happens often enough to make national news every couple of years.
Never heard of Vault-Co until now; was able to find a (.fr, English language) archive, and down the rabbit hole I go once again. I don’t dismiss anything anymore……clown world, indeed.
For what it’s worth, when he got threatened into closing his blog, I saw something I never saw in my life again, which was the site deleting pages from the archive of his blog (which to me signals that he has found something very legit and very secret).
The way it happened was, I read here that V-C was closing shop, then I asked somewhere else for archive sites (I wanted to try to find what lead TPTB to force V-C to close), and I had opened his index of snapshots for his blog, it had something like 4007 or 4008 (4000 and +5 to +9) pages archived, and by the time I refreshed it, it had 3997 or something like that (which means, in the time it took for me to lurk and open some more other pages, had deleted something like 10 pages from the archives of his blog).
I have no way to prove this is no a LARP, but I swear on my most beloved people that it is absolute truth.
I’m seeing that has suspended Vox Day’s site. Is there another way to access that content? is Vox’s current home.
> Samsung apparently tracks all its TV’s, and can disable any TV connected to the internet at will.
That has been known since… a really long time. Almost every “smart TV” or internet-capable TV is just a big monitor with a computer; many of them can’t even receive broadcast TV signals. Forward-facing cameras are common, just like in Orwell’s “1984”. Most of them won’t even work unless they can connect to the Mothership.
“Why should I care? I’m not trying to hide anything. Must… have… big… TV!”
So there is site floating out there that sells all the smart TVs desmarted for airports and stuff. I thinks it’s a CDW variant. Worth the trouble.
Also re: Apple decrypting your stuff.
This isn’t right.
As it stands today, all your iCloud shit is not encrypted.
With this new system, if you use iCloud Photos, they make a finger print of your photo, and a small thumbnail version, and your original photo as a bundle and encrypt them with separate keys.
So if enough of your photos (30) match their database of known childporn, they have a human look at the thumbnail version. If it looks like CP, they look at the original. If it’s CP it gets forwarded to authorities.
From a security standpoint they are doing what looks to be a privacy respecting compromise. Between privacy and not hosting CP on their servers.
1) They only use this system if you use iCloud Photos
2) It’s all scanned on device so less chance of compromise.
3) A human only looks at it if you have a solid amount of fingerprint (hash) matches.
4) Initially a human can only see it if they deem your thumbnail looks like CP.
5) After all this and looking at the original, authorities are alerted.
Compare this with Google (Android) and Facebook. They just straight up don’t encrypt your stuff and have been scanning on their servers since 2009 and 2013.
So could this be used for bad things? Sure, but they are going out of their way to make it as privacy respecting as possible while still scanning for CP. I accept that compromise.
If you’re hardcore, you’re not using a cell phone anyway. If you have to, check out the Librem 5 Phone by Purism. Hardware kill switches, open as possible, and these guys push the envelope of security by actively working on open and secure firmware.
That is very interesting. I am trying to develop my own encryption tech because the encrypted apps on the main stream mkt all have backdoors.
I wouldn’t trust anything Apple does. What an incredible leap of faith you have just made. You should be in the Olympics cobber!
President Biden’s German shepherd Major attacked members of the Secret Service eight days in a row in early March.
I’ve raised two German Shepherds and they never bit anyone. Dogs are very intuitive when it comes to people, They sense fear, evil, and other negative emotions and may act aggressively if they feel threatened.
On the other hand, maybe it’s just that Biden won’t share his ice cream with Major and he’s pissed off. Or the Secret Service folks are mocking Biden behind his back and Major is getting even with them. Every day under the Biden regime is getting curiouser and curiouser. Even the dog is stressed out.
maybe biden abused Major majorly
Of course he did.
It’s just too bad it was the Secret Service getting attacked.
This could become a very big deal. Understand that usually I dismiss officers as little more than extra targets who serve to draw fire away from the useful people like machine gunners and corpsman, but I’ll make an exception for this man.
“Stuart Scheller
AITB Commander at United States Marine Corps
To the American Leadership.
Very Respectfully,
These are the top comments on linked-in. Assuming these are bureaucrats in uniform – THEY ARE THE PROBLEM.
“Eric Watson
Obviously new generation Marine Corps. Right wrong or indifferent, social media is not where you address such matters. There are proper channels to address said grievances and if it is not addressed to your satisfaction, so sorry so sad, keep it moving.
Submit resignation ASAP.
Like Reply 34 Likes
Dwayne Tanner
Dwayne Tanner
You need to take off that uniform and hand in your resignation. There are ways to address your superiors and vent your feelings. We all know this. If nothing else, you’ve disgraced yourself as an officer of the United States military. Mostly, you’ve shown what a whiny self-serving visionless person you are. If you want to be in a public policy making position, go try to do that. That is not your purpose as a Marine. You’ve allowed social media and right-wing media to influence your decision-making capabilities and it is time to go.”
I was Marine Infantry myself, and I stand with the man in the video telling it like it is. There’s nothing more befitting a United States Marine than to break decorum and ignore “proper channels” and get shit DONE.
Pappy Boyington would agree.
>”You’ve allowed social media and right-wing media to influence your decision-making capabilities and it is time to go.”
The absolute state of perfumed princes in the US Mil high ranks.
But I guess it’s a whitepill vid IMHO, if that officer who made the vid is willing to come out publicly like that, it means the general spirit of those who are in the job to do what they are supposed to be doing (defending the US Constitution and the interests of the US and its people), which means that the comped higher ranks (which is another thing Trump did that is undeniably great, which is to expose the level of rot in those high ranks (that Vindman person during the coup was a big eye opener, and more recently all the ones that turned their backs on him)) are losing their grip on the deltas that make the US Mil function.
May God bless all Americans and have mercy on our souls.
He is not cucking either:
God bless and protect Commander Stuart Scheller.
ON sydney powell et all being screwed by a cabal judge.
Edward snowden on apple scanning everyone’s pictures on their phones spy plan.
I disagree with Snowden’s take, but His reasoning is sound. The article is worth the read.
My single point to refute all the handwringing is.
1) Apple could have done nothing, and done all the shady stuff much easier. Right now they can spy on everything you upload with impunity. Nothing is encrypted. The phone is a black box.
I’m fairly heavy pro apple biased, so take my points with an appropriate grain of salt.
Just something to brighten AC’s day:
Wow. Thank you.
They are absolutely flawless.
Who’s a good boy?
Via Jim Stone
“…CVS workers are now paid $6,500 PER WEEK to give the covid jab…”
Women pharmacist quits because she was going to be forced to gibe vax and refuses.
She shows the insert for the vax and it’s printed “intentionally blank” for side effects or any information. She talks about self disseminating vaccines. She notes that India produces most of the worlds Hydroxychloroquine and shortly after the US decided to not allow using it for corona the plant in India burned up. She shows several more blast at several countries pharm factories. It’s long but interesting video. She gives a lot of inside info.
Jim Stone also says,”…During the communist takeover of Russia, there was a Q-anon equivalent dropping seeds of hope and many side psy ops launched to give the public hope that the tsar would activate the forces and save them. This caused the Russian people to sit on their butts waiting for a savior, when the only ones who could have saved it was they themselves. Same bag of tricks, different century….”
Other stuff from Jim Stone,”…I only occasionally hit them, but today they had something spooky, “end of the world type spooky” with regard to something Putin said. Why on earth would he say this after meeting with Biden:
“”There’s no happiness in life,” Putin said. “There’s only a mirage on the horizon, so we’ll cherish that.”
What would cause Putin to say that? A death shot? He played a little politics afterward saying obvious lies about “a spark of hope in Biden’s eyes”, (which would obviously be impossible in his condition) and that was it. …”
“…Here is a suspicion I am having: The spike protein the vax is forcing everyone who gets the shot to make is spreading out of control to the un-vaccinated, right when the people who caused this lied and told everyone they could take their masks off and/or stop being careful. It has to be something at that level of bad….”
17 states? Ya don’t say?
Haven’t seen the Belarus vid (am phonefagging in bed, not as erotic as it sounds) but several points you make remind me of the time I accidentally ended up in an ex Soviet bloc ethnic restaurant in Germany, a muscly guy in a good suit and shrewd face immediately homed in on me and my gf, very affable and friendly but scanning us, asking where we were from, then told my gf (in her rare minority language) that she had a nice ass (she only told me what he said after we’d left). She said he spoke her language perfectly, no accent, but he was talking I think Russian to the henchmen-looking staff, and with me his English was v good. He and I chatted about WW2 and he was alarmed/suspicious when he realised how much I knew, actually demanded, “How do you know this?” I thought that odd, but now I realise knowledge of arcane military history might be an indicator of employment in the large be German Intelligence agency a few km away.
The whole place reminded me of restaurants in mafia films, waiters who look like dead-eyed killers, etc. When we left the guy said, “Maybe we’ll meet again. It is a small world” and smiled coldly, standing a little too close. I just laughed, thinking “fuck no, I’m never coming down this street again”, then he suddenly kissed me on the cheeks, giving me a hug. Guy was strong under that suit, burly. I bade him farewell and sauntered off with my gf, and once we were out of sight I turned all my pockets inside out and examined my jacket where he’d grabbed/hugged me.
I tend to stand out, combination of my odd face and habit of scanning my surroundings, so I’m guessing he was curious. I thought the hug interesting, I think he wanted to know if I had any musculature or would freak out. Every single thing he did or said was a way of pumping me and my gf for info. Nice guy, probably quite interesting, but I wouldn’t go that way again, nor would I let someone like that invite me anywhere.
Those ww2 questions are also very good to see who might be an not-so-newfren on /pol/.
It only takes so much time until the redpills regarding that era pile up on you and natural curiosity makes an anon go search about it.
Hug could also be an attempt to covertly pat you for concealed weapons too, IMHO.
That is a great point. I wonder if spies have something else on them like that too. I dislike being under coverage so much I now have covert 1080P video shooting off me everywhere I go, even in grocery stores when I am on foot, just to create a record. I wonder if spies wire up everywhere they go with covert video and audio, just to catch anything interesting going on around them, and this guy was feeling for wires.
I didn’t think of wires, but makes sense.
The idea came to mind because I was once in a “conversation” with someone trying to start a fight with me (and he was into the whole gaybal surveilance thing), but there ended up not being a fight because I didn’t took any of the bait, and then when I was shaking the dude’s hand he made sure to pat me on the back in a weird way that I realized only made sense if he was checking for a concealed weapon (too low on the back (in a way that if a weapon was present the part of it that stays above the belt line could be felt), too slow (seems like dude was trying to almost try to feel for a weapon without trying to put pressure on the area he was scanning (lower back) so as to not seem gae or because he was trying to do it in a way that I wouldn’t take notice at all (he was making conversation at the same time and shaking my hand at the same time this was all happening, and could be like those basic pickpocket distraction tactics (but I was always very sensible to touch, I usually hate it when people touch me (autism is a hell of a drug))))), no gae vibes (main pressure point slightly off center without making full contact with the torso, but an open hand can cover a lot of ground around a beltline when fully open (as long as the person doing it isn’t trying to do it on a fatso, I guess))).
In my personal experience, gaybalite stalker operatives are very on alert for any weapons a mark may carry, years before I even was aware of the machine (before they decided to apply pressure by no longer being covert) there was a situation where I was at a place having a beer and a guy who is, now looking back, obviously deep into the gaybal game was standing next to me at the bar (he was already there and didn’t move, I just happened to enter the place and ended up next to him), and he was already drunk, and I was carrying a self-help book called “Unlimited Power”, and the dude starts going on a drunken rant on how “power always has to be limited” yada yada, and I was too autistic to even realize the dude was probably trying to provoke me, so I started talking to him about self-help (it’s hilarious looking back, because I still remember that he looked kinda confused) and all these Tony Robbins concepts, and he kept repeating that “power has to be limited” line, but eventually he started talking about something else, and so we sat down on a table, and I needed to get some more money because I wanted to order some food, so I told him I was getting some money to eat something and left, and because it was getting colder, I went to the house to pick up my jacket, and then when I arrived at the place again and sat down, the first thing the dude tells me is “take off your jacket”, and I was like this young autistic retard and didn’t even realized it was probably because he thought I had gone get a weapon of some sort, I only realized it later when I was out of there and had eaten and drank some more beer with the dude because when I arrived after getting the jacket one of his brothers was now also there at the place, alone, monitoring us (backup). And the funny thing is that the dude’s brother would be looking at us and I kept telling him to join us and gesticulating at him, and at first the dude just tried to pretend he didn’t see or care, but I was so autistic about it that he had to finally just shake his head as if to say “no thanks”.
So yeah, they are on alert for weapons (and it makes sense from a self preservation perspective, with the shit they pull on people it would not surprise me if once in a while some of them get rekt by a mark), at least the ones who are at a level high enough to not be complete manipulated cannon fodder, IMHO (because gaybal likes to turn people against their marks, and even marks against each other, and I bet they try to get them to stalk each other, and in some cases try to get them to engage in conflict as to distract/fug over both marks (I had people try to turn me against a dude that never did me nothing on the most retarded of ways, and the dude is like not the brightest person around, but seemingly harmless, and we got along well (and he even told me people had told him that I was an asshole, but that he didn’t agree, kek (my response to that was simply “people say a lot of shit”)))).
>(but I was always very sensible to touch, I usually hate it when people touch me (autism is a hell of a drug)
Reposting the link, appears
>. Autistic individuals frequently have unusual sensitivities for pain. They are both more sensitive to touch, and less sensitive to pain. This might have it’s origin in sexual selection, and in Neanderthal hunting.
It reminds me of a situation in a hotel bar once. US southwest, brit guy who is some kind of salesman. Half pissed, and he starts talking about all the guns in the state. He said, “I just don’t think I could ever kill someone. Do you?”
I said, if I needed to. He asked, “could you kill me?”
I looked him up and down, looked him in the eyes and calmly said, “yes.”
He said “fucking hell” and changed the subject.
>”They are both more sensitive to touch, and less sensitive to pain.”
Yep, checks out. High pain tolerance is breddy noice (I wonder if being highly tolerant to pain makes one more tolerant of social rejection/willing to go against the mainstream, given that as far as I remember the psychological pain of being rejected is processed in the same brain regions as physical pain (when I was learning game I didn’t gave 3 shits about getting 6 million nos in a row (which I did, lel), and I never had problems with getting shit from people for voicing controversial opinions or stating incovinient facts)).
My dentist is certainly not happy about my pain tolerance.
“When did the tooth… break?” I dunno, six months ago? I’ve been busy.
Protesters Block AMLO’s SUV For Two Hours
>except the smartest specimens who will restart the process.
Optimistic. If there were barcodes in the DNA marking property, and jabs were the equivalent of rubbing out VIN #s from a stolen vehicle, it could be justifiable.
>untraceable way to potentially cull the herd of a lot of weaker people purposely.
Higher intelligence frequently comes with hyperactive immune systems, allergies, ect.
>Kamala Harris has cancelled her appearance with Gavin Newsom
Hopefully a sign of concession, and an Elder sweep; Trump could do much worse for a running partner for a second term.
>can’t help the United States with migrants “forever” and that there must be investments in “poor countries”
Mexicans are one degree removed from the Chinese in duplicity, and unironically call former Spanish Empire holdings by giga-rancher estates “stolen land” — they love Pancho Villa and valorize peasant communist uprisings instead of goldbug nationalists like Porfirio Diaz pre-international banking coup.
>White supremacist radio host Hal Turner
Many such cases (Sea Monkies owner). Kind of hilarious in fact
>The Fermi paradox is real.
“We now have the ability to take ET home. And it won’t take a lifetime to do it.”
>the final stages of Afghanistan pullout involving cover for the unfettered unrestricted mass transport of a musloid alien invasion army into America, because cabal is not capable on its own resources and network assets to effectively deal with 100 million armed to the fucking teeth K Strategist American’s
Canon fodder for helter skelter. Yamamoto’s grass may yet need to proven thirsty for liberty water.
>magnetic contaminates
Lieber’s research in nano-interfaces … this would be the raw material for construction for machine interfaces at the cellular level.
>but switching their operations to China.
D. Rockefeller statements on China being a good model and testbed society for spook shit. Kissinger’s Sinophillic depredations against American industry. Lots of cannibalism in famine and war through mid-last century.
>army COLON-EL
Jordan Maxwell tier pun, I know
>magnetic contaminates
Lieber’s research in nano-interfaces … this would be the raw material for construction for machine interfaces at the cellular level.
Lieber was working on a “nano-mesh” technology that could fit around the brain. This must be the latest in MK-Ultra technology. Electrical system in the brain through nano-mesh, combined with VR technology plus some magnetic-based medication.
Warning from a friend in the oil industry:
If Port Fourchon gets hit hard by Ida it could cause SERIOUS disruptions in the oil/fuel market for a long time.
>”Higher intelligence frequently comes with hyperactive immune systems, allergies, ect.”
If the memes are accurate (I haven’t checked any data on it), it’s the midwits that are taking the death shot for the most part, the lower IQ are also refusing it (perhaps because they wisely listen to their instincts that something ain’t right).
Also, at the end of the day, isn’t “strength” dependent on the surrounding environment of an organism? Maybe “the strongest” or “the best” aren’t necessarily the higher IQ people, or just higher IQ people, depending on what environment they are going to have to survive (you can take the strongest most perfect polar bear and the weakest most pathetic desert mouse will prevail over him if you stick both in the desert type of thing is what I mean).
But am curious, why does galaxy brain frequently comes with hyperactive immune systems, allergies?
The US Congress is going on a fishing expedition on all social media it seems, using the 6th of Jan bs as the excuse.
So today in the Orthodox Church is the day of one of the 4 feasts in honor of the Virgin Mary Mother of God, and here is a passage from a book which includes the history of how the Holy Virgin Mary lived after Christ was risen and how the Holy Virgin Mary died and some of the things that happened after she died:
The apostles took the coffin containing her body, from which an aromatic fragrance arose, and, accompanied by many Christians, took it to the Garden of Gethsemane, to the grave of Ss Joachim and Anna. By God’s providence, they were hidden from the wicked Jews by a cloud. A Jewish priest, Antony, touched the coffin with his hand, intending to overturn it, but at that moment an angel of God cut off both his hands. He cried out with the pain, begging the apostles’ help, and was healed in confessing his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It was left to the Apostle Thomas, who was delayed, again by God’s providence, to reveal a new and glorious mystery about the holy Mother of God. He arrived on the third day, and desired to embrace the body of the holy and most pure. When the apostles opened her grave, he found only the winding-sheet – the body was not in the grave. That evening, she appeared to the apostles, surrounded by a multitude of angels, and said to them: ‘Rejoice; I will be with you always!’ It is not known exactly how old the Mother of God was at the time of her falling-asleep, but the prevailing belief is that she had reached the age of sixty.