Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Q is going again with one post here. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Court docs show Medical Examiner thought George Floyd had a ‘fatal level of Fentanyl’ in his system. So he died of a drug overdose, and they hid the evidence to create riots and looting. These are leaders? And how is it this desire for riots, looting, and disorder has erupted among so many leaders across the country simultaneously?
Illinois teen Kyle Rittenhouse charged in fatal shooting of two Kenosha protesters. Looks like the early report he was supportive of BLM are false as he had a lot of BlueLivesMatters stuff on his facebook. Apparently he answered a call for armed men to protect businesses in the small town, was assigned to protect a supermarket alone, and Antifa thought he looked soft and easy to attack. The truth is, there should be some equal protection argument that if the left isn’t charged for its crimes, the right shouldn’t be charged for innocent self-defense when attacked by the mob.
First guy he shot was a registered sex offender for an underaged sex offense.
DOJ says Jacob Blake, the suspect whose shooting set off the riots in Kenosha, had knife.
Twitter says Shaun King’s threat to dox random Kenosha cops ‘not in violation’ of rules.
Now Wisconsin National Guard presence to increase following protests in Kenosha, as Governor asks Trump for help. The FBI and US Marshals are heading there on Trump’s orders.
Protesters in Kenosha torched ‘much of the black business district.’
New York Times notes, rioting is hurting the Democrat brand in Kenosha.
Don Lemon turns anti-riot now that they poll poorly for the Democrats.
In Minneapolis, looting breaks out after a homicide suspect commits suicide, but a rumor spreads he was killed by Police. Police released the video of the suicide, but it didn’t stop the riots and looting.
Oregon passed a law prohibiting undercover watchdog journalism and Project Veritas is striking back.
More than 2 million absentee ballot applications being mailed to all Connecticut voters in Sept.
Herschel Walker says, ‘Losing friends has been a big cost’ in supporting Trump. I cannot tell you with certainty what the deal is with Herschel here. But I can say some people have clouds of people around them who are in on the secret, and who are subtly exerting pressure on a person when they are told. And I would assume that goes double for celebrities who are openly supporting the President right now. It is weird until you see it, because you will never imagine they all are connected to something, know something, and despite how you view them, you are the outsider. I look back, and realize now I have had a bunch who fit the mold. God Bless Herschel for his faithfulness and steadfastness. But I hope he knows the truth, and understands, those people cutting him off may not be doing it personally, but rather they are doing it just because they were told to, and they didn’t have a similar strength to forge their own path.
Lincoln Project Tweeted out“Kayleigh McEnany is the first ghoul to serve as Press Secretary,” only to delete it a minute later. A real sign of mental dysfunction.
As Rand Paul gave his RNC speech, Bette Midler tweeted out, “Where’s #RandPaul’s neighbor when we need him?” How did she, with her low IQ and walrus face, beat out all the other performers who were probably brighter, prettier, funnier, more talented, and more moral, patriotic people? Take a look some time, at these DA’s like Kim Fox, the legislators like Maxine Waters, the mayors like Bill DeBlasio, the demented fools like Joe Biden, and all the other misfits in powerful positions, and ask why all those leaders aren’t 180 IQs who look like Paul Newman, given there are high IQs who look like Paul Newman out there? If we were a meritocracy, where you could be anything you wanted, those people would be the leaders.
The WHO is monitoring online COVID conversations to ‘immunize the public’ against misinformation.
As NBA ratings mysteriously fall, UFC ratings rise.
President Trump calls for Joe Biden to be drug tested before presidential debates. You can’t slip anything past Trump. It would be awesome if Q could locate the path his meds will travel and substitute something like an acid/PCP/Viagra combo pill in place of whatever it is he normally would take at some point in the chain.
Orders for big-ticket US manufactured goods jumped 11.2%.
DHS and CBP heads to celebrate completion of 300th mile of border wall in South Texas.
Kristi Noem says of not locking down South Dakota, “I know that when you have a leader overstep their authority in a time of crisis, that’s really when you lose this country. And I didn’t want to be guilty of doing that.” She is very impressive. Very few leaders have the discipline to stay in their lane.
Biden suffers the same fate as losers John Kerry and George McGovern, getting zero bounce after both his VP announcement and the entire Democrat Convention. And worse for him, his lead is sliding in some swing states. But if he is holding steady nationally, wouldn’t that imply he is rising somewhere, like the leftist cities which are presently wracked with Democrat Party riots? Clearly bullshit.
Biden’s lack of a travel schedule worries some Democrats.
While DNC numbers for day 2 declined 48% from the same day in 2016, RNC viewership on day 2 went up!
Trump approval ticks up across six battleground states in post-DNC poll.
Spread r/K Theory, because sports fans don’t like woke bullshit.
“In an attempt to undercut President Trump and our election integrity, the U.S. intelligence community said it is not aware of any evidence that a foreign adversary is trying to undermine the mail-in voting process.”
It was a guy at the FBI who said it. If Democrats survive the Trump era with their voter fraud machine intact then America really is screwed. All it takes is one Democrat right after Trump to pull the wall down, open the borders, amnesty and then the country really is finished. Taking apart the Democrat vote fraudsters is priority #1.
>”then America really is screwed”
Yes, it means that America, however great is was once, and whatever the term “America” meant, is gone, destroyed. Which means, it will be a bloody conflict to take power between several factions.
Once the political system breaks down, that when SHTF and 4th gen warfare comes into the picture.
Pic related:

>”All it takes is one Democrat right after Trump to pull the wall down, open the borders, amnesty and then the country really is finished.”
Worse than that. Trump supporters are going to get pro-actively hunted using the government itself. Kamala said as much. Hillary also casually said all R party voters are enemies of the state, so you’d literally have a fully hot 1913 style Jewshvik revolution in US soil. This is life or death, and it affects the whole West, if America gets fucked, the whole West does to.
The government will try to hunt them, but it will only cause bloodbaths. Ever seen cornered or snared wolves? Or wolves whose pups are threatened? It won’t matter which side wins then, it’s like nuclear war- no one will win because the entire country will be 1) a smoldering ruined wreckage or 2) a communist venezuela-style toilet that will eventually become a smoldering ruined wreckage. Like a Fallout IV hellscape.
I’m still an optimist however. Leftists and soy will not last in smoldering ruined wreckages. One generation of that and Marx and his kin are done. So onward- Enforced Law or the unwinnable fight. K is coming and nothing can stop it.
I agree with you fren.
The Demoncrat party itself must no longer exist and its leaders and activists must all be imprisoned or executed or they will rebuild their vote fraud network.
“In Minneapolis, looting breaks out after a homicide suspect commits suicide, but a rumor spreads he was killed by Police.”
What we call looting is just how the next generation will shop, AC, as some corporate types would say these are just “the consumers of tomorrow”.
Am a get som’o dat AmaZOG costuma cervix
A most exquisite meymey for the most discerning audiences:
Suspect handed over to German authorities over allegations he led group behind website that posted pro-Nazi and anti-Semitic material
They say group called for the killing of Jews. Dumb move.
Although nobody cares when all the Jews on social media literally call for Whites being killed.
Interesting how that works.
==The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:==
Educate the general population world-wide about the Jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all Jewish interest groups in the West (along with all Muslim interest groups);
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to Israel, and cut all welfare for immigrants (legal and illegal ones);;
Ban Islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban Judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Kosher meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about Jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it. ALSO: promote home-schooling thru tax credits for home-schoolers, give them back some of their property taxes
Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.
Muslim US Marine telling people that AR-15’s don’t belong in civilian hands:
JAFF – Just Another Fucking Foreigner
Yes, and it gets worse than that fren, he is a Muslim trying to lie about Islam (Islam is not peaceful, at all, according to it’s own doctrine, and this is verifiable and I’m going to post proofs) under the guise of “fighting Islamophobia”.
Islam has no place at all in the West (like Judaism), for very specific reasons.
Everyone needs to know about those reasons, and you can find them here. I’ll post the shortest posts first, and the largest ones on the bottom, but make sure you save them (this goes for everyone that comes across this comment) or bookmark the links so you can read it latter, it’s crucial that the gen pop understands WHY Islam has no place in the West:
And if you want even more verifiable evidence on the fact that Islam has no place at all in the West, make sure you read Professor.Kafir’s essays on Islam here:
And a reminder that Jewish collective power is the hand behind all of this invader crime: ( ) – Proof that Jewish collective power is the main force behind the Islamification of the West ( ) – Why Jews act subversive towards the West
Video: “Muslims are Jews’ natural allies in Europe – Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt”
AC God bless you for the work you do
It must feel like shoveling manure in the hot sun all day
Headlines are tough to take right now
Home team needs a win badly
I try to remind myself of this daily
“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”
Colossians 3:2 ESV
Change your psychology. To fight and resist is a win. A noble, honorable death as a Man enforcing the Law is a win. Like Lexington and Concorde (and the aftermath).
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13
For those interested in the Best Military of the Medieval World:
> a Russian vehicle purposely crashed into an American one
For the last few days I’ve probably sounded like Danny Doubtful, but… have you seen how Russians *drive?* Click “Russian dash cams” on YouTube and you’ll find dozens of channels of the stuff, including… Russian tank crashes. Lots of them.
I now understand why the Party nomenklatura had the roads cleared so their motorcades could move about. Even then, they were probably sweating some drunk barreling out of a side street…
And now we know where Telsa gets its self-driving AI.
Why TF are American troops still in Syria?
Ace Lyons probably has an idea.
> surgeries for children
This plays right into the pedo platform. Once it goes through, they’ll be saying “If a child can choose to have its genitals and endrocrine system mutilated, why can’t it choose to have sex with an adult?”
> President Trump calls for Joe Biden to be drug tested before presidential debates.
Actually, I’m in favor of having all elected and civil service officials both regularly and randomly drug tested, with loss of their job and all retirement benefits if they fail the test.
The Supreme Court already ruled that it was reasonable and lawful for an employer to have his employees drug tested. Well, I’m the employer, and the government is my employee. Piss in the cup, or you’re fired for cause. Just like any other employee.
>”Well, I’m the employer, and the government is my employee.”
Heck yeah! Power to the People!
> CNN analyst and former Clinton spox Joe Lockhart attacks Nick Sandmann, calling him ‘A snot-nosed entitled kid from Kentucky.’
Sandmann’s lawyers are going to slam-dunk that one. The WaPo settled out of court, so we don’t know how much of that $250 million they had to pay, but I’m sure he could use some extra bucks.
I think the situation may be dramatically different with this instance because he may be over 18 now and he appeared as a public person.
Of course, if they can use it at all,I say go for it and sue these rags into nonexistence!
> DHS and CBP heads to celebrate completion of 300th mile of border wall in South Texas.
Only 1600-odd miles to go!
At this rate, many of us won’t live to see it completed…
Send a letter to Trump.
It would be hilarious if he got a letter:
“Pls hurry up with the wall prezfag, k? Thks”
You think he would get the joke, or would he just shake his head and go like “These fucking chanfags… 4chan was a mistake.”
300 miles we didn’t have a few years ago.
Vox Day has the names of the recently educated antifas. Rosenbaum, Grosskreutz, Huber. All sound very tribal, and I ain’t talking about the Teutons.
This is what caused the rioting and looting in Minneapolis yesterday.
Looks like an MK-Ultra job if you ask me.
Good shoot.
LOL the thing in the white top sitting down.
Kek, Riot Kitchen (dumbasses that feed the terrorist rioters) just got party vanned:
Now that I think about it, they might have been doing more than giving food to the rioters, perhaps they were part of the repeater comm network, or some shit?
The person who got his arm saved will be taking revenge against the 17 year old who defended himself in Kenosha:
Successful self-defense is only the beginning of revenge by the still living other side.
I tried posting a picture here and it shows nothing in the comment now that it has been approved, I think only AC can post pictures here.
try posting an image from this site first, as it should definitely post. Other sites will disable hyperlinking to images, so other sites don’t run up their bandwidth. If you post one of their images here, their server will not allow it to load here.
I’d be interested in if you can or can’t, and if you can’t I can look for a plugin to enable it.
For the record, I posted the perfection image using just html code for the image in a reply box on the post page like everyone else, although I was logged in as an administrator.
The image I used was from an image hosting site but I’ll try one from this site.
Alright, I just loaded a plugin which says logged in users can upload images.
Right on!
“Hail Satan”: After Terrorizing Churches, BLM Witchcraft Exposed
Vox has been reading AC:
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Even their wealth is fake
The reason all those “rich” people like Bill Gates aren’t leaving any money to their children is because it isn’t theirs.
Steve Bing disinherited his two children Damian Hurley and Kira Kerkorian from his will, as Kerkorian fights for control of his estate that was valued at just $337,000. The multi-millionaire committed suicide aged 55 in June, jumping from his 27th floor apartment in Los Angeles.
Prior to his death, Bing had an estimated net worth of $590 million, according to various reports. While his estate was valued at $337,000 – his properties were not included in that evaluation. Bing also had a trust established in 1983 – which President Clinton’s Foundation was listed as a beneficiary.
The key word being “estimated”. When you take the ticket, the Devil graciously loans you his money, for a little while, and lets you play with it as long as you remain useful to him. But you have to pay it back eventually, and the interest is your soul.
Floating around on Gab:
Rand Paul attacked by mob
Prepare you horns frens, you’re going to honk at this one:
US Federal nuclear lab has anti-White mandatory programs, dude decides to push back against the anti-White racism, management goes to war against him and his God given right to free-speech. Hilarity ensues.