Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
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DFT – China Grows More Prominent On Global LNG Market
DFT – Poland Sees Bankruptcies Skyrocket
DFT – Türkiye Enacts Massive Interest Rate Hike
DFT – BRICS To Shake Up Global Oil Market Control
DFT – Russia Increases Costs For Companies Exiting Its Market
A Minneapolis City Council candidate held a June fundraiser featuring the son of a Somali warlord. Mohammed Farah Aidid, whose clan-based militias intercepted food shipments, attacked U.N. peacekeepers, and set off the events of Blackhawk Down by shooting down a US helicopter, and then engaging US troops. Which means because he is here, the son of that warlord is a Cabal/CIA asset, and if that is the case, then there is a decent chance CIA helped set up Blackhawk Down for some reason. Psyop on the nation, seeing our most elite soldiers dragged through the streets, and we then turn tail and run? Getting Osama bin Ladin’s cover established for 9/11? Getting us out of Somali for some reason? I don’t know, but if he is here, he is an asset, and likely so was Dad. And if Dad was an asset, he was not off doing his own thing. He was following orders. Which now is what I would expect was the case with any major media event. It would explain how Delta and SOCOM were caught off guard, and those 60 IQ Somalis managed to create such a headache for such a superior force. CIA probably gave intel, training, and a game plan to the Somalis, and then sent Delta deep into injun territory. It is possible nothing we have seen in the last 70 years was a real, organic event. Because intel does not do organic, or uncontrolled, and intel was running everything.
CNN says what is being done to Trump is unfair.
Rich Men North of Richmond singer condemns Republicans after song used in debate. “The one thing that has bothered me is seeing people wrap politics up in this. I’m disappointed to see [it]. Like, it’s aggravating seeing people on conservative news try to identify with me, like I’m one of them.” If you see something everyone is talking about and I do not mention it here, I am not giving it oxygen here as they are trying to send it viral. I did not even talk about this guy because it was so obvious it was an op. Their people have some tells. Sometimes they look gauging of people when they should be in the moment. Sometimes they will give side-eye to other assets to compare notes when they should be focused elsewhere. Other times they have a look like someone watching a funny sitcom, because in a very real sense, that is what they feel like they are doing as they look at you. And sometimes there is just a strange vacant aspect to their eyes, which speaks to there being nothing in there. And another empty eye’d look here. Given how things are, in these times, if someone’s eyes will not burn a hole through you when they fix their gaze upon you, they are one of them. You want a dude who looks like Trump’s mugshot.
Trump, being cheered by the urban poor in Atlanta after his arrest as he drives out.
Trump campaign releases ‘Never Surrender’ merchandise with former president’s mugshot.
Sarah Palin: Civil War is ‘going to happen’ — ‘We’re not going to keep putting up with this.’
Leftist Cabal members afraid we will not just let Cabal fuck us over. Mark my words, if we can expose the surveillance, we set off that Civil War overnight:
CNN analyst and former FBI chief Andrew McCabe said Friday on “Inside Politics” that former Gov. Sarah Palin’s (R-AK) comments on civil war over the arrest of former President Donald Trump were encouraging “political violence.” What bothers me is they are not serious. If they were serious, they would reveal what I reveal here. They would reveal the surveillance and get this party started.
RINO Kasich on Trump indictments: America is so divided, it could end up in Civil War.
Former Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (D) said she saw “hatred” in a crowd of former President Trump’s supporters gathered outside the Fulton County, Ga., jail on Thursday when she arrived for an interview with CNN ahead of Trump’s surrender. Interesting numerous script-readers are raising Civil War as a potential future path. They may be trying to guide things to a Civil War against things different from what we would direct the Civil War against. You will know the Civil War is real, when the list of American names involved in domestic intel comes out, and it lists multiple people who live on your street. Until then, it is all some kind of show.
Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips of True the Vote (TTV) believe they have the goods to prove that “Trump was right” about the 2020 election in Georgia. Gregg knows there is physical surveillance on his videos of ballot mules, because I posted to him on Truth Social about it. But he will not even broach it. If they were serious, he would help light this fuse. But apparently they are not.
Feds consider charging Sen. Bob Menendez after years-long corruption probe: report. Why now, when Democrats control the DOJ? Kill it before Trump takes over? Or are Democrats not in charge?
Oh it’s staggeringly high. It’s definitely more than 50 million. It’s staggeringly high. I’m not allowed to share the confidential information in the Suspicious Activity Report sitting at the Treasury right now. But the amount of money we are talking about is staggering! And the fact that mainstream media has just ignored this, swept this under the rug and said all of this is normal, this is probably the most corrupt president in US history. And I don’t say that lightly. And I come from a very purple district. But the double standard here is very obvious. There’s two different standards of justice in this country. And, Joe Biden ought to probably have a mug shot when this thing is said and done. And I want the American people to see all the evidence that we have.
Hunter Biden downsizes to $15,800 a month ocean view Malibu home. And yet it seems like he is functionally broke, and could not even pay the IRS.
Federal judge tosses RNC’s case against Google for sending fundraising emails to spam.
Officer Mike Byrd who shot and killed Ashli Babbit in cold blood inside the US Capitol is promoted to Captain. He is a part of something. When he left his gun in a bathroom and a visiting citizen found it, he told all the other officers at roll call it would be handled differently from how it would normally be handled. And it was.
Former FBI contractor accused of grooming dozens of boys, soliciting child pornography – began working for the FBI in May and previously worked for another unspecified intelligence agency.
Hospital notifies hundreds of patients of possible exposure to deadly tuburculosis.
Gov. Kathy Hochul announces jobs program for illegal aliens as 380K New Yorkers are unemployed. They are Cabal assets, wo were likely running surveillance in their home countries for the conspiracy, and who were brought here to help take this country from you.
LGBTQ+ donors urged to donate blood after FDA drops policy that singled out gay men.
FBI got another one – Disabled vet dead after FBI swats Tennessee home, family seeks answers…”It was a senseless act. You know Teddy was a 100 percent disabled veteran.”
IgG4 antibodies induced by repeated vaccination may generate immune tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. There was an anon months back who said he met an elite who was high and spilling secrets, and he specifically said this IgG4 response was the mechanism induced by the vaccine, and there would be a new variant of Covid released which would not affect the unvaccinated, but if you had this IgG4 response, you would not be able to fight off the virus and you would die. From a specialist perspective, it is a sound theory. Whether it would work, would, as in all things, require trials to find out. But maybe they did them.
UFO whistleblower unhappy with Christie response to debate question on UFO’s – “When is laughter ever an acceptable response to a national security question?” It is true. If the military can be believed, we have a massively technologically superior force, which could be hostile, flying in our airspace. Are they kidnapping people for experiments? We have people saying that. Do they want the planet? Why would Christie answer like that? You can’t say that it isn’t, just the fact he is a tool. But it does feel like there is something more to it, to me, like he was minimizing the issue and diminishing it in the minds of viewers. It just feels unnatural.
Wildfire in Greece’s Evros declared ‘biggest the EU has ever faced.’
The large fire front which erupted on Saturday near the port city of Alexandroupolis has become the EU’s largest on record, according to European commissioner Janez Lenarcic. Greece has called out “arsonist scum” after police made 79 arson arrests over wildfires ravaging the country. How strange is it, anon, that 79 people which they caught, and maybe many, many more they did not catch, all decided at the same time to light fires and create such a blaze? It is almost like they were coordinated….
Study shows gun ownership may be double previous estimate. They are saying there may be one “shy” gun owner who will not admit owning guns to some random surveyor which calls them up randomly, to each gun owner who loudly proclaims their gun ownership. It may be more than they think, and those people will tend to be meritocratic, and patriotic, and not prone to sell their nation out to a criminal conspiracy for some pieces of silver.
What are the chances the Greek arson is related to Greece ditching RUS air defense and fighters.
I’m still holding fast to the idea that the Bidens and Clintons got their graft blessed by the Institutions. And that’s how and why there can be such brazen stonewalling.
Lawfare ppl advocated that they get their graft approved as a part of National Security. As intel gathering abroad and counter-intel at home.
They were made “agents” of US For Pol. And cleared everything with their appointments in Intel and DOJ.
It’s what I would do, if I could, and I were a crook.
John Wick
This blog has already discussed the in-person mass surveillance shown at the end of JW2 (Central Park), and the Bowery King’s homeless informants network.
There are few other interesting points:
-Aristocrats ordered 9/11. Not that bluntly said, but a French marquis ordered the controlled demolition of a New York hotel in JW4. In normal society, aristocrats are mostly just regarded as remnants of the past, only ceremonial / symbolic, but in JW, at least one of them is shown to be involved in what’s going on in a very brutal, direct way.
-The character who oversees the duel in JW4 and might even outrank the marquis looks a lot like an Orthodox Jew and also wears a Freemason-ish scarf.
-The number of languages spoken seems to border on the absurd, especially for viewers on continents where you can get by with one language all your life. But in Europe / Africa / Asia, there’s often a new language every few hours of travel, and even poor children might speak three languages fluently (for example, Italian dad, Spanish mom, living in France). And a sign of ‘elites’ might be that they afford private tutors, not just private schools, to make their children at home in five or six languages. Elizabeth I. learned that many languages, and later brought up the total to about eleven. In JW, Winston, the hotel manager, speaks at least three, English, Latin, and Russian.
-A parallel economy with its own coins, etc. A few days ago, Another Dave wrote about this here in relation to the ‘fake bonds’ intercepted by Swiss customs.
-The JW movies are very religious, lots of religious imagery and discussions. Some of that is easily missed, like the shootout in a Rome art exhibition called ‘Reflections of the Soul’, or this:
Near the end of [JW4], two of the characters exchange a loosely adapted version of Jesus’ profound words in Matthew 16:25 about how those who try to save their life will lose it, while those who lose it, for His sake, will find it.
Way too much to cover thoroughly here, but again a big contrast to our atheist / consumerist mass culture.
-Lots of tattooed indviduals, branded like cattle, denoting ownership. The branding is explicit when John Wick rejoins his Belarusian tribe in JW4.
-The hero turns out to be Russian / Belarusian. John Wick retrieves some of his belongings from an hollowed-out book of Russian folk tales in the New York Public Library, and at the very end, Winston says “Goodbye, my son” to John Wick in Russian.
It definitely seems like the type of movie somebody looks at and laughs, that all their secrets are right out there in the open. That Central Park scene, I have no doubt I have been in Costco, and if the right person was there to get on the cell phone, everyone save for one or two confused souls, would have stopped shopping, even the dudes stocking the shelves, and they all would have turned to look at me, before picking up and resuming their shopping. I know I sound crazy, but this whole thing is just weird beyond measure. And it isn’t even like I am the son of some billionaire, or in anyway somebody anybody should look twice at.
Just something to do with my mom’s ancestry, and maybe something they tested in that stupid GATE program.
I was at the airport waiting for a flight for several hours. There was a support pillar next to the seating area. Someone would stand at this one particular spot next to the pillar for about 15 minutes playing with their phones and switch off. One girl had a book that she used once, unopened, to cover her mouth so you couldn’t see if she was talking into her wrist/neck mic. Someone was in that spot next to that pillar almost the entire time I was there. And usually they would leave the gate when they were done standing there.
This might have been official airport security/surveillance rather than cabal. After reading here, this seemed kind of sloppy.
Great observations, Anon. There is no doubt these kind of movies serve an important purpose for Cabal – its need to communicate to its minions silently and deniably through symbolism.
Bob Menendez is a weird case. The Clinton and Obama factions have always had it out for the guy. He’s off the reservation. Not saying he is a good guy. But he’s not affiliated with the usual suspects.
“There was an anon months back who said he met an elite who was high and spilling secrets, and he specifically said this IgG4 response was the mechanism induced by the vaccine, and there would be a new variant of Covid released which would not affect the unvaccinated, but if you had this IgG4 response, you would not be able to fight off the virus and you would die.”
Around the beginning of the vax rollout, Karl Denninger wrote a nightmarish post where he pointed out that the only thing that has kept groups/nations from engaging in biological warfare was the fact that it would be impossible to guarantee that you or your own people would not get the disease. He argued that now, for the first time, it would be possible to create a virus that would target a specific group (i.e. the mRNA vaccinated) and leave the non-vaccinated safe. He predicted that some bad actors, somewhere, were working on that very thing. If all this is true–and so far, I have seen nothing that would disprove it–well, bye-bye civilization.
Enjoy your weekend, guys.
I saw some discussion about that on Gab the other day and one commented wondered if they wouldn’t rather target the unvaccinated since we are thorns in the side of TPTB. The best counterargument to that was the enormous influx of illegal immigrants who are clearly being brought here for some reason (i.e. replacements) and apparently are not required to be vaccinated against COVID?
FWIW, Vox Day thinks the Reddit anon is fake: Now, I will caution the reader that the following scenario is almost certainly fake, because a) it was posted on Reddit by someone in June 2023, well AFTER the two articles about IgG4 antibodies were published and b) it was posted on Reddit, therefore it only looks dangerously predictive because most people don’t know when it first appeared. While /pol/ may always be right, the converse is true for Reddit. The fact that it has been promulgated without the header showing the date on it strongly suggests that it is nothing more than science horror fiction extrapolated from the two previous articles, so you can consider this a skeptical pre-debunking of sorts.
This Rintrah post from December 2022 explains what is going on with IgG4 well:
I apologize for jumping the gun on saying I was deleted from my dental appointment. It seems that a receptionist didn’t know how to look up my appointment. I’m back on with my appointment. My apologies.
That is par for the course of being a target. You cannot tell what is interference, and what is just bad luck.
Glad things worked out.
I was fiddling around with the music post from the other day. Okay, the guy who went to go see the fabulous band: they are a very good cover band. They were not singing original songs. They could get a manager and a producer and make a recording of their cover songs. Then they would have to pay royalties to the owner of the song. Then pay for printing, in whatever format, and packaging, in whatever format, and then start trying to market or sell their music. It’s thousands of dollars. Maybe less thousands for sketchy, more thousands for major launches. Gotye hand assembled his CD packages in Australia.
They could write songs. They could pay for the rights to songs other people have written. They want to write or buy original songs. The numbers just really aren’t there for covers, for the most part.
Any successful song is going to generate so much money that it will, almost inevitably, end up in litigation over rights. Why? It’s a endless pie- you cut a piece, and it regenerates, basically. You sell a license to put the song in a movie, or a video game, or another singer sings it. You sell albums, cassettes, dvds of concerts. Then you sell merchandise- teeshirts, mugs, jewelry. You license designs- you make money.
It’s a rough industry. It has a lot of criminal enterprises involved. It has shady promoters, sketchy club managers, unnerving fans, and so on.
The American population is 330 million. The world is however many billions. To have a successful product, you need 10,000 superfans, I think is the theory? That’s less than a city neighborhood, if you are in Los Angeles or Houston. And, not incidentally, both of these cities have thriving independent music scenes. You can have a band, and a label, and product, all made in your city, sold in your city, and nowhere else, and be successful.
There are bands that have never been on the radio, making a living. I mean, when’s the last time you heard something fresh and new and good on the radio? My kids listen to music all day, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything they listen to broadcast over the air. They have band posters and signed teeshirts and I’m not sure what else- autographed CDs. Older bands- GenX, 2000s revival bands, too, at shows full of trendy teenagers, right now.
You could tour, not in awesome venues, in lame venues, until you established a fan base. Kpop singers performed at schools and shopping malls until they built up to auditoriums and videos. Creed travelled in their van, all across podunk towns in the South, selling CDs after their shows, until they had a fan base. The rap industry is built out of selling out of the back of cars. It’s still a viable promotion method for rap. Some musicians perform at ?small theaters, then sell CDs and teeshirts, and promo with their fans on social media.
Plus, union dues, if you are in it for the long haul. The Beatles were union, the Rolling Stones were not. It’s why Beatles had better production values and better promotion. The cornet player in Penny Lane was not hireable by the Rolling Stones. He was very hireable by the Beatles.
It’s a lot of work. If you are a 40 hour a week person, don’t even try. However, there is a lot of money, and you own a business. The musicians’ best friends really do tend to be their accountants, though. What’s awful is that while the musicians are louche- drugs, drink, women- the accountants tend to be the more criminal- stealing all the money on a regular basis.
Yeah that was me. All true I guess, but my point – which I suppose got kinda lost there – was less about the business side of music than just ‘what once was.’
The guys I saw – and still to this day regret not starting a standing O for – were nobodies working for peanuts. Thousands if not tens of thousands of hours spent to get to that level of skill/talent, **knowing** the whole time the odds of them making it big were microscopic. But they did it anyway. Why? Because that’s who we used to be. They had had imprinted on them by people they loved & trusted that knowing music was a Good Thing. It was fun, it taught you useful things, sometimes it got you chicks, and most of all, the music itself – just the ability to play music at a high level – brought you closer to God, and that was something to strive for. {the mechanical analogy is ‘we used to be a nation of tinkerers’} That’s why every 2-bit run-down school in America had a decent music room, and took their band/orchestra classes quite seriously.
That’s why {{the enemy}} always always ALWAYS makes their first & deepest cuts in the music departments. (after the shooting/marksmanship clubs, of course) can’t spare not 1 single fucking administrator or race/gender hustler, but the band has gotta go!
That’s what we’ve lost, and we all just sat there like stunned sheep and went. “well, OK, they’e the ones in charge…, I mean, they’ve got doctorates! They’re supersmart DOCTORS, right?””
PS – “Rough Industry”? Yeah….. 1) I know of 2 former porn gals who went into music and had a bit of success – Samantha Foxxx!!! was one – who got big enough to do interviews that I would read. One from 1980 or so, one from a coupla years back. What I found stunning is these 2 gals said almost the identical thing in the identical way. It went something like this: “Y’know, having worked in the fuckmovie biz, I was pretty sure I had seen & worked with the single scummiest people on earth, and that no one nowhere could be worse than those guys. Then I went into the music biz.” 2) Dick Clark died like 15 or 20 years ago, yes? And yet his estate still makes millions each year, even now. You know how? Remember American Bandstand? The **vast** majority of the bands that “performed” (LOL) on that show were given this deal: “If you want on my show, which will promote your song like wild, you’re gonna sign over half of the rights to that record to me, and half the rights of your next 5 singles as well. Or you don’t come on, and oh by the way, I’ll work tirelessly to destroy your career. Don’t like it? Tough shit. I’m Dick Clark, industry giant. You’re nobody. Here’s a pen. You’ve got 30 seconds to decide.” Now multiply that by God knows how many artists.
Wow. Sam Foxx worked for her fame. Wow. I’m impressed. Way to go! I wasn’t familiar with her, except for one pop hit. An acquaintance who worked in the industry said she should have been more famous than she was at the time.
I didn’t even think about how tough Courtney Love was until I wrote it out, that she financed two bands off her stripping. Then she called out Weinstein. Kurt Cobain was lucky she believed in him.
I suppose I’m coming from a very different place. The cities I’ve been in have music scenes. The schools keep music, but don’t have foreign languages or advanced math or chemistry labs. The kids’ current school has foreign languages, advanced math and chemistry labs. I have no idea what they do for music, though. There’s at least one or two grads working in music at least part-time.
You are right. I’m trying to think of a national release over the past few decades that was a “must hear, must see” and I can’t think of anyone. Taylor Swift is touring, but I don’t hear anyone humming her current music, or hear it pouring out of car windows when I’m driving.
in re Tay-Tay… the only reason I know TS is a famous big pop star is because I keep reading/being told she’s a famous big pop star. “She’s in that commercial!” I would at least occasionally hear a Britney song on the radio, and Aguilera, little freak that she was, had an all-time-great set of pipes. Swift? nah
but since I’m being all judge-y here, may as well go for the record. no woman on earth has ever had a more powerful voice than Pink. {speaking of crazy little freaks} my mrs. introduced me to that voice via the pepsi commercial she did with Britney and Beyonce; it’s still on youtube. Britney can’t sing, we all know that, but that’s not what she was there for anyway. They had to sweeten Beyonce’s part with lotsa echo and beat, and she was still pretty meh no matter how hard she wiggled her ass and stamped her big ol’ size-11 feet. And then it was Pink’s turn, pretty much a capella. Pink don’t need no instruments to hide that voice behind! Holy SHIT. It was a ‘woman vs. toddlers’ deal. And that was before I had ever heard ‘Sober.’
but Taylor Swift is the real superstar here. well, Lizzo, too. **sigh**
“…Kurt Cobain was lucky she believed in him…”
HAHA I don’t know if I would call it that. Here’s El Duce saying on camera she offered him $50,000 to whack her husband. Shortly after, he somehow got run over by a train. Funny that.
If you watch the movie, and you know what to look for, you get the distinct impression she’s a psychopath. Her bass player was leaving the band, said she was scared of Courtney and with her stuff parked in a uhaul to leave the next day, whooops she somehow decided to shoot enough heroin to OD. Funny that. Who would have thought. So strange, because the level of heroin in Kurt’s body one examiner said he would not even be able to get up much less shoot himself.
I’m kind of wondering if the reason internationally promoted white singers are over is because of Excel. Duff McKagan, high school dropout ended up going to business school to learn to read the balance sheets.
A bunch of musicians go into programming or physics. Their children go into physics at what I think is a higher rate than the general population. Those kids get mentioned in media. I am wondering how many learn accounting? It’s still math and abstract concepts.
David Lee Roth said the biggest day in his life was the day his contract expired. The hair metal bands were still selling out stadiums when all the record companies abruptly switched to producing CDs and signing grunge metal acts.
George Harrison had at least a decade when record executives weren’t buying what he was selling. They wanted only music pitched to teenage girls. A decade later The Travelling Wilburies was wildly successful as a supergroup of middle aged professional musicians. Each of the musicians had had a very successful professional career touring before being shunned by the music industry. Their life stories all include sketchy spouses, criminal accountants or peculiar details.
I think it touches on the stuff that Macaque Mentality was writing about artists being extraordinary craftsmen with blue collar careers who are willing to be itinerant to learn their craft. They don’t necessarily hook into a scene, or get a good contract. And, they all seem to struggle and possibly fail, while connected scenesters with less skills get lofted.
I’m not saying that correctly. He knows tons about the art scene, so his comment was accurate and detailed.
Literally, do you believe in a band enough to front for time in a studio- that costs money. Queensryche worked two jobs to buy studio time at night to record their first album. I’m guessing fast food? In Seattle it was trad for strippers to finance their boyfriends’ bands studio time. Courtney Love financed her own band, and her boyfriend’s band.
Do you believe in them enough to call or write venues to host the band playing? Do you believe enough to drive the band to the venue and get the equipment set up? The Beatles had art school friends do that for years. Their manager typed up itineraries for every day of the week for years on end. With times- arrive 12pm, set up for show, take down for show, drive to next town, set up for 7 pm show, take down for show, drive home. Two a days, sometimes more.
Do you believe in the band enough to pay or compensate promoters for the shows? It can be teenage girls handing out posters. It’s why Slash got into the business- he wanted the cool girls at his high school handing out posters of him.
Do you believe in the band enough to make sure you get paid at venues? That’s collecting cash. You want a big guy.
Do you believe enough to know artists who make tee-shirts and sigils and whatever else? Do you take all the revenue- the European model- or do you go for influence, and help them duplicate your look? And then sell authentic at possibly a higher price? That’s the Asian method.
Do you believe enough to drive around radio stations and meet the program director and introduce your musicians? That’s how Scooter Braun built up his roster.
Do you believe enough to finance videos? Do you know enough creative people to make good videos? Would you know it if you saw it? If it’s creative, it will look different than what’s already out there. Same with the music.
Do you imagine posters? Teeshirts? mugs? rings? necklaces? Temporary tattoos? All the detritus of fan gear- vinyl purses, shirts, jewelry, ringtones, hairdye (Paramore),makeup(festival, mostly) dolls, pillows, candles, blankets, lunchboxes, food, drinks.
Can you license the band? The music? The musicians? When do they keep their integrity, or sell out? When do you turn them into elevator music?
Can you babysit drug addicts and drunks and all their hangers ons? Can you work with the staff that’s going to get drunk or high, or both, or just be running on adrenalin, and irritable?
Can you read a balance sheet? Can you build a balance sheet? Can you audit a balance sheet?
Good post.
And you dropped the sigil concept in there like it was just another graphic design item.
I’m not sure what the proper name for these things is. It’s not the band name. It’s not the name of the album, usually. It’s a sign that signifies the band or the musician. It can change shapes, but it remains recognizable. The Led Zeppelin sigils? The Queensryche sigil? I want to say Rammstein has one, but I can’t picture it. That Scandi band where the lead singer dresses up like an Ice Age shaman?
The have heavy metal Kpop groups that make really cool videos. They don’t have sigils in the video. They’ve got all the other elements- spiders, black stuff, thrones, but they don’t have the sigil, so it interesting, but it’s like the cinnamon is missing in the pumpkin spice mix.
Anyway, I was thinking, the fastest way to jump into the music finding world would be a public access show, with bands getting interviewed and promo’d. A high school acquaintance did that for years. His network of new and coming up bands was bonkers. He knew everyone before they were Someone Famous. Like, good friends. He was a really good interviewer, well-researched, positive, all genres. Wayne’s World, except way more professional looking. He had a day job. This was his happy project.
Re: child molesters.
I remember you mentioned once that there was the possibility that wannabe-cabal-ites would record themselves abusing children so that their surveillance handlers would take note and promote them.
Thus is the question: what’s up with all the people getting publicly caught? Is it the cabal’s disposal program for broken toys? People who blanched when presented with the understanding of the system? Or just innocents being framed as a convenient and “few questions asked” sort of thing?
Are there perhaps still good law enforcement in the US who try to clean up as much of the filth as they can without directly stepping on fbi toes?
I do not know.
Maybe Cabal has so many assets throwing themselves at Cabal by doing this, inevitably a few will do it stupidly and get caught. As Ed Buck showed us, there comes a point at which Cabal throws its hands up and lets the system have assets.
And the truth is I cannot tell to just what degree you need Cabal approval to move up the ladder. Guys like me certainly were going nowhere without agreeing to serve the conspiracy for some reason. I do not know to what degree that is true of everyone else. Maybe if you want that small business you have to do that, I honestly cannot tell you.
Re: success: in finance, it varies. I’d guess the hard ceiling for non-cabal will be somewhere in the range of 150-500k/yr, with a net worth of 5-10M. Once you get into the 6 figs, especially nudging 200k, you suddenly start discovering a lot of friction and “sudden expenses”. The IRS will set up a tent in your living room. You’ll find you have a lot more difficulty getting things like business licenses and building permits.
I wouldn’t really be expecting your average doc to be cabal approved, because after they pay their student loans and bills they’re flat broke. Try getting into ortho or plastics without knowing someone though.
My previous career was up-ended just as I was within a year of hitting that 150-200k mark. I have a sneaking suspicion that my lawyer wasn’t on my side, because he sure as hell tried to make sure I wouldn’t be able to successfully challenge them in court. I realized I was being set up to be made an example of and bailed.
Now, I work in finance. The same exact thing in my city. If you want to crack that 150-200k level, you have to join the in group. The thought of being around the old hags in the city planner council in a “more liberal” environment was so disgusting it almost turned me into the world’s first spontaneous transsexual.
That’s just how it is. If you’ve avoided attention, you might be able to do a bit better for yourself. If you’re under surveillance, it will be a never ending struggle.
That’s not to say it’s impossible. Vox is proof of that. But it will take a Herculean effort to eke out what others seem to have handed to them.
Quality comment for the young bucks, to know what is out there. It isn’t like you were raised to think it was.
Yeah, you can easily recruit and control the corrupt, without necessarily filling them in.
Probably a little of every possibility.
Something I’ve mused over: the lottery is another rigged system to transfer money to cabal agents.
What’s the proof that the whole thing isn’t rigged? The dudes rigging it saying “trust me bro”?
It would explain how all the big winners go broke so quickly. Take home a good chunk of a billion dollars and buy things at 2-5x the value from other cabal assets.
Obviously there would be some winners doing great things with the money. You never hear of such stories. All you hear is that most of them end up bankrupt.
it’s total BS.
The lottery is rigged. The fuggin McDonalds monopoly game was rigged. They can’t let anyone gain a leg up.
Should Vivek Ramamamwammammawmamamwmamswammmi be trusted?
Re: Blackhawk Down – “Which now is what I would expect was the case with any major media event…It is possible nothing we have seen in the last 70 years was a real, organic event. Because intel does not do organic, or uncontrolled, and intel was running everything.”
The realization that everything promoted to us is manipulated or fake gives an entirely different patina to the Miles Mathis Committee’s oeuvre. The sheer vastness of the landscape MMC covers heightens our skepticism of the work. We also get the impression that new lies may be veiled by the revealed truths there. However, the great value MMC does provide us is a measure of robust skepticism for all the narrative that’s pushed on us. All the news. All the politics. All the education. All the history. All the arts. Everything.
We are passive, crowd players in Cabal’s Empire of Lies theatrical production. That docility is ensured by our brainwashing, by the removal of authenticity from our daily lives. As AC has said here, we are the butt of The Truman Show joke. Our surveillance is critical to monitoring us and to maintaining the production’s spell – our suspension of disbelief – and hence our passivity.
Trump’s theatrical mugshot and the cast of Republican dwarves in the primary debate are part of the production. Biden is a caricature of debauchery. Many of us are being awakened from our dreamlike state and perceive Cabal’s stage managers and rich producers behind the curtain. We see the surveillance creeps outside our homes and wherever we travel. We follow the logic of how much the Cabal’s surveillance network has impeded our lives and diverted us from our God-given potential.
The world we are awakening to appears to be a multipolar one, reflecting a balanced, peaceful community of sovereign nations that respect the traditions and spiritual beliefs of their peoples. Absent the Cabal’s hidden criminal parasitic elite there is a logic to the multipolar promise.
Trump’s character has stormed the stage production and he has forced himself into the principal heroic role for the US in its delivery to the multipolar world from the evil clutches of Satan’s Cabal. They thought the play was almost over. They never expected her to lose. Trump has commandeered the performance playing havoc with Cabal’s script. The backstage silent partners in the production have been silenced forever and their players are panicked.
We will see many grotesque characters and awful overacting during the next few seasons of this play but have faith. Our Lord Jesus Christ is by our side and the denouement will be beautiful.
God wins.
Now…to be fair and skeptical, I’m not TOTALLY convinced that Trump is the hero. He might be the initial hero that takes us to a WORSE psyop…but that’s just the rumblings of my jaded cynical mind.
I WILL say that the “overacting” and other obvious stunts are, on the one hand, perplexing to see, but on the other hand, not surprising as we think of the cornered animal willing to do any dance to get out of its certain demise.
It makes for a great movie! I may have said this before on this illustrious forum: wifeanon and meself dumped all online streaming stuff (Netflix, et. al.) not only because we believe they stream filth and propaganda but mostly because REAL LIFE IS A BETTER SHOW! HOOHAH!
Until tomorrow peeps…heads on a swivel…be awake.
What I find interesting its that folks like SDL and his missus know that everything has been fake and gay due to Intelligence running everything since WWII, and yet blame everything on the boomers. Laurel Canyon provided the pied pipers. Intel ran Laurel Canyon.
Are boomers off the hook? No, they fell for the scam. But never lose sight that there was a scam, and the scammers need to be brought down.
“Never trust anyone over 30” – (((Jack Weinberg))), born 1940, boomers start in 1946. There were lots of pied pipers.
Con Inc. moment
Heading back to the chiropractor today. Yesterday I could stand up straight even after the half hour car ride, today I’m leaning so far to the left that I can’t stand up for long periods because it’s too tiring to hold myself up. And boy is that nerve getting pinched. Everything is ridiculously tight. Starting to get scared guys, never been this bad.
Try TCM. Hit Google for acupuncture and either the nearest city, or your zip. Check reviews of those it lists for those which say the practitioner is awesome.
Will pray again for you. But add TCM to the mix.
Prayers. You are a lovely man, full of grace and creativity. I hope you get healed.
I’ve been there, eventually had to have a diskectomy. So sorry you are having so much pain. Topical magnesium chloride spray is helpful as a muscle relaxer. Turmeric is a great anti inflammatory. (In case you aren’t getting any decent meds for pain).
Only met one chiropractor worth a damn. He barely did a thing. Sorta shook your ankles to see what was what as you lay face down on a padded table. Then a few minor adjustments (almost never strenuous), AND YOU SAT UP FEELING LIKE A NEW MAN.
Never in his office more than 30-minutes. Something serious going on you went 2X daily for a few days, maybe a week.
Point I’d like to make is that some have a gift for healing.
I slept on the floor quite a long time before a referral to him.
Was also known for handling big animals the same way. Country boy. The prized breed stock. My favorite story was a nearby animal park where on days it was closed the giraffes or rhinos would butt each other to be first in line.
Ask for that kind of help in prayer. As AC is indicating, take a flyer on something.
Yes, some have a gift for healing. Problem is, we don’t recruit for it and our medical care is built around prescribing drugs, which Amy trained chimp can do.
Best by far chiropractor I saw practiced cranial-sacral method. Relaxed the neck, pulled on the head, then the feet, never ever tried to twist the back. According to her, twisting the back and popping things into place just made it easier to pop things out of place.
Wifeanon is in the same boat as you (in fact, I read her your posts). Pain in left shoulder that then streaks down the arm. Almost nothing works, however, CBD creme, Icy Hot, and CBD smokes (and some ibuprofen when it gets real bad) seem to keep it at bay. She’s gonna go in and see chiro this week.
We have been taking Ivermectin tablets daily for 3 days now (on a streak to get to 5 days and then back off). Perhaps this is part of the deworming?
We are praying for you sir…hang in there…we need every soldier in this battle!
Selbs and Selb’s wife
I hope your Mrs. feels better soon.
Hot shower (or bath), as hot as you can stand it as long as you can stand it on your back. Should loosen the muscles.
I’m praying for your total recovery, Lowell.
I think you need a new mattress, and a gel cushion for the seat
of your car.
Confirming TCM and acupuncture. Also, homeopathy has helped me with more health problems than any other single thing I’ve done. I’m 66 years old. So that’s a lot. Many homeopathic practitioners can consult remotely. You can get many of the most common homeopathic remedies at healthy-image stores (in low potency). There are homeopathic pharmacies in some cities. Homeopathy helped me tremendously with an injury.
Also I’m reading that PRP and using your own fat or bone marrow to harvest stem cells could help. But it can take a lot of research to find a trustworthy clinic and practitioner.
For anyone who is interested, here is a solid argument for the case that the current “China is imploding” narrative is really “God I hope China implodes because that would solve a lot of our (US) problems”.
Idk. His key position is that CHN real estate is not contagious for rest of economy and the rest of world and CHN know this. I’m not one to say.
I think this might be relevant. Foreign Central Bank interest in USTs is very very low if existent.
Maybe. From what I have heard, much of China’s buying of everything was because real estate keeps appreciating, because everyone was buying to get in on the appreciation, so everyone took out mortgages to get in on the bubble which accelerated and everyone felt rich. It got to the point developers were like, “We don’t have anything to sell, but we will build something over there in two years, you could buy one of those apartments now, and then move in in two years.” And people went out and took out mortgages and bought unbuilt apartments.
But then Developers fucked away the money, things slowed a little, and they didn’t have the money to build that apartment they sold, the person who bought it stopped paying on the mortgage, the bank, which had given depositor money to the person through the mortgage to pay the developer now did not have deposits, real estate sales began to crash because developers may or may not deliver and nobody knows, so people feel less rich as real estate stops appreciating, the money they had in the bank may be gone and they just don’t know it yet because they haven’t tried to get it, and developers have begun not paying coupons on bonds because they are out of cash, so they cannot even borrow to finish promised units.
They say real estate is 20-25 percent of the GDP. If that goes, and all the above gets fucked, I think it will slow things down.
It’s interesting to hear another side. We are swamped with CHN is imploding because of real estate. And I think there’s truth to that. It is an issie. And potentially a huge one. Maybe catastrophic.
I liked how the article noted the convenience of that for the US. As we have an equally massive (perhaps) bigger problem with our USTs and now BRICS+.
And how in his cited metrics, the US is doing worse.
There seems to be no mass flight to the safety of the UST. Which is necessary.
And CHN is on the verge of buying Saudi Oil with yuan. That corrects (I think) the balance of pymnts issue with US. But that’s something beyond me.
It’s possible we are seeing a “Russia is running out of missiles!” Scenario.
The entire world economics are imploding. However China has the manufacturing, newer infrastructure, and is embedding into the BRICS anti dollar movement.
China will emerge in a much better state than the U.S./West.
Dream on.
They are about to have one of the biggest population collapses in history, have much bigger debt problems than anyone else, and their infrastructure is mostly useless ghost cities made out of tofu dregs.
China will take centuries to become great again if it ever happens.
The US is in for hard times, but we will rebuild much faster, not only because we don’t have nearly as bad problems, but because we have better people and culture.
All we need is to get rid of the cabal holding us down.
I strongly agree with the last para, but not the rest.
Demographic change is a driven and not emergent phenomenon. It’s an engineered outcome. And CHN is far from an irreversible collapse. Japan is too.
I think US debt far outstrips CHN debt. See the Gromen tweet above.
CHN massive exposure is in their lack of access to non-USD priced energy. Rather than demographics or real estate debt.
Disagree. Presumably a lot of this discussion is resting on Peter Zeihan’s work & books – which if y’all haven’t read, you really REALLY should; also he does a lot of youtube – and PZ bases his theses on facts & numbers.
1) everywhere in the world, EVERYwhere, from England to Korea to Africa, when a country becomes industrialized, people move from farms to cities for better work. because farming sucks {which is why I’ve always been suspicious of The Story of Mankind, which teaches us that “and then one day we all gave up that happy, idyllic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to become farmers so we could live shitty lives whilst working ourselves to death. also, now we got to pay taxes!”}
2) when that happens, birthrates fall. tiny little city apartments are not conducive to 6-8 kids, etc.
3) this phenomenon happens quite rapidly, and again, it happens everywhere. ex: Korea, which went from 6 kids per woman to less than 1 in 50 years
4) now here’s where shit gets real: replacement birth rate = 2.1 kids per woman
5) going with China, let’s say 1 billion pop to use round numbers
6) so that’s {theoretically, but not really, because in China they liked sons better} 500,000,000 women who need to squeeze out 1,100,000,000 kids over their lifetime
7) but the birthrate in china is now like 1.2. in the top-tier cities, it’s closer to 0.75. this is beyond stunning, nothing like this has ever been seen before
8) let’s call it a “1”. easier. so those women are only gonna have 500MM kids, not 1.1MMM. that’s a 50% pop drop in 1 generation. that’s waaaay bigger than Black Death numbers. and now 50-60% of your remaining people are 55+, and they’re old and tired and they aren’t gonna be any help at all. in fact they want to be taken care of now.
9) and the next gen is gonna be worse. a) depressed people don’t make babies b) the women will remember how their mothers were scornful of having kids. they will be too. maybe even to a greater degree.
10) so slice **another** 55% off. that’s a 79% pop drop in 2 generations. now we’re in ‘comet-strike’ territory
11) ALL OF THIS HAS ALREADY BEEN SET IN MOTION AND CANNOT BE STOPPED. this is a law of demographics & large numbers
12) lastly, an “encourage them gals to have more kids!” campaign has been tried in dozens of countries all over the world. it’s never once worked in an industrialized country – with the exception of paying hajjii women squatting in european countries to have babies as to replace the current population – it’s never even come close.
13) eventually, in 20 or 50 or 100 years, Something will have to be Done. I strongly suspect the gals will not be happy about it – and they’ll be utterly **stunned** to find out that the response will be ‘too fucking bad, honey.’
14) everything old is new again
And that’s just one of their major disasters that is coming to a head.
Solid comment. No wonder Cabal spammed it.
China hides their debt and lies about all numbers.
Theirs is much worse than ours.
Bottle that and sell it outside a horse drawn wooden cart. Maybe you can get a fake Injun to confirm the Laudanum concoction works.
We, Kimmosabe, once had a better people; take a long look at those “new American” people flooding across our borders; do they look as though they’re European civilization; if yo do, your mind is on Tranq.
Nobody is talking about the “New Americans”, we will get rid of them.
America still has the better people even if we are saddled with the trash that have been injected.
China never had such good people as we have and they repeatedly purged what they did have.
We are more wounded than you realize. Cabal has genocides many of the best and most talented bloodlines in this country. And wrecked our education. And turned us into a nation of gangsta worshipping, porn addled, sickly obese douchebags. This nation doesn’t have the skills or talent or even the inclination to create what we once created. And even conservatives want to incinerate much of our history.
Long fight ahead.
A long fight, but we can and will rebuild what we had.
Won’t Chyna’s problems just lead to a billion pissed-off bugmen expanding in all directions like army ants looking for resources?
No, a new warring states period is coming, like always happens in China.
I agree the global economy is shrinking rapidly. That’s due to DC and Cabal removing USDs from circulation while simultaneously requiring their use.
CHN can’t continue like this. It is under economic attack from DC on a number of fronts. CHN has to establish the ability to trade outside the US system to survive. And it has to do it within time constraints. So like you say, BRICS.
The US is also in an untenable position. The US can’t continue like this either.
But, it’s far to early to say who will “win”.
I think the article makes the case that that CHN real estate bubble is not going to be determinative.
The article is ignorant of the real state of Chinese Real Estate and other economic bombs.
UST = US Treasuries?
They’re safe? Can you explain?
That’s not the only major problem they are papering over either.
They are running out of paper and the whole house of cards is going to come down.
We are running out of “slowly” and are about to enter the “suddenly, all at once”.
Agree, each time they hold it off, the happening promises to get bigger and more shocking.
Well, that’s DC too, right?
Who’s bleeding out faster? Non-cabal US or CHN?
I think the article is a good reminder that Cabal media always lies. So, maybe the reality is diff than “CHN is imploding”? Maybe it’s “Who’s gonna win this game of Chicken?”.
China always lies and the article acts as if that isn’t the case.
Nobody wins this game of chicken, but China will lose harder.
It is imploding.
This is “I hope China really isn’t imploding because I want the Virtuous Pagans to save us” copium.
I have never had the thought that the Chinese are “Virtuous Pagans”. Or that the Chinese have any interest in saving us. Those aren’t things I have ever thought.
I don’t much care for the Chinese on a personal level or a cultural one.
I’m talking about the article.
Interesting article from Gave, Anon. Thanks for sharing.
“Atlanta Mayya Say She Saw “Hatred’ In Da Eyes A Da Muhhfuhhn Trump Sappoataz”
She’s more perceptive than I gave her credit for.
She understands she is guilty and she deserves the hatred good men have for evildoers.
I ruptured the disc. probably badly. The chiropractor thinks i’ll be mobile again in a few weeks, but i’m basically on permanent light duty after that. No idea about surgery or anything like that yet.
Take Hyaluronic Acid. It can regenerate ruptured discs.
You need to learn extensively about the lower back and your specific condition before you take drastic measures. If you can figure out all of the cool machining stuff you know, then you can figure out the human spine and everything about it.
I hear and read Stuart McGill everywhere on the internet when it comes to athletes and soldiers who have spine injuries. This is the guy everyone goes to for back injuries, and this includes herniated discs. Theoretically, you can heal and become functional again. I’ve seen a video of a dude who fell of a roof deadlift more that I ever have in my life through this stuff. Not that I would really recommend anyone be a powerlifter, because I stopped lifting super heavy myself. McGill has at least four books that people consider must-reads.
His website:
A couple of videos I found of him talking about ruptured discs.
No one man is the end-all-be-all, but he’s a place for you to start your research. he has a lot of students and there’s probably one a drive away. I’ll be praying, brother.
Foot drag for me (L4-L-5). Tire more easily. Three surgeons gave three surgical procedures “hope”. (Nope). That was twenty years ago. One gets used to pain, or one charts a new course.
I’ll keep praying for you.
There is one weird thing you can try, but it is kind of crazy. You get Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt) from the drug store, and take it internally, according to directions, at the higher end of the dosage range. IIRC correctly, it is like one and a half tablespoons dissolved, drunk at once, followed by hydrating with water for several hours. To make it as easy as possible, probably lemon-lime gatorade is the best liquid to dissolve it in, and then have water after it. It will be nearly undrinkable in anything else.
What does it do? Two things. To a lesser degree, the magnesium relaxes muscles. But the big thing is it causes pretty massive evacuation of everything in the intestines. For that reason you do not want to do it and then go off to work. But within about three hours, you will have nothing in the intestinal lumen.
That helps because what is in the intestines, causes systemic inflammation, by being foreign, causing a mild inflammatory response in the intestinal tissue, and those inflammatory signals will drift off to the rest of the body in the blood, which is always coursing through there absorbing whatever the intestine is allowing it to, and transporting it everywhere.
In most cases the vast majority of the pain, and resultant muscle spasming from am injury, is due to inflammation. You would be surprised how little pain is actually due to structural damage being registered by the body. The vast majority of pain is produced by inflammation that is generated locally by that structural damage.
Once the entire intestinal lumen is empty, you will have removed something which produced most of your systemic baseline inflammation in the body, by leaching inflammatory signals into the blood which drifted off everywhere. The removal of that can cause other inflamed areas to tone down their inflammation, such as at your injury, and that can reduce spasming, increase blood flow, and speed healing.
But once you take the salt mix, you have to have fluids to replace what you will lose over the next few hours and to enhance the effect, and once you are emptied out, you then do not eat, or put anything thing else back in there until the inflammation has dropped, usually a day or two just of water. If you eat something bacterial will begin to grow again, inflammation will start to happen, and you will lose the benefit.
I’ve done something similar, and it does work to reset the system.
Re-up on probiotics and prebiotics, healthy bacteria.
Thank you gents. Currently the plan is let the pain subside to more tolerable levels, and then go from there. I’m not going back to work anytime soon. The chiropractor can’t help this. I have a cane to push myself up when getting up. I don’t need help walking. Right now I’m in the guest room because it’s just easier to get to everything, but I still go upstairs to feed Chinook and to sleep. It hurts, but fuck it, I ain’t crippled, not yet.
Doing the cold/heat pad thing. I was already taking a turmeric supplement. Ibuprofen, CBD oil, have some lidacain patches in the mail. Not taking anything heavier than that.
Typing this on a refurb laptop I bought last month, really glad I did. It’s way better than the other one. Currently setting up Steam to kill time. Thinking I’m going to focus on FreeCAD and Inkscape, though. Cause BOOTSTRAPPY just got even more important.
Christ is King, the universe is right on schedule. I don’t know what it is my future that this will be turned around for my benefit, but I have faith it will. All things work for good for him that believes.
I heard good things about an orthopedist or DC in Bonita CA. Southcoastspine I think is the name of his website. He invented a machine that … suspension??? That’s all I know.
Up to 70 cameras watch you buy groceries. What happens to that footage?
Supermarkets have announced major investments into surveillance following a surge in shoplifting, but privacy advocates are concerned about what is being done to protect large amounts of biometric data from being collected.
In annual results published last week, Coles reported that total stock loss, which includes stolen goods and waste, had climbed 20 per cent, and management confirmed it would invest in a variety of measures such as smart gates to limit theft.
Woolworths similarly announced it would be investing $40 million on CCTV upgrades, body-worn cameras and wearable duress devices to address theft and aggression toward staff, with CEO Brad Banducci confirming stock lost costs between $22 million to $25 million per week.
Chair of the Australian Privacy Foundation David Vaile said the increasing usage of CCTV was a major concern.
“Once you start using CCTV or any sort of imaging, they’ve got the raw data from which various biometric mechanisms might be applied,” he said.
“It’s not just facial recognition or iris recognition, it could be gait recognition or voice, depending on what the sensor is picking up.”
Vaile stressed it was unlikely that supermarket employees would be accessing or analysing this data, but external service providers were capable of doing so.
“There’s the lack of reciprocity when you have technology like this. You don’t get to know what a company is doing, so you can’t even decide if you don’t want to be paranoid,” he said.
“I think there’s a good reason to be very suspicious.”
Last year it was revealed Kmart and Bunnings were using facial recognition technology in stores, which is under an ongoing formal investigation by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).
The average Woolworths has 62 CCTV cameras throughout the store, while each self-checkout desk has between six and eight cameras, along with an overhead camera, with AI determining whether the correct products are being scanned.
Some stores are also trialling activity-tracking sensors to detect when a shopper has paid to open an exit gate, while 500 stock-monitoring cameras have been mounted to the underside of shelves.
“We have robust privacy policies and procedures as well as operational measures in place to ensure ongoing monitoring and oversight of the technologies we trial or implement,” the spokesperson said, adding Woolworths was compliant with privacy laws.
A spokesperson for Coles declined to say where its CCTV footage was stored or who it could be accessed by.
“Like most businesses and public spaces, we use surveillance technologies in accordance with stringent privacy laws, and we have strict protocols in place around access to the footage,” the spokesperson said.
This image is from the chan post
Re: the battle of Mogadishu. I read the excellent book Black Hawk Down by Mark Bowden. I highly recommend this book. The US gave a special present of an ornate walking stick to one of the warlords which had a tracker inside it.
During a meeting Warlord was having with others the US attacked with helicopter gunships and wasted a lot of them. US helicopters were also used to harass women getting showered on rooftops. The helicopter wash would blow away the women’s privacy protection. In short, the US earned a lot of hate there.
I heard Aidid’s son was actually in the US military so wonder what the real story is. The book is excellent, especially if you wish to study US urban combat methods
And if you wish to hate the criminals who “waste” a lot of people all the time under the false cover of the deluded enslaved people of the US — who never do anything to stop the criminals?
Ramaswampy and Schwab:
Just that he was there. If you made $3 billion the only way you are getting invited to one of those things is if intel thinks it can swindle you out of it and take you back off the gameboard, and it pulls strings. If you get invited, and then are running for President, you are in the club.
Then again, if you want to really make change in the world, you need to be willing to enter the belly of the beast. In a sense, it’s kind of like the people who show pictures of Epstein with Trump and think it’s some kind of gotcha. For Trump to be Trump he needed to participate in NYC social life.
France’s Ambassador Ordered To Leave Niger, Paris Says: “Putschists Have No Authority”
Buffalo guy
So where is Pelosi’s laptop? Who took it? Was it ever recovered?
They “investigated” some chick, but turns out she just filmed someone else taking it. Oh well, shrug, that’s a dead end.. :/
Regarding IgG4
Was fairly sure I’d shared The Last American Vagabond talking on this month’s ago?
From April.
Via him from December ’22
“Judge who struck down government rules that children must wear COVID masks in German schools is given two-year sentence for ‘perverting the law.’ ”
This might be a stretch. But… considering the fact that the most fundamental principle of law is that human beings are endowed by their Creator — which until now has never been anything but Nature, also called God — with certain inalienable rights…
…and that it could be “argued” (by psychopaths’ deranged reasoning) that any rights ARTIFICIAL humans might have are endowed by their patent owner or lab scientist or somebody perceived by controllers-of-what-happens to be the artificial human’s owner…
And considering the fact that artificial humans can theoretically work as laborers…
Maybe modern Dr. Frankensteins are “thinking” they’re cultivating an unprecedented cash crop of completely controllable slaves, with useful human abilities — but absolutely no defensible rights?
Here’s an interesting essay (link below) that argues that, in Western law and courts, the word “person” differentiates an actual individual from a character derived from the actual individual. And that the “person” can be and is treated differently under the laws these courts are said to follow than an actual individual would or could or should be.
The essay also goes into the origin of the word “person,” which, as most people know, is ancient Greek theater, where actors wore MASKS to represent the characters they im-person-ated. The mask made the face visible and the voice audible to the far reaches of the theater. Perhaps: per (for) son (sound).
Compliance with tyrannical mask mandates is clearly a relinquishment of fundamental rights. Whether or not it’s done by perceived force. You become a faceless “person”, don’t you?
Is what I’m mulling over here too much of a stretch to be worth thinking about?
It’s not worth thinking about.
Even if they are playing that kind of word games you can’t win that rigged game.
We have to kick over the table and demand to be treated as the children of GOD that we are.
As I am writing this my pain is gone. Friday and Saturday I experienced the worst physical pain I have ever felt in my entire life. Now there’s a sort of tenderness and my back doesn’t feel quite solid yet, but the pain is gone. I am mostly still using a cane to get up out of bed or a chair, but the pain is gone. The lidacane patches aren’t even getting here until tomorrow.
Plan is unchanged – I am not going to work this week. I am going to just rest and let it heal. I don’t have an official paper trail, so if I need insurance I can still get it without a pre-existing condition popping up. Right now I am just relieved. I don’t know how I will feel tomorrow, but today I am relieved.
Prayer works. So glad to hear it.
I hope the healing continues.
I’ll keep praying.
Homeopathic arnica! You’ll be amazed how much it helps!