Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
The head of Dominion Voting Systems, John Poulos, revealed he broke down in tears and began screaming at the TV as he watched Rudy Giuliani’s press conference, where the former mayor of New York accused the company of rigging the 2020 election. His family heard the screaming and ran into the room, and found him in hysterics, tears streaming down his face. Article also notes, Eric Coomer reportedly was sweating and shaking as he heard Powell and Giuliani use his name. And this is their account, being revealed by them.
PA State Senator Doug Mastriano issues a letter saying Senate President Jake Corman was obstructing his investigation, before stripping him of his committee and taking the investigation away from him. Christina Bobb on OAN seems quite plugged in to the forces behind the scenes here, and seemed circumspect, as if she wasn’t sure of the exact truth here or if Corman might deliver an audit. Mastriano says Corman was obstructing him, Corman says Mastriano wasn’t going fast enough, so one is lying and obstructing, and the other is not, and both are supposed to be on our side. Only time will tell who it is. If PA now gets an audit, we will know, and if not we will know as well.
Ohio GOP Senate candidate Josh Mandel to host election integrity rally featuring Wendy Rogers.
Attorney Matt DePerno says a state can indeed recall their electors and in doing so decertify a national election, if they find their election was fraudulent. The bottom line is this is like everything else. Either the forces in control will do it, or they will not, and that outcome will then be said to be legal by the propaganda-masters. There is no law that regulates action in this nation. There is only action by those in control, which is then said after the fact to have abided by the law.
Two U.S. diplomats to be evacuated from Vietnam after “Havana Syndrome” incidents. If there is local surveillance running vehicular with Rototillers rigged up to wooden trailers out in the rural boondocks of that country, what do you think is blanketing every diplomat in the Capitol? And yet, nobody can figure out how this is happening? the people doing it aren’t afraid of the CIA, or the US SpecOps/MilIntel community? Either it is Cabal, or it is some sort of more technologically advanced entity residing on the planet.
It is a small world up there, and they don’t necessarily tell you that – ‘White Rage’ General Mark Milley and transgender Health Secretary Rachel Levine played football together in high school. It was actually a small elite private school which costs $55-60K per year, and has tons of notable students, from screenwriter David Kelley (Michele Pfeiffer’s husband), to Mitt Romney’s brother, to a President of Yale, to a President of the New England Patriots, to a Boston Globe editor, to Deepak Chopra’s kid. I could see surveillance liking that it could get all these kids in one spot to watch them, and parents putting their kids in these schools as much to give them to surveillance and let surveillance watch them to get control, so they could one day be promoted, as to help them make connections and get educated.
Sirhan Sirhan, convicted of Robert F. Kennedy assassination, seeks parole with no opposition from prosecutors. Seems curious, at the least.
Democrats subpoena private communications of Trump family and top Trump supporters.
Tucker Carlson points out Lindsey Graham is just a rubber stamp for all of Biden’s judges. Such a remarkably spineless specimen. Never trust any man, especially in politics today, who does not generate a steady stream of enemies who hate him and people trying to actively fuck him over. It is why among patriots, the Donald is King.
US approves Huawei purchases of auto chips for its business building products.
New UK data indicates the vaccinated are 5X more likely to die compared to the unvaxxed.
Israeli preprint says, natural immunity to COVID is FAR superior to the artificial kind, with the vaccinated 13x as likely to be infected and 27x as likely to be symptomatic. The science should be clear, no movement restrictions or behavioral mandates, the uninfected wear masks to reduce any dose of exposure and rate of infection onset and take Ivermectin, and if they get sick they immediately get antibodies. That is how you get rid of the virus. You get the healthy infected and do it in a way which reduces severity as much as possible.
Flashback to 2017 – Nearly a third of FDA-approved drugs had problems, study finds.
Delta Air Lines to impose a $200 monthly charge on unvaccinated employees, and add testing requirements. Would seem religiously discriminatory. I suspect these are the final pushes. Soon the vaccines will be officially recognized as useless, and all these actors will just try to forget they were ever this wrong.
Japan’s government says unused doses of Moderna COVID vaccine contain foreign materials. 1.6 million doses affected.
Australia announces COVID-19 ‘quarantine facilities.’
Ivermectin is being given to inmates at Washington County Jail.
Anti-Trump asshole Rep. Adam Kinzinger loses his office after his seat is removed through redistricting in his home state of Illinois. Seems more than just a little coincidental.
Onlyfans reverses course, porn will be allowed afterall.
A bipartisan “cohort” of Republican and Democrat House members reportedly intend to help extract evacuees from Afghanistan. I take this to mean the retreat was designed to leave Cabal assets in Afghanistan, and these characters are trying to pull as many as possible out to the US before the Taliban closes the barn doors.
At least 24 students and 16 parents from Cajon Valley Union School District in El Cajon, California, visited Afghanistan earlier this summer and are now among the thousands of people who are stranded in the war-torn country as the Taliban continues to take over. How stupid do you have to be to end up caught in this situation? Obviously ultra-leftists.
Nearly 100 of the Afghans evacuated from Kabul are known terrorists, including an ISIS member, as thousands of Americans are still stranded. I said, these Afghans will be Cabal agents, which Cabal will value being in America far more than your average, non-Cabal American. These Afghans will be run against the American population as intelligence assets, and they will get all the freebies which come with that. I get the impression, if there is an American target in a martial arts school, your kid can get free classes at that school, paid for by Cabal’s intel ops, just for going in and spying. If a target is in a grocery store, and you get in there while he is in there, I think they probably comp your grocery bill too, based on how I see people rush in after me, to get their shopping in while I am there. So these Afghans will join the network working to control you, as they get all sorts of free stuff you are probably paying for one way or another.
94.7% of people evacuated by the U.S. from Afghanistan are not Americans. Just like pulling Ilhan Omar’s family out of Somalia once we were done there and no longer needed the ground intelligence operation we assembled.
Poll shows that Americans oppose mass migration from Afghanistan. It doesn’t matter, as we are ruled by an Intelligence Operation Dictatorship, and they want these assets in country for future ops against us.
Franklin Graham’s organization takes matters into its own hands to get people out of Afghanistan.
Newsweek headline celebrates the Taliban vow to ‘fight terror and climate change.’
WH official reveals chilling info that Jill Biden, not Joe, is in charge of Afghanistan decisions. So we have the babysitter Joe was boinking dictating national policy? Nice.
DHS whistleblower explains to Project Veritas how federal agents turn a blind eye to child sex trafficking at the border. Basically these characters just say they are afraid of violence, and they then get fast-tracked to entry and residency, and are immediately pulled off the Transnational Organized Crime Watchlist.
Smugglers recently used a phony Border Patrol vehicle and a driver in a fake uniform during a smuggling attempt at the Arizona-Mexico border, U.S. immigration authorities say. Cabal does this all the time. They bought a light bar when my action started, and they used it on everything from a mock-up of my local PD’s vehicle, to a Prius, running it back and forth in front of my house with the lights going. Interesting these guys actually got busted.
The shortages are going to get worse later this year as global supply chains increasingly falter.
Ron Jeremy indicted on 33 sexual assault charges by Los Angeles DA & Grand Jury; ex-porn star pleads not guilty again. A decade or two ago this guy was a meme online, and there was an article with his picture. I was kind of astounded people looking to watch porn with attractive people would watch a video with this guy in it – he was gross even back then, in a way I thought would repel people. I don’t know the whole story with this guy, but his prosecution now makes me wonder if there is much more to his position in the hierarchy than we were told, and he had some sort of Epstein-eque angle to his past.
New children’s book tries to convince kids it’s okay to kill babies in abortions.
Verizon teaches employees that capitalism is fundamentally racist, that “weaponized White privilege” is a danger to African-Americans, and that employees should support “defunding the police.” If you have broadband, Ooma is a pretty good phone service that is dirt cheap, and it is a fraction of the cost of Verizon landlines.
Massachusetts father and sons accused of defrauding Lottery of $21 million in 13,000 lottery wins. The government claims it was a scam where lottery winners sold them winning tickets for 10% of the jackpot, paid in cash so the real winner wouldn’t have to pay taxes on his winnings. But since when do people sacrifice 90% of a prize to avoid paying at most 40% in taxes? And they found 13,000 people willing to do this? Does anybody even know 13,000 people, let alone 13,000 lottery winners? Notice, they sued the lottery when called out, expecting the judicial system would tamp down their opposition. If our elections were rigged, everything was rigged, especially the lottery, which would require a fraction of the complexity of the election fraud. This might be a sign Cabal sources of revenues are drying up and judicial/governmental control is waning.
Angry citizens boo Trudeau as he walks to his vehicle.
Gab launches brand-new job board to help unvaccinated Americans find vax-free work.
Gov. Abbott issues a new order blocking COVID-19 vaccine mandates even if approved by the FDA.
Kamala Harris has an ‘unprecedented’ negative rating.
Many Californians don’t know there’s a recall and that’s not good for Newsom. Our side knows and is motivated.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott authorizes National Guard to arrest border crossers.
We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.
How dare Biden force our Military to run off the battlefield in Afghanistan and desert what now have become many thousands of American hostages. We had Afghanistan and Kabul in perfect control with just 2,500 soldiers and he destroyed it when it was demanded that they flee!
Our Country has never been so diminished. It has reached an all-time low!
Biden is destroying America. His policies have created a living national nightmare: he’s surrendered our energy independence, sabotaged the economy, surged violent crime, caved to China, crushed our citizens instead of the virus, created the single greatest humiliation in our history in Afghanistan, stranded thousands of our citizens overseas at the whim of Islamic extremists, and left a wide-open border to deadly drugs, vicious crime, and unlimited illegal immigration at home!
I created the most secure border in history. Biden has created the single most catastrophic border disaster in history—by far. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, whom I strongly endorsed for reelection, has just won a major Supreme Court victory against the Biden Open Borders agenda. I congratulate him on this win. Biden was found to have broken the law in terminating the Migrant Protection Protocols, or Remain in Mexico. Now, Biden must reinstate Remain in Mexico, one of my most successful and important programs in securing the border. Other State Attorneys General should follow suit and go after every one of Biden’s unlawful border and immigration policies.
This thread felt very wholesome:
>”Article also notes, Eric Coomer reportedly was sweating and shaking as he heard Powell and Giuliani use his name.”
That makes me think of a coomer wojack with a JUST haircut and tearing up eyes, kek
That’s almost exactly what I was thinking, except I had a soyjak in mind.
What a bunch of pussies.
I mean, I’m kind of a hot raging mess right now. Also overweight and out of shape (working on that, btw), and yet, how the hell are we, how the hell is humanity, losing to these pathetic r-strategist cunts?
I mean, these fuckers are Literally Shaking about their situation.
Yare yare daze.
>”how the hell is humanity, losing to these pathetic r-strategist cunts?”
IMHO, the r-strategists we see are just the foot soldiers and middle management for the gaybal, which at the top are IMHO (or In My Humble Speculation) hardcore K-selective fellas who try get literally everyone who is not part of their little cabal to become as r-selective as possible, in order to keep an edge over everyone else. It’s kinda like how historically Jews as a group (culturally) were extremely K-selective (they weren’t even allowed to share a table with a Gentile, and they self-segregated into ghettos of their own volition, and basically they protected their own no matter what while seeing Gentiles as literal cattle to be exploited as much as possible (hmmmmm, literally sounds like the exact MO of the gaybal… what a cohencidence, but let’s not notice that)), and part of their K-strategy was to try to get every other group to be as r as possible (which you can still see to this day, you see Israel first Israeli zionists shilling for open borders for everyone else but Israel, shilling for religious tolerance for everyone else but demanding that Jews only marry Jews or converts to Judaism, etc), in order to weak other groups and as such increase their relative power over them (if you make all your enemies weaker you end up in a stronger position).
Also, no matter what our ego might try to makes us believe, IMHO we aren’t that great after literal centuries of propaganda being pumped into our heads (and all the dysgenic wars also don’t help), and it seems that Western people who happen to have turned out to be against the globohomo retardation after getting redpilled enough (it’s kind of a matter of being lucky to be able to even care about truth and redpills, it seems most people don’t care about getting redpilled until they get to a place of immense suffering and get too personally affected by a degrading society (people typically don’t care about anything if they are comfy enough and are allowed to freely and safely sin and consoooooome)) are just now making a coming back into greatness en-mass (probably because the gaybal underestimated how much the internets could backfire on their learned elders of zion protocols agenda, when they planned their gay NWO I bet you they haven’t envisioned a world with internet and frenly memes, so God kinda laughed at them and their plans there by allowing us to connect information in a way that was never possible before (you can literally find info graphs on /pol/ with verifiable sources that are separated by hundreds of years in time and come together to connect dots in a logical way that reveals a truth the gaybal would rather nobody become aware of)).
This rant has gone out of control and I don’t even know what point I am trying to make anymore, so:
“…you can literally find info graphs on /pol/ with verifiable sources that are separated by hundreds of years in time and come together to connect dots in a logical way that reveals a truth the gaybal would rather nobody become aware of..
I’d be interested in seeing those.
I don’t post stuff about Jews and Israel anymore, but for you I will make this last exception:
Yes, but, K selected people don’t really try to make others r select since anything but K confuses K types. K type humans expect K behavior.
So anything spreading r has some seed of r somewhere in it. From an ancient Israelite perspective that seed would be the disobedience and/or the mixing with Canaanites and Babylonians.
Now listen you R and K conspiracists, I am going to make things easy for you.
I am alpha. I will beat the living crap out of any non alpha and enjoy beating other alphas who have big mouths and no skill.
Deliberations on R v K might make sense behind your keyboard, but in my world you are on my level or you are not.
Vox falls into this trap. Boomers are the end of the earth stuff. Yet he is seemingly unable to make one excuse for why his generation isn’t doing crap to stop the vax. His generation have allowed refugees in abundance to infect our societies, and they have NO plan to restore what existed that made them the people they now are. Sad stuff.
So here it is.
If you see things in a way that compromises me, then you are on my target list.
If you think your words are insufficient and are tough, then show me.
If you think having competing groups within the same ethnic white group is beneficial then you are a horse’s ass and deserve a serious smack.
When you have physical skills as I do and some mental skills, I don’t mind what choice you make as the end result for you is what I decide is appropriate.
I don’t care about Thedawg’s internet tough guy act.
He is simply wrong.
Spreading r is evil and will always come back to bite you in the end.
Competition is the life of K and should be encouraged to a greater degree as one moves up in scale from the family at the bottom to nations at the top.
Cabal has degenerated and become quite r selected and pathetic over the course of generations because they seek to eliminate competition and use r against everyone else.
Truth does not care about your purported alpha status, truth is the ultimate alpha and will squash you like a bug.
r/K is just a model of analysis, is never going to be perfect or describe reality completely, and some group or person being full on K doesn’t mean it’s a good person or even desirable depending on the context. That being said, regardless of why small hats do it, it’s predatory behavior that only benefits them (although it always ends up exploding in their faces, at least in the faces of the ones that have less power and can’t manage to escape the territories where the reactions to the predation inevitable end up occurring (an excellent example is how Hitler let the Rothschild escape with their lives (he took some assets from them only))).
At the end of the day, like big alpha dwag aussie chad power level over 9000 super sayan atomic shitposter says, those who decide what rules others follow is the ones capable of imposing those on other. IRL, this means that who has the guns, the intel capabilities and the better means of mass communication ends up dictating what the rules look like in the region they have those resources at their command.
And agreed on diversity being a predatory tactic to divide and conquer. This is why the small hats use it, along with other predatory tactics. That’s why things always end the way they do for them (and the most predatory of the small hats, which founded the “only democracy in the Middle East”, did so I think because they knew that once any Jew who was dumb enough to buy into their Rothschild sponsored Herzlian and got stuck inside that death trap, they’d have them in a situation where they either leave (and stop enjoying the benefits from participating in their retarded schemes (for example, there is a huge industry in Israel dedicated to scamming Europeans via online and phone fraud with full protection from the Israeli government and “justice” system)) or have to buy into their bs all the way (which means being a combination of cannon fodder, human shield and infiltrator)).
Also, this is why I say that nat civs are deluding themselves when they think they can just try to pretend human nature is something it is not while benefiting some groups at the expense of others. Sooner or later, you have a Yugoslavia situation, no matter what you do (in the context of a “democracy”, nat civ only works in a place like Russia where the gov yields it’s power without pretenses of wanting to pander to minorities, and even then, when Putin leaves power (hopefully he will stay healthy for a long time before he needs to leave)).
I am retarded and forgot to finish the last sentence:
and even then, when Putin leaves power (hopefully he will stay healthy for a long time before he needs to leave), who knows what will happen with Russia (which at the end of the day means: civ nat territories are always inherently less stable that other types of less diverse nationalism (but civ nat kinda becomes a requirement to administer territories that are very big in terms of physical sprawl (as they will have diverse types of people/religions under their administrative powers), IMHO)).
The only way I can see r (not full r, but a smidge of it in a context of a dominantly K type selection strategy) being a good thing is in a context of having to quickly repopulate a region and there not being enough males to have each female have access to one exclusive partner (I think I remember people saying the Amish did this at their start, where they would allow men to take several waifus, and then when they had enough people they mandated regular monogamy (which I am assuming is the most K of the types of mating behavior available)).
I think it a context like that, r is a good thing (it allows to more quickly increase manpower of your group), but off course as a temporary measure, because regular monogamy is a prerequisite for stable civilization (if a society allows men to have harems, the wahmen gravitate towards the alphas and bravos, and the deltas lose their biggest reason to buy into society and make it function (access to a waifu is the biggest reason to buy in into society society can offer), and soo society either ends up with the deltas trying to murder/replace the alphas in order to get the waifus (which means that the society is unstable, and the men are busy fighting each other for cat while competing groups who are monogamous are spending their time stacking resources, infrastructure/logistical capabilities and developing technological dominance) or having to go to war to get/kidnap foreign waifus for the dehydrated deltas).
Reply to the Anonymous Fren:
There is a range of minority r influence you can have and succeed because r traits like diplomacy and creative solutions to problems are or can be valuable.
But you are dead on about monogamy.
>”Wikileaks Tweets – DynCorp – paid by the USG to train #Afghanistan’s police force- purchased an Afghan boy to be sold for sex. Revelations came from a diplomatic cable published by WikiLeaks, exposing the US embassy’s advice to Afghan gov’t on how to handle the story [2010]”
Wasn’t DynCorp connected to Epstein?
Yep, it was:
1. Epstein flew a helicopter sharing a covert US military plane’s tail number used by DynCorp.
“…because you’re a fuckin’ goof!”
Damn. Calling anyone a goof in Canada is basically reason and mandate to throw down in response. In prison, on the ice, wherever.
The anger level worldwide is staggering.
Ascendant K.
lol wut
This wut
What does it have to do with DynCorp?
Dyncorp is also lined to CIA orphanages in Bosnia.
2,000 Health Care Workers File Suit Against Governor for Mandating COVID Vaccine
“His family heard the screaming and ran into the room, and found him in hysterics, tears streaming down his face. Article also notes, Eric Coomer reportedly was sweating and shaking as he heard Powell and Giuliani use his name.”
And here I thought the literally shaking thing was made up. I guess I’d be nervous too if my name became known in regards to election stealing. I would think Cabal might easily decide to arrange some suicides for those names. Why take a chance?
Interesting thread:
Notable posts:
Seems like Israel is setting the stage to try to get the US Mil into a hot war against Iran.
HRC’s private email server with SAPs & dozens of agents in China burned by porous soft- & hardware. OConnell on U8200, Talpiot, ect. Their intelligence apparatus is the worst possible legacy of Anglo and Soviet spookery.
That Jill Biden story makes excellent fodder for a 25th Amendment case. Guess Cabal is getting frustrated with Joe.
Belmont Hill School, where Milley and Levine attended, is a cesspool. Feeder school for Harvard. Romney sent all his boys there. I attended a rival catholic school. Those guys at Belmont Hill would literally stay behind until they were in their twenties so they could get their SATs up enough to warrant going to the right college. I knew Milley was a snake from the minute I saw his resume. Was unaware that Levine went there too but I’m not surprised.
Regarding the two dozen or so students plus parents trapped in Afghanistaon, “How stupid do you have to be to end up caught in this situation? Obviously ultra-leftists.”
From the San Diego Union Tribune:
“At least two dozen San Diego County students and 16 parents are stranded in Afghanistan, …
They said the students went there on summer break with their families to visit extended family members.”
So they are not idiot liberal Americans, they are afghans living in America that went back home. The article estimates about 40 in total.
And they are from one school district, the Cajon Valley Union School District in East County. How the hell did so many get concentrated in that one small community in the United States. And they are obviously rich enough to go holidaying overseas so they are not impoverished migrants just look for a home. So are they more Cabal instruments brought in as AC suspects with many of these people? Who know.
.Every other article I’ve read about this carefully leaves out the fact that they are Afghans and at most just paper Americans. You can’t take anything at face value.
Directly related:
Hey guys, according to this totally legit study in the New England Journal of Horseshit you’re far more at risk of heart inflammation from the Rona than the clot shots.
Could they be bigger whores?
Corny, I love the style of your recent posts.
Humour, call outs and a dribble of facts. Lovely stuff.
you got this.
Any legal advice here:
A company is requiring all employees to report their vaccination status.
I am vaccinated.
I plan to vaccinate.
I decline vaccination.
Refusal to report is subject to termination.
They can’t dig into your medical record (I believe this is illegal).
However, if your medical claims are processed they could pull it from that information assuming they are the processor. I would assume if you lied about it that would give them cause to can you.
I think it’s probably best to report I plan to jab. I assume I can always change my mind later. *wink*
Also, have they opened themselves up to a massive lawsuit? I mean they are requiring you provide private data as a condition of employment after the fact.
Go to Catherine Austin Fitts’ Solari site and get the liability forms. That and there’s HIPA. Fuck’m
As someone involved in the law, use the “plan to” option. If they ask for details, tell them a Doctor friend of yours is looking at your health history to see if you are eligible. If they get narky after that, say his analysis was inconclusive so you will seek other advice. This game can be played until the cows come home.
As to taking the cnuts to court, that will be costly and if you won the case how many zillions would follow your lead. This is why they wont allow a win.
It is this aspect of the law I find most abhorrent. The dude with the most money wins most of the time – this happened to me. That is why I went into the law. I provide my services almost free most of the time in cases where those doing the wrong thing but with financial resources are taught a lesson.
The fruits of a blue collar life I guess! Now I enjoy smashing the snobs.
No. I don’t live in the US.
> Officer who fatally shot Capitol Rioter Ashli Babbitt will reveal himself on NBC Nightly News for an interview.
“10-4 good buddy, that’s a big ‘neener-neener’ to the Deplorables out there…”
Remember the Antifa shooter last year who made the galaxy-brain decision to talk to Vice or some rag like that? Will be interesting to see if a second murderer deciding to do a presser ends up with him getting smoked by the feds.
> Flashback to 2017 – Nearly a third of FDA-approved drugs had problems, study finds.
There’s an incestuous relationship between the FDA and Big Pharma, with executives moving between them. Also tons of money and political pressure.
My wife was on a med that was giving her trouble; I spent most of a night boring through .pdfs on looking for the original test reports. It was buried pretty deep. In summary, it said that the drug made the problem *worse* 65% of the time, and not much better than placebo for much of the other results. It was a relatively new drug they were marketing very hard.
You hear stories about how expensive and fiddly the FDA’s testing requirements are; that doesn’t seem to apply if enough money is involved. And that was long before the Jab Juice(tm).
Mate, where the hell do you think a bunch of the FDA budget comes from?
And the answer aint Big Farmer…. but close!
It is important to understand that the “Americans” in Afghanistan are not Billy and Bobby-Sue Smith Americans. They are Abdul and Mohammet “Americans.”
If any American stranded there is blond and blue eyed, then they are military contractors, the sort that kill indiscriminately and sell children into prostitution.
All of them can stay there, as far as I’m concerned.
Also, the “Americans” who traveled from El Cajon, CA to Afghanistan were visiting home. There is a huge Afghanistan transplant community in El Cajon, and these people were just visiting the country in which they were born.
Don’t let the vision of Americans in your head obscure the reality of “Americans” the media wants to deceive you.
Thank you.
>”the vision of Americans in your head”
> Japan’s government says unused doses of Moderna COVID vaccine contain foreign materials.
A contaminated lot in Italy made international news, and one in New Jersey(?). Seems remarkably careless from this layman’s perspective…
“We don’t even care what’s in the vial, everyone must be Jabbed!”
RE: OnlyFans whoopsies
Oh, they’re screwed. Looks like the girls are going to leave no mater what OF does now because the trust is broken. So OF is going to displease the major payment processors AND they are losing their reliable source of revenue because they decided to try and please everybody instead of making a decision and sticking to it. Patreon didn’t back down and are still in the game, albeit they will never be a trillion dollar operation, but OnlyFans is now going to hemorrhage content creators and their clients in exchange FOR NOTHING. They will keep enough business to stay alfoat, but then MySpace is theoretically still active, right?
> deadline to evacuate Americans from Kabul is far shorter than August 31 cutoff, saying ‘We’re leaving in 72 hours – it doesn’t matter who’s left on the ground.’
New Yorkers stood back and grumbled while Cuomo murdered their families. The rest of America will do the same, right? Right? Bueller?
I doubt they’re Americans.
on this legal inssurection link,
something there, is it alien or is it aliens, or is it alien to us a sub-species of human is revealed? may be it so alien what they are, a divergence so far off the mainline DNA sequence they are aliens?
its all subtle as can be, its creepy as shit too, so much so you doubt your sanity, but, how he is slipping more each day now and so are his ilk.
they reveal themselves in their terrible hubris.
He has done this before, same as you see in other machine actors, how for an instant its revealed, subliminally like a single frame in a movie film, only your high amygdala catches it, sends warning to our gut, and if you listen to your subconscious, how its a glimpse into these elite’s otherwhen.
he looks demonic, you can just see it sometimes, the body movements, like an alien lizard being, the flicking tongue and nictating membranes over the eyes, the skin with scales of armor. The liquid black eyes. Changelings they be.
Did they become so dependent on the raw fresh blood and adrenal-chrome of our children they boot up their arms, how it is their genetic elixer of life, did they discover those stem cells altered them, becoming a sub-specie humans? is it a pandemic of another kind, mad cow of the elites producing their collectivist insanity, (if you didnt know, mad cow is no disease that spreads persay, its caused by the addition of bovine nerve tissue used in bovine feed stock, which is processed from the processing remains of slaughtered meat cows, back into the feed cycle repeatedly. Imagine whats going on with that, as you see the truth of the death jabs. you might have to be around raising meat animals and farming to grasp this, but there are similarities between mad cow and the mad vaxxed hatters. and it ain’t mercury thats causing their madness, its canabalism, and the elites using children as their source of human elixir, their consumption of blood and stem cells, they are literally canabal’s. and theirs a brain infection long time canabal’s get, i think its an enzyme or something that infects brain tissues, may be prions? anyways it causes insanity of a particular kind, certain behavorial traits and it only comes from consuming human meat, so is the death jabs an attempt to infect millions with a bio-engineered version of the canabal elite’s devine madness, for some purpise of control or modification of standard natural unaldulterated human’s?).
how long thru the ages have they done so, has it been going on long enough its been turned into ritualistic modification?
seems a unique feature of which is how they become so similar to eachother, why millions of them are so demonically committed to remaining silent, afraid to reveal the terrible truth? I mean what else could motivate them all from going stool pidgeon and states witness? how it is possible they have maintained their cult for generations?
why its so easy to have all these body doubles performing the various roles required to gull us high trust civilization good folks.
there appears an unintended consequence has arisen they have caused, it is high amygdalae switching on going to defon 5. why all of a sudden so many across the sphere of activity all are on line on the same frequency, how so many suddenly have the same sense of something dark moving, working the fringes of the shadows, just out of our conscious range of vision.
Ironically, or is it just providence, our ultimate K Strategist survival traits, it is our very own bodies natural adrenal-chrome performing its high K Strategist triggering purpose.
You see “IT” in certain of them, they have brief moments they can not hide what they are, the easiest to glimpse such as soros, clinton, lurch, gates, comie, the bar whore and her sister horsewoman, barr and his inability to avoid subtly strutting and signaling to his fellow ilk, like a blood dance for the network to see so they know full well who the head cock is, or why it seems at face value, no pun intended, pelosi has so many different photo personalities, like its a total other crazed hag you are seeing, because you really are. I know i can no longer watch many of them, the sense my amygdala gets almost sickened seeing them, IT, my subconscious screaming and it can’t get out. i feel physically ill by them now. not that i turn away, quite the contrary, its vital to watch them, vital to the cognitive link between my amygdala and my K Strategist consciousness.
it’s the serpent tongue they got, how it lieasurely, flicks out and licks its lips in anticipation of the evil and its fruits to come when the truth slithers thru their fangs.
lot more folks are seeing what ever this is, even if its not conscious cognitive awareness, their subconscious knows.
so creepy it switches on some primordial thing in K Strategist’s.
once seen cant be unseen.
for the longest time i used to wonder, did us men of the west K Strategists loose our nerve?
No i do not believe so. I mean sure there’s chicken shits and surrender monkeies in every civilization, thats a automatic given. They don’t count for what this is about.
Was it the collapse of the will to fight we where seeing? its happened before other places other times. They become concerned with their comforts and neglect their lives, inevitably they loose both.
its not a collapse of will to fight, but a prudent driven motive to watch, wait, see in real time actualization, what is happening, the underlying ultimate crux being the highest maxim of all war, knowing ones enemy.
That a fights coming and its a fucking dandy, unlike the past war between these fuckers and us good folks, this is for all the marbles, its playing table stakes, all or nothing, if K Strategist is to survive and Win, we got to lnow the fuckers root to branch, all the cards on the table, no fucking around this time.
Its why myself and others and we know eachother in an instant, no words needed or expected, you seen it, know it haven’t you. we have this uncanny certainty we win in the end, how why exactly, it kind of matters in the least, its that we accept a fights coming, its been coming for sometime, but this time, we got to finish the job passed down to us this time. No fucking around about it. Its not that there’s no hurry, no need to rush into things, its that prudence is our great virtue, its our savings grace, its all the diference between us, and them. That prudence is the most critical issue of our time, both the mindblowing lack of it, and the enduring time honored tradtions and codes we hold most dear derived from our great orudence.
That those of us who cast our prudence aside when the time comes, when the time is prudent, all those virtues and duties which are our savings grace, we lose something of us thats never to be re-gained, so as prudent K Strategists we damned well know its time we make what we lost worth the sacrifice. Its up to our next generation in the liesure we afford them, sitting in the shade of the fruit trees we planted that we will never live to enjoy with our children, to argue the virtues and duty of it. A kind of moot argument, as there is none, because in the first instance to the last, they would’nt be there having that shade to sit in, never mind be around to enjoy it’s blessings and fruits.
Aliens are literally demons just presenting themselves in a way that for some reason appeals to our Western imagination IMHO.
And people get influenced by demons all the time (because gaybal turned most society secular, and even satanic in part), and some get possessed. On the other hand, turning to God and praying and repenting, etc diminishes demonic influence over oneself.
Stay off the ‘roids’ dude.
You keep that sorta shit up and the men in the white suits will be coming after you with the nets.
The stranded students from San Diego thing is not what it appears at first glance. They are not Heritage Americans — They went back to the’Stan to visit family members.
Many of the stories about this throw in a boilerplate paragraph about the gorgeous mosaic of diversity in El Cajon, especially the peaceful Middle Easterners who live there.
My giveashit meter is on zero.
Thank you. I hadn’t seen that anywhere, and with how liberal that area is you never know.
Area borders trendy gentrified gaytown west, becoming increasingly beanier and dive bar/drug area until way out East, which is more white and rural. Obama’s Somalis held across the border definitely in on drug trade in the neighborhood. Republican stronghold as a military town insofar as it’s possible in CA. There’ll be a token bagsuit attendee from these types of quality of life tourists wherever the school is in the county. Striking distance to Miramar probably a consideration (or their port of entry flown in), with densely Asian(s) areas due South thereof.
“he’s a california man”
From the CA recall article
“Javier Rivera, 49, said he would vote to keep Newsom, who he said had handled a difficult situation well. He sees the governor as a staunch opponent of the former president. “I would have voted for Daffy Duck if he was against Trump,” he said.”
Another natural conservative graces our shores.
Five decades of life, and dumber than a rock. This is the sort of person that drives otherwise good people to not only think this won’t end peacefully, but that it SHOULDN’T end peacefully, and a righteous desire grows to see people like nuclear scientist Javier (and the psychopath leaders they enable) punished with as much violence as can be delivered to them within the confines of our three dimentional reality.
And, no, he’s not cabal or an intelligence asset or brainwashed. He’s just a complete, useless dumbf###.
>”And, no, he’s not cabal or an intelligence asset or brainwashed. He’s just a complete, useless dumbf###.”
Those aren’t mutually exclusive.
Its just “made-up shit” mate.
The guy is 49, a spic, nuclear scientist, and remembers Daffy Duck? What effin nuclear scientist watched the brain dead- though alluring to me dribble of Daffy Duck as a kid?
No chance. Some ol prick like me wrote that line and me no nuclear anything. Though on reflection, my wife does get upset by the nuclear reactions – I attest that she causes usually between 2-5 hours after I consume a meal she has made.
All aussies are nuclear grade shitposters. Everyones know that.
Ohhh mate, you are one of our main competitors! Noone can compete with a yank’s command of what they call the English language.
The thing is aussies don’t care what you yanks say. We know its all jism. All those guns and not one protest.
The clour of your keyboard is brown I do not doubt
I encourage a well thought out comeback my American brethren!
Not a burger mate.
There are lots of protests here.
The media here just hides them more because they are actually afraid of us.
They are not afraid of people who let them take their guns.
12 Marines dead at the airport in Kabul. 1 Navy medic dead. Civilians dead, among them children. I’m sure there will be more. Where is Joe Biden? Still in Delaware hiding in his basement?
>”Where is Joe Biden?”
I Biden himself hasn’t known the answer to that question for the past 6 years either
Seems like there is a growing wave of discontentment against republicuckery among the conservative constituents of the US:
rumors bidan stepping down / 8kun degraded
What you do you mean by 8kun degraded? Has it been (((shut down)))?
“It’s a small world “.
My family has attended Belmont Hill going back over 35 years. It is not a woke school. The reason so many elite and well-known names and sons have attended is because there is only one other top notch private school in the Boston area that has not gone nuts. And worse, Philips Andover and the ilk, started going crazy in the sixties.
Out of a graduating class of 70 or so, usually 5 to 7 will go to Harvard. An equally good number will go to Princeton, Yale and maybe Columbia. That likely is where the connection is. PS: Mitt Romney’s brother did not attend but Romney’s sons did.
The idea that the students would stay there until their 20’s is just not true. It would be embarrassing for anyone to do that. This is not a slouch of a school. These kids are hardworking and smart, even the well known ones
The big shot civ nats who think they can unite the US via antagonistic feelings towards China are simply deluded IMHO, and that post explain really well why in a succinct manner.
Great 4 min vid about the scamdemic:
Thanks for that.
Yeah, about that, thanks for the thank you, but that’ll be 6 quintillion dogecoins sir.
Very nice article:
I know a lot of people (me included) are frustrated by how long it is taking to oust the Cabal. But this morning I was thinking about it and it occurred to me that if the Cabal has their gangstalking agents all over the place in our country, they probably have saboteurs all over the place too. If Cabal doesn’t get its way, such as stealing the election, will they resort to poisoning our food and water supplies, blowing up roads, dams, and chemical plants, disrupting manufacturing, etc? Maybe it takes a long time to roll up those nests of fifth columnists before the top guys in the Cablal hierarchy are taken down?
I think you nailed it.
And not just Fifth Columnists, many, many useful idiots – not just dumb but innocent need to be saved from themselves.
Biblical redpill:
Wictor’s pretty black-pilled on the Afghanistan withdrawal; figures plenty of Western citizens will be written off and that under the Biden sh*tshow, the danger level has seldom been more dire at home.
A lawyer who repped Kyle Rittenhouse and at least 17 alleged Capitol rioters has been mysteriously hospitalized
Some Gabs:
Gen McKenzie in SHOCKING ADMISSION: U.S. SHARES Intel with Taliban