Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Greta Wall says, if you don’t have OANN through your cable provider but you want to see their RNC coverage, download @KlowdTelevision! The app is now free through the end of 2020! PlutoTV as I understand it also offers OAN for free streamed online. Literally the only national news program out there today.
Flynn oral argument transcript released, as a decision is imminent due to Justice Griffith retiring.
Anti-Trump PAC Lincoln Project runs $4 million ad blitz during week of Republican National Convention. Where is that money coming from again?
A commenter posted a link to this twitter thread which showed how China was buying ads and working behind the social media scenes to promote COVID panic, and push shutdowns. Very, very interesting. I have thought those videos of people in China keeling over are suspicious, as we did not even see them in Italy, where the worst strain appeared to get a foothold. Again, protect yourself as if the virus is as bad as they say, but it is also worth considering, that opening everything up is probably far less risky than we were being told – and best done in summer, when people will probably fight it off, than in winter when these things are stronger.
Witness to the Kenosha shooting heard cops telling the black guy to “drop the knife.” There is one frame on the first video, where his left hand is backlit by his t-shirt, and it appears to have something long and thin protruding from his hand.
Fundraiser for this idiot surpasses $1 million in one day. I’m wondering if Cabal does that to encourage other numskulls to think they can fight the police and get a cool mill dropped in their account every 24 hours.
White dude trying to loot/vandalize a car lot got shot in the head in Kenosha. Initial shooting was at a car lot, by a defender, the defender ran off from the lot as Antifa converged, he was chased by Antifa who thought he wouldn’t shoot again, but when they caught up to him in the street, it turned out that wasn’t exactly right, and he plugged a few more. Twitter video of the commie down after the fact is at the link above. One headshot video from across the street here, but it is too far away to be really interesting. Another, closer is here, and what you will see is the defender being chased as he runs away from the camera in front of the car, he shoots the chaser behind him while moving, then hooks left behind the far side of the car, circles around the back of the car toward the camera, then moves back to the front of the car to admire his handwork before boogieing out of there. Not sure what is up with the wound, but it doesn’t look like he took a 5.56 that hit brain, judging by the bleeding, or lack thereof. It is possible he got grazed, and a bone chip flew from the graze into the brain, or that was an entry, and it exited out the mouth and went downward into the torso, and he was downing on the gush in the video (it sounds like that at one point. Word is he died. Post initial shooting vid of the later shooting rumble in the street a ways away, where he plugged a few more is here. Got a very graphic post-rumble-shooting video here of a wimpering commie who won’t be spanking his monkey righie for a while, just in case if you ever wondered what a 5.56 to the bicep would do point blank, probably with a softpoint or JHP. If you check the first tweeter’s twitter feed you will see a few videos preceding the shooting as the rioters went around to car lots with hammers and bats, and vandalized their inventory of used cars. Some cases involved setting cars on fire, and many jurisdictions make arson a justification for the application of deadly force. Gotta say, this one was tonic for the soul. I hope the kid does OK in the courts. UPDATE – the shooter may have showed up as part of a militia that wanted to protect the protesters. Meme related here.
BLM protester shot in Pennsylvania. Not a lot of detail on this, just the protest faced off with a couple of guys in a driveway, and as protesters went to leave, a twitter video caught the sounds of shots, and Police said one person was shot. Probably some idiot who thought he could charge, and they wouldn’t shoot.
Armed civilians defend local businesses from rioters in Kenosha, Wisc. as protests continue.
State of emergency declared in Wisconsin as a curfew is set for the 3rd night in Kenosha.
Wisconsin congressman blames protesters coming in from Chicago for Kenosha unrest.
Riot declared again in Portland as mob tries to torch police building.
Nearly four dozen shot as NYC sees 12th straight week of gun violence. New York City will go Republican at this rate.
Seattle rioters used a substance suspected to be quick-dry concrete to seal shut the door to the East Precinct, as they attempted to set fire to the building to burn the Police alive. How do we have these morons each trying to outdo the other with creative ways to kill Police en masse, and the cops still aren’t allowed to just deal with it? That is the power of an intelligence operation targeting critical positions for infiltration or compromisation.
A California Highway Patrol division in Southern California prohibited officers from displaying Thin Blue Line items, meant to honor law enforcement, while, the San Francisco Police Department is decorating its precincts with materials celebrating Black Lives Matter, an organization calling for the defunding of the police. Cabal is such a minority, and yet look what a well targeted intelligence operation can accomplish.
China claims U.S. spy plane entered no-fly zone.
Mali coup leaders seized power days after returning from a military training camp in Russia.
CDC guidelines say wearing a mask during prolonged exposure to coronavirus won’t prevent possible infection. I tend to see this as sabotage from the same assholes who botched testing early on when we needed it. If the goal is to reduce transmission, masks help.
Amazon livestreamed all four nights of the DNC, but ignores RNC’s first night.
NFL is dropping Military Honor Guards for the National Anthem.
German economy plunges by record 9.7%.
George W. Bush will not endorse Joe Biden, his spokesman says. Makes me think Q was right saying it is essentially over.
Biden’s odds lead cut in half after convention flop.
RNC gets 2.7 million more convention views than DNC on Facebook.
One in five black male college students support Trump in a new poll.
Spread r/K Theory, because we all need tonic for the soul every once in a while.
>”Michael Moore tweets: “If this were a movie, heroes would swoop in & kill the murderous cops. The audience would cheer. Loud!””
Fortunately, this is real life so all that’s going to happen is Trump wins, Moore will lose a foot to diabetes and everyone will cheer. For both reasons.
Is it not clear by today’s headlines here and the past two weeks, that we are in a civil—Strike that—an UNcivil War? Society is gone.
Yesterday, Mike Cernovich talked of the Bannon indictment. They have nailed him and others. Legit case. —–but there is a ton of this stuff going on. Oh, yea, Cernovich mentions the Clinton Foundation does the same stuff like all other non-profit organizations.
But the take-away from all of this, Cernovich lays out—The Rule of Law is dead in this country. Look at the NY AG going after the Trump businesses.
It’s gone. It’s over. Pelosi just charged every Republican as a domestic enemy. Michael Moore has called for more violence and to enjoy it.
It’s gone.
The end is—-Somebody will have to seize power and create a Dictatorship. There is a very real threat of a surefire Marxist takeover—-and retribution if Kamala gets in. They will come a hunting for us. We are NOT safe.
Who will seize power first? Republicans/Nationalists must demand a dictatorship and support that. And to ensure the dictatorship—all marxists must be rooted out from the Colleges and Universities. The Jews must leave America. It is they, who have brought this about with the Minorities and Cucked whites, and gnostic Christians, (Anglicans, Methodists, Presbyterians, and liberal Catholics) that have brought this about.
It’s Gone. The Constitution is dead. Obama and Kamala are NOT Natural Born Citizens. And that our Military condoned the election of Barack Obama—-shows you that the Oath don’t mean Jack-shit to the Marxist Generals in our Armed Forces.
And to you CIA Nut-cases—you too, who are reading this site, You too are enemies, Marxist pigs all of you. You are NOT this “defenders of America”. You are Masonic whores of the jews.
It’s all a charade. It is time for a righteous Dictatorship.
The Jews must go. There’s no way to straighten this out with the Jews here. They will never stop and they never have until they are dead of deported. It’s just the way things are. Some say a few of are not the problem. We should let them slide. I don’t care about any of them at all. They never stood up when the vast majority of Jews continued to make life worse and worse for us. Just like they proclaim all Whites to be the problem, well back at them. Individualism has gotten us nowhere. Whites are going to have to think of Whites first and everyone else after ourselves.
Every single country the Jews have gone to in any substantial numbers has always kicked them out. It’s time for them to go.
The Jews need to go, peacefully if we can get it but by any means necessary they must go.
And about time someone started shooting the Jews pets they are using to burn down the country.
“Cabal is such a minority, and yet look what a well targeted intelligence operation can accomplish.”
A minority that is a well oiled machine can take on disorganized rabble many times its size:
a random commenter wit says that Vorenus had Pullo whipped not for breaking formation – which, given good fighting spirit, could be understood; not even for hitting him – again, fighting spirit/battle rage; but rather for that ridiculous spin in the face of the enemy.
“We’re ROMANS, goddammit, not ballet dancers!”
I like that
A couple years ago I would have thought this article and the 100 comments had manifested organically. Thanks to you AC, I now know otherwise:
Meme needed one more level (Vince with beams shooting from his mouth and eyes) — “The guy who died was white”
My version:
Hmmmm, how do you post pics directly like that AC (if you want to bestow us such esoteric powers)?
I’m not sure if you are not the site administrator. Hang on a sec and let me test something.
OK, here is how I would do it. Suppose you see an image like the one below on 4Chan. Since images can disappear on you, like on 4Chan where everything is wiped every few days, archive the page on Then get the image address, which is where that file is on the internet. So I archive /pol’s main page, go to the permanent archive page, and in brave I can right click the image and select copy image address from teh menu, or in explorer I click properties, and then copy the image address from there. That gives me this on my clip board:
Now where I want the image here, I type “less-than-sign” (ie shift-comma) img src= ” put-the-image-address-here ” greater-than-sign (ie shift period)
I would have typed it out but once you type the greater than sign, it reads as a tag and the software will hide it. There is a way around that, but I forget it. anyway, if I did it with parentheses instead of the greater than/less than/ signs, it would look liek this:
(img src=””)
that will give you this:
Wait a minute, that didn’t work.
Alright, what I said is good, except for the Archive thing. Apparently doesn’t allow other sites to link to their images, so they were blocking it.
So instead of the archive part, you have to find the image online in a place that will let you link to it, and then use the code (img src= “”) with shift-comma and shift-period in place of the parentheses, and the address between the quotes.
Subdivide the property into the plot with the wall and the rest. Let the city foreclose on the wall to satisfy the tax bill. Sue the city as soon as they fail to maintain the wall for damaging his property values.
Partner, I like the cut of yer jib
Oh that’s good. Very good.
as soon as the city takes possession they will raze the wall
Then they have to justify 1) the costs of razing it and 2) why they destroyed the wealth that was contained in that wall (by their own tax assessment).
Don’t underestimate the left, they will destroy the wall and then say they don’t have to justify it.
Yes, the left does stupid things. They win the prizes that come when judges rule on the stupid shit they do. A large part of the debt that major cities owe are settlements they have racked up over the years.
Would it really be stupid?
The wall would be gone and the taxpayers would pay any penalty if the court system didn’t side with the left and say they could destroy the wall and not have to justify it.
That’s a win for the left on all counts.
Actually, I think the process is that if they foreclose for taxes, they have to auction it off. No one is going to want to buy it with just the wall on it (like I said, it will cost a fortune to demolish) so the original owner will just be able to buy it back for like $1000 — and now the value will be reestablished at $1000.
Dude. I am truly impressed with your ability to be a huge fucking pain in the ass by using the very system they use to fuck over everyone else.
There is a reason Dick the Butcher wanted to start his coup with “first let us kill all the lawyers.”
what AC said. use their own weapons against them
“…so the original owner will just be able to buy it back for like $1000 — and now the value will be reestablished at $1000…”
You’re a genius. That is so good. I can not emphasize my joy enough at picturing this. You should send that guy a letter.
Can’t they be charged with something related to compromising national security? What the fuck?
Interesting info post about AOC. Offers some support for your theory.
> $4 million ad blitz
Yeah, but other than circling the faithful, it’s not going to accomplish much. It’s certainly not going to persuade someone to change his vote from Trump to Biden.
The usual claim is that they’re after the “undecided voter.” This is the unicorn of electioneering, or at least of election consultancy expenditures. Frankly, I think they’re so rare as to be nonexistent. There is some core of people who aren’t going to *ever* vote, but ones who are “undecided on the issues”…
Ballocks. There *are* people who will vote for whatever candidate they think is winning – I’ve met some of them – but I doubt they’re a big part of the electorate either.
What you see here is mostly moving publicly-accountable political donations from the candidates, where it’s accountable, to election consultants, where it becomes private money again.
Here is a great case study into how the Israeli Jew mind works:
Nice funny convo. The jew writes “isreal” instead of “israel”, strange
News emerged in the last couple of days that the Proud Boys had clashed with antifa in Portland. I had been wondering why they hadn’t been active this year despite even worse rioting in Portland this year than last. The answer is now obvious: they are controlled opposition. When the Portland police were battling with antifa there was no reason to roll out the controlled opposition. Now that the police have retired from the action antifa needs someone to fight and the Proud Boys show up on cue.
I’m sure that some of them are sincere patriots and that some just like to mix it up but there’s no doubt now that they are all bankrolled by Soros.
The Proud Boys were just here in the next town over in Kalamazoo Mi. As far as I know, the counter-protesters attacked the Proud Boys and some were arrested for their violence–and were then let go by the (non-) Justice system over there. Kalamazoo was up in arms.
What is their stance on Israel and zionism?
If they are the Tommy Rabbinson type, you can be 100% sure they are controlled opo.
Soros was made by the Rothschild, gets protection from Israel (despite his organizations not operating in Israel), and Soros organizations collaborate with organizations that get their funding from the Israeli government (like ISRAaid) and work together to flood the West with ME and African Muslims.
See proofs here:

According to this article their founder Gavin McInnes was an anti-semite. However, McInnes is no longer involved with them so who knows where the current leadership comes from.
A site run by a libertyauthors member that you might find useful:
LibertyClick is an archive of shareable liberty content. When you have a point to make, go to the site map and search or click a tag of the topic at hand.
Kek, how does this work?
Can I use it to archive things too, or is it like a library?
I’m not sure, they just joined and I haven’t tried posting anything there yet.
From what I have looked at I don’t think the public can post there, it seems to just be a collection of information and tools created by libertyclick.
But I could be wrong, you can always ask them.
BardsFM – panem et circenses… Bread and Circuses
BardsFM – EP119 – Trust and Faith
As of this last weekend, I remain a failure as a patriot. I’ve avoided wearing the mask in my day to day life living via mailorder instead of grocery store – everything costs more and no dairy or frozen stuff, but I can eat. However, I put the stupid thing on for family functions to restaurants and such, and finally to get a refund at UPS – I’ve allowed myself to be compromised to please my parents. My redline is wearing it at work – when the corporate directive comes down to require it is the day I get myself fired because I’m going to make them pay the unemployment, and I’ve *never* filed that before. The vaccine is out of the question, not gonna happen. My state is Oregon, there is no way in hell Governor Kate will drop this mask order unless ordered to by the party, or until she’s too afraid not to. Trump is promising a return to normalcy, but not until 2021, so we need to figure something out before the election.
I’m considering filming myself going through my local Walmart with a bullhorn shouting down Karens and walking down the aisles the wrong way keeping the whole thing under five minutes while I buy something without a mask. Problem I keep bumping into is that I was shadow banned on Facebook for a couple days after Trump refused to disavow Q – just long enough to blunt that from going viral before being flipped back on like nothing had ever happened – so I know I’m on a list, probably a minor one because I have fewer than 90 “friends”. I’ve never been on Twitter, but we’ve seen what they can do to shut down something. I have no plan for how to maximize the chance of such a thing going viral, and hopefully sparking copycats.
Anybody got any other ideas?
Mask Facts – these things don’t work on airborne viruses, like trying to stop a mosquito with a chain link fence.
“Note: A COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) particle is 0.125 micrometers (μm); influenza virus size is 0.08 – 0.12 μm; a human hair is about 150 μm.
…Medical masks offered no protection at all from influenza.”
Golem, in Jewish folklore, an image endowed with life. The term is used in the Bible (Psalms 139:16) and in Talmudic literature to refer to an embryonic or incomplete substance. It assumed its present connotation in the Middle Ages, when many legends arose of wise men who could bring effigies to life by means of a charm or of a combination of letters forming a sacred word or one of the names of God. The letters, written on paper, were placed in the golem’s mouth or affixed to its head. The letters’ removal deanimated the golem. In early golem tales the golem was usually a perfect servant, his only fault being a too literal or mechanical fulfillment of his master’s orders. In the 16th century the golem acquired the character of protector of the Jews in time of persecution
Tenn. Plan for “Wellbeing Check” of Every Child Shocks America
Of the violent attackers who chased and assaulted Kyle Rittenhouse, which ended in fatalities due to self-defense:
One was a convicted pedophile – Joeseph Rosenbaum
One was a convicted felon (burglary) who had an illegal handgun – Gaige Paul Grosskreutz
I totally get your point about mask not being necessary right now. I totally get the point that they are oppressing us with mandatory compliance but you are wrong about mask not being any use because the vast majority of the time a virus is floating in some sort of liquid. Water droplets from sneezing that sort of thing so the size comparisons are completely irrelevant.
“…Medical masks offered no protection at all from influenza.”
That’s a lie. The only reason I carry on about this is that I believe and many others, including five different viral research centers, that the corona was engineered. I think it broke down to a less lethal strain because engineered virus, or so I’m told, are not as robust.
The point is if they will release one engineered virus they certainly will another and I want you to protect yourself. Mask are not 100% but your immune system if given a chance with much smaller numbers of virus to deal with because you wore a mask will have a much better time fighting off the virus.
See, Sam J is right. This is not binary. Yes, the mask is a tool of control, but there also is an engineered virus that the mask will work to protect you from.
“I think it broke down to a less lethal strain because engineered virus, or so I’m told, are not as robust.”
Luc Montaigner, a nobel price that went to the French TV news to talk about covid, and said that it was made in a lab, also said at one point that nature loves armonious things and that if you make artifical ones they have a low chance of survival and that in fact the HIV sequences found in the virus had mutated much faster than the other ones. ( You can watch it here at 26:25 )
However, I wonder if it was not that they had mutated much faster but that different strains were relased around the globe. AC wrote the other day in the comments about the idea that maybe the good intel guys were on top of the virus and (if I understood correctly) released early on a version of the virus to inmunize us. Trump did say at one point months ago that if you were healthy you were going to be fine.
The Spanish Flu was called the Spanish Flu because only the spanish press was allowed to report on it, supossedly because WWI wartime censors didn’t want to scare people. The origin of the virus was unclear and it was believed to have originated in either the US, France, Britain or China. That indicates to me that it was a cabal virus, and that maybe it was deployed on several places at the same time.
“…AC wrote the other day in the comments about the idea that maybe the good intel guys were on top of the virus and (if I understood correctly) released early on a version of the virus to inmunize us….”
Good point. I keep seeing people saying that the Chinese were faking corona deaths and it drives me nuts. There’s NO WAY the Chinese would destroy their economy, lock down their citizens(subjects) and risk a big riot or rebellion just to pretend to have a dangerous disease to scare the US. I mean this is so far out of the realm of possibilities that I would sooner believe that aliens are really Santa Claus. The Chinese leadership are absolutely petrified of rebellion because of their past.
I suspect that there were a much, much larger number of deaths than the Chinese have let on. The facts I use to come to this conclusion is the constant haze over Wuhan when they was no industry or traffic. This haze started after the lock down had been going on for a while. I think it was burning bodies. Another is someone leaked that a huge number of cell phone contracts had been canceled. Maybe this was not real but supposedly the number of contracts was public. I can’t remember the exact number canceled but it was a lot. There was also a lot of videos of people falling out and lots of bodies stacked up on the sides of the street. The Chinese would never fake this because it would show them as not in control and that’s the LAST thing they want.
I also believe the Jews did this. Many think this would be incomprehensible but the Jews have brought about a vast extraordinary number of deaths of others in the most gruesome ways in the past and have done this repeatedly for literally thousands of years.
The Jews expected to move to China after they destroyed the US. They even had position papers written up on this very question. I believe the Chinese sweet talked them as they were moving all of the US industry into China and then…the Chinese after stealing all the tech that the Jews stole from us cut them off. You know how arrogant the Jews. At some point they complained mightily as they do and the Chinese told them directly to go fuck themselves. Combine this with the very close and gathering relations with Iran and Syria and the decide, they are the enemy and the Jews are so aggressive and arrogant they decided to attack them while faking it to be the US responsible.
What even more convinces me very strongly it was the Jews was right after corona hit the Chinese it hit Iran’s top leaders and to top things off a Israeli scientist said that,”oh by the way we’ve been working on just such a virus in chickens and we can have a vaccine in 6 weeks”. THAT made my Jewdar blink and whirrl to a near meltdown. I don’t think it’s possible to make a vaccine that is “related” to chickens and have it for humans in 6 weeks. I think that this scientist is a typical greedy Jew and just could not contain himself thinking of the profits he could get off a vaccine and I bet they already had the vaccine. Apparently he thought they did. Does anyone think you can turn a chicken vaccine into one for humans in 6 weeks??? I don’t but he sure said he could. What does that tell you? Now maybe I’m wrong but it’s not me that said this vaccine would be available in 6 weeks. There’s a lot of lies out there but here’s a Jew virologist saying these sort of things and even more suspicious immediately after he said that…total silence. Not a damn word more about this. If they really did have a vaccine wouldn’t the proper thing to do be to develop and release it? Except…it looks damn suspicious to have a vaccine for something that just popped up and killed multiple of thousands??? Millions??? of people, wouldn’t it, so not another word was heard of this.
When you think about what the Jews will do you can only begin to be correct and more accurate in your thinking when you disregard all morality. Look at what they have done before, it’s horrendous, and then look at what is technically possible. I believe and for good reason if the Jews thought they could murder every single person on earth but spare a significant numbers of Jews they would do so in a heart beat.
I too think it was real. I doubt they would have faked the gas cloud, and the Iran top leaders did get it. It does point to Israel too :_D
“…The Spanish Flu was called the Spanish Flu because only the spanish press was allowed to report on it, supossedly because WWI wartime censors didn’t want to scare people. The origin of the virus was unclear and it was believed to have originated in either the US, France, Britain or China. That indicates to me that it was a cabal virus, and that maybe it was deployed on several places at the same time…”
I hope I get this right. I read it a long time ago and some may be garbled but the general idea is correct. The Spanish Flu kicked off in Kansas among the troops who had been given vaccines.
This perfectly gibes with a researchers who worked for the NIH and many other government agencies with a lot of awards to her name who was immediately dumped and vilified as soon as she found out the vaccine supply was contaminated with all kinds of bird and other flu type viruses. I posted a video link here where she goes over all of this. I suspect the same thing happened in the Spanish flu epidemic. If you have an animal organ that you use to create and multiply a vaccine, as most are, then viruses in the animal can also undergo change at the same time and affect humans. They showed that a large amount of cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome and possibly Alzheimer’s type diseases came from this very process. Of course the reaction to this was,”shut them down” and she was fired. Here’s the video. It’s long but worth watching because of it’s tying up of a large amount of varied events showing them to have one cause.
Perspectives on the Pandemic