Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – UK Energy Costs To Soar Next Year
DFT – Turkey Doubles Russian Oil Imports
DFT – In 2020, Covid-19 Caused Largest GDP Drop In 300 Years In UK
DFT – German Consumer’s Savings Eaten By Inflation
Turnout surged Tuesday in Democratic Rep.-elect Pat Ryan’s home turf of Ulster County — the most heavily populated section of New York’s battleground 19th District. Ryan’s margins even narrowly exceeded President Joe Biden’s performance over Donald Trump’s in the county in 2020. No way a special election in an off year, and not even in November beats Biden’s fake turnout, which beat Obama’s fake turnout and Trump’s real turnout. Either the computer rigging machine has gone nuclear, or all these illegals are voting.
Court orders Kenosha to follow Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling banning absentee ballot drop boxes. “There will soon be similar wins in the cities of Green Bay, Racine, Madison and Milwaukee, said Thomas More Society Special Counsel Erick Kaardal.”
Alabama ES&S voting machines accepted *XEROXED* ballots during machine testing.
U.S. Rep. Scott Perry seeks to block FBI from accessing his cell phone contents.
Joe Biden announces decision to forgive up to $20,000 in student debt per person.
Student debt forgiveness expected to blow up inflation.
I think we need somebody to find standing and take this to the SC for an opinion from Father Clarence:
Student loan forgiveness doesn’t satisfy all Democrats: It’s not enough, ‘cancel all student debt.’
Facebook blocks GOP account post opposing student loan debt cancellation. Dangerous misinformation,
Marjorie Taylor Greene was victim of ‘swatting’ at Rome residence at 1AM, police confirm.
Ghislaine Maxwell has failed to pay some $878,000 in fees to two lawyers who defended the now-convicted British socialite against criminal charges she helped Jeffrey Epstein abuse teenage girls, the lawyers’ firm said in a new lawsuit. And she and her family are all loaded with Cabal bucks from all the shitbaggery they have done all those many years. Notice these same people will drop $20 million to “fight global warming” which they know firsthand is bullshit.
Clinton Global Initiative to stage New York event in September after six-year absence.
IRS launches safety review after right-wing threats.
IRS inability to hire, retain workers could upend Biden’s revenue plans.
DOJ finalizes rule classifying gun parts as firearms requiring background checks.
Uvalde school board fires police Chief Pete Arredondo after mass shooting.
Gangster Whitey Bulger was murdered by prison inmates just SIX MINUTES after cell doors were unlocked during his first day at West Virginia’s ultra-violent Hazelton prison, which he was not qualified to be transferred to, due to his medical state. Means those guys knew exactly what they were doing, and didn’t need any prep because all the prep was already done for them.
Italian man, 36, becomes the first person to simultaneously test positive for monkeypox, Covid and HIV. Viruses can sometimes swap genes in coinfections….
Could tiny blood clots cause COVID’s puzzling symptoms? This applies to the vax too, since both may see the Spike protein cause clotting issues.
Potential treatments for those who have had Covid or the Vax, who are worried about microvascular disease. Definitely start on NAC and Glycine. I’d also get B-complex, a multi, Vitamin D, and maybe citrulline/arginine, and taurine as well, since you can stop making some AAs as you get older. And maybe a half dose of creatine, just to increase the ATP energy-status of cells.
The Trump administration pressured the Food and Drug Administration, including former FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, to authorize unproven treatments for Covid-19 and the first Covid-19 vaccines on an accelerated timeline, according to a report released Wednesday by Democrats on the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis. Some think they are setting the stage to blame the vaccine on Trump.
California will prohibit the sale of new gasoline-powered cars by 2035.
Kim Kardashian beats Hilary Clinton in a legal knowledge contest. I have seen a lot of Cabal types with professional qualifications who seem strangely clueless about their supposed field of expertise, from doctors to lawyers. I sometimes wonder if they are actors, or if their training was like Obama at Columbia, where Cabal had them off on their own programs, maybe doing intel shit somewhere, which never really taught them the subjects. I mean Joe Biden once said, if you hear a person in front of your house, fire a shotgun through the front door. He says stupid things all the time, but if he had a law degree, and any knowledge of the legal world, you would think he would view that as a bad idea and not say that. It is a very strange thing for someone who knows how laws work to recommend.
Penn medical school expands minority-candidate program that does not require the MCAT admissions test. Think about it – how can you let someone in medical school who has no ability to even take a test on the most basic medical background information? They aren’t saying they will lower standards, they are eliminating a record that the person failed to meet any standard. And isn’t medicine kind of important? Shouldn’t you look for the best candidates here? I have met two doctors before I knew any of this, who I said back them to relatives, lacked even the most basic medical knowledge, to the point back then I said I thought they were fraudsters operating under fake degrees. One in addition to his private practice was actually a senior administrator at a hospital as well. Do you think if you were a minority, and applied for this you would get in? Or might this just be to open the door to certain people, and explain how they got in and you did not? And I doubt these people they let in are then going through the regular program, doing medicine courses alongside other students, without any background in the biological sciences, and the other students noticing they have no idea what is going on.
A groundbreaking new report reveals how billionaire Bill Gates has poured $319 million dollars into media outlets all over the world. Not his money.
More than 20 million Americans are behind on their utility bills.
Woman sues psychiatrist for approving gender transition after just one meeting.
Kobe Bryant widow awarded $16M in trial over crash photos.
BlackRock, UBS among funds cutting China property exposure. Sounds like war with Taiwan is at least on the table.
Canadian ‘climate ministry’ will have arms storage and detention rooms. Doesn’t sound encouraging.
Macron warns of ‘end of abundance.’ What does that sound like? K-selection is beginning.
Macron warns French of tough times ahead, and an end to energy price caps.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Canada will not be shipping natural gas to Europe to address the continent’s energy crisis. “Canada is a major oil and gas producer in the world,” said Trudeau… “But because of our commitment to fight climate change, we are working very, very hard to decarbonize and develop other sources of energy that we can rely on and we can share with the world.” So Europeans get to freeze because he has decided it is more important to “Decarbonize.” Nice.
High energy bills for UK households are price of resisting Putin, Boris Johnson says as he visits Kyiv and pledges further £54m package of military aid. Get sapped by high energy bills, then have to pay more taxes to supply all the money this asshole is sending over there on top of it.
Belgian PM warns “next 5-10 winters will be difficult” as energy crisis worsens.
Google’s Jigsaw subsidiary will next week launch a campaign aimed at tackling disinformation about Ukrainian refugees in Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic based on research by psychologists at two British universities. When MK Ultra goes mainstream under a new name.
The former chairman of Ukraine’s parliament, the Rada, Dmitry Razumkov has stated that Kiev has the right to confiscate Russian gas that flows to the EU through Ukraine, and sell it in order to solve the country’s economic problems. Watch Russia shut off all flows overnight, leaving Europe totally fucked.
Ukrainian Parliament votes to give themselves a (70%)raise thanks to the US taxpayers paying for their budget – As the country bans free speech and targets what they decide are ‘information terrorists’ for assassinations. Their government is as contemptible as our’s.
There are reports the US military is starting to withdraw equipment in active service to send to Ukraine. Carl Gustaf 8.4 cm recoilless rifles, HIMARS, and others. This could fit with the idea we are being set up to lose a world war.
Trump calls for McConnell to be ousted as GOP leader ‘immediately.’
Voters moving to the right across almost every demographic, says massive survey. Misery Index vs conservative policy mood.
Donald Trump’s endorsements are reshaping the Republican Party.
As you read this next post about “Coco,” bear in mind they just busted a ship owned by Chao’s family smuggling cocaine:
Brazilian Police Search Premises of Entrepreneurs Supporting Bolsonaro
It is getting worse all over.
All hands on deck. No red wave is coming. This is the start.
All of the ‘theory’ guys were saying this for months. They were never going to allow a fair election again.
It’s not getting worse, it’s just getting more obvious.
And Q is just going to let it happen?
Another point towards the “Q is a Russian operation designed to weaken or destroy the US as much or more than to destroy Cabal” theory.
My take was, as much as you could decipher that riddle stuff, Cabal wanted us to lose the war and be subjugated under the enemy they either controlled or had a deal with, and Q said we had to be allowed to be taken right up to the brink, before we would have enough impetus to act in some way.
I don’t think Q was Russian. How would the Russians have known about McCain, to the minute? There is something very strange around the whole Q thing, and until we figure it out, I don’t think Q is going to be even vaguely able to be understood.
That’s why Q must be ignored. If anyone thinks it’s getting better they get lazy and stop preparing. Well, it’s not going to get better, it doesn’t get better until you make it better. And all of that starts local and small and with yourself.
Deep moles could be their source of knowledge.
Or there is a native faction involved with Q but they either made a very costly deal with Russia or were double crossed by Russia.
I’m not set on this theory but it keeps looking more likely.
Q is not doing anything for us while the country burns to the ground and Russia is making great strides in the world, even China’s troubles benefit Russia in the long run but will do us no good if America is destroyed at the same time.
Or Orthodox Christian Russia winning isn’t a bad deal for U.S. Christians. If Cabal/surveillance gets taken down, I don’t care if the U.S. empire is taken apart brick by brick.
I don’t care about the empire.
I care that the nation and the people still exist, are independent, and are living above the stone age.
Maybe it’s something like Q from star trek the next generation?
“…There is something very strange around the whole Q thing, and until we figure it out…”
I’m always trying to be helpful so here’s what Q is about.
I mean after Trump loses the election,. the vax, the war in Ukraine, the continuing vote stealing and etc., if by now people don’t have a read on Q “saving” us then…I don’t know what else to say except, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. Especially since it’s the exact same bunch pulling the exact same trick. Even Gomer Pyle knows,”Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me”.

he took steps to mess cabal up all along. and still is. see what the USG and other cabalitos say, and how they say it. that isnt the body language of people who are winning.
It’s not that.
OT put people to sleep so they didn’t resist, consequently Russia/the USSR remained powerful.
Q is waking people up and inspiring resistance, but that resistance may just end up causing internal conflict that helps burn the nation to the ground.
I don’t see how you can possibly believe that. It’s not like people didn’t already know things were screwed up. This is one of those situations where no matter what the evidence against something, someone just believes something anyways. I think you’re stuck in this trap. Q didn’t suddenly make people think that things were screwed up. Any and all “hints” Q gave could be just as easily been leaked by deep state insiders as clues to push hopeinium. In fact Q has done nothing of any substantial service. All the leaks about the depravity of the deep state were leaked by legions of independent commenters on 4chan and other open forums. The real “value” of Q and Operation Trust was to tell people “someone else” was going to come in and save them. They need do nothing. It was all taken care of and I ask you, is it? Has it? You know the answer.
Is there anything Q came up with that could not have been leaks by deepstaters to push Q’s viability, or any released data that did not come from the masses of people pouring through records and posting on 4chan and the like? What are these super revelations? Can you name any? It;’s been years. Howmany years and how bad do things have to get before you see that what was promised never happened.
The odds are extremely high in my mind that Steve Pieczenik is Q. He himself brags that this sort of skulduggery was his business. The reason I say this is the psychology of Jews. He was anonymous as Q but he just could not stand not getting some of the glory himself and rubbing our noses in it so he went public on Alex Jones and said much the same as Q. Over and over with huge promises which he promptly broke. In the end we saw that he was nothing but the standard lying Jew that we always get.
Q told people to do things and that they needed to do things.
That’s why your comparison is just wrong.
Q never promised to save you.
I’m utterly amazed by how many people think Q promised them a goddamned thing. I can’t tell if such people are shills and perps or just the victims of them.
Q told people that THEY would need to get involved to save our country.
But before people can do that, they must first wake up and begin to understand the nature of the problem. That’s the purpose of Q.
The operation trust comparison is just absurd. Had Q never gone public, millions of Americans would be far more asleep than they are now. There was no need to identify all of these people, who had previously been asleep and not a threat. Besides, you can be assured that long before Q they’d created personality profiles of people like us, and could compile lists of us just by our Amazon book purchases, our browsing history, facebook posts, and all the rest.
Wrong he said they knew everything and I can’t remember if he said directly but he implies very strongly that these people would be brought to justice. He said this over and over.
Saying,”oh by the way you might have to do something too” is a cop out and distorting the truth. He directly said people should not take the law into their own hands.
“…Had Q never gone public, millions of Americans would be far more asleep than they are now…”
This is untrue and fake. The LARGE majority of all the unveiling of the pozz in the west comes directly from the huge number of people researching and posting their finds on social media. Be specific, what EXACTLY did Q say that was such a insider unknown that no one could not find the same on social media? Everything he said was some sort of vacuous nothing with a few insider stuff that the deep state would know. The end effect of his whole stick is he did not one damn thing. Other than this fake constant refrain that he “woke people up” what EXACTLY did he accomplish. Nothing that’s what.
These obsessive Q people are just like the guys who killed themselves so that the spaceship from the comet would pick them. You might as well pledge to Peoples Temple founder Jim Jones. Many millennia prophecy people think just like this. Even when their prophecies fall down right before them they have invested so much in it they refuse to see any truth at all.
I can prove you are fake. I looked up Q archives and two clicks into it I see,
“…An anonymous poster claiming Q-level security clearance has been posting to explain what’s happening behind the scenes on the world stage. This user is goes by Q. Scope is broad so dig on your own but I’ll try to summarize: Trump and the Special Counsel are actually investigating the Clinton cabal and the deepstate. Draining the swamp for real! They are destroying foreign non-state groups and actors who’ve had America under control for decades. The house of Saud in Saudi Arabia (SA is +++), Rothschild family (RC is ++) and Soros group (+) are all watching their house of cards crumble. There are >4000 sealed indictments across the USA that are likely connected to Mueller’s Special Counsel. We’re told to expect big names to be swept up in a mass arrest of corrupt officials….”
Does that not mean to you they are going to prosecute them? Clean out the deep state. Of course it does.
He says stuff like this constantly, boom, trust Huber, how they hell did trust Huber work out? FIne…for them.
Try these:
Oct 31 2020 17:49:26 (EST)
Are you ready to take back control of this Country?
Are you ready to hold the political elite [protected] accountable?
Oct 31 2020 17:44:04 (EST)
Are you ready to finish what we started?
‘Nothing can stop what is coming’ is not just a catch-phrase.
It’s beyond obvious that central to Q’s plan was awakening the public and getting them more involved in the process. Because if that doesn’t happen no amount of “arrests” is going to mean a goddamned thing. Americans were so asleep in 2016, and MANY are still so asleep now, that any attempt at mass arrests would be perceived by the public as a mindless persecution of the political opposition.
Q never said, “just sit back and wait for us to do something amazing and then you’ll have your freedom back.”
If you think he did, that’s your mistake. You misunderstood.
Q sounds like a very weak outfit compared to Cabal.
I don’t really believe as they say: “Patriots are in control”.
“operation trust comparison is just absurd”
We have the exact same people, the Jews, doing the exact same thing, saying insiders are fighting the Jews. Why don’t you prove this is different? Where’s your proof because what, you saying it’s not is not reality. Just more fake news.
How many times did Q say,”trust…whatever”. Over and over and over and over and over and over…hey that sounds a lot like
I looked up the original “Operation Trust” and it seems to have been a 1920s Soviet program to learn dissidents who were in exile back to Russia, and maybe also get dissidents in Russia to reveal themselves, by telling them they were joining a fake anti-Soviet organization.
“QAnon” was a series of obscure and trollish internet posts, in the USA in the 2010s.
Its possible that “QAnon” was also a government produced fake, but otherwise they have nothing in common with each other. Pretty much anyone reading a Q post had already been identified as a dissident, though tons of other surveillance. There was nothing for them to join, or do. Contrary to media myth, nothing in the Q posts enticed people into false flag ops, and the FBI already had tons of other ways to do that.
In fact the main argument for “Q” actually being a genuine dissident operation is that the Cabal or government gained nothing from the operation whatsoever. I have tried thinking of how they could have gained from running obscure trollish posts on the internet and have come up with nothing. I do think that these posts were never meant for ordinary members of the general public. I think it was always more of a means of back-channel communications.
“…I have tried thinking of how they could have gained from running obscure trollish posts on the internet and have come up with nothing….”
Then you have no imagination. Without an insider saying,”they have everything”, “trust Huber”, (and all the other fake official”, that Q hinted would prosecute the deep state), then the ONLY alternative is for the citizens to do something on their OWN, not involving political action or any sort of organized action. The goal here that they pushed is to make someone believe that others were on top of things and action was being taken. People keep admonishing the American people for not rising up but in fact this is very rational. You rise up and you get crushed. I’m not going anywhere to protest or get involved in any group because I know I will be crushed. Simple tragedy of the commons. That being said ANY notion that others are on top of the situation[,trust Huber, etc. ],lessons the likelihood that individual actors will rake action.
And I repeat, can anyone tell me some super secret info Q let out that was not already hinted or confirmed on the chans? I can’t think of any.
And in summation, Q has been totally ineffective. He has changed nothing. If chans and social media covered the same things he did, and they did, then the sole point that he “woke people up” has no value. None at all. The same job was done by individuals on the internet but by pretending to be tied in to prosecuting forces in the government and military he gave the impression that action was being taken.
Individuals taking nonpolitical action is just what the cabal wants and has been trying to provoke.
Q got a lot of people involved who would not have gotten involved or done anything without Q, it wasn’t just people on the chans that Q reached.
People were encouraged to take actions that don’t feed the cabal narrative in much greater numbers than before.
china has cabalitos too. (((they))) have married or bred into all royalty all over and most major fams. (((they))) direct surveillance that AC points out diligently. do others do surveillance too? of course. there is a china/cabal disconnect in that the inscrutable chinese think they can do it better without cabal hooks in. cabal talks war with china too. any war allows them more power, longer life, and some time to cover tracks and implement new powers over us. lets see wtf has been going on in taiwan. (((the west))) doesnt hang on to ANYTHING over freedom for the people.
The Chinese Communist Party leadership is who would directly benefit from “the USA loses a world war”. So it depends on whether they are the Cabal or how much they are co-operating with the Cabal. There is lots of evidence of some sort of alliance, but its hard to tell how deep it goes.
If the CCP is the Cabal, or more or less the same, the Cabal would preparing the way for the current Chinese leadership to start the world dynasty. If they are separate things, the Cabal leadership aiding the CCP in this way would at least be idiot. If I were a Cabal strategist in this situation, I would be building up my own army in secret. But I’m not a Cabal strategist and don’t think like these people.
I don’t think this is a Q game, because I think Q either doesn’t exist or is much weaker than the Cabal and is still just trying to disrupt whatever Cabal plans they can figure out. So I really have no idea. These stories could also be BS. The “secret army” idea sounds ridiculous but is the least implausible explanation we are left with.
Are we better off losing a war that destroys our corrupt elites, or winning a war that solidifies our elite’s power for centuries?
If we are destroyed and conquered by 3rd world invaders who rule over a wasteland it doesn’t make much difference.
Where do you get this “we” shit, white man?
We K selected cultural Americans of all races.
I assume that if you are not joking you are an Injun or some other nonwhite race.
Trust me, you will not be any happier than us white Americans being ruled over by 80 IQ savages from all the worst hellholes on earth that the left is flooding in in numbers to vast to resist if our civilizations falls.
Thank you
If America has to lose a world war to be free from Cabal and withdraw our military sources to just this hemisphere, so be it. Count me in.
You are assuming America survives and that cabal is expelled.
I’d rather this country be destroyed completely, be one big crater of glass than see cabal continue to rule it. Because if Cabal continues to rule it, it will be destroyed eventually.
I’d rather we find a way to defeat cabal and not destroy the country.
Cabal will rise again no matter what and a destroyed country will be less able to resist it.
Scorched Earth before slavery. Burn America to the ground B4 letting Cabal rule with impunity.
Voting will make a difference ONLY if Patriots setup a Parallel Society. An Alternative Government and Society. Other than that VOTING IS FOR SUCKERS.
“Italian man, 36, becomes the first person to simultaneously test positive for monkeypox, Covid and HIV.”
Honestly this is probably inaccurate. That ‘Italian’ is probably black.
Sounds like a Power Bottom.
Top kek
Trifecta. The Triple Crown.
Hat Trick
A Peter Forsberg hat trick
Triple play in baseball.
Triple plague in “bhutt-ball”, or is that b-ass-ball?
“IRS launches safety review after right-wing threats.”
“IRS inability to hire, retain workers could upend Biden’s revenue plans.”
In the future it’ll be the cops wearing masks instead of the criminals.
They’ll probably have to live in special cop designated neighborhoods as well.
“Some think they are setting the stage to blame the vaccine on Trump.”
Why wouldn’t they? He’s made it easy enough for them. Won’t shut up about how great they are.
But the thing is, Trump is smart, and his planning is A+. That he did that makes me think either he sees the end game there, and knows how he will play it, or some sort of organization he is rolling with had him do that because they see a play somewhere in the future.
Alex Jones fed into this a bit with his over the top takes on Trump. He said Trump was a prophet or from the future. Trump isn’t. Any one of us, regulars here or at Vox Day or Heartiste or Zerohedge, could of made the same basic correct decisions as Trump. Trump saw a $100 bill on the ground in 2015 and picked it up, while everyone else in the GOP was screwed up and comped.
Trumps planning is good, but he isn’t perfect. While we all here are probably good at planning and foresight, which of us have conversed with the Almighty and received the gift of Prophecy? Anyone here been to the future as well? No. We all have to make decisions, which means those decisions can be wrong. Trump may have to say he was wrong on vaccines, that may be the only winning move for him.
If Trump’s planning was A+ why did he lose 2020 and is now getting indicted?
I don’t know, but I think we had to lose the election to have driven home that elections are fake, and there was no mechanism in the system to correct that. Even I hear could not say that was true, 100%, until we saw that.
Likewise, the indictment I suspect has some purpose, either triggering Americans storming DC, or just making us refuse to accept the government as legitimate. We here know a lot of stuff, but all of that I think is to get through to the brainwashed on the right, who still don’t get how bad it is.
I can’t see traditional warfare (storming DC) working ever again. We need to split off from the evil somehow. Full up secession or just a quiet, mass exodus from all their systems with a migration to a core of states we can call our own. An American Redoubt, so to speak. Fortify that position and then slowly expand as the “blue” area inevitably fall to chaos after the functional adults leave.
There’s just too many to share land with them. Just go to any web forum with leftist types. They live in cartoon universes in their heads, and they cannot be fixed. The one saving factor is that they seem game for a split as well, and we can use that, but we’re effectively leaderless against their hive mind.
I wish this were possible but… surveillance. I wonder how many so-called “death cults” were actually the beginnings of something beautiful that was infiltrated and aborted before it could bear fruit. I’m not saying people shouldn’t try. Just know the risks. What you propose is something that would realistically take at least a couple of generations, with some foolproof way of minimizing surveillance/infiltration.
More importantly, for us to come into full power, it will never be as easy as retreating to a redoubt and having some sort of foolproof method to choose members. As AC says it will mean revealing what has been in the shadows. AC believes it’s a public revealing of the surveillance that will be the most efficient at turning the largest population possible as K as possible.
Even if this specifically doesn’t happen, something at this scale, at a level that touches every person in this nation (probably the world) will our side have a real chance to truly thrive. Or something epic and supernatural. And I don’t call a bunch of people moving to Russia thriving. At least not for at least 2-3 generations.
AC’s absolutely correct about one thing. Those of us who are able, we must fight the infowar *against Cabal* and prepare to fight a hot war *against Cabal* should it come to that.
Great Idea, Redclaw. With you 100%. There will always be naysayers screaming, “It can’t be done.” The cowards among us are the very 1st obstacle to overcome.
The very first group the founders of the American Republic had to overcome/defeat were the cowards and the Loyalist who tended to flock together.
There is no peaceful coexistence with Cabal. They must be crippled, incapacitated, or annihilated. As long as they are able they will keep attacking. Cabal Wants To Rule The Entire World. No Corner Of The Earth Will Be Left In Peace So Long As They Stand.
You can never turn your back on it. And you can never sleep on it. Cabal is a combination of ticks, roaches, termites, etc. THINK OF ANYTHING UNFIT FOR HUMAN COHABITATION AND THAT’S CABAL.
Secssion is the Best and Only Peaceful Possibility.
Patrick Henry’s speech, Second Virginia Convention:
“…Secssion is the Best and Only Peaceful Possibility…”
I have to repeat myself because people keep saying over and over that the “only” way is separation, which will very most likely involve civil war, or pushing for civil war. I do know that on Unz various known hasbara posters are constantly calling for civil war and separation. They would love to see us murdering each other like they are doing in Ukraine instead of kicking them out of the country and suppressing the rest.
Why not instead of civil we change a few rules that they have imposed on US and rule them? I’m not saying it will be easy but we can do so with only a majority in Congress. Biden could not stop it.
1.We could end the illegal Supreme court decision that ended regional State Senates. This would crush the big cities ability to run everything in every State.
2.We could have the Federal House and the Senate rule that all elections be held in such a way that fraud would be reduced to an extreme minimum. Rules like, must be preregistered 6 months before elections. Photo ID. Voter list that is highlighted for every voter as they are given a ballot. Pictures taken of all ballots and these immediately totaled and uploaded to the Internet so anyone can count them. List of voters and ballots at voting place must match number of ballots handed out. All kinds of nice anti-fraud rules. We could even rule out first generation immigrants from voting at all. The Constitution is clear on this it says,
Article I, Section 5, which provides “Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members …”
3.We could change the rules for voters to end Mobocracy and have only people with some sort of qualifications, high school diploma, pay taxes into the system, etc. be allowed to vote.
4.Another commenter suggested that the Congress could raise a militia AND put in place a new court system bypassing the present corrupt one. I might add to this, Congress could hijack the surveillance teams the deep State is using and we are paying for, enlist them into the militia, and use them to spy on the deep State itself. How’s that for turning the tables.
5.We could round up all the illegal aliens and I would go farther and take away citizenship from any immigrant, all the way back to the 1960’s mass immigration, that was a burden on the public. We used to do this, I bet the laws are still on the books. And don’t say we can’t physically do this. I have done the numbers and we could deport up to 100 million in less than a years time with a limited number of our transport aircraft. Here’s the math at the link below.
This idea that we can separate or run away will never work. You must turn the tables on them and rule them instead of them ruling us.
I have made long exhausting comments on some of these changes, how they could be done and how we could take the whole country back in short order with only a majority vote in the House and Senate. It would also destroy most fake voting and corruption run by the city centers in less than one years time. All it would take is to aggressively go after them, just as they do us. And for all you who say this is hard I suspect, in fact I know, that a civil war or separation would a magnitude or more difficult to pull off. What I’m saying we should do is only that which is written into the Constitution, fully in line with our governmental system and already in place.
The consequences of illegal rulings in the past driving our country into a ditch and how we can counter it with only a majority vote is covered in absurd, exhausting detail in these comments below. In these, it shows exactly how to take the whole country back in a short amount of time and what some of the consequences could be.
Just be ready for them to launch a civil war when all of that starts to happen.
How bad it’s going to have to get to wake up normie friends and family is frickin horrifying. If it has to be horrifying, could we speed up this crappy movie please?
Trump had no idea that they were going to devise an novel vaccine based on MRNA. Trump is Old School. You take a dead bacteria/virus and make a vaccine out of that. You can’t blame the guy. He thought that was going to be done. Trump is no expert on vaccines. None of us are. We all trusted. And then it went bad. It is NOT Trump’s fault, but the Medical companies that sought to do some novel crap that is now killing people. I live with a senior ol’ lady who has many complications. She has taken the two Pfzer shots and the booster. Nothing is happening to her.
I took the J&J and had three adverse reactions. Still voting Trump. Do you think Trump knew these kooks were going to put graphene into all the vaccines? Who knew?
It is NOT Trump’s fault that the medical companies went a different route than was traditional.
I said on here speed up the vaccines. No idea they would use mRNA.
Yeah–who knew.
The only reason I didn’t take it was because I read of mRNA trials on cats that killed them and general distrust of them from the contaminated with bird flu virus vaccines they sent to Ukraine. Luckily caught by a technician who tested them on ferrets before distribution. They all died. Since then I have only taken one tetanus shot because I thought it warranted the risk but none other. I used to take flu shots, no more. No more of them.
I can not blame anyone for taking them as what I learned was not general knowledge.
All SARS vaccine efforts failed, including mRNA. Wasn’t a total surprise as they’ve been trying to get one through for sometime, but pre-Covid Merck, for example, bowed out of the race because high enough doses to be effective were also toxic.
As to Trump, having been an anti-vaxxer way before the clot shots, it would have made him to easy a target to dismiss. Might have even made it to another impeachment circus act for being anti-science and therefore incapacitated or some bullshit
And I disagree. Trump KNEW. CV19 was set in motion several years before they even knew Trump was going to run for president. The patents were already taken out. In fact I think they sped up rollout of CV19 before it was ready specifically to harm Trump’s approval rating. They rolled it out before it was appropriately lethal.
Trump then sabotaged them by mentioning HCQ on live TV. That led to alternatives to HCQ like ivermectin. Alternatives that we wouldn’t have had otherwise. Hell, as a result of this we know that ivermectin has anti-cancer effects and you can get it cheaply sent to you door without a prescription. That’s all the good.
The bad. He knew it would kill people, including a lot of collateral damage, and let it happen, because this is war. I have a friend that got the vaxx specifically because Trump did[claims to have anyway]. So there are some on our side that did, although he’s a much Ron DeSantis fan and really wants to vote for him instead of Trump. Trump knew the shots were poison, that’s why he took one, too. Taking the same risk as everyone else. Because of all of this, our side is much less affected.
He knew they were poison death shots. He knew they would bare minimum injure and kill. He knew the trials data was faked. He knew he was being lied to by everyone, but nobody can prove it, which allows him to ingroup himself into the pitchfork & torch mob and become it’s leader.
How else was Pfizer ever going to be brought down? Pfizer has FULL IMMUNITY unless it’s proven that they defrauded the government in the safety trials, because fraud vitiates EVERYTHING. The ONE THING they needed to be able to prove, and Pfizer did it. Now they just have to get it all out in court, and Pfizer will die a death by a thousand cuts.
Just like with the stolen election. Q “has it all” and can use none of it because none of it is admissible as evidence in a US court as it violates the 4th amendment. So if you know your enemies playbook and can predict how they will adapt to any curvballs thrown at them, you can get them to do something REALLY STUPID, and you can catch them in the act.
We’ve been saying this for a year and a half now – they got caught. It’s taking this long because the white hats are deliberately triggering everyone’s discomfort levels. It has to hurt. People NEED to be scared, to suffer, to see the masks come off and the full crazy come out, or they wouldn’t believe it.
How many of us would have believed that schools would offer to shoot kids with hormones without parental consent or knowledge? Nobody gave any mind to the green new deal until the climate change cult was given free range to raise fuel costs and shove EV’s down everyone’s throat. Now they know.
They know crime is out of control in Democrat cities. They know that the left has gone insane, full authoritarian, full depopulation, etc. Because of this people are actually now starting to listen to our kind. Everything we were saying is happening.
The question left is by what mechanism will Trump be restored to the white house? This matters because it has implications for the mass arrests we were all expecting that haven’t happened. It has implications for how the US government will be run going forward.
It has implications for whether there will be a US nation going forward.
The senior lady you live with had ONE Pfizer shot and TWO boosters. Recall that it was one shot, then when people still got the coof after being vaccinated they moved the goal posts to requiring a “Booster”
“…Trump had no idea that they were going to devise an novel vaccine based on MRNA…”
I agree. I also think that there was a real die off from covid in China. One of the reasons I believe people falling out in Wuhan was not faked was even though the whole city was shut down with no cars, eventually the whole city was covered with haze from burning…something. I assume it was bodies. This also explains the Chinese super paranoia and brisk action on any virus. I think it killed a lot of people and they were terrified. Have you ever known a large bureaucratic State to operate so fast? It freaked them out. There’s also cell phone usage records that showed the number of cell phone contracts collapsed in Wuhan. We KNOW that lots and lots of people died in Italy and other places. The Chinese are still doing this. It makes no sense for the Chinese to keep totally disrupting their people and economy with lock downs if there was not something to fear. Every viral infection at all they panic.
Trump had to have known about all these deaths and surely it freaked him out too. If the mass deaths in Wuhan were real, and I think they were, then Trump would have moved super fast to get some sort of protection. The vax. He could not have known these people were all criminals trying to murder everyone.
Just so long as we realize there most likely were multiple strains (I saw reference to 5 in the beginning stages) that possibly had/have differing lethality and infectious traits and symptom outcomes across individuals/races, so consequently what was seen in one country/province/city/neighborhood could be much different compared to spots where they were “seeding” certain types vs. the random spread from people movements or travel. For example, spread something more lethal in a subway and it would strike that city worse than another spot without the convenience of mass contamination and simultaneous spread vectors being utilized. After all, we were/are being played even up to this moment.
Anyone else remember the reports about strains being found in sewage samples collected in various areas prior to the “outbreak”, but hadn’t been analyzed for such until some time later and therefore become evidence of infections prior to the apparent beginning, though closer to the notorious 201 study?
You taking the clot shot is the least surprising thing I’ve ever heard.
“You can’t blame the guy. He thought that was going to be done. Trump is no expert on vaccines. None of us are. We all trusted.”
No, we all didn’t trust and stop with the “How could anyone have known?” bullshit. You don’t have to be an expert to know that the “Science” immediately shitting on possible cheap and effective cures for Covid before the vaccines even came out is suspect as fuck.
The minute these pricks starting shitting on HCQ and Ivermectin was enough for me to say fuck your vaccines.
As for Trump, he is still proud as fuck about how fast Operation Warp Speed brought this poison to the masses. Sorry, but ignorance of reality has a time limit. If he doesn’t start saying he was duped soon he’s gonna own it. All of it. They’ll make sure of it.
Oh, come on now. Trump has never been aggressively “pushing” the vaccine. At best, Trump could be said to have engaged in lukewarm support for it. And that lukewarm support clearly hasn’t moved his supporters very much.
Has Trump been taking to TV urging people to get the vax? Has he been engaging in fake, staged televised presentations of him getting the jab?
Do you really think that any Trump supporters who inclined towards not getting the vax ran out and got one because of anything Trump said?
Trump took a very strategic position. He neither encouraged mandates NOR came out in a way that would allow him to be dismissed as “anti-vax.” Had he done the latter, the media would have raked him over the coals for “prolonging the pandemic” and “putting people at risk.”
But you might say, “He should have encouraged people to not get the vax!” I really doubt that would have saved many people at all. The most fanatically pro vax people wouldn’t have been swayed by Trump at all.
Trump’s position on this likely wouldn’t really change the minds of a substantial number of people either way.
How many people would know about HCQ (and other medicines like IV) if Trump hadn’t been promoting them at the regular press conferences?
if he had openly and only trashed the vax, he would have lost the election for real because normies trusted vaxes. now they dont.
lukewarm support?
“The vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind,” Trump told conservative commentator Candace Owens in an interview on Wednesday.”
So what you’re saying is that you’ve somehow not yet detected that Trump is prone to hyperbole.
Is that really the best you can do? Was he insisting that everyone get the vax, that mandates be put in place, that people should be forced to take the vax?
No. He wasn’t.
Cabal wife? Stallone is a friend of Trump
Sylvester Stallone’s wife Jennifer Flavin files for divorce after 25-year marriage and accuses actor of hiding assets
“Kim Kardashian beats Hilary Clinton in a legal knowledge contest. I have seen a lot of Cabal types with professional qualifications who seem strangely clueless about their supposed field of expertise, from doctors to lawyers.”
For better or worse, voters have taken an interest in candidates’ grades since 1999, when the New Yorker published President Bush’s transcript at Yale and disclosed that he was a C student. Mr. Bush had never portrayed himself as a brain, but many were surprised to learn the next year that his opponent, Vice President Gore, did not do much better at Harvard despite his intellectual image. When Senator Kerry’s transcript surfaced, reporters found that he actually had a slightly lower average at Yale than Mr. Bush did.
More is known about Mr. McCain’s experience at the United States Naval Academy, where he was a self-described troublemaker and graduated in the bottom 1% of his class. The McCain campaign has declined to release his transcript, saying that his performance at the academy can only be viewed in the context of his larger military career.
Johnny Wetstart, we hardly knew ye.
They are all a bunch of midwits or idiots. They’re just your average used car salesman. I would bet they’ve had A LOT of training around bullshit.
“I sometimes wonder if they are actors, or if their training was like Obama at Columbia, where Cabal had them off on their own programs, maybe doing intel shit somewhere, which never really taught them the subjects.”
Obama first studied at Occidental College in LA. This is an article about that time. If you became friends with some Pakistani Americans, would that be reason enough for you to visit Pakistan? Or would you just enjoy their company here, and travel to more pleasant and interesting places? We recently learned that Cernovich and Andrew Tate went to Romania. Are weird travel destinations a cabal marker?
Not everyone who knew Obama in those years is eager to talk.
Some explained that they feared inadvertently hurting Obama’s campaign. Among his friends were Siddiqi and two other Pakistanis, all of them from Karachi; several of those interviewed said the Pakistanis were reluctant to talk for fear of stoking rumors that Obama is a Muslim.
As a freshman, he quickly became friends with Mohammed Hasan Chandoo and Wahid Hamid, two wealthy Pakistanis.
In 1981, Obama transferred from Occidental to Columbia. In between, he traveled to Pakistan — a trip that enhanced his foreign policy qualifications, he maintained in a private speech at a San Francisco fundraiser last month. Obama spent “about three weeks” in Pakistan, traveling with Hamid and staying in Karachi with Chandoo’s family, said Bill Burton, Obama’s press secretary.
(Politico, Old friends recall Obama’s college years)
Pakistan and Romania during the Cold War were travel destinations of United States intel agents. Barry Soetoro’s background and grooming has CIA written all over it. Lies everywhere.
Obama, Part 2 – Columbia
The Columbia years are a hole in the sprawling Obama hagiography. In his two published memoirs, the 47-year-old Democratic nominee barely mentions his experience there. He refuses to answer questions about Columbia and New York … (WSJ)
Some quotes from a 2013 Haaretz article:
Among those Israelis vying for the attention of Barack Obama as he prepares for his visit here next week, one fairly large, yet little-known group can claim a special long-standing connection to the U.S. president: We were his classmates in the Columbia University undergraduate class of 1983.
“When he first came on the political scene, back when he was running for the Senate, I was living in Illinois, and I was like, ‘Wait, this guy went to school with me,'” she explains. “But I had no recollection of him whatsoever, and neither did anyone else I know, which I found very strange.”
“When I was in college, I went out of my way to meet anyone who wasn’t Jewish – part of my trying to break away from being a Brooklyn Jew,” says Rubin. “So I hung out with many black students, but I never ever saw him around, and I would have recognized his face.”
Yet another classmate, Michael Teplow, notes that someone with presidential aspirations “wouldn’t be shy, but in fact, quite gregarious,” which is why he, too, was surprised to discover “when I first started flipping through my yearbook looking for his picture that he wasn’t there, and I didn’t remember him at all.”
“I spent most of my time at Columbia either in the library or in the gym practicing for fencing, so if Obama wasn’t hanging out in those places, I wouldn’t have seen him,” he notes.
Obama probably never attended Columbia nor Harvard. The CIA is very adept at false identities. See the Bourne movies. The acrobatic fights and shootouts are over the top but the false identities and fake passports are real.
Democrats reward friends and punish enemies.
Gay Old Pedos reward friends (defense contractors and bankers) and punish enemies (white conservatives).
“Leftist Daily Mail: The true cost of Biden’s student loan ploy: Models predict debt levels will return in just FOUR YEARS, it will cost each taxpayer at least $2,000, drive inflation higher and cost more than $300billion – and leaves out those who DID pay.”
I’m opposed to it for 1 very simple reason. The U.S. is not homogeneous. Student loan forgiveness thus represents a direct wealth transfer from White, heritage America to the people who hate them, minorities and immigrants. That is un-natural and wicked. That is Babylon.
If the country were 90% White, then I would support it. As it is though, the bankrupting of the U.S. will do grave damage to those who aren’t prepared for inflation, as well as those who rely on a government check. So it really isn’t a big deal to me, even though I have two degrees and zero debt. I didn’t eat, nor will eat the feed corn. So to all the stupid and takers here thinking this is a good thing, enjoy getting trapped, little piggies. You’ll be oinkin’ straight to the woodchipper completely reliant on a satanic government.
I don’t get Vox Day’s support for student debt cancellation. He has explained it in detail, but something just seems off about it. Maybe under Trump’s healthy economy, but now?
I realize my response might be emotional, but I don’t care if Satan hisself was handing out the loans. These people willingly took on the debt for their stupid make believe studies degrees. I don’t care if they wind up living and dying under bridges. A few less black supremacy and gender fluid experts in the world will not be our undoing.
I worked hard to get my Engineering degree at USC with zero debt, and it has more than paid off. Way more that I ever expected considering I met my husband at work. 🙂
I’ll attempt a simple explanation. Debt is a trap that has been made even worse by the fiat Dollar. Essentially, the current ability of the Fed and banks to print money is unprecedented, which allows banks to sell loans to the lowest-common denominator to keep the money printer going strong. Schools, which exist more to make money than to properly educate students, would happily go along with this.
So imagine millions and millions of kids with terrible upbringings thanks to being raised by hippie sheep. These are the same kids that might work two full months to buy a $1,200 smart phone so they could film themselves doing incredibly shameful things to post in public for a sense of validation. When they could have worked a quarter of a time to get a phone that can function 80% as much. Because no one taught them any better. These are who these banks, who have genius Type-A personality marketing gurus being paid million-dollar salaries, are selling to. The absolutely lowest common denominator. How are they selling these degrees? “Mom, Dad, I finally want to make something of myself. Could you sign this piece of paper to help me get this loan?” It’s all a trap.
Remember, the ancient civilizations understood the problem of debt. The buying/selling of debt will lead to the detorioration of a society unless this debt system has a regular mechanism for forgiveness that prevents systematic slavery. But note that the current ability to just make money to service loans out of thin air and systematically enslave the sheep-people with this fake money is absolutely unprecedented. Essentially, there is no more release valve for the problem of debt, but the relentless money-printing has make debt grow exponentionally, causing a historic level of debt slavery.
Another argument far easier to explain is: debt is inflationary. Infinite ability to create debt equals infinite inflation. Debt forgiveness is deflationary. So regular debt forgiveness can be used to systematically deflate an inflated currency.
There are other solutions people have posted here. I just wanted to keep it simple and focus my comment on the arguments debt forgiveness to respond to Marielle Redclaw. The Anon below with the bankruptcy argument below also makes sense, for example.
Regarding Vox, this is easy. Just listen to him.
I stopped equating my hard work and effort to money a few years ago, thanks to Vox.
The only thing that matters are the tangible assets you have on you, when the shit storm arrives. The rest of it is monopoly money.
> tangible assets
The Mexicans understand this. “Silver or lead.”
There are times when VD is more than half fulla shit; and I was instinctively against his longstanding ‘debt jubilee’ schtick. But I kept pondering it, and tried to apply the VD method of ‘weigh the cost of writing off the loans to the benefit to society’ and damned if he didn’t eventually win me over.
The final kicker for me was when I pictured what the real rulers of our “republic” – the banks & insurance companies (well, the MIC and Big Pharma, too) – would feel about that. They’d absolutely freakin HATE the idea. They’d go absolutely nuts. Never you mind about the hundreds of billions of loans to foreign countries they cheerfully wrote of – they expect us Americans to pay our bills, dammit! And that was how I knew it was something that ought to be done. If a given thing makes your enemy weep…. you should do that thing.
I think that this is also one of the reasons that God’s law prohibits usury. It shifts the power from God’s appointed sovereign to simply whoever owns the notes.
To be honest I often wonder why VD advocates a debt jubilee. As banks are financed mostly by retail savers (basically also debt, money that savers loan deductible the bank). This will mean that eveybodies savings will also be wiped out. No problem for people who have more debt than savings. But if someone was living small and saving money to buy a house or whatever he will be screwed.
*to the bank instead of deductible. Apologies for the autocomplete typo
What you describe is part of the problem.
But loans are not based on deposits in our current system, the loaned money is created out of thin air.
The system is designed in such a way that there is not enough money in the world to pay off all the debt in the world so that eventually all assets are taken by the banks.
A jubilee is one of the few ways to fight the current system.
“…As banks are financed mostly by retail savers…”
Not true. Banks get their money from the FED and large conglomerations of floating short term lending. They can borrow any sum of money they want as long as they think it will profit.
Banks are financed by the interest. The bank never actually has the money. Fractional banking has meant for the past 70+ years that they only lended 10% of the money themselves, and the rest came from the fed. Now that is ZERO percent, with it all coming from the fed. The bank gets free money, gives it to you, and charges you for their free money.
Because this is money generated by the government (inflationary) when the debt is wiped out, it just means that people don’t have to pay money to the government (deflationary.) It is more inflationary to pay the money back (bank gets interest) than to forgive it.
The key is that this is money owed to the fed. When you don’t have to give your real money to the fed (who just makes up money) that is deflationary.
Since it is deflationary, this helps savers, as all deflationary measures do. If you deposit $100 in the bank, and two months later you can buy that same amount of bread for $90 (deflation) then you have more purchasing power. The person saving for a house is better off, because deflationary pressure will drive real estate prices down.
So? Dont forgive it. But allow them to declare bankruptcy on it, just like any other loan.
These were stupid kids who got suckered by a media-academic-banking racket. The propaganda whores on tv and film push college relentlessly, as do the high school teachers. The academics worked together with the banks to make it impossible to hire someone without a degree. That was the actual purpose of banning IQ testing and making it illegal not to hire minorities. So if a retarded black woman comes looking for a job you cant refuse her, you have to ask for a vollege degree, hoping that will be enough to filter out the morons.
The banks then demanded bankruptcy protection for all the bad loans they knew they were going to give out to kids who had no business even looking at college, annnd viola! You now have a broken mentally ill slave class.
So yes, I am 100% in favor of allowing students to declare bankruptcy ob their loans. Not “forgiveness”. Fuck the banks. They knew those loans were bad from the start, they figured the public woild be stupid enough not to understand.
No forgiveness, just allow bankruptcy. Thats fair.
If the banks or colleges had to eat it I would be fine with it.
We have historical precedent for all of this, conveniently, carefully, memory-holed. Until Biden wrote a bill as a senator, student debt was treated like any other debt: you could declare bankruptcy. A few medical students figured this out. They taught their peers to take on debt in pursuit of a medical degree, graduate with their MD, declare bankruptcy, and then, seven years later, after they’d built their practice for close to a decade, they would be rich. This bill is why a poorly spoken, socially awkward senator from a tiny state is now the president of the United States of America. He’s the bankers’ puppet.
This is also why Elizabeth Warren, as cutely racist, elitest, and plastic as she is, will not be president. Her early career focused on educating people about their debt.
The other memory holed bank actions: Iceland, which is doing fine right now. Henry the 8th, when he deaccessioned the monasteries- clawed back capital from both their version of banks, and their version of licensed education. The 109, (really, it’s more like 3,000+, there’s a spreadsheet) times families with certain skill sets were asked to relocate, I’d really even put the French Revolution in that category, the German Renaissance of the early 20th century, and the various serf rebellions in Middle Europe. I can’t even spell most of those.
The French revolutionists were, among other things, fighting to decapitate a company- Societe Generale- something like that- that had monopoly power on a great many things. Among them were cigarettes. They would hand smugglers. Carmen is an opera based on a smuggler’s story. I bet you’ve thought opera was hoity toity, or just about people screaming about love and passsion, not that it’s an artistic rendering of politics and economics. There’s an opera in America about the fight between the gold standard and gold and silver.
Lithuania is what the hostile elite had in mind for us- endlessly oppressed peasants enstupified, enslaved to drink and drugs, paying endlessly for our elites to party with Jewish merchants. The Bronfmans did not get off the boat, look around Canada, and say “Here’s the chance for a fresh start. Let’s be virtuous.” No, they started with alcohol, bought media, and sponsored a sex cult. They are still there. What else do you think they are doing now?
There’s a simple way to deal with this and with most debt. People think that someone actually lost something or traded cash to make these loans but that’s not the way it works. The FED created the cash out of thin air and gave it to the banks who charge interest on it. They won’t, but could, just tear up the loan contract and people stop paying the banks and the banks stop paying interest to the FED. The FED created the cash from nothing, and losing the interest then cost them nothing.
This is one huge advantage China has over us and they have been using to take all of our industry. They own their central bank and can give their companies unlimited amounts of money, compared to us, and if it doesn’t work out they can just tear up the debt contract and that’s it. Now of course there is a limit to the amount of money they can create but as we’ve seen in China and the US that limit is very large.
“So Europeans get to freeze because he has decided it is more important to “Decarbonize.” Nice.”
What about all the Africans in Europe? Their wide noses and dark skin make them more susceptible to health problems in Europe’s cold weather. Not sending them heating oil is… racist.
Actually, that could make a lot of them self-deport.
Two consecutive winters chopping wood for heat and the migrant crisis resolved itself. Putin fighting FOR Europe?
Coincidentally genuine Christians would end up doing that. Strange isn’t it.
The suicide, and eventual extinction, of the Irish. By 2050 the USA will collapse, Australia will be Chinese and Ireland will be black. Not a single safe place for the Irish anywhere on the planet.
The #Gingercide started in Hollywood will be complete. 🙁
We will see about America, China will be too busy collapsing to take over Australia so if someone else takes over it won’t be them, Ireland is probably toast.
God Bless President Trump! Mitch has got to go!
We are definitely being set up to lose the next world war. Consider all those Israeli kill switches in most Western military technology. We’ve already lost. The banksteins need the West destroyed so they can move on to their next host.
The doom approaches.
” California Department of Food and Agriculture reported a commercial poultry flock of 34,000 birds in Fresno County detected bird flu and was immediately euthanized to protect surrounding commercial flocks.”
Bird flu tests are a fraudulent as coof tests. It was a targeted destruction of livelihood and food supply.
In reading about the false credentials and degrees, I remembered some weird stuff about my high school graduation of all things. My class was roughly 300 students. After years of passing one another in the halls and being in random classes together, you know or at least recognize a name and face. There were a dozen kids at my graduation that absolutely no one knew or recognized when they were called to receive their diplomas. Homeschooling was not recognized at this time and wouldn’t receive a state diploma anyways. I remember people saying stuff like “who is that?” as these strangers would walk across the stage. Not saying its related but Cabal would definitely be able to insert people into ceremonies so everything is legit and maybe even create identities. “Heres my pictures from Law School graduation.”
OMG I remember thinking that too. It was explained away as they were at the vocational tech school.
Uncle Chuckie is discussing the evil eye. Stay far away from this.
> The Department of Justice (DOJ) released a 2019 memorandum Wednesday vindicating Trump, that explained that then-President Donald Trump should not be prosecuted for obstruction of justice because his statements about the Mueller investigation had a valid purpose.
His handlers probably expected people would be joyously dancing in the streets and demanding Trump be given a fair trial, then shot.
They live in their own pocket reality, only loosely intersecting with the real world. I think the backlash was a couple orders of magnitude larger than they expected. They thought maybe some crazed MAGA-hat-wearing deplorables would grumble and whine a bit; I doubt they foresaw anything like the support Trump got… even among the less-unhinged Democrats.
Now he’s firewalling himself from his minions in case the usual shrugs and coverups don’t work. The FBI has shat itself so many times just in the last decade, nobody likes them or will give them the benefit of the doubt.
> Joe Biden announces decision to forgive up to $20,000 in student debt per person.
That’s a bitch-slap to any fools who managed their money responsibly.
Suckas! Wait until “home loan” forgiveness comes to the table. Obama backed off on that due to the backlash, but after the student loan forgiveness, things will be different.
This is just another bank bailout, so the bankers don’t have to take the hit from all the defaults that would otherwise be coming.
Make student debt dischargeable in bankruptcy like everything else- the students have to take the 7 year hit on getting other loans, and the banks’ balance sheets have to eat the costs of making bad loans, not the tax payer.
This is just another wealth transfer from taxpayers to banks. The individuals benefitting from this is just a side effect- many probably would have just defaulted anyway.
The banks need to foot the bill then. Debt forgiven and no longer owed to banks without any bailout.
jubilee for all. not just the usual bail out only the jews
> U.S. Rep. Scott Perry seeks to block FBI from accessing his cell phone contents.
They had all the contents before they took it from him, other than maybe a few pictures he hadn’t sync’d to the cloud yet.
The best he can do is get the warrant invalidated, so they can’t use what they already have against him. And in this political climate, I don’t see that as likely.
> Notice these same people will drop $20 million to “fight global warming” which they know firsthand is bullshit.
“Fighting global warming” is just them moving money from one pocket to the other.
She apparently hired real lawyers, who want to be paid. And should have been smart enough not to work on credit. Apparently her sponsors want her in prison, otherwise they would have comped her by having top-flight firm represent her pro bono. Which also suggests they weren’t sure how the trial would go, even with a comped judge. Those damned juries sometimes don’t do what they’re expected to.
It’s all over but the betting pool – how many days before she’s Epsteined? And will she hang herself, be shanked in the showers, or “get COVID”, or even it’s-racist-to-call-it-monkeypox?
Here’s your blackpill for the day — this was likely just the last month’s bill, and they have been making her pay on receipt the whole time. $900K is about what it costs for BigLaw to do six weeks in trial. $50K-200K a week is normal.
> Uvalde school board fires police Chief Pete Arredondo after mass shooting.
I wonder what his severance package is going to look like?
Also note that none of his counterparts in Florida were more than temporarily inconvenienced after the shooting there.
There are way, way too many problems with the way the police handled Uvalde shooting to be explained by incompetence. It was a setup, and they were part of it. It’s strongly indicated in the Florida shooting, but in Uvalde they didn’t even try to hide it, other than a few ridiculous lies in the early days, almost instantly refuted by video from bystanders.
I wonder what job Pete is going to walk straight into? Something high paying and possibly doesn’t require him to turn up no doubt.
Loss of job for something of this magnitude is disgraceful. Gaol time at the very least is what should happen
I’ll put one quatloo on him being appointed to some fairly high Texas office overseeing law enforcement, and another quatloo for him being appointed as director of the FBI.
Not fucking likely. He’s a Democrat.
> Miller’s Organic Farm: Fighting for Sustainability. An Amish farmer is facing jail and $300,000 in fines for his multi-year battle with the federal government to operate his self-sustainable farm.
The Amish are targets for bad jokes, but they’re neither stupid nor poor. Years ago the US Air Force tangled with them when they tried to eminent-domain some property near Dover AFB for an expansion. The Amish fought them in court, and won.
They also went to court over the once-mandatory polio vaccine, and won. And child labor laws, and taxes, and mandatory military service, and some other things. For all practical purposes they’re an independent polity; living among the “English” (non-Amish), but not *of* them.
This ain’t their first rodeo. Their win record in court should have warned the Ag goons they were no pushover, but it’s likely they never bothered to research who they were screwing with.
“I never wear buttons but I got a cool hat
And my homies agree, I really look good in black…”
> Kim Kardashian beats Hilary Clinton in a legal knowledge contest.
Hillary got a law degree from Yale in 1973 and then passed the bar exams in Arkansas shortly after, but over the years – back when she was just the governor’s wife, even – some of “the words what were coming out of her mouth” indicating she had no idea what she was talking about. Nobody ever called her on any of it, at least in public.
Some of what she said was probably at Party insistence, to propaganda to assist whatever platform they were pushing at the time, but that’s not enough to explain some of her gaffes.
The most memorable one (at least for me) was when she announced that she was going to have the Department of Justice get rid of Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona. Apparently she had no idea that Sheriff Joe was an elected official and didn’t work for, nor have any responsibility to, the DOJ.
she is a loyal and high ranking club member, and one of their top brands. whether the original is dead or alive, sentient or babbling, walking or in a hospital bed, there will be a hilary for quite a while.
Of course, when Hillary says “ get rid of “, the options expand beyond the purely legal.
AC, short article crammed full of r/K examples, though none named as such. I think you’ll enjoy some of the sound bites.
> Italian man, 36, becomes the first person to simultaneously test positive for monkeypox, Covid and HIV. Viruses can sometimes swap genes in coinfections….
They’ll also sometimes move between animals as well. That was a fairly large WTF? when I first heard about it. There’s research being done on “cross species genetics” now. Like in Wuhan, for example.
We used to think the helical structure of DNA was at least partially to keep such things from happening. It turns out it’s not 100% effective, and there are ‘soft spots’ where alien genes can hook up.
> Penn medical school expands minority-candidate program that does not require the MCAT admissions test.
They’ll likely scream “dat be rayciss!”, but it’s not going to be long before people of any race – not just whites – are going to avoid “minority” medical providers, from MDs to LPNs.
I already screen for that. I even screen against women doctors. Their track record over the past decades, at least when dealing with me, has been heinous. One good female doc, top of her class. That’s it. She complained about how male doctors discriminated against her. It’s a tough rodeo, all around.
I want the guy who hurdled over every adversity with pure awesome skills, to even get into med school. That means straight,white, male doctors, preferably really conservative. It’s like mining for the top 1%, without credential inflation.
> More than 20 million Americans are behind on their utility bills.
…and I know of several people in my extended social group who are looking for work. They’d *love* to find one of those $20/hr service jobs that restaurants and stores claim they can’t fill, but strangely, none seem to be available in their areas.
The media had been banging on about the ‘labor shortage’ for more than a year… even though they’ve been laying off reporters, presenters, and staff the whole time.
> President Vladimir Putin is now betting that sky-rocketing energy prices and possible shortages this winter will persuade Europe to strong arm Ukraine into a truce — on Russia’s terms.
That was obvious to readers here after it became apparent Russia was in no hurry to wind things up.
It was so obvious, I keep wondering if Vlad’s plan goes a little deeper. Switzerland’s government decided to abandon their ancient policy of neutrality by declaring themselves Russia’s enemy. Leaders of over countries, eaten up with their own rhetoric, have let their mouths write checks their asses can’t cash. Germany is trying to keep the lid on “civil unrest” like they haven’t seen since the Weimar days. The whole EU is looking a bit shaky around the edges.
And… “Winter is coming.” General Winter *always* sides with Russia.
The longer Vlad draws things out, the better Russia’s negotiating position is.
>>Winter *always* sides with Russia<<
Yeah, Napolean and Hitler both got smacked with the truth of that.
> Woman sues psychiatrist for approving gender transition after just one meeting.
What an idiot. He *deserves* to be sued.
That patient was a cash cow he could have milked for months, maybe even a whole year. Evaluations, testing, counseling, a few referrals to other shrinks in his group… every visit billable to insurance under Obamacare regulations. He just signed off and let him/her/it walk away.
I’d like to take this Kardashian/Clinton law test to see how I fare. Kardashian just passed the CA Baby Bar (takes a decent amount of knowledge) after studying for it night and day. If I were to take the Baby Bar today, I’d have a problem. Say, for example, Contract Law. What are the three tiers of the UCC again? Course of Business? Course of Conduct? Typical Trade Practice? I don’t remember, it was too long ago.
This may be akin to “Doctor” “Oz”, where one forgets the basics after specializing. Hillary specialized in Theft and Murder Law, so we can’t expect her to remember Actual Law 50 years later.
Regardless, it is funny and satisfying to see Hellary [sic] floundering and not being able to pull a bottle of hot sauce from her purse.
I will say, Oz was violating a very fundamental tenet which is you never take chances. If a patient or fitness client says they feel off you take that very seriously, because the cost of taking it seri9ously is nill, but the cost of ignoring it could be high. With Oz, it was very weird.
Oh yeah. Actor, Ego, or Incompetence? None is acceptable.
To those taking exception to forgiveness of student loans:
Assume there are tens of millions of young men and women who have 20-50k in debt hanging over their heads, who won’t move out of their parent’s basement anytime soon as they take multiple part-time jobs to make ends meet…how the hell can they save for a starter home to get married and start a family?
DOES…NOT…MATTER whose fault it is, this situation is societal cancer. Jubilee all around, we need the birthrate to climb right now, AND it has to climb higher than normal because the vaxxed likely are sterile.
Millenials + Gen Zyklon: here’s your debt forgiveness if you get married and have 3 kids in next five years. Bonus: 15k rubles if you have 10 kids.
Regarding Lion/Lamb/Wolf.
I missed the discussion yesterday.
What if the Bible was always wolf and Hollywood kept repeating lion in all of the movies/tv/media etc? I was watching an older movie the other day and they said lion in the movie.
Seems to be more plausible that we don’t remember, because of the non-stop propaganda stream hitting us 24×7.
I’m going to have to go look through old bibles I have now.
That could be, and that was the psyop.
Was thinking the same thing. MGM also had a roaring lion before the start of the movie.
Yeah, I think that is it.
I saw the discussion, and did a quick google search of the verse from Isiah (chapter 6) in the King James version. I had remembered Lion/ Lamb too.
So what I found in the verse I read yesterday is that seven animals, herbivores and predators, and listed as co-existing with each other. This is the verse:
“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.”
Seven animals are listed, and aside from the fatling, whatever that is, they are listed in pairs, wolf/ lamb, leopard/ kid, lion/ calf. All predators and young domestic animals. The next two verses pairs a bear with a cow and an asp with a child.
Note that the original verse features a lion and a lamb, just the words are not immediately adjacent, but with the poetic meter used in the KGV, the lion and lamb are highlighted and that is what you remember. But I “remember” the verse through tons of cartoons and illustrations growing up showing a lion and lamb.
The obvious message is predators co-existing with domesticated animals, as in the movie “Zootopia” (actually a pretty good exploration of this), and the specific pairings don’t matter. But in real life you would be more likely to see wolves attack lambs in flocks, and lions going after bigger animals like calfs, so the verse as written makes more sense than the cartoon version.
So yes, I think its the American cartoons and illustrations that are causing people to mis-remember.
I didn’t join in the discussion because I could not find a way to articulate my thoughts but thank you Ed for doing it for me. I’m playing it probabilistically as usual because this is an open-ended problem with no resolution, but how Ed articulated it is where I personally assign the highest probability. I really, really like the whole quantum entanglement and time travel angles, though.
Just to stir up trouble how does it explain these searches. “church stained glass lion lamb”
church stained glass wolf lamb
and how the lion lamb way, way, way out numbers the wolf-lamb as I can find not one single wolf-lamb picture on the first page of images. Look at the lion-lamb pictures from actual churches and ask yourself why lion-lamb would be in these churches stained glass if it so nonsensical, AND it’s not in the bible?
There’s a glitch…somewhere. Do all these people in these churches that spent all this money on stained glass, not cheap, have the same metal disorder where they make up connections that never existed? How does that work?
While looking at lion-lamb pictures, I ran across a pastors blog the “lion lamb” blog so I asked him what his “first” impression from memory was about lion-lamb vs. lion-wolf and gave him this thread link. I wonder if he will comment and what he will say?
It could also be a representation of Jesus who, as we see in Revelations, is both Lion and Lamb. It could be an example of an ancient meme: The iconography just grew and became memetic somewhere in history. Churchians have made up stuff throughout the past 2 millennia, and the Lion-Lamb meme might actually be one of the more benign ones. Visually speaking, lion with lamb is a far more striking contrast than wolf with lamb. The artistic meme element might be strengthened considering most people throughout history had never seen a lion but canines were relatively common.
Either way, I just give Ed’s articulation more probabilistic weight. But I can neither qualify nor quantify the differences in probability.
It occurs to me that the thing that makes cabal types most uncomfortable is talking about cabal. They absolutely will not acknowledge it.
The same with gang stalkers of any kind. To this I would include people who have become your friends for the purpose of keeping eyes on you and manipulating you. I noticed that the big indication they were perps has always been a ridiculously strong denial accompanied by assertions that you were losing your mind. And they tend to want to abort the relationship. A genuine friend, on the other hand, doesn’t regard you having such feelings as a threat but becomes very concerned about you and your welfare.
It follows then that the best way to fight cabal is to talk about it. Tell others about it. Explain that is it the power behind the scenes and also responsible for local corruption.
It seems that what we really need a very solid, easy to read introduction to cabal that we can comfortably share with people.
Steven Hoffenberg, Epstein mentor and one-time New York Post manager, found dead