Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
I’ve noticed that a lot of shills in the comments I block are trying to attack Trump now over saying he supports the vaccine, and I have noticed a lot of influencers seem to be jumping on that bandwagon as well, notably Alex Jones. Apparently Cabal seems to have decided this might be a wedge they can use against Trump to split him from his base, after the crowd booed the vaccine at Trump’s rally. Their view appears to be, either Trump holds to his line on vaccines, and people get split from him, or he changes, and the media can go apeshit over him being anti-vax. I think there is a quite obvious reason Trump says he supports the vaccine, and it has to do with how he controls the media. I see the same theme in our dealings with Cabal elsewhere. We have truth on our side, while Cabal, and their foot soldiers on the left do not. As a result, Cabal’s fight is to control what is said, and most of all to prevent the truth form being spoken. What they want is to create some point of contention they can make the topic of endless, overwhelming discussion, to distract from all the myriad of issues in which truth is not in their favor. If Trump came out against the vaccine, it would immediately dominate the news. He would get labeled anti-vax. He would be blamed for all the cases emerging, even though that is totally bullshit. They would hang every death around his neck. It would dominate the news cycle. Everything coming out right now online, about election fraud, Biden’s incompetence, an actual intelligence operation penetrating our government and our media and our society, COVID being a bioweapon the Chinese released, maybe purposely, Hunter and Joe’s corruption, and on and on, it would all be drowned out by the news that Trump came out as an anti-vaxxer. I see this effect now. Our election was hacked, we were attacked with a Chinese bioweapon, and Cabal’s illegal intel op is visible everywhere, but Afghanistan is drowning out the news every single night and I can barely find anything else. The media is weak, but they can still affect the news environment, just by flooding stories onto the net about the subject. By refusing to give the media that advantage, Trump is allowing the grassroots percolation of all these damaging stories and preventing the media from stopping it. He doesn’t affect us, you could see it by our reaction at the rally. But he fucks the media, and by extension Cabal, just by pretending to be on their side.
True The Vote has been conducting a massive clandestine voter fraud investigation. The article describes them having terabytes of Cell phone ping data, petabytes of surveillance video of dropboxes just in Georgia, and them forming individual stories of ballot fraudsters amassing ballots and dropping them off at drop boxes at regular intervals using gloves, as well as collusions with government agents, and they are trying to get the data to replicate it in several other critical states.
Kamala delayed her trip while security assessed the risk posed by a possible new case of the Havana Syndrome that just hit someone in Vietnam – and the article notes it is not the first case there. The broad deployment in so many different countries, all of which have so much ground surveillance, makes me think this has to be Cabal(See a Vietnamese surveillance vehicle staking out a static posted position on the intersection just behind him, in the middle of rural-nowhere here. It is funny, but I’m serious. Why is that dude sitting there with his kids doing nothing in the middle of nowhere at the intersection? You can go a half mile behind him, where there are no intersections, and not see a single person until you hit the next little dirt road going off to the side (at which point you get one of these rototilller-driven trailers and a motorbike). Hit an intersection, and there someone is, either sitting there or just rolling up to it, using something like that fucking thing as a surveillance vehicle to monitor which road you take so he can radio it to the team.). The problem with using something like the Havana device against the greatest superpower on earth is, if things are even vaguely like we are told, you have assume it will be unraveled, especially in this surveillance environment. You have to assume your complicity will be ascertained, and then ask yourself if it will be worth the cost when that happens, because the US will start fucking shit up and killing people over this. Whoever this is, has either concluded they can never be discovered, which seems unlikely, or they have concluded that if they are discovered, there is nothing the United States can do to them, or they have concluded that if they do not take this shot, they are dead anyway. The only two answers I think might fit are Cabal making a desperate last stand, or interdimensionals/cryptoterrestrials. Whatever it is, it feels like this piece of the puzzle is integral to what is going on more broadly. I wonder if they have tried to corelate all satellite overflights with attacks, or if they have assumed a localized device deployment.
Cyber Ninjas AZ audit team is “quite sick” with COVID-19.
The new intramuscular injectable antibody therapy for COVID was found to reduce risk of symptomatic COVID-19 by 77 percent for up to 12 months. If this works the way they say, it is vastly better than any vaccine. And of the 23% who developed disease, it is likely it was minor, I would assume.
Washington public school forces unvaccinated student athletes to wear ankle monitors. Insidious, as it is taking the likely free-thinking kids, and beginning to try and inculcate them with submissiveness to authority.
There are 70 CCP members on the Pfizer investment board.
Fireman protests mandatory vaccinations at rally in California. Firefighters are robust and generally healthy, so they want to get them thrown into a vaccination group.
From here, Soros-backed officials backing Soros backed officials to protect assets supporting the Cabal COVID psyop and school shutdowns: “Last Friday, Commonwealth Attorney Jim Hingeley voluntarily dismissed the removal case brought by Fairfax parents against Fairfax County School Board Member Elaine Tholen. Hingeley, one of five Soros-backed Commonwealth Attorney’s in Virginia was hand-selected to “represent” these parents by Fairfax Commonwealth Attorney Steven Descano, who is also a member of the Soros-backed prosecutor club and recused from the case before selecting Hingeley to parachute in from neighboring Albemarle County.” The machine has placed assets everywhere.
Why has the number of Covid-19 deaths surged in Singapore, even as vaccination rates go up? It is most likely the vaccines, but I would not put it past the elites to be infecting yogurt fermenters, or other foodstuffs, or even spraying the mail with viruses to feed the variant psyop and keep the lockdowns going. This is courtesy of intelligence operations, and when dealing with intel operations, there are no limits to what they will do to achieve an objective.
Heavily vaccinated Israel passes 1 million total COVID cases, and approaches a one-day record.
You aren’t legally allowed to know which variant gave you COVID-19 in the US, even if it’s Delta. Basically it looks like the government didn’t approve any variant test so it wouldn’t have to tell anyone what variant they have or don’t have, which means all this bullshit about variant results is probably completely made up and they may not even be testing it. And even better the article notes they could release the data, and may even do so in the future, even though the article says the law prevents it, because there is a loophole which says they can do whatever they want just by determining a variant is bad. So at present they aren’t determining the Delta variant is all that bad, and nobody is allowed to know what the variant tests they may or may not be getting back say. There are no rules and there are no laws, as far as the Cabal is concerned.
CDC counts people dying within 14 days of a jab as “unvaccinated.”
Best phrase I’ve seen lately – “The Endless Wars have morphed into the Endless Pandemics.”
Facebook allowed the Taliban the use of WhatsApp.
President Joe Biden again walked away from answering any questions from reporters about the thousands of Americans stranded in Afghanistan on Tuesday. It is incredible desperation for them to endure the optics of a doddering old man running away after every speech. Either that, or very affecting script writing designed with a purpose.
Afghan evacuees arrive in the US; Biden says numbers may rise to 65,000. Judging by the numbers at the article, it looks like the numbers will top out at 26,500 Afghans total, pulled out of Kabul since July, however as the next story shows, many of those are going to other countries, so just how many will make it into the US is very, very hazy. But it will be nothing near 65,000, given down below the Taliban are shutting down all Afghanis trying to get to the airport.
People posing a ‘direct threat’ to the UK are found among potential Kabul evacuees.
Taliban say Afghans will no longer be allowed to get to the Kabul airport.
UK Sharia Council scholar says, ‘Every Muslim I know’ is celebrating the Taliban victory.
TV Academy revokes Cuomo’s Emmy amid scandal and resignation.
Andrew Cuomo gives clemency to the father of SF District Attorney Chesa Boudin, for killing two Police Officers and a security guard for money when he was in the Weather Underground. This guy getting locked up was why Chesa Boudin was raised by Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn. The interesting thing to me is, as Cuomo was watching his life’s ambition to be President unravel, the last thing he was doing was trolling the record books of washed up hippies to find one to help out and pardon. This was an order which came from down from above somewhere. I wish I knew who gave it. All of these people were always part of the network. It makes the old stories look different. People were told, the sons and daughters of the ultra-successful and rich, went rogue and just got wrapped up in the zeitgeist of the moment, and joined these terrorist groups like the Weather Underground, and left behind the money and the prestige because they believed in the cause. Now I am thinking, their parents were successful and these kids were all rich because their parents were in the Cult of the Secret Society. And when CIA, or whoever was running Cabal ops back then, needed actors to play the role of hippie terrorists in a controlled script, they went to these most trusted families who were so addicted to the wealth and ease offered by Cabal, and said, “We need your kids to play these roles for the cult’s latest societal production.” I would bet if you were a genuine believer who was not in the cult, and you began to become prominent in one of those hippie groups, Cabal would have burned you to the FBI to get you out of the way so you couldn’t go off-script and screw up their tightly controlled production. My guess is the vast majority of the cops didn’t know, and periodically fucked things up by catching some of these little shitbags red handed. Though at this point if you told me this particular asshole had been on an island in Tahiti for the duration of his supposed sentence these past decades, and this was just giving him the ability to re-enter regular society under his real identity so he could meet with his kid, probably with a big hidden bank account, I would be unsurprised.
Democratic-led House authorizes $3.5 trillion of spending as national debt climbs to $29 trillion.
The Census numbers get altered by a computer algorithm but the news says it is “totally honorable,” because it is just designed to help hide private information. The bullshit looks deep in this one. It sounds like they got caught in that town with only one resident adding a second, and are scrambling to explain it away.
Airbnb is planning to start housing 20,000 Afghan refugees around the world free of charge, the company’s CEO, Brian Chesky, said Tuesday. How can a publicly traded company just fuck away stockholder’s monies like this?
Afghanistan’s gay men fear death as Taliban judge OKs stonings. So they don’t have to find a wall to collapse on them now, anyway. Given how few walls Afghanistan has to begin with, clearly they had to do something.
Brazilian bishop resigns after leak of explicit video of him masturbating with another homosexual over videochat. It is not chance, nor despite this, that he rose so high.
CIA director begged Taliban for an extension to have more time to evacuate more people from Afghanistan but was denied. It feels like if Cabal was in control, they would dictate these things, and we would just stay. I almost get the feeling that what this really was, was the DCIA asking the Taliban to side with Cabal, and not Trump and Q’s counter-conspiracy. And he was rejected.
More talk Pope Francis may step down, and we may get a new Pope.
Candace Owens is facing a $20 million defamation lawsuit for claiming GOP House candidate Kim Klacik was a strip club madame and a money launderer. I believe Candace was one of the models featured on that website where so many young conservatives female influencers first posted modeling resumes before ending up being propelled into becoming “Conservative influencers.” No idea what Kalcik’s story is, but so much in politics is not what it seems, I would bet she has more support from a high-ranking somebody than is apparent at first glance.
I have no idea if this is real, and there is way too much to go through in one night even if I didn’t have this site, but I’m including it here for archival purposes. The World Crime Syndicate Blog details the hierarchy of Cabal, supposedly.
House delays vote to advance Biden’s economic agenda as centrist Democrats derail Pelosi’s plans.
Biden’s approval is down to 41%. It is in USA Today, which I take as a sign either Cabal is turning on him, or we are entering a phase of the script where he is replaced by Kamala, (or maybe Nancy, if Kamala is shown to be ineligible due to the natural born requirement).
Adam Schiff storms out of classified briefing and throws Biden under the bus, blaming him for Afghanistan. “Storm’s out?” Schiff gets the intelligence, and in a rage throws Biden under the bus? I think it is looking very likely Biden has broken with Cabal to help the Storm-makers, and now Cabal is breaking with Biden. The Storm is out and about.
U.S. Supreme Court requires Biden to revive Trump-era ‘remain in Mexico’ immigration policy.
We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.
Biden surrendered Afghanistan to terrorists and left thousands of Americans for dead by pulling out the Military before our citizens. Now we are learning that out of the 26,000 people who have been evacuated, only 4,000 are Americans. You can be sure the Taliban, who are now in complete control, didn’t allow the best and brightest to board these evacuation flights. Instead, we can only imagine how many thousands of terrorists have been airlifted out of Afghanistan and into neighborhoods around the world. What a terrible failure. NO VETTING. How many terrorists will Joe Biden bring to America? We don’t know!
“If you can bear it, these past 18 months have been a blessing to us all. What was taken from you? Movie theaters, bars, sporting events, trust in politicians, faith in government, belief in the power and competence of man. Through the scourge of these hard days, Christ has stripped from you everything that kept you from Him; He pulled back the veil, took away your distractions, brought mortality and persecution and the afterlife to the forefront of your mind and attention. All the things He wanted you to focus on before, things you hid from yourself through escapism and entertainment, He is now forcing you to look at and meditate on constantly. Praise Him for all things! For He knew, in your weakness, there was no better way to get your attention on Him than to take away everything *but* Him. And in so doing, in showing you the Truth, He has shown you the way to salvation.” – Brother Augustine
Can’t he just show us the way backed up by some good arguments and Excel graphs?
Why do I have to suffer because others have the intellects of farm animals?
People are losing hard won careers, their sanity, and even loved ones.
I’ve only seen one graph in all my time in Church. It was titled “Standards over time” and the line on it only went down. Then there was another line at the top, it was straight. It was called “Heavenly standards”. The point was it isn’t good enough to just be better than the world, there are stricter standards we have to meet.
Good arguments for following standards are found in the Bible and throughout history. This guy, J.D. Unwin, demonstrates it in a way any secular non-believer should be forced to explain before they advance any of their “theories”
Agreed. I was already awake.
Why did God cede dominion over this earth to monsters? Why torture your children?
No good answers.
>”Why did God cede dominion over this earth to monsters?”
Because of the original sin of Adam and Eve.
Basically, from what I understood (and those more experienced correct me if I say something retarded, I am quite new to this) God told Adam and Eve to NOT eat from the Tree of Life while they were in the Garden of Eden, but they disobeyed Him after Satan seduced Eve to take a bit from the apple and Eve seduced Adam to eat along with her (simp move from Adam btw, should have told her to stop being silly but oh well). So the Earth became a fallen place, where Satan and his devils are allowed to temp humans, and now humans have to prove worthy of going to Heaven by using their free will to chose the instructions of God. So basically we are stuck in a place where this immortal evil psychopath (Satan) is allowed to try to trick/tempt us into forfeiting salvation.
From what I understood, God created humans, and then Satan fell into pride along with other angels (hence the term fallen angels, those are the demons) because he went all gamma boi on God and wanted to be the alpha chad himself and replace God, so God thru him out of Heaven (along with all the ones that fell with him), and as far as I understood God wants to replace the fallen angels with humans to live along with Him in Heaven, so he told Adam and Eve to multiply, but His plan was delayed because Adam and Eve fell into disobedience (ate the forbidden fruit), and now instead of all of Adam and Eve’s linage (aka humanity) going directly to Heaven to replace the fallen gamma angels, we need to first prove our worth (we have to obey God).
>”Why torture your children?”
The best way I have heard it explained is that God allows us to be tested for those reasons above, and when we suffer is like a father disciplining his children.
Right. God isn’t torturing us. We are torturing ourselves. If we could live without sin we wouldn’t suffer.
>”Can’t he just show us the way backed up by some good arguments and Excel graphs?”
You ever saw some one turn to God after an excel presentation? The only way I can see that happening is that if the meeting is so painfully boring that the person can’t help itself but starting praying to God so the torture ends, which is kind of the point.
More seriously thou, if you see what happened in Russia with the (((Bolshevik))) revolution, or any place where catastrophes happen you’ll realize that it’s when things are hard that most people tend to even consider turning to God. It’s just the way things are, just like the more diversity you insert into a region the worse everything becomes, the less suffering and hardship people go thru the less inclined they are to turn to God for some reason.
God have mercy on our souls.
Also, for those that might be interested, this book called “The Prologue of Ohrid” is a great source of content to put in perspective our sufferings, it’s about the lives of Saints and Martyrs and its a really eye opener regarding some of the stuff that good people had to endure in other eras (some of them endured gruesome torture that was no joke at all (no torture is, but some of the stuff in there, well, you get the idea)):
It’s available for free here:
or here:
those sites have no https, so if you don’t want to use them in a safer manner, you can always run the links thru in order to use a proxy of sorts).
That’s a great quote from Brother Augustine.
Oy vey, anti-Semitism!
“House delays vote to advance Biden’s economic agenda as centrist Democrats derail Pelosi’s plans.”
Old News.
Made obsolete by:
“Democratic-led House authorizes $3.5 trillion of spending as national debt climbs to $29 trillion.”
“Adam Schiff storms out of classified briefing and throws Biden under the bus, blaming him for Afghanistan. “Storm’s out?” Schiff gets the intelligence, and in a rage throws Biden under the bus? I think it is looking very likely Biden has broken with Cabal to help the Storm-makers, and now Cabal is breaking with Biden. The Storm is out and about.”
Or it is all an act to replace him with Nazi Pelosi or the Camel:
“Biden’s approval is down to 41%. It is in USA Today, which I take as a sign either Cabal is turning on him, or we are entering a phase of the script where he is replaced by Kamala, (or maybe Nancy, if Kamala is shown to be ineligible due to the natural born requirement).”
schiff is concerned over who is leaving afg. dual/multi citizens must not be getting out.
Mount Athos Elder has a message about the death shots:
Scientists are using monoclonal antibodies as a contraceptive:
UNC again? They just can’t stay out of the news.
I’ll slap ankle monitors on all of those rebellious little punks if it’s the last fucking thing I do!
Jeffrey D. Jones: Another Hollywood pedo…although you could never tell by looking at him.
“Why has the number of Covid-19 deaths surged in Singapore, even as vaccination rates go up? It is most likely the vaccines, but I would not put it past the elites to be…”
Occam’s razor called for here, AC. The vaccinated are the super-spreaders of mutations (variants) that have altered the spike protein RBD enough to evade the alpha-spike protein-directed mRNA vaccines. It isn’t asymptomatic non-vaxed causing the spread of the mutations, but (as in Israel, UK, Iceland, and the highest % vaxed California counties) the vaccinations themselves. It is increased mutation pressure because the mRNA and adenovirus vector vaxes only targeted a single protein, the original alpha spike.
“Heavily vaccinated Israel passes 1 million total COVID cases, and approaches a one-day record.”
Contrast with the low % vaccinated Palestinians who have no spike in cases.
“You aren’t legally allowed to know which variant gave you COVID-19 in the US, even if it’s Delta.” And they still run the PCR cycles rates higher for non-vaxxed than for vaxxed? Easy way to skew results, sports fans.
What is just as shocking is the announcement in May 2021 by CDC that there is no need to determine the presence of sterilizing antibodies in the population at large (ie. determine herd immunity). Wrap your head around that. In the face of this “deadly pandemic,” a pandemic that is being used as the casus belli to ram through sea changes in the way society, including children, interact with each other, even to the point of not allowing travel, employment, health care and schooling for those unwilling to receive this experimental agent (now shown to be useless at preventing infection and spread), in the face of this Marvel-comic level cataclysmic tomfoolery, our Center for “Disease Control” has no interest in determining herd immunity.
Why? Because it would explode their demands that “everyone be vaxxed” if it turns out that we’ve already reached herd immunity.
This is not a health issue any longer. This is a propaganda war. 2 points, repeat and repeat:
1. This is no longer about science
2. This is about political control by elites
The virus/vaccines is the vector to permanently establish totalitarianism in the West.
(This last is for the fictional hero they call “Lem”):
If you want a vision of the future imagine Dr. Fauci doing a rectal exam on you, forever.
>”If you want a vision of the future imagine Dr. Fauci doing a rectal exam on you, forever.”
Cabal owns google, owns their cars.
You think they are going to burn their own network this hard? You think ground surveillance doesn’t notice the weird car with cameras all over it and just goes about their day?
Maybe, but I’m thinking no.
And yet they follow the google car in the US, where Cabal is definitely in full control of everything, from the google car to the ground surveillance. So they are following their own cars, and in doing so, burning their own network.
I think the google car is not just a google car taking pics. I think there is something else in it, much more sensitive, which would freak people out much, much more if it was revealed. Maybe it is mapping out house interiors as it drives by (and giving everyone the equivalent of 50,000 X-rays each time it passes), or mapping something else very sensitive like computer network topography, or smart device deployment at each location and what can be pulled off it if a team wants to get inside the house, or something else, maybe even active network hacking and malware placement in everything it touches over the air as it passes, to make sure there are backdoors everywhere in the event a target goes in a house, so the team can immediately get inside everything in there and use it to spy.
I think they can’t guarantee every google car driver is one of their’s, or that he won’t get carjacked as he is driving around, and so as a redundancy, they drop all this coverage on the google car to make sure the driver, or even a carjacker, doesn’t pull it into an alcove, crack the hood, and do a detailed examination of whatever the sensitive tech inside is, or even pull it out and get picked up by another car and disappear. I think that google car would be practically a national security secret itself, if only there were actually nations.
Long before I pointed out all this surveillance in all these different nations was burning itself on Google Streetview, we had reports of gangstalkees who tried to escape to countries which should have been opposed to the intel operations in their own countries, only to find out these new countries had a ground/civilian informant/surveillance infrastructure which had been briefed on them and their status as a gangstalkee, and which picked up and continued their harassment. I think the intelligence agencies in every Cabal nation are actually structured with a central command, especially in the ground surveillance, which bypasses their governments and runs right to whatever Cabal’s command structure is. It might be just leadership diverted into Cabal and everyone below false-flagged, or it might be everyone down to the ground level is part of a cult-like organization, I have no idea. But it goes to the same place.
I remember somebody describing how the stores they went into in the US fucked with them in the US, pretending they stole stuff, so they finally packed up their life and got to China, and the shopkeepers in rural areas did the exact same thing to them, calling the cops and making a scene. They were convinced whatever it was, was the exact same machine in the US and China, it seamlessly followed them, and it wasn’t US national intel or Chinese national intel.
These are the same networks in most of these places – with the exception of Russia. Notice, here in Vietnam, this is a civilian network made up of locals driving the exact same fucked up cars common to this rural area. And it will be different people at each corner. In Russia, I go to poor areas where everyone’s car is rusted right out, and the surveillance at each intersection is a nice, shiny, brand new sedan or SUV, obviously shipped in from Moscow.
They probably have some sort of civilian network in Russia for domestic surveillance, but it looks to me like it is super thin and about what you would expect from a superpower doing national security or law enforcement, and not up to this gangstalking-level of coverage. My bet is if I landed in Moscow, even as a US citizen, I could lose my surveillance there because Russia actually allows their citizens to have privacy, and their network in its most dense area would be a small fraction of the most unmanned corner of the US. Being raised with the whole myth that America is so free, and there is a Constitution, and we are all on the same team as citizens, and we would respect everyone’s privacy as fellow citizens, it is shocking, and it took a lot of observation to get here, where I see the entire US government as a mere illusion.
But you go to any Cabal nation, from China to Iran, and the network you see is the super-bizarre, ultra-massive civilian network made up of locals who live right in that area and are on call to go following people around the moment they enter that sector. The only way I see these networks being created is either massive graft from the government, or a massive, corrupt secret society which is shutting everyone else out of the business environment, and probably even the criminal environment, kind of like the mob, only backed by the government and intel agencies. There is no way you fund something this massive out of normal channels.
I have to disagree somewhat on Russia – lived there for 18 months as a US citizen doing nothing worthy of surveliience interest. FSB was set up in the apartment next door for sure, listening inside my apartment for sure, and observing my computer usage at home in real time – literally could see them moving files around, websites blocked on my second visit to them (they don’t censor you btw). In some instances, kompromat attempts were obvious. Others may have been more slick and I didn’t pick up on them. Only noticed ground survellience once. And the computer stuff didn’t happen at cafes, just at home.
That said, there was never anything overtly hostile or threatening, No dangerous emf like you talk about. I got the sense that, since I was outside of a major cosmopolitan area they were (1) practicing and somewhat bored, (2) gathering info on what Americans are like generally, and (3) building a file just incase I’m ever imprtant some day. But I won’t be.
Thanks for the ground report. I would expect surveillance in Russia myself, just being an American, and I can even respect spooks who are protecting their homeland that has let me be a guest and don’t fuck up my life in the process. My main point was when I go to poor areas, the surveillance doesn’t seem to be locals doing it, like in America. So I assume those poor areas are kind of left alone somewhat by the government, and they don’t have a local network there to spy on everyone the way we do in the US. I extrapolate from it the difference is their surveillance is a smaller, professional operation that precisely targets foreigners and natsec threats. That is fine by me.
I don’t mind the US having the ability to put a foreigner in the US under coverage, even heavily. I would not even care if they harmlessly watched innocent citizens for practice here and there, if they evaporated immediately and left them alone if they noticed.
I really hate though, seeing the country split in every major neighborhood, with one side made up of just regular citizens who offer fealty to the assholes like McCabe and Strzok, and Hillary and Obama, and in return are allowed inside everyone’s homes, to invade everyone’s privacy, and to take control of everyone in their local community, determining which kids get beaten up or bullied at school through their kid-spies, harassing anyone they want openly, and protecting criminal groups like MS-13. Versus a second side made up of the rest of us who just want to be left alone, and have to hope our local neighborhood watchers don’t have a serial killer, or Date-rape-drug gang-rapist-crew in among them. Call me crazy, but that just feels like an untenable situation, even before you look at how it will inevitably lead to abuse, tyranny by assholes like Hillary, and shit like the election fraud.
You can see, you can’t get me started. I immediately add on like 30 blood pressure points.
But fascinating to see what a sharp guy in Russia notices.
“I have no idea if this is real, and there is way too much to go through in one night even if I didn’t have this site, but I’m including it here for archival purposes. The World Crime Syndicate Blog details the hierarchy of Cabal, supposedly.”
I’ve concluded the gist of this is accurate, from reading other relevant sites. The core of the cabal is most likely aristocratic European families. Though the article doesn’t say that a big part of their control is through control of various investment funds, which allows them to remotely control publically traded companies, and also governments, which raise most of their money now by issuing debt instead of taxes.
A historical note is in order on the Bonapartes, which are listed, which raises some questions as to the specific names. I think the specific senior members are very well hidden. Charles Bonaparte, the Attorney General who created the FBI (which remember could have been converged at a later date), was the grandson of Jerome Bonaparte, one of Napoleon’s brothers, but it was due to a rogue marriage with an American that Napoleon had annulled. So this is a black sheep branch of the family and doesn’t really imply that Napoleon himself was cabal. It is more likely historically that the western cabal originated in the 18th century in opposition to the French Revolution and liberalizing movements, given their likely provenance in the European aristocracy. The eastern cabal originated separately at the same time, among opponents of reform at the Qing court.
This is all guesswork, and I’m repeating the work of other CT which have traced whichever secret society that is behind globalization and the COVID operation to European aristocracy.
Kissinger worships Metternich for a reason; Tallyrand’s longeivity as practically an open double+ agent probably owed to membership in such a syndicate. As for the Emperor’s line
Bosley explores questions about Napoleon’s paternity — if correct, he possessed putative Merovingian claims to kingship (or it suited him to suggest as much, with the honey bee heraldry). Then there’s the issue of his lookalike elder brother replacing him on Elba before surrender, taking the offer delivered by two US naval officers (they used this ruse actively during campaigns to conceal/protect his movement). Still stranger possibilities arise, along the lines of elderly German General August v. Mackensen having been replaced with a capable British defector with a similar appearance.
(((European families)))
If you think Cabal is exclusively Jewish then you haven’t dug deep enough yet.
I don’t think gaybal is exclusively Jewish, but I am 95% positive that their leadership is most likely Jewish, and even if that hypothesis is wrong and their leadership is not Jewish, it’s a verifiable fact that their main tool in their tool box is Jewish collective power.
Which reminds me of another thing I have seen repeatedly in some places, which is some Christians posting and saying things to basically the effect of “religious Jews are alright”/”Judaism is based and alright”, and to give them the benefit of the doubt (because at worst they are being willingly subversive, and at best are being naive and ignorant, and some of them get salty if you contradict them to the point of accusing you of trying to make them look like liar and damage their brand and things like that), the reason why they are wrong is because once the religious leaders of Judaism decide that their fake “Messiah” has arrived (and Judaism is fundamentally anti-Christian because it rejects the fact that Christ is their true Messiah (as well as being an universal Messiah (which the narcissistic special boi syndrome Jews don’t like because they want to be the choosenites))), they are going to have to wage an even bigger war against Christianity, and a reminder that what they are expecting is a military leader Messiah, so peace is going to be much less of an option once the leaders of Judaism decide their fake “Messiah” has arrived. And btw, Christians are considered idolaters in Judaism (but Muslims aren’t curiously), and according to the Noahide Laws (which Chabad openly talks about wanting to implement world-wide) idolaters need to be beheaded.
So Christians and the West need to be aware that this cold war of Jewish collective power trying to destroy Western people and Christianity is only going to escalate until the territory power brokers and power structures change hands. Again, this is not being hateful or trying to incite hate or any other non-sense, it’s just reality and trying to pretend this isn’t reality is not only stupid, it’s evil.
“I have no idea if this is real, and there is way too much to go through in one night even if I didn’t have this site, but I’m including it here for archival purposes. The World Crime Syndicate Blog details the hierarchy of Cabal, supposedly.”
That is a fascinating link. As a pdf file, it runs roughly 1320 pages.
You can do searches on “Trump” or “Q anon” or “Walton” and see what pops up.
Agree that Trump being low-key pro-vax is a necessity simply by considering the inverse: If he were anti-vax the Cabal’s media/political/academic cathedral would have weaponized it into a final and fatal character assassination of him. It is amazing to witness how well Trump frustrates them.
At this point he should just stop saying anything.
Getting booed at the rally should tell him that.
Exactly. The moment he ramped up production of vaccines for a virus with a 99% plus survival rate he was screwed.
How hard would it have been to simply say, we will wait 3 months and see if any of our therapeutics work because if they do then we can register a vaccine. it was that effin simple.
So, though I appreciate ACs view now, at the time Trump rushed to the vaccine, that was the height of stupidity.
Every time he brings it up now at a rally or anywhere else, just makes people puke. This vaccine issue is what denies him the ability to run again I think. But who else could run?
Unless De Santis supports an audit of Florida, I wouldn’t trust him. De Santis could well be Cabal. He supports the vaccine, isn’t pushing for Hydroxy or ivermectin, didn’t fire any of the county officials who mandated masks, and isn’t supporting an election audit in his state.
Yep. Better not even mention it. And there is a reason why I think he said that and didn’t just not touch the subject that would contradict the hypothesis that it is just to confuse or frustrate the criminals in the MSM, but I don’t want to increase the level of controversy in my Very Important Comments : DDDDDDDDD
Anyway, we should be praying for the man (and everyone akshually, but you get what I mean), and God willing we’ll see things happen with as little destruction and misery as possible.
Vox Day has an interesting post this morning about the necessity for an individual to seek the good and the true. Modern society and culture actively dissemble and divert us from this pursuit. So much so that it behooves us to question why and to seek the truth but, as we know, that has become very nearly a crime. In that context, the Socratic questions of Q, President Donald Trump’s challenges to Fake News, and sites like AC’s and Vox’s are critical to our awakening thought process.
Trump’s November 2016 defeat of the Senatrix was a devastating strike at the heart of the Pornocracy. Some believe it was the work of Oathkeepers – current and former military who have vowed to defend the U.S. Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic. If so, their principles of virtue and honor likely uphold the best intentions of our Founding Fathers. That such morality continues to exist we know because we here uphold it in our lives as best we can despite the perverse daily onslaught of immorality we’re subjected to.
Referencing Confucius (551 – 479 B.C.) and his “The Great Learning”:
“The ancients who wished to illustrate illustrious virtue throughout the kingdom, first ordered well their own states. Wishing to order well their states, they first regulated their families. Wishing to regulate their families, they first cultivated their persons. Wishing to cultivate their persons, they first rectified their hearts. Wishing to rectify their hearts, they first sought to be sincere in their thoughts. Wishing to be sincere in their thoughts, they first extended to the utmost their knowledge. Such extension of knowledge lay in the investigation of things.
Things being investigated, knowledge became complete. Their knowledge being complete, their thoughts were sincere. Their thoughts being sincere, their hearts were then rectified. Their hearts being rectified, their persons were cultivated. Their persons being cultivated, their families were regulated. Their families being regulated, their states were rightly governed. Their states being rightly governed, the whole kingdom was made tranquil and happy.
From the Son of Heaven down to the mass of the people, all must consider the cultivation of the person the root of everything besides. It cannot be, when the root is neglected, that what should spring from it will be well ordered.”
The above from:
That post links to Edward Feser’s blog post from yesterday. Feser quotes Will Durant’s 1935 thoughts on the above passage:
“This is the keynote and substance of the Confucian philosophy; one might forget all other words of the Master and his disciples, and yet carry away with these “the essence of the matter,” and a complete guide to life. The world is at war, says Confucius, because its constituent states are improperly governed; these are improperly governed because no amount of legislation can take the place of the natural social order provided by the family; the family is in disorder, and fails to provide this natural social order, because men forget that they cannot regulate their families if they do not regulate themselves; they fail to regulate themselves because they have not rectified their hearts – i.e., they have not cleansed their own souls of disorderly desires; their hearts are not rectified because their thinking is insincere, doing scant justice to reality and concealing rather than revealing their own natures; their thinking is insincere because they let their wishes discolor the facts and determine their conclusions, instead of seeking to extend their knowledge to the utmost by impartially investigating the nature of things.”
It’s so interesting how things come into your life as you’re ready for them.
Lately I’ve been thinking about becoming religious again, that without a spiritual life, morality is impossible. Game theory is selfish, and it’s a sad way to live.
So to be good, to be moral, you need spirituality. As a society loses its moral compass, it crumbles. Why follow laws when it doesn’t suit you? Why follow the rules if you only have one life to live and it’s over?
So a functioning society needs morality, to have morality you need spirituality, to develop spiritually you need a shared religious framework that each person strives to hold themselves and each other to.
Basically what a Chinese dude said 5000 years ago.
Begome Ordodox!
Or when they hit, they hit fast. I always wanted to have a family since I was a wee lass. But age 29 was when the real determination hit. It’s hard to explain the shift from”want” to “deep desire”. Next thing I know, I meet a man at my work (we swere asigned to the same project), instant attraction for both of us, both Trump supporters :), he asks me out on a date, five months later we’re married, and now, two years after that, we already have two daughers and plan for two more children. In spite of the world going to Hell, this past couple years have been the best I could have ever imagined. The world is darkening, but my family is nothing but love and light.
Congratulations! I’m happy for you.
Dave S is a gentleman and an example for all of us striving to become proficient wahmen respecters.
I feel the need to repent now for deciding to post a retarded joke image instead of congratulating you for your children and for finding someone willing to put up with you : DDDDDDDDD
Thank you. I refer to the time before my wedding simply as The Before Time. 🙂
Thanks for all the comments, everyone. Yes, even the snarky ones. I have a dark sense of humor and grew up on 4/8chan, so I can take it. 😉
>”The Before Time”
You wahmen are so gae.
Just kidding, marriage is a very sacred thing, and I can understand completely.
>”It’s hard to explain the shift from”want” to “deep desire”.”
Not really:
Very funny, but it was more than that, I think, altough it could have been biological imperitive manfesting as psychological intention. Could have been a predetermined life path putting up road signs. ???
Regardless, it worked out well, which is what matters.
I probably shouldn’t say this (you probably won’t believe it, and some people get really pissed about it), but IMHO people are much more alike (in a variety of ways, even the ones that are the most different from each other) than our egos would like to trick us into believing (egos have a small hat mentality and love to try to make us believe we are special unique snowflakes (although everyone is special in the eyes of God, we are all made possible only by His love)), and one of the things that’s super predictable about human nature/psychology/biology is that wahmen, with very few exceptions, all are driven to have kids (even those with intimacy issues that insist they don’t want relationships in their youth (but if they are faced with a dominant male figure, their true inner subconscious desire for building a family gets unleashed (and its very bad karma to toy with that)), or those who believe they want a career because they have been tricked into believing that’s what’s going to make them feel whole and happy (in most cases it’s a lie, and they go nuts later in life in many cases), etc.).
We are all special in a way (we are all souls God wants saved, each of us a unique soul), but for the most part, the way we work (our mind/body) is not that different (off course there is massive difference between the 2 genders (even measurable in the way the brain structures work and respond to various types of stimuli)), even when there are differences (in personality, preferences, etc). I don’t know how to articulate what I mean and I feel like I am sperging too much.
>”biological imperitive manfesting as psychological intention.”
There is no difference IMHO, the mind, body and soul are interdependent on each other (until the body/mind dies and then the soul goes in it’s journey beyond (but as far as I understood God only gives-us-a/creates-our soul when our body/mind gets created (sperm enters egg))). Biology affects the mind, mind affects biology, they are one thing that we intellectually find different words for (conceptually compartmentalize parts off) in order to be able to analyze.
This is getting way too philosophical, so
@Marielle Redclaw
By age 29 most of your eggs are gone. So that flipped to switch to urgency.
Get your daughters to get interested in their early 20’s. They will have that advantage over their competition.
Sad to say your family is smaller than it could have been if you married in early 20’s or at late teens.
True, but she can keep cranking them out for a few years. She can hit the super 7 number if she really tries.
Wahmen who spend their 20’s giving free reign to their passions and falling for temptation are truly ruining their lives. Hopefully this grill I had a period of infatuation for realizes that she should marry the guy she says she’s going to marry sooner rather than later (I think she reads this blog, yes, I am talking about you, go get married and make genius babies. Also, begome Ortodox! : DDDDD ).
It took that long to find the right man. I make no apoligies for what standards I had and stuck to.
“Most” eggs ae gone before a female hit puberty.
The average woman has 100,000 to 150,000 eggs left at age 30, so this is not a problem. We’re on an fast schedule because we want our family complete as soon as possible.
@Marielle Redclaw
That means your experience will help you daughters find Men faster in their early 20s.
Its good also if you can rely on other people too to help you.
@Rex regum veniet
True. Although genetic damage seriously starts accumulating in a woman’s 30s.
The thing is I see many other cases of other women sleeping around with Men but finally ready when they are 30+.
But in doing such a thing they destroyed their ability to bond.
Women who are virgins are better at bonding with their Husband than non-virgins.
As half of a couple that just missed the cut, I would say keep going as long as you can. We keep praying, but every day we are further into miracle land. (My other half would have the same advice, maybe with a little more emphasis.)
Also, my grandmothers advice to my wife also applies. “You jump on that and keep going until it stops working.”
(Good thing about being a Puritan — if you aren’t having marital cogress, that’s reason to have a talk with the pastor about duties — from EITHER direction, which is highly age dependent.)
Traditional Chinese Medicine. No joke, a lot of people say it works for that specifically. You want someone who says they specialize in the issue, with at least ten years in the practice, and ideally trained in China, who does acupuncture and herbs.
I’ve had a few times now I cannot identify what they are doing biochemically, and almost wonder if it can only be explained with their Chi/Yin/Yang/Five-element theory.
For you my good man Phelps
Phelps, I’ve had a lot of success from this shop.
Both with her herbs and with her treatments (gallbladder & blood pressure & stress).
Family is like 4 generations of docs (both eastern and western) — This lady is kinda of amazing, she turns breach babies with her needles and spends time at hospital with patients with brain tumors (keeping food down etc) I know she does work with couples on fertility.
Oathkeepers isn’t what you might think, and an intelligent person would stay far away from them. Their lead mouthpiece, Mr. Rhodes, is most likely an agent of the .gov. Enough out there about his involvement to make a person get 2 out of 1 plus 1. Be very cautious if you decide to pair up with any of their events.
Ok, thanks. I don’t know your Oathkeepers or “Mr. Rhodes”. I was referring to military that values the constitution they swore to uphold – none of whom probably are overt dissembling clowns.
I too want to commend Vox’s post—that was the WHOLE point of Plato’s Republic—People have to be good—in order to have a good state—it is NOT about “”systems””.
Plato’s Republic is based on the Spartan, Cretan republics! Socrates was an acolyte of the Spartans and it was Lycurgus, the famed Spartan lawgiver, that commanded its citizens to always have Arete.
Confucius, Lycurgus—and now St. Peter, “Supplement The Faith with Arete”. We must hold to arete.
You are quite the fan of the Spartans.
Can you give me the basic rundown on why they fell?
Also, what do you think about the Byzantine Empire (which as far as I know was the longest lasting “Western” (I know it want’s Western per-se, but it had the characteristics of what we consider a (desirable) Western civilization))?
The transcendental Trinity: “Truth, Goodness and Beauty” parallel to the Trinity of God “Father ,Son and Holy Spirit”
Parallel? I would say translate to. Start with “logos.” You see a lot of sophistry there (one of you will get it) but it really comes down to TRVTH.
I highly recommend Edward Feser’s two books “The Last Superstition” and “Aquinas”.
They are both very accessible to non philosophers, and explain Thomas Aquinas’ (and Aristotle’s) proof of the existence of God, as well as a good amount of Aquinas’ related thought.
Maybe this is obvious (or not) to readers here, but I believe the frequent appearance of the number 17 could be the “Q” people letting us know this was done by them, and putting the Cabal on notice also.
This article mentions that the military already requires 17 inoculations for military. That number again…
Re: oz truckers
If they cause a run on the groceries with just an announcement, the actual strike becomes less necessary (and in fact even worse if they go through with it).
>”worse if they go through with it”
Y tho?
Because if they bluff the shelves empty and slowly refill.
If they go through with it the shelves don’t refill.
If they do as you suggest, then they wouldn’t be men of their word would they.
They would resemble the scum they wish to displace.
Noone will mind less groceries if the truckies achieve our goals.
We have already experienced less groceries due to lockdowns as you may remember. The act that created the shortage is what determines its support.
If they don’t follow through, then they will be windbags like the people who are their targets
“Afghan evacuees arrive in the US; Biden says numbers may rise to 65,000. Judging by the numbers at the article, it looks like the numbers will top out at 26,500 Afghans total, pulled out of Kabul since July, however as the next story shows, many of those are going to other countries, so just how many will make it into the US is very, very hazy. But it will be nothing near 65,000, given down below the Taliban are shutting down all Afghanis trying to get to the airport.”
Do you think there is the possibility that they [Taliban] have already screened most people going to the airport, and are ‘letting’ the one’s they want… out? I’m obviously speculating, but since the Taliban is indeed at war with the West, they would be letting their own guys loose with a free pass, and most that legitimately should be evacuated are left behind.
RE: Trump and the vaxx
Y’all know my thoughts, I still think that Warpspeed was actually to screw up Cabal’s plans for lockdowns that possibly lasted the rest of the decade. X22 thinks that it actually prevented some kind fo WW3 scenario. Trump knew that it was going to kill a lot of people, but it was the best of the terrible options, because he gambled that our side would be mostly refuse it, and that therapies would emerge for those that survived with chronic health issues. He can’t say any of that, probably not even after he is sworn in as POTUS again. He will have to remove the vaxx’s emergency authorizations and swear up and down that he was lied to, and I’m sure that will be technically true, as I’m sure every pharma company involved & the FDA faked the safety data.
Q said that not everything will be clean, and I can’t stress this enough, IT HAD TO BE THIS WAY. No one I know has a kind word to say about the medical system, yet how many people do you know immediately rolled up their sleeve and took a potentially life altering/ending shot? They say that they don’t trust and then they sure act like they do. It’s like with election fraud, the people had to see it happen so blatantly to get it through their head that “no, REALLY, you r vote has been MEANINGLESS for DECADES.” In this case it’s, “no REALLY, they use the medical industry to try and KILL YOU.”
That’s the thing that just flat out amazes me about the whole thing. There’s like eighty thousand clips of Bill Gates talking about overpopulation. He famously did a TED talk where he said that “doing a good job” with vaccines will result in a 15% reduction in the expected increase in the planet’s population. And then Gates invests in nothing except vaccines and farmland and people somehow think that he won’t give orders to do exactly what he said he would do? The FDA is corrupt and inept but they wouldn’t let him do to the United States/Europe what he did in India and Africa?
It all goes back to Q’s AWAKENING. The only way that people will truly absorb and internalize just how evil Cabal is will be catching them committing genocide on a global scale. They only way to shake the trust in the medical institutions is to catch them using it to depopulate the planet. Thing is, I have absolutely no idea how we go forward once that is done and proved because every single one of the people involved, every corporation, every agency – the people have to be put through tribunals on an assembly line and the organizations torn down. I don’t see how that can be accomplished but through martial law. and military rule. There’s just no other mechanism that can handle the problem at the scale it exists at.
And so far that military just abandoned 85 billion dollars in hardware to our enemies.
>85 billion
About as much as the counterfeit gold bullion in the KINGOLD depository in Wuhan found last year. A numerical leitmotif akin to the “missing 21 trillion” Rumsfeld *(rest in piss) testified on the day before 9/11, which has appeared with regularity in headlines.
On the bright side: we’ve trained and armed the best guerilla force in modern history right where the Belt & Road project must go to solve energy logistics for Red China. Context: Vietnam repulses PLA after the US pullout and invades & deposed Pol Pot (Sorbonne educated ghoul like Mao). Presumably the US’ commando/ranger legacy should percolate throughout the region from the Euphrates to the Hindu Kush mountains now, hardening it for the day Chinese debt trap diplomacy faggotry wears thin on them. If the Tibetan legion’s performance against the PLA in the Himalayas was any indication, they won’t be able to buy their way through to the Persian Gulf or Mediterranean if we have any asymmetric say in it.
Maybe a different military:
Also, Trump said he took the vaxx.
I heard Trump say that he got the vaxx, but I don’t remember a single news story about it. I remember him being given the Regeneron therapy at Walter Reed, but I don’t ever remember any news at all about him getting the vaxx.
If I’m right, then Trump not only made the decision to sacrifice those people, but he knowingly included himself in their group. He took the same poison that he is recommending. Same odds as them.
I remember Ivanka getting the shot, too. In other words, leadership and self-sacrifice. If the vaxx works as we suspect, Ivanka can’t have any more children and is at major risk of blood clots. Trump will die of heart failure in his 80’s, unless some treatment for the vaxx is developed.
Personally, I’m stocking up on Ivermectin de-worming syringes, at least until the MAGA congress HOPEFULLY makes it legal for over the counter purchase.
The military is the only way.
And it needs to get moving.
This is the last paragraph of a /pol/ comment about Australia, but IMHO it applies to the US of A too:
Historically, there are only three possible scenarios going forward:
Total, absolute collapse after an indeterminate period of totalitarian hell.
Invasion and conquering by a foreign nation.
Violent revolution and overthrow of your government regime.
Hopefully it’s number 3 with the aid of the whitehats, and hopefully the whitehats aren’t ideologically infected by zionism or free masonry crap (because (IMHO) that will only mean further conflict down the line for very obvious reasons).
> attack Trump now over saying he supports the vaccine
He has a vested interest in it. And all the best experts told him it was the bee’s knees… the same experts that are *still* telling us that. But unless DJT has enough spare time and interest to be prowling “non-traditional news sources”, all he’s going to hear is the Official Line from Fauci and the CDC.
And, for that matter, at least one of the vaccines produced during his term might have been the real deal. That doesn’t mean any of the others were, or that they’re even still producing a “real” vaccine. All the people they care about would have gotten the real vaccine, or saline, depending on what they’re doing.
Nobody is going to walk up to him and say “Hey, Don, that vaccine you hung your reputation on, that All The Experts endorse, that we’ve jammed into the arms of half the population, is bad juju.” And if they did, they’d need more than some disaffected bloggers and a handful of very-slightly-dubious MSM articles to persuade him there’s a problem.
*If* someone could enlighten him I have no doubt he would be righteously pissed. But then, he’s not President any more, so what can he do? Make some speeches and put angry comments on his web site? The only people who pay any attention to that are us, and we already know.
This is the same nonsense as elsewhere.
In one sentence Trump is Capn 5D chess player.
The next he is a dunce.
According to many, he shouldn’t have listened to those people. But with regard something else he just took the decision himself.
So which is it? Capn Chess or Capn Dunce?
Only time will tell, and even then, unless things have the perfect outcome (no more subversion of any kind in at least the US of A), it will be open to subjective interpretation (some people will say he never was this or that, others will say he was the real deal but failed (and different people will say it was for different reasons), others will say he was just lucky, etc).
At the end of the day, he has shown tremendous courage, and there is no way I would ever do what he had the courage to do, and even if he fails for some reason, no matter what people say he did something noble.
Also, since you’re an aussie cant ( : DDDDDD ), here a vid just for you:
> A federal judge has ordered Immigration and Customs Enforcement to test detainees for COVID-19 before they are transferred to the immigrant detention center in Washington State.
No problemo. They jam the swab up their nose, send them on to Washington, and send the day’s batch of swabs to the lab. A positive result comes back, “well, what do you expect us do do about it? They’re not under our oversight now.”
> More talk Pope Francis may step down, and we may get a new Pope.
Francis isn’t Woke enough, and they want someone more biddable?
The Cardinals are corrupt, and they’re not going to raise anyone to the Throne of St. Peter unless they have their hooks in good and deep.
The Catholic Church is much like the United States; the top layers are rotten, the intermediate layers are powerless, and the bulk of its members are wandering around saying “WTF, dude?!”
> A group of protestors has stormed the entrance of the headquarters of ITV News and Channel 4 News in London to protest Fake News about COVID.
Harrumph! Just a bunch of Thatcherite losers who need the Plod to tune them up a bit before hauling them up in front of the Crown Court and shafting them good. They’ll get their Jab(tm) at Wormwood Scrubs whether they want it or not.
We’ll soon have all the Queen’s subjects properly bowing and doffing their caps, and never, *never* speaking against The Science…
>The only two answers I think might fit are Cabal making a desperate last stand, or interdimensionals/cryptoterrestrials.
The symptoms jive with reports of yeti/ayylmao/missing 411 close calls in the woods, though those will often be accompanied by ‘time loss’. Out on the woo speculative twig: suppose They’ve chanced daylight abduction raids on critical 6th column assets to perform maintenance and updates, so to speak.
“the brainwave patterns of specific words that could be used to decode an individual’s internal conversation, or, in conjunction with certain technologies, used to inject a conversation into someone’s mind”
— The body is less a vessel-holding than a receiver-tuning. If the above is on target, just what else is this a Trojan Horse for beyond the ADE and prion coding spike protein sites, in light of Chuck Lieber’s nano-receiver research
“One could also, in principle, design the topology – the “basin of attraction” as topologists call it – for a particular memory. And by extension of that line of reasoning, one could also manipulate, or inject memories, for if mind and memory are non-local, then they may be “attracted” or “transduced” into individuals that may not have actually had them (reincarnation fans, take note)”
The NPC meme belies the misplaced ‘lacking inner monologue’ criteria — it’s the inability to holistically conceive/form/receive ideas spatio-visually that predisposes one to scripts with restricting denotatum word-thinking sans the contextual, and possible futures oriented designatum circumscribed spatio-visually. Degrade man’s cognition early in life, and you facilitate this sort of direct suggestion modality — especially if they might’ve possessed ‘precognition’, or the ability to affect the future(s) via observation of it beforehand.
Complete medicine capture would streamline population reduction; Hippocratic oaths need to be lost first, and the flooding of foreign MDs and RNs with the predictable quality deficit is about as effective as AA hires for the “I was just pretending to be retarded.” plausible deniability song and dance.
>firefighters CA
In the UN Smart City scheme, burning out the largely Republican country side – like the Paradise fires – would be synergistic with the BlackRock real estate land grabs. Chase affluent urbanite leftists to purple states like Colorado, Texas, Florida, displace and disrupt Silicon Valley (perhaps more ideal when Dems war game Pacific state secession for PLN beach heads; perhaps less with Texan secession loopholes and Chinese land purchases).
> or even spraying the mail with viruses to feed the variant psyop and keep the lockdowns going
900k counterfeit USD (in small denominations; from China) was seized crossing the US-CAN border in Minnesota just prior to Floyd (tried to pay with a fake 20) — a good infection vector changing hands frequently, starting with the Fent dealers & immune compromised dope fiends
>disinfecting cash
Expanded on the banking/cabal angle, anticipating the Schwab & co. “cyber pandemic will be even worse!” prognostication well prior.
>Billionaire wealth redistribution, factional infighting, wonder if China’s economy is on the ropes
Fiat Tiger underwritten by spook banking and Kissinger Bi-National tech theft foundations et. al. Wuhan’s KINGOLD INC. no less early in this irregular third world war trajectory. Financial data regarding the economic blitz against the USSR was destroyed in the WTCs (likewise Gulf War Syndrome files in OKC, some allege); perhaps the revelation was a prepositioned check against wartime economic reserves in anticipation of their exceedingly gay bioweapon Lebensraum antics declared openly for decades (Germans attempted similar methods, to disproportionate effect in WW2)
At 8:00 (of ~14 min video) on brain-targeted bioweapons, a bright/informed feller (“expert” has become Enemyspeak) gives mention of electrical-pulse weapons and brain-network activity.
We’re allowed to disagree with Trump, AC. He’s a man and not the Messiah.
Honestly, I would diagree with a real Messiah if I saw reason to. I was given free will, I’m going to use it.
If you saw a reason to then either it would be a false messiah or you would be wrong.
Or he would explain himself clearly, and I’d agree.
RE: Iran reverse engineering abandoned equipment in Afghanistan
Honestly, they are going to be interested more in the radio encryption than anything else. Remember, the electronics package for the F35 and F22 is from like 1997. Everything that was abandoned is a cold war era design. All the guns are widely available internationally on the open market. The night vision gear is matched by offerings from Russia.
Realistically the main reason I could see the Iranians being interested is because they want the contract to maintain all the aircraft. Iran’s aerospace industry is actually capable of this. So they reverse engineer the birds and then contract to provide replacement parts. China’s aerospace still cannot manufacture a current era turbine, and Russia will not share the data package or sell them something that can be reverse engineered.
And yes, expect the CCP to successfully negotiate to begin mining operations in Afghanistan. This incarnation of the Taliban seems to understand the value of having an income for the country, even if it’s finite.
Re The Weathermen – James Merrill’s poem “18 West 11th Street” ( collected in “Braving the Elements”, 1972 ) is about one of his family’s New York properties where this outfit staged their final Gotterdammerung. An extremely compacted poem – difficult to unpack.
In my humble opinion, the ONE story right now that really matters is election fraud and the Arizona audit. Covid and Afghanistan are being used as a distraction to make sure that the truth about November 3rd, 2020 does not unravel.
It is super important AC that you are covering this because the coverage of the fraud is spotty, unreliable, and hard to find at best. Other than Steve Bannon, the Gateway Pundit, and some of the actors in this such as Jovan Pulitzer, Patrick Byrnes, Mike Lindell, etc. real and dependable information is scant.
What is even more telling is that a number of the few prominent platforms on the right are assiduously avoiding the topic. Tucker is MIA although he does cover January 6th which is related. Bongino is obsessed with Afghanistan and Infowars with Covid but Nada regarding Nov 3rd. I don’t know if this is a combination of “plato y plomo” or cowardliness but it is critical not to take our eyes off the ball.
I am inclined to agree.
>”Steve Bannon”
A complete hypocrite, calls Western Ethnic Nationalists losers, and then shills endlessly for the Rothschild founded Jewish ethno-state which is an enemy of the West (Israel). Meaning, that according to his actions, he believes that the only people who deserve to preserve their ethnicity are Jews. Treasonous, immoral, and evil behavior IMHO.
He also likes to criticize China because China is a rival of the US (and he is right about that), but then endlessly shills for Israel, which is in bed with China against the US (proofs here:
And you see him constantly criticizing leftist and Chinese/foreign subversion and infiltration (as anyone should), but then endlessly groveling for and prostrating to Israel, which has and still is defrauding the US tax payers in billions of dollars thru various publicly known schemes (see here: ), still has the US body politic under their control (zionist Israel first uniparty, everyone tows the line of Israel without exceptions), and openly commits crimes against Americans in American territory for the political benefit of Israel with full impunity (including bribery and gangstalking, as is proven beyond any doubt with audio and video proof in the “The Lobby: USA” documentary: ).
He’s not the only one that does it, and things like this only prove to me personally that a political solution is impossible (only God can fix this mess), because legitimacy is nowhere to be found on any of the people behaving like that.
I think you need to be careful with your criticisms of a guy like Bannon, who is right on just about everything. Of course he doesn’t attack Israel or the Jews. Everyone knows that’s downright suicide and would assure that not only would he never be taken seriously, anyone who spouted any ideas close to his would be accused of the worse thing. It’s death by association.
Steve Bannon is simply too smart for such silliness.
Steve Bannon’s purpose is not to immolate himself grinding your personal axes. Steve Bannon’s purpose is not to utterly destroy himself telling you what you already know. Steve Bannon’s purpose is not to cause people to disregard him before they even learn what he has to say.
People so often forget what the purpose of politicians, pundits, and others really is. It’s not to go out and become martyrs. It’s to get important ideas into the public consciousness.
For this same reason, Trump can’t possibly be expected to be as open with everything as we’d like. He can’t be out there spouting shit that we know to be true because doing so would be a disaster.
Get this through your head: Trump and Bannon are smarter than you. Vastly smarter. If they aren’t doing something you want them to do it’s because they know better than to do it.
Let me put it to you this way: Imagine in 2016 Trump was blabbing stuff that today so many of us know to be true: most voters would have thought he was insane.
You need to be more intelligent than to take everything at face value. You need to be intelligent enough to know that some people need to first operate to a safe position before mindlessly blowing their wad agitating for things that can be dealt with later.
>”I think you need to be careful with your criticisms of a guy like Bannon, who is right on just about everything.”
I think hypocrites don’t like it when their hypocrisy is pointed out to them and they have to resort to all kinds of overt threats to try to silence people that make observations regarding their hypocrisy.
>”Everyone knows that’s downright suicide and would assure that not only would he never be taken seriously, anyone who spouted any ideas close to his would be accused of the worse thing.”
Oh yes, Jews and zionists love to threaten to hack your shit and incriminate you of all kinds of shit. They do it all the time. To all kinds of people who criticize them, from the smallest and lowest of the low, to the highest ones.
>”Steve Bannon’s purpose is not to immolate himself grinding your personal axes.”
Not my personal axes, I am not an American citizen, I just feel sad to see Americans being treated like absolute cattle and having nobody being able to stand up for them. At least at the end of the day, when the US finally implodes and balkanizes Israel is going to get BTFO by it’s surrounding enemies, and everyone will cheer, and everyone will also cheer when zionists in the US start getting their own karma biting them back in the ass. And am so over this clown world that I’m going to literally going to be a monk, so it’s not about wanting to see the subversive zionists getting what they deserve, it’s just obvious observations.
>”Steve Bannon’s purpose is not to utterly destroy himself telling you what you already know. Steve Bannon’s purpose is not to cause people to disregard him before they even learn what he has to say.”
I am not taking issue with what he doesn’t say, I am just pointing out that he insists on being an hypocrite. He could just not mention ethnic nationalism at all, but instead he chooses to shit all over Western Ethnic Nationalists, while groveling to the Jewish Ethno State. If you can’t tell the difference, then I don’t know what to tell you.
>”People so often forget what the purpose of politicians, pundits, and others really is. It’s not to go out and become martyrs. It’s to get important ideas into the public consciousness.”
Ideas like: “If you’re White fuck you you’re a loser for wanting your people to survive, but if you’re a racial Jew your people are the only people that deserve to survive”? If you don’t see the hypocrisy of what you’re saying, I don’t know what to tell you. And if that’s the purpose they serve, then it only shows that the entire system needs to be teared apart and rebuilt from scratch, because there is no way a society can function if the Jewish and zionist oligarchs can force everyone to act as a gate keeper.
>”For this same reason, Trump can’t possibly be expected to be as open with everything as we’d like. He can’t be out there spouting shit that we know to be true because doing so would be a disaster.”
I got no problem with Trump, he has shived the zionists enough times for people to be able to realize that he is truly trying to get rid of the ZOG. See here:
That’s why I don’t call Trump an hypocrite, and that’s why my theory on why Trump makes decisions that make no sense (such as his pardons, which cannot be explained as a way to manipulate or frustrate the MSM, but merely as something he was forced to do) is that is merely being blackmailed with threats to his family.
>”Trump and Bannon are smarter than you. Vastly smarter. If they aren’t doing something you want them to do it’s because they know better than to do it.”
I am quite the retard, so being vastly smarter than me is not that much of an achievement, and that still doesn’t justify Bannon shitting all over the Western Ethnic Nationalists while hypocritically shilling for Jewish ethnonationlism. He could have just not brought it up and spare himself looking like an hypocrite, IMHO.
>”Let me put it to you this way: Imagine in 2016 Trump was blabbing stuff that today so many of us know to be true: most voters would have thought he was insane.”
Let me put it to you this way: imagine if Bannon would have just not chosen to shit all over Western Ethno-Nationalists, instead of making himself look like a hypocrite.
>”You need to be intelligent enough to know that some people need to first operate to a safe position before mindlessly blowing their wad agitating for things that can be dealt with later.”
Tell me when they get there, and then show me what they do with their power. From what I’ve seen, Trump is the only one willing to screw the zionist mafia (and even so he couldn’t go all the way), the rest of the lot ended up being not up to that task. And from what I’ve seen, all the republicucks and cuckservatives end up doing nothing effective when they get into a position of power (Trump did lots of awesome things, but he was then clearly put on quick sand by the gaybalites).
Anyway, like you said, it is dangerous to call out the zionist mafia, which only proves that they have too much power and are the enemy number one, and since I have been threatened in all sorts of ways for communicating verifiable facts regarding Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion, I won’t be doing it as much as we all should, after all, Israel is going to get what it deserves (not that all people living there are bad people, they aren’t, but it’s kinda like Japan during WW2, not every Jap was a bad dude, but they still got nuked, because that’s just the way these things work) once the US collapses and balkanizes (and if it doesn’t balkanize for some reason and Americans don’t terminate the zionist mafia/lobby, then Americans have lost the war for their freedom (God willing they will win and get rid of all types of subversion and infiltration)), because Israel is nothing without its grip on the US (they attempted to jump hosts to China, but the Chinese are way to cunning and they failed).
God bless you and God have mercy on our souls.
But you know what, I think I will take your advice to be smarter, and that means I won’t be making commentary about Israel. I was thinking about it, and the reason why the hypocrisy makes me want to rant (which is dangerous, because the zionist Judeocracy runs on intimidation and blackmail, as we all know) is because I truly believed that the people who endlessly wax lyrical about the US Constitution would somehow be able to uphold it (naive of me off course), and I truly believed that it was my duty of honor to try to defend the US Constitution despite having never set foot there (Q told people to swear by it a long time ago on his forum, which I did), and so the hypocrisy (no matter how necessary because of the required cuckery of optics) has always triggered my autistic tendency to go on fact based legitimate rants against Israel and Jewish collective power.
But, at the end of the day, if the people who are supposed to be the great champions and masterminds of this great document (US Constitution) can’t find the wiggle room to be able to make it safe to uphold (yet, hopefully they will one day, with as little conflict and human misery as possible God willing), why would a retarded European who wants to go live in a Russian monastery just go ahead say (at a great cost, at the very least at the cost of my own psychological comfort and peace of mind, and perhaps risking getting royally screwed (if not whacked)) what the people that have the most to gain from saying what I say don’t?
I wish I could do more for my burger (aka American) frens, but on the naming the issues related to Jewish and zionist crime and subversion, you’re going to have to pick that torch, because at this point is just non-sensical for me to be the one doing it (although I would do it, I think, if I was a burger myself).
Guess being smarter means lurk more, don’t name the devil if it involves Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion, and make the occasional retarded joke to share some good vibes with the frens. After all, its not like Israel seems like it is going to last much longer, so why kick the hornet nest when it is about to go down in flames, one way or the other (either because all the accumulated negative “karma” from the zionist crime and subversion, or because the anti-Christ will rule a temporary NWO from there but be ultimately eradicated along with the whole administrative structure (aka the country) that’s holding it together).
God bless everyone and God have mercy on our souls.
I agree, and I always try to get something in here on the fraud at the top of the brief. I do cover a lot of other stuff, including the distractions though. My feeling is people who want election fraud stories are not where you move the needle, as they are already true believers. I try to make this site attractive to others, so I can expose them to the election fraud and maybe infect them with the concepts.
Basically if anyone here tries this some day, I try to make this site as amygdala-tickling as possible for the guests first, so as many people as possible show up, as that is where the power to change minds lies. You have to recognize that it is like a business, where people have to like what they see first, so they come. If nobody shows up, the entire enterprise is a waste of time.
That said, I am not sure to what degree we need to move this project. Whoever is running the counter-conspiracy, seems to have already made the changes necessary, and whatever is coming would happen with or without sites like this.
Everyone needs a daily almond jostle. Keeps your dick hard. (This applies to the ladies, too. If you don’t have a personal hard dick you need to remedy that.)
Pure poetry.
That makes sense. I would add that IMHO the distractions are not entirely distractions thou (just like the surveillance stuff that happens is off course engineered by gaybal to add noise and confusion to our lives in order to distract us from them doing their evil schemes, that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be looked at, if that makes sense), that a “holistic” approach is kinda necessary if one is to be able to even start to understand what is going on (based on the limited intel we plebs have access to).
It’s kind of like how one can’t just look at the issue of Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion to the exclusion of everything else, or just the issue of diversity and the facts surrounding race realism, or just the issue of female hypergamy, or just the issue of Chinese subversion, etc.
IMHO, people need to be able to keep all these issues (surveillance, JQ, racialism, China, human social dynamics, etc) in mind when looking at everything else.
But I agree that election fraud is top priority, and pretending it never happened or trying to tell people to just let it go is a complete betrayal of the Western people (or just a sign one is being blackmailed, payed out or threatened by gaybal).
We like to see you weaving your magic AC.
I just don’t want to see you pull a rabbit out of the hat while naked. If you ensure that never happens I will promise to continue coming here every day.
Rabbits are always naked unless they are in cartoons or children’s books.
What is coming in from HR departments is that to encourage corporations to force people to get these vaccines, OSHA has refused to follow the law which would require companies to report workers who fall ill from any work conditions. They have suspended reporting adverse effects from vaccine.
A local business that cuts your grass and takes care of your lawn can no longer operate. Its workers were vaccinated and they became ill. They cannot find people willing to work and are unable to provide services. Then for OSHA to suspend reporting vaccine injuries PROVES that there are far more injuries than the government is telling people. This brings us back to the burning question of WHY? Indeed, since this disease is no more lethal than the flu, then why destroy the economy, threaten to fire people, all for a vaccine that CANNOT eradicate COVID for it also resides in animals where it will always mutate and return annually just like the flu. There is another agenda going on here that is deeply hidden.
UBI and cashless surveillance economy moves are facilitated by endemic chronic disease. Boomers’ exit will be the largest inter generational asset transfer in history — They only stand to profit from estate taxes and pruning of social security type payout pensioner populations
Republicucks get out reeeeeeeeeeee
Get out?
Fuck that. Get rekt.
Pick a side. If you don’t pick, we know what that really means.
*shakes head in disappointment at the lack of culture*
It was an allusion to teh “normies get out reeeeeeeeee” meme from 4kangz.
And the implication was that if republicucks gave way to republichads, then they wouldn’t be useless cuckerinos.
Memeing is hard work.
Some goodies from GAB:
Re the first one:
I’ve always felt like I’ve been destined and designed to be a lo-tek ala Johnny mnemonic.
It is terrifyingly thrilling to see the dystopia forming. All the literature is all full dystopia. No one really covers the dystopia happening. All I know is that in all the stories, if you live through the forming, you are a certified legend badass in the dystopia underground.
I can’t say I relate. I am not enjoying this at all. And paradoxically, I have never felt so good, because I have never felt so close to God. This will probably sound very faggy, but I always felt a huge emptiness inside of me (not anxiety, I had lots of anxiety growing up but once the gangstalking shit started happening and shite started going down (real threats started becoming a reality), the anxiety disappeared, but the emptiness didn’t), and nothing I did would fill the emptiness (the thing that came closer to it was leaning self-hypnosis and learning how to induce specific emotional states on myself), until one day I felt what I can only describe as being touched by God (AC has described it as getting the iconic “God’s sun ray effect” on you), and so I knew God was real, but I was still not a good Christian (no prayer, still carelessly sinning, etc), and it wasn’t until I become completely demoralized by the state of the world that I turned to God, and that’s when the emptiness started to go away (and I had lived with it for so long that I didn’t even noticed anymore, if that makes sense).
So in a way, although I am not a fan at all of what is happening (and I personally believe we’ll see the anti-Christ in our lifetimes (it might not happen in our lifetimes thou), which if it does means we’re going to see things get way way worse, but then get way way way way way better), I never felt better in my life, not even when I was young and naive and I still believed the world was a great place full of possibilities and had every reason to believe everything was going to be basically alright.
I can’t wait to put clown world behind and find myself living in a monastery and learning how to get as close to God as possible in this earthly realm (insert leavehumanitybehind meme here : DDDDDDDDDDD ).
I wouldn’t say I am enjoying it, and I’m not glad to see it. But I this is where I always felt things would go, so giddy-up. We fight not against flesh and blood, but sometimes flesh and blood get theirs too.
I can’t stop laughing at this:
Someone has already covered the full dystopia that’s approaching, kek
I came here to post this but then I started replying to other comments, so I don’t know if this is duplicate, if it is pls delet:
>tfw imunochad

The Biden Admin numbers are complete fraud. My guess they are counting “seats” on flights out, not butts in seats on flights out.— (@shipwreckedcrew) August 25, 2021
DOD manifested passengers — you know, the names of people actually getting on DOD flights and then arriving at US airbases in other countries — less than 35,000. Biden Admin. wildly inflating numbers.— (@shipwreckedcrew) August 25, 2021
RE: Metal prices
This is the price for a 12 inch piece of 1.5in x 4in 7075 – $146.92
I need this for something special down the road that is definitely gonna appear on BOOTSTRAPPY. The sticker-shock is real.
That’s ONE HUNDRED FIFTY FRAKKING DOLLARS for a ONE FOOT piece of aluminum. I MIGHT be able to do this thing with a 1in thick piece which will drop the price down to around $50 per foot, but still, OMG.
Anyway, I am finally finishing up this house and will immediately get to filming again. I am doing some stuff with the router. After that I am thinking I am finally going to set up my leather sewing machine and set it up for heavy canvas, nylon straps, and make myself some custom web gear. This what I am hoping to accomplish for BOOTSTRAPPY in September.
By October I am hoping to have at least one CNC carving available for regular purchase.
Can’t wait to see your vids on “how to build a nuclear reactor in your own back yard for fun and energy” in 20 years : DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Eh, no. No interest in playing with radiologicals. However, I DO have a future project percolating that involves building a current-era steam turbine big enough to power an off-grid home from wood. Pretty sure this is several years off yet, though.
I have seen some steam based generators that people use that are said to be extremely effective (and can be used for free heat too when it’s cold).
How about a desktop fusion device?
Invented by Philo Farnsworth, who also invented television, only to have it stolen by the usual suspects.
The one article suggests that he was close to producing more power than it took to run with his Fusor when he died and his research was memory holed.
I was akshualy joking with LH about the nuke reactor, but anyone that would even remotely think about doing something like that would be well served to keep absolute secrecy, giving people reliable access to cheap and abundant energy would disrupt many a gaybal power structures and be dangerous. It’s like trying to make your own bank, like Gaddafi found out.
Thanks for the update!
Karen Kingston is a former Pfizer employee, a pharmaceutical marketing expert and biotech analyst.
Kingston joins Stew Peters, and brings the receipts! Kingston reveals how the FDA “approval” is sure to be the “checkmate” move to end the shots that have caused unprecedented injury and death, worldwide.
Kingston shared slides and brought the receipts, which are available at, and document everything she states in her BOMBSHELL claims during her exclusive and revealing deliver of damnation to big pharma, and those responsible for pushing these injections onto a global population.
Chicago police union says ‘hell no’ to Lightfoot’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate
There was a /pol/ thread the other day talking about his brother getting charged with sex crimes against minors. Didn’t check the sources thou.
Seems like /pol/ is always right (again):
“Looks like Walmart has gotten into the pizza business”
See this post (zoom the image):
A group of New York City teachers and school union employees gathered outside the mayor’s office Wednesday to protest a vaccine mandate announced by the city health and education departments this week. (Aug. 25)
Video at:
“Black republican FL candidate calls the left/democrats anti-white”
Good of her to call out the absolute state of cuckery in Western politics when only non-Whites can publicly state the obvious fact that there is a very deliberate and proactive anti-White agenda going on.
Japan just confirmed what the media is hiding!
Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid from the Universtiy of Almería had previously warned that foreign substances were found in the “vaccine” Comirnaty (Pfizer).
There’s tons of “fact checkers” that denied it, so here it is again.
The conclusion of the research was:
>Foreign substances found
>Graphene oxide is highly likely BUT not 100% conclusive if it was or not.
French citizens boycott vaccine passports by eating right in front of nearly empty, vaxx-only bars and restaurants
Discussion about the fact that a lot of people are getting saline shots instead of the death shot:
IMHO I agree with the posters that say it’s to hide the lethality of the death shot so the gaybal can blame the non-poisoned imunochads for the deaths of the clot shot.
Just when you think NPCs in video games are ridiculously idiotic. In real life this is exactly true:
Compare with idiotic AI in Oblivion:
NYPD’s largest police union vows to sue over possible COVID vaccine mandate
Jewish groups kick into high gear as Afghan refugees begin to arrive in US
Every single time.