Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Russian-backed organizations amplifying QAnon conspiracy theories, researchers say. Lots of panic about Q.
One of Melania’s “friends” is doing a book with transcripts of covertly recorded conversations, where Melania supposedly criticized people in the administration. No link or promotion for it, but there is a lesson here for you. We look around, and we see people with friends, and we assume friends just happen, and they can. But they don’t happen easily, and if you might one day be a target, you should keep that in mind. Most people are guarded with others, and most relationships will plateau at the status of acquaintance. And if you are a target, things can be different around you, and you can have no clue, but for you friends are impossible. When an intelligence operation wants to keep you from having friends, they can flood their people around you to crowd out regular people. They can spread rumors about you. They can have their people steer potential friends away from behind the scenes. They can intervene in events or steer you away from events where you might meet real friends. When modern intelligence is behind the scenes, all of that can happen, just out of your sight, and if you don’t know it is possible, or that it is happening, you will have no idea, as someone else is in full control of your life. Once you are isolated, then they can send in their people, briefed on your likes and dislikes, and arrange a chance meeting. Knowing just how to click with you, suddenly you have a friend. And once that friend is there, they can bring in others. And if they want you on tape saying something specific, look at how they can arrange circumstances. I doubt Melania said anything of interest, and this is all hype about mere hidden tapes of her by a betraying “friend.” But if she did criticize somebody, look at how intel, always listening, and in control with people in the White House, could arrange things to irritate her. They could feed upsetting rumors. They could arrange irritating circumstances, one after another. Ever have “one of those days”? Well that can be engineered times ten, if you are under coverage. And then they could have her “friends” show up just as she was at maximum irritation, and those friends could be briefed on how best to trigger her more and then offer her the opportunity to vent. They can be taught how to best steer the conversation, so it is easiest to simply criticize someone, and move on. Not everyone will get that treatment, but if you intend to succeed and begin to succeed at your intention, It is going to happen to you. Just look at how many people around Trump were recording covertly, that we have heard about. There was his fucking lawyer of all people, Cohen, the niece with the book, Omarosa, the Access Hollywood crew, this one, almost Rosenstein, the FBI, the CIA, and probably multiple agents from them. And I’ll bet there were three of four for every one of those, at least, who never managed to get anything useful and you haven’t heard about them. It is not a coincidence all of these people and more were running tape on Trump and his family. That is what it is like to be the target of Cabal’s intelligence operations. If you aspire to exert influence, understand it is not unlikely that your “friends” were sent in to work against you. If fact, it is probably more than likely.
Business partner of Jerry Falwell claims he began an affair with Falwell’s wife when he was a 20 year old pool boy at a hotel, and Falwell would watch them have sex. Falwell’s version, that is more likely, is his wife had an affair and he was not involved, but found out about it and wanted to hide it for the family. Regardless, whether Falwell knew it or not, he was allowed to succeed because this scandal had been prepared around him, and Cabal felt they could control him. It would not surprise me if the pool boy was one of them and was sent in specifically to create this compromising circumstance that could be spun up to be this destructive to Falwell’s empire. Now today, Falwell has sided with Trump, and I’d assume in response, Cabal pulled the pin on this hand grenade in retaliation and let it fly.
New York Post speculates Kim Jong Un’s sister could be a quite brutal dictator in North Korea if Kim dies from the coma he is in. Notice, nobody has said they have intel he is in a coma, or unwell. One former assistant to a former South Korean President (from back when South Korea was definitely ruled by Cabal) has speculated he thinks Kim could be in a coma because of his limited public appearances, and all of this came from that. Or maybe the Storm is about to fire off and he is hiding because of that.
Germany says Russian dissident was poisoned with a nerve agent, but should recover.
Mail-in ballots were part of a plot to deny Lincoln reelection in 1864.
In Kenoshua, Marxists with assault weapons surrounded a sheriff’s armored vehicle threateningly. And one of them began to take up a shooting stance, and somebody let out shots after that. Lots of other chaos at the link. These were the convoys driving in without license plates. Look at the shit the Cabal can do, simply because they control the news media. No citizens behind them, the Presidency opposes them, Law Enforcement is conservative, the Military is on our side. All they need is the media here to back up their corrupt politicians, and they do what they want. I don’t fully understand it.
Joe Biden fails to condemn Kenosha riots; calls shooting ‘systemic racism.’
Dude shot in Kenoshua Wisconsin had numerous past charges for gun crimes, police assault, domestic abuse and even a sex crime, and an open arrest warrant for criminal trespass to a dwelling with domestic abuse as a modifier; felony third-degree sexual assault with domestic abuse as a modifier; and disorderly conduct with domestic abuse as a modifier. In one case, he pulled a gun out in a bar and began threatening patrons.
New footage shows the brawl before he got shot.
Guardian Angels citizen neighborhood watch patrols are growing in NYC as citizens get fed up.
At least 60 shot and 5 killed, over the weekend in Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago. Just don’t protest on her block.
Rise of Chinese AI and quantum computing threatens American military tech, says report for US Congress. They forgot to add, “With the help of Google and other US Big Tech companies.”
Former RNC chair Michael Steele joins anti-Trump group. He was always working against us, while running the party.
Jeff Flake and dozens of former GOP congressman joining ‘Republicans for Biden.’ All assets deployed.
FDNY commissioner urges first responders to skip 9/11 anniversary events.
Authorities are searching for the person, or people, responsible for spray-painting “Trump 2020” on the street at three different locations in Boston. They stopped to ask the looters and rioters if they saw anything, but they were all busy beating people, breaking windows, and stealing, so nobody saw anything, apparently.
Anti-Trump Lincoln Project claimed an audience member yelling “spygate” at a Trump speech was really yelling “monkey” about Obama, and Trump smiling at it was proof of his racism. It was so obviously spygate they deleted the tweet.
Gucci dresses men like little girls in emasculated male fashion show.
New Ebola outbreak reported in Congo and the WHO is alarmed.
In the middle of summer, Greenland just had a record-smashing 4 gigatons of snow and ice.
Queen not returning to Buckingham Palace ‘for foreseeable future’ in “big change.”
Explosion at Arab gas pipeline leads to total blackout in Syria. No electricity means much less Cabal surveillance, which means something could be done against them in that window.
RNC officially repudiates discredited Southern Poverty Law Center. Before President Trump, when the party was run by Cabal country-club RINOs, this would never have happened. Something is changing.
Blood pressure medication improves COVID-19 survival rates.
S&P 500 and Nasdaq hit record highs as Covid-19 vaccine and treatment hopes rise.
Trump’s job approval rating jumps 5 percentage points, ahead of GOP convention.
Trump has spent three days in a row at over 50% approval in Rasmussen. And it was after the Democrat convention.
On Jerry Falwell Jr.
Divorce is a legitimate thing in some cases. In this case it would probably have been best for his family and himself. Plus he is (or was) a relative catch. If he had a new, younger wife it probably would have been best for a Powerful man like him. Also, rules apply here. It’s not un-Christian to do this for cause. Plus look on the bright side for him, probably there would be more little Falwells running around. Our Father in Heaven often gives us pretty sweet lemonade for all of the lemons we get in life, if only we would use them.
Jr. didn’t do any of this however. He could have but, he didn’t. I’m sorry but it sounds Cabalish. I believe the allegations of cuckoldry. Either he was allowed to keep his position by having Kompromat on him and his wife OR the ease and comfort of his entire life eventually caught up with him and made him vulnerable to cabal agents.
The righteous path is straight and narrow my friends, stay on it.
Truth be told, it would not surprise me this script was written when he was 17, his wife was one of them, and was sent in to hook up with him, and get married, all so she could do this to him if needed.
People don’t understand, Cabal ground-level agents, the young 13 year old daughters of agents, are routinely tasked with sacrificing their own life paths, their own lives with people they met honestly and wanted to spend their lives with, to just hook up with whatever schlub command orders them to get close to, so they can spend their lives as a sleeper agent, even having his kids.
I do not fully understand how that happens, or why fathers consent to it, but I have seen it.
Hooking up with a girl can be easy for a guy in Falwell’s position, but believe it or not, it can get easier. And between the fact guys generally don’t know what women are thinking about on any subject and get conditioned to just assume they do irrational things at times, and the fact we tend to be lazy and just go with easy things, if Cabal gets a pretty girl to suddenly show interest, most guys are just going to latch onto her, and just assume the irrationality women finally worked to our advantage for once. It may be, on the whole, the greatest weakness of men, and I would be surprised if the son of Jerry Falwell could grow up the heir to that empire, and not be targeted with that particular weapon.
So this story seems crazy, and a one in a million, bizarre story which makes you want to say, “How the fuck could a bizarre, twisted scenario like this fall on him, the head of Liberty University, of all people?” Well, when a massive, nearly all-powerful intelligence operation has full control of the theater you operate in, they have pretty young teenaged girls who don’t get all obsessed with the latest pop star, but rather subvert their own desires, and even full life paths, with discipline, to logically follow orders to pursue the mission objectives of some secret society they belong to, and the operation views you as a high-value target, this is the script they can write for your character in their play before you can even get a driver’s license.
And although I can’t believe it possible I was looking at such subjects in my own life, I have to admit that fathers giving over daughters to the machine, and daughters abandoning those natural teenaged girl urges, all to clamp down, and with discipline operate like this, and even a machine trusting them, or even this secret being kept, would all fit with that whole ritual abuse/MK Ultra thing. Maybe 50 years ago they sent a few therapists in to the therapy field, like Special Forces Force Multipliers, with the mission of each creating 30 new therapist force multipliers who would create 30 more themselves. Maybe all those therapist force multipliers are windup toys themselves. After 50 years, with 25% of women between 40 and 50 on antidepressants, and a possible therapist army of force multipliers throughout the nation producing MK ultra wind-up toys of women who seek therapy, who knows what is or isn’t possible. Parents giving over kids, kids acting like adults. It would fit.
As I write it, and look it over, it looks like the rantings of a madman to the me of ten years ago. It runs entirely counter to the world we are taught, by that machine to expect. But now, looking back over the weird things I saw all my life, the news stories now, and what I have realized, it is as fucking real as a heart attack. And truth be told, in a Darwinian world where this this type of thing is theoretically possible, sooner or later somebody would try it, get the massive control it would offer, and from that point this is what the world would then rapidly evolve toward.
Theoretically, this is what the world would produce, if MK ultra worked. And like it or not, MK Ultra did work.
Regarding psychiatrists. There was one I saw some years ago who thought that putting lithium into the water supply for the population was an excellent idea. I actually thought maybe she was just kidding a little and pushed back a bit. But no. She was entirely serious. It wasn’t a joke. She wanted to drug the entire population if she could ever be in a position to push that through.
I was astounded at the time. Now I realize that there are very likely other people out there just like her who thought of this general idea long ago. And it was probably done. Not lithium, but some thing or things much more subtle. And not just the water. Why not the food? It’s all processed. There’s no real way of knowing what’s been added.
It’s all loony tunes stuff until you start running into people who think like this, and realize people like this absolutely get into positions where they could implement it. And they would.
In this evil world it seems (((them))) are most effective. Not the great military men in the long term.
I remember reading so many great leaders no matter how great they are on the battlefield in Ancient Rome. Get assassinated on the toilet or get stabbed while taking a leak.
Or that Uesegi Keshin was killed on the toilet despite being a master in combat.
Wonder if (((them))) were around for a long time doing this.
“it is as fucking real as a heart attack.” Funny you should say that. Enemy doctrine is to install at least five of the microwave devices around the target. Then they apply pulses from all devices to the target’s heart, first synchronized, then desynchronizing and less regular.
Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour. Without His protection, they would have killed me last summer.
Sorry to hear your under coverage.
Anything in particular you did to get on their shitlist?
The army of therapist could be composed in larget part by women too. Houellebecq in one of his novels writes about how women who work in psychiatry turn into dehumanized monsters. Add to that that rotten women are the best keepers of the worst secrets.
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Story time:
When I got acussed of sexual harassment, my lawyer, a woman, recommended to go to a clinic to get a psychiatric report for the trial. I went to a private clinic, where I talked to 2 women. The first one was the chief psychiatrist, who told me the other one would talk with me and do some evaluations.
This second woman had an asuredness about her that the first one did not, and seemed to me the more intelligent of the 2. She asked me some questions and gave me some tests and finally I filled the mmpi-2 test (minnetsota multiphasic personality inverntory), and went home. During the test I gave some thought to the 500+ questions to answer truthfully.
A few days later I go back to get the report. I was sitting at one of those comfortable leather couches in the waiting room, a somewhat big hall, me being half-sleep, as I had been studying for final I’ve had that morning till late. At one point barely opening my eyes I catch a glimpse of the second woman going out towards the entry, looking at me with deep hate, which I would not have expected had I not opened my eyes at that precise moment.
I go inside to meet the chief psyquiatrist. We talk a little, she seems frightened. She gives me the report which I ask to open and read there. She says that I can but that she thinks that I’m not going to like it. I go ahead and read it.
The report painted a terrible picture of me. At the end it did say, in the worst way possible, that my “impeachabelness was severely diminished” when I got acussed because of an schizotypal disorder. My lawyer had called them to ask for the report to say that I was unimpeachable because of mental disorder, having told me that that was the best course to take, but that report was ridiculous.
As I read it I started to wonder if the second woman was high in cabal. They were nuts if they thought that I was going to present that report in the trial; yes I was somewhat frightened about the whole fiasco, but I wasn’t going to cave in to that; no, I was going to trust my instinct. I very calmly started probing the chief woman, telling her that I was trying to decide wether to give the report to my lawyer or not, and she got even more frightened at the idea of me keeping it. Why did she care if she was going to get paid?
I left and days later I went to see the lawyer. I showed her the report but made it very clear that we would not present it to the trial.
This lawyer, the image she conveyed was of a thick-frame-googles studious responsible woman. I did like her, but I did not fully trust that she was not tied by cabal.
She had told me that she was talking to the prosecutor of the acussation (another woman, maybe cabal), and that I was going to be declared innocent without a trial, but finally the lawyer told me the trial had to happen and wanted me to agree with the acussation to not say anything during the trial and that I would be declared innocent. Again I did not cave in and trusted my instict, if there was going to be a trial I wanted to deny the fake acussations on me.
Every time I did not cave in and made clear what I was going to do, up until before the trial, she liked me more each time, and so it became more apparent to me that she was tied by cabal. I even remember that in the room awaiting for the trial, being surrounded by her and my parents, I made a comment about how easy it is to spot in disguise policemen, because they all dress the same and have perfect back posture (ok maybe I was wrong, maybe not all the police in disguise dress similar, but where I live many do), and she replied enthusiastically that they also carry bags where they carry a concealed gun ( I did never notice those), so she was at least somewhat surveillance aware too.
The girl from the acussation did not show up to the trial. The whole thing seemed like a operation to scare me at every point,and make me give in to the acussations. It very much reminded me about burn notice, when Michael’s background voice says that the purpose of every operation is not to physically destroy your oponent, but to take away your enemy’s will to fight. To be honest if I hadn’t read this blog for years I doubt that the whole thing would have ended the same way.
About the private clinic, after what happened, I think about the second woman and the character of the psychiatrist from Burn Notice, as when I talked with her I did not see any hate through her, and that alarmed me later on as with the other psychiatrists I think I would have seen it through them. Maybe I was a little off because of the whole thing, when I type her name on google in the first picture her upper lip shows that she hides anger. Or maybe later on she was just mad because the tests don’t work properly and she thought I lied to her, but then again why was the chief psychiatrist so frightened and why did it seem like of the 2 the other one was the one calling the shots.
You can type her name on google and see her for yourself: M1ca3_la g0nz_al3z-qu1_ros Changing the 0’s for o’s, 3’s for e’s and 1’s for i’s, without underscores.
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Sometimes I wonder about what texas arcane said about the time he had to guess under which of the turned cards in the table there was something, surrounded by people evaluating him, and that he could pick the correct one. When I had to deal with the psychiatrists after I got acussed they would ask me at the start if I believed that I had extransensorial, superior perceptions or paranormal beliefs, or they would ask it in a test. I initially didn’t make anything out of it, but given what texas said, maybe it has some meaning.
AC talks often about the cabal tracking bloodlines, but I also wonder if they track people because of when they were born. If you begin to look into the zodiacal signs you will find that when you were born does influence you and some zodiacal descriptions of people are dead on point. Some of the descriptions are even of particular things that happen at childhood if you are influenced by a particular zodiacal sign.
I would not be surprised at all if it turned out that the celestial bodies have a big influence on the destiny of people, and that to go against them is like much like going against the flow of a river, and that to get your way in life you have to manouver them properly, and that cabal knows this and how to do it and uses it to their advantage. If I recall correctly in the Bible there was a king that when Jesus was going to be born wanted to kill all the babies around.
This might seem mumbo jumbo for many of you but I want to go ahead and talk a little more about a another paranormal topic, because I had a tipping point in my beliefs after reading this book the rofschild recommended. To me the rofschild from the glp forum semmed a real deal. You can go back to some of his archived posts here
The book, which is not the only one he recommended, is called “Breaking open the head”. In it the author tells his stories about hallucinogenic trips. He talks about his experience in burnign man and other meetings, about the psychodelics culture in the US decades back, about people he knew, and goes on to talk about his experiences far away with shamans, trying peyote, ayahuasca, … . At one point he tells how different unrelated people have tried the same compound from plants have seen the exact same entities and geometrical shapes in their trips, which I find interesting. If I recall correctly he goes on to imply something about certain compounds from plants working as a portal between us and other entities or places, that I guess are not material like we understand physical people and places.
Manly P Hall in his “Secrets of all Ages”, at some point I believe goes on to say something along the lines of: Just because there are things that we can percieve with our 5 senses, that does not mean there are not ones that the five senses cannot percieve.
“…he goes on to imply something about certain compounds from plants working as a portal between us and other entities or places, that I guess are not material like we understand physical people and places….”
People who have done ayahuasca and DMT have said they thought some of the entities they saw were demons. Many have said that the entities sometimes were delighted to see them, amused them and showed them..things. Others have said that at first they thought the entities were friendly but later they felt they were tricking them somehow.
I’m not saying all hallucinogens are always bad but people do go crazy from them and their mental health is irreparably harmed.
“I’m not saying all hallucinogens are always bad but people do go crazy from them and their mental health is irreparably harmed.”
The book does make clear to not just try hallucinogens for fun as many people decades back destroyed their mental health because they didn’t follow the proper ritual / journey. My bad I should had added that
This was an interesting story. I didn’t state that and should have.
He and his dad have been peddling a false religion their entire lives. I don’t know much about Jr. (don’t really care) but his dad was a first class, “Christian” Zionist P.O.S.
That being said, I suppose I should be proudly smiling with schadenfreude, but I am not. The Marxist atheists (i.e., the DNC et al.) are using this only to support their hate for anything religious, pointing out the hypocrisy of the “Christian” Falwells. Especially considering they were huge Trump supporters.
Agreed. Having a happy marriage with many children is what our Father in Heaven intended for Men of faith who speak in His name on Earth. In the model of Abraham who was a great man of faith, a priest and a prophet.
Regardless if you are a Christian or not, it is useful that you know about these facts pertaining to Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion. Remember why this is important:
The biggest voting block in the US, the Evangelicals, make up 25% of the US population, and they have been psyoped into supporting the terrorist state of Israel (which was complicit in the 2nd 9/11 attack on the US) for religious reasons via the Scofield Bible, which was commissioned to Scofield by the Rothschild.
And also remember that the True Eternal Israel exists in the hearts of those who have faith in Jesus Christ, not the Rothschild created earthly country we call Israel today.
Some graphs that will help redpill Evangelicals and other Christians on the truth about the Rothschild founded Israel: – “How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 1” – “How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 2”
Christian goes preaching in Israel, gets death threats.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Christian goes preaching in Israel, Jews spit on him.
They got the story wrong. Falwell was probably porking the pool boy, not his wife.
Jeff Fake a Biden-Bernie Socialist guy? The skinny, wide eyed, low-T phyz gave him away. A liar through and through.
Documentary about Sam Hyde. Found it very interdasting:
> He was always working against us, while running the party.
Yep. The bulk of the GOP nomenklatura has always been against him. Teflon Don flexed his billions to buy his nomination, and apparently got it cheap, too. You *do* remember the announcements of the various GOP who publicly announced they would oppose him, even after he had the nomination?
Might be time to review your list of the government employees to signed that “NeverTrump” document, too. And there was talk about one circulating at the Pentagon, but I don’t remember any specific people claiming they’d signed it.
The people of the United States interfered with the Uniparty’s plans for 2016, and they’re still mad about it.
Adolph Hitler has a great speech about democracy in which he talks about how when the People accept to be plundered by the (((democracy makers))) and shut the fuck up, then the (((democracy makers))) think democracy is good, but when people elect someone that is for the People, then all hell breaks loose and the (((democracy makers))) get really really mad, and use their (((fake news media))) to try to subvert the will of the People.
10 minutes of high IQ political commentary by Hitler (and regardless of what you think about Adolph, it’s worth the watch):
Ops, apparently I am retarded because that’s not the link I wanted to share on that post, here is the correct one:
It is made up from 2 or 3 or 4 different speeches, but it describes to a t what is happening today.
I’m not a Hitler worshiper or a Nazi but that guy was really sharp. He knew exactly what was going on with the Jews. I read all of Irvings books on him and all the other Irvings books also.
An interesting fact. They always blame his inflexibility at Stalingrad as being the reason Germany lost the war. In fact he refused to retreat because of false information. Look at Irvings book on Hermann Goring. Hitler really idolized Hermann Goring because Goring was such a hero. Goring told Hitler a direct lie. He told him that the Luftwaffe could deliver so many tons of supplies to Stalingrad. Based on this Hitler refused retreat but Goring lied. He knew when he told Hitler this that it was false and in fact, if I remember correctly, less than 25% of what he said he could deliver was delivered and because of that it was a foregone conclusion that the Stalingrad battle would be lost by the Germans. They ran out of supplies. No ammo, fuel. medical nothing.
Goring and his incompetent running of the Luftwaffe had a great deal to do with the Nazi loss. Goring made fun of the British planes made of plywood, that were kicking their asses, and wanted all metal planes of which they didn’t have enough metal for. He also didn’t really push enough transport which would be vital for the huge expanse of territory the Nazis had to traverse. He was really a serious fuck up but Hitler was loyal and kept him on too long. His fault. Think if instead of Goring, Albert Speer had been running things all along. Speer made things happen. Look at this transport made towards the end of the war. This thing is brilliant. Lots of wood in the frame, wood is actually stronger than steel in some cases per weight. It could take off in extremely short range and could traverse 5 foot ditches.
Goering was working against Germany all along, I don’t know what faction he was loyal to.
He was the one who told Hitler to hold back the panzers and let the Luftwaffe finish of the Brits at Dunkirk which he then failed to do.
But Hitler’s biggest mistake (or betrayal if he was actually working against Germany {his whole career just happened to give certain people their best boogeyman ever}) was when he declared war on the US giving FDR the excuse to directly attack Germany, Japan was never going to return the favor and declare war on the USSR, they knew the US was probably too much for them and the USSR had already clobbered them a few years early when they tried them on for size.
Attacking the USSR before finishing of the UK was also a major factor in Germany’s loss.
>”I’m not a Hitler worshiper or a Nazi but that guy was really sharp.”
Yep, #metoo
“…Hitler’s biggest mistake (or betrayal if he was actually working against Germany {his whole career just happened to give certain people their best boogeyman ever}) was when he declared war on the US…”
Yeah that was really, really stupid. I don’t think he betrayed Germany though. I think it’s just difficult to win a war when almost the whole entire productive force of the planet is trying to kick your ass.
I think he got overconfident because of his earlier successes. If he would have gone full war economy before or right at the time he attacked Russia he may very well have pulled it off. He dd not. He kept consumer goods untouched. He also did not stress to his troops that the Ukrainians could be allies. If he would have really pushed hard to make everyone in central Europe his ally it would have provided lots of manpower.
Another big failure was not taking out Gibraltar in the Med. if he would have done that it would have saved him lots of headaches later. If he controlled the Med. he would also control Iraq and Iran giving him all the oil he needed and cutting off the Brits.
I also don’t think Goring was treasonous he was just a fuck up. He was living it up and I believe hooked on drugs. Not doing his job and technically illiterate enough not to know what he was doing. He spent a major amount of his time going around stealing artwork.
> The ammonium nitrate from the Beirut blast was delivered on a ship whose owner was tied to a Hezbollah bank.
Again, a data point, but not one to go overboard on.
Hezbollah is everywhere over there. How many ships of any size *aren’t* connected to them somehow?
If you needed to ship a bunch of something in the USA, what are the chances that the ship wouldn’t be owned or operated by people connected to the Deep State? Ships are capital investments and the parts are important, along with the ability to monitor cargos, or even “lose” or damage them, should it be necessary.
Think of how dependent the US economy is on our agricultural exports and Chinese imports. Being able to shut that down would be a basic part of any long-term strategy.
> Gucci dresses men like little girls in emasculated male fashion show.
Good. Maybe the pink triangles will come back too…
Top kek
> RNC officially repudiates discredited Southern Poverty Law Center.
Took them long enough. The FBI, Amazon, and Facebook use the SPLC hate list, by the way. And all three pay them money.
You *are* on the SPLC list, aren’t you? You haven’t arrived until you’ve been denounced by the SPLC…
O/T: Engadget – a tech site which only occasionally has anti-Trump administration propaganda just so you know where its orthodoxy lies, suddenly feel it needs to warn people about QAnon folks:
All assets deployed. They are seriously panicking about the awakening via Q.
Nixon was right about Jews having an apparent death wish, they just can’t help themselves acting like cunts.
==The rabbi who is neighbor to Mark and Patricia McCloskey speaks out: ‘They are bullies’==
When Rabbi Susan Talve heard that Patricia and Mark McCloskey would be among the speakers addressing the Republican National Convention, she decided she could no longer stay quiet.
“It’s so upsetting that they have a national audience,” Talve said. “It’s upsetting we make heroes out of people who hate.”
The McCloskeys are Talve’s neighbors. Their property’s northern wall abuts the property of St. Louis’ Jewish Central Reform Congregation, where Talve is the rabbi.
Article continues.
Women can’t be rabbis, the religion those “jews” are practicing is an abomination to what was practiced by Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and David.
That sounds very bigoted, and to be quite honest, anti-Semitic.
I’m calling Laura Loomer on you buddy.
“anti-semetic” as in, anyone from the mid east even those practicing mystery babylon kabbalist crap
“One of Melania’s “friends” is doing a book with transcripts of covertly recorded conversations, where Melania supposedly criticized people in the administration.”
Or so they claim, we will see if they ever release the audio recordings, I say they don’t exist.
Worth the read:
Notable quote:
“The core issue here may rest in the perpetrators‘ exercising their first amendment rights,” Mendelson wrote. “However, it is incumbent on us to speak out against such vile antisemitism and related conspiracies.”
The national Anti-Defamation League wrote in a statement on Twitter, sharing an image of the banners, “antisemitism continues to plague our communities and it’s important to understand just how severe this issue is.”
The New York-based tweeted, “We need strict hate laws in America, the current ones aren’t working!”
So in other words, yes, we know that these signs warning the public of Jewish power are protected by the U.S. Constitution, which is why we need to pass unconstitutional ‘hate crime laws’ to ensure that the American public is never made aware of just how powerful we Jews have become — and how we are using that power to destroy Christian America and rebuild it in our own image — tikkun olam.
Notice that none of the Jewish groups cited in this article deny the charges that Jews are attempting to foment a race war in America — all they can say is that the charges are ‘antisemitic’, whatever that means.
They don’t deny it because it’s true — without George Soros pouring tens of millions into BLM activities and the election of radical District Attorneys who fully support the race rioters and Antifa, without Jewish leadership of BLM, and without the complicit Jewish-dominated media providing racial outrage propaganda 24/7, there would not be continuous race rioting in every major city in America.
Exactly. A good poster to hang over multiple overpasses would be”The Jews are funding antifa to burn down the cities”. If these popped up regularly it would eventually cause them problems.
There was guy named Hipster racist who blog was wiped but I had an argument with him about the radical Jew haters that seemed to be and might have been props by the Jews to make people against the Jews look stupid. He thought that they were a huge harm but I disagree. Patrick Little run for the Senate in California was what brought it up.
Now in the past I agree that this tactic by the Jews would cause harm to people pointing out the Jews perfidy but now…people can see if it’s true for themselves and in looking they will see that every damn single thing Patrick Little said was 100% correct. Before the net they couldn’t do that or when they searched they would only get approved messages that made the people calling Jews to task look foolish.
I suspect that this tactic is done for but like all the tactics of the Jews they never change. They will repeat the same lies over and over and over even if it’s perfectly clear they are lying. It’s a mental barrier for them and with today’s information overload they can’t stop true info from rising to the top.
If we had a Patrick Little running for every single office in the country it would be a huge jolt to the system.
>”They will repeat the same lies over and over and over even if it’s perfectly clear they are lying.”
Yes, they do.
>”It’s a mental barrier for them…”
In the best of cases perhaps, but usually it’s not a case of mental barrier, it’s them trying to hide the truth and doing it by using (in a very willingly and knowingly manner) the talmudic practice of pilpul (basically Jewish sophistry), which consists not only, but also, of trying to use language in a manner that drives the target, for all purposes, insane (by trying to make the audience accept as real something that is clearly not real), and a big part of it is a complete disregard of facts and proofs even if they are right in front of everyone in the audience. Once you know about it, it’s very easy to detect on Jewish/Israeli shills, especially online (and you can use it against them to bait and trap them and make them expose certain inclinations and attitudes that they might try to conceal (and do so successfully) if you adopt a direct approach strategy).
Pics related:

And a practical case study of a Jew getting caught using pilpul to promote apathy, the Islamification of the West, and impunity for the Israeli lobby (reposting):

Thank goodness some of the people in Kenoshua are shooting at the protestors now. I suspect at some point getting rid of the police is going to be seen as a serious defect in the minds of those that think they will terrify us into submission. I really believe the ONLY thing keeping people from shooting it out with antifa is the police.
They’ll switch their stance on the police all right but only after their guys are made the police. The “social workers” they’ll employ will quickly demand the right to carry guns due to the danger of the job. Then they can release them on patriots exclusively.
Over at thezman he made a comment I felt summed up a lot of the feelings I have about the police.
“…The people behind the “bleep the police” movement don’t interact with the cops, other than at their childish protests. If they did, they would understand the real complaint blacks have with the cops in our major cities. The criminals see the cops as a rival gang that has an unfair advantage. Everyone else sees the cops as wasting their time following their incomprehensible rules, rather than cleaning up crime. They see the cops hassling bangers, but not getting them off the streets…”
The Police are spending a huge amount of effort and time playing domination games but there’s no there, there. They aren’t really getting the violent criminals off the streets. These same domination games are used on Whites all the time if they happen to run across one of the men in blue. It’s not about any actual “result” it’s all domination games.
All this keeps them all busy. The courts, the police, the lawyers, the judges all moving these criminals about in and out, in and out. Just like you noted about the Black guy that got shot in Kenoshua. I mean look at that rap sheet but he’s never separated from the citizens because that would slow down their whole racket. They’d have no one left to run around, fill out paperwork on and tell us how we just have to have them. Of course the one guy who fires on the BLM and runs them off, he knows. He doesn’t really need them at all.
would love to disagree, but….
you look at the bigger gangs – bloods, crips, vice lords, disciples, etc etc. in all cases, they’ve been infesting their various cities for **decades**. 40, 50, 60 years. these guys have nowhere near the smarts or the juice or the blackmail programs of the various hardcore crime families/triads, but still, they survive. and thrive. decade after decade.
the only conclusion MUST be they’re not being eradicated because TPTB doesn’t want to eradicate them. they *want* them to survive. because they find them…. useful.
REALLLLY looking forward to having all this shit come out after CW2.0 ends. the police need to be destroyed just like the gangs. because A) the gang guys don’t bother me, so long as I stay out of the shit areas of town, which I do anyway B) the cops kill 10? 20? 50? times more innocent people than gangs do C) the gangs don’t come whining to me every 2 years about ‘need fatter pensions!’ and ‘need more lethal military weaponry!’ and ‘need more of your taxes!’ ***sigh*** and with each passing day, AC’s whacko lunatic crazy-sounding ‘Cabal conspires against us all’ theory looks more and more likely to be true
po-po delenda est
>”these guys have nowhere near the smarts or the juice or the blackmail programs of the various hardcore crime families/triads, but still, they survive. and thrive. decade after decade. ”
They are the muscle and logistics (aka: drug, money, guns and human trafficking victims transporters) department for the groups that do.
Yes, this is the system of anarcho-tyranny.
I’ve had this attitude a long time. Here’s an example. I was in Las Vegas for a while. I go to this party in the desert. Way the fuck out in the desert. Guy has a birthday party with a band running off a generator. Great time. He works in a supermarket and they crushed their boxes into big squares with a compactor. He brings one out and we use for a bonfire. I mean desert. Nothing but sand, rocks and pebbles. A massive force of police come out there. The fire department and a damn helicopter. A damn helicopter! Harass everyone there and lecture them on fire hazards, remember sand, dirt, there’s no way even remotely possible anything could burn there and they damn well know it but threaten to arrest everyone if you don’t listen to their lectures about fire hazards that don’t exist. Every party or place I went out there the police always showed up. Any gathering of people that they can’t make money off of even on public land, here come the police. I’ve seen them slap people around for nothing, The whole reason was to effect terror of the police and anxiety to do anything not financially sanctioned by some entity they could tax.
You know it would be one thing if the cops showed up to see what was going on and told everyone to be careful. I’ve lived in places where the police were like that and it doesn’t bother me but in many cities in the west and increasing all over they believe their job is to suppress any sort of dissent at all. To bully everyone onto whatever type of compliance they want.
Have you seen the girl in Australia that because she’s not wearing a mask the cop chokes her? Roughly and drags her to the ground and then they take her off. And the whole time someone with her tells the cop she has a doctors note that she doesn’t have to wear a mask. He doesn’t care, doesn’t check and see if this is true, keeps choking her.
This type behavior is overrunning the whole western world.
People have admonished me saying that, well only evil people who are hanging with the wrong people or doing bad things have problems with the police and there’s a great deal of truth to that but it’s not the whole truth at all and I’ve seen it myself.
The idea of a police force to protect us is a great idea but the present implementation of this idea is really rotten. The corruption in our government is directly tracked by corruption in the police forces.
And to make it perfectly clear I’m not in any way some sort of Bohemian protesting commie trouble making type person. This is just what I’ve seen.
The first thing needed to change this is the lock on police training by Israeli ex cops. They are literally training the police to treat us like Palestinians. I suspect that’s why big city cops started acting this way first due to Jews more active control of the large cities. That may even be the root of the problem and why I hate the attitude so much. I damn sure don’t want to be treated like the Jews treat the Palestinians in my own country.
That sounds weird. I wonder if they were hiding something out there because they didn’t think anybody would ever go out there, and they had it under surveillance, so when you went out there they saw it and chased you off using the fire thing as a cover. Q said lots of shit went on out at the border in that area. In Chameleo, Dion said a friend swore he was riding a dirt bike through the desert and came on what looked like a bunch of bigfoot/gorillas in the middle of nowhere, all dressed in US military combat gear running shooting drills, as if the army has a bunch of genetically modified gorillas in a unit nobody knows about.
I laugh, but who the fuck knows today. You could have been fucking up a CIA drug running path or some Cabal migrant/child trafficking thing. Or maybe they have an underground base there and they couldn’t have the night shift go home because they couldn’t open up the cliff face to let them out with you partying right there.
>”genetically modified gorillas in a unit nobody knows about.”
Ah, the mythical SWAH (Special Weapons And Harambe).
Genetically modified gorillas?
Or genetically modified humans being prepared to play the part of alien invaders?
You can’t rule out anything.
“…I wonder if they were hiding something out there because they didn’t think anybody would ever go out there, and they had it under surveillance, so when you went out there they saw it and chased you off using the fire thing as a cover…”
I love yah AC but you’re thinking way too hard. This is just what they do there (and now everywhere I think). There was nothing there. Nothing at all. Desert. Sand, rock, dirt. You could see for miles around. desert.
I worked with kids, different place, complaining about the police. They were at the mall in the parking lot talking to girls, just hanging out. Massive cops come run them off harass them, be very rude for…for no reason at except people were gathering and they want to control them. We’re not talking about protestors or anything remotely like that. Just people hanging out talking.
The root of it is police believing that their job is to control instead of to protect the community. The cops cars used to have printed on them “To Protect and Serve”, (a real thing), and if they didn’t always follow through on that it WAS THE POLICY.
I believe this is just more corruption.
I was watching Breaking Bad, and Walter was out in the desert burying his money, and in the background of the shot was a Cessna circling, I am sure checking out what the film crew was doing. There is a lot of people with a lot of shit to hide in this country.
Speaking of which, that reminds me that a person in my family told me about one night when he was out in the outdoors having some fun with his bb gun, he could swear some sort of plane was taking pictures of him, he said there were flashes in the sky and that it made several passes over him.
How Mice Turned Their Private Paradise Into A Terrifying Dystopia
A study in r selection.
It’s spelled Kenosha. (City and County) 🙂
I grew up near there and briefly lived in Kenosha for a time. One neat thing about the city is the grid they laid out. Streets run east/west and Avenues run north/south. Numbers go low to high from east to west and from north to south, if I remember correctly. 75th street (Hwy 50) divides the county in half. I-94 divides the rural (west) from the developments (east). Really easy to remember where you are at and where you are going.
BREAKING: North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un appears at a government meeting after a rumor claimed he was seriously ill and in a coma
re: New Jersey diner has its alarms go off, owners come down and find out the state has broken in, and is having a locksmith change all the locks to keep it closed.
After all of this is over and it’s 2021, Trump is being inaugurated, the riots have long since been CRUSHED(hopefully on PPV), the one thing that pisses me off is that assholes like this will still be free to walk among us and pretend to be Americans. Because if you are the type of person that would get into this petty of a pissing contest with a normal person just trying to make a living, you not only don’t belong in government, you don’t belong among the living.
I guess they needed a break from arresting Burn Loot and Murder except…
Reminder to get your daily dose of Vox Broccoli:
Box Day mentions AC’s thoughts on Melania’s infiltrators in her social circle.
BLM terrorist shoot in the head:
Another angle:
Backups from videos:
Here is a photo of the suspect in the shooting against the BLM terrorist:
Just read it, the Jews just can’t stop stepping on their own circumcised dicks:
>BLM terrorists start getting shoot in the head
>Song related starts playing
Immigration services cancels plans to furlough two-thirds of workforce amid COVID-19
Lebanon’s central bank may stop supporting basic subsidies
So yeah, another BLM terrorist got shoot, this one’s going to lose his arm:
Trump administration taps Vietnam refugee as new ICE chief
Falwell and Gillum?