News Briefs – 08/24/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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Massive shift to Trump if RFK Jr. endorses him, poll reveals.

Trump announces he would “love” endorsement from RFK Jr., would consider hiring him in his administration.

RFK Jr. suspends his campaign and endorses Trump .

Full transcript of RFK’s speech.

Streisand effect – CNN cuts away, and 8.6 million get to see tangible evidence RFK is not bullshitting them, just in this one tweet:

Trump thanks RFK for ‘nice endorsement’, teases more to come Friday night.

Trump campaign announces mystery special guest set to join President Trump at highly-anticipated Arizona rally.

I am starting to feel like Neo in the Matrix, when the whole world begins to look like it is all numbers and symbols, and not what everyone else is seeing. A scripted chain of events by some entity which can orchestrate Trump and RFK Jr, and control Biden and Harris, if need be. The production values are astounding.

RFK Jr. supporters say they will vote for Trump as poll shows Harris suffers.

Kennedy siblings rip RFK Jr. for endorsing Trump: ‘A betrayal’ of family values. He might even have told them to do this. I have had very generous people here offer to help me in emails and private comments, but when they admitted they had kids, I have told them to focus on their kids. And that was before I even encountered weird, almost supernatural-like technology, and this thing began to look like maybe there is something not even human up at the top. If RFK did finally get a bug up his ass and decide to fight, he would not want his entire family hung out there with him if it added nothing to the fight.

More UAP revelations here, mostly the Nimitz incident off the coast of California. Submerged Tic Tacs were documented doing 460mph underwater on sonar, and there were as many of them as there were airborne contacts. The airborne ones, about 100 of them, would show up in groups of ten, in orbit at 80,000 feet over the carrier group, they would instantly drop to 20,000ft and standoff from the carrier group, and then pass, one at a time, at about 100 mph directly over the carrier group at about 20,000 ft, before heading south to a point in the air, about 60 miles north of the Mexican Island called Guadalupe Island, and they would all disappear at a specific point in space, in the air, there. All data from the incident appears to have been disappeared by agents in the government, and the article adds, almost as an afterthought, that one researcher had documented ten times UAPs have encountered our Naval Aircraft Carriers, and apparently shut them down remotely, somehow, so they were not operational. I would be shocked, but they have already admitted there have been like 30 servicemen who have been killed in UAP encounters, which nobody seems interested in investigating, or detailing the cases of, so there is something strange going on and being covered up here. The two possibilities to explain the dataloss are, one, a splinter group which has acquired UFOs, and sees an advantage, probably technology, in keeping them to themselves, and not letting the government get into the issue, and they have the pull in the government to shut the official government out of it. The second possibility is, an organized group of agents in society, being run in coordinated fashion by the UAP drivers, against the rest of us, to try and keep human society under the control of the UAP drivers. Either way, regular America is in a war with someone, it just has not gone hot yet. In this war, it is the fleshy parts which are the weak parts. I face great technology, and for the time being I think I will do more good through American Stasi than any other path. But I am about 99% sure if the fleshy parts of the conspiracy surrounding me went away, the technology would be of no use against me.

For now, however, the war is exposure, and making all of our kind aware of what is going on. And that begins with

According to this article from NPR, Kamala Harris put black people in jail because their children with very severe chronic illnesses missed too many days of school.

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is facing a storm of criticism after a shocking moment at the Democratic National Convention, where he was allegedly seen aggressively yanking his retarded 17-year-old son, Gus Walz, by the arm on stage.

Reminder :

Kamala Harris outlined her plans to push for significant immigration reforms, including a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal aliens currently residing in the United States.

Vice President Kamala Harris accepted the Democratic presidential nomination on Thursday despite failing to release a policy platform since launching her campaign.

A group called “Muslim Women for Harris-Walz” is disbanding after the Uncommitted National Movement said it was told a Palestinian American speaker couldn’t address the Democratic National Convention.

Kamala Harris’s deputies awarded a speaking slot to advocates for rape survivors just after the slot given to the “Central Park Five,” five men who had been convicted in a brutal 1989 gang rape in New York’s Central Park.

Biden-Harris admin launched new illegal migrant ‘amnesty’ while DNC was underway.

Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) on Thursday reversed course and refused to endorse Kamala Harris’s bid for president one day after saying it is more important to elect her than his own reelection as Montana’s senior senator.

Kamala Harris HATES reporters, keeps a list of those who don’t, and I quote, ‘appreciate’ her.

Secret Service headquarters ordered agents NOT to request additional manpower for Trump rally where he was almost assassinated.

Secret Service places at least 5 agents on leave in Trump shooting probe.

Jack Smith surrenders: Special Counsel will not seek expedited hearings in Donald Trump case.

Luis Elizondo, who is pushing alien disclosure, says in this interview his mother was a model for Playboy and his father took part in the Bay of Pigs, and spent two years in a Castro prison. I don’t know what it means, but it feels like he got into intel because he was known to the machine and his parents were somehow in the club. Also, he describes a submerged UFO passing an Oil platform at sea which was bigger than the platform, and the rough size of an island, which was doing about 500mph underwater as it passed. Lots more hi-res vids which are too good to release he says.

A far-left organization that has received funding from taxpayer dollars is offering up to $30,000 to illegal aliens so that they can purchase homes in the United States.

Rules proposed by the Biden-Harris administration in July intended to stop foreigners from purchasing land near U.S. military installations fail to cover a Chinese Communist Party-linked battery manufacturer building a facility 63 miles from a key National Guard base.

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell signaled Friday that interest rate cuts are coming soon. My guess is, if there is a competition going on between competing groups, one intends to crush the economy in the runup to the election, while the other wants to boost it to boost Harris’ chances.


Federal judge says US military cannot turn away enlistees who are HIV-positive.


Netanyahu got himself a new trained monkey, however it is kind of effeminate and weak:

Afghanistan’s Taliban formally codified a long set of rules governing morality this week, ranging from requiring women to cover their faces and men to grow beards to banning car drivers from playing music.

Several reported killed in Germany knife attack. Reports say Arab-looking male decided to begin stabbing random passers-by.


In battle over how many migrants it should be forced to accept, Hungary threatens to provide train tickets for refugees to travel directly to Brussels, sparking a massive outcry.

Turkey’s continued diplomatic relations with Russia are raising concerns among NATO members who simultaneously do not want to lose their connection to the Arab world.

Hungary again breaks with West: Ukrainian attack on Kursk is ‘wrong.’

Russia tells citizens to switch off home surveillance because the Ukrainians may be able to tap into the feeds and use it for intelligence gathering. That is how easy it is to backdoor this type of tech, and it is what Cabal surveillance is doing all throughout your neighborhoods and the nation.

In what may be a surprise blow to Democrats’ chances of holding a key red state seat in the U.S. House Alaska Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom announced Friday she is suspending her campaign for Congress, giving a boost to Republican Nick Begich III, who was also running.

Huge victory for Alaska voters: Supreme Court clears path for November vote to repeal ranked choice voting.

NIH censorship of critics unconstitutional, appeals court says, HHS sued for COVID coverup records.

Battle for House majority hinges on seats up for grabs in mostly blue states.

Black Chicago residents slam Democrats for ignoring them in favor of migrants.

Donald Trump has doubled his support among Black voters: new poll.

Spread r/K Theory, because united we stand

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6 months ago

Trump Renews Call for Stop-and-Frisk, Says ‘Take Their Gun Away’

I’ll say it again: Lock him in the basement and stuff a gag in his mouth.

6 months ago

comment image

I’m going to say that’s blackpilling.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

One conspiracy theory goes that Covid should have been far more effective, but Cabal either got sabotaged or just screwed up, and as a result, they had to do a lot of fakery to make up for it, pretending empty hospitals were full, crisis actors playing patients, etc.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

One data item that, at the time, was an outlier. A screenprint worth saving. As soon as it was published, it was gone.

6 months ago

From RFK’s Wiki:

“During Kennedy’s college years, he started having heart problems, which he has said were caused by caffeine, stress, and sleep deprivation.[339]
In his 40s, Kennedy developed adductor spasmodic dysphonia, an organic voice disorder that causes his voice to quaver and makes speech difficult. It is a form of involuntary movement affecting the larynx, related to dystonia.[2][30][340][341][342] Kennedy said he traveled to Kyoto, Japan, for Type II thyroplasty (lateralization thyroplasty),where a titanium bridge was inserted between his vocal cords to relieve the disorder.
Kennedy began experiencing severe short- and long-term memory loss and mental fog in 2010.”

Looks like they’ve been beaming him for long time.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 months ago

Trump announces he would “love” endorsement from RFK Jr., would consider hiring him in his administration.

I read, who knows if it’s true, that RFK Jr. asked for a prominent position in the Democrat organization, and they stiff armed him. But I bet Trump gave him whatever wanted. Their views are not so far apart, and he will likely have Trumps back.

I hope he gets put in charge of vaccines and health care.

Reply to  Sam J.
6 months ago

I think the “he asked for a position but was spurned” is leftist claptrap. According to him and his running mate, they were railroaded out of the campaign by a machine that employs every dirty trick that can be thought of to eliminate anyone but the anointed. His running mate is at the “F them,”stage. He’s likely there as well.

6 months ago

Oh where, oh where has the sidebar gone?

6 months ago

‘Several reported killed in Germany knife attack.’

“He’ll be a wild donkey of a man. He’ll be against everyone, and everyone against him.”

6 months ago

RFK has had a bone to pick with the assassinations in his family so that is a perfect post for him. But, I’m still in the belive it when I see it camp. The only ones with the power to releaseare those documents are those that hold them. They have been unwilling to do so. Of course if disclosure now fits with their plans to foment the big war, it may happen. Cabal has really taken ” all warfare is deception” to an obscene level.

6 months ago

>kamala hates reporters

Only sane thing I’ve heard about her

6 months ago

Submerged Tic Tacs were documented doing 460mph underwater on sonar

I just want to emphasize what absolute insanity that is. Take a bath, and drag your hand through the water and feel the resistance. Torpedoes — our fastest underwater objects — do about 40 mph. Hypersonic torpedoes are supposed to be able to do about 200mh by supercavitating the water in front of the torp.
These things are doubling that. They are acting like the water simply isn’t there. I’m honestly wondering if it isn’t our sensors being hacked somehow — either electronically on the inside, or active spoofing of the pings.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

Their father is the Father of Lies. I assume that everything has a big fat lie wedged into it because that is their nature. It isn’t inventing and creating. It’s lying and stealing.

Just Me
Just Me
Reply to  phelps
6 months ago

Vox’s First Law: Any sufficiently advanced intelligence is indistinguishable from insanity.
Or in this case, impossibility.

a non 0
a non 0
Reply to  Just Me
6 months ago

I think you mean sufficiently advanced civilization being indistinguishable from magic, but the thought is in the right direction, you might believe yourself insane thinking what you see is real, and not imagined in a mental condition.

6 months ago

and then pass, one at a time, at about 100 mph directly over the carrier group at about 20,000 ft

Also, this would be damned close to, if not under, the stall speed of any modern jet fighter. (Stall speed goes up as the altitude increases because the air becomes less dense)
The performance envelopes on these things just don’t make sense in physics as we understand it. It really does put me in a place of 50-50 chance that they aren’t real, but the readings are just illusions someone has hacked in.
Update: Just thought of potential predictive programming. Jack Campbell (retired USN) has a scifi series call The Lost Fleet, where (spoilers) the alien big bads, when finally revealed, turn out to not be much better than us physical technology wise, but instead rely on hacking to create illusions inside our sensor systems that make them seem to be able to do impossible things and have impossible numbers and abilities.

Last edited 6 months ago by phelps
Reply to  phelps
6 months ago

Dude, I’ve seen these things. Starting in about 1962. They were spherical and appeared to the size of a baseball at 75′ distance. Too small to be occupied that’s for sure. Smoothly sailing across the sky, slowing to a near stop, then making a quick 90 and accelerating away with no sound what so ever. Also have seen the triangles or V shape what ever they are, and a cylindrical one that was being tracked by a fighter jet from the local AFB at the time it was in operation. Certainly not projections or hallucinations. Witnessed by myself and others at the same time. I have no idea what or how or why they show up, but they do. Been a while now though.

Reply to  Festis
6 months ago

Just look to the sky at night with night vision. They’re everywhere.

Reply to  Festis
6 months ago

I don’t doubt that people are seeing things, and that there is something to it. My grandfather was a career USAF NCO, and was involved with some wild shit and saw them all the time. My point is that what we are seeing can be a pretty carefully crafted illusion, hiding what is really there. Essentially any base that was nuclear capable saw these things all the time.
Of course, my GF is born again now and is convinced they are all demonic, so there’s that.

Last edited 6 months ago by phelps
Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
6 months ago

Full transcript of RFK’s speech.

He did, briefly in passing, mention the surveillance.

6 months ago

Secret Service headquarters ordered agents NOT to request additional manpower for Trump rally where he was almost assassinated.

From the article:

It’s almost as if the Secret Service senior staffers wanted President Trump dead and buried. How can he place any trust in the agency going forward?

This is the real question. The answer is, he can’t. There were no whistleblowers, not even the ones standing right next to him, who could have said, “sir, we’re not being given the resources we need, and have been ordered to stop asking. You are in danger.”
So no, he can’t, then what? I think his security needs to be taken away from Treasury and the USSS, and handed over to the army. Grab some guys from Delta, some other SOCOM guy, and stand up a new unit that will have the job of presidential and vice presidential security.
There is already a historical unit that could be reactivated — the US Constabulary Corps. They policed occupied Europe, and are already organized as a gendarme corps. It’s time for palace guards.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

>>This is why I do not believe there can be simply an exposure, and everyone in the conspiracy explains how they were beaming neighbors, and trying to overthrow the country, and running support for 9/11, and then we all go back to being real Americans together, as if nothing happened.

We DO kind of have a foreshadowing of this:
Remember when the enemies tried to say: “well…Covid is over…so let’s just forgive and move on”.


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

“… I suspect those who are not conspiracy, who might get by that, and into somewhere like SF or Delta, by and large fear this thing for reasons which are not clear to me.”

I think this line of thought can also be applied to people that are civically minded and want to help make straight our path. However, they are not willing to allow their lives and the lives of their family to be FUBAR by the MSM or prostituted by the parties. If they’re recognized as a threat to the leviathan, they will be minimized or destroyed by whatever means necessary.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

They don’t want their people in SF. That shit’s hard and dangerous. They want their people controlling a competent and obedient Special Forces.
They want us there, and they want the ones of us that will follow orders. We just need to change who is giving the orders.

Reply to  phelps
6 months ago

He can afford to pay for his own security. It’s a legitimate use of campaign funds according to the Federal Election Commission.

Security is a very big business; several of the top 10 largest corporations in the world are security outfits. Trump is a billionaire; he should have stock in some of them in his portfolio, giving him legal means to check them out more thoroughly. Or for that matter, he could just buy a smaller outfit outright.

Media makes bodyguards look like crosses between Delta operators and 007. Sometimes you see those; big guys in suits with earpieces and mirrored sunglasses. Those are the ‘for show’ guys. The real security guys look like paparazzi, flunkies, or bystanders. The mindset for an effective bodyguard defaults to “trust no one.”

Trump has had personal security of some sort for most of his life; almost all billionaires do, because they’re prime targets for crazies and kidnappers. He probably knows what good security looks like, just from experience. And four years of SS “protection” should have taught him what they’re supposed to be doing.

Unless they were deliberately shorting his security when he was President. Hmm. Come to think of it, there were several incidents involving his motorcades, where nutters got right up to his limo, that should have never happened.

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

Trump has had personal security his whole adult life. His head of security pre-POTUS was notorious for being especially competent, doing USSS style background checks on people before they got into Trump’s office spaces.
The problem is that this sort of competence becomes invisible, and you don’t notice it again until there is a problem.

6 months ago

Re: The naval deployment graphic:
I was going to call bullshit, because they have the Roosevelt in two places, but it turns out we have CVN-71 (The Roosevelt carrier) in the gulf and DD-80 (the Roosevelt destroyer — arleigh burke class) in the Med.

Reply to  phelps
6 months ago

We did have more than one Roosevelt to have named them after too. I believe the Carrier is named for Teddy and the DDG after FDR

Reply to  Y G B
6 months ago

Better than finding you were assigned to the “Harvey Milk”.

a non 0
a non 0
Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

As a little one used to say – that’s gisdusting!!!

Reply to  phelps
6 months ago

Makes me suspect the plan is to get everything sunk.

Reply to  Anonymous
6 months ago

Not everything. I figured they would send the Truman (CVN-71) to get sunk since it’s overdue for refueling, but maybe they will sink another so they can hoover up the money for a rushed refueling to get it back onto the water for the war.
They want to get two carriers sunk (just like 9/11, one tower is a fluke, two towers is serious.) They want to keep the rest of the fleet. They have been pushing for fewer carriers anyway. (The Truman hasn’t been refueled because they wanted to decommission it, until Trump intervened.) (They here isn’t necessarily the cabal, but the Joint Chiefs Mafia.)

a to z
a to z
6 months ago

Ith one eleven, do you know where your thidebar ith?

6 months ago

I never worried about Trump at rallies, last go round. There were retired military guys, guys with pensions, who would travel around attending Trump rallies. They were, like, retired military police, retired on the ground troops, not cooks. Guys who were practiced at finding problems. They weren’t hired. They did it on their pension money.

They’d go to rallies and kind of disperse through the crowd and just kind of keep an eye out. If they saw a problem, they would alert the badged security staff: the police, the security, and so on. If they knew someone else was like them, they’d find a way to disperse through the crowd in kind of a grid or sponge pattern.

They stopped a lot of mischief. They were upset that knife fighters made it to the stage. That happened, and then it went from casual patriotic duty to really more serious. The car wrecks made them more intense, too. Trump had armies of invisible volunteers watching over him. They weren’t badged, they weren’t paid, they weren’t there for publicity.

The shooter wasn’t just against the Secret Service, he was against all powers, formal and informal. The Secret Service was the weak point on layers upon layers of protection.

6 months ago
I believe that in all men’s lives at certain periods, and in many men’s lives at all periods between infancy and extreme old age, one of the most dominant elements is the desire to be inside the local Ring and the terror of being left outside.”

Y g b
Y g b
Reply to  Y.G.B.
6 months ago

“Over a drink, or a cup of coffee, disguised as triviality and sandwiched between two jokes, from the lips of a man, or woman, whom you have recently been getting to know rather better and whom you hope to know better still—just at the moment when you are most anxious not to appear crude, or naïf or a prig—the hint will come. It will be the hint of something which the public, the ignorant, romantic public, would never understand: something which even the outsiders in your own profession are apt to make a fuss about: but something, says your new friend, which “we”—and at the word “we” you try not to blush for mere pleasure—something “we always do.”
And you will be drawn in, if you are drawn in, not by desire for gain or ease, but simply because at that moment, when the cup was so near your lips, you cannot bear to be thrust back again into the cold outer world. It would be so terrible to see the other man’s face—that genial, confidential, delightfully sophisticated face—turn suddenly cold and contemptuous, to know that you had been tried for the Inner Ring and rejected. And then, if you are drawn in, next week it will be something a little further from the rules, and next year something further still, but all in the jolliest, friendliest spirit. It may end in a crash, a scandal, and penal servitude; it may end in millions, a peerage and giving the prizes at your old school. But you will be a scoundrel.”
 I will ask only one question—and it is, of course, a rhetorical question which expects no answer. IN the whole of your life as you now remember it, has the desire to be on the right side of that invisible line ever prompted you to any act or word on which, in the cold small hours of a wakeful night, you can look back with satisfaction? If so, your case is more fortunate than most.”

6 months ago

I have no idea how SCOTUS is going to rule on this, but I KNOW that it will be decided there. The entire gun culture will support this now that we have a legal beachhead, and the government CANNOT let this ruling stand because constricting the supply of machine guns is the most guarded power the government asserts in this area. It’s actually a sort of first line of defense, where the government first bans machine guns, THEN bans explosives, THEN bans guided explosives like a stinger missile. You never get passed the first barrier.

I would predict that if the government continues to lose the appeals then SCOTUS will take the case. If the government wins on appeal SCOTUS is more likely to simply refuse the case because this is the very last thing SCOTUS wants to have to rule on.

Court Rules Machine Guns Protected Under 2A!
Liberty Doll

6 months ago

Uh, I haven’t seen Trump make ANY sort of concession on Warpspeed, only to continue to decry the mandates and bans on alternate therapies like anti-parasite drugs for anti-viral use. Are we about to see that change?

They’ve got Birx on camera admitting that they flat out lied about the safety of the vaxx while also admitting that they just made up the covid rules like social distancing. Fauci has been caught lying about everything thanks to Rand Paul.

6 months ago

A lot of my fb friends have this(jewish derangement syndrome)

Reply to  kid
6 months ago
6 months ago

I think the talk about 30K for illegals to buy homes is fake, or a lure to get them to register somehow. We sold a house recently, illegal woman put a down payment and had a contract paying full price. When it got close to the settlement, everything fell apart because her bank doing the loan investigated and found out she was illegal and they would not loan money to a non citizen. So what good would 30K be if they can’t get a home mortgage loan?

6 months ago

You haven’t yet figured out who is at the top? Come on, you can infer the answer if he hasn’t made himself explicitly personally known to you yet.
I’ll outright tell you. He’s not human. He claims that he has “ruled” for 4,000 years. He’s got one hell of a reputation behind him. He goes by many names. He’s currently flying around and meeting up with those who are wrathful. I’m sure he’s also probably meeting with world, tech and social leaders and has regular direct contact with many of them, but I’ve not personally seen that and can only speculate there. He has a baby-faced cherubic look to him with deep set wrinkles and curly hair. His wrinkles aren’t like a human’s would be where there’s a bunch of smaller ones and some heavy ones spread out, but more like the deep set laugh lines that some people get. His supposed beauty is a bit overrated. When he smiles, one side of his lips rise higher than the other. He winks. He speaks understandably and plainly with no discernible accent; I.e., no “thees” and “thous” in archaic fashion, but rather will just talk to you in natural language using contractions and regular words. He tries to be funny and it comes off as the kind of immature humor a twelve year old boy would find hilarious. I didn’t get that part. Thousands of years of practice and he’s no funnier than a classroom full of twelve year olds laughing at fart jokes. He might come at you and the first three utterances in a back and forth with him will each have six syllables. He offers things and that’s part of his well known reputation. Some people claim that he’ll offer them fame or money or talents, such as musical gifts. For me, it was the offer to take away all sorrows and fears in life. Now I ask you, who would have the ability to both make such an offer as well as to presumably deliver upon that offer? He also accuses. I don’t know if there’s a set order to this thing, but for me it was 1. three 6s, 2. offer 3. accusation 4. fly away.
His title is “God of this world”. That’s who rules this world. That is who is pulling the world’s strings. He is preparing for an upcoming battle.
This information has scared me for more than 13 years now, since March 17th 2011. (I didn’t take his offer. I still have all kinds of fears and sadness.)
I wish this was a troll, but I’m being real here my friend. I think I’ve said the above many years ago at your site here. My story never changes. I used to always read and very occasionally comment, but then fell off for awhile while looking elsewhere on the Internet; too much time spent at /pol/, I guess. You even once commented back and I remember getting a kick out of that for some reason. It was back when most of your posts would have one to three comments. Your book has been on my bookshelf for years.
Take care. This battle is WAY bigger than humanity.