Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Western Companies Ignoring Russian Crude Price Cap
DFT – Coinbase To Shutter Centre, Invest In Circle
DFT – Europe Sees Gas Tumble As Woodside May Have Union Deal
DFT – German Central Bank Forecasts Zero Growth
DFT – Moody’s Estimates Hawaii Fire Damage At $4-$6 Billion
Links to Trump’s Tucker interview at the bottom. Should be at the top, but I like to finish these on a high note, and those are in short supply lately.
RFK Jr. bombshell: ‘Operation Mockingbird’ is alive and well today.
RFK Jr SHOCKS: CIA operated over 200 outdoor experiments on MILLIONS of Americans.
Georgia Secretary of State admits botched ballot process involving MTG’s ex, blames county. I don’t buy the innocent excuse. They were marking people as voted who didn’t vote and undoing it if they showed up. What is the statistical probability her then-husband would have been told he had already voted in the system? How prolific would that indicate the problems would be?
Rudy Giuliani, once ‘America’s Mayor,’ gets mugshot in Georgia jail.
Donald Trump’s ‘Kraken’ lawyer Sidney Powell poses for her mugshot after surrendering in Georgia.
Donald Trump defiant: Declares he will ‘proudly’ be arrested in Georgia.
Christie says he would’ve charged Trump on documents case, Jan. 6.
Pittsburgh active shooter: SWAT team rescues a neighbor in armored vehicle as gunfire continues between cops and a squatter barricaded inside a house after eviction turned violent. Probably a dude who fell on hard times for a reason, who didn’t understand who his real enemies were. If the truth is someday revealed the nation will be filled with these guys popping off.
Biden admin welds Arizona border wall gates open.
Vox Day on the new “viral sensation” country singer here, and here.
The latest “viral sensation” has a very bifurcated face, with one side (if he is right handed and the picture is not reversed, then his left real side), even the eye, showing a sort of resignation, that this is what he has to do, while the other, dominant, consciously controlled, manipulative side, is looking entirely wiped blank:
As I wrote in the comments:
You have to do this. For years, the right way, and then it is obvious. I show up every day, produce interesting stuff, some of which should go viral, over and over. Surveillance on Google streeview in your neighborhoods. Idaho victims under surveillance. Irah Sok murdered after the conspiracy has ATF pull her veteran brother’s weapons. Cleaners scrubbing the plane which didn’t get hijacked on 9/11. GPS knocked out in Maui. Narcissists, r/K Theory, and I show up every day, and do it all over again. I can even look at just about anything biotech related, and give you an as good as, or better than, opinion as the best minds in the nation, based off being trained in the field and knowing my shit.
It puts a totally different flavor on some 80 IQ guy who acts like a Hillbilly as he says, “Aw shucks, did that piss poor song I did for two minutes really go viral on me, without me doing anything? I never intended that, and now hundreds of millions of people are all listening to me! If that could happen to me, it could happen to anyone!”
They would never, ever allow it. Not when they have the secrets they have, and there are at least 50 million hungry trigger pullers in this nation who without real freedom have nothing to lose, and are just waiting to see shit light off to a degree the machine cannot protect itself from everyone, and everyone is on the same page about it.
Which is why I would not even mention it. I don’t push the psyops here. If you don’t see it here, as a general rule, it will not be worth your time.
BA.2.86 subvariant potentially better at causing breakthrough infections: CDC. I report these only so you can keep track of whether they will try to reclaim lockdown controls for 2024. They may not know. Things might he different based on whether Trump vs Biden polls 52-48 or 70-30. They may just be holding a door open.
Man stabbed, beaten with bat in wild altercation after wrong-way crash in NY: video. Sounds like another place where criminals take control of the street with shotguns while their buddies go to town beating whoever they want.
Motor vehicle thefts in Chicago have jumped by 139% in 3 years, while only 4% are solved.
A top member of NASA brass, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) director Dr. Laurie Leshin, is doubling down that Earthlings have yet to observe a UFO of alien origin — her remarks coming amid extra interest in extraterrestrials fueled by bombshell congressional hearings and alien whistleblowers. I don’t buy it. People have undoubtedly seen things. Technology has backed them up. The subject is fascinating to ponder. When someone who is supposedly smart dismisses it, and has no sense of the wonder, or the curiosity anyone smart should have, I think they know something, and are deceiving people. Either that, or they are too stupid and closed minded for their position. But even idiots should think that the subject sounds interesting. I think they know something, and are purposely deceiving people. For who is the question.
During the UAP hearing, David Grusch testified he could not provide specific details about UAP crash retrieval programs or reverse engineering programs, but said the Intelligence Community Inspector General could. So my colleagues and I wrote to him to ask for details.
Top American law schools promote ditching the Constitution. These are agents of the conspiracy. They are a part of their own little secret society, and for that group, raised from children with no values other than control, the Constitution is really just in the way. As are we, apparently.
Hawaii wildfires: More than 1,000 people reported missing in Maui weeks after blaze.
Hawaii delayed diverting water that could have helped Maui wildfires, letters obtained by CNN allege. If it was an op, And one feature was containing people near the fires by blocking roads, then knocking out GPS so they couldn’t reroute would just be standard procedure which planners would almost pull off a checklist to add to the prep for the op. And it kind of looks like an op. To that end, I reported the outage, and got this back:
We don’t have any evidence of the kind of situation that you suggest and we have confirmed that the constellation of GPS satellites was operating normally and there was no satellite maintenance that would have been the cause of a loss of the GPS signal in the Hawaiian Islands at any time during the fires on Maui. Additionally, we have confirmed that space weather would not have been a factor.
While this is speculation, some additional factors that could have played a role if GPS connectivity was delayed or had problems during this time:
– The situation on the ground there may have been the contributing factor. While a GPS chip is integrated into any given cell phone, all the mobile phone systems broadcast information to assist in the fast acquisition of a GPS location, this is called Assisted GPS or AGPS.
– How recently a device was used for location, without AGPS information, the GPS Navigation message downloading to GPS units from the satellites would have taken up to 12 minutes to complete before a location would have been possible.
– The status of the cellular system, even if a GPS location was processed and available, the device would have to connect to the internet to use mapping software like Google Maps, Bing Maps or WAZE.
Please accept our most sincere condolences for the tragedy in Lahaina. We wish the people of Hawai’i the speediest recovery.
CWO Wayne Horn
GPS Information Analysis Team
USCG Navigation Center
TEAMS 571-607-0413
On their website they never offer other explanations. They just confirm the satellites were working, there was no test of jamming signals in the area, and that system was good. Of course the proposed possible reasons do not address the fact one system was a rental car GPS, and one was a maritime unit which should not have been affected by anything other than a loss of satellite signals. And if the sat signals didn’t shut down, then they would seem most likely to have been jammed to a degree a ship off the coast had no GPS.
Those who disobeyed the barricaded road closures during the Maui fires survived the disaster, while many of those who heeded orders to turn around perished in their cars and homes with no way out. “Officials closed Lahaina Bypass Road due to the fires, blocking the only way out of Lahaina to the southern part of the island.” It is kind of like they want us to know. I am not stupid, or so autistic I cannot fathom how other people see things. I can imagine to most people here, I must sound like a psycho, alleging these powerful forces running things are little different than criminal masterminds, bent on murder and mayhem for nothing more than profit or simple domination. But as someone formally trained in the most advanced sciences, I understand the Darwinian mindset and thought processes as they exist in nature, and because of my training in the biological sciences, and science in general, I can extrapolate a logical origin path which leads from the state of nature to this system, being in operation today. The world is Darwinian. I can extrapolate, and see why and how it is like this still. And you have to admit, if you look at my analyses, it does look kind of like I might be right, even here. You get in one of these situations, don’t just think, “How do I survive this disaster?” Think to yourself, “Somebody may have done this disaster to kill me, they may not be finished, and I may have to evade, or even take them out on my way out of this kill zone.” And do not rely on tech, from cell phones, to GPS, to internet connectivity, as knocking that out will be standard operating procedure. Get a map. and compass. It is really nothing like you were told growing up. Because they told you it was like they said because they were purely Darwinian, and they wanted you weak. And in the Darwinian world, the weak do not last long when the shit touches off.
FEMA order surfaces for media ‘blackout’ of Maui disaster images.
Hawaii officials are concerned not enough Maui residents are handing over their DNA samples after wildfires. They need to identify the people they burned to death anon, what aren’t you helping them?
Louisiana wildfires: Louisiana officials urge, stop sending drones up to take pictures. “We have aircraft in the air and people’s drones are getting in the way,” Department of Agriculture and Forestry Commissioner Mike Strain said. I am sure the aircraft can’t see the ground beneath the drones. Makes you wonder what they are afraid might get filmed.
British Columbia wildfires intensify, doubling evacuations to over 35,000.
Investigations begin into ‘organized arson’ as wildfires spread across Greece.
Greek firefighters battle major blazes on multiple fronts.
Ukraine to cost half-trillion more if war ends now. They are already setting the stage for the “reconstruction,” which for some reason we are supposed to pay for.
Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin was on the passenger list of a jet which crashed killing all on board, Russia’s civil aviation authority has said. Plane crashes, with all their collateral damage, are Cabal’s MO, not Russia’s. And you can tell it was Cabal by how they blame Putin, hoping Wagner will turn against Russia. There is a thoroughness about Cabal’s repugnant nature. Killing without facing their enemies, then lying and blaming the innocent, and then crafting the lie to try and trick good men into doing even more evil on its behalf.
Wagner is not falling for it – Wagner group wants to march on Poland, Putin ally warns.
Wagner decries ‘murder’ of Prigozhin amid reports anti-air missile struck plane.
Others are saying it may have been a bomb placed on board after the plane was screened for explosives:
Expert warns fake Prigozhin body double may be on board crashed jet. These Russians are not amateurs, and they know what they are up against, so maybe. I hope so. He was a colorful character, and did good work against the conspiracy.
Russian scientist goes on vacation to Germany, goes hiking, and follows his hiking app, which walked him off a cliff, causing him to fall 500 feet to his death. He supposedly only studied ultraviolet light, but the death sounds kind of like Cabal. If you are a Russian contributing anything to Russian society you might want to stay out of the West for a while. The shit is really unbelievable out here right now.
Pollster Rich Baris says Trump is stronger today than he’s ever been – “Is it true that Donald Trump is stronger today than he was in 2020?” Kirk asked. “Yes,” Baris said. “It’s also fair to say that he is stronger now than he was in 2016 when he won. We got this new poll coming out and I’ve been trying to beat this like a dead horse… It’s just not 2020. It’s not 2016. They are just totally different races and he’s doing so much better”
Trump crushes Biden, DeSantis in latest landslide poll, while DeSantis fails to even beat Biden. The more you hear DeSantis speak the weaker and more of a doughy pussy he sounds like. That is why he was being beaten by Gillum before Trump stepped into his race and endorsed him.
Interview here on twitter, or here for download if you do not have an account (right click and choose save file). Trump is still in top form.
“The white race is the cancer of human history” -Susan Sontag
Sontag was born Susan Rosenblatt in New York City, the daughter of […] Jews of Lithuanian[5] and Polish descent. […] Sontag’s mother married US Army Captain Nathan Sontag.
At 17, Sontag married writer Philip Rieff, who was a sociology instructor at the University of Chicago, after a 10-day courtship; their marriage lasted eight years.[10] [Their son worked for Open Society and other NGOs, and has written articles for NYT, etc.]
Sontag was the partner of María Irene Fornés, a Cuban-American avant garde playwright and director. Upon splitting with Fornés, she was involved with an Italian aristocrat, Carlotta Del Pezzo, and the German academic Eva Kollisch.[31] Sontag was romantically involved with the American artists Jasper Johns and Paul Thek.[32][33] During the early 1970s, Sontag lived with Nicole Stéphane, a Rothschild banking heiress turned movie actress,[34] and, later, the choreographer Lucinda Childs.[35] Sontag also had a relationship with the writer Joseph Brodsky.[36]
With photographer Annie Leibovitz, Sontag maintained a close romantic relationship stretching from the later 1980s until her final years.[37] [Her father was a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Air Force of Romanian-Jewish heritage[4]]
Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his book Skin in the Game criticizes Sontag […] Taleb assesses Sontag’s shared New York mansion at $28 million.
[Claire Danes of ‘Homeland’]
[Laying the groundwork for ‘trans’]
[Meryl Streep’s mask has become her face]
[Chinese ‘dissident’ artist Ai Weiwei making the pyramid]
The thing about Sontag’s quote I’d this: many conservatives dismissed such statements as just absurd ideology, attention seeking, or virtue signalling. Very, very few really took it to heart that these people were deadly serious and working hard to achieve their goals.
YGB, you seem to be getting more angry and close minded. Not completely, but enough to take some of the fun out of your blog. Maybe you need a little more me time to step back and see things, or just relax.
Maybe smoke jumpers and firefighters just don’t want to have a drone collision for some selfish reason. And just because people have ‘seen things’ doesn’t mean those things are extraterrestrial. There aren’t the astronomical tech and life signatures we’d expect if there were extraterrestrials making interstellar trips so casually. But there are lots of weird and fun to speculate possibilities that Dr. Leshin might believe: from there being a conspiracy to make people think they see things to secret high tech organizations to Earthlings from the next brane over to demons. Don’t get so sure you know.
Back to psyop school for you, fed boy. Your plot is obvious
t. Cuck
Who’s YGB?
If he releases his mugshot on a voting platform, I’d vote for him so hard that I’d get recruited to play professional video games. Slap! Shot!!
Electronic Voting in my district. Buttons! So many buttons!
I think the derps that run things don’t get how many, how very,very,very many Americans have mugshots for dumb stuff like drunk driving- which they like- or drugs- which they like- or shooting stuff off season- which they like- or fighting- which they like.
What they don’t like? Getting lectured about tone by ‘tards that stayed home from the high school football game on Friday night. Social retards.
The actual Down Syndrome kids all seem to have a brother on the team, or a sister on the drill team or a cheerleader sister. They are the team mascot on a regular basis. The love and care for the weak sibling is what drives the excellence.
“Russian scientist goes on vacation to Germany, goes hiking, and follows his hiking app, which walked him off a cliff, causing him to fall 500 feet to his death…..”
As with the GPS story above, the rule of thumb for all of us should be
Maps, not Apps !
> Russian scientist goes on vacation to Germany, goes hiking, and follows his hiking app, which walked him off a cliff, causing him to fall 500 feet to his death.
You used to see a lot of those stories ten-fifteen years ago, when GPS-enabled smartphones were new-ish. But I had my doubts about them even then. And this one… exactly how oblivious do you have to be, to be so wrapped up in your phone you walk off a cliff?
George Carlin once said, “You know how dumb the average person is? Well, half of them are dumber than *that*.”
But I have a hard time figuring someone is *that* dumb. Walking into an ornamental fountain in the mall, yes. Over a cliff – there likely wasn’t even a trail there, unless jumping off that cliff is popular – is more than I can credit.
Science is a nation’s power. I could see Cabal saying, any PhD from Russia who ventures into the West gets targeted for killing, just to degrade Russia’s scientific community. People don’t grasp the extent to which when they land somewhere, intel is sizing them up and all over them. Especially travelers from a “denied” intelligence area. Are you a potential for recruiting? A target to take out? Is it worth putting backdoors in your electronics? Bugging your electric shaver, or your clock radio? Everybody gets looked over from an intelligence perspective.
And don’t forget all those microbiologists who were snuffed out over the last 20 years.
It’s been years since I’ve heard of one, but a while back we kept hearing stories about people who were following their GPS and drove into canals.
An unnamed male was reportedly an eyewitness and was close enough to clutch at the deceased, but too late. Minor injuries and nail scratches were sustained by the failed rescuer. Police say they have misplaced the name and nationality of the man.
That sounds kinda suspicious doesn’t it!
If he was hiking alone, someone could have easily thrown him off and then the media fabricated a story about falling from phone.
Re: Darwinian world
Never attribute to stupidity what can be explained by malice, makes far more sense than the reverse. Literally anything can be “adequately explained” by stupidity, including this very stupid cliché.
In fact, Hanlon’s law is a psy-op (IMO) used as a corollary to “conspiracy theory” in the ongoing “Do Not Believe Your Lying Eyes” narrative.
The original is a good attitude when dealing with people you care about.
The reverse is the only way to deal with strangers, especially people with power.
I think that was from an episode of “Gilligan’s Island”, where a South American dictator was going to make Gilligan his heir. The population was outside the palace with torches and pitchforks, howling for blood. Gilligan pointed that out, and the dictator shouted “Who are you going to believe? Me, or your lying eyes?!”
If the castaways had just killed Gilligan after the 3rd time he fucked up ‘them getting rescued’, they’d been home by the 5th episode. Probably a Life Lesson in there somewhere. “The 3rd time is enemy action.”
At least bind and gag him every time you have an escape plan.
About GPS unavailability in Hawaii fires.
I am a ham radio operator, so I was wondering if fire could affect radio communications, and if ionization or some other aspect of fire could be the reason.
I found this PDF, (I only read a few pages) and I can’t copy paste the quote, but on PDF page 25 (page 1 of the introduction), it states that “Fire fighters have testified that Radio communications can be severely degraded by being in the proximity of a fire”.
Could this be the reason GPS was out? It is possible the “experts” have not even considered this?
I do not know, but I keep coming back to the sailboat which wanted out of the harbor and noted as it left, the GPS was out, off the island, in the water.
GPS is a U.S. military navigation system. Up through the 1990s, the system had two signal,.one meant for military use. The other for civilian uses. The military could alter the accuracy of either signal. During the First Gulf War in 1991, the commercial signal’s accuracy was increased so U.S. troops could use commercial gps receivers.
I haven’t followed developments in the system since then, but I seem to remember devices that could broadcast a counter signal, similar to noise cancelling headsets, to mute gps signals to so low hat receivers wouldn’t get a useable signal. I also think the satellite’s broadcast technology was improved to the point they can degrade or blank geographic areas. Makes sense. That way they can “turn off” gps in an opponent’s area.
If Maui lost gps, it could be a blanking of that area, or it could be a device broadcasting a negative signal over a large area.
I find this topic fascinating and hope someone else has some thoughts on it.
The military also played games with the GPS location signals for that area, to fox Iraqi systems that were using it.
That’s why Russia, China, and the EU set up their own global systems, and India and Japan have partial systems. GPS is so simple and convenient… but nobody wanted to have to depend on the American system in wartime.
FWIW, my brother-in-law was the electrical engineer who hand-wrapped the first test boards and rode along while a USAF transport plane flew a grid verified by TACAN(?) and celestial navigation. That was the “proof of concept” stuff, showing that it would actually work.
He was just a tech, not part of the decision-making process, but he was present while a lot of the basic decisions were made, which seem to have been the usual bureaucratic fustercluck. I’ve been trying for years to get him to write a monograph about it, but he doesn’t think anyone would be interested.
GPS spoofing exists, but you have to be within a certain range of the GPS units you want to redirect onto another course.
Readers here would totally buy that.
Vaguely related, but a flame can be used as a speaker. There are some videos on YT, and a Wikipedia entry here:
RE: Maui weirdness/DEW evidence
It appears there are objects in the Maui fires colored blue that were completely untouched including a blue car nested between other completely torched cars.
laser frequencies – it can’t be this simple
That is peculiar, as I remember some umbrellas at a diner which were blue, and I could see no reason they were not melted, as everything around them burned.
There was a quick montage clip of properties with blue, metal roofs making the rounds on gab yesterday, starting with a mansion captioned to be Oprah’s. I didn’t get it, until now.
There is a fellow who runs a website about the gangstalking, who wrote that cabal vehicles are often blue.
There was a famous song in the 1990s about “we count only blue cars”. A really big hit.
“Counting Blue Cars”, Dishwalla (1994).
Lyrics here:
The music video was ’96.
Don’t know the original source, but this was posted at
And yet that article is fake, which makes it look like there is a psyop pushing the DEW angle to distract from the fact the fires were probably purposeful, and they blocked roads out to kill those people.
Here’s the thing – I don’t know what it takes to project a laser from high altitude of even low orbit and have it hit with enough umph to cut or act as an incendiary, but I do know that different types of lasers have different properties. A diode laser is a blue light laser that cannot cut clear materials or white materials, or any kind of metal. With a CO2 laser you’re still not cutting metal but transparent materials are now fair game. An IR laser will engrave metal, as will a fiber laser which is the primary laser type used in laser cutting metals. These are just the ones you can buy off Amazon.
I am not familiar with a laser that has a blue color restriction, but then I don’t know a lot about lasers, just what I needed for adding the capability to my shop.
Unmanipulated photo

Interesting. Why did they manipulate it? Didn’t really change the expression on each side at all.
They always manipulate photos to make them look inbred or cretinous.
Remember the Trayvon Martin photos? They made Martin much darker (and used a picture of him at age 14), and made Zimmerman, who is a swarthy Hispanic, white.
from oliver anthony’s statement: “In 2013, I had a bad fall at work and fractured my skull… …it took me 6 months or so before I could work again.”
i have a lot of respect for you, and that’s why i keep coming back. perhaps some research would have been justified here?
For the bifurcation, you mean? I have no idea if that is due to a fall or not. I know I often see people, fall or not, who are masking what appears on the left side, which is most often the real them. His left side looks like the guy on the farm who has to drown the extra kittens.
That said, don’t take anything the guy says as real. That fall could easily be a cover story for them sending him somewhere for six months to do something super-shady for the conspiracy, which is why he is now trusted enough for this.
I am not shitting you about the enormity of what is being hidden, or what would happen if it was revealed. You have seen the cars on every street corner, the Idaho girls under surveillance, and the murder of Irah Sok. All are just the tip of the iceberg. These are weird people who live their lives entirely for betrayal. And they have just amassed a fuck-ton of them, all allied against us.
I talk about my friend Danny, showing up at my martial arts club, I was blindly loyal, I mean if he was getting carried out of a bar, I was getting carried out, and we were going to the hospital together. And he just used that to saddle me with additional fake coursework just to fuck up my academics. And I guess that is all he does with our kind, whatever the delineation is between us that they know about and we do not. He shows up, befriends, uses the loyalty given to him to attack and damage, and then goes off to the next gig. It is embarrassing he tooled me so completely, but being normal, there is no way to grasp it until you see this thing, and at that point I just hadn’t.
Imagine a whole society within the US like that. People you will know who betrayed you. Even women who had no lives of their own, because they volunteered to marry you just to fuck up your life, and sacrificed their life to that. They didn’t even know you, and sacrificed their own life-path, just to mess up your’s. It is out there. Lifelong family friends, who played the part for decades, who were only there on orders, so they could report back to the same people who did 9/11, on you, so you could be controlled, and if needed, fucked over.
They all know some difference between us, which in their eyes justifies acting against us all, in their minds. And they are doing it prodigiously, even to our children in the schools. I mean they are literally like they are in some sort of covert war with our kind, whatever that is.
When it comes out, the nation will view them as inhuman, like when we dehumanized the Nazis or the “Nips.” It will be easier than confronting the embarrassment and anger at themselves for letting themselves be fooled. And I really think, because they will not want to give up what they have, it will turn into a situation where one side or the other will have end up ceasing to exist. I do not ever see a nation arising where that secret society, and the non-secret society live in peace, side by side. Whatever it is between us, when it comes out, will not allow it.
All of that, a massive, bloody civil war, which will make the first Civil War look like a picnic, where there will be no reconciliation or forgiveness from one side or the other, whoever wins, is only held at bay by the keeping of the secret. Every person who develops an audience, becomes a risk of revealing that secret, and utterly destroying everything they have, their entire machine. All it would take is this guy seeing his surveillance, getting the wrong piece of video, and showing it to his newly minted millions of followers, and within a month, there could be a path to full on war.
I am telling you, 100 percent, there is no way they can let a random guy, a regular American, just ascend like this. Zero chance. It cannot happen, they cannot allow the risk. If you see a guy like this, he knows the secret, he is part of the conspiracy, and he will betray you in about two seconds. He absolutely views you as some kind of enemy, for reasons which are not clear, but which must exist. I know, firsthand. And I rarely say 100 percent. But there is undoubtedly something with them, be it an occult religion, teaming up with the Tic Tac’ers, whatever, that has us on opposite sides of the lines. That secret truth just hasn’t gotten out yet. But this guy will know it. And he has proven to them he will keep the secret.
Let’s not forget, why on EARTH is anyone trusting YouTube’s algorithms? These are the same people who brought you information suppression. And suddenly they can’t AMPLIFY?
Plus it’s just not that great of a song now that I’ve had it drummed into my head (purposely watched a bunch of reaction videos). I mean seriously, “Taxes ought not to pay for your bag of fudge rounds”. I mean I get it, Simple guy, blah blah blah. I think they’re laughing at us for being so incredibly gullible. Plus there’s the ENTIRE scaffold of the YouTube Tower of Babel. Think about it, all these “reaction” videos (where they never fail to ask you to like and subscribe…HIT THAT BELL PEOPLE). Hmmmmm…almost like they’re all in it TOGETHER. HMMMMMMMM.
Yeah…took me a day or two, but I’m no longer buying it. YouTube doesn’t just allow that amount of views. Not buying it at all.
In fact, going off of AC’s concept of us being “siloed” away from each other. It could be they have a reverse FUNNEL where, if they need to or want to, they can suddenly reverse the silo and FUNNEL people towards views, etc., and basically short circuit the existing silo system. Works in forward and reverse.
> When it comes out, the nation will view them as inhuman, like when we dehumanized the Nazis or the “Nips.” It will be easier than confronting the embarrassment and anger at themselves for letting themselves be fooled.
There is a recognized “disorder” where people don’t see other people as ‘people’. They’re just objects to be manipulated.
Of course, the simplest explanation is that they’re lizard people.
RFK Jr is a lying Demoncrat. Just don’t forget.
He’s not lying about MKUltra and Operation Mockingbird.
You sell lies using truths if you want people to believe.
Limited hangouts season their lies with truth, or tell truth at first to lull you into believing everything they later say.
Even Lucifer uses the truth when it’s to his advantage.
He’s the only politician shit talking Fauci and the shots. Not lying about that.
Good article on America’s propaganda machine.
Prayer request – I might have seriously hurt my back this time. My chiropractor mentioned “slipped disc”, everything out of place, but my worriewart father has already decided that I am crippled for life and is busy trying to sign me up for IT courses for a job field that actively discriminates against everyone over age 35. I’m 45. Just a prayer for healing please.
Will pray, but you need acupuncture/TCM. Hit up google to find locals, and check the reviews.
It may not work fast, but the healing it produces tends to last a long time once it seeps in and takes effect.
Prayer sent.
Prayer sent.
Prayers for healing.
Praying for a swift recovery amd wisdom for your care team.
All the best. Have said prayer. Maybe hot baths or saunas could help?
Am not much of a prayer guy, but… you got it. We all gotta stick together, right? IANAD. I’ll say that again: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. But I know this much: whatever else you do, DO NOT let a back surgeon within a thousand miles of your back. Have noticed over the years that the anecdotal ratio of ‘good back surgery stories’ to ‘nightmare back surgery stories’ is about 1 to 12. Those are fool’s odds.
Also, have learned over the years that when my back gets messed up, time and gravity are our friends. Consider looking into ‘Egoscue’ books/treatment. He’s the guy who predicted Tiger Woods was gonna wreck his back. In 1998, when Tiger was still Jesus’ little golfin’ brother, and such a thing was unthinkable. The guy knows his stuff.
Good luck to you.
Something I heard about that might help.
Supposedly if you make a framework that allows you to hang upside down by you hips it will help your back to heal itself.
The picture I saw had a shelf to rest your thighs on and an upright plate above it to rest your feet against after bending your knees to keep yourself from falling off the shelf your thighs rested on.
You had to hang by your hips because the back muscles reacted differently if you hung by your legs/feet.
You might want to do some reading/study of back mechanics and optimizing your movement.
Stuart McGill is the top guy on back mechanics. He has a bunch of books and videos. This is the guy that world-class athletes go to when anything slips and brings them back to fighting shape. I don’t have any back issues, but I read/watched so much about this guy that I checked him out. Many of the guys I respect give McGill credit for being the guy that taught them how to rehab and prehab their back injuries.
Original Strength by Tim Anderson is another book people like for its simple movements. It integrates warmup, injury prevention, and self-diagnosis into a single routine.
Thank you all.
I don’t want to sound like some kind of nutjob (or more than normally nutty), but many types of back and knee problems respond to stretches and exercise.
I have a bad disc in my lower back, along with the kind of osteoarthritis that shows up as bone spurs on the X-rays. Surgery was recommended, but for various reasons that didn’t happen.
About a year ago came across some stuff that led me to weightlifting sites. A significant number of those guys have bad backs and bad knees. (I have bad knees too; I was supposed to get two total knee replacements, but lost my insurance coverage due to Obamacare)
Anyway, the gist of what I was reading was that the majority of the problem wasn’t so much the joint as relative motion between the two halves of the joint. Most joints are pretty much wrapped in connective tissue and muscle; the stronger the muscle, the less motion.
It was worth a try. I started with just stretches. A few degrees too far, or one rep too many, and I’d be out of commission for days while I recovered. But I preservered, and eventually worked up to weights. This morning I was doing squats, Romanian deadlifts, and overhead presses, none of which were possible even six months ago.
Doctors don’t bother to tell patients about this. Some may not know, some probably just want the surgery money, but I expect most don’t expect any significant number of patients will keep at it long enough for it to be of benefit to them. And they might even be right.
Depending on the exact nature of your injury it might not be appropriate, but it’s something you might want to follow up on.
Several years ago, I developed some pretty bad arthritis in my right knee. I’d spend weekends in bed with a pillow under it; it was that bad. I started taking Glucosamine, which knocked out the pain, the collagen to help rebuild the tissue. Then I started moving it. 10,000 steps a day. I also started doing push-ups, sit-ups, and squats several days a week. Through this regimen, I’ve managed to beat back middle age to a more tolerable level. Also got some strength back.
Last year, before I started doing the push ups, I was experiencing some pretty bad back pain. I read that doing muscle work helps with some back pain, which was one of the reasons I started doing the push ups in the first place. I honestly hate push ups, but I hate the pain more.
Prayer sent. Get well soon.
I have a disk that slips every other year or so, we’re the same age. It slipped in my mid twenties the first time. I can now recover from the injury by using an inversion table. 90 degrees vertical is best. Saved many dollars over the years not going to the chiropractor. Takes about a week now for the pain to really subside.
Hank Williams III is the real deal folkstyle country musician. And he’s the damn grandson of Hank Sr. But since 2011, he has self-published all of his music and he’s pretty much totally shut off from all mainstream attention.
I’ve known many EXTRAORDINARILY talented and accomplished musicians, singers, and composers who are not much known outside the small communities they belong to. Many are in their sunset years now, or gone. Products of the era when superb music programs were part of every public school, and influenced by the bygone pop-music industry that gave kids the false impression that extraordinary talent and achievement in music could be a way to make a living even after 1970 or so. Leo Kotke is one exception. Baden Powell. Joe Pass. But many hundreds of others (not just guitarists) who are or were that good aren’t famous, and there’s no economy for musicians to plug into.
Heard a group once that no one ever knew, guys who had no names no one ever heard, in a ratty little bar/club in a ratty Mexican border city. 20 people in the joint, my artsy girlfriend had dragged me in there. (a young man hoping to get laid will go just about anywhere)
They did Pure Prairie League’s ‘Amie’. Including the full ‘Fallin’ in & out of love’ intro/outro – which they did freakin’ **a capella,** I’ll spare y’all the adjectives, but trust me – they were beyond fantastic. They were Pro++ level, musicianship off the charts, harmony as good as {I shit thee not} The Eagles on 7BR. For 20 people in a ratty border bar. For maybe, MAYbe, $100 (?) to split between the 5 of them. Counting travel time & gas, those unknown masters might have each made $3 an hour that night. For making music that I seriously doubt 1% of today’s (non-studio musicians) “professionals” could even make an attempt at. “I can’t do that chord, let’s just roll tape.”
Nowdays we have rappers and 300-lb. lip-synch women who we’re told are sexy & talented and 55-65-y.o. grandmaw women wearing g-strings singing about how good they fuck. MAN I’m sick of this timeline. Hurry up Black Death 2
This point cannot be emphasized enough. There are hundreds and thousands of awesome musicians, actors, painters and creative types in EVERY community. Some of the older communities (like Buffalo) even today are bursting with talent which goes back a long way.
What is so crystal clear is that successful entertainers are selected not because of charm or talent, but for other reasons. The same is true, for instance, with judges. If a judge is a good judge, that is strictly a coincidence. And even the good judges will deviate when required (most cases can be handled with mere legal skill).
There is no meritocracy. Honest and integrity are deal breakers. The abject willingness to be blackmailed merely gets you a nomination to whatever. Honesty, integrity and intellect put you on the target list.
Great comment.
Latest Andrew Angelin:
Shortest summary I can come up with is a line from the essay, “Ideology is retarded.”
Ideology is just applied philosophy.
If your philosophy is tarded your ideology will be too.
If your philosophy is sound your ideology will be too.
“RFK Jr. bombshell: ‘Operation Mockingbird’ is alive and well today.”
Me, a dumb millennial gal: Well, duh!
AC, asking for your preference. In comments, are replies expressing agreement or even admiration for a commenter’s post considered superfluous to the like button? IOW, is it a waste of time and space from your pov?
I personally like to express gratitude for a well made point, but realize it adds nothing except for a small amount of comradery.
Good feels are always welcome.
Chuckles in m#@$&r f&$#@r.
There’s a, how can I say it, a sort of ethnic vibe to them. Can’t quite place it, but they all sure do have big noses and weird beards. Oh well. I guess it will forever remain a mystery.
FYI, a few days ago I developed a sore shoulder. The shoulder is still sore, and I now have what seems to be a low grade fever, a case of the sniffles, and much lower energy than usual.
I wonder if this is the advertised “Eris” COVID variant. The aching shoulder is consistent with a fever.
I have never knowingly gotten vibrated like other people complain about, but I have usually lived in apartments, meaning if the tech is deployed from above they would have to target me and install surveillance in the upstairs apartment. I am now in a house, and actually did feel the vibrations while sleeping. And I usually sleep on one side, and the sore shoulder is on the opposite side. So obviously I am also wondering if this is a surveillance tech induced illness.
I hope when all is said and done, whoever came up with the vibrations gets the death penalty. That is just so beyond the pale. And in America, no less.
“Wild blakk-on-whyte altacashun after wrong-way crash in NY – see video!”
sooner or later, white men are going to need to realize that mewling “I’m sorry” at the Angry Blakk Vibrant who’s got his hands wrapped around your throat trying to murder you ain’t working. sooner or later. one would think. it’s just a fucking ACT, lads. hit them in the nose, as hard as you can & then kick em in the ribs, and you’ll see who you’re really dealing with.
been saying this for 40 years now. beginning to have my doubts.
I heard the new COVID variant was called BS-24/7
I commented the other day about the new variant names, Eris and Arcturus, or Chaos and the Bear.
Undoubtedly comms. But now I’m wondering from which side.
That’s a good one Marielle
Oliver Anthony’ Manager Speaks Out: ‘God Has Chosen to Speak Through Oliver’.
Couching their operation as having some Godly imprimatur is actually a procedure. I have had like four or five prophets, all telling me God was speaking through them, telling them things. I caught one trying to leverage my youtube video-viewing list to extrapolate something out about me, and then present it to me as God told him that hidden fact. He missed, but in such a way it was clear he was looking at what youtube videos I was watching. Then he took off. It became clear just statistically that is a technique they use.
This is a little more nuanced use of the technique, but I’d say 95 percent chance somebody in psyops planning decided now was when you claim a heavenly mandate, and they told this guy to say this. I doubt any of these people speak off the cuff.
If you believe in something that you would let dictate your actions they will try to counterfeit it and use it to control you.
Using god (note I didn’t use caps) is the nuke for when other things like patriotism don’t do the job.
They have been doing it since Groog told Grug that god wanted him to take his crops and his daughter to be sacrificed to stop the volcano.
(Groog ate the crops and raped the daughter on behalf of god)
A false prophet only needs to fail once to be revealed.
Having met real prophets before, I can tell you that if someone approaches you and tells you they have a message from God, it’s never going to br something good. The odds are extremely high that they’re trying to scam you somehow, and the remaining possibility is that you’re about to experience something that will likely make you wish you’d never been born.
How do I know I met a real prophet? Simple – you won’t find them in America. You can find them still remaining in small, insular, foreign speaking churches. How do I know they were real? I didn’t ask them anything. I said I needed to hear from the Lord, and immediately the response would come: X person, Y situation. Details about things that had not been publicly revealed.
The anonymous investigator Jikkyleaks announced the account on X will be closed in a couple of months. Many top threads that exposed the funding corruption of scientists & Big Pharma in pushing the coof vax & censoring dissenting scientific voices.
…because Trump is back.
So many opportunities last night to hit hard and he just let them pass by. Still worth watching.
But think of how far we have come. All the shit we know, which normies would never believe. Trump can’t appeal to us, and he doesn’t have to anyway. We are solidly behind him, ready to crawl over burning broken glass. He needs to mop up normies who right now could not believe the things we accept as normal. I see it as him in top form, fighting exactly as he needs to. And that is tough. We are probably changing, and approaching a point were normies would have trouble accepting us. It is tough to keep your head among the normies as you see how things really work.
Tonight I was on Twitter and witnessed Trump’s return, as he tweeted his mugshot. First tweet since January 2021.
I’m amazed at how energized Trump’s base is. I thought for sure they’d have mellowed with exhaustion from years of this crap. Not at all. And the establishment puppets clearly don’t know what to say.
Republican Presidential Candidates like Nikki Haley were getting absolutely savaged in the comments of their tweets. Like 99% negative replies. Some of them rather vicious.
The establishment GOP is in real, real trouble. The establishment DNC is in real trouble. And I’m pretty sure that the media is in real trouble.
And we’ve got more than a year of this to go.
The Epstein question could have been a conspiracy trap and he skated out of it. Meaning that Trump has to play dumb about it.
I’m just personally tired muh normies. Fuck ’em. They deserve to get hit over the head with a sledgehammer of truth. Harder the better. Maybe, we should try their asses instead. Might wake up their brains.
Normies are like infantry. Frankly we need them as footmen.
Right, and they need to be put through Boot Camp instead of being coddled.
True, but I think he showed us just how sharp and nuanced he is. I don’t watch to many of his speeches or interviews, but he’s hidden his intelligence very well in other videos. Not here. Tucker got the full force of Trump’s intellect, hidden by only a very thin veneer of his carefully crafted The Apprentice persona. Tucker’s body language told me all I need to know about Trump’s physical presence and charisma. His answers were right there, at the razor’s edge. And it’s a tightrope he’s actually comfortable walking. He also admitted that he didn’t understand how DC worked when he first got into office. I’m fed up with the movie too, but at least regarding the interview, I was cool with him speaking normie, as long as I confirmed that his mind is still absolutely razor sharp and he hasn’t lost one iota of his charisma.
I completely agree. People think he’s a fucking buffon. They are dead wrong. He is sharp as a knife. He plays dumb, which a lot of people cannot do.
Discretion is a hard concept for some people.
My favorite group of actors – the Fetterman troupe
Looks like Grug from the Stone Age.
Just how real is this?
Marines Neutralize Fleeing FEMA Convoy in Maui
Fake site, run by a leftist to make the right look dumb.

Trump’s first tweet since 1-8-2021
@Anonymous Conservative
Donald posted his mugshot on Twitter, the 1st post he made in years:
(Nitter as Twitter mirror, due to nonmember blockage of access to site.)
Due to this, Q Post 55 is now back in play:
“Look to Twitter:
Exactly this: ‘My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us…….’
God bless.”
Somebody was helpful enough to sum up all the 17’s present ion Trump’s mugshot:
Q, this movie still kinda sucks.
We need more of this and some real action. This good.
Trump’s mugshot released. Pissed off Donald. Love it. Is it normal they don’t have the height measurement ruler in the background?
People inherently like and trust tall people more than short people. They might have held back the irrefutable evidence Trump is well over 6’ even at his current relatively old age.
The Problem Isn’t A Housing Shortage, It’s The Concentration Of Ownership By The Wealthy
As investment Property they don’t even live in.
Vivek Ramaswamy Tried to Sell the Feds a National Medical Surveillance System
He was connected to SOROs I believe.
That was the key component of the original HillaryCare plan, which most people don’t seem to remember any more. It got dusted off as ObamaCare, and the overt tracking bits were left off to get it passed. (along with some dirty back-room dealing, and McCain’s backstabbery)
But it was always designed as a national ID and tracking system, and all they have to do is re-enable those bits.