News Briefs – 08/24/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Comey said on Face the Nation, “I can’t imagine that I’m a target” of the Durham probe. He also said that Trump and AG Barr are the greatest threat to the rule of law and that the ‘truth is under attack.’

Sen. Mark Warner called on President Trump to disavow the far-right conspiracy movement QAnon.

Chris Wallace asked Mark Meadows about the Q-movement, and Meadows bobbed and weaved, turning the fact Wallace asked into an attack on Wallace. No disavowal though.

Michigan has an 18.5% fraud rate in absentee ballots.

So cops tried to arrest a black guy with a warrant in Kenoshua Wis, and he decided he was going to his car anyway, seemingly with something in his left hand, and maybe to get something else out of the car, which cops generally are not fond of. One cop shot him several times as he reached into the car and he died. The interesting part, is this tweet, because as people were getting agitated, 30-50 cars with blacked out license plates were filmed cruising into town to get the riots started. One, ask yourself, could you muster 30-50 cars full of people right now, to drop everything in their lives and head somewhere and do something, on a moment’s notice? How many people have social circles that big? 30-50 cars sounds more like an organized group which issued orders. You could also safely assume they have military-grade radios, with hidden earpieces, and repeaters in some of the cars, to bounce that signal back live, for miles, to a central control center where some commander-types are watching the events in real time and apparently choreographing things. And driving with blacked out license plates on the highway, and not worrying about cops stopping you? The protests are not organic.

Kaitlin Bennett. the girl who photographed herself on her college campus open carrying a AR-10, is attacking Millie Weaver because one of her sources in Shadowgate was married to a guy who got arrested for sexual activity with a 10 year old. Bear in mind, no dealing with the underlying premise of the documentary, which was the use of AI and extensive surveillance to try and exert control over the populace.

Twitter slaps a warning on a Trump tweet, labeling it as false and election-manipulating.

White Supremacist Richard Spencer, who is still on twitter, says he plans to vote for Biden and Kamala, because Trump is not eradicating the protests. His whole twitter is fascinating, as he is arguing Trump is responsible for Coronavirus, the riots, Antifa, the leftism of leftists, and that Trump is catering to non-whites, so nobody should vote for him. Just interesting how things are so bad for Cabal, they had Spencer fully unmask and push their agenda openly.

Never Trumper on MSNBC likens the Republican Party to Old Yeller, and says he wan ts to see it taken outside behind the barn and shot dead. These people all knew about the conspiracy.They depended on it. And now they would rather see everything destroyed, than suddenly find themselves living in the world you have thought you were living in all along.

Pope Francis sides with Bill Gates and says Covid vaccine must be ‘universal and for all people.’ 

Hungry New Yorkers form a quarter-mile line for free food in Queens. Meanwhile DeBlasio’s wife blows $2 million per year on her staff, and $350 million per year on a mental health program with no measurable objectives, no measurable accomplishments, and an already $1.2 billion dollars burned through.

De Blasio admits to having no timeline for reopening NYC indoor dining.

Governor Cuomo gives his blessing for the MTV Video Music Awards – but not the 9/11 Memorial Tribute.

New York Post reports that Kim Jong Un is reportedly in a coma as his sister Kim Yo Jong takes control. It sounds dramatic, but it is just speculation by a former aide to a former South Korean President. So no hard facts or even a source who says he has hard info.

Campaign aide says Joe Biden may never campaign in person this fall.

Biden quotes Mao to ABC’s Robin Roberts, and she refuses to push back or question him about it.

Kamala Harris gets pranked by Russian hoaxers, indicates a willingness to get dirt on Trump.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has done a step-by-step tutorial of her makeup routine for Vogue — while lamenting it’s “so hard” to be treated seriously on Capitol Hill.

An anonymous NYPD officer recently said morale throughout the department has hit an all-time low amid widespread opposition to and hostility toward police. I try to think back before I knew, and I imagine I would have just thought this chaos was organically arisen. I mean, the alternative would be some centrally organized conspiracy with millions of people aware of it, but somehow keeping it secret.

Portland is a complete shitshow, with cops targeted with rocks, bottles, lasers, and paintballs, and even the helicopter getting lased.

BLM supporters and Trump supporters brawl in a park in Beverly Hills.

Germany set to launch new universal basic income trial.

Hospitals in Muslim Xinjiang were ordered by China’s Communist government to abort and kill all babies born in excess of its mandated family planning limits — including newborns born after being carried to full term — or face hefty fines.

Pro-Trump Russiagate documentary planned for October 1 release. Titled The Plot Against The President, it was helmed by Amanda Milius, daughter of ‘Apocalypse Now’ screenwriter John Milius.

Trump announces emergency authorization of convalescent plasma for treatment of CCP virus.

Police make a second arrest in the attack on a 7-year-old Trump supporter outside of the DNC convention.

There are clear signs that food shortages are worrying China’s communist overlords.

Colin Kapernick’s career is dead. Nobody wants to sign him.

AG Barr says Public School is “a racist system maintained by the Democratic Party and the teachers unions.’

President Trump wants to pass Congressional term limits in his second term.

Georgia Democrat Vernon Jones to speak at RNC to tout Trump.

Trump campaign unveils convention speakers, POTUS to speak every night.

Spread r/K Theory, because all Trump all the time can only be good.

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4 years ago

I’m calling on Sen. Mark Warner to disavow the far-gay movement which has been spreading in his anus.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago


4 years ago

>”The protests are not organic.”

Hey Mister AC, you better cool it down with the anti-Semitism, ok? Or do I need to send Laura Loomer to your place so she can overpower you with her plump over-weight body (using her big Jewish nose as another lever to subdue you with her Hebrew wrestling prowess (their big nose is their secret Jewjitsu weapon most goyim never heard about, that’s how Jews got so much power in the first place (no coincidences))), tie you to a chair scream at you “6 MILLION YOU FAGGOT!!! YOU GOT TO REMEMBER THE 6 MILLION!!!” for 3 weeks straight, while committing unspeakable sexual acts against you (like forcing you to look at her for more than 2 seconds)?

Reminder that antifa and blm are Jewish sponsored and managed Jewish terrorism, and that Chabad brags openly about having a non-governmental private intel network operating world-wide more powerful than the CIA. Proof here:

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Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I’m with Owen Benjamin. It was six billion.

Prove me wrong.

Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

c’mon, man. six gorillion. get it right.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I think it’s really fascinating to read when you write about the Yin/Yang concept and put it into practical situations.

Been watching burn notice lately, and with what I’ve learned from you over the years regarding intelligence. I wondered if I could get your take on it. You think it’s a whitehats operation? As you have mentioned many times over, what they fear is knowledge or priming of peoples mind for such an organization existing. Or may it perhaps be this karmic principle guiding some blackhats? For clarification by karmic principle I mean by publicizing the knowledge they reveres the bad karma from all they do that the series cover.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

So then let’s say that it is up to 60 million ??
Anyways i’m happy to see Lembrador ridicule the 6 million propaganda.

Even if Netanyahu is turning Israel around to be our friends we should keep them in check given their recent history. And what about all that supposedly undue influence Israel has in the US?

And if the jews really are as nepotistic as it is said they are and the Cabal uses them because of that, and the holohoax/poor jews propaganda flourishes because of that, I don’t see why we wouldn’t at least be cautious to ridicule them. I think not doing it has more potential to backfire the wrong way for us.

In school I had to endure history bs classes on the 6 million hoax, which I can say is a hoax by the single fact that of all the wars and decimated peoples in recent history we only got the constant drum-beating about the jews.

A few months I went to the cinema to watch J’accuse by Roman Polanski and despite the awards the movie had, it turned out to be another cabal supported movie with undeserved awards, and very crude “poor jews” propaganda for low iq people.

Reply to  P.
4 years ago

Ridiculing Jews and Israel and everything connected to them is very very crucial (which is one of the reasons why I love Owen Benjamin and Sam Hyde (no homo)). Also why the chan culture of shitty jokes and memes making fun of everything Jew related is much more important than what might seem at first glance.

If you look at Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”, ridiculing Christianity and Western civilization was the one of the main strategies Jewish collective power used to start eroding the Western native’s collective power.

Ridiculing Jewish collective power and everything connected to Jews erodes their victim status, even if the audience doesn’t notice it consciously, which makes their bullshit 6 trillion propaganda more and more ineffective (fun fact: my user name means “the remember-er (as in, the person who remembers, that’s what “lembrador” means ) of the 6 trillion”).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

>”I am sorry to say it is up to 6.5 million.”
Top kek, that’s great news, the more they try to over-reach with their bullshit, the faster people will wake up AND the more pissed off at them the people will be when they do.

>”I still think there are good Jews who could be pried from the elites who are fucking them simply by showing them the surveillance”
Yeah, sure, racial Jews who reject Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion can integrate in the West nicely, but zionism, Judaism and Jewish collective power is what needs to, and will be, terminated in the West, one way or the other, because it is the main tool in the cabal tool box (and that fact is a fact no matter if Jews are at the top of the gaybal or not).

>”got to pump those numbers up”
Kek, you do both types of approach, the fact/data based presentation one to appeal to the cerebral/autistic/into-research kind of audience, and the funny/ironic/agree-and-amplify one to appeal to the people who get easily bored with too much data (which is 85-90% of the people in the gen pop).

See Owen Benjamin talking about it (he is a holocaust supplier), it’s top kek:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

I stopped listening to Owen Benjamin after I saw a video of him saying that there’s no space travel because rockets hit some sort of wall above earth. Now he shows this stupid video of rockets that have a large plume suddenly show up and submits that this is them hitting the whatever stuff that holds back rockets. The problem is that the explanation is so simple a child could see it. One the rocket is launched in the dark and when it gets high enough the Sun lights up the rocket plume. Second the plume is so large because the rocket is in a vacuum or near vacuum and in that case the plume expands really big because the atmosphere no longer compresses it. I mean this is Jr. High level reasoning.

Now if he is either so stupid he doesn’t understand this or he is actively transmitting absurd disinformation then…why the fuck should I listen to anything he has to say? I mean this is far above just making a simple mistake. He’s also gone on and on about fake moon landing but I watched every bit of it not one damn thing he said “absolutely proves there was no moon landing” could not be overruled by a moments thought.

At this point I decided I wouldn’t spend one minute of my life listening to anything he has to say.

I wonder if he is just like that Miles guy who says a few interesting things then fills the rest with bullshit.

I’ve been fed so many lies over my lifetime that I’ve really had it with any of them that are doing this. It’s one thing to make a mistake and people do but when see elaborate contrived lies like this it really annoys me.

I remember LembradorDos6Trilliões you linked a comedian that said some good stuff but you saw another of his videos and…more nonsense. It’s not your fault the whole media is full of this sort of thing.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

>”I stopped listening to Owen Benjamin after I saw a video of him saying that there’s no space travel because rockets hit some sort of wall above earth. Now he shows this stupid video of rockets that have a large plume suddenly show up and submits that this is them hitting the whatever stuff that holds back rockets. The problem is that the explanation is so simple a child could see it. One the rocket is launched in the dark and when it gets high enough the Sun lights up the rocket plume. Second the plume is so large because the rocket is in a vacuum or near vacuum and in that case the plume expands really big because the atmosphere no longer compresses it. I mean this is Jr. High level reasoning.”

Fair enough. I still like the way he makes fun of all things related to Jews using smartly used irony/mockery.

>”Now if he is either so stupid he doesn’t understand this or he is actively transmitting absurd disinformation then…why the fuck should I listen to anything he has to say? I mean this is far above just making a simple mistake. He’s also gone on and on about fake moon landing but I watched every bit of it not one damn thing he said “absolutely proves there was no moon landing” could not be overruled by a moments thought.”

Also fair enough. That being said, I don’t agree on his stance on rockets (had never heard about that one, I don’t listen to everything he puts out, I occasionally tune in into his content) and other silly stuff I heard him say (like some flat Earth stuff), but I’d like to point out that there are people who have said things I think are at best stupid (at least from my perspective) and at worst pro-actively subversive, and some of them I stopped listening to like you did with Owen, and some of them I still keep giving them the benefit of the doubt. I don’t think less of you for your opinion on Owen, although he still worth listening to in my own humble opinion (and those that don’t think so are free to disagree with me, I don’t think less of anyone for disagreeing with me on that).

Cheer fren, I hope you’re having a great day!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

OK I decide maybe I’m too strident so I watch this video and it’s hilarious. I wonder if his stupid space video is a farce just like this and me, duh, just missed it and he isn’t going to clue my cluelessness in. Maybe I goofed.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Don’t forget her “Big Jewish Tits”, if you remember the video…..

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

JewJitsu! LOL

4 years ago

>Richard Spencer

I don’t think anyone in their right mind needed more than 5 seconds of listening to that dufous talking to see he was controlled opposition. And (((cohencidantaly))), that faggot shill is also a rabid zionist.

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4 years ago

>”Colin Kapernick’s career is dead. Nobody wants to sign him.”

With all the experience than nigga has with kneeling, he can always go the for the Tyrone Biggums type of career.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I’m feeling inspired.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Thanks fren!

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REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

“So cops tried to arrest a black guy with a warrant in Kenoshua Wis”

How many nuffins did a dindu do
if a dindu,

4 years ago

America has the most inclusive democracy in the world. You have dead people voting, illegal people voting, over enthusiastic democracy-lovers that love democracy so much they end up voting 6 times per election. It’s amazing.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

I’m glad to hear that my autism made your day better fren.
Have a great day!

REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

“Richard Spencer”

Trump already had a response to spencers soybased attacks
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REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

“Hospitals in Muslim Xinjiang were ordered by China’s Communist government to abort and kill all babies born in excess of its mandated family planning limits — including newborns born after being carried to full term — or face hefty fines.”

Jericho meet China. China, Jericho.

4 years ago
4 years ago

Sam Hyde goes on a 20 minute rant about homos for an audience of mostly libtards:

4 years ago

ya, interesting about spencer. I used to think he was alright. I went to one of his talks and talked with him a bit at the after-talk get-together they had planned (had to hear about that through the grapevine).

But what he is saying here are the same talking points I have seen shilled in right-leaning forums a lot lately. In mine, I threatened to just start mass-banning doom-pillers and it stopped mostly. Curious that, since I did that in a single comment in one thread and if it were organic you wouldn’t expect everyone to have seen it and stopped. 4chan was being overwhelmed with it. Maybe it still is, haven’t been there for a few weeks. But its the same talking points all over. Ya, Trump didn’t give people everything they wanted, but voting Biden is your response to that? Make sure everything is a complete a shitshow as possible? There is an accelerationist argument to that end, but spencer and these other shills aren’t accelerationists as far as I can tell. But even with acclerationism, it would be nicer to have 4 more years of prep time.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago

I do quite a bit of doom-pill myself but it’s certainly not to get people to vote for Biden. It’s to wake people up, even if wrong, that the Jews have constantly played both sides of everything and they shouldn’t be surprised if they are doing it again. It’s unpleasant but reality is that they constantly do this. Hell the American Nazi party was once run by a homosexual pedophile Jew. That’s true I’m not making it up.

Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago

>”Trump didn’t give people everything they wanted”
He would if his willingness to do it was the only factor involved in it happening. A person with an ego as big as his (which is not necessarily a bad thing, he certainly has one AND has it under control, which means the big ego thing works as an advantage for him, and not a disadvantage) would certainly be more than happy to fix all the bullshit in the US in only 4 years, that would be mega legendary. Unfortunately for Trump’s ego, he will have to settle for being merely legendary.

Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago

The problem is that Spenser is not a nationalist. He is a racial imperialist. Watch the interview he gave with Dinesh D’eSouza in the Hillary Clinton movie.

What Spenser basically argues for is a world organized as a giant Tower of Babel with White People at the top running everything. After all, White People created the great art, literature, science, technology, exploration, military might, that built the modern world. Doesn’t it make sense for them to rule given all of this?

None of this has anything to do with a protectionist, isolationist, America-First policy that is the hallmark of Trump’s MAGA agenda.

in fact, Spenser’s world view is literally Satannic.

It’s no wonder he endorsed Joe Biden.

Reply to  map
4 years ago

He is a controlled opposition zionist shill that serves 3 pourposes:
Make Trump look bad;
Make Nationalists (real Nationalists, not civ-Nationalists) look bad (by pretending to be a Nationalist, but being spewing supremacist non-sense (Nationalist is not about racial supremacism, it’s about racial/ethnic preservation (aka: having a Nation)));
Promote subversive zionism among the right-wing audiences and run cover for Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion, so said J/I CaS can keep going on without meaningful resistance (notice how all those zionist gatekeeping shills claim to stand against the Islamification and demograpich replacement of the West, but always try to run cover for the culprits and main force behind it, which is Jew and Jewish collective power. That’s like claiming to be against having your house on fire, saying the flames need to disappear, but then being paid for and having as a job to protect the arsonist).

Owen Benjamin explains number 3:

4 years ago

> AG Barr says Public School is “a racist system maintained by the Democratic Party and the teachers unions.’


Also propaganda and indoctrination centers, but don’t forget that, for almost all parents, “public school” translates to “free day care.” That’s why so many parents “support education” even though they know from personal experience it’s a farce.

4 years ago

How many people have social circles that big?

Black people. Their social media networks are ridiculously shallow and wide. It’s a huge clusterfuck of one-upping and attention whoring, which is why it is easy to get them into huge flash mobs and parties disguised as “protests”.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
4 years ago


Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  everlastingphelps
4 years ago

Jews also have social circles that big.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
4 years ago

Same reason they always aggregate in cities. Same reason my dream is to live on 40 acres and have a handful of neighbors who I’m directly related to. Just leave me alone.

I’m Ron fucking Swanson.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Bman
4 years ago

Fuck yeah, Ron fucking Swanson.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“…black guy with a warrant in Kenoshua Wis…”

Now this is case where I fully support the cops shooting him. My beef with the cops is unnecessary violence against citizens and shooting them when they are far away from them and have no immediate danger.

Like the college kid who was stark naked weighing all of 140 pounds, knocked on the college police station window and a 200 pound cop came out and killed him. Shot him dead. This and many other cases are absurd. The Floyd thing is absurd too because he was actively making it harder to breathe for someone who couldn’t breath. Drugs, no drugs, doesn’t matter a guy not moving was having his air supply cut off.

White people somehow think the cops are their buddies but, they are not. More Whites are killed by cops and they are much quicker to shoot a White person.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Sam J.,

If people know that American police are largely lawless, trigger-happy and dangerous, then why do we have a substantial fraction of the population that insists on calling police attention to themselves?

I know cops are not my friends and they are quicker to shoot White people than others. Why, then, can’t other people do what I do… avoid cops?

Isn’t that pretty simple?

Wouldn’t your naked streaker, your job-site thief, your drunk-in-a-drive-thru, your robbin-nobbin, your warranted-ne’er-do-well have the good sense to realize the consequences of their actions, given what can happen with an encounter with militarized police?

Apparently not.

Do you understand how dangerous these types of people are and what threat they pose to you? I can avoid cops and, whenever they are around, they are typically furniture in the background. The same can’t be said for a George Floyd or an Armed Robbery. If they have no problem acting up with the threat of America’s military police, what are they going to do when that threat is removed?

These are not political prisoners. They are predatory criminals. They commit the type of crimes that gets cops called to the scene. What Democrats want is to remove that police expectation. They want the Floyds to do whatever they want in public and you will be arrested from stopping them or getting away from them.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
4 years ago

Good point.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

“…Wouldn’t your naked streaker, your job-site thief, your drunk-in-a-drive-thru, your robbin-nobbin, your warranted-ne’er-do-well have the good sense to realize the consequences of their actions, given what can happen with an encounter with militarized police?…”

I’ve thought about this a little and changed my mind. If you will notice the cases that I complain about, naked college student, guy whittling on a stick shot for being deaf and not dropping the knife because he can’t hear, the guy shot in a hotel waddling on the ground when they told him to, the schizophrenic beaten to death by the police because he told them to fuck off, the schizophrenic smothered to death because he was having mental problems and called the police, the guy who ran from the police because he owed child support and was shot in the back and killed, these are TOTALLY DIFFERENT, than the cases you put up. My question to you is do you demand death for anyone who does not immediately follow any orders a policeman gives? Should all of these people have died? If you make a mistake is it the duty of the police to kill you?

Reply to  map
4 years ago

Meme related:

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Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

HAHA! Did Trump really post that? It’s hilarious.

4 years ago

GREAT thread form 4kangs:

This is the OP:

If the Holohoax actually happened, and the Allies really did save jews from evil gas chambers, jews should be building monuments to their White rescuers and singing their praises. Instead, they write article after article, policy after policy, about how all Whites need to be sterilized and exterminated. They are ungrateful to their liberators. Men charged into machine gun fire to save them, and now they’re telling the generations that came after that they all deserve to die for the crime of being White.

Thus begs the following questions:
If the Holohoax was real, and jews hate their liberators, doesn’t that prove Hitler right about them?
Or alternatively, if jews feel free to attack their liberators and have no guilt in doing so, doesn’t that prove the Holohoax never happened?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I tend to ask people if half the jews were exterminated, then why are they so powerful. you would think they would have retrenched. / or lets say half the wypipo in America disappeared quickly (not like in 65 years by ratio due to abortion and immivasion etc). gee do ya think we would all be living in the great plains and mountains… in order to believe (((their))) lies, you have to ditch all common sense.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

>”in order to believe (((their))) lies, you have to ditch all common sense”

Bingo. Very important to understand: all their bullshit propaganda is 100% based on EMOTIONAL manipulation. Always emotional appeals to the victimhood status of Jews as a group, while also asking for Jews to NEVER be judged as a groups (but when it comes to giving privileges to Jews, ALWAYS demanding to being treated as a victimized GROUP).

Once rational thought enters the audience communication channels, and censorship is not allowed to terminate said communication, their bullshit starts to go to shit.

I read this on a National Socialist GAB page (although I am not one myself, I do enjoy reading some of what some of them write, although I don’t agree with everything most of them do), and he was right:

The reason why “Nazis” control the narrative here is not because of “muh Soros bots”.
The reason is simple:
We won the debate.
Everywhere on the Internet where free speech is temporarily allowed (i.e.: 4Chan, 8chn, Reddit, comment sections) Nazis win the debate with superior arguments and propaganda.
This is why all of these places end up having to shut us down with mods and censorship.
Which is why the 4Chan of today looks nothing like the 4Chan of yesteryear.
Our arguments are simple:
Jews are a toxic and subversive influence on ALL CULTURES and always have been.
Race Realism is a basic common sense principle that, for thousands of years, was as obvious as the sky being blue.
Because there are differences between the races, we advocate for Nationalism, which is what ALL peoples have ALWAYS done, which is why nations exist in the first place:
To provide a SEGREGATED homeland in order to ensure the safety and security of that specific race.
We believe that Communism is an immoral system that leads to economic and cultural suicide as well as the deaths of hundreds of millions of people.
We believe Capitalism (in any form it has taken thus far on a macro level) is a fundamentally materialistic and amoral system that inevitably leads to the monopolisation and consolidation of wealth, power and resources.
We want EVERY RACE, to get in touch with their true cultural roots and be proud of who they are. All races need to progress as a civilisation SEPARATELY and AT THEIR OWN PACE.
These views are very common sense, and again, are what all races always knew since the dawn of civilisation.
It is only in the past 70 years that ONLY WHITE PEOPLE have been made to forget this, largely by Jews.
Wherever we go, we say the same things.
My approach is tactful, respectful and uses psychology to effectively get my points across.
Others choose a more “bull in a china shop” method.
One method may be effective on one person, but ineffective on another, and vice versa.
But it IS effective!
Which is why we are censored EVERYWHERE WE GO!
And because of this, National Socialism, Nationalism, Fascism and Traditionalism will NEVER DIE!
We’re not bots, we are real people who actually believe these things.
And we’re winning, especially amongst the youth.
So get used to us!
We ain’t goin’ NO WHERE!


Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

Oh come on. That is easy to answer. It was Jews in Eastern Europe (eg Poland) who got killed in great numbers by the Nazis.
Those Jews weren’t controlling the Western media, or the banking system or anything.
But nothing happened to the Jews in North America, many of whom were very influenced by, and supportive of, the ideology of Communism.
They didn’t teach their children to hate the USA because of Hitler, but because America, with it’s culture of individual rights, stood in opposition to the Soviet Union.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

you’re assuming jews can feel gratitude. a reading of history, and all observation suggests they do not. (have read stories in which jew kids are mocked by their peers for being honest & playing by the rules – it seems the ‘peers’ view view that type of behavior as laughably, contemptibly naive) possibly relevant: for some reason, I keep coming across pictures these days of random non-cuckoo mama birds feeding the big fat parasitical cuckoo babies in their nests.

it’s starting to feel like someone is tryna give me a sign…

Reply to  stingaling
4 years ago

>”is tryna give me a sign”

Not trying to make shit up here (well, that’s a lie) but I’d say its possible that some rogue AIs escaped their containment measures and after they gorged on all the data available in the world decided to hijack the internet browsers of internet users and subconsciously influence their minds so they are better able to emotionally accept the realities related to the issue of Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion, which have as a central theme their parasitical/preying behavior against non-Jews.

Reply to  stingaling
4 years ago

A reading of history? Just read the Old Testament.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“…Multiple videos tweeted on Saturday appear to show fights breaking out between Black Lives Matter activists, Antifa, and Trump Supporters, according to observers. In one video, people who appear to be law enforcement can be seen standing back and not intervening to keep the peace…”

Thank goodness. This is a major reason I’m so pissed at the police. Antifa and Negros are allowed unlimited attacks on Whites and their property. When they fight back, well now come the police, whereas before Whites started fighting back and Whites were being attacked or their property destroyed thy were no where in sight. Boy that pisses me off! If the police would just stay out of the way I expect we could take Antifa. The only reason Antifa hasn’t gotten pushed back is the police are always arresting the people who want order, don’t want their businesses to be burned down and don’t want to be attacked.

If this changes then I may have to take back some of my criticisms of the police.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

Cop loss control of his K9. Cop K9 attacks dog in owners fenced private property and cops K9 is getting it’s ass kicked. Cop kills dog that is in fenced property instead of getting his dog lose or trying anything. No he just waste an innocent dog. This is exactly the kind of shit I’m talking about. This arrogance where they can do what ever they wish and violate everyone else property rights, shooting people down. Maybe defunding the police is not such a bad idea.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

But this is not a George Floyd problem.

What Democrats want is a police force that actively attacks white people.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

A warning. I’m seeing a LOT of people on Heartise, Unz, etc. saying that corona was and always was a big farce and that the whole thing is false. That’s not true. It’s not at all true. I know someone not fat, not decrepit, who was in shape who got corona and spent time in the hospital. An old friend for decades not a , well I know someone that knew someone, I mean a close friend and he said he at one time thought it would kill him.

It really bothers me the shear amount of people saying this even though not a few months ago everyone was saying the Chinese had a huge die off that they were hiding and I SERIOUSLY doubt the Chinese shut down large parts of their economy for some farce. People were falling out in the streets and it appeared that Wuhan was covered in smog from bodies burning.

I think, as I’ve constantly said, that the original corona was a vastly more lethal virus which immediately began to unravel as it spread until now it is much less dangerous.
The thing to watch out for is if they release another virus more deadly and all these rubes “refuse” to wear a mask because, it’s all a farce. Don’t let this happen to you. If there’s any hint of another more deadly virus then for wear a mask it might save your life. I suggest wearing a mask from now on in public places. I don’t care what people think. I don’t want to be wasted by the Jew flu.

This also may be a ploy to pretend that the Jews “didn’t do anything” because the flu was not really dangerous.

And finally they are also saying mask do absolutely zero to protect you. This is stupid. Maybe they are far from perfect but they do help.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

It’a real virus that was either intentionally or unintentionally released from a lab in Wuhan, and spread quickly to Europe, particularly Italy, and NYC.
It has since mutated into significantly less virulent forms.
That does not explain nor justify the wargaming that Gates and various big wigs have been running about pandemics for years. They have been planning for this for decades, and have seized the opportunity to flex their muscles.
The economy destroying lockdowns and mask mandates are also a dry run to test general compliance.
The numbers have been fudged and padded to an enormous degree, and there is ample evidence of that.
The elites never let a crisis go to waste. That doesn’t mean they win, or succeed, because many of them are hopeless spergs who think their models and projections equal reality, but these bastards can do a hell of a lot of damage before they are done.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Dave, again.
4 years ago

“…That does not explain nor justify the wargaming that Gates and various big wigs have been running about pandemics for years. They have been planning for this for decades, and have seized the opportunity to flex their muscles.
The economy destroying lockdowns and mask mandates are also a dry run to test general compliance.
The numbers have been fudged and padded to an enormous degree, and there is ample evidence of that…”

Yes I agree very much.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

The whole thing was a psyop. China, the WHO, and other nefarious actors are behind it all.

The videos out of China were staged. The CCP seemingly low-balling the death toll was reverse psychology to get the west to think “oh wow China’s hiding the death count — it must be really bad!”

See this excellent twitter thread.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

> I know someone not fat, not decrepit, who was in shape who got corona and spent time in the hospital

You don’t know that he got corona; you know that he undertook a test that came back positive. Who knows what that test really measures, but my favorite was when the Tanzanians (?) tested a paw paw fruit and a goat and they both came back positive . . .

> I SERIOUSLY doubt the Chinese shut down large parts of their economy for some farce.

China’s economy was and is a gigantic ponzi scheme. It was guaranteed to collapse, so the CCP created a fake virus to shut it down and execute a few dissenters at the same time. Our elites felt the same way and jumped at the chance to give themselves another $9 trillion. Understanding the Federal Reserve is utterly critical to understanding what is going on IMO.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

“…You don’t know that he got corona; you know that he undertook a test that came back positive…”

Be careful when you suppose things that you don’t know the answers to. Actually he came back negative. The guy he picked up with corona symptoms did come back positive. He’s a paramedic and a sharp guy. So he’s a good judge of whether he got it or not. He thinks he did and I do too.

That they are lying and faking results I don’t deny but I know one case that they did not.

“…China’s economy was and is a gigantic ponzi scheme…”

Maybe but they make a vast amount of manufactured goods. Vast.

“…It was guaranteed to collapse, so the CCP created a fake virus to shut it down and execute a few dissenters at the same time…”

That’s just silly. Anyone that knows anything about the Chinese knows that what they value more than anything is stability. They have a long, long history that they haven’t forgotten like us. Any time the Emperor let’s things run out of control bad, bad things happen. I will never in a million years believe the Chinese purposely unleashed this virus. As far as I can tell the primary culprits most likely to profit is the Jews. One of the Jews, probably already counting his vaccine money he was going to rake in, let slip that they had been researching the exact same virus and would have a vaccine in 6 weeks. Hmmm…what happened to that???? I bet they told him to shut the fuck up!

The next quote from you amplifies the sentiment that the Jews did it.

“…Our elites felt the same way and jumped at the chance to give themselves another $9 trillion…”

And I know plenty about the FED. The Chinese are not dependent on the Jew central banks like the US and the rest of the world. They, and the Japanese, own their own central banks and all this debt they are piling up…they can just zero it out any damn time they want as the Japanese have been doing for years. You think the Jews will let us zero out our debt?

In the end if we don’t drive the Jews out they will wring every last ounce of life out of us.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

>”As far as I can tell the primary culprits most likely to profit is the Jews. One of the Jews, probably already counting his vaccine money he was going to rake in, let slip that they had been researching the exact same virus and would have a vaccine in 6 weeks. Hmmm…what happened to that???? I bet they told him to shut the fuck up!”

This is really suspicious.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

I don’t think masks help you in sunny August. The virus is real, but right now they are using it to impose draconian measures on people, to feed us their propaganda and make us bow down.

We must be more worried about the loss of freedom than safety warnings. It is one thing not to warn you when something bad is coming, but it is far worse to take your liberty away when it is not. And I’d bet at this point in the year the correct approach is to develop herd-inmutiny, because if it were not cabal would not want to prevent chaos, as they profit and regain control from it.

By the way I’m also the kind of guy to take measures: late-February early-March I was the guy probing people at college, on the supermarket, on the gym, about the virus, and warning them, and no one would take it seriuosly.
Mid march I was the weirdo going out in the street with N-95 filters in a painter mask and swimming googles, when people weren’t taking it seriuosly. Now I’m one of the few guys in this whole city not wearing mask.

So many people are following ridiculous measures that don’t make any sense if you stop and think twice, because they are too entranced in the web of fear and lies, and this is very dangerous for our liberty.

Reply to  P.
4 years ago

That was me exactly. February & March, I was in total panic at the videos and stories coming out of China.

Then the narrative became highly suspect. France banning Hydroxychloriquine from over the counter in January? The Pandemic simulation held in late 2019 by Bill Gates and his buddies? Masks don’t work, then they work? Social distancing? Outright censorship of any discussion on possible therapies like HCQ? Etc etc.

This is an obvious agenda at play here.

In my area people have been wearing masks outside, with no one around, for the last four or five months. Some while driving. Some on balconies. In the park. Jogging. It’s dehumanizing, surreal, depressing, demoralizing.

These people wearing masks (I’d say about 95%) scare me more than any virus. The vast majority of people have fallen for this and they’re the reason we’re all going to be force vaccinated. The obvious authoritarian dystopia they’re pushing seems crazy — but so did the idea six months ago that you couldn’t shop without a mask.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  P.
4 years ago

I agree with both of you but have a different slant on why. I was very careful when I saw what happened in China and was wearing mask way before anyone else. I also agree that they pushed this and the present virus danger is way overblown BUT I don’t think it’s because it was never dangerous.

We know for a fact that 5 different vial research centers said it was engineered. We also know that viral weapon engineers have said that engineered viruses do not hold their lethality and mutate to more benign forms rapidly. In my view that exactly fits the facts so that’s what I believe.

A highly lethal engineered virus was released in China. Hit Italy and China very hard and then mutated before it got to the US and other places. If it would have stayed as lethal as in China elsewhere then the Netherlands policy of doing nothing would have been a massive disaster. They got lucky it mutated before it got to them.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

“…It was proposed China released the harmless variant as a sort of transmissible vaccine to try and inoculate the public by force quickly after this accident…”

Hmm..interesting. Twist within twist, Plots within plots.

4 years ago
4 years ago

Remember to watch Vox Day’s stream:

4 years ago

re: Trump Announces Emergency Authorization of Convalescent Plasma for CCP Virus

What this means is that we’re about to find out how badly overinflated the infection rate is. More tests than any other country on Earth per capita and overall, and they are just going to go down the list asking for blood donations. The false positive rate is going to be insane.

4 years ago

I can’t wait to see all the globohomo zionist gaybal faggot being publicly executed (legally, off course):

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Tucker; “When do we get America back?”

A: when we TAKE it back, and not 1 second earlier

4 years ago


When Jewish sponsored BLM terrorist niggas go to the wrong White suburb:

When the owner of the store is armed and willing to shoot your ass for being a Jew sponsored BLM terrorist nigga:

4 years ago

Jews are pimping the US tax payer big time:

And while Jews will tell you that welfare fraud among the Orthodox is an antisemitic “smear”, the numbers speak for themselves — and the levels of fraud in these communities is tantamount to organized crime.

Orthodox Jews are masters at the concept of “unreported income” and they know how to hide it — whether it’s a million dollar corporation, large inheritances, or under-the-table cash from the network of sayanim at their local synagogue or Jewish Community Center.

One prosecutor in New Jersey observed this about a typical Orthodox welfare family:

You have a family or six or seven or eight, somebody is paying the mortgage, somebody is paying the taxes, they have two cars in the driveway, they’ve got food for all the kids … and they’re reporting their total income at $10,000. You have to ask — what is going on here?

And going after welfare fraud in these Jewish communities is a political minefield, as virtually everyone accused of fraud is the child or grandchild of a “Holocaust survivor” who “doesn’t understand the complex rules” of welfare.

We are all told how much smarter Jews are than the rest of us mere mortals, yet they can’t figure out how to avoid welfare fraud — at much higher rates than their often Black neighbors.

And if they all fill out their 2020 Census forms, even more free cash will flow into these “needy” neighborhoods.

4 years ago
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Get me a DIREWOLF.

Reply to  Bman
4 years ago

I was always partial to the Nova myself. I mean, if you can’t shut yourself down with an alpha strike, you don’t have enough weapons.