Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
The company that conducted Arizona’s sham review of the 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County during the 2020 presidential election is set Monday to deliver a report detailing their findings to the Republican state senators who ordered it up. Leftist local news affiliate article which is absolutely dripping with desperation and fear.
Rep. Mo Brooks, who President Trump endorsed for U.S. Senate, was met by skepticism at Saturday’s Trump rally in Alabama when he urged Republicans to look toward the 2022 and 2024 elections, but later said, the “2020 election was fraught with voter fraud” and “if only legal votes’ were counted, then ‘Donald Trump won.”
Dissent all across Australia is spreading fast and corrupt politicians are panicking (Gab video).
Aussie truckers are rumored to be about to shut down society, and are advising people to stock up now. I’m not sure how it works in Australia, but in the US many, many truckers are recruited into the domestic informant network, because they are always on the highways, driving, and available for monitoring duty of travelers on the highways for the network. I’m dubious, but we will see.
Rescue dogs shot dead by NSW council to stop rescuers from violating COVID restrictions to care for them. Imagine how terrified these council people must have been over losing control, that they would order dogs be killed out of fear somebody might violate one of their dictates. We really need to send this story global and commit their names to history.
Former CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden says it would be a “good idea” to drop off unvaccinated Trump supporters in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. What I love is how all the heads of these agencies are such puny, weaklings and cowards. Take away the network, and they will be nothing.
FDA ignores new UK study showing the Pfizer vaccine destroys T cells, and weakens the immune system.
On Bannon’s War Room, Pharmacies are being told not to distribute medications that combat Covid. People on Free Republic said they could not get doctors to give them Monoclonal antibodies. The penetration of society by a covert intelligence network has gone so far it is entirely possible the vaccine is something entirely different from what we are being told, and whatever that is, is why they need everyone to take it.
The CDC only tracks a fraction of breakthrough COVID-19 infections, even as cases surge. So as cases “surge,” every case gets counted, but only hospitalizations and deaths get lumped in the breakthrough column. They could all be breakthroughs, for all we know.
Alex Berenson on Twitter says, “It is awful news. Up to 15 Israelis who are a week out from the third dose have already died? 88 are very sick?” If they got a third dose and it didn’t produce effective immunity something is very, very wrong. Either the vaccine is engineered extremely poorly, or someone high up in Israel’s Cabal subsidiary swapped out the vaccines for saline, and didn’t tell anyone. I would tend to think something as large and immunogenic as the Spike Protein, being produced in decent quantity diffused throughout the body instead of congregated in one spot in an emulsified oil carrier, producing progressively greater immune response with each dose, would produce worse adverse effects with each dose. It is interesting there are no reports of third immunizations producing extremely adverse events, or even protection in many cases.
Israeli scientist’s study says COVID-19 could be treated for under $1/day with Ivermectin.
Vitamin B12 shows efficacy as an antiviral medication when run against COVID replication.
SARS-CoV-2 lambda variant escapes immune response via spike mutations. No vaccine, so we are back to lockdowns, and nobody can leave their house until after the midterms.
Anti-mask states could face civil rights investigations, secretary of education says.
Mississippi says to isolate after testing positive for COVID-19 or face up to 5 years in prison and a fine. Does this apply to Biden’s illegal aliens he is shipping in?
Biden administration demands Facebook hands over data on “misinformation” and vaccine skeptics as a “good will gesture.” My guess is we will enter a new phase of government harassment and oppression before this is over.
Bill de Blasio advocates vaccines for children, saying, “Let’s get to those 5-11-year-olds.”
India may prosecute and ultimately execute a World Health Organization Scientist for misleading the public about Ivermectine. She is actually Indian, so it was a dumb move on her part.
Joe Biden begins to fast tracking Afghans to Virginia, South Carolina, and Missouri South Carolina and Missouri. We really need numbers on these to judge how bad it is.
Afghan refugees just arrived in Wisconsin.
And yet – Afghan staff at U.S. Embassy losing faith in evacuation efforts, according to diplomatic cable.
Humanitarian groups furious over Trudeau doing little to help Afghans who helped us.
The Taliban captured essentially all the necessary ingredients to fully equip both an army and an air force, spanning the gamut from 600,000 rifles and machine guns; 76,000 vehicles, such as high-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicles, armored trucks, and pickups; radios, night vision googles, and drones; and 208 helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft. Suppose Trump struck a deal with the Taliban – we get out, but they eliminate the opium trade, and keep CIA out of their nation? What might the Taliban ask for, to help them keep the CIA/Cabal out? It makes no sense we left behind Trijicon scopes and night vision goggles, which are massively valuable, and small and easily transported. How much would a Humveee full of ACOGs be worth? Or NVGs? Soldiers didn’t even pocket them on their way out? Now add in that Biden was shipping all this stuff in, as he knew we were pulling out. I think those were left purposely, possibly to help Taliban shut down the drug trade and close off that spigot of Cabal cash, and buy their fealty in the deal.
In Texas alone over the last decade, 236,000 illegals committed more than 577,000 crimes.
A gun battle broke out in downtown Portland Sunday evening as Antifa marched on the streets and an unidentified gunman and Antifa exchanged multiple gunshot rounds. Notice how we would cut this guy lose with no conviction in a heartbeat, and we are not alone. But none of these guys, even cops like Derek Chauvin who didn’t do anything wrong, ever gets one of us on their jury. The courts are as rigged as the elections.
40 shot, 5 killed in Chicago in weekend gun violence through Sunday. They would vote for a competent mayor, if they could.
A doctor has been accused of sacrificing livestock for Santeria witchcraft in his flat after investigators discovered 22 farm animals being kept in his New Jersey home on Thursday. Notice how you hear this retard is doing this, and he is a doctor, and it doesn’t immediately jump out at you as strange. Because in the back of your mind, you are kind of programmed to expect there are doctors who are total imbeciles. If you are black and smart, you figure there is racism favoring white imbeciles, or affirmative action favoring black imbeciles, and you just missed out. If you are white, there is affirmative action favoring black imbeciles, and diversity means a guy who is sacrificing animals in his backyard to the Santeria spirit, is a prime catch at medical school for the diversity brigade. The reality is the conspiracy has created the perfect environment to hide its activities as it only promotes its own up the ladder, because nobody will question it if they see some gross incompetent in a position. It is very clever.
The New York Fed has held Afghanistan’s 1,731 gold bars since 1939.
President Xi Jinping turns his fire on China’s rich in push to redistribute wealth. I wonder if China’s economy is approaching collapse.
Putin says Russia does not want Afghan militants in Russia. Unabashed loyalty to his own.
Allen West produced the receipt for his wife’s dinner which showed she only drank lemon water as it is revealed she passed her breathalizer but was arrested anyway on suspicion of the arresting officer. She was later released when she passed her blood test.
After winning statewide races in November, Republicans are left in control of redistricting for 187 House districts, while Democrats will have full control to delineate just 84. There is something curious there. If Democrats rigged the election, and they did, why did we walk away with exactly the state wins we needed to keep the audits going and redistrict our future wins, when Democrats could have rigged that too? Did reams of first-time Biden voters vote for Republicans in the down-ticket races? Or it is possible we rigged the state races, left democrat rigging untouched in the Presidential race to leave Biden as the winner nationally, and now the Democrats can’t ask for audits and claim we rigged the election because of Biden’s win and their criminal actions there being uncovered. So they have to endure our side having a better long term position, all as we ask for audits to show what they were doing in Biden’s race. There is definitely something more complex going on here.
British Ministers are now openly stating their belief that Biden has gone ‘completely mad.’
ABC roughs up Biden on Afghanistan, calling him ‘Adrift from the facts.’
Only 25 percent of Americans support Biden’s handling of Afghanistan. The Cabal is turning on Biden.
“The penetration of society by a covert intelligence network has gone so far it is entirely possible the vaccine is something entirely different from what we are being told, and whatever that is, is why they need everyone to take it.”
Call me crazy but I have a suspicion that it has something to do with all the massive uptick in ufo sightings we’ve been seeing lately. No idea what that something is but my instincts tell me there’s a connection.
I find it intriguing because Elizondo, and others imply those are something which has lived essentially on this planet but out of sight for a long, long time, and it may have cloaked itself as elves, succubi, gods, spirits, ghosts, UFOs and other esoteric stuff as a way of hiding.
If that is true, if they have been here, they have launched intel ops against our society. At the very least, they recruited high-level leaders in our governments, which might be why we have gotten such a massive push of propaganda telling us anyone who believes in them is a nutjob,
If their technology is truly of a level they are doing 8,000 mph right angle turns by literally warping the fabric of space-time around them, then things could be a lot weirder. Obama’s head scar could literally be him having been abducted and and a remote control apparatus installed in his head and interfaced with his brain. And there could be hundreds of thousands like him embedded throughout society. Our whole world could even be an experiment they created, and we are living in some kind of space-time petri-dish.
Once you are talking about a society as technologically immature as us pitted in an intelligence war, against a society maybe thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of years more advanced, bending space time and maybe disappearing into parallel dimensions we cannot even begin to understand, the weirdest sci-fi fantasy movie is entirely on the table as a potential reality. The world becomes a lot more interesting, very, very quickly.
And if they are here, it isn’t a maybe one in a hundred chance. It becomes a very high probability, bordering on certainty, they are operating in the intel space against us in some way to achieve some objective of control. And because in intel you do everything you possibly can, it means we are up against the highest tech they have.
If I try to look at it as objectively as I can, if those Tic Tacs are not us and they are doing what is said, it is a near certainty as least some of our leaders, and maybe many, many, are either compromised by this thing, or judged by it to be entirely unnecessary to its purposes. And even people who think thy are serving the country will be indirectly under the control of this thing through our nation’s command structure.
I think that this explains their behavior better AC, literally “NOTHING can stop what is coming” (11 mins)
Basically, anyone including AI that’s viewed it, has concluded that from 2012 all possible time lines have converged, and nothing/nobody can stop the Great awakening, which is the end of THEIR world (not ours), hense them very publicly going “full commie/Satanist”
The Deathroes of the Satanic state is what we’re experiencing
For anyone not aware of the “looking glass”
Gotta laff eh 😉
The first link is a fascinating listen, and aligns with a number of other strands, from multiple religious and historical traditions, which state that we are approaching what Terrance McKenna called the transcendental object at the end of time.
Basically, in simpler terms, God, or his angelic hosts, will “intervene” and awaken humanity to the ocean of lies that all of us, no matter how well informed, have been living under for all of our lives.
All will be revealed.
All of us here, and now even millions of normies, know we are approaching some sort of inflection point, which is why everything is spiraling into chaos.
Cabal knows their number is up, but in a last ditch effort they intend on poisoning as many of us as they can before they are revealed and removed.
Only time will tell, but I think we all know something is speeding towards us.
Very vague but very mindblowing also.
Now that the mask mandates are starting to come back, here is an interesting Reddit thread on the extent to which people are complying:
The answer, which is echoed by my observations in my city in the Northeast, is much less than last year, though still too much. Same with the vaccine passports.
It just occurred to me that the people who are seeing masked up outdoors on the streets in the early stages of these things, especially the ones wearing masks in their cars (aside from Uber drivers), are Cabal footsoldiers. I could see the Cabal ordering their network to all mask up, to give normies the impression that everyone is wearing a mask and they have to do the same.
Full agreement – a large share of the early maskers are Cabal footsoldiers. Their compliance and virtue signaling is too craven and unnatural for normies.
Or… they are just imbeciles, dumbasses, functional illiterates, and human drones which are produced by the a-hole factories called public schools by the millions each year.
The people outdoors and in their cars wearing masks appear to be more stupid than anything else. Nothing more than bovines, sheep, pigs, and chickens being led to the slaughter house.
Why not both?
You just described the perfect cabal footsoldier.
Indeed, why not both? But this commenter would have us believe they’re all just idiots. No way there’s a conspiracy..
Facial recognition issue, to the point where the only way they aren’t tagged and bagged is societal wide masking
Simon Parkes posted this weekend predicting a “black swan” event today or tomorrow. We will know quickly if this is bs, however the timing would fit with the conclusion of the Arizona audit. I was expecting a major Cabal move myself, but in September, due mainly to the timing of various elections being held in countries other than the USA.
I’m predicting a white duck event tomorrow.
Screencap this post.
PS: pls no buli, I’ll stop with the retard jokes now
I don’t know why, but these retard jokes feel like the highlights of this site to me. We may need a little humorous release with all this stuff.
Public Service Retardation
I guess it spreads some joy is kinda noice.
Related, see from second 46 forward:
Our fren often puts me in mind of that meme of a (Brazilian?) guy grinning happily as hundreds of shrieking feminists threaten him on the street. He has a certain lightness.
I remember that one.
He showed them his benis at a feminist protest:
“white duck” quacked me up.. )
Link or not true.
JB comments like a blackhat
Parkes is full of it, in my opinion. He seems like a well-meaning, decent guy but after watching several of his videos I got the strong feeling he just makes stuff up and then believes it. He casually remarked that Putin had called him and they had a long “phone call”, apparently Q also telephoned him once. If Parkes’ predictions weren’t so totally wrong, I’d entertain the possibility that Putin just rang him up for a chat one day. As it is I think he occupies a grey zone of sanity/insanity and weaves a fantasy world where Putin and Q call him up to confide in him and seek his counsel, and give him information which, however, always turns out to be false.
he’s an intel operator, maybe just an opportunist at this point, so who knows. i checked out on him when he talked about having sex with aliens back in the 80s. maybe he did, but they were probly the paki kind of alien.
> The New York Fed has held Afghanistan’s 1,731 gold bars since 1939.
Suuuure they have.
It’s interesting to note that every time someone has called for an audit of the United States’ gold reserves, they’ve either been ignored or shouted down as lunatics.
> The Cabal is turning on Biden.
Biden was corrupt and not very bright, and has probably been a willing tool since his earliest days. I’m guessing Jill controlled access to him, and they didn’t realize that his dementia could make him intractable.
At this point I’m sure there is a split in the Party; the rank and file who won’t see what he has become, and will back him to the hilt, the wreckers, who see profit in the chaos he causes, and the ‘elites’, who want him gone before he does something *really* crazy.
The old theory was that he was just a placeholder to get Harris in the Oval Office, but as far as I’m seeing, *nobody* wants Harris; she had no support trying to set a slot on the Democratic primary (which never happened); her own staff appear to hate her; and the Complicit Media have been sniping at her for some time now. Note the lack of fawning “Madame Vice President” articles and news shows…
Jill was the much younger, hot babysitter for Biden and his wife and kids. As soon as they were conveniently dead Jill just fell into Joe’s lap. Satan’s work at its best. The rest is history.
AC, consider that the vaxksine is causing covid fog in the brain. she may have been driving erratically. car accidents and fatalities are way up even as driving is down,
Allen West produced the receipt for his wife’s dinner which showed she only drank lemon water as it is revealed she passed her breathalizer but was arrested anyway on suspicion of the arresting officer. She was later released when she passed her blood test.
Chronic hypoxia would produce dreamy and woozy sensations suboptimal for DUI tests
My experience is that they can’t be a large number, and more importantly, truckers are as inclusive and outgrouping as any union. If the majority of truckers decide that a national shutdown is happening, there aren’t enough scabs to break their lines — and they wouldn’t dare anyway. Truckers know how they can shutdown each other’s tucks without getting caught, so all the scabs would suddenly be off the road anyway.
The few truckers I have known personally were hard working family guys and very no nonsense, conservative types.
If truckers, as a group, decide to flex their muscles, our whole society will come to a halt.
I actually wish they would do it, just to make cabal sweat.
A trucker, construction worker, yellow-jacket revolt is overdue in America.
A guy don’t the street from me is a trucker here in Oz. Going on his 30th year.
Like most aussies, slow to anger and then we have had enough.
He told me a few weeks ago that the truckers had had enough. Last week he told me of a dude who drove from Sydney to Brisbane – but was stopped at the border while he was tested. The results didn’t come back for 4 days so had to sleep in his truck. Says he wont ever come over the border again.
Shelves are starting to empty here and I am heading down to stock up today. Of course my fridge shat its undies and I am relying on a bar fridge for the moment.
Life is just bootiful sometimes.
I love how he thinks that’s a punishment. I think most of us would get along much better with the Taliban than they think. If we aren’t there to kill them, they likely wouldn’t care.
What it would do is drop us in all the supplies we left there and give us time to assemble a reinvasion force.
I’m surprised he’s even tweeting at all. He had a stroke and was wheelchair bound, as in about to keel over and die at any moment, probably couldn’t use a keyboard, since 2018 type of stroke. Now here he is, post Covid and Vax and tweeting about it. Something isn’t right.
I was skimming comments, and didn’t even see I approved this one.
Except for, you know, all the Christians I know living in Muslim countries.
(Responding to edit) The funny thing is that I instantly thought “ok, so this is a shill sent to rile me up.”
I knew when I saw your response, and then I had to go back and see what it was I missed.
It is funny how they have the opposite effect of what they want though. I used to care what people said to me when I thought it was a real person saying something they meant. Once I realized it is fat guys who sit around all day posting shit they don’t even care about just to get a few Cabal bucks, even a real person can write real shit at me and I could care less.
What did it say?
Was it telling Phelps that if he went to Afghanistan the Talibs would probably try to kidnap him in order to have someone they could force to make rain dances 24 hours a day?
Pretty much, yeah. Hilariously predictable.
I read it but forgot what it said, now I really want to know again.
I totally agree. We would form a government that would blow his away. Overnight.
I would go weave rugs in Baluchistan 😂
…Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are the primary funders of the UK’s Medicine & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency just as they are if the FDA in the United States. The SEC has done absolutely NOTHING about insider information since Gates is also a MAJOR shareholder in Pfizer / BioNTech mRNA. There are reliable medical organizations opposing these vaccines despite the approval by two regulatory agencies that are taking money from Gates which only introduces conflicts of interest and potential corruption.
No disrespect to AC, but I think the hypothesis about the whitehats promoting the death shots as an eugenics program to get rid of the “people uncapable of thinking for themselves” (that’s in quotes because they are pressuring kids without any life experience world wide to get the poison, and its working (one cannot expect college age kids to be able to resist the pressure coming from “either get poisoned or forget about ever being (((sucessful)))”, and they are forcing people to either starve or get the not-vax, and that’s not a test of capability of free thinking in any way shape or form, and the whole scamdemic bs is driving massive amounts of people into suicide, which is also not a test of capability of free thinking in any way shape or form)) is illogical, and contradictory to the whitehats being whitehats (because that means they would have the same agenda as Bill Gates, an eugenics depopulation one, which would make them not-whitehats). This is why I still believe the hypothesis that the non-sense things Trump does are due to him being blackmailed (threats to his family) rather than an indication of whitehats being in complete control (if they indeed are, then shame on them).
In the end God wins, and I am pretty sure He is going to keep allowing us to suffer until enough people turn to Him and stop going along with faulty (in the sense that it doesn’t follow God) leadership. Sorry to be this controversial, and feel free to delet dis if it goes against the spirit of the place here, but this is what I think (and this is not my blog so it’s ok if you decide to delet dis).
No arguments from me. See my other post if it passes moderation. He’s either blackmailed or the good guys just flat out lost because they didn’t have the stones to just start taking out the enemy even covertly (accidents, helath issues, etc.)
The mental yoga needed to defend any set of “white hats” at this point makes them out to be as big an evil as the cabal. Someone on this site last week opined they’re going to let in terrorists to commit terrorist acts to “wake people up.” It’s crazy -think. If they go that far, they’re just another faction of evil sacrificing us all for their own ends.
True. I don’t think any white hats are in control. If Big Pharma and Big Corp in general can terminate its opponents, then the white hats must do the same.
Michael Baxter of writes reports of military tribunals and prisons at Gitmo; but, Biden is moving full speed ahead to shut Gitmo down; if so, then the reports of tribunals are fake.
Let me clarify: I think there are some whitehat leaning forces going against some of the bs, but I don’t believe they are in full control (and I understand why they would claim that on Q’s forum in order to try to keep the gen pop from going vigilante on the obvious above the law criminals that are screwing everyone).
The reason why I call them whitehat leaning and not whitehat is because I don’t know to which extent they are ok with zionism, free masonry and other types of “well meaning” ideological disasters (for the West).
read pfizer approval letter end p7, start p8, then start p12 and on p13.
You’re so right. People are afraid of suffering tho. Many medicate themselves just to cope. I hate to use her as an example, but a girl I work with is lonely. Her man, a drug addict, is away in treatment. He is not contacting her. So, she’s on Facebook,gets in touch with some guy who was a best friend in junior high, and sleeps with him. The guy has a girlfriend who found out. Wants to beat her up now. His mother contacted my friend and asked her to stay away from him. Huge drama. I told her sometimes you just have to suffer, sometimes for a long time, for something good to come along. I find it interesting that days later, here I am reading about suffering on my favorite site, by one of my favorite commenters! God bless you fren!
That dude would be wise to just go no-contact on the cheater and just try to stay away from trouble (and turn to God, the more I learn the more I am convinced that (and I am not judging anyone, just making an observation) a person is either with/for God, or against Him, and that anything secular ends up being pretty much in service of Satan (in varying degrees)).
Promiscuous and bad women are sent forth as a punishment from God:
I discovered that a seductive woman is a trap more bitter than death. Her passion is a snare, and her soft hands are chains. Those who are pleasing to
God will escape her, but sinners will be caught in her snare. (Ecclesiastes 7:26)
And its also interesting that personally, as my relationship with God deepens, I see the level of discernment increasing, particularly regarding lust, as it’s now very apparent for me that God does indeed transfigures us if we ask Him enough and work hard at trying to become more pure.
I want to share a specific example which is that at the very beginning of my quest for purification and closeness to God, I had to completely avoid places like /pol/ due to some of the lewd images that get posted there, as the lustful passion would arise in me by even glancing at them, and even if I could avoid corporeal sin, the sin of the mind would still happen, and the images stayed in my imagination and I would be burning with passion. And then I found out that when you stop looking at explicit imagery, the level of stimuli needed for arising the passion get lower, so I would try to avoid TV and content with attractive women as it was hard to not have the passions arising even when they were not doing anything sexual (although modern fashion is very unhelpful regarding this, kek), and eventually had to start allowing myself to get exposed to the stimuli but practicing instant repentance, and experimenting with various ways to try to basically be able to look at attractive women with chastity and without getting the passion of lust aroused in me.
Now this is all very nice and dandy and all, but I don’t expect to ever be able to have this on auto-pilot forever, I think everyone (including the Saints) needs to practice permanent vigilance regarding all passions (lust, anger, envy, pride, etc), but one wonderful gift from God was to be able to lurk on /pol/ and when faced with lewdness, while at first I just would put my hand in front of the images that could arise lust in me, at the some point I realized I could look at them and the only thing that happened was that I found myself thinking to myself “this wouldn’t make me happy”, as in, even if I had the chance to fornicate with the woman in this picture, that would not make me happy, it would not fulfil me, it would not make my life any better. And it was not just the thought, it was the feeling of peace and the inner realization that there is nothing we (as humans) can lust for that will fulfil us, and that made me really happy because God allowed me experience in a very real and concrete way one of the lessons that I see repeated all the time by Saints and Elders and more experienced Christians, which is that our lusts are basically attempts to fulfil the emptiness that comes from being distant from God.
I hope I can keep getting closer to God as to not lose this precious gift, and I wish other people who struggle with trying to fulfil their inner emptiness with all sorts of sin (like the cheater in your story) can one day feel the love of God in their hearts and realize there is an indescribable richness that comes from getting closer to God that no earthly sensation can match. And I say this as someone who is very new to all of this, and I still have a ton to learn and a ton of work to do on myself and my passions, but it is not a lie when the scripture describes the inner wealth as being the true wealth (I wish I knew what is the specific passage where the Bible talks about that).
A great example of how Romans 12 is applied. I’m going through a similar journey myself. I believe everyone has a different path, and it’s inextricably tied into our individual relationships with God. It’s those realizations and conflicting desires where we almost tangibly experience the boundary between the “old man” and the “new man”, the flesh and the spirit.
Unfortunately so few have a desire for truth or have experience God in such a way as to want to continually seek God apart from the emotional and vain ways most churchians do. So they have never faced true fleshly loss, nor have they reaped the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance), experienced true renewal of the mind, or have experienced true spiritual victories. Seeking God (biblically) is indescribably rewarding.
I’d say that most people need to get rock bottom to seek God. I know that’s what worked with me, and I have often thought about how things could be different for me if various things that happened in my life hadn’t happened, or had happened differently, and I have always came to the conclusion that I would be just too comfy to ever turn to God with as much effort has I have recently if they hadn’t happened.
My surrender to Him in my pathetic human impotence vs the evil aspects of the this fallen world (specially the small evils we do to ourselves, that manifested in me in things like smocking and convincing myself that feeding my anger made me stronger somehow (not that anger is not a good thing sometimes, if you find yourself in a self-defense situation for example, but most of the time it isn’t and it seems to slowly darken the heart, and make us vulnerable to other sins)) would have never happen (I think) if I never felt so bad about the state of the world. This is why I truly believe that God is making the West suffer until we turn to Him, repent en-mass (Roosh V wants to meme mass repentance in America into reality BTW, which is a great project), and start following fearful to God leaders. And a big part of why I see other transformations occurring in the way I react to things is because I no longer see religion as a “tool” to get a better political situation or system in place, but now I see the current and historical political situation and system (of any particular place thruout time) as part of God’s plan. It can be said I became interested in religion because I saw it as an unavoidable part of the cultural and political war to save the West (specially the reasons why Islam and Judaism are incompatible with a Western society), but ended coming to the realization that it’s the other way around, faith and God needs to come first before anything else, because if God is not the focus of why we do things, anything we achieve is going to come crashing down in a spectacular fashion.
But anyways, in this page:
on the 2nd of the 5 Saint Gregory’s
Homilies on The Lord’s Prayer, there are these quotes that I really liked:
“we must attain intimacy with God through a life according to virtue”
“by teaching you to invoke the Father who is in heaven, the Lord reminds you of the blessed homeland. He wants to instill in you a stronger desire for its good things in order to fortify the path that will take you back to the homeland.”
BTW, one of the things that is very hard (at least for me) but very fruitful in terms of bringing inner peace (at least for me) is to pray for enemies (specially praying for zionists that God blesses them with His grace so they can turn to Him and stop their retardation), as well as praying for people who aren’t in my life anymore but that I have hurt or not been as kind as I could in one way or another (praying for God to give them health, strength and blesses them with His grace and helps them achieve salvation so that hopefully we can all go to Heaven).
Off course it goes without saying (at least as an Orthodox leaning person), repenting daily and everytime I pray also brings great inner peace (which I thought I had before starting to really try hard to develop a meaningful relationship with God, instead of just asking Him for help once in a while with my autistic projects). I’m not still at the point where I shed tears while repenting (which from what I read and heard is a sign one is advancing greatly), but I guess that’s a gift God will bless me with when He decides to do so (if He decides to do so).
God bless everyone!
Infant mortality selected against spiteful mutants comorbids with physical infirmities (-r), industry and technics removed that: the result is an ever burgeoning human biomass of NPCs and worse which natural elites (-K) cannot exercise enough salutary influence over, much less organize and find each other. We cannot go to space with the physics of entropy yolking mankind in this servile state. Something has to give — and it’s not as though the redditors are breeding at replacement anyways.
Still, it’s not necessarily K people and free thinking people who are surviving this scamdemic, so saying that the whitehats are doing an eugenics to select for those type of people is completely illogical.
If anything, it’s selecting in a way that might help with the complete eradication of Western people, given that Westerners are so few compared to the world population, if you have the West lose a big enough part of their population, you still have billions of Indians, Africans and Middle Easterners to invade and take care of the rest.
It’s a massive cope that doesn’t make any sense.
As it is obvious to anyone, bloodshed is approaching rapidly in Australia:
As long as the treasonous and illegitimate Western politicians and governments (and they illegitimate because they don’t serve the people, they serve the banks that finance the governments, the people who finance their political campaigns and the people who hold their blackmail files) keep using the military and police as private bodyguards and mercenaries while they implement their mass depopulation and sterilization agenda in tandem with the Great Reset program, the event horizon of mass bloodshed of the general public against the police, military, media and government inevitably approaches.
May God have mercy on our souls and bless those that fight against tyranny.
Mike Scheuer has a new post up:
Mr. Trump,
You must cut the crap you have been dispensing about the worth of the vaccines produced by the warp-speed program and the pressing need for people to take them. There is no blame that falls to you for believing the U.S. government’s health experts who lied about the potency of the flu with which their Chinese paymasters attacked the United States. You are not a scientist and you were surrounded by Trump-haters Chinese allies in both parties and in the U.S. government’s medical establishment. You are also not a fool or sucker, but that is the role you have chosen to play at this time.
>”Rescue dogs shot dead by NSW council to stop rescuers from violating COVID restrictions to care for them.”
Press F for the doggos.
Dogs are almost all good and evil people hate them.
That is why Foul Chi did horrible experiments on them.
jewish agitprop in support of ds/cabal communism
Never happened.
no doubt. but it was in her imagination!
Re: Rescue Dogs shot dead by NSW council to stop rescuers from violating Covid restrictions to care for them.
Could be true, given the unpredictable behavior of people under Covid, but the article has a code-like feel to it.
“Dogs” an established symbol for “controlled assets (leashed)”. Article also contains a reference to contaminated “sewerage”, which is another symbol (“incriminating evidence”) that we have been seeing a lot of in the recent past.
Logical thinking: If MK or blackmail controlled assets (dogs on a leash) are all over the place, what dynamics come into play when their controllers flip, get taken out, lose control, or otherwise squeezed?
Too many to list. But articles like this seem to be addressing specific incidents related to these dynamics.
I wouldn’t be surprised if lockdowns have been used all along to prevent large public gatherings to take away MK threats/leverage while this all plays out.
Interesting. I forgot about the dog codes.
Trump didn’t have a dog. Wasn’t he the only president who didn’t?
I don’t know. Dogs are tough, because they hate being away from you, and yet most places won’t let them come with you. And most shed something fierce. For me, being President with one would have been tough.
Plus, the special ones are a huge energy and time investment, because you want them to be happy, and they are not happy sitting around while you accomplish stuff. I suspect if Trump got a German Shepherd, and had one consistently for thirty years, the accumulated loss of accomplishment would have been impressive.
I can picture DJT with a German Shepard. It’s a shame he didn’t have one.
Interesting. I remember during the beginning of lockdowns when Trump was President thinking sure is a clever way for our guys to keep us safe from MKUltra false flags. I’d like to believe our mates in Oz are doing the same.
Under The Silver Lake, “Beware The Dog Killer.”
“left democrat rigging untouched in the Presidential race to leave Biden as the winner nationally”
If that’s true, then the “white hats” need to be executed along side the cabal. They’re just as evil. They *let* a shadow government suceed with a coup? Then they are just more collaborators, and I don’t give a blue f### what their super secret super squirrel reasons were. To wake up a few more retards? To wake up all the morally bankrupt Fake Americans who don’t care what a government does as long as it’s not to them?
A clear, massive Trump landslide that should have happened would have been a massive blow to the cabal, and every little dimplick, useless garbage leftist out there as we’d still be rubbing their soy rictus faces in it, and kicking them until they went back under their rocks. Also a huge message to the corpos and low level, local government types.
There’s no downside to not letting Biden steal the election, and nothing but downside to what they did. Welcome 100,000 Afgan criminals and rapists. If anything happens to my family, I will dedicate my life to hunting down anyone who stoood by and let this happen.
My problem is we do not know everything about how Cabal worked. Even if we avoid the esoteric, like Cabal being a recruited asset network of some spiritual/interdimensional, technologically sophisticated society that is hiding from us, we still have a potentially thousands of years old secret society cult that has been playing the intelligence game for thousands of years, and has taken and occupied the high ground in terms of power structures and technologies. On top of that, it has spent thousands of years wargaming against its own warplan, and plugging any vulnerabilities it has found. It has built a surveillance network and files on nearly everyone, which contain everything about that person, going back to when they were a child, complete with observations and anecdotes from other children in their social circles, whose sole purpose in life was serving this cult as child-intelligence-assets. They can listen almost anywhere on a moment’s notice, and I believe have people who spend their days “flipping between channels” of a set group of interesting people they are assigned, looking for anything interesting going on in anyone’s life.
I am not sure how you build a counter-conspiracy to try and destroy something like that. If we had any chance, I become very morally flexible very fast myself, so I have trouble being judgemental.
The point being that there is potentially no significant counter conspiracy, at least not in the U.S. or England, 2 of Cabal’s prime territories.
Trump still celebrating the vaccines is another utterly bizarre piece of the puzzle. There is no way his handlers aren’t aware of the growing resistance to them and the vaccines true failure rate. Trump’s biggest supporters in Red America are uniformly resistant to them, and he has to know that, and yet he persists in alienating them by pushing it.
Marielle has a point. Letting Cabal steal the election is an enormous, borderline monstrous, gamble.
I know the whole Patel Patriot Devolution theory, and most of it makes sense, but there is a whole boatload of hopium keeping it glued together.
Based on current, ever changing, evidence, it seems like Trump’s handlers were anticipating the steal, but definitely not anticipating Covid.
Covid threw them for a real loop, and they had to scramble in order to re calibrate, potentially throwing a number of other well laid plans into disarray.
Our society is literally on the ropes, and 12 more months of Biden and his globalist handlers will insure that Trump or any other patriots don’t have an actual society to preside over.
I think the white hats, if they exist, still live in nearly as much of a bubble as the Cabal, and if the whole American project disintegrates, won’t be directly harmed by it, thus their apparent hesitation in coming out, guns blazing.
Very simply, their asses aren’t on the line like ours are. They aren’t feeling the heat the way the rest of us are.
White hats want America to win, but if it doesn’t, they’ll just move onto the next project with their wealth and their families and leave the rest of us in the dust.
Either way, nothing any of us can do other than fortify our own homes and families as best as we can, whichever way the wind blows.
Run away!!!!!!!!
your concern is noted.
your barrage is maxed : DDDDDDDDDDDDD
They still believe they can wake people up. It’s too late. The programming was extremely successful and I don’t believe it can be broken with Joe average.
People I know think Trump is behind all the audits and he’s just a spoiled loser. No amount of testimony, audio/video evidence (it was FAKED!), packet captures (seriously….what normal person could explain a fucking pcap), etc. is GOING TO CHANGE ANYONE’S FUCKING MIND.
These people could watch Joe Biden molest, cook, and eat a kid on national TV, but they would STILL VOTE FOR HIM.
Q’s going to need to have Biden haul us all off with cattle cars to the vaccination facilities, but that won’t even change anyone’s mind. The problem is that’s going to be the point at which people start shooting.
People are fed up.
Generally Redclaw, Yes, a felony is a felony is a felony. An Accessory is an accessory is an accessory. Massive election fraud doesn’t minimize future bloodshed, it maximizes it.
There are people in jail right now for Jan. 6th. I assume 2 things, Trump knew and tried to stop it, but lost this round. Sometimes in wars you lose battles. It happens. Nobody likes it or wants it, but it still happens. Trump was even so mad he had the Jan. 6th rally and Cabal, antifa, Dems whatever, played his supporters doing it.
But they lost legitimacy doing what they did. Legitimacy is like virginity and once lost you can never get the big L back. Case in point: Afghanistan. Any who work with the US are realizing our system is corrupt, our Government is captured, we won’t defend our allies (or values) and we can’t win real wars anymore. If our country were a stock we would tank.
So when the big D (Depression) “the great reset” hits who should be holding the bag? A corrupt pedo Irish Catholic gangster President and dark curry kneepads shortbus VP. God let’s the devils minions thread their own nooses. K is coming back this is what really starts it.
In the meantime enjoy the foreign music:
Sometimes the path to victory lies in defeat. Whitehats were off guard by the COVID fiasco, but too the L and made it into a W. The pandemic has shown us how much of the medical industry is a mess and how much over oversight for big pharma is comprised by them. The vaccines are dangerous long term, but can be remedy once people get accesses to the necarry medication. That will not happen until Cabal control is eliminated.
“But they lost legitimacy doing what they did. Legitimacy is like virginity and once lost you can never get the big L back”
This is key, people are feeling how much the world is controlled by certain few. Even the most hardcore libera or out of touch personl can not sake the feeling that something is wrong in the world and their side. That is key element to victory for the white hats as people will be accepted of the truth in the long run.
The dog shootings in Bourke, Australia really did happen. There are an awful lot of stray dogs in the area, the vast majority “belonging” to the aboriginal community who are generally too dysfunctional to care for animals who take to wandering the streets in search of food and are then “rescued”. The media has blanket coverage that we are all going to die from Convid and the absolute stupidity of the many, many contradictory and harmful public health orders put people in a terrible bind. If you don’t comply with policy (written by C-grade people with no capacity to reflect on the totality of their stupidity), you lose your job. And there are plenty of people who will report you for such breaches.
Councils are like the mafia, wholly corrupt and self-serving and never, ever back down even from the most stupid decisions. 1 complaint from 1 resident is, to them, evidence of a system failure and only more government can be the answer.
The sad truth is that most of these rescue dogs have had miserable lives and might not fare much better after being rescued. It’s a nice little earner for vets, council (fines and such) with tagging and vaccinations running into 100s of $. The shelters use volunteers who are mostly very kind people with animal welfare at heart but the rules are written by wealthy do-gooders with no understanding of reality or skin in the game.
Australia is broken, completely beholden to the corrupt UN. Our leaders are mass-murders, or they will be when vaccinated people start dying in much greater numbers than currently. The media are complicit. If you can try and catch a Channel 9 advert “Our Shot”. Reprehensible.
see first 2 para on page 12, and para on page 13.
I am finding this really interesting, she really knows her stuff:
“Occult Roots of Feminism w/ Based Homeschool Mom aka Rachel Wilson”
check the fine print, dont just trust cabalmedia.
the kitchen sink is being chucked ta the public thru cabalmedia. what are they trying to make sure people dont hear? (audits)
Thanks for sharing this.
“If Democrats rigged the election, and they did, why did we walk away with exactly the state wins we needed to keep the audits going and redistrict our future wins, when Democrats could have rigged that too? ”
Probably the Dems trust their GOP co-conspirators to keep cabal in and us out.
JUST IN – Cyber Ninjas’ CEO and two other member fall ill with COVID-19. Full Arizona audit draft not received today.
And what will be allowed to delay it next?
Link from VD:
So the FDA has “fully approved” the Pfizer jab for Covid.
In doing so standing alone they have broken the law and thus have irrevocably destroyed their authority and any reason for anyone to ever do anything based on them ever again.
Let me explain.
Under black letter law an EUA is illegal if there is an alternative that is considered safe, effective and available. This was the reason the FDA did not (for 18 months!) run the studies and evaluate them on other early-intervention drugs for Covid-19. We all know what they are. I’m living proof they work too, as are millions of others worldwide.
But, more-importantly, this “full approval” voids all other vaccine EUAs for Covid-19. That is, under the law the Moderna and J&J instantly became illegal to offer or use within the United States.
The makers can apply for full authorization, of course, but the EUAs are void as of this morning and under black letter law cannot be administered to anyone in the United States as they are now unlicensed and unlawful products in human beings until and unless they are given full approval themselves. No medical provider can offer or administer any other than the Pfizer Covid-19 shot in the United States as of the moment of that approval.
You can bet the law will be ignored; note MRNAs stock price this morning. It should have instantly been cut in half.
In addition the FDA broke the law itself when it issued the “approval.” The law requires a full hearing and the data from the full set of trials; the trials are not capable of being completed until early 2022 by the original submissions and they deliberately did not hold the hearing. This is a black letter violation of the law as well, but nobody cares.
More at:
What lastkingofscotland is posting, and I’ve read the blog post but not the official government documents linked to, is that the FDA may actually have not approved the Pfizer “vaccine”. The media is saying that they did, but there was no official action by the government agency.
This seems mind blowing, but to put this in context, as of this weekend Andrew Cuomo has not resigned as Governor of New York. Resignation legally takes effect when officials in the state government (I think its the Secretary of State) receive a formal resignation letter, which hasn’t happened. He just announced to the media he is resigning, while denying the allegations that are supposedly causing his resignation.
No actual FDA approval would explain several strange things that have been pointed out about this, such as Denninger’s point that this legally should mean the end of the EUA for the other vaccines, since a EUA automatically expires when a vaccine receives formal approval, and the FDA not bothering with conducting the full approval process, releasing the reasons for the approval, apparently they didn’t even had a formal news conference. It really wouldn’t surprise me if the Cabal was having the media and their politicians announce an approval that didn’t happen and start with their real objective, the vax mandates and passport system.
I mentioned Simon Parkes earlier, well this could actually be the event he was predicting, but I really think the Cabal is going to go for it, though I was thinking more next month than this week.
appears to be a legalistic strategy, and a bluff, to boot. but yes. stay tooned anyway. ff/op still a possibility…
Birth control pills affect memory, researchers find
Makes sense, bc pills stabilize/dull women’s emotions so perhaps that gives them that distancing needed to get the gist of a particular event, but as they are not so emotional about the event, they don’t get as many details “engraved” into their memory/being. I have also heard somewhere that memories are very tightly connected to emotions (and body tensions patterns), so it’s bery interdasting.
I see what they describe as the “gist” of the event to be their feelings about what happened as opposed to the “details” which are the facts about what happened.
In my opinion it says they are less rational than ever even if they seem less emotional.
God bless women and their never ending autism : DDDDDDD
Calling in sick when the term paper is due?
……two more weeks…..
Pull off the bandaid, for the love of God.
Glowies big mad about Torba not bending the knee:
Seems like a good time to pray for him.
Literally posting jobs: Senior Disinformation Analyst
Savage meat store robber:
Oy mate, that’s not a stroike, this is a stroike:
PS: niva trust a sheila mate.
I am told that it is still only an EUA no matter what they say:
[quote]That isn’t how I read this thing. They renewed the emergency authorization
Under: II. Scope of Authorization
I have concluded, pursuant to Section 564(d)(1) of the Act, that the scope of this authorization is limited as follows:
• Pfizer Inc. will supply Pfizer-BioNTech COVID‑19 Vaccine either directly or through authorized distributor(s), 11 to emergency response stakeholders12 as directed by the U.S
Section 564 is the Emergency use authorization,-Drug,-and-Cosmetic-Act-Fact-Sheet/
Everything approved was under section 564 which is the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)[/quote]
yes, the doc is shot thru with evidence of that. people need to learn how to read. the msm is just lying. ds/cabal have a lying legalistic strategy…
Interesting hypothesis:
Does the biology autism make sense AC fren?
The yt vid on the thread the dude says is probably going to get taken down is archived here (its not a perma-archive, make sure you save it if you want a perma-archive):
I’d say LARP. That video isn’t getting taken down, as the material is pretty dry and already seven years old. That was just stupid drama to make people think he was serious.
For several years now my reading of that material has been greatly reduced compared to before I started this site and decided to go full in autismo on it. But I am still fluent enough to be able to review material and get the general idea, even in areas I haven’t yet studied and which are new to me.
The idea of barcoding people is dumb. One, you have to synthesize an entirely novel DNA sequence, amp it up, and get it into people in a way which will replicate with cells, and log it in the record books, and you have to repeat it with every person, keep track of what barcodes go where and who gets them, its just stupid. Mainly because we have DNA and it already has unique regions which can be targeted for ID, and you don’t have to do some FedEx level tracking op to deliver and track 300 million barcodes and log where they go.
Plus, if that guy was in the field and trying to communicate something, he would have done it in a way an average normie doesn’t have to watch a technical video talking about how special types of RNA regulate genes.
I still think somebody at the top has some sort of big plan for mRNA tech, but they aren’t sure if what they are having it produce might be bad ten or twenty years later. They need to know if the mRNA really is temporary, and gets degraded and what it produces is a temporary thing. So they injected people with mRNA designed to produce something which would fuck people up if it just kept getting produced. Now they are watching to see if people are fucked up five or ten years from now, and in the mean time they are covering their tracks by trying to make sure there is no unvaccinated population to compare to the vaxxed.
6 million hours on paint:
Smart TVs connected to the net can be deactivated by the manufacturer