Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Teva Pharmaceuticals To Pay $225 Million Over Cholesterol Drug Price-Fixing
DFT – LA Refineries Come Through Hilary With No Damage
DFT – Zoom Upgrades Outlook Off Enterprise Sales
DFT – Qantas Close To Ordering More 787 Dreamliners
DFT – Bath Iron Works Irons Out 3-Year Deal With Union
Then Biden sat down and dozed off while other people spoke.
Mysterious spy cameras collecting data at post offices. But it is not just at post offices. They are putting them up opposite people’s homes as well, to track their comings and goings. This outrages people. What do you think happens when fathers all over find out the goofy, non-violence-capable guy down the street was sending kids in to seduce his 15 year old daughter, because their secret club feared, based on her detailed surveillance file, she might be a valedictorian in three years, and they wanted to take her down a few notches because she was too moral and good to be successful in the world they were trying to control from the shadows. Like I keep saying, prepare for disordered times, because disordered times are coming.
President Donald Trump’s bond set at $200,000 in Georgia case.
“I have been asked,” he said, “why put up a sign that is effectively putting a target on your back for the radical leftists. The answer is embodied in an Alexandr Solzhenitsyn quote: ‘The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.’
“@realDonaldTrump won in 2020,” he went on. “@JoeBiden did not get 81M votes. Staying silent to this fact is a choice. It’s a choice with catastrophic repercussions, turning again to Solzhenitsyn:
“‘In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousand fold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.'”
American citizens could soon be arrested by non-U.S. citizens in Illinois after Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a law that will allow illegal immigrants to become police officers in the state. Agents of foreign governments, and even agents of a non-state foreign intelligence operation, will have Police powers.
If Biden declares climate emergency, experts worry how wide the scope of his powers would be.
Cancer rates in people younger than 50 are rising, new study finds. Doctors don’t yet know why. I will tell you, 100 percent, surveillance is beaming energy all around, and not just to wake you up with vibrations in the middle of the night to register displeasure. I assume the vast, vast majority of it is some kind of thru-wall imaging tech. I noticed, long before I knew about surveillance, every two or three driveby’s, if I was watching local TV over the air, it would cut out, and lose a very strong signal as I watched the car pass on the surveillance monitor. I told myself the car was reflecting the signal just right at various points, and the two signals hitting the antenna close together were confusing the TV. But no. Those driveby’s were painting the house with something as they passed. And I assume they are just driving around all day, painting houses out the side of the car as they go, with something – microwaves, X-rays, something – which is creating a massive mapped out system like Google Earth somewhere, but which has the layouts of everyone’s houses in it, or at least all the houses within a couple of hundred feet of roads, so they can look inside virtually. They may even add more remote houses with air assets. It is well known FBI surveillance planes have surveillance packages with can see now, not only through tree canopies, but the roofs of homes as well, which it turns out are less trouble than leaf canopies due to the absence of water. They might even be able to resolve things like guns in the house, or stacked food tubs, or something else that can go in their files on you. I will bet all those emissions, while not that big a deal person by person at an individual level, at the population level, endured over a lifetime, are increasing cancer rates noticeably. Oddly enough my dogs always had health problems once they got to be two or three, even from top breeders, and I puzzled in my early twenties at how my dog’s health problems (bacterial infections and skin issues) flared with my own, and abated with my own, even though we ate different foods and were different species, and they were in the prime years of their lives.
Hawaii announces plans for Ukraine Independence Day to raise money for Ukrainians – while they’re still digging up charred bodies of children in Maui. We are not electing leaders. Vassals of Cabal are being appointed by the secret society to run psyops on us.
Rutgers set to disenroll students on August 15th if not compliant with COVID vaccine mandates.
Atlanta college reinstates mask mandate for students, employees on campus.
Asylum seekers in NYC say America is nothing like they had imagined: It’s ‘chaos.’
Pentagon to make entrance exams easier amid military recruiting crisis.
Cameras to control and punish motorists are being installed all over London, including in cul-de-sacs and small residential areas, causing outrage on social media.
Residents will be taxed £15 € as soon as they leave their homes if their car does not comply with the Ultra Low Emission Zone rules which come into force on August 29 across Greater London
Groups of activists calling themselves “Blade Runners” are disabling hundreds of the cameras already.
Guatemala: Bernando Arévalo wins Presidential race, swinging country hard left.
British Trade Union Boss says: “No one is illegal!”
US citizens urged to leave Belarus immediately. You read the article there is no real reason, beyond there are some Wagner guys still in-country and Belarus supports Russia. I think they really want everyone isolated from Russia and its allies because those are potential allies for every real American, compared to what is running things.
Bulgarian Tea Party: How CIA supplies Ukraine with white phosphorus.
“Incredible destruction”: Ukraine loses 31 vehicles and 7000 men liberating two villages.
Ukraine must not use gifted F-16s to attack Russian territory, says Denmark.
Judge rules against three Antifa defendants in default, awards Andy Ngo $300,000 in damages over Portland attack. These ones just ignored the lawsuit and didn’t bother to hire a lawyer or put up a defense.
Alabama can enforce ban on puberty blockers and hormones for transgender children, court rules.
Trump CRUSHES DeSantis by 34 points in South Carolina in latest Trafalgar poll.
Spread r/K Theory, because disordered can be infinitely better than controlled
Macgregor tells it like it is. The man is a national treasure.
Listen to him describe the formation of discipline and the current state of the US military, from 4:28 mins – 5:58 mins.
The populace learned nothing from the last lockdown
I fear this one will be much worse
I am prepared to lose whatever I have to lose to avoid the mark of the beast
Ukraine independence day and maui
I noticed everywhere I go and buy something with a card, every business is begging for a dollar for some charity. Every single one almost. The employees even reach over and just press cancel on it without asking the customer because they get tired or explaining it and know almost no one ever gives the dollar. But I bet the business acts like they get lots of donations and dump millions of dollars into this “charity.” Cabal moving money around. I suppose I should be thrilled there is evidence they aren’t actually duping many people, and its just coming out of the businesses profits.
Screwing investors, though. less dividend lower stock price. I suppose that is how its most felt, retirement accounts being barer than they should be. Theft is theft.
The Myles Mathis Committee on the social media sensation single “Rich Men North of Richmond”:
He disposes of the song itself in the first six paragraphs. “Oliver Anthony” is a stage name for someone who seems to be an established country musician. But you already knew that.
He then does the usual genealogy, then moves to a completely different subject, where the essay gets pretty funny. Only two pages.
“Why aren’t people doing anything?”
Well, Boomer, you encouraged Cabal’s efforts to make the US prison system into a depraved sexually degenerate machine that uses sodomitical rape of whites by blacks to enforce compliance.
How many times have I heard Boomers cackling at the idea of a white man getting raped by a big black ghetto thug in a small cell?
How many movies and series have the Boomers loved about the same?
Well, that’s why you morons.
That’s why.
Abortion and the prison system. Both are on the Boomers. And both are crimes that call out to Heaven for punishment.
A decent culture executes felons and most criminals.
> Teva Pharmaceuticals To Pay $225 Million Over Cholesterol Drug Price-Fixing
Every dose sold and dispensed was tracked by the DEA and FDA, but the Fed will just pocket the money instead of putting it toward restitution of the customers that Teva ripped off.
Teva are crooks, but the FDA and DEA aren’t much better. They’re stealing that money from the people who should have been awarded it.
> Belarus supports Russia.
Belarus *is* Russia, for all practical purposes. Belarus and the Russian Federation are linked together as the “Union State” (‘of Russia and Belarus’), in much the same way England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are the United Kingdom.
The goal of the Union State is a confederation or merger of the two countries, which has been delayed due by Belarus’ leader Alexander Lukasheno, who is also president of the Supreme State Countil of the Union. (they do like their grand titles…)
It’s generally accepted that when Lukashenko steps down or dies, Belarus will complete the political linkage to the Federation.
There are only two members of the Union State… at the moment. As the EU continues to crumble and NATO shows indecision, I expect a lot of the Russian border countries might be amenable to joining the Union State from a modest position of advantage where they could negotiate, as opposed to being overrun like when the Soviets took them over.
Best as I can tell, the Union State will accept *any* country, not just former Warsaw Pact countries. Joining the Federation would put them under the Russian military umbrella, as well as having an advantageous trading partner in BRICS. Putin’s ambassadors don’t seem to have promoted this, but it could be a big hammer in Russian foreign policy if they start signing countries up.
> Rutgers … Atlanta college reinstates mask mandate for students, employees on campus.
I don’t have any intention of going back to college, but they’re closed to me anyway, at least in my state. Sleazebag Hutchinson signed off on a bill that prohibits anyone from being enrolled in any public or private school, K to postdoc, unless they have been vaxxed and can prove it with specific state documentation. That generally means people who have already been vaxxed have to be vaxxed again to be compliant.
I am not compliant, and I plan to stay uncontaminated.
> Bad luck for fresh-faced graduates who have splashed thousands on a degree: Job ads not requiring one is up 90%, according to LinkedIn data.
“Follow the money.”
They can hire immigrants for less money than Americans; random villagers from Venezuela probably don’t have college degrees.
Tucker has Colonel Macgregor on.
Leaves me little doubt, where indeed, especially in this age with the interwebs, “They can not stop the message, Mel”
But, they can tweek the fuck out of it, along with steer nudge distract misdirect whathaveyou, away from the most critical of their secret activities and plans for us.
On that note going thru scanninhg the v-clips posted for yesterday, across bitchite, rumble and a little bit of utube, (oh i really truly despise going there, like going to wallfart, blowes, homeless depot, staphles, amazombie, in particular the fast cannibal/human meat fude joints, burger death, fine scottish dining, kentucky fried rats etc, – just farkin’ gross dude! – all the cabal money hoovering monopolies, Uk! After leaving wallfart just leaves me with the body/gut sense sensations i need a fresh shower getting back to the house, gives me the fucking heebie-jeebies more and more till I am just about gone full honorable resistance boycott, except only we live so rural there’s things that are important which can had nowheres else), but I digress, my apologies, had to get it off my back, you know, scanning but not clicking on a single vclip through the alloted time i waste on the big eye watching you machine, it strikes me upside the head, its all cabal, its agents and actors all dominate or glom onto/hi-jack everything, its somothering us all out, but the point is it is smothering, like they did to DFT they smothered him out, its a real serious tac-strat, it accomplishes a myriad of objectives, but it does one thing in particular, it fills all the nooks and crannies thats possible with their lies and low intencity terror and reprisal fearing, till literally almost nothing exists across a stratum of media, in doing so folks caught in that matrix have no persoective beyond the control. And tucker is a special knd of op, they have been attempting to het some kind of operational control over the message which is a real slippery sonofabitch for them, astroturf and false flag-method acting, only works so far, and a true multitude got the gimlet eye of unremitting suspision now, so what can the assholes come up with? Yup, Tucker. A master nudger and mis-directir, sharo as a whip fast on his feet. And people listen to his hypnotic essense,. Font know about anyone else but that guy is packed to his reptilian gills with dark essense, he be a prize Lucifers pide piper. In any era, just swap his codtume, and he be an old one, one if the ancients, human as such a cabal goul can be, but he has class such as one of his occupation is learned but its always been an innate gift, and so why he is a chosen one, i kinda doubt the special bloodline, but one of the favored of agents of the order of the blackbsun side of things, never mind when i close my eyes i see his face and its smiling, baby blood dripping running down his chin and he is in dark essence heaven. Can not stand even the sight of his face now. Gives me that same heey farkin’ jeebies. They are cunning and ruthless and will never stop till all of them are. Or the money runs out. Something it seems has somehow ended their loosh garming of us. Their cycles of wealth allocation is messed up, they are going all in, on the cheap, like with setting off wildfires and burning Maui, thats all very cheap operations wise, gangstalkers with gas cans on atv’s, pickup truck with derailers in the bed, that kind of low intencity conflict stuff. How can so many be remaining so captured by this evil paradigm? Normalcy Bias is a disease, a base of humanity is got it, its just infectious enough it maintains just enough humans to create just enough manufactured consent. Its bio-warfare on every level in every venue of human existance, its not just for the death bax in its physical form, bio-warfare of the minds. Almost same tac-strat. Just its on the mental sub & conscious levels. Main strat is they right now are gone Max Smothering us out. Almost as if its a great last counteroffensive on us good folks.
> Moment Iranian drones and speedboats swarm two US warships
The brass in Tehran are probably rolling on the floor, laughing.
I was in the Navy, and somehow I’m getting a kick out of Iran bullying them with speedboats. I guess the rules of engagement don’t go any further than whining.
> Pentagon to make entrance exams easier amid military recruiting crisis.
They were pretty much “warm body” before. Maybe they’re going to drop the “third grade literacy” minimum requirement.
Free sex changes and official recognition of trannies apparently hasn’t been able to cover for all the servicemen who turned their backs and left after the Pentagon went Woke.
AVSAB is a barely disguised IQ test. The bottom line before was around 85. This means that they are lowering the standards to allow essentially people who would have been considered functionally retarded 30 years ago.
They could only wield clubs and sticks. Too dumb to shoot.
McNamara’s Morons, part II.,000
Didn’t work last time, won’t work this time. High-tech + stupid = expensive failures.
> barely disguised IQ test
…and a damned good one, too.
Which is probably why MENSA doesn’t accept ASVAB scores any more.
There was a mania for “standardized testing” when I was in school; by the time I got out of high school I’d taken every major IQ test, plus the ASVAB.
Most “IQ” tests are heavily biased toward math and speed. The ASVAB is biased toward problem-solving. A lot of people who aced the Standard-Binet and Weschler IQ test bombed out on the ASVAB. So, obviously the ASVAB was the problem…
> Ukraine must not use gifted F-16s to attack Russian territory, says Denmark.
That’s like letting a crackhead hold your wallet for a while.
Besides, the Russians will probably take them out while they sit on their runways.
It’s amazing how smart those Ukes are. The USAF takes two years to train an F-16 pilot; Ukes are flying them into combat not long after they see them.
They may just be genuinely interested in what rookie pilots can do in old warplanes. It’s like Kerbal space program or DCS. Should be an interesting experiment.
True. There is a lot of “data scraping” for AI going on in this conflict.
NATO seems to have a real superiority in number crunching capacity and thus wants to see how RUS responds to various scenarios.
Kremlin recently admitted that RUS needs to massively expand their “number crunching” capacity.
Maybe one reason why RUS has been reluctant to go into a full on offensive or deploy attack aircraft.
With the advancement in Lazer guided AI controlled ground to air, aerial combat by manned large aircraft is over. Any F22 let alone any F16 will be taken out as soon as it’s over a battle zone.
The video of the Iranian drones stressed me out. I kept thinking, based on the videos of drones in Ukraine tracking soldiers to houses then entering the house before exploding, how easy it would be for those Iranian drones to fly into the amphibious assault carrier’s open hanger doors. Then detonate in the interior of the ship. Or collide with the helicopters. I don’t know how big ship naval operations can survive this new warfare of cheap drone swarms. I suspect it really stresses out naval officers too
Army General Billy Mitchell got the whole US Navy pissed off at him for saying that the Navy’s ships were vulnerable to being bombed from the air. The Navy managed to ruin his career over that. After high-fiving each other they kept on pretending their were invulnerable.
Pearl Harbor put a big crack in their confidence. They were already spinning it as “because the ships were at anchor” when the IJN sank the HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse three days later, in the open sea.
I expect the US (and not just the US) military is treating the increasing availability of weaponized drones in the same manner. “Not a problem, they don’t have anything like our $30 million Reaper drones!” The basic problem being, they could assemble something 75% as good for a tenth of that, or a whole freaking swarm of smaller ones that would be impossible to interdict.
“Oops, those $30,000 Iranian drones are a problem. Looks like we need some more $107,000,000 F-35s!”
Oh, piffle. I’ve messed around with MS Flight Simulator on Gamepass for just a short while, and I can already almost safely land a plane.
Your vessel looks rather listless.
Literally doesn’t matter. The Russian anti-air can shoot them down no problem. The F-16 is a dog fighter that will never see air combat over Ukraine, just as many SAMs as it takes to knock it down. Hell, it would surprise me to find out that they are even shipping them F-16Cs, they are probably unloading their A&B planes rather than pay to upgrade them to block 70 or whatever number we’re up to now.
Pretty good Tucker interview with MacGregor. The amazing thing is MacGregor pretty much names them about 3 times. “Ancestral issues” etc etc.
400k UKR KIA leaves out the KIA in the rear from deep strikes. So, it’s more like 500k KIA. And the RUS 40-50k KIA includes at least 20k KIA from Wagner convicts in Bakhmut.
His reaction to Tucker mentioning W Bush is fantastic.
> Judge rules against three Antifa defendants in default, awards Andy Ngo $300,000 in damages over Portland attack. These ones just ignored the lawsuit and didn’t bother to hire a lawyer or put up a defense.
Charges were always dismissed before. They probably didn’t expect the judge would hold them accountable for their crimes.
That’s $6700/mo per illegal, IF it is at capacity.
$80k per year, per head. Obvious cabal is getting more obvious.
Re: G resupplying for another Covid outbreak
A distant contact on a social platform is a former co-worker. He became an upper-mid level star with the company, which is a well known big box industrial supplier. This company also has a robust government business, which is where this contact spent about 20 years. He made it clear he planned to retire with the company. And then…
This person just announced a surprise move to an “amazing” opportunity with a company that would allow him to help the lives of many, many people. After a week or so he revealed the name of the company; it’s a biomedical product company that was involved in the fake vaccine manufacture and distribution. He was leaving to head up their government business development.
Funny thing, when I looked up business guidance on the new company, all analysis said sell- run away from this stock. It had made some serious missteps with the “vaccine” contract, was in the midst of a reorg, and was laying off something like 30% of the company.
This guy is no idiot. Not a very warm person; much like you’d expect from someone who enjoys federal contracting. But it’s weird that he’s taking this jump with a supposedly failing firm. Then I looked at a really deep analysis, which also recommended “sell”- except there was a caveat. This analyst said perhaps there could be a turnaround possible, with new unannounced contracts or lines of business that might follow. Then, the analyst said, it could be a huge windfall for some. Very unlikely, of course.
Pretty sure we’ll see big reveals soon on this company, with astonishing results on a turnaround. These huge contracts don’t happen quickly- it’s probably been in the works for at least a year. They’ll have some new or redeveloped vaccine which will be mandated, and this guy will be orchestrating sales to the agencies that will filter the product out to states and localities. Of course, the public will be told that it’s a new, unexpected crisis and just by sheer effort and great luck the G has a solution- even though this has been in the works for months or years.
Buckle up; I think they’ve tuned up to go all the way in on this one. September and beyond might be some interesting times.
The government should realize large numbers of people, much larger than the first go around, will simply not comply.
I didn’t the first time, and I will redouble my efforts at non compliance this time, should they be so stupid as to try mandatory Covid theater yet again.
Of course, tens of millions of sheep will do exactly as they’re told, but many millions will not.
Seconded. I know loads of people who didn’t comply even one inch, and many many more who only complied because of ignorance and weak will that are now awoken to the scam.
If they run the exact same script it’s going to be much more chaotic and hostile in general, which probably coincides with the upcoming fake election cycle they need to run. Interesting times ahead.
It’s not just the government. Sam’s club had pallets of TP and Paper Towels stacked down every outside wall end cap on the “food” side of the store. I’ve never seen that before.
Int’l Finance will chimp at this. We’ll see if the US sub fleet still has the advantagr it once had.
Fifteen Countries May Join BRICS New Development Bank
Rousseff also apparently sought to distinguish the NDB from the World Bank and the IMF by defying loans-related political conditions.
“We repudiate any kind of conditionality. Often a loan is given upon the condition that certain policies are carried out. We don’t do that. We respect the policies of each country,” she stressed.
Just saw John Solomon on Bannon’s War Room discussing this story, and I skimmed through the article, though I haven’t read the attached documents. Here is the link:
Basically someone leaked government documents showing that Biden was pressuring Ukrainian officials to fire a prosecutor investigating a company where his son was on the board, and this was a freelance thing that contradicted official US policy at the time. The new development is that Biden in 2015 was operating against official US government policy.
Trump would later try to investigate the matter on his own and got impeached over it.
Reading between the lines, one thing that struck me is that someone decided to leak this now, in 2023. The second is the “Obama third term” meme right wing influencers keep pushing really should die. The documents give a picture of “Biden” being the Cabal operative in the Obama administration, making sure it ran Cabal policy, instead of the other way around.
As far as Biden and Obama, it’s not really an either/or situation.
Obama’s mother is multi generational cabal, with deep ties to Intel, both foreign and domestic.
Obama was groomed for his position from a very young age, and played the role rather well.
Biden, on the other hand, is just a soulless hack that rode to the top of the food chain based on his total degeneracy and openness to being easily blackmailed.
Some say Biden’s mother is Eva Braun’s daughter
Obama’s g.mother?
so I can only see these possibilities:
Some of the things that the Bidan we are being shown does are SO over the top (the things said in Maui, falling asleep while survivors speak, etc.) that he HAS to be some actor literally having the time of his life.
Which suggests that SOMEONE (white hats?) is MAKING him act like this and/or do things to LOOK a certain way. Now see, this here, if true, ALSO irritates me because it’s STILL lies and deceit. So I don’t fully buy the whole “white hat” thang…to me, true white hats wouldn’t deceive like this nor allow this much death. So yeah…puzzled. In fact, this would suggest that it truly is a psyop on TOP of a psyop. In other words, the white hats are not white and they are merely FORCING the baddies to look even worse so that the populace will buy into the “good guys” and welcome them in (when in reality, they are just as bad if not worse, than what we currently perceive as the “baddies”). Got all that? Yeah…me neither.
george w acted similarly
That number again: MacKenzie Scott gave 17 nonprofits $97 million in the first half of 2023
AC, over the last 2 years I kept getting phone calls and when I answered the call was immediately terminated. It stopped for a while but now, today, I’ve already had 2 calls. Anyone else getting this?
I get them from time to time. Supposedly, telemarketing software pre-dials a number in the expectation that an operator will be available. If the operator isn’t there, it terminates. That’s the official explanation. It could just be our surveillance being assholes for all we know. Or occasionally a wrong number.
I block unknown numbers and I only answer a call if I recognize the caller. My voice mail says this. Every now and again I’ll answer out of random curiosity, but mostly it’s all robocalls. Robocalls and cold contact marketing should carry the death penalty. The robocallers are spoofing numbers. I’ll get a call from an area code in one part of the country, and it’s a recorded message about the great deal Scumcast has for me. I have FIOS. Fuck Scumcast.
I get dozens a month, usually in groups of 2-5 back to back calls. I think it’s to try and condition my brain to make me miss important work calls, as I run my business largely from the phone.
One option.
Automated call, multiple dials, if you answer and they don’t have a customer service npc to try and sell you sonething it hangs up.
There was a period in the 00s where I got this a lot. Now it happens on occasion. It seems that doing without a land line phone reduced the frequency.
That’s exactly why I ditched my landline and went exclusively cell in 2005. I realized that every single call coming through was somebody I didn’t want to talk to and it was a waste of my time and money. I was on the Do Not Call List, had Caller ID and was even paying for a service that was supposed to prevent unwanted calls. Useless.
I had a few good years of no telemarketers, but they eventually got into cell phones.
>>> “sending kids in to seduce his 15 year old daughter, because their secret club feared, based on her detailed surveillance file, she might be a valedictorian in three years”
I feel left out. 😉 I was one of the smart, pretty girls in high school. I don’t think anyone targeted me. I went on to USC, became an engineer, and eventually married my soulmate and will have my 4th child this November, all according to my plans and dreams. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe I wasn’t good enough, destined only to s###post dank memes on Gab.
>>> “@realDonaldTrump won in 2020,” he went on. “@JoeBiden did not get 81M votes. Staying silent to this fact is a choice. It’s a choice with catastrophic repercussions, turning again to Solzhenitsyn:”
I like this guy. I still preach the same thing to pundits on ConInc sites. Well, the ones that haven’t banned me. 😛
>>> “Christians should imitate Jesus in being steadfast — not inflexible — in their convictions, thus being open to change for the good of others, Pope Francis said on Sunday.
Nah, I’m going with the Jesus who flipped tables and took a whip to the money changers in the temple. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Similar experiences here.
Also, the money changers you mention filled more than 30 acres! Not just a few tables along the walkway. Just learned that recently. Makes what He did even more powerful symbolically and practically.
Hah. ok. They got me. someone tell these guys the jokes gotten stale. They need to quit acting like they’re actually the gosh darn FBI! It’s creepy!
It’s just a joke. People have been naming their networks FBI, or FBI surveillance van for quite a while now.
I’m quite sure it wasn’t based on anything pseudo scientific and it most certainly was not based on any “arbitrary guesswork.” I’m sure it was every bit as rigorously and scientific as cabal’s efforts to detect “troublesome” school kids. I’m sure they greased 100,000 bright, intelligent people with good communication skills who had the slightest potential for leadership.
The war in Iraq was not about weapons of mass destruction. And it wasn’t even about oil. It was about completely destroying a solid society in the fertile crescent that would not kowtow to the global financial elite.
I’ve heard multiple reports of US special operators along with Mossad working overtime after the invasion to grease as many scientists, scholars, and poets as possible.
Iraq was lobotomized. Just like what they’ve attempted in the US, but much more aggressively and on a shorter timeline.
And as far as anyone talking about bureaucratic incompetence, guesswork, and all the rest, that’s an immediate indication of a coverup in place. These people always want to push you to believe it’s incompetence when it actually is unspeakable malice.
Governor of Hawaii says Maui will be “build back better” = 666
“Guatemala – Commie Asshole “Wins” Election, Swings Country Hard Left”
Think about this for a second. The Guatz all saw what happened next door in El Salvador, where the incoming new guy threw anyone with a gang tat into hardcore never-gettin-out prison, and things there improved wildly basically overnight.
But we’re supposed to believe they all thought that was awful; that they wanted MORE killings and gangsta government, and so they voted for the commie asshole. Look, I’m the first to holla Most People Are Fuckin Idiots… but Guatz aren’t that stupid. What we’re looking at here is yet another election stolen by commies. Commies who have clearly decided they’re never going to lose another election ever again.
Extrapolate. And tell me again why I should be getting hyped for 2024.
Vivek Ramaswamy Supports Massive Tax
Leaked Documents Indicate Zelensky About To Be Replaced
Did he really?
I suppose it is not impossible, but given we have something rolling out weird tech like that, definitely suspicious.
They will get you steered to one of their doctors, and he will tell you whatever they tell him to tell you.
Or the OP is no longer with us, and they hijacked his account. Could be a few things.
No, he was targeted; Lookourfa Charlie has done the research on frequency weapons used to target your home. he has done years of investigation.
I do not follow Lookoutfa Charlie too closely as I cannot independently do my own recordings like him and do the analysis to show this stuff is there. Absent that I would have to trust him, that his recordings are legit, and obviously as a result, I have no way to judge if he is genuine or psyop.
But does he ever say exactly what he thinks he is looking at? Alien monitoring tech? Some integral facet of the world, implying it is part of the simulation, being used by the Creator? A US government project, like surveillance tech which is accidentally piping back the voices of the surveillance people into the target location?
Specifically, why would these voices be in English? Are they in German in Germany? Italian in Italy?
I am obviously intrigued by it.
“And just like that, the overprescription of antibiotics, and the growing danger of antibiotic resistance, is no longer a thing.”
Back in October, UK health sec Therese Coffey said patients would be able to obtain antibiotics from the pharmacy without seeing a doctor.
Are PTB gearing up to blame the coming wave of VAIDS (“IgG4 antibody class switch”?) deaths on antimicrobial resistance?
Peter Piot in hypno-marimba WEF propaganda vid from 2016:
Antibiotic resistant bacteria would certainly be a great way to get the population down to about 500 million, “in harmony with nature.” Because we already have the diseases all out there ready to go. They have done the hundreds of millions of years of evolution. All they need is that one little plasmid with some little gene like Beta Lactamase to make them invincible to antibiotics, and most of those are already out there floating around, just not in numbers enough to get where they need to be. But this could certainly make that happen.