Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Appeals court orders Arizona Senate audit records released. Is it better if they look like they were not going to release it, and a court ordered them to release the massive disparities between the official vote tally and the actual number of ballots received? On the other hand, this type of thing could be arranged and scheduled by Cabal, forcing a release at a time determined by Cabal, and allowing a precise distraction/false-flag deployment.
There are reports floating around on Q’s board that some of the California recall ballots have been printed misaligned, which will automatically throw them to adjudication:
Court filings flush out an Atomwaffen Division book publishing house owner as an FBI informant who was paid $140,000 to turn out books designed to indoctrinate youth into white supremacist fascism and satanism. These are things that one, the FBI usually keeps tamped down quite well, and that two, the media would normally cover up, because FBI, Cabal, and the media were all part of the same operation. Yet we have the Whitmer kidnapping thing blowing up, Jan 6th being run by FBI informants, and now this. Again, very little happens by chance. Very little is not scripted.
The FBI’s CoIntel files on Mohammed Ali went back to his elementary school days. No Infogalactic link for it yet. At some point, somebody said, why wait until they are important, to amass those records, if we could get them on everyone in real time, and maybe figure out if they were going to become important before they did, and derail them?
Glenn Greenwald says there has been a merger between the Democrat party and the CIA. It will be a lot more than just the Democrat Party. It will be all throughout society, from Fed-Ex to USPS, the AMA to the ABA, the judiciary to the political world, and even the single mom in the apartment down the hall.
U.S. considers ordering commercial airlines to help in Afghan evacuation. You get these stories, but they never bear out as time goes on.
Taliban seizing Afghan-American’s US passports outside Kabul airport. I tend to think nothing happens by chance.
U.S. Embassy in Kabul sends out thousands of blank VISA documents which are easy to falsify resulting in a flood of fake documents which could never be processed, making things exponentially worse. From the article : “However, there is a possibility it’s not a mistake. Perhaps this was done purposefully. As previously noted by Lara Logan, outlining a position I happen to agree with, the growing scale of the crisis in Afghanistan cannot simply be chalked up to mistakes, snafu’s, blunders and errors in judgement. At some level it must be accepted that these events are happening because they are intended to happen. While it is never a good idea to assign duplicitous motives to issues and events which can be more easily explained by stupid errors, the scale of the errors in this situation beggars belief.”
LA Times sarcastically describes real purpose of the White House war room is the Infrastructure bill and not Afghanistan. There is a hint of the Cabal media turning on Biden like they turned on Cuomo, all after the other Cabal world leaders were unable to talk to him during the Afghanistan pullout.
Tucker Carlson notes the media is turning on Biden, but says some else must be going on here, because they should always be covering for him. I only see two possibilities. Biden was always scripted as moving out at some point, and we have just moved into that phase of the script, or Biden turned and pulled out of Afghanistan on orders fo somebody like Trump or Q as part of a deal to protect Hunter, the Afghan pullout was a surprise to Cabal, and Cabal has put word out they need to get Biden out. Actually if Q and Trump managed to seize control of enough positions required to oust Biden, so they could keep him in forcibly, then letting the media do their best to demonize him as incompetent might make a transition back to Trump easier, once fraud was conclusively proven.
US State Department targeted in a “serious” cyber attack breach.
A Finnish scientist claims he got his hands of vials of the vaccine for testing, and some of the vials are saline. I postulated they might do this to reduce the adverse event profile and sell more vaccines while reducing liability and even increasing profit, and this might explain why some people have the most severe side effects, while other report nothing at all. It might also account for some of the breakthrough cases. They might also give saline to important people, if the virus is more harmless, as is seeming the case. He also asserts the spike protein is sterilizing, which I would not be surprised by given it seems there is strong ACE2 receptor expression in the testes and ovaries, which seems to lead to spike protein concentrating there, and presumably bringing the immune system in there.
Regenron is setting up Monoclonal infusion centers for those with COVID. You can go here if you need it, and they will direct you to the nearest distribution center.
Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. and his wife are hospitalized with COVID-19 despite being vaccinated.
CDC buries study finding that student masking has ‘no statistically significant benefit.’
College presidents meet, maskless, after issuing mask mandates.
Brazil has 32,000 dead from the vaccine. On its face it is a numerical calculation. However that calculation is complicated by the fact there is an intelligence operation behind the scenes which is clearly skewing all the data to try and get you to take the vaccine. Which tends to make one think, if they feel they need to lie, the data must lean toward the opposite of their objective.
More than half of the NYPD isn’t vaccinated for COVID-19, so the department has issued an ultimatum – cops who want to remove their masks at work must provide proof they’ve gotten the COVID inoculation to the department’s medical division. Take it seriously as the conspiracy taking over the country is trying to purge our kind from any position of authority. They will have surveillance tracking our guys while they are on duty, acting as civilians, and documenting any isolated violation of this rule and making a stink about it so the department can purge our guys. Our side doesn’t get to cut corners or break rules.
Chicago cop who has a bullet lodged in his brain after his partner Ella French was killed, hated Lori Lightfoot, and would not meet her at th hospital. The article notes cops will now get in trouble just for drawing their weapon if command feels it was not fully justified. Cabal’s leaders view pretty much every American as an enemy, so from Lightfoot’s perspective this was a win. The surviving Officer has to have his house rebuilt to accommodate his disability from the bullet in his brain, the family’s GoFundMe is here.
Alan West is livid as his wife is arrested in Dallas for DWI after only drinking lemon water. It is terrible that as we look at the Whitmer kidnap investigation that wasn’t, the treatment of Capitol “Rioters” and FBI’s quick abandonment of the investigation as people began asking which rioters were informants who executed the riot, Ashli Babbit’s shooting, the untouchable nature of BLM and Antifa as they burned cities down, and the persecution of people who defended themselves against rioters, it is entirely possible a conspiracy taking over our country has decided to do this to his wife as some sort of message.
Infowars host Owen Shroyer charged for peacefully standing outside the Capital on Jan 6th.
Cdl. Cupich mandates COVID jab for ‘all employees and clergy’ or face ‘disciplinary action.’
Costa Rican priest suspended, sent for psychological treatment for celebrating Latin Novus Ordo.
Google says geo-location warrants make up one-quarter of all US demands. It appears routine to identify what happened, and then hit up google for any android device nearby at the time. Take note, your phone is always watching.
Britney Spear’s housekeeper took her dogs, because she claimed they were not being cared for properly, but Britney felt it was in retaliation for her legally challenging her conservatorship. You can’t really have staff if you are in her position, as they will be spies for the machine. I found it interesting her dogs have digestive issues. I’ve had a few dogs over the years with strange digestive issues, even from young ages. I would not be surprised if that is technology deployed on her house, since you know, given her past in the machine, she is covered. For that matter, mental derangements are often the product of gastrointestinal issues affecting immune regulation of the GI Biota. TO say nothing of what chronic infrasound can do to the amygdala.
Finns Party affirms “zero refugees” policy amid Afghan crisis. K is undefeatable.
Federal judge allows child porn lawsuit against Twitter to proceed.
Gov. Tony Evers’ re-election campaign is trying to get an attack ad, targeting how the Democrat refused to respond to riots in Kenosha or protect the citizenry last summer, pulled off the air. They know the public is aghast at what they did, and we know it was purposeful.
Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces three resolutions to impeach Biden.
Kamala Harris tanking in poll as she goes to ground on Afghan withdrawal.
President Trump’s rally was his largest since leaving office, with 50 thousand expected.
President Trump’s AL rally speech is here. Quite a crowd.
We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.
Trending on Twitter today, “TRUMP WAS RIGHT!”
Joe Biden must apologize to America for allowing the Military to leave before civilians and for allowing $85 Billion dollars worth of sophisticated Military equipment to be handed over to the Taliban (and Russia and China so they can copy it) rather than bringing it back to the United States!
This Afghanistan Disaster wouldn’t have happened with Trump. The Taliban knew I would rain down fire and fury if any American personnel or interests were harmed, the likes of which have never been seen. This is a catastrophe of historic proportions.
Adam Laxalt is running for Senate in Nevada to defeat Harry Reid’s, Chuck Schumer’s, and Nancy Pelosi’s handpicked successor, and win an America First majority in the U.S. Senate. Adam is a Navy Veteran who served our Nation bravely in Iraq. As a former Attorney General he has always supported our Law Enforcement and keeping our communities safe. He fought valiantly against the Election Fraud, which took place in Nevada. He is strong on Secure Borders and defending America against the Radical Left. Adam has my Complete and Total Endorsement!
I look forward to seeing you in Alabama tonight at 7:00PM CDT. Huge crowd and tremendous enthusiasm—people are already lined up! So much to discuss, mostly having to do with bringing our Country back. Will be broadcast live on OAN, Newsmax, Right Side Broadcasting, and Real America’s Voice, among others.
Spread r/K Theory, because everything woke does turn to shit.
As Jeff Wells wrote, “you’re either with Pfizer or you’re with the terrorists.
Fauci, testifying before Congress, when asked if all CDC employees were vaxxed. “…I’d guess that approximately 50- 60% are vaccinated…” Fauci surmised.
Would be nice to interview the ~40-50% of CDC employees who aren’t vaxxed, ask them why.
The White House does not require vaccinations. (headline the opposite of article)
“Out of all the vaccines I’ve had in my life, I’ve never experienced one that says I have to wear a mask and socially distance even when fully vaccinated, or possibly still contract or spread the virus. The vaccines I’ve had never told me I was bad, selfish, irresponsible, or an uneducated person for not taking it…or judged me if I didn’t. The vaccines I’ve had never made me a slave to a green light on an app.
“I’ve never seen a vaccine allow a 12-year old’s consent to supersede their parents’ consent. In a world with so much injustice already, that my kids would lose potential educational, entertainment or other opportunities for not having it. Where a world seems ok that the government uses false promises, propoganda, control and dominance, bribery and prizes, slander, hypocrisy, finger pointing…
“I have never seen a vaccine threaten relationships between family members or divide close friends. Never seen it used for political gain. I have never seen a vaccine threaten someone’s livelihood. We listen to doctors ‘for’ it, but ignore actual virologists expressing concerns but are threatened to be silenced. That society is only allowed to hear 1 voice, and if you’re not with it, you feel so alone, saddened, depleted, frustrated, helpless, raw…
“I have never seen a vaccine that discriminates, divides, segregates and judges society. This is one powerful vaccine… It does all these things, yet it does not do what all the other vaccines I’ve had were designed to do – which is successfully fight off the disease?! My health today, tomorrow, 2 years or 10 years from now out trumps any trip/vacation or opportunity to eat in a restaurant. And all this for a 99.98% survival rate under the age of 70. I did the math. I don’t want people getting hurt from covid, but I don’t want them hurt from vaccines either…”
Starting the vaccinations at the exact time (late Jan, early Feb) when flu season ends was a nice move, also dovetailing nicely with the election debacle. Pfizer delaying release until after the election is probably worth a criminal investigation, as if.
The coronavirus psyop, which will go red alert this Fall when flu season starts again, is going to provide cover for further unconstitutional moves against political dissidents.
The ability to protest will be curtailed, as in Australia and France. We will be under Virus Law, which is of course martial law by another name. They will begin prosecuting people for posting information that counters their virus/vaccine narrative. Emergency legislation will be passed under the usual guise of “national security” to forbid discussion of government malfeasance, vaccine reactions and death, and the complete destruction of American society, the small business economy, and the Bill of Rights. The Fed and global CBs will continue to accelerate the purchase of their own debt issuance. By propping up GOOG, AMZN, AAPL and FB, “markets” and retirement funds will sorta seem ok. But broad market participation, % of stocks over their 50dma or 200 dma, etc., will continue to collapse, as is happening now.
Questioning anything about the Virus Regime will be considered an attack on national security. When the time is right the Fed will announce rate hikes, the equities markets will collapse (with the side benefit that the Fed and other CBs can offload their bond holdings onto panicked retail and institutions). In the aftermath, the USD will be “converted” into a new digital form, in a manner to banks and middlemen, ruining what is left of the Middle Class. I would expect that the “unvaxxed” will not be allowed to receive the new digital currency based on their new “Freedom Score,” while any hoarded paper USD or gold will be banned. Food subsidies provided to the poor, unemployed, and homeless will be reduced to survival rations (if lucky). In the ghettoes, suburbs and hinterlands hungry people will grow desperate.
I’m sure most readers here can imagine just what the political climate on the street will be at that time. While the controlled media will continue to tout all the familiar terms like “democracy” and “human rights” and “new era of equity and liberty,” in the real world the boot on your face will only lift long enough to witness the rise of immigrant warlord food fiefdoms, covertly backed, of course, by the same people who currently protect the drug cartels and flood the country with illegals.
The psychopathic Owners will attempt to paint the fiction of a vanished America onto this luciferian chimera that was their goal all along, but at that point even Karens, looking masked into their mirrors, will find themselves wondering if perhaps, just maybe, they were lied to.
I am inclined to agree.
I truly believe we’ll see the anti-Christ (Jewish “messiah”) rise to power in a one world government ruling from Israel in our life times, and see the 2nd coming of Christ when He arrives to destroy the anti-Christ and implement 1000 years of peace on Earth (after which evil and sin will be given authorization to have a last go at humanity, and then God will blow up the Earth and the Heavens, everyone will get judged and then a new Earth and Heavens will be created without any more evil or sin (totally eradicated permanently, with all the people who don’t pass the test during Judgement getting confined to Hell)).
I’m convinced the whole debacle in Afghanistan is entirely intentional. Think about it. Probably the vast majority of the tens of thousands of “Americans” being stranded there were likely CIA assets of some sort, or other type of regime lackey, all of extremely dubious character with loyalty to a shadowy cabal, given citizenship as their guarantee of safety for betraying their people. If good guys are in control, you most definitely don’t want to “repatriate” them home. You can’t just abandon them coldly to their probably well-deserved fate. You have to botch it in such a way as to have plausible deniability. If this is true, I can understand why Trump would want to secure the withrawal deal but not want to be the fall guy for a perceived humiliation (and in some ways a betrayal), and let them “steal” the election. The inexplicable withdrawal at the airbase last month in the dark of night was probably a signal that the deal with the Taliban was still on.
The UK still has bad guys in charge, so they go to heroic lengths to rescue all the “stranded” “Brits”.
dual (multi) citizens…meh
A number of Taliban leaders spent time in “US Custody.” There’s no reason to necessarily think that is a solitary confinement cell in Guantanamo Bay. It could be that they were first subjected to some mild torture and then given a taste of luxury and told that they could go back home and live like kings if they just did our bidding.
Whatever is going on it’s obvious that we’re seeing a lot of theater, a lot of deception, a lot of plausible deniability. And that means the reality of the situation is different.
neocons/neolibs, DS and cabal hardest hit…
“Therefore, monks, nuns, and monasteries remind us that the people
of God are not of this world and that the world is under the influence, if not the control, of Satan.”
Dear Lembro,
You may be interested in the writings on the Divine Will found in the ‘Book of Heaven.’ This was written by an Italian victim-soul, a woman bed-ridden for 50 years, Louisa Piccarreta.
In brief, after the Redemption 2000 years ago, we are about to see the Sanctification of the Holy Spirit, and the Age of the Divine Will begins.
You’ve prayed many times for the Divine Will, in the Our Father prayer that Jesus taught us.
Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Fiat voluntas tua. It was the Divine Fiat that brought the universe into existence. All creation subsists within this Divine Will, this Divine ordering. Only humans, through the Fall, have decided to exercise their own, human, will, and ignore God’s Will.
(this is getting too long. tl/dr–by asking God to live in the Divine Will, you will find yourself, little by little, drawn toward God, and will realize that your human will, your human decisions, only lead to misery.)
Most importantly for you, Lem, as you struggle with the question of monasticism, is the idea that Jesus presents to Louisa (all 30 volumes are her attempting to transcribe the teachings of Jesus), that you can become a living eucharist, a living host for Jesus, simply by living in the Divine Will.
I believe Prayer Warriors, including monasts, are what keeps the hand of God’s Justice from falling. Prayer is the most important thing in the world. It is the lifeline thrown by God into a Fallen world, along with the redemptive sacrifice of his Incarnation.
But think about what it might mean if Jesus’ prayer, that “your Will be done,” came to reality.
Here’s the link to the writings, which are now widely available on the net. I would skip to Volume 17, page 800, in which the explicit instruction to Louisa regarding the Divine Will really gets going.
May God bless all who visit this site.
I don’t know who Lem is, but thanks a lot fren!
LembradorDos6Trilloes or somesuch (used various names), famous former poster here, and an example for us all to follow…
I’ve heard myths of such a figure in Western history, but the stories about him were always so incredible I questioned if he could really be so funny or popular, and assume he was just a made-up figure.
I’m pretty sure he’s fictional. I think snopes debonked his very existence.
>”an example for us all to follow”
I seriously doubt that.
Bro on the 6 trillion lam, if you’re interested in monasticism I know a few Italian monks, most only speak Italian and French (and one of the older ones knows several dead languages) but one also speaks good English. If you’ve any questions about the process or their daily life, I’d be happy to help. They seem generally pretty cheerful, though occasionally drunk. The older one sometimes sings in Latin after a few glasses.
I only know one order, i gather each has its own focus, so depending on what you want you could “shop around”. But it might suit you. Some of them are also highly based.
I think I may adopt this as my bio.
I am sure that person would be grateful for your offer of help, but as far as I understood from the last messages he posted he had a OPSEC problem so that would mean that person won’t be contacting anyone in any way that can be traced back to him.
But I am sure he would say thanks for the offer to help!
Very prudent. But if he has any questions he could post them here, and I could ask the monks and then pass on the answer in our goodly host’s comment section. By the way, they’re Catholic monks, not Orthodox, so not sure how much is relevant. They also have very good internet in the monastery, and even the older ones have smartphones…
This has me curious about drinking and being a Christian. I love my beer and have been a binge drinker most of my life (usually once a week unless I’m on vacation). I’m a cheerful drunk and never violent. It’s been a struggle for me to let go of it. Is it hurting my relationship with God?
I see conflicting info when I research it. Some say never and others say only in moderation. If monks can drink maybe it’s not so bad to imbibe.
Jesus said it not what goes in that defiles, but what comes out. If drinking causes you to blaspheme, to be slothful, to neglect your family, etc, then it is the cause of those sins and a stumbling block. If you just have a few drinks, a good wholesome time, and then carry on the next day it isn’t a problem.
As far as I understood from content found on the internets (for what it is worth, I am very new to this), some Catholic Monks are given the obedience (aka monastery job) to make beer. I never saw any of that on any Orthodox Monastery (not sure if they don’t do it at all). During the fasting days in Orthodoxy you can’t have wine (among other things), I don’t know if other types of alcohol are allowed thou (I personally don’t drink at all, so I haven’t researched that).
I am pretty sure there is a passage in the Bible rebuking drunkards, and another one telling Christians to stay sober, which IMHO means people can’t do drugs that take away their sobriety, but that they might be allowed to drink as long as they don’t get drunk (I think people in the old days (Jesus time) drank a type of very weak wine all the time mostly because getting pure water was hard, so people drank this watered down type of wine regularly more to get hydrated than for the alcohol, but I have no idea how accurate that is and I can’t remember where I read that), but I am not sure as I have not researched about it (cuz I’m no-drink).
There are some bacteria which are very, very sensitive to ethanol. I have always thought at least some of the alcoholics who get up out of bed and start the morning with a drink are medicating their GI bacteria and trying to kill back bacteria that produce stuff which make them feel crappy when it leaches into the blood.
I just find it somewhat less likely they are that genetically divergent neurologically. Microbial ecosystems and the metabolic byproducts they produce in the GI tract that drift into the blood can vary wildly from person to person, but genes are much more consistent by comparison.
We often need to release psychological pressure, so if you give up booze you may experience problems elsewhere. Just as we need sleep so we need to occasionally escape our ordinary mind, our responsibilities. Booze, silly jokes, computer games, sport, sex, films/tv shows may be important to our sanity. As Wittgenstein wrote, if we never had silly thoughts we would never do anything serious. I’d agree with Phelps, if you’re a happy and occasional drunk then where’s the harm? Some very good men, like Samuel Johnson, drank a great deal. Provided your liver and life can take it, I’d just see booze as one of God’s little gifts to take the edge off things.
Thanks for everyone sharing their perspective. I’m blessed to have such wise counsel.
Johannes Q, that might be the best answer I’ve ever heard on the subject. And I’m not saying that just because it allows me to imbibe. I realized that you’re right and it is indeed a release for me. If I cut it out completely then another behavior would just take its place.
Just to add, I don’t drink when I have work to do and I don’t drink when I’m stressed. I know it will only make my ability to handle it worse. I only drink when I’m in a good mood. I plan the nights when I do it.
That being said, I do need to start looking for alternatives. I’m in my early 50s and if I’m not careful it could start a downhill health spiral that might not be easy to get out of.
People here probably already know since they saw it here but I did read NAC/glutathione prevents the major effects of binge drinking liver damage.
“I believe Prayer Warriors, including monasts, are what keeps the hand of God’s Justice from falling. Prayer is the most important thing in the world. It is the lifeline thrown by God into a Fallen world, along with the redemptive sacrifice of his Incarnation.”
I actually do pray for Justice falling but for who God knows will never repent no matter what. And the complete destruction of the works of wickedness. Especially their attempt to subvert the Church like they did in the NIV 2011 Bible translation committee:
They deliberately mistranslated the Bible with the Gender Neutral and Feminist bullcrap. Thereby lying about history and inverting Good and Evil.
And this translation managed to drive many women in college mad when they used this “Bible” in contrast with earlier more accurate translations of the Bible in the NIV 1984.
Book burning is not always a bad thing.
More on iron for those that just can;t get enough.
“Ferrotoxic Disease: The Next Great Public Health Challenge”
Clinical Chemistry
volume 60, issue 11 (2014)
Found this pic of Sam J online:
Wow just read through this.
“The median survival was 79 years with concentrations
<200 microg/L, 76 years with ferritin concentrations be-
tween 200 and 399 microg/L, 72 years with ferritin concen-
trations between 400 and 599 microg/L, and 55 years with
ferritin concentrations in excess of 600 microg/L."
55 years vs. 79 years. Looks like ferrotoxic disease is worth looking into. Thank you sir.
what is going on with the announcement of likely full FDA approval? And what can be going on with Trump pushing the vaccine (or is there context which better explains this)? The pressure from friends and family right now for me to get the jab is at the highest level of intensity…. extremely unpleasant. What is more unpleasant than being awake to tyranny and knowing that it could get much worse, even unbearably so, before it gets better (or maybe just gets worse…. and then even more worse), is the loss of lifelong relationships because we are at such opposite viewpoints about what is going on with the vaccines. I am a pariah and this is just insane.
he needs to define his “vaccine”… regeneron?
One more iron link and I’ll leave it alone.
Just checked my Newsome recall ballot and sure enough, it’s not aligned properly. Not sure if you can get a new ballot. Even if I asked and they gave me one they’d probably make note of it and just toss it anyway.
Why don’t you just vote in person?
How can people on this side of the aisle watch what happened with ballots in November and then vote via mail?
It’s like some folks just want to lose.
> Alan West is livid as his wife is arrested in Dallas for DWI after only drinking lemon water.
Walmart has breathalyzers for under $20. One in the glovebox might save your driver’s license.
They’ll claim your meter is no good, of course, but the whole court dynamic changes from “police officer + Teh Science” to “your meter vs. my meter” if the cop insists on writing a ticket anyway.
And while I’m at it, a cabin-facing dashcam with microphone can also save your ass in court.
Oh, and while I’m at it, small bodycams are getting cheap now. Some look like tie tacs and talk to your phone with Bluetooth; I carry an older one in my shirt pocket, that looks like a fat pen. You’re looking at under $100. A few minutes of recording could save your ass if you’re ever involved in a “social encounter.”
Can you recommend some models please?
Thanks in advance.
They’re all made in China; pick one in your price range and go fot it.
They are ALL transmitting your images BACK to China as well!
Save your ass AND provide Intel to the commies…
What a game eh!
> A Finnish scientist claims he got his hands of vials of the vaccine for testing, and some of the vials are saline.
We have long suspected that, considering the effectiveness of the ‘vax’ is less than zero. At least, depending on whose numbers you prefer, your chances of being diagnosed with COVID may be higher with the vax than without.
What my burning question is, is “how can we tell which vials are which?”
I’m sure it’s just pure coincidence that, as soon as it becomes public knowledge that the not-vax has efficacy rates near the single digits, a news cycle emerges claiming that a placebo has been mixed into the distribution.
It’s a distraction to allow them to claim “the ones who got it for real are 100% protected (lies), the ones who got the saline are the ones who are still getting and spreading it (lies).” More snake words giving them plausible deniability for the satanic prayer of “safe and effective.”
This makes sense.
I’d say it’s a 50/50 hypothesis of it being one or the other.
From the CDC website:
What your results mean:
“However, here is a chance that a positive result means you have antibodies from an infection from a virus of the same family of viruses (called coronaviruses) such as the one that causes the COMMON COLD” (my capitalisation)
The test is complete bollox! We’re in the same pandemic we were ALWAYS in.. a PCR pandemic, that’s why they’re changing it in December(?)
Ever had a cold? PCR will confirm..
And that’s all.
The Sniffles. Something else is the cause of the very poorl, probably their lifestyle.
> Google says geo-location warrants make up one-quarter of all US demands.
It’s likely the same with Apple. Your cellular carrier also has the same data, but tower handoffs are coarser than the GPS coordinates Google and Apple use. Also, while some carriers will “voluntarily” provide any data law enforcement asks for, others want a warrant… when the courts say a warrant is necessary. They’ve flip-flopped several times on that. It’s just easier to go to the phone maker, and they get better data.
You can run LineageOS or one of the other Android workalikes, as long as you don’t have a Google Account or install the GApps “store” front-end. There are programs that can download from the Store without GApps, but you can assume a majority of those “apps” are spyware as well.
A “feature phone” or “flip phone” cuts Google and Apple out of the loop… unless it’s one of the phones that runs Android in the background, just presenting a “flip phone” user interface.
>not exclusively using smoke signals and bullroarer for long distance communication
Fake news. True but not news. The CRAF has been our primary military PAX airlift for decades. Airlines pledge to set aside planes for DOD charter, and the DOD guarantees them a certain number of charters a year. In return for pledging capacity, you get some steady business. The news would be if the airport was too hot for CRAF auto land in.
do they have enough (willing) pilots?
Probably. Most of the pilots and flight crew are ex USAF.
Posted before I could sign it. The gravitas is correct.
Were you a MAC daddy or AMC boy? I thought only USAF people knew about the Civil Reserve air fleet.
Worse. I worked on a CRAF lawsuit. I had to learn about the CONTRACTS.
This is probably a retarded question, but I never got how lawyers do their job, the little I tried to learn about law gave me a huge head ache (it all sounds like a competition to try to verbally jew the decision process as best as possible) and I never wanted anything to do with it ever again. Do you keep in mind the 6 quadrillion laws in existence when trying to build a set of arguments to try to turn the judge decision to benefit your client, or do you use software to guide you in the process (which begs the question, if you do, then how did the old time lawyers made it work for them)?
I guess only people with very good memory for text-content type data can really make anything of it.
I’m not a lawyer, but I’ve seen enough of litigation to know. First, there’s a general set of rules. Honestly, you probably know most of them. That’s the common law — things that you just know are illegal. Then there are the statutes. They are all organized in the code, so you can crack the book and look them up. There are maybe thirty-ish legal concepts you learn in law school, and you learn how to look up cases.
All the cases are keyword tagged when they are published. In the paper book eras, you would get a new index that included all the books you just bought AND the old books. Just like google, you would start looking up keywords. That’s how you research cases. Now it’s even easier, and Westlaw (one of the old book publishers) is the google of the legal world. They were bought/merged with Lexus/nexus.
Building the arguments is way more straightforward than you think. We learn what the situation was. We learn how the industry works. We learn what happened. We look to see if it was legal. If it wasn’t, we start the process.
Legal arguments happen over the parts where the facts aren’t in dispute. You argue over what th contract says legally, you argue over whether or not a piece of evidence can be admitted under the rules, etc. The things where a fact is in dispute have to go to a jury, and a jury decides what they think happened.
Not a stupid question. You take an entire year of “Legal Research and Writing” during the first year of law school in the US.
Despite friends and family always being like, “hey- you’re a lawyer….” We don’t keep all the laws in our heads except for knowing certain areas of law within our specialization backwards and forwards just from doing it all the time.
For everything else there are legal research databases- Westlaw and LexisNexis, primarily, for the US.
Before that there were a number of god-awful sets of books. The “Reporters” that publish case decisions for each different set of courts (by state or federal district). Books of codes that provide the statutes (Code of Federal regulations for example). These are still published in hard copy if you want to pay for them and have an intimidating-looking office, but are all available in the databases. Cases have to be “reported” in order to be “citable.”
There was also an entirely separate set of books that listed each case, and all of the cases that cited to it (affirming, overruling, using the logic of, etc.). Addendums got mailed out as new cases overruled old ones throughout the year. And the entire set needed to be updated and republished on the regular. So you needed to find the first case you were relying on. Read it. “Shepardize” it to figure out if it was still good law. And then go back to the reporter to read all of the cases that relied on it to see if any of them are better for your argument or if they damage your argument and you need to rebut them. If your starting case was overruled, then the case overruling it became the new one you were working off of. It was extra super fun, if there was no single case that decided the issue you were arguing and you had to find a whole bunch of similar, but not exactly the same, cases that both favored your position and were still good law.
To get a start on where to look for your initial cases, there were other sets of books called “Summaries” that gave a basic overview and the most important cases for each area of law.
Now the Sunmaries, which are not online, can still be helpful when diving into something you’ve never done before- especially for getting the right vocabulary to do a search. But small offices won’t shell out the cash for them.
Now, you’ll just throw search terms at the databases until you start getting things that are in point. The databases support both Boolean and plain language searches. And the software puts a little green, yellow, or red flag next to the case name if the case has been affirmed, questioned or overruled. You can click the flag and get a list of every case that cites to, questions, supports, or overrules the first. And then click on those to read the cases.
Hours of work consolidated into a split second- for the lawyers and judges. But there are entire hordes of lawyers employed by the database companies to keep things constantly updated as new cases come out.
Thanks to you both, that was very insightful.
Sounds like a hard job. No wonder lawyers get paid so well and avoid sobriety so often : DDDDDDDD
remember the “qaddafi look”?
>Court filings flush out an AW Division book publishing house owner as an FBI informant
3-4 of the power slide in the military extremism brief post election were of affiliates that AW claimed subsidiary kinship with; they became notorious for ‘Siege-posting’ raids on the web and blood-sex magic/pederast degeneracy,– as a result, they were re-coopted and dissolved by that/those they were ‘inspired’ by from within, supposedly. Narcing is inimical to those they were apeing, and glow-in-the-darl publisher honeypotting stretches credulity as an ‘insight role’; hence official confirmation of the entity as a Frankist cargo cult op. is quite amusing. — If the entities in question were indeed Gladio legacy projects in association with UK/NATO, the 5th Column would have an interest in compromising those as well; however their counterposition to Boomer Goth Church of Satan, with its Chicago Tribe mob scion leader, and Temple of Set, with such MIC luminaries as PsyWar architect Aquino & Skippy Podesta no less, suggests otherwise.
>as part of a deal to protect Hunter, the Afghan pullout was a surprise to Cabal, and Cabal has put word out they need to get Biden out
Counterplay to the Kamala 25th and/or Kenyan gambit in favor of Pelosi. Now that would be interesting. Miller’s disclosures on the Afghan deal lends itself toward that.
>Finnish scientist, saline
Suspect this was SOP for most of industrialized vaccine production since the World Wars, and subsequent Fort Dettrick Paperclip scientists; at least prior to importing migrant hordes, there’s no profit motive to exterminate disease — placebo effect works just fine, now add a few leaky vials here and there to keep it from ever disappearing.
>Brazil 32k
Frequent brunt of defective & deadly vaccine injury; sale of known faulty polio vaccines by Britain in the hundreds of thousands of doses stands out. Perhaps Bolsenaro has ‘good breeding’ in those Venetian and Hanseatic blood lines that is problematic.
>is trying to purge our kind from any position of authority.
Lobaczewski’s Political Ponerology meets the King in Yellow cult; in the former’s model, the pathocracy has a cohort of an additional 15% or so of the population of character-deficient persons to inveigle into their designs– in the latter, a mass of hypnotism susceptible rubes with suppressed and unfulfilled desire for transcendent religious fulfillment and millenarian orgies of violence to bring upon an apocalypse. Suppose Weather Underground and Manson’s helter skelter tipped Their hands, all those years ago.
>”as part of a deal to protect Hunter”
Could be, but I don’t think Joe’s psychological profile sees protecting Hunter (or anyone) as a thing of value. He used to send him to deal with high level criminals while he was (probably still is) a huge coke head, seems like he’s not very protective of him. That being said, surely if some whitehats were to leverage something to squeeze compliance out of Joe, there could be other things they could use (his blackmail files or something).
Someone please explain the recent interest in Christian Orthodoxy in these parts and elsewhere. I’m a re-awakened Christian with no ax to grind for, or against, any other Christian group. Curious to know what the Orthodox vs other Christian argument is. I gather by definition, Orthodoxy is original and unspoiled or compromised? Thanks.
Orthodoxy is the real deal with a very rich body of literature and thought. And it’s ancient. When you’re at an Orthodox service, you feel like you’re taking part in something that has stretched back centuries, right to the ancient world. Because in fact you are. In this sense it’s like Catholicism, if the ancientness and philosophical depth of Catholicism appeals, Orthodoxy is the same but in my view deeper and better. Without all of the criminality, pedophilia, and deception and corruption that has come to overtake the Vatican and local Catholic churches.
I also find it to be less dark than the Catholic services. It’s more inspirational, more uplifting, but devoid of the self-help Tony Robbins style approach and bar band enthusiasm of the popular churches of our day.
It’s serious, it’s demanding, it’s much more mystical to the degree of having qualities that make me think of the philosophies and religions of India. Not exactly, not directly. It’s just more mystical.
Here’s a 2 minute video. I recommend following the guy featured in it. He’s a good guide to Orthodoxy.
Pshaw. It’s all idolatry, the bands AND the icons and stained glass.
I’ve got a brother in the church who walks out when a violin shows up, and only tolerates the piano. FWIW, he also won’t sing the hymns, only the psalms. It’s ok, we mostly do psalms with only the occasional hymn.
Icons aren’t idols because they aren’t worshiped, they are venerated.
The vast majority of the Orthodox services (I think all of them akshually) don’t have or use any musical instruments, just voice choirs, although some old Orthodox Churches (very few) had pipe organs.
They are still a ‘graven (made) image’, it’s a two part command, don’t make them, and also don’t bow down to any idols at all.
If it has a face that presumes to be Jesus, it’s idolatry. Angels could look on Jesus on earth and say, “he’s just like his Father.” No angel could look at anything made by earthly hands and say, “it’s just like the Father”. It’s alway an inferior perversion because we are lowly sinners.
It seems it comes down to the interpretation of the context of the commandment regarding the graven images and idols thing. Although this is from the Coptic Orthodox Church, and there is a difference between the Russian/Eastern Orthodox Church and the Coptic, this article articulates it well:
Now I can already see how some people will immediately raise an eyebrow and say “but what about the ten commandments?!” If you have ever read scripture before surely you have come across the book of Exodus. In this book, we find the very popular passage where God gives Moses his commandments for the people of Israel. Among these, we find a very interesting commandment that many like to reference when they argue that we ought not use icons within our expressions of Orthodox worship. The passage in question is Exodus 20:4
“You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth”.
And so, some would argue, because today we find Icons in Church and in our homes, that all these qualify as the very “images” which Exodus 20 warns against. However, the Orthodox response to this would be that clearly this verse has been taken out of context. Let’s see the entire passage put together, including if you wish both the verses that come before and after the one we just read. Lets look at it together:
1 And God spoke all these words, saying: 2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.3 “You shall have no other gods before Me. 4 “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; 5 you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God […] (Exodus 20:1-5)
When placed in its proper context, we discover that the Lord is preoccupied not so much with imagery in and of itself, but rather the worship of anything other than Himself, the One True God. He is speaking to a people who have just come out of Egypt – where they saw men and woman bow down to pagan idols, statues, mural paintings, and where these same people both saw and learned to offer sacrifices to these false gods of Egypt. The Lord therefore is not speaking out against the use of imagery (i.e. Icons as we have explained) but rather He is speaking out against the worship of anything that is false and demonic. He is clearly warning them that they ought not worship anything created, but rather worship Him who is Creator!
For those interested on why learning more on why Orthodox Christians don’t consider the adoration of idols as worshiping them, see:
“Devotional Hearts Show, Episode 1: Brother Augustine AKA Michael Witcoff”
From 09:40 forward.
Thank you.
I’m not Orthodox but my take is that people seeking Orthodoxy want a “purer”, “older” and “more conservative” form of Christianity. A type of theologically based “paleo-Church” but with developed (intricate and artistic) rites and ordinances.
My argument against Orthodoxy is that they were in complete communion with the Roman Catholic Church until 1054. If they felt their theology was better, or if it was better (it probably is) then why did they not help their brethren in the West? Why did they not aggressively proselytize in the West the way the West loved to do? Christ himself commands this.
Keep in mind 1054 is AFTER the Saeculum obscurum of the early 900’s when Orthodoxy could have easily taken control and helped save their brethren’s fallen state. They made no such attempt and they would pay for it later. With brothers like that no wonder Christendom was such a mess for hundreds of years.
Many hundreds of great lineages ended because men of honor, intelligence and nobility joined the RCC priesthood, in a manner never encouraged by the Gospels. The Orthodox Church does not completely encourage the practice but they never stopped or complained to the Roman priesthood at anytime from the Synod of Elvira in 305 A.D. until schism in 1054 A.D.
Well meaning people frequently misinterpret Paul the Apostle when he exhorts church members towards chastity, but it was Timothy, Paul’s missionary and student and later Bishop of Ephesus who tells us (very likely with Paul’s approval) the following in 1 Timothy 3:2;
“A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;”
This means that the Synod of Elvira was in direct contradiction with the Apostles of the early Church, and no one Roman, Greek or otherwise made serious attempts to change this until the Reformation. They likely did this because of money, which the Lord describes as filth.
It is telling that the High Anglican Church (the other Catholic style church) was the church of the most successful people on the planet (the English, British and early Americans), and they allowed their priests to marry and bear children. The English got somethings right after 1534 and the Almighty rewarded them for it. Of course, the Anglican (and Episcopalian) churches fell into flagrant sin and error in modern times and low and behold, the Anglo-Saxon world is in sharp decline. More pure offshoots of Anglicanism and other Restorative Churches have enjoyed fantastic growth in the U.S. in the past 150 years- paralleling the rise of America in the 20th Century. But many of these churches are beginning to disintegrate as well, as they struggle with obvious blasphemies, and this parallels the disintegration of the United States.
As far as I understood, in the Orthodox Church the priests can only become priests if they are married (I don’t think they can divorce, but they can’t re-marry even if their waifu dies), and the Bishops have to be monks (which can’t marry (they make a vow of chastity)).
Thanks for the very thoughtful response. I looked up “Saeculum obscurum” and learned about the Pornocracy. That’s an underused term.
For me personally its main initial appeal was because of its heavy ascetic component which I feel drawn towards. Another (perhaps silly) reason why I got interested in the first place was because the people who were sharing Orthodox content with me were extremely based on a variety of subjects (including Israel and the problems with zionism and support for Israel in the West, which was nice).
As I learned more and more about Orthodoxy and the differences from other denominations, I became personally convinced that it’s the most legit denomination (although I don’t do denomination squabbles, and I constantly learn about all kinds of subjects (including Christianity) from people from other denominations (although I would be happy to see them begome Ordodox! (see:
) ).
Basically you’re right about the Orthodox Church being the original Church that Jesus founded with the Apostles, as far as I understood the line of bishops is uninterrupted from the time of Jesus.
If you want a great intro about the differences between denominations and history about the origin of the various denominations (you have to have an understanding of the origins in order to get the differences between them), this video is great (and fairly entertaining as the speaker is a joker and has quite a nice energetic good vibe to him):
Even if you watch just the first vid, you’ll have a good grasp on the main differences between the denominations.
I don’t know if the later vids (I only watched the first 2 yet) explain the differences between the different types of Orthodox Churches, because you have differences between the Coptic Orthodox Church, the Russian (Eastern) and the Armenian. As far as I understood, the Russian/Eastern one is the one that follows all the decisions from all the Ecumenical councils, but please do note I am quite new to this so you should seek knowledge from people who know better than me, such as Roosh V, Brother Augustine and father Spyridon (and perhaps additionally (and perhaps ideally) from IRL Orthodox Church priests, if you have access to them):
Hope this helps!
Very helpful. Thank you. I did watch the first video – Orthodox Christianity 101. Got a ton of interesting history and perspective:
30AD Christ
300AD Constantine
400AD Sack of Rome – City of God
800AD Charlemagne
1054AD Church schism – Roman Catholicism v Orthodox
1100AD-1300AD Crusades – RC attacks Orthodox
Orthos fought with Muslims vs RC
1204AD – 4th Crusade from Venice sacks Constantinople
Stole money, art, philosophy etc and takes back to Venice – hence Renaissance!
St Augustine used Plato for City of God
Plato student Aristotle – opposite
Western thinking based on Plato – RC theology
Crusaders brought back Aristotle
Aristotle leads to scholasticism, universities
Thomas Aquinas rethinks RC through Aristotle – Summa Thealogia – New Catholic theology (w Renaissance)
New Catholic Theology- south of alps
North of alps – Augustian monk Martin Luther – 1500AD
Luther, Calvin protest – Plato vs Aristotle
Protestant – old Catholic theology
RC – new Catholic theology
1550AD Henry VIII forms Anglicans
1600AD – James VI/I Presbyterian defends the Anglican power structure and drives out Puritan separatists to America
North states anti-monarchy, south pro
988AD Russia,Ukraine converted to Ortho
Constantinople weak after 1254AD and then conquered 1453AD by Muslim Turks Ottomans
Greek – “to the City” = eis ten poli = Istanbul
Eastern Christianity moves to Moscow
Russian Orthodox – 1794AD Alaska – Kodak Island – Church of the Holy Resurrection – St Herman of Alaska
St Peter the Aleut from Alaska reaches north California – Fort Rus – killed by Spanish
I think it’s a number of things that vary from person to person. One, so many denominations have chucked completely. So much has been feminized that it is off putting. I’m literally a Puritan (reform Presbyterian) and even my denomination is having to fight off the sodomite infiltrators and jezebels. Orthodox doesn’t have much of that problem. (Yet. Or maybe (((yet))).)
There’s also that in orthodox, religion is more of what you do rather than believe. You have structure and things to do and they don’t compromise on their doctrine. There’s beards and chaste women and for a lot of unmarried men who have learned to (rightfully) scorn the “Jesus is my boyfriend” side of the church, that’s very attractive.
The Iron Curtain was quite the shelter from (((them))). And Stalin despite his evil was quite effective at purging the Old Bolshevik Party:
The second “mass operation” was taken against representatives of a number of nationalities, primarily those having their own territories which had been part of the Russian empire, but which had become independent states after the October revolution (Poles, Finns, Latvians, Lithuanians and Estonians). The Stalinist reprisals were especially ferocious against communists from these states, who were arbitrarily condemned as agents of the governments of these countries. Most had been forced to seek exile in the Soviet Union because of the oppression and terrorism they had found ‘at home’. Leopold Trepper, the famous and heroic leader of the Russian underground intelligence organisation under the Nazis, the ‘Red Orchestra’, and who broke from Stalinism and praised Trotskyism, estimated that 80% of the revolutionary emigrants in Russia were repressed and many, if not most, were shot during Stalin’s Great Purge.
Rogovin comments: “Altogether, more communists from Eastern European countries were killed in the Soviet Union than died at home in their own countries during Hitler’s occupation.” One leading Lithuanian communist commented that because of the decimation of the Lithuanian Communist Party’s Central Committee at the hands of Stalin and his executioners, “I alone remained alive! And I remained alive because I had been carrying out underground work in fascist Lithuania.” The same fate befell the Mongolian, Japanese and many other communist parties. Stalin’s seeming paranoia towards all things non-Russian (ironically, he was himself ‘non-Russian’, a Georgian) was revealed later in the secret archives of the NKVD where there was testimony against Palmiro Togliatti, the leader of the Communist Party of Italy, Harry Pollitt, general secretary of the Communist Party of Great Britain, Jacques Duclos of the French Communist Party, Mao Ze-dong and many others. Latvians, many of them having participated in the underground struggle against tsarism, and in the 1905 and 1917 revolutions, were ruthlessly suppressed by Stalin.
Trotsky and his acolytes collapsed Russia with Lenin and his Cabal support. They met their match and their destruction at the hands of an even more lethal psycho.
I don’t understand the recent interest in Christian Orthodoxy. Give me the Bible (KJV) and some solid biblical teaching (solid teaching can be found here: any day over liturgy, traditions, etc. I get the draw toward a community of believers that adhere to some sort of historical lineage or tradition. But I’ll have none of that if it weakens the power of scripture.
I don’t play the denomination game at all. But focusing too much on culture and tradition leads to a lot of extrabiblical contemplation that is more cultural rather than biblical, that can turn into outright twisting of scripture.
Look at Roosh’s contemplation on whether single people can be mature:
Where is the bilbical basis for gauging spiritual maturity with singleness or marriage? There is none. Paul speaks of marriage in terms of necessity (better to marry than to burn) and singleness in terms of it being a gift (it is good for them if they abide even as I). Both Moses and David, two biblical figures who were incredibly tight with God, were married, David VERY much so. Yet you have Elijah, who God took up, or John the Baptist, who baptized Lord Jesus Christ HimSelf, who were presumably single.
Yet I can imagine someone steeped in tradition being taught this by a “church father” (Biblically, by the way, a father in faith is someone that led someone to salvation.) “contemplating” singleness and spiritual maturity with the same enthusiasm as a psychologist addicted to making celebrity personality quizzes. Fun, but ultimately misses the point.
I’m not denigrating Orthodoxy or anything. I don’t know much about it. I’m just wary of blind tradition with no bliblical worth (which Jesus decried, as did Paul). So I hope you Catholic and Orthodox friends don’t take this amiss. There is infinite richness already in the freaking Word of God, a.k.a. the Bible
>”I get the draw toward a community of believers that adhere to some sort of historical lineage or tradition. But I’ll have none of that if it weakens the power of scripture.”
It doesn’t weaken scripture at all. And note that there was no such thing as the New Testament for decades after the Resurrection of Christ, which means that the Apostles were not using even using the New Testament during the time it didn’t existed yet. Tradition doesn’t weaken scripture, they work side by side to preserve the well, tradition that of the Church that Christ founded. I don’t know if you ended up watching this segment of this interview where this former Protestant priest explains why Orthodoxy rejects sola-scriptura:
Watched the video. Very interesting and something I had never thought about. Thanks brother, I’ll think on this further. I agree with his point on the perspicacity of scripture to some degree because I’ve seen too many people twist scripture and Paul expressly writes to Timothy to study to show ourselves approve unto God.
My Roosh example still stands. I understand the draw of an unbroken lineage of tradition and teachings. I hope you understand my leaning toward focusing on the clarity that scripture brings. I’ve seen instances where seemingly sound extrabiblical traditions served more as hinderances than aids, nor do I prefer the focus on extrabiblical liturgy and iconography. I’ll take sola scriptura any day. Look at how “tradition” led the Jew to turn away from the Masoretic OT toward a Talmudic Rabbinic line of tradition. Again, grain of salt because I’ve done little research on Orthodoxy yet.
In the end, I think we’re left with two points of productive contact, neither of which we necessarily have to conflict with. First, that the gospel of grace given to Paul then us, that what we need in this church age to receive eternal life in Christ is to acknowlege we are sinners and to believe that Jesus died and rose again for our sins. This is arguably most important. Second, is Romans 14 and 1 Corinthians 8, both where Paul gives wisdom on the types of differences we are facing here (e.g., “Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.”).
I wrote this long comment filled with amazing insights and 6 million IQ jokes, but the page told me I was commenting to fast and ate my comment, but the gist of it was:
>”I hope you understand my leaning toward focusing on the clarity that scripture brings.”
Sure, God has us where He wants us, if He decides that you are to begome Ordodox, then He will make you begome Ordodox.
On the Talmudism, I don’t think that was a result of tradition, but the exact opposite, IMHO it was a result for the desire of using naïve Jews as meat shields, cannon fodder and spies and infiltrators by the greedy Jewish elites that refused to acknowledge the facts that
Christ was their Messiah (because He is everyone’s Messiah) and that once the Temple got destructed Judaism was effectively a dead cult.
If you want to watch a breddy noice interview that touches on various subjects including how the veneration of icons is not the same as worshiping idols
and more on how the Bible works in the context of Orthodox tradition (and Church history), this one is very recommended:
@Macaque Mentality
Some interesting articles also related:
Scripture is paramount and is supreme. Tradition is judged according to it.
>On the Talmudism, I don’t think that was a result of tradition, but the exact opposite, IMHO it was a result for the desire of using naïve Jews as meat shields, cannon fodder and spies and infiltrators by the greedy Jewish elites that refused to acknowledge the facts that
Christ was their Messiah (because He is everyone’s Messiah) and that once the Temple got destructed Judaism was effectively a dead cult.
Ah, then we can replace that example with the Mormons’ Book of Morman or the Jehovah’s Witness’ New World Translation.
All that aside, I firmly believe that many of us here are on a constant and deliberate pursuit ot capital “T” Truth, which I believe ultimately leads to the Way, the Truth, and the Life HimSelf, Jesus Christ. From there, it’s a matter of constantly praying to God and studying/applying/rightly-dividing scripture (KJV please). And God will put us in different paths and positions according to His will.
Thank you, those links were a great logical summation of my position.
No comments on Trump’s rally?
I came here to get your take on it, and am surprised that it wasn’t even mentioned.
Until today, I did not realize that Marjorie Taylor Green and Mike Lindell were also vaxxers.
I don’t really worry about what politicians or celebrities say they are doing with the vax much. I have no idea what the deal is with the vax. Based on evidence, it could be an IQ test by whoever runs the country, and they are trying to remove the genes of people who don’t think for themselves. To that end, they might see it as advantageous to pile on the social pressure to get the vaccine, because that will maximize the weeding out effect by sterilizing those people quietly.
Or, for all I know, the initial virus was equivalent to any one of the bad flus we never heard of, just in this case it was blown up by the media to get control over people’s behavior and socializing, at least in part for voting, in a sort of “virus psyop.” Enter the “vaccine psyop” designed to counter the virus psyop, and get people out from under control by getting them to take as shot which is actually saline in a lot of cases, but which releases them from the control by fear of the virus psyop. Then enter the “variant psyop” designed to counter the vaccine psyop, and get people afraid again, and on and on.
All I can say is, knowing the mechanism supposedly behind most of the vaccines, the nature of the spike protein, many of the factors which predispose people to bad outcome from infection, and looking at my circumstances, the numbers just don’t make sense for me to take the vax, and I pay no heed to what others say on it. I could catch it and die, but I could clean out my attic and get Hantavirus and die, or eat a salad and get an E coli strain and die, or get bitten by a rabid bat and die, or die via any number of means. I take efforts which cost me nothing to avoid the virus in case it is there, but I washed my hands before this and avoided crowds, as that is just good practice. Add an N95 mask, and I feel bulletproof.
On Trump, I don’t see any value to readers here to me posting my take on anything he does. The short of it is, I trust Trump at this point. I think he is on our side, and is doing what is the best possible option at each turn, often off intel far beyond what I have. I could do a detailed take of everything he does, but it is kind of silly in that he is operating with intel far beyond what I have. So criticizing him would be silly, if I have no intel like he has. And saying I support what he does is similarly silly, as he is operating far above my level, and nobody should care if I support something he does, as I am not remotely qualified to judge what he is doing if I have no inside intel.
The truth is, the main reason I blog is because I think I have info other normies may not have, and that is valuable to them. It began with r/K, but obviously now that is entirely eclipsed by the fact our entire nation, and many other nations, have been taken over by a hostile intel op which has penetrated every facet of our societies in a complex organized fashion, and it seems to be crashing the west for profit. Where I see that peeking out from behind news stories, I think it is worth people’s time to add what I say to their info stream, as a piece of evidence supporting something nearly unbelievable, and give them a different perspective about something potentially very important.
But on things like what Trump is doing, I don’t think my take is as valuable as the simple fact Trump is doing it, and he saw a valuable reason to do it. I can’t add to that, because I just don’t have enough info as to how he came to his decision, or what is driving him, because he plays his cards so close to his vest. All I know is I trust him, and his judgement, and he is doing stuff off the best possible intel out there.
Tell the truth AC, the real reason why you blog is to make awesome frens (like me, kek) : DDDDDDDD
I had never thought such a thing could even be possible, but now that I know, yes.
Very noice:
The Qui?!?! meme has developed a new variant called Snoorky during it’s 6 millionth wave of spreading in France:
It will be interesting to see what happens in France, given that they are approaching civil war situation at increasing speed, while also being very open about naming the problems with Jewish collective power (including zionism). I wonder if France will be 110 (or is it 111? I think I read about there being a 110 already the other day).
I’m not sure why people have not made a big deal of the resemblance, It was the first thing I noticed.
I did noticed it too, kek
Saw this on QResearch. Sure looks like someone is making an effort to take-out Cabal foot soldiers:
August 4, 2021
Raffaele Imperiale, 46, a suspected boss of the Naples-based Camorra, was arrested in Dubai.
August 6, 2021
Domenico Paviglianiti, 60, suspected boss of the Italian mafia group, ‘Ndrangheta, was arrested in Spain.
August 7, 2021
Maria Licciardi, 70, suspected Naples crime boss in the Camorra syndicate, was arrested as she was about to board a flight to Spain.
August 17, 2021
Gerry Hutch, 58, one of Ireland’s most wanted criminal gang leaders, part of the Kinahan clan, was arrested in Spain.
God bless the warriors taking out the trash.
Thanks for sharing those good news.
NATO’s GLADIO network is being taken out.
Honk honk:
Commentators at Fox News were remarking about the Afghanistan debacle that 70,000 illiterate Taliban with guns drove out the US Military.
But here in America–us whites have been neutered. We have no way of resisting our demise. We are being genocided—and we can’t form a single defense force to protect ourselves from the Jews. Isn’t that amazing to behold. The Jews, just like in Bolshevist Russia, created a domestic white suppression unit called the Department of Homeland Security aka the Cheka or the NKVD. It’s bloody amazing.
We’ve been neutered; we can’t organize; we can’t communicate; we have no leadership; just bloody amazing.
Politics won’t save the Western people, only Christ will IMHO.
Psalm 9:15-20:
15 The nations have fallen into the pit they have dug;
their feet are caught in the net they have hidden.
16 The Lord is known by his acts of justice;
the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands.[c]
17 The wicked go down to the realm of the dead,
all the nations that forget God.
18 But God will never forget the needy;
the hope of the afflicted will never perish.
19 Arise, Lord, do not let mortals triumph;
let the nations be judged in your presence.
20 Strike them with terror, Lord;
let the nations know they are only mortal.
This is why I say that politicians pandering to certain things and groups is very dangerous business, it’s effectively turning away from God IMHO.
Speaking of the rally–i was there and Mo Brooks advising us to “move on” from 2020 was a shock to my system and everyone around me. Some folks obviously expected that kind of remark from Brooks and responded immediately–but the slow groundswell and overheard comments of “did he just say that?” were immediately demoralizing to us. Trump endorsed him, and I don’t trust anyone from Richard Shelby’s office (Brooks’ opponent is Shelby’s former Chief of Staff katie Britt), but holy crap–that took a lot of wind out of the audience.
. Ok maybe it’s focus testing the crowd to see if we’re still pissed, but i take that as unlikely cuz it could undercut support from Brooks running to get the Senate seat. Have Mike Lindell float crap like that since he’s not running for anything.
. Or maybe aliens have taken over Brooks’ brain. I dunno but after the rain threat, ridonkulous long security line, jerks hawking vulgar “Biden Sucks, Kamala swallows” t-shirts all around, to be within 10 minutes of seeing/hearing the G-E and …ok, enough bitching. But if Trump and the white hats pull this off with idiots like Brooks on the team, I will have no more doubt that God is at the wheel of all this, and the audits are one of His Holy weapons. Here’s the clip:
some cuckage to be sure, but I also see it as pandering to normie, and the money contributing class. we dont know trump’s game, as AC says… and appear weak when you are strong.
IMO the best way to deal with petty crime:
Impossible to look a hard badass when you are bent over with your butt exposed and be swatted with an block of wood or cane.
Criminals deserve humiliation. And the criminal amygdala will perceive crime as low-status. Sends a clear signal that they are LOSERs
Rather than high-status which happens when the criminal gets to look dignified and strong.
This is great.
Hilariously entertaining when their legs kick.
Swedish PM Stefan Lofven to step down in November
CDC and Media Say 61% of Americans are Vaxxed, but Data Shows it is 32%
Lel. go to 1:46 of this vid:
Also, discussion thread on /bol/:
“Th President is a retard.”
pol,”Retards everywhere up in arms”
Top kek:
5000 hours on paint:
This is a great series…long but worth it.
You are quite aware perhaps. I wan’t to bring up something you may not have considered. Dogs, as second density creatures dependent on us third density helpers, are the best of good boys and best friends. hard to describe the only thing in this life which can actually be trusted, the dog, non-corruptible. That is a unique thing to love. But they can actually train good boys to do things they don’t quite understand. That being the nut punch. A dog trained, without understanding, how to run up on a target and jump and just so happen to punch his nuts. This is done, with labs no less, it is quite evil. The dog itself is quite innocent of what had occurred. It doesn’t really understand.. And that is the point send those who don’t know to attack those whoe do, and hope for a pet. Its shit. I don’t like it.