Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Woodside LNG Notified By Unions A Strike Is Imminent
DFT – China’s Laoshan Mineral Water Company Looks To Kyrgyzstan Glaciers As A Water Supply For Europe
DFT – Corporate Bankruptcies In The EU Surge To Highest Since 2015
DFT – Energy Costs Skyrocket In The Southern US
DFT – Chinese Imports Of Russian Gas Surging
Prominent conservative legal scholars are increasingly raising a constitutional argument that 2024 Republican candidate Donald Trump should be barred from the presidency because of his actions to overturn the previous presidential election result. They are our fellow conservatives, anon, just like us.
Meadows told special counsel he could not recall Trump ever declassifying Mar-a-Lago docs. It is a story out there, but again, it is leaks from the prosecutor to poison any jury against Trump, so maybe Meadows turned, maybe BS.
NFL star Tua Tagovailoa went viral on Friday after voicing his support from the anti-child trafficking movie “Sound of Freedom” and warning millions of Americans that the CIA operate the largest pedophile ring in the world. It is worth noting whatever we face very likely predates the CIA, and compromised it from the beginning. Most likely CIA is merely one “employee” of something much bigger, which spans national boundaries – and national security services.
Six Obama admin officials used alias emails: Obama, Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Jackson, and Biden.
Leaked documents reveal Hunter Biden was involved in Trump Impeachment over Ukraine.
Hunter Biden’s legal team used threat of calling Joe Biden as a witness to blackmail DOJ.
Who are the newly revealed Jeffrey Epstein associates? Nothing that really blew me away, or was too new.
Biden regime sold $300 million worth of border wall parts for $2 million.
AP covers the ongoing case regarding “Forced Reset Triggers,” which basically make your AR fire like a fully automatic, and which the ATF say are machine guns, and should be illegal, but which the manufacture says comply with the letter of the law, even if they make the gun fire like a machinegun. It is curious we have gone from exactly how many “Assault Weapon” features should be outlawed, and how many rounds you “need” in a magazine, to just how many places you are allowed to carry your firearm in, whether felons really lose the right to guns for self defense, and whether or not near-fully automatic fire is legal or not.
Maui wildfire death toll, already highest in modern U.S. history, could surge. Again, while you and I were watching the replays of the twin towers burning and falling, and visualizing the horrors our fellow citizens on the planes felt, there was a giant fuck-load of people in this country, who knew, everything was different, and who saw it all much differently. I cannot over-emphasize to you, the degree to which there is this parallel society, living in an entirely different world – a total dystopia regular Americans cannot even begin to imagine possible, let alone tolerate, but which the secret society seems to crave. It is so strange.
ZeroHedge – Hawaii state government attempts information blackout on Maui fire – refuses media access. Article goes into the denial of water and the denial of firefighting resources. It does not cover the refusal to employ sirens, sending the town’s firefighters off to the farms, the road blockades, or the fact GPS went out just when people needed to evacuate, which is still not being discussed anywhere. But still, they are hiding things.
San Francisco fire sale: Investors ‘bottom fishing’ are buying up city’s downtown at ‘70% discount.’ It is like Portland. Right now, there are probably people literally taking laxatives and shitting on the sidewalk on orders of surveillance command. Now that I think about it, the clear plastic bag that had five gallons of diarrhea saved up in it which was left on the sidewalk, was probably also surveillance. Even the poop app makers may have been Cabal and feeding the psyop. Shoplifting, stabbings, petty crimes, car thefts, the elimination of Policing, 90 percent or more were probably part of the operation. Now this is phase two. Phase three will be all of these homeless evaporating, and being assigned elsewhere, crime plummeting, and the return of Police under a command which supports them, at which point the neighborhoods will reinvigorate, property values will soar, and these properties will be sold at a 233 percent profit – maybe in a year or two. Look to who is buying, and you will find Cabal.
Growing concern vaccine heart damage in adolescents may be permanent.
@Kevin_McKernan has cleverly produced an assay that allows pathologists to identify *which* vaccine mRNA is present in tumour tissues.This could support some huge lawsuits.
Maybe. It depends on the mechanism. If the SV40 sequence in the vaccine, or something else acts like a promoter inside the cell, and turns on cell division, then yes. But many cases of VavCancer may be immunological. The immune system sees a vaxxxed cell with a big foreign spike protein on the outside, attacks, and then notices other things on the cell surface, as immune systems are wont to do, and develops antibodies to normal human cell surface receptors which bind to and activate them, just like a hormone. In that case, the immune system may make cancers out of other healthy cells without vax in them by producing hormone-like antibodies (autostimulatory antibodies), which set off cell division in healthy cells. No way to know though without experimenting.
Two athletes die suddenly during triathlon swim in Ironman Ireland.
Government seeks 30 years in prison for J6 political prisoner Zachary Rehl for walking through Capitol building for a few minutes. Again, another of these Proud Boys, who make the owl symbol when they took pictures of themselves at the Capitol riots. It has, for me, the feel of surveillance. They are all signaling to each other they know something, and are in the secret club.
You should not homeschool, anon. Public school is perfectly fine:
In China, people walk around the city, until a poorly maintained escalator opens up some hole in it, sucks them into the gears inside, and eats then, or the front wall of a building falls into the street and squashes them flat, or a manhole cover explodes as they step on it, launching them instantly 200 feet in the air, or something else which can only happen in China happens to them. Now, America is beginning to look like China. Somebody will be walking on this sidewalk soon, and suddenly they will just disappear, only to get run over by a train:
Ukrainian Parliament poised to legalize porn production, claims will help fund military.
Zelensky claims Netherlands to send entire fleet of F-16 fighter jets after meeting with Dutch PM.
Majority of Ukrainians blame Zelensky for government corruption. None of us like these leaders. What we are waiting on is a reason, and it feels to me like the surveillance could serve as that reason.
In a remarkable convergence, scientists have discovered that the same blood factor is responsible for the cognitive enhancement that results from young blood transfusion, the longevity hormone klotho, and exercise. Platelet Factor-4 (PF4). If you did not have Cabal fucking with the GATE kids, I would bet all of this would have been worked out decades ago.
‘Choke Point 2.0’: Bank regulators cut off porn industry from banks. Curious.
Trump posts biggest lead yet over DeSantis, other 2024 rivals.
CBS News poll finds Trump’s big lead grows, as GOP voters dismiss indictments.
“It is worth noting whatever we face very likely predates the CIA, and compromised it from the beginning. Most likely CIA is merely one “employee” of something much bigger, which spans national boundaries – and national security services.”
Yes, we call it the Vatican. It’s enslaved, genocided, raped, kidnapped, trafficked humans and drugs, ran brothels and casinos, murdered its business competitors and ass raped their children, and more all over the planet. For a long, long time.
Francis is not a killer. We are looking for killers.
Papal Knighthood awarded to Savile for his work with children:
This photo alone is worth more than a thousand words.
A Rothschild looks contemptuously at the future King of England while poking him in the chest, and the picture was snapped, and released to the public, to tell us exactly who is really in charge of the U.K.
I think you are wrong. Charles is the antichrist. The picture does not show him cringing back from an assault in any way, but actually looking rather strong and determined. He is definitely standing his ground. Check out They bow to him, not the other way around. Maybe not willingly, because evil is not a united front, but they have no other option, since their real Lord has spoken, and Charles is his chosen vessel.
A non-Royal touching Royalty like that is a death sentence. It’s intolerable. I understand Charles was not King at that point and prob not the official heir. But god in heaven….
That being said, fair point about Charles’ attitude. It isn’t deferential. I had assumed it was but it isn’t.
Even assuming Rothschild is a Royal of a different nation (meta-nation), touching another Royal is unimaginable. Especially like that.
The thing about a still photograph is context.
The caption could be.
Rothschild “I can’t feel any heartbeat”
Or relaying an anecdote
Rothschild “so I said to him… don’t you know who I am?”
Agree, Charlene doesn’t look like he’s cowering in this photo.
I remember these. They’ve been around a long time. They’re a slow burn. They keep coming back. It would be nice if they were updated to more contemporary players.
The “Alpha” behavioral pattern tells us who is actually in charge. It’s not necessarily visible riches that make a man socially powerful.
And what is interesting is that this behavioral pattern is fractal.
I think Voxday nailed it down quite well
The Vatican is just one of its captures or creations.
Catholic church is not the enemy, although there are enemies within.
Nor is Orthodox church the enemy, nor are Protestant churches.
Satanic Cabal is the enemy. Let’s focus on that.
The Satanic Cabal exists, in part, because of the split of Western Civilization (i.e., Christendom) beginning with the arch-heretic Luther and continuing to this day.
no, (((they))) corrupt all.
Yes, you’re correct: those who read the bible in defiance of Catholic prelates are arch heretics.
Ummm… it’s more like Western Civilization exists because of the Protestant Reformation.
“Ummm… it’s more like Western Civilization exists because of the Protestant Reformation”
You just won the internets for the most ignorant statement of the day.
Filthy Catholic civilization is south of the border.
“It’s enslaved, genocided, raped, kidnapped, trafficked humans and drugs, ran brothels and casinos, murdered its business competitors and ass raped their children, and more all over the planet. For a long, long time.”
^–Rather good summation of the U.S. government.
predates that. but (((you))) know that.
Charlemagne was part of it, or worked for it. So did William the bastard. Take a look at the snoot on Charlemagne, next time you find yourself on Google with time on your hands.
Here’s Constantine with his (((Roman))) nose.
People are going to have to cut and paste that thing, as for some reason it will not be usable as a link. Something about the colon in the url I think fucks up the blog software.
There are photos of paintings, admittedly painted long after his death, that show a distinctively “semitic” nose. Worse even than this one.
Haven’t the Maui wildfire deaths have essentially been admitted to be intentional human sacrifice to a Hawaiian god of water?
Maybe superstition and a desperate sense that the devil is abandoning them is the best explanation for the sacrifice by cabal of the wildfire victims and its planned uncivil war between migrants and American natives.
And many other things otherwise inexplicable to reasonable men.
Interesting point. I’m open to hearing about local “traditions”. They always seem to have a fight between the good and the evil.
try to check defs, and backwards too.youll never kw what ancient stuff pops out at ya. (((they))) peak in code.
| Look to who is buying, and you will find Cabal.
This. 100% this. Manipulation of real estate valuations is one of their major scams. Timing is everything.
Today I learned that the movie industry does “box office rigging”:
| “Box Office rigging” is the practice of claiming more tickets have been sold than actually have been – or studios and cinemas bulk-buying tickets themselves – in order to falsely claim box office success.
Remember when video game arcades came out? They were a haven for money laundering operations. Small bills from drug transactions came in and were accounted for as kids’ payments for tokens. If there was an inspection of the machines, the purchase tally inside the machine could be easily tampered with, just like voting machines.
It all reminds me of your insight regarding the book publishing industry, AC. What a racket.
I’ve decided that there’s a lot of boxoffice lying going on. Exhibit A: Barbie is supposedly kicking the shit out of the Mission Impossible movie. Let that sink in: a strident feminist screechfest, panned by any critic with a brain, is outperforming a long-awaited Tom Cruise thriller with a pre-built-in audience that’s being hugely praised by critics and audiences alike. In Tom Cruise’s first release after ‘Maverick’, which earned him as much or more audience goodwill as any movie star has *ever* had. Exhibit B: Avatar 2 supposedly made a billion and a half bucks. For that to happen, there would have had to have been people lining up to get into the theaters; people seeing it 8 or 10 times; and local news reports would have been full of this. I don’t know anyone who saw it, or who had any interest in seeing it.
The counter to this argument is the child-trafficing movie, which {we’re told} is now approaching $200MM domestic. Hollywood hates this movie, it should never have been allowed to {appear to?} succeed.
The normies love that Avatar nonsense
Worldwide box office. Studios take the first few weeks ticket sales, more or less. The repeat viewings crew, visiting a few weeks later, is where the theaters make money. Avatar made money overseas, mostly.
Barbie had a nearly full theater three weeks after opening, all women on a week night. Three weeks in, women were still dressed up in pink. I could see mothers and daughters, in matching sweatshirts. It was a 10pm showing on a Tuesday. Boys are going to see it, to see what girls like, for flirting purposes. It’s a summery, fun movie, so it’s social.
The most viral movie this year, afaik, is Puss in Boots. It’s apparently a really surprisingly good movie. Young men- the usual movie fan- will go see it, then drag all his friends along, and then all his other friends, and then all of them will take their younger siblings to see it. The groups going to see it get bigger each viewing. I don’t know any Boomer who has seen it, or any grownup, at all, now that I think about it. But college kids and their siblings? All of them. Multiple times.
There is an Avatar 2? Huh, who’d have thought
Vending machines have historically been a profitable enterprise for organized entrepreneurs whose business practices have their origins in the poverty of the Mezzogiorno.
Today and yesterday the blog link would not load on my phone but recent comments link works fine. Found today’s news brief by clicking on 8/21 link above anons “for a long long time” comment.
Long time indeed if I’m correct and it’s what remains of a dead civilization. Driven off energy with no need to eat or digest food and beyond our concept of time, age, and death. They are like immortal vampires watching us as innocent slaves because we live lives and they cannot. Not alive but not quite dead. Lingering. Watching. Molesting. Never blinking.
Fallen Angels.
Jimmy Dore loved the song but hated the words “if you’re 5-foot-3 and you’re 300 pounds / Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds”. Jimmy (he is a leftist, after all) said the words were stupid and mistakenly aimed at the wrong target.
The entire context is:
Lord wе got folks іn the ѕtreet ain’t gоt nothing to eat
And thе obese milking welfare
Wеll god іf уоu’re 5-foot-3 аnd you’re 300 pounds
Taxes оught not to pay for your bags of fudge rоundѕ
Young men arе putting themselves six feеt in the ground
‘cаuse all thiѕ damn country does іs keеp оn kicking them down
JMO opinion but this refers to homeless vets and those who risked going six feet under for country, and makes the contrast with those milking welfare. The latter group, underserving on their own merit, and another group which has made a sacrifice, and risked their lives, now hungry possibly as the result of their experience.
Someone I know intimately is a cashier at a grocery store, someone who has worked hard all her many years and now makes minimum wage. She witnesses daily the extravagant purchases by those milking welfare; it is safely inferable by the luxury purchases, or the stupid purchases, that their economic well-being is otherwise safely secure.
There is a visceral reaction to someone with a cart-load of crab legs paying with welfare. No need to go through the implications, which are numerous and uniformly maddening. I disagree with Dore that people should be indifferent, especially people making minimum wage who somehow live their lives making a positive contribution to human life.
True, as Dore says, this is not the underlying problem which needs addressing. But it is an example of a bizarre inequality between the givers and the takers, and how those enlisted on the side of Cabal are deserving of contempt for their selfish indifference to common sense, and to the minimum levels of respect which hold a society together.
FWIW, I rarely used fully-automatic, and when I did, it was mostly three-round bursts. Fully auto is a great way to waste ammo.
Originally used in trench clearing.
Trench warfare is back in fashion
I watched two movies recently. Back to back. The new “All Quiet on the Western Front” and “1917”. One was German remake and the other a British film. The German one was very realistic and ‘full auto’ though they didn’t have those kind of guns.. The British one was like watching “Private Ryan”. Either way WW1 was a lot of young men being vaporised by artillery. Very sad to think about 19 year old men that way.
Shall not be infringed.
I also imagine suppressing fire and fighting against mobs of dozens-hundreds of attackers trying to draw and quarter you are going to become more and more likely over time, not less, given the direction the world is going.

“To prevent the spread of evil”.
Does anyone want to take a guess on the religious practices of those involved? Anyone? Was this perhaps an earlier iteration of cabal among the Swiss?
VD has coined a new word, “vaxxassinations”. Make it viral.
Consensus has declared those involved practice the Amish lifestyle.
Were they Amish?
Seriously, I recall reading something about this a while back. Who were those masked men?
The Forbidden Topic: Race and IQ
Mike Whitney Interview with Ron Unz
RE: wildfires
News stories about arsonists all over or whatever. Cabal actors if that is really how they are catching. But I wonder if that is a cover for firing DEW weapons to start the fires. I imagine those weapons would have way better precision and consistency to get things going exactly as planned compared to some corner watcher who probably hadn’t done that exact thing previously. Ya, cabals network probably could do it manually if they wanted to, but I doubt that is actually what they are doing. The weapon makes more sense.
all of the above. hot dry winds seem to be helpful as well.
and ac’s article link i mentioned… appears memory-holed…
RE: San Francisco real estate.
Ya, I seem to remember this being a popular scheme among god’s “chosen” tribe which happened in california in the middle of the last century. Some article I read a long time ago and have no hope of finding now. Encourage crime and other problems, buy up everything on a discount, then clear out the junk to sell for profit. In spirit it is a sort of theft.
Made me think about bud light. Bud light had investors. Probably a lot of regular people’s retirement. By creating all that hoopla, short sellers could make a very pretty profit as that stock tanked as long as they knew what was about to happen. In spirit, that is also theft in a similar way. In addition, bud light is just a name. But the company has a lot of equipment, land, buildings and infrastructure. None of that stuff has really lost value and other names can be slapped on the goyslop, and also in some sense is owned by those investors. Now a lot of it will probably be sold off for pennies on the dollar. More theft. A lot more sophisticated and hard to prove, but theft all the same.
I am fairly well convinced of biological determinism, but at the same time, sophisticated schemes of theft really do determine how socioeconomics breaks down in practice. Paradoxical, I know, but I can see how both can be in play at the same time.
Profitable gentrification is always preceded by concerted degentrification.
Bill Gates Picks Up BUD Shares
During the second quarter, his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust initiated a new position in BUD, acquiring 1,703,000 shares. As of now, these shares hold a market value of approximately $95 million.
Just finished reading a Substrack essay by Elizabeth Nickson: The Deliberate Destruction of Post-War Generations
Somebody here may have recommended it, if so, thanks; but I recommend it. A key statement about the Boomer generation fits like a kid glove:
We didn’t light our fire; we were set ablaze by professional psychopaths and their Directed Psycho Weapons.
You can say that again! First, the boobs were tricked into fighting a huge, useless war, which they were conned into believing that they won. Hoo boy! Then they were conditioned into sending their wives to work, to Garner tax withholding for the Jews. Finally, their wives were now too busy to home birth and breast feed. Then they turned their Boomer brats over to Dr Spock’s child rearing advice for Goys.
The results were predictable!
They all matched off to war, more or less free Americans. They returned mentally and emotionally debilitated, to live in a Communist country. Most of them had no idea what Communism even was. And the bea(s)t goes on…
“I cannot over-emphasize to you, the degree to which there is this parallel society, living in an entirely different world – a total dystopia regular Americans cannot even begin to imagine possible, let alone tolerate, but which the secret society seems to crave. It is so strange.”
Becoming aware of my surveillance and actually seeing it beyond any reasonable doubt, everyday and everywhere, was a gradual, iterative process. I got here first through a new, much broader, red-pilled understanding of society in general, followed by an understanding of the reality of Cabal, and only then to the understanding of my surveillance. It had to be that way. I needed the foundation before building up the higher levels which follow logically. AC was instrumental in opening my eyes and mind to the surveillance and its operational methods. Once you see it you can’t unsee it.
While I transitioned to this surveillance awareness gradually it’s still a black pill to experience – a burden that can steal the joy from a beautiful day. With acceptance though there is a relief of understanding more fully, just as accepting the Cabal’s reality explained the otherwise inexplicable and chaotic world, and the early red pill explained the truth of society and politics hidden behind hypocrisy and lies.
Because of my own experience I think the Awakening process is valid and that is the purpose of Trump and Q – to push along our society to understand the evil within – but it has to be iterative. If you don’t see your surveillance then you’re not there yet. You’re not at that stage of understanding. The surveillance brings everything in the world to the personal level – all the fuckery, all the lies, all the waste. Understanding that the entire path of your life, relationships and health has been manipulated while you’ve been stalked pretty much changes everything for you. That’s why Trump promises “retribution”. One day you will demand it.
Some of the stuff here, when people say they read it and it worked for them, I feel great, but never this. I feel bad, but I feel like there really is no other path for people, other than to see this thing, and know it is in their lives. Without that, the world may feel nicer, but you will always be failing, never able to actually do anything but fail in an otherwise unthreatening world. Seeing is horrible, but you gain your autonomy, your free will.
It is why, if there is an awakening happening, and it feels like it, the coming times will be unreal. Personally, I will do anything to destroy this. I die the worst possible death, no problemo. I am up for it, lets burn in. This thing is an affront to God, a threat to my kind, and needs to go.
Of course I suspect most citizens will just freak out, and I expect after 120 million American gunowners get done mobbing up and freaking out, this thing will be gone for a good long time.
The key will be intelligence, to focus efforts where it matters, and for that, I think we will need Russia. I hope they are up to pitch in. What will come after will be magical though.
Following 9/11, Vladimir Putin made a televised statement to the people of America and New York City. It was a basic condolences speech, but there was no getting around the fact that Putin was very shocked and shook up by what he saw that day. It was incredibly sincere.
It used to be up on Youtube, but a few years ago, sometime after Trump was elected in 2016, it was memory holed. I can’t find it anywhere.
But I recall that there seemed to be a very genuine sympathy and as if he was acknowledging that what was behind it was more than the official narrative. Very veiled, such as “my country is very familiar with these kinds of things and these kinds of tactics… I encourage the American people to stay strong…” There was talk of seeking justice.
But he never once said anything whatsoever about Arabs, muslims, Al Qaeda, etc. He gave no support to the official narrative whatsoever.
I remember the speech from the time, but would love to see it again, in light of all this. Back then I was clueless.
Yeah, it’s tough that you have to shatter people’s illusions but those willing to learn appreciate it. Personally, I am very grateful for your work, AC.
I deal with this issue with my young loved ones and with how much is right to talk about and how much is too much for them at this time. Gradually they have become accustomed to my surveillance talk. I have gently seeded it into conversations quite nonchalantly to minimize the scariness of it. I’m quite happy when they poke fun at me about my (our) surveillance. What is important is that they are acquiring a growing awareness of the reality.
This was part of a group of comments which just popped up for approval. Sorry for the lateness
I am glad it is working for you. But it is like telling your best friend their wife and mother of their kids is cheating. It is not a great experience, but you have to do it.
> Jim Jordan subpoenas Citibank for alleged ‘back channel’ sharing of customer data with FBI in Jan. 6 probe.
The FBI has to have a warrant to demand that information. (at least, last time I looked; the Federal courts have reversed each other several times on the subject)
However, there’s nothing to stop them from *asking* Citibank for the information. Just like they do for Verizon, UPS, and other companies, who have been discovered to be voluntarily sharing their customer data with the FBI. And probably other agencies; there are over a hundred Federal “intelligence” agencies, plus probably several times that many state ones.
The FBI also has a nice relationship with Equifax, who has the contract for the “sole source provider” of citizen information to the FBI. If you’re ever up for an FBI investigation, the FBI uses an Equifax credit report plus the information they’re not legally allowed to sell to private customers.
So, yeah, that Social Credit Score^h^h^h^h credit report can be important.
Hundred of missing children? Everything burned to a crisp, can’t identify or even find all the bodies?
Well… Isn’t that convenient…..
Have they checked Oprah’s estate? I understand it survived the fires.
A veritable holocaust. A whole burnt offering.
FYI, the last Jim Stone post was on June 16th, over two months ago, unless he has a new site up I can’t find.
He talked about doing a bug out last time, so either he has bugged out for real this time, or is dead.
I’ve checked the website frequently the past two months, and there have been no new postings. And worse, seems like all the old website addresses have been taken down. Silo in effect?
So much coincidence!!!
Gateway Pundit is a fraudulent conservative site:
I have commented twice on that site that Ramaswamy is not constitutionally qualified to be president; for he is not a natural born citizen. Period.
USPS spy cameras?
Scary! I’ve been lucky and only found old light controls. Odd places but keep and eye on them.
Law enforcement camera inside a telecommunications box (green pill).
Normally, that pillbox use to tie the wiring from the outside of your house (NID) to a junction trunk that runs back to the LEC.
Looks like a job for a shopping bag and a rubber band.
kill it with fire
it looks cold; maybe give it a blanket
Fighting back against the surveillance:
Blind Items Revealed #3August 12, 2023
Does it seem strange that the little girl actress who died in such a horrible way, had a very large collection of gifts and personalized items from the alliterate action star.
Heather O’Rourke/Sylvester Stallone
Very Encouraging Website Traffic
Just my observations… my gut sense says no way you did not make this list AC, if everything was not so much under effects from the surveillance, visitor wise. Notice the numbers of the bottom half. They are silo-ing the shit out of us, messing with all the stats everywhere, or those compiling this list omitted your blog. Half those sites have visitors who have no issue with reading your daily blog if they are visiting many of the more alt-media orientated, alt-media. I see comments all over referencing your daily briefs in some way. Rarely most of these listed sights, excepting sites characteristic of say TBP, CTH, even ZH commenters, make reference to you. Not surprising, potentially points to how infiltrated everything is. It is a very subtle thing, Your reputation definitely proceeds you internet wise. It is subtle because of what it is, but it exists within the wiser more eclectic and open/courageous minded community and bloggers, I know from past experience you have a couple bloggers who comment here who run current blogs but are not letting on they have blogs, interesting kind of lurker, and I, make no doubt about it. In that light I have read snippets which leave small doubt they come from you, yet lack attribution to you, most is that kind of flattery thats silent in its way, and they may be subtle but they stick out cause your thinking and insights are unique to you, that says there are a lot of lurkers here to boot any way you slice it, most likely more than the majority of alt-media sites. Like you say about perceptions and the larger scope/history, never-mind all the cabal actors who visit that are not listed as visits for obvious reasons, that for good folks in plenty, cabal and its evil is all but incomprehensible to many folks.
Takes a lot of personal courage to accept the truth, where “Everything we are told to believe is a lie.”
Get past that “block” in thinking everything changes, then you really begin to see things. And folks wake up, enlighten, every day, by the multitude, if nothing else sharing links is integral to everyones digital “neighborhood” grapevine, and this blog and its briefs do not make this list? It is a preposterous notion it ain’t so. They are smothering us all out, selectively.
How you can know that it’s all fake…
There’s an anecdote on Reddit that sounds suspiciously like surveillance. tl;dr: Elderly woman was repeatedly harassed by neighbors until she committed suicide. Police and local politicians participated in the harassment.
Anons, did you really think anything would go viral organically?
There’s no other way to say it: It’s a damn shame.
I held no hope that Oliver Anthony would lead a revolution – I only hoped that he wouldn’t regurgitate the Diversity™ lie that is choking the life out of this country.
‘Rich Men North of Richmond‘ is a good tune – but it will be forever drown out by the sound of Oliver Anthony singing a song of solidarity with the insidious Anti-White narratives that have ravaged the nation he says he wants to save.
Interesting finds:
Does anyone know why there would be a microphone zip-tied to a telephone pole in my neighborhood?
Just found this across the street, pointing at my house.
The main interesting thing about this is that it’s inexpensive or free. Socialist Red Diaper camps are usually pretty expensive and exclusive. I don’t know if this is to help poor socialists’ children, or if they’ve run out of rich socialists. Or maybe both types of camps still run?
It’s from 2020. I keep telling people that the left is organized, and that the left is a social world. I think this is enough proof?
St. Breivek agrees.Come, oh blessed saint.
I will say it again. We have guns. Don’t bring a shield and bat to a gun fight.
In my opinion, things like this table, are an evil distraction to the fact that we have access to guns to defend ourselves. It may seem odd, but items like this make me angry, as it seems like just another ploy by the anti-gunners. (You don’t need guns anon, just use a broomstick and fly spray, or this “bat table”).
Best not to even post suggestions like this bat table. Better, a loaded pistol, or AR-15 next to the bed. (Or even a pistol IN bed with you, with an appropriate holster covering the trigger).
Sorry, normally I have great respect for your postings.
We have guns.
We have the 2ndA.
Not everyone does.
And I mostly just found it funny.
I am staying at a hotel in another state for a few days. I took a nap today around 12 and when I woke up my whole body was being vibrated. While I don’t wake up and notice very often, typically when I do wake up and move it stops almost immediately. This time I was moving around in the bed for several minutes and it persisted the whole time. It even persisted after I got up and went to the bathroom before finally stopping. Not sure if they had incompetents at the controls or there was a glitch in the algorithm or if they were pissed at me for something I did recently.
In any event, it made me really start thinking about what could be done to stop this. From your discussions it is clear that this is happening to thousands or millions of people every night. Degrading them, causing them to be fatigued and irritable and no threat to the system. Stopping this is thus a collective issue.
Unfortunately, there is basically nothing that can be done at this time either individually or collectively to stop it. At least not directly. It can’t be proven, at least not in a way to make the legal system take it seriously. I don’t think you could find the equipment and break it either. I suspect it is mostly accomplished by cloaked drones or something else flying above which can’t generally be reached or identified or even perceived directly.
However, there is one thing that I believe would relieve this at least somewhat and is worth a try. There is nothing to lose from trying and everything to gain. That is prayer.
From my studies, I have a few notions about how prayer or calling works in practice. That is, whether or not a prayer can or should be answered.
1) An individuals Karma, merit, good works or whatever you want to call it. “God helps those who help themselves.” People sincerely trying to improve and be moral earn merit through their good works, and a prayer can only be answered when this sincerity is present.
2) A request has to be reasonable and helpful to the person and to others. Something selfish like “Please let me win the lottery” isn’t going to go anywhere. A prayer or call designed to benefit oneself and all together is more worthy, and more likely to be answered.
3) Certain difficult situations and events occur as a result for the need of the soul to learn specific lessons for the sake of their spiritual growth. These situations won’t be changed because in some sense they are pre-planned lessons that have to be endured. The soul itself chose the experience and it would be a disservice to miracle it away. A likely response in this situation would be the sending of love and compassion, felt as a general ambience, but no actual change of the situation.
4) Answering prayers can’t/won’t happen unless the prayer or call is actually made. I know this seems kind of obvious, but I want to hammer home even a very meritorious person who would deserve to be helped can’t be until they actually ask for it in a lot of situations. Divine hands are a bit tied until the person themselves make the effort to ask.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
>For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
5) this isn’t as relevant to this current process, but since I am discussing what I have discovered about prayer I figure I would add it as its also true. The entirety of a person’s internal monologue seems to be known in divine circles. Sometimes a liberal interpretation of what constitutes an actual prayer is used and thought questions that you don’t really consider to be a prayer seem to treated as one. At least in my personal experience. From this and number 4, you might infer that I don’t like to make requests unless certain conditions are met. I consider it a responsibility to try to work things out for myself whenever possible and only bother higher authorities for things that really matter. Like things which affect everyone. Like vibrating people to degrade them. Perhaps I do that too much considering how often I have noticed 5) in play.
With respect to these points, I believe prayer to stop the vibrating meets all the criteria necessary to make making such a prayer worthwhile. Not only worthwhile, but in the same way I view it as bad form to pray about trivial matters it is equally bad form not to make this call for something which is so important and impacts so many. In fact, it is a duty and a responsibility to do so. I am going to make a dedication to making this prayer on a regular basis.
Reviewing the points:
1) Many moral people with plenty of merit come to your site and are affected by this. They have earned an intercession with respect to it.
2) It is not a trivial matter. It affects many far more than is karmically earned in my estimation. I could be wrong and past collective Karma makes it necessary, by my intuition tells me otherwise.
3) There are limits to this, and I don’t believe it applies in most cases of vibrating.
4) You have to ask before much can be done. How many have actually asked for divine shielding from this action?
5) even just absent mindedly and in passing? I am sure this is happening to me all the time, but I can count on both hands the number of times I have directly noticed it in the last 10 years. Its intentionally hidden, at least partially, so this liberal loophole doesn’t get triggered too often.
All that said, there is one more thing about prayer which I want to note. That is, how it works mathematically when considering people working collectively on collective problems. The power and efficacy of a prayer or call increases as more people participate. You can imagine it like a sort of fuel. A prayer adds a bit of fuel, the more prayers on the same issue the more fuel there is for divine intercession to work with. Well, its more like more things are allowable with respect to free will, but forgive the analogy for being imperfect. Attached in the image is the equation which can describe the additive effect of prayer with multiple individuals where n is the number of individuals.
If you work it out you will notice with only 1 person, the result is actually zero. Or no effect. Yes, but also no. The first person is the keystone. The fulcrum which moves every thing else. It is the hinge upon which all else depends. The more you add to n, the more people praying, the more effect it can have. The curve is very steep and it doesn’t take all that many people praying to have a huge impact. If possible, I would like this comment to be that fulcrum. Together, let’s move the mountain.
>Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.
I am going to dedicate myself to making a prayer about stopping this for everyone on a regular basis. I ask that you do as well. Take a moment before bed to simply ask god to stop wicked forces from using these vibrations to harm you and everyone else. The more who get involved, the more intercession becomes warranted. And AC, I think it would be worthwhile to try and organize a mass prayer on this one topic all at the same time. While not absolutely critical, synchronizing the timing of the call can be helpful.
Its late, so I will try to repost this comment early tomorrow.
It kept going while you were moving? I have assumed it used some sort of resonance because it always stopped when I moved.
It always has for me too until this time. I think it stops for secrecy, not for inability for the computer to quickly readjust the resonance.
Good comment I saved it. Your call is nice but you have to have people who WANT to pray. Who think it might actually be affective. Getting individuals who flout prayer as an effective means of stopping evil isn’t going to go anywhere even if you lay it out as logically and brilliantly as you have. It doesn’t matter to individuals who don’t view it as a viable solution. Prayer takes effort and perseverance. It isn’t a vending machine where you put in a few nickels and immediately out shoots your prize. Which is how a lot of people treat prayer because, let’s face it, they’re weak in faith or have none or are contemptuous that they have to “do” or “merit” anything all at. It should just been given to them. I’m talking about the attitudes of people I’ve seen who profess that they DO believe when it comes to talking about prayer. Imagine the obstacles of praying for people who DON’T believe. Anyway I’m commenting to let you know that your hypothesis has reached the “correct” people and maybe that’s all that matters.
Sincerity is a necessary ingredient. But it’s not an on and off switch. Some power can always be expected to be lost because the perfectly sincere individual is rare indeed. I don’t believe it should be a problem so serious as to prevent efficacy on this. Thank you for your kind remarks.
Info on the red-roofed Hawaiian house that didn’t burn, and the flash in the woods that they think started the fire:
“We just recently moved here and accidentally fire prepped our house and property.
We totally had no foreknowledge of or involvement in the fire”
Husband = Banker
Wife = Artist
Were not in town when the fire occurred.
Termite-proofing (aka Fireproofing):
Replaced asphalt roof with metal one.
Remove foliage from around the house.
About the two swimmers dying during the Ironman in Ireland.
First of all, the swimming is the first portion of the event. So it’s not like they were already wiped out from biking and running.
Secondly, it wasn’t a full Ironman. It was a “half ironman.” Each component being half the distance of a full Ironman.
It’s not unheard of to have problems in these races as it is inherently dangerous. But it’s still a bit unusual to have two deaths.
Rubbery clots are most likely the cause of the deaths
Germany Building ‘Mass Surveillance Apparatus’ Similar to the Nazis & Stasi, Historian Warns.
Misdirection. What do you think we have built? the DC Empire brought in the Nazi intelligence apparatus and the psychopathic psychologists; and you’re trembling in your slippers about Germany? Our police state is several times worse than the Nazis or the Stasi.
Israel’s Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer said Israel may back the development of a Saudi civilian nuclear program (with oversight from the United States) as part of a broader normalization deal, PBS reported on Aug. 18….
Trump’s Sickening Plans for an All-Out War on Immigrants
Not strong enough, we need a crackdown on all immigration.
We need a freeze until further notice.
We need a repeat of Eisenhower-era Operation Wetback. On steroids.