News Briefs – 08/21/2020


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


State Department official testified he destroyed Christopher Steele’s reports at State at the request of Steele. He was also caught in a lie, testifying he never set up any meetings at State for Steele, but then recanting when he was confronted with visitor logs.

More than 70 former Republican national security officials, including some former members of the Trump administration, came out in support of Joe Biden’s bid for President Thursday. All assets deployed. These were all sleepers who knew things didn’t work the way we are told.

Chinese used their consulate in Houston to ID BLM and Antifa, and provide them with educational materials on how to disrupt society via TikTok.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush condemned President Trump Wednesday over his comments about the QAnon conspiracy theory after the president offered measured praise for its supporters. The envelopes at Poppie’s funeral were a nice touch, because they showed people that these people live in an entirely different reality than the plain Jane vanilla one, just like your’s, that they claim to live in. He knows. But in public, he sticks to his cover.

Liz Cheney slams QAnon as ‘dangerous lunacy’ after Trump embraces followers of conspiracy theory.

Four Chicago aldermen on Wednesday called for a special meeting of the City Council to consider a resolution asking Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker to declare a state of emergency and deploy the Illinois National Guard to the city over recent violence and looting. 

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot defends ban on protesters on her block, citing her right to safety.

Alexei Navalny, top Putin foe, allegedly poisoned and hospitalized in a coma. No idea if it is good or bad, or if he was a Soros/Cabal asset or not. But it goes to show, assets are everywhere. The person who made his tea at the airport was a very high likelihood of being an asset. They probably helped track targets in the airport, probably did other stuff in their regular life outside the airport, and when activated, would slip something in the tea of people they were order to do it to. Never, ever think, “How could they just happen to have recruited somebody here?” Because that is exactly where they will fight to recruit/place somebody.

Feds say veteran Brian Kolfage secretly took donor money meant for building border wall. No idea about Kolfage, but the case was certainly brought now to taint the concept of the border right before the Republican convention when Trump was likely to tout it strongly.

Steve Bannon says that his indictment on fraud and money-laundering charges over the We-build-the-wall Gofundme was a “fiasco” caused by people who want to block the construction of the border.

When Bannon was arrested, he had been aboard the $28 million dollar yacht of a Chinese billionaire dissident on the run from the Chinese government. It would not surprise me if he chose to take that opportunity to stay on the boat because it was the only way he could get any kind of privacy.

Judge throws out Trump challenge to Manhattan DA subpoena for tax records. Trump’s team says they will appeal.

Canvassers demand answers after 72% of Detroit’s absentee ballot counts were off.

Paterson, NJ, to hold new election in City Council race marred by voter fraud charges.

Convicted rapist, torturer and killer who squeezed her victim’s testicles with pliers speaks at Democrat convention

Hunter Biden slated to speak at final night of DNC.

DNC caught duplicating three live-streams for Harris speech applause.

The illegal immigrant mother Democrats used Wednesday as a case study of cruelty in President Trump’s policies was first deported during the Clinton administration, then flagged for deportation again under the Obama-Biden administration.

Black Lives Matter protesters demonstrate against a bakery for making a MAGA cake.

Flashback – Biden claimed he played football in college when he really did not.

Twitter censors Trump tweets, but allows viral Post Office conspiracy theories to flourish.

Kansas City Chiefs to prohibit fans from wearing headdresses and American Indian-themed face paint.

Delta bans Navy SEAL who killed Bin Laden after mask-less selfie on a plane.

FBI tweets out ‘The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion.’ This is what happens when the government assigns people to surf /pol all day long every day.

Asymptomatic children carry higher COVID-19 viral load than adults in ICUs, study finds.

Poll finds fewer than half of all voters say Democratic VP pick Harris is qualified to become President.

Antifa and BLM are begging people to stop posting videos of riots because they’re getting arrested.

Green Bay Packers announce that over 80 percent of season ticket holders are opting out for the upcoming season.  Get woke go broke.

Attorney for one of the George Floyd officers files to dismiss charges saying he died of an overdose.

Hydroxychloroquine is why Uganda, with a population of 43 million, has only 15 COVID-19 deaths.

Goodyear backtracks, says workers can wear clothes supporting police.

Working mothers are quitting to take care of their kids, and the US job market may never be the same.

Whenever Jim Herman plays golf with the president, soon after he hoists a PGA trophy.

Trump supporters outnumber Biden supporters 100:1 outside Delaware arena where Joe Biden will give his speech.

Spread r/K Theory, because Trump has so much winning it rubs off on other people.

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4 years ago

>”FBI tweets out ‘The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion.’ This is what happens when the government assigns people to surf /pol all day long every day.”

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Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago


Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

And that is how they lose power.

4 years ago

Asymptomatic children carry higher COVID-19 viral load than adults in ICUs, study finds.

The “oopsie” retraction will be published right after the school year is cancelled.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
4 years ago

Even if covid is completely fake, and I don’t think it is, schools getting canceled is probably a good thing. I do know someone who got it and was pretty sick. Didn’t die, and will be fine. Public education is mostly propaganda, and is made to last way too long. Children shouldn’t be forced to sit at a desk 8 hours every day. And they wouldn’t have to if classes weren’t set to the lowest common denominator.

4 years ago

“working moms quitting jobs to take care of their kids”

wouldn’t it be incredibly satisfying if this whole KungFlu pandemic BS – which was never anything more than yet another chapter in the ongoing coup against Trump – if this whole con turns out to be the 1 thing that ends up saving the republic literally at the last second? taking women out of the offices & workplaces that serve as petri dishes for stupidity/statist infection, and returning them to where they belong – with their children??

my, how the leftist scum will howl if that’s what costs them their revolution

Reply to  stingaling
4 years ago

Maybe that is why GEOTUS let it happen.

Reply to  stingaling
4 years ago

Gosh – What do you have against the public school system?

4 years ago

From the horses own mouth, Laura Loomer is nothing but another Israel first Jewish traitor:

4 years ago

Dedicated to Xinnie the Pooh:

4 years ago

Pakistani Minister Threatens India With Nuclear Attack “To Save Muslim Lives” On National TV

4 years ago
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Remeber: every peace deal with Israel is more ammo to push for the cutting of all aid to Israel.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

This happens to AI’s also. When the AI starts reading the web it finds the Jews have one of the vilest histories of behavior in history. If the AL is actually learning it can not but help hate the Jews. It’s just the facts.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

Yep, yep, yep I knew she was a bust from the beginning because..she’s a Jew. Here’s even more Jewdoh she’s up to,

Moments after jewish congressional candidate Laura Loomer yesterday told Paul Ramsey she’s a free speech absolutist, she said Americans who support BDS must be stripped of their First Amendment rights, imprisoned and regarded as terrorists for collaborating with Palestine.

There’s maybe one Jew I would trust in office but in actuality it’s pointless to even have one. They might grow in office.

The only way to deal with the Jews is to get rid of them. They must go. I don’t want to put a bunch of stupid rules on them we have to constantly argue with them about I just want them gone. They must go.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Sam, I find it hilarious how despite you being a big brain nibba with extensive knowledge about all things related to IT (like Linux development history, and 2p2 alternatives and solutions, etc), you still haven’t figured out how to use the “Reply” button/link so your comments to other people’s comments appear directly below the comment you are commenting on.

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Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

Xinnie the Pooh hmmm…what was that about? Not that I didn’t like it. Such innocent times when this came out. Sigh.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Xi doesn’t like being compared to Winnie the Pooh and he has a flood problem right.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

right now.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“Even if covid is completely fake…”

It’s not fake at all. I also know someone who got it. He got really sick but survived.

For some reason I can’t fathom people believe that because it is not as virulent now that it never was. That the whole thing is fake. It may well be hasbara pushing this to as usual add doubt to everything. Even more ominous it may be that they are going to release something more deadly later and try to kill off as many as possible by making people think it’s fake. That it’s fake meme makes no sense to me as five different viral research centers said the virus was engineered and a viral weapons researcher said that engineered viruses are not stable and recombine mostly to less lethality. So that it was very lethal, like in China and Italy, and less so over time is perfectly sensical and fits the facts as we see them today.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Once you realize that polio and HIV are also frauds, it will be easier to make the leap

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“Attorney for one of the George Floyd officers files to dismiss charges saying he died of an overdose.”

I’ve seen the whole video now and it’s obvious Floyd was having a panic attack maybe leading up to a heart attack and the officers actions greatly exacerbated the situation. He had his hands handcuffed behind his back and was wrenching his arm way up behind his back. Floyd was not making any effort to fight him. It appears to me that sice Floyud ws having problems it pissed the cop off so he thought that he would wrentch his arm up and kneel on his neck to torure him a little to get back while he wated for the ambulance.

Now you can go on and on about what a shit head Floyd was but…what if this were your wife or son? Would you want t them to be in distress and the cop decide to met out a little street justice by restricting his breathing?

Maybe you don’t believe that someone can smother in this situation. Here’s a guy, not on drugs or doing anything wrong, who the cops killed in exactly this way. They smothered him.

RAW VIDEO: Officer Danny Vasquez’ bodycam shows in-custody death of Tony Timpa

People think this is a Black White issue and I don’t see it that way. I see it as a cold hearted police force that cares not at all for the lives of the citizens they are supposed to protect. The police are not White peoples friends. They drove all the Whites right into the illegal rioters at Charlottesville when they could have easily allowed them to exit in a safe manner.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

AC, I think you’re right about all the above except one thing.

No one gets a fucked up heart or anything else “from Corona”; it’s the other way around.

If you have other issues like diabetes, heart issues, are overweight, or a drug addict etc, etc., it’s not catching a cold or flu or “Covid” that finishes you off or makes you severely ill.

It’s that your immune system was already burdened with those other issues to begin with. “Covid” or any cold or flu is just the last straw.

The fact that they’re severely suppressing any info that goes against their narrative on YouTube or social media is very telling.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Got it. Makes sense.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

“People think this is a Black White issue and I don’t see it that way. I see it as a cold hearted police force that cares not at all for the lives of the citizens they are supposed to protect. The police are not White peoples friends.”

This is mistaken. The goal of the Left is to exempt black people from any all crimes and civil disturbances that they cause. This is what George Floyd is about.

Floyd went into the public space and caused a public disturbance that forced a citizen to call police on him, namely, by stealing cigarettes. Floyd does not have the right to do this. The store-owner has the right to call police. The police have the right to come to the scene, assess what happened, and arrest George Floyd. George Floyd does not have the right to thwart the police in his arrest, either by fighting with them or by dosing himself with fentanyl. Any escalation in preventing the police from doing their lawful job will result in severe injury or even death to the person who tries. Without this condition, police work becomes impossible.

Every example, from George Floyd, to Armed Robbery to the Wendy’s guy is this same pattern: blacks causing problems in public and forcing police to the scene when citizens are forced to call them to deal with black disturbances. None of these have anything to do with police brutality. All of that “brutality” would have been avoided through either compliance with an arrest or simply refraining from the bad behavior.

Democrats want to change this arrangement. They want to allow blacks to dominate a public space, behave any way they want, and you can’t do anything about it, except retreat. And if you can’t retreat, then you take your assault, rape, murder or robbery like a good boy. That is why Democrats are lionizing scumbags.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Police brutality is a problem. In fact, there is nothing mutually exclusive about any of these issues: you can have massive problems with black crime AND massive problems with police brutality AND massive problems with prison sentencing. But George Floyd’s situation is not being used as a catalyst to make sure that things like Tony Timpa don’t happen.

I take a dim view of any situation where someone is such an a**hole that they force cops to the scene. Avoiding police is something anyone should know how to do.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“you still haven’t figured out how to use the “Reply” button/link”

It’s javashit. Sometimes I just refuse to turn it on or I haven’t allowed the script that that function acts to turn on. I hate javascript.