News Briefs – 08/19/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


If commenter “Longtime Reader Not A Glowie,” who offered info I had never heard of about copyright is still out there and willing to talk, drop me a line at ac at anonymousconservative dot com.


Former head of secret government UFO program reveals why he is certain Pentagon has material from crashed ‘nonhuman’ spacecraft. He says they were ready to set a trap, by creating something with a pretty big “nuclear footprint,” which they knew would be irresistible to these things, so they could attract them into the trap and gather intelligence on them. Also interesting, he says –

“There were some very peculiar incidents that occurred simultaneously while I was involved in the AATIP portfolio – and I will tell you, it wasn’t just me. A lot of the folks in AATIP experienced very similar things, it was witnessed by friends, neighbors. What the connection is, I cannot tell you for sure. I don’t know. I am not a scientist. What we experienced, my family, my kids, my wife… some neighbor saw it, these green little diffuse, luminous balls of light, (he motions about 12-18 inches in diameter), think of a volleyball, but without hard edges, right? Floating through the house. You can call them an orb, I guess? Maybe a drone, I guess, or some sort of remote operated vehicle? I had never seen anything like it. I guess some people had described it like ball lightening, maybe? But a diffuse, green, orb-ball, just hover right down the hall, and disappear through a wall. What, if any the connection is to the UAP, I don’t know. I am just reporting it in the book, so people know, right? If you are going to be transparent, you have to be as transparent as you can be, you know, and even in your own life, even if it makes you look kind of crazy. That is what happened, and if it was just me, maybe I would not have written about it, but the fact that it happened to other colleagues of mine that were in AATIP, I wanted to share that experience.

I know how he feels about saying the crazy shit to be honest, even when it makes you look crazy, in the hopes it will further people’s understandings. Here, in talking about how the vibration beam would make it difficult to get up out of bed, even as it was obviously savaging your brain, back on December 27th of last year, I wrote the following:

I would liken the effect to coming out of anesthesia, if you ever had that. You are in post-op, and out, and somebody is shaking you, and saying your name, and telling you it is time to get up, but because of the drugs, you want to ignore them, close your eyes, and go back out. It is a very strong urge.

Now when you are being vibrated, it wears on you. So you are tired. And then I think they monitor breathing, to catch you just as you are entering that deepest portion of the sleep, when if someone tried to wake you, you would want to tell them come back later, and drift back off. So you want to sleep normally, you are tired on top of it. And then you feel the nasal drip and need to clear your throat, and suddenly you think, “Oh, shit, that’s them, here it comes!” And in a minute you begin to feel it. But you kind of want to sleep. It would be a conflict normally, but I tend to think getting up and moving would be stronger by far as an urge, but it is not. You kind of want to wait and take a few more minutes of sleep. Is it exhaustion from being vibrated? Something else? I don’t know.

I have a super rational relative in the family, also under surveillance/harassment. Before either of us knew anything about surveillance, they fell asleep on the couch. They woke up, looked down the hall toward the bathroom, and saw a kind of human-shaped glowing green cloud. No arms or legs, but that proportion. And it was pulsating, glowing green.

Was it ball lightening? Surveillance tech? A surveillance person in an invisibility suit projecting that? I do not know. I asked them, maybe they were dreaming, but they were adamant, they sat up, and looked at it, and it was so shocking, there was no way it was a dream, as they could not sleep through such an emotional event. So what happened? Where did it go, what did it do, how did it end? They don’t know. They think they were overtaken with an urge to sleep, and closed their eyes and were back off, and when they woke up it was gone.

Lore of demons claims they have some way of making people fall asleep. And Bill Binney says he thinks they knock out most, if not all CIA and FBI with some beam weapon, and have done it to him, to implant them with chips. I don’t know.

I now have been knocked out cold by beams from the surveillance, so that is definitely surveillance tech operated by these assholes.

That glowing green cloud the relative saw, appeared to be partly passing into, but mostly out of, a closed door, which gave them the impression it was looking in the room from outside in the hallway. I had a Christmas decoration, which was a sort of mass of small clear plastic globs pressed in the shape of a snowman, with a LED lighting setup inside which would gradually shift colors through the spectrum while pulsating. When the relative saw it once turning like a super intense nuclear green, and pulsating, as it peaked in green, they stopped cold, pointed in shock, and said, “That! That color, that is exactly what the glowing green cloud looked like!” It was quite brightly lit.

One time, way, way back, somebody spoke of a cloud of chemicals which smelled bad, and Bob, the narcissist I wrote about, who I think may have been somehow sent in by surveillance to contain a relative, out of the blue, laughed, waved his hands in the air, and said, “A glowing green cloud!” He drew out the word ‘Greeeeeeeen.” The phrase, maybe the way he said it, maybe its kind of impropriety with “glowing” included in it, for some reason, decades later I remember him saying it, with a subtly overlaid perception the phrase had some kind of great significance to him, and was an inside joke he was having with himself. My relative had commented on that incident with Bob when discussing their own glowing green cloud, wondering if Bob had seen one, of had some event in his life related to one.

It is possible the green cloud is some sort of energy discharge, similar even to the tapping/vibration (which I have long said feels like a mapping tool they repurposed to harassment), and surveillance was trying to monitor Elizondo, to piggyback his work on the UFOs. Interesting stuff. I hope this whole thing comes around to us killing the beamers sooner or later, whether human or not. I would be very disappointed otherwise.

There is a possibility we are looking at a splinter society which broke off, stealing tech for some time, or even a clique which found a way to cut a deal with the UAP-drivers, which gave them tech and increased support of their control of our society, in return for them running our society at the behest of the UAP-drivers. We could have a real war in our future against real traitors who betrayed us to an entirely other species. No telling in this timeline, so filled with weirdness.

Also from the piece:

The ex-Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) official revealed Donald Trump was briefed on the government’s UFO program during his presidency, and detailed in his book some intriguing and previously unknown UFO incidents.

These included a 2013 dramatic saucer sighting at the secretive Los Alamos missile test range; laser-precise holes cut through armored tanks in the Kuwaiti desert in 2003; a giant craft beneath the waters of Puerto Rico in 1999; and foreign biological implants found in servicemembers after they encountered UFOs…

He described ‘implants’ found in military servicemembers who had a run-in with a UFO.

‘I once handled one of these implants myself, provided to me by a hospital in the Department of Veterans Affairs, where it had been removed from a US military servicemember who had encountered a UAP [Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, the government term for UFOs],’ Elizondo wrote.

‘The material, no longer or wider than a joint of one of your fingers, looked more like a microchip encapsulated by a slimy semitranslucent casing of tissue… Under a microscope, it was still moving somehow.

‘AAWSAP/AATIP had also obtained photographs of these sorts of tiny objects from living foreign military pilots.’

Bill Binney felt from his work with Katherine Horton on implants that every FBI agent and CIA officer have at some point been knocked out and implanted, as he has been. He blames the conspiracy, but it might also be whoever the conspiracy struck a deal with.

Then this:

Elizondo and fellow AATIP member Jay Stratton hatched a plan in 2015 to catch a UFO.

He told that their investigations pointed to these craft having an apparent interest in military operations, nuclear power, and were often seen around bodies of water.

So they coordinated with the Navy and other branches to create ‘Project Interloper’: an attempt to lure these mysterious craft and record them with high-tech equipment.

‘You take a nuclear carrier strike group, a nuclear powered aircraft carrier, you have a nuclear powered submarine and other nuclear equities in the area, and you put it on the water,’ he told

‘So you have the military, nuclear and water nexus. We were very, very confident we were going to get UAP encounters, because we had them all the time. That’s what they were attracted to, like flies to fly paper.’

The idea was to gather warships in the ocean, focusing their radar, sonar, and cameras where they believed the UFOs would appear.

‘There was an official plan that had support. It got briefed all the way to the Joint Staff,’ Elizondo said. ‘We had a lot of interest from the intelligence community. A lot of agencies were part of this. They were ready to put their effort and assets into it. And at the last minute it got denied.

‘That, for me, was one of the last straws. I was very, very frustrated. Despite our best efforts to get this up the chain of command, someone kept cutting this off and saying “we don’t want to talk about UFOs”.’

Whoever denied that, is an agent of either whatever is behind the UFOs, or a clique of humans who have cut some sort of deal to serve the UFO-operators, working against the rest of us in humanity. I would assume the American Stasi was set up by people who are read in, maybe as part of their deal to gather intel on us for those they have the deal with, though your average gangstalker is probably just a lizard tail they pick up and lure in with promises of advancement in society. If all of this is coming out, it may mean there is some kind of future without these things here.

But you see, I say crazy shit here which does me no favors at the time. I do it just because whatever this is, is real, and important, and likely to be a war at some point. I do not know what little piece of intelligence could prove important or make sense of something later on for somebody else engaged elsewhere, so I try to put it all on the table, figuring it will cost me now, but maybe later on benefit the cause. The green cloud felt significant, based on the timing of it. But over and over again, little indications do pop up I am not entirely full of shit, and others are seeing the same things.

That said, the Havana attacks are definitely human. Someday I will roll video of the Havana Team they sent to do that tapping I recorded, rolling in, in a convoy, one car breaking off to deliver a team to install new tech in the house behind me, and one of the other vehicles later just happening to show up within seconds of the last tap, to pick up an operator they had loitering on the street during the tapping. You will actually be able to hear the EM effects of the tapping tech on one external surveillance camera, and watch the timing of the convoy vehicle returning to pick up their operator. And you will see a few operators who are obviously part of a well-funded operation with a very generous meal-allowance. If they are aliens, they must be carnivores, because these are people who have never heard the word “salad.”

We will win.

Ramsey County District Court Judge John Guthmann in 2022 admonished Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) for making “inaccurate” and “false” statements claiming the judge forced the governor to continue making payments to the scandal-ridden Feeding Our Future nonprofit, which is at the center of a scheme to steal $250 million from a coronavirus-era welfare program for children. Those Somalis will likely be CIA ground surveillance assets, or family of CIA ground surveillance assets brought over after we shut down operations in Mogadishu. It would not be surprising if those thefts eventually wound their way into CIA slush fund bank accounts, and the scams were hatched by CIA officers.

Supporters of former President Donald Trump have reacted furiously to a recent announcement that he backs bringing ‘a lot of’ migrants into the country. I tend to think this is Trump’s typical disarming his enemies by agreeing with them with lip service before fucking them over, but it doesn’t hurt to let him know the base is displeased. Migrants are r-strategists which means from a biological standpoint the strongest and best nation lets its r-strategists migrate out when times are hard, and it slams the door shut when times are good, and accepts no migrants. If you need workers, invest in getting poor Americans who are struggling to fill those roles. We do not need more migrant r-strategists in this nation who know nothing of what freedom is morally, beyond they like it personally and want money.

Daily Mail wants to help Trump – ‘Kamala Harris has a long track record as a liberal senator, she supported the chaos of Black Lives Matter protests, and a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, but the issue that could hurt her most is her support for a bail fund blamed for freeing a man who went on to commit murder, according to the Mail’s poll.’ Maybe. But I would take this to mean there is something worse.

The ascension of Kamala Harris to the top of the Democratic ticket has bolstered the party’s chances of keeping control of the White House for another four years, but the effect on House races is much more murky.

Trump campaign posts about Kamala Harris “serious drinking problem” rumors.

People are reviewing the videos of Mrs. Harris and there appears to be a pattern of odd behavior that seems like she is drunk.

Harris campaign kicked out patrons from Pennsylvania sandwich shop to bring in staged “customers” for Kamala’s visit tonight.

WATCH: Wrongfully convicted Black man recounts how then DA Kamala Harris laughed after convicting him.

The eerie overlap between Harris-Walz images and slogans and those of the Nazis, Soviets, and Chinese communists.

A Center for Worker Justice volunteer named Sally Hartman asked Kamala a question about whether or not Kamala is “committing to close the immigration detention centers.” Kamala’s eager response was: “Absolutely, on day one — on day one,” Kamala said to thunderous applause. “Yes!”

Harris campaign co-chair Gretchen Whitmer says it’s “really important” that illegal aliens be given driver’s licenses, free college, and free health care: “The spirit of those things, I think, should be a part of any vision for the country.”

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd on Biden ouster: ‘A coup is still a coup.’

Six swing states set to decide the 2024 US election. Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Robert DeNiro suspended from X after calling for violence against Trump and his supporters, reportedly. Nobody seems to have the exact tweets which caused it.

The City of Chicago is feverishly erecting miles of security fencing all around the downtown area as the city gears up for the Democratic National Convention (DNC).

Data geolocation analyst Tony Seruga:

154 of these devices linked to 10 or more antifa protests/riots have also visited keycard required FBI/DOJ parking garages in Washington, DC. in the past 6 months. Additionally, 9 were also present at 2 or more “Patriot Front” marches.

We are now at 61,001 foreign antifa and over 27,012 domestic antifa in the Chicago area! (Overlay = device was present at 3 or more antifa protests/riots.) The average antifa ‘soldier’ comes from white, wealthy, globalist elite families based in Europe and the U.S., the top 1% of the 1%ers, most from straight up globalist families.

Biden committed ‘impeachable conduct,’ ‘defrauded United States to enrich his family’: House GOP report.

Protesters paused to reconsider opposing Harris at the DNC. They decided on full steam ahead.

Anti-Israel protests outside Chicago DNC threaten to tarnish Kamala Harris coronation.

Pro-vaccine journalist Jane Hansen DIES from a BRAIN TUMOR just three years after proudly announcing her Pfizer injections online.

Major study: Covid shots are SOLE cause of child heart failure surge.

Mutation L108F in Monkeypox is a ‘gain-of-function’ mutation, which most likely enhances processivity, changes sensitivity to nucleoside inhibitors, and fidelity of DNA synthesis. Sounds like adaptation to antivirals as opposed to adaptation to a host, as you would expect a lab-created mutation to look like.

A New York Times reporter in Australia leaked the names of Jews in Australia on a WhatsApp group that was then leaked to pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel activists who “doxxed” and targeted them for harassment and vandalism. Those Jews were probably not Cabal actors, and they were getting political. And the “pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel activists” were Cabal theater kids told to make them regret it. Great covers for action though. We need this thing out in the open.

Dan Bilzerian: ‘Israelis killed their own on October 7 as an excuse to take land.’ This guy is an asset. He used to run big parties for up and coming Youtube and social media stars at some hilltop mansion he claimed to own, but it turned out his operation was renting it. The parties were big Epstein ops, filled with lots of young honeypots trying to seduce the young youtube stars, and probably cameras in all the back rooms. If he is saying this, that is a script he was given, and it means we are getting close to the top of the pyramid, and the top of the pyramid is getting ready to have all their assets point at the Jews.

Purely by chance, Kim DotCom posts the same general thing, only more intellectually, which fits with his audience:

This may be the most important post you’ll ever read because it provides a simple explanation about why our world is being destroyed, by design.

I’m not antisemitic or a Nazi. I’m simply a former hacker with great analytical skills who understands what’s happening in the world.

At the end of this post I will quote from a world domination plan. You will recognize the truth immediately because that’s what’s currently happening in the world. Today’s reality suggests that this plan is real.

When you do your own research you will learn that the origin of this plan was discredited and that the alleged creators have nothing to do with it. But who was the person providing the key evidence?

It was Allen Dulles. The man who raised money from US industrialists to fund Adolf Hitler, his Nazi party and his war. The man who later became the director of the CIA during Kennedy and the head of the Warren commission that investigated the Kennedy assassination. Why would anybody believe a man with such a questionable character?

The protocols of the Elders of Zion have unquestionably borrowed ideas from several authors but you can say that about most important writings throughout history. It was called a fabrication and is one of the first uses of the term ‘conspiracy theory’.

Why do Zionists have a massive overrepresentation in the media, politics, banking and world affairs? How did such a small community get to dominate all the centers of power and information?

Why can Israel ignore UN resolutions, international law and commit a genocide in Gaza to standing ovations in the US Congress? Why is Israel acting like it is above the law seemingly without any fear of consequences.

Read some of the alleged Zionist world domination plan below and compare it with reality. Is all of this just a coincidence?

“Our power will be more invincible than any other, because it will remain invisible until the moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning can any longer undermine it.”

“We shall absolutely control the media, so that not a single announcement will ever reach the public without our control. In this way we shall have a sure triumph over our opponents, for without the media, they are helpless.”

“We will distract the brainless heads with vain conceptions, fantastic theories, rotten amusement, games and filthy passions, so that they will be unable to use what intellect they have. They will never suspect that they have been stage managed by us.”

“We shall establish huge monopolies so that all will go to ruin when the political smash-up comes. We must at all cost, deprive them of their lands, we must lower wages and raise the price of all necessities of life.”

“We shall create an economic crisis, which will stop dealings in all exchanges and bring industry to a standstill. We shall throw onto the streets whole mobs of workers, simultaneously, all over the world, who will rush to loot property and delight to shed blood.”

“In our government, besides ourselves, there must only be the mass of enslaved people, a few billionaires devoted entirely to us, police and soldiers. To do this we must create chaos and hostilities and we must use all deceit, treachery and falseness possible. Our greatest weapon is the media.”

“We shall establish one king over all of earth who will annihilate all causes of discord, such as borders, nationalities, religion, state debts, etc. and get peace and quiet which cannot be secured in any other way. To attain our ends we must foment trouble in all countries, utterly exhaust all of humanity with hatred, struggle, envies, torture, starvation and diseases so that the people will be forced to take refuge in our complete sovereignty.”

“Our master card has been and is and shall be the destruction of all privileges, on the ruins of which we shall set up our absolute autocracy.”

Please be mindful that most pro-Israel comments on social media are generated by the largest bot network in the world, not by real people.

I am not sure how “import third world Muslims” fits with the bringing about peace thing. Like I have said, if you are a Jewish anon, have a plan to mothball your life for a couple of years, and disappear into the Philippines on an extended vacation. You may not need it. Powerful forces are trying to stop the replay of WWII which is going on. But clearly powerful forces are pushing the other way too. Of course you could always join the push to expose the American Stasi to everyone. Out that and the resultant civil war will halt all the other scripts.

Israel sought to bypass foreign agent law to spread propaganda in US.

A diplomatic row is gaining steam between Mexico and the United States as outgoing President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador  accused the US of sponsoring opposition NGOs such as the group Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity (MCCI) through USAID programs.

Paris: Tunisian migrant sexually assaults 17-year-old American tourist walking with her parents on the Champs-Elysées.

18-year-old woman raped in France after night out: Sudanese political refugee arrested.

Poland allows border guards to shoot at migrants.

UK man sentenced to three years in prison over posts he made on X.

Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia have issued a chilling warning: they’re prepared to send troops into Ukraine without NATO approval. Each of the elites in those nations see their young soldiers, principled, moral, deadly, and they know what they are doing, and hat those young guys will do to them if they find out. Part of the reason the American Stasi supported 9/11, down to the grassroots, is they know what those dudes in the military would do to them, if the conspiracy went public. Those apple-cheeked Marines are the enemy.

Most Ukrainians ‘hate’ Zelensky, the Belarusian president Lukashenko believes.

Rowan Atkinson, who plays Mr Bean, JUST OBLITERATED The UK Government – “He refuses to listen!”

Volodymyr Zelensky has accused Britain of “slowing down” its support for Ukraine as he renewed his appeal for restrictions to be lifted on Kyiv’s use of Western weapons.

Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) said he was “comfortable” at this point with Ukrainian forces using U.S. weapons on Russian soil.

Trump recruits Tulsi Gabbard for debate prep after she ‘dominated’ Harris in 2019 primary.

Don Lemon was in for a rude awakening when he decided to interview people in New Jersey about who they would be voting for in the 2024 election as most supported Trump.

Spread r/K Theory, because our worst enemy is within


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6 months ago

If commenter “Longtime Reader Not A Glowie,” who offered info I had never heard of about copyright is still out there and willing to talk, drop me a line at ac at anonymousconservative dot com.

I’m not an expert, but as far as I know all you have to do to be protected is to put the (C) symbol on your work.
Maybe Phelps or someone else can give a more expert opinion.
You might want to do some quick internet research too.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

My understanding is that the purpose of copyright protection is to protect someone’s monetary interest in something that he or she has written.

So whatever is protected has to have been already sold, or the creator has paid to register it, so that if it is copied, the creator can point to a dollar amount that can be claimed as damages.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

According to the web site, copyright exists at the moment of creation of a work.

In practice, without a copyright notice and registration, chances of successfully suing copyright violators are small.

Back in the 1980s I wrote a little programming book that I sold online via BBSs. I registered the copyright; I don’t remember how much it cost, but it was cheap enough.

A few years later I got a fancy “cease and desist” letter from a lawyer, telling me I was violating his client’s copyright on the work, and I should expect to be sued for damages.

I wrote a letter back telling him he should check with the trademark office, and I’d really like the name of his client. Never got a response, though.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

Your work is covered by copyright as soon as you create it. Trademarks have to be registered — copyright does not.
The copyright notice serves as notice to the public and removes the “innocent use” defense, which is essentially, “I didn’t know I couldn’t do that.” Innocent use isn’t the same as fair use — fair use is, “I knew it was copyrighted, but I’m allowed to use it anyways because (exception: education, criticism, etc.).”
To be legally sufficient, it has to have the C or Copyright Symbol, the year of publication, and the name of the rights owner. (I’m pretty sure that can be pseudonymous, as long as it identifies as specific owner. Stephen King isn’t named Richard Bachman, but that’s what his copyright is under for those books.)
If you register the copyright, this gives you additional protections. You have to register it before you sue someone, but you can literally do it the day before you file the lawsuit. However, you can’t get your attys fees or statutory damages from before the date of registration (not the date of creation.) I think you can still get actual damages like lost profits or a reasonable license fee from before registration, but it’s been a while since I’ve seen that situation, so I’m not certain. Also, if you register before the infringement, then it’s prima facie evidence of ownership, meaning if someone wants to claim you don’t own the copyright, the burden is on them to prove you don’t own it, not for you to prove you do.

Last edited 6 months ago by phelps
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

This being said. I am copyrighting “#Invasion by #IllegalAliens is #Treason”. Can we please focus on the enemy? We are in a war in case you all forgot…. 😉

a b c
a b c
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

It is always good when we share the tips and strategies that work best in our quest for “the eradication”, even if we start small, and moving faster as we improve is the expectation, team.

6 months ago

Here, in talking about how the vibration beam would make it difficult to get up out of bed, even as it was obviously savaging your brain

I don’t know if you caught it last time I posted it, but I think this is related:

Scientists Develop Powerful ‘Pulses’ that Can Induce Immediate ‘Hibernation’This is from 2023.
Via: Independent:
Scientists have developed new ultrasound technology that can induce immediate “hibernation”, they say.
The system can be aimed at the head and bring on “torpor” a state similar to hibernation where mammals suppress their metabolism, reduce their body temperature and slow down other processes.
The researchers behind the new system successfully brought it on in mice and rats, after pointing the ultrasound pulses at the animals’ heads.

The scientists found that directing ultrasound pulses at mice’s heads for around 10 seconds brought on the same conditions as torpor, with their heart rate slowing, their body temperature cooling and their metabolism slowing.
They also built a special system that was able to measure that body temperature and send more of those pulses if a mouse appeared to be coming back to normal.
Without that, however, the mice would wake back up again, returning to normal metabolism and body temperature.
There are still a host of dangers, however. Experiments have shown that it is dangerous to bring animals back from those deep “torpid” states, and that they might not recover.
If the mice were in cold environments, for instance, they did not spontaneously wake up. And any experiments in humans would be at risk of repeating those safety issues for people.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

No problem. 🙂

I will say it sounds like you shouldn’t let your house get too cold.

Last edited 6 months ago by Farcesensitive
I am not crazy but you may think I am...
I am not crazy but you may think I am...
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

Since this is ultrasound, does being underground – 5+ feet of earth surrounding you – cause any disruption? Earth should be a good ultrasound dampening material. I would think this would work better than any other approach. An earthen tunnel with a 90 degree + bend should be pretty effective I would think. Then again, I may totally off base.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

This is actually super important because Robert Naviaux believes that just about every chronic modern illness is caused by the Cell Danger Response, which he says is similar to the torpor response.
Autism, cancer, fibromyalgia, asthma, Alzheimer, Parkinson, POTS, lupus, MS, PTSD, bipolar, encephalopathy, diabetes, arthritis, IBD are all caused by malfunctions in the Cell Danger Response.
That means the Beam, if it’s this, directly causes the above conditions. It also means victims of the beam are likely to have at least one of the above.
“I recently described Naviaux’s 2016 study finding that chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) reflects of state of hypometabolic function similar to freeze and hibernation and a sequel on how the CDR gets prolonged.
In this disease, extreme and debilitating levels of fatigue and other symptoms are all made worse by physical or cognitive exercise, including activities that require focused concentration or calculations and other brain activity.
These symptoms are not caused by laziness, inactivity, deconditioning / poor physical condition, or a genetic defect. While one or more different types of infections, toxins, physical or psychological traumas trigger the disease and may even remain as ongoing triggers, all of these environmental stressors cause symptoms because they trigger the same hypometablic CDR (12).”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

I think it is often just because of some petty reason only known to one of the ground level operatives.
I think their policy for several generations now is to greenlight almost all requests for targeting.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

If this is true, then potentially moving around(to random different countries) is a good idea unless you are targeted for a high level reason.

Last edited 6 months ago by kid
Reply to  kid
6 months ago

Maybe, or maybe once you are on the list they just forward your name wherever you go without knowing or caring why you are on the list.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

Mercola or others would suggest 90%+ of people including children are sick. The going theory is metabolic dysfunction caused by undereating/overstressing/high PUFAs.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

1) if you claim it is beam related, then the beam would have to be hitting almost everyone

2) Mercola and others claim to take control of their health+get metabolically healthy doing the various things they preach about. On one hand, it could be scammy, but hilariously, doctors and to a certain extent ex-doctors in the natural health sphere are probably the least scammy because they would be earning so much less money outside the system (so if they wanted to scam they should just stick it out inside)

Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

Regarding torpor and slow metabolism it seems the key is just increasing calories, increasing carbs, increasing saturated fat, eliminating PUFAs, reducing stress. All focusing on boosting metabolism and thus health.

6 months ago

Sidebar gone.

a a
a a
Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

Time to start abbreviation, like SBG, huh? Thanks for the farce,we go to the restaurant at the end of the universe.

6 months ago

Six swing states set to decide the 2024 US election.”

Its from the BBC, so they are just repeating what is in the mainstream American media, and they in turn are just listing the six closest states in 2020, according to the official results.

So stories like this can be safely ignored. They are putting a lot of effort into convincing people that there will be a normal election in 2020, after a normal campaign.

In fact, all of these states have been fortified, about half of them to the extent that it really doesn’t matter what the actual vote count is. If there is an election, and Trump wins, both of which are unlikely, it will be due to Trump “upsets” in states the media are not focused on, because they are not supposed to close.

6 months ago
Watching her videos with the ” Has she been drinking” filter is another layer of crap they are trying to pull. This could explain the cackle. I feel way more comedic if I have a snoot full.

6 months ago

This time someone disappeared my post that the sidebar is gone again.
I bet it comes back now that I post this.

EDIT: it’s back, I think whatever hides it and then puts it back is automated because it’s too instant and reliable to be human.
And I noticed it hid my reply about the torpor and keeping your house warm too, and that’s back now as well.

Last edited 6 months ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

I think it’s a mixed bag, and overall in our favor.

6 months ago

Lame Cherry covers Israeli torture of Palestinians: It was worse than what the Nazi did

Reply to  teotoon
6 months ago

You can’t believe either side over there, and both are likely to be guilty of the same things.

6 months ago

‘Six swing states set to decide the 2024 US election. Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.’

I bet that’s where a good portion of the criminaliens are being transported to.

6 months ago

‘Dan Bilzerian: ‘Israelis killed their own on October 7 as an excuse to take land.’’

The same dude who said he made it through Hellweek with two broken legs. Grain of salt.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Maniac
6 months ago

Israeli journalists have been saying the same thing for months, so it’s not just Dan.

It doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone who follows developments there closely.

6 months ago

> The City of Chicago is feverishly erecting miles of security fencing all around the downtown area as the city gears up for the Democratic National Convention (DNC).

Sounds like they’re not sure of their control over BLM and Antifa nowadays. I guess that’s what happens when your minions expected to get paid and then got stiffed.

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago
Last edited 6 months ago by Bman
Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

Mercenaries are always dangerous to those who hired them.

6 months ago

> Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) said he was “comfortable” at this point with Ukrainian forces using U.S. weapons on Russian soil.

Kelly is a Class I dirtbag, so sure he’d support that.

Also note that he tried to make an illegal purchase at a local gun shop and got nailed by the owner, who reported him to the ATF.

6 months ago

> Volodymyr Zelensky has accused Britain of “slowing down” its support for Ukraine as he renewed his appeal for restrictions to be lifted on Kyiv’s use of Western weapons.

Britain is a much smaller country than the US, with a socialist government that spends proportionally more on “social” programs. It has been in financial straits since after WWI; the expenses of the Great War were crippling, and that, plus the Great Influenza and the Depression (which was worldwide, not just in America) put the country in a financial hole it never quite climbed out of. And E2 ignoring the dissolution of the Empire didn’t help things any.

My guess is that Parliament is feeling a the financial pinch more than usual now. As Margaret Thatcher said, “The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

6 months ago

> Biden committed ‘impeachable conduct,’ ‘defrauded United States to enrich his family’: House GOP report.

The usual thing when politicians get caught in financial fraud is to delay proceedings until they can retire. Even though the crime still exists, they are almost never charged or tried once they’re out of office.

Funny, that.

6 months ago

Trump campaign posts about Kamala Harris “serious drinking problem” rumors.

This one is even more diabolical than tightening women’s water bottle lids. Whether she has a drinking problem or not, now she can’t afford to drink at all at the convention.

Reply to  phelps
6 months ago

Too late for that. Already saw her drunk at the convention

Macaque Mentality
6 months ago

AC and everyone here might appreciate this:

OBELISK | Hugo The Poet

This guy is one of us. Mentions The Beam, tinnitus, and all of that stuff.

English Tom
English Tom
6 months ago

Re blaming the jews. People need to read the document known as the Rosenthal document, from an interview with Harold Rosenthal who spilled the beans on the Jewish plan for world nomination.

The top Jews were furious with Rosenthal and he was killed in Turkey during a terrorist ‘incident’ as punishment for his indiscretion.

Nothing is ever what it seems.

Last edited 6 months ago by English Tom
Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  a non 0
6 months ago

Thanks! This is world-famous, among those who know! Also a fine example of the Jewish trait of smarminess biting them in the butt: his own people put a hit on him because he just had to gloat and spill the beans. Also, at no additional cost, a full expose of the Volcano Demon.(!)

Last edited 6 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  English Tom
6 months ago

“The” Jews have been guilty since before the modern age. Here’s how Jewish Usury brought down Rome and what Julius Ceasar tried to do about it and what happened to him. We don’t hear much about this. “Oh, that vain Ceasar wanted too much power, so his fellow friends. Romans, and countrymen were forced to assassinate him!” (Not exactly.)

Last edited 6 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
6 months ago

Pay your taxes anon.
Pay your credit card interest.
Pay your debts.
So we can give random assholes $20K in their EBT account.

Last edited 6 months ago by Bman
Reply to  Bman
6 months ago

People forget debtors prisons don’t exist anymore.

If you never plan on utilizing your credit score again, there’s literally no reason not to take out several million in loans you will never repay, liquidate it, and fuck off to another country. There is nothing they can do to stop you.

6 months ago

UK Tech Tycoon Known as ‘Britain’s Bill Gates’ Missing After Luxury Yacht Sinks – Newsweek

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

This could plausibly be an accident but, he was charged with fraud alongside another man. They were both cleared but the other man just died in a car hit and run ‘accident.’ Looks like someone is cleaning house.

Nothing is ever what it seems.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 months ago

“Natron Energy to build GW-scale sodium-ion battery factory in U.S.The new planned manufacturing facility will produce 24 GW”

American company. No rare earths or limited minerals.

Charges way, way faster. Order of magnitude. Last longer, does not overheat, does not catch on fire. Look at their specs. (Notice they don’t compare to Lithium-iron phosphate which has better specs) but just the same theirs are still good.

In the end, the sodium batteries will plummet the cost of batteries and solar power. Right now on a block of land if the land has three feet of coal you can scoop up on the surface you will produce more power, cheaper, covering the ground with solar. This will only widen the gap.

6 months ago

President Vladimir Putin on Monday signed a decree allowing foreign citizens and stateless individuals to apply for temporary residency in the country if they share “traditional Russian spiritual and moral values,” even in cases when a person does not speak Russian.
The decree states that those who oppose the “destructive neoliberal ideological agenda” in their home country can seek “humanitarian support” from the Russian authorities by applying for a temporary residence permit.
It also tasks the government and Foreign Ministry with creating a list of countries Moscow considers to be “pursuing a destructive neoliberal agenda” within 30 days.
People applying for temporary residence status in Russia according to the new “humanitarian” scheme would not need to show proof of Russian language proficiency or knowledge of Russian history and the country’s laws.

6 months ago

Occupation forces?

6 months ago

The sidebar vanished.

6 months ago

comment image
New issue, when I try to post it hangs up and never goes through unless I reload the tab.

Last edited 6 months ago by Farcesensitive
6 months ago

“Ezra’s Eagle Prophecy” EXPLAINED: Is It About Trump, Harris, & America?

Draw your own conclusions:

I think he’s forcing it.

Last edited 6 months ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 months ago

I think there are multiple points where the puzzle piece didn’t fit and he just grabbed a bigger hammer to force it into place.
His entire theory hangs on the guy that nobody will last as long as, but it says nobody will last half as long as him, FDR died in office in his 4th term, so half as long as FDR is less than 2 terms and there are plenty of Presidents who had 2 terms since.
And several of the feathers are clearly in power at the same time as peers under the Eagle, so his whole idea that they are sequential Presidents doesn’t fit.

I think we might be in the time when it looks like the Eagle (cabal) will fall but it doesn’t, hopefully that means we can beat it back for a time even if it only ends at THE end.