News Briefs – 08/19/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – China Goes On A Dollar-Selling Spree

DFT – Saudi Crude Exports Hit Almost Two-Year Low

DFT – BAE Systems To Purchase Ball Corp Aerospace Division for $5.6 Billion

DFT – German Skilled Labor Shortage Worsens

DFT – EV Maker VinFast Shares Soar 68%

A part of me has been wondering, how the fuck did all these people die in the Maui fires? A woman telling this firsthand account of the Maui fires claims after the main roads were rendered impassable by downed wires and telephone poles from a strange, sudden, dry hurricane, and as described below, Police blockaded other roads leading out on orders of command (ie the Las Vegas shooting incident commander ordered cops to block people in), GPS cut out, which prevented people from finding the little alternative evac routes they needed to get out. I thought that sounded strange, as GPS is a satellite based system, which was not dependent on anything on the island. If your car had GPS, there was no reason for it to go down. But this article seems to confirm the sudden high winds, and the loss of GPS, which you would think would always work, unless somebody was jamming the satellite signals with military grade jamming equipment, like you would see deployed in a warzone to prevent cruise missiles from using GPS to guide themselves to their targets. A boat which was forced to navigate out of the harbor without its GPS here (and boat GPS should work out in the ocean, but it was not there near Maui during the fires). Another person who noticed they didn’t have GPS here.  The only way I see GPS failing is if it was jammed, and the only reason I would see it being jammed is to prevent people from finding alternative evacuation routes once the power structure blocked all the main roads out. Notice the woman in the first article almost got trapped, but they were locals and knew of a small road that led to the other side of the island, which nobody else could find once GPS went down. It kind of makes it look like maybe they were trying to trap and kill everyone, either so they could buy up their land cheap once they were dead, or maybe even as some kind of sacrifice, if these are really some sort of occultists we are dealing with. We are entering the end stages here. We now have a CIA-like intel operation, running a Stasi-like civilian infiltration/surveillance operation, which appears to have rolled out military grade tech in a controlled operation to burn an entire town to death, because the little people there were in the way of the elites who want the island – and only destroying their homes would not be “convenient” enough. They needed those people to die too.

A party is coming. Everything points to it. But we need everyone to know about the surveillance first. There will be no Paul Revere this time around. Each of you needs to be America’s Paul Revere this go around. No one person can do this. We need to do it as a team. Your life, and the lives of your children and families may depend upon it. Tell everyone, every day, all the time. If we pull that off, we all, and this site, will be in the history books, just like Paul Revere. Zero doubt. We will save this nation, and we will become immortal, most of all, in the hearts of our kind who we freed, throughout all of time.

At 21:30 here, one resident says Police blockaded cars in at the road leading out, and prevented them from leaving because their command issued orders to not let the cars leave.

Maui wildfires death toll climbs to 480 locals claim, as Hawaii morgue workers run out of body bags and survivors are left to recover the charred remains of their loved ones. All of their land is probably now more likely to be up for sale. Add no GPS, to no sirens, to no water, to roads blocked, to firefighters deployed away at some distant agricultural area before the fire so they could not get to the inhabited port city, to the 911 system which was designed to never go down, going down, to Police blocking roads. What do I say when fate allows everything to go your enemy’s way by chance, in an intelligence operation-driven environment, where spooks are operating? That is not chance, it is an operation which had its stage well-set. I am now even wondering about the wind starting up unusually high at just the right moment to create a rainless hurricane, though I have no idea how they might do that. But knowing how intelligence operates, I take this event as evidence that they have some way to feed energy into  the atmosphere to create wind in some area. Which means the forest fires of 2024 will be wild.

Despite the Federal government allocating $115 billion to Ukraine, they offered only $1.9 million ($700 per household) to Lahaina.

The FBI received a tip about the cop-killing, Syrian gunman plotting a mass casualty attack in Fargo in 2021, can reveal.

Never forget, James Woods, brilliant A-list actor, went to the FBI, and told them he saw four of the 9/11 hijackers practicing hijacking a plane, on his flight to LA. He said to them, “I know how serious using the word hijacking is, but these guys were practicing hijacking an airplane.” And nothing happened, officially, at least. Meanwhile, I literally had surveillance listening in my house from observation posts on both sides of my house back then, and I was not a criminal. I was just a guy who was ID’d as potentially problematic in the GATE program in public school, and tracked for life. I guarantee you the 9/11 hijackers were buried under surveillance, and they knew everything. And given there was a cleaner team which entered the 5th plane which failed to get hijacked, from the belly, crawling through the electrical bay to get into the cabin, to strip out tech somebody installed on board, I think they actually arranged the operation. It is a Darwinian world, which would naturally favor, and elevate, those most ruthless, enabled, and capable of whatever would advance their position. It has always been like this. The difference now is, our eyes are opened.

Biotech analyst and Big Pharma whistleblower Karen Kingston, who was in here a few days ago, saying she was on the run, and had been poisoned multiple times, has now gone missing, from where she was hiding in Mexico. You are not going to escape the surveillance in populated areas. And given you are 100 percent being followed if you are anywhere near roads or civilization, you will not do yourself any favors going to places like Mexico, where Cabal’s Cartels operate, the law has even less power, and it is even easier to disappear you.

More here. She claimed to have gotten irrefutable proof the vaccines were bioweapons.

Arizona attorney general confirms she’s investigating phony Trump electors after 2020 presidential vote. Another indictment probably coming.

President Joe Biden reportedly ignores most White House aides when they try to share “contributions” or “ideas” about how to handle Hunter Biden’s legal position, according to a report. Maybe what is going on is already scripted, so he knows the script is written and nothing will change anything. For that matter, I am not entirely sure Biden is Biden, and not some rando actor in a Biden mask.

Here is the NY Post link from this next Truth:

Biden says “America first” policies make the United States “weaker, not stronger.” You are a spy, being paid to fuck over the nation. Would you possibly say this?

Whistleblowers from the TSA and Border Patrol have raised the alarm to Infowars that the Biden administration is setting the stage for full Covid lockdowns that will begin with incremental restrictions like masking TSA employees in mid-September.

New York Post – CDC tracking highly mutated new COVID variant in 3 countries, including US. Maybe they need more lockdowns for 2024.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon canceled a scheduled Aug. 25 hearing and ordered a sealed hearing on a request for a protective order under the Classified Information Protection Act (CIPA) in the Florida classified-documents handling case.

Newt Gingrich claims ‘somebody’ in Washington called Fani Willis on Friday and told her she would ‘have to indict’ Trump on Monday.

Bill Barr floats the idea of home detention for Trump as he says his former boss should NOT get immunity during the campaign and Trump fires back at his ‘lethargic’ former AG.

Andrew Kloster, who used to serve as the General Counsel of Personnel Police Operations during the Trump administration, alerted Bill Barr’s Department of Justice to a  cheating scandal in Muskegon, Michigan in 2020, however, Barr and his associates promptly shut him down and ended the investigation.

DeSantis in four-way tie for second place in New Hampshire. Him, Vivek, Christie, and Tim Scott.

Gun industry cries foul after hundreds of gun dealers lose licenses amid Biden administration crackdown.

Open your wallet, anon, another anon just like us says it is time for us all to give our money to Israel:

A member of the Proud Boys has disappeared ahead of his sentencing on charges related to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, according to an arrest warrant unsealed on Friday. Interesting. A Proud Boy who makes Illuminati Owl symbols at protests?

Linda Yaccarino’s censorship squad recruiter at X, Aaron Rodericks, promotes Kate Starbird — one of the chief architects of the mass censorship of the 2020 election & 2022 midterms.

Woman sentenced to 22 years in prison for mailing ricin to Trump in 2020.

Texas girl, 11, found raped and murdered under her bed ‘was killed by MIGRANT, 18, who crossed into El Paso in January and was promptly freed by authorities.’

New York Times demands that ChatGPT models will not be trained by using any material copyrighted by New York Times. Might mean AIs will have to dump everything they have trained on to date, and start over.

Anheuser-Busch heir wants to buy back Bud Light in an effort to save the brand.

2019 – Phone tower shut down at school after eight kids diagnosed with cancer.

Progressive insurance sued for ‘patently unlawful’ racism by offering $25,000 grants to help black-owned businesses buy vehicles, but ruling out whites, Asians, Latinos, and others. Again, where you see these things, they are covers for funneling cash to Cabal assets.

An Air Force colonel nominated by President Joe Biden for Brigadier General, once claimed that “white colonels” are the “biggest barriers” to addressing so-called “racial injustice” in the U.S. military, according to a new report. Again, he is laying down a cover story to explain to whites not in the conspiracy, why they did not get promoted. He himself is a white colonel, but he will not lead by example and neck himself. And there will be whites promoted under him who are in the network. It is very strange, because as clueless as we are to the existence of this conspiracy, they are all throwing sideways glances at each other, fully aware of what they are a part of – and of the fact that we need to be kept on the outside.

A U.S. Department of State office called Global Engagement Center deliberated at length on how to respond to reporters asking about its funding of a group that tries to convince advertisers to shun predominantly conservative publishers, with the goal of starving them out of business.

Level 3 (Go Now!) evacuations issued for city of Medical Lake in Washington State as wildfire grows.

In the middle of wildfire season, two more insurance companies are leaving California, meaning more than 50,000 families will be left in the open.

RCMP say Thursday night fire in Yellowknife is believed to be arson. Are these all just random arsonists, who all, in different nations, even on different continents, just decided out of the blue they all wanted to start lighting fires? And notice the coordination, from Greece, to the Canary Islands, to Hawaii, to Canada, it is transnational. I think the only reason we are not seeing it throughout the American West, is probably that they are saving up the combustibles there for the summer of 2024, which will likely be an inferno out there.

Turkish forces attack UN peacekeepers in Cyprus.

UK government will force banks to keep cash available to public.

My suspicion as, as we head toward K, you will see characters like this, who are also entirely, 100 percent Cabal:

New Zealand tells Gab to censor a Christchurch shooting investigation video, Gab tells them to go fuck themselves.

China’s psychological warfare: American teens have developed ‘TikTok brain,’ meaning they have a short attention span, they require an immediate dopamine burst from what they are doing, and they are designed to immediately  crave another burst, and scroll for one like it is an addiction.

Joe Biden is open to holding an in-person meeting with communist North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un “without preconditions,” but Kim’s regime has “not responded positively.”

Drug cartels are using remittances – money transfers favored by migrant workers – to send illicit earnings across the border by recruiting tons of migrants to send small untraceable amounts back to Mexico.

Catholics in Argentina appear both somewhat startled and also divided by the surprising recent success of Javier Milei, a firebrand politician who’s termed the country’s most famous native son, Pope Francis, a “communist,” an “imbecile” and even a “leftist son of a bitch.”

U.S. intelligence officials don’t expect Ukraine to reach the Russian-occupied city of Melitopol in its counteroffensive, according to people familiar with a classified forecast. Reaching Melitopol was necessary to cut Russians in Ukraine off from resupply from Crimea. It was the key goal of Kiev, and they will not even come close.

Zelensky chastises citizens for dancing and drinking during the war. Then takes a massive snort of coke and goes back to ass-fucking his male personal assistant at his $24 million Tuscany vacation home.

Florida fines Medicaid providers for using tax dollars to cover trans treatments for minors.

Emperor Murdoch going bananas – President Trump will interview with Tucker Carlson during the GOPe debate.

Louisiana poll: Donald Trump holds commanding 65-point lead over Ron DeSantis.

Donald Trump leads in Iowa and New Hampshire, boasts 45-point lead nationally.

Spread r/K Theory, because as our side ascends, Cabal agents will tell us what we want to hear

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1 year ago

Spread r/K Theory, because as our side ascends, Cabal agents will tell us what we want to hear

It is working on people I know and thought were smarter than to fall for it.
They are all in on Ramaswampy and none of the fatal facts about him make any difference.

Q had better clean out all the cabal members “on our side” or nothing will change.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

it’s ok for him to argue with israelfirster levin tho. get some light on a guy who larps at being american.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Anon, tell us their personal interests

Reply to  Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

I don’t know most of their personal interests, I only know them on a conservative/libertarian internet forum.
What’s strange is that some of the enemy trolls are taking the right side against Ramaswampy and some of the better posters are pushing him.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

You dont know them then.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

“Q” lol. Is the tooth fairy too busy or something? And I say this as a gullible rube who bought into the Q hustle. All of it. TX Arcane had it right, the other day in his comment about “cooling the mark.” “Let’s just all sit down and talk talk talk talk talk about it, while we passively wait for something to happen. Never mind that stolen election! All part of the plan!! Just wait, you’ll see. Here, have a Bud Light, fellow patriot. Did you know that JFK Jr. is still alive and working with PDJT to cleanse America? Didja know Angela Merkel was Hitler’s daughter? Stick with me, and I’ll teach you all this and more…”

Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

You don’t know anything about Q or what the anons do.

1 year ago

> Anheuser-Busch heir wants to buy back Bud Light in an effort to save the brand.

The brand is poisoned. Its feet are nailed to the perch. It is an ex-brand.

There’s no business reason to try to prop it up. So, either the guy is an idiot, or it’s just a means of money laundering.

Maybe he’ll invest in some Hunter Biden “art” and Disney stock, too.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

It was also always REALLY BAD beer.

1 year ago

Re: Hawaii, Prepping/Survivalism

In this case, a shitty little motorbike and a gas mask > the best guns and ammo

Guns and ammo have their place, but I think some people can get a bit too caught up in them and forget that you need other tools a lot more in certain situations. Nothing beats a motorbike when you have to weave your way out of clogged chaos. See also Jason Bourne doing such an exfil out of severe civil unrest in Athens.

And always know your exits.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The only purpose for guns is defending against the zombie horde. The government won’t be sending jack boosted thugs. They’ll turn off your power, close nearby grocery stores, seal off freeway exits, etc.

Remember how they got so many people to give into the vax: take away privileges.

They aren’t going to force people at gunpoint into their 15 minute cities. They’ll do just the opposite: people will be BEGGING to be let into the smart cities. How? By making life on the outside a living hell.

Wait and see. I know people with tens of thousands of dollars in their arsenals. I’m convinced they won’t ever fire a shot, unless it’s against a zombie. Most of them will be clamoring to get into a pod by the time cabal gets through with them, if some Q like option isn’t revealed soon.

1 year ago

More on the Brandon actor post in yesterday’s comments:

[quote]There were several reports about the inauguration of Biden being televised in GBR in the hours \before\ the real inauguration happened.
“How could this have happened?”, Anons asked.
That question was answered: faked video for general consumption in GBR.

comment image[/quote]

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Always the filthy British

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

… and their goddamn bad teeth & warm beer

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Yes, let’s divide ourselves and fight!
Campaign for Free Galilee fights Judean People’s Front while Romans watch…

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
teo toon
teo toon
1 year ago

I am now even wondering about the wind starting up unusually high at just the right moment to create a rainless hurricane, though I have no idea how they might do that. But knowing how intelligence operates, I take this event as evidence that they have some way to feed energy into the atmosphere to create wind in some area.

Yes, they do have the ability to direct weather patterns; they have had that ability for some time. Videos of the directed wind currents were up within hours of the atrocity.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

You should see how it translates to the workplace. We have kids building software and as soon as they get the initial dopamine hit they abandon the project and move on to the next shiny thing. Meanwhile, the customer (and us old guys) have to pick up the pieces. Shiny Ball Syndrome indeed.

Reply to  selbs
1 year ago

if all are allowed to teleshirk, the attention factor drops much more.

Reply to  selbs
1 year ago

Yes! As an engineer with a more traditional education and background, which very much includes writing software as a tool, I see this a great deal with people who go into software development on its own as a career. They generally cannot solve genuine technical problems. Unless it reduces to a case where they can just try things out in code until they end up with something kinda sorta good enough (it never really is) and then hurry onto the next coding problem, they really can’t do the work.
Had this issue in a past company. They hired a couple of computer vision “experts” to help with the project. Great! There is a great deal of complicated math involved in most computer vision processing. It’s generally linear algebra but the scope of it is formidable and the numerical techniques to stably calculate things on a computer can be involved.
We soon came to find they had no real computer vision background whatsoever. They were software developers who had a lot of experience using computer vision software tools. But they had very little to no understanding of details of how the software worked. And they had absolutely no ability to come up with original technical solutions of their own. They could only connect together black boxes.
And when we tried getting to do the real technical work that was required they balked. They were perfectly capable of doing the work at a technical level, they had the background, but they had zero ability to focus on the work. They could play with code. That was it.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Well said. I agree completely. “Coding” as it is practiced is a disaster. They all seem to think the current situation is horrible but it is some emergent property of nature.

It’s as if they think Henry Ford was dumb for not building a 100acre Rube Goldberg machine to make each part. And then 50 such plants to assemble them. And mandating a 15% failure rate.

Though I am a crank that likes switches and solid state.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Frankly, modern engineers aren’t a whole lot better. Their curricula are abridged to the point where they don’t know what they don’t know.

They want to calculate a stress? They go to Roarke’s. Ask them where Roark’s got the equation from, and they go into brainlock. It’s The Book; where else would they come from? My antique engineering texts usually told you the equation was derived from “industry practice”, meaning it was a mathematical way to calculate a rule of thumb.

Then there are things like the Ideal Gas Laws, where they no longer teach that “Ideal” has the ancient Greek meaning of “a theoretical ideal, not reality.” They blithely assume all gases obey the laws that they were taught. Show them a set of 19th-century steam tables and watch their heads explode.

Highly Educated By Old Books
Highly Educated By Old Books
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Please preserve old truthful books like the treasures they are.

Reply to  selbs
1 year ago

We’re not going to make it are we? People, I mean.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Get your head straight. God’s already won. We can go to Heaven. Satan is Prince of This World.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Children and innocents will be tormented & murdered .

Billions of souls will be dragged to hell.

Its not enough to be sit back, do nothing and be smug.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

And unable to do anything about it.

1 year ago

Note it is the right US Flag in Macgregors v-clip

Danger Semiconductor
Danger Semiconductor
1 year ago

GPS outages are tracked at this government website:
This page only shows outage reports that are closed. The latest report is dated 6/22/2023. Perhaps if we keep our eye on the page for a few months, the Maui outage will show up. If it does, the cause could prove interesting. If it doesn’t, that fact itself would be interesting.

"Always Be Prepared"
"Always Be Prepared"
Reply to  Danger Semiconductor
1 year ago
Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

I am now even wondering about the wind starting up unusually high at just the right moment to create a rainless hurricane, though I have no idea how they might do that. But knowing how intelligence operates, I take this event as evidence that they have some way to feed energy into the atmosphere to create wind in some area. Which means the forest fires of 2024 will be wild.

A friend writes:

Without speculating about the “how”, I can give firsthand eyewitness testimony that they (whoever you take “they” to be, hint: Eph. 2:2) do indeed have the capability to create individually-targeted wind-disturbances with very strong force. I’ve not witnessed hurricane force, but definitely gale-force gusts. I’ve witnessed both individualized (right on top of me, only), as well as small regional (neighborhood-scale) disturbances. There are fingerprints that are hard to describe but which absolutely give away that these are not “natural” or “random” disturbances, like dust-devils or wind eddies.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

The Prince of the Air

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

It is called HAARP, look it up; do the research. Y’all are 20+ years behind.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

Yeah HAARP. Also, see the work of Dr Nick Begich.

1 year ago

An Air Force colonel nominated by President Joe Biden for Brigadier General, once claimed that “white colonels” are the “biggest barriers” to addressing so-called “racial injustice” in the U.S. military, according to a new report. […] He himself is a white colonel, but he will not lead by example and neck himself.

I know some career female academics (mostly Gen Y, mostly working at America’s big name universities). They push affirmative action, but would never give up their positions to black people or demand affirmative action for the top of their system.

These women are all in the 6-7/10 range (age-adjusted), wear business professional fashion, no tats, calm, rational demeanor, as well as a few other tradwife markers; and there’s nothing about their physiognomy that’s obviously off. But they’re all aligned with DNC values and make sure that HR personnel would see that when going through their Tweets. They tweet very sparingly, usually just work-related or some cutesy-but-calculated personal tweet, but every few months there’s a retweet about climate change, or from Michelle Obama, etc. I don’t know if they’re from Cabal families or just adjusted their sails to the prevailing winds.

Two of the three have some major math kung fu, although none work in that department, and at least one of them has an IQ of 145+. I’m saying this because people on this blog might think that very smart people are like Tex and Phelps, but most are as narrow-minded as the rest of society.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

There are smart people who know how to navigate this system and prefer doing so to the gruesome struggle for those of us too stupid to shut up.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

There’s a shock!

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

wear business professional fashion, no tats, calm, rational demeanor, as well as a few other tradwife markers”

Of course. There’s a huge distinction between what they advocate for others and what they practice for themselves. Just as there is a huge, huge distinction between what they say are their motives versus what actually are their motives.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

These women in my experience know nothing about anything. It’s shocking. They are completely ignorant about anything not involved with their work. And their own finances on a very basic level.

I’m not exaggerating or even frustrated or anything. Or kidding. It’s an incredible thing.

I think one has to experience it to understand.

I’m talking about the non-apparatchik ones. The ones who are good at their job.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Don’t be so sure. Wise operators in this system know that it’s best to keep their mouths shut, keep their thoughts to themselves, and never cause anyone to think that they could be disruptive. “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.”

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I am talking about day to day things. I know them in real life.

1 year ago

There is, …, and has been for awhile, a social credit system in America.

I went to Berea College in 1993-1995. It was supposed to be a “Christian” college. The first day I got there, there were posters all across campus promoting abortion. The first semester there was a drag queen show–I was a counterprotester to the ones protesting the college closing it down!

I wanted a philosophy degree so I attended philosophy courses. I was known across the campus as right wing. During a convocation with a speaker promoting the United Nations, I held a sign up from the John Birch Society, “Get us OUT of the UN”. I was vocal.

So, at this college, you “applied” for the degrees, to be accepted in the program. I was denied three times. (I left the college soon after.)

So just the other day, I had an appointment, in care of the VA, for dental cleaning at a welfare dental clinic–for poor people. I didn’t hear anything about my upcoming appointment, so I called their office.

They have NO record of me! I’ve disappeared off their computer rolls! My history and dental records are gone!

Three years ago, I used to give blood at the Red Cross religiously every two months. My last time there, the nurses refused to prep my arm, set me up. And then were very late unhooking me! That was the last time I went to the Red Cross.

I’m very vocal, going to city mtgs and presenting my displeasure to the Diversity and homosexual advocacy and promotion. I have no doubt that the Liberal clique that runs and is in Battle Creek has blacklisted me. Even the VA stopped sending me stuff and appointment stuff. (I don’t go anyway since the 2020 coup.)

Even the Trump stickers I have on my car is getting me in trouble–the Jew-media, Jew-academia, have socially conditioned their side to have such a hatred of Trump and misconstrue his agenda. For at the plasma donation center, the Africans are now giving me a cold shoulder!

The Social Credit Agenda is alive and real in America. It was prophesied in the Book of Revelation—“you won’t be able to buy nor sell without the Mark of the Beast”. The Mark—–Is Liberalism, which is Gnosticism, which is a religion! We are already there, just in secret! It is “Convert or Die”. As we see in the sanction war against Russia, the Jewish way of war is thru money and the leverage of access to it! The Jews conduct war thru money.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

for any of you out there thinking this all sounds nuts – it is not. {{the enemy}} developed the tech & more importantly, the systems that allow {{them}} to do all this and more, decades ago. does anyone here think {{they}} WON’T use it?

modern worker bees have allllllll been highly-trained: they will do whatever that screen they’re staring at orders them to do.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

The Social Credit Agenda is alive and real in America.”

True. And it’s far more gruesome than anything practiced in China.

With all of the horrors I’ve experienced in this country I can say that I would feel far, far safer living in China. My rights would be more respected and I’d have less fear of being violated by the state. So why don’t I move there? Because due to the sheer criminality I’ve been subjected to in the US, I’m unable to leave. I am a prisoner in my homeland, pinned down in subsidized ghetto housing that is just one step up from prison. My every efforts to socialize or increase my income are sabotaged immediately. I’m under East German levels of surveillance.

If you’re just stumbled across this site and are an American who is skeptical of AC’s claims about the surveillance, I need to stress that what happens in this country is worse and more barbaric than you can possibly imagine. Pray that this machine doesn’t turn on you, and for the love of God please help any family members who come to you sharing tales similar to mine. They aren’t crazy, but they are being driven crazy by a process and system more gruesome than most can fathom.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

You express this sentiment from time to time, and every time you do I feel a pang of hope (if hopes come in pangs). I believe you are right, but the suffering until things change appears to be profoundly painful.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

You are wrong if you think you would be treated better in China.
What you know of China is just what gets out.
I would bet there are many just like you over there.
AC has repeatedly talked about how the surveillance and stalking follow people who go to China.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

> It pisses me off in the US as I was loyal to this place, and this thing uses that against you.

The America they sold to you was a lie. For your entire lifetime, and probably your grandfather’s as well.

Like you, I bought the dream, only to be disabused of its reality. But that doesn’t mean we can’t create the country we were promised. We just have to take out the trash first.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Haven’t commented people but felt the need to. I believe it’s a spiritual issue and it’s better to get aligned with God as close as possible. I’d listen to Fr. Ripperger.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I appreciate that you meant well, but the Father indicates here a complete justification for Catholics to participate in gangstalking and related cabal activities. If the purpose of demons is to spiritually refine is, it opens the justification to behave to others like demons to improve them, under the guise of bringing them to Christ or making them more godly. Of course, they apply this any innocent human beings who aren’t a part of the elite Catholic bloodlines and feel perfectly justified in all manner of crimes. This is why there is such a tight connection between the Catholic church and organized crime and all manner of vices. Gambling, prostitution, drug dealing, lifting old widows of their estates, and so much more. These professional are loaded with Catholics and directed ruthlessly at non-catholics. And they use a set of justifications for these crimes similar to what the good father lays down in the video. See also THE RULERS OF EVIL by Tupper Sausy where he explains this in depth with regards to the Jesuits.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

It’s not “money”. It’s usury. Superior rates of interest is an almost guaranteed win given equal ability. And there is a rate at which ability no longer matters.

Game out two competing businesses. One with a 10% edge in financing. One with a 30% edge. One with a 50% edge. One with a 100% edge.

All that really changes is the time required to crush the other.

This is what the US thought would happen with UKR. Plus the sanctions which are imposed via the same tactic being used on EUR etc etc.

Why it hasn’t worked is an interesting question. And it is driving the you know whos mad. And why Putin and his siloviki may be world historic figures.

I don’t know why it hadn’t worked. I suspect that non-West has had enough abuse and raised their consciousness enough to see the scam.

1 year ago

Great Depression – FDR
Great Recession – Obama
Greater Recession – ?
The Greater Recession “17” years after the Great Recession.
Not only is a crisis not wasted, a crisis is created and scheduled for proper numerology.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I got caught in Carter’s “little” recession shortly after entering the workplace. By modern standards it was hardly a recession at all, but it was, as Steve Gibson says, “unevenly distributed.”

1 year ago

“…Covid lockdowns…”
Cabal wants people to think the economic meltdown is from a pandemic and not from cabal evilness and mismanagement.

  • One of the most quoted remarks of Karl Marx, the German philosopher and political theorist, popularly known as the ‘Father of Communism’, is “History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce”.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

““…Covid lockdowns…”

Cabal wants people to think the economic meltdown is from a pandemic and not from cabal evilness and mismanagement.”

I saw speculation that this was the case in 2020. The theory seems to have been that you just close a business for “health” instead of having it close because everyone is broke and it can’t take in money.

But I can’t understand why they didn’t extend the lockdowns indefinitely. They could have gotten away with it.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

For the same reason they haven’t killed us all yet: they still need our productive energy. Contrary to those who think cabal “just prints money”, they are dependent upon the labor of others and they are also dependent upon constant theft. Without constant theft, cabal doesn’t work.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

And they’ll turn on each other absent other victims.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


If all of us, or most of us, were killed, elites would have no one to serve them and service their homes and vehicles.

They need most of us, at least for the time being.

Dante Alighieri
Dante Alighieri
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

That might be the first time in history that the majority of human beings were rational.

1 year ago

I thought Lahaina was just some Hawaiian tourist town, but couldn’t have been more wrong:

Waiola Church has been standing since Lahaina was the capital of the Kingdom of Hawaii in the 1800s, he said. It just celebrated its 200th anniversary this year. It was the main location of community meetings both in the 1820s and the 2020s, and it was the burial site of early members of the Hawaiian royal family.
One of the first marks of Christianity on Maui, it’s now listed as permanently closed on Google Maps.
“Many of our chiefs, our Hawaiian monarchs are buried there,” Lewis said. “The church has significance to our culture, there’s artifacts of the town that’s been standing for over a century. It’s just gone.” 

Like burning Notre Dame in Paris. This used to be Hawaii’s center of power, both religiously and politically.

We should see this not just as a power grab, but as a spiritual battle, too, like so much else.

1 year ago

How are they running out of body bags? It seems the entire purpose of body bags is handling a mass casualty event. It’s not hard to imagine a greater one than this. Seems suspect.

1 year ago

Regarding Karen Kingston’s disappearance, keep in mind that this whole “disappearing whistleblower” idea could be manufactured in order to scare people out of being whistleblowers.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


1 year ago

As to TikTok brain, in sure that it’s a real thing. However, EVERYTHING in our environment has been producing this. A great example is in reducing the music programs in schools, which of course teach sustained concentration. Same with mathematics. And the internet has been compounding these problems from the beginning.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Prior to the internet, most people walked around with a large list of phone numbers and addresses in their heads, just off of memorization.

The internet, and in particular smart phones, have infantilized billions of people.

I discuss this with people like me who are over the age of 50 all the time.

Our capacity for memorization and sustained concentration has taken a real hit, and it’s not just aging.

Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

Didn’t Socrates object to what writing information down was doing to the discipline of memorization? Ancient people stored enormous amounts of facts and stories in their heads. I wonder if they were harder to deceive than we are.

1 year ago

The powers that be have always felt entitled to meddle with a religion. They imported this religion. They invented huge parts of it. They wrote books and plays about this invented religion. This religion used a foreign religion and imported priestesses who were given citizenship- at a time when citizenship included the right to be fed at all times- valuable in a world wracked by famines and war- which are mentioned- in order to keep the people at the top on top. The powers that be did not follow this religion, nor did they believe in it. It was to pacify young women and their mothers.

Then, when Jesus had so inconveniently returned from death, they then invented a graft- a fake- with media- poems, plays, paintings, mosaics- and then temples- Orpheus comes back from the dead. He loves his wife. He loses his wife to a snake. He charms this transplanted, fake goddess- and she lets him escape death, and possibly his wife. He then wanders around being a charismatic musician for everyone.

Orpheus was a foreign god, too, with a pretty mild story. It got elaborated by the great and powerful and their lackeys.

I’ll point out that Proserpina Wikipedia is different than Persephone, although they are claimed to be the same thing in school. This is one way to hide information on an open platform.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

Guenon makes a big deal out of the difference between “syncretic” and “synthetic” religions. This was way before “synthetic” acquired the “fake” meaning.

He meant that there were “religions” that were a hodge-podge of gathered in and best case only partially understood ideas like Theosophy for example. These are syncretic. And usually the sign of hijinks by con-men and con-women (Blavatsky). They were also very often run by Intelligence: again Theosophy.

“Synthetic” religions (for him) are valid manifestations of the Ur Tradition. They arise when agents of The Center are sent out to lay out a new Path. These agents go to a region and adapt the Tradition to a specific time and place and “race”. Think in terms of Islam and Buddhism and Christianity.

So, the idea has some Hegelian and Dialectical overtones. But, The Center is a real physical place. And, the agents are real and aware adepts.

In Guenon’s mind it is a conflict (Great Game) between The Tradition and Counter-Tradition. Of course, at the same time, the current cycle is coming to its inevitable end and the Tradition is merely trying to preserve Knowledge to be used in the new Cycle.

I’m not saying this is correct. I don’t think it is. Not entirely. But it is relevant, I think.

1 year ago

If you wanted more reasons to watch Arktoons. This is the most popular comic in the conventional world. It is fully supported by all the apparatus of the modern powers that be.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

soooo…am I just being crass pointing out that the banner art shown on Wikipediphilio shows a guy with two fingers up the girl’s backside?

Here…I’ll make it easy for you (and yes, I went and looked at it again…I am spot on folks):
comment image

Last edited 1 year ago by selbs
Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The NPCs have lost the ability to laugh at themselves. They think this junk is high art. A few short years ago a picture of a dude with his fingers up his girl’s rear port would have been considered too vulgar to make a frontispiece. Something has gone missing upstairs and I think that empty yawning abyss is where the amygdala goes on an actual person. Jim Penman has pointed out that once your amygdala goes (center of the brain for a reason), your whole frame of mind goes with it – the capacity to know it is inappropriate to just drop your pants and go in public or even remember to put on clothes when you go outdoors. It’s beyond R-Type, it’s just protoplasm waiting to melt down early.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  selbs
1 year ago

Reminds me of the London 2012 Olympicso image.

Lisa Simpson giving a blowjob.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  selbs
1 year ago

Reminds me of the London 2012 Olympicso image.

Lisa Simpson giving a blowjob.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

I outgrew comics a long time ago. The format doesn’t work well with my mind. But I’m glad VD launched Arktoons. I read Stonetoss and Hypergamouse regularly.

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
1 year ago

What is fake, and what isn’t? Impossible to tell anymore.

Fox news so barely SFW. Compare Leni Klum’s figure currently with her figure in March.

The real question is, why would her Mom and Dad approve that kind of work for an 18 year old? What kind of profession is Leni beginning? Probably the oldest profession.
comment image
comment image

Pebble skimmer
Pebble skimmer
Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago

“What is fake, and what isn’t? Impossible to tell anymore.” Kick them in the nuts. That would at least give you a chance that it’s a woman.

Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago

Models make great money and have very high access to wealthy men who will marry them and then hand over millions in the divorce. You can call that prostitution, sure. But it’s 7 figure. And really very little different from middle class parents who hope that their daughter marries a doctor.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Female tennis players very often marry way up in the aristocracy and crypto-aristocracy. Very highly prized. Prob for sig reasons I don’t understand.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Tennis clubs are an elite hangout. Everyone there wants their kids to play a mean tennis game.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Tennis is a French game, dating back to the 12th century. Various kings were fans of it. It was so popular among the populace that the Catholic Church moved against it, on the principle that such enthusiasm should be reserved for the Church, not some flippin’ game.

The name comes from “Tenez!”, (Attention!) which was declared before the first serve.

Like most other ball games, I never saw much point to it, while people in general seem to be fascinated.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Generational prostitution.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago

“The real question is, why would her Mom and Dad approve that kind of work for an 18 year old? What kind of profession is Leni beginning? Probably the oldest profession.”

Parents here approved of worst styles of living for free and at their own personal expense.
She is following a “succesful” strategy by her progenitor, may even be succesful at it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago

It would appear she is already an Experienced Yacht Girl.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago

The term used is yachting.

Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago

Women installed on yachts in Cannes during the film festival are called “yacht girls,” and the line between professional prostitutes and B- or C-list Hollywood actresses and models who accept payment for sex with rich older men is sometimes very blurred, explains one film industry veteran.
Hookers at Cannes: $40000-A-Night Escorts
Today’s Blind Items – I Worked On A Yacht -Part One
Today’s Blind Items – I Worked On A Yacht – Part Two

1 year ago

Here we go: a book gets printed and then disappears. People in entertainment meet up-which is what is supposed to happen. A magazine article influences things for twenty years.

That last point is important- socialism runs on magazine articles, or newspapers. When libraries deaccession ephemera- magazines and newspapers- they are covering the tracks of murderers. The death rate for utopianists of all types in the 20th century alone is staggering. Add in colonial empires acting against regular people, as reported- or not- in newspapers–

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

Give more information on the Utopianists dying, please

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Look up Meunster and the cage.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I’m including all violent utopianists who set about killing off all the regular people who are not ‘new utopian’ types. This is all the victims of communists, all the victims of socialists, at least one president- Garfield.

Under colonial empires, I’d include the current Economist, and the past Economist, and probably the New York Times. The examples- Belgian Congo excesses, the Economist not listing the mine- nor its products- that would not shut down and would not stop sending people out into the world in the midst of the Ebola cases- and the New York Times with Walter Duranty not reporting the Ukraine famine.

The man who founded Oneida had a newspaper. The Galtons and Darwins had a Manchester, England newspaper. Ships sailed between the East Coast of America and England, carrying their newspapers. So these industrialists carried on an open, public correspondence about things like finances, and eugenics. Marx just plagiarized the correspondence. It’s why Darwin refused to endorse Marx. He knew where the ideas had come from. Marx had just cooked up a particularly oafish version of the long ranging discussion these men had been having for decades.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

President Garfield died at the hands of Charles Guiteau. Charles Guiteau had spent ten years in Oneida, owning one, possibly two, sets of clothes, working for food and shelter, but not money. The economy of exchange was sexual favors, which were regulated by a committee. It was a swingers’ cult.

Oneida burned its records after they had raised a new generation or two of children. They didn’t want the embarrassing details to get out. They have a record of burning what looked like library cards, keeping track of who slept with whom.

What remained were the newspapers that John Noyes, founder of the cult, had published. They were in the library at Yale. He was the originator of the Free Love movement. It all sounds nifty in theory, for some people. The practices are in memoirs from survivors and descendants. The descendants of the cult leaders have good thoughts about the cult. Why wouldn’t they? They are wealthy from birth, inheriting the work of hundreds of people, stock, real estate. They are legacy attendees of a good Ivy League college. The descendants of the lesser- they were raised in poverty, and humiliation and desolation, from birth onward.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

All utopias end in rivers of blood. Try to name just one in the 60’s that didn’t end in violence, murder and depravity. These earth loving hippies always end up settling disputes on their communes with shotguns. Just the need to imagine utopia instead of simply a better world that isn’t perfect is itself a symptom of impending crazy.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
1 year ago

I suspect he means something else. I suspect by Utopianists he means anyone who attempts to imagine a world different from or better than this cabal designed nightmare that we live in.

We have plenty of room open stylists. We have no visionaries attempting to present us with a more compelling view of a human future. Walt Disney tried. He tried to imagine a world with better neighborhoods, better parks, etc. Cabal launched a war on him destroying the legacy of his company and nearly eliminating his memory.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Disney’s utopia was a nightmare where you owned nothing and would be happy.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
1 year ago

Utopias unlike Heaven couldn’t have the perfect Harmony of Goodness, Truth and Beauty.

1 year ago
Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago
Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Will a science expert give an opinion on this self-genesis of primitive insect life:
Michael Faraday claimed to have duplicated the experiment. Then discussion stopped, or was shut down. Thanks in advance.

Abiogenesis of Acari Insects —

“In 1837, Andrew Crosse reported to the London electrical Society concerning the accidental spontaneous generation of life in the form of Acurus genus insects while he was conducting experiments on the formation of artificial crystals by means of prolonged exposure to weak electric current. Throughout numerous strict experiments under a wide variety of conditions utterly inimical to life as we know it, the insects continued to manifest. The great Michael Faraday also reported to the Royal Institute that he had replicated the experiment. Soon afterwards, all notice of this phenomenon ceased to be reported, and the matter has not been resolved since then.”

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago


1 year ago

It kind of makes it look like maybe they were trying to trap and kill everyone, either so they could buy up their land cheap once they were dead, or maybe even as some kind of sacrifice, if these are really some sort of occultists we are dealing with. 


teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Artificial volcano and everyone identifies as virgins?

1 year ago

Anheuser-Busch heir wants to buy back Bud Light in an effort to save the brand.

[INT boardroom, big table, Belgian and Brazilian flags at the head of the room. Racially diverse, expensive suited middle aged men seated around table, with sales chart nose-diving on easel in front of flag.]
Businessmen: (laughing, drinking beer from Stella Artois style glasses)
Belgian accented businessman: Our next marketing strategy will be —
[loud knocking on door]
Businessmen: (pause laughing and look around)
BAB: As I was saying, next we will ==
[loud knocking]
BAB: (shouting) WE ARE BUSY!
[loud knocking]
Latino businessman: (goes and opens door) Who are you!?!
Billy Busch: I’m Billy Busch, and I’m here to take Bud back.
LB: (laughing) You and what army?
[two Clydesdales stick heads through door in profile around Billy and huff]
cut: BLACK

1 year ago

Stanley Donwood is the same Radiohead artist who painted Residential Nemesis in 1999 which was used on the cover of the Kid A special edition and which ABSOLUTELY FORESAW 9/11. Here he seems to be predicting disaster in the American South. Possibly nukes, if those are starbursts.

1 year ago

French general in charge of Notre-Dame rebuild dies in mountain fall

Body of former chief of defence staff Jean-Louis Georgelin, 74, found on Mount Valier in Pyrénées

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

A 74 y.o. mountain climber………?

Reply to  mobius
1 year ago

A great way to retire. Better than rotting in a retirement home waiting to die.

1 year ago

Off-topic: Reflections on Cabal.

A day or so ago, I commented on Cabal’s fear of Putin. We see this in particular with their desires to cast Trump as a Russian agent or Putin Puppet.

We all know that this is excessive or somehow out of context. It feels dishonest or wildly exaggerated. Like a cheap propaganda ploy. One almost gets the sense that they don’t really believe that Putin or Russia is “bad”, but that they think they can appeal to both the contemporary leftist anti-Putin propaganda while at the same time appealing to conservative Reaganesque anti Soviet sentiment.

But what’s obviously missing is any kind of sober analysis: Yes, Russia is potentially dangerous. They have a variety of technical skills, weapons, natural resources. They are tough and resilient. A pragmatic and Patriotic American would regard Russia with a degree of vigilance, but not hysteria.

I’ve been dwelling on this in recent days and it really becomes apparent how important lying is to Cabal. Cabal is basically a large scale conman operation, and the media plays a role in wrapping the population in inaccurate phantasms that isolate the victims from reality so that they are easy marks.

But it also means at the higher levels that everyone involved knows this. I’m not talking about your local neighborhood surveillance drone. Or even most elected officials. I’m talking about the higher ranking propaganda agents. They know that they are spewing bullshit and most importantly they know that they have to obscure the truth by all means necessary.

They can’t come out and say, “we want to genocide Russians and steal all of their wealth.” Which is, in fact, what they all really want. And that’s all they want. It’s all they’ve wanted for a long, long time. It is that fundamental drive that is behind ever book, article, and TV segment attacking Putin.

Go into a bookstore and you’ll see numerous books on how evil Putin is. But you won’t find one that is a level-headed assessment of Putin and Russia from a geopolitical, psychological, and military assessment. It’s not that these books and media pieces are “all lies”, which they often are. It’s that they are distractions. Like a fast talking hustler who bewilders his mark.

The problem is, cabal is so compartmentalized and at the same time so demanding of loyalty that all of its important members become highly sensitized to following the group-think on important issues. And group think never changes fast. It’s an extremely inertial entity, going from one con to the other.

The result is a population like ours that is so disoriented and out of touch with reality that it is unable to make sense of anything. Truth is shut down EVERYWHERE. Anxiety and insanity are the only possible outcomes, not just for many of the victims but also many of the operators.

This is where the whole Q operation has some chance of success. They appear to be gaming this slow reacting blob that is based on lies. When people say that Q is a psyop, I often agree. But it’s not directed at conservatives or Trump supporters so much as it’s directed at Cabal. It’s a huge provocation, repeatedly agitating them with “nothing can stop what is coming” and “these people are stupid.” Which only results in cabal cranking out vast amounts of material attacking Q. And thereby making Q more well known.

(I’m note sure many people would know about Q if the media just completely ignored it.)

The basic point is that this cabal blob isn’t in touch with reality any more than its victims. It’s top propagandists are attempting to constantly shore up a fictional reality that has little to do with the outside world; a serious of endless fabulation.

The genius of Trump and Q was in creating conditions where this fakery became obvious. And ultimately it either collapses or it takes society into complete fiction and mental slavery.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Level headed assessments of Putin are hard to find, but they exist. Michael S. King has “The War Against Putin”. He’s banned from Amazon because he’s a “denier” of a certain event where the math doesn’t add up, but you can get the book directly from him:

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I find Roger Stone’s interviews with Putin very unsettling. They’re fantastic. But wtf? How did this happen? Why?

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Lefties used to like Putin long time ago. Especially the ones who hate America. How times have changed!

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

> Go into a bookstore and you’ll see numerous books on how evil Putin is.

I remember those. The last one in my town closed in 2012. There’s one a couple of towns over, though.

1 year ago

Dutchsinse starts to figure out about cabal in the schools: (timestamped)

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

And it’s gone.

1 year ago

C@b@l employee springs into action:

Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

Definitely cabal.

1 year ago

Always feed the AI a basic input image (even just stick figures) and/or make manual edits at the end or before having the AI integrate your edits into the picture

A federal judge ruled Friday that art produced by artificial intelligence without human involvement cannot be copyrighted.