Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Sioux Falls police identify suspect in alleged assault on Mike Lindell. No further info at the link.
The National Association of Secretaries of State approved a series of recommendations for audits aimed at combating “Arizona-style, slapdash reviews” of the 2020 election and future races. The problem these Soros Secretaries of State have is that they have no power compared to the State Legislatures under the Constitution.
Douglas County, Nevada just deleted 82% of their 2020 voters off their rolls?
In the November 2020 general election, almost 15 million mail-in ballots went unaccounted for and marked “Whereabouts Unknown,” according to a good-government group that focuses on electoral integrity. Another million were “deemed undeliverable” by the Post Office. So there were a record 160 million voters, and there should have been 16 million more, but those ballots were just “lost?” I told you, the Post Office is fully infiltrated. The intel op running everything, including the Post Office, has files on everyone and knows exactly who they are voting for, and the control is so extensive they can specify whose ballots make it through the Post Office, and whose go missing.
Republicans celebrate flip of Dem-held seat in Connecticut State Senate in a district Biden won by 25%. Are the fraudsters spooked by the current trajectory?
Six California democrats are charged with election fraud are hauled into court in handcuffs.
From Maria Bartiromo’s interview with President Trump yesterday:
Trump: “He’s (Biden) not running government anyway. They have a cabal that runs government. A group of people.”
Maria: “Who’s running it, Mr. President? Who do you think is in charge?”
Trump: “I don’t want to say right now.”
Tucker reports the FBI had DNA evidence Ilhan Omar committed immigration fraud by marrying her brother, and they not only did nothing about it, they swooped on the guy who found the evidence and reported it to them, and they arrested him, and he is in jail right now. By now it should be painfully obvious everything we were told about rights, and laws, and the legal system, and how we controlled the government was all lies. This was always a dictatorship, they just hid it well, and ran extensive intel ops to keep most of the public away from their fiefdom and in the dark.
Prince Andrew reportedly now a ‘person of interest’ in Jeffrey Epstein investigation.
Lara Logan says of both the Afghanistan situation and the situation at the Southern border, “What they want you to believe is that Afghanistan is complicated. Because if you complicate it, it’s a tactic in information warfare called ‘ambiguity increasing… So now we’re all talking about the corruption and the ‘this’ and the ‘that’ and that there’s all these complex parts — but at its heart, every single thing in the world, in your personal life, professionally, on the global stage, at its heart, it’s very simple. It always comes down to one thing, one or two things. And in this case, in Afghanistan, this comes down to the fact that the United States wants this outcome. Whoever is in power right now, whoever is really pulling the strings… they could do anything they want to change this. And they’re not.” Increasingly, I think our tendency to see these events as being at the whim of chance and random events, and the powers in control as being able to be overwhelmed by chance and lose control, is a part of our programming. I think the powers that be have much more power than we are conditioned to think. But they prefer us thinking this way because they can do something we don’t like and blame it on chance.
British Paratroops are running vehicle patrols through center of Kabul to extract trapped UK citizen, while Biden abandons trapped Americans. Interesting, in that those Americans are mostly Afghans with American citizenship. Biden would want to bring them back. But by sitting on his hands, he is letting the Taliban shut them off from the airport and keep them over there. If I was secretly in control of Biden, this is what Biden would be doing, and this would be how it would be working.
US cargo planes are taking off with just 100 passengers from Kabul – despite ability to carry 600 – as Taliban close off airport making entry impossible for Afghans. It is possible the sudden chaotic collapse was engineered by our side. Would you want those weapons we left behind, if they came with 40,000 Afghan migrants and maybe 30,000 Afghans the CIA gave citizenship to so they could bring them here, Ilhan Omar-style, so they could listen in our houses, follow us around in grocery stores, vote for Cabal politicians, and even run for office as Congressmen and Senators? Unlike the Hispanic illegals Biden is supposedly allowing across the southern border, who will be deported rapidly if Trump re-enters office, these Afghanis would have proven more problematic to send home. This has Trump and Q’s pro-American fingerprints all over it.
US embassy in Afghanistan burned the passports & documents needed to get Afghan citizens out.
For Lem, an example of the new propaganda, as the usual suspects try to trick us into importing the Afghans:
Jack Posobiec tweets – Biden telling staff he wants to go back to Delaware. Hasn’t been sleeping well this week. Thinks he will be more functional if he stays over at home in Wilmington. He may very well die in office. Already, as I noted before here, he has the Chinese medicine diagnosis when he walks, which roughly translates to “Heavy head, light feet,” (described here under “Liver Yang Rising” in the left column. which notes insomnia is part of the pattern). That is a disorder which produces balance issues due to neurological function which create an appearance of his heavy head being kept over his body by light feet that rush to stay under the head, instead of his body just pulling his head over his feet as part of a unified body movement. In TCM, he is in the final stages of exhausting his life force by burning it up with Yang, and the nature of the imbalance it has bestowed upon him is denying him of the sleep he needs to replenish what little life force he has left. He may have a year or two, especially since he will get top notch western medicine and monitoring. But his system is exhausted, and the strain of everything being rushed at him when he cannot process it, is wearing him out even faster. Oddly enough, Liver Yang Rising could arise from an individual being put in a troubling position where they felt powerless and frustrated by enemies who angered them.
Former Afghan president fled with $169 million in cash.
Trump’s pledge to exit Afghanistan was a ruse, his final SecDef says. According to Chris Miller the full pullout was a bargaining ploy to drive the Afghan President to a power-sharing agreement with Taliban forces, combined with a US counter-terror force staying on the ground to deal with threats. The Afghan President gambled Trump wasn’t serious, and the full pullout happened, because when negotiating with Trump, his threats are not empty. I like the full pullout better anyway. Why keep our counter-terror guys from their families and under threat over there?
Utah Gov. Spencer Cox writes to Biden that Utah is ‘eager’ to welcome Afghan refugees. Mormons have to take a couple of years to do missionary work, and because of that CIA recruits heavily from among them, so they can spy overseas while using their missionary work as cover. When they come back, I assume they join the domestic surveillance/intel network of CIA, under Cabal’s command, so Utah will be heavily infested with Cabal’s domestic network.
Report: At least two kids are dead after 24,000 children were herded into a stadium in Australia for the jab! From Stew Peters, who features a military guy who claims it. Unknown if it is reliable, but if it happened, you will not hear it. And two out of 24,000 would not be surprising.
Australian Minister reveals shock diagnosis of Bell’s Palsy after concerned viewers spotted his droopy eye at a Covid press conference. That means it’s working!
Apple removes anti-vaxx dating site Unjected from its store for violating new code on Covid-19 content in move branded ‘censorship’ by app owners. If there was no intel op manipulating everything and getting elbow-deep in red-pilled individual’s lives, such an app would probably be a good place to meet a young redpilled woman who was wife material. Note, a big part of Cabal’s objective is to keep us from getting together. I’ve wondered if the flood of them around me for most of my life was about keeping me isolated from my own kind somehow, whoever my own kind is.
Biden will tell nursing homes to force staff to be vaccinated to keep federal funding.
A handful of strange changes in the finger and toe nails have been documented over the course of the pandemic. In Traditional Chinese Medicine the nails are a manifestation of the liver, which is the organ which regulates anger. I don’t know if those TCM linkages hold here, but it is interesting COVD may cause longer lasting liver disharmonies that could manifest in less controlled anger.
Texas officials asked for 5 new refrigerated trucks for bodies as COVID-19 cases skyrocket in the state, reports show. Importing COVID positive illegals is biological warfare on Cabal’s political enemies.
More than 1,000 COVID-19 deaths recorded as US returns to April levels. No telling if this is infected illegals, ADE, propaganda to drive mail in voting in 2022, or most importantly if it is any portent for this winter’s infection rate. Kind of amazing this hasn’t been hung around Biden’s neck yet over the Border crisis and all the infected illegals he is shipping across the country while they are infective.
Palantir buys over $50 million of gold bars, “preparing for a future with more Black Swans.”
President Xi Jin Ping calls for a “redistribution of wealth” to help “expand the middle class” in China. It sounds kind of like Cabal has reached critical mass in their government now. If we get rid of Cabal, it will be interesting to sit back and watch as Cabal emerges in other countries, and we see the exact same script play out in them.
Marjorie Taylor Greene posts a Gettr vid, in the middle of pumping Iron to Limp Bizcit’s Rollin, with her thoughts on Joe Biden. Having felt like that in the middle of a workout, I thought it was funny.
Larry David freaks out at Alan Dershowitz on Martha’s Vineyard, over his passive association with Trump figures, like his former student Mike Pompeo. David’s entire life depends on the conspiracy’s success, and given the blackmail he had probably given it, he may suffer even worse consequences if it fails. And he is not going to be able to defend himself from the angry mobs.
Actor Daniel Craig says he finds the practice of granting inheritances “distasteful,” and continues, “I don’t want to leave great sums to the next generation. I think inheritance is quite distasteful… My philosophy is get rid of it or give it away before you go.” This is not natural. I would find it immensely satisfying to raise children who had a mission in life, and to give them the financial means to accomplish that mission. Creating a lasting legacy of familial comfort and pleasure, as well as accomplishment would be a high achievement. Does he hate his children? Or is it possible this is a cover story, and the truth is, he took a deal – a life of comfort and ease, and public adoration, in return for merely managing the money of others, with the provision he must return it when he dies? Did you ever wonder why they pay someone like him $27 million dollars for six months of work, when there are thousands of other actors, just as good in every regard, who would do it for a million and the fame? Why not offer him a lifetime contract when offering him stardom, which will stipulate $500,000 or $1 million per movie? Why would the studio-head sharks of Hollywood just give hundreds of millions of dollars away, to desperate actors who will do anything for fame, if they didn’t have to? What makes more sense?
Are you a minority, and want access to the affirmative action benefits granted to minorities? There is a secret council whose approval you must get before those doors open to you. Do you think Cabal intel would get their people in those positions? All of the racial shit – from affirmative action to the idea of rampant discrimination, are pushed so nobody will ask why they can be competent and not get positions, while others of lesser competence soar above them.
A California light-rail employee who survived a mass shooting in May when a colleague killed nine co-workers has died by apparent suicide, police and agency officials said. He was a married father of four. You never know with these cases.
U.S. Census Bureau computer servers uninvolved with the 2020 census were exploited last year during a cybersecurity attack. Supposedly it didn’t affect the Census count, so that must have been rigged by some other means, if you can believe them about anything.
Solid Rumor – Team Kamala is quietly shopping the Cabinet for a 25th Amendment removal of Joe Biden.
Lawmakers from President Biden’s own party are continuing to fume about the unfolding chaos in Afghanistan and firing up probes where they will demand answers from the Democratic administration. They could very well be executing a script that was written to move Biden off the stage, and move Kamala onto it.
New satellite images show Russia may be preparing to test nuclear powered ‘Skyfall’ missile.
An intermittent fasting diet could help protect older people from falls and other injuries by building up their muscles, a study has discovered. This is good, but if you are getting older, you have to lift weights. Take every major muscle group, from full extension to full contraction, against resistance, for ten to fifteen reps, once every three or four days, as a minimum. It will change the biochemistry, of the muscle cell and of the blood, and prolong your life tremendously.
If you are into TCM, this is an interesting exercise mix, pitched as a means to build “Chi,” which from a western perspective probably stimulates the flow of lymphatic fluids, cerebrospinal fluids, exercises underused abdominal muscles that support the core and give it flexibility, and stimulates gastrointestinal peristalsis, as it gives your system a burst of oxygen. It is one of those things that at 17, when I knew everything, I would have dismissed as not worth the effort, but as I get older, I see as one more small advance to pile on the small advances that give you the edge physically.
Gavin Newsom says mandatory water restrictions could be coming soon. If he is to be recalled, every little bit helps.
Larry Elder vows to reverse vaccine and mask mandates if he replaces Newsom as California Governor.
President Trump’s full interview with Hannity here (Transcript here):
We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here. You can also get more statements via email by signing up here.
This plane should have been full of Americans. America First!
“Australian Minister reveals shock diagnosis of Bell’s Palsy after concerned viewers spotted his droopy eye at a Covid press conference”
No need for passports then. Just show your face.
“Solid Rumor – Team Kamala is quietly shopping the Cabinet for a 25th Amendment removal of Joe Biden”
I just read an article from the Z Man where he talks about how the administration is divided by the Obama and Clinton camps. Biden being team Obama and Harris being team Clinton. Since they stole the government now they’re trying to take each other out for the final prize.This is why you’re seeing attacks on both by unexpected media outlets. Harris is a bitch to her staffers etc.
Considering recent current events his theory makes alot of sense.
I think Cuomo is team Clinton and probably Newsome as well. Old organized crime connections still in play. It explains their recent troubles too. You can also extend the fighting to journalists and news organizations. CNN being solid team Clinton etc. The tabloid/entertainment press is all Obama.
In the end it will be interesting to see which faction comes out on top. Not that we will be any better off for it. Plus they’re so focused on fighting each other decisions like withdrawing from Afghanistan get short shrift.
if it’s a short fight I think the Clintons will prevail since they’ve been at this longer and have alot of the top hitters in their camp. I mean their killers do stay busy. Their main handicap is they’re old and no one respects Chelsea like Hillary. if they don’t find a suitable leader soon they’re toast.
Team Obama has too many affirmative action hires that are incompetent and lazy. The Jessie Smollet fiasco being a prime example. It would’ve been so easy to not fuck that up with a bit of thought. It’s obvious he was tasked with planning/executing it himself. Why not have him take orders from someone with a functioning brain? I mean he wrote a personal check to his attackers ffs. Plus it was in Chicago. Obama’s backyard. How do you screw it up that bad?
> all the air gets let out at once and they fly around the room.
On Looney Tunes cartoons, maybe. But it doesn’t work that way in the real world.
It is a take-off on a 4Chan meme.
> On Looney Tunes cartoons, maybe. But it doesn’t work that way in the real world.
Don’t be a tard bro
It’s OK to be a tard. My sisters a tard and she’s a neurosurgeon.
Yeah, take it easy scrote.
So many folks are NOT going to get that. LOL.
Couldn’t resist
“It’s OK to be a tard. My sisters a tard and she’s a neurosurgeon.”
HAHAHHHAA I love that movie
Don’t wanna sound like a dick or nuthin, but it says on your chart that you’re fucked up. Uh, you you talk like a fag and you shit’s all retarded.
>The Justice Department is … saying the measure … is also unconstitutional.
Funny, my copy of the Constitution says “Shall not be infringed.”
Of course, the Supremes have “interpreted” the Second Amendment by creating their own Doublespeak…
>Note, a big part of Cabal’s objective is to keep us from getting together. I’ve wondered if the flood of them around me for most of my life was about keeping me isolated from my own kind somehow, whoever my own kind is.
The saddest aspect of their powerful environment control is not only forcing people into your vicinity, but keeping away from you people you otherwise would have met and formed lifelong bonds with. They will be working overtime to ensure key connections in the network never occur. With their knowledge of genetics, and personality and character, they would be able to weaken bloodlines by ensuring people never meet their matches, like a ‘reverse dating app’.
I think that is a big goal.
There was a woman who came on here a few years back. She said Cabal seemed to want to draw her genes into their cult, and threw guy after guy at her, but she didn’t want to be involved with it. She eventually met a guy outside of Cabal, and Cabal tried to screw it up for them, to the point IIRC, she and her guy moved far away from where they were, but unfortunately, Cabal was where they moved to. She was certain they gave her guy cancer and killed him, to prevent her from having kids with him.
That was when I began to wonder if this had elements of a sort of Mendelian cult, using its intelligence files for trying to breed itself smarter and fitter than the non-cult portion of society. The only thing against that is I have not known many who I would classify as geniuses or scientifically gifted, and the one who does to mind, I believe was adopted into the cult, rather than of cult bloodline.
Adoption is used to obscure the bloodlines to outsiders, doesn’t mean the adopted person you know wasn’t from a cult bloodline. The adoption stuff also means that the “discards” have a hard time figuring out what happened to them.
That’s exactly what they are doing. They are seducing in as much talent as they can while putting the slow kill on rebellious talent on the outside that either won’t join or is too headstrong to join. That’s ultimately what’s really driving all of this.
I agree with the whole assimilation-of-genes Borg-style assessment you make above. It would surprise if they DIDN’T do that.
I keep telling those who will listen that our elites aren’t sociopaths or merely misguided – they’re malignant narcissists. And narcissists want to be worshipped. Kinda sad and pathetic, really. But here we are.
What they want is to be able to have their genes survive permanently at the top of the pyramid without ever having to fear being knocked off. While also having a lower caste of people to forever lord over AND be worshipped by as their betters. It makes them feel superior and wanted at the same time while having a throw away genepool to use and discard at their whim and not have to worry about consequences. To be open about it as if that were the culture accepts by all.
Watch these two videos below in order. This guy is pretty sharp:
He right about some things but wrong about others. First he says they are not evil. He’s wrong. He also says that resources are limited to a large extent, he’s wrong. The ultimate resource is energy. All else comes from abundant energy.
Now they may “tell” themselves that they are not evil but it’s all bullshit. They could instead of putting their money into controlling everyone putting their money into expanding energy resources. Thorium reactors is a dead simple example. Resources for thousands of years with the readily available resource.
Food is another. With newer genetic engineering tools you could make yeast and bacteria colonies produce, corn, meat, wheat, whatever. The big advance of this is that these can be made just like beer with sugars and a few minerals in vats anywhere. No good farmland needed.
Normal photosynthesis in plants is absurdly inefficient. Like 3% and it takes about 5 times the plant calories to make a calorie of meat.
Bypassing all this and using electricity to directly make sugars, solar if you could get it could rapidly and massively, stupendously expand food supplies.
They say they are “forced” to do what they do but it’s been a fact that if people have better lives they have less children. It’s debatable whether we are having enough now.
Other technologies are low cost housing and water treatment.
So they say they are only doing what is necessary but in fact they are severe assholes who have monopolized the resources of the earth with zero or close to zero FED bucks and want to control everyone because…they are assholes and psychopaths.
He talks about how the elite don’t need us but…we don’t need them. We could take back that they have stolen through the banking system and be just fine. Even if we didn’t take back anything if we could just stop their monopolistic preying on us constantly we could do better then fine. We could prosper.
I mean how many of you think these narcissist are doing a good job of running the planet. You know the Chinese have this notion of the “mandate of heaven” or something like that and when you screw everything up, as they have then…off with their heads.
I could go on and on about how there are vast resources that we are not allowed to use or they purposely starve funding so they can keep their monopolies going and screw as much as possible.
I want to add thta he says the elite are better than us. I dispute that. I say what they have is a huge amount of money. Not that everyone would do well with that amount of money but I’m willing to bet there are millions and millions of people that if you gave them the resources the elite have they could do a much better job of managing it than these assholes.
You know the ones who “think” they are doing some good thing or that they are the top of the heap are going to be very surprised when they knock off everyone. The more aggressive humans left will separate their heads from their bodies and take all they have.
The only thing stopping this from happening right now is the general populations, that they are trying to kill off, idea that you shouldn’t do that sort of thing. Get rid of them and…it’s every Man for himself.
And another thing he gets wrong. He says something to the effect that we should be repentant about the colonization and oppression of other countries but none of the average citizens did this. None of them got any great benefit from this. The elites(Jews) exploit people then then try to get us, the average people, to take the blame for what THEY did. I say sure if countries were exploited they should be helped but it should come put of the Jews pockets because that’s where the money went.
This is an age old ploy. The Jews were almost single handily responsible for the slave trade. Their per capita ownership of slaves was way more, vastly more than anyone else. I read that 40% of Jews owned slaves and yet it somehow all “our” fault. It somehow is all on Whites this terrible plague.
I suspect that the Jews deliberately brought the slaves to cause long term racial conflict.
It is said that the did the same thing in Egypt. Controlling all the food then moving everyone in the country to different parts of the country so they could not have anywhere they called home or be able to combine against them. They’re still doing it with mass immigration.
This guy in the video makes a lot of damn excuses for a rabid bunch. His attitude is much like that of the Jew that when asked why he came along and took the Palestinians home said,”well someone would have done it so took it first”. What kind of nonsense is that? Nothing but lying Jew logic and this guy reinforces this sort of bullshit. He makes excuses for this sort of behavior.
The fact is that there does not have to be a parasitical elite. They do not have to control everyone and they do not have to monopolize all the resources and shaft everyone else.
Interesting, because I have never really given a crap about anyone other than a family member. I am happy doing everything on my own. I am also happy walking back into the system when I want to and staying well out of it when I wish.
Once you have learned never to compromise your principles everything else is easy.
“Meet America’s Race Czars: A Shadowy Bureaucracy Deciding Who’s “Black Enough” to Get Government Perks”
Nice catch, AC—Thanks for your hard work.
People—WE ARE BEING IMPOVERISHED—On purpose. Jesus said to the Syro-phonecian woman—“Is it right to give the food of the children to the dogs”.
Doesn’t our Social Compact say the benefits of this country belong —-TO OUR POSTERITY?
We are being minoritized, impoverished, emasculated, disenfranchised in our OWN country—and there is NOT one single leader or church leader speaking out on this.
The American Government has become TOTALLY OPPOSITE OF its purpose—it IS purposely killing the whites physically, metaphysically, and spiritually! We are being Killed socially and economically.
Whose standing up for us????????????????????????????????/
America as a “propositional” country is a complete D.I.S.A.S.T.E.R. It is time to go tribal people! Time to go Tribal. Chuck the “Enlightenment” and all its works OVERBOARD. Total and complete disaster. We are being genocided and impoverished—in our own country!
I live in Battle Creek, Michigan. We had Justin Amash, a Libertarian, a Lebanese immigrant as our representative. I attended many Justin Amash Townhall mtgs. He held one quarterly or biannually. Every time there was a congressional recess–he would hold a townhall.
Now, we have Peter Meijers, Veteran. HE HAS NOT HELD ONE TOWNHALL MEETING, YET. I’ve called his office several times asking when he is going to hold a town meeting. No response. Nothing changes—Yet, I see him on National News. He can go on new shows and be interviewed. But he can’t hold a town meeting and listen to his constituents!
He is on Congressional recess–pictures galore of him doing this–meeting business leaders, showing up at this organization–going to that charity—but does he meet with his constituents?
Is this a “democracy”? No. Now, he wants ship thousands of Afghanis here to America. Can’t speak to him. He doesn’t face the music.
I tried to influence Justin Amash, change his way on immigration. Gave his staff articles on Soft Genocide—Nothing changed. Peter Meijer is nothing more than Justin Amash -2.0.
And Justin Amash was not perfect either–his townhalls were 1 hour. He would talk for 20 minutes and then we had 40 minutes to ask questions. He would take three questions and stretch the answers out for 15 minutes.
Society only works on authoritarianism. That is reality. Either you accept the Yoke of Christ called Throne and Altar—or you have the chains of Satan. We have the Chains of Satan here in America—and Europeans are being miscegenated out-of-existence; we are being killed culturally and socially. We live under a Jewish Dictatorship.
Veteran is the latest avenue of weakness to conservative hearts.
Look at Teddy Daniels – a complete goon backed by Trump.
Look him up. As AC would quickly understand, the fcker made his money by running “safe transport” of cannabis to cannabis stores. A cabal operation in which he profited.
Then, the asswipe got a purple heart. What for you ask? A broken ankle!
Can you effing believe it!
Who would accept a purple heart for a sore ankle.
As I said on another site, his blue collar looks and supposed roots are merely his disguise.
my wife and i discussed your advice AC, on the 3-4 day full body rip cycle and thought it a wonderful idea and began today. Really makes sense, once it was pointed out to us, and we had been talking about what to do as we are aging, after active lives working as skilled labor craftsmen and rural people usung our land for sustainence.
Good sound practical advice.
Thanks, we appreciate you!
The cargo plane story is wizard spells. These planes NORMALLY carry around 100 paratroopers. That is how they are configured, that is what there are seats and safety equipment for, and that is the weight they are built for.
For the first time JUST A DAY OR SO AGO one of these planes managed to squeeze 600 people in cheek to jowl because they rushed the plane and wound not get off. There was no seating, no attempt at safety, and the plane was probably over weight.
The 600 number is the record, not normal loads. 100 is generally considered “full”.
Who says the photo wasn’t staged on the ground and they kicked them all off before it took off? I made this point a few days ago. Who says it wasn’t taken 2 years ago? Where is the photo of the c-17 landing in the us and deboarding all the afghani passengers?
If it’s such a rushed job to leave aka the staged saigon photo, where are all the dead marines and soldiers defending the embassy and airport? This is a movie. We are watching an orderly exit that is being portrayed as a catastrophe.
Q team is in charge IMHO.
C-17A Capacity: 170,900 lb / 200 lb. per person = 854.5
Max takeoff weight: 585,000 lb
Empty weight: 282,500 lb (128,140 kg)
302,500 lb. between the two
Fuel capacity: 35,546 US gal =
one gallon of Jet A-1 type fuel weighs 6.66 pounds
236,736.36 lb. fuel
leaves 65,763 lb. load but I doubt it’s full of fuel as it’s not needed just to get them out of Afghanistan.
Airlines count 255 lbs per pax for weight calculations, which already brings you down to 670. That’s for pax that are only carrying 50 lbs of luggage (carryon and checked). Every refugee I’ve seen (not just Afghanistan) is carrying everything they can.
I’m telling you, there is a good chance that plane was over it max safe weight. You don’t think that if they could pack 200 paratroopers into one plane they wouldn’t?
“Solid Rumor – Team Kamala is quietly shopping the Cabinet for a 25th Amendment removal of Joe Biden”
So others were correct – that was the plan all along, to ‘elect’ the first Indian woman president of the USA. Can appreciate when a plan comes together.
Free off shore coders for everyone!
Irish YouTube Pagan-author Thomas Sheridan (also Thomas Sheridan II and on Odysee) theorizes that the Afghan “refugees” being flown in their thousands are actually authentic Taliban, a Trojan Horse Army sent to take soft Westerners down a notch or two. Well-argued, as usual. Live video may be down by the time you get there, he points out
Re: Liver Yang Rising
It’s been interesting to look at all this through the Yin-Yang. I’m not an expert, but it’s been “in the air” around me, from tai-chi play to acupuncturist roommates, etc over the years. Here’s how I read it, but anyone with more knowledge feel free to correct or disagree.
High sugar, low nutrient diets and flat screens pushing the culture as a whole to the Yin, but being pulled by the Left in particular, which at this point has become a cult of Yin. Vegetarian, soy, feminine, Gaia worship (earth goddess from below vs male sky god from above), yoga/gym (vs physical labor), urban (consumer vs producer), collective vs individual, risk aversion and safe spaces. Coffee seems to be the only thing Yang in their lives.
This Yin culture has become so unbalanced in the Yin that it celebrates all things Yin while demonizing all things Yang. Which may explain their violent reaction to Mr. Yang himself (Trump) while turning to Mr. Yin (Biden) who was frail, weak, and controlled. Any expression of Yang will create suspicion in their minds that you are a “Trump supporter”, speaking from personal experience.
Trump awakened Yang, and gave us all permission to express it. It’s like he was the white fish eye in the black fish of the Tao symbol. The news will just be the details and logistics of how it all goes down.
Yang will not be denied, in the end. The balance needs to be restored, one way or another. If Trump hadn’t appeared on the scene, no telling to what extent their gender dyslexia might manifest.
(May also explain their obsession over Trump (living rent free in their heads), hated but secretly…?)
One final thought: This could all be happening naturally, but I’ve also wondered, given the Chinese angle to the propaganda, etc, if messing with Yin-Yang isn’t by design. Given the general level of ignorance in the west as to these dynamics, it would be an effective form of manipulation that would totally go under our radar.
There actually was an old Chinese saying in TCM that one who understands TCM will understand how to run a country better than any leader. Even the Herb formulations are designed using the concepts of a primary “emperor herb,” a secondary “prime minister herb,” followed by “minister herbs,” and “Envoy herbs.”
I believe it. Safe to say they would not be mandating vaccines, for starters.
They still managed to fail military against the Mongols and Jurchen. Likewise with the Qing failures against the British.
So there is weaknesses.
It was a lack of tactical herbs.
BS charges filed in UK—one charge for a rally held almost a YEAR ago—against expert dynamic vaxx sceptic / virology expert Dolores Cahill
When you talk about Chinese medicine I think of those webms of Chinese people boiling live dogs and puppies to death. Also videos where the animal is hanging by a rope and getting blowtorched while alive. There reasoning for doing that also has to do with life-force making it taste better or something.
There is a lot of that superstition in rural areas there, but it is totally unrelated to what I am talking about.
Real TCM is something entirely different. I’ve read on it extensively, and it has zero talk in it anywhere about taking life force from anything else, and even the herbal stuff has no implications of that. At most it will say some material like a horn or antler has physical effects on the body, but that antler can have just fallen off the animal, and it has nothing to do with the animal.
The vast majority of it is observations of symptoms which group together, which is interesting, because a lot of illnesses seem to have similar root imbalances in the body. And if you know a couple of symptoms, or can observe how their body moves, and classify the root imbalance, you can extrapolate out a ton of other symptoms they will be prone to, you can tell things about their personality and thought-patterns, their behavior, the environment they are in, and what their life experience is like. For example, I could look at Biden’s walk months ago, and say “Heavy head – Light feet,” and that observation of his walk would have predicted a propensity for insomnia, a tendency towards anger, a frustrating environment, and if all I saw was the body movement, I could actually predict the most likely general shape of his skull and face, as odd as that sounds, as certain head/face shapes are predisposed to that pattern.
And I am not even an expert who had practiced it on hundreds of people per day for years or decades. I knew one doctor who diagnosed people as they walked into his office based on how they navigated obstacles, and some actually do their initial diagnosis by having a chat with the patient on the phone, and pushing them certain ways and seeing if they get angry, or sad, or laugh certain ways, or are decisive or confused, and so on. What the art describes as patterns permeates a person’s entire being and affects every aspect of who they are and what they do. It is a very interesting discipline.
A problem I see is that it’s become more and more difficult to find legit TCM practitioners that aren’t trying to make a quick buck. I’m currently visiting family in an area that formerly had a high concentration of true TCM practitioners in the past decades and I’ve confirmed from multiple sources that most here have given up trying to find true masters because most are dead and their disciples weren’t able to make a living. This is probably because crappy mixtures (basically flavored water) and quick treatments (just placing the needles in innocuous areas) are physically harmless and pays the bills for hyperchondriacs looking for their fix.
Maybe there’s some nefarious cabal-related issue culling true practitioners, but having observed a bone fide master (with a legion of disciples) blow up all of his savings because his ego made him choose a ridiculously expensive location to set up shop I lean towards business Darwinianism. Unfortunately he was not able to handle the blow to his ego so he doesn’t respond to inquiries from former clients even if they’re only too happy to pay for his services.
So for those who are looking for true practitioners like I am, the key is to learn enough to grill them on how they were treat certain disorders and to be able to detect BS when you ask them for diagnoses. A key tell I’ve found is when they diagnose old people. Old people are inherently frail due to their age, and many treatments (herbal and physical) that younger physically fit people can handle would totally mess up the elderly because they don’t have the life force to spare. The bona fide master above, more often than not, refused to make any remedies for the elderly except for the most special of cases. Or if they insisted on treatment, they were symptomatic treatments at best and he made sure to loudly say so. Just may 2 cents.
RE: Alan Dershowitz and others who seem to have a change of heart, at least sometimes, later in life.
It could all be a ploy or trick, and there are lots of those. But a lot of information about cabal which has come out was because of or started by former members who realized how evil it was and wanted out. Like former dutch banker ronald bernard
And you gotta think how an especially old guy aught to be thinking real hard about what comes next if he doesn’t try to turn it around quickly with what little time is left.
This isn’t a defense of dershowitz or saying its true in his case, its just food for thought for cases like this. Repentance does happen.
You have to reduce everything to the simplicity it deserves.
He was and is a CTNU. He deserves a long painful death.
Pay him no heed. You want these people who have sold their souls to enjoy the most horrendous painful finish knowing neither his own people NOR US give to fcks.
Enjoy his misery and give him no quarter. Never weaken. When they know they are done amongst their own, they will come calling on us asking for forgiveness. Sit back, and enjoy their pain. They worked hard for it. Forgiveness is the province of the lord.
We are at war. NO FCKN PRISONERS
Trump: “He’s (Biden) not running government anyway. They have a cabal that runs government. A group of people.”
Maria: “Who’s running it, Mr. President? Who do you think is in charge?”
Trump: “I don’t want to say right now.”
He already said who’s in charge – the Cabal.
Actor Daniel Craig says he finds the practice of granting inheritances “distasteful,”
Daniel Craig would be wrong. “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.” – Proverbs 13:22
>They could very well be executing a script that was written to move Biden off the stage, and move Kamala onto it.
Might also be related to audit timing. If they get Biden out first and put kamala in, then dementia as an excuse to bring trump back is one less argument that can be made.
Re: Trump claims booster shots are money making operation
Big Pharma certainly aware that the Boomers “better life through chemistry” and their 20 pills a day would soon be vanishing off the books, with a smaller, more alternative health friendly GenX coming up behind them. They need a new sustainable business model, a big one, or they are finished in their current form.
Trump weighing in and pointing out the obvious -at this particular point in time – seems a significant pivot from his earlier soft support of the vaccines.
President Trump: “I’ll be meeting personally with Taliban leaders in the not-too-distant future. And we’ll be very much hoping that they will be doing what they say they’re going to be doing: They will be killing terrorists. They will be killing some very bad people.”
Press Conference, February 29, 2020
Feels a lot like this Kabul/Afghan outcome was ordained by our guys and that Taliban was directed to take out Cabal CIA ops there.
RE: Money Honey’s interview with GEOTUS
Trump: “He’s (Biden) not running government anyway. They have a cabal that runs government. A group of people.”
Maria: “Who’s running it, Mr. President? Who do you think is in charge?”
Trump: “I don’t want to say right now.”
Time and time again, Trump tells us what’s really going on. If we only ignore the distractions and noise we can find answers in the confusion and guidance for our own thoughts and well-being.
Our guys have these assholes scrambling and in the process they’re revealing their treason and corruption. Biden is not long for this world and that “historic” constitutional step will be another act in their self-serving play. Meanwhile they will dig a deeper hole impossible to escape from.
The end won’t be for everyone, indeed.
>Miller, DOD shakeup & JFK’s NSAM 44-47
Well, there’s one concrete shoe drop finally; price to pay for getting cozy with PLA perhaps. The 800 number for bare minimum SOF advisors to maintain the Afghan army was intriguing, as well as the 16k contractors being yeeted simultaneously.
>finger nails, liver, anger, bilirubin
There are rabies homologies on top of the HIV-like spike protein which gives it the propensity to crawl up the olfactory bulb, straight into the Botzinger Complex — add the prion issue, and it can colonize nearby impulse control regions, enhancing aggression and impulsivity. With the ‘super spreader events’ of the St. Floyd of Fent carnivals, this was all the more devious and cunning.
Former P4 neuroscience researcher, last of Western scientists doing live monkey experiments; a UK expat in Japan that caught it early Nov. 2019 at a conference. Best speculative angles on this I’ve seen from the start apropos Chuck Lieber’s nano-biochem research kicking this all off
>ice trucks, illegal imports
The inoculation fetishism couldn’t have been inculcated without the quality of life tourists bringing in disease stamped out generations prior. Hart-Celler & Paperclip Ft. Detrick … some serious long term planning
>booster boondoggle
“The capitalists will sell us the rope …”
>Palantir gold acquisition
A legacy Promis/INSLAW entity would be in the position to know, still more curious about King Gold fraud in the billions over in China from last year and what’s become of it.
>Craig Boomerism
He wasn’t A-list prior to Bond, despite featuring in some decent action/crime thriller stuff. Another laundering modality, once they’ve taken the ticket and can be put on a lavish but incomplete stipend while the rest squirrels away sight unseen in tax havens.
>AA promotion panels
Amend the Peter Principle & Hanlon’s Razor to account for corporate private interest and occulted nepotism
>Newsom, water/power restriction
Squeezing food production from multiple angles. Could be offensive/China directed, then there’s the FDR & Holodomor precedents …
Regarding Utah, I think you’ve jumped too far in your conclusions. By way of background, I served a mission in a European country, and have been a member of the LDS church my whole life, and I can tell you that the structure of a mission and the rotating companions (and you’re never ever alone, for safety among other reasons) makes moonlighting as surveillance nearly impossible. I never, and I mean never caught even so much as a whiff of this stuff on my mission, at church on Sunday, at youth activities, and so on. On my mission especially, I and every companion I had busted our butts doing exactly what the stated purpose of a mission is: teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and serve others around us whether they were members of our church or not. We stuck out like sore thumbs everywhere we went, never really had a day off, and would come home absolutely exhausted after each long day. There just was no time for shenanigans like you suggest, and anyone who tried it would get caught and have some pretty difficult questions to answer.
(As a funny aside, because I was american and because of Hollywood movies, a lot of the kids in Europe thought I must have been CIA because the movies imply we’re all bad-a** intel, or military, or cops, or something. I always had to laugh and remind them that I’m really not that interesting, and my terrible accent should give away the fact I’d make a crappy agent.)
However, I have caught whiff of this stuff happening in Utah in other circumstances, so I know cabal has their people here. What’s more is that it is true that after a mission, returned missionaries as we call them do get fairly heavily recruited for FBI, CIA, etc especially if we served a mission in a foreign country. I didn’t, and I had already decided by then that I didn’t want to work for fedgov nor join the military; my brother joined the army, and based on his experience I didn’t want to touch it with a ten-foot pole. I have no doubt that some of those recruited are offered the ticket, and take it. Evan McMullin (ol’ egg mcmuffin) is one of those, quite obviously. He clearly turned into a massive traitor both to the United States and also to his own fellow members of the church.
Utah also has an increasingly corrupt political scene, and we are definitely subject to the poop floating to the top, hence the Mitt Romneys and the Spencer Coxes. Most of the rank and file that I know despise those two, and we have no idea how they made it past the republican primaries. Given the massive cheating in the 2020 election, maybe it’s not so mysterious now. They get elected in the general elections because the SLC Dems put up such awful people that even Mittens is better, believe it or not, so the general elections don’t surprise me. I have no doubt that many of these political leaders are ticket-takers, and I find I often have to avoid even the local news reports because hearing what they say just pisses me off and ruins my day.
All this is to say, is that I think you’ve made two mistakes. First, don’t assume that post-mission recruitment means anything about pre-mission or during-mission activity. My experience is that the ticket-taking, such as it is, occurs afterwards; cabal loves to corrupt good, honorable people in that way once they have useful skills. Second, don’t equate the actions or words of the Mitt Romneys and Spencer Coxes of Utah’s political scene with what the everyday Utahn or member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints thinks. They are not us, we are not them, and we despise how they are representing us. This would be like saying that because Nancy Pelosi and Resident Biden are clearly in the network, that most catholics are too; that’s clearly not true.
The church is an easy punching bag, lots of people do it, but it’s incorrect and unproductive. Please don’t malign us, because the majority of us are really allies in the fight against the surveillance state. We just want to follow Jesus Christ and live our lives without interference.
Thanks for all you do, and keep up the good work.
I’m not attacking Mormons. I know you guys get a lot of flack, but that is not what I was saying.
What I note is interesting is you were not recruited. Cabal is not 50% of a group, or even, I think 30% of any group. Even MS-13, I think probably has the command structure completely infiltrated, but a lot of soldiers at the ground level, who though they can end up doing Cabal business under orders, are not really aware of the conspiracy. I think Federal agencies are the exact same way. There are a lot of FBI showing up to do bank robberies or kidnappings, who know there is something they have to cow before, but they aren’t Cabal themselves.
If I had to guess on your life story, there were kids growing up around you who were reporting tons of details they observed about you to adults, maybe beginning around kindergarten. Maybe earlier depending on how interesting your parents were to the machine. I will bet there are recordings of interactions you had as a kid with your peers stored somewhere. By 15-17, your file had a pretty good idea of who you were, and how corruptible you were, and maybe most importantly, the degree to which you would fight if you saw lessers being pushed around or the country being fucked over.
Once you had that kind of thing in your file, I think you were judged untrustworthy, and a potential problem, and you were not going to be getting drawn in. From there, you were probably put on a path to be kept occupied.
There was a guy on Free Republic once who remarked offhandedly he felt somebody with immense clout had been watching him his entire life, and actually putting him in amazing places. He was something like Military intelligence, and he said there was no way he got into all the assignments he got put in by chance, and somebody up high had been making sure he got amazing assignments, one after another, after another. I thought at the time, he may have been judged some combination of amazing and potentially dangerous, and they had decided to keep him occupied, apparently in a quite entertaining way.
You may have gotten the same thing. Once your file was marked, the leadership who organized the missions pooled you with like-minded people, and probably a few monitors you would have seen as peers, and you ended up doing the missionary work for yourselves, and others, who were in the network, doing other stuff you weren’t aware of. My guess is a guy like Mitt Romney was slipping away and cleaning out dead drops, couriering shit around, and running surveillance somewhere for periods on shit the machine wants watched. People he met got reports written on them, and sites got pictures taken and sent back, and probably other stuff. There are groups of people like him who were doing entirely different things in other groups you never were scheduled to cross paths with. One thing about spooks is they try to get the youngest and least experienced doing stuff, because the opposition has the least intel on who they are, something called Legend.
If I had to guess, I would bet that although you are as principled as they come, intelligent, capable, and willing to give to your community, you could never have gotten near leadership positions in the Church if you had tried. All above you, whether you see it or not, is an invisible barrier to that level. The people up there know stuff you don’t, and they are a team which protects their positions for their own, and you are not one of them.
I tell people these things for a few reasons. One, as unfortunate as it is, I think kids need to be warned to hide their power levels, even among other kids. If you kid can get 100% on every test, he should purposely get 90’s and 91’s. And if you are a younger person looking to rise, I think you should understand it isn’t a meritocratic system, and those people at the top may actually have a worse life than those lower on the ladder. I would not want to be in Hunter Biden’s head living his life, even for his Gazillion dollar salary. It is a dark place up there.
But if you want to really succeed, understand the system will be trying to suppress you for those who know all about the conspiracy and serve it, so you should figure on doing anything outside of the systems they tell you about. Don’t waste Capital on advertising unless you can confirm the ads are being delivered, and know it will bring in customers because you know how everything works. Don’t go to the established mechanisms they provide for aspiring people, like publishing houses, because those are designed to weed you out and promote their people. Don’t think others are getting paid millions for something and you can do it better so you should be able to succeed. Their millions may be laundered payoffs, and not even real at that. It may be just money the machine is letting them invest for it in return for a portion of the interest.
I think these things are important for our kind.
as you have stated and many have observed, cabal gets into HR and management and moves its assets to what they consider important posts. and yes they try to stifle and hamstring opposition, at a minimum.
thanx for the great work, AC. indispensable, esp today.
also, for normal people, they do take different jobs at times. they round themselves out iaw their own perceptions of need/oppo, and take some advice (good or bad). a tell for cabal types is that they are ordained to get the sheep dip treatment. a year here, two there, for decades perhaps, then voila! that’s a big boss. and only accomplishment was “being there”.
I would bet you know what a Provo soak is, and would never succumb to that lawyering.
That is why you were never on the recruitment list.
What do you think of this take on Mormonism?
My take is that the analysis of the occult symbolism is not only correct, but conservative and restrained.
I know a lot of Mormons that I think are true, surface believers — hell, I’m related to some. As for the leadership, I think that they are neck and neck with the Vatican for most plentiful fonts of evil on Earth.
Pattern in detail:
all around cabal is pattern in detail, once i began to understand the intelligence gathering technique of recognizing pattern in detail i can not unsee pattern in detail. it is so glaring a tell it makes a mockery of cabal and its machine its history everything, predictable, it is like a leaf blower that clears away the smokescreen of plausible deniability and crisis as a means, ( same difference really).
From my own cursurial study of history its evident cabal and its dark evil has been employing unrestricted alien invasion warfare on various caucasion high IQ high amygdalae western civilizations and states thruout history, a clear pattern exists, not that cabal is the sole initiator of unrestricted alien invasion, its not, lot of factors initiate alien invasions from one culture or society into another, all the usual factors from weather patterns to crop failures to tyrannies effecting mass mivements, even say gold strikes like in California and the Yukon, but you look at America, the new world, as it was discovered and some interesting differences stick out. One pattern is a discernable pattern of preservation of control over territory, who is involved, at the highest levels of economc/political controls, and compare it to say Australia, which did not have near the vast unimaginable resources, it becane an instant in time frames, dumping ground of undesirables and other problem people of the Great East Trading Company, the British cabal empires front corporation, its proxy for waging economic and race warfare while monopolizing the economics of controlling important resources and their distribution. Pattern in detail, it is no diff in our current circumstances, its just almost pervasive into every sector and nich economicalky, particularly in America, as literally ordered Liberty is not possible without unfettered economic activity. And to substainiate this notion, in America’s colonial era hand crafts reached a level of execution and innovation of explosive dimensions, in large oart because the criwn and the GETC proscribed all importations of durable goods to the colonies, that where not either manufactured in England by English hands or first shipped to great Brittain first, and subjected to usuray level tarrifs arbitrarily diktated by the crown and its proxies, determined to extract the max wealth transfer and maintain economic poverty in hard liquid specie upon the aAmerican colonies.
( essentially the same patten in detail as the war of northern aggression and the economic slavery imposed on the agrarian southern soveruegn States, cabal never changes in certain ways, as the wealth transfer and fettering if America and her great economic energy are constants, look no further than commie chink economic warfare and ofshorung strategies, shit repeats and repeats and…).
But this agenda of unrestricted alien invasion the machine is bent upon at every level from the gangstalkers running church disguised distribution of invading humans into every facet nook and cranny of our homeland to globo=pedo pieholes dystopian agenda 21 flotilla of boats picking up floating hords onthe ocean, to flying nightly UPS and FedEx cargo planes on return trips back to the US filled with military age musloids and other suitable military grade cadre, is invasion. Pure and simple invasion by foriegn alien troops. And no small number if their kin kith and tribe because there is no better auxillary insurgency resources than ones tribe and local AO community to support your future operations. This is LIC and 4th Generatiin War 101, hardcore 4G preps, a cabal proxy army. Any question why ammo and other key SHTF resources are been so difficult to procure for real American’s? And may be why the machine has not simly proscribed manufacture of combat grade civillian arms before now?
Yeah, they need to arm and equip this proxy invasion army, they need this oroxy army to solve the priblem of100 Milkion armed to the fucking teeth K Strategist’s with high amygdala and their indiginious auxillary 4th G warfare support.
Cabal is litterally building an army with alien invasion troops, prepisitioning them on American soul, thru an ordered descreet non violent steady buildup and establishment of key assets on every level of the machines political syndicate. An examle is the four horsewoman of the apocolypse in the congress, establishment of enclaves and US style no go zones in each state where said cadre can operate unfettered, and said individual soros sponsoredcand implemented state level operations assist the buildup.
The reasons are pretty simple. cabal and the US machine does not and will mever have enough soldiers to effectively deal with 100 Million armed to the fucking teeth leaderless LIC fighting K Strategist American’s. Simple math.
Never mind America now is the mother of all 4G War meat-grinders, primed to chew up into burger anyone stupid enough to stick their dicks in it.
Thats where this vast alien invasion force comes in. America becomes their territory, each alien inclave holds territory which is now their AO, just like we as American’s are plank owners of US territory.
Cabal can do all its damndest to our K Strategist territory we hold, our homeland and our individual property which constitutes our country, they can bomb it, pogrom everyone on it, employ marxian and neo-bolshevik kill the kulak styles of genocide, bio-warfare as we see with the jab! and other biological warfare vectors from invasive pests to diseases brought in thru a myriad of vectors, this is total war on our K Strategist high amygdalae arses.
What prime pattern in detail exists thru history, is in every instance, without exception thru recorded history, unrestricted unfettered alien invasion, has resulted in War. Every time. No exceptions.
Yet, as with many things uniquely American, lets hope we are the exception. And thats not hope or whishful thinking, it is reason and cause and code, the elements of exceptionalism as theory of American Exceptionalism, as in its always, and no others, purview that it is the dirt people who effect positive change on this mortal coil, there are no others, for a million good reasons and cause.
Even the most endlaved hman minds benefit from the effects of K Strategist freedom and individual liberty, as these are part and parcel in our codes as goid folks. Sure there is always criminal element in all human groups, thats to be human,but most people are regular and simple decent hmans at some level, we would have self exterminated long ago if not, so when said decent alien invaders are settled and begin tointeract with America in its time honored traditions form, positive effects take place, and many become Americanized to some extent, and their amygdalae are effected also in positive ways, this is a great dynamic, subtle for sure, but good folks are good folks regardless, and Americanized good folks, even Americanized a tiny bit, alter cabal’s equation of alien invasion. Nobody, no good folks, no dirt people, are trying to get into any cabal shithole, but there’s no lack who are willing to hang off landing gear of a US .mil C-17 in the last desperate hope to may be survive the brief air hop to a allied state refuge, escape their shithole country, to America.
Its not rocket science. Once goid folks get a taste of America, not in any way the beast that wears our republic as a skin suit, but the real place, the America you and I live in, once any sound reasoned good hearted hman is infected with individual liberty and its incredible blessings and grok the elemental crux of Unalienable natural law that we are each Sovereign, profound things manifest themselves if they are K Strategist’s, high amygdala takes place, even if said individual can not put it to words or even coherent thought, what matters is the amygdala knows, and provides each with that gut feeling something IS right, and a contrast is realized, for many the first time in their entire lives, they have this feeling or sense unlike the cabal shithole of endentured and trafficked human slavery where they are born.
The machine has been running a specific invasion army across the borders for decades, prepositionung said cadre for future use, but something keeps hapoening, that before long much of that alien invasion army dies the one thing which otherwise makes it an alien invading army, it assimilates. In doing so the machine no longer controls it in ways that makes it a proxy insurgency force.
The historical cabal pattern in detail equation for its institutional order of waging proxy war on peoples it whishes to control or genocide or both:
Alien immigration without assimilation is invasion.
Unrestricted alien invasion is low intensity conflict 4G warfare against the natural born and legitimate assimilated alien immigration population.
Pattern in detail thru history in all its myriad ways.
Cabal and its conspiracy is expert at this kind of proxy warfare.
Cabal and its machine, is not capable of destroying us who are the race of K Strategist Americana. Our history and culture is the oldest survining, and yes thriving civilization on Earth. We are high IQ/Amygdalae people, we are naturaly possessed of a warrior nature and tendency, it is our K Strategist strategy of assured survival of our species and culture. It is pretty heady stuff, it rubs off on everyone with half a rational brain cell that can sense the diff between good and evil, K Strategist and hellmouths proxies.
On that premise, it appears the machine is bumrushing us with a massive wave of fresh military age fresh off the 4G cabal battlefield reinforcements from Endless War theater, because too much of its prepositioned proxy alien invader force has gone native in America.
I think too much of its native gangstalker network has fallen far short of its obligations, now that its getting to nut cutting time. After all, just as there are no athiests in foxholes, there are no true hardcore machine gangstalkers who live in flyover nation when orders come down from on high to blow cover and do the dirty within their communities and local AO’s.
Sure there are the sick ones, the sadistic, the highly criminal, the greedy, the sycophant and true believer, the majority though, they took the ticket because they are lazy, dishonest in the heart, compeeled by peer pressure or familial obligations or just nake stupid and bad life decisions.
But most, as shit gets real close to dropping in the pit, all thise nice things they enjoy for being inside the network, all the juicy tidbits and favors, priviledges and influence racketeering, they start to look mighty fine and really swell bennies. Who the fuck in their right minds would shitcan all that to do away with what is basically an awful lot of good folks who never done any gangstalkers wrong or caused trouble to speak of. Never mind you been fucking with those same good folks for how long on the networks orders? You have a rather unique intimint insight into those folks you been fucking with and covering, you know no small number, with their backs to the wall become a kind of mean unlike any people can get.
The institutional order of cabal and its machine is both a perishable institution requiring constant maintenance due to the human dynamics of diminishing return, entropy, and its power to control and coerce becomes more difficult so higher and higher levels of force and violence are required to maintain a constant level of control and power.
Its a very complex operation, very time sensative, in fact timing is everything, and time is the one resource cabal is now short of and it ain’t to be had at any price, so time begins to dictate cabal operations. It seems a frenetic kind of urgency is in play. The question for us K Strategist’s involves when desperate measures within cabal organizations become the prime motive. No power so illegitimate and depraved as cabal lasts forever. Cabal has waxed and waned thru time. Each cycle more complex than previous. Reuiring ever greater resources and ever more insidious organization.
I think this is the final cycle for cabal, that the birth of individual and ordered liberty is too strong, that the 5000 Year Leap is the doom of tyrannies, this grand cabal thrust is the last great gasp of tyrants on Earth. That Liberty prevails as it must, its legacy is what us evolving, evolutionary it is, as its revolution and insurgency is entirely purely grass roots, nothing less, it is that such revolution is evolutionary in nature. Simply put Liberty got out of the bottle and tyranny can not stuff it back no matter how it tries. Its impossible, liberty has grown too large, too late, it will not fit back in its bottle.
More people have lived in Liberty in America, in 245 years, than all of the people who have existed on Earth in all of history, including that 245 years, outside of America.
Thats quite a statement about K Strategist Americana. An undeniable truth. An Unalieanable truth about us and freedom.
History is going to look back at MAGA and it’s God Emperor, and be pleased with how it prevailed, how it changed the world in positive ways, just as The 5000 Year Leap first did.
In the long run, for good and bad, that alien invasion army will be good for many things K Strategist. That cabal has made a grand strategic blunder creating conditions of hybrid vigor in K Strategist. While mutilating and wrecking its r/ strategist population, causing a veritable mutant sub-species of r/ strategist. A pathetic self loathing human self extinction hive mind movement. Its the unintended consequences of hundreds of years and generations of its corporate slave class built upon blackmail and its vast pedophelia network and its human trafficking depravity, its unintended consequences if cabal mind slavery within its ranks and organization. Its reaching max insanity, the insanity is searching for an outlet, a pressure relief valve, its starting to escape, it will obtain a form that can not be stopped, its starting to show, and we get a ring side seat. Its the end of the machine and cabal. Its already hamstrung, incapable of performing any legitimate tasks or duties beyond wearing the skinsuit of legitimate government. There are no legitimate resources or institutional order remaining under the illusion. The only thing maintaining the visage of legitimacy is the ultimate illegitimacy if its yellow media complex and survieliance state assets. A thin reed upon which to function coherently on the world stage as a legitimate state would.
Time is everything, The machine is on the verge of attempting a great false flag against K Strategist, its a race to elimination of K Strategist Americana verses the utter illegitimacy of the state and its insbikity to function as a state among many internationally, the machine must obtain absolete power, destroy K Strategist, because K Strategist Americana is and always been the legitimate and only power within the republic that is legitimate. As long as we exist as a plurality, as a legion armed to the fucking teeth the machine has no power but force and violence against all other states. Its a real pickle, cabal cant be total cabal long as that legitimacy of good folks exists. A grand culmination piint is at hand. Whatever complex cunning sly plan cabal has, its got serious problems, conundrums it can not eliminate, except its standard tactic which is doubling down when failure insues, wash rinse dry repeat. Insanities of cabal vanities.
An affirmation of disastrous calamities to be highly desired and not interrupted.
The commie chinks are no better. Another hermit knigdom of emperors with no clothes. A decidedly monomaniacal genocidal one, with a vast cannon fodder army, but in its Asian way, a navel gazing race barn blind regime, an intellektual/high tekh thieving one to boot, A regime with its own ultimate agenda, and God only knows what faustian bargain its made with cabal and the machine.
The patterns of details complex, the unintended consequences exponentially increase with complexity of the evil incarnate.
Its the commie chinks who set off Armaggedon, the final battle between goid and evil. The chinks are the fuse thats hissing, its lit, its steady, inexorable, time is fleeting. Gotterramdung!
Though we be the wretched, its our purview to defy and resist and yes surthrive. It is our duty and burden to fight surrounded, cut off, no allies, only our druthers and courage and close friends to help and work with.
God Bless us K Strategists, there are none like us.
We can not lose if we keep our nerve about us and do not take council from our fears.
“When they come back, I assume they join the domestic surveillance/intel network of CIA, under Cabal’s command, so Utah will be heavily infested with Cabal’s domestic network.”
The Book of Mormon directly warns against “secret combinations” which come directly from Satan. It will become readily apparent to those individuals what they are participating in, and this will happen over the next several years. They have a choice to make, and the results last an eternity.
For me personally, I do note that there are many Latter-day Saints who do not live saintlike lives, specifically concerning Chastity outside of marriage. Somehow they still attend services, keep their callings and even go to Temples and even more- have say in judicial matters over other Saints. There are some people who are just “magic” they can do wrong again and again and not be punished by the Church for their immorality. Their lips speak of the Lord, but their hearts are far away. They are unclean and are not covenant keeping Israel. Our Father in Heaven sees everything and will judge.
I’m also reminded of the saying by Jesus in Matthew 7:16 and 17, “Ye shall know them by their fruits”. J.D. Unwin, an Englishman of great insight, cataloged the rise and fall of cultures in his work Sex and Culture (1934). When cataloging cultures they way he did he may as well have been cataloging the judgements by our Heavenly Father. To put it bluntly if less than half of newly-wed women are not virgins on their wedding night then their culture contracts sharply over the next 3 generations. It seems Heavenly Father would rather families be strong and good more so than having perfect “doctrine” or “theology” or even knowledge of Christ.
AC, I hope you put my words on blast. I’m a Latter-Day Saint and I have seen directly what you describe. But the enemy does not wear their colors openly and though many are fallen, even more are ignorant. It increases my belief in scripture that these specific warnings would be in there, literally all over the Bible and the Book of Mormon and even in the Dead Sea Scrolls, which repeated much of the warnings of the Book of Mormon but weren’t discovered until 1946.
Latter-Day Saints are a special people, a people who chose to follow the Gospel in a very serious way. I’m sorry that there are so many in our number who are building roadblocks between You, others and Biblical scripture. That is a direct contradiction of Christian faith. All members of the Church receive a witness of the Holy Spirit, and any who try separate anyone from salvation will themselves be separated from it.
I understand, because I see the network. It has all kinds, and is everywhere, and is putting up walls between our countrymen all over.
One thing about being under it is, I sympathize with all the people who just want to go their own way in peace and privacy, strive and accomplish what they are capable of with what gifts God gave them, and who would want one nation united in service to its own, instead of some secret society controlling everyone, splitting people apart, and invading privacy all over to take control by force as they try to crash our nation.
Those freedom-lovers are my people.
RE: Lara Logan – “What they want you to believe is that Afghanistan is complicated. Because if you complicate it, it’s a tactic in information warfare called ‘ambiguity increasing… So now we’re all talking about the corruption and the ‘this’ and the ‘that’ and that there’s all these complex parts — but at its heart, every single thing in the world, in your personal life, professionally, on the global stage, at its heart, it’s very simple. It always comes down to one thing, one or two things.”
The lady is right on the money. I have loved family who when I was younger always explained to me that the political or social disaster of the day was “very complicated’ and therefore almost impossible to solve. Well, that never sat well with me and one of my life interests became the reading/researching of history.
Over time I became relatively knowledgable of major historical figures, trends and dates. I became quite competent at the Jeopardy or Trivial Pursuit level of the historically informed. I think of that knowledge as foundational. It gave me some context for our world but it never provided answers or clarity to the complexity I was taught and read. I was always aware too – skeptically – that the teaching of history was unnaturally disjointed and seemed to un-enlighten, confuse, and bore rather than truly educate our citizens. In fact, the confusion and babel of voices only had “ambiguity increasing” as Lara Logan said – by design. Fake history and lying historians are as endemic as corrupt politicians, whoring actors, and pedo priests.
Then came Trump speaking clearly – no more forked tongue bullshit – redirecting the mark’s attention back to the critical point of focus. Assigning blame and hitting hard where it never had been before. His answers for problems were simple and obvious. That very common sense and use of reason was violently opposed as ignorant, naive, boorish and, of course, racist. Yet the normal people of our country and the world were listening to the boy who cried “The emperor has no clothes” and seeing that he was right.
Finally, Q appeared and over several weeks in early 2018 I read the drops, shaken to the core. It was as if the scales had fallen from my eyes and Q’s socratic logic began to organize the jigsaw puzzle of random, ambiguous historical pieces in my mind. The conspiracy theory, as “crazy” as we are conditioned to believe, began to answer and explain the previously inexplicable chaos of history I had read. I am street smart better than book smart. All of my gut instincts – after that initial shock – said this shit is real, pay very close attention, learn and act accordingly.
The post that tipped the scales for me was this early one, #142 on Nov 12 2017 12:16:24 (EST):
How did Soros replace family ‘y’?
Who is family ‘y’?
Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.
What happened during WWII?
Was Hitler a puppet?
Who was his handler?
What was the purpose?
What was the real purpose of the war?
What age was GS?
What is the Soros family history?
What has occurred since the fall of N Germany?
Who is A. Merkel?
What is A. Merkel’s family history?
Follow the bloodline.
Who died on the Titanic?
What year did the Titanic sink?
Why is this relevant?
What ‘exactly’ happened to the Titanic?
What ‘class of people’ were guaranteed a lifeboat?
Why did select ‘individuals’ not make it into the lifeboats?
Why is this relevant?
How do we know who was on the lifeboats (D or A)?
How were names and bodies recorded back then?
When were tickets purchased for her maiden voyage?
Who was ‘specifically’ invited?
Less than 10.
What is the FED?
What does the FED control?
Who controls the FED?
Who approved the formation of the FED?
Why did H-wood glorify Titanic as a tragic love story?
Who lived in the movie (what man)?
Why is this relevant?
Opposite is true.
What is brainwashing?
What is a PSYOP?
What happened to the Hindenburg?
What really happened to the Hindenburg?
Who died during the ‘accident’?
Why is this relevant?
What are sheep?
Who controls the narrative?
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
It must be controlled.
Snow White.
Iron Eagle.
Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).
All of these historical events were presented to us by a Cabal whose purpose is to fleece and slaughter us – the sheep they farm. Afghanistan is no different and no more complicated than WWII, bloodline families, Hitler, Soros, Merkel, the Titanic, the FED, and the Hindenburg. Afghanistan was a “Denied Zone” for Cabal CIA ops. Just as North Korea, Myanmar, Iran, Cuba, etc have been. Trump/Q/Mil Intel done fucked that up for Cabal and their stooges in the US Administration today. Biden will be replaced, as was always anticipated, and the velvet gloves will come off as our Patriots hasten the downfall of this evil. The logic is there, staring us in the face and daring us to acknowledge it. When we awaken the hunters become the hunted.
I posted here a few days ago about the possibility that what we were seeing in Afghanistan is pure theater. My assumption is that the Taliban leaders that we “carelessly freed” were actually in “US Custody” for negotiations.
An armed and apparently insane Afghanistan under our control behind the scenes is exactly what they US wants strategically. Enough to create mayhem to keep Asia divided and to keep China’s belt/road/pipeline network from going through. And there’s no possible way China’s military could pacify that place now. Attempts to build infrastructure across it could always easily be thwarted with huge losses incurred.
The Taliban obviously have resources coming in from the outside. Which means they have influence coming from the outside.
If China controlled them, they’d very much like to see us humiliated. We are in a horrible tactical position right now where we could be very easily humiliated and not do much about it.
Either the Taliban has some very cool headed leadership right now or what we’re seeing is a lot of theater.
Keep in mind that even those people who see on camera at the Kabul airport begging for their lives could be actors. And ask yourself, just who is it on the inside of that fence that is capturing them on video and uploading it? And don’t they have something better to be doing if this is really the Alamo of Afghanistan?
I believe the odds are better than not that this is elaborate theater.
And I’d go so far as to say that I believe that the original Taliban created after the Afghan Civil War in the mid 1990s is most likely a CIA/Cabal proxy. Created for this role long ago.
My thoughts on the racial czar article
I think some people here might find Father Spyridon’s youtube channel insightful. He is pretty based too, check this out:
>”For Lem, an example of the new propaganda, as the usual suspects try to trick us into importing the Afghans:”
I am sure he found that really funny (if he read it). That type of propaganda is very reminiscent of the fake stories told about the small circumference head apparel people during the times of funny mustache man. More specifically that one about funny mustache man ordering his men to tickle homos to death.
>”New satellite images show Russia may be preparing to test nuclear powered ‘Skyfall’ missile.”
Hopefully the testing site name starts with a T and ends with a el-Aviv.
YGB, if the military didn’t want chaos at the Kabul airfield, then there would be several millimeter wave active denial systems parked around keeping the crowds at bay.
Seems like dandelion extract is good against the China flu:
Kamela Harris just left for Vietnam.
As soon as AFG got shut down, she has to make a mule run to Heroin.Backup. I don’t know if it’s the cash or that they are all smackheads who have to have a huge, constant supply, but opium runs our government.
Holy shit, I never thought of that.
That was where it all began with Ted Shackley, the Gray Ghost during Vietnam. The original story the movie Lethal Weapon was based on.
This is why comments are indispensable. The genius that can end up congregating just blows all sorts of shit wide open.
That Myanmar Golden Triangle has been the center of the Cabal Triad/Cabal CCP/Cabal CIA triangle ops for several generations. The Vietnam War and Cambodia bloodbath was a Cabal CIA op to create a denied zone in the Golden Triangle for their global drug running, wealth creation and social chaos.
Power of high-IQ K-driven Swarm Intelligence:
SI doesn’t just have to be about artificial intelligence and machine learning. The individual “agents” can easily be high-IQ individuals, if put in a conducive environment, can generate a level of analysis 1+ standard deviation greater than the average. A comment section, well-moderated and with clear purpose, in itself becomes its own instance of SI. I envision this, with a form of optimized intormation management interface (Like this blog but somehow more organic and interactive. I remember Littlebook was developing something like he called Textmind.), with some clear method of incentivization and common purpose, can be a quite powerful analytic tool.
Best comment section ever because of your effective moderating strategy, AC. It’s not just because of the comaraderie and awakening that TPTB constantly send trolls after you. It’s the SI synergy that keeps getting refined as only commenters of a certain degree of IQ/knowledge/intuition form collective connections and are able to interface to generate a greater degree of insight at a faster rate than possible individually.
Gab is talking about onlyfans banning sexually explicit content. Not sure how seriously they mean that, but if true it seems significant. Though not sure exactly what that ultimately means.
This site says both that payment processors and banks forced the move, but it also claims non-sexually explicit nudity is still allowed? Not even sure what that last bit means.
Some of the people here might find this interesting (it’s 4 hours of Oliver Stone interviewing President Putin, from 2015):
From Knuckledraggin Thank you Kenny
Covid is a cabal construct. This is a long one over one hour but you will then understand
OnlyFans Bans Sexually Explicit Content Over ‘Mounting’ Pressure From Banks
20 American Diplomats Afflicted By Mysterious “Havana Syndrome” In Austria
And they have to have heavy ground surveillance there. Either it is massively advanced interdimensionals or a massively advanced breakaway society that can just run circles around surveillance, or it is what runs the surveillance.
>”Either it is massively advanced interdimensionals”
I think that’s just another word for demons. IMHO, if one accepts Christ as the truth, and the whole Christian doctrine that comes with it (pls no denomination squabbles, although I must say I am Orthodox leaning for transparency’s sake (and I would be an Orthodox already if I could get baptized right now)), then one also accepts that Satan and demons are real, just as real as God and you and me and everything else that happens to exist.
This very based book talks about the UFO phenomena and how it all comes down to demonic activity (among other things), for all that are interested:
I agree 100%. I use the term interdimensionals because those who know will recognize it, and those who don’t know, might open up to the idea with that term more than Demons, especially given we now have “authority” going around saying they see these things.
With time now, I expect faith will be making a big comeback, because people will realize just how real it all is.
Thanks for sharing this. 10 minutes in and I already learned an insight I wasn’t previously aware of – the complete lack of or replacement of God in Science Fiction media and entertainment. No wonder Hollywood and MSM pushes Sci Fi so hard on our culture and children.
I am retarded (and lacking sleep), this is the correct link I wanted to share regarding the book on the UFOs:
Although the rest of the book is also possibly very interesting for non-Orthodox frens, this chapter is certainly insightful and of interest for everyone IMHO (it’s the chapter about the UFOs being demonic activity). I would say that some instances of UFO activity can possibly be secret advanced human tech being tested, I would say most of it is probably demonic activity (based on gut instinct), and would say that the author is 100% right when he says all instances of alien abductions are demonic activity “disguised” as ayyyy lmao (that’s memespeak for alien, to the meme illiterate frens) activity.
Very worth the read:
But there was one development that had not been expected, and was not tolerable: the large and growing incidence of sexual assaults committed by refugees against local women. These were not of the cultural-misunderstanding-date-rape sort, but were vicious, no-preamble attacks on random girls and women, often committed by gangs or packs of young men. At first, the incidents were downplayed or hushed up—no one wanted to provide the right wing with fodder for nationalist agitation, and the hope was that these were isolated instances caused by a small problem group of outliers. As the incidents increased, and because many of them took place in public or because the public became involved either in stopping the attack or in aiding the victim afterwards, and because the courts began issuing sentences as the cases came to trial, the matter could no longer be swept under the carpet of political correctness. And with the official acknowledgment and public reporting, a weird and puzzling footnote emerged. Most of the assaults were being committed by refugees of one particular nationality: by Afghans.
I have worked on issues related to refugees for much of my professional life, from the Pakistani camps during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan to Yemen, Sudan, Thailand, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Lebanon, Bosnia, Nicaragua and Iraq, and have deep sympathy for their plight. But nowhere had I encountered a phenomenon like this one. I had seen refugees trapped in circumstances that made them vulnerable to rape, by camp guards or soldiers. But for refugees to become perpetrators of this crime in the place that had given them asylum? That was something new.
Turns out the article about the rape waves that Afghans bring to the West with them is a 3 part article, here are some more quotes:
This brings us to a third, more compelling and quite disturbing theory—the one that my Afghan friend, the court translator, puts forward. On the basis of his hundreds of interactions with these young men in his professional capacity over the past several years, he believes to have discovered that they are motivated by a deep and abiding contempt for Western civilization. To them, Europeans are the enemy, and their women are legitimate spoils, as are all the other things one can take from them: housing, money, passports. Their laws don’t matter, their culture is uninteresting and, ultimately, their civilization is going to fall anyway to the horde of which one is the spearhead. No need to assimilate, or work hard, or try to build a decent life here for yourself—these Europeans are too soft to seriously punish you for a transgression, and their days are numbered.
And it’s not just the sex crimes, my friend notes. Those may agitate public sentiment the most, but the deliberate, insidious abuse of the welfare system is just as consequential. Afghan refugees, he says, have a particular proclivity to play the system: to lie about their age, to lie about their circumstances, to pretend to be younger, to be handicapped, to belong to an ethnic minority when even the tired eye of an Austrian judge can distinguish the delicate features of a Hazara from those of a Pashtun.
Soldiers Fight Back Against Military’s Upcoming Vaccine Mandate by Filing Lawsuit
civilian action cranking up
Counterfeit DEA and FBI badges from China seized in Chicago
From Dr. Mercola: Article with video that shows why the covid vaccine really is a clot-shot.
Visual Display of How mRNA Vaccine Affects Cells
Story at a Glance:
Dr. Charles Hoffe, a family physician from Lytton, British Columbia, told health officials that his patients were suffering adverse effects from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines
Hoffe was quickly accused of causing “vaccine hesitancy” and local health authorities threatened to report him to the licensing body
The spike protein in the vaccine can lead to the development of multiple, tiny blood clots because it becomes part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium; these cells are supposed to be smooth so that your blood flows smoothly, but the spike protein means there are “spiky bits sticking out”
Hoffe has been conducting the D-dimer test on his patients to detect the potential presence of blood clots within four to seven days of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine; 62% have evidence of clotting
The long-term outlook is very grim, Hoffe said, because with each successive shot, it will add more damage as you’re getting more damaged capillaries
For those that missed it:
Pretty based, but regarding Smart Bald Man’s claim about how “it is wrong to deny Israel its right to exist”, I would say that Israel has as much a right to exist has its enemies have a right to destroy it, because it was founded by the rotten Rothschild using a might makes right approach, and has since its founding relied on the zionist subversion of the US to keep it self from getting over run from all the enemies it made. IMHO Israel won’t survive the balkanization of the US (if it happens, which I am inclined to believe it will), and even if the US don’t balkanize, it won’t survive the US purging its zionist subverters and zionist occupation government and zionist subverted body politic (the Israel first uniparty). Basically, Israel has as much a right to exist has the US people have the right to condemn it to its destruction by refusing to no longer be its piggy bank and cannon fodder provider (US Mil).
PS: Begome Orthodox! : DDDDD
PSS:
Only for based frens:
Courtesy of my wife in reply:
For based waifus of internet people only: