Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Threats of more looting leads to concerns of downtown Chicago exodus. I still think the primary goals of these creations of unrest is to poison the utopia Trump was creating, to stop people from voting for him and erode his support. But a secondary effect may be to drive the leftist stupidity which is presently concentrated beyond useful density in the cities, out into surrounding suburbs. A lot of purple areas at the outer margins of the blue of the cities will now be tipped blue by leftist migrants diffusing into them from the cities. And chances are they will not have learned from their mistakes.
Clinton caught in a picture getting a neck massage from one of Jeffrey Epstein’s victims.
Report says Obama/Brennan imported overseas terrorists into the US to form ANTIFA. Not just that. There is an entire intelligence operation they have been building with non-Americans gifted with citizenship and jobs in the Network, and they have pulled them in from all over the world, probably based on how well they served the network in their home countries.
Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse says he has met with investigators to brief them on the data he has come up with on who is behind the corruption in government, but he is not confident anything will come from it. I process a lot of data, looking for who might be at the top, but it is tougher to find solid data than you would think. All of that jive about how people can’t keep secrets in a conspiracy is bullshit. There is a massive conspiracy. It is all over, and it is shocking – the kind of shocking you would never believe could be kept secret. Tons of people – some people around you, who you know personally – know all about its existence if not its details. Little kids know and recognize it as just a simple fact of life. And yet the secret is held, and everyone is afraid to mention it. Then you have the fact this conspiracy is out there putting out disinformation. Add in that it controls every major outlet and most of the minor ones, as well as many supposedly regular “civilian” comment posters on online sites, who look like regular people, and they are all probably putting out a hundred pieces of disinformation for every little nugget they accidentally let slip by, and it is very tough to discern who is at the top of the pyramid.
Mayor de Blasio’s wife is branded ‘a disgrace’ for having a staff of 14 – including a $70,000 videographer who filmed her baking cookies – while crime soars after $1bn NYPD cuts and trash piles up on streets amid 22,000 threatened job cuts. And she siphoned away $1.2 billion at last count, plus a few hundred million per year since, for mental health programs with no measurable effects.
Arrest warrant issued for head of Virginia Senate, 13 others in monument attack that resulted in critical injury. Apparently it is a result of video captured at the scene, so if the court system wasn’t fixed, she would be convicted.
Michael Bloomberg set to spend $60 million to get Democrats elected. All of these guys are mere employees, handling Cabal funds. Way back in college, I would periodically work with a friend who had a service/construction company that serviced the ultra rich when I was off in the summer. He always marveled that they would not spend their money on anything, to the point their multi-million dollar houses would have the cheapest repairs possible barely holding the houses together beneath the facades. At the time, I assumed it was that they made millions by saving money but now I wonder if they were all Epstein-like employees of a machine, and the money was not really their own. There were other indications. Here is a funny story, the video of which popped into my head a while back. Absolute, “A”-list client, globally known due to mass media-pushing, and you would recognize the name. My friend was subcontracting a construction project, and it had to be done soon because the hottest female movie star at the time, by a mile, was coming to stay for a week in about ten days or so. At the time I was impressed, though now I wonder if they were passing her around the wealthy area as a sex-toy in some Epstein-like intel honey pot project. The home-owner had some sort of idolizing thing for our God-Emperor, and would drop his name to my friend, often casually mentioning some landscaping was very much like what he saw when “The Donald” invited him to Mara Lago, or the pool and hot tub were not as good as “The Donald’s” and so on. So the strange part – I was one of numerous low level cogs on several different construction projects going on at the home. I am more or less certain I was being followed around at the time, based on continually seeing things which would make complete sense in that context, but which I was always dismissing, as that explanation would be ridiculous. This was another one of those weird things. It was the end of the day, which meant about 8:30 at night, and I was outside, at the back of my friend’s pickup truck, packing gear to go home. Their house had a sort of half-courtyard thing going on there. So they could light all the lights, and lit from almost three sides at the house, it might as well have been day outside. My friend’s brother, a co-owner of the company, was walking towards the house, looking down at his clipboard, probably a list of things that were done, and that had to be finished, to go over it with the homeowner. As he reached the door, it popped open, and everybody was there. They were apparently waiting by the window, for him to come, and it seemed like they couldn’t wait to talk to him by how they all flooded around him. What was odd was, the staff was all there too, and they – nannies, housekeepers, gardener, etc (many Chinese) – were not deferential to the homeowner. They all looked strangely like equals in status, as some spilled out of the house around my friend’s brother, and others inside jockeyed for position at the door, some looking from inside, occasionally over at me. It caught my eye in large part because it was just a weird bustle. As my friend’s brother was about to begin, the home owner cut him off and said something intensely, but cautiously, the sort of way you would ask something if you wanted a piece of info, but didn’t want to be too open about why. My friend’s brother’s head snapped back, almost in confusion, as his eyebrows looked baffled, and he looked for a second, processing, before looking over, right at me, still confused. I could almost see him saying, “Why are they they so interested in him?” I was wrapping up electrical extensions, and feigned not noticing, but inside, I was again, thinking first I had to be misinterpreting. Others in the group looked over at me at that moment as well, leaving me pretty sure the homeowner asked about me, and I was some sort of point of focus of them all, including the staff. As I ran through possibilities, I actually wondered if something got stolen in the house by one of the construction crews, and they saw me by a door or something that could have given me access, but the vibe as my friend responded somehow seemed strangely not to fit with that, as they seemed very pleased to get whatever he told them, almost relieved. My best guess now is they were in the Network, hence their fame/success, and when I rolled on their very private property, I was not visible to my team for the entire day. So outside, calls were made, the resident was identified as some sort of asset, and they were called and asked to keep an eye on me while I was there, and maybe provide updates. Or maybe they had a spook team they had to let in the house from the residential side, to watch me through the windows, as if I was some sort of high-value target. From their curiosity, and tentativeness, I am guessing they were not told why, and were inquiring who I was with the boss, maybe thinking I was a criminal or psycho, and the revelation I was just a college kid who was friends with the boss was relieving. I’m still curious why “They” were so interested to begin with, and why it seems to have gone back on one side of my family at least a generation. But it was interesting to see the whole household, even the staff, seemed read-in on everything, and all seemed equal in stature for that moment, distracted by their intense curiosity about something and momentarily slipping what I now assume were just covers. Thinking of it takes me back to the girl saying Epstein had a whole hidden room filled with intel weenies monitoring cameras in his townhouse, who were probably higher ranking in the Mossad hierarchy than he was, in that operation, despite his cover seeming so impressive, if you didn’t know it was just a cover and he barely knew calculus. I’d assume Epstein’s butler, and maids, and so on were similarly, not street hires, but rather Mossad observers, and more trusted by Management than he was. I’d even wonder if Bloomberg’s staff is really staff, or if they are all security keeping tabs on him for his masters, to make sure he doesn’t begin embezzling money for himself, or doing something else Management wouldn’t approve of.
Democratic National Convention outs Elizabeth Warren on Native American panel, and it is not satire.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) is rushing the pre-election release of a book that will detail his “leadership” during New York’s coronavirus crisis. I wonder if he thinks Biden is going to be replaced, and he is trying to jockey for position to maybe be the replacement?
U.S. Postmaster General to pause all operational reforms after outcry.
Citibank sent a hedge fund $175 million by mistake, and the hedge fund isn’t returning it. Lawsuit was just started.
Suspected international alien smuggler extradited to the United States from Romania.
Flooding worsens in Sichuan, adds more pressure to Three Gorges dam.
2 million Californians warned they could lose power as Trump rips Democrats for blackouts.
A troll set up a site seeking sympathy for the shooter of the 5 year old boy killed in front of his sisters, and the site was shut down when thousands supported it and people actually began posting messages of support for the shooter. I wonder if things like this are real signs of a problem, or if they are psyops intended to present an extreme viewpoint as valid and accepted by some, and thus affect group perceptions by pushing the Overton window open in that direction. Everybody isn’t going to begin supporting this asshole, but by comparison, the Average Democrat politician’s statements seem less extreme by comparison.
Pope Francis praises nun for opening ‘trans home’ for men claiming to be women, calls them ‘girls.’ Again, an Overton Window push.
Youtube will now ban any videos it determines could “interfere” with the election.
Biden repeatedly forgets when he was inaugurated as VP during a fundraiser with Tom Hanks.
Mali President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita and Prime Minister Boubou Cisse have been detained by mutinying soldiers in the capital during an apparent coup attempt. A part of a greater global power struggle? I’ve said, when intel is operative behind the scenes, it creates a hidden force, like gravity, which will tend to cause power structures to coalesce as each tries to co-opt the other, some succeed, and eventually one becomes too big to resist. The idea that you can have one nation like China, which has massive resources and technology, and it allows third world shitholes in Africa to coexist as full equals, with national autonomy, without sending in spies and trying to gain first leverage, and then full control, is silly. It is why when I hear some dude say he is stalked by the hidden hand here, and then he travels to China, and the same exact machine is on the ground there and knows all about him as it continues his experiences in the program, I am not surprised, just as I am not surprised that during periods of unrest in the US, you see it similarly timed all over the world. There will tend to be a one world government, the only questions are, will it be open or covert, and can it periodically experience a power-shift. Although I will say, I think Russia somehow kept it at bay, which may have been the whole reason for the Cold War – to keep it a denied area to Americans, so any upstarts in the US could not travel there and find an ally against the machine. I think that is why all the Cabal forces today, which are normally all Kumbaya, are hell-bent on making Russia into some national enemy. Russian technical capabilities mixed with hard realities that trying to foster the Myth in America creates, is one of the only vulnerabilities of Cabal today.
Stanford Medicine, one of the top medical schools in the country, will not require the MCAT admissions test be taken. Making admissions more subjective so the network can ascend more freely.
On the centennial of the 19th Amendment, Trump pardons Susan B. Anthony. And now he has actually got Democrats canceling her.
COVID-19 herd immunity might be achieved with far fewer people infected, according to a new study.
President Trump’s border wall nears 300-mile mark.
Polls show Biden’s lackluster standing among Latinos could be costly.
Spread r/K Theory, because 4D chess is when you have Democrats attacking Susan B Anthony.
Stanford Medicine being, of course, the home of MK ULTRA.
In regard to your comment questioning whether the riots were intended to drive Liberals out into the redder suburbs, you should check out the article “The Workforce Is About to Change Dramatically” at The Atlantic ( The author, Derek Thompson, argues that the pandemic and increasing numbers of people working from home will reshape the political landscape by forcing city dwellers into the suburbs, stating: “As I’ve said, if Democrats abandoned liberal enclaves and spread into Red America, they could more easily win elections. And that’s happening now.”
Trump is countering with the census.
How do people just “move?”
Apartment leases are annualized. You can’t just break a lease and up and go somewhere else. Selling and buying a condo or house? That is a transaction that takes months to complete.
Much of blue state thinking is herd mentality influenced by the presence of the herd. Once the blue staters scatter, that influence weakens dramatically.
I’m just pointing out Thompson’s article, I don’t know if Thompson considered any of those points. But having watched my hometown move from solid conservative to having a left-wing mayor due to the “locust” moving here from California and Washington, I can see a certain validity to Thompson’s argument. As for the moving part, I suppose that it depends on the time scale which you are looking at. It probably would be unlikely to see much movement in just a few months. If you are looking at one or two years down the road, that is an entirely different matter.
Must read:
Yeah it’s good. More and more people are just fed up. The are becoming aware of a lot of the stuff we crone on and on about and it’s nasty business that they’ve done to this country the US and all the west. They’re, and I mean average people the Jews already know, soon going to realize that Hitler was just a reaction to their parasitical ways. When will the west get a Hitler??? I don’t know but unless the Jews let off, they create some sort of Jew dictatorship or they kill us all off somehow we will eventually get one. Their behavior is textbook psychopathic and no one, I mean no one can stand psychopaths for long without some sort of reaction to shake them off.
It’s logical there is going to be a reaction to their anti-goyim behavior:
> Michael Bloomberg set to spend $60 million to get Democrats elected.
Bloomberg is worth about $55 billion. That’s a little over a tenth of one percent.
The Goog says the net worth of an average American age 50 is over $840,000, which sounds ridiculously high to me, Given how many people own nothing and have no non-welfare income, even $84,000 seems ludicrous. But at $840,000 that would be $8,400, not a lot to own a boatload of politicians and judges. The payback period would be a matter of weeks, not years.
$60 million isn’t even a rounding error for Bloomberg’s accountants; the IRS won’t bother to audit them down to that level.
“…Goog says the net worth of an average American age 50 is over $840,000…”
Lies damn lies and statistics. Average included the hyper wealthy. The “median”, which is what the majority of people mostly, age 50-54, have is $137,866 which I’m sure includes their homes which they will lose in the coming melt down from taxes.
I had an aunt that lived in New Jersey who sold her home there because the taxes were higher than the mortgage.
> President Trump’s border wall nears 300-mile mark.
The official length of the Mexican border is 1,954 miles. So only 1,654 miles to go…
Maybe we should have hired some former East Germans to do it. At this rate, it will take another 28 years, at which point the oldest sections will probably be falling down…
I’m not a channer. I read Neon Revolt’s writeup a while ago, about trip codes, etc. Afraid if I go on 4chan I’ll get sucked in and have no free time left. BDAnon posts there. Anyone know how I can catch one of the BDAnon threads while it is still “live”? He said to AMA, and I have an AMA related to a recent comment of his. Also, how long does it take to go from zero to commenting on 4chan? Lot of hoops, or fairly quick and easy?
Anyway, the question for him is: “The people in South Africa that you say Jesus is visiting, I’ve been trying to reach them for ten years. All efforts have been blocked. Can you get me an invitation to visit them. There is a question about the measurement of time they know the answer to, and I would like to join them around the bowl.” If any polsters happen to catch a bdanon thread, if you could pass that along, be much obliged.
BDA is a Disinfo op spiced with good info.
His claims about Christ are in direct contradiction to scripture.
I follow BDAnon recaps here:
He is interesting, because he nails shit one minute the next he appears high as a kite the next minute. I don’t know what to make of him.
Called some of the Covid shit, the tankers getting seized, General Salami’s hit (that’s what i call him), etc.
>how long does it take to go from zero to commenting on 4chan?
Instant. There is no sign up.
What is this community you are talking about? Could you share here if you think secrecy isn’t important.
BDAnon said that China had people that placed explosives in the WTC. Now that’s the dumbest most stuid thing I have ever heard in my life.
The guy has got to be a Jew to lie so effortlessly and over the top. It;s like a marker.
If Bman is correct maybe he has some or is an insider with access to classified info.
This is typical very long time tested Jewish type operation. Leak a few truths then cover up the rest of the truth with bullshit. The only use these people have is like Pravda during the Soviet Union.They slip up and tell a truth every now and then and you can correlate the truths, somewhat, but know that most all they are saying is bent or twisted in some way.
Jesus in South Africa…please. Imagine how far Jesus would get with pacifism in South Africa. They would eat him.
Trump talking about Q:
Florida airport is evacuated after live French S-530 air-to-air MISSILE is found in a shipping container
Q better hurry the fuck up. Whitey is waking up.
When the Epstein Island drone footage was coming out, I remember Phelps talking about a Sub base.
And the attack in Lebanon is exactly what you would do to hit an underground sub pen.
Completely agree.
Great link and Phelps was likely dead on about the subs.
But it makes me think we are missing something, or at least this was worse than Epstein by miles. I can’t imagine the subs are for the trafficking. Epstein trafficked right in the open air. His French buddy was sending him 11 year old twins he found in eastern Europe, flying them right in right across the Altantic, as I recall, and it was being done all above ground. The subs have to be for something really bad. And they won’t even hire one of their more trusted operatives as a pilot, or send theem to the Navy to get officially trained up. Whatever it is, is so bad, that it is being kept so close-hold, that they actually had to train Maxwell as a pilot, because they couldn’t let anyone else outside their deepest, most guilty operatives know about it. I know if I had to take a sub ride for something as an elite, and I was Maxwell get in the pilot’s seat, I am already thinking, “Does she know what she is doing?”
Maybe it was little children they were going to kill, and couldn’t let be seen in the open? Maybe recognizable children like Madeline McCann they were trafficking, who could be recognized? Something with state secrets on it agents brought there to be aggregated with other agent work products, before shipping it on somewhere? It probably wasn’t drugs, or minors they were going to sexually molest, or pretty much anything else bad which is presently done without subs. Whatever it is, they couldn’t risk someone taking a photo of it, so it would seem a level greater than any crime presently done in the open.
Either that, or there is some underwater base for someone or something which can only be accessed by sub.
This may also be why it was the Virgin Islands, which are noted for water clarity, and the distances you can see through it. The waters around their various bases are probably loaded with cameras under the water and other sensors, looking for the lone frogman trying to get close and get a look at what is going on.
Maybe that’s where they keep the clones! ???
This is such a weird timeline, it could be. Pelosi was animated about something like that when she was tipsy, and repeating over and over “He’s doing mine!” about that cloning scientist.
At the link Bman posted I saw this picture. Amusing.
Patriot tells the rotten politicians like it is:
“Mayor de Blasio’s wife is branded ‘a disgrace’ for having a staff of 14 – including a $70,000 videographer who filmed her baking cookies – while crime soars after $1bn NYPD cuts and trash piles up on streets amid 22,000 threatened job cuts. And she siphoned away $1.2 billion at last count, plus a few hundred million per year since, for mental health programs with no measurable effects.”
I like to run basic numbers on the things these people are doing to show just what a huge rip off they are.
There’s 78,604 homeless in NYC in 2019. The vast majority of them, 74,982, were in shelters while 3,622 were not. They spent, “…citywide spending on homelessness more than doubled, to $3.2 billion…”
Let’s add the waste from the Mayor’s wife and we get $4.2 billion.
So cost in NYC housing. First you could build a huge floating concrete barge, I mean really big, and bring the land cost which are most of the cost to almost nothing in comparison but let’s use the higher cost.
So using the $4.2 billion and the “total” homeless, 78,604, even those in shelters we get $53,432 each homeless. So of the city funded at this level for 10 years and building at the absolutely highest cost possible, $1,000 per square foot in NYC, each person could have 534 sq, ft. Each person so families could have this added up to where a family of four would have 2137 sq. ft. Lot of room.
I believe it’s obvious that these cost are absurd, $1.000 a sq, ft. construction cost. You could build concrete barges and park them on the NYC coast. High construction cost in the US are $200 a sq. ft. The average is $137 per sq. ft. in US. Here’s a interactive map showing cost over whole USA.
So let’s try this at $200 a sq. ft. which is high but not outrageous at 534 sq, ft. each person which is good sized. It comes to 8,394,907,200. So with the $3.2 billion per year it comes to 2.6 years to provide every single one of these people with a apartment. Let’s make it a even 3 years to cover the endless bureaucracy. Once you have these built it’s not going to take this much to provide security and upkeep. Far, far less.
The whole point of this is to starkly show that they are full of shit and could care less about the homeless or they would just build them a place to live and be done with it.