Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.
If “Long Time Reader No Glowie” is still open to talking, please drop me a line at AC @ this domain.
I do not know how legit this Seruga guy is. He keeps popping up with attention-grabbing possible scoops, and his story, as a data analysis guy specializing in cell phone geolocation, sounds impressive, but so far his exact legitimacy is unclear to me. Still, I file it all away:
Tucker Carlson exposes US Congress passed a loophole to allow illegal migrants to vote:
“It’s illegal, you say, for illegal aliens to vote in a federal election. Well, actually, it’s not illegal, it turns out. Congress passed something in the US code, the federal code, a line that, unbeknownst to the rest of us, makes it legal for illegal aliens to vote in federal elections if they believe they are citizens. It’s a state of mind”
Vox Day covers Nick Fuentes calling Tucker a Fed. Fuentes is right, Tucker does glow. But you can also see the video of Fuentes on the bullhorn telling his followers they were storming the Capitol, and they were all going inside. And then he didn’t go inside. If he was just naive, he would have led the charge, and ended up in the same legal storm as the poor followers who trusted him. But he didn’t. He knew crossing the threshold was the red line, and he stayed back, while sending his people over the line. Screwing over his followers like that did not help him or his business, and disloyalty like that is clearly not some sort of principled move. He did that because an unseen, external force told him to. Never trust anyone in this business, and especially never trust anyone who is not bitching about the surveillance. And if someone tells you to do a crime, run the other way.
Republicans mostly shut out of 2024 watchdog poll worker positions in Detroit.
House Oversight investigating Walz over ‘longstanding connections’ to China.
Muslim leaders expect 100,000 pro-Palestinian demonstrators for DNC.
Downtown Chicago businesses board up over possible unrest during upcoming DNC.
Chicago, destroyed by Democrat misrule, is the perfect backdrop for the DNC.
Democrats beg Kamala Harris not to release policy agenda before election. I thought this was Babylon Bee, but it turned out to be Breitbart.
Copycat Kamala Harris announces same parent tax credit policy as Trump ticket.
Walz administration awarded $2 million to Muslim group fundraising for al Qaeda-linked charity.
US lawmakers demand that Mark Zuckerberg stop illegal drug ads on Facebook, Instagram. Ross Ulbricht is like, WTF?
I hate to say it, but it is looking like Monkeypox, whether real or, most likely, another meme-pandemic, will be one of those things you will have to pay attention to, even if just to mock and avoid the pitfalls of it, as Gates and his ilk use it to build the Cabal money-piles they are overseeing:

Right-wing critics have called Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, the White House national monkeypox response deputy coordinator, a “Satanist” for having the pentagram tattoo on his chest. He is also a flaming homosexual, so this will not be treated like a gay disease. If, in order for the gays to be able to have unprotected group sex off random, anonymous apps, every heterosexual needs to get vaccinated and quarantined, this guy will see that as perfectly fine.
Pakistan reports first case of deadly Monkeypox virus.
Chinese scientists create mutant Ebola virus.
Ever see a bot on 4Chan begin a thread with an argument with one IP, go to continue the thread as another poster from another IP, but then have a server error which causes it to out itself and the instructions which produced the post which started the thread? Now you have. That is why most threads you post die. The bot threads have a ready stream of responses to keep them alive and move them up the catalog, which are being posted by the bots themselves, using VPNs. Given we now see that they are doing that, I would guess at least 99% of the threads which fail to die, are in fact posted and replied to repeatedly, via different IPs, by bots. There may be entire threads which went all day with hundreds of replies, which do not have a single real poster inside them. And given they are doing this, and want to isolate us, I think the likelihood you are actually talking with more than a handful of other anons on 4Chan may be less than 10%. They have the resources to scale this to the point none of us are meeting each other, and obviously they are doing it at some scale. I see no reason they would not go whole hog and surround all of us with Bots, completely isolating us.
Think you’ve been defrauded by ActBlue? Election watchdog wants to hear from you.
Presumptive Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz directed almost $100,000 in COVID-19 relief funds to an organization specializing in “abortion doula” services, [art of almost $2 billion in federal coronavirus relief funds which he spent freely, without the approval of the state Legislature, using his emergency powers, according to the Minnesota-based outlet Alpha News. Can you imagine what a free for all it is up there?
Palm Beach officials seek to close Mar-a-Lago: ‘Our residents don’t feel safe.’
The federal government is processing U.S. citizenship applications at its fastest pace in decades, with thousands of immigrants becoming newly minted citizens every week, possibly helping sway the result of November’s election. All of these things, like Hunter’s and Epstein’s crimes, will be able to be smoothed over by intelligence, so I would bet the vast majority of these “immigrants” are CIA and Cabal ground surveillance people who were spying on their neighbors for the network overseas, and who will vote as the conspiracy tells them come this fall. This “plan” if there is one is a huge risk. This really should have been a shooting civil war like fifteen years ago.
Any news fag on a major network is the enemy:
The government has a new plan to seize patents, and it’s a huge threat to innovation. Government offers grants to develop stuff, business takes the grant, gets a patent, then the government is allowed to arbitrarily declare the invention is not available enough to the public, seize the patent, and give the product away if it wants.
Police cannot seize property indefinitely after an arrest, federal court rules.
Shocking brain scans reveal consciousness remains among vegetative patients.
Archeology article on an elite Mexican family which was highly inbred, and which appears to have sacrificed a 4-5 year old and buried them under the house, based on DNA analysis. It is very illogical. You have a son who could grow up to be a warrior and protector of the family, maybe even a great leader, but instead of raising him with the warrior arts, you raise him until age 4 or 5, and just as everyone is attached to him, you betray his trust and kill him, probably quite horribly. I would have been surprised if one culture began such an illogical ritual. And yet we see it over and over, across continents, eons, and isolated cultures. It must have been related, I would think. How was it being communicated to them?
China has finished building a secret antennae 5x the size of New York City. Interesting – another one. If HAARP or the particle “detector” in Antarctica are something powerful, the Clintons probably sold the blueprints to the Chinese, and now they can do it too.
Impatient Ayatollah Khamenei warns ‘divine wrath’ will strike if Iran ‘retreats’ on Israel.
Swedish woman raped by Syrian migrant commits suicide after prosecutor drops her case.
Should Germany invoke Article 5 of NATO treaty against Ukraine? They were attacked when Ukraine blew up their gas pipeline, assuming the operation was not CIA from stem to stern.
July 2024 continues NICS gun sales over a million a month for 5 years.
Ninth Circuit blocks California law that limited gun purchases by law-abiding citizens.
Virginia purges thousands of ineligible corpses, noncitizens from electorate – A voter-roll model.
US Supreme Court won’t allow LGBT student protection in certain states, which was set to force schools to let males compete against women, and use women’s showers and locker rooms. Oddly enough Gorsuch joined with the leftists and wanted to let the trannies in.
Presidential race swings 6 points in two weeks, catapulting Trump to lead and ending Harris surge.
Trump leads Kamala in Pennsylvania, 51 to 49 percent. Not bad news, but sadly within rigging range.
Spread r/K Theory, because some people have to fight this machine
Tucker and Fuentes are both controlled.
Tucker is clearly CIA, what faction does Fuentes represent?
He had his people storm the Capitol. I am thinking the Ray Epps faction, which is probably the same faction as the anti-Ray Epps faction. I think they are just about all the same, save for Trump and whoever is behind him.
JD Vance as VP plus the Elon Musk interview seems to imply Trump’s backers are the Silicon Valley/Military network
The Fuentes speech is dialectically compelling.
That being said, Tucker seems very pleasant to listen to and “feels real” to me while Nick doesn’t. It’s strange how people don’t address the elephant in the room wrt how annoying or uncanny valley Nick seems. The groyper faction seems like a huge echo chamber. (Tucker might be a mild echo chamber for boomers/fox viewers)
Milo seems very legit and down to earth(and very funny), but I heard from second/third hand people that he’s very flippant/unkind.
Milo is also an absolute shark and will eat anyone alive, if they let their guard down around him. The moment you make contact with him, you would need to operate as if facing a CIA Officer whose only job is to gain blackmail on you. Supposedly he is constantly in gathering mode.
How come? What did he do and/or who is he?
I have seen a couple of accounts now from people in that sphere who have written about how Milo records everything, is always saving information, and a couple of times has used it on people. I think he himself referenced his hard drives at one point, and he has reveled in going at it with a couple of people and taking them down. In such cases, he himself seems to revel in his status as most Machiavellian of the sphere.
I process so much information I do not remember specifics now, though I seem to recall one was the gay Sammy Davis Jr guy. None of those people are relevant to my world anyway. None would ever deal with me, they are not really revealing much since they never talk about the surveillance, and honestly, I am not sure any really have much influence beyond the fact CIA, or whoever runs them, will periodically have them spammed to /pol.
A voice message was released of him stating to the recipient he has ways of destroying you that you will never know. Definitely a shark. He serves ZOG, like most so called alt right peeps
He is definitely a suspect in the takedown of Church Militant, a very strong pro-Catholic website run by Michael Voris for nearly twenty years. Voris was forced to resign because of allegations that he had returned to his homosexual ways that he had renounced prior to starting CM. It’s never been confirmed, but my gut feeling is that Milo (who had loudly celebrated his conversion to Catholicism) was involved in that.
Milo is a totally untrustworthy cunt.
When I saw a bunch of “Alt Right” people were following a Jewish, homosexual with a Negro boyfriend my first thought was,”What can go with this?”
I don’t think Tucker is CIA. I think Tucker has been compromised by whoever is in Trump’s corner, whatever faction produced Q. The same faction Musk is now working for. You have t o understand, I stopped thinking of these people as the good guys. They’re just our best available option.
There is a gift of the Spirit everyone here should be pleading with Holy Spirit to grant them and that is discernment. It is essential to be able to discriminate between what is and is not of God. I see so many statements like this that upon closer investigation often fall apart. In reality, that statement really doesn’t matter. What does matter is what is God doing with someone like Tucker for His own purposes, since I believe he is being used to expose what has been hidden and bring light into the darkness, no matter what his “handlers” think. God is in control and leaving everyone without excuse so no one can honestly say, but I didn’t know. No! You didn’t want to know, because God has been shining the light into the dark corners for some time now. We are not going to win this battle. The battle is the Lord’s and we are merely his agents called to do our parts, whatever that may be: raise the shield, the sword, or sweep the floors afterward. We are all servants in His service or we are not His. Be an Esther, not a Hamon.
The same faction. Why risk your guy losing an argument to a real human when you can control the whole space to maximize impact?
“Oddly enough Gorsuch joined with the leftists and wanted to let the trannies in.”
Not Odd at all, he’s a perv or friends with pervs.
He was the deciding vote to include gender identity in the meaning of sex discrimination in civil rights laws.
The daily removal of the sidebar is still ongoing.
Back up, thank you. Oddly enough I check a few times, and then after I stop and get off on something it gets zapped.
“Photos may show Trump shooter on the phone with someone prior to the Trump shooting. Says authorities think he may have been communicating with someone else.”
This is dying to become a meme: BOMBSHELL! Photos surface of shooter speaking into phone. Crack team of federal investigators suspect he may have been in communication with somebody!
It would mock the Cabal agencies and the Gateway Pundit at the same time.
Ask and ye shall receive.
In other news, FBI releases study that water may be wet.
Film at 11.
Is that digital or analog time? Asking for a Zoomer.
Thanks to Farce for making this happen. Feel free to spread it around.
I replied to this and it’s gone now.
EDIT: It’s back now that I said that.
Interesting. It is like the watchers next door have the ability to take action based on what they see in real time. I check the sidebar, it is fine, I leave, and down it goes.
The SS presumably recovered the phone with his body. It would take about one minute for them to get the complete call history from his cellular provider. If he had a Google account, the Goog maintains a complete GPS log of the phone’s whereabouts from the time it was first activated. Even if you log in and turn that feature “off.”
That’s not just smartphone stuff; anything that connects to the cellular network – CPAP machines, some traffic lights (yes!), some agricultural equipment (geofencing!), etc. Even some machine tools, as angry Haas machining center purchasers found out.
BTW; the early news reports said Crooks drove a Kia. Kia has its own version on GM’s OnStar, including GPS location. So everywhere the car has been is available to “law enforcement.” Not to mention any Automatic License Plate Readers around, networked home and store security cameras, etc.
“Now you have. That is why most threads you post die. The bot threads have a ready stream of responses to keep them alive and move them up the catalog, which are being posted by the bots themselves, using VPNs. Given we now see that they are doing that, I would guess at least 99% of the threads which fail to die, are in fact posted and replied to repeatedly, via different IPs, by bots. There may be entire threads which went all day with hundreds of replies, which do not have a single real poster inside them. And given they are doing this, and want to isolate us, I think the likelihood you are actually talking with more than a handful of other anons on 4Chan may be less than 10%. They have the resources to scale this to the point none of us are meeting each other, and obviously they are doing it at some scale. I see no reason they would not go whole hog and surround all of us with Bots, completely isolating us.”
This makes so much sense. I’ve seen it happen many times. As you say, AC, the meritocracy is a myth–even on something as street-level as comment threads.
“Trump leads Kamala in Pennsylvania, 51 to 49 percent. Not bad news, but sadly within rigging range.”
But the polls themselves are rigged, as you know.
True. Lies about lies about lies.
You don’t need to understand German, just click through the images.
“Prix Walo” Swiss show business award, where the winners got little sculptures in satanic pentagram form. Posting this as a reminder that this is happening throughout the West, and also because so many of the nationally famous recipients’ public personae are so corny you might think that they wouldn’t be involved in something like that.
Wow. This Laura Ingraham woman sure has an interesting Wiki. Generic Fox News blonde working her way up through news stations somewhere in the Midwest until she finally managed to get into Fox News? Way, way, way off base.
Ingraham grew up in Glastonbury, Connecticut, where she was born to Anne Caroline (née Kozak) and James Frederick Ingraham III.[5] Her maternal grandparents were Polish immigrants and her father was of Irish and English ancestry.[6]
Polish? Kozak?
Ingraham studied English literature and Russian at Dartmouth College, graduating in 1985 with a Bachelor of Arts. After college, Ingraham spent several years as a speechwriter for President Ronald Reagan’s domestic policy advisor.
Seems very smart and very connected. And very interested in Eastern Europe (see also below).
In 1997, Ingraham wrote an essay in The Washington Post in which she stated that she had changed her views on homosexuality after witnessing “the dignity, fidelity, and courage” with which her gay brother, Curtis, and his partner coped with the latter being diagnosed with AIDS; Curtis’s partner ultimately died of the disease. Curtis, on the other hand, has called his sister “a monster” and said she was influenced by their father, whom he described as a Nazi sympathizer as well as an abusive alcoholic.[43] Ingraham has stated that she supports civil unions between same-sex partners, but believes marriage “is between a man and a woman”.[44]
Ingraham has dated George Conway[143] and Dinesh D’Souza,[144] fellow conservatives.
She used to be rather hot back in the day and dated those very ordinary looking men then? That doesn’t make sense.
She is a single parent of three children: a girl, Maria, from Guatemala adopted in 2008; a boy, Michael Dmitri, from Russia adopted in 2009;[146] and a second boy, Nikolai Peter, adopted from Russia in 2011.[147]
Q said almost anyone in DC fluent in Russian was CIA.
I took French and Spanish in high school. I studied German and Japanese on my own. I was astonished that Japanese was fairly easy to make grammatical sentences in, though colloquial Japanese was so different, “correct” Japanese was probably hilarious to a native speaker.
I tried Russian a couple of times, and bounced hard each time. The Cyrillic alphabet gave me a headache, and Russian is *weird*. Plus the Russians seem to be fond of using the English alphabet for some things, which adds to the confusion.
“I would have been surprised if one culture began such an illogical ritual. And yet we see it over and over, across continents, eons, and isolated cultures. It must have been related, I would think. How was it being communicated to them?”
It’s from the devil and it mocks Christ. There’s your answer.
I’m ok with it if they limit it to pharma.
The government also has the ability to declare any patent filing “national security” and immediately classify it, preventing the associated product from ever existing to the public.
That’s one of several reasons progress in nuclear power ground to a halt in the 1960s. No company wanted to spend vast sums of money on research, just to have the Feds expropriate it from them and give it to someone else.
Meanwhile, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has a sizeable budget, which they use for their NRC’s primary purpose: supporting the maximum number of NRC bureaucrats, because maintaining your headcount is the primary purpose of *any* government agency. There’s not much budget left for silly things like research.
Which is why if you want a modern, efficient reactor design, you go to France now.
All this wailing and gnashing of the teeth about patents, you’re being played and gas-lighted by corporate greed. I know exactly when this started. I thought it was a rip off then and now. Ronald Reagan said that all this research the government was doing was not creating enough patents so if individuals, read corporate insiders, got patents on “PUBLIC RESEARCH” then it would be ok.
What a huge steal. We pay for their research and then they get all the rights to it. Don’t any of you see a problem with this? We should have a right to use patents made from public research.
How much do you want to bet they patent stuff and then refuse to use them to thwart competitors? They do this even with non-government research.
China has finished building a secret antennae 5x the size of New York City.
The size of an antenna is directly related to the frequency it is tuned for. The longer the wavelength, the lower the frequency.
So this is for insanely low frequency. ELF is good for penetration, specifically water. This is sub communications. Final answer. (Its not for radar, because radar can’t see things smaller than its wavelength, and this antenna is for hundreds of meters of wavelength.)
Could it be a lot of smaller antennaes designed to create nodes of constructive interference?
Also just to add maybe useless info, we do not know what Aaron Alexis found out. If he left any record of his research into what was being done to him, which was almost certainly the beta-testing of the Havana weapon, it has been covered up. But whatever he came across led him to believe the Havana Weapon was being developed out of research from that contractor in the DC Navy yard, and it as utilizing Extremely Low Frequency rf, hence him writing on his shotgun it was his “ELF weapon.”
Also weird with him, and muddying the waters was, he is the first case I noted where a mass shooter bought a white marker to write messages on his weapon. Could indicate a more formal wind-up process by the people who make mass shooters, or he could have done it in an effort to pass forward information he felt the authorities would try to hide, like the fact he discovered the Havana Weapon was utilizing ELF, and he did not want that lost. Maybe the “winder-uppers” had subsequent shooters write on their weapons to try and make Alexis’ writings be viewed more as a symptom and less as a message to those who came after.
Its an ass backwards way if that was the intent. Even then, it’s the distance that matters, so bunching them together gets you nothing over 1/4 of the number over the same area. When you see an array of dishes for radio astronomy, they need the gaps between them. They were only that close initially to keep the phase timing known, but now they put them thousands of miles apart and use atomic clock sync to do it.
“…Could it be a lot of smaller antennaes designed to create nodes of constructive interference?…”
What phelps says is true…generally, but not 100%. Smaller antennas can use high voltage, I think, oscillating, but maybe static fields also work???, to expand their frequency response. This is how atoms, supposedly, can be excited even though they are way smaller than the wavelengths they are hit with.
“How can a particle absorb more than the light incident on it?”
“Light Absorption by a dipole“
Energy-sucking‘ Radio Antennas
Seeing as how we do have things that can do this, there’s no telling what the extremely engineered end of this can do.
Maybe I should be more specific. As I understand it, may be wrong, the large “field” acts as an extended antenna. And as you can imagine, a field can get very large.
As I wrote this, I had an idea. Maybe they have a large field around your house??? A way to test this is to get a very thin piece of foil, maybe Mylar strips like on heat blankets or helium balloons, would work. You put them in jar to keep out air currents. Discharge them away from the house, then bring them to the house. Large field and the plates will separate.
Electroscope is what it’s called.
I will try that.
One anon on here had said to get a compass, and see if the magnetic field was disrupted. I did, and one night the field basically turned around completely, showed the video here. I am not sure now if that anon with the compass idea was one of them, and the whole thing was just set up to screw with my head, or if that is the foundation of the tech they are using, but it did reveal they could pump enough magnetism to literally reverse the earth’s field inside my home.
I am at the point that I think as productive as extensive testing is just to try and visualize how, as them, you would develop a highly penetrating, matter disrupting weapon which was not detectable with the standard $150 meters all the gangstalking victims are always buying. Because they are doing this to a lot of people, and they have a lot of people buying meters, and trying to figure it out, and they would not want somebody characterizing the tech, so countermeasures could be developed.
I am also trying to roll the clock back to the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s, and picture being them, trying to get as detailed a picture in houses as possible, and seeing how they might try to adapt medical imagery tech to it.
To that end, I think magnetism, and maybe pulsed magnetism might be an interesting way to penetrate through water or even Faraday cages. If you could create waves of magnetism, you could create nodes of magnetism. Fluctuating nodes of magnetism could create movements of charges, and the resistance to the movement of those charges could generate physical force.
The question is, how focused could you make those nodes of magnetic field. Because whatever this is, they are somehow looking at a 3D image, and focusing their tech tremendously.
Concur. ELF’s are one of the primary means of underwater communications with submarines.
Alex Berenson wrote a Substack article about Tim Walz and his actions during the COVID period under the guise of “public health”:
One thing I didn’t know is that people in Minnesota did try to resist this, but Walz shut down the state legislature for sixteen months and “governed” by emergency degree.
What is important here is that the Cabal got all their lockdown governors re-elected in 2022, plus lower level state officials such as Hobbs in Arizona and Shapiro in Pennsylvania who facilitated the lockdowns and the election steal (particularly the election steal in the cases of Hobbs and Shapiro). Given what we saw in Arizona alone in 2022, they no doubt did another election steal to do this, and seems to have prioritized the election of their lockdown governors and state officials, even to the point of losing control of the House of Representatives (that hurt them) by not putting enough resources into New York and California, though they had to do a last minute push in New York anyway to get Hochul re-elected.
Walz is the first lockdown governor to be put on a national ticket, and his record during this period is really important. Everything else you hear about Walz, even negative information, is pretty much squid ink. You are supposed to focus on anything and everything but 2020-2.
And if you see someone on television, that person is not making any important decisions and is a figurehead (yeah, that probably includes Trump, though likely for a dissident or counter-cabal group). One important point in Berenson’s reporting is that he names, right at the top, the real governor of Minnesota during this period, Andrew Slavitt, and what else he has been up to.
News from Brazil.
There is an information suppression and legal harassment of dissident operation being run in Brazil which is strikingly similar to the one being run in the United States.
The difference is that in the United States they have an entire team of people doing all of this, but in Brazil everything seems to be run through one rogue judge, Alexandre de Moraes:
Either he is the designated fall guy if they need one later, or Brazil is less important than the United States, so the United States gets a large team, and in Brazil its just this one guy for the same operation.
Glenn Greenwald, who ironically moved to Brazil from the United States in part because he thought it would be safer for dissidents (it not being clear at the time that Cabal operations were worldwide), has been on the case for some time and has increased his reporting. I wonder if Greenwald will get deported. Here is his latest report, which contains a good deal of background on Moraes:
I discovered yesterday that Folha de Sao Paulo has an English edition:
Unfortunately, Portuguese is written in an idiom very different from what English speakers are used to, so it can be difficult to understand even translated. But I’ve noticed its hard to get news about Latin American in English without heavy American ideological bias, so the Folha English edition is still useful.
Brazil even had “protestors” who appear to have been Cabal’s theater troupe storm their federal offices, complete with their own Q-anon Shaman, only with the Brazilian flag painted on his face.
Also on Greenwald, our own Hamlet here called him out on Twitter for not covering the plight of Bill Binney, who Greenwald knows and has covered in the past. Poor Bill is trapped in his basement with beams raining down on him from this thing, and Greenwald won’t go near him, despite it being probably the biggest story in the nation, and really the world right now.
So Greenwald is still controlled.
I just read on X ThingsHiddenn that X may be shutting down Brazil outlet because law enforcement is causing trouble for the employees there. That’s not good.
I think he also has a Brazilian husband.
Had. Died last year.
Today I learned about “invisible theatre”
“The public staging of a realistic scene — say, a same-sex couple discriminated against in a restaurant — that poses an ethical dilemma and engages bystanders, who remain unaware they are part of a performance.”
Yeah, and it gets videoed and put out there and the lie becomes the truth, to paraphrase Orwell.
I remember a scene in the movie “Hotel” (Rod Taylor, Melvyn Douglas and more) where the manager (Rod) was distracted to go out dining with the antagonist’s paramour, and while she has him thinking with the small head, the mickey gets slipped to the on-scene hotel counter supervisor, a colored couple (from DC) coming into a southern hotel that restricts itself to whites only, as traditional colored hotels are all over the place anyways, since this is New Orleans. Convenient to have a newspaper photog on hand, (from DC, as well) so an orchestrated protest meme about discrimination was astroturfed by the guy wanting to be able to buy the hotel by ruining a deal that could have the union of hotel workers make the bailout deal, but not – put off because they have plenty of negro membership that would raise a fuss to the union leadership.
The manager comes back to the hotel after a few hours of “interlude”, (Catherine Spaak, gotta love that french accent) to find out about this redlining incident that he thought he had made plain was outmoded, but the old “southern gentleman” owner (Melvyn) who OK’d the reservation refusal by the reservations counter super as their tradition, gets in a huff that Rod was not there to make sure he didn’t step on his own d…
The upshot is that a piece of hot bait in front of a susceptible single dude gets a large bunch of hotel workers thrown out of work at the job they loved, most of them, anyways, and a grand old Hotel from the antebellum, worthy of museum preservation, is lost to the wrecking ball, but at least the Manager Rod got eventually wind to the actual swindle that the colored couple worked for the antagonist in a DC hotel, and was not actually an MD (doctor) that spoke like a white and could phone a reservation to be denied, as planned.
Lots of twists, side and back stories of the British Regal (Duke) couple (Michael Rennie and his status climber wife Merle Oberon), the hotel thief, an alternate persona for Karl Malden (future cop show star), the convenient hospitality call girls on tap when called by the bellboy floor manager, the memorable lady singer fixture in the hotel lounge, plenty of pathos, all around, think I might tool it up for another look, myself.
The whole 2+ hours
Based on a Arthur Hailey novel.
“Tucker Carlson exposes US Congress passed a loophole to allow illegal migrants to vote:”
That’s the way in for legal challenge to election results. At least A way in. I am firmly of the opinion that the election is being completely rigged for a fifty-state landslide for Trump, with Kamala being made as unpalatable as absolutely possible. I am increasingly of the opinion that we’re going to get a monkey-pox mail-in vote scam going and another steal.
Even if authentic and not scripted, Trump would not be running this time if he didn’t have a card to play that would change the game. Something is going to happen out of nowhere – could be a masive number of whistle blowers about the election system, could be that for whatever reason this time the lawsuits are allowed to proceed, could be overt martial law by a military that has simply had enough of this bullshit. Something is going to take place that throws the election back to Trump, and it’s going to be a defining moment in American history.
“Trump would not be running this time if he didn’t have a card to play that would change the game”. Exactly!! Trump is not stupid, there’s no way he would go through all the BS he’s been through so far without an ace up his sleeve.
No idea how it fits in, but Neil Gaiman’s book American Gods has a young child ritually sacrificed, and then dropped in a bog. The child is apotheosized, and is then one of the main gods pushing the plot along.
I don’t know the logic, but you see it playing out, somewhat, now. The news always emphasizes that Queen Elizabeth married a somewhat close cousin.
Worth pointing out that Gaiman appears to be a sexual predator:
Marrying cousins is normal for European royalty.
E2’s predecessor Edward VIII was forced from his throne when he broke tradition and married a commoner.
Re: “And yet we see it over and over, across continents, eons, and isolated cultures. It must have been related, I would think. How was it being communicated to them?
I know you know the answer to this: it is Satan, as his kingdom spans both space and time and is the unifying element across all evil things such as this. I believe we have no idea the depths of the evil amongst us and where one minion of Satan is able to get compliance, creating an effective strategy, the approach is spread across his whole kingdom to take advantage of the tactic. They keep doing these things because they work to their advantage. The unifying factor is the agents of the Evil One, not the people or culture they are using it to destroy.
Call on Jesus Christ and Him crucified and resurrected, for he is our only hope, as well as our strength and help in time of need. And mark this, the need is growing exponentially. There is not much time left before the door is shut, and then it will be too late…choose now whom you will serve.
Agree 100%. It is the only possible explanation.
All Reps and Sens who voted for that migrant voting item should be turned out of office.
They want to give a pass to some illegal alien illiterate halfwit who did not know it was illegal to vote? Those same halfwits commit other crimes in Dem cities and get paroled to rape and murder again. Thanks, Dems, and those Republicans who helped.
100% of those Congress people should be voted out. Constituents may want to consider pursuing further punitive measures like pension disqualification.
You’re thinking pretty small considering it’s a clear case of Treason.
Every word of this is true.
Why Trucks are getting WORSE
Bart’s Car Stories
Re the Walz admin funding an Al Qaeda linked charity. Anyone who did the research knows that Al Qaeda, ISIS et al are all constructs of Western intelligence so they have to pay their workers!
Too true.
An old Gonzalo Lira video
He seems to be explaining the what/how quite well. In that the institutions(schools, universities) in the west are built to breed/ensure compliant conformist people.
I think this might explain the majority of the conspiracy actually. The useful idiots anyway. So many people in the west seem to think like this.
He seems to be glossing over the “why”(or why behind the why). He just claims that the elites are the way they are because of the system, but he doesn’t explain why the system is the way it is. It’s strange how anti-conspiracy his POV is, while still describing things relatively accurately.
I was in boot camp when Hathcock died. The flag was flown at half-mast for three days.
America’s Legendary Marine Sniper – Carlos “White Feather” Hathcock
The Fat Electrician
Fat Electrician finally managed to get the Hathcock’s most famous shot recreated with all the correct equipment that actually made it possible. 30-06 with period correct ball ammo, mosin 3X scope, and a shooter that could do it. SPOILER : Hathcock wasn’t lying.
Was the Marine Sniper shot through a scope real?
I think Hathcock got permission from St. Michael to guide the bullet for that test.
Simply from the initial image one should realize his physical fitness is an essential part of the sniper’s skill: look at the strength of his arms.
The wordpress install problem just hit again.
Hmmn. And the sidebar is still there….
Thank you!
Not anymore.
It’s gone after another WP Install attack.
Back up. Thank you!
Bloody Brawl In Turkey’s Parliament Left Lawmakers Injured, Even Women Were Punched
If a woman wants to do a man’s job, she should take the same risks and hits a man takes.
With that and all the rest of the shit going on it’s no wonder the Galactic Federation has the Earth in quarantine!
In case AC or anyone else has a use for it:
Artists for Freedom
A group of artists that believe in western values of Freedom.
Trump: “We’re going to let a lot of people come in because we need more people, especially with AI coming…”
Why won’t he shut up with this immigrationist garbage?
We are in high amygdala, so this hits us hard. But I think to him, you say what the enemy wants to hear, and then fuck them over when the rubber meets the road. He is demotivating migrant voters.
He’s demotivating our side.
And making it very hard to defend him to the “he is controlled opposition” crowd.
And there’s also the jabs he keeps defending and his past anti-gun actions and statements like the bumpstock ban etc. and lots of other issues.
If he wasn’t our only option vs. the certain death of liberty and if I didn’t judge his first term as more good than bad and the best in living memory I’d sit this one out myself.
I will say of the bumpstocks, if he didn’t jump in and do that, Congress would have, and they would still be banned. Had I been really smart in his position, I would have had ATF reclassify them, but I am pretty sure I would not have been that smart. Still his one anti-gun move ended up being a definite win.
I know that, but trying to tell the purists is impossible.
And that’s easier than the stuff like “staple a green card to the diploma” and promoting the jabs.
He’s a 90’s populist boomer, meaning that he is just fine with importing third worlders as long as they go through the process legally. The idea that America needs it’s immigration system frozen and then reversed is something he would dismiss as extreme.
Remember when he was describing the concept of the wall it included a “big, beautiful door”.
The idea that the brain drain from the third world isn’t actually helping us out while it’s appreciatively hurting those countries labor markets just goes too far against the culture he grew up in when America was invincible and ridiculously rich. I see it in every conversation with my own boomer father who can’t actually grasp the situation until we go to Walmart and realize that half the customers don’t speak English as a first language, if at all. Trump doesn’t shop at Walmart.
That said, Trump’s deportation of illegals is absolutely necessary, if only to cut off the supply of anchor babies and also to get the ship moving, because a ship in motion can be STEERED. Start with the illegals and a future president might be able to steer it into the legals and begin to remove the less compatible legal immigrants.
And I would again point out that I DO NOT advocate for America to become a white ethnostate. 9 to 1. This country has always had that 10% non-white population, and the success of America in the 19th and 20th century is the only evidence I need to bring that ratio back.
Yeah, I don’t care about skin color not even as a 9 to 1 ratio, I care about liberty culture and Christianity.
If you are on the right side of those you can stay, if you are on the wrong side you go, even if your family has been here since before Columbus.
I happen to believe that using those criteria will get us close to or even beyond the 9 to 1 ratio and that should please the people who care about skin color, but if the ratio stayed exactly where it is but everyone left was a liberty oriented Christian (or at least not anti-Christ) we’d do better than we ever did before.
Trump is a mandatory first step, but we must take the momentum and push far beyond him, our enemies need to wish they had him back for the next 30+ years.
FDA Clears Gel-Based Device That Instantly Stops Severe Bleeding: What To Know About Traumagel