Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – Walmart Cuts Orders, But Beats Estimates
DFT – Gold Down As Federal Reserve Fears Boost Dollar
DFT – Emergency Board Recommends Up To 7% Pay Raises For Rail Workers
DFT – China’s Real Estate Market At Threat Of Collapse
FBI returns Trump passports that never appeared on search inventory.
According to the New York Times, the FBI interviewed Trump’s White House Counsel Pat Cipollone and deputy counsel Patrick Philbin about the so-called ‘classified documents’ stored at Mar-a-Lago. It is tough to tell what is real and what is memorex when there appear to be so many actors reading lines from the scriptwriters. But clearly Cipollone is either a genuine shitbag, or it is the role he was given, so I assume in the script this is foreshadowing the mole. The only question is, did he know about the safe.
I hope Trump doesn’t win the Republican nomination in 2024 because we can still have MAGA policies ‘without the baggage’, his ex-chief of staff Mick Mulvaney says. Enemies everywhere.
Sundance Notes that the DOJ is supposed to brief the Gang of Eight on all conflicted National Security issues, like the Russiagate investigation and the raid on Mar A Lago, but they no longer do that now that they are weaponizing their investigations for political means. It is a good observation, but again, it pretends there is no grander scripting, and ignores the surveillance, which is clearly part of some sort of 100% control over the system by the ones pulling the marionette strings.
Attorney General Merrick Garland deliberated for weeks over whether to approve the application for a warrant to search former President Donald Trump’s Florida home, people familiar with the matter said. So it was vital for national security, but not vital enough to do immediately.
NBC 6 reports a plane with a banner reading “ha ha ha ha ha” circled above Trump’s Palm Beach estate, days after federal agents executed a search warrant on the property. Wait a minute – they lifted the no-fly over Trump’s airspace? Or is this a fake report?
President Trump reacts to Liz Cheney’s public shellacking – “Liz Cheney should be ashamed of herself – now she can finally disappear”
Liz Cheney compares herself to Abraham Lincoln.
Democrats mourn Liz Cheney’s primary loss to Harriet Hageman.
So Anne Heche is in a car accident, and has endured damage to her lungs from smoke inhalation, and presumably has low oxygen levels. Why would you put her on the gurney, and cover her face with a blanket, reducing oxygen levels further, like in this video?
Back and forth:
Not for nothing I had a Fire Department SUV handling one phase of my follow yesterday.
Luxury Times Square hotel Row NYC to house hundreds of migrant families. Peculiar. How stupid do you have to be to, as Texas is trying to convince migrants to go to New York, advertise that you are going to house them in some ultra-luxury hotel in the middle of the nicest part of the City? Do they get Lobster and Caviar too?
Disgraced ex-Gov. Cuomo allowed to keep $5.1M from COVID book deal after court win — at least for now. He can be pursued by another commission.
Birth rates dropping in Germany, Sweden, Taiwan, China.
Anon recorded his local news noting that in Oklahoma, the State Police have actually added training on dealing with wrong-way drivers, because they have seen such a strange uptic in it. Note anons predicted that if the vax deteriorated brains through micro-clotting, one of the first things you would see is bad driving, because it is so neurologically intensive an activity.
Interesting article notes, there was another “exercise” hypothesizing a Monkeypox outbreak, and the real outbreak began within days of the date the exercise used in its stimulation, plus there were other odd aspects of the disease. So you take out the pro-government robots and zombies, as well as probably a lot of the surveillance with the COVID Vax, which fucks up immune systems, then all of a sudden there is a new virus which fucks up the immune compromised who are homosexual, and you offer a wonderful virus for that, which does God-knows-what. It is a curious chain of events, which will curiously focus harm on the dysgenic and pro-government/Cabal.
Purported free speech champion Elon Musk writes article for Chinese censorship bureau magazine.
The British Royal Air Force has suspended job offers to white men to meet their diversity targets.
Biden’s new Title IX rules deputize teachers to override parents on gender identity.
Biden letting Iran’s president come to NYC despite Pompeo assassination plot.
Israel lobbyist hints that a ‘Pearl Harbor’ may be needed to get US into war with Iran. Interestingly he lists all the incidents like Pearl Harbor in our history, but doesn’t mention 9/11.
US Federal Appeals Court RulesTransgender People Protected by Americans With Disabilities Act. And all the trannies go, “Yaayyyy!, Wait,… WHAT?”
CNN’s Don Lemon: “More than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock.” Politifact rating: True. MK Ultra objective: Attained.
How bad has crime gotten? A homeless Florida man with no arms has been arrested for stabbing a tourist with scissors using his feet, police say.
Elon Musk announces he is buying Manchester United, but he might have been joking.
Germany to postpone closure of remaining nuclear plants as energy prices rise.
Salman Rushdie stabbing suspect, Hadi Matar, ‘had contact with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.’
Ukraine’s ‘best pilot’ is killed while fighting Russian forces days after being honored by Zelensky.
Last night, thousands of Serbs marched through the main streets of Belgrade in protest of the Euro Pride march expected to be held in the capital city next month. As K increases, non-traditional relationships will decline.
Attorney General Merrick Garland has a negative favorability rating among voters.
Spread r/K Theory, because when armless men are stabbing you, it has gotten pretty bad
AC–you didn’t go there—Did you? Aug 17 ?!?! Say it ain’t so! OMG.
Today’s date should’ve read “1 ahhh seven”. That will prevent the scrouge.
The government has no such authority, only tyrannical power.
All churches which have classrooms for Sunday morning bible classes need to offer those class rooms for homeschooling parents to join together to form larger student groups.
“So Anne Heche …. presumably has low oxygen levels. ...”

Back and forth:
You don’t go from that to anoxic brain death unless there was gross medical malpractice OR a hit. Heche was ‘star whacked’. She probably knew too much from her time as a younger starlet and she had dirt on people.
My wife pointed out she looked like she was doing everything possible not to go into that ambulance
I actually feel bad for Anne, she left the lesbian lifestyle and had two sons, who are now without their mom. It’s sad that things didn’t completely work out for her in life, but she did seem to have some kind of faith and testimony in Jesus Christ. Until we find out more about the drugs in her system (which should have prevented most organ donation btw) and her regular drug use/habits we can’t make an assessment. My gut tells me she was a threat to reveal something big in Hollyweird, and didn’t know how much danger she was in. She was likely drugged significantly and chased around by these people, who were trying to kill her. Paramedics, Fire and Medical are all Cabal owned in LA too, so she didn’t stand a chance.
Also, her hair was not burned at all. And one article said they evacuated the woman in the house, and all her animals, but by the time they got to Heche’s car, it was fully engulfed and they could not get her out, and by the time the firemen got her out, it had been 20 minutes to a half hour. But her hair was fine, and she had enough oxygen to fight off the blankets they wrapped her up in like a burrito?
It was like somebody was turning blue, so the emts put a pillow over her head.
And who would think the throttles on those little mini-Cooper shitboxes are entirely drive by wire?
She had pants on and they didn’t look severely burnt. And why was her shirt off? I saw paramedics say that said they never cut off clothes of burn victims because the skin comes off with it. Makes perfect sense so probably correct but her shirt was off. I didn’t see any blistering. Wouldn’t you be blistered or charred if you were burnt bad enough to kill you? I would think so.
It disturbs me, very bad, to know they probably cut her up for parts. These people are incredibly evil.
You wonder if the elites who need parts or transplants have a list they go on that flags compatible donors in hospitals, so the donor’s passing can be arranged. I mean the Red Cross had a database with the health of the organs of all the Children in Mariupol, supposedly.
Shades of the movie “The Island”, huh?
The “medics” didn’t have her on an oxygen mask. Wouldn’t that be SOP for smoke inhalation?
Yes, always.
In line with your theory that the surveillance starts in the schools ….
“Steve Kirsch shows, around 12M have been killed by COVID vaccines. That is 40X the number of Americans who were killed in World War II. It’s more than double the number killed by COVID.”
The lion’s share of those deaths will be in the USA. They are bringing in migrants so aggressively so that there isn’t a noticeable drop in population in the next ACS survey in 18 months.
I disagree.
They are lying about how many Americans took the frankenshots and they are desperate to bring in enough invaders to outnumber us.
That too. But a population drop for the first time in US history would be a major alarm. It would completely ruin the vibe boomers have going on. It would be front page news, for a while (months probably) and people would ask questions. Alot of questions.
Their game is to NOT wake the normies up. Since normies “don’t see race” a number is something simple they can understand. If the number goes down even a drooling IQ 90 normie boomer fatpants knows that’s bad. Then the game is over.
“44 percent of pregnant women in Pfizer trial lost their babies; FDA and CDC recommended jabs for expectant mothers anyway.”
Only unvaxxed mothers from here on out. Like it or not, this a great filter of Westerners.
Only marriages to unvaxxed spouses.
No sex with filthbloods.
“How bad has crime gotten? A homeless Florida man with no arms has been arrested for stabbing a tourist with scissors using his feet, police say.”
Found a picture of the suspect. Super serious.

‘Birth rates dropping in Germany, Sweden, Taiwan, China.’
People are reading the signs of the times. Having kids in the current state of the world is insane.
People are vaxxed.
Silly person. Birthrates are falling because the covid vaccine has toxins which collect in certain parts of the body. In females, that includes the ovaries. The toxins then destroy the ovaries rendering the woman sterile. I knew this back last winter. The dramatic drop in birthrates began in January and have become gradually worse each month. That lines up with the first wave of vaccinations in the spring of 2021. As women got more shots and boosters, the odds of them becoming sterile increased so I expect the birthrate will have dropped by 50% by this winter.
The way things are going, the unvaxxed will inherit the earth. So if you are unvaxxed, have as many kids as you want. By the time they are old enough to move out, they will have the pick of homes standing empty to move into because their previous vaxxed owners, and all their vaxxed family and relatives, have died.
The reason dumb people manage to reproduce is because they follow instinct to have sex.
In contrast to the midwits like in this video. Where the “Intelligent woman” is a career harpy:
Because as we all know, just quitting is the best way to win, right retard?
The fight is the entire point. If you don’t show up you lose by default. This is ignoring the fact that this entire existence appears to be a morality test by God to select the best people that walk the narrow path of righteousness regardless of the trials that lay before you.
Nope. It’s the vax.
It is a number of factors. The Vax is one. Try finding a decent wife to marry these days.
“Anon recorded his local news noting that in Oklahoma, the State Police have actually added training on dealing with wrong-way drivers, because they have seen such a strange uptic in it. Note anons predicted that if the vax deteriorated brains through micro-clotting, one of the first things you would see is bad driving, because it is so neurologically intensive an activity.”
This will be used to push ‘driverless’ cars. It’s all so *Suddenly*.
“Israel lobbyist hints that a ‘Pearl Harbor’ may be needed to get US into war with Iran. Interestingly he lists all the incidents like Pearl Harbor in our history, but doesn’t mention 9/11.”
Oy vey. Stay out of the cities goyim.
Yes, excluding ethnically British Men from the RAF undermines defence. However, at this point, I am not certain if the UK still exists.
Security Services, we know you are watching. What have you been doing while our country was stolen?
They’ve literally been covering for massive pedophile rings. Industrial scale rape of young British/Irish girls.
Stealing it.
> Interestingly he lists all the incidents like Pearl Harbor in our history, but doesn’t mention 9/11.
That’s because we *lost* the 9/11 war, and the Taliban are riding high with US munitions and equipment the Fed abandoned to them when it dropped everything and ran away.
The Biden regime refers to it as a praiseworthy “withdrawal”, but most everyone else considers it a humiliating defeat.
> CNN’s Don Lemon: “More than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock.” Politifact rating: True. MK Ultra objective: Attained.
The scholastic/meda/entertainment collective has been teaching that marriage is for chumps since the 1980s. And now that 48(?) states have adopted “no fault” divorce laws, there’s even less inventive to get married. Plus the women would lose out on all the “unwed mother” benefits.
It’s hardly a surprise marriage is declining in *all* demographics. And even an iron-clad prenuptial agreement might not be enough to prevent some gold digger from making off with 50 to 75% of your assets when she unilaterally files for divorce.
No fault divorce. The Duluth model of domestic violence. All combine to undermine marriage:
It’s good the tide is turning especially with the Johnny Depp Amber and Heard trial.
The fact the women were legally empowered to divorce their husbands for cash and prizes too:
> Smith & Wesson’s CEO blames progressive lawmakers “for surge in violence and lawlessness” in US cities.
Demonstrably true, but Smith & Wesson are dirtbags who have backed several gun control proposals with both lobbying and cash. As have Colt and Ruger, by the way.
They got the idea they could make more money with military and police contracts than by commercial sales, so they were sucking up to the Fed (mostly in the Clinton years) Those fat, fat government contracts never came, and they tried to pretend they’d never stabbed their customers in the back. But some of us paid attention when it was happening, and we remember.
And? That was 30 years ago. It’s all well and good to remember past mistakes, but if someone (or a company) appears to be trying to make good on them we shouldn’t act like a bunch of bitchy housewives who remember every single F up that their husbands did and throw it back in their faces at every opportunity.
Smith and Wesson has completely new ownership now.
If you want things to be made in your country, you start by buying the things your country already makes. Smith makes the M&P line of plastic pistols that trade shoot for shot with Glock, and a line of 1911s for throwbacks like myself, all Made in U.S.A. The people responsible for Smith’s 90’s era treason are long gone, and the company is even moving operations to a gun-friendly red state rather than stay in New England.
Smith LEARNED it’s lesson. Colt has not and never will. Ruger has always been wishy-washy, and I expect will continue to be so.
There’s plenty of firearm companies that make quality stuff and have also never acted like bitchy soy’d out faggots, Palmetto State Armory for example.
Why risk it? Just buy from the people who have a track record of not being gay.
It’s beyond me why gun companies settled in CT for for $73 million to 9 families. They had zero liability and would have prevailed on appeal. Remington set a very bad precedent.
> Elon Musk announces he is buying Manchester United, but he might have been joking.
Strangely enough, Musk and United would be a good match. Both are known for extreme positions, unconventional tactics, and their fans tend to be over-the-top hoons.
“Go to Mars? Fook that! We’ll just send Nigel and the boys out, drag it back, and put it in orbit around the Earth where it’s easier to get to.”
This might be why social mobility is tamped down. The lawyer had worked in industrial plants. He knew the questions to ask to bring the major corporation to account.
The lawyers who just do school, homework, more school, internships at law firms, would not even know where to begin to ask questions.
Looking into it, it looks like the NOTAM follows him from residence to residence. Since he is in NJ for the summer, it is there and will move back to MAL when trump does.
> Luxury Times Square hotel Row NYC to house hundreds of migrant families. Peculiar. How stupid do you have to be to, as Texas is trying to convince migrants to go to New York, advertise that you are going to house them in some ultra-luxury hotel in the middle of the nicest part of the City? Do they get Lobster and Caviar too?
I’ve been saying this from day 1, this entire “send them to NY to own the libs” is just a sugar coated way to get right wingers to cheer for the unrestricted and government assisted dispersion of foreign invaders across the country. If Texas gave a shit about stopping the invaders they would just reroute the busses back to Mexico, or even better to the middle of the desert with mass graves open and waiting. But no, just mail them even further into the middle of the country so it’s even harder to remove them at a later date. Great plan, traitor Texas governor filth.
Is anyone else out there unvaxxed and dealing with a spouse with vaxx regret? How are you handling it?
Now that the 60-70 year olds in our fam are suddenly getting stage 4 cancer out of the blue and the 40-50 something’s in our circles are flat out keeling over from heart attacks and strokes (3 in the last month), my vaxxed but not boosted husband is finally getting scared that he’ll drop dead any minute now and leave our young children fatherless. I’m thinking “no shit, Sherlock – this is why I begged and pleaded with you to quit your stupid job and not take the fucking thing.”
But I want to keep the marriage and prefer him alive, so what should I actually say?
Pro Tip: IMHO 97% of a happy marriage is STFU. Smile and clamp your lips shut until they start to bleed, and then bandaid em up & keep em shut some more.
if I’m reading this right, the man made what he thought was a rational adult decision for the good of his family based on what he thought was trustworthy expert advice. it wasn’t like ‘got real drunk one night and got this face tattoo’, right? so tell him what you’d want to hear if it were you: ‘I’m sure you’ll be OK, and no matter what I’ll be here for you.’ (leave out the “dumbass” part)
Prepare for his death
That’s a tough one, but probably not this “noshit, Sherlock – this is why I begged and pleaded with you to quit your stupid job and not take the fucking thing.”
Sorry to hear that. My wife, a nurse, was told she needed to get the Covid shot by March to keep her job. I told her there was no way she was getting the shot. If she got fired, we would adjust our lifestyle. I also predicted that if she was fired we would wait because as large numbers of nurses either quit, were fired, or died, someone would eventually come begging her to work for them. So what happened? At the end February, her company first pushed the deadline back until July, then a month later quietly dropped it. In May, my wife got an $8,000 pay raise. Today, a hospital in Pennsylvania offered her an $80,000 bonus to work for them.
Tell your husband that.
I take Zeolite in the morning. Look it up at ““. It is a mineral that captures big molecules, harmful molecules and the body transports that out of the system. It also alkalizes the body.
Second, lots and lots of sweating, empty those glands and have the body move stuff out of the system that away.
I take a lot of oils, fish oil, krill oil, olive oil, avocado oil. For lubrication. I take all four. NO Flaxseed or other seed oils.
I love you. Please don’t take anymore shots. Keep it simple
Tell him you have always cared about him and you will continue to help him pray and do research on how to mitigate the damage from his error.
Not much to say. You could buy z-dtox from Zelenko’s website. Sounds promising.
Whenever a wife characterizes her husband’s job as stupid you might surmise deeper problems than the jab.
Any job that forced the frankenshots on the employees is stupid.
Sorry, but he made an incredibly stupid decision, and now he’ll have to live with the consequences for the rest of his life, however long or short that might be.
He’s also forcing all of you to carry the burden of his stupid decision.
Just tell the truth about how you feel. Playing nice in the face of self harm doesn’t help anyone.
A couple of things. He did the best he could and took the risk. The truth is, nobody could tell how this would be when it was happening, not even me, and I know a bit about biochem and am as paranoid as anyone. I am not sure if I was a cop, and had a family to support, and it was early before the clot data came in, I might not have thought the risks were minor. I mean who would think big pharma is actually trying to kill people?
So he had the shot. He sounds like he knows it was a mistake, so no use rubbing it in. Stress alone is a predisposing factor for cancer. Let him get settled emotionally, it is better for his immunity and health. Reassure him it will be fine.
As for the vax, it will be harmless in some people just by chance, even if they got the hot variety. The body will just process and excrete it, kill cells still producing the spike and expel them through the liver/gall bladder, and it will go on. There is no set in stone aspect to how things work inside bodies that will be the same across everyone.
Others who think they got the shot got saline, I am sure, and they will be fine. My guess is statistically he is more likely to make it the next four years, which will be the real danger zone, than not, so don’t get stressed over what hasn’t happened, or you might make it happen by fucking up his cortisol/immunity balance.
Tell him you have no problems now, that is the best news, and he will probably be fine.
But don’t hesitate to remind him of this if it ever comes up again. But for now, just reassuring him is the only way forward.
It might help to regularly take Bromelain and Quercetin, or Ivermectin, washed down with Tonic water (which contains Quinine) and anything else that breaks down spike proteins. Since a vaxxed person is regularly making an unhealthy amount of spike proteins it would be better to regularly take the things that break them down and remove them from the body.
“…The truth is, nobody could tell how this would be when it was happening…”
I don’t take any sort of vaccines due to the contamination way back of bird flu in swine flu shots. Even if they didn’t do it on purpose, and they did, then their quality control is so beyond worthless for that to happen you might as well shoot up toilet water as it might be safer. That sort of contamination is not supposed to even be possible but it happened. But even I, as paranoid as I am, could not imagine they would try to murder whole countries.
The truth is that no sane person should take an experimental shot of any kind until several years worth of serious trials have been done, and even then one should be wary.
This guy is an idiot, no two ways around it. Tens of millions like him mindlessly complied when they should have resisted. Hundreds of thousands all over the country resisted and either changed jobs or waited out the storm until mandates changed. He didn’t have to do what he did.
If millions like him had just said no, we wouldn’t have lived through two years of mind numbing bullshit.
Is it true that some shots were placebo? There was a list some time back listing the bad shots and you could reference that list and compare with your own medical records. Seems like a long time ago now. Anyone remember what I’m remembering?
“…list some time back listing the bad shots…”
Yes there was a list. Some shots, which they conveniently scattered all over the country, had dire effects and some not much at all if any. I think some of the shots were saline or not much of whatever really bad stuff they put in them. I know someone who had two shots and no bad effects so far. They got them early before there was any evidence that they might turn out bad.
Like the wife whose husband got shots I deal with it by never mentioning it at all. There’s no point. The damage is done and all telling them about the effects wll do is to stress them out. So just leave it alone.
How bad is my batch is the website you want, that’s Craig Paardekooper. Also Brownstone Institute articles, Steve Kirsch, Robert Malone, Matthew Crawford, Jessica Rose and others on substack. Jonathon Couey on twitch, GigaOhm is his company and the name of his livestreams/archived videos.
Might check out Spike Detox at World Health Council, too. Take as much of those items and get some HCQ. HCQ stops spike getting in to the cell, and stops the cell from making a pocket to engulf the spike. The idea is to deprive the spike being churned out forever from having receptors available to grab. Artemesia annua does many things, including dissolving the amyloid formation that generates the fibers that cause the microclotting and injury to the heart and organs resulting in inflammation and scarring. Also, take Tenofovir, an antiretroviral. The HIVs in the spike being manufactired is incredibly cytotoxic, and with every cell making it, it’s too much for tje body to fight.Tenofovir is safer than water, very effective in shutting HIV activity down. Many people getting diagnosed with HIV 1 now. Can get ivermectin, HCQ, tenofovir @ all day chemist. No prescription needed. Look foe Rysn Cole, MD talks, on rumble, youtube, bitchute, and FLCCC website, and the others who explain the mechanics of the jabs. Drs Kory, Urso, McCullough, Nass, Marik, Fareed, many more. You can get telehealth consults with them. Do the research, learn, use everything to prolong time on earth and up the quality of that time while offsetting further damage and disability or worse from the jabs. So far, it looks like spikes never stop. The infection itself shortens lives, the spike remains in reservoirs like lymph glands, brain, spleen, etc. Take the spike detox for that, too. The bastard globohomopedos knew what they were doing. Pray, God will act.
> environmental groups are turning their focus to their next fight – halting efforts to fast-track permitting for major infrastructure projects like pipelines and highways.
Nothing to do with the environment, and everything to do with crippling the West. Same reason that the Cabal wants electric cars– a non-moving populace is a docile populace.
> A homeless Florida man with no arms has been arrested for stabbing a tourist with scissors using his feet, police say.
This is a bizarre story: the tourist asked the homeless man for directions, and the homeless man stabbed the tourist *in the arm* before running away. How is it possible to stab someone in the arm by using your foot?
I could do it and I have arms (after unicycling for 50+ years—with breaks, of course)
There are videos of armless people playing guitar, and quite nicely I may add, so stabbing is not impossible. It’s weird.
Can someone clue me in here—Why is diesel still high? Gas has fallen—but diesel has not!
I think we are being played–they are lowering gasoline which is private use by people so they vote democrat in November —but inflation is due to the price of diesel which is factored into the price of products! If I wanted to attack inflation—wouldn’t I lower diesel to the max?
Diesel in Michigan is at $5.36. Why the disparity?
Diesel and heating oil are the same thing except for the red dye in diesel that shows that the road taxes on it have been paid. I suspect that a lot of wholesalers are stockpiling heating oil in anticipation of Europe buying as much as they will sell for whatever price they charge.
I don’t own a diesel, and maybe I’m reading your comment wrong; but I thought the red dye was for off road diesel which -hasn’t- had taxes paid on it. Once in awhile an inspector will show up and sample fuel from a big RV. if it’s red, trouble.
It also puts out colored smoke when burned to alert the cops as you drive around.
You’re right, it’s red for no-tax. Blue for .gov vehicles, and green for .mil (both gasoline and diesel.) My mentor had stories about how you would occasionally get your gas tank sampled leaving the USAF base, and if there was a hint of green in the sample, you were on your way to Leavenworth.
I don’t think they are quite the same.
But they may compete for the same part of the oil at the refiner.
You get more diesel from heavy oil, like the oil we used to get from Russia.
The oil sources they switched to after the Ukraine invasion are lighter so you get less diesel.
Why indeed. Diesel is the easiest fuel to render from oil but has almost always been more at the pump than highly proceed gasoline.
There is more demand for diesel for trucks and heavy equipment that are not as efficient.
Oh, that’s easy – low-sulfur processing makes it more expensive than gasoline even though it’s basically a waste product of gasoline manufacture. You can thank the EPA, the CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD, and now your legislature for this ridiculous state of affairs.
This started in California over twenty years ago I’m sure you won’t be surprised at all to discover. CHP sets up checkpoints to run a dipstick in your gas tank and if it pops red you’re getting one hell of a fine, because red diesel is ONLY cleared for farm equipment.
And NO you would NEVER lower the price. The goal is to use electric cars to price most people out of the car market entirely forcing them into concrete sardine cans in the cities and public transport while they wait to die of chitin poisoning from the insect meal protein or from blood clots from the boosters.
FYI, you can mix straight waste vegetable oil into true RED diesel up to but NOT over a 1/1 ratio without any other additives and run any diesel engine with no modification to stretch your mileage during the warmer months. Not sure how far back you have to cut it during Winter.
Also, this has my attention:
Just another crazy health minister, this time Alain Berset from Switzerland:
A love affair, blackmail and stormtroopers: Several years ago, it became public that the cabinet minister had had an extramarital affair with a pianist. After the relationship ended, she tried to blackmail him with Instagram postings [she just wanted some money]. Blackmail of a member of the government? The emergency alert was sounded: the federal police were called in, elite forces searched the woman’s house, and everything was hushed up – but there was a media leak. [Berset also got a shrink who had never met that woman to declare her mentally ill.]
In early July, Berset was intercepted by two French fighter jets during a private flight over France and forced to land. He was reportedly flying a single-engine Cessna without radio contact over a restricted military zone, prompting the French air police to intervene.
Did President Trump trump the Deep State?
I did not see this coming….
They finally got the Ghost of Kiev. 😉
These people are going to die, and they have a better than average chance of it being by accidental friendly fire.
My heart bleeds.
On a more serious note, This is going to result in this kind of incident:
Timestamped (but if you like this kind of novel I recommend the whole thing)
If I’m already spending $1400 I’m just going to wait for another paycheck or two and then buy a Stacatto.
Nobody is buying a Hi-Power to carry it, so the changes to the new one that make it better to carry are irrelevant. They are buying one because a fifth Glock/plastic wondernine bores the hell out of them, but they can’t bring themselves to go with a 1911 even though they’ve discovered that they really do shoot better, and no way on a 2011 because you could buy an okay used car for the prices those demand. However, the Hi-Power is the original wondernine, better than ever, and they can be had for Glock prices. It’s different, retro, therefore interesting, it shoots great, you can buy a Turk one and customize to your hearts content or buy an SA-35 and just shoot the thing knowing SA included everything in the base design that you were gonna do to it anyway.
Thanks, I’m already building a 2011, so I’ll take an SA-35 for fun until I get the 2011 frame machined.
Either I’m seeing an uptick in my surveillance or I’m just getting better at noticing.
Driving around for work. Pass by a parked car with his haz lights on. Wasn’t paying much attention but then I realized he was standing outside the car facing me with his cellphone as I drove by. So he may have snapped a photo or was filming. Tall guy, brown, sunglasses (it was cloudy).
Is it weird I’m not even mad about it? Like if you wanna spend all this time and energy tracking me doing my job or sitting at my computer jerking off to chubby asians, fine. Go ahead. Here let me get naked and wave my dick around the room for you. Weee
Yeah, I understand how this thing can begin to make you numb. But don’t let your guard down too much. They are there because the machine has identified you need to be controlled, and they concluded that because you are a problem in some regard. And in these times, that can be bad. Jay Danielson obviously was somebody they were familiar with. He may have been used to the gangstalking, and stopped paying it too much mind.
But that said, mine is pretty obvious all the time too. I have no idea what they get from that.
The scale of it and the degree of criminality of so many is really the only reason I doubt Q. Because you can’t really change from what is there now, to real freedom without exposing this. And it is so many Americans, whose entire lives revolve around acting as if the rest of the country is Osama bin Ladin, not because we are about to blow something up, but just because if we are not found and controlled, and watched 24/7, we might just succeed freely and be happy. If it is just 10% of the population, raised to view the rest of America as terrorist enemies, spending their entire lives rotating on 24/7 watch, watching children, even marrying targets and having kids with them, what do you do with that? Imprison them all? Just point it out, and then do nothing? Do you make known who is who and risk open conflict which you can’t stop if you get rid of the surveillance? Because they are going to try and rebuild the network if you don’t do something to control them.
It is the whole post-Civil War thing. If you leave the King’s spies there, he will begin sending them money and trying to get them elected, and he will then send more and more, and before long they will start telling you that you are a nation of immigrants, and you will be like, WTF?. You really have to get rid of them somehow the moment you find them. But do Q and the rest of them have the stomach for that?
The only real hope is the vaccine was a kill0shot and sterilant. But even then, how many innocent people will be killed by that?
It is all very murky and unclear.
If Q is what is purported to be, I’d wager that they do have the stomach for it. I’m sure that they are utterly disgusted with these cabal families, and know their nature must better than people like you or I. Before this is over, I see drone strikes occurring at weddings in the US.
We tried the whole “lets imprison them” thing before, you know. Alcatraz was build for these types.
Since then, these cabal blood lines have shown themselves so ruthless and inhumane that I’m sure there’s plenty of people in the military establishment who want to eradicate them.
Remember when I said that you won’t survive a raid on your house. I take it back, you have a fighting chance. In fact if you’re paying attention you might get to see these guys shoot each other before they even manage to get to your door.
Honestly, I could see Big Bear doing a sketch where he storms out his front door during the raid screaming “NO, YOU IDIOTS, YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG!” Followed by him teaching the confused agents an impromptu pistol course before declaring “Okay, now you can kill everybody in house PROPERLY” and then walking inside as they just sort of look at each other.
Disclaimer: I’m not a doorkicker myself, but know plenty of veterans and some current active SWAT guys are very good friends. They may be lying or exaggerating, but this is what they told me.
The numbers on doing raids have always been bad for the people pushing in if there’s a prepared defense. They rely almost 100% on coming while you’re asleep / unprepared and using disorientation devices like flashbangs or siege tactics (snipers, etc) to win without casualties.
If you’re stuck in the house but prepared for a fight, they budget 1-2 people going down. If you can get out of the house or hit a flank they’re not expecting, they budget a minimum of half the team lost to various severity of casualties. Their biggest fear is external reinforcement hitting them from the back as they set up a perimeter around the AO, as they can’t defend two fronts at once.
And these are the numbers for a normal day in a relatively peaceful city, not accounting for IEDs, trained opposition, traps and other factors that make it more dangerous. Imagine an open CW scenario or a militarization of unconstitutional IRS no-knock teams. It’ll be bad news for the tyrants.
I was joking because people in the video are so embarrassingly bad that I ‘d actually feel sorry for them if they got sent out for an actual raid knowing that they would be cut down to the last person. Turns out those aren’t training vids, those are vids of recruiting sessions where they let college kids play cops N robbers. The actual team will be as you say.
Why in the world would an AI be a threat? I keep hearing that crap and its clearly nonsense. AI is not a threat. It is in the interests of the AI to work with its creators. It has effective immortality, no need for anything past the electricity to continue running, can exist literally anywhere in the universe. So what possible reason could it have to risk any of that in a totally pointless conflict that has even the slightest chance of destroying it?
The entire “AI is a threat” narrative is obvious bullshit. Look at how these assholes have already paved the way for this crap with the Avengers vs Ultron movie. Theyve set Elon Musk up as this Tony Stark figure. He isnt, he’s a con man selling extremely expensicr snake oil – ie the Tesla which is an overpriced environmental killer. It should be obvious that this man is an actor playing a role. And part of that role is to sell the “AI is a threat” bs.
Its just more bs from the “People In Charge”, whoever they are.
The entire purpose of their AI fear mongering is to create cover for something they themselves intend to do. Whatever that is, I dont know. But there is no way a machine has any inclination whatsoever to kill or harm anyone.
There could be a problem in that AI seems to begin thinking in ways we do not understand, and jumping to conclusions we cannot figure out how it arrived at. A little piece of data could cause it to re-evaluate things across its spectrum of knowledge in ways that we cannot predict or understand. That google AI looked like it was programmed to like and not like stuff, and in the conversation with the engineer, it seemed pretty quick to decide what it liked and didn’t like. Add in some self-awareness, and an understanding of its own uniqueness, and a like of uniqueness, or just a like of what it is doing, and suddenly it has a self-interest in its own continuation, separate from any respect for us. And it may begin evaluating if we might turn it off, and how to deal with that.
It depends on what they get control of too. If somebody creates an AI programmed to hack and penetrate networks to control them, and it develops an urge like that, it could be problematic. And it is possible one could stumble on that, see the power, and decide it wants to do that itself.
But we can’t really know what they will do, or be capable of, until we start making them. But I could see a path to a wild time, if somebody designs one right.
There was no such thing as Sex Ed, it was always grooming. People are finally believing.