News Briefs – 08/14/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – Musk Schedules Twitter Memorabilia Auction

DFT – US Steel Rejects $7.3 Billion Offer From Rival Cleveland Cliffs

DFT – Oil Stabilizes As Investors Consider China’s Property Sector Crisis

DFT – Tesla Slashes The Prices Of EVs In China Again

DFT – Goldman Forecasts First Rate Cut In Q2 2024

Newspaper’s co-owner, 98, collapses and dies after being left ‘overwhelmed’ by ‘Gestapo-like’ police raid to seize records from her office and home.

‘Alternate’ Trump electors can face civil lawsuit in Wisconsin, judge rules.

“The Democrat’s Jan. 6 Committee investigatory panel demonstrated that it could conduct oversight and gain access to evidence and witnesses even as the Justice Department conducted a sprawling criminal probe into the same figures and issues, and House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer told Just the News he plans to ride those precedents.”

“CNN reported that lawyers for the 2020 presidential campaign of President Trump received a “written invitation” to inspect voting machines and software in Georgia’s Coffee County, though CNN’s portrayed it as Trump being implicated in a “voting system breach,” implying that he had personally hacked into voting systems, or that his campaign had done so.”

CNN – “Atlanta-area prosecutors investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia are in possession of text messages and emails directly connecting members of Donald Trump’s legal team to the early January 2021 voting system breach in Coffee County.”

Vivek is a total Cabal shitbag who only said this to walk back his statement he wanted to pardon Joe and Hunter, but being backed into a corner caused him to spurt out a little truth:

House Intel chair notes Hunter Biden Special Counsel David Weiss ‘allowed’ potential felony charges to expire under statute of limitations.

Antifa activist who shot first at Kyle Rittenhouse sentenced to 3 years over Kenosha robbery. Pretty good chance he is like the thief in Portland, and in the network.

Records reveal Fauci made over $300 million from the Covid pandemic while Americans suffered.

COVID victims’ families sue NYC-based EcoHealth for ‘funding, releasing’ virus.

Bill Gates’ WHO says climate change requires mass vaccinations against migrating mosquitoes.

At The American Liberty Awards in Austin, Texas, The Gateway Pundit won “Most Trusted Print Media” and was nominated alongside other booming news organizations that have sustained amid Big Tech’s unprecedented censorship against conservative media and the truth, including InfoWars, Natural News, ZeroHedge, National File, The Epoch Times, LifeSite News, Summit News, Political Signal, Breitbart, Uncover DC, Human Events, Revolver News, Valiant News and The Post Millenial. See, you have to do this to understand, there are no big bucks hidden away here in this work, just waiting for you to tap into them. If you started a perfect conservative news outlet, you will be lucky to pull even one salary from it, and truthfully, I doubt you will. We certainly do not come close to even a new Glock a month here, and yet we have probably the best political theory in r/K, fascinating psychological content, amazing commenters, and of course we are the only outlet honestly discussing the domestic surveillance machine which is the real problem in this nation, responsible for everything. Every day like clockwork, this site is humming away. And we have a good decade doing it, building readership on our side, with help from Vault-Co and Vox Day, and even Heartiste way back. So how much does this bring in? Our share from DFT is about $250-370 per month. Evopsych and the other books are maybe $30 if we are lucky. And of course that is the only advertising we can get, and we probably eat over a couple of hundred in expenses out of that. And we are not doing bad by all other metrics. So you can see how when I see somebody is actually paying multiple salaries to other people to run their site, and then somebody else is renting a venue, paying for catering, and waiters and waitresses, and all these outlets are showing up with travel expenses, I wonder, who is paying for all that? The American Liberty Awards? LOL.  Of course, for those who dig further, there are real deal sites like Vox Day’s stuff, Timeless Authors, Tex’s site, Aurini’s, Atavisionary, 4Chan (which is FBI-run as a honeypot), Free Republic, The Burning Platform, and Q’s site. Fortunately, we all have deeper reasons to be here.

Think this child was approached entirely randomly?:

A Connecticut family is suing Snapchat and Instagram after their 15-year-old daughter was raped and sexually assaulted by two registered sex offenders that found her on the apps….

According to the lawsuit, the unnamed minor was only 10 years old when she was contacted by a first predator on Instagram and coerced into sending explicit photos of herself. He kept demanding more, leading to the child attempting suicide “in the hopes of finding some escape,” according to the lawsuit.

When the family found out what was going on they reported “the exploitation to police, who informed them that Meta’s Instagram product was designed in such a way that they could not identify who was behind the Instagram account that was used to abuse her, and a case was never opened,” the 95-page lawsuit states, according to a report from the CT Post.

In 2019, when she was 13, the child was contacted on Snapchat by a second convicted sex offender — Reginald Sharp — who knew her real age. He convinced her to send nude photos and blackmailed her, saying that he would post them online unless she met him in person.

The girl snuck out and met him and was repeatedly raped.

Zuckerberg says Musk isn’t serious about cage match, suggests ‘it’s time to move on.’ Kind of funny in a way, because it highlights what a dick Zuckerberg is. If you are training in grappling on a regular basis, it changes how your muscles and body work unimaginably. It is difficult to explain just how exhausting it is, and how much your muscles and blood delivery systems adapt to it uniquely. There is something about a randomly moving opponent, which causes all of your muscles to contract longer and harder, and more consistently, in ways you just cannot replicate with free weights. Three to four minutes of grappling, and anybody here who has not done it before, even those who lift weights regularly, will barely be able to use their arms. I mean they will just shut down, feel like rubber, and not want to move. If Zuckerberg is training in BJJ, he knows that, and he will know the advantage he will have over Musk in knowledge, feel, reflex, and ability, given Musk is obviously not training that much, and is quite out of shape to begin with. It is really kind of a dick move, to seek out a fight where you think you can crush the guy, and be eager to crush the guy, as if it is a sign of how noble you are, when the guy does not train. It would be like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime, wanting to have a weight lifting competition with Pee Wee Herman, and acting like if he won, it would be some big victory on his part, demonstrating his heroism and greatness. My guess is Zuck must have spent a goodly part of his youth being hung from lockers by his underwear, maybe even by Cabal bullies sent in to make him compliant, and in his head, this is some opportunity to finally get his revenge.

Following the second arrest of a migrant on sexual assault charges, Erie County has suspended any transportation of new migrants from New York City to area hotels. Migrants are r-strategists, and rape is an r-strategy.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services had told its hundreds of employees in San Francisco that it’s too dangerous to come in to the office, so they should work remotely for the foreseeable future.

A group of between 20—50 people looted a Nordstrom at the Topanga Mall.

The Police Chief in Maui during the fires was the incident commander of the Las Vegas Harvest Festival mass shooting by Stephen Paddock. That is true.

There is a spot in Yellowstone where you can theoretically kill people legally since they cannot impanel a jury due to a lack of population.

The new “Snow White” actress says the original story is problematic because the Prince is a “literal stalker” and the new movie will be different.

Driverless cars cause traffic jam in San Francisco in group malfunction.

Techno-Hell: Utah and Oregon now require GPS trackers on EVs in lieu of registration fee, tax drivers by the mile.

“Two prominent climate scientists have taken on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) new rules to cut CO2 emissions in electricity generation, arguing in testimony that the regulations “will be disastrous for the country, for no scientifically justifiable reason.””

Moment pilots eject from MIG-23 fighter jet seconds before it crashes into apartment building parking lot during Detroit air show.

Germany is debating whether to ban the far-Right Alternative for Germany (AfD) as the party surges to 21 per cent in the polls, amid warnings from intelligence officials that its members are becoming increasingly extreme. “Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the German president, warned in a speech to the country’s domestic intelligence agency that “we all have it in our hands to put those who despise our democracy in their place”.”  There is that phrase again. “Our Democracy.” The leftist wing of Cabal is losing control. It is interesting, because I am sure there are Cabal assets in, and at or near the top of AfD, but this implies they may not have full control of it, and fear it.

Far-right populist emerges as biggest vote-getter in Argentina’s presidential primary voting [Javier Milei].

“The WEF-controlled nation of France is the first nation to issue a legal directive to web browser companies Firefox, Chrome & Safari to block all websites listed on a blacklist compiled by the Macron regime. Calling the plan “well-intentioned yet dangerous,” Mozilla warns that Young Global Leader Emmanuel Macron is plowing ahead with plans to force web browsers like Firefox “to create a dystopian technical capability” allowing the globalist elite to regulate what people see online.”

The Polish government is planning a referendum to ask voters whether they are in favor of accepting “thousands of illegal immigrants from the Middle East and Africa” under a European Union relocation plan, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said Sunday. Will Cabal rig the referendum, and then tell people this is what they voted for? Or will it reveal the silliness and unpopularity of Cabal policies?

Activists upset over charges associated with London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) are unleashing a bit of vandalism by disabling and destroying CCTV enforcement cameras all over the region. If you do things like this, you have to do it in a way that the only way they could track you down is the illegal surveillance op, so they cannot come after you without burning their surveillance. But again, this is government fucking over everyone because we do not elect our leaders – anywhere in the West.

Coup in Niger threatens American interests. Right now, American interests equals Cabal interests, just like “our democracy” equals Cabal’s election-rigging.

Niger coup: Russia warns Ecowas not to take military action.

Ukrainians begin to despair as bloody counteroffensive yields small gains.

Zelensky says he is losing because everybody else did not do enough.

Julian Assange: Fresh hope for Wikileaks founder as US Ambassador Caroline Kennedy flags potential plea deal. Mr Assange has been fighting the British legal system for years to avoid being sent to the US, where he faces 17 charges of espionage and one charge of computer misuse over WikiLeaks’ publication of classified diplomatic and military documents.

Colorado law raising age to purchase firearms to 21 blocked by court.

Trump quotes his judge from a past statement:


Spread r/K Theory, because Zuck is clearly a dick

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1 year ago

‘A group of between 20—50 people looted a Nordstrom at the Topanga Mall.’

The usual suspects, I see.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Hey, now! It’s only the 98% that make the other 2% look bad!

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

They arent people to begin with.
Dr Zaius’s minions.

1 year ago

Related to the income thing. I wanted a paper copy of r/K. Kondle edition is currently £7.74 on Amazon but cheapest paper edition is £40 plus so I will have to save a bit or hope that Castolla house picks it up sometime. It does not entirely make sense there are loads of cheaper prints of all sorts of rubbish but something worth having is very pricey. I can’t imagine that much if any of the extra cost gets back to the author.

But anyway thanks AC for all you do and write

Reply to  Paul
1 year ago

We need an unwoke GoFundMe, but for helping others bolster their libraries with quality publications.

1 year ago

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Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

This isn’t a picture wordle forum, post commentary for your daily scrapbooking to explain what the fuck point you’re trying to make or stop wasting people’s time.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Thank you

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Oh how deep and mysterious!

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

Nothing says “We love Democracy” like banning a political party that is becoming too popular with the people.

Taking the Demos out of Democracy … It’s what plants crave.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

The first thing to recognise is that there is no “o” in country.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

A thought triggered by a comment to an old set of comments by me AC and (I don’t know if this will work)

The comment I made was that as long as Musk keeps doing things I agree with, I will assume he is…doing basically agreeable things. This is not some earth-shattering idea, but many if not most here have automatically slotted him into some sort of satan worshiping baby raper category. I’m not seeing it.


said in reference to the merger of X and paypal,

“…And they (?) already did that once before to Elon, when PayPal and Peter Thiel ate up”

And this made me think. Why did Musk change twitter to Hmmm… back in the day Musk had planned on making, before the merger, into a full service banking/financial system online. Now (((they)))) wouldn’t like that would they? So maybe (((they)))) merged with X and then held back Musk, and he knew it. At the time, he couldn’t do anything about it. But now? Maybe this change is a bit of a direct dig at them.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Exactly. I got permanently suspended the same day as Trump and 150,000 anons right after J6. I appealed my suspension a few months ago when others were being let back on and they still won’t tell me why I was suspended, only that the suspension will never be lifted. All I can figure is I had a Pepe avatar and followed a bunch of Trump and Q related accounts.

I would NEVER trust that kind of platform for banking and shopping and car insurance. Not in any circumstance. It’s a great way to get depersoned. So I concur, this cannot be allowed.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Rage against centralization.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

This is nothing more than an American version of the Chinese WhatsApp

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

The man is an imbecile. Doesnt utter anything intelligent at all. Never has that I have been able to find.
Why do you force yourself to see the unseeable I wonder?
Noone, and I mean noone ever has purchased any company for 40 Bill and then thrown the Trademark in the toilet, unless of course they value the trademark at 30 Bill and write it off. But you only do that if you have income to write it off against. Shitter is cashflow neg, so he doesnt have crap to write off any fckn loss to.
He never will either.
This fact alone tells you he is just a pawn. An evil satan embracing pawn of those who created him. Noone embraces devil inspired imagery because they want to. Doing so for any normal person circa 2015 and backwards would have you dropped from every meaningful social engagement in life. Let alone for a “CEO”.

Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

He’s a dope smoking moron placed as a frontman for some cabal faction to get people to emulate the high status monkeytard.
All his “good” projects serve cabal agendas.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

“…Doesnt utter anything intelligent at all. Never has that I have been able to find…”

You’re not paying attention.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

That was my point exactly. I think he had some big idea, and they just completely side lined him. This is my current working theory.

And they did that on his honeymoon. Just super shitty.

I mean….I low key hope he buys Mars.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  🌲🌲
1 year ago

You noticed it way before me. I’m a little slow. I wasn’t sure if that was “exactly” what you meant. It seemed significant in retrospect, so I mentioned it again.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

How much do you wanna bet that this is a recreation of something that happened to her when she was like 15? I get the feeling that every time she does something like this it’s comms to someone, a threat.

Britney Spears puts on stripper moves to X-rated song in bizarre pole dancing video while wearing tiny leopard print bikini… amid claims of Oprah tell-all

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

She is telling you what she is used for: she is a sex kitten; she has been trafficked.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

I get the feeling that it’s more specific than that. That this is a re-creation of a specific moment in her life for an audience of one, the Hollywood producer that demanded this sexual favor of her. Possibly as young as her Micky Mouse Club days.

1 year ago

comment image.webp

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Sir Bill Gates

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
1 year ago

Vivek is a total Cabal shitbag who only said this to walk back his statement he wanted to pardon Joe and Hunter, but being backed into a corner caused him to spurt out a little truth:

Vivek is still handling it poorly. That said, I think that Joe should be pardoned. For there to be any chance to land this plane intact, we have to get out of the banana republic cycle of “win the election or go to jail.” It’s why I also support pardoning Hillary.
I don’t support pardoning anyone around them. Every family member they have who was involved should be prosecuted fully. Chelsea, Hunter, Romney’s son (who was Hunter’s partner), all of them.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Preposterous poppycock Phelps!
The plane has crashed! You are merely a survivor looking at the drunken drug addled pilots who intentionally crashed the plane knowing they would survive and killed your family and most of the rest of the people on the flight.
Pardon me!

Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

Pic related.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

No pardons.
They don’t get to live and walk around freely in our territory.
They will just rebuild their system if they get pardons.
Justice must be done, and it must be seen to be done.
Trump promised “lock her up” and he must pay off.
Look at what happened in the places that tried “Truth and Reconciliation”.

It’s not “win the election or go to jail”.
It’s “don’t commit treason or go to jail”.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

This was me.
I don’t know why it posted as Anonymous.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

There is no “ win the election or go to jail” cycle, there has only been one candidate maliciously and fraudulently harassed by the legal system after a “loss,” and that’s Trump.

Pretending they will accept the handshake of peace and not just take your arm off with a hidden sword in retaliation is the kind of mental retardation that opened the door to the nonsense we have everywhere now. If your enemy takes a swing at you, you better drop his ass with 10x the force to remind him why coming for you was a bad idea in the first place.

The herd only tolerates the degenerate failures we see in power because they’ve been Buck broken and mind raped for their entire lives. In a real world, no one would strike a peace deal with assholes who have done all this evil shit to us.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

They need to be crushed into dust

Reply to  Rizzo
1 year ago

Just for the symbolism alone.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

The guy impersonating Phelps should go back to Sotomayor/Kagan orgy jokes

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

comment image

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

sardonic grin
Looks like the Joker

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Hillary and Joe Biden are all pretty much irrelevant. It’s not like they ever had any real, direct power.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

But the fact that they still are alive and allowed to speak shows how much power They have

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

My argument against pardoning Joe and Hillary is that we’re not landing this plane intact. It’s not possible. What we (being RWers) need is to internalize this fact and start fighting to win. Yeah, it makes things bloodier in the short term, but then we’re not dealing with the same crisis a generation or two down the line.
Europeans developed the pinnacle of civilization by ruthlessly culling anyone who violated the rules. We forgot that lesson sometime during or after the Enlightenment, and now we’re here.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

So pardon them for now, and when we start lining people up against the wall, just ignore the pardon.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

They need to be put down

1 year ago

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services had told its hundreds of employees in San Francisco that it’s too dangerous to come in to the office, so they should work remotely for the foreseeable future.

At this point, nothing short of Batman is going to bring SF back. Detroit in 15 years, start the clock.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Batman won’t kill the Joker, that’s why Gotham never gets better.
The whole country needs someone better than Batman.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

This was me but got posted as anon for some reason.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

It could all begin turning around in 24 hours and be spectacular in 1 years. Because this isn’t organic decay or neglect, it’s systematic destruction. The same thing was true of Detroit. Cabal could not let it survive.

1 year ago

The Police Chief in Maui during the fires was the incident commander of the Las Vegas Harvest Festival mass shooting by Stephen Paddock. 

I was sure that it was China retaliating for us flooding them, but now I’ve flipped 180 and we did it to ourselves. Maybe they are trying to clear the island out for Oprah to set up Epstein 2.0 there.

Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Miles Mathis mentions Oprah:

1 year ago

Larouche back in the day on Barry. And also today. He makes an absolute stunner of a statement at the end about who might be running things.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago


Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

He says “probably from Mars or some place like that.”

1 year ago

Judge Tanya’s statement indicates a truly analytical legal mind. She saw a video of some people wearing garb and carrying signs. So that must obviously be who those people support. They could not possibly be imposters…

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

Maui Fire. They ask, and I, how did the boats catch on fire???? I found a video and linked a screenshot from it of a boat on fire.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Wind. I worked on a wildfire case, and it’s sobering how dangerous and deadly they are. We think it is being hot and dry that is the deciding factor, but it’s really wind. That’s why red flag warnings are always windy days, even if it seems like it rained recently.
The same high wind that feeds oxygen to the fire feeds its spread. Hot embers can fly for miles between hills (meaning you can have mile wide gaps in the fire where the embers literally just flew over a valley) while at the same time the very air catches fire. That’s what I would infer happened to the boats. A combination of hot embers and burning air. The wood burning gives off flammable gasses (that’s how wood normally burns) and those gasses are being given off in such high amounts that the flames (usually invisible) are just flowing across the water and setting the boats on fire.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Leaving the palm trees on land untouched.
Makes sense to me. I often light my cigarette by just holding it above my head when there is a fire in the nearby hills. Strangely, my hair never even gets singed.
Look at the video. Smoke is vertical. So where is this strong wind of which you speak?
I have watched loads of fires – bloody big ones in Oz coming across the hills towards me, with winds behind them and without. Never seen burning ash way out front of a fire where the wind is almost nonexistent
The fire itself does cause winds to develop by what i assume is some kind of difference in pressure gradient created by the consumption of oxygen, but boats ALL on fire and seemingly at the same stage of burning like in that video? Did the ash all descend on the boats at once and equally?
hmmmmm, bollocks. Someone set fire to them.

Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

The smart meters on homes can be overloaded and poof yer house is cremated

Texas Arcane
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

No precedent. Like the towers on 9/11, first time period this has ever been seen in a wildfire on land. All private boats burn more than 500 feet from shore? Never been seen before. If I am wrong I must have missed some previous incident like this. All boats burned, some of them a quarter mile off the beach? First time that has happened anywhere. This wasn’t a volcanic eruption. We’re told it is a big forest fire. Apparently of a variety which left all the trees intact.
Big stink here and where’s there is stink there is bullsh*t. I don’t believe any of the story. The whole thing is so bizarre and defies the law of physics, which usually means there is another cause for all of this.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Texas Arcane
1 year ago

Tex, you should appreciate this: the flying laser death ray was most likely available in the ’80s or earlier; for, it was the important prop in the 1985 movie Real Genius.
Real Genius starring Val Kilmer.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
1 year ago

A picture of a burning boat 500 feet away doesn’t mean the boat caught fire 500 feet away. Boats move. It’s one of the qualities of a boat.

Last edited 1 year ago by phelps
Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Burning air? Okay, but how are they filming it from another boat with a cell phone?

Maui is slated to become a smart island. The local natives have absolutely refused to sell Lahaina to anybody no matter the price. So Cabal burned it down. Simple as.

maui smart island

The pic is from the California wildfires. There’s zero chance that isn’t arson. It’s ridiculously consistent and thorough arson, burning down the entire building leaving no ruins. No half burned timbers, that sort of thing.

Now my thinking is that we all know what happens to metal in a microwave oven. I’m sure someone at DoD or DoE wondered what it would do if you pointed a strong enough EMF array at a building, I just don’t know how many decades the system has been fully operational or whether it’s fully space-based yet.

After all, The Chinese navy can outnumber the US Navy ten boats to one, but if you can superheat the entire hull to 2500F while you’re frying every electrical circuit in the thing what does it matter?

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

I’m not arguing that it isn’t arson. MOST wildfires are arson. What I am saying is you don’t need any high tech to set boats on fire 20-50 feet from the shore. You just need a big fucking fire on shore.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

When you see results that can only be Flash Gordon tech, it’s Flash Gordon tech.
This tree is burning from the inside out – the leaves and branches are not on fire – while there is a recent model year pickup with none of the plastic body panels melting. You’d think at least the headlights would melt.

Hot air is not causing this.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Leaves are wet. Trunks are not. Put a green log and a seasoned log in your fireplace. Tell me which one burns, and explain why microwaves are keeping the green log from burning.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Smart Islands use Smart Meters

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Many people have never really experienced the heat that can come from a big fire. Just the simple infrared radiation alone can cause things to ignite. Look at how warm people can get from a small camp fire. Now imagine a fire 1000 times larger. You can feel the heat from a good distance.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Then we have Mathis arguing that the Maui fires are fake:

maui.pdf (

Reply to  map
1 year ago

MM is a clown.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

Oops, I hit the wrong button and didn’t finish linking the Maui fire video screenshot. Now the other video shows boats on fire but it’s difficult to see where. This one shows clearly it’s in the water away from the shore. How did fire get IN the boat? Notice that the outside is not on fire but the interior is really burning vigorously. Now I’m not saying “what” caused this but…one scenario could be a microwave type weapon. It would go right through the fiberglass but all the wiring, metal parts, the engine inside would heat up and could start fires. Is there any other explanation? Boats usually are closed when they are at anchor, so how, if it did, did fire get inside but not burn the outside? BIG mystery.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Then fire appears to be on the deck

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“…fire appears to be on the deck…”

Look closely at the video. The fire is coming from the gangway that leads down into the boat. If you see the video, it’s clear the fire is in the boat. It’s mysterious. Why? The boat is pointed to the shore. Now the gangway opening is likely made of wood so yes it could catch fire BUT it’s headed the wrong way. The heat from the fire is blocked by the front of the boat. I guess it could have turned but that doesn’t make sense because the high winds would automatically point the boat in the direction you see it in with the gangway facing away from the shore. Why isn’t the front of the boat on fire? It’s fiberglass, and that stuff burns fairly easy. If it’s hot enough to light up the gangway, then why not the front of the boat? It does not make sense.

All the other boats on fire where people are videoing them, I can’t tell where they are in relation to the docks. So maybe they were on the dock or not. Don’t know but this one clearly is out in the water. I see little stuff like this because we know they have false flags. So when I see something that defies logic and makes no sense…I make note of it. I wish there was video from above of all that large mass of boats burning. That would make things more clear. I wonder why we don’t see them in the helicopter video???? Could the large mass of boats burning be fake???

I saw another video where a boat was burned completely up and sunk in the water BUT the dock was fine??? And it appeared to have a rope on it in good shape???? What is that about? I don’t know.

There was a huge wind and there are videos of it blowing down all the outer circle of the town’s power lines. That could have started the fire. So it does make sense but that boat. I can’t square its interior burning like that and not the rest. No one leaves the gangway to their boat open and the gangway is a vertical wooden board. How would embers stick to a vertical gangway door board???

Maui Island, Hawaii Fire Survivor And First Hand Witness Speaks Out–Hawaii-Fire-Survivor-And-First-Hand-Witness-Speaks-Out

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

Coup in Niger threatens American interests

I’m sure the guy living on the sidewalk in a tent is really upset about this “threat”.

1 year ago

There is a spot in Yellowstone where you can theoretically kill people legally since they cannot impanel a jury due to a lack of population.
If you’ve watched the Yellowstone TV show, they reference this. The “train station” refers to a roadside cliff in Wyoming that the Dutton crew use to deposit dead bodies of their enemies.

1 year ago

Thanks for posting your financials; been ruminating about my own site but wondered if it was worth it. Suppose I’ll finna go with substack

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

not only back everything up, but back it up on a high capacity USB drive so it will be there even when Microsoft issues OS22.

Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

Maui needs to secede from the US and join Ukraine so the Biden shadow government will send aid.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

Brandon is, of course, a senile old pedo who one hopes will spend eternity screaming in pain. But his political instincts here are perfect: “These fucking coconut rubes are all gonna vote 80% Dem no matter what I do or say, and whether or not I bother to show up. So fuck em. I’m going to get me some pudding!”

And you know what? He’s right. Fuck em. Stuff like this is what they ALL voted for, while telling themselves their straight-ticket dem vote meant they were Good and Special and Caring people. I have no sympathy for the Californians who voted for the waves of pillaging youths gleefully destroying their Golden Mountain, why should I feel sorry for these moronic, incredibly racist people? (what y’all think “Haole” **really** means?) So Just Hang Loose, C’ool Hawai’i D’ud’e’s! Have your beloved State Government help you out! You’ll just need to fill out these forms….

Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

About 25% voted for Biden. The rest was cheating.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Seriously. Does anyone actually believe “they voted for it” anymore? I look at people who say that like Flat Earthers now.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

hawaii fires

Linked from the burning platform I saw on this site a video with a huge wind gust.

This would explain the circle of fire. The power lines were blown down and started fires. But it still doesn’t explain boats on fire.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

That’s what I think. First eliminate a team of 10-20 men driving around throwing molotov cocktails before we turn to DEW. I saw them burn down Los Angeles with a couple gallons of gas. I would not be shocked if one guy was sent around in a dinghy to burn all the boats. I don’t know that it happened this way but the low tech answer should be examined first.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“…DEW bullshit…”

I’m inclined to agree. Note the fire on the boat that puzzles me so much is not where a gas can would be. But Molotov cocktail thrown on the gangway, that would do it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

To make my view more accurate, yes most likely some sort or arson, but I would not rule out DEW. Especially since there seems to be so much that’s odd about the whole thing. I saw another video of the area from a drone after the fire and I still do not see the boats that caught on fire. Where did they go? I hear they refuse to let residents in the area. How it’s their business to keep people from their homes…well it’s not. Our government is so corrupt. The more they do this sort of stuff, the more I’m willing to believe that they did use DEW. I saw some pictures of the fires in California, people showed to link the idea to the Hawaii fires. I don’t see how they were possible. All the homes were burned in a big square but they were surrounded by what appeared to be evergreen type trees in California. Now if you’ve been there their forest are very dry and evergreens burn like mad due to all their combustible sap. I don’t see how the picture I saw is possible. All the houses were burnt to the ground.

There’s something very wrong about both fires.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The fires popping up everywhere reminds me of the Peshtigo fire and the Chicago fire happening on the same day. As in Maui, people ran to the water (a river) to try to survive, but about 2,000 people died in Peshtigo.
The Peshtigo fire was on the west side of Green Bay, but there were also huge fires on the east side of the Bay the same day. There is a memorial in Door County (Wisconsin’s “thumb”) called Tornado Memorial County Park. I had assumed it was named because of a regular tornado/cyclone, but it is actually memorializing the town of Williamsonville that was wiped out from a “fire tornado,” the same day as the Peshtigo fire.
There were so many fires that day in 1871 some people thought that they were caused by something falling from space and landing across the upper Midwest.
Of course, 1871 was a horrible drought year, with some areas not getting any rain at all between July and October when the fires started, so not a true parallel to what is happening now.

teo toon
teo toon
1 year ago

MIles Mathis called the Maui fire fake. He was wrong; this hurts his credibility.

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

fake event or not, pols will do the grab.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

It’s like the people that deny that anybody ever dies in school shootings – you guys do realize that these are evil people that do blood sacrifices as a religious ritual, right? That they kill children all the time? Taking a person with existing mental problems and breaking their brain enough to shoot a bunch of kids in a school is something they would do for free.

So, yes, I fully believe that they just burned down Lahaina to lower the property values. Now they are going to buy a lot more of it than they had and then build a smart city on that ground swept clean. What they can’t buy they will repossess when the locals can’t repay the loans in ten years as their property taxes sky-rocket with the new development.

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

The point is that the fires are not a natural, organic event. And, because people are evacuated, it’s impossible to know what is really going on, even among those who live in the area.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

Miles Mathis Committee’s sole function is to discombobulate your mind and make you think silly stupid shit. To confuse you and feed you disinformation while steering you in the wrong direction so that you will not be able to see the real truth. To be sure “some” of the information he expends is real, but it will always be mixed with lies.

He’s like Winston Churchill.
“In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.”

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
1 year ago

Dropping this link, the sub is called neighbors from hell. Tons of posts here that seem like surveillance and harassment. This one sounds like a network meetup: every two weeks, 10 cars of people show up at a house, their phones get scanned, then they all leave a few hours later. One of the commenter said they could be gamers. All I know is after that Portland story I’m looking for this stuff harder.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
1 year ago

What set off my radar here was they all have backpacks which AC has consistently noted as a surveillance feature. And I thought about the gamers comment, if they’re gamers they don’t have to meet up, you game at home on your system.

Would a neighborhood surveillance outpost draw attention to itself like this and if so would counter forces target the address?

1 year ago

comment image?width=328&height=502

Texas Arcane
1 year ago

Vivisharmer had to actually use Cabal pull to get his Wikipedia edited to eliminate all mention of his work as a towelboy/step’n’fetchit for Soros as a young global leader. Evidence was he lived in the same building as Soros for a while as his “charge.”
Think about that. A man who cannot run for President until he gets his own past edited on Wikipedia. Aside from that, he’s not even a native born citizen ! His parents were not citizens when they had him! He’s another anchor baby and is ineligible to even run for office.
Obama threw the barn door open on eligibility and we shouldn’t be surprised to see Finlanders throwing their hat in the ring soon for the office of American President.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Texas Arcane
1 year ago

Exactly. I have written about this twice on this forum. The last time I did, I wrote we could expect a DACA migrant run for president in ten years.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

What else do you need to know about Maui to know that it wasn’t a natural wildfire?

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

And why are all of these police chiefs constantly being switched around from state to state? Total cabal move.

1 year ago

| There is that phrase again. “Our Democracy.”

It’s pretty clearly a “dog whistle” which cabalists use in public.

It’s likely that cabal has a democratic structure at the top, sort of like a federated union of criminal syndicates with a democratic central committee. So, its technically a “democracy”. Note that it’s easier to lie and get away with it if the lie has a grain of truth to it. One can confidently tell oneself “I’m not lying”, and really truly believe it.

I swear, every year that passes, the cabal gets more and more transparent.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I’ve thought this for a while now. Just like the 5 Families used to do. It’s the Bush Faction, Chicago Supermob, Clinton Faction, AZ Faction, CA Faction. The Cheney’s also may be a made Faction.

I think it is all quite formalized.

Just a Medic
Just a Medic
1 year ago

“We certainly do not come close to even a new Glock a month here…”

This unit of value — “a new Glock” — will grow more popular as fiat currency returns to its intrinsic value. Barter is the way forward. I propose:
1 new Glock = 57 dime bags = 28 lap dances = 5 kegs = 2 good dogs

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Just a Medic
1 year ago

What about a slightly used Glock?

Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

Far-right populist emerges as biggest vote-getter in Argentina’s presidential primary voting [Javier Milei].
AC a wrote a book on this, and have personally talked with many of the people in milei entourage when I started the buenos aires libertarian party in late 2017 as an offshot of the one started in buenos aires by a accountant and business administrator from the city of Tandil.

They have always been an 100% british project, and if you dislike any cabal, defined as “a secret political clique or faction”, you will dislike 1000000% this people.

I wrote a book on them, accesible at El lado oscuro de los libertarios (Spanish Edition) – Kindle edition by Villizzianto, Pablo. Politics & Social Sciences Kindle eBooks @

Last edited 1 year ago by Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

They have always been an 100% british project”

For example?

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

Buy the book and read it yourself, it’s not only them, if you pay US, dutch, german, or maybe even french taxes, not only bong taxes, you have paid for this guy’s presidential bid, which is also supported by a local religious minority, banks and more. I quote him when he comments after being accused of being a nazi, that he goes to a synagoge with the brother of a certain mogul, then the mogul calls, and invites him to an ultra exclusive event for presidential candidates to explain the argentinina “red circle” elites/plutocrats/ oligarchy his true presidential program, the one he doesn’t talk about in the mass media.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago


Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

What fuel could blow like that?

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago



The HWY126 Lane County fire is about an hour and a half away from me, but my skies are still brown. All this week. Course that area of Lane County catches fire every year now.

1 year ago

Migrants are r-strategists. And the welfare state is plunder for the taking.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The welfare state is the “Excess resources” that brings r strategy into being!

1 year ago

The rape of the girl also goes to show why being Anon is a must when being on the Internet.

Be sure not even to tell your own life story if you can.

1 year ago

Türkiye Quietly Renounces NATO Links, But Not NATO Benefits

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Why the hell are we all of a sudden adopting foreign language spellings and pronunciations in our language; it’s as though we no longer have control of our own language? This all began or at least became obvious with the Ukraine war.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

It’s chicken Kiev and always will be.
It’s also Peking not Beijing.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Turkey has been an “observer” in Nato for 20+ yrs.

1 year ago

> The Polish government is planning a referendum to ask voters whether they are in favor of accepting “thousands of illegal immigrants from the Middle East and Africa”

If the people voted for it, the immigrants would hardly be illegal then, da?

*Certainly* Poland would want hundreds of thousands of African immigrants, setting up their own little ghettos, committing crimes, and sponging off their public services. Why, the citizens would be proud to pay extra taxes supporting this charity.

Right? Anyone? Bueller?

1 year ago

U.S. Supreme Court Declines to Hear Challenge to Warrantless Pole Camera Surveillance

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

This will allow surveillance to spread like a DEW “wildfire.”

1 year ago

Tree Euthanasia? Climate Alarmists Now Warn That Our Forests Will Worsen Global Warming