News Briefs – 08/14/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Someone had requested this from Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium – Former Prosecutor and Law Professor David Clements compares how he ran a gangland murder case, and the time and effort it took to assemble the case and win jailtime for those invovled, with how a prosecutor would be running the current election-fraud/vote-trafficking investigation, and why he is confident everyone is going to jail. It makes sense. Trump knew what was coming. He didn’t resist it, or stop it. The crime occurred, and Trump was in a position to have all the relevant agencies capture evidence of it. It is on a trajectory to be exposed in the private sector, and the real action should be with patriots in intelligence, and that would not happen overnight.

A supposed DNA match between Rep. Ilhan Omar and her second husband Ahmed Elmi allegedly proves that the two are siblings. And because she was brought over from Somalia and installed in rigged elections as a Congresswoman by CIA/Cabal, she is about as accountable for her actions as Hunter Biden.

Details of what happened with Mike Lindell’s attack here:

Mike explained how he and Kendra had just returned to the lobby of the Sheraton Hotel from dinner… As they walked through the lobby toward the elevator, two well-dressed men who Mike and Kendra estimated were between the age of 40-45 yrs old ran up to him and shouted, “Hey, I want your picture!” Although Mike suspected something unusual about the duo, he agreed to have his photo taken with them.

Only one of the two men stood next to Mike as he snapped a selfie of them standing next to each other. Mike told us he found it odd that the other man who ran up to him “strangely stood in the background” and watched while his companion took a selfie.

Only moments later, a “tall” and “very strong” man about 25-30 years old” came running up from the opposite direction “kind of out of nowhere,” asking to have his picture taken with Mike. The young man who asked to have his photo taken with Mike was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Mr. Lindell, who’s been in a few dangerous situations in his lifetime as a former crack addict, found it odd that the well-dressed older man who he just posed with for a selfie was also taking the photo for the younger man in jeans.

Suddenly, the younger man in jeans grabbed Mike and stood next to him. He put his arm around Mike and placed his hand under his armpit. As the older man was taking the photo, the younger man began applying incredible pressure under Mike’s armpit with his hand. Mike explained that the pain under his arm was “excruciating” and “intense,” but he wasn’t quite sure how to react, as he suspected the man with the camera had switched to video mode. Mike didn’t want to give either of the men the satisfaction of knowing how badly he was being hurt, so he continued to stand and smile for the camera without flinching. “He either wanted me to react or to fight him,” Mike said…

When Mike got to his room, he checked to see if his skin had been penetrated by a needle or any other device and called the police to report the incident. Unfortunately, all three men had disappeared from the lobby by the time the police arrived to take their report. The police also checked under Mike’s arm for any obvious injuries.

This sounds to me like surveillance delaying him, and the physical assault aspect was just to distract him from the purpose of the gambit. Notice, he worried about the attack and potential damage, and didn’t go over his room with a fine-toothed comb looking for cameras and transmitters. I would assume the team was still inside his room doing something, maybe dumping electronics, or even planting files like child porn, and needed a few more minutes. So the voice in the earpiece had the first guys run up to Mike to slow him. They were clumsy and Mike is sharp, so the voice in the earpiece, who may even have been watching through the phone’s video camera, or even a button camera, sensed Mike was going to be thinking about the incident the rest of the night and might realize they were delaying him, and then realize someone was in his room and begin asking why, so the ear-voice had jeans guy rush up and do the armpit thing to add a little time to the clock and give the interaction a different flavor that would make Lindell think of it as an attack, and not a delay. Other explanations don’t fit well. If it was a coordinated assault, it would have been more organized and done damage, if it was a message, they’d have made that clear. Two sets of guys, different classes of outfits, coming from different positions as if ad hoc, rushing up and almost missing him in the elevator rather than being in position ahead of time, awkwardly and accidently making it clear they were somehow linked although they were dressed differently, all when that doesn’t benefit the mission and appears a clumsy accident and not planned. This was surveillance scrambling because they needed Mike delayed. He needs security to secure his room while he is out too.

A judge sealed a report on Georgia voting machine vulnerabilities to try and tamp down on election “conspiracy theories.”

Compton California city councilman, and five others charged with election fraud in a runoff that was decided by 1 vote.

Major audit the vote rally scheduled next Tuesday, Aug. 17th, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. What date is that again?

Ron Watkins, who is reviewing the Mesa election machine drive, says, “All county officials should forensically image their Dominion machines before Dominion comes to do an “update”.”

Nearly a dozen new state laws shift power over elections to partisan entities. This is a leftist headline for a leftist article bemoaning that “partisan” state legislatures are taking control of elections from the “non-partisan” Secretaries of State who were placed in their offices by George Soros.

From here, about Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium – “CNN and other leftist networks were filming every individual at the event and they were even sneaking up to record private cellphone and laptop use which Colonel Waldron also acknowledged and referred to as “shoulder surfing”.” I told you, the vast majority of network reporters, even local affiliates, are drawn from and used as ground surveillance forces. Before you can get to be a big name reporter, you need to be running surveillance on your fellow citizens. Meanwhile, rubes like us who could be a threat and aspired to be reporters would spend four years getting a journalism degree, and end up working in some unrelated field, clueless why we could never break into the business and why that door seemed to be closed to us.

First Lady Jill Biden on Friday was seen publicly for the first time since undergoing foot surgery, wearing a walking boot while she joined her husband, President Joe Biden.

Durham is presenting evidence to a Grand Jury, with a final report expected in a few months. He is reportedly contemplating possible charges against some FBI employees and others outside government.

A clerk who planned to quit his position because he had a dispute with the prosecutor over the processing of the file of the assassination of President Moise in Haiti is found dead. No other details beyond they are saying circumstances were suspicious.

Ex-schoolmate of Hunter Biden opens up about the first son’s ‘degenerate’ behavior. Not much there, but the guy said some of what Hunter said made the guy think he was suicidal, and wanted to die. Hunter may have a rougher past of abuse and molestation than we would think.

CBP reports 200,000 illegal immigrant encounters in July, the highest number in 21 years.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has been caught on leaked audio telling border agents that the current crisis is “unsustainable” and that the US is “going to lose.”

A group of nine moderates is threatening to withhold their votes from Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget resolution later this month, endangering Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s two-track plan to push both a massive infrastructure bill and social spending agenda through the House in the coming weeks. How in control are the patriots?

Judicial Watch sues for records on the Biden Pentagon’s plan to monitor the Social Media accounts of conservative troops.

Top House Dem wants to cut nuclear arsenal. And you know they are getting money from China routed into familial bank accounts.

After raiding his home, dragging him on one limb in the rain, and indicting him on two BS charges, the Feds now take away Brian Kolfage’s pain meds, all because he built a wall on the southern border.

At least 63 people on Martha’s Vineyard have tested positive for Covid-19 since Barack Obama’s maskless 60th birthday bash – the most cases on the island since April.

Meanwhile, Biden weighs vaccine mandate for Interstate travel. This I see as part of the push to limit dialog and face to face connections that is behind the censorship over social media, the closing of churches, the banning of large gatherings, and even the wearing of masks under all conditions. It makes me wonder if something is coming, maybe about the elections, which they are thinking they will have to suppress the spread of. That might be why Vox Day was taken down at google.

Babies born in the Covid pandemic ‘have lower IQs’ – Three-month-olds now score around 80 on intelligence tests – compared to 100 before the virus struck, research says. These were three month olds they were surveying starting in March of last year, and all throughout the pandemic. They are attributing it to reduced outings and interactions. But you have to wonder if there are a fair number among them who were infected with the Chinavirus, and the spike protein affected the vascular system and triggered blood flow issues to the brain, maybe even blood clots. I stumbled on a website once in my travels where a doctor was making the case childhood vaccines were damaging the brains of children, and probably reducing IQ. His case was based around blood testing for biological conditions of micro-blood clots post-vaccination, and photos he assembled of children pre and post vaccination. His study identified some ridiculous percentage of children he said were getting mini-strokes post vaccination, like 70%, based off the blood tests and photos. He had a page filled with hundreds of children’s pre and post vaccination photos. They were the significant portion of the children who he believed had brain damage from micro-blood clots causing mini-strokes which were not noticed, since the children were not yet walking or talking. In all of the photo arrays, the baby was staring at the camera pre-vaccination, and both eyes were clearly pointing at the camera. In all of the photo’s post-vaccination, one eye was clearly deviating just a little, up, down, inside, outside. He maintained that if the babies were able to talk, or walk, they would have shown similar weakness of the muscles on one side of the body, or their speech would have slurred, as that represented brain damage. But since they didn’t walk or talk yet, the eyes were the primary measurable measure of one side’s muscles/nerves being weakened through a part of the brain being killed back by a blood clot. He felt since the children were so young, the brains were rewiring post-stroke, and though the eye deviation appeared permanent, the brains rewired enough to acquire decent speech and cognition. However he felt they were still losing ten or twenty IQ points by adulthood, but nobody noticed, since nobody knew they should have been smarter. Now we have a virus which may produce a similar condition of vascular impediment, and we see this drop in IQ.

Texas Mayor claims 7-year-old kid cried with joy over pro-mask court ruling.

Why so many Black New Yorkers don’t trust the government with their health. – “They’re experimenting on us.” Blacks are a natural ally against the government, because they know all the stories of government evils past. I was thinking just today, pick a major terrorist attack. A politician, even a President assassinated. A mass shooting, or a federal building bombing. That is going to be a CIA/FBI/domestic surveillance run operation. You can’t do that without their support because of the extent of the surveillance. Kennedy? John or Bobby? Reagan? I wonder how GHW Bush’s dinner was a night later with the family of the would-be assassin of Reagan. MK Ultra? Any mass shootings? 9/11? There is no way domestic surveillance didn’t notice the Arabs flooding into flight schools with money flowing in from the Saudis, saying they didn’t need to land or take off. The biggest danger to the operation was quashing James Woods report to FBI about the dry run he witnessed. Our nation has faced no bigger terrorist than our own government. Given the extent of domestic surveillance, I don’t think a non-government-approved terrorist operation or assassination is possible. When the government is your enemy, of all races, Blacks will understand what is possible best.

A full 72 percent of young, black New Yorkers are about to be denied service and the right to work in New York City restaurants, gyms, and theaters due to lack of a COVID vaccine card.

Delusional Los Angeles officials push a new rule to starve out the unvaccinated by denying them access to retail grocery stores.

Mormon Church urges its members to get vaccinated.

Stanford to require weekly COVID testing for students regardless of vaccination status.

Chief pathologist at the University of Heidelberg, who says 30-40% of those who die within two weeks of vaccination are dying from the vaccine, is pushing for more autopsies of vaccinated people. If it is doing enough damage to kill some, it is doing that damage in others as well, just not enough to kill them. But damage you take when young and strong has a way of catching up with you as time goes on.

A woman who lies paralyzed in a Nashville hospital, says it happened after she received the Pfizer vaccine.

High vax Israel showing explosive exponential rise in cases as ADE is all but confirmed.

Paper – Infection-enhancing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies recognize both the original Wuhan/D614G strain and Delta variants. A potential risk for mass vaccination? Paper says the Delta variant seems to be helped by the vaccine, and concludes it might make sense to figure out what part of the spike protein is producing antibodies that help the virus infect cells, and not put that in the vaccines.

The head of WHO’s investigation into the COVID-19 origins said that China told his team what to write, and allowed them to mention the lab leak theory, but only if they didn’t recommend further investigation.

Supply-chains brace for collapse and Port of LA fears a repeat of the “shipping nightmare” as China locks down.

Army National Guard recruits for ‘internment’ and ‘resettlement’ specialist, military documents lay out procedure for ‘civilian internees.’ Nick Fuentes broke no laws anybody has cited, and yet he woke up to find both credit cards locked, his bank account emptied of $500,000 and then locked, himself on the no fly list, and since it was done under the Patriot Act, he says he has no legal recourse. I would not be surprised.

As more Afghan provinces fall to the Taliban, Germany and the Netherlands are stopping deportations of failed Afghan asylum-seekers, but other countries are asking for deportations to continue.

The Talban bans the use of Covid vaccines in Paktia province, Afghanistan.

Two St. Louis deputies were dismissed last month for working on progressive Rep. Cori Bush’s security detail without permission — days before the “Squad” member defended spending tens of thousands of campaign dollars on private protection while pushing to “defund the police.” I wonder if it was that, or if since the Seth Rich case, where a DEA Agent and MPD cop may have been moonlighting for some Cabal security firm when they were overseeing a robbery of Seth when he was killed, departments are starting to crack down on moonlighting for Cabal entities. You wouldn’t think running security for a member of Congress, especially a shitbag, plugged-into-Cabal member of Congress, would get you fired.

Federal judge leaves CDC evictions moratorium in place.

American Consumer Sentiment crashes below COVID crisis lows, inflation fears rebound.

Scotland will let pupils change gender aged FOUR without their parents’ consent – and tells teachers not to question a child’s request to choose a new name or use a different toilet.

New York City experienced dramatic growth over the last ten years, bringing its current population to a record 8.8 million, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, which released the first detailed statistics from the 2020 Census. So there are two possibilities. The Census was finalized under Biden honestly, and will accurately reflect the proportions of people and be used for congressional apportionment honestly and Cabal is fucked, or partisans took it over and rigged it to benefit Cabal. Now look at the result. This Census was done while everyone had fled the City due to the COVID crisis, and last I heard the City was bracing for brutally low numbers, as were all other Democrat areas of high population density that people had fled from. My bet is, the Census numbers in this Census will be revealed to be as fake as the election results. Over the last few months, people went into that office and just made the numbers whatever they wanted.

The new census data documenting sizable growth in New York City and its surrounding communities in comparison to Upstate New York means “it will be even easier than we thought for Democrats to eliminate a Republican district upstate.” So everybody fled the City to rural areas, all the previous articles were about what a disaster the Census would be for Democrats, and we are to believe the rural areas polled smaller during this period, and the city was swollen full of people?

NY lawmakers will suspend the impeachment probe after Andrew Cuomo resigns.

Mayor Lightfoot, and top cop botch the slain Chicago Police Officer’s name, saying ‘Ella Fitzgerald,’ instead of Ella French. Can they be this stupid, or is this some sort of fuck you to people they hate?

The co-founder of the fact-checking site snopes was posting plagiarized articles from legit news sites as his own, under a fake name.

British mass shooter’s mother and father warned Police about him and sought mental health treatment for him, yet just before the shooting Police returned his firearms certificate and shotgun to him, despite an assault allegation which had caused them to take them. Him being in therapy hasn’t come out yet, but he was apparently taking a lot of supplements. If you do not know how extensive the surveillance machine is, and you just go in, buy specific supplements right from the front of the shelf, and assume they are what you are buying, it is always possible somebody could swap in something else which would change how your mind works. Kid could just have been crazy, but the seeming government assistance makes me suspicious.

US officials in Afghanistan are destroying sensitive docs at embassy in Kabul; Taliban is closing in on the Afghan capital city. I’d hang this debacle around the neck of George W Bush, but I don’t think he was ever anything more than an actor executing CIA policy (created by Cabal) to get the heroin flowing and keep the troublesome patriots occupied overseas.

In desperation, U.S. scours for countries willing to house Afghan refugees. At this point they would all be potential CIA assets, and threats we cannot accept. We let them in, and next thing you know one will be the next Ilhan Omar from Detroit.

Space Force is wary of taking over the UFO mission because, “they want people to take them seriously.”

Researchers have found what they consider “the missing jigsaw piece” in the quantum computer architecture that should enable the control of the millions of qubits needed for extraordinarily complex calculations.

Judge orders DHS to restart Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy.

Mike Lindell is more liked than Andrew Cuomo and AOC, poll finds.

New York post article – “The 45 best work dresses of 2021 for transitioning back to the office.” Some thought it might be comms, since it reads like 45 transitioning back to the Office.

An Alabama Trump Rally is coming on the 21st.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here. You can also get more statements via email by signing up here.


Why are RINOs standing in the way of a full Forensic Audit in Michigan? The voters are demanding it because they have no confidence in their elections after the Rigged 2020 Presidential Election Scam. Michigan’s Republican State Legislators should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this horrible situation to happen. In particular, the incompetent RINO Majority Leader, Mike Shirkey, and Senator Ed McBroom. Maybe McBroom is really a Democrat who could not otherwise get elected in Northern Michigan. Our great Michigan voters will not stand for Republican Senators not to act on the Crime of the Century!


Tragic mess in Afghanistan, a completely open and broken Border, Crime at record levels, oil prices through the roof, inflation rising, and taken advantage of by the entire world—DO YOU MISS ME YET?


Governor Bill Lee is an outsider who led the Great State of Tennessee through difficult times, without compromising his Conservative Values. Tennesseans enjoy more freedom than ever before. He fully supports Law Enforcement, Strong Borders, the Second Amendment, our Military and our Vets. Re-electing Bill Lee means putting America first. Bill has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Spread r/K Theory, because criminal cases are not made overnight.

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3 years ago

“A group of nine moderates is threatening to withhold their votes from Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget resolution later this month, endangering Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s two-track plan to push both a massive infrastructure bill and social spending agenda through the House in the coming weeks. How in control are the patriots?”

Not enough:

“CBP reports 200,000 illegal immigrant encounters in July, the highest number in 21 years.”

Every invader that crosses the border is another grain of sand falling in the hourglass timing the death of this country.

Q/Trump need to quit letting the enemy run out the clock.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Q/Trump letting the election get stolen and letting the enemy/current administration have its way with the nation is a massive gamble, and not one that looks to be working out.

I am not blackpilling here. I live in NYC, and in September I will become a second class citizen, barred from entering literally thousands of restaurants, as well as gyms or museums/theaters.

We are keeping options open for a move to Florida, and I lived there 20 years ago so I know the state well, but running away isn’t in my nature, and there are millions of New Yorkers who haven’t been vaccinated that can’t leave the city.

We are about to enter open tyranny and Q/Trump are waiting for what? How much worse is it supposed to get before they pull the trigger? When I get hauled off to an interment camp?

I’ve talked to plenty of unvaccinated who are fed up, but see no exit. To them, it looks like Trump ran away, and based on available evidence, I don’t blame them.

Trump isn’t going to have a nation to preside over if this insanity goes much further. We can’t wait another year.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Unfortunately, I agree it’s going to get worse.

What I can tell you is that normies, even a few vaccinated ones, are looking around and openly stating it feels like we are living in an episode of the Twilight Zone.

To all the street level operators and local apparatchiks, to the local politicians and bureaucrats… Do you think Biden and Fauci and Bezos are going to save you when the chaos finally erupts?

Do you think you’re invisible and untouchable, like Gates and Schwab?

Karma’s a bitch.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Q told us the military was the only way and it sure seems like that is so.
In addition to the surveillance the cabal has been importing footsoldiers at an ever increasing pace and the civilian population is not going to be able to win unless the military makes its move and is on our side.

One of the apparent purposes of Q was to prevent an unplanned chaotic peasant uprising that would fail and leave us worse of than before it started.

The military is the only way and they need to make whatever moves they are going to make while victory is still possible.
If China and the UN are a problem then they need to neutralize them and then impose martial law.

Every time things are supposed to happen the enemy finds some way to slow things down and delay and we never seem to force the issue.
That is the cabal strategy, just run out the clock until Q’s plan doesn’t matter anymore.

The civilian populace is helpless as long as law enforcement and the military do not openly mutiny.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Q said in post 1644 “There will be no civil war.” Q then went on to mention SEVERAL internal civil wars happening in DC and in various organizations.

What I can tell you is that Oregon state gov just announced it’s intention to force vaxx the population. Meanwhile ATF is attacking 80% and accessories, ie just declared a competition trigger to be a “machine gun” despite obviously not meeting the criteria. In fact they are so sure they will win the court cases that the manufacturer and distributors ARE STILL SELLING THEM.

If government at any level presses either of those buttons the shooting starts. Just to throw some gasoline on the fire, the entire US military and all the vets are watching Afghanistan play out about a hundred times worse than it had to. So whatever The Plan is, they have pull it off soon or that prediction in post 1644 will absolutely FAIL.

I’m at the point where if someone that I know and trust pulled up with a convoy and said that we were going to go light up Salem & Portland I would absolutely grab my kit and go with them, so I know the happier well adjusted members of the 2A and vet communities who have families and things to lose can’t be too far behind me.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I was talking to an older dude about this 5 years ago. He was convinced war was necessary. I thought it was the beer. But about 3 years ago it became clear.

The scumbags that hold these offices – that freak lightfoot, de Blasio and his pet chimp. These scumbags wont walk away voluntarily.

Force is the ONLY way. They know it. You know it.

The only questions are when and what kicks it off.

People need to understand that the command needs to be “no prisoners”. That is the hardest thing for people to understand. Want to live in a wonderful world with no usurping scumbags? Then the answer is obvious.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I had a nagging thought throughout 2019 that I wanted to ignore. I mentioned it to a friend that maybe the plan was for Trump to lose. We didn’t discuss it further because neither of us wanted to entertain that outcome at the time.

Q posted some clip from a movie talking about “only at the precipice of destruction do people find the will to change.” Would Trump winning bring us closer to that precipice? No it would not. Things had to get worse. Worst case scenario kind of worse. Even the every day normies would be pushed to their limits kind of worse.

He also said, “the end will not be for everyone” So yeah, it’s gonna get far shittier than this. For as many people as possible.

But the good news about that is, in the end we’ll have a lot more on our side than we would have had otherwise.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Seriously AC, I thought you said that you liked aggression and understood what you need to do when faced with a foe.

The answer is war. It has always been war. And the person who doesn’t think so has no idea how control will ever be reestablished without it.

The sooner people understand what is necessary the easier the task will be. Every month another 200000 enemies join the force against you. And yet people wait and rub their hope beads. Its pathetic.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Mao On Power — money, media, et. al. are no force majeur, and to all appearances there are no reciprocal ‘unrestricted warfare’ checks or deterrents on cabal’s chosen hammer in China. America always looked weak before conflicts only to gin up the industrial and manpower juggernauts in short order: except there will be no such time or space in 4GW and beyond; the ever present Now will arrive from the future with US/NATO checkmated, hemmed into a first strike corner like a thief in the night. Everything is fake & gay until demonstrated otherwise. Trump lost cognoscenti confidence after he declined the scheduled JFK declassification, and Joe Pleb wouldn’t ever be privy to a deal that was predicated on, much less of it was a ‘good’ one.

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

It’s not “running away”, it’s a tactical withdrawal. Why fight to the last man in Stalingrad, when you can retreat, regroup, recalibrate, and reengage?

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

If you aren’t blackpilling, why haven’t you said anything positive in the past 6 months?
Your assignment is to say something positive in your next post.


Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Q also told us to enjoy the show, it is all a movie and we can all see a different script. What is real and what is illusion? What is live vision and what is CGI? The southern US border is so far away from us in Australia that we must rely on MSM for reports and I suspect the same for all of you. We think it unlikely that “patriots in control” would allow the reported levels of uncontrollable invasion. An invasion that just disappears to the four winds. But do they? Do the buses really take them to distant red states or are the refugee actors returned to Mexico for a good meal, a sleep, a change of clothes and companions before returning to cross the border again?

3 years ago

“Are you Crooked” was the vaccine asymmetry documentary/blog/thing.

We are going to need more detail on the race of the babies who took the IQ tests, and detail on how one tests a 3 month old’s IQ.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Thanks for this great link! I’m on Dr Wilson’s health program. One of the key component of this program is to do a daily sauna to purge metals through sweating. I can assure it has changed my life. To my knowledge Dr Wilson is the only medical practitioner to work comprehensively on the issue of toxic metals.

3 years ago

> elevator

Nixon described getting jacked up at hotel elevators by extremely aggressive “protestors” and “newsmen” while touring South America as Eisenhower’s VP.

If you think about it, it can be a useful scenario. Assuming there are no witnesses around, or they can be driven off, the people waiting for an elevator are sitting ducks. If approached they will be unwilling to leave, because in their minds they’re *already* trying to leave, waiting for the elevator. So you can prolong the encounter far past what you could in an ordinary hallway or street scenario.

If you’re alert and walk away before the elevator door opens, you then potentially have witnesses in the elevator who saw… exactly nothing. That would only confuse any police or security reports later.

Also think about how Obama’s Secret Service guys got pwned by an “elevator encounter”, and Pelosi’s thugs jacking up members of Congress waiting for elevators.

Huh. Once you think about it, it’s obvious…

3 years ago

> doing something, maybe dumping electronics

It’s hard to do much business without a phone, nowadays. But a dumb “feature phone” would minimize the attack footprint.

Any kind of tablet or laptop… that’s just begging to be pwned. Same with hotel wifi, since we now know the FBI runs that in some places.

It’s not like you can run Tor or Tails or some custom OS and software your IT people cooked up; the hardware is pwned at the BIOS, chipset, and CPU level, running underneath the OS. And then it wants to talk over hotel wifi or local cellular channels.

You can improve security some anyway, but it’s tedious and inconvenient, particularly for someone who doesn’t understand what’s going on, and is used to accepting the defaults from their phone and desktop.

That laptop, that tablet, that smartphone… they’re more of a liability than an asset, now. Not just from spying; it’s trivial to insert incriminating “evidence” on them, that the courts have demonstrated they’re completely happy about admitting at trial.

3 years ago

Any chance someone can find a source for the infant micro stroke due to vaccines stuff? Took a cursory look but came up empty handed, everything is flooded with C19 spam when you try and search for info on the “normal” vaccines.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Got the link from your other comment, appreciate the additional legwork.

“Normal” Vaccines were one of the first things to make me seriously concerned with how things were going in the US.

They’ve been using coercion to push generally unnecessary medical procedures on people, particularly children, by denying publicly available services (schooling, etc) for decades before the Holocough ever started, with disastrous health impact for many people. Not sure why this particular vaccine has been the one to wake so many people up, but I’m not complaining.

Similar to the rule of law you mentioned in your other post, I can only pray these times engender as strong a distrust of the medical profession as the rest of the corrupt, lazy lot.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Try searching with yandex.

3 years ago

> First Lady Jill Biden on Friday was seen publicly for the first time since undergoing foot surgery, wearing a walking boot while she joined her husband, President Joe Biden.

I wish I could brag about predicting that, but honestly, everyone who has been awake for the last few years was predicting The Boot when she showed back up.

But what’s The Boot *for*? It can’t be tracking; anyone with Secret Service security has less privacy than a prison inmate. Drug dispenser? The lumps under Hillary and Michell’s clothes could have been anything from heart monitors to colostomy bags, but nobody (no mass media, anyway) seemed to have any curiosity about them. Explosive device? Someone thinks there’s a risk they might veer from the Narrative? It would be simpler and less obvious to arrange something as serious as necessary to shut them up; there’d be enough fallout from a kaboom for people to question the other pols wearing boots.

3 years ago

> first son

Hunter Biden is 51. That makes him older than either Roosevelt, JFK, Clinton, or Obama when they were inaugurated.

Data from:

An interesting trend: older Presidents tend to be Republicans, younger ones Democrats (or their equivalents before those parties existed)

Biden is a spectacular exception: he’s the oldest man ever to be sworn in as President, *and* he’s a Democrat.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

AC, I don’t know what changed but the weird mobile/full version issues haven’t been happening for he past week or more. Quite refreshing. Just wanted to give an update on the usability of your site.

3 years ago

> Feds now take away Brian Kolfage’s pain meds,

A friend’s sister got crossed up with the police in Atlanta. They put her in jail, withheld her insulin, and left her alone in a cell until she died in a diabetic coma.

He drive to Atlanta and spent a week there trying to do something, and finding no gaps in the Thick Blue Wall. He couldn’t even find a lawyer willing to take the case; the whole thing was poison, and nobody wanted any part of it. A few people did acknowledge that wasn’t the first time they’d done that to someone.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago


there’s her mistake

3 years ago

> Top House Dem wants to cut nuclear arsenal.

Dude, the Russians will pay cash money for fissionables! Why should Hillary! be the only one to cash in on that?

3 years ago

> making the case childhood vaccines were damaging the brains of children

Back in the 1960s I had the usual vaccinations. They lined all the first-graders up in the hallway and marched us past the nurse with the air injector. Our parents were not consulted. I still have that original folded card – it says I got jabbed for smallpox, rubella, diptheria, and a couple of other things. We got the polio stab a week or two later.

For the 2021 school year, the county school district web site has a list of maybe thirty things they’re mixed into the giant jab, two dozen of which I’ve never even heard of.

Immunizing against polio and the Black Death, yeah, I figure those are a public good. Diptheria and rubella… I’ve never heard of anyone catching those, so maybe they work. But two dozen *other* things, indiscriminately mixed together… that’s drop-kicking the immune system right in the nuts, and sometimes medicines have nasty synergistic effects when used together. Were all those vaccines tested individually and severally to make sure they weren’t a problem? Somehow, I doubt that.

They’re valid concerns, but parents who question “why so many?” and “how do we know it’s safe?” are anti-vaxxer crazoids, and their children should be taken away and raised by the State, by modern thinking.

Hell, I used to think they were dipshits too, until the Chinavirus thing. Now they don’t look nearly as crazy. In fact, they look pretty sensible. Even if the injections are exactly what they’re purported to be, there’s cause for concern. But in the light of recent developments, who could trust the label on the vial?

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

>why so many
Outlier IQ correlates with allergies, autoimmune sensitivity/hyper active immune vigilance. Dullards aren’t the target, but duller dullards is an added benefit. Periodic leaky batches guarantee the market for them despite eradication, if quality of life tourism imports don’t do the trick.

3 years ago

> Stanford to require weekly COVID testing for students regardless of vaccination status.

Hey! Maybe they’ll get the new Chinese anal virus probe instead of just sticking a giant Q-tip a foot up their nose.

Particularly Woke students might volunteer to be tested several times a week…

3 years ago

Looks like Vox Day isn’t going to have comments at his new site, and is going to leave deleted all the hundreds of thousands of comments that people, many of them unusually wise and insightful, collectively spent many years writing.

He really does think that it’s all about him, or should be.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Yep. The archive is too big for Blogger. The transfer fails at about 445 MB. I assume their server runs out of RAM and segfaults. It is impossible to recover the comments.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Vox has some fun regarding this statement about his Comments sections:

I have to say while I read Vox every day – he’s one of the best, most original and honest bloggers out there – he comments on his site have been generally sycophantic and uninteresting. I imagine that’s what you’re left with when you have to moderate out the tidal wave of shills Vox gets.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

He was disengenuous stating that the commenters should have backed up their comments. Even if he opened all the old posts for commenting, threading and context would be lost.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  savantissimo
3 years ago

“comments that people… ”

In the end it’s just that, comments on a blog. Some are golden, others are complete garbage, others are trolling or infighting. Of those even lucky enough to find a place like Voxpopuli or AC there are so many who, to be frank, love living in the Matrix. They like the sweet, sweet taste of soybean oil frothed with corn syrup and yellow 5. They love their plastic and happyfeelz and elevator music at a Target or Kohl’s. They live exactly like the cattle goy they are called by those who hate their very existence and their Creator.

There are just as many great comments at a gun store or political rally or even in Church, places much harder to moderate. My Grandpa said the types of things I’ve read and liked in the comment sections. 90% of it is just common sense. Try not to get all of your wisdom from an internet blog.

If you really want to comment somewhere go to Gab or Social Galactic.

Reply to  savantissimo
3 years ago

If you are that upset about it, use Gab to comment on his posts. Or create a Social Galactic account, and comment there. You are not owed a spot to comment, and if he didn’t want to keep them, that is entirely up to him. He has said numerous time that he doesn’t care about comments. His site, his rules.

Reply to  savantissimo
3 years ago

Vox Day was on what started as Blogger—a smaller platform until Google bought it in 2003. I’m not sure but it is more than likely VD’s project was already there when “Don’t Be Evil—Just Kidding” bought Blogger. So anyone questioning why “Vox went with Google” for his site will have to establish that he started it AFTER Blogger sold out.

“Google buys Blogger web service”
Neil McIntosh
Tue 18 Feb 2003

Johannes Q
Reply to  savantissimo
3 years ago

Until you have a blog, it’s hard to grasp just how annoying comments can be. I had a blog under a different name years ago and ended up disabling comments completely; one of my most annoying commenters then emailed me, unironically advising that my mind “would go stagnant” without his daily sneers (accusing me of being a narcissist, of being gay, a loser, pretentious, insane, fake etc.).

For every useful bit of info or supportive comment, I got 2 or 3 which just annoyed me: incoherent wankers calling me every -ist out there; schizos who thought I was their internet best friend & was writing for them alone; or Secret Kings with names like The Most Wise telling me I wasn’t ENTIRELY stupid, that I had managed to arouse their mild interest, I had shown some minor promise as a writer but would have to do much better to impress them. I then sat there staring at the screen thinking, “But I don’t want to impress you. I want you to go away and die.”

Johannes Q
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

My last blog (under a different name) was linked to by Vanity Fair, also repeatedly by two of the largest non-Leftist literature blogs, and several times by one of the most prestigious & actually talented journalists in the UK; and then one of the allegedly Top 100 intellectuals in the world linked to it and I got a lot of visits from IPs like,, and then every day someone within 20 km of either the FBI or CIA building would check it.

I was a bit relieved when I finally deleted the blog, as I never had more than about 30 regular readers a day (judging from my stats), but was drawing finger-wagging scolds and random schizos in abundance. I’m still baffled that any big shots would be interested, given my blog reputation was largely just “that amusing chap with his crazy ideas” among other bloggers. Maybe it was because I seemed (and am) sane, in spite of my crazy ideas, so one of my readers said he liked me because I was so “balanced”.

Reply to  savantissimo
3 years ago

The cross referencing between this site and Vox Day, plus now the endorsement of both from Krauser PUA, have really made things entertaining.

That said, this comment, plus calling yourself a savant, comes off fairly gamma, hence the article.

3 years ago

> Census

Not even Federal agencies trust the official Bureau figures. Many of them work off their own estimates, sometimes noticeably different from the Bureau’s. I personally noticed that ten years ago, and I suspect it has been going on for a long time.

The Census figures are used for districting, meaning they’re part of the political process. The Bureau operates out of the public eye, and would be an easy target for subversion. And being important, it was probably one of the first targets.

The “CIA World Factbook” has population figures for many cities and countries worldwide. Those have been seriously questioned as well, by people who counted truck and railcar traffic. Of course, most poor countries want to bump their figures up as high as they can, hoping for a better seat on the UN or private charity gravy trains. Just like rich countries do the same, at the district level, for election skewing and local infighting for national resources.

3 years ago

My wife mentioned couple days ago it looked like Trump wasn’t going to return in August as some believe. My reply was The God Emperor will return when it is the right time and that has always been the date.
It just popped in my head. One of those epiphanies from the amygdala? It certainly felt “right” somehow.
We both laughed and felt much relieved by the notion.

3 years ago

> NY lawmakers will suspend the impeachment probe after Andrew Cuomo resigns.

Of course. He can’t be impeached after he quits, so the investigators have – wait for it – no standing!

Just like all the investigations of Epstein’s crimes stopped after he was murdered.

3 years ago

> US officials in Afghanistan are destroying sensitive docs at embassy in Kabul; Taliban is closing in on the Afghan capital city.

Oh noes! Who could have expected that the Taliban would roll back in after the US military folded their tents and slunk away?

Gotta wonder about the “US officials” who stayed behind, though. Too stupid to think they were targets, or too wrapped up in the bureaucratic system to just quit and leave before being overrun and captured by “student protesters” like in Tehran after the Shah fell?

3 years ago

> which would change how your mind works. Kid could just have been crazy

Easy. Find out where the guy hangs out online, then assign someone to be his “friend”. Most people are suckers for that. It’s how cults use “love bombing” to influence people. Pedophile and pimp grooming, and FBI “infiltration” setups work mch the same way. So did the old Soviet cell and spy handler systems. Heck, it’s the same as “falling in with a bad crowd.”

Gradually the “friend” leads the mark to the desired point of view, mostly by reinforcing desired responses. And then they’ve always been at war with Eastasia.

And, by organization standards, it’s dirt cheap – it can be done with a single provocateur. And there are people who seriously get off on gaining and betraying trust; there would be no shortage of people applying for the job.

3 years ago

> “The 45 best work dresses of 2021 for transitioning back to the office.”

[looks] A few ordinary-looking dresses, a couple that don’t look appropriate for most offices, and some 1950s-looking stuff, but most of them look like what my grandmother would have chosen for sleepwear. Could just be “fashion”; women would wear burlap bags if they thought they were fashionable.

Dresses are almost not-a-thing where I live. Most women were wearing pants long before Queen Pantsuit made them popular. I’m not sure my wife even owns any dresses, though there might be some in the back of one of her closets. The only place I see dresses are some formal occasions, like weddings or funerals.

3 years ago

> An Alabama Trump Rally is coming on the 21st.

Most former Presidents do the speech circuit; some venues will pay up to six figures. Bill Clinton made tens of millions that way. But paid appearances at schools or corporate resorts is one thing; an unpaid gathering having tens of thousands of citizens show up to declare their support is another thing entirely. If such a thing ever happened before Trump, I haven’t discovered it.

3 years ago

> In desperation, U.S. scours for countries willing to house Afghan refugees.

“Get ’em while they’re hot! This term only: one free Guatemalan with every Afghan!”

3 years ago

> Space Force is wary of taking over the UFO mission because, “they want people to take them seriously.”
There’s no danger that anyone will take them seriously. They’re tiny, have no real budget, and ridiculously top-heavy with Woke leftist officers; all chiefs and no Indians.

Not one of DJT’s better ideas, on the face of it.

As they stand (more likely, sit) now, reviving Project Blue Book and becoming the official government UFOlogists would be a step up.

And since when does a Federal organization get to pick and choose what “missions” they will accept?

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Could be justified as part of formally subordinating surveillance hardware in orbit to military, or yeeting surveillance hosting/piggy-backing by glow-in-the-dark procurement. The JFK standing orders folding ‘paramilitary operations’ into military command & control appear to have been enacted in the final days of DT administration with the DOD shakeups, specifically SOF answering to the Executive Branch like all the rest of the services; headlines like “Pentagon Cuts CIA Funding in Afghanistan” ect. thereafter. FASB 56, as Catherine Austin Fitts & Mark Skidmore have spoken of, changed mil-industrial spending from opaque to formally inscrutable — perhaps it’s for the best, with prying 5th column 5 Eyes, if bioluminescent simians have indeed been cut adrift of the parasitic funding & procurement off the backs of the military et. al.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

How would you know?

3 years ago

From personalky experiencing the bone deep trauma as a child and kid of sexual and physical abuse, there is no doubt in my thinking Biden is a true full blown sexual predator, allthe signs are right there. Its pretty difficult to relate with his boy’s terrible problems and i am not being sympathetic, empathy in no uncertain terms yes, because after an entire childhood of subjugation and torture my sexual abuse was i recognize a thousand details in Hunter’s behavoir. You probably can never appreciate the turmoil and conflict that runs in your hrad and heart from the damage this predatory child mooestation creates, its engraved in your though oatterns, it pollutes every thought and feeling, its burned like a brand in your soul, you can only have it done to you to know what it is like.
And thats the thing.
There are patterns in detail about pedo-world, its existance is no natural psycosis, not in living memories time, at least. It is a symbiotic relationship between the street level pedo’s and globo=pedo, and in between, its darkness which slithers throughout the machine, truly, a dark force that drives the machine, an incredible tool of power, it begins with the indoctrination stage of violating the sacred animal trust between chokdren and their protectors. Be they family friends or authority. Thru breaking that primordial trust that comes naturally to all children from birth entire generations if children are turned into slaves. Believe me when i say pedophelia is all about control, the most intimit concentrated pure control imaginable and when your little vulnerable soul and heart and instictive senses are violated so completely, you are transformed into a living breathing ealking talking proffessional victim, permanently, in fact you seek out being a victim. Its what you are. What you been made to be. Every predator can see it too. And most never know they are victims as its normal.

Now imagine how handy such people are. If you are cabal.
Another aspect is this is where the pedo’s come from, not all, but a special breed of predators, ones you easily train to be any knid of evil you like. Remember little kids monds are like sponges, think what is possible if you now have control of what that sponge soaks up, and the shy is the limit.
Pattern in detail has become my method of recognizing cabal its machine and the network, incredible how effective a tool pattern in detail is once you understand its functions. Its simple pie used for gangstalkers and glowies. Lord they look like true clowns because they are so patently obvious, along with once pattern in detail sets in after a time the patterns in detail show up as parts of patterns of detail themselves, and so on leading to ever higher order patterns in detail based on previous patterns making up patterns themselves. Easy to grasp why so much of the machine and network hides in plain sight. Which is a whole raft of patterns in detail itself.
What is seen is as AC says, the machine is everywhere it infests everything, infects everything, its insidious.
And its incredibly vulnerable. Why im not sure how to state this observations, i dont fully understand it myself but my amygdala telks me it is very vulnerable, and this sense this observation goes very far back and deep within when I was a victim of the pattern of detail of pedophelia and its malicious terror.
In part its also from how I survived. And how i escaped, why i was able to survive, not end up like Hunter, though it was a close thing too many times.

What I ‘m getting from my radar is cabal is reaching a state it begins to consume itself, its self destructs, i cant explain it directly but i see it i sense it, its this really dark thing, the real nasty glowies got it, its this sadistic beast, its growing, its taking over, an analog is Agent Smith from The Matrix, not that Smith is a glowie analog, but what Smith becomes later after Neo becomes The One in that hallway. This thing reaches critical mass, its been lirking in the fringes of the shadows, and when it starts to appear as it is beginning to, its power reaches unstoppable existance and takes over, and all those glowies and gangstalkers who are victims of the pedo predators as kids, who are part of the machine, will go out of control, become terrors, a sadistic blood thirsty beast, a collectivity of all that fear all that betrayal all that hate, they will feed off eachother, its already started, it just hasnt reached critical mass. Close, its peekin its nose out, when it see’s its cue, its gonna talk a fucking handgallop around like none of us can imagine. But its also its end too.
I always said #Pizzagate is what gets em.
That the machine is obsessed with our Rifles, getting them away from us. All those pedo’s know what guns are for and its all they are afraid of, actually, all the people who ain’t victims, and thise of us who are but ditched the fuckers. Beat the victim slavery and freed ourselves. There’s a lot of us, we are a silent legion. We know. Some of you know we know, but you dont know exactly what, but your amydala are telling you something you need to trust, even when everything on apprearences says different. I see it all the time. Its a great trick lets say for percieving people around me and who they are.

The machine its glowies and the fuckers they work with fucking with us, trying to reboot us K Strategist Americana with all their one world order bullshit social engineering, they fucked up. Arent as smart as they think themselves. Inadvertantly they are caused K Strategist hybrid vigor. Its kind of like for an example how up like in the great white north, about from the White Mountains NH up into Canada there’s environmental conditions which thru extreme natural selection picks out the largest healthiest white tail deer, 400lb plus brutes, real sly and cunning, super alert, not a lot of them either, real hard to hunt. But superb specimens of White Tail Deer, total survivor deer.

Mike Lendell is a survivor K Strategist Americana, watch his eyes when his amygdala is cranked. Watch the otger K’ around him on stage during the symposium, there’s a connectivity there, they are on the same K wavelength. K Warriors do that when they plug into the squad frequency.

This is a whole other thing from pedo=glowie plugging into eachothers shadow energy. What the glowies hate and fear like nothing else.

Shits oretty fucked up. Fucked up like a soup sandwhich. And not in ways you might consider. There’s all these Hunter Biden’s and all the glowies, all these victims from generations of mind jobbing them thru the heart meatgrinder of globo=pedo, its this incredible mass of truly broke defective screwed up people, millions probably, whithout the machine to run em and feed em and control them, take a couple minutes and think about what a human disaster this is, how truly FUBAR it is, what the fuckers running this shit has done to God’s Green Earth.
We got a long fucking row to hoe. Some of its just gonna manifest itself into rivers of bloid, its the way it is, there is no giving up or giving in for some of the machines assets. Its all they know cause they literalky been programmed from childhoid and this system is all they got. They can not function outside it. And they wont.

Does that give you an inkling into why we K Strategists are considered such a threat to the machine? Of course they use white supremacist and raaycist and domestic terrorist etc as lables for us, but in their way they are being honest.

Truly, to them, we are terrifying this terrorists for the real threat we are to them. Only ones gonna destroy cabal world is us, there are no others. Except themselves, but they can not see it for it. In effect it dont matter. A whole world out there to them, of people who are not under control of the machine. Free. Not victims. Scary shit. Truly. Agent Smith is scared.

Reply to  D.C.
3 years ago

Im extremely intrigued by your analogy of the big mtn whitetails. even more..your preciseness of the location where theyre found. Ive been hunting those exact bucks, in that same area, my whole life. Basically you get above 2800 ‘ elevation and its a whole other world during deer season. Those wily bastards spend all their time eating, resting and recuperating up there only coming down during the night to breed the does before getting back up into the spruce/fir zone before dawn. The only way to really get them is by tracking them in the snow. Even then the toughest ones will pull so many tricks on you its a near miracle if you even get a shot at one. Hunting these bruisers Ive gone many a season without bagging a buck and the tree stand hunters just dont get why. But Ive also seen wild country that most hunters will never see.

3 years ago

The claimed IQ drop maybe entirely spurious. How do you measure IQ in the very young? Most by close observation. What’s different now? Masks. How do you read an expression and interpret a answer for a non- or barely-verbal toddler when they are wearing a face-mask? Very poorly, I’d expect. How well can a toddler pick up facial ques from observing adults while doing tasks/tests when the adults are wearing a mask, too? Badly. How much developmental delay might there be in a child constantly surrounded by mask-wearing adults? Dunno. The claimed lowering of IQ might be nothing more than testing conditions and masks.

Reply to  rolfnelson42
3 years ago

My first thought was that they …just happened… to select particularly “vibrant” test subjects. Then, since low IQ can’t possibly be a vibrant problem, extrapolated to the rest of America.

3 years ago

>Army National Guard recruits for ‘internment’ and ‘resettlement’ specialist, military documents lay out procedure for ‘civilian internees.’

“People as you as seventeen years old are eligible for the gig.” Surprised you didn’t mention that….

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

Yanks only intern epicanthically endowed East Asian individuals, it’ll be fine. Trust the plane

3 years ago

>The co-founder of the fact-checking site snopes was posting plagiarized articles from legit news sites as his own, under a fake name.

I find it odd that buzzfeed would break this, because historically they were exclusively discord tranny tier journalists and only wrote from the perspective of extreme far left. I seem to remember in the last year a couple of surprising exceptions, this being one. Snopes was also left-leaning and fairly dear to leftists cause they are who they would cite when too dumb and lazy to do their own research so even if they figured it out I wouldn’t expect them to publish anything about it. Its like someone took over buzzfeed a year or so ago and is using it to occasionally drip things.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

Likely, they learned someone else had it, so they broke it first as “crisis management” and “information shaping.” Few people read the second article about an event, and even fewer read the third… by the time new details might be released, nobody is reading them at all.

If they’re smart they’ll spin it as “we learned our lesson, look at us, it’s all better now!” and claim they’re such exemplars of Truth that even their own ancient misdeeds will fall before Snopes’ watchful eye.

So instead of becoming laughingstocks, they can walk away with the moral high ground. Is that a deal or what?!

3 years ago

“Trump knew what was coming. He didn’t resist it, or stop it. The crime occurred, and Trump was in a position to have all the relevant agencies capture evidence of it. It is on a trajectory to be exposed in the private sector, and the real action should be with patriots in intelligence, and that would not happen overnight.”

Maybe, but then, literally a day or two after you linked to an article some months back, questioning the existence of uber-prosecutor Durham, Trump posted this oddly-worded comment:

“Where’s Durham? Is he a living, breathing human being? Will there ever be a Durham report?”

I would have thought nothing of his weird comment had I not read the excellent article you linked to just prior to this. His question on Durham strikes me as no different than the mocking of us by those we know are part of the cabal. If Durham doesn’t exist, how can there be a report?

So, we both agree, Trump knew what was coming.

Where we disagree, is, you still think Trump was a free agent, or acting for White Hats. I now think he was no different than Biden, an actor playing a role.

Maybe all the efforts regarding the stolen election will result in a shocking denouement of Biden’s victory being declared null and void. I think it’s further scripting. Just as there will be no Durham report, there will be no satisfactory resolution to the stolen election.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Shimshon
3 years ago

Dumbest comment ever.

Prof. Quincy Adams Wagstaff
3 years ago

I’m still waiting for this dwarf to show us all where the Boomer daddy touched him on the doll.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: Hunter’s past

He’s a drug and sex addict – it’s obvious that he can’t get through the day without massive dopamine hits. He thinks nothing of sex with prostitutes most likely because his father probably used him as one.