News Briefs – 08/13/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – China Real Estate Developer Bigger Than Evergrande Is Teetering

DFT – Italy Demands €500 Million In Taxes From Airbnb

DFT – Ford And GM Hammered Off Fears Of Union Negotiations

DFT – Microsoft Is Betting Heavily On The Future Of AI

DFT – German AfD Leader Says Germany Should Import Russian Gas, And Ignore Sanctions

A lot of this here is for future generations, who will repeat this cycle, since we are probably pretty close to the violent cataclysm which will close off this turn of the cycle. To that end, I was watching The Accountant, and was struck by the Jackson Pollack painting included in the film.

It is a good example for this site of what was probably a Cabal psyop to destroy the Meritocracy in art. Everywhere you see the Meritocracy destroyed, you are seeing Cabal set the stage to install their people in the positions which previously, those with merit would have naturally gravitated into. Absent such a psyop, the art world would be occupied by the Da Vinci’s, the Michelangelo’s, and the Rembrandts, artists whose work would leave people wondering how they could even be capable of such work. But if you get rid of the Meritocracy, then anybody can be a great artist. This next guy’s paintings can go for several hundred thousand a pop, just a few months after he started painting:

That is how bad it is.

It reminds me of the Vietnam memorial. They held a “contest” for designs, and ended up picking a design from some 20 year old Asian Yale student. It was so terrible, veterans revolted and they were forced to commission a statue to augment it, from a real artist. The statue was so good, veterans relented in their opposition. I remember reading about it, and I believe it was at the opening of the memorial, one of the Cabal artists, it may have been the girl who designed the memorial, turned to the real artist who had sculpted the statue, and asked him how he had done the casting of the statue. She saw the details, the fine veins in the arms and hands, and assumed he must have had real people pose, so he could cover them in some casting material. He had to explain to her how sculpture worked. She could not fathom he would be able to create something so amazing from a block of stone, just through raw skill.

And once you go there in one field, you will see the meritocracy destroyed everywhere. Which is why I suspect we will find a very aggressive deployment of energy weapons throughout neighborhoods, even being used on people who are quite far off from any extraordinary meritocratic accomplishment, but who maybe might achieve something if left to their own devices. I suspect we will find it is used very aggressively among the populations of future professional athletes, to cull the ranks of professional sports for those who have taken the ticket.

So for future generations, understand, the destruction of the Meritocracy, and the shift from merit which requires skill, practice, and innate ability, and which is innately recognized by everyone as different and superior, to some oblique and subjective “understanding” or “taste,” which can only be determined one way or another by the “official critics,” is a sign Cabal has entered the arena, and is trying to take over. Real skill doesn’t require interpretation. It is what leaves normal people wondering how it could possibly have been done.

New leak shows ATF will pass rule to eliminate private sales. Was there a historical tradition of the strict control of gun sales by a specially created agency of the federal government back when the Second Amendment was passed? Or did the owner of the local General Store send $27 to Springfield Armory to get a shipment of 9 rifles which were then put up for sale after they were delivered through the mail, as cash sales with no ID check? Might the shop have sold them through the mail, without an in person sale being required, and almost no paperwork? Was that ever a thing? Could this be the first line in a script which eliminates all Federal Gun Laws, and FFLs, and the entire oversight of gun sales by the ATF, (which will maybe just become the AT)? Might it be a case which would be easier to rule as such upon, than, say, suing over an FFL requiring you fill out a 4473? Might this thing invalidate every single federal gun law, including all NFA machinegun/Can/SBS/SBR regs, in one fell swoop? Asking for a friend… named Saint Clarence of DC.

Pritzker signs Firearm Industry Responsibility Act, which bans advertising or marketing that encourages paramilitary or unlawful private militia activity, advertising firearms to people under 18, limits the kinds of imagery that can be used in ads, and it allows people to sue manufacturers.

Barack Obama told ex, ‘I make love to men daily, but in the imagination,’ letter shows. Strange, to me. He seems to have glowed from a very early age, with his mom likely some kind of CIA NOC or asset planted in Indonesia monitoring bank records. He should have known everything would be under surveillance, all of his mail was being opened and read, and copied, and all of this would go in his file. I would assume the girl he was writing to was one of them. And even stranger, who writes this to a girlfriend? Maybe it is like Hunter, and he wanted to be President, and the way to get that was to give them as much of this kind of stuff as possible. Weird to think the really successful are the idiots who do this stuff organically, get caught, agree to the blackmail, and fly up the ladder, and the real psychopaths who set up the cameras purposely as they molest children, knowing exactly how it works and what they want, and what they need to do to get it.

From here:

A redacted police report describes how Muskegon City Clerk Meisch encountered a woman dropping off 8,000 — 10,000 completed voter registration applications… the “registrations included the same handwriting, non-existent addresses, and incorrect phone numbers.”

An investigation found that the woman worked for GBI Strategies.

GBI Strategies was funded by dark money super PAC ‘BlackPAC,’ which paid them $11,254,919 to register voters for Joe Biden.

Vivek Ramaswamy left Republican voters scratching their heads after he said in an interview that he wants to evaluate giving pardons to members of the Biden family if he’s elected president.

Merrick Garland’s appointment of U.S. Attorney David Weiss to serve as special counsel in the Hunter Biden criminal probe explicitly violates the Justice Department’s regulations requiring a special counsel come from outside the agency.

NY Post – Joe Biden may have shared the wealth of Hunter’s influence-peddling, emails show.

USA Today – More young Americans are dying – and it’s not COVID. Why aren’t we searching for answers? “… while deaths during COVID-19 had largely occurred among the old and infirm, this new wave is hitting prime-of-life people hard.” It is a mystery, anons. And it is accelerating:

At least the vaccine protects you, anon – The COVID-19 outbreak among vaccinated people that broke out at a conference held by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was bigger than disclosed, according to files obtained by The Epoch Times.

A British woman who was killed in a horror bike crash in Italy has been named as Susannah Boddie, a lead government scientist during the Covid-19 pandemic. Understand, if she was in the game, it is entirely possible her husband is one of them. I still have no idea how things would have gone if I had decided to hitch up to one of their female assets they threw at me. There was always something a little off about them and their manner. My suspicion is they were some kind of derailment ops to push me off my path, but another possibility is they might have become like these lifetime sleeper agents who have kids with their targets. I am sure if they had done that, my circumstances with the conspiracy are such they would never have told me. And I suspect if the order came down, they would have guided me down a bike path, where I would have caught some kind of impact weapon to the head, and they would have told everyone I crashed my bike. They are a very strange group, exceedingly loyal to whatever it is they serve, and you should not think you will ever be in competition with that. As an example, understand, I think this next incident which the news tells us was real, was not faked, and this chubby girl was surveillance. When ordered down this street where this German mass shooter was assaulting a synagogue while livestreaming, she knew what she was being sent into, and she walked into it anyway. That is their level of loyalty to this thing. She is one of several now I have seen do this. Queue up the three comedians about to break out laughing, and notice the car whose passing is perfectly timed to her arrival and passing of the shooter:

In an unprecedented raid Friday, local law enforcement seized computers, cellphones and reporting materials from the Marion County Record newspaper office, the newspaper’s reporters, and the publisher’s home, seizing computers, records and cellphones. America is changing. Or at least being more open about it.

Conservatives celebrated the return of free speech and lack of left-wing censorship when eccentric billionaire Elon Musk purchased Twitter last year but a partnership announced with a censorship company this week by Twitter’s liberal, WEF-associated CEO suggests the pendulum could be swinging in the other Big Brother-like direction, with the return of censorship.

X CEO Linda Yaccarino touts ‘autonomy’ from Elon Musk, says ‘lawful but awful’ posts ‘de-amplified.’ De-amplified means you write what you need the whole world to hear, and they never show it to anyone, but make you think it was said to the world, so you never bother to say it again. In other words, the only people who anyone ever hears are their propaganda assholes and everyone will get censored by default. But Elon is still our guy, this is somebody else doing this for CIA, who just by coincidence happens to employ Elon.

“Roughly three-quarters of the individuals who contributed $50,000 or more to the previous Trump super PACs have not donated so far to super PACs supporting any individual Republican candidates.”

The Biden administration is asking Congress to approve a temporary housing program for migrant families that illegally cross the southern border — a plan that would give them more freedom than traditional detention.

Opponents say Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is holding contradictory public policy opinions on the city’s sanctuary status while at the same time – like his predecessor – moving immigrants to the suburbs.

California homes are so pricey that only 16% of the state’s residents can afford to buy one—and it’s only getting worse. The way it used to be is, Phelps made three houses, Sam made three cars, and I grew six people’s worth of food. Then we all traded, in essence, and we all had a home, a car, and food, while our wives stayed home, and we even had a little left over and took vacations every year. Since then, with technology, productivity per person should have skyrocketed. Sam should be making twelve cars, Phelps, twelve homes, and I should have enough food to feel twenty-four people. Then we’d all get vacation homes, spare cars, and could, if we wanted, work half as much as our wives raised the kids. But it didn’t work that way. Now you have both husbands and wives working, and it is for almost a subsistence-level of food, and they are barely able to rent someone else’s housing. Things actually went backward. Imagine where all that wealth is going, as everyone has been producing ridiculous levels of the things people need, and yet they have been somehow, in essence, enslaved. It might explain how they can afford the surveillance. And it might be why most people, not in the surveillance, can’t afford to own the basics of life.

Thirty to 50 people were part of a robbery crew Saturday that swarmed a Nordstrom department store and used bear spray on security guards at a Southern California mall. Protect your eyes when the apocalypse hits.

Progressive Seattle Times newspaper turns on Portland with op-ed warning Oregon city now looks like a LANDFILL site thanks to woke policies. Be fascinating to know who is buying up land there right now.

Tom Brady was much more involved in the witchcraft of Bundchen, and much more of a believer than I had known. What was interesting to me was one article, which mentioned in passing that although Les Wexner told Victoria’s Secret to send young wannabe models in New York City to Epstein to groom them for that Mossad blackmail operation, Epstein had been warned that he was never to even talk to the big name Victoria’s Secret Models like Bundchen if he crossed paths with them at functions. It was implied, that Victoria’s Secret had two pipelines of models. One, Bundchen’s, was made up of girls who it picked up and placed in those top million dollar, big-name positions, and they were untouchable, I assumed then because Wexner was pimping them as high end escorts and didn’t want their time wasted on non-paying clients like Epstein, but who knows. The other pipeline was regular girls with aspirations, to whom the million-dollar pipeline was always going to be closed no matter how pretty or capable they were, because they were just disposables which Wexner’s op would try to purpose as blackmail assets by sending them to Epstein. But Bundchen being this big witch, now you wonder if in their occult belief system she was placed there because she sold her soul to the dark side, and they respected that.

In recent weeks, there have been reports of devices discovered throughout the country that are designed to derail trains.

Maryland principal promoted despite 18 reports of sexual assault, harassment, bullying. Why wouldn’t they hire somebody like Texas Arcane, who is squeaky clean, instead of this guy? It is almost like access to that position is rigged… In retrospect, there are few areas of society so perfect for intelligence to infiltrate and take over as the schools. You get freely available intelligence on citizens when they are at their most naive and vulnerable, complete with regular official testing – and before they could become a problem. You can manipulate them however you want to control their future, and through access to opportunities, you can fully control what doors will be open to who when they become adults. In retrospect, they would have to have taken full control of the schools. Always remember – this world is Darwinian.

It will cost $5.52 billion to rebuild after deadly wildfire devastates Maui, FEMA says. Interesting, where will that money end up, exactly?

The Japanese Ministry of Defense (MOD) wants to arm its Kawasaki C-2 transport jets with air-launched missiles to attack enemy bases including missile launch sites in counterstrike operations.

Police failed to solve a single burglary in HALF of English and Welsh neighborhoods over the last three years, data reveal amid warnings of ‘no consequences’ for committing crime. Could be like Portland, and these are domestic surveillance/intel. More than we can imagine right now is planned, controlled, and not random or chance. Everything that happens is either allowed, or planned and  performed.

Taliban’s massively successful opium eradication raises questions zbout what US was doing all along.

Chinese military scientists have reported a research breakthrough that could make it possible for Beijing to develop high-energy laser weapons that can shoot for as long as their operators desire, without interruption and without any degradation in performance.

Rand Paul: “Biden and BOTH parties in Congress are robbing Americans to pay Ukraine with money they borrowed from China.”

Ukrainians paying up to $10,000 to escape draft.

Russia downs 20 drones over Crimea; no casualties reported.

Catholic Family News interviews Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on a wide variety of topics including the Francis pontificate after ten years, the 2013 Conclave, Donald Trump’s efforts to obtain a second term as President, the Russia-Ukraine war in light of Our Lady’s Fatima Message, child trafficking and the new film Sound of Freedom, and more. 

Space Force takes over all military satellite communications.

Two thirds of Americans believe 2020 election was rigged, the feds incited Jan 6, and the Bidens are a crime family.

Massive crowd cheers Trump at Iowa State Fair.

President Donald J. Trump Speaks at the Iowa State Fair – 8/12/2023:

Spread r/K Theory, because the truth is there was almost no gun control laws when the 2nd was written

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teo toon
teo toon
1 year ago

Ramaswamy should not be getting any consideration for the presidency whatsoever: he is not a natural born citizen. The fact that he is is a disgrace and demonstrates a contempt for the Constitution and for natural born American citizens. Give it another two generations and Americans will be considering for president someone who swam across the Rio Grande; Hell, I expect to see a DACA brat being considered for president in ten years.

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

ten? try five.

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

Its jus soli, not jus sanguinus, no matter how much you (and various fedposter ghouls claim to) wish it were otherwise. The legislative history is clear. Maybe after the next civil war you can get the law changed.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Oh well if the piece of paper says I have to be ruled over by foreigners who hate me then I guess I just have to comply! Brainlet

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

He is a Vishnu-come-lately.

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

Not to worry, He saw he was somehow getting some traction – because most people are fucking idiots – when that wasn’t his purpose, so he cut his own throat by doing an Eminem rap, on stage, for the groovin’ whypipoz of Iowa.

Buh-Bye, Poo.

Last edited 1 year ago by anonymous
1 year ago

I know Lowell and some of the others here like computer games so I wanted to share this:
The MekTek group is back together and have updated their MechWarrior 4 Mercenaries version with all the upgrades
Here is a link to their Discord server
And the link to the latest version:

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago


Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Alternate download location for those who have trouble with the primary one:

There is also an additional mod by the guy who put it up there, but it may cause the game to not work on some systems.
If you have modding experience you may be able to remove the graphics parts that can cause trouble.

1 year ago

Left-wing groups are scrambling for cash, laying off workers in droves

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Sounds too good to be true. Remember when the big Swamp Media organizations were broke, then got bailed out with our tax $$$? Justice is impossible when you’re ruled by criminals.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

It will be interesting to watch where these people end up.

Now, in the event of a Trump 2024 victory and a major cabal downfall, what’s really going to be interesting is when a few million such people hit the unemployment lines. These are people used to getting paid vastly more than they are worth, with very low demands from their jobs. Such people are going to go absolutely apeshit.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Implying cabal can be defeated without total destruction or expulsion of all participating members.

If you’re imagining there’s a future where the stasi just becomes normal people you’re still in for an even ruder awakening than you think, friend.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The “children of Ham” will riot, but then they already are.

Leftists, like Feminists have no power. Only power they have is the power “we” permit them

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Patronage is how they run things.

teo toon
teo toon
1 year ago

When ordered down this street where this German mass shooter was assaulting a synagogue while livestreaming, she knew what she was being sent into, and she walked into it anyway. That is their level of loyalty to this thing. She is one of several now I have seen do this. Queue up the three comedians about to break out laughing, and notice the car whose passing is perfectly timed to her arrival and passing of the shooter:

Notice the shooter has a camera attached to the gun’s barrel to recreate the first-person shooter gun of a video game; also, notice the shooter pans to follow the passing car; he knows the game.

1 year ago

I work on the periphery of the railroad industry and derailers are supposed to be quite common. They are used as a safety device where derailing a train is safer than the alternative. For example, a crew is working on a section of track. Ttrains are routed around that area. But if the other safety measures fail, the derailer keeps the crew safe as a last safety measure.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Not the same OP, but a derailer can be fashioned incredibly easily with basic tools and knowledge. It’s not particularly significant if some go missing as making them from scratch is trivially easy, it may just point to people intentionally leaving breadcrumbs or painting a narrative around the idea.

1 year ago

“Morning Joe might not exist anymore”

Never threaten me with a good time.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Well, his intern doesn’t exist anymore, either…

Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago


Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

My second big client after I dropped out of college was trying to break into the fine art market. It’s a closed club and no one can get in. This project was one of the first where I began realizing that every game is rigged.

You inherited a painting with a real provenance and you’re outside of the club? Good luck getting a stamp of approval on the provenance from any auction house and getting a good price for it. They will not only gaslight you, but buy it for pennies after you die, approve the provenance, and sell it for millions.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

some money is nice, but in large part we werk to satisfy ourselves, advance our craft, provide for family, and trade secrets with other craftsmen

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Artists are strange, delicate creatures. I married a publisher, and then divorced him, all very young. He used family money to set up his business. He was a talented artist. He was an awful business person, plus, well, very, very easy to divorce. He is treated like an amazing authority, even today. He was a child playing with family money. No sense.

When I thought my divorce would generate money, I thought I could set up a publishing company. No money, no press, no checkbook diplomacy. Anyway- I went to lunch with an author. The author has several books out, worldwide distribution, fans showing up on his doorstep from literally halfway around the world for him to sign their books- and I have never done anything. I was just musing. This author offered to change his next manuscript to get approval from my quite theoretical, quite non-existent press. It was very odd having this suave, cultivated, well educated, worldly, talented person just diving to be my welcome mat, just because I was musing about being someone with a tiny bit of authority.

There are artists all over the place, here. Just buckets of them, in all genres, and types and skillsets. They find the oddest ways to discount their talents. Like, they are using mass produced paint, or less than cashmere wool, or glass instead of fine jewels. Just boggling great skills. Or they aren’t with a gallery, but they swap amongst themselves these amazing art pieces.

There are prestige bottlenecks, and there are distribution bottlenecks. Maybe there are production bottlenecks? But Americans? Super crazy amazing creative people in all sorts of ways. I literally do not understand how someone can look at America, where most of us spend our free time creating cool things, and see endless fields of low paid service workers for rich overlords. That’s Bezos’ vision. I thought it was a mistake, or a mistranslation, or something, but there are some really——astigmatic?— oblivious?—-covetous?— clueless?— people running things right now. It’s very odd.

I keep talking about how Britain ought to be all around wealthy, like Switzerland. But America? Americans? Ought to be rich on a fabled level of wealth, creativity, originality, everything. Not all one style, or regional style, – one whole continent of mind-boggling innovation in all areas. We were, about 100 years ago. I don’t see the people who made stuff disappearing or not having children.

I mean, I literally cannot predict what I will see if I go into someone’s home. I can see mass produced stuff. Or I can walk into a gallery of art, artist unknown, because the artist is some grocery store clerk who is painting amazing portraits in acrylic paint of his family. Or tapestries. Or eat off handthrown and handpainted plates. Of someone who just lives in a tiny little house in an unremarkable suburb. No clue. None.

I mean, I know if I go into an immigrant house, or to another country, mostly I’ll be seeing Wedgewood plates, or reproduction prints, or name things they inherited. America? No clue. It’s always surprising.

At some point, that wild, wild, wild creativity and production ought to translate out from families to strangers on the market. The best I’ve got- comic book stores? Comic books have been put on a leash at least twice- the 1950s moral panic, and then Tipper Gore. Federal agents seized the stock of entire comic book stores in the late 80s, early 90s. Then, after having leashed all the independent publishers who really were making interesting things (GenX, and later) , they went with the most soulless, least creative group- and turned Stan Lee (familiar to the Boomers) into a social hero and a movie franchise goldmine.

I’ve honestly prayed more about Vox Day’s health and lifespan when he started Arkhaven and Arktoons than anything he ever did in nonfiction or hardback. I don’t know why that industry unhinges everyone more than other media.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

Comics influence young people. Kids, teens, youth. In their heyday their popularity was immense. Kids who wouldn’t read books would still read comics.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Tales of heroism, teamwork, resilience, and adventure. Little different from campfire tales shared among the besiegers of Troy. The Greek and Norse gods segue effortlessly into the pages of superhero comics because they were, well, superheroes.
Excellent motivation/inspiration for boys, IMHO.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

Great post! As a kid, I grew up in the art industry in one of the biggest areas in the world for art. My parents were in the business for a while. So not only did I get to go to some of the best art expos in the world as a child, but we had the privilege of visiting many incredibly talented artists.

A lot of people don’t realize that blue collar (including manufacturing here) and art (yes, even fine art) are part and parcel in the United States. Don’t know about other countries. I grew up around artists. Most of them worked with their hands for a living. They couldn’t stand doing office work. One of my favorite painters as a kid paid the bills making mink coats from scratch. My dad was a carpenter.

I’ve done a bit of writing in US art history for clients. That’s where you’ll really find the blue collar connection. The thing people don’t know about artists is that art is about mastering their chosen medium. And if the medium is physical, they need to get physical to master in. And they’re not dumb. So the most talented artists in the US went from place to place working blue collar jobs that allow them to master their chosen media while earning money.

The blue collar artists are fascinating to me, probably because my father was an artist at heart. If you look up some of the truly great American artists lost in history, they don’t look like effete milquetoasts. They look like hard working men, the same type of men white collar folk would imagine just go home after laying bricks to drink a 12-pack of beer and watch sportsball. No, these are the artists. These forgotten legends are unsung masters of their medium. Many of these true artists seek no fame but only to express the ineffable in their artwork. They give their masterpieces out on a whim.

Their jobs reflect the medium they are mastering. Sculptors would get jobs all over the granite and marble industries to learn about rock while sculpting in their free time. Or work every single job in the metalwork industry to truly master their chosen medium. Painters might do true woodsman work and mountaineer all around the United States to really master their understanding of nature. True artists are never satisfied.

I go to coffee shops and there are old folks making the most amazing jewelry out of wire and beads in their free time. They give them to their grandkids and put extras on sale at Etsy. I know a girl who works construction sales who makes twice that amount selling photorealistic paintings as a hobby.

And don’t forget the music. The best musicians in the world don’t do concerts or recordings. They’re in tiny churches single-handedly holding up the worship, hole-in-the-wall music shops teaching elementary kids, or raising their families. I have a family member who was one of the best in the world in her instrument. Competition-winning level. Found Jesus and gave it up just like that to raise her family. No one around her knows that she would have been world famous had it not been for that choice. She would be on all over the classical airwaves. She doesn’t even touch her instrument anymore. Sold it.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

It’s a shame that lady doesn’t play her instrument for her family and teach it to her children.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

This was me but got posted as anon for some reason.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Unless it was an accordion.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

“…Not all one style, or regional style, – one whole continent of mind-boggling innovation in all areas…”

There’s a lot of this in technical stuff. One example LSD displays. Invented in US but no one would fund it. Japanese got it and…

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

LCD displays.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I call most junk made in the twentieth century con art because it was made by conartists. My wife’s favorite painter is Steve Hanks. Good luck finding any of his stuff in any museum anywhere.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Another banger comment, AC. I’ve seen the same stuff. And what is maddening about this is how obvious everything is in retrospect.

Prof. Woland
Prof. Woland
1 year ago

AC, Your readers should all watch the late Roger Scruton’s, ” Why Beauty Matters”. The theme is regarding liberals ‘revolt from nature’ where they try to escape beauty, the truth, and god. Glorifying maladaptive traits and behavior instead of shunning them. One writer I sorely miss is Heartiste. He understood this perfectly.

Reply to  Prof. Woland
1 year ago

I believe this is H.

Reply to  Prof. Woland
1 year ago

you can find heartiste on gab

Reply to  Prof. Woland
1 year ago

Uses handle of, “King of All Nads”, on Gab

Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  Prof. Woland
1 year ago

Scruton ignores the spiritual foundation of beauty. Here is a short overview of how Orthodox Christians understand beauty:

1 year ago

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Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Edward Mandel (lmao!) House was an awful strange sort of Anglo-saxon supremacist. He was a front for Bernard Baruch finance types.

Detested RUS and wanted to break it up. And engineered US intervention in WWI (after the main fighting was done). His protege Wilson had campaigned explicitly and primarily on not getting involved in WWI.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, right by the Thames.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon is far more Beautiful and well built in my opinion than comparative buildings in this thread.

Reply to  🌲🌲
1 year ago

dude looks depressed. “husband” looks not so depressed.

Reply to  🌲🌲
1 year ago


lol, lmao even. That’s a man, baby.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Idk if I should encourage this guy. But does anyone have an interpretation or IDs?

I’ve seen the London tranny before. And I think that’s 9/11. But other than that?

Is this filthy British?

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

I wondered if it was filthy British guy, too.
That MI6 building…at first I thought it was an AI image of a futuristic ziggurat.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago
Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
1 year ago

“Now you have both husbands and wives working, and it is for almost a subsistence-level of food, and they are barely able to rent someone else’s housing. Things actually went backward. Imagine where all that wealth is going, as everyone has been producing ridiculous levels of the things people need, and yet they have been somehow, in essence, enslaved”

Make your own LLC for diy/ non-FIRE business. Trade with other DIY-ers who are off the globo-financial grid. This is a solvable problem, it’s one of the first things humans learned to solve. Town/village economics.

Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago

i play with brokers in the market. shortly more to PMs. currently in market shorts, financial shorts, TIPS, gold, 2x foreign market longs/shorts, oil exploration, uranium, 2x FAANG shorts, 2x bond shorts. tight stops, rebuy after falling knife hits a plateau, often. / i expect to see businesses fail shortly. learn to DIY or determine black market bargains.

Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago

The work of the housewife actually saves a lot of costs. Like home cooked meals and laundry. That saves money on maids. Also childcare that saves money that would otherwise be used on daycare.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Even the most unhealthy home-cooked food probably saved your life compared to fast food. Plus, it can be much cheaper. Now, if she grows even a few garden herbs, veggies, or even certain weeds to put in it, that can make a huge difference!

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago

Thank you. I know this is an option but would like to learn more. Any resources you recommend?

1 year ago

Kompromat, pervasive through politics, media and entertainment, makes its way into sports. What is next?
It would seem that with so many people having been compromised or leveraged that there must be some willing to provide photos, recordings or other credible evidence of what happened to them. Rumor, innuendo and suggestive or inflammatory tidbits go through the familiar process: will people get bored too soon, and then how are new readers or viewers to be engaged?
A study showing who gets compromised and who doesn’t would be informative. The factors and characteristics would provide insights.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It’s common knowledge in the league that games are fixed. Refs and players and coaches. Not all. Not even most. But it is known and there’s nothing anyone can do. Explains why the vibe is so radically diff than in the 80’s.

Mechanically, the salary cap made it much easier to fix things as the teams all converge on the same level.

I mean, UNLV was shaving points against DUKE and blew it. And that’d the most generous explanation.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Methinks Rapinoe’s childish PK miss in the freakin’ World Cup was mighty ‘spishus.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago


1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Interesting. Thx for link

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

This is cabal or deep state agitprop best described as “muddying the waters”. It gets torn to pieces in the comments to the substack.

“Muddying the waters” combines some claims that are actually true, that you have learned from other essays, with a bunch of ridiculous bs, which is mixed in to discredit the true claims. In this case, the true claim is that something like AC’s cabal exists. Though I doubt it is based in Canada.

The author claims to be from the group of families that secretly run the world, and she is going to tell you how they think. That doesn’t sound right. A group like this wouldn’t just let someone in their circle spill the beans in a substack essay. Then she lists a pretty random collection of early twentieth century thinkers, and links them to things like urban drug markets. The problem is that if you have actually read some of the named intellectuals, you know they didn’t advocate what she claims they advocated. Actually more the opposite in a few cases, And the commentators call her out on a few of these people.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Ed you are being deceptive – what are you smoking? I read article and all the 40 comments and there were only 3 comments that could be called negative.
1. A passing remark about Germans & holocaust ovens which has nothing to do with the main theme of the post.
2. Someone ran it thru chat GPT which said it was low quality info as it provided no credible sources. The author was relating anecdotes & observations from family memories. D’oh! The person who posted this then gave a link to their own substack which makes it a drive-by snark post for attention and to get eyes on his content.
3. The most legitimate criticism was someone who took the time to listen to Huxley’s speech and said she has misinterpreted it – huxley gave a warning not a diabolical plan.
Her main thesis is is that’s wealthy established families used to have altruistic tendencies & their philanthropism stabilized communities. (Noblesse oblige) However over time they became exclusive & protective of their status, and became contemptuous of everyone outside their class to the point where they actively worked against the lower classes..

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Everywhere you see the Meritocracy destroyed, you are seeing Cabal set the stage to install their people in the positions which previously, those with merit would have naturally gravitated into. Absent such a psyop, the art world would be occupied by the Da Vinci’s, the Michelangelo’s, and the Rembrandts, artists whose work would leave people wondering how they could even be capable of such work.

After you work in a creative field for a while (assuming you’re not a ticket-taker and/or fill your work with the obligatory feminist tropes and LGBT pandering) it’s hard not to see patterns that make you suspect there’s a hidden hand at work–somebody’s thumb on the scale. You see all these folks whose talent is mediocre at best just take off like a rocket while others with much better work just flounder in obscurity.
You have conversations wherein statements like these come out frequently: “Well, maybe that (talentless hack) creates work that is just closer to what the audience wants.” “Maybe the audience is so dumbed-down they actually want mediocre pap.” “That author must really be a pro at marketing.” Then, after you’ve seen the pattern play out over and over again: “It’s got to be Amazon’s algorithms. They’re making it easier for readers to discover this person’s mediocre books, for whatever reason; while they’re making it nearly impossible to discover that person’s good books.” And then, of course: “That’s just paranoia. You’re/I’m just not trying hard enough/haven’t found the secret sauce for marketing. I/we need to stop spending so much time creating/producing and polishing my/our craft, and spend most of my/our time looking for marketing gimmicks.”

Then, if we’re fortunate, we find AC’s blog, read the evidence and speculation he so consistenty shares that the “meritocracy” is just another hoax (or at least has become a hoax). “Maybe we’re not crazy. Maybe we’re not just sore losers suffering paranoid delusion. Maybe there is no secret sauce–at least for somebody who would never play ball for communist perverts.”

Some of my books have cracked the Bestseller categories at Amazon…only to then have sales fall off a cliff as the book becomes undiscoverable afterwards. Almost like somebody behind the curtain is correcting an oversight; playing Whack-a-Mole; catching an escaped prisoner and locking them back in the cell. I know several other authors who are stifled in the same way. Some who’ve also had prisoners escape from the jail, some who haven’t. I talk books mostly, because I know that game. But I also know an independent recording artist going through the same struggle. People who produce video shorts. (And if you are such an artist, and happen to be enjoying success on YT, you need to start duplicating your efforts on an alternative like Rumble or Bitchute. If you don’t take the ticket, the Thought Cops at CommieTube/Goolag will absolutely yank the rug out from under you and you’ll be left with no way to connect to your audience. In effect, you will no longer have an audience. Yes, the same thing will happen to books on Amazon. For some authors, it already has.)

Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago

I vouch for your experience. I’ve seen it for 20 years and in that time I’ve seen some amazing situations unfold right up close, often with famous names. I have had some truly humbling and incredible things happen to me, including great writers and artists being appreciative of my work, even giving me blurbs. I know the book game and the publishing game well. Did just enough to crack some major magazines and top sites, yet couldn’t compromise my work, so off I went back to obscurity. And people I worked with at the little magazines and the “literary” sites, they were 100% pushed and promoted. I saw the fake and lame scenes develop, and I saw the manufactured hype, that came for anything so long as this “anything” wasn’t after the truth (I was after the truth).
So I’ve been canceled, roundly rejected, and worst of all my efforts have hit the Wall of Silence. This is the case on Amazon, where my books are still in print but are 100% undiscoverable. Same goes for Google, Brave Search, Bing, everything.
I am looking for alternatives, and they aren’t obvious. Of course publish your own web site (check), publish your own physical work (check), network however you can (check). I will Substack as long as I can, but with caution (and backups). I don’t have a good alternative for YouTube. I don’t have time for Gab or any other social media, nor do I see the advantage for someone in my position; I am busy working and creating. But I have no support network and don’t really know anyone who is also stuck at this.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Linked to an essay by Sarah Hoyt pointing this out:

A commentator responded questioning why I was quoting an essay written by a woman, but, for whatever its worth, Vox Day has also written on the same subject and also linked to Hoyt’s essay (

Anonymous Novelist
Anonymous Novelist
Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Another new data point for this discussion.
It’s not classical music, it’s folk music (bluegrass). It seems to have captured the ears and hearts of millions, nearly overnight. Catchy pop-country tune with lyrics we can agree with. And now it’s huge.
I don’t know his story, just that it’s promoted on X/Twitter and on YouTube. It’s an excellent professional studio recording with nice homey video of him in his rural yard.
They are promoting it as “Conservatives, just give us good quality content and you’ll be viral,” but I myself and others are proof that it doesn’t quite work that way.
Also, I don’t know if this guy is selling anything or not. Viral sensations have shelf lives shorter than bugs. Building a body of work, and finding an audience and support, is different from getting a million shares and likes on a post.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Inquiring minds might wonder why college superstars like Tim Tebow, Toby Gearhart, and Zac Line never made a big splash in the NFL. Certainly it couldn’t be part of a ploy to eliminate the melanin-deficient from the glamour positions, anon.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

There is no question why Tim Tebow didn’t succeed in the NFL. He was a great college player and he’s a good Christian man, but for crying out loud, did you ever watch a single NFL game in which he played?
He didn’t have an NFL arm or an NFL eye. His career completion percentage was below 50 percent (47.9) in an era when 70 percent is desired for quality starters. Lamar Jackson is a much better runner than Tebow was, and yet he’s considered a quasi-RB with an arm because his completion percentage is only 63.7, 15.8 points better than Tebow.
The Tim Tebow experiment in Denver was fun, but it was never going to go anywhere. If you had ever seen him play there, then you’d know he was absolutely terrible as an NFL quarterback. If he’d switched to TE going in, he might have had a chance, but he insisted on playing QB.

Reply to  VD
1 year ago

I watched him single-handedly win game after game as essentially a “Wildcat” QB. A GM with vision could have structured a team around him that would have wrong-footed the entire NFL which has defenses set up to stop everyone else’s pass-happy “basketball on turf” offenses. When they brought in HOFer Peyton Manning to replace him, they could have traded him to Jacksonville where his college popularity would have led to record jersey/memorabilia sales. Instead, they insured that he was sent to NY, probably the least Christian-friendly city in the US, where a Heisman Trophy winner was put through the humiliation ritual of being a punt-protection blocking back.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago

I think we ourselves should Patronize true talent. Whilst it won’t be like those boosted, talented Artists and Architects could make a modest living.

Small scale Art and Architecture should be good enough for us.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

So…someone like Vox Day perhaps?

Reply to  Mr Twister
1 year ago


1 year ago

Terrible modern art is more than an assault on meritocracy. It is an assault on symbolic content, inspiration, and meaning. The purpose of art is to give a population a sense of where they come from, to reinforce important values, to give them a sense of where they are going, so that they can dwell in a content in hopeful presence. Contemporary art is empty. It’s dissociative. It contributes to people being indifferent and thus highly malleable. It’s much, much more nefarious than people imagine. It’s designed to contribute to mental illness.

Anonymous Novelist
Anonymous Novelist
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The sophomore opinion on this is that once photography was established, it was meaningless to paint a straight portrait. And so Cubism, Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Absurdism, and so on. But … where the Modern Art (so lampooned by Tom Wolfe) shows no ability, no talent, just a “trick” or a “hook,” well, it’s garbage. And by promoting it, it keeps people from being able to experience real art OR EVEN REALIZE ITS POSSIBILITY.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I had the view that Jackson Pollock was a charlatan, but there was a day when I was depressed, and walked into the room full of his paintings at the Museum of Modern Art, in New York. They cheered me up. So I think they have some psychological value, though apparently not for Pollock himself, who is supposed to have committed suicide.

I do realize that the entire twentieth century abstract art movement was both a CIA/ Rockefeller project, and an artistic dead end. Its clear if you visit the museum of Modern Art or the modern art section of a museum. Anything produced up until about 1950 is at least interesting, and has some beauty to it. The value of the works trail off badly in the later twentieth century, and you can forget about the twenty-first century stuff, which is often video productions anyway.

When living in New York, usually if I was depressed and wanted to look at art to cheer up, I would visit the Frick, which is all Old Masters. There are actually some bad works in the Fricks (the Fragonards), and I prefer impressonism to the Old Masters stuff, but the Frick collection is of more consistent quality.

In the mid nineteenth century, visual arts just ran into a dead end, and the impressionists and some of the moderns revised it for awhile. Maybe left alone, the field would have quietly died for awhile. Maybe there was still some worthwhile work that could have been produced in the older styles, that was suppressed. I think abstraction produced a few worthwhile pieces, but then the entire field just got zombified very quickly.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

American art did well in the nineteenth century, see; the Hudson River School, Thomas Eakins, Winslow Homer, William Morris Hunt, the Ashcan group which formed around Robert Henri, and others in those decades.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

See also: especially, architecture. Compare & contrast the soaring main room of the old Grand Central Station with any modern cattle pen, er… “airport.” Or the Jefferson Memorial with the FBI Building. etc etc unto eternity

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Thanks. They are getting sloppier.

1 year ago

“It will cost $5.52 billion to rebuild after deadly wildfire devastates Maui, FEMA says. Interesting, where will that money end up, exactly?”

I’ve read that the term “fired’ came from the practice of running people out of their homes and setting their homes on fire.

I’ve read that the fires in the central part of Maui are adjacent to land Oprah owns. (two fires out of three)

I’ve read that Larry Ellison of Oracle owns 98% of Lanai and has property on Maui as well. Just read that Lanai is just off the west coast of Maui and is almost exactly the same size as the Kukui peninsula. (Lanai is right across from third fire)

Maui is probably a better place to bug out to than Martha’s Vineyard.

1 year ago

For the gunned down girl, remember the Assassins. The Master of the Mountain would drug his recruits, bring them to a tiny valley full of water and grass (in a desert area), have girls, and figs, and drug his recruits and tell them he took them to Paradise, and he will take them back when they die for him.
Might do something the same with VR, drugs, and magic.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Good point. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if this weren’t the approach.

I doubt the Old Man in the Mountain story is literal. It’s silly. But there was something similar but efficient going on.

The Templars had strong relationships with the Assassins. And Guenon speaks of them as the good guys. Fwiw, I know I harp on about Guenon, but he was very clued into esotericism and esp Islamic esotericism..

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Islamic heaven is nothing other than cooming, eating and drinking. Whilst all those even sensual things have their proper place even in a Righteous Life.

It ain’t what True Paradise is all about. Which is experiencing and working with God. Masterworks and Endless Adventure. Alongside the stunning Technology and Architecture.

To be in Heaven is to be in the Hall of Saints, of Heroes. And Islamic Heaven certainly isn’t Heroic. Neither does it feature New Heroic deeds that are rewarded accordingly.

1 year ago

Everybody has their thing. Mine is art. If I’m close to an art museum, I take the time to stop in and see what they have. Early in our marriage, my wife had no interest in art. She tolerated it for my sake. That changed during our first visit to D.C. as a couple. One of our first stops was The Phillips. I took her room by room, pointing out a few of my favorites – Hopper’s Approaching a City, Chase’s Hide and Seek. I maneuvered her around, chatting about nothing in particular until we took a left around corner into a small exhibition space. She took a step or two, looked up, stopped, froze, and began weeping. There was Renoir’s Luncheon of the Boating Party. It took her a minute to stop crying enough to talk, then she just said, over and over, “I had no idea. I had no idea.” It was that moment when you realize what beauty a man of talent can produce.

Since then, she has happily joined me visiting every museum we could find. It was at MOMA in New York were we finally broke down. We had been respective towards “modern art” up to then, but the bottom floor of MOMA was so riduculously bad, so garishly tedious, that we couldn’t help ourselves and both ended up laughing uproariously as we walked around, her leaning on me weak from laughter, pointing at one exhibition after another, saying things like, “Have you seen anything so ugly?” and “Have you seen anything more boring?” That became our go-to phrase, “Boring.” Since then, we will fast walk through the modern art sections of museum, loudly announcing, “Boring,” “Boring,” “Boring.” What I find amazing is how the other visiters’ demeanors will changge as we do this. You have to picture, normal every day people staring in complete bewildered puzzlement at some piece of garbage on the wall wondering why they couldn’t see any artistic merit in the piece of crap. The thing that really pisses me off is the stuff has no artistic merit, but the average person will assume it does, and it creates a sense of inferiority in them because they assume the junk is artistic but they somehow lack the insight or intelligence to see it. Then my wife and I come striding around flippantly declaring, “Boring” or “Stupid.” You can see the other people in the galleries. It’s like they suddenly wake from some dream. They’ll look at us, puzzled. Then look back at whatever piece of crap on the wall had made them doubt themselves and their innate ability to appreciate beauty. Their expression will change to anger and contempt and they will walk out of the gallery. It’s happened too many times to count. It makes me think modern art was created by evil, narcissists who delight in creating junk, and hanging it on museum walls to undermine our confidence in ourselves.

By the way, the third floor of MOMA – fantastic. Christina’s World and Starry Night are two of our favorites there.

I’ve attached a picture I took at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in northwest Arkansas. Take a look at it. Then do an online search using the phrase “Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art,” scroll through the pictures your search engine tosses up for you and see if you can spot this amazing painting in any of them. If it’s not in the first twenty-five photos presented by your search engine, then ask yourself why not. And what art is shown clearly in the top one hundred results. Because if your search engine was honest, and not manipulated, Eastman Johnson’s painting would be one of the first images shown. That it is not should tell you everything you need to know about cabal’s manipulation of your sense of reality.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Looks like my photo of Eastman Johnson’s Cranberry Pickers, Nantucket wasn’t approved for posting. You can find it online at Wikipedia commons. The online version doesn’t catch how gorgeous it is in person, but you can see the type of excellent art Crystal Bridges has. Only you won’t see it in any searches for the museum. Even if that would be the one painting you’d expect the museum to use to advertise their collection.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

You doing good work sir. I salute you.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

“…Elon Musk…with the return of censorship. …”

I don’t think he has a choice. He either lets them censor some things, or he loses all of it.

I really appreciate him bringing to light the peril South Africans and all Whites are in, in South Africa.

I know a lot of people here hate him, but so far I’ve seen him do nothing but good under the constraints that he has. He can’t do all he wants.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

>under the constraints that he has

An ally would never kneel before the whims of the obvious and overt evil we see. If he’s playing ball, it’s because he’s one of them.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

“…Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is holding contradictory public policy opinions on the city’s sanctuary status while at the same time – like his predecessor – moving immigrants to the suburbs.…”

They need to ship them back. They can not let them continue to get away with this. If they can, they need to have their police stop the buses and send them back before they get there.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

refugees. the new settlers. nobody’s sending them back.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The invaders will be expelled.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

This was me but got posted as anon for some reason.

1 year ago

Russian defense minister inspects Arctic forces

Anyone know if the UFOs our military/government is reporting here in the US are also being reported in Russia?

1 year ago

I assume most on here know this but will post just in case. Our loss of purchasing power noted by AC above is due to the federal reserve system and our fiat currency.
Ref: The Creature From Jekyll Island by G E Griffin and Fiat Paper Money: The History and Evolution of Our Currency by Ralph Foster. Many more books on this.

Also, thanks to AC for all you do. At some point I will post some things that have happened to me over my life starting in the GATE program when I was young.

1 year ago

Miles Mathis Committee on Modern Art:

“Real art was replaced by Modern art because it was found that the latter was easier to launder. Much more money could be made by using art as a front than by selling art directly. A real straightforward art market might only gross the ruling families a few billion a year, while Modern art as a money laundering front makes them hundreds of billions. Since art means nothing to them, the math is easy.”
Modernism is Fascism

The Best Art Writings of Miles Mathis

1 year ago

“A meteor that was only about 2 feet wide but weighed about seven full kegs of beer slammed into the ground in South Texas.”

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Was it Bud Light or Clydesdale heavy?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Horse kegs or pony kegs?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago


Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Viral populist country anthem discovered by black Youtubers

There’s an entire subset of black Youtubers that do nothing but react to white culture, mostly music, but also movies and TV, and they have all discovered this song, and they all love it. Most Gabbers aren’t gonna care obviously, but this is actually a very GOOD thing because they represent the segment of the US black population that basically lives by white rules, including doing things like voting. This is a larger segment of the population than most would believe just because they never end up in a brawl on tiktok, or in a mass shoplifting video. Fixing America is going to require their help, because as popular as it is to counter-virtue signal against blacks, the fact is that they aren’t going anywhere so we have to figure out how to get them back into white norms. Stuff like this builds bridges.

The second guy is new to me, and seems to be a Christian pastor from Jamaica(?). Just a guess from the accent. He openly mocks the lefties screeching “white supremacy” and espouses right wing beliefs. Is this guy going to magically convert 20 million blacks overnight? No. But he will reach a remnant, and if anybody should be sympathetic it’s our team.

Jamel_AKA_Jamal – **HE’S HAD ENOUGH! Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North Of Richmond | REACTION #oliveranthony

LOOK and LIVE – Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North Of Richmond. [Pastor Reaction]

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

>including doing things like voting.

Literally useless wastes of time until the fraud is eliminated. So much so it makes me think they want us focusing on useless grassroots efforts because they know it’s a dead end endeavor.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The fraud will never be fixed if you don’t vote.
You have to make them cheat harder and be exposed.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

This was me but got posted as anon for some reason.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Hmmmmmmm…… my psyops detector is going off. Our team is being herded. “Try that in a Small Town”, this, and now the Oliver Anthony song going viral. It’s starting to feel coordinated.

Vets Talkin – Veterans React To Tom MacDonald “American Flags” | Vets Talkin Tunes

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

That is so Fake & Gay: F&G, the New Brand for all your psyop needs.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Of course, they want to use media to smear us as violent backwards hillbillies who need to be civilized by the educated city folk. They think these songs are embarrassing to be associated with on our side.

They’re just psychologically incapable of understanding that these are morale boosters, not demoralizers. They underestimate the number of Americans who would be happy to shoot shovel and shut up in a small town if push came to shove.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago
Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

Random video that popped up on my instagram reels. Surveillance victim or schizo?

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

What devices is he creating?

1 year ago

Progressive Seattle Times newspaper turns on Portland with op-ed warning Oregon city now looks like a LANDFILL site thanks to woke policies. Be fascinating to know who is buying up land there right now.

Most likely the Portland Jesuit cabal. They run the high schools in Portland and Beaverton that train the local cabal elite. It’s interesting that Portland was not originally a Catholic city but now virtually all of the elite are tied in with the Jesuit high schools. I’m sure they are finishing up the task of destroying the last independent business owners. I’ve seen this script over and over and over.

Or maybe it’s the half dozen or so aging boomers sitting in the local dilapidated freemason halls around town. I mean, sure, they have no money, they have no vast schools teaching the elite, they own no major parcels of land. But you know those crafty freemasons…

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

That would make a fabulous episode for the X-Files! Is it still on the tube? I haven’t followed popular culture for a while.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

RE: Sam should be making twelve cars, Phelps, twelve homes, and I should have enough food to feel twenty-four people. 

Here’s the thing, according to the numbers that’s exactly what’s happened. Manufactured goods have literally never been cheaper when adjusted for inflation. A giant part of that is the maturation of automation in manufacturing. But the thing is that wages are the last thing to get a bump for inflation, which then actually causes a small amount of inflation by itself. The hole just gets deeper and deeper.

Like right now my brother owes $80K on his student loans, and it’s almost all interest. He’ll be in his sixties before he gets it paid back at this rate and he currently has the best paying job that he’s ever had.

Big Bear just posted this on Gab – Putin is phasing out the usury banking system in Russia. No more interest, only flat fees on loans that can never compound. It’s the beginning of financial freedom for all of Russia while still preserving the power of lending in growing an economy.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

It’s hard to put into words how big a deal this would be. It’s a fairly modest program. And even London allegedly has these banks.

Wages are depressed to pay debt service. There’s a SCOTUS decision that not working to keep wages low is a breach of fiduciary duty.

1 year ago

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Probably not the best symbolism to portray him taking part in a defense ending in a defeat.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Texas won the war, that battle served a strategic purpose.
2020 was the Alamo.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

This was me but got posted as anon for some reason.

1 year ago

comment image

1 year ago

>> since we are probably pretty close to the violent cataclysm which will close off this turn of the cycle.
“I’m just gonna lay this lil’ bomb right here and wait for someone to trip over it.”
Well, it was me.
1) What is the violent cataclysm, that ends this 2) cycle?