News Briefs – 08/12/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Europe’s Gas Supply May Be About To Tighten

DFT – Asian Buyers Continue To Scoop Up Discounted Russian Crude

DFT – Rice Prices Globally Near 15-Year Highs

DFT – Gas Group Says Germany Needs More Infrastructure To Avoid A Crisis

DFT – Bain Capital To Take Chindata Private

Left-wing judge on Trump’s claim political prosecution is election interference: ‘So be it,’ says the court will now dictate to him what he is allowed to say on the campaign trail.

However, Judge Tanya Chutkan ruled against Biden prosecutors in saying that not all pre-trial information would fall under a protective order that would prevent Trump from speaking about the 2020 election case brought forth by Special Counsel Jack Smith. 

Bernie Kerik’s lawyer on his interview with Special Counsel Jack Smith“Based on the contents of their questions, and my understanding of criminal law, the main individual who was discussed who Mr. Kerik gave any information that could be incriminating would be Sidney []Powell]… That there was no back-up for anything she said, that when she was asked to provide proof she didn’t produce anything, and when she was cut loose [from the official Trump legal team], how she kept trying to push her way in.”

From here:

Dramatic new polling results from Premise have revealed that 41 percent of Americans polled would vote for 45th President Donald J. Trump in the 2024 election as opposed to incumbent Democrat President Joe Biden who would only capture 34 percent of the vote. And presenting a nightmare scenario for Democrats, Trump even wins from prison. However, should Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) prevail in the GOP primary, the poll shows that he would be defeated by Biden in a single-point race with each candidate barely securing about a third of the vote, 32 to 31 percent.

President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden may be headed for trial on criminal charges after talks on a potential plea deal reached impasse, the newly named U.S. Special Counsel in the case, David Weiss, said on Friday.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said Friday on FNC’s “America Reports” that Attorney General Merrick Garland appointing David Weiss as special counsel in the Hunter Biden investigation was akin to pouring gasoline on a fire. They are afraid of Congress subpoenaing Biden and his family, and it progressing to an Impeachment inquiry. Now everything has to go through their guy as Special Counsel.

Rep. Greg Steube files Articles of Impeachment against President Biden for high crimes, and misdemeanors.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) officials negotiating with President Joe Biden’s legal team over his retention of classified materials appear to have abruptly changed course on the eve of the 2022 midterms and informed the president’s attorney that the agency would need to seize the materials he had discovered at the Penn-Biden Center in Washington, D.C.

Survivors and first responders devastated by the 9/11 terrorist attacks are divided over news that they can apply for “affordable” apartments in a ritzy new building just steps from Ground Zero. A bribe to keep them in line? Apartments filled with pre-installed cameras and microphones, and monitors planted right down the hall, so make sure they don’t start acting up?

Scott Brown says he threatened to ‘kick the sh–‘ out of Biden over Biden getting handsy with his wife during his swearing in. You would think there would be a hierarchy of these people in the secret society, and Biden, since he is a half-wit, and all-around fuckup, would be lower on it, and not fuck with all these other people in the club for fear he would piss off somebody with the juice to deal with him. But he showed up to these Senate swearing in ceremonies like it was a party set up just for him to grope people, hurt little children, and make everyone miserable. Where exactly is this moron in the hierarchy?

Biden misstates America’s GDP growth as China’s GDP growth, calls its economy a ‘ticking time bomb’ with numbers like that.

Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen considering NY congressional bid.

RFK Jr. renews demand for Secret Service protection after assassination of Ecuadorian candidate.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is still planning on recommending people receive a COVID-19 shot on an annual basis.

Star Alabama basketball talent Caleb White dead at 17 after collapsing during an on-court workout at Pinson Valley High School. I tend not to get too wild on any assumptions about anything biotech related, as learning about the subject mainly teaches you how much is unknown, and cannot be predicted. But the more I see of all of the Covid vax issues, the more I begin to question the benefit risk ratios of all vaccines. When you inject something foreign, you always have the risk, (because these things just happen by chance, the wrong immune cell encountering the wrong surface protein too close to an antigenic protein, in a person with the wrong genetic predisposition), of triggering the production of antibodies to something in you which you should not have antibodies to, floating around in your own body. And that inflammation can have a wide range of costs, from damaging something important to setting the stage for cancer formation. We have looked at vaccines from a perspective what is the risk/cost of encountering a disease unvaccinated, vs the risk of the vaccine killing you within a month after vaccination. But what if it isn’t just killing. What if almost every childhood cancer was triggered by autostimulatory autoantibodies from vaccines? Maybe 99 percent of SIDS cases could also be vaccines. Autism? Do they cause brain damage and reduce IQ? Maybe later life cancers, auto-immune diseases, heart disease later in life, arthritis, or other issues could be traced back to those vaccines. Now what is the math if all of that is on the downside? I don’t know. But neither does anyone else.

Rand Paul: ‘No clearer case of perjury in the history of government testimony than Fauci.’

“Doctors are free to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID-19, a lawyer representing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said this week. “FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID,” Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA, said during oral arguments…”

“In a groundbreaking decision, a Michigan judge ruled on Aug. 8 that a drug manufacturer and hospital are not protected by the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act in the case of a man who experienced two strokes and a leg amputation after receiving the COVID-19 medication remdesivir that was contaminated with glass particles.”

This woman, who was a vax critic posted this video, where she said she has fled the US in fear of her life after being poisoned. I don’t know what exactly to make of this, and I do not have time to watch the whole thing. She is in the high amygdala of a target which is getting shock and awe. I get the impression one game they play is to psyop certain people whose info is slightly off into thinking they are about to be killed, hoping to send them viral by making them look like a target. And then the voices which our side sees going viral have bad intel. I remember a guy who was capturing video of reptilians, which I think was mostly artifacts of video compression, and he got the full gangstalking treatment.  And to that end they might poison her mildly just to draw focus to her. Obviously the people she is trusting are probably part of her psyop. She is trusting a guy who did security for Obama and Hillary, who is telling her she has a 50-50 chance of survival. She has other “friends” calling to amp up her amygdala with even more threats. Once you are in this game, you cannot trust anybody. Old family friends, specialists you hire, everybody has to be assumed to be a hostile actor. Of course, we have no way to know exactly what is in the vaccine, so it is not impossible it is something far more advanced and dangerous, and they are after her for genuine reasons. But my impression is, if they decide to take you out, you get zapped from a drone, Bill Binney style, and you never see it coming. Still whether psyop or real, the video is emblematic of what is going on in the nation.

Appeals court judges compare Biden social media pressure to mafia.

A little-discussed legal case heading for a hearing at the US Supreme Court’s October session has the ability to blow up a lot of current tax law.

More than a year since the Pentagon launched an office to investigate UFO sightings, there is still no hotline for pilots and others to report mysterious objects directly to the investigators.

NASA’s approach to UFOs appears remarkably unscientific. Their panel of scientists will listen to an expert say the most amazing things, and they will have no questions, and seem distracted and uninterested. Interesting.

Illinois Supreme Court upholds state’s assault weapons ban. On to the Supreme Court, and St Clarence of DC.

Gun sales for July 2023 have dropped 17.8% from July 2022. In truth, everyone is armed to the teeth at this point, so we may be reaching saturation. It is kind of reflected in prices. “July 2023 comes in fifth for total gun sales of all July numbers since 1999 and sixth in NICS background check numbers since 1999, which was the start of the NICS system.”

Police launch arson investigation into Ka‘? wildfire.

“In the last five years, the Hawaiian emergency alarm system mistakenly went off two different times, causing panic among residents but this week… there was never a warning to the community about the latest wildfires set ablaze on the island of Maui.”

“Hawaii had the world’s fanciest natural disaster warning system on the planet. It also had an ongoing firebug problem, and recent academic study warning that the place was very vulnerable to fire catastrophes… none of that figured in the government’s fire plan….  the fancy emergency warning system somehow didn’t work… Its governor says the problem is global warming.” Nobody knew who the firebug was, or was watching when he was lighting fires.

San Francisco Doom Loop tour charges $30 to see city’s ‘squalor.’ Reminds me of a previous article – “And over here on the sidewalk we have a clear plastic bag containing seven gallons of liquid feces.” Some dude was apparently saving all that up for months, for some reason, and then decided he didn’t want it and just left it tied off on the sidewalk. I have a folder on my computer of webms named ThingsThatOnlyHappenInChina, where it seems a goodly part of the country is basically a perfect blend – half amusement park ride, half method of violent execution. But it is getting to the point I will need a folder for the US now to document the weird shit here too.

FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried jailed in New York; judge says crypto mogul tampered with witnesses.

Threats against the president are not protected speech, but questions remain in Provo killing of man by FBI. Somebody was pointing out the numbers of assaults, robberies, thefts, crime, corruption, and treason, as BLM is basically burning cities to the ground with zero pushback, and this guy basically got shot for shitposting online.

Skittles faces backlash after it partners with GLAAD and puts ‘Black Trans Lives Matter’ on its packaging.

Millions of kids are missing weeks of school as attendance tanks across the US.

Rivian EV truck tires are lasting as little as 6,000 miles.

One in three Britons do not know ‘transgender women’ are biological males. There is a 4Chan joke about British women in there somewhere.

The Swedish government received a direct hotline to Facebook to remove “unreasonable things” and “problematic campaigns.”

Guam is set to gain as many as 20 new air defense sites packed with surface-to-air interceptors, radars, and more as part of a massive defensive upgrade plan.

Niger junta tells Nuland they will kill deposed President Bazoum if attacked.

YouTube has terminated the account of former US spy Scott Ritter and deleted all of his videos on the platform, with his videos flagged for ‘hate speech’ and taken down without prior warning or any specific examples of the offense.

“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the dismissal of the heads of all the country’s regional military recruitment centers on Friday amid concerns about corruption… with signs of professional abuse ranging from illegal enrichment to transporting draft-eligible men across the border despite a wartime ban.”

The Polish President said Kiev isn’t doing the West any favors & its counteroffensive has failed. Poland hates Russia. But even they hate Zelensky more.

Zelensky’s chiefs bought ‘luxury cars and Spanish villas’ while soldiers died on frontline. And not only do they not care, they think you would be stupid if you would care. This is who Cabal elevates, because their priorities are such that they can be controlled. And this machine is not off in far-off lands where you will never see it. It is right in your neighborhood, right down the street, in a car staged to drive through and check if anything seems strange on orders from the guy living three houses away. Because everything is about control, down to the granular level in society. And because you think differently from this, you need to be controlled.

Russia is creating a village for white South African refugees to escape black terrorism. Somebody was pointing out the statistics on these white South Africans, and they apply to Canada for asylum, they apply to Europe, and they almost all get denied. Who turns away people under that kind of threat? Meanwhile the countries are filling up with people from third world shitholes, and they are just handed papers. Russia really is the shining light in the darkness these days.

Budweiser area empty at Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. It is good because it shows that the Capitalist business system is no such thing, and there must be some hidden hand controlling these entities, and willing to sacrifice them to serve propaganda to the masses.

Archbishop Viganò reacts to Francis’ statements to a Spanish newspaper.

Trump leads Republican field in Iowa as DeSantis slides, Scott gains.

President Donald Trump is opening up with a 35-point lead in the Lone Star State, the latest CWS Research survey found.

Spread r/K Theory, because shining lights are rare these days

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Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

I ran across this video purporting to be a capital policeman warning fellow officers how undercover officers would be dressed. Listen to what he says,

“They will have a wristband. Their guns will have a candy stripe on the barrel…. I don’t know the wristband color, but they’ll have a wristband somewhere.”

Could it be that Jan. 6 they meant to have some gun fire? An incident that could explain them cracking down? Could it be the shooters chickened out, or could it be someone knew or suspected this and intercepted them?

If they did plan armed false flag shootings, then it ups the significance of Jan. 6 a good bit and would explain why they overreacted, as if there was a real shooting/uprising. The script was for there to be gunfire, but it didn’t happen, so they propagandize it that way no matter what the real circumstances. It’s in the script. Also would explain the stupid Negro shooting the girl. He was told to expect some sort of armed rebellion, and being a stupid Negro, figured he had to shoot someone. Assuming that shooting was not fake. Which it could very well be.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

It was fake.

Indigo Arc
Indigo Arc
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Yes. It was pretty obvious when the vids were looked at frame-by-frame.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

The shooting was fake.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

They are that stupid and unable to adapt.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

I was going to link to something on the Maidan Revoluton for this, and found that even on Yandex (!) all the links describe this obvious color revolution in glowing terms.

Fortunately, since I am a crack google searcher, I came up with this Kit Knightly/ Off Guardian article:

And yes, that is exactly what the script was for January 6th. Actually they tried this several times earlier. Something aborted it, so I’m not a “Q” person, there may be some sort of counter-cabal. They didn’t get the regime change they wanted, they got the Biden administration, which is slightly different, since they are still supposed to observe US constitutional norms.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

UKR really does seem to be the center of interest for Cabal (or I guess maybe the current top faction). Jan 6 had some UKR nationals involved too.

London is absolutely gung ho on UKR.

Myself, idk if the faction(s) wanting to pivot to attacking CHN are any better. Some might be, idk. It sure seems more rational than UKR. It’s still dumb considering our industrial base and the logistics and the state of our sub fleet…. But dumb isn’t bughouse insane.

1 year ago

Past my three score and ten, so I know what this will sound like. Plus, I have zero evidence.

The teens and twenties are the dumbest group of morons in America. Not just stupid, but venal and without character in that special way stupid people are venal and lack character.

And with my own special brand of stupidity, I wonder to what extent (if any) the deliberately inflicted inability to write cursive has degraded intelligence,

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

HAHHA people have been saying that since…forever. I can’t remember the exact words but there’s Greek authors in 500BC saying much the same.

Now I know this doesn’t fit your case, but, have you thought that people who say all the young people are dumb ONLY have people not smart enough to avoid those people saying they are dumb around them? All the young smart people see how they are and hang somewhere else.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

“It will implant forgetfulness in their souls. They will cease to exercise memory because they rely on that which is written, calling things to remembrance no longer from within themselves, but by means of external marks.”
I think as an whole the country is losing IQ, and not just by adding low IQ immigration. Education is being stifled by design. That said, it appears worse than it is because Idiocracy is being promoted in pop culture. I spent years in a different residential house daily. There are plenty of intelligent young people out there, they are ignored by the MSM currently.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

“[Hawii’s] governor says the problem is global warming.”


Nice try: Global warming would increase evaporation of ocean water surrounding the islands and result in more humid air. The current fires’ spread is being blamed in part on drier air as well as high winds from Hurricane Dora.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

Why would Donald Trump do that?

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

My wife, who once dated a Brit male, and I used to share the punchline, “Gay or English.” There’s very little distance between the two nowadays, especially in the Constabulary.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

Archie Bunker had it figured out a long time ago:
All in the family England is a fag country! – YouTube

1 year ago

‘Threats against the president are not protected speech, but questions remain in Provo killing of man by FBI.’

Too bad the pigs didn’t shoot Kathy Griffin for her stunt instead.

1 year ago

The Rivian is a pretty cool truck. 400hp to the tires. The article states the problem not so much the weight of the engine as the camber and alignment and I bet it is some kind of (dumb) braking process that tries to reclaim energy from the heat of braking in “Conserve” mode. As in, Conserve Mode increases enginne braking or breaking at the wheels to generate heat which is recaptured.

The styling has grown on me as well. And I am weirdly picky about car design.

And with the new rule that chargers are universal and brand agnostic is gonna be a big deal.

I understand that the coming EV mandates are meant to destroy our rotted out electrical infrastructure.

But honestly, I think this is some version of Graham’s “oh ok plebs, you overturned Roe? I’ll introduce a radical Federal Ban to e’ff your shit all up. Lol die in a fire heteros! Hahhaha” tactic.

I think Cabal hates electric cars (and nuclear power) but can’t stop their adaptation so they are going to make things as fucked up as possible by lunatic maximal mandated adaptation.

I like all energy forms. All of them. I’m betting that they all have best uses and none is the Holy Grail. Except maybe nuclear but that’s way down the road and maybe not even then.

Cabal is all about denying resources. They are against every form of energy and tech advance except surveillance and psyops. And I bet they’d prefer a low tech tactic over a high tech one. And destroyed the internet for the same reason they are destroying EVs and nuclear power and ICE engines.

Because clearly the internet got out of their control in the 90’s and early 00’s so they did what they do in these instances and made it a torture device because they can’t make it not a brilliant thing. Same same as AI (dumb dumb name). It’s fantastic and people are psyched for it so Cabal is like “oh ok plebs, how you like what we’ve done to your cool new toy/tool? It tortures you now! LOLO. Dumb plebs eat shit!”.

1 year ago

I suspect Zelenskyy’s cleaning house in the recruitment centers has morebto do with the coming universal mobilization than corruption because it’s UKR and that is why it exists. Prob putting fanatical Bandera-ites into those positions so the uptake is complete. UKR will have a million person army with enough equip and munitions and ammo for a 40k army. We might actually see the Ukies do the apocryphal “pick up the gun the guy in front of you dropped” CCCP and USSR tactic.

1 year ago

This vid made me laugh. Some Aussie doofus tries to light titanium on fire and intersperses it with rants about nukes on Mars and Recycling.

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
1 year ago

Thoughts and opinions? Farce? Phelps? AC? Is it Chino agitprop or hasbara?

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago


Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago


Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago

Virtuous Pagans gonna Virtue.
I would bet they are coordinating with our other enemies.

Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago

Just what it is on its face. Clumsy Chinese propaganda.

I am not crazy, but you may thin I am...
I am not crazy, but you may thin I am...
1 year ago

FYI: From darkness to light. It is a deception of the evil one according to Probablyalexandra (

In essence, whether you are talking about Satan or Lucifer, you are talking about the same entity. The occult views the move to light as a move from Satan to Lucifer (who masquerades as an angel of light). It is NOT God’s light though he may use their efforts to his own purposes, but the false light of Lucifer meant to deceive. “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14 KJV)

Being forewarned is forearmed. May God and Jesus Christ be with you, empowered by the Holy Spirit to resist the wiles of the evil one.

Weird goings on. If this is a duplicate, please delete.


Satan and Lucifer are simply NOT the same entity. The idea that Satan is Lucifer is a recent western european invention. Ancient luciferianism were not up to all kinds of wickedness. They weren’t satanists, nor were they into demonism.

You want a good example of luciferianism? Check out the Gothic Cathedrals. Churches used to be dark, dreary and dungeon like (Romanseque style.) Gothic cathedrals were designed specifically to “let the light in.” Dutch Enlightenment painting, typified by the works of Vermeer, are paintings of LIGHT. The Renaissance itself was when Luciferian, ancient greek, and other pagan notions re-entered the Western mind and the common factor was that they centered on light.

Luciferianism IS NOT the worship of a personality. It’s not about conjuring demons or wishing hexes on people or any of that bullshit.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Lol. 100% bullshit on stilts.

The Gothic Cathedral us Anselm’s Quo Majus Non Cogiatari made into stone. The arches and flying buttresses are to move the mind upwards towards GOD.

The Quo Majus is a koan that directs the mind toward greater and greater levels of Being and may someday trigger a “jump” to contemplation of GOD.

That is why the fluctuations and Newton’s Integrals come directly from Anselm. The Quo Majus integrates the area of Being in the Hierarchy of Being when done with the correct intent. And sometimes, it leads to a complete integration or epiphany. This is of course the full realization of the proof that GOD exists in reality.

Newton’s version integrates the area under a given curve by conceiving of a eries of rectangles placed beneath. Anselm integrates the Hierarchy of Being by conceiving of a series of Beings beneath GOD.

Descartes Cogito Ergo Sum, is of course an obv riff on Anselm’s Quo Majus. It is a perverse riff as it takes the eyes off Being and GOD and puts it onto the Ego. Not to mention all the talk of the “evil god” (demiurge).

It’s very amusing that Descartes says he failed after years of search for the Illuminati (so you know he def wasn’t one and def didn’t have secret adv knowledge defo I mean he said he failed, right?) and then as soon as he abandoned the search he was sitting by the fire and BANG!

The Gothic style and Gothic Cathedrals are absolutely pious and orthodox Christian theology put into stone.

And Luciferians are just midwits unknowingly LARPing as archaic peoples on the strings of con-men. No one knows what the archaic religions were about: not druidism, not pre-Homeric, not Egyptian or Atlantean. We only know their totally degenerate and distorted forms. Luciferianism is just a mishmash of made up crap and folklore.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Lucifinarianism = Pride

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Truth. Definitionally so.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Gothic cathedrals are the way they are because of innovation in architecture. Romanesque churches used the barrel vault method to create arches. But it had limitations on how big a space could be built before the structure became unstable. Gothic architecture developed flying buttresses to support the walls and this allowed for larger buildings. The refinement of stained glass techniques meant the gothic cathedrals had many more windows than the earlier Romanesque churches. Increased architectural knowledge led this, not a pagan worship of light.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The masons were responsible for these innovations long ago, and the Masonic order worships Satan for being the “bringer of knowledge” stemming from his corruption of Eve in the garden. All human organizations are destined for satanic corruption without constant refreshing by the teachings of Jesus Christ.

The poster you’re responding to is a committed masonic shill and Satan worshipper, and is incapable of viewing objective world history as you do, rather seeing it through the lens of his cult education. In his world loving Satan is good, God is the bad guy, and you’re a fool for disagreeing with that, but he will learn the error of his ways on judgement day.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

GOD gets the glory for everything good in his creation, whether Satan steals it and gives it to fools or not.

I am not crazy, but you may thin I am...
I am not crazy, but you may thin I am...
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

May God have mercy on your soul…

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

You are partly correct, and not so far from the truth on the Satan /Lucifer issue. Sad that so many otherwise intelligent and even wise people voted this comment down. Satan and Lucifer? Two different things. Lucifer was only mentioned once in the Bible, I think, and then by mistake, originally being the son of the Greek / Roman goddess of the dawn (was it?). Since I promised AC not to discuss the true identity of Satan, all I can say is that the devil has one even sneakier trick than making you think that he doesn’t exist! John Lamb Lash covers it pretty well in that book, “Not in His Image.” Otherwise, it is true that almost nothing is more retarded than Atheism. That doesn’t mean that the so-called and self-styled God of Abraham created all and everything and then set out one day to find a “Chosen People,” and he picked the Usual SuspectZ. I don’t think anybody alive knows the exact content of our old religions, since the Christians destroyed all such knowledge, along with those who Knew. One thing appears certain: all current “Western occultism” stems from Babylonian and Jewish…whatever you care to call it. None has anything to do with the Folk Faith of our people. Why do you think “Royalty” went along with burning harmless old herbal healers at the same time they were patronizing fakirs like John Dee and that sort. Wicca, by the way, has nothing to to with it either, being concocted by Freemasons after WWII to misdirect away from what certain folx in National Socialism had been finding out. Were the NS people right, then? I have no idea. What’s most important is that the Jews are wrong about their so called “God.” What about Jesus? Obviously Jesus is a Projection of all the good and fine qualities of the White people who were subverted into giving their value to him, wrapped around, as the Jews packaged him, the poison pill of their “Volcano Demon” or egregore, or whatever he or it is.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ghost Who Walks

While Lucifer and Satan are the same being. I am pretty sure Lucifer is his name before the Fall and Satan his name after. Lucifer was of course the chief Archangel.

Anselm said that Lucifer challenged God because he didn’t think God would punish him. God hadn’t ever punished anyone yet and is Love. So, Satan called his bluff thinking he couldn’t lose. Even if God stopped him, God wouldn’t punish him. Obv very very wrong.

In the (late) Grail saga of Parzival, the Holy Grail is fashioned from the stone which fell from Lucifer’s forehead at the Fall. It fell to earth and was preserved and then fashioned into whatever the Grail is.

Apparently, the Mason’s analogize Lucifer to Prometheus.

1 year ago

Unrelated to anything from today’s News Brief:
“An international team of scientists has described an ancient human fossil in China unlike any other hominin found before.It resembles neither the lineage that split to form Neanderthals, nor Denisovans, nor us, suggesting our current version of the human family tree needs another branch.”

We’ve talked about Melonheads, Neanderthals, and Homo Sapiens, so I wanted to post this here to add to the general pool of information in case it turns out to be useful later.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
Reply to  🌲🌲
1 year ago

“Out of Africa” is a fraud.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

I agree with this.

1 year ago

Two questions about the Lahaina fire:

  1. Where are the photos or videos of how it started?
  2. Who has any evidence of DEW usage?
I am not crazy, but you may thin I am...
I am not crazy, but you may thin I am...
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

There is a video of a tree burning it looks like it is burning from the inside out. Sorry, it was on a post talking about how all of the non-official videos of the fire have been suppressed. I didn’t make a not of where. Sorry.

1 year ago

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Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
I am not crazy, but you may thin I am...
I am not crazy, but you may thin I am...
1 year ago

Re: “Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the dismissal of the heads of all the country’s regional military recruitment centers on Friday amid concerns about corruption
Zelenskyy said a review of Ukraine’s recruiting centers revealed signs of professional abuse ranging from illegal enrichment to transporting draft-eligible men across the border despite a wartime ban.”

Two things: I guess he wasn’t getting his cut, especially on those paying to get out of the country, which has to be a premium and once this began to go public, he had to maintain the pretense by cracking down. Guarantee those going in as replacements will funnel the appropriate amount back to the big guy of Ukraine.

1 year ago

“Doctors are free to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID-19, a lawyer representing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said this week. “FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID,” Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA, said during oral arguments…”

Reporters are misreporting this one. (I know, you are shocked.) The takeaway isn’t that doctors can prescribe ivermectin. That flows out of the real point here — the FDA is prohibited from giving medical advice. The FDA decides what drugs are legal to sell, how they are legal to sell, and recommends what they be used on. They don’t get to tell a doctor how to do his job — period.
This is a much bigger point than just Ivermectin. This is also HCL and all the others. This also means that the FDA’s “you’re not a cow” shit was illegal, because that was the FDA giving the people medical advice.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Is any government org recommending you take a vaccine (my local fucking bus lines had the propaganda all over them, for example) considered them giving medical advice?

If they’re going to allow the takedown of the FDA for this, could there be an avenue to strike back at local powers for the same concept of illegally giving medical advice?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It is, and so are employers who require it and stores that demand it to enter.

1 year ago

Rivian EV truck tires are lasting as little as 6,000 miles.

This is just like with Tesla. Car guys make cars. Software guys write software. Don’t let software guys make your car. Car companies have decades or even centuries of institutional knowledge on how cars have to work. Software guys ship products full of bugs knowing “you can just reboot.” You can’t reboot your car and have it working like new again. That’s an idea that it is very difficult for them to internalize.
Tesla and Rivian are computer guys trying to make cars and trucks.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

You mischaracterize the reasons tires wear out faster. You’re saying the reason they have problems is they are software guys. Going by what you said we should never hear about any problems from the auto manufacturers. They never make mistakes? Never have blow outs that turn the cars over. Never have insufficient fuel tank protection that catch them on fire when hit? Never install cheap key switches that render the car inoperable when they fail? I could go on.

“…Rivians’ ride heights to improve their aerodynamics, and cuts power to their rear axles to make them front-wheel-drive. (Owners also claim their EVs automatically power down the rear axle above 35 mph in some driving modes.) Remember, that’s on a three-and-a-half-ton all-terrain truck that can make 835 horsepower in quad-motor configuration. In other words, it may be laying down up to 418 hp through the front axle…”

“…The NASCAR Cup Series runs two separate horsepower packages, 550hp and 750hp…”

How long do a set of tires last on a NASCAR series car?

Now I know the rubbers not the same, but given your overreaching characterization, it’s an apt comparison that’s just as valid. The toe in problem is on Rivian, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that being “software” guys is the problem.

“…Tesla cars use exceptionally good tires, which is especially important on electric cars. The average tire life of Tesla tires is 25,000 to 30,000 miles depending on road conditions and driving habits.
A 30,000-mile life expectancy is longer than the average tire because Tesla tires are made with higher-quality materials and stronger rubber than the average cheap production car tire.
In some cases, Tesla owners have reported longer Tire life than the factory expectations. This is likely because the cars were used on freshly paved roads and with mild acceleration…”

The key is “…with mild acceleration…”. Cars that haul ass wear out tires faster because people haul ass in them.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

“A 30,000-mile life expectancy is longer than the average tire because Tesla tires are made with higher-quality materials and stronger rubber than the average cheap production car tire.”
That’s pretty damn low from a mileage count compared to normal vehicles. There are specific ratings for treadwear, traction, temp, and speed for tires. 30 years ago, when I sold tires, 30,000 mile treadwear would have been the most garbage piece of shit tire on the rack OR would have been the highest price sports car tire. The treadwear on viper tires, for example, were horrible. This is without considering the lead foot driving the viper.
You can easily get 60-80,000 mile factory warranty for standard passenger car tires. IMO, it just ups the total cost of ownership of car. No different than a truck or performance car.

1 year ago

Niger junta tells Nuland they will kill deposed President Bazoum if attacked.

I lold. I would have loved to see that cunt’s face when she heard.
Reminds me of this.

1 year ago

Does Utah LE have the balls to arrest the FBI shooter for murder? Or for some form of criminal homicide?

Does the Utah DA have the balls to present this homicide to a grand jury?

Do the residents of Utah have the balls to demand a grand jury presentation?

This is what needs to happen, IMO.

1 year ago

A week or two ago, someone had a comment with a NASA plane in Toronto flying low, maybe spraying something. I have just had the same stupid NASA817 plane fly low, about 1,000 ft – this has happened multiple times in past 2 weeks and it is so unsettling when they fly over, Very very loud when they are that low. Story is supposedly a project called STAQS where NASA uses planes to measure air quality vs ground and satellite data (if I am understanding this) for multiple cities: Chicago, Detroit, Toronto, NYC, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, LA. But they do loops beyond those metro areas also and have flown through Wisconsin and Ft Wayne IN as well. NASA link on STAQS
Doing a search on adsbexchange for “NASA” shows 3 planes up in the area now, but generally only over the Chicago area, originates near Dayton. they fly a grid pattern for several hours and loop over the same area repeatedly, then return to Dayton,
any comments on whether this is a reasonably possible explanation (measuring air quality)? Or is it more likely that there is something else going on? Just getting more uneasy the more times the plane flies low right over my house

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I’d bet that something else is going on even if they are alos doing the air quality thing.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Thanks for the replies. I have been asking myself, why am I spending time thinking about this since there is likely nothing I can do about it. But after reflecting, it seems like getting air samples near a dc8’s engines (esp. when it flies tight circles) would probably contaminate the samples, so why are they using a jet vs weather balloons or something like that. And why these cities, if looking at air pollution it seems like Phoenix would have been included but what do I know.
I guess I will just file it away as a weird thing that might become relevant some time in the future.

1 year ago

Yes, vaccines cause nearly all cases of SIDS. Watch anything by Dr. Paul Thomas, such as this:
The whole vid is excellent, particularly his graphs comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated rates of chronic disease; the SIDS part starts at 5:03
Also, the books “Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History” by Suzanne Humphries MD & Roman Bystrianyk (2013)
“Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth” by Anonymous & Zoey O’Toole  (2022)
will enlighten you to a whole lot of problems with vaccines and their (very) checkered history. Both my kids were, I now believe, vaccine injured. Two for two. The Japanese started following the FDSA vaccine schedule, started seeing a lot of problems, pushed it back by two years (the first shot given around the toddler’s 2nd birthday) and most of the SIDS and other problems went away.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I don’t think it’s so much “test dummies” as “sheep to be sheered.” The make us sick, then sell us the treatments (not actual cures, just treatments). I can’t swear to the numbers, but I’ve read that Pharma makes 50B on vaccine sales, and 500B on sales for treatments for chronic conditions caused by vaccine injuries. One example and point:
Not a single vaccine on the FDA childhood vaccine schedule has ever been tested against an entirely unvaccinated control. It “wouldn’t be ethical to not let them get the protection of all the vaccines,” simply assuming their safety and efficacy. They always use either an alternately vaccinated control, or kids given an injection of the vaccine carrier (no “active ingredient,” but all the other things like aluminum, mercury, dyes, adjuvants, with (usually) peanut oil as the primary solvent). Now, what could possibly go wrong if you inject a newborn with a cocktail of things to hyper-stimulate the immune system (adjuvants) and peanut oil? An explosion in peanut allergies, perhaps? Nah, that’s impossible, right? I mean, then they’d have to carry epi-pens everywhere, right? And be super-careful about everything they eat, right? etc.
I used to be cautiously positive about vaccines in general. What I’ve seen, read, and learned in the last five years has made me hard-core anti-vaccine in humans, and mostly with animals too, with occasional case-by-case exceptions.

Reply to  Rn
1 year ago

Eran Elhaik argues that circumcision is also responsible for a great number of SIDS.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Yeah yeah, but there are 2 problems with that: 1) she’s a woman, and women can’t write worth a chicken-fried turd 2) that **particular** woman loves the sound of her own ‘voice.’ She’ll never use a hundred words when she can write 10,000.

Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

lol – true – lol

1 year ago

This song has gone viral; 3 days old and almost 5 million views. Nothing explodes like this unless it is intended and permitted to. Seems like a classic case of cooling the mark; an attempt to make our side feel heard, but without actually doing or changing anything. Just pressure release valve. The message is basically “the NWO is here and it sucks and so does everything else, but we deal with it.” Also first line is “I’ve been selling my soul.”

Reply to  Rob
1 year ago

I think the song is great. And the line about ‘selling my soul’ is hackneyed but it fits. The whole thing is dead on. And he even talks about surveillance. It’s a song about the outrage we all feel toward Cabal.

He’s got a v nuce guitar too.

Reply to  Rob
1 year ago

He symbolizes Esau.

1 year ago

“Hawaii alarm system real good at false alarms, makes not a peep in the recent fires” “Whoops!” “Whoopsie!” “Mistakes were made! These things happen! No one is to blame!”

“‘Government’, after all, is simply a word for the things that we choose to do together!” – FDR, sometime in the middle of the Depression that he intentionally made infinitely worse

1 year ago

Turkey had another earthquake. Very councidental with proposed meetings with Orban and then Putin. They also had a huge grain silo get targeted.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

AKGuy is running for Congress. FFL07 to Youtuber to politician.

Maybe I oughta run for office in Oregon…. just search out my Gab account and you’ll get the joke.

Brandon Herrera – I’m Running For Congress

1 year ago


Last edited 1 year ago by Bman
1 year ago

‘Political Motivated Persecution’: Ramaswamy Says He Is Open To Hunter Biden Pardon

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Ramaswamy is a Vishnu-Come-Lately.

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

What a tool!

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

still wondering how he’s even a thing

1 year ago

Congress Approves Gun Control Bill—Biden To Sign Into Law

KEY FACTSThe bill includes enhanced background checks for gun buyers under 21, a new federal grant program to encourage states to enact red-flag laws and the creation of a federal statute banning gun trafficking.
Fourteen Republicans joined all 220 House Democrats in voting to pass the bill.
Cheers erupted among Democrats after the vote closed, with several members hugging each other on the House floor.
President Joe Biden has vowed to sign any “commonsense” gun control legislation into law.

1 year ago

Will Skittles now use the Hunter Biden dick pic in a marketing campaign?

Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

might as well.

1 year ago

Watched “Wargames” movie the other day. Remember how AC has said we all have a file…..
When the fbi, general berenger, mckitrick, etc are talking about how matthew broderick broke in…..the fbi guy goes right to the dossier they have on him…

“He does fit the profile perfectly. He’s intelligent, but an underachiever. Alienated from his parents. Has few friends. Classic case for recruitment by the soviets.”

So they tested him outside of just grades.
They are monitoring his home life.
They are monitoring his social circle.

They just rub our faces in it, don’t they?

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

Notice the computer is an AI(40 years ago) and offers emotional responses similar to the recent talking heads. The PTB are way ahead of what they show us; rumers of actual androids amongst us may not be as far fetched as we would suppose.

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

“That motherfucker is not real”
— Tiffany Gomas

Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

never mix clonazepam with alcohol

1 year ago

9/11 survivor apartments….
Why would anyone who survived that shit want to live in a building full of demolition charges hooked to the superstructure?
Oh, John’s getting a little lippy about 9/11…..3-2-1-boom….problem solved.

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

yikes; you’re right…

1 year ago

Electric truck.
Who the fuck is the customer?
The vast majority of people who buy trucks do stuff with them like pull 40 foot snowmobile trailers in -20 below zero farenheit weather let alone the wind chill. How long will the batteries last in that weather…30 mins?

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

I’m pretty sure that the average American truck owner isn’t nearly so adventurous. But likes to think of himself that way. Most truck owners I know are just average Americans with an average job doing normal commutes. The most ridiculous vehicles on the planet.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

not true

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Everyone single one i know hauls with it.
No garage queens

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

Wait till the Green DOD mandates electric tanks.

1 year ago

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

you can all go home now. the internet has done been WON

1 year ago

Did anyone already send you this? From Denver?
@TheGreenOldDill first noticed it/posted it on X (Twitter)
Okay – I guess the news link is from 2015 – but the person above saw one today.
So you can ignore the news article link – someone replied to him with that

Last edited 1 year ago by Tracy