News Briefs – 08/12/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Vox Day’s site was deplatformed by Google, and is now back up, backed up with all his old posts, at He has said they have been ready for this day for over a decade. I didn’t understand Vox using google’s service before, but I suspect I do now.

Wisconsin Governor tells counties to ignore subpoenas for House election audits. It is the Legislature’s duty to oversee elections under the Constitution, so the Governor is directly thwarting the Constitution’s authority.

Dominion Voting Systems’ defamation lawsuits against the attorneys Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani and MyPillow and its CEO Mike Lindell can move forward, a federal judge ruled Wednesday. They have to win by exposing the conspiracy, because everything is rigged.

Some of what I caught from Lindell’s symposium yesterday:

Joe Oltmann, the Tech executive who described hearing Dominion executive Eric Coomer say he had made sure Trump would never win in November, and who said publicly Coomer had extensive ties to Antifa, was at Lindell’s Tech symposium, and briefly told his story. He began by saying people should have no doubt, there is a massive hidden organization in this country that has taken everything over, and it works, in his words, “exactly like the Mafia.” He said when Coomer sued him, the Colorado Court system mysteriously dropped the case in Denver, the bluest district in the state, despite the fact nobody involved lives in Denver, and Denver has nothing to do with the case. He said the original Judge noted the anti-SLAPP laws of the state would not allow Coomer’s lawyers to depose Altmann or conduct discovery before the initial hearing on the case, so they could not go fishing for details and force Oltmann to have to hire an expensive attorney before he had a chance to get the lawsuit dismissed. That judge quickly got replaced with a new Judge who had marched at Antifa rallies and contributed profusely to Democrats, and that judge, out of the blue in contravening the prior judge and the current case law, before the trial even started, sent notice to counsels out of the blue that she was open to ignoring the anti-SLAPP caselaw and allowing Coomer’s attorneys to go fishing with a deposition of Oltmann before the initial hearing. Oltmann’s attorney, in talking with the judge on a phone conference, argued Oltman should not have to reveal the name of the Antifa member who let him sit in on the phone call with Coomer, because that Antifa member would be killed, to which the judge replied, “I guess we are going to see.” Everything you have believed about this country – about freedom, about the rule of law, about the Constitution and what it guaranteed you, about what opportunities you had to succeed and what fields you were allowed to operate freely in, even the privacy you were guaranteed in your own home – everything was a lie. They told you this lie, because if they did not, they would face the most heavily armed, and violence-capable population on earth in violent conflict, and you might just take those freedoms and rights by force. And now the lie is collapsing.

Another significant part of Lindell’s morning presentations was a vet who pointed out that to these people this was just stealing a few votes, and changing an election outcome. But the reality was this process of voting was something that millions of American servicemen had fought for, and often died for overseas. And these people were just destroying it after that unimaginable sacrifice had been paid in the blood of patriots.

Code Monkey, Ron Watkins, came in with a forensic image of a voting machine from Mesa County Colorado, which they looked at with experts in real time for the first time. They very quickly determined it had connected to the internet, logs were wiped, and the MYSQL database server logs, which would have recorded any monkeying with results for elections going back to 2019, were wiped. There was more on the machine, but they said it would take weeks to go through all the logs that hadn’t been deleted, and they were just cracking it open there to see what would jump out at them. The review stopped when Ron’s lawyer supposedly told him he needed to stop the review. But you never know. Military intel could have been in his earpiece and told him to say that and stop.

Lindell said he would plead with journalists to cover the voting scandal because it is their country too. None of these guys seem to grasp the journalist’s position, or at least they will not give voice to it. Just as this site was at the cutting edge with the idea of the vast majority of advertising as money laundering, or massive illegal surveillance of the citizenry being ongoing at the individual level, or our courts being rigged by a shadowy intelligence operation that took them over by placing agents in critical positions, or our country being corrupted by a massive intelligence operation looking for blackmail on everyone, or our elections probably being rigged, we will give voice to the real mechanism behind the media here for the newbies who have not yet seen this material.

Journalists are often making a solid six figures, for a job which is not economically viable in the real world. And some times they are making seven or eight figures. Nothing remotely like that kind of salary can exist absent this conspiracy. Nobody pays for news – we all get it for free from all of these outlets. And the vast majority of the advertising, which covers just a small fraction of the costs of these operations, is just money laundering from the conspiracy which produces no additional sales for the vast, vast majority of the advertisers. Moreover, the job of news reporter, or news anchor is a job that is desirable beyond the salary, and there are no shortage of journalism majors who would kill for such opportunities. It entails fame and authority, and thus there is a vast mass of poor, unknown reporters and aspiring news anchors who would do it for a fraction of the salary that current anchors and reporters are being paid, and many, many, would do it just as competently. If the system were honest, why would any news organization pay a reporter like David Muir seven or ten million dollars per year or a one like George Stephanopoulos $15 million per year, when they could have a young, intelligent, attractive woman with a pleasant personality, who would do it for $70,000 a year? The only way the ast, vast majority of reporters you see get their jobs, and get paid the ridiculous amounts you see them get paid, is if the conspiracy launders massive quantities of funds taken from what it gathers from the government and private sector, amounts far beyond what any news organization would ever earn, and routes that funding to these news organizations expressly in return for their use as propaganda outlets, and then places these compromised reporters in their jobs specifically for the purposes of pushing the conspiracy’s propaganda. And the reporters know this. By the time you see them on TV, just about all have been running illegal surveillance on regular citizens, or doing other work for the domestic intelligence organization, which has proven their loyalty to the machine. By then, they know all about the conspiracy that is paying their bills, and their need to be loyal to it to keep the money flowing into their bank accounts. No conspiracy means no budget for their news operations, and no jobs for them. They would have to compete for pocket change with all the other plebes. So no reporter is going to be swayed by Lindell’s pleas. I’ll make a new prediction, based on what is now a crystal clear trajectory. Well within four years at the outermost boundary, the surveillance will be exposed and dismantled, and people will be shocked by the truth. I only place it so far out as there will be a lot to dismantle throughout all of government, it is not impossible it will have to happen violently in some ways – and now even I see the importance of fixing the elections first. This might be the biggest happening in the history of mankind.

Seth Keshel then gave a presentation with ten irrefutable points indicating he is correct about there being 8 million conjured Biden votes nationally, but first he revealed live that he was just told the Texas Audit bill will have the full endorsement of Governor Greg Abbott. His ten points were:

1      19 Bellwether counties are perfect predictors of election outcomes, Trump won all 19 in 2016, and he won 18 of 19 in 2020, even with the fraud, but still lost.

2     Bellwether states Iowa North Carolina,  Ohio, and Florida, since 1896, were perfect bellwethers, and Trump won them all in 2020, but all were wrong for the first time.

3     Share of Primary votes and high turnout is an accurate predictor of Presidential outcomes. Hoover, Carter, Ford And Bush all lost reelections, and all had a low level of support in their primaries of the mid 50% range, indicating if your base doesn’t like you, you tend to lose. On the contrary, Eisenhower (86%), Nixon (87%), and Reagan (98%) all had high primary support, and went on to reelection.  Trump had 94%. Presidential candidates with a support level over 72.8% have never been defeated until Trump.

4     Since 1892, no incumbent President has gained votes and not been re-elected. Before then, some Presidents gained votes but lost due to new states entering the Union. Trump gained 10.1 million new votes, a massive amount, but lost.

5     Voter registration by party trends are the most accurate predictor of the ensuing election’s trajectory, as far back as records are available. Parties which make gains in registration will do the best as it reflects enthusiasm. Trump won in 2016, after small increases in registration prior to it which represented an electorate unsure of him.  Between 2016 and 2020, GOP registrations skyrocketed, and there were 242,000 new Republican registrations, vs 12,000 new Democrat registrations just in Pennsylvania. Going county by county in four counties, York, Butler, Luzerne, and Westmoreland, he showed that the actual numbers for Biden were much higher than the new registrations would indicate. In Michigan, statewide, he showed the same, and he showed it also held in Macomb county. Then he showed Florida, North Carolina, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico were all the same.

6.   US House Elections reflect Presidential performance. Reagan gained House seats in both 1980 and 1984 and won, and Obama did the same in 2008. However in 2020, Democrats lost 13 seats in the House, despite Biden winning.

7     Florida is an excellent predictor, going back to 1932 because its demographics mirror the nation overall and it has a huge hunk of electors. Trump won Florida, but lost the nation.

8.     Trump posted record vote increases in states he won in 2016, except for the critical ones Biden needed.188,000 votes was the record gain in Maricopa County until Trump. Trump gained 248,000 new votes, a record,, but Biden improbably won 338,000 new votes in Maricopa County, to beat Trump’s gains. In Georgia, five rural GOP counties, Forsyth, Hall, Cherokee, Paulding, and Covington. gained tremendous votes for the Democrats in 2008, but Romney bombed in 2012. Trump then raised it slightly in 2016 and managed to win, but did not raise it by much. But then in 2020, Trump made a 24% gain in total registrations in all five counties, but still lost. Democrat gains in Democrat strongholds were as follows – Cuyahoga, 4%, Bronx, 1%, Manhattan, 3% , Cook County, IL 6% , and Chicago IL, 7%. He compared this to four Trump counties which were as high as 48% gains, and yet Trump lost. He showed the same in Texas counties, where Biden gained almost nothing but Trump skyrocketed his totals in GOP strongholds, yet Trump lost nationally.

9.   Trump gained the greatest GOP share of non-white Vote since 1960. Nixon got the highest non-white vote in 1960, at 32%, but Trump won at least 26%, but probably much more, of the non-white vote, with 40+% of the Hispanic vote for Trump. Yet he lost.

10.    Avoidance of audits. Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Colorado are all fighting audits, despite large margins for Biden, which should be difficult to overturn and produce audits showing honest elections. Yet they are fighting them tooth and nail.

Hunter Biden is seen in unearthed footage telling a prostitute that Russian drug dealers stole another of his laptops for blackmail while he was close to overdosing in a Vegas hotel room, adding, “The Russians have videos of me doing crazy f***ing sex!” Bear in mind, this statement was made in the course of another sex video, presumably which was not on the last laptop Giuliani acquired, not on the laptop the feds grabbed up that is described in the article, and not on the laptop he is saying the Russians stole since he is talking about that one on this one, so the existence of this tape may mean he had a fourth laptop with sex videos on it he lost possession of, and this is from that laptop. Also, there is zero chance a prominent US politician’s son meets with foreign drug dealers, and the government of their country isn’t on top of them and coercing cooperation in setting him up. He could very well have woken up next to a dead, eviscerated girl, like the Senator in the Godfather, in a Russian controlled brothel. And note the initial incongruity, where he is a guy who is an uber target of multiple surveillance operations, operating at the top of the political pyramid, and yet when he bangs a prostitute he sets up his laptop camera to videotape it, and then in the course of the session, he pours his heart out about embarrassing things which happened to him which incriminate him in yet other quasi-criminal compromizations. I rarely tell anyone anything, let alone go pouring my heart out to anyone, let alone a hooker. I literally have disconnected microphones from motherboards on my laptops, and covered all the cameras, on my laptops and phones, front and back, in tape. I have one laptop I disconnected the speakers, because they can supposedly get the speaker voltages and use their capacitors as microphones on some laptops. Yet here Hunter is, setting up the laptop with its mic enabled, so his surveillance can watch him and listen. Put it together with Ed Buck, drugging and raping tied-up homeless dudes, and stopping in the middle of it when his neighbor calls and says to him he noticed he hasn’t taken his medication, or drunk enough water, and he should get a drink. There was a supposed spook once on 4Chan who ended his AMA by saying Gavin Newsom was getting ready to fuck some young girl, and they were all about to go and watch. I thought it weird a LARP would end his AMA that bizarrely, but now I wonder if he wasn’t a LARP, and part of the deal is Newsom has to set up his laptop camera, connect to WiFi, and let them video him banging strange women behind his wife’s back, as a sign of his compliance and subservience to the machine. There is no telling how weird this thing is, or how intrusive the surveillance really is at the highest levels.

From CodemonkeyZ’s (Ron Watkin’s) Telegram“I have a security+ certification and 23+ years in IT/IS professionally, 35 years total. That screenshot CMZ posted is a script to disable security features on windows and apply an unsecure “group policy” to the windows system that ‘dehardens” it (eg: removes security settingSs) — included is a setting that exposes remote logon and file sharing vulterabilities by removing certificate-validation (untrusted logon sources) for file-share, remote-desktop and remote administration (RPC). This setting is ONLY needed for network connected systems – and, the setting itself creates a system vulnerability highly targeted by hackers for remote exploits (rootkits, code execution, machine reconfiguration, file sharing access, etc) It then stops and starts sql server. The group policy file referenced is unknown (eg: no sample provided by CMZ), but based on the script ffile comments it likely does other things that remove security features… I can also tell you that considering machine configurations are included with “certified” election systems, that running this would contramand that regulatory requirement (no config changes without audit trail and oversight) and unless those scripts / components are listed in the certification as “allowed, for approved maintenance operations” they are rogue and their presence (even absent execution) would decertify the system.”

Dan Crenshaw tells Republicans ‘Don’t kid yourself’ into believing Trump won, ‘absolutely not’ a stolen election. Sure. The guy who filled stadiums lost to Biden, who couldn’t turn up a single person to his first joint appearance with Harris. By their fruits ye shall know them. I’m most surprised he is so dumb as to say this. It almost seems more plausible he is setting himself up as moderate on Trump’s orders, so he can turn and swing moderates with him, than he would be this stupid. But who know. If he is in office, there is a very high degree likelihood he is Cabal.

Bolsonaro fails in bid to change voting system & mandate paper ballots in Brazil’s elections.

A while back, Nick Fuentes received 13.5 bitcoin. The official story was, some French kid who was dying dumped all his bitcoin into personalities he liked before he cashed out by committing suicide. But then another rumor came out, claiming that was just a cover story, and in reality, the Bitcoins were some sort of covert payoff to Fuentes from a shadowy group he was supposed to serve as a propagandist for, and as part of the deal, Fuentes was supposed to pass on something like ten or eleven coins, divided up among various other servants of the shadowy group as laundered payoffs, but he decided fuck it, and he was going to hang on to all the bitcoins. I forget the sources, I think Enty at CDAN was the source of the rumor but I’ll never find it tonight. Anyway, when I read it, I wondered what would happen if Fuentes had fucked over Cabal on the deal, and if we would see anything interesting come of it. Now this story here, says, “Fuentes noted that days later he noticed his credit card was declined for a subscription he signed up for. After checking his bank account, he found that his balance went from almost half a million dollars the day before, to zero dollars. “I went through my transaction history and I saw a legal order that subtracted my entire bank balance,” Fuentes said. “Both my credit cards and my entire checking account were frozen… Because of the war on terror, because of the Patriot Act, because of how the federal government operates, they really can do whatever they want to whoever they want, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” Fuentes was also recently banned from flying on U.S. airlines by the United States Government, put on the official no-fly list, and permanently banned from Twitter following his attendance at the Trump speech on January 6th.

Now I am thinking, he really did think he could fuck over Cabal. The credit card cancellation is straight out of the movie Enemy of the State. It is a good example of how there are no rules. One of the most famous Mayors of one of the biggest cities publicly delivers graphic video we have all seen, of Hunter Biden molesting his underaged niece while smoking crack with her, to the State PD and the FBI, and nothing can be done by anybody, even though this underaged girl is presumably still in being molested. Biden actually drags her along with him on his Presidential campaign despite her embarrassment, so nobody can ask about the video, for fear of embarrassing her right next to him. And then they rig the election to put that callous reprobate in office. Meanwhile Fuentes probably never broke any law, and he is just fucked in every which way with absolutely no legal justification for it. You can see why I concluded this thing is reaching apogee, and about to come crashing back down. It cannot go on like this much longer and maintain the secrecy needed to survive.

A California surfing school owner who was charged with killing his two children, a 2 year old son and a 6 month old daughter, in Mexico, is a follower of QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories who thought the children “were going to grow into monsters so he had to kill them.” He claimed his wife was a reptilian, and her reptilian DNA would cause them to grow into reptilians too so he had to kill them.

Prince Andrew dashes to Balmoral to see Queen hours before bombshell lawsuit accuses him of ‘rape in first degree.’

Emails show Navy’s ‘UFO’ Patents went through significant internal reviews, and resulted in a demo. Interest intensifies.

Senate passes $3.5 trillion partisan budget plan, clearing the way for sweeping government expansion.

US budget deficit through July hit $2.54 Trillion.

White House to call on OPEC to boost oil production as gasoline prices rise. Purposely trying to make us dependent of other nations.

Citizenship requirement will be waived for many L.A. County government jobs. Most of those non-citizens were brought in because they were assets of this conspiracy on the ground overseas for years, and proved their loyalty. Now they will get put in government.

Biden won’t release Delaware visitor logs despite 17 trips home.

Biden’s DHS is refusing to disclose where in the U.S. illegal aliens are being sent. Because they are being sent to all the conservative states having massive Chinavirus outbreaks. He is hoping to kill all the older Trump supporters in places like Florida with new variants, force more vaccines on people there to take them out with adverse reactions, and then replace them with illegals voting fraudulently in the next election.

Forty percent of migrants released in Texas border city test positive for COVID-19, officials say.

CDC considers 12 of the 13 most vaccinated countries a travel risk. If only a pattern would emerge as we sift through all this data.

EU drugs regulator investigating possible new adverse effects from Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines. Skin reactions and kidney disorders

Fake Russia vaccine cards emerge on Telegram for $100. Offered by real nurses who will dump a vial and enter its serial number with your name in the official Russian register. And it is a Russian document, reflecting an official Russian government status. Do any legal eagles know if there is any legal issue with presenting it as evidence of vaccination in the US, as you are not forging an official US government document? I would just say, “I am in the official Russian government register as vaccinated.”

Florida hospitals overrun as state fights one of worst Covid outbreaks in U.S.

Israel and Australia report 95-99% of the hospitalized are fully vaccinated.

PhDs are the highest percentage of vaccine hesitant among education levels.

Adolescents 12+ may consent to receive the Pfizer vaccine.

Hawaii reimposes COVID-19 restrictions despite a seven-day average of zero deaths from the virus.

CDC urges all pregnant or breastfeeding women to take Covid jab. This really feels like satan has the wheel with these people. There is no reason for this, beyond a true, malevolent evil that hates the most innocent of children.

FDA knew all along, going back to December of 2020, there would be many COVID cases among the fully vaccinated—and buried that knowledge.

French Virologist and Nobel Prize Winner Luc Montagnier contends that “it is the vaccination that is creating the variants.”

MIT & Harvard study suggests mRNA vaccine might permanently alter DNA after all. When I said this was possible however long ago it was, that there were tons of mechanisms we didn’t know about, and burning mRNA into DNA could easily be one of them, given there are a couple of ways it could be advantageous and a few ways it might happen, the establishment would have derided the idea, even though it was the cautious, “do no harm” view to take. So now some of these people may be permanently turning out Spike protein (as well as lesser amounts of Spike Protein mRNA which I bet escapes into the blood in small quantities). And it gets better. If one of the very low percentage  of their cells that gets transfected and has the Spike Protein, or just an active motif off it, encoded in their DNA, and capable of being translated into protein, is a gamete, and that gene makes it into a sperm or egg, then any offspring produced with that DNA will produce the toxic spike protein in every cell of their body, in massive quantity overall. I have no idea what that would do to the baby, but if I had to guess I would assume it would be a spontaneous abortion. The real question is what happens when the mother has a small baby in her womb about to die, her immune system is all fucked up and less able to reject foreign protein motifs because of changes associated with pregnancy designed to prevent rejection of a separate human being she is bearing, and that baby is producing a toxic spike protein in large quantity which may or may not be passing through her placenta and into her blood, and which has ACE-2 receptor activity, and was designed as a vaccine. It comes together to indicate a mechanism by which unvaxxed women attempting to bear the children of vaxxed men could end up sterilized by a doomed fetus that is genetic poison inserted right into her womb, and triggering an auto-immune reaction. Again, just technically possible if you look at the mechanism of the system. We could be seeing the effect of this on two generations, and not just one, and associating with the vaxxed could do you in.

Biden Covid advisor promises National Vaccine passport system in 3.5 weeks.

French COVID-19 centers hit by anti-vaccine vandalism. The sad part is, I think Cabal likes everyone taking sides on this issue and attacking each other. The truth is, we shouldn’t give a fuck if people decide to take the vax and endure the personal risks, or wear the masks, and they shouldn’t care if we are willing to risk personal infection absent vaccination, or prefer to not wear the mask and take responsibility for what happens, given they are protected. But somehow they have managed to make it so people who decide to grasp at every personal protection for themselves hold those who who don’t in utter contempt, and those who are totally unaffected by others wearing masks or taking vaccines are offended by those who do. And Cabal is all too happy to fan the flames with mandates, demands, and propaganda.

News of India’s defeat of the Delta variant using early Ivermectin intervention should be common knowledge, yet, for some reason, we are not allowed to talk about it.

Even Dems want the Mario Cuomo bridge changed back to the Tappan Zee. There must be more coming out with Cuomo, and they fear it will taint them. Maybe the nursing home COVID death scandal.

Mother of Chicago cop killers gets arrested at hospital while attacking Police Officers on duty outside her son’s room.

Ignoring a sacred ritual, First Deputy Police Supt. Eric Carter infuriated officers gathered  to give their slain colleague, Ella French, a final send-off, when he impatiently declared, “We don’t have 20 minutes for this shit,” and demanded the Chicago Fire Department ambulance bearing French’s body be taken directly into the medical examiner’s office, skipping the Emerald Society’s traditional playing of bagpipes. “We’re not waiting on the bagpipes. Go ahead and get the vehicle inside. Take it all the way inside. Do not stop,” he was caught saying on a recording.

For the second time in less than a week a Border Patrol agent came under fire in El Paso from the Mexican side of the Border.

The National Security Agency has awarded a secret cloud computing contract worth up to $10 billion to Amazon Web Services, so it can place all its intelligence up on Amazon’s cloud.

Preorders for this electromagnetic rifle are being taken for $3,775. It has about the same foot pounds of energy as a 22 short.

Police in Switzerland have threatened to stop enforcing COVID-19 rules over fears that the measures are disproportionately undermining the fundamental rights of citizens.

In a late night vote on Tuesday, the US Senate passed an amendment that prohibits federal funds from going to pre-K programs and K-12 schools that teach critical race theory.

Wyoming GOP leaders say they no longer recognize Liz Cheney as a party member.

Announced retirement of 12-term Democrat Representative helps GOP push toward House majority in 2022. Rep Ron Kind.

Even the Express notes leftist poll FiveThirtyEight has found “Joe Biden’s popularity PLUMMETS in telling new poll as concerns for America’s future grow.”

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here. You can also get more statements via email by signing up here.


Fox doesn’t understand that it is missing a rating bonanza by not covering the 2020 Election Fraud, the Crime of the Century, which is being exposed throughout many states on a daily basis. They are also doing a disservice to our Country. People have turned them off!


Good morning, America! While you were all sleeping, the Radical Democrats advanced a plan that will be known as the $3.5 trillion Communist Plan to Destroy America. This legislation is an assault on our Nation, on our communities, and on the American Dream.

It destroys our Borders and the rule of law by granting dangerous amnesty that will flood America’s beautiful cities. It will overwhelm our schools, and make our Nation less safe. It raises taxes like we have never seen, while also making many things you buy everyday more expensive (gas, groceries, and much more). And don’t forget the crazy Green New Deal. America, you are being robbed in the dark of night. It’s time to wake up!


Wow, the Governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, was booed off the stage Saturday at a Georgia Republican Party event. They wouldn’t let him speak. It is amazing how the people get what happened in Georgia, and elsewhere! The election was rigged, and everybody knows it. Kemp refused to call a Special Session of the Legislature, and did absolutely nothing. Now our Country is going to hell!


I spoke to the wonderful mother and devoted husband of Ashli Babbitt, who was murdered at the hands of someone who should never have pulled the trigger of his gun. We know who he is. If that happened to the “other side,” there would be riots all over America and yet, there are far more people represented by Ashli, who truly loved America, than there are on the other side. The Radical Left haters cannot be allowed to get away with this. There must be justice!


Congratulations to Governor Mike Parson of Missouri for having the courage to give Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCloskey a full pardon. They were defending their property and if they had not done what they did, their property would have been completely destroyed and they would have been badly beaten, or dead—great going Mike!

Spread r/K Theory, because truth will always out.

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Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
3 years ago

‘Dan Crenshaw tells Republicans ‘Don’t kid yourself’ into believing Trump won, ‘absolutely not’ a stolen election’

Remember a few years back when SNL did a segment mocking Mr Eye Patch Man’s eye-patched eye, after which they conspicuously had him on the show a short time later to apologise for the offensive segment? Yeah, that was Cabal (a) setting up their agent as a patriot in the eyes of Trump supporters (coz leftists were attacking him) and (b) ensuring their agent got a lot of publicity and sympathy in the MAGA movement in order to amplify his future effectiveness as a Cabal agent. Yep, Mr Eye Patch Man is Cabal through and through.

‘A while back, Nick Fuentes received 13.5 bitcoin. The official story was, some French kid who was dying dumped all his bitcoin into personalities he liked before he cashed out by committing suicide’.

Like Mr Eye Patch Man, Fuentes is also a Cabal agent, focussing on the alt-right demographic (whereas Mr Eye Patch Man’s specialises in the normie conservative demographic). Remember the stoush he had with Ben Shapiro (bete noir to alt-righters) a while back outside some conservative conference? That also got a lot of publicity, not just in alt-right social media circles, but also in the MSM. If any more proof is required that this ‘stoush’ was a staged Cabal psy-op, note that several days later the can was still being conspicuously kicked down the road via commentary and retweets on the incident by very high profile MSM journos and other leftist personalities, including, of all people, Michael Avenatti. The goal of course was similar as for Mr Eye Patch Man: to cement Fuentes’ reputation as a genuine alt-right leader by having leftists attack him (and defend Shapiro), while at the same time giving Fuentes a shit load of publicity to extend his reach and influence. I can almost guarantee you that this Bitcoin story and Fuentes being put on the no-fly list is just more Cabal theater to shore up their asset’s profile and credibility with the alt-righter community (a noble but unfortunately highly gullible demographic)

‘Emails show Navy’s ‘UFO’ Patents went through significant internal reviews, and resulted in a demo. Interest intensifies’.

IMHO skepticism is always required when evaluating the significance of leaked emails or government file contents that somehow make their way into the public sphere. That’s because such documents can be easily faked by the government agency (Cabal) itself. What better way to establish the ‘truth’ of something than to make it appear as if the information came from an official government email or file? Hell, the faked information can even actually be PUT on file by Cabal just to add extra legitmacy to the info should it fall into the hands of a researcher accidentally or via a Freedom of Information application. Obviously, since the government has record of X and has tried to cover X up, X must be true. It might be. But it also might be completely false. I’ve always wondered why Bill Cooper, a mid level Navy Intel officer, in the course of his day to day work happened so easily across Above Top Secret documents on UFOs and Majestic 12. Unless, of course, it was placed there for him to find. He can then, in good faith, report to his audience that X (e.g. alien visitation) is happening and that revelation gets past the defences of discerning researchers and accepted as true because Bill so obviously seems to be acting in good faith (which he is). Another illustration of this: there was a leaked document I read not so long ago, allegedly (and maybe actually), from a 1950s Pentagon file to do with the crash landing of a UFO in Arizona. The document discussed the spacecraft crash and the discovery several days later of one surviving alien stumbling around in the desert. It certainly looked like a bonafide 50’s government file document, slightly smudged with age, with all the right headers and with the typical typewriter font of the era. And yet the information presented was clearly preposterous – an alien from a foreign planet with a different gravity and atmosphere walking around in the Arizona desert after a serious crash with no spacesuit or breathing apparatus (at least none were mentioned) and only minor injuries from which he fully recovered – although a few years later he did fall ill, upon which the government called in tree surgeons to treat him because, you see, he had a plant-based biology. The point I’m making is that someone had gone to great lengths to dolly up the appearance of this document so as to make it look in all respects like a genuine 1950s era government file doc. So when it was subsequently leaked or released, it would look as if it was genuine information that the government had been concealing all these years. Cabal are absolute masters of deception, so my personal MO is to assume that any government inside info, whether leaked or obtained legally via FOI, and no matter what the personal integrity is of the person disseminating it, is fake until proven otherwise.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
3 years ago

Alternatively it could be that Fuentes is now an enemy of the cabal or maybe always was and that is why he cheated them.

Just keep your mind open and consider all possibilities while not letting anyone do your thinking for you.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
3 years ago

Reminds me of the George Bush/Dan Rather ‘fake but accurate’ document.

3 years ago

RE: “Vox Day’s site was deplatformed by Google, and is now back up, backed up with all his old posts, at He has said they have been ready for this day for over a decade. I didn’t understand Vox using google’s service before, but I suspect I do now.”

I sure like the idea of Vox’s sting on Google. Never understood why he was on Google’s Blogger – now I get it. EU law is also far more anti-US big tech. Let’s hope he slowly drags Google across the hot coals from Italy to California and back again.

3 years ago

RE: “Another significant part of Lindell’s morning presentations was a vet who pointed out that to these people this was just stealing a few votes, and changing an election outcome. But the reality was this process of voting was something that millions of American servicemen had fought for, and often died for overseas. And these people were just destroying it after that unimaginable sacrifice had been paid in the blood of patriots.”

Those ancestors of ours were fighting fake Cabal wars overseas in countries already lost to the Cabal’s evil machine. One of the purposes of those wars was to draw us in from our secure redoubt here in America. Once we were exposed they infiltrated and subverted us through “National Security” requirements and CIA subterfuge. They have always played the long game and here we are today at our national crisis. The revelation of fraudulent elections in the USA and our Great Awakening is a turning point in history. One of the steps in our awakening, after the shock of the reveal, is acceptance of the necessity of waging war on this evil. Just as our forefathers fought Cabal’s wars overseas and here in our Civil War, we are being called to duty:

The Armor of God
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
Have faith in Humanity.
Have faith in Yourself.
Have faith in God.
The Great Awakening.

3 years ago

Re: NSA Contract with Amazon.

Jesus Christ news travels fast. I only found out about that last week.

Re: Russian Vax cards. Where might one purchase one of these? Or the American counterpart? I don’t have any doctors a trust. My doctor friends voted Biden.
You know, for educational purposes. (Do not answer this if it breaks any laws in your jurisdiction)

Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

Just keep in mind that the Russians may consider this the thin end of the wedge of Kompromat if there is any possibility of it being used against you if it is exposed.

Might it still be worth it? Only you can answer that.

3 years ago

CDC urges all pregnant or breastfeeding women to take Covid jab. This really feels like satan has the wheel with these people. There is no reason for this, beyond a true, malevolent evil that hates the most innocent of children.
“We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.” 1John 5:19.

Once the truth of this sinks in that we live in the enemy’s camp, then it all makes sense. It’s not surprising there’s so much evil in the world. What’s surprising is that there’s any good at all.

Reply to  Anon70
3 years ago

I have only just begun to learn and understand the Bible’s Genesis story of the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, the serpent, Cain and Abel…

Indeed, we Good, the sons of Adam, live in the enemy fallen angel Lucifer’s camp. When he, the serpent, tempted Eve he fucked her to create the bloodline of Cain. The children of Cain multiplied and dominate the devil’s earthly realm. We sons of Adam and Eve are warriors here for God and his son Jesus. Our role is to circumvent evil and to prepare the way for Judgment Day. We are innately good, and our place in Heaven is assured.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

I don’t find any evidence that the serpent “knew” eve as Adam “knew” eve that led to the birth of seth.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

Here’s an example:

Like I said, I’m new to all this. Just trying to learn.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

The children of Cain were wiped out in the Flood. That was the whole point of the Flood.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Perhaps, but we are deliberately not given the genealogies of the wives of Noah, Japheth, Ham and Shem. So the Genesis account isn’t clear on that.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

This two seedline doctrine is wrong, and has been Christian Identities biggest Achilles heel.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Other stories say it was Lilith who tempted Adam, or that Lilith was Adam’s first wife but couldn’t convince him to eat from the tree, so that she was left out of Genesis.

Anyways it is interesting that Genesis 1 describes the creation of humans, both Men and Women are created, then later in Genesis 2 the Creator creates Adam “out of the dust” and Eve is created “from him”.

I interpret that as 2 separate creations of people, as Men and Women are both created, and then later Adam is created, and Eve is made from him.

3 years ago

crenshaw. open society attendee from wbw. in favor of open borders and red flag laws. reps for the “bush country” district, the north loop of houston. rino.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

I believe you’re correct about Crenshaw.

What I will admit is at one time I believed in the Bushes and their ilk.

I’m entirely awake now to their RINO subterfuge and treason; the Cabal puppet-masters and infiltrated CIA/FBI traitors; the Mockingbird MSM; the subversion of our entire Education system, and our mainline churches; the power of their propaganda…

This vax, the mandates and mask requirements are beginning to smoke out the traitors in our midst like Crenshaw. Their stance, while indefensible to true Patriots, is required by Cabal’s desperation as we, the People, awaken.

This is intimately linked to the election fraud and we see through their obfuscations now. Q and Trump intended this and we’re all fortunate to be on God’s side.

3 years ago

AC, based on all of your accumulated experiences, if you had to guess, how long has Cabal been in the position that they are now? I’m 55 years old. Has it been in control for most of my life? I look forward to hearing your opinions.

Johannes Q
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

That Eisenhower could give that farewell speech, and that Cabal had to assassinate JFK, suggests they didn’t have a firm grip on the government till later.

Thomas Crown
Thomas Crown
Reply to  Johannes Q
3 years ago

no, it’s been ongoing since AT LEAST the 1840’s.

Disraeli has multiple quotes referencing “secret powers” and “secret societies” that “really control” many nations, including Britain. these stem from 1840 or thereabouts

Teddy Roosevelt also made reference to stuff like this, although I can’t remember any details.

Woody Wilson – although he was BY FAR the worst president in American history – has *multiple* quotes like that. “a small group of men who chill and check economic freedom.” “there is a power there that is so subtle, so organized, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive …” (doesn’t sound much like a CABAL, does it) “an invisible empire has been set up **above** the forms of democracy.”

you will kindly notice none of you – not one. if you claim you were, you’re lying – were taught these quotes in government schools.

so: pre-1840? Illuminati? A Rothschild blackmail empire? Unknown other? and now that’s it’s (slowly, gradually) becoming known that the American Revolution was almost entirely a Masonic Production, (or do ragtag bunches of plucky, poorly-armed & provisioned rebels routinely defeat the mightiest military and naval power on Earth without help from embedded fellow traitors in said government) might it be them or their unknown predecessors???

Reply to  Thomas Crown
3 years ago

The American revolution was a great setback to the cabal.
Were Masons and other groups involved? Sure.
That doesn’t change anything.
At worst the better side won a cabal civil war, at best lower level Masons etc. legitimately rebelled against tyranny.
The colonists were not the rag tag poorly armed and provisioned group you describe and they had help from the greatest rival to the British Empire as well as Divine intervention on their behalf.

But you are quite right that the cabal is very old.
The only question is how much power did it have at any given time.
Its power level probably went up and down over the course of history (with even bigger swings for specific factions) but it probably never had the level of power that modern tech has given it.
Even if it had advanced tech from some mysterious source it couldn’t have deployed it widely before it was available publicly.

Reply to  Johannes Q
3 years ago

Eisenhower’s military and political careers seemed to be suspiciously stage-managed. The Dulles brothers were never far from his side during his Presidency…

When MacArthur watched Ike’s rocket-like ascension through the ranks, he was alleged to have said: “A few years ago, he was my clerk”.

Johannes Q
Reply to  SteveRogers42
3 years ago

True. But it’s interesting how often even evident Cabal tools like Winston Churchill went off script. My sense is that the whole thing became much much more tightly controlled in the 90s. Perhaps Eisenhower didn’t even really know who had nudged him into position or what their agenda was; with the Bushes, Clinton, & Obama there’s a sense of everything being much more orchestrated, and of the politicians knowing exactly what they were put there for, and by who.

Reply to  MetalMilitia
3 years ago

this stuff has been going on forever

3 years ago

How would you know if cabal was running ops against you as a kid? I have been thinking about it a while since I seemed to get picked on a lot growing up. I have thought it was due to my lack of social skills and general weirdness. But now I wonder if I was targeted for some other reason.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

You are nucking futz, dude. Seriously!

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“He claimed his wife was a reptilian, and her reptilian DNA would cause them to grow into reptilians too so he had to kill them.”

So, if he was attracted to her, could that mean he is part reptilian as well- and has in fact, turned into a monster?

We ask the important questions here.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Some people like cats, some like dogs.

I know plenty of dudes who are married to dogs.
know a few who are married to pigs. A couple of others are married to absolute cows.

Interestingly, women are generally reptile lovers. At least, they seem to like my snake.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Emails show Navy’s ‘UFO’ Patents went through significant internal reviews, and resulted in a demo. Interest intensifies.”

I told you they were all nuclear powered drones that operate only in military training ranges for some reason. Very limited and well behaved for interstellar “Aliens”.

Interesting that Washington Compost sends a message to Cabal as well,

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Years ago Readers digest did a piece about UFOs. They interviewed people who encountered them, and did a bit of documenting the strange burns these people had. The article ended up strongly implicit that it was all a US Gov operation.

3 years ago

Party’s which make gains in registration will do the best as it reflects enthusiasm.

Grocer’s apostrophe. I hate making grammar comments, but that one bugs me for some reason. I think it’s my overall stress level. (Feel free to delete after correction.)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Nah, I’m good. God gives us tribulation to make us stronger, and I joyfully accept it.

3 years ago

I guess there was some trouble at the cyber summit. Lindell came in stage this morning and said he was attacked last night, a man on his team was raided and took all of his computers at 10:30 pm last night. And apparently antifa infiltrated the summit and were trying to hack into ppls devices, also starting shit outside.

3 years ago

> Dan Crenshaw

He looked great… until he folded on the gun control issue. He swore the oath at least twice, but is now on record favoring subversion of the Constitution.

He looks like a man, but he’s a shitweasel.

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

He was shagging the leg of the H1B system way before that. He doesn’t want Americans doing tech jobs.

3 years ago

> who would do it for $70,000 a year

AC, there are tens of thousands of people who would do it for free. And thousands who would pay their own money to sit in front of the camera and be a celebrity.

The days of Winchell, Cronkite, and Brinkley are generations gone; the new crop are just presenters, interchangeable talking heads. None of them have any personal credibility to lend to their expositions of the Narrative. They just read their tear sheers and Teleprompters, and make exaggerated Tourettes-ish facial expressions.

Heck, there was Ananova, back in the late 1990s. (though Wikipedia says 2000) Ananova was a female CGI news presenter. Why pay “air talent” at all? Particularly when so many of them have such short careers they might as well be temps.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

they were cabal heads too, especilayy cronkwrong. the rents hated him.

3 years ago

> White House to call on OPEC to boost oil production as gasoline prices rise.

Yet in November 2020, the USA was not only self-sufficient, but was exporting oil.

3 years ago

> Florida hospitals overrun as state fights one of worst Covid outbreaks in U.S.

Even if the hospitals are reporting tests and admissions, they were already caught lying multiple times. “Diabetic coma? COVID. Compound fracture? COVID. Kidney stones? COVID…”

3 years ago

> Adolescents 12+ may consent to receive the Pfizer vaccine.

They’re minor children, and can’t consent to anything. That’s what “minor” means.

Except when the Fed turns its own law upside down and says otherwise…

3 years ago

> Fox doesn’t understand that it is missing a rating bonanza by not covering the 2020 Election Fraud,

DJT forgets Fox *did* cover it. They were shouting “Trump lost!” and “No Fraud” from right after the election. They went full-on Biden and ridiculed Trump and the people who voted for him.

They’re re-emerging as a “conservative voice” becuse the dumbasses they insulted have mostly forgotten that Fox is just the ‘loyal opposition’ of the Unimedia.

Looks like DJT is among them. Fox declared itself his enemy; one of his staff needs to wield the +10 Cluebat of Enlightenment for a while.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

“It comes together to indicate a mechanism by which unvaxxed women attempting to bear the children of vaxxed men could end up sterilized by a doomed fetus that is genetic poison inserted right into her womb, and triggering an auto-immune reaction. Again, just technically possible if you look at the mechanism of the system.”
A new Era. A new Man. A new RH. or
A great Reset. A great Resetee. A new Spike.

White Boy Sumner
White Boy Sumner
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

“DJT is among them.”


At some point, you have to say enough. Enough with the endless promises of proof, enough with the merely Tantalizing evidence, enough with the habit of trusting and hiring traitors, enough with the failure to understand that Fox isn’t just failing to understand, enough with the relationships with ghouls like Rudy “WTC7” Giuliani…

Today I said enough. It was when I saw Alan Dershowitz appear at the Symposium. Lindell might as well have invited Ghislaine Maxwell, Tony Fauci, and Bibi Netanyahu all wrapped up in one person. ENOUGH.

As for proof, that girl’s confirmation of Pinchgate is still just sitting there, waiting to go mainstream. And nobody mainstream will touch it. And not even most of the edgy fringe outlets will touch it. And most of the ones that do don’t appreciate the potential significance and just publish the same copypasta. All this talk about big announcements at the Symposium, all the unfulfilled promises of proof…and they all ignore that proof, they ignore Pinchgate? TREASON.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

RE: “I think they are trying to reveal this in such a way as to do something which would not happen if it was just outed…Keep us from killing everyone, including some of the wrong people? Prevent Cabal from getting us killing each other in a Civil War?”

I agree. It feels to me that the purpose of Q was to legitimize “conspiracy theories”. Along with Trump’s more normie-friendly approach the team has initiated a Great Awakening, as promised. That awakening is revealing that our wars and confrontations are faked to disempower us and empower them. This goes beyond the normies’ factional or political awareness of the past – “It’s the rich!”, “It’s the peasants!”, “It’s the Commies!”, “It’s the Fascists!”. This time we’re going behind the curtain, or deeper into the tunnels. This time we’re understanding that what is presented to us is for show. It’s staged. This time we know there is a head to this beast and we want it on a pike.

If enough of us wake up and resist, this Cabal may be defeated for generations.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Respectfully, TRX, I don’t think Trump forgets. I’m also certain he knows exactly what’s going on with Fox, so the relevant question for me is why would he phrase statements this way – i.e. giving Fox a pass on their anti-American election fraud coverage.

Perhaps he thinks there is still enough Patriotic coverage from within Fox to justify maintaining some support for the organization and using it to get his message out to normies – denied him by the rest of MSM. Or perhaps elements within Fox actually did the Patriotic thing for us and called the election in Biden’s favor in order to further the great election fraud sting.

In my opinion, the election fraud sting is critical and a centerpiece to the Q/Trump mil intel operation. It appears to be the foundation, or is it the keystone, to the proof of overwhelming foreign infiltration and subversion of our government and way of life. It had to be allowed to happen and it had to be revealed to the American people. That’s the ride we’re on and we’re not getting off until it’s over.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

it’s called “bringing along normie”

3 years ago

A good part of the success of the COVID psyop has been in people genuinely not being able to grasp how many people are on Earth, and how many people die in a typical year.

Same with UFOs, and there is a strong possibility that will be the next psyop. Most people really have no idea how vast the galaxy is. Its really too big, in time and space, to have creatures from other planets buzzing past Earth like they were driving to check out the new shopping mall. If people knew how vast and inhospitable outer space really is, they would have had a harder time swallowing astronauts on the Moon as well.

3 years ago

opening video from mike lindell’s symposium.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
3 years ago

long video, but very interesting. debunks the whole “new virus, we’ve never seen this before” line of bullshit.

3 years ago

About the “out of control COVID cases” in Florida.

The CDC was forced to admit it had collected several days to count as one, multiple times. They’re definitely trying to make FL look bad.

Then there’s this. This “medical professional” can’t even keep a straight face while warning about the new variants.

Reply to  karmageddon99
3 years ago

They got caught doing the same thing a year ago, and then several states were caught doing the same.

No data from the CDC can be trusted. They shat on their credibility multiple times.

3 years ago

>French COVID-19 centers hit by anti-vaccine vandalism. The sad part is, I think Cabal likes everyone taking sides on this issue and attacking each other.

Pretty sure they are doing this because of proposed vaccine mandates, not because other people get the vax and they think they are stupid.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

Right. It’s the mandates, threats, blaming, second class citizen, and show me your papers aspect that people are pissed about, not choosing to have a vaccine. Thank you for pointing that out and look at how the media portrays things to cause conflict, it’s shameful.

3 years ago

Department of Veteran Affairs just gave their employees 8 weeks to get the shot. Using disproven/false info to push it.
So glad I left that soul crushing job.

3 years ago

Vox Day’s site…..

Hook, line, sinker………Now, we’ll see if Vox can do something with it. Hopefully, he takes their asses to the cleaners.

3 years ago

This person says that the drop in whites in the census is due to allowing hispanics to list themselves as hispanic instead of white this time:

comment image

Valar Addemmis
Valar Addemmis
3 years ago

> CDC urges all pregnant or breastfeeding women to take Covid jab. This really feels like satan has the wheel with these people. There is no reason for this, beyond a true, malevolent evil that hates the most innocent of children.

So I was actually in close proximity to a resident at the local hospital today making casual conversation. Someone mentioned this policy and the resident mentioned that “the problem” is that they need to induce labor or emergency C-section before intubating pregnant women who develop severe COVID complications, and there’s been a rash of early (before 30 week) inductions for that reason. Why they’re still intubating when we’ve known since the early China cases that it doesn’t work is anyone’s guess…oh right, the triple toe tag bounty…

This isn’t to say that is correct, or widespread — medical practitioners tend to fixate on what they do as “the average” when they deal with the aberrant statistical anomalies, even if you assume they’re not lying “for your own good” to convince you of doing what they think you should do. And the breastfeeding part is absurd. There were even early VAERS reports of breastfeeding kids dying after the mother got vaccinated.

3 years ago

Not sure how this fits into r/K but it’s interesting for sure.

Bambi saves Thumper

3 years ago

I have a hunch that as things continue to move forward, all of the “alt media” figures that switched on people followed as the truth before q came along, are going to go all in on trump being a wolf in sheeps clothing. They are going to say “ hey guys, q promised x, and hasnt delivered. Trump has praised vaccines, even though they are killing everyone! He must actually be the mastermind behind the great reset!”

I think everyone who has followed many different personalities has noticed patterns by which clowns will allege extraordinary things in an attempt to lead people to the wrong conclusions. For example, notice how nearly every single influencer is alleging that the vaccines are kill shots, and that trump encouraging the vaccine is akin to him being the antichrist. A year and a half ago, i was of the opinion that the vaccine was, in fact, a death sentence, and i tried to warn everyone in my immediate circle of the dangers of this thing. But now, im not so sure. I havent seen one single example in my own life of someone suffering from the shot, but i have seen a shit load of media posts alleging the dangers of it. My gut feeling right now is that vaccine is code for flipping, the real vaccine probably at worst is a little unhealthy for you, and social media posts alleging side effects of vaccines really arent for the general public, they are for clowns about the dangers of flipping.

Q said this:

People are simply in the way.
UK/GER [5 days].
Choice is yours.

Notice vaccines [not all]

If i was the enemy, the first thing i would do would be to rile up the public (alex jones style lol) and hope that enough people take up arms against the perceived “enemy”, and turn things hot. You see this in the way right wing folks perceive the enemy as a “cabal”, instead of a more complicated interconnected force. Sure, are there evil bastards out there? Yup. Is everyone wholly evil? Probably not.

This comment was sparked by me getting really uncomfortable when people were booing trump when he was encouraging the shot. This shows a splintering in the ranks, and we dont need that. What do you think the enemy wants? Why do you think we’ve been bombarded by anti vax narrative since the “pandemic” began? I just think people should think in more nuanced terms instead of jumping to crazy conclusions.

I admit that im a little scatterbrained, but im always trying to see the big picture.