Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.
Lawsuit filed in Texas claiming Kamala Harris is not a Natural Born Citizen.
Kamala Harris promises Amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, nationwide mail-in voting.

This next tweet is actually talking about a video, which shows a massive crowd coming out to greet Harris, but when you look at the reflection in the plane, the crowd is not there. And if you zoom in on the phone screens of people supposedly holding up their phones and videoing, many do not have pictures of what is in front of them on their phones, but rather have menus and setting screens, and other app screens on the screen. Indicating they have advanced to creating fake videos using AI, showing massive crowds that do not exist. Which is not surprising, as everybody loathes her. An alternative explanation on Q’s board is her supporters are all Vampires. Of course there is one other possibility, and that is Secret Service will not let these characters out of the bunker due to some threat they are unable to confront, maybe related to the Havana Syndrome, and all of this media is faked as a way of attempting to fool the public into thinking there is some measure of normalcy in a world where even the Secret Service in America is no longer in control. We have seen a lot of this AI stuff, even in cases where it only served to create the illusion Biden was holding press availabilities outside, after the election had ended.
Kamala’s Las Vegas event was half empty and the crowd was filled with weirdos and freaks.
IRS whistleblower claim that evidence on Hunter Biden swept under the rug bolstered by court filing.
Politico reports they have received hacked documents from inside the Trump campaign for 19 days.
LilPump on Twitter posted what appear to be homoerotic pictures Adam Kinzinger took of himself, and which RedHeadedLibertarian says she saw on his Grinder Gay Hookup App profile. Kinzinger is married and his wife just had a baby.
Jesse Ventura endorses Kamala Harris. He is not that stupid. I think he is a very smart guy. But he was a member of the Navy UDT Teams, which required a security clearance, and at the same time he was the treasurer for an outlaw motorcycle club, filled with criminals, and dealing drugs. So he had access to the intelligence about where their money was flowing from, and going to, as well as what activities they were using it to fund. He was likely a domestic spy, in the network. And then he ends up successful in pro-wrestling and movies. Now, he will destroy the nation, in service to the conspiracy.
Nixon’s youngest lawyer reflects on Watergate 50 years later: “It ended up a coup.”
Bombshell Japanese study exposes 4900% spike in heart failure among Covid-vaxxed. These will be chance, but they will be out there in decent numbers. Did the vaccine you took even have structurally sound mRNA? Did the mRNA make it into any cardiac cells? Did it produce spike protein in decent quantity, and is your immune system lacking the ability to turn off an auto-immune response? What I want to know is to what degree will the unvaxxed be hit by vax-shedders?
US to release $3.5 billion in military assistance for Israel.
King Charles III applauds people who stood against racism during recent unrest in the UK. Like it or not Britain no longer has a King.
Tech giants will be forced to ban fake news under Labour plans.
The UK’s Metropolitan Police threaten Elon Musk for online posts inciting “hate.” “Hey, look everybody – A Fight!” In other words, sit back and observe, and do not go out and expose the domestic surveillance, get it destroyed, amass militias, seize control from the elites trying to destroy everything, organize the trials and executions, and then live in a united nation of brother-citizens who all strive to make each other’s lives wonderful.
Britain’s banned documentary – Tommy Robinson’s SILENCED. Everybody is posting it around because the British government doesn’t like it.
UK government working on controversial “dispersed accommodation” plan to scatter migrants throughout Britain. You can battle over migration, but the conspiracy is expecting that fight, and has fortified its position there quite well. However, if you attack the conspiracy by exposing the surveillance, that is not fortified well, and it could ignite the mass-perception by the public, of the government, the elites, and the conspiracy as the enemy, as it reduces the ability of surveillance to operate. Exposing the surveillance is the only path forward. It is the only effective avenue to fight.
The tide can turn – Sweden now has net emigration, led by departing Iraqis, Somalis, and Syrians. Migrants are r-strategists. But once they start leaving you will have to purge your nation of the native traitors who were trying to flood the nation with them.
Latinos in once true-blue Texas border zone are getting on the Trump train.
Spread r/K Theory, because tides do reverse, and head the other way
AC could be 100% right about Jesse Ventura, but this might be a bit more complicated. There have recently been things about him that were off, like the Kamala endorsement and also some vaxx statements. However, I think there are a few points in his favor, and his latest missteps might have been forced rather than voluntary.
-JV had a big legal feud with the ‘American Sniper’ Chris Kyle (total psychopath, IMO) for having tried to ruin JV’s reputation in the SEAL community.
-Establishment Dems and Reps really hated his candidacy for governorship and even teamed up to prevent such an ‘irresponsible’ third-party candidate.
-JV did a documentary series ‘Conspiracy Theory with JV’ (around 2010) that provided some good info. Check out the Rima Laibow – The Great Culling clip from 2009 – pandemic prophecy, so it’s very strange he did a 180 on that. Most of the episodes make for fairly good TV.
He did do an episode on the Denver Airport. The show ran during the golden days of The Pirate Bay so I have all the episodes on a hard drive somewhere. I even have the surveillance episode they remote-deleted from peoples DVRs.
If you put those up somewhere, I’d watch them.
I’d have to find a place to do it where I won’t lose anonymity, and they can’t come after me for a copy strike.
Cover building.
Chris Kyle also publicly claimed he shot dozens of looters from the roof of the super dome during hurricane Katrina.
JV is a clown. Does anyone actually give a sh1t what he thinks?
Liberaltarians do, but they were all already going for RFKommie.
Wealth Transfer Will Severely Disappoint Hoards of Millennials and Gen Zers Expecting Inheritance: Survey
re: the guy at Kamala’s rally with 4 arms.
1) knowing her base supporters, might be someone reaching around and grabbing his package.
2) of the faces you can see in that picture, most of them are crosseyed.
Nice job, AI
That shit is so obiviously AI it hurts
Those pictures are how demons really look in human form, our eyes can’t detect it but the camera doesn’t lie.
So just nuke it from orbit tgen?
The sidebar is gone again.
Thank you!
I just checked a bit ago and was surprised it was still there.
“Philonise Floyd, the brother of George Floyd, praised Democrat Montana Gov. Tim Walz, the running mate of Vice President Kamala Harris, stating that he is “built for this fight.””
Not that I’m clairvoyant or anything, but this is looking like another huge demoralization op. Run a ticket of candidates who nobody would vote for, then re-run the 2020 Narrative and get all the Cabal assets to play-act a victory for the traitors. “We can install a feces-smeared cockroach in the White House if we so choose, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
In that sense, yes, Tim Walz was built for this fight.
Hope for the best, anons, but prepare for the worst.
As to the Horse Semen story … who in-whatever demented mind, would have made this up?
Re: Singapore population crisis….
Vladtepesblog used this as an example in his article about why they are releasing this information now. His term is the “demoralization and destabilization phase.”
As is the new normal for every day, more and more information is released or confirmed or evidence of massive issues appears and nothing gets done about any of it. Gotta say, if I was looking for a way to do phase one of Yuri Bezmenov’s stages of subversion, I can’t think of a better way to demoralize the population than screw them over, accuse them of thought crimes when they point out the obvious lies they are being told, then slowly leak all the information showing they were right all along and do absolutely nothing about it while more crap is hurled at the population. The state gaslights us, tells us they are gaslighting us, make us suffer the consequences of not believing the lies, and they suffer no consequence for manufacturing those lies…
Because in the demoralization and destabilization phase, giving us some truth that proves the worst and nothing is done about it is probably the plan. It is probably why YouTube blocked all real scientists from posting about the Vaxx during the roll out, and now allows so much factual criticism of them now that nothing can be done about it, and that no one is taking the damn stuff anymore. Or, more accurately, the people still taking the shots, and I even know a few, won’t change their minds even if you literally made them wait at an injection site and people dropped dead in front of them, or friends of theirs explained that they got freakish rapidly growing cancers shortly after the shots. But I get ahead of myself. That is the end game of Bezmenov’s stages of ideological subversion. The complete destruction of people’s ability to discern what is true.
In our current environment, you simply cannot assume that DJT(or ANY public figure) is being figurative when they say something like this. If Biden has been an actor…..
Just saw this, a prophecy of Saint Catherine Emmerich:
These were all good and devout people, and they did not know where help and guidance should be sought. There were no traitors and no enemies among them, yet they were afraid of one another. One can judge thereby what the situation was like.”
Comment [by Dupont] , there is the significant reference to the mutual distrust of Christians, significant, because of the well-known Communist “technique” of planting traitors everywhere.
Seems to be apropos the current situation.
‘Latinos in once true-blue Texas border zone are getting on the Trump train.’
They went about it the right way and are being purged in favor of the millions who didn’t.