Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
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DFT – Investor Group Sues Missouri Over Anti-ESG Law
DFT – Chinese Bourses Overhaul Rules To Revive Markets
DFT – US Cyber-Breach Inquiry To Examine Microsoft’s Role
DFT – Chinese Developer’s Missed Coupon Payments Could End Up Dwarfing Evergrande
DFT – Bacardi Sees Profits In Russia Soar
So the Daily Mail tracked down the girl from the plane who said of the person sitting next to her on the plane, “That Motherfucker back there is NOT REAL!” When asked about it, what did she say?
‘No one knows anyone else’s story, and no one should judge. No one knows what it’s like…’
She claimed: ‘They’re staking out my house. They’re staking out my neighbors. They’re going through my mail.’
And she stated: ‘So much of what’s out there is inaccurate,’ but when asked for specifics she declined to comment further.
The Daily Mail are the first to track her to her residence, so it is a safe bet, if somebody has staked out her residence, and is going through her mail, you can guess who it is.
On the plane she was clearly in a state of high amygdala. I know of one way all of that happens, from being placed in situations next to people who are not real, to getting your house staked out and people going through your mail, to winding up with an amygdala that has you doing all sorts of crazy things.
On 4Chan, there was one anon who smugly asserted nobody would find her, and the whole thing would get memory-holed, and none of us would know why. I got the impression he was in the network and figured she was a target, and it would get squashed by command through CIA control of the media.
That it has not, is interesting. If things were as expected, I would expect the media would have memory-holed this by now, as that anon predicted. Either Cabal is in such control it is letting this out so they can all laugh at the Truman Show girl and how they fucked up her vacation and were destroying her happiness, or other forces are ordering that these things get revealed, to prime the public for what I think will be an inevitable disclosure. She could even be an actress in a skit, designed to slowly reveal this. In six months, if something more comes out, everyone will remember Miss “That motherfucker back there is not real!” It could serve as an aha moment to anchor an idea.
Supporting the hypothesis she is a target are the comments online, which mostly denigrate her as mentally ill. Clearly the surveillance people think she is a target.
If she is a target, you can see how pervasive this is. It is in the news every week or so. Mass shooters, this poor woman, a simple smash and grab in Portland. It is all over, and it appears to have spread so wide, that it has recruited people with no concept of Operational Security, and no desire to hide it anymore, and they are all just haunting innocent people who were leaving everyone alone. Either that, or these incidents are the beginning of an organized reveal.
In the Truman Show, nobody human watched it, and wanted to see the people doing the Truman Show’ing win, because everyone innately recognized that type of thing is evil, and they were the bad guys. It was so evil, probably few normal people would believe it could exist in real life, or that any human being would stoop to that. I am still in disbelief there are people who will tolerate this, let alone engage in it themselves. Anger me, make me see you as evil, and I am pretty cold, and probably capable of things most people are not. But even I would never do something so simultaneously stupid, callous, and petty as ruin the life of a girl like this.
But right now we are in a nation, where the overwhelming majority of the country’s citizens are made up of Trumans while there is this small minority who are trying to Truman Show everyone, and it is all on a trajectory of coming out.
I do not see the vast majority of Trumans, responding to the Truman Show’ers who are Truman-Showing them and their children, by running away in the night and trying to get away, as the Truman Show’ers amass with spotlights to do a grid search for them. I see the majority of America, 80-90 percent viewing the 410 percent of Truman Show’ers as enemies of their nation – and kind of not-human – and just needing to go away. From 9/11, to the Iraq War, to school shootings, to the rapes of college girls with too much promise and too much in the way of morals for their own good, and all the loved ones destroyed by all of that, I do not see how you reveal this, and negotiate a soft landing. Not in America. And it definitely seems it is being revealed.
This could be deeper than it looks:
The report indicates that the NSA, in collaboration with the CIA and FBI, routinely and secretly intercepts shipping deliveries for laptops or other computer accessories in order to implant bugs [and malware for remote access] before they reach their destinations.
Suppose you want to recreate that facility in the private sector, off the books, with no records. Or you want to catch the really interesting characters who know to avoid such programs, by walking into a store and walking out with what they need. How do you do it? You infiltrate your agents into the company which does brick and mortar sales, and take it over, turning it into a privatized version of that government program above. We already knew FBI was all throughout the Geek Squad at Best Buy, using its employees to conduct warrantless searches of everything they touched, and now here we see there, the “push for diversity” which I have told you is just a cover for why highly qualified people who are not part of the criminal conspiracy spying on all Americans cannot get hired, while Cabal agents are getting jobs in these places left and right. Blacks who don’t get hired will just see more racism, whites will see affirmative action, but the reality is it is all Cabal.
Do the CIA and the media have any sort of relationship? NatSec Fantasy Camper John Kiriakou weighs in:
John Kiriakou looked up from his desk at CIA headquarters and was stunned to see The Washington Post investigative reporter, Bob Woodward, walking through the secure area without an agency escort. On another occasion, Kiriakou—who rose at the CIA to become executive assistant to the deputy in charge of operations, the spy agency’s dark activities—saw CNN host Wolf Blitzer wandering unattended through the same area, despite the CIA’s ban on communicating with the media.
Woodward being a CIA asset allowed to freely walk around Langley, and G. Gordon Liddy being CIA give that whole Watergate thing a different feel.
Trump says he’ll reject protective order sought by Jack Smith: ‘I will talk.’
Rep. James Comer says Biden subpoena coming: ‘We’re putting together a case.’
Tucker interview with head of Capitol Police.
Jack Smith wants Trump trial to start Jan. 2, 2024 — Right before the Iowa caucuses.
Moment Black boy, Jace Lee-eury, 11, has soda poured on him by white North Carolina apartment manager Kim Jennings before she slaps him for using a residents-only pool – as mom says: ‘This is child abuse.’ The warmup for the next election. Probably Act II after the Riverboat Dock Fight, which struck me as strange. These people could easily all be surveillance, following people like me through a grocery store as a team, one minute, before turning around, being handed their script, and acting it out on camera for Cabal’s election theft machine, whether it is this, or that riverboat dock fight. If we cannot make people aware of this, I could easily see them having us at race-war levels of pure hatred by the 2024 election. 2020 and the BLM riots are going to look like a picnic by comparison to what is presently on track for 2024.
While prosecutors successfully concealed the identities of most FBI informants planted in the Proud Boys, newly obtained surveillance video shows the movement of one Proud Boy informant on January 6.
Michael Alan Jones is a convicted felon with a history of firearms, drug and statutory rape charges. But rather than spend years in prison—more on that in a future piece—in 2019, Jones suddenly became interested in so-called “white supremacist” and “neo-Nazi” groups including the Proud Boys and Patriot Front.
DeSantis at 10 points, now in 3rd place behind Vivek.
Anthem Medical’s Vaxx-Incentive Plan Exposes How Much Doctors Got Paid to Push the Death Jabs. Sweet deal. If you have 2,000 patients, and get all of them to take a shot, you get a cool $750,000 dropped in your account. Understand, for this to be profitable, the government had to be paying Pfizer, or whoever $375 plus the cost of making each vaccine, plus the Pharma company’s profit per shot. In bulk pricing. And whatever that Pharma profit was that was tagged on, it was probably mind-blowing. All taxpayer dollars funneled to the players in this game, without any input from the taxpayers.
Bernie Sanders quietly funneled $200K in campaign cash into wife and son’s non-profit organization.
Christian author and political commentator Eric Metaxas praises ‘genius’ drag queen who wrote ‘Vampire Lesbians of Sodom’ + I’m a big fan of theirs.’ Whenever I see this now, I assume the dude involved probably had nothing to do during the day, began surfing porn sites, saw some hypno-porn somewhere, and wondered, “What is that?” and the next thing you know, he will be transitioning.
50% of Americans tried weed, 17% regular smokers: Gallup.
The mother of a Michigan man accused of threatening President Biden and other prominent Democrats has been charged with making false statements when purchasing firearms found in her son’s possession in March. He “was charged earlier this year with illegally possessing firearms after having been involuntarily committed for mental health treatment in 2012 and deemed legally incapacitated, which barred him from possessing guns or ammunition.” If they could put surveillance on his house, they could pick him up when he went out to the store, or when he went to the DMV, or even use a ruse to draw him somewhere like a federal building with metal detectors. Hitting a mentally ill dude’s house, when you know he has guns, and has been schizo-posting would seem designed to kill him, and be less safe for the agents too.
Local strongman dead at age 27 after collapsing and dying while working out at his gym in Sequim. You look at what life would be like without this conspiracy, with all of us just working together to help each other, like a team, and it is like a magical utopia by comparison to this. Everywhere you look, fraud, graft, war, people dropping dead, wildfires, trannies, criminals, druggies, acrimony, FBI killing people in raids.
Wells Fargo tries to seed the idea the US could rapidly enter another boom if homeowners would just tap into their home equity and begin spending. They are looking for every last drop of value everyone has, before it all comes down.
The Department of Justice is shelling out more than $6 billion to private companies to manage its asset forfeiture investigations, raising alarm from one nonprofit law firm that accuses police of “treating ordinary Americans like ATMs” and seizing their cash. As this thing finishes sucking the husk of the nation dry, you will see things like this accelerate in one final push to kick the can down the road.
Hawaii wildfire kills at least 36 people on Maui, destroys dozens of structures.
U.S. is sending FBI to Ecuador to help probe presidential candidate’s killing.
Secret cable reveals Biden regime ordered Pakistan to remove and arrest Prime Minister Imran Khan who was jailed this week and is now ineligible to run in the upcoming election. How did this go public?
Neighboring countries want to invade Niger to overthrow the coup and restore the old government.
So we have had major events alter the governmental or electoral terrain in Niger, India, Ecuador, and Pakistan all of a sudden, as well as moves to prosecute Trump to take him off the gameboard. Is it a move being made, or is it just coincidence?
U.S. reaches deal with Iran to free Americans for jailed Iranians and funds. $6 billion unfrozen. Minus 10 percent for the Big Guy.
An unknown nation (probably us) bought 50 Leopard 1 tanks for Ukraine.
US aid to Ukraine amounts to $900 per American household, economist says. Did that really go to Ukraine?
The Biden administration on Thursday asked Congress to provide more than $13 billion in emergency defense aid to Ukraine and an additional $8 billion for humanitarian support through the end of the year, another massive infusion of cash as the Russian invasion wears on and Ukraine pushes a counteroffensive against the Kremlin’s deeply entrenched forces. What is 10 percent of $21 billion? He is only asking for $3.9B for the migrant and fentanyl crises.
Another report says the ask will be for $25 billion.
Ukraine urges evacuations as Russia claims gains.
Alarm grows as Ukraine’s counteroffensive falters.
Fifth Circuit court rules that it is no longer illegal for drug users to possess firearms.
Trump favorability skyrockets, 4 in 10 Republicans view Mike Pence unfavorably.
Trump to attend Iowa State Fair.
Spread r/K Theory, because none of these motherfuckers are real
The strongman article is from 2007.
Right below the posting of the Texas shooting Yahoo has an article of a Black Teacher Accuses White Supremacist Group of a ‘Racial Attack’ as He Was Playing Saxophone
Nicely dressed FBI sourced LARPers with FBI exclusive shields.
AC, what do you think? Found at TGP this morning:
So there’s this new country song that got a million views in 24 hours, TGP article, record deal offers from everyone who’s anyone in the industry, going to be a big star, and the first line is — a bit incongruously — “I’ve been selling my soul”.
Because of course it is. Yeah, it seems like a good song, by “one of us” but when you know how the industry works, how not just anyone gets views and noteriety that “they” don’t want getting that — I can’t help but wonder.
And that first line.
We’ll see if he headlines the next big awards show and does the one-eye photos for the magazines. I’m sure his interview is already lined up at Fox News. Our side is eating it up.
That is how it works.
Greta Thunberg’s mom isn’t just a famous opera singer, she also had this to say on the cover of a magazine:
“Everybody sells his soul to the devil someday”
Nothing satanic about that one
How does someone who looks like that produce a waterhead like Greta?
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Maybe the airplane girl was a romantic interest of someone higher up the surveillance ladder, she rejected him and they went full shock and awe for her.
Just crossed my mind… much of all sexual crime and rape is surveillance related? I’d put the over/under at 50 percent.
Yes. Particularly at colleges, where the girls of our kind have been stripped of family support structures and protection, and are surrounded by the network.
“From Chi-Town bagman to ECOWAS chairman: meet the former money launderer leading the push to invade Niger”
The Chicago SuperMob is everywhere. There’s a reason why the book Super Mob is so expensive and out of print.
Have become increasingly convinced that the Chicago supermob is a vastly more important part of Cabal than 99.99% of the population would have even heard about, let alone suspect.
Also seems to be that Lansky may be one of the most significant figures in American history – – Lansky and his spawn.
Late reply, but yeah. Absolutely.
Re your link on the CIA and journalism. I don’t think G. Gordon Liddy was CIA — His autobiography makes him sound like the perfect patsy. In fact, I think his autobiography, “Will,” was the first popular exposure of the Watergate “burglary” as being a CIA operation. It’s impossible to read Liddy’s long description of the “burglary” itself without it becoming blatantly obvious that Hunt and McCord, the high-ranking CIA operatives who were running the operation, were up to something wildly different than what the operation was ostensibly about.
Sweden seems to be involved in a lot of ops and counter-ops recently. The Koran burning us clearly Cabal ordered. And their NATO membership request is as well.
And then I saw this allegation the UKR conflict was a RAND idea intended primatily to wreck GER. There is a lot of sense in the idea. GER has always been London’s great enemy and also the target of US for pol. It was released by a Swedish Newspaper. Idk the ownership or angle of the Swedish paper.
The general idea seems to have been to use the sanctions as a way split GER from RUS energy via the Greens (CIA front). GER absent RUS energy collapses. And after the collapse all the business and USDs GER has flows back to US. The first part is obv true. The second is less certain but surely possible. It is very elegant.
RAND says the document leaked is fake and gay. It might be a Protocols scenario where the document is “fake but true”.
Pence’s unfavorability is at least 1:1 with DJT support. So 40% unfavorable is lulz. Std GOP bs false reality as to popularity of their guys.
“Trump is actually a marginal candidate in the GOP if you think about it correctly. He does not have dominance in our party.”
I watched the Tucker interview with the former Capital Police Chief. The biggest takeaway is that he was a pawn in the J6 narrative. He was used and is now pissed by how his career and reputation were destroyed. Without saying it, he is implying that the whole J6 event was staged.
you have me say your name in my head when you post. doesn’t matter what you have to say. lol.
(Signed) Juan Stabone
“This could be deeper than it looks:”
Actually no, not really. The evidence of anti-white hatred and replacement is now 100% prima fascia.
It’s no longer a conspiracy. You’re not dreaming. Conspiratorial forces at high levels are deliberately targeting you for destruction if you’re white. The best time to prepare for what’s coming was 10 years ago. The second best time is NOW…
I just received word that the school free lunch program in Michigan will be expanded to all students. Breakfast too. I’m distrustful after reports that it’s possible to vaccinate with mRNA through consumed food. Not to mention simply feeding children nutritionally void food can really screw them up.
Yikes. Yet another thing you have to worry about. And they are the types of sneaky cocksuckers who would do that.
Imagine. America was once a “high trust society”. Not any more. You commenters here are more typical than you realize.
Until the second coming High-Trust societies are always ripe for the taking. Without effective sheepdogs that is.
Stuff them with carbs and make them fat and sick.
Just a thought occurring while thinking about the financial obligations of independent site owners on our side. Having no idea how these things work, I do not know if the thought is practical.
Would it be possible to create a mechanism where a subscriber (in reality, a donator) pays an annual or monthly fee which is shared among multiple sites?
The thought was generated by looking at the Revolver offer/advertisement where a reader pays $50 dollars a year to view the site without ads. My thought was, I would love to donate to all my favorite sites, share and share alike.
I understand, I can do that now, using whatever technique a given site employs, like buying on Ebay through the third party site. Or by giving a certain amount whenever the site asks for it, like Free Republic.
Maybe this makes me lazy, but I would love to donate once (per month, or year) and have it benefit multiple worthy sites.
AC, VP, FR, CTH, Texas, Revolver, Zman, VDare, etc. The mechanism could be in addition to whatever the site already uses.
A reader goes to the site, makes the donation, and designates which sites split the proceeds. There may be sites I am unaware of, so the list could also help break down silos.
I understand that the administrative obstacle may be too great, in addition to other complications.
What appeals to me about this idea, among other things, is that there are sites on our side with a high degree of integrity, sites primarily operated from conscience and principle, not gain.
Sites which do not make a primary point of raising money make a favorable impression on me. Yet they need money to run.
It is an awesome idea. But the thing is, this whole environment is designed to prevent awesome ideas like that. You would get debanked so fast it would not even be funny. You could try to run it through crypto, but nobody uses that. I’ve got crypto running here as an experiment, but so far nothing, and it was a cost of a few hundred to make it a truly anonymous system so there would be no resistance.
We are just up against this professional, above-CIA-level-run system, which has got its billionaires funding things like Shapiro with literally millions to control the dialog, and even if you could eek out a living doing it normally, there are mechanisms which will actively seek to thwart that.
You are basically up against the people who have run the world forever, who do not want truth, or good to win, and who are leveraging incredible wealth, power, and strategic sophistication to shut down what you want.
TY for the reply. If ever such a mechanism becomes possible, I guess that means we are finally winning.
How wonderful to have life without the suffocating presence of Cabal. When not actively inflicting evil, they are like being buried under a ton of sodden newspaper.
AC, just want to say that your idea that most of the CIA is “fantasy camp” is brilliant. It makes perfect sense. Huge benefits to CIA.
True. AC cleared up a lot confusion about “patriots” and the current regime. Separating the eagle from the squid…
RE: If we cannot make people aware of this, I could easily see them having us at race-war levels of pure hatred by the 2024 election. 2020 and the BLM riots are going to look like a picnic by comparison to what is presently on track for 2024.
Pretty sure that was always the plan. Q’s Plan counters it with deployments of National Guard and Marines as best I think anybody understands it. Basically they have to burn down the cities to activate the final trip switch in the PEADs.
Personally, I’m going to complete a combat loadout. I’m MIGHT have a 5.56 can through the tax-stamp process by then, but far more important I want to add an IR laser and NODs to my kit. Because so far we’ve been wrong about every move from the Q team, so I’m just planning to not let Antifa burn down my town, and if the Guard or my fellow Marines get to them first so much the better for my worn out knee and shoulder.
Currently looking at this because it has none of the burn out issues of traditional night vision:
InRangeTV – Opsin – The Future of Night Vision
I am not sure if it is that unit, but I saw a review of a sionix like that by somebody who seemed knowledgeable, comparing it to a PVS14, and he said it was terrible. The brief delay in the video processing, created a 1/10th second delay, which made movement disorienting, and shooting fast more difficult, as the visual was just behind reality. He said you would move, and it would take a noticeable pause before the movement began in your visual. He said he would prefer Gen2 real intesifiers to that.
Maybe that is faster in the processing, and better, IDK enough to be knowledgeable. Doubtless that will one day be the future. But be sure before you sink in that kind of cash.
You probably got a review of the Aurora, which is actually a low light camera that can be helmet mounted, so a bunch of guys tried to used them as an NVG because $500.
The Opsin roughly correlates to a gen2+ device, but with a few features like limited color vision, and they are priced similarly to a gen2 PVS14. Plus they are easy to use to film for the channel if I want to do night shoots.
AGM Global Vision Night Vision Monocular PVS-14 NL1 Gen 2 NVG – $2,333.80
But here is Karl using an Opsin versus a PVS7 GEN3 to drive out in the desert:
Driving with Night Vision – Digital vs Analog
TREX says that basically the Opsin has strengths where the the Gen3 has weaknesses, and vice Versa. It’s like comparing a CRT monitor against an LCD – different tech that works better for different things. They don’t love it, but it obvious that the next gen of this thing is going to be a real contender.
T.REX ARMS – SiOnyx Opsin: Digital Night Vision HAS ARRIVED
The last time I used night vision equipment was in 1999. It was the PVS7 that Karl is using paired with a PAQ4 – I didn’t even remember the exact name of the unit, I only really remembered the thumbswitch and the barrel mount. It was a joke at the time, but when CoD4 came out I was stunned because that’s what 1999 night vision actually looked like and how it functioned.
I’m planning an M16A2 nostalgia build for the channel(and machining test for MK2) and I want to stick one of these on there:
Insight AN/PAQ-4C IR Laser Aiming Light Device
Will’s has 2 of them currently. Since this is just a toy, I’m going to be getting a newer unit for Sara well before I buy one of these.
I know I am in the minority in thinking the blackmail regime is run via voluntary and not involuntary blackmail.
But Masonry seems like a great example of an entrance point for people who intuitively get that not only is blackmail how things work but that voluntary blackmail is how it best works.
I mean, one knows that these Masons are eventually going to ask you to do bad things, shameful things. That’s why it is secret. Who tf is going into a secret org with secret ceremonies without trepidation? Blindfolds and costumes and hoods? It’s openly an exchange of your doing weird shit to get secrets and rise in rank.
Fraternities are the same thing. Secret rituals, and surveillance watching to see if you keep the secrets.
Yeah. Frats seemed not something I needed. I really don’t want to do that particular hazing stuff. Bad idea.
I was in a frat, they’re definitely not all controlled. I heard plenty of horror stories from others on the campus, but we never used pain, severely embarrassed, or did gay shit / whacked off in coffins, etc. Nothing blackmail worthy was ever asked or expected of members, and if a brother was fucking with you more than usual the pledges were expected to stick up for themselves or get help from another brother.
We just treated it like the bonding that comes from going through boot camp with a bunch of other guys. Everyone dresses the same, does some silly tasks and challenges as a group, and at the end of their initiation period they’re better friends and have a more invested bond than they would have been by just going to class and drinking beer together on the weekends.
The bad shit definitely did exist though. Severe paddlings, organized date rape accusations, drug dealing, etc. You just have to use your God-given discernment and not associate with scumbags as a general rule, and NEVER do anything you wouldn’t want to explain to God on your final day.
Good advice.
“I mean, one knows that these Masons are eventually going to ask you to do bad things, shameful things.”
No, you don’t know that. You simply do not.
You’ve just fallen for a hard core cabal psyop.
Elks clubs utilizing many of the same symbols and such. Are you convinced they are all up to evil, as well?
Historian Darren Staloff had an excellent lecture on the history of clubs in American. They were absolutely essential in the building of American society. Clubs not only created strong and socially health communities, they often got things done much better than government efforts. They built parks, did charity, created libraries, built YMCAs, furthered American science, and on and on.
All of this hostility towards clubs, fraternal orders symbolism, and ritual is part of cabal’s effort to isolate us and make us all dependent upon cabal and the government. You cannot have self government without an organized social life consisting of groups that have shared orientation and agreed upon rules of interaction. You just can’t.
There’s a reason you don’t see cabal media aggressively encouraging people to be a part of clubs or churches. And you don’t see cabal pushing freasonry AT ALL. What’s the last TV show or movie you saw that portrayed freemasonry in a positive light? Exactly, you haven’t. Because cabal is deeply anti masonic.
Lol. Dudes who want me to go in secret places with them and play dress up in exchange for secret knowledge are prima facie up to no good. It’s absurdly obvious that is why one can’t talk about what happens.
Imagine the mindset of someone going into that situation. There is an exchange going to be made. The only thing certain is that they will get what they want. And what they want is something they don’t want talked about.
The problem is you don’t know what they want. I would never tell a friend, or even a person I liked, “Swear you will do whatever I say, and I may bestow some benefit on you.” It feels like a display of my distrust of them, and the transactional nature of my “loyalty.”
There is something about just being straight up and honest, at least about the important parameters in a relationship at the outset. The second you start trying to rob someone of their free will with oaths which they cannot fully understand until they take them, and the second you are offering something (and like it or not there is a strong sense that Masonry is the way up the ladder, like a super-networking service for the successful), in return for blind loyalty, but will not disclose the deal until it si sworn to, people are going to wonder.
If we are tight, you do not need to be able to point to some blood oath to get me to be loyal. So what exactly are you roping me into you need all these oaths? Either it is stuff the loyal would not want to do otherwise, and you tying them down, or the group is made up of people who would not be loyal unless there was the threat of death, in which case I am not really sure those are my kind anyway.
And again, you can say all this shit about lucifer and satan were different people, and somehow this is not satan worship, but it is not helping me to think that whatever is being sworn to there will not end up damning my soul, and being an affront to God. satan is not going to come you to promoting satanism.
It is just too big a risk. I am not sure why if you are a Mason, you guys can’t just be straight up with people and let prospects know what they are getting into.
Obviously I can’t really join anything now without bringing in the intel hordes with me and fucking everything up for everyone. But if I was a young buck, something like Freemasonry’s stated objectives would sound great, if it was open and straight up, and not set up to tie down my loyalty first, and only then tell me what exactly I was giving my loyalty to. If you want good, straight up people you should be straight up at the outset. Right now you are set up to pull in shady people with flexible morals.
Not a coincidence.
Planned chaos by calendar. Election coming? Wind up some group, let the distractions begin.
In olden times, the manipulation was subtle. Now, masses are so overwhelmed that they don’t connect any dots. They just react and hope for a treat, then take a nap.
The ‘new variants’ aka ‘unforeseen variables’ are called Eris and Arcturus. That’s Chaos Bear in old languages. So yeah, the subtlety is all gone.
Might be a cutout for Russia. If I was Putin, I would want as many Leopards with Uke drivers on the field as I could get.
Right. The RUS tankers are taunting the US about Abrams 24/7. And the Challengers will never see action.
But these are the slightly upgraded just post WWII era Leopards with weak armor and a small cannon. Not much to write home about.
And the Armata should see action next year.
Re: woman on plane is not getting memory-holed…
Luke 8:17 “ For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.” God is putting out the evidence so nobody will have any excuse when challenged at judgement.
some pictures.
whats all this?
Re: Gaetz and immunity for Trump
Probably a load of practical considerations, but the central idea sounds brilliant.
“Local strongman dead at age 27 after collapsing and dying while working out at his gym in Sequim“
The article is dated 2007.
Yeah, I m trying to figure out this database software plugin, which of course cannot just work when you buy it, so I am stuck now dealing with yet another tech support, and I’ve got everything else. I missed that date, and assumed if it came from a current aggregator it was current. My bad.
“So the Daily Mail tracked down the girl from the plane who said of the person sitting next to her on the plane,”
TMFINR ‘girl’ is 36. She’s not a girl. She’s a woman. A woman who appears partly immune to the wall, is a marketing exec, lives in a $1.6 million home and has a superior rack. Of course she is a target. How could she not be?
Don’t forget the Baphomet pose.
I guess so long as they are under 40-50 they are girls soon enough if they manage to continue with this.
I can’t read anything anymore without looking for the hidden hand.
At the end of this article, there’s a note about the teacher involved in the high performing math team from Alabama. After winning nationals, a new admin showed up, drove her out, and then left in a year. The teacher ended up committing suicide.
I guess it’s ok to a have a few kids from AL do well, but it won’t do to have a teacher generate a bunch of math whiz kids.
Math is important to them. I do not know if it is the mental exercise, and the brain structures involved, and it promotes independent thinking, or if the genes of whatever they fear are also associated with math skill, or if there is a power in math and developing the skill.
I think that is why the googolplex test is important. If a kid innately understands infinity at age seven or eight, and is immune to social pressure with regards to denying it, they will be a problem.
“…Math is important to them. I do not know if it is the mental exercise, and the brain structures involved, and it promotes independent thinking…”
A wild guess. Math, engineering, is a process of breaking down problems into smaller parts and seeing how they fit together to solve problems. One of their biggest tools is the “pronouncement”. A lot of my bitching and moaning and arguments are about just that. People tell us these large overreaching statements that when you break them down are nothing but a big ass pile of bullshit. They, and even regular folks, love the “pronouncement” because they can say these big sweeping things while providing no evidence at all.
One of the biggest tells when they are making “pronouncements” that might be total BS is when they tell you,”Experts say…”.
Re: Metaxas
I wouldn’t want to be him at the white throne judgment, unless he radically repents, but I’m not holding my breath.
Then you stumble across this shit.
Here’s why the theory that Taylor Swift is a satanist clone absolutely checks out..
What does her concert do to the potential for demonic possession of the young girls at it?
I picture all those memes of the young trad girl who is total wife material heading off to college, and in the next pic after two years she is a fat, shaved-headed trannie, with murder in her eyes, screaming at the camera.
These ‘role models’ show them how to go from normal to dysfunctional, like Miley Cyrus went from Hannah Montana to whatever she is now.
Looking back at the beginning of her career, Swift was known for being very timid and down to earth. With the release of her last album, Swift embodied a new, feistier, nastier persona. This performance symbolically represents the same process, one that is apparently required to be in the good graces of the music industry. How many young female pop stars went from good girl to bad?
But it’s not just psychological manipulation, but evil magic, too:
Taylor Swift has copied the look of Anna Wintour (of ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ and the MK Ultra publication Vogue). I’m not too sure if Taylor is a she, and that other video is fair warning / a confession. Crazy times we live in.
Her first big song is about the Romance between Romeo and Juliet. And then she according to Script became “corrupted”.
Regarding Taylor Swift:
You’ve paid hundreds of dollars for a ticket and braved the pouring rain to watch your favourite artist perform in what should be an unforgettable evening.
But three hours and over 40 songs later, you get home and realised you can’t remember a thing.
It sounds almost unbelievable, but many Taylor Swift fans are claiming to suffer from “post-concert amnesia”.
What are they putting in the food/water/air at these concerts?
And it could just be CIA running a test, by doing something there, and having their kid surveillance question everyone after.
The research and development capabilities opened up by the surveillance is mindblowing. Granular data, of just unimaginable detail.
Scary to think what such evil could develop.
Amnesia can be a by product of hypnosis.
Possibly some type of subliminal piggybacked onto her sound system?
It could be. It could also be a test of something like ultrasound which messes with brains. No way to know, beyond the fact the secret society views us as guinea pigs and lab rats.
Another angle, the majority of people who have no memory of the concert are of no concern. By polling the audience after a mass opp like this you’re looking for those who the hypnotism didn’t affect. Those are the targets moving forward.
Good point!
Since you’ve talked multiple times about sissy hypnosis, I may as well give my two cents about this topic.
To make a long story short, I do have a certain kink (not too degenerate, but definitely a guilty pleasure) which can be enhanced using hypnosis. Hence I do have a bit of experience in the field. I will try to get straight to the point.
First of all, what is hypnosis. To make it quick, its all about brainwaves. The state of mind of meditating isn’t much different than being hypnotised. The key difference is that one is self-imposed while the other one is done externally.
Slower brainwaves essentially means less conscious activity. A common example many people do experience is driving a route they drive regularly and sort of zoning out and arriving without much recollection.
As a result in theory everyone is hypnotisable. In practical application there are definitely differences. More logical, rational people are less likely to be hypnotised. Women are more likely than men. Natural followers more likely than natural leaders. Intelligence and emotions play a role as well. People who are driven by emotions are much more likely to turn their head off (duh). Not to mention there is the point that some people simply are barely functioning on autopilot at all times anyway (especially including any form of drugs, medical or street drugs).
So how can it be used? As I said. It creates a state of mind of reduces conscious activity. Meaning people are generally more susceptible to any form of manipulation. Music is a common example. Very tribal kind of music puts people into a sort of trance. Often times due to be repetitive. You can hear that a lot in modern pop and hip hop music if you focus solely on the rhythm. Also shopping mall music. Pay attention to that gentle background noise and think about how it can calm down the average person. Governments, media and companies use that everywhere. And it works on quite a few people. Not to mention many are just being a victim to the decades long conditioning and hence just can’t mentally defend themselves anymore.
Can it be used to make someone turn into a sissy instantly? Or turn into a murderer? No. I have to agree with the general scientific consensus that it cant be used to do something against peoples will. BUT (!) the will is a fluid matter. You can steadily have an influence on peoples will if done time and time again. For example during psychotherapy.
A book I’ve read many years ago about the most common strategies of manipulation was quite clear about it. The number one form of manipulation is repetition. Repetition creates association and habits. In the case of sissy porn the way it works is creating a positive feedback loop of pleasure associated with mindlessness and becoming more feminine. And becoming more feminine means more pleasure. So people who are already susceptible to this will get into a vicious cycle upon regular listening/watching. Especially in a society where we are constantly manipulated into reacting emotionally rather than intellectually. Add to it the absence of fathers and single mother households and you have a population ripe of potential victims to this.
Arguably we can say thats darwinism at play. So it may not be the worst thing to just go full Gestapo or Soviets and just get rid of all the degenerate perverts.
Fascinating post, thank you.
So this could also, in a small way, be consistent with some sort of larger culling of the population to eliminate these traits.
Every time people say to “open your mind,” you must ask “to what, exactly?”
Meditation (aka mindlessness, not mindfulness) is commonly seen as a vector for demonic possession. Voluntarily choosing to separate your mind and abandon your body opens doors you should not be so quick to crack.
Wise words that are not often heeded. Put on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-20) or put yourself and your eternal destiny at risk.
If that was the case, we’d imagine that monasteries around the world would be rife with demon possession. There’s no reason to suspect that this is the case.
Or as they say down South, “Don’t open your mind so much your brains fall out.”
“You look at what life would be like without this conspiracy, with all of us just working together to help each other, like a team, and it is like a magical utopia by comparison to this.”
AC, please come back to earth, it wouldn’t be like this, any here have most of the history of our species or the workings of other animals to prove it.
It would be closer to that than to what it is now.
That would be if Mankind hadn’t fallen. And we ate the Tree of Life already. Making us ageless and deathless. As we prepared to receive Glorified bodies without needing to die first.
I didn’t say it would be perfect.
Just less hellish.
Please watch this if you feel the emotional pressure around you and wonder about it.
This is real. It is not going away. Time is getting progressively shorter… You should that they know it is coming, at least those in any level of leadership.
God’s best blessing to you all.
Maui DEW fires:
The structures in Maui are burned but the tree’s remain – It was a Directed Energy Attack
Those who rule over us are depraved, malignant; and they are evil.
Something weird is goin on with the fires. The shot from satellite of the Canadian fires all starting at the same time, like thirty fires, tens of miles from each other, and the smoke suddenly appears from each at the same time. I assumed it was timers set in the woods, but who knows.
“So we have had major events alter the governmental or electoral terrain in Niger, India, Ecuador, and Pakistan all of a sudden, as well as moves to prosecute Trump to take him off the gameboard. Is it a move being made, or is it just coincidence?”
This is a brilliant insight AC!! As we have seen, Russia has managed to turn world opinion against the US and NATO transgressions against them (Ukraine, nordstream pipeline, sanctions, assassinations and terror attacks). Instead of responding in kind Russia uses patient diplomacy to expose the evil the West has done and is doing to the rest of the world. I think your quote above is the US responding with more evil and sinister plans.
The 27 y/o strongman died in 2007….
Good eye. Damn, where did I see that? It was on a current aggregator, and I didn’t see the date when I looked. I have to look closer at dates. I wonder how it came to be there.
Only noticed date myself when i saw the name; used to follow strongman and remembered when Marunde originally died and immediately thought “whoa I thought that guy died awhile back”
RIP Jesse Marunde
I didn’t notice it at first either, it was only when I investigated and noticed his date of birth that I put it together.
When you identify that cabal person in your life:
In re: King Charles’ Coronation.
Tl:dr Yeah there was weird Guenonian Perennialist stuff at the coronation. Charles is prob a dupe of bad juju esoterists.
Charles was heavily influenced by Perennialism. Guenon was the “founder” of that school. Perennialists believe that all religions (Traditions more precisely) are equally valid paths toward “deliverance” or “ultimate knowledge” etc etc.
The adepts of any Tradition reach a point where they have progressed so far as to see the essential unity of all Traditions and can validly (orthodoxly) worship in any of the holy places. And adept can validly worship as a you know who or a muslim or catholic etc etc because he has understood so much that he has reached the “center” where they all lead.
So, a part of all the diff clergy surrounding him is pribably that. A symbol of the equal validity of all those Traditions. And also Charles’ ability as an adept to utilize each at will.
But that’s strange because Guenon was insistent that each adept master the particular Tradition that was most suitable for him. And Charles is considered a not bright man and not devout in any Tradition. There have been rumors he is Muslim. But that’s prob just the whole adept using any Tradition he wishes.
Another interesting point is that Guenon was a hardcore Brahmin Supremacist. The Brahmins are the “priestly” caste. And for Guenon, the Monarch and even a Holy Roman Emperor were beneath the Brahmins.
So, perhaps the gathering of all the prelates and the Druidic stuff was a sign of this submission.
This all assumes that this group are perennialists and that they understand Guenon. I am not sure of either, especially the second. They probably don’t.
And anyway, Guenon would be absolutely opposed to a Monarch heading the Tradition and the mad mingling of castes and races going on in England and especially London. Absolutely and categorically opposed. Hell, he was opposed to England and London themselves.
Idk. The whole thing feels to me like a dumb (or very convenient) version of Perennialism. A total misunderstanding which may be willful.
The goofy screen clearly points to Luciferianism via the Tree being not a restricted thing but an invitation.
I’m not sayimg Guenon was a good guy, he tried very hard to “reform” Masonry but ultimately abandoned the project. And he was pro-Templar. And did not reveal much about the eaoteric teachings of the higher levels. So, the higher levels could be Luciferianism. And also, he was likely part of the stream that became Gulenism kinda Muslum stuff.
He was admittedly an “agent” for what he called “the one true center” from which all Traditions spring. And engaged in work against the “Counter-Tradition”. He might consider the people around simple minded Charles agents of the Counter-Tradition. Idk.
Charles most likely is the Antichrist. FYI: Tim Cohen at
There is a school of thought that the center from which all traditions spring was Nimrod. He rebelled against God and then the languages and peoples were split. He then reconquered them and all original traditions save God’s people were just Nimrod in every language. The Jews slowly absorb some pagan here and there until Christ comes to give us a divine example to follow. That’s why all religions are permitted except Christianity. All others have the same root and the same hate for truth. Not all that follow them mind you, the good Samaritan is a real thing. But, all those who seek truth will eventually find, or reject Christ.
All the major false religions are built on a core of truth. (like any good lie)
I read a book earlier this year called “The Genesis 6 Conspiracy” by Gary Wayne. It is a really long book. It started being about the Nephilim but the author kept finding links to other things and it took him 30 years to write this book based on other ancient records and teachings of secret societies.
I’m probably going to do a crappy job summarizing it, so take this worth a grain of salt. One possibility the author uncovered through other ancient records is the creation of man in Gen 1 and the creation of Adam in Gen 2 were separate events. It helps explain the populations and why Cain built over 60 cities. God gave Adam the 7 Sciences or the Liberal Arts: Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Geometry, Arithmetic, Music, and Astronomy. Cain and his son Enoch (not Methuselah’s dad) perverted them into spurious teachings which became the foundation for secret societies throughout history. Supposedly, documents are buried in 9 vaults somewhere in Egypt from before the flood and supposedly have not been found, but the knowledge was passed down. Ancient records indicate that Nephilim and even some of the Gen 1 humans and descendants of Cain survived the flood, which again helps explain how the population was large enough for Nimrod to build Babylon in the first place that soon after the flood.
It’s an interesting book that gives you a shit ton of rabbit holes to go down. Highly recommended.
US trying to split RUS and Iran via the release of funds.
This is wild.
Guy that works with homeless stumbles upon a MASSIVE abandoned homeless camp/shanty town in the Oregon forests covering about 4-5 acres. Where did they all go?
Wow. And a lot of that stuff, like the kid’s toys, or moped, you would think someone would have taken with them when they left.
Nah, too much trouble to move that stuff. Just steal more when you get to your new location.
Nobody is going to stop them.
“A friend of mine is going though a court battle atm and during the discovery phase of the trial he found out that his router was infected with malware put there by the feds during a visit from a tech who was sent to look into his internet problems. Tech was a fed or a fed plant or possibly not even fully aware of his role. My buddy is no super villain and they employed these tactics on him. I think it’s time for everyone to do a data wipe.”
Zelensky Fires All Heads of Ukraine’s Military Recruitment Amid Bribery Probe
“Woodward being a CIA asset allowed to freely walk around Langley, and G. Gordon Liddy being CIA give that whole Watergate thing a different feel.” Ever seen the comedy Dick? I thought it was hilarious. And it is. But now, looking back, I get the sense that there is way more to that movie. The two teenage girls might represent Cabal honeypot operations, and the movie’s plot arc might represent the satanic CIA pedo Cabal defeating the relatively-wholesome Nixon. (He clearly didn’t participate in the Bohemian fagginess, right? He at least didn’t like it.) The movie ends with the two TEENAGE/UNDERAGE girls rollerskating lasciviously around the Oval Office alone. Now, there is where is gets weirder and more interesting to me. Because I have mentioned, I think the most powerful faction of Cabal might be time-travelling androcidal/anthropicidal posthuman lesbians, hence Big Mike, Jill Biden, Hillary, et al. The women wear the pants now, the men are compromised and neutered into oblivion. And I suspect it’s a plot by what for centuries were called witches. Transhumanist man-genociding future lesbians who want to Tikkun Olam the world in their own twisted way. So the two underage teens rollerskating might signify Cabal pedo power in one subtext, but to me I now wonder if the larger subterranean subtext is “Why We Closeted Lesbians Had To Exterminate Mankind To Save The World” or whatever grotesque bullshit alibi they offer. Like, imagine if soooooo many movies were made not just with the goal of influencing the world as it was as the time of the release, but also the goal of gaining the power to frame issues in the future. So, a 1990 movie might have been ULTIMATELY produced in order to contribute to the informal global trial that the Cabal perps will be subject to today or tomorrow. “Yes, you have a good point, what these women did was evil, but here is a depiction of WHY they resorted to such an extreme wicked strategy, they had no choice, vote Not Guilty.” Essentially, laying the groundwork fot future whataboutism. Food for thought.