News Briefs – 08/11/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


QAnon groups have millions of members on Facebook, documents show.

A private plane flew from South Bend Indiana to Washington DC, sparking speculation Biden may be looking at Buttigieg as a potential running mate.

Kamala Harris unfollows Joe Biden on twitter as VP announcement approaches.

More than 100 Black leaders and celebrities urge Biden to pick Black woman as VP.

Michelle Obama supporters urge Biden to pick former first lady as running mate in an open letter. This would make sense.

Court ruling involving Victoria’s Secret founder could spill more Jeffrey Epstein dirt. Judge orders release of correspondences from attorneys for celebrity lawyer Alan Dershowitz and Victoria’s Secret founder Leslie Wexner.

Mika and Joe do not look ebullient in this video as they discuss all the polls showing Biden winning. Looks like they are sitting by Sleepy Joe’s hospice bed as he begins his final decline.

Some other observations on the Epstein show Surviving Jeffrey Epstein – Epstein would ask some of the girls about their families, ostensibly as an ice-breaker. These were girls who were probably grabbed as opportunities without enough background, and he was doing a threat assessment, to see if their parents might be dangerous. I remember the daughter of some rich and powerful person a year or so back describing meeting Epstein, and him closing in on her, and immediately asking about her family, and once he saw her family was rich, he backed off and never did anything remotely inappropriate.

We are hearing about the American girls, but there were rafts of foreign girls who didn’t speak English funneled in from Europe as well that we have not heard so much about.  They may have been the vast majority of the operation’s targets, and who knows where he handed them off to once they were groomed. My impression is, this was not a network that serviced Epstein and his friends, so much as Epstein was an employee preparing girls for the network to use throughout the world, while living under the assigned cover of a billionaire.

Jeffrey Epstein was banned from contributing philanthropically to MIT due to being a registered sex offender against minors, so Epstein bought influence at MIT by funneling the money through Bill Gates’s personal bank accounts and other rich associates. I almost get the impression they were funneling that money so they could determine what scientists were funded, and what research was being done, possibly to control and stifle scientific advancement in the non-Cabal world according to dictates from the network’s Management.

It looks like Acosta didn’t just back off from prosecuting Epstein when warned he was “with intelligence,” but rather he actively worked with Epstein’s lawyers to cater fully to them and Jeffrey. One participant said in an email with Acosta he was happy to have finally worked everything out for “reasons” he “will not put in this email.” I got the impression the person who wrote that was not normally an enthusiastic Cabal drone, but rather was made afraid by having to deal with this Cabal-related issue because now Cabal was lurking over their shoulder, and finally getting away from it would allow them to stop feeling afraid. And whoever it was just assumed Acosta would know exactly what he was talking about.

The show never mentioned that Acosta had said Epstein was associated with intelligence, and there was no mention of the Mossad rumors, so it was actively hiding the most interesting part of the story – that there was much more than Epstein. It also made a hard effort to connect Epstein and Donald Trump by showing some document with “Trump Organization” at the top as they talked about Epstein’s flight logs, implying Trump flew on Epstein’s plane (even though he never did), and showing pictures of events with Epstein and Ghilsane posing next to Trump for a photo-op, and with Trump giving the State of the Union in the backdrop. So the show is as much cover-up as anything. It is also sad to see the girls all surrounded by Cabal lawyers, not understanding they are still not free and plotting their own courses

A model target was moved by Ghilsane into an apartment owned by Epstein’s brother, where Epstein kept models he was grooming. This girl said she was very uneasy there because she always felt watched and listened to, so much so she moved out. Obviously in retrospect the whole building was probably put up with cameras and microphones, and any guys who dated those models and went home with them were giving up video, and if the models married rich later, their husbands could be leveraged with the threat of public release of videos of their wives sleeping with other guys in their younger model days.

Most fascinating may be that neither Epstein nor Ghilsane appear to have had any real skill beyond grooming kids. Epstein supposedly didn’t even know calculus when he taught it briefly. An investor in the area Epstein claimed to operate claimed if there had been somebody as big as Epstein claimed to be, he would have known of him, and he never heard of him. He said if Epstein was investing, he might have been blackmailing $500 million dollar sums from billionaires he entrapped, to put in an S&P 500 Index fund, and taking a cut of that, but he was not doing anything like he claimed. And yet here were these two people, Jeffrey and Ghilsane, maybe 115 or 120 IQ’s, with little actual schooling in any skill, and they were living the billionaire lifestyle, complete with multiple private jets, private islands, multiple elite-level residences, personal chefs cooking first class meals just for them, and every pleasure anyone could possibly want in this world. But at the end of the day, they were just employees. Which makes you wonder, what is it that is really at the top of this thing? What are they being used to produce for the people at the top?

A “veteran insider” at DHS claims two different federal agencies have investigated Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Ankara) for months, but decided not to prosecute her for immigration fraud, despite clear and readily available evidence that she married her own brother as part of an elaborate immigration scam.

Seattle City Council approves plan to defund police department, slashes jobs and salaries.

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best to resign after defunding of department. Local Police Chief needs to be an elected position, like Sheriff. Once they are under the thumb of a mayor or other political cuck, you’re finished.

California sees a massive increases in shoplifting, grand theft, receiving stolen property, forgery, fraud, and writing bad checks after turning all of them into minor misdemeanors so long as you don’t steal more than $950 per day through them. I now wonder if this was the start of trying to degrade the US experience to stymie Donald Trump’s reelection.

New York law says there can be no evictions by any landlord until Andrew Cuomo says the Corona-panic is over.

Howard Dean tweeted support for Beijing’s decision to impose economic sanctions on 11 U.S. legislators and human-rights activists, including Republican senators Josh Hawley, Marco Rubio. and Ted Cruz.

Donald Trump leaves abruptly during a press conference after a shooting outside the White House. Sounds like a 51 year old black guy wanted to get killed by Secret service from reports. He approached an officer, told him was armed, walked away, made a drawing motion, and then assumed a shooting stance opposite the officer, who plugged him in the torso and put him down, wounded.

Lebanese prime minister announces resignation of government.

A man who beat, raped and murdered two moms as their young children listened to their screams in a Westchester County home invasion is about to be freed by the state parole board.

Top Chicago prosecutor Kim Foxx’s office has dismissed more than 25,000 felony cases – including murders, shootings, sexual assaults and Jussie Smollett’s ‘hoax’ attack.

Kasich says supporting Trump is not consistent with Biblical teachings, while Biden ‘is a man of deep faith.’

Marco Rubio looks to extend period for casting Electoral College votes, giving states more time to select electors. Inherent to Rubio’s action is the assumption that mail-in voting is a given, and thus we will not know who won for some time.  This will give Cabal time to try and make up votes and adjust the outcome. Historically Republicans would win on election night, only to see the margin whittled away as time went on and recount after recount happened, until the Democrat was ahead, at which point the vote-counting would stop. So this definitely will work to Cabal’s advantage.

Facebook threatens ‘climate-change extremists,’ insisting on a policy ‘that will prevent the public from ever countering radical viewpoints,’ like the idea the planet’s temperature may not be entirely due to man’s activity.

Wall Street’s many campaign donors are lining up behind Joe Biden, according to the New York Times. If it is true, (and it may not be), it is just a measure of how fixed the system is, and how the fixers don’t want to lose control.

There has been anomalous activity on the San Andreas fault over the last 10 days, now we have a big preshock cluster right on the Salton sea, 9 in the last hour, 2 over 4.0.

Fox News looks at what happens if the election fails to produce a clear winner. Short answer – the House selects a President, however each state’s raft of representatives gets only one vote, so all of California gets one vote, just like Wyoming. Presently there are 25 overall Republican states, 24 Democrat states, and one tied state. But a number of them are only one swing vote away from switching, and they say to expect horse-trading.

Massive fire breaks out in a British industrial park. No idea if it is involved, but Cabal will have some sort of central control centers/data-farms hidden somewhere, and if Cabal is being taken down, they will be targeted.

Braves’ finances hit hard, with a 95% drop in revenue. And they didn’t even kneel. But by all means, lets keep players on other teams kneeling.

In one Indian state, Ivermectin is to replace Hydroxychloroquine in treatment of Covid-19 patients.

Chinese firms delisting from the NYSE and Nasdaq amid growing US pressure.

Another round of layoffs at Warner Brothers, including a bloodbath at DC comics. Cabal funds must be getting short if they can’t keep subsidizing their lesbian midget non-binary anti-cis-hetero superhero space romance graphic novels.

Space Force members called ‘Space Warfighters’ in new doctrinal publication.

Stocks extend winning streak to 7 days as Trump signs executive orders for coronavirus relief.

Trump: Convention speech may take place at Gettysburg battlefield, in a nod to the Civil War we are in.

Trump signs bill to expand funding, eligibility for housing grants for disabled veterans.

Spread r/K Theory, because this is the Second Civil War

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4 years ago

> Epstein supposedly didn’t even know calculus when he taught it briefly.

Hardly unusual; I’m pretty sure the professor who attempted to teach my Cal I class in college had no clue what he was blathering about.

4 years ago

> Space Force members called ‘Space Warfighters’ in new doctrinal publication.

It’s a joke organization, it might as well have joke titles.

I bet it winds up like Star Trek, where all Federation spacemen were officers.

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

Space Force was split off as its own entity in part due to the fact that the Air Force brass are all biased in favor of aircraft when it comes to budgetary issues, to the point that they would happily raid the coffers of money that had been earmarked for things like maintaining the GPS system so they could fund the F-35.

Given the fact that the Chinese and other up and coming nation states are militarizing space at a rapid clip, and have demonstrated things like ASAT technology, having a specialized branch of the military dedicated to the space domain makes a lot of sense, frankly.

4 years ago

And yet here were these two people, Jeffrey and Ghilsane, maybe 115 or 120 IQ’s, with little actual schooling in any skill, and they were living the billionaire lifestyle, complete with multiple private jets, private islands, multiple elite-level residences, personal chefs cooking first class meals just for them, and every pleasure anyone could possibly want in this world.

And the one time Trump comes over for dinner, he eats in the kitchen with the random girl that he was a perfect gentleman to and never even flirted with.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
4 years ago

He ate in the kitchen with the cook so he could see what went in his food.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Good catch.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  everlastingphelps
4 years ago

I accept your point, but I believe Ghislaine is a good deal smarter than 120. She appears to have been the brains behind the operation, and was running multiple operations in several different states and countries for a couple of decades.
The woman was no dummy.
Epstein was just along for the ride, but Ghislaine was tuned into the big picture, as was her father.

Reply to  Dave, again.
4 years ago

AC, this is how you spell Maxwell’s name ^^^. It’s not Ghilsane. Nothing sane about her.

Reply to  pedant
4 years ago


Reply to  Dave, again.
4 years ago

Smart? I think she was just your average criminal predator who happened to be born into money. She was ‘smart’ in knowing who was easy prey and who was not. That’s not anything special. What’s special is the ones she sought to prey on who knew what she was up to, by just an inborn knowing.

4 years ago

The link for Warner Brothers layoffs is the link for the South Bend flight.

4 years ago

and joepedo picks… kabala!

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

It’s a family thing.

Notable quote:

Jews have an innate attraction to power and wealth, and going back through recent history, Jews often found themselves in the inner-most circles of European aristocracy because of their willingness to extend loans to the cash-strapped profligate elite at interest.

And one of the easiest ways to get those un-repayable loans forgiven was to marry the daughter of the jewish money lenders, a simple strategy that allowed Jews to infiltrate and ultimately replace the native aristocracies of Europe.

The children of Biden, Clinton and Gore have all married Jews, a phenomenon that can hardly be a coincidence. It has become quite fashionable to have a jewish spouse yourself or marry your children off to Jews if you’re running for office. What better way to convey to wealthy jewish voters that you are 100% kosher?

And just like communism, intermarriage is one of the easiest ways to ensure that all the wealth of the goyim ultimately ends up in the coffers of the Jews.

Jewish collective power needs to be terminated in the West, and Judaism needs to be banned along with Islam and zionism.

4 years ago

Biden picked Harris.


It’s over, he just lost the black vote.

4 years ago

Hat tip to Vox Day—Kamala Harris is NOT a Natural Born Citizen!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

true but she is there, despite not quite being black, to keep black wammins on the plantation… or at least make it plausible for diebold etc…

4 years ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“…Local Police Chief needs to be an elected position, like Sheriff…”

That is truly a transcendental fantastic idea. It would solve a lot of problems.

It would clear up a great deal of corruption or at least clear up continuous mass corruption. There are plenty of Sheriffs now that are corrupt but they have to keep it quite and at a low level to keep down the wrath of the voters.

I think it would solve a lot of police brutality problems. Now I know many are not concerned with this and most cops are not evil but there are enough that it’s a problem. I don’t believe people should be just shot down like dogs or beaten to death for no reason. There’s not many of these but it happens and there’s no excuse for it. I shared a video here of a guy who called the police himself because he was having a schizophrenic attack and the police wrenched his arms behind him, placed him on his chest and knelled on his back until…they killed him. Smothered him. They killed his ass and he called the police for help. There’s no excuse for this. Even the case everyone is rioting about there was no need to place his knee on the guys neck for 9 minutes. I’m not saying he wouldn’t have died anyways I’m saying a guy laying still doesn’t need a knee on his neck.

“Kasich says supporting Trump is not consistent with Biblical teachings, while Biden ‘is a man of deep faith.’”

The top buffoonery of these people is hard to believe.


Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

I think any city should have to be its own county and then we could just make its police chief a sheriff and an elected position.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

FWIW, the County Sheriff is the chief law enforcement officer of his county – including all towns and cities. Technically, he supercedes all other police administrators in his county.

4 years ago

Iraq military says Turkish drone kills 2 senior commanders

4 years ago

Dear AC- I wanted to thank you for recommending the show Burn Notice. When that show first came out, my husband and I would watch it all the time, but I found myself becoming increasingly jealous of Fiona, and the fact that my husband thought she was hot. I was much younger and very immature, so I stopped watching. Because of Fiona! Well, now I’m older, and just as hot ;)! Now, I want to be her! I can’t even tel you who my favorite character is, because I love all of them. I am learning many things and I’m just into te first season. Halfway through. This show is making me notice my surroundings. People. Objects. Everything. So thank you again. And thanks to all of your amazing commenters too. I love you’s!

Campy Happer
Campy Happer
4 years ago

I also want to thank you for the BN reference and also the warning. I’m in the middle of season 2 so all is fun and campy. 2000s Miami! Fiona? Too damn skinny.

About that turn towards darkness: You have to wonder if TPTB got pissed about the show giving away so many secrets that they dictated the tone of the last seasons to turn people against it.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (BIG BRAIN TIME jokes)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (BIG BRAIN TIME jokes)
Reply to  Campy Happer
4 years ago

Fiona? Too bony for my bonna!
It’s ok, I’ll leave now.

4 years ago

>”Most fascinating may be that neither Epstein nor Ghilsane appear to have had any real skill beyond grooming kids. Epstein supposedly didn’t even know calculus when he taught it briefly. An investor in the area Epstein claimed to operate claimed if there had been somebody as big as Epstein claimed to be, he would have known of him, and he never heard of him. He said if Epstein was investing, he might have been blackmailing $500 million dollar sums from billionaires he entrapped, to put in an S&P 500 Index fund, and taking a cut of that, but he was not doing anything like he claimed. And yet here were these two people, Jeffrey and Ghilsane, maybe 115 or 120 IQ’s, with little actual schooling in any skill, and they were living the billionaire lifestyle, complete with multiple private jets, private islands, multiple elite-level residences, personal chefs cooking first class meals just for them, and every pleasure anyone could possibly want in this world. But at the end of the day, they were just employees. Which makes you wonder, what is it that is really at the top of this thing? What are they being used to produce for the people at the top?”

>”What are they being used to produce for the people at the top?”
Levers to move the world.
Child trafficking produces blackmailable puppets, which when put into/at positions of power produce control and power, which can be used to produce more power and money (as in, protecting the cartels and their criminal enterprises, providing trillions of dollars in “aid” to the UN and Israel and every other shithole out there, etc).

>”Which makes you wonder, what is it that is really at the top of this thing?”
People who seek total control over everything and everyone. They don’t want a balance of power (which equals peace (all sides strong with good foreign policy and synergic relations while retaining healthy competition and strong borders and uniqueness)), equality, morality, or anything else but absolute and complete power (total domination) over everyone else. Me personally I am curious if the worshipers of satan are really the ones at the top, or if the really at the top “people” just use them as they use everyone else in their quest for total domination.

4 years ago

>”A “veteran insider” at DHS claims two different federal agencies have investigated Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Ankara) for months, but decided not to prosecute her for immigration fraud, despite clear and readily available evidence that she married her own brother as part of an elaborate immigration scam.”

Spread r/K theory, because tactical incest is now a thing.

4 years ago

>”Another round of layoffs at Warner Brothers, including a bloodbath at DC comics. Cabal funds must be getting short if they can’t keep subsidizing their lesbian midget non-binary anti-cis-hetero superhero space romance graphic novels.”

It is pretty clear that gaybal operations have been suffering from a high level of disruption, them having to shift their resources from long-term psyop operations (all the shoved-down-your-throat-globohomo-in-entertainment-bullshit) to more immediate impact/effect operations (such as the Burn Loot Muder domestic terrorist organization) telegraphs that disruption. If all was going swell and business as usual for the gaybal faggot as it had been since for the past decades until 2016, they would not be shifting resources like that, they’d probably be producing even more long-term psyop operations if they could (because it is what wins them the ultimate victory for enslavement of Humanity in the end, that and demographic replacement in the West (although the invaders also have to be psyoped themselves (but they are much easier to psyop than Westerners, in a way, but not in others (Westerners tend to form high-trust societies, which are great for advancement of all things beautiful and good, but susceptible to the typical subversion tactics used/enacted by Jewish collective power)))).

Am I the only one who can feel the static in the air before the Storm? : )
November is going to be kek as fuck.