News Briefs – 08/10/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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Audio from the Las Vegas Metro Police Department’s protective detail for President Joe Biden on July 17 confirm that Biden was first headed to University Medical Center, a trauma center, after he suddenly canceled a speaking engagement due to illness, then suddenly diverted directly to Harry Reid International Airport. There are not a lot of cases where a doctor, confronted with any frail, elderly patient, let alone a President, who needs an ER visit, will prepare to deliver him to an ER, and then decide not to go. Even if all symptoms resolve, simply because they could recur at any moment, you follow through with the ER checkup to make sure you are on top of all possibilities. Old people get really sick really fast. The decision to abandon the ER visit, the loading him on the plane and racing it to DC so fast the plane shook, and then his withdrawing from the 2024 race, makes me think Secret Service saw something which indicated continuing to the hospital would have continued a threat, and was abandoned because they felt they were dealing with a security issue more than a medical event. So instead they raced him to DC, which was seen as the safest possible option. I think it at least a decent possibility Biden was beamed, to force him to step down, and I think everyone there knew what was going on, from the doctor to Biden, to the Secret Service. I think beaming is now not unusual. I think Erik Prince has been beamed, based on what he has said. Ron Johnson was beamed. Multiple White House staff, including a cabinet level official under Trump have been beamed, at the White House, and in their homes. I would be surprised if Trump has not been beamed. Even the blonde physics guy on Skinwalker Ranch was beamed on camera, in an incident which, when I saw it, was exactly like something I experienced four or five years ago. He described it as being “all swimmy-headed,” as he went blank-faced and was non-responsive. In my case it was like the whole brain was shutting down, and as it did, the visual center’s simultaneous shutdown caused the visual field to turn like a TV screen fading to blank, in conjunction with everything else. All that remained inside was like a small seed of awareness that everything shut down. after ten or fifteen seconds, everything just came right back up and I was back. In 2012, things like that only happened to isolated people like Aaron Alexis. Now, they have 300 people who have officially qualified for government treatment for long term effects of Havana Syndrome. Those are just the government workers with long term symptoms. And I do not think it causes long-term effects in most cases. There may be five or ten others who were beamed, but did not need long-term treatment for everyone with long term symptoms. Regardless, I would never qualify for that, and there may be more people in civilian life like me, than official government employees, who have been hit. Now you have maybe a President hit, and I am still not sure whether Hillary was hit in that famous scene in the Side of Beef video, given the Secret Service guy touching the pylon and looking ready to gunfight, as if they felt that was a threat more than a medical emergency. I would not be surprised, based on what I have seen, if Secret Service still cannot technically determine the origin of a beaming, they may not fully understand how it is being performed, and they are helpless when it is going on, except to try and move the principal to a bunker as fast as humanly possible.

That Biden then quickly capitulated on his re-election bid makes me think he knew what it was and who it was. I think these cases we are seeing are the tip of the iceberg of this thing. And whatever it is, is extraordinarily technologically sophisticated.

I will give just one more story. I tried this afternoon to take a short nap on the sofa, partly to see if I still am not able to. Twenty minutes in, I wake up and my head was vibrating again. It was in the “cloud of buzzing.” My head is on a pillow, so I move it slowly, forward out of the cloud, again. I pretty much know what is coming, but I want to see it again to be sure everything is the same. A second or two pass, and under my pillow, as is a standard procedure with this thing for some reason, it is as if someone, from one inch down into the pillow, inside it, “thwacks” the pillow, upward against my head with a finger, right in the center mass of the side of my head, just under my ear-hole. It feels the same way you might catch the index finger on a thumb, build up tension, and let it slip to “Thwack” something. But from inside the pillow, upward on the spot that is center mass on my head. The noise of it is unmistakable, even aside from the physical sensation. And there is nothing inside the pillow, or the cushion under it. It is just this “pop” up to hit my head, practically materializing in a single point in space, under the head. With that, I can feel the “cloud of buzzing” behind my head touch it and then drift along through space to engulf my head again. Like the “thwack” called to it, and said, “Over here!” And if the center of that cloud gets on an ear drum it will sound like a tympany drum inside my head, being drummed in an irregular spatter-type pattern, with several fingers, like “pop… pop-pop-pop… pop-pop… pop-pop-pop… pop… pop… pop-pop” . And if I move out of the bubble one more time, and do not get up, that procedure will repeat. I would think I was crazy, but I recorded the tapping, and spattering, and the beaming on the thermal. These are physical phenomenon, you can record, and show to other people, whatever they are. They are some form of technology. Whatever it is behind it all, appears to be controlling the course of the government. And I tend to think it is expanding whatever it is doing, and many more people will know of it firsthand, before this is over. This might be why there were periods in history where people just accepted there were spirits and demons, and other seemingly fanciful things. They were seeing this. I no longer think there were times when people were primitive and superstitious, and other times when they were modern, and “educated.” I think there were times when they saw this stuff, and times when, for some reason, it receded into the background.

U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan approved a request Friday from special counsel Jack Smith to delay the next steps in the government’s election interference case against former President Trump.

Multiple high level sources: Corrupt Judge Juan Merchan will very likely sentence President Trump to Rikers Island for one year.

Daily Mail catalogs all the cringeworthy times cackling Kamala Harris has attempted to explain things with her signature world salad gibberish.

Secret Service picked the lock and broke into a salon without permission to let people use the bathroom during a Kamala Harris fundraiser, business owner says. And then did not clean up the bathroom afterward.

Chaplain of Tim Walz’s National Guard battalion calls VP pick ‘cowardly’ for abandoning unit as it deployed to Iraq.

Tim Walz’s superior officer in the National Guard tells CNN that Walz knew he was going to be deployed to Iraq six months before he decided to retire. He also says Walz promised he would deploy and went back on his word and abandoned his men.

How Tim Walz helped free a man convicted of murdering an 11-year-old girl… who was arrested on drug and gun crimes after his release.

Kamala Harris’s running mate, stolen valor Tim Walz, once bragged that during Covid he isolated and left his mother, who just had major heart surgery, alone in her home to fend for herself. He was such a good boy in the eyes of the state. We should all strive to emulate his good example.

Former President Donald Trump enjoys a net four-point swing his way in just a week’s time in the race against Vice President Kamala Harris, neutralizing momentum garnered from her ascension to the top of the Democrat ticket.

Georgia’s Kemp aims to mend rift with Trump to defeat Democrats.

Georgia tries navigating 2024 election while investigating unresolved disputes of 2020 election.

Trump’s plane diverted to Billings, Montana, over mechanical issue while flying to rally in Bozeman.

A former North Dakota State Senator, Ray Holmberg, 80, of Grand Forks, pleaded guilty today to traveling to Prague, Czech Republic, to engage in commercial sex acts with minor boys. They actually have a brothel of young boys for male homosexuals over there. One, I will guarantee you that brothel is actually an intelligence operation, most likely run by Cabal’s most senior command, two I will guarantee you there are a raft of high-level politicians throughout Europe who have gone there, and it will never come out so long as they stay useful to the conspiracy, and three, this guy’s real crime was not staying powerful, so he would have been useful to the conspiracy, in which case this would never have seen the light of day, unless he stepped out of line. The world is, for now, ruled by satan.

AI lie detectors are becoming a thing, and can work just off audio or video. Anything which strips away the human ability to lie will be a disadvantage to surveillance, if everyone knows it is out there, and focuses on identifying those in it to isolate them from the lives of the innocent people.

Makes sense:

Cartel drones packed with explosives are flying just south of Arizona’s border with Mexico as differing Cartel factions battle it out.

Newly-released undercover footage, which Planned Parenthood sought to block for eight years, shows the organization’s Houston, TX branch describing delivering late-term fetuses intact and alive and mutilating the bodies afterwards to cover up violations of the federal partial-birth abortion law, in conversations about selling fetal body parts.

FBI SWAT hit the wrong house by accident, residents are trying to sue, but courts are ruling the FBI is not liable as it was an accident. Mainly interesting in that it shows Cabal ground surveillance has no law enforcement linkage. If it was LE surveillance, they would all be a team, and surveillance in the neighborhood, which I am sure knew in real time FBI was hitting the wrong house, could have reached out to the commander in real time, and said, “Your house is two blocks over, that is just some innocent lady in there.” A huge Bureau headache could have been averted in moments. But they did not. The local observation post popped some popcorn, and waited for the show to start.

Researchers warn that a bug in AMD’s chips would allow attackers to root into some of the most privileged portions of a computer—and that it has persisted in the company’s processors for decades.

The unemployment insurance program buckled during the Covid-19 pandemic under a deluge of claims and is unprepared for a real recession.

Met Police Commissioner Mark Rowley threatens to EXTRADITE and imprison American citizens over online posts. How does that work, I wonder. Technically it probably can be claimed to be a crime in Britain, and there probably is a treaty to extradite Americans who have committed crimes under British law. So if we are assuming a leftist American government, of the sort which allowed Gonzalo Lira to be killed by Ukraine, could Biden, et al., just allow American anti-immigrant posters, who would be Donald Trump supporters, to be sent to British prisons?

UK protester charged: The crime? “Making monkey noises and gesticulating in the direction of a counter protest demonstrating against racism.”

The Maduro regime is broadcasting disturbing videos of its crackdown on dissent, featuring clips from Saw and music from A Nightmare on Elm Street, as “Operación Tun Tun” (Operation Knock Knock) goes after dissenters from social media and on TV.

Pentagon says Ukraine’s attack into Russia is not escalatory. Pentagon also says if Mike Tyson puts on a wig and makeup, he will turn into a woman.

Moment Ukraine ‘kills 400 Putin troops’ INSIDE Russia as missiles pound column & send soldiers fleeing for their lives. These are our fucking HIMARS these dumbasses are sending deep into Russia proper, as part of an invasion of Russian soil. But totally not escalatory, according to the Pentagon. It is not like Russia is arming the Cartels to launch missiles into Texas to kill Texans.

Mexico rejects Ukraine’s request to arrest Russia’s Putin during visit. If a country could be an asshole, Ukraine would be an asshole.

Ukrainian state media cheerlead for Tim Walz amid Stolen Valor accusations. Case in point.

8 million student-loan borrowers on Biden’s new repayment plan just got more bad news after a federal court officially blocked cheaper payments and debt cancellation.

Clarence Thomas signals support for election interference lawsuit against New York.

Vice President Kamala Harris is behind former President Donald Trump in both a recent national poll and one conducted in the key swing state of Georgia.

Stunning new figures show how Florida has gone from being a ‘purple’ state with a roughly-even split between Republicans and Democrats to a deep red GOP enclave.

President Donald Trump’s favorability and approval ratings approached their highest mark on record, according to RealClearPolitics and FiveThirtyEight.

Spread r/K Theory, because the beaming will continue until morale improves

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7 months ago

RE beaming at the white house-

One cannot get within a few hundred feet of the white house. So that may mean either the beam(ers) either set up shop within the white house, or it has a much greater range than expected…

Reply to  FtR
7 months ago

The growing constellation of Starlink satellites being deployed into Earth’s orbit is undoubtedly equipped with cutting-edge technology. While the primary goal may seem to be providing global internet access, it is reasonable to consider that there are additional revenue streams making this venture profitable.
Consider the potential capabilities of these satellites: cameras with unprecedented resolution, capturing images across thermal, night vision, and other wavelengths far beyond human sight. Picture satellite antennas that can direct a beam with millimeter precision from 340 miles above.
As time progresses, the collaboration among these satellites will increase, enhancing their collective capabilities.
The vast amounts of taxpayer money funneled into this project may raise questions. Certainly, theft and embezzlement could account for some of it. But instead of speculating on what lies beyond our control, we should focus on the tangible and the known. 
I just used an AI online tool to check this message for grammatical errors and make sure it conveyed my respect for stoicism. The AI deleted this paragraph:
 Mr. anonymous conservative, you just may be looking in the wrong direction to mitigate the beam you refer to. I suggest you concentrate on the Z and see what fruits it yields compared to focusing on the X and Y.
The AI also placed it’s revised version in something like a DOS window with a black background and white text. I have used this tool many hundreds of times over the last year or two, mainly for assistance on correcting grammar issues and avoiding termination over communication that bastard professional managers have characterized as insubordinate. I have never once seen it omit a paragraph. I have never once seen the AI’s corrected version come back in this black background/white text.
I’ve also never queried this AI concerning anything related to politics in general, much less Starlink satellites and their hidden abilities.
Oops, looks like I triggered some subprogram in it’s response. Very fucking interesting. Glitch in the Matrix, something, something 🙂

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

I saw it when you approved it last time.

Danger Semiconductor
Danger Semiconductor
Reply to  Michael
7 months ago

“…cameras with unprecedented resolution ….” The difficulty is the optics to feed such cameras. Starlink spacecraft are not sized to carry such optics. They would have to be the size of the Keyhole satellite series, which are something like the Hubble Space Telescope. HST took up the entire Shuttle payload bay to launch.

“…beam with millimeter precision from 340 miles above ….” The physics of RF do not allow anything like this sort of precision.

“I suggest you concentrate on the Z…” You may not have been around a number of months ago when AC did precisely that, considering both drones and spacecraft. The conclusion was that orbital speed and rapid position changes were not compatible with targeting needs.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
7 months ago

“It is not like Russia is arming the Cartels to launch missiles into Texas to kill Texans.”


If they did, then maybe the MOG in DC might start defending the southern border.

7 months ago


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Having recently lost a four legged friend anon can confirm this is absolutely true and not to be taken for granted.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

There are some archeologists who think the reason the Cro-Magnons won out over the Neanderthals is that the Cro-Magnons hooked up with dogs, and the Neanderthals didn’t.

A dog is a force multiplier for a human. They’ll protect your children, herd your sheep, track down gane animals, alert you to danger, guard your home at night, or attack your enemies, all in exchange for a tiny amount of kindness.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  TRX
7 months ago

Can’t dogs also recognize ill-intent?
Also, remember dogs exposing Terminators in the movie?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

Why in the world does this post have 4 dislikes??

7 months ago

Re: Gov Kemp of Georgia
I pray that PDJT doesn’t trust that reptile. He’s 100% compromised and should have resigned after his daughter’s boyfriend was assassinated with a car bomb.

gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
7 months ago

AC, can you post the text of the back cover so I can plainly read? Might have some suggestions. Also saw the finland route posted on the stasi menu bar, would you like it proofread?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

I suggest changing ‘elite’, used twice to qualify the surveillance tech, with ‘military-grade/spec’ ‘top secret’ or ‘astonishingly futuristic’ or ‘shockingly advanced’.
‘Elite’ will come to mean the controllers to the reader. You are clear that it is footsoldiers that use the tech.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Modeled after the East German Stasi,”
AC, that is a statement of fact. Is that true? Or might it be that the American Stasi is a result of…say, convergent evolution? That is, organizations designed to do similar functions develop similar structures?
Or, are both descended from older organizations? I have seem folks speculate that whatever this is goes back to the Akkadian empire. And recently here there has been speculation about something going back before the end of the Pleistocene. If something like this history is the case, one might then argue that the East German Stasi and the American Stasi have homologous structures?
Or, perhaps, when the Berlin Wall fell, that there was a version of Operation Paperclip and some of the DDR Stasi were imported by the American Stasi?
You have concluded that they share structures and methods. I have no idea but I infer that “modeled after” is speculation. Or does the book make this case?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Thank you. That clarifies your thinking in my mind.

Does it follow then, that who or what is behind all this is, in fact, modern? I used the term “convergent” above. That is not going back thousands of years as many have speculated?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Maybe when noting that this is “modeled after East German Stasi”, you should also explicitly mention “ Zersetzung.” There is a Wikipedia page for that so if the uninitiated see this and just Google it, they can see there really is a historical analogue for this type of thing.

gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

In case you had also been unaware, I was the one that wrote the Gilligan’s Island treatment (about 9 months ago or so) as if they had Gilligan, Mrs. Howell, and the girls all as surveillance and there to screw up the Skipper, the Professor, and Mr. Howell’s lives and aspirations, if you remember you can add a note without mentioning Gilligan, just that you remember that bit from a while back will do fine. I thought that mental gymnastics effort might be memorable.

I was mulling over the back cover, and while not ready for full consideration yet, I went to read the finland post for the first time, (unless I saw it long ago), it was worth another read or first read, regardless. I did check it over and the notes are below.

If you want , just post a note that you got my dozen or so notes about the Finland, I did it anyway since it seemed like a couple photos would not display, and the first one noticed failed to show even with a refresh. Once I got to the picture with the bus stop dude standing and it failed to show, a refresh that time got both of them to show, the earlier one was the pic with the two women second view with wigs and costume change that was failing to show earlier.

On with the show. The first line, I would remove the “pretty”, further in that first line it is “West, it” change the IT to IS

Were you going to put the route driven in the street view?

4th para. below street line view, end of next to last sentence “interlopers is up to” change IS to ARE, or just interlopers do

Just past two car photos, first line “should bother you of these” OF to IF

third para. down, first line has “(and the US’s)” needs a space after the last parentheses. fifth line has first word “easy” change to EASE. Last sentence put a comma before and add it to the previous, it flows together

just past the bus pic end of para. needs a period

I had a note about the photo with two girls not displaying, so skip that for now, makes me wonder if there is too much to learn from those couple of pics so those photos get hung in display?

5 para. above the kid or dude on the bike, is the name Vince Vaugh or Vaughn

picture with lady and two kids, next sentence needs a period

next to last para. fifth line down “of not most people”, maybe OF to IF

Next line I thought where it says population is aware of, it might be UNaware, but that last two lines are somewhat unclear to me i.e. I didn’t think that a large portion of the population was aware and keeping the secret?


gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

I had an urge to write this, but does it appear inspired?

Your reaction begins with disbelief – this just can’t be, we would have heard about this before!?!

As the eyes open to the evidence, the reality of such base treachery reaching from high offices to the local elementary school overwhelms the soul. Never imagining how anyone human could participate in such deviant connivance in pursuit of advantage, but they are stunting the potential of all those “outsiders” with talents that could threaten or expose their coven.

The organization ultimately answers to the high evil, overlords fed by our miseries from the earliest human existence. Now, for us, the technology has expanded their reach into our innermost recesses, the most intimate moments and hushed talks, endeavoring to divine our thoughts so we could never catch them by surprise – they always plan for overlapping coverage.

We, the ones Blessed by our Creator with certainty of Righteousness, are called to expose to the unseeing and ignorant masses the concealed treason, masked in a neighbor’s smile, all while collating the tiniest details concerning your life, family, and children.

Suffice to say you don’t want harm to befall your precious ones, but them being confronted by sophisticated, rehearsed, and trained agentur can derail their life path with drugs, psychological and physical manipulations and bullying, all manner of divergence when they are at their most vulnerable – just because some couldn’t imagine such could exist in our “land of the free”.

Patriots! Shed the blinders that have shielded your senses to what has surrounded and infiltrated every meaningful facet of life, now astride the seats of power. These Divine aspirations will propel our dislodgement of modern pharaoh.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

I have had moderate success with Socratic type methods. At least, I can get a person to acknowledge they’ve never thought of things a certain way. I talked to a normie at work a while back about Orange Man. The guy said Trump is crazy and stupid. I asked “Have you ever listened to an entire speech or interview IN CONTEXT, or do you just watch clips curated by people like CNN that want to make him look stupid and crazy?” The guy told me he hadn’t and I’ve given him something to think about, but in our next engagement he apparently didn’t give it a second thought.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
7 months ago

Eric you and AC both need to learn what Vox day/Aristotle calls rhetoric vs dialectic and just not bother with dialectic.

gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

What I wrote might work as some sort of “forward”, not necessarily as a blurb for a cover or dust jacket. I believe we are trying to see how far we can push the envelope, the circle of awareness. I thought that what I wrote could engage almost anybody, maybe post it for other readers here to see and get their opinions? It’s just a thought, take care and all that jazz, AC. Blessings.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

“People responding emotionally…”
People — all People — respond mainly to emotions, AC. This fares worse for intelligent people, because they “know” that this does not apply to them, eh?
The so-called “Fatal Four” emotional triggers are:
1.) Self-preservation
2.) Wealth
3.) “Romance”
4.) Recognition
In no particular order; they are equally important.
Lol I am thinking of Phelps, an intelligent man who will give you a brilliant, succinct, well-reasoned answer to a question that is a.) in his field, and b.) know able. BUT when responding to a question that is a.) Unknowable, and b.) emotionally –to him — loaded, his answer will be something like, “that is not a real question!”
Lol. Lol.
This is something that you must understand, accept, and utilize…like it or not!
Donald Trump is a master — I am sure that he has a copy of the old classic, “How to Win With Emotional Appeal.”
The average American reader has an eighth grade reading level (this excludes certain groups who are not really Americans, in Vox Days terminology). If you come across as a “dweeb,” they will think less of you or ignore you (generally).

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
6 months ago

Fist — whether questions are validly formed are in my field — (literally the concept embodied by the rules of evidence in English Common Law). Second, your example is one where I was also in my field — theology.
Here’s your tautology. An “unknowable” question can never be a proper question, because by the definition of “unknowable,” there can be no answer. From there, you double down, and claim that you have the correct (negative) “unknowable” answer.
I’ll let the reader decide which of us is more likely correct. A side-field of my expertise of cognitive bias, and overcoming them.–Kruger_effect

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  phelps
6 months ago

Thanks. I’ll take it then that your answer to the question, “was St. Paul lying” is, “it’s impossible to know, but I think that he was telling the truth.”
That proves nothing, since nothing can be proved, but at least it’s an answer. That Presbyterian minister that I mentioned could have offered similar, instead of blowing his stack.
As for English Common Law, is it true that to have a real crime, three things are necessary: action, intent, and an injured party? Or is that just Patriot clap-trap.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
6 months ago

Thanks. I’ll take it then that your answer to the question, “was St. Paul lying” is, “it’s impossible to know, but I think that he was telling the truth.”

That proves nothing, since nothing can be proved, but at least it’s an answer. 

My answer has always been, “no, St. Paul was not lying.” You literally never asked that question, always some kind of leading twisting of the real question.
It in fact can be proved, like most things are proved, by witness testimony. That you choose not to believe the witnesses is your right, but it doesn’t turn into “unknowable” or the left’s favorite, “no evidence.” Yes, there is evidence, but you either find it incredible or insufficient. That isn’t the same as none.
As for the English Common Law, historically yes, but the problem is that the Common Law is whatever the People think it is, and they’ve been convinced otherwise in the last 100 years. There wasn’t even a proper police force for most of the life of the Common Law, because criminal charges were brought up by victims, not the state (giving you your last element.)

7 months ago

The WP install problem is back and the sidebar is gone again.

Last edited 7 months ago by Farcesensitive
Just Me
Just Me
7 months ago

What’s the chances that the Stolen Valor story about Tampon Tim is nothing more than distraction from the Horse Semen story?
They wouldn’t do something like that, would they?? 🤫

Reply to  Just Me
7 months ago

Or a distraction from his links to Chy-na.

Reply to  Just Me
7 months ago

Considering the quality of the modern Demonrat politician, I have no problem believing both are true. It’s possible both are a distraction from something FAR worse though.

7 months ago

Excellent article regarding hte destruction of Western (white) Christian civilization:

Decolonization Has No Limits

Gregory Hood • August 9, 2024

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
7 months ago

“A second or two pass, and under my pillow, as is a standard procedure with this thing for some reason, it is as if someone, from one inch down into the pillow, inside it, “thwacks” the pillow, upward against my head with a finger, right in the center mass of the side of my head, just under my ear-hole. It feels the same way you might catch the index finger on a thumb, build up tension, and let it slip to “Thwack” something.”

I have had something like this happen. Not as often as you, but now I wonder if it’s a similar deal. Also, I occasionally hear an electric buzz for no apparent reason, like somebody is tuning through stations on an old AM radio inside my head. When I do enjoy deep sleep, what feels like a wasp sting repeatedly lights up my leg until I’m driven awake. No sign on the skin that anything bit me. Sometimes it continues for hours after waking up. Also, time was I could sleep anywhere, any time, through almost anything, but in 2015 I suddenly developed chronic insomnia. That’s when a few other ailments began, too, to accompany the symptoms that switched on back during Desert Shield.

Also, somebody has been in my house at least once while I was at work, and didn’t put everything back like it was. Of course, my immediate thought was that they bugged me for round-the-clock surveillance because I still have an older phone and take the battery out overnight, but now I wonder what else they might have done while here.

Maybe it’s all a stack of coincidences, but I’m starting to realize I haven’t been paranoid ENOUGH.

Last edited 7 months ago by Machine Trooper
Anony Nonny
Anony Nonny
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Any issues uncovered in crawlspace, basement or slab, as applicable?

7 months ago

The Beaming will continue… As an aside note to your intro piece, perhaps that deagal prediction data was not about the covid plandemic, that even though it is deadly and injurious, it is not producing the statistical numbers in any alignment with those original forecasted numbers. That plandemic may have been a parallel operation, running it’s own course to deflect, then the beam dial can be turned full up and start taking down either the targeted individuals on some master list, or bubble boil the brains and organs of larger swaths of populations in certain areas or groupings. The cabal media providing cover and it is all blamed on russia, climate change, or some evil white guys somewhere were at fault. All options are apparently on the table at the current trajectory. Stay frosty out there anons.

Reply to  Frosty
7 months ago

FWIW the spec diagram on the bottom left side of the image is pretty much exactly what the “military sensor” device looks like in the Twisters flick.

7 months ago

Trump’s plane diverted to Billings, Montana, over mechanical issue while flying to rally in Bozeman.

Another assassination attempt?

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  phelps
7 months ago

Yeah, I mean that’s the most logical speculation at this point. That old axiom about never assuming malevelence when simple incompetence could account for events has been (or should be) turned upside-down in the Current Year.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
7 months ago

The problem with assuming incompetence is, if it were simple incompetence, every now and again they’d fuck up in our favor. They don’t, so it has to be deliberate.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
7 months ago

The test is consistency. Stupid is not consistent. Evil is.

Reply to  phelps
7 months ago

Memory holed and will be tried again. But the fact of repeated salvations so far indicates the Mandate of Heaven.

7 months ago

Secret Service picked the lock and broke into a salon without permission to let people use the bathroom during a Kamala Harris fundraiser, business owner says.

3rd Amendment violation. They’ve broken all 10 now.

7 months ago

On MRNA dosing: this explains why teenage athletes were going down hardest.

7 months ago

The science news keeps getting stranger. Tractor beams, indeed!

7 months ago

Possible use of 17 as code. I’m not sure how fast a plane can fall from the sky in one minute but 17,000 feet sounded like a lot to me. Maybe someone better at math and physics can clarify.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

If someone just stepped out the door and fell, free fall speed is around 120mph.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Sine of 45 deg is .707

7 months ago

Anyone have some weird and unexplained anxiety? My wife commented to me this morning that her anxiety is up for reasons she can’t explain. Texas Arcane shared a Substack post that said a lot of people have that feeling right now, and it looks like Cabal is trying to get their tasks accomplished against a racing clock.

I guess I’ve lived in Clown World for so long, things have to be really batshit before I even notice them anymore. My wife is an empath and I guess she is influenced by outside forces I can’t understand beyond an intellectual level.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
7 months ago

My wife had it early last week. I had it less. We’re fine now.

I posted a few days ago that it felt like a wide area beam slowly moving through, kind of like when a high pressure front slowly moves in. I had a feeling of pressure in my sinuses and fogginess, with mild anxiety.

Here’s my theory. The High Altitude Research Program (HARP) facility in Alaska announced recently – last week? – that they could image smuggling tunnels along the US-Mexico border. That turns HARP from a benign research facility into a thinly disguised weapon. What if it is used to map other countries’ underground facilities, oil/mineral deposits, and such. It might have a slow moving beam with a larger footprint. What if other countries have similar facilities and they are using them to map the United States? These countries could be running their beams over the U.S., mapping out wealthy people’s underground bunkers along with underground governmental facilities. So now we aren’t just getting the U.S. beans, we get to suffer through everyone else’s as well. Like I said, that’s my theory.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Dutchsinse posted it on his (now deleted) Twitter account and I posted it here:


HAARP being used to look into the Earth!

Using HAARP in Alaska to generate Very Low Frequency “EM waves” which then can be directed all over the planet to look into the ground!

Earth Penetrating Tomography (using radio waves to look into the Earth)… was tested from HAARP in Alaska to look at Drug Smuggling Tunnels in San Diego California , a National Rifle Association site in New Mexico, as well as permafrost mine / tunnel locations at Fairbanks Alaska nearby the HAARP transmitter.

Link to the US military site and paper here:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

According to the abstract, it senses “conductors” in the tunnels; electrical wiring and railcar tracks.

I’ve read about cross-border tunnels with both, but those were noteworthy for being fancy. In an el cheapo tunnel they’d just walk and use flashlights.

Interesting, but trivially easy to avoid, for smugglers at least.

The USSR had tiny interceptor and missile sites all over the Warsaw Pact countries, with submarine pens when they had access to the sea. Some only had one airplane, missile, or boat; some had dozens.

HAARP would have been valuable for detecting those, which would have plenty of “conductors” strung throughout. And it would have been way better than depending on the CIA or DIA for intelligence about their locations.

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Good to know about the sinuses. Mine have been off-the-charts bad over the last few weeks. I take allergy medication every single day and it seems to do nothing for my allergies. At least, in my house. They don’t seem bad when I’m not home.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
7 months ago

Yes. Also the wife

7 months ago

I wonder if some of the “not a vaxx” hits we are seeing are people getting McCain’d or real vaxx impacts.

7 months ago

A post I submitted a couple hours ago has vanished without at trace after the interface said something like post waiting for approval. Very interesting, the details of the post are concerning fl*ing things called starlin* and tools known as aaaaa fricking iiiii. Any idea if your host flushes such content on a consistent basis?

7 months ago

> Secret Service picked the lock and broke into a salon

Posession of lockpicking tools without a state locksmith license is a criminal offense in my state.

7 months ago

> FBI SWAT hit the wrong house by accident, residents are trying to sue, but courts are ruling the FBI is not liable as it was an accident. 

There are many-many cases of state and city judges ruling the same thing.

The jackbooted minions are protected agains the consequences of almost anything the do.

7 months ago

FBI swat hit wrong house. Shows no surveillance linkage.
It doesn’t prove linkage one way or the other. The key here is the wrong house. It may have been the wrong house for the stated FBI operation, but the target surveillance wanted hit for some reason. Do you think there could be any instance where the neighborhood watch post could be hit by any law enforcement by accident? I think there may be more to the target in this case.