Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – Russia Limits Access To Its Markets To Prevent Traders In “Unfriendly” Countries From Trading
DFT – Musk Responds To Twitter’s Suit, Claims Bots Twice As Many As Twitter Claims
DFT – Oil Declines As Traders Consider Iranian Oil Sales After Nuclear Deal
DFT – Market Metrics Historically Presage A Big Move, Maybe Up, But More Likely Down
It has come to my attention people are reading the comments, and taking them seriously. Moreover, some seem to think my moderation of them is some personal sign of my own opinions and desires. Even stranger, it seems some of the commenters feel they are a part of a group, and attacks on the group are attacks on them. Don’t do that.
Nobody on this site honestly, belongs to any group. You are too smart to fit in, and too uncorrupted to be accepted by any group’s leadership, and probably too principled to be trusted, even by the NPCs in the group. Groups get led by corrupted agents in this world, and they only want low-IQ, programmed plebes, who do what they are told mindlessly as members. The only people who belong to any group here are the Cabal shills, most of whose comments you never see. I hate to be blackpilling, but it is not our destiny to belong. The vast majority of people are too programmed, too NPC, and not bright enough to waste our time trying to associate with, and defend. You can try to belong to their groups, but you will end up disappointed, mostly in them. It is just how it is. Due to the intel op we face, for the time being we are a movement of lone wolves.
So understand, people here are different. If somebody here says most Mongolians are idiots, they are probably right, by the standards here. And if you are a Mongolian here, that statement has nothing to do with you, so don’t waste a single neuron on it. Moreover it is probably just a Cabal shill shitposting and they themselves may be Mongolian, assigned to piss Mongolians on this site off, using their detailed knowledge of Mongolian psychology. Do you see why you don’t waste time on it?
Cabal has one goal – derail you. They want you to alter your path because of them. If you want to fight them, then figure out what they don’t want you to do, and move on that line like a locomotive. Roll through the comments, grab what is good and useful, ignore what has gotten by me, and keep going in the direction they want to derail you off of.
I don’t have a ton of time to read the comments, click the links, I don’t even see them in context anyway. They appear on my backend as a list in order they are made and 95% of the time, I have no idea what anyone is talking about. I zoom through as fast as I can, approve anything which is not an obvious attack on somebody else, and am out of there. They are a pain, but I maintain them because it is important our kind connect as much as we can with each other. That is why they try to disrupt that here, and why you should get used to ignoring that and not let them. Learn to ignore the distractions.
This machine is designed to slow you down with this shit, and use your emotions against you. Don’t let it. Take what helps, ignore what doesn’t, and above all, keep moving.
Watch this one through to the last second, and tell me if you notice any surveillance timed to anything. Once you see how it is everywhere, you cannot unsee it:
Mara Lago raided by armed FBI Agents.
Trump statement:
These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents.
Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before. After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate.
It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls, and who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections.
Such an assault could only take place in broken, Third-World Countries. Sadly, America has now become one of those countries, corrupt at a level not seen before. They even broke into my safe! What is the difference between this and Watergate, where operatives broke into the Democrat National Committee? Here, in reverse, Democrats broke into the home of the 45th President of the United States.
The political persecution of President Donald J. Trump has been going on for years, with the now fully debunked Russia, Russia, Russia Scam, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and so much more, it just never ends. It is political targeting at the highest level!
Hillary Clinton was allowed to delete and acid wash 33,000 E-mails AFTER they were subpoenaed by Congress. Absolutely nothing has happened to hold her accountable. She even took antique furniture, and other items from the White House.
I stood up to America’s bureaucratic corruption, I restored power to the people, and truly delivered for our Country, like we have never seen before. The establishment hated it. Now, as they watch my endorsed candidates win big victories, and see my dominance in all polls, they are trying to stop me, and the Republican Party, once more.
The lawlessness, political persecution, and Witch Hunt must be exposed and stopped.
I will continue to fight for the Great American People!
Trump could be BANNED from holding public office if he is found guilty of mishandling classified White House records – and the legal saga will be a ‘huge’ development for his 2024 hopes, legal experts warn. And any case would be tried in DC with a jury of Cabal leftists.
FBI raid approved by main Justice, focus is on classified document handling.
Bernie Kerik: “If FBI raid will not stop Donald Trump – Their next step will be assassination.” And that is the former head of the New York City Police Department.
Notice also, I said there have been no Blue and Yellow jacketed perp walks, and it was odd. All of this is planned theater, and it has been planned for some time. I really wonder how ground-level FBI feel being given lines to read which may end in them being forced into the barrel. reported Monday that photos exist of ripped-up notes allegedly found in a White House toilet that staff believed were disposed of by then-President Donald Trump. One was claimed to be a foreign toilet, which all White House personnel are instructed to not use, as the outflow is routed to foreign intel, to be harvested for DNA, and to catch any other things, like ripped up notes, which are flushed down them. So beyond the strangeness where Trump would have not flushed the toilet and left his note in it to be photographed by the next user, is the idea he would not have disposed of it in a foreign toilet like that to begin with.
Copy of Alex Jones’s phone turned over to Jan. 6 committee.
Two Georgia counties that had been for a hand recount suddenly change course and vote against it.
The CIA once considered using lightning to assassinate people.
This video was quickly deleted off twitter and the user suspended:
Cop fired from NYPD for being friends with Roger Stone, filing $25m lawsuit. He was with Stone in his hotel room on Jan 6th.
Biden administration says ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy is over.
NYC Mayor Eric Adams requests federal help as Texas buses in migrants.
Senate Democrats blocked a measure to include in their “Inflation Reduction Act” which required President Joe Biden to preserve the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Title 42 authority at the United States-Mexico border. “Without Title 42, Biden officials admit that up to half a million border crossers and illegal aliens — the equivalent of the resident population of Atlanta, Georgia — could arrive at the border every month.”
Gestapo in the Making-The police powers of the 87,000 new taxmen. You know, if surveillance is run out of IRS (not impossible as out of the box IRS can pull all your financials, so it is already a major intel clearinghouse, and adding the rest would be merely an addition), that could be 87,000 new handlers to each run 350 civilian assets in the domestic informant network. That would be another 30 million civilian informants, or almost another 10% of the population. That could be a surveillance state expansion too. With all the immigrants, they have a lot of new ground assets to handle.
Amazon buys Roomba company, will now map inside of your house. They will put a microphone on the Roomba, “so you can issue commands to it,” and connect it to the internet “so it can get updates,” if all of that hasn’t been done already.
Electrical explosion reported at Google’s data center in Iowa, 3 electricians critically injured.
Germany braces for social unrest over energy prices.
Norway threatens to ration electricity in fresh blow for UK and European energy supplies.
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has spent more than $24 million to defeat progressive candidates in this year’s Democratic primaries. They are trying to help Democrats by eliminating the loonies.
CBS News censors its own documentary exposing how 70% of US funding of Ukraine is wasted.
US announces another $1 billion military aid package for Ukraine.
US will send additional $4.5 billion to Ukraine in tranches for “budget needs.” That is on top of the billion above.
Pentagon-hired contractors ‘everywhere on battlefield’ in Ukraine.
Russia takes out 45,000 tons of NATO ammo in Ukrainian depot strike.
Leaked ATF resignation letter shows agents’ frustration over politicization. Agent notes most ATF are pro-gun, law-enforcement and just want to target criminals, and are aghast at the politicization of the agency. Fits with the two I crossed paths with.
Trump-backed challenger Joe Kent surpasses U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, declared winner. Tough call, as he was CIA.
Entertainment companies start dumping woke content as viewership tumbles.
More Americans want fewer immigrants in US for first time since 2014, poll reveals.
73% of Trump voters and 10% of Democrats think Democrats are trying to REPLACE white people with ‘immigrants and people of color who share their political views’, shock new poll shows. They prefer to say white, instead of foreigners to inflame racial animus between Americans, though the real term should be, foreign Cabal agents.
Spread r/K Theory, because you will only get far, if you keep moving.
“Trump could be BANNED from holding public office if he is found guilty of mishandling classified White House records – and the legal saga will be a ‘huge’ development for his 2024 hopes, legal experts warn.”
Word on the street is that the classified material which was seized are Hillary’s emails.
I was just thinking that the “documents” in question were the ones that Trump declassified as president but Barr refused to release.
The Kelly Clarkson story makes you think of her as uncorrupted. Not so sure about that, because of her getting rewarded by the entertainment industry so much. She even got her own TV show, The Kelly Clarkson Show, with over 500 episodes so far.
I wonder she has had to do since she took the devil’s ticket. What do you think?
She probably gained weight ot make herself a less attractive target.
The Trump raid is really an in your face example of corruption. I believe they will manufacture some type of “evidence” that Trump mishandled documents to attempt to disqualify him. I hope Vox Day is not right that this is “the first arrest that will shock the world” However knowing how my vote was stolen in my state makes me thing there are no lengths that they will not got to to eliminate the Trump threat.
One of the interesting things that we will see is the reaction of the “Deceptacons” This will continue to help identify them but then the real question is to what end does that serve us?
The article about the Insurance CEO noting the increase in deaths is further evidence that the vaxx kills. I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer but I did see this coming and bought SCI (Service Corp International) in 2020 knowing that the vaxx was the bringer of death.
“Bernie Kerik: “If FBI raid will not stop Donald Trump – Their next step will be assassination.” And that is the former head of the New York City Police Department.”
Trump could also be killed while in Federal custody. That would be quite a thing, considering what really transpired in 2020 with voter’s actual will. I really was serious when I told you our Republic ended on January 20, 2021. I really am serious about migrants (including Ellis Islanders) being the end of the USA.
For the student of history, the death of a nation/country is a Cabal ordinance and there is always a moment where a nation spiritually dies. The Russian Empire was one notable one. Rome and Ancient Israel too. There have been many, many others, but they all share a common trait: complete abrogation, mockery and destruction of the nations laws, the killing of it’s leaders, and the inversion of the Good, the Beautiful and the True. What follows is the rot of the country’s corpse through dictatorships and wars, until often, not much remains until a new power arises. In America’s case, it will be something to behold.
Tiberius Gracchus, Tribune of the Plebs, was murdered.
From Tony:
Who was it that appointed FBI Director Christopher Wray? Deserter Don
Who was it that appointed Attorney General Bill Barr? Deserter Don
\Who was it that invited his supporters to Washington DC on January 6th? Deserter Don
Who was it that told them on Trump media it was going to be wild? Deserter Don
Who was it on Trump Media who parroted the DIA’s Qanon on election fraud? Deserter Don
Who did not sign blanket Amnesty for his framed supporters? Deserter Don
Who was it that abandoned his followers after letting them be framed to be hunted down by the FBI? Deserter Don
Who was it that left Ashli Babbitt to be murdered in the US Capitol? Deserter Don
Except the Ashli Babbitt and the J6’ers are not real.
Your concern is noted
I think at this point it will almost impossible for Trump to elected. The FBI raid is going all in and even if Trump was a bit of a Trojan horse I think they have really pushed past the point where he will be using any Jew or RINO advisors of elected. He clean them out.
“Leaked ATF resignation letter shows agents’ frustration over politicization. Agent notes most ATF are pro-gun, law-enforcement and just want to target criminals, and are aghast at the politicization of the agency. Fits with the two I crossed paths with.”
Well, Frankly, those are the guys who go straight to Hell when they die. The unwilling hypocrite. Formerly righteous, now dead in spirit. Blind to the reality around him. He dies inside each time he goes into work. A joke. A cuck. And as President Trump would say, A loser.
Not every single ATF agent is serving no-knocks on a guy with lightning links for his home defense rifle and stuff like that, there’s entire divisions devoted to organized crime and other legit bad-guys who deserve to be killed if they won’t give up their guns.
I still agree the ATF is likely unconstitutional and should be disbanded, but there’s almost zero organizations where 100% of the staff are irredeemable assholes who go straight to hell. Take the SEAL story from yesterday I think, I’m willing to bet the SEALs are largely Cabal’s international hit squads given how many of their retired members are rocketed into a public position of influence and power, but there were some guys who just wanted to kill evil people and give the middle finger to the establishment system even in there.
Cabal’s biggest tool is convincing you they’re more omnipotent and powerful than they really are, at least for the time being.
Leave BATFE while you still have some soul left.
Seek redemption in Christ.
No. Just no you are completely wrong. We need Christians in every agency, even the IRS. Even the SEALs. Everywhere.
Not if they are going to just follow orders.
Let me know when they start standing up and doing the right thing.
If they don’t stand up then they are better off leaving Babylon to save their own souls.
Found a glowie
“More Americans want fewer immigrants in US for first time since 2014, poll reveals.”
“muh Democracy”
And Miss Suzie Dumbass will buy it.
I’m still not seeing the nefarious intent behind mapping homes. If your house was built in the last 70 years chances are you had to submit plans to the zoning and planning department and get approval to build. Same for renovations and additions. They keep these in file relatively indefinitely for zoning and review purposes.
If cabal wanted the layout of your house they would just go pull those unless there’s some benefit to real time mapping other than a live camera and mic feed.
This is easier for the low level agents to use and will include information on your furniture placement etc.
the thing I’ve never understood about the roomba horseshit is why the ‘random/mapping’ crapola is even a thing. I had a roomba once, used it exactly once. tits-on-a-boar useless, so back it went; costco was unamused. (they actually seemed to have hurt feelings that I would return such a marvel of convenience)
for 2 hours it went through the house “seemingly randomly but actually not really because there’s this mapping algorithm you see!” going over the same stretch 38 times, while missing large chunks altogether. and it makes no freakin sense! if you or I had a roomba company, we’d program it to run each room in exactly the way an 8-year-old kid mows lawns: find a perimeter wall and thence a) stacked rows b) shrinking squares. quick, easy, effective, doesn’t require mapping software …. so of course that’s a big no can do.
I **know** we’re living in a Mad World, in The Insane Time of The Fucked-Uppedness Before We Rose Up and Killed All the Lawyers & Bankers & Politicians When They Tried To Wipe Us Out. but when we can’t even do a simple vaccuum machine properly…. it might be time to pick up the pace of the prepping, boys
‘Entertainment companies start dumping woke content as viewership tumbles.’
Yeah, a tad late for that.
I was one of Netflix’s most senior employees before I parted ways with them in 2011, and I made a small fortune when I dumped my stock a few years later. It was a great job, but I’m glad I got out while the getting-out was good. Budd Dwyer didn’t commit suicide as fast as Netflix did.
Dark brandon meme seems astroturfed. Definitely filter it out.
All together now, “Yes we are individuals!” 🙂
Maximal Individualism and Group Orientation at the same time.
> Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always eventually be adopted by the majority of the society.
I personally doubt this, as there’s probably 10% of cabal by AC’s estimation and I don’t see them winning hearts and minds right now.
Unless, of course, there’s a similarly committed 10%+ on the opposite end of the concept committed to the destruction of cabal, which might be the case. The study didn’t cover competing 10% radicals I’m sure.
But Cabal is not a conviction. It is more of a test of morals. Will you terrorize old ladies and steal baby’s lollipops for us in return for whatever Cabal pays them. The theory is if 10% of the people think something is right, if the idea is so correct it can break through to that level, it will eventually be accepted. It might be right in that there are enormous headwinds to getting an idea accepted. I have no doubt r/K is right, and would be accepted quickly by Republicans, but look at how tough it is to get it heard, given how controlled the environment is.
I don’t know, sending your kids to alleged school shootings knowing they’re going to happen in advance strikes me as something that requires a hell of a lot of belief in something, however evil it is. Plus the baby murder thing having literally zero real world benefit, it has to be inspired by some greater belief in whatever demonic power they serve.
Maybe I’m just retarded and don’t understand the premise of what they define as a belief, totally possible and even likely.
“…sending your kids to alleged school shootings knowing they’re going to happen in advance…”
You’re making that up. When did it happen?
I think he is saying the Parkland kids all glow, and supposedly, if the narrative is not a lie, they were at school that day.
One strange thing which struck me, and which might have some significance, is that when Parkland happened, as the shooter was assembling his AR in the stairwell, a kid walked right by him with no fear, and ignored him, as he is putting together an AR in a stairwell of the school. Clearly to me, that kid was the local school surveillance clocking the shooter’s progress for the command center. Somebody here had said, and I never saw it verified, that kid was the son of a DEA agent.
I add that case to the case of a Colorado shooter who ultimately killed a cop in a grocery store, which I pointed to here. Somebody ran up with a cell phone filming at the beginning of the shooting, and the grocery store was surrounded by surveillance, all walking around the outside of the store like it was no big deal. There was a fat Jewish guy standing in the front door on his cell phone without a care in the world, and as the videoer ran up and asked where the shooter was, the guy pointed, to where he could see, but the videoer could not see from his position, and a gunshot went off.
So the fat Jewish guy was surveillance, he had a sightline supposedly to the active shooter, and he was not worried about getting plugged, much like all the other surveillance mulling around the grocery store at their posted static positions.
I never knew what to make of that. Was the shooter MK Ultra’d with the IDs of surveillance, and programmed to not plug them? Is it a cult, and they all know each other, and do these things as a production? Was he being remote controlled by his ride-along, and the ride-alongs can all sense who else around them has been hijacked by other ride-alongs? That is kind of exactly what former Marine Kyle Odom was claiming was going on before he double mag-dumped that Pastor he claimed was a reptilian with a 45, including point-blank to the skull, and the Pastor ended up the next day with his arm in a sling and a little band aid on his forehead.
I know that data is somehow significant, but cannot yet see how it fits.
I was thinking of David Hogg who was all over TV yet he wasn’t even there when the shooting went down. I had forgotten about the guy in the hallway. How did Hogg know to not be there?
We know the guy they fingered for it didn’t even do it. He was seen in a building by someone who knew him while shooting was going on in another building so he could not have done it or at the least he was not the only one.
Nassim Taleb tells exactly about this in his books. Mathematical demonstration you can find on his site.(I think) I’ve read it eons ago. Like Heartiste scientific community plays catch up. A case of plagiarism. It is entirely true
Cabal has no philosophy or ideology of life beyond what the characters of Good Fellas would say about the world amongst themselves over a poker game.
cabal is really big on native rights issues, for example. It’s only because they run the casinos on native lands and use protesting Indians to shakedown payoffs and bribes and protection money from energy companies.
cabal is limited in size because it’s essentially a parasitic operation.
The Principalities and Powers in the Heavens. The Fallen Angels don’t sleep, don’t hunger and don’t tire.
They are the ones doing the Long Term Planning.
Mara Lago raided by armed FBI Agents.
America, have some bananas with your republic:
Notice Kevin Hart makes 2 signs. Finger on lip, and throat cut.
That is actually the Freemason motion, isn’t it? They enter the room, and pump their arm and then motion cutting their own throat, as a symbol of the fact that is supposed to be the punishment for revealing Freemason secrets?
Finger on lip: Shh….
Throat cut: Stop.
Learned these when I was a kid. Has absolutely nothing to do with Masonry.
Four year delta.
Go ahead, tell me that Q is just a psyop.
that the dates line up doesnt confirm or deny its a psyop
Interesting how Q shows up on the 300th anniversary of the official forming of the Freemasons.
There is no date in your link Mr ConcernTroll
No resemblance.
Response itself is here, again, I’m reading it as someone who deals with these, you are welcome to read it but without the background, it will be boring and not especially informative (YMMV, not everyone, etc etc. It’s your time, you figure out what you want.)
This is actually Musk’s opposition to rushing straight to trial (usually called a Rocket Docket) instead having full discovery. The motion was denied (the trial will happen in a few months) but the background to the argument is what we care about.
The whole dispute is monetizable daily active users (“mDAU”). This is a metric that only twitter uses in the entire social media sphere, and Musk implies that they use it so they can hide how they measure it, which is essentially by just counting logins and ignoring bots.
The contract says that Musk bought it relying on the SEC filings, and if they are lies, he’s out. Also, there’s a provision for him to get out of there is a Company Material Adverse Event, so if something significant changed while he was buying them, he still gets out.
1st Peter:
(God’s providence: I was literally just teaching this in Sunday School.)
Girding your loins was something you did before hard work. 1st Century asians (Peter is writing to Asia Minor) wore robes, and you would gather the robe up around your waist — girding your loins — before hard work, just like we roll up our sleeves. It’s the same idiom. Sober here means serious, not as the opposite of drunk. He’s saying, “roll up your mental sleeves and wipe that smile off your face, and bet everything on Jesus.”
Importantly here, is the admonition to be holy. Holy doesn’t mean “good” or “obedient” or any of that. That’s being Sanctified, not holy. Holy means being “set apart” or “divided off.” God has set us apart from the rest of the world, and he’s done it for a reason. You aren’t like them? Good. You aren’t supposed to be. They are terrible. Be holy, for He is holy. God gives this refrain to the jews over and over in Leviticus — an admonition that they ignore over and over, adhering to other gods and trying to be like the other nations, and not the holy nation God intended for them.
Be holy. Don’t play their game. You don’t follow their TV Programming? Good. It’s called programming for a reason. You don’t follow their celebrity bullshit? Good. You’re not in their club? Good. That club’s days are numbered, as God numbers every thing’s days.
Actually, I don’t think he could be, because the Obama birth certificate bullshit made it pretty clear that no one has standing to challenge his qualifications.
Silly citizen. Verdict first, Trial later.
And Hunter Biden made it clear we can all smoke crack, commit pedophilia, commit treason, and commit a host of other crimes too numerous to keep track of without any consequences.
Don’t try this at home, your millage may vary.
That Kevin Hart/Kelly Clarkson video was very telling. Kevin Hart has done some bad things.
It is not just them though, and that is what blows me away. Every one of us has met people like Kevin, who know, and know you cannot say anything. They are in every neighborhood. They have listened inside your house, they have walked up to your social group like you are the last thing on their mind, knowing others standing there next to you are in on the secret too. You have met them, talked to them, and they have known you are not someone who they can even begin to talk honestly with. I think as much as 10% of the people you see, know exactly what Kevin is talking about. And they are the small business owners, politicians, news reporters, lawyers, judges, and so on in your community.
You mean those who are proud for being Masons and have membership in the Rotary Club/Elks/Knights of Columbus?
Could be your landlord.
Obviously the big news in the raid on Trump’s place, but I’m highlighting this link because its funny and disturbing at the same time:
Quick video, Kelly Clarkson on comedian Kevin Hart’s talkshow begins to say certain people offered her millions to do things she didn’t want to do, and Hart begins to freak out and reminds her there are certain things you cannot talk about in front of the plebes, and she gets the message.
The video deleted from twitter, which is highlighted a couple of links further down, is also short and worth checking out, though its just disturbing. Its about someone at one of these globalist conferences all excited that scientists are figuring out how to manipulate human DNA. He says it can be used to port the knowledge from one human brain directly into another human brain. Humans already have up to five senses to acquire information from other humans, so the first take is to wonder why would anyone want to do this. Then you realize that the injections they have been so insistent on is probably part of this transhumanist program.
> Russia takes out 45,000 tons of NATO ammo in Ukrainian depot strike.
They’ll put it in warehouses somewhere, and in a few years it will get sorted, packaged in brown plastic bags, and imported back to the US to be sold as “Brown Bear NATO Spec”.
“takes out” = destroys
> London’s High Court rules against Venezuela’s Maduro in $1 billion battle over gold locked in Bank of England’s underwound vaults.
Posession, in this case, is the whole of the law.
I never quite understood why a sovereign nation would store its gold reserves in a foreign country. Even if they were trying to safeguard it from revolutionaries, it would be smarter to split it across a dozen first-world nations, so at least *some* of it wouldn’t vanish by the whim of a judge with questionable jurisdiction.
Pirates keep what they steal: “the whole of the law.”
It’s a form of granting hostages.
What they got in return I do not know.
All of the banks across the “first-world” are part of the same international order. The International Bankers are the True World Government. I wonder if there is any safe place to have gold when the Jewish banking order controls all of the Western militaries.
Iraq – robbed of its gold.
Libya – robbed of its gold.
Russia – robbed of its gold.
Iran – robbed of its gold.
Most of sub-saharan Africa – gold has been stolen.
Until this International Banking Mafia is destroyed non of us or our properties is safe.
In your own safe or buried cache…
In your own safe? So long as “the government” does not find out.
Safes can be cracked by lots of people. Safes buy you time and nothing more. You have to be able to defend the safe.
Taking back our Gold as the Spoils of War should be part of the process of winning.
Let us not fool ourselves—The Secret Service detail of President Trump probably had FBI informants and Mil Intel informants.
Yes, it is time to destroy the FBI, the DOJ, and Homeland Security—and FIRE all the generals of the US Military!
FBI = Secret Police
Federal Bureau of Illusions
> Agent notes most ATF are pro-gun, law-enforcement and just want to target criminals, and are aghast at the politicization of the agency. Fits with the two I crossed paths with.
The agency has a bad reputation, and some of its agents and bureaucratic types have shown themselves to be absolute dirtbags, but in my personal experience, I’ve dealt with several agents over questions about NFA firearms, and they were always professional, friendly, and helpful.
Being a gun guy, I was surprised that it sometimes took a while to get an answer. One agent told me it was because he had to forward my question several times before he found someone who could help. “You have to understand,” he said, “we primarily deal with alcohol and tobacco. Firearms are a very small part of our mission, and only a relative handful of agents are trained and experienced in that area.”
The A, T, and E parts are just as bad as the F part.
BATFE is one of the most freedom destroying oppressive agencies that exists just by its very nature.
Alcohol and Tobacco are luxury products that are a pathway to relatively easy wealth and the laws around them are designed to monopolize the market for cabal.
Explosives would be even more important to a modern revolution than firearms.
Anyone working for BATFE sold their souls whether they try to be reasonable or not.
Let’s be perfectly clear, do you see that pic I posted below this text? Not one single person has ever spent even one night in a cell to answer for what they did on that day. Not FBI, ATF, not the Delta operators, not the White House people that gave the orders – NOBODY.
Anyone that that is drawing a DOJ paycheck and not arresting those people is one of them, they’re all responsible, they’re THE ENEMY. And it will remain thus unless one by one all everyone there that day suffers a broken neck at the end of rope after a trial.
Absent that, I hope they have their affairs in order in case of civil war 2, because they will receive no quarter, and that is just as true for those that weren’t even born yet at the time that photo was taken as it is for those that OPENED FIRE ON THE PEOPLE TRYING TO ESCAPE THE FLAMES. This has not been forgotten, and will not be forgiven.
Mass murder what it is called. Empires do it all the time. Rarely do the perps ever suffer for these atrocities.
Empires however do get destroyed by God. As the Biblical record shows. Assyria and Babylon in particular.
God allowed Genghis Khan to die of Old Age. But subsequently the Mongol Empire was annihilated by the Black Death.
All reports of Chingis Khan’s death say “fall from a horse,” or “fall from horse after being stabbed by #2 wife for plans to raze her home kingdom,” as cause of death.
Well said.
The next step is they arrest Trump on something in or put in those boxes, fulfilling Q’s statement that the first arrest will shock the world. If you accept that is true then the plan is also true. What happens next. God only knows because in addition to Q et al., God has His own agenda and plan and it is also in operation. I pray the Christian prophets are true that August is the month. They say to look for the world to darken as He accomplishes his plan and judges His enemies. Fits well with a solar emp (Suspicious 0bservers That is correct with a zero and not an O.
thats not the only arrest that would shock the world
therefore it doesnt confirm anything as true
All you have to do is read Revelations, regardless of what anyone says currently, prophecy has to be fulfilled, and there’s a lot to be fulfilled as of now.
Am I the only one who thinks the Mar-a-Lago raid is our Franz Ferdinand moment?
It should have been Trump’s latest Juan Carols moment.
Denninger manages to comment on what is, on its face, the swatting of a political opponent by a federal administration, and still criticize Trump. And he asserts a lot of facts, every one of which I have seen contradicted elsewhere.
Karl has been great during the Covid crisis because he is very detail oriented around the actual numbers and stats.
That being said, he has a serious hang up around Trump, and now DeSantis, and tends to go off the deep end when talking about them.
He swears a lot and after awhile it looks juvenile.
Presidents and white house staff are all taught to use ‘burn bags’ to dispose of such things so the concept of using the toilet is ludicrous.
It’s just media psy-op material. Same with the hooker piss story from years ago.
Make up something comedically stupid but easy to latch onto and repeat even though it’s so bold-faced ludicrous that no one would ever believe it and it will be propagated by the Normies without fail.
I got nuthin for today except to say that I have an unshakeable feeling that events are moving to an inevitable climax by a hidden hand.
Even Cabal seems helpless to resist that which must happen.
As Trump said, “The best is yet to come.”
Mar a lago raid happened on anniversary of watergate. Coincidence?
There are no coincidences to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.
In regards to the ATF resignation and NPCs in general I no longer believe these individual cogs are culpable. The reason comes from studying Edward Deming who said that all responsibility for a system’s output belongs to the management. In this case management is Satanic baby eating sociopaths so they create a system run on fear, death, and putting all blame on the individual cogs instead of themselves. The second implication is that the moment a good manager steps in the whole staff turns around and puts out good work. Trump’s one term showed so much improvement despite maybe 50 years of evil mismanagement and corruption. Remember that it was a mere four years under a half decent boomer under constant attack and people were already thinking America was back. Imagine a God worshipping Millennial in the prime of their life and what they could do in eight years of unopposed work, much less several consequetive good rulers.
Unfortunately for us it really does seem we’ll be waiting until natural death or overdose takes the worst elements, largely silents and boomers, away from control. I don’t think Cabal will survive those deaths combined with the concentrated efforts of X’ers leading Millennials since that cohort is scorched earth compared to Trump’s niceties.
Commander X: You raped how many children?
Cabal Jr: Hehe my lawyer will stall out this case
Private Mil: *blamblamblam*
Commander X: Next! Might as well kill the lawyer willing to defend Cabal Jr. while you’re at it too.
Let GOD sort them out.
That has already been done…
This is an 80ft statue telling people in Manhattan not to say anything. You see this “shush” gesture in advertising, etc., when secrets should be kept. (Artwork by Jaume Plensa)
“What did you see?”
More from Jaume Plensa, this time on Fifth Avenue. (A temporary installation in 2019.)
The symbol of the Jesuit Honor society. Note the eye. That speaks to surveillance.
With this raid in Maro Lago, and Vox Day saying that Trump should’ve went all the way—-Trump couldn’t because NO ONE around him was going to take his orders! Not Esper. Not Milley. NO ONE.
Every general stabbed Trump but one—Kelly, McMasters, Mattis, Milley—-
The one general that didn’t stab Trump in the back was who?????
Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.
This has got me thinking—Remember Mike Pence stabbed us in the back with the election—Yeah–who took out Gen Flynn?
The same bastard—Mike Pence!
I’m thinking that Mike Pence’s job was TO TAKE OUT Gen Flynn on false pretenses! Trump’s Presidency fell apart after that! The ONLY General, from the beginning, that had pull and knew what was going on–and Mike Pence took him out! There is something there. He was sabotaged by everyone.
President Trump had no legions to cross the Rubicon with.
He had plenty of people willing to do anything he said. He simply doesn’t appear to have what it takes to go all the way.
Donald Trump has probably never been punched in the face. He has probably never punched someone else in the face. Odd as it may sound today, that sort of thing is important.
Tough to say. He was a football player in Military school, and he might have been the kind to fuck around outside school with friends. In pictures of him young, he could have gotten in a scrum somewhere.
The question is how controlled things are right now. I’m not sure what we are seeing is as freewheeling as a real fight. I think somebody is controlling events, to the extent men can.
Like Trump, Julius Caesar came from a wealthy family. Unlike Trump, JC was a highly experienced and successful COMBAT OFFICER AND LEADER. Combat veterans of the Roman Legions respected and revered General Caesar.
Trump is not a general. Seeing him “Cross the Rubicon” is fantasy. Caesar was also a prolific writer, and an expert and experienced operator in the Roman Senate. Trump on the other hand? Not.
Finally, these parrallels btwn Caesar and Trump are imagined and not real. Besides, considering the way Gaius Iulius Caesar’s life ended, does DJT45 really want to be like him?
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has spent more than $24 million to defeat progressive candidates in this year’s Democratic primaries. They are trying to help Democrats by eliminating the loonies.
You mean the looniest of the loonies, n’est-ce pas?
The UK is planning several days of organised energy blackouts this winter due to cold weather and gas shortages
Windows 11 Encryption May Damage Data, Microsoft Says
FBI seizes cell phone of Trump ally and U.S. Congressman Scott Perry
Aaron Russo Interview
Old, very long conversation with Alex Jones.
30min-40min Russo’s interactions with a Cabal friend, also about feminism as a project
50min-60min Financial truthbombs
Generally very good stuff, but watch those ten minute bits to see if it’s for you.
Physiognomy of the “judge” (pissant magistrate judge who shouldn’t be anywhere near this case) attached. Pedo alert.
Re: food processing places getting blown up, etc. Water or electric, coming up next??
Little fishing town outside of Juneau, just won a prize for best municipal water in all of America, just had an attempt to blow up its hydroelectric damn (water and power source) with an IED in a barrel. From their police department:
My first question when i see theatrics like the Mar-a-Lago raid is what are they trying to distract people from?
New DIY RPG-2 44mm Launcher Chalk Rounds from Wild Arms Research