Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – Markets Think Biden Administration Faked Gas Demand Data To Force Prices Down This one is potentially a huge scandal. If this comes to light, and it turns out the EIAs gas demand numbers are fake, look at everyone fucked by that, from refiners who saw profits on refining crushed, to their investors who saw refiner stocks plummet in value, to traders who sold products for less than they were worth. If the government knowingly put out bad data, and defrauded all those people for political gain, holy shit. And then you have to ask, what other government economic numbers could you trust? I do not know much about all this finance stuff, but what strikes me is, when the government, and companies for that matter, are all revealing all these numbers that suddenly swing the market, boosting one stock immensely or crushing another, from the Consumer Price Index, to earnings data, to housing data, none of that is independently verified.
If it could be independently verified, there would not be Bloomberg polls, asking economists what their best guess is for the government inflation numbers coming out next week. Those economists would independently get all the data and do the calculations themselves, and then they would trade on the knowledge of what the number announced was going to be. But they don’t. They make guesses, and then the “real” number is announced, and everybody nods, slaps their forehead, wishes they had guessed closer or traded something else. But who knows if that real number has any relation to reality, given it comes from the government, out of a black box? It seems to me, knowing the extent of the intel operation running things and its permeation anywhere there is money or power, and the fact nobody can begin to calculate these numbers themselves, a lot more of this could be fake than anyone would believe, and it could be defrauding investors a lot more than most would think possible.
DFT – Gas Drops Below $3 Per Gallon As Refining Picks Up It does appear refining is increasing, so they are trying to drop energy now for 2024 so the economy will be peaking under Biden. Unless Trump is put in before then.
DFT – Costco Contract Negotiations Possible Heading For A Strike
DFT – Automakers Complain New Bill Will Kill Tax Credits On EVs
Four victims of the likely-gangstalked dude in Butler Township Ohio: Sarah Anderson, age 41, Kayla Anderson, age 15, Clyde and Eva Knox ages 82 and 78. Obviously you can never say 100% whether this guy had enough going on to correctly identify who was who, but I do notice a lot of single moms in it, and something about the face in the shot where mom is wearing the hat feels like it to me. I assume single moms who are having trouble supporting kids can be pretty flexible in their moral adherence to norms of society and the principles of our Constitutional government when offered positions of great power and ease. An interesting aspect of this is, he made that video, though. If he was under gangstalking, which I would assume is a safe bet today, and he made it before the shootings, and sent it to relatives as I think he indicated in it he did, then it reveals some of the operational structure of what is going on around the gangstalked. I always assumed somebody nearby is the one watching my keystrokes and sending the cars by to rev their engines when I write bad thoughts. But notice if I said in a video to all of you right now, “Hey, anons, I am about to deal with this, and if I survive, come see me in prison,” and, “This will not be an active shooting, I will be targeting the people responsible,” and the monitoring of my computer was being done by the house next door, they would have a good idea what was coming and clear out before I got there. If you assume these were close observation posts and he had enough with it to identify who was who, then you can probably assume that single mom, and grandma and grandpa were not among those responsible for monitoring his computer activity, nor did they know anyone who was. So the monitoring was being done farther away, probably by the guy they say, “You’ll see him now” to on their phones when they are sending live video. I want to find that guy. Also interesting was, nobody warned any of them. Somebody in the op knew he was about to go next door and smoke that little girl, and they just let it happen. I think these people are enemies on par with Osama bin Ladin after 9/11, their betrayal of the nation and fellow Americans is total and complete. I think it a decent chance they work for a foreign power’s intelligence service, that is actively destroying the US. But even I still kind of feel bad about the girl. She was born into it, and was kind of betrayed by mom, plus who didn’t do stupid shit as a teen, even without a bone-headed parent egging you on. But here, their own command knew this was coming, and just let her die, let him kill all of them, with no heads up, not a care about it. That might, beyond elucidating the relationship between command and ground-level, also reveal that the data aggregated on targets is compartmentalized and aggregated so far away the aggregators have no connection to the ground level civilian operators, and could care less who gets smoked. Because if this was happening all the way at the end of my street, I think they would have been tempted to make a quick phone call to next door, telling them to clear out the back door as I come walking up to the front of the house. It might even point to the aggregators being some sort of sworn agency, and the ground level just being informants. Some sort of status-difference. Which of course begs the question how do they keep the ground level so loyal it continues to keep the secret, even as command views them all as disposable pawns on a chessboard? Because this is not the first time I have seen a teenaged girl just wantonly sent to a horrible death by this thing. It is almost like the more you reveal, the more puzzling it becomes. I am almost ready for the “ride-alongs” answer.
Gateway Pundit says the guy was crazy, and does not mention any domestic surveillance/intel op problem in the US. Not surprising. He runs one of the biggest conservative sites, supposedly, but he has never seen the surveillance. And he’s like 65 and is married to a 20 year old Filipino boy he met while “touring” the country, and he runs a “conservative” website. You get the picture. There are not a lot of places out here speaking the truth which are not owned.
The advertising billboard which makes you hear voices inside your head. An anon on 4Chan claimed he worked on this, and there was a smaller test unit they took out to libraries which caused people to freak out when they would point it at them from a distance without warning them, and play voices in their head. Schizophrenics tend to have very high IQs until the supposed voices kick in during their 20s. I have to wonder if some of that is intel taking out dangerous innovators.
Flashback 2016 – NY Times reporter found dead after exposing CIA’s alleged mind control program.
Liz Cheney would ‘find it very difficult’ to support DeSantis because of Trump similarities.
Liz Cheney calls GOP “very sick,” questions whether party can recover.
Lindsey Graham says Biden deserves credit for bipartisan accomplishments.
Lindsey Graham nods in agreement as ‘Da Nang Dick’ Blumenthal mocks Americans for being freaked out over an Army of 87,000 new IRS agents. Who knew when Q said “Bring the pain!” he was talking about us.”
Video – Lindsey Graham says on CNN that he’ll support Biden if Trump runs.
Arizona Establishment Republican RINOs sound the alarm after a Kari Lake-led MAGA primary sweep: ‘A catastrophe’ for ‘our Democracy.’ Who is this “Our” you speak of, Kemosabe?
Larry Fink of Blackrock is allegedly unloading stock, which he last did just before COVID.
Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who died from unknown causes after Jan 6th, had texted a friend that it was “Antifa shitheads” who were raiding the Capitol. The family still does not know how he died.
31-year-old British actor Sam Gannon dies suddenly while visiting family in California.
24-tear-old Irish athlete Dillon Quirke dies unexpectedly after collapsing mid-game.
Rand Paul’s wife says senator wants to subpoena Fauci records.
New York had Polio infect someone and paralyze them, and now the virus is turning up in wastewater in different counties. Looks to be unvaccinated orthodox Jewish, who got it overseas from somebody who got the hot oral attenuated virus vaccine, and brought it back.
Democrats poised to spend $3.5 trillion during historic inflation with Republican help.
Gay nightclub allows child attendance at upcoming ‘all ages’ drag show.
NYC Mayor Eric Adams admits more than half those bussed to New York city from Texas fled before they got there over ‘fear’ of serious crime in the city. Even hardened dudes from 3rd world shitholes are afraid to end up in New York.
Spain reports 50 cases of needle attacks on women in nightclubs as phenomenon grows across Europe.
Dutch farmer protest talks fail to harvest breakthrough.
Blinken commits U.S. to defending Philippines against armed attacks in the South China Sea.
CBS finds 70% of Western weapons sent to Ukraine don’t reach troops.
Two GOP congresswomen say most Ukraine aid is a ‘scam.’
Donald Trump says the next President must ‘remove rogue bureaucrats and root out the Deep State.’
“Democrats poised to spend $3.5 trillion during historic inflation with Republican help.”
That’s enough spending to double inflation. Econ 101.
That’s the whole point, to crush the economy.
They can’t “Build Back Better” until the lay waste to everything first. They are doing exactly what they said they would do and no one is going to stop them.
They will have more than 80,000 new IRS agents who will wage economic warfare against the working and middle classes.
I’m sure Q and Trump will run to the rescue and save us all any day now.
Q seems to want to let everything burn to the ground so they can step in and control the rebuilding.
Q won’t be able to walk the streets either if their identities are ever made public.
People are not going to believe it had to be this way even if it somehow is true.
I did need to be this way. Corruption has overran every single institution in this country. It’s worse than you think.
The institutions are not being destroyed, the people and the infrastructure are.
That’s the problem.
The institutions could have been destroyed while leaving the people and the infrastructure intact.
Just a little imagination – I just assume that Q’s plan was to avoid the cities being nuked. Give them a large enough amygdala jolt with no lead in and they over-react.
Still, as I’ve said many times, Q is a team with no official membership roster spread out across multiple agencies. Granted I never expected to even hear from Q again and we might have, but I really never expect them to be identified. They seem to WANT to continue to be a conspiracy theory forever. What can I say, they’re spies.
RE: Gateway Pundit & Ohio Man:
Not surprising. He runs one of the biggest conservative sites, supposedly, but he has never seen the surveillance. And he’s like 65 and is married to a 20 year old Filipino boy he met while “touring” the country, and he runs a “conservative” website. You get the picture. There are not a lot of places out here speaking the truth which are not owned.
I must say I am very confused about GP, their work and their background.
However, there area LOTS of MK Ultra comments
he’s a practitioner of SODOMY
thats all you need to know
“Spain reports 50 cases of needle attacks on women in nightclubs as phenomenon grows across Europe.”
Probably a program targeting likely future leaders of resistance movements, or even potential mothers of future leaders of resistance movements.
RRV has been watching the Terminator franchise again.
Not that he’s wrong, though.
I very occasionally read interviews with the queen bees of aristocratic / Cabal families and it’s interesting how many kids they often have. Sterile careerism for other women, but the child-rich tradcon lifestyle for themselves.
A time is coming where Men and Brothers will hide away their daughters and sisters.
Until they give them out at marriage.
Skynet Terminators
“Beto O’Rourke chased away from Texas venue by throngs of Abbott supporters as Kid Rock plays in the background.”
That guy is such a wimp. He can’t even get enough supporters to make a supportive crowd around him.
likely sodomite
Martin O’Malley, former governor of Maryland and looter of Baltimore, is Beto’s righthand man. Two of the biggest jerks imaginable.
The blogspot,, has post on “This is Why They Hate “The Jews” #6“. The post has a small 9min talk by Jared Taylor of Amren, who reports that the rewriting of American foundations according to Political Correctness is being done at the home of Thomas Jefferson and Madison! A 10 Billionaire Jewish donor is rewriting the history—only portraying the slaves and heightening the awareness of the slaves. That is all that is important.
The rewriting of history and the emphasis and overemphasis on slavery to condemn the foundation of America is about attacking the societal cohesiveness of that society. Jews who are immigrants here are engaged in the undermining of this country to move it to their Marxist goal. This is only one aspect of the Cultural War they are engaged in.
I am just going to say, I see a lot of parallels between Cabal and “The Jews.” Clearly there is a shapeshifting segment of the Jewish population who are bent on the destruction of the US. They look just like everyone else. They act just like everyone else, they scramble like cockroaches for cover among everyone else. It is so bad, people cannot tell them apart from Jews like Stephen Miller, and say they all have to go back.
The Cabal is the same thing. These people look just like everyone else. They hide among everyone else. If you call one out for spending their day following around Americans, or zapping them in their bed, they call you a schizo, and hide among everyone else. I am surrounded by them, and you cannot tease them out from the surrounding population of normal Americans. But they probably at least assume their organization did 9/11, they kill people like Brian Mancini without a second thought. And they themselves must believe in their organization and cause enough they are all willing to die for it.
I think the Jews have the same problem most in society have – they cannot imagine there is this segment within them that is basically like a foreign intel unit bent on their destruction. They may even think the group is somehow super-pro-Jewish, since they see it as their leadership caste, and they have no idea the thing those Jews work for likely also ran Hitler, and had him round up the non-Cabal Jews.
Literally helped Hitler do it, in the case of George Soros.
The Jewish problem is a problem of loyalty: They are loyal to Soros because he’s a Jew. And disloyal to goys like me and you for the same reason. Henry Ford explained it well.
i think you’re assuming way too much about cabal having a cause and it’s members believing in that cause. There is no membership. There’s just people who are enticed or coerced into playing different roles.
Do victims of mafia protection rackets believe in the cause? Do low level soldiers and hoodlums? Of course not.
Cabal isn’t exotic. It’s just organized crime.
But there is no statistical variation. There should be a few who turn, and reveal the key shit we would need to take it out. Where is, “You’ll see him now guy”? Where is a building where the central control centers are? How are orders issued? How did recruiting work? Is there training? Where is it done? By Whom? Give me a roster of command positions and who occupies them, and home addresses.
None of the important stuff comes out. I could approach somebody paying a criminal for protection and somebody would talk. But not here.
I’m quite sure that the low level operatives are simply avoiding a negative situation, while enjoying the perks. One of those perks is psychological. They feel superior to others. They feel protected. And they’re well aware that betrayal means everything they value in life will be taken away or destroyed. Even their memories. Even the love of their families.
You think the adolescent putting in time for cabal is going to risk everything… for you!?
That’s probably why they start grooming them young. Before they had a chance to develop some character.
So what do they think when they see someone killed by the cabal? Probably not much of anything. They probably compartmentalize. One side of them knows its wrong, and one side says “better him than me”.
We’re all a little complicit. In a way. Not everyone ha the courage and confidence to give up their life for.others.
But talking about it will change that eventually. When the low level operatives with a conscience are reasonably sure that their community will back them up, a whole lot of them will switch sides. Especially if they figure that dragging their feet on the decision might mean they’ll have to face justice.
No deals.
Let GOD sort them out.
This person understands.
Well, not exactly ” complicit “. If you can’t fight back right now, maybe you will be able to later. Talking about and raising awareness is the best thing most of us can do.
Godspeed, AC
Its due to compartmentalization…. 1st rule of op sec…
You are much correct there AC. Your comment is the same as Prof. Henry Makow; he notices the same stuff. Stephen Miller tried, other Jews have worked to expose their tribe’s nefarious actions but that is a tiny minority.
It is about reading Nature, about, “taking heed of particularity”. “All men are created equal” is a lie. We are not. Not only is mankind differentiated into breeds and “their ways diverse”, when it comes to the Jews as a whole, they have been cursed since the death of Jesus, i.e. Chapter 28 of Deut comes into play. So it is a double whammy.
One thing is the Virtue of Sophrosyne:
If the Jews followed that–we’d have NO problem. But they are a tribe of Narcissists–they have NO introspection. They do NOT “Know Thyself”. Furthermore, Scripture tells them that they are blessed and favored so it puffs them up–but then they disregard Chap 28 Deut. They are also natural gnostics–pining for a utopia.
Psychologically, they are one messed up race. They can’t control themselves. In Medieval Europe, Catholicism suppressed the Jews and controlled them. And in other cases throughout history, they were expelled. But you can’t give them free reign in any country. And because European man can no longer control his women, he can not then control the Jews. If the Jews practiced sophrosyne, we wouldn’t be having this problem but they can’t, or won’t, and so outside pressure has to do so, to control their gnostic, nihilistic, sociopathic tendencies. But then the American constitution doesn’t allow for that—so we are screwed.
“Minding one’s business”–that is being sophros. Sophros, sophrosyne is a NATURAL European tendency. To build a utopia–requires the involvement of everybody–so either you participate in their Marxist agenda–or you will die.
The whole purpose of the Enlightenment was the destruction of Catholicism, the destruction of the unity of Christianity with Europe and the freeing of the Jews. That is what Masonic, Enlightenment Napolean did!
Life is War. We have to think that way from now on.
Unity of Christianity was destroyed in 1054AD, long before the Enlightenment.
The Filioque and the dispute over the energy-essence distinction helped along other reasons to split Eastern Orthodoxy from Western Roman Catholicism.
Cabal explains the Anti-Israel hate that ultimately culminated in the International force invading Israel before Jesus comes back and lands on the Mount of Olives.
AC should recognize Ann Barnhardt’s Diabolical Narcissist:
Diabolical Narcissism and Religion: When the DN devalues and dumps his co-religionists, and ultimately declares God Himself to be “such a disappointment” and dumps God. Just like Lucifer.
Yes, that is a great article!
I looked into this. As someone savaged by cabal, as someone who lost everything dear to me including my family to these monsters, to this most vicious and demonic church of all (every demon who betrayed me was in some way connected to the Catholic Church), I can assure you that some of the feelings I’ve developed are more diabolical than I ever could have imagined. I hate what I’ve become. And I certainly have no faith in this “God.”. I fully regard humanity itself as an abomination. This is a species of rapists, murderers, liars, backstabbers.
curiously, Barnhardt’s solution is to become a Catholic! Hahah.
I really believe that the entire religion was dreamt up by cabal to make people compliant and to turn the other cheek is they and their children are robbed, raped, and mutilated into oblivion.
God is real, and will use you if you are open to him.
I think all of this is happening because life is nothing without the fight. I accept my position here because I know I occupy resources which would otherwise target the weaker innocents who would not be able to take it.
And in truth, a life spent without an evil nemesis, is that anywhere near as epic? We have a chance to go down in teh history books fighting the greatest evil the United States will ever see.
Accept your destiny, and see it as the gift it is.
Theologians have discounted the book of Esther, but the line “…for such a time as this” could not be more relevant.
Humanity is an abomination. That’s the point.
Read Job. It’s likely the oldest book of the bible, written before Genesis. If you don’t get the point, then God intended you to just be another raping, mudering, lying backstabber.
My life makes the book of job seem like a summer camp. What these fuckers have done to my mother, the most devout and generous soul I’ve known, is absolutely unspeakable. Years of prayer in desperation have brought only more savage attacks.
I’m sorry anon. I understand. Targeting elderly women should be a death penalty offense.
Agreed. It the job of Government to be the Magistrate that exterminates those types of people(Romans 13).
What if those types of people are the government?
And that’s why we can’t have… or rather keep… nice things.
Just reporting on what was said on Morning Joe—G.L.O.A.T.I.N.G.
The Senate passed their Clean Energy, Build Back Better Bill, and the Gloating and triumphalism was very apparent. Then, they did a massive “Biden is winning” everywhere and went thru the list of “great accomplishments”.
If you think the midterms are going to be a Republican sweep—think again. As our sites sponsor, Daily Financial Trends has reported on, the government cooked the numbers to lower gas prices! Biden has taken out of the our oil reserves to cook the books even more—they will do whatever it takes to win. These people are vicious, mean-spirited, and evil. Cunning is what they live for!
What in the world is this:
Why I LOVE China and the CPC
My 50 Year Odyssey to Truth and Enlightenment
I have co-workers from ex-Communist countries who continually remind me that reading between the lines, a learned skill, is the only way to get to the truth.
There are many “right wing” personalities that are run by China to cause division and civil war in western countries. (while they also support the extreme left)
We can make use of them to an extent but we must treat them with suspicion.
This is priceless:
I’ve been looking for a book and happened t find a copy online
“After the Flood, The Early Post-Flood History Of Europe, Traced Back To Noah” by Bill Cooper
There’s interesting reviews on this. Apparently ancient people in Europe kept very long list of Kings that go way, way back and which were all ignored. Supposedly there’s also some mention of dinosaurs which would make sense of the numerous dolmens all over the place. I mean a lot of them.
Whatever you think of odd alt history Bill Cooper published some very prescient stuff in his books and was finally shot by I think a sheriff as he said he would be.
Anyways I haven’t read it yet but it might be worth downloading it while you can.
Bill Cooper was lured out of his house by the local sheriff’s office. He was shot in the back trying to run back into his house. Cooper was one of the first to call 9/11 a false flag; he died two months later.
Bill had access to a lot of obscure texts. The Hour of the Time had a library up on the website at one point with PDFs and txt files for many of them. Access was always restricted; it would be interesting to know who had/has access. Cooper always implied there was some sort of group or organization behind his research and work (CAGI iirc). I’ll reiterate that Bill Cooper is a great introduction to the occult side of Cabal. I’m still convinced Freemasonry was the precursor for the current surveillance network.
Could be right on the Freemasonry.
Looks like two totally different Bill Coopers. The author of “After the Flood” has a very different bio (multiple publications and positions in England) from the host of THotT/author of “Behold a Pale Horse” (navy vet/American)
They like to do that.
I think they create fake identities with the same name as people they want to bury and then promote them.
WHooops you’re right. I thought they were the same person. You have t look around a little to find that out. Apologies for misleading anyone.
You can download a free ePub edition here:
Thanks. I can’t believe I missed that. I search on libgen and it didn’t show. Sometimes I find stuff, as you did, on zlib that is not referenced on libgen but for some reason I missed this.
“Witnesses said Velozo grabbed a bottle from Lo’s table and that the fighter took the cop down and held him, according to the outlet, citing a police report….”
“…After the pair were separated, Velozo[cop] allegedly pulled out a gun, firing a round into Lo’s forehead, according to the site.”
Are you allowed to have bottles? Of so what business was it of him to grab his. And after they are separated, kills him. Murder.
I doubt we’re getting the entire story. Seems the two options of power-tripping cop vs a legitimate fear for your life after being pummeled by a professional fighter could be equally plausible, so no point speculating yet.
“…pummeled by a professional fighter…”
The guy is Brazilian Jujitsu so the odds are over whelmingly high that he just restrained the cop and held him. People do mostly what they train for. Judging by his level of experience and wins no doubt the guy let the cop go and then the cop had enough room to back up and shoot him. So in reality, you can bet the wrestler was no threat or…he would have never gotten up. He could have been killed easily but he was let go.
Key to this is, are you allowed to have bottles or not? If so then the cop instigated the whole thing. If bottles are not allowed then it’s on the wrestler. My guess is that like most places you are allowed to have bottles and the cop was showing his ass. When he was restrained and made to look a fool then he, true to his character as a malicious bully, shot the guy for no reason other than he wants people to bow down to his authority no matter how inappropriate.
Some people here get upset that I bitch about the police but I have heard, and it does seem, that they are specifically hiring cops that are less likely to consider being a policeman to keep order and help the population. They are hiring personalities because they are assholes that want to subjugate the population. This is on purpose and they are using most likely Jew run, court ordered companies to evaluate the psychological test they give preemployment. Control freaks and bully aggressors.
Now maybe you love order but the type of police employed makes a big difference and if they are going to hire and promote bullies who want the repression of the populace then in my estimation they should NOT have the support of anyone that wants any sort of liberty.
This is just a long line of moving up people who are crooked and rotten into lines of authority, while sidelining those that are generally good people. If institutions become rotten we should stop supporting them. I no longer subscribe to the notion that “there are some good men” in [blank] rotten institution when they begin to behave this way. It just disarms your senses and clouds the mind to think this way. There’s not enough good guys to restrain the bad so the whole group is essentially, for all “practical” purposes, rotten.
There is less here than meets the eye.
What was “the bottle” that was taken? Did the cop take his beer away from him or did he take a bottle of salsa that they give out at the dining room table, like bottles of ketchup?
Calling the guy a “cop” is an irrelevant detail. Nothing that happened was under any color of authority. The guy was an armed civilian.
Nothing here entails police work or even self-defense. It’s two idiots who got in a fight. I thought professional fighters understood that you don’t get into fights with randos in public, especially over a bottle, of all things. Jiu Jitsu decides to escalate a minor slight into a physical assault, and the other guy decides to escalate it into murder. There’s nothing to see here.
“…what other government economic numbers could you trust? ”
None. Look, they’re saying inflation is what, 8%? Really. Even the “common wisdom” of multiplying the official number by 3 isn’t cutting it.
Jobs number.: they left out the 250,000+ no longer looking.
That’s just economic numbers.
Now do global warming, pollution, tykes who want to be trannies, etc etc.
It’s all lies, and has been for a long time.
Friendly reminder to all anons here that NASA’s only evidence of a signal mirror placed on the moon in the alleged “moon missions” is a button they press that beeps a couple seconds later “confirming” the signal bounced off the mirror and came back to their button machine.
The entirety of the government, in all fields, departments and offices, is run on fraud, lies and deceit. Trust nothing, especially things that make you feel scared, alone, desolate, and hopeless.
Holy Terra Chan can’t have a pressurized atmosphere without a container, which really throws the whole model right out the window. Until that’s explained, I’m going with “not as described by scientism” for the shape of the earth.
The container is gravity. It pulls gas molecules down on each other, with the pressure coming from the weight of gas above pressing down above it. That 1 atm of pressure is really gas trying to squish out in every direction, and hitting other gas tryign to squish out in every direction, all under the weight of the giant column of air molecules above it.
Yeah, the explanations for gravity are suspect in my opinion and I’m still waiting for one that makes sense.
But Mass still attracts mass and I have to make sure not to fall off of tall buildings anyway.
The planet is provably round.
If the explanation for that is somehow lacking that would just mean we don’t have the real reason for it.
There are lots of things I don’t know the reason for but I have to deal with them as they are until I learn the reason.
> If the government knowingly put out bad data, and defrauded all those people for political gain, holy shit.
You mean, if they knowingly put out bad data *again*?
The CDC’s outrageously falsified COVID statistics come to mind.
Global warming.
“Those economists would independently get all the data and do the calculations themselves, and then they would trade on the knowledge of what the number announced was going to be. But they don’t. They make guesses, and then the “real” number is announced, and everybody nods, slaps their forehead, wishes they had guessed closer or traded something else. But who knows if that real number has any relation to reality, given it comes from the government, out of a black box? It seems to me, knowing the extent of the intel operation running things and its permeation anywhere there is money or power, and the fact nobody can begin to calculate these numbers themselves, a lot more of this could be fake than anyone would believe, and it could be defrauding investors a lot more than most would think possible.”
I make a comfortable living taking the opposite side of a trade against many of these folks. Most buy the official stats hook, line, and sinker. For example, figuring out actual unemployment is indeed hard, which is why you do a reality check by looking at the internals as well as a reality check against the change in the number of people in the work force. It is hard for government bureaucrats to be internally consistent across a host of related measures. In any case, the fraud comes out in the was as the revisions come in in the following months… “oops, it was actually….”
My best comment to a research analyst in London was on the eve of the Brexit vote he was sure would fail: “You don’t get outside the M-25 much, do you?”
>And then you have to ask, what other government economic numbers could you trust?
Why limit it to economic numbers? If an entity or institution becomes unreliable in one way that you can verify, chances are they are unreliable in all the ways you can’t verify as well. That is the safe bet anyway. And we have known that government and quasi-government (I.E. Universities and media) institutions have been unreliable on many things for a long time. Really, just pick whichever topic you have greatest expertise in and compare your knowledge to the bullshit they are putting out. Over time its actually become easier and easier for even the most smooth-brained midwits to realize something is wrong. Anything to do with the absurdity of trannys should make you realize these government and quasigovernmen groups are nothing but lies.
Their lies about race and climate change have been discussed the longest or the longest in a public way I would hazard to guess. An old article I wrote about digging into wikipedia and their govt approved university sources:
No reason to believe anything these liars say at this point. Someone who lies about one thing, is more than willing to lie about everything else. Don’t believe any of it.
The fact that people are even seriously questioning is further evidence of lack of confidence in the government. Once you see that one thing the government does is faked, you lose confidence in everything the government does. If the oil demand is fake, what about C19? What about the GDP? Job numbers?
Ultimately, if they will lie about these numbers, will they lie about the voting results?
People are asking themselves — not people like us, but rank and file NPCs.
> Legendary Jiu-jitsu fighter Leandro Lo was fatally shot Sunday at a Sao Paulo concert, after a cop took a bottle from his table, he took the cop down, and the cop shot him in the head.
Chop-socky seldom fares well against a gun.
I wrestled for years and trained Jiu Jitsu grappling for years as well. I know who Leandro was, and based on the info presented, Leandro completely dominated the cop until reinforcements arrived, at which point Leandro disengaged and was then shot.
Leandro was an 8x world champion and an amazing athlete who helped many hundreds of people achieve excellence in a great discipline.
For that alone he deserves some respect.
> UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has voiced concerns over a potential nuclear disaster at Europe’s largest nuclear power station, after Ukrainian forces shelled the nuclear plant in the country’s southern Zaporozhye Region on Friday.
“We’ve lived with Chernobyl for 35 years. Ain’t skeered!”
Besides, the fallout plume would cover more of Russia than Ukraine, so it’s a net win, right?
> A new draft proposal by the European Commission would provide €8 billion in financial aid to Ukraine through a mix of grants and loans.
Funny how Ukraine aid always seems to devolve down to “send money now!” instead of things like armaments.
Perhaps their proposed tactic is to bomb the Russians with pallets full of dollars and euros. Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase, “crushing the enemy”, right?
Looks to be unvaccinated orthodox Jewish, who got it overseas from somebody who got the hot oral attenuated virus vaccine, and brought it back.
Bill Gates Making Polio Great Again. The only reason the live oral vaccine exists is for 3rd world countries where you can’t reliably refrigerate the injectable dead vaccine. Why is Israel vaccinating people like a third world country?
I’ve been to Israel and aspects of that country are definitely third world.
Even though it is considered a first world country technologically speaking, culturally and socially it would make most Westerners feel alienated.
Grappling is a gunfight is a pass/fail test.
He didn’t know the cop had a gun when he took him down, and Leandro was in total control until others broke up the fight giving the cop a chance to pull his gun and fire.
Article reads as the shot was fired after the physical altercation, but it’s not exactly clear either way. Could be an ego murder by the cop, could be legit self defense from a drunk fighter. Who knows without more detail.
All these little hit pieces about the “new right” won’t change a thing. The president has dementia and is slowly dying in front of us. He will be replaced by his chicken-head dougla maid. Nothing they write can distract from that at all.
Anon’s take a short minute to watch a simple creature made by the Creator’s hand doing it’s ‘thing’. Just being a jellyfish.
(Apologies because of the faceborg link embedded, couldn’t find a better video)
There is SO MUCH nonsense in the world, step back and appreciate a manifestation of the Good, the Beautiful and the True. God’s creation is AWESOME and AMAZING.
So true. The world is so beautiful, if you find a spot all these assholes and cocksuckers aren’t fucking up.
“but I do notice a lot of single moms in it, and something about the face in the shot where mom is wearing the hat feels like it to me”
She looks rather normal to me, what is it about the hat that makes you think he was right? What i find strange is that a woman that attractive wasn’t remarried or married to begin with. And what motive did anyone have to watch that dude? He just seems like some run of the mill dude?
It is not the hat, it is the smile. There is something off with them. I felt it all through school, where they feel weird, like what is on the surface is only skin deep, and they are playing you. And that is even before the periodic places where something happens which triggers them and they get even weirder.
In the hat pic the smile is off. Just a smidge. In the other photos it is more genuine, to the point I would bet in the other pics she was smiling genuinely because she really loved her daughter, and the smile was for the daughter who was there.
Single moms is a thing with them, though I don’t know why. Maybe they are desperate and more morally flexible so they recruit them, maybe long boring days in an observation post with another surveillance guy while nothing is happening produces kids in a relationship the other guy wasn’t really into, or maybe the girls are a little unable to bond, since almost all the relationships they have form a child are fake, and so they split more easily. Or maybe they are sent in Epstein-like, and the kids are just something that happens, and they move forward from there and the machine makes sure they have side work doing gangstalking.
One of my Martial Arts buddies was set up for divorce, I think, by two of these single moms, both of whom had the kids very young. Once married him, the other coincidentally mentioned a less common martial art to somebody who just happened to know our club, she came in and immediately set to bang him behind the wife’s back, then called the wife to tell her, which set off the divorce. And he has accumulated quite a nice little nest egg while he was single, and they waited until right after they moved into a nice new house together. It was very well done.
And at the time, I knew nothing of any of this, and aside from her kid, his wife was like the perfect girl, and I would not have made her for an operator playing people like this, in an organized intel op. She seemed ridiculously sweet and innocent. Even as I noticed her once asking pointed questions of him about me, about stuff the op would have wanted, for no real reason at all, and thought it odd in passing.
If you do not know about this, there is nothing you can do.
One thing to remember is the surveillance likely also watches the other members of surveillance. Having a roster of decent looking ladies to gather blackmail on your own minions under the guise of “rewarding” the married men with a side fling would be useful to keep holding over their head, carrot and stick style.
Also, Clyde Knox, the older man. Suuuuper thin upper lip and strange facial pose that you’ve mentioned before. I get the worst vibes off him.
“Once married him, the other coincidentally mentioned a less common martial art to somebody who just happened to know our club, she came in and immediately set to bang him behind the wife’s back, then called the wife to tell her, which set off the divorce. And he has accumulated quite a nice little nest egg while he was single, and they waited until right after they moved into a nice new house together. It was very well done.And at the time, I knew nothing of any of this, and aside from her kid, his wife was like the perfect girl, and I would not have made her for an operator playing people like this, in an organized intel op.”
I dunno dude, just sounds like you’re describing people to me. I still don’t understand why anyone would gangstalk the dude who killed these people. What sort of untapped potential did he have that the federal government decided to screw with him? People are terrible, and create their own drama without some unseen hand guiding them.
He was actually supposed to have taken off and been a successful trader for years, before his career disintegrated. And that is an area where everything may very well be fake, and it is one big scam to fund Cabal operations, and separate people from their money. So there are a lot of secrets there.
But moreover, you don’t need potential. There is a doctor in the Texas town where the local surveillance identifies girls they want to rape, breaks into their homes during the day, spikes the food in their fridge, and then comes back later in the night when they are unconscious and apparently enters the house and gang rapes them. He is also under this, and did research into it and wrote a book on the operation down there.
He thinks one major part of the operation is an outgrowth of MK Ultra, and they are identifying freedom-loving, resistant psychologies, and doing all this as an experiment, to see if there are specific techniques to “break” their will and make them compliant before an all powerful government. A lot of times when I do these briefs I encounter stuff I might not otherwise add, but I add it anyway because it is uncompliant, and if this is an experiment, it will fuck them up, and register as nothing they have done has worked. Because I am pretty sure if they find something that they even think breaks me, it goes into beta testing on everyone else.
The people are what I would expect to see, and there are probably facets to them I can’t even specifically point to, but they look like it. Like the older couple – that female is the dominant personality. That is another facet you begin to pick up on. Very often in the couples, the women lead around the men, and the men seem like they are just along for the ride and subservient to the women. If you go back through my archives, I probably cited single mothers as being surveillance ten or fifteen times over the years. It is a pattern. That he hit a single mom and an older female-dominant couple makes me think his radar was calibrated and he was under something. And if he was, responsibility for everything that happened is at the feet of that thing, because it is a lot of strain to put on a human brain. If you go around doing that, you own everything you break.
That kind of… displacement behavior scares the hell out of me. That represents something truly sick. Very scary. I would rather get stabbed with needles than to realize that it’s a trend.
A simple question. Don’t all nightclubs have cameras? I bet they do and then we ask why have they not caught any of these people? There’s all sorts of things that they tell us that don’t make any sense at all if you ask a few simple questions.
We’re officially the Soviet Union. This is the world in which I’m giving birth to my third child this month. Thank you, honored elders. 🙁
Yep. Things are definitely accelerating.
He should have pulled the curtain back and exposed the corruption to the masses when he had the chance. Just dumped all the files on everything into the public domain and let us sift through it.
Now we wait and see if whatever high risk “plan” he has in place can be activated in time to save himself and the country.
It’s been an eye opener on Gab. So many petulant little “patriots” who decided they hate Trump now not understanding today’s action isn’t about him. It’s an unacceptable escalation. They say they don’t care, repeating the same mistakes generations have made that led to the current state of the country.
Meanwhile *actual* patriots in Red states are talking 10th Amendment (Kari in AZ), even suggesting the arrest of federal agents whose operations are not approved by the State government (some state politicians in FL).
They’re just like the asshats that turn absolutely everything into a bitchfest about jews & blacks – they’re either feds or they fedbots. They exist drive wedges literally wherever possible.
As for Trump dumping everything – how? Everyone keeps acting like the US has an absolute monarch and then in the next breath mocks Trump for hiring people that UNDERMINED AND DISOBEYED HIM. Just because the CEO issues an order, it doesn’t mean that order will be followed.
Which brings us back to the vaxxes – how many DC employees are vaxxed? What percentage? What percentage are fully boosted? Trump is promising to fire tens of thousands of them, but how many are gonna die of “suddenly”?
I really think a lot are young men reacting to a world that has turned against them. I’ve tried talking with them, suggesting they are not going retcon Hitler into the misunderstood hero of WW2, and maybe we could get some traction on a White identity movement (at least one to fight the relentless bigotry with lawfare) if we adopted new iconography and talking points, but they don’t care. They found symbols and words that get a rise out of people, and that’s what they get off on.
Really shameful. Those young men got misled.
The only thing we can do for them is to save their souls unto Jesus Christ.
I have seen a few PUAs and other Men actually get rightly oriented over time to a more healthy mindset after their genuine salvation.
Hitler really was the hero of WWII, but that’s not going to impress or convert most NPCs and normies. Plus, America today and even in the 1930s is very different from Germany.
Owning up to the facts, though, and being willing to at least entertain the idea that “we” were suckered into destroying the last hope of stopping the Jew’s Bolshevik agenda is crucially important. Christians love to say that America must turn back to God. What’s actually needed is to turn back to common sense and a willingness to believe what our senses reveal: one simple hour of holocaust “review” will plant fast growing seeds in the heads of most people. Those seeds sometimes take a while to germinate.
Do we have any U2 fans here?
Look up some of the album covers like Songs of Innocence, War, etc.
You been reading Chris Knowles?
He just did a post on this and even I didn’t realize how sleazy and pathetic Bono is.
This was my summary of his latest post.
Knowles’ blog is very interesting, but also quite disturbing. Because I’m not sure if it is good or bad for people to read his blog, I didn’t mention it by name.
Chris is a good man and has written some incredible articles over the years plumbing the horrible depths of MK ultra, various serial killers and their connection to Intel, as well as how much of the entertainment industry is directed by occult influences.
Chris is the first to tell you he doesn’t have all the answers, but he has brought incredible connections and missing threads to light about the hidden networks that control our society over the last 10 years.
He is always worth a read.
Very sexy plane 🙂
RE: The Raid on Mar-A-LagoNeonRevolt called it years ago – the first arrest that shocks everybody will be TRUMP. The movie is following the film White Squall beat for beat. The boat is going down, some people are going to drown, and the captain is going to be hauled in to court on charges for something that he couldn’t possibly be held accountable for. And the rest of the crew on the boat come together to defend him as the team that he had been trying to turn them into on the voyage.
As others have voiced repeatedly, Q are you absolutely sure this wouldn’t have been better as an action flick rather than a disaster epic? So far the pacing is slow, the premise is straining suspension of disbelief, and you’ve given the audience very few little uplifting moments to get them through.
I am reminded of the British tank commander in A Bridge Too Far, “It would be bad form for the cavalry to arrive ahead of schedule”.
I’m starting to get mad and not just with the enemy.
Was that the one where they’re on the lifeboat? I saw one years ago in college (we had a film club) where they had to cut some people loose with just life jackets because they didn’t have enough room or supplies in the lifeboat. Then a short time later, a ship spots them and rescues them, turning the captain’s necessary sacrifice of some survivors into what would probably be a crime.
The movie from 1957 “Abandon Ship” Tyrone Power aka Brave Captain, tale of 2 dozen plus in a 9 person boat, as the tale goes, gets the idea from the officer rescued but sorely wounded, throws himself overboard after telling junior officer Power he’ll need to make dire decisions to save some and not lose all of them. Plenty of pathos, drama, tragedy, and more. They hit a mine, ship down in seven minutes, get found in seven days. He cuts them adrift just before a huge storm nearly swamps those still left with strength to survive, those were his criteria, leave if you wouldn’t add to the survival chances. find on u-tube.
Another lost at sea one is “Lifeboat” by Hitchcock 1944, torpedoed by u-boat, lots of old time stars, has a rescued german, actually the u-boat cap’n, he is helpful and treacherous as they usually would write in those war years. Hume Cronyn, William Bendix, Tallulah Bankhead etc. Poor copies on utube (cropped, not full screen etc.), look on bitchute, dailymotion, etc. Can also look on the internet archive for old movies, hope this helps.
“Schizophrenics tend to have very high IQs until the supposed voices kick in during their 20s. I have to wonder if some of that is intel taking out dangerous innovators.”
Like Terry Davis:
A genius driven mad I suspect in that way. When he was well adjusted Computer Genius.
And he went mad while being gangstalked. He may have even taken one out. And strangely, I could see getting head-fucked by them, running somebody over trying to escape in the early days, and them just blowing it off as a cost of doing business and dumping the body somewhere.
Indeed. Shame that he didn’t have enough support during his lifetime. Like us. And went mad before he could be helped.
My guess is that it’s impossible for a schizophrenic to develop their own operating system. But it’s more than possible to gang stalk a competent programmer into appearing and behaving as if he was what most people imagine schizophrenia be.
The 5.7 Reasons that 5.7x28mm is Better than 9mm
Why 5.7? || 5.7x28mm vs 5.56x45mm
In pure CQB terms, the 5.7mm is probably the sweet spot for an SMG, period, end of story. I have something planned for one of these CMMG barrel&BCG combos with their mags. I was going to go with a pistol brace, but frankly at this point why bother? I’m going to get the tax stamps for the can and the SBR lower, and if a civil war breaks out then it breaks out. But no, this is definitely a better idea than an SBR 5.56 where you are getting this level of performance anyway, but in the 5.7mm you are getting it efficiently without a bunch of wasted powder.
But if you have a 9mm, and go with Liberty Civil Defense ammo, you are pushing a 60 grain bullet at 2100fps out a pistol barrel, and maybe close to 2500fps or more out an SMG barrel, and you can scrounge lesser ammo if you run out. Plus it effortlessly defeats IIIa even at pistol-length velocities, while pushing a cavernous hollow point that still makes a fist-sized hole in ballistic clay after passing through a IIIa plate.
Plus less recoil and weight. And you can find it just about all the time.
IMO, flat out best ammo for 9mm, even going back to the old Triton Hi-Vel.
Just bought a box in .45ACP to test out -78gr 1900FPS out of a five inch barrel. Have a milling project for MK2 that relates. And before anyone asks, they track credit card info, they knew the moment the transaction went through.
Gonna need a really accurate CNC lathe to turn appropriate wadcutter solids to hand load training rounds for it. Maybe some custom casting molds for 80gr lead cast bullets?
But yeah, the surge in popularity of 5.7mm is the perfect cartridge to resurrect the Tokarev TT-33/M57. The original gun will NOT fit the 5.7mm, but a new gun using the Ruger mags would. And the frame could be capable of switching back and forth between 5.7mm and 7.62×25 with a change of slides and mag.
Maybe call it the TT-33/57 utilizing an aluminum frame with rail, plastic magwell, and Ruger mags. Use Glock sights. Series 80 firing pin stop adapted, ambi thumb safety which is already a thing on some Tokarev imports.
Safe Life Defense makes body armor to defeat Liberty CD Ammo.
AC I have to agree with Lowell if cost is not a high objective. The argument that 9mm is more prevalent is not really of any use. Let’s say you have a thousand round of 5.7. Are you going to survive if you have a shoot out and use all those? Maybe not and if you do then you should have plenty of others weapons and ammo to pick through of the people you shot. So you won’t run out of ammo or guns, you use theirs.
The extra performance when it counts in milliseconds gets their gun plus yours and you live.
I should clarify, I’m talking pistol. Rifle, I see no use in 9mm or 5.7. Just use .223.
You notice that I didn’t mention cost or logistics? If you can only afford one rifle and one pistol, buy an AR15 in 5.556 and a 9mm doublestack. That may not always be my advice but it still is today.
At what point does unseen plainclothes “protection” become surveillance in the barrios?
Curt Kaz in the slums of Caracas had a tail on him; his companion’s daddy later points it out
(Subtitled exchange; time-cued link)
34 days? Why not 35? or 33? Regardless, the CCP will be HUMBLED by God.