News Briefs – 08/08/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Wisconsin Republicans ramp up efforts to investigate the 2020 election fraud after pressure from Trump.

Arizona Attorney General opens an investigation into Maricopa county’s noncompliance with legal and enforceable subpoenas for information relation to the election fraud audit.

From Ron Watkins’ telegram:

Aug. 6, from the AZ Attorney General’s Office:
Notice of Submission of Legislator Request for Investigation

“With the Request’s filing, the Office will now conduct an investigation and prepare a report that, under state statute, must be completed within 30 days.”

In the report, the Attorney General will reach one of three following conclusions”

(1. MCBOS did not violate the law, 2. MCBOS did violate the law and AG files a Special Action in AZ Supreme Court, 3. MCBOS violated the law and the AG Office will notify MCBOS in writing to resolve the violation w/in 30 days. If they fail to resolve it, the State Treasurer will withhold and redistribute Maricopa funds.)

?We want Option #2, and swiftly. No reason the AG has to use all 30 days for his report.

NO giving them an opportunity to refuse compliance again.

(Read SB 1487
41-194.01 Violations of state law by counties, cities and towns; attorney general investigation; report; withholding of state shared revenues:

Sharyl Attkisson case over govt. computer intrusions moves forward, but slowly. She is getting stymied by the intel agencies in discovery, but it appears the judge is now going to try and advance it. A previous article implied the case had been knocked down, but apparently either that article was in error, or it has since been resurrected.

AZ Senator Wendy Rogers has a petition up to get the AZ election results decertified.

Runaway Texas Democrats file lawsuit against Gov. Greg Abbott for causing them ‘anxiety and distress’ by threatening to arrest them on their return to the state.

Kash Patel launches a legal ‘offense’ trust to fight the establishment media, and big tech.

A twitterer says, “During the Nuremberg Trials, even the media was prosecuted and put to death for lying to the public.” Supposedly he’s referring to the execution of DER STÜRMER editor Julius Streicher, who never held a position in the German Government but was nonetheless in the front line of defendants. He was actually the first Nazi convicted.

Homeland Security warns of ‘increasing but modest’ threat of violence from the Trump conspiracy.

Even Politico writes, ‘Biden’s vision for the border has gone bust,’ as they wonder if there is a Plan B.

Senate advances Biden’s $1.2T infrastructure package with 18 GOP votes. The 18 traitors were Blunt, Capito, Cassidy, Collins, Cornyn, Cramer, Crapo, Fischer, Grassley, Hoeven, McConnell, Murkowski, Portman, Risch, Romney, Rounds, Tillis & Young.

US business pushes Biden for a China trade deal.

The California Republican Party has voted not to endorse a candidate in the recall election of Gavin Newsom. I wonder if they are confused about who is in power, and whose ass to kiss. They don’t want to endorse a Cabal candidate if Cabal has been defeated, but they don’t want to endorse a non-Cabal candidate if Cabal is still in power. They may be as in the dark as we are.

18 percent of migrant families leaving Border Patrol custody tested positive for Covid, document says.

In Boston, MA, a 14-year-old child who wants to be vaccinated could not get her parents’ permission, so the court has stepped in and revoked custody in order for her to get vaccinated without their consent.

Photo shows Obama and his hundreds of guests fail to mask up as he gets ‘scaled back’ 60th birthday party super-spreader event started at his $12M Martha’s Vineyard mansion.

COVID-19 survivors have broad, longer-term immunity.

VAERS COVID vaccine data – 545,337 reports of adverse events, 12366 death, 46,036 hospitalizations, 14,251 permanently disabled, 68,040 urgent care visits up to July 30th.

CDC is not mandating its employees to be vaxed. A lot of this is so ridiculous as to not make sense. It strains credulity they could be this stupid. There was an anon on 4Chan, a LARP, who claimed he was some sort of elite intel and the vaccines were designed to cull the weak and stupid. He claimed the human race was growing too degenerate, and there was a depopulation event coming, and only 5% of humanity would survive it, so the elites decided to cull the low IQ and degenerate rubes who would fall for this kind of thing now, to avoid being trapped on the planet with a bunch of deviant imbeciles who could not advance the lifestyles of the elites. I doubt that is real, just because I know perfectly intelligent and capable people who probably have gotten vaxxed, simply because they are too busy with life. I knew a girl who was a vet – she basically spent every waking moment helping animals, and paid no attention to politics or the news. I’d be surprised if she didn’t get vaxxed, just because she hasn’t taken the time we have, to compare news sources, and realize the entire Fake News is just a propaganda outlet for elites who hate us. She isn’t stupid or easily fooled, she just doesn’t have time, and doesn’t know she can’t trust the news. But even though I think that post is a LARP, I could see some story like that being the missing piece which would make all of this fit into place much better. It is fascinating, because Vault-Co always said, ten generations, and suddenly it would all get wiped back and mankind would start over. And here we are, going on ten generations, things are definitely happening, in ways we can not yet see in their full context, and it looks like we just might see exactly what it is that happens, in that moment in history when it all gets wiped back.

CDC Director changes her story, and now admits COVID vaccines don’t prevent virus transmission. Is it even a vaccine if it doesn’t prevent the vaccinated from being infected, or the uninfected from being infected by the vaccinated? And even worse the vaccine could very well cultivate a virus which is more virulent and able to resist human immune responses, as the virus is now evolving to overcome the weak immunity offered by the vaccine and spread as if there is no immune system stopping it. It will get better at evading the immune system. At every step, every decision they make seems to be the very worst decision possible. It can’t be stupidity because if it were, they would make a correct decision somewhere by accident.

The Federation of State Medical Boards warned July 29 that physicians and other healthcare professionals could be at risk of losing their medical licenses if they spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation on social media, online and in the media.

1 in 4 COVID patients hospitalized while vitamin D deficient die according to an Israeli study.

Italians burning their proof of vaccination passes as opposiiton to the formation of a two-tiered society. This is what Cabal fears – a society undivided. At this point, I don’t know if that can happen in America, but I would bet if we tried to unite all America-first patriots around an ideal of loyalty to each other, we would have a formidable force. The left fears the word patriot for a reason.

Intermittent-fasting diets may prevent infections, study finds.

Rashida Tlaib wants to cancel Americans’ utility debt.

Portland Antifa attacked a prayer group Saturday using tear gas, pepper spray, and flashbangs on the group of roughly 50 men, women, and children. Government is supposed to deal with things like this, and it should happen organically. That it does not is clear evidence we are not electing our leaders, and haven’t been for a while.

Philadelphia police are now required to politely ask criminals to stop engaging in certain crimes, such as defecating in the street, before officers can actually take action.

Elon Musk’s 72 year old father impregnated his 30 year old step daughter. He has Fritzle eyes. He is the only father she has ever known, raising her from age 4. Why is it so many elites seem to be banging their own children, when they have the money to date whoever they want? What if they are not really elite, but are acting parts, and the casting department prefers actors with something horrible to hide?

A twitter thread for those who have crypto on Binance, which seems to feel they are going down and may take people’s crypto with them when it happens. I do not know enough to say if this is legit or not, but assume those in question will be able to figure it out.

Gulf Stream at its weakest for 1,000 years – UK temperatures could plummet 8C if it collapses.

Three Alaska volcanoes erupt, spitting lava and ash clouds, just days after a massive M8.2 earthquake.

10 people injured in stabbings on Tokyo train who said he wanted to ‘kill happy women.’ One of the most fascinating things about the evil is they hate to see happiness in others. They could win the lottery, have a massive private sailboat delivered to them at the dock, be about to take off for the Bahamas for six months with three prostitutes and all the beer they could drink, and as they are about to push off, they would see a little girl pick a daisy and smell it happily and their day would be ruined. And they would be angry at the girl for ruining it by being happy, as if she did it purposely to enrage them. This guy was just being truthful when he said that was his motive. They don’t think like you. In my experience, most leftists are just people who knew they had this psychology – and it was defective – so they sought out some intellectual way to justify having this mentality, by making the happy the enemy, who deserves to be punished.

Some memes I found amusing:

The Pentagon says its new AI can see events ‘days in advance.’

NICS for July, 2021 was the second highest gun sales on record, second only to July 2020.

Congressional Democrats’ own polls show them tanking.

Trump says he will refuse to endorse Republicans who vote for ‘disgraceful’ $1.2 billion infrastructure bill and lashes out at ‘RINO’ Mitch McConnell for voting with Democrats to push it forward.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here. You can also get more statements via email by signing up here.


Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill is a disgrace. If Mitch McConnell was smart, which we’ve seen no evidence of, he would use the debt ceiling card to negotiate a good infrastructure package.

This is a 2,700 page bill that no one could have possibly read—they would have needed to take speed reading courses. It is a gift to the Democrat Party, compliments of Mitch McConnell and some RINOs, who have no idea what they are doing. There is very little on infrastructure in all of those pages. Instead, they track your driving so they can tax you. It is Joe Biden’s form of a gas tax but far bigger, far higher and, mark my words, far worse. They want to track you everywhere you go and watch everything you do!

Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill will be used against the Republican Party in the upcoming elections in 2022 and 2024. It will be very hard for me to endorse anyone foolish enough to vote in favor of this deal.

The good news is that the progressive wing in the Democrat Party will lose all credibility with this approval. Additionally, Kevin McCarthy and Republican House members seem to be against the bill. If it can’t be killed in the Senate, maybe it dies in the House!

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats understand that this is the way to get the horrendous $3.5 trillion, actually $5 trillion, Green New Deal bill done in the House. Mitch is playing right into Nancy’s hands, not to mention the fact Chuck Schumer is already going around saying this is a big victory for the Democrats. Whether it’s the House or the Senate, think twice before you approve this terrible deal. Republicans should wait until after the Midterms when they will gain all the strength they’ll need to make a good deal, but remember, you already have the card, it’s called the debt ceiling, which the Democrats threatened us with constantly.


Wisconsin has just canceled 205,000 voter registrations because they say they could not find the voters. Why did they wait until AFTER the election? Would this mean that we would have won Wisconsin? Congratulations!


Thank you to Sean Hannity for your Patriotism and Wisdom!

A must watch.


On Purple Heart Day we pay solemn tribute to our Wounded Warriors and Fallen Heroes. These immortal patriots shed their blood, and many gave their lives, to defend our flag, families, and freedom. May we honor their sacred memory by protecting all that they sacrificed to secure. God bless our men and women in uniform, the greatest heroes in all the world.

Spread r/K Theory, because a little Trump each day makes a big difference.

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3 years ago

Roosh has a new show episode out:

3 years ago

S&P 500 is up 20% year-to-date. The entire country’s 401K plans are invested in and/or tracked versus this index. So we apparently have an incompetent presidency and a “deadly” pandemic yet the markets are cranking along making us all wealthier every day…

The disconnect, I believe, is Q/Trump. In my opinion, Operation Devolution includes a Patriot manipulation of the market and its indices to offset Cabal attacks on our economy and society. Patriots are not allowing the Rofs, Soros’s etc to crush us financially and emotionally any more than they have done already with the China Flu. According to the “narrative” from the Dems/RINOs our world is falling apart and yet the markets are at all-time highs and your retirement nest-egg is larger than ever? (P)atriots (A)re (N)ow (I)n (C)ontrol.

Devolution – Part 1:

Devolution – Part 2:

Devolution – Part 3:

Devolution – Part 4:

Devolution – Part 5:

Devolution – Part 6:

Devolution – Part 7:

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

> S&P 500 is up 20% year-to-date
It’s called inflation and it is not good for an average Joe.

Fiat money and enormous debt of the Treasury is something than will have to be addressed at one point of time and Trump knows it. Starting by cancelling all treasuries held by CCP would be a nice move. I think I’ve heard first shots across the bow – it’s when Trump used word “reparations”.


3 years ago

USA wins Olympic medal count and crushes China 113 to 88, including more golds. What’s also impressive when you look at the table is Great Britain’s fourth place with 65 medals on a population of 60 million. Even better is Australia’s (pop. 25 million) sixth place with 46 medals.

And what’s with India? 1.4 billion population ranks 33rd with seven medals?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Western Civ (Europe, Russia, USA) is very sporty. There is a reason Europeans conquered the planet. When the West eventually transitions to militarism, watch out.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

That was actually an unusually good showing for India. Particularly in wrestling. Overall, they underperform terribly in most sports. In 2015, I believe, they lost a World Cup prelim soccer match to GUAM, 2-1. Guam has the approximate population of Spokane, Washington.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

In the book Atomic Habits by James Clear he talks about the British Cycling team which had been a total disaster for decades. A new director was hired, and he went around many aspects of these cyclists’ lives and made little 1% improvements all over the place, like getting a surgeon to teach them all how to wash their hands properly so they got fewer colds per year, they got them all custom pillows to improve their sleep, etc etc, many things one may not think about for many years of trying to improve cycling performance. The small improvements all added up and the team then blasted to the front of all their competitions. This is likely widely applied by trainers across all the Olympic disciplines now too. They call it “the aggregation of marginal gains”.

Reply to  WesternMan
3 years ago

This dude, Brian Rose of LondonReal, is a shyster.

Anti-Brexit, anti-Trump, big promoter of Marianne Williamson (Dem for President), etc, etc. He even ran for London mayor.

He’s an American based in the UK to create an “alternative”, independent media voice, savvy to US and UK culture. Two for the price of one!

Don’t be fooled. CIA Cabal all over the creep.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Good call, an actor for sure.

3 years ago

Yes, the police should be polite first:

Reply to  snafui
3 years ago

That sort of communication is already taught at poilce academies and reinforced during in-service training. It’s called “verbal judo”, but it should be called gerbil voodoo.

3 years ago

Completely worth the read:

comment image

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

He’s wrong about there being no possibility of good guys winning.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

perpetual blackpillas werk for the enemy, whether they are paid to or directed by them.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

Agreed. I’ve gradually learned to identify (mostly) the relentless drumbeat of black-pill demoralization for what it is, and to avoid it like the plague.

3 years ago

Very interesting and revealing exlpanations in this article for how America has been destroyed over a very long period, back to just after the war. Party politics controlled, these guys are ‘the cabal’ to use a phrase you know. Read it all, know your enemy.

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
3 years ago

I think Dr. Mercola got the same message Vault-co did.

3 years ago

Some new unconfirmed info re: Chris Chan

comment image

Sounds like the kind of shit they usually get up to.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
3 years ago

Travel report: met an American, getting on in years. When I mentioned the surveillance, he asked what I meant. He wasn’t hostile. The next day he described some things happening to him which are classic surveillance and harassment. We talked a bit more. Then he described a court case he’d been in many years ago where his lawyer told him directly that the FBI has a house in every neighborhood for monitoring. This was before the TIPS program. And it was tied in with the insurance companies somehow, they have access to this data that is being gathered. So even here, in a small town in the tropics, the surveillance is noticeably active.

Darrell Harb Christianson
Darrell Harb Christianson
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

In older days, insurance companies would have had the most data, and the most-accurate data, of any organization bar none. Age, sex, height, weight, health, address, and more. WE would give it to them. They could tabulate, collate, infer models, make predictions… Stuff an intelligence agency could only dream of. It would just be common sense for Intel to coopt them. The CIA, too.

Some guy
Some guy
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

It happens in your sleep as well. I was woken up by something apparently walking on my head. A bug seemingly. But instead of hitting myself like a retard, I got the feeling something was standing behind me. So I made to grab its arm over my head, rather than the fictitious bug. It fucking hissed at me. Unfortunately I “missed,” but apparently just barely. Given the irritation and hiss. This isn’t just humans fucking around. Its more than that.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago


Satan was probably a Seraph:

In the Prophets he was described as walking in God’s Garden among the stones of fire. Until sin was found in him.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Satan as a former member of the Divine council and as a Cherub(Throne Guardian) and a Seraph(Type of Cherub that is serpentine).

He was covered in Gems and was a “Sealer of Perfection”.

Tried to usurp Authority that didn’t belong to him on the Divine Council.

Hence God and Satan has been in conflict since.

3 years ago

Parents of 14 year old girl are anti-vax, but 14 year old girl wants it anyway? Hmm… From the article: “The mother is a high-level executive at a Biotech firm…”

What are the odds that Cabal wants a legal precedent for this, and chose Massachusetts courts to establish it, and the mother was told to set all this up? Not zero.

3 years ago

8kun –


They are going for your food supply!

It will be like COVID19 and The VAXX…but it will be on your FOOD SUPPLY!

Olaquindox (probably an “upgrade” of the current form) will be “the vax” of the meat industry.

You will have to give it to the entire FOOD SUPPLY to keep the mutated E COli or whatever it is at bay!


Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: Vaxxed Italians burning their vaxx passes

I guaranty this is going to happen in the US. Remember my reaction to the door to door stabbers? Well my vaxxed Dad had exactly the same reaction, but would reach for his pump 12ga. I’m debating a BOOTSTRAPPY update about it.

But no, I’ve seen well respected mainstream voices on the right who got vaxxed standing in solidarity with people like us that never will. Mike Rowe is just the latest:

“Stop Treating The Unvaccinated Like The Enemy”–Mike Rowe Won’t Endorse COVID Vaccines

Even the normiest of normies understand that they don’t want to live in a society where you have to get stabbed every three months just to go out and buy FOOD.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

esp when some stabbees dont make it 3 more months …

3 years ago

> Why is it so many elites seem to be banging their own children, when they have the money to date whoever they want?

One possibility: they know they can’t trust anyone “outside”, but they think they can keep a dependent minor under their thumb firmly enough for them to keep silent.

What are the chances a random bar slut or a nice young lady from a political gathering is actually an agent for someone? Just asking pro forma…

Sure, word seems to get out eventually, but it seldom seems to be a career-ruining thing; a few desultory reports in off-stream media, maybe an investigation, and a lot of sad looks at the victim while implying she has had mental problems all her life. Happens all the time, what can you do? Besides, their backers have an investment and they don’t want to lose it if they don’t have to.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I am genuinely sick of news stories like this one.

BREAKING: Antifa assault families and children at Christian prayer event in Portland park

I can feel it, if I were there I would just started shooting them. And then the cops when they stepped in to protect Antifa. As a Marine I am doubly pissed off about this because I know our side would wipe the floor with them if we simply decided to fight. The cops aren’t going to sacrifice themselves for these thugs, and the more corrupt the less likely they are to.

Hell, imagine just one platoon showing up with clubs and shields and armor marching in step, banging their shields in unison, and squaring off against Antifa while an equal or greater number WITH RIFLES squared off against the cops and made it known that they don’t get to protect Antifa this time. There isn’t a police department in the US that could handle even just 100 guys with AR’s and just a few days training. So they would back down and Antifa would get it’s ass handed to it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

I’m sure most have seen this at Vox but I thought it was really funny.

comment image?v=63795390818

3 years ago
Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Looks like it. Served it’s purpose.

God willing Q succeeded, soon Trump will be back in the White House, elections will be trustworthy, and we’ll have a population that doesn’t take it for granted, at least for a generation.

3 years ago

“And here we are, going on ten generations, things are definitely happening, in ways we can not yet see in their full context, and it looks like we just might see exactly what it is that happens, in that moment in history when it all gets wiped back.”

What I don’t understand is that if they really wanted to maximize genetic quality. Why not allow for and apply increasing selection pressure in favor of such, the larger the population grows?

At a certain point the extent of selection pressure could keep the population at check in a steady state.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Unfortunately for the United States, Cabal has been killing off all families that show intelligence and leadership who are not of the right blood lines. It’s done this through flat out murder, deliberately targeting children, having teachers emotionally destroy bright students, having cabal members marry into families and putting them through horrible divorces, and so much more.

The US is now ruled by this gang, whose only notable characteristics are exterminating other cultures, pillage, rape. The bloodlines that actually built this country have been so degraded that I doubt we have enough inherent talent to accomplish anything. In the end, America is going to be like Mexico: a fantastically cruel and voracious ruling elite with a bunch of laborers and an aspiring class that moves up the ranks based on their level of avarice and cowardice.

Through stealth, through pretending to be our friends, through being welcomed into our families only to be betrayed by them, we’ve been destroyed.

Ultimately this gang is going to run out of victims to pillage and will no longer have people sufficiently creative to maintain its technological leadership.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago


Unfortunately insane asylums involved torture more than treatment. I’d rather they live in a monastic environment with a monastic lifestyle whilst living out their years.

More like Mount Athos rather than the nightmares of mental hospitals in history.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I seem to remember in the Rofschild thread, or one of the followup threads, he wasn’t so concerned about genetics, he made a comment more about poisons, just remove the poisons from the food and environment and most of the “genetic defects” go away. Sam J’s stuff about Vitamin A fits that perfectly. The more I go down that rabbit hole the deeper it gets. Several cancer “cures”, if you stop them, the cancer comes back with a vengeance and you die. Why is that? The Vitamin A folks have been finding some mechanisms. Horrible stuff. AC, someone with your biology and science background could probably crack the nut of Vitamin A detoxing. It is hard, and only works for some people.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

If rH+ are the product of extra- or cryptoterrestrial intervention, and rh- are legacy non-GMO humans, winnowing at that scale which favors the latter would redress an ‘invasive species’ problem in Their eyes. Suppose we’re on a Versailles Treaty Planet that underwent a Morgenthau Plan at scale following a War in Heaven, and the rH+ lines are in a sense wardens/capos susceptible to ‘subtle bodies’ and influence not strictly material. DNA – especially ‘junk’ DNA – can hold immense amounts of data, who is to say whether there are libraries and keys (or cattle brands) in them, waiting for the right constellation to be cracked and become manifest. For instance: at the height of coof, the experimental demonstration of a computer virus delivered via DNA sample, unlocked and activated by the software analyzing the genome, was undertaken successfully. Perhaps we have “Do Not Tamper” failsafes after a like fashion— for good or for ill though? If ‘cabal’ is corrupted irredeemably, yet of the highest necessity for the survival of mankind because of these considerations, simple destruction would itself be a moral hazard: it would have to be captured and subjugated in situ, and put to use toward those ends, purified. Pure speculation of course

3 years ago

reviewed posts… well we can sure say ds/cabal are desperate AF …

3 years ago

Assam-Mizoram clash: ‘It was like a war between two countries’

3 years ago

A child found hidden restroom cameras in a Broward martial arts school, police say

3 years ago

Here’s an interesting thread ( on 4chan about the young woman who convinced Chris Chan to do all those unspeakable things to his mother.

It seems that she is connected to some very shadowy intel ops and is basically exactly what you would expect from a member of the cabal. It also seems that she may have inadvertently exposed her father’s operation.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

My guess is that it has something to do with her glow-in-the-dark mother, a psychologist who used to work for the secret service ( She probably treated her daughter as a test subject for all kinds of insane theories.

That and her equally glowing dad seems to have a really cushy gig. Reading between the lines on his description of DataTribe, it looks like he acts as a kind of broker for classified government research. I imagine that’s a very profitable and influential position. So influential that this guy would be able to hit kiwifarms with a military grade ddos just to avoid exposure whilst getting the r/texastech mods to ban any mention of her name. And probably so profitable that you’d have to be willing to go very far to prove you deserve it. I wouldn’t be surprised if that fucker pimped his little girl out to every john in DC to get a gig like that.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago


Check out the Director’s credits.

Reply to  Leverage
3 years ago

Where’s the director’s credit?

3 years ago

Stunning news from Iceland – among the world’s most vaccinated countries – today.

Facing a huge new #Covid outbreak that translates into ~100,000 new US cases a day, the country’s chief epidemiologist now says natural infection is the only way to reach herd immunity…

3 years ago