News Briefs – 08/07/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


A commenter said of my request for where the worst gore videos are:

I found this morning’s inquiry about gore videos profoundly off-putting. I’ve pondered it all day and I can’t imagine any legitimate use for such material. There may theoretically be such, but I can’t think of it…
Live your life, I suppose, but I’m going to have to start my day elsewhere. I can’t have people who are into that programming my brain each morning. I’ll pray for you.

I am not a fan of animal gore, if I gave that impression, my bad. I need to videos for other reasons. I was just going to respond in the comments, but one thing about this bothered me, and it pops up in fights in the comments sometimes, so it is worth a quick blurb.

One, I am not trying to lead or program people, nor should you want anyone doing that. If you are here, it is most likely you have “the spark.” It is that thing which gets so many gangstalked, a mix of enablement, creativity, fortitude, morals, empathy, and other noble qualities, which makes people dangerous to evil. If you have it, you are an Island unto yourself, incapable of being changed by all the bullshit which is swaying everyone else. You should not be having leaders, you should be your own leader and be programming yourself. To that end, you don’t need anyone else, and should not care about anyone else, beyond how they feed your spark.

I am a scout here, reporting back what is going on at the hairy edge of this thing, which is working its way to you. Whether you like me or not is unimportant – that intelligence is invaluable. In addition, I am trying to use my proximity and constant contact with it to come up with things which I think you can do to harm it. I think my contribution is valuable, and that is all you need – everything else I could offer I have already dumped on you, and if I cashed out tomorrow, I hope you all would keep the fight alive yourselves, because I am just a tool you use in your own fight.

You need to do that with allies too. You don’t really have a choice. Pull up the thermal video of me getting hit by some sort of energy beam. Listen to them generating some kind of impacts on precise points from a hundred feet away, which I can tell you they can do inside of bodies, and skulls. They are not going to create just one of those devices, hit me, and stop.

Go to American Stasi, and look at how even in the remote wilds of Alaska this fucking thing is everywhere. What do you think it is like in more populous areas, where you need to be, to find a job? They are going to arm all of them with the beam eventually, and use it freely. In 2012, when Aaron Alexis said he was being vibrated every time he laid down, and he had not slept in a month or two, people thought he was crazy. In reality he was an innocent man, being used as just a beta test subject to see what this thing would do if you hit somebody with it for eight to ten hours a day straight. He likely had at least one to two hundred people, fellow Americans, attached to him full time, containing him 24/7 so there was no way he could escape his beaming, with the sole purpose of using him the way Joseph Mengele used some young twins he pulled out of Auschwitz, to inject their eyeballs with bleach and blue dye or something. And Aaron did nothing to “deserve” it. He served his nation in the Navy, got out and continued to assist the national defense doing electronics contracting. This thing just picked him, and made him the beta test – back in 2012. They have been amping it up since then, to the point they actually rolled it out on CIA Agents in the field in foreign countries, State Department officers, even a sitting Senator. They even gangstalked wounded CIA Officers who now can barely stand up to walk, and broke into their homes to rearrange furniture while they were at doctor’s appointments, just to scare them – and they think that is funny. And they are on me, in the middle of nowhere, and began even back before I got involved in politics, just because I seemed like the type of guy who might not like their operation if I knew about it torturing innocent people, and probably murdering innocent mothers like Irah Sok and innocent girls like the Idaho college girls. How many of you fit that description, of being prone to not like such an operation? How many would raise your kids hoping they would fit that description? You are a threat. They are coming for you, right now. I have seen them, and they have more than enough resources for you. Some of you are being hit right now, while you sleep, and do not even know it, beyond the fact you feel tired a lot and your health is poor or high-maintenance. And they think that is funny. I saw them laughing at me way back, and concluded I must look funny in some way.

You don’t get to like or not like anyone else opposed to this, nor do you need to. You have your own spark, so take what you need, and don’t worry if they are likable or not. Don’t waste your spark fighting or arguing –  it does not advance your position against this thing, which is why they insert people in these forums to provoke fights. Every time you fight, they smile and love it. That is your spark, getting misdirected. They love it.

And be willing to ally with anyone who opposes this thing, because there are a lot of supposed Americans who are allied with it, and want that world where you and your children are tortured every night. All that matters now is trying to knock this thing back. If you don’t, the future is just unimaginably horrific. It will be applied to everyone. I don’t look forward to getting up in the morning, and I don’t look forward to going to bed at night. But I think one day, we will be giving it out freely, and I am living for that exhilaration, and what will come after. As you meet up with this, and you will, that is where you will end up.

I have an advantage, in that my amygdala is fried. Some poster who says he is God can tell me he is going to murder me and my family (which he did again last week, BTW), and I don’t even blink. He pointed out Gloria Naylor writing a whole book on gangstalking, which will be incredibly meaningful to the literary types, especially those into Black American literature. That is an advance, so I will gladly take it, and not have any animosity for him, because our opposition to this enemy binds us tightly enough his threatening, and maybe even trying to kill me someday, isn’t that big a deal. I got here because my amygdala is messed up, but having gotten here, I see a clear advantage to it in this battle, and would implore you to consider trying to adopt this mindset as well. If someone is not this thing, they are your ally. You are your own spark, and feeding it, to fuck this operation is all that matters.

Later generations of our kind need us right now. Their very ability to live day to day without being tortured constantly and fully enslaved depends on us. Our enemy is the face of evil. Weak, pathetic, and yet bullies – and sadistic.

God gave us this, to do right now, because we have what it takes to do it. And American Stasi will be it. I see it every day, whether it is this site going down yet again, brilliant proofreaders doing multiple read throughs of 800 pages of American Stasi finding mistakes I would never have found, the marketing geniuses who sent me stuff which completely altered my perspectives on writing copy, the most brilliant artist who is doing the book cover for it now who just popped into the picture for no real reason I could see, to the people all along the way who have contributed ideas and articles and support. I truly believe we have been given Divine authority to destroy this right now.

What an accomplishment to look back on as we leave the world someday. A multi-thousand year old satanic death cult, set up like the CIA, only fifty times as large, torturing innocent people, killing innocent girls, loathing our kind, and it met its end right here, in this little corner of the web, at our hands, so our kind could finally grow up and come of age truly free, in an America which was actually like they told us it was.

Don’t waste that opportunity – focus entirely on the destruction of this thing, and understand having seen this thing, I can tell you even randos who threaten to kill you are your allies by comparison.

An anon on 4Chan made recordings during a voice-to-skull (V2K) beaming. My impression is, these are some kind of EM interaction with the microphone and the magnetic field pulses, and not the sound of the voices being recorded naturally, which is why I am sure it sounds much more clear inside someone’s head. But it is still fascinating to get even a vague idea of what these people are hearing in their heads, and know there is a domestic surveillance outpost nearby with a couple of 100IQs whose only qualification is that they will not tell anyone about this op, running tech straight out of a science fiction movie. Even more fascinating you have a whole secret society embedded in America which knows all of this and still keeps the secret.

I am increasingly thinking if you wanted to follow in Cabal’s footsteps to create this technology, the first step would be to begin running multiple house-sized MRIs, from different directions, on a house. I suspect eventually you would notice the pulsed magnetic fields and maybe waves of magnetism, interact somehow which is not obvious through classical physics, and as you examined that phenomenon, you would discover a way to create “nodes” of magnetic field, and that would be the start. I think the big advantage of the field is it penetrates water freely. They may also have discovered something which the pulses of field reflect off of, allowing a resonance effect to be built up, to give it greater distance.

Local officer radioed about armed shooter on roof 30 seconds before Trump was shot, but message never reached command post — Internet cell service was down 25 minutes before shooting. Again, when “chance” favors your enemy, in an intelligence-driven environment, it is most likely not chance. So, pretty sophisticated. Attacks that sophisticated, which actually are sophisticated enough to put a shooter through a hole in Secret Service executive protection while knocking out comms, most likely do not miss. That this missed, indicates the highest likelihoods are, in no particular order, Divine Intervention, or this operation was always intended to miss, or the presence of a competing intelligence operation which was more sophisticated than the first – however it would need to be so sophisticated it could let multiple shooters take a shot at the protectee, and have absolute certainty it could make them miss. I am not sure anyone will ever know the truth, even if Cabal is exposed and destroyed.

I would add, if magnetic fields can be generated large enough to surround a target, (like, house-sized) their effect on a bullet could be much greater than wind. As a copper bullet passed through a surging field at high velocity, a massive swirling surge of electrical current would be pushed around in it by the field, through a phenomenon called induction, and that current would encounter natural resistance to its movement in the metal as it was pushed. That resistance would act back on the magnetic field pushing the current, pushing the bullet in a specific direction, relative to its motion, and the directional lines of the field (The forces generated can be quite strong, as shown here, albeit the magnet moves and the metal is stationary, and everything is perfectly aligned and static, with no surging or change in the magnetic field, and perfectly perpendicular field lines). So if you could create a massive, powerful field around a target, it is possible any shooter who did not know about the field (which is invisible), could aim dead center, and then see their bullet inexplicably careen off course. A part of me wonders if that would affect rf waves from something like cell service. The rf spectrum could have been down because of some tech which was operating that only jammed it coincidentally while doing something else.

Pakistani national with Iranian ties charged with murder-for-hire in foiled assassination plot against President Trump. Things like this can screw up an FBI-Trump assassination plot by making Secret Service employ a higher level of security.

Trump assassination – Crime scene compromised — alleged assassin’s autopsy is being withheld.

Kamala Harris selects Tim Walz to be her running mate.

During their first joint campaign appearance in Philadelphia, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz pushed a ban on AR-15s and other firearms that Democrats refer to as “assault weapons.”

Kamala VP pick Tim Walz traveled to Communist China every year from 1996 until at least 2003, after receiving special work visa from the Chinese government, and later honeymooned in China, continuing his infatuation with the Communist dictatorship. Good denied area to meet with handlers where no rogue non-Cabal US intel outfit could spy on them.

Tim Walz failed to stop George Floyd riots as Kamala Harris solicited bail money.

Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign is reportedly concerned about “&^^%^%^” Pennsylvanians voicing displeasure over the selection of Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) instead of Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-PA) as her running mate. It looks like it is the Jewish thing, and they are antisemetic, which many in her campaign probably are. But she would have loved it to be him, to insulate her against antisemetic charges. The real reason Shapiro is a no-go is an NBC executive came home to his fiancé stabbed to death with 20 wounds, some in her back and the back of her head, he immediately called a couple of lawyers, then the Police took over, and ultimately Shapiro, as AG, supported the ruling of it as a suicide, and did not investigate further. It appears as if some major crime was swept under the rug for a member of Cabal’s protected class, and with a second look being taken at the case now, they don’t want to get associated with it.

Walz ‘embellished and selectively omitted facts’ about his military career: retired National Guardsmen.

Tim Walz left National Guard battalion ‘hanging,’ ‘slithered out the door’ before Iraq deployment: vets.

Kamala Harris’s Vice President pick Gov. Tim Walz facing Stolen Valor accusation.

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WATCH — Tim Walz: ‘I’ll invest in a…ladder factory’ to help illegals climb the border wall.

Gov. Tim Walz on illegals: ‘This country owes them a debt of gratitude.’

Walz’s wife said that as Minnesota First Lady, she left the windows open during the 2020 BLM riots to smell the burning tires and soak in the moment.

Harris VP pick Walz greenlit law allowing bureaucrats to take child custody from parents who oppose sex-change surgeries.

Past DUI arrest continues to hound Tim Walz after conflicting claims.

Harris running mate Tim Walz to push for Americans to pay ‘carbon tax’ to comply with ‘Net Zero.’

Tim Walz progressive agenda included giving driver’s licenses, free tuition to illegal immigrants.

‘Incredibly evil’: Minnesota Democrat Gov Tim Walz’s 2023 executive order pushed child sex changes.

Tim Walz signed bill allowing infanticide, so babies who survive abortions and are born alive, can be set aside and left to die.

Tim Walz signed a bill redefining the term “sexual orientation” to INCLUDE PEDOPHILES.

Video of his most trusted advisor:

Gov. Walz’s daughter apparently threatens to beat up Republican state senator.

His daughter was also caught leaking National Guard plans to BLM rioters so they could avoid arrest. Those would be Cabal BLM rioters. Don’t think you would show up to a protest, and they would treat you like one of their own.

Walz’s brother died when a tree fell on his campsite. Good way to cover over blunt force trauma, like if, say, he were some kind of sacrifice, ala Kanye’s mom and Michael Jordan’s dad, as has been alleged is demanded by the elites before you are allowed at the table. Does seem to be a lot of death of first degree relatives up there.

Kamala Harris just made a colossal mistake – Here are 7 things you should know about Tim Walz.

Never before seen footage showing a Planned Parenthood employee appearing to discuss the sale of aborted babies’ body parts was released Tuesday, years after now-Vice President Kamala Harris seized the footage as Attorney General of California and tried to secrete it away from the public.

Ben Stiller says he ‘wishes’ he was ‘Black and so does every Jewish white guy,’ pledges $150,000 to her campaign. I remember seeing a video of him on Howard Stern’s radio show. I forget where I saw it, but he was jovial and happy, and talked about some fancy party he was at. Then Howard said, “Was David Geffen there?” And Howard leaned forward, with a clearly strange, focused look at Stiller. Stiller immediately tensed up, and all joviality was gone, as he almost conceded, “Yeah, he was there…” Stern drank the discomfort in as Stiller was almost looking down at the floor, and then asked, “Did he bring his gay boyfriend with him?” Stiller was at the edge of freaking out, and denied knowing, and changed the subject quick. Stern let it go, sitting back, looking satisfied. I got the impression people in the know, know if you want to be a star and get the millions, you have to stop by Geffen’s house, and who knows what happens there. Geffen could invite over like fifteen gay friends, there could be video cameras all over, anything. According to Hollywood anon, none of the big names today have gotten big without paying a visit to the gay mafia in Hollywood, and allowing them to do whatever. It seems now like that was what Stern was enjoying.

Now that Joe Biden is no longer running, Newsweek runs the propaganda of the day: Fewer voters believe Donald Trump is in good health, and more think the 78-year-old Republican is too old to run for office.

Over 1.7million dirty voter rolls in Michigan.

Maricopa county, Arizona, slapped with lawsuit, accused of not removing noncitizens from voter rolls.

FBI agents executed a search warrant late last week on Tennessee Congressman Andy Ogles as the first-term Republican faces continuing scrutiny over fraudulent campaign financial reports that he filed. FBI are just political hatchet-men now. I would say never vote to convict in such a case, but I suspect they would rig the jury pool so it was only their agents, and you would never get on a jury, on such a case. Another take:

FBI raids MAGA Rep. Andy Ogles over campaign donations days after he defeated RINO in GOP primary.

Secret Service says it ‘disposed of’ cocaine found at White House after report of infighting, DNA hit.

Nevada’s system of automatically mailing a ballot to everyone on the voter roll makes the state’s failure to keep clean voter rolls more dire, says the president of a watchdog group that last week claimed to have found more than 100 people on Nevada’s voter rolls who voted in another state.

A person posted on social media that their township didn’t inform residents within the 60-day window law requires that voting locations had been changed, and Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel’s office sent a cease and desist letter to the resident over allegedly posting “election misinformation” online.

A federal court of appeals on Tuesday upheld a ban on some semiautomatic weapons in Maryland, which prohibits possessing or selling military-style assault weapons, saying the state law complies with a recent Supreme Court ruling.

Fifth Circuit rules against Texas on silencer case standing, fight continues.

A Maine congresswoman who told Americans to wear hand-me-downs to fight climate change has clocked in over 100,000 miles traveling the globe in the lap of luxury.

“Nasty fibres” given off by wind turbine blades are as dangerous as asbestos.

When those on parole or probation are included, one out of every 47 adults is under “some form of correctional supervision.”

Former Alabama football player’s family accuses hospital of trying to “kill him” to harvest his organs. I forget now how much it was exactly, but if they can get your organs, the hospital can get a ton of money from the transplants. I think it was like $250,ooo for each Kidney, and then there were the heart, lungs, corneas, and other organs, as well as the tissue which can be sold to tissue banks. And they said all these hospitals are having problems because uninsured illegals show up, and they can’t just throw them out the door to die. They have to treat them to some standard of care, but none of the illegals will ever pay their bills, so the hospitals end up with millions in care they provided for nothing, which they need to make up somewhere to stay operational. Dangerous times.

U.S. national debt reaches $35 trillion.

US, allies said urging Israel to limit response to expected Iran attack – ‘Don’t push it.’

Man known as pro-democracy activist convicted in US of giving China intel on dissidents. It will always be the guy who hates snitches the most who is the snitch.

Hamas names Yahya Sinwar, mastermind of the Oct. 7 attacks, as its new leader in show of defiance. So the guy who organized that attack is not just still alive, he has been promoted.

Taliban gets $239 million in aid after failure of State Dept. vetting.

The Pentagon announced Monday that it had finished withdrawing U.S. forces from a $110 million military base in Niger, Africa, as the nation’s ruling regime takes it over.

Elon Musk has called the prime minister “two-tier Keir” in reference to the conspiracy theory that police are treating white far-right “protesters” more harshly than minority groups.

The month-old leftist Labour government in Britain is reportedly set to “scatter” migrants throughout communities across the UK, despite the ongoing nationwide revolt against the mass migration policies of Westminster elites.

British MPs want to haul Elon Musk before Parliament after brazen UK riot posts stoke tensions.

UK riots: The 38 British towns and cities facing marches tomorrow as target list leaked. I assume the government/Cabal will amp these up, until finally, and one of them, one of the Cabal infiltrators will finger a bunch of cops who are not Cabal, and they will be killed by Cabal infiltrators in the crowd. Then the government will sweep through and just wreck the lives of everyone, and thoroughly destroy all of the right-wing movement, under the guise of stopping violence.

British prosecutor says they will need to begin extraditing social media influencers who are deemed to be feeding the unrest with inflammatory posts, so they will have nowhere to hide.


RT has obtained an exclusive video showing the moment Russian law enforcement detained Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, as he attempted to hide what appeared to be a flash drive with illegally obtained classified data, showing he knew what he was doing. Notice, I could never do this in the US against Cabal. I would never sit in a cafe, having a conversation, about to fuck over Cabal, and not expect every table around me had surveillance, the cafe was wired up, vehicles outside had tech in them which was allowing them to listen to the conversation through yet another means, and surveillance and tactical were just outside the door. You would never be a foreign reporter in the US without full, 24/7 coverage which missed nothing. I take, that he was doing this for CIA, means CIA knows Russia does not have nearly the surveillance infrastructure Cabal does in the US, and that would mean Cabal is not in control of Russia.

Russia has captured 162 square miles of the Ukrainian territory since June 14, the Interfax news agency said Tuesday, citing Sergei Shoigu, the secretary of Russia’s security council.

Axios lays off 10% of total staff.

X, owned by Elon Musk, brings antitrust suit accusing advertisers of a boycott. Given CIA/Cabal has taken control of advertising revenue and doles it out to fund its propaganda mouthpieces, discovery could get interesting if they were really doing this for real. It was one of the interesting things about the advertising experiment. They pay per ad-views or ad clicks, based on rates which are supposedly determined by your website content. So a site about financial information is supposed to get one rate, like $25-$35 per click, say. However the advertising company awards the classifications arbitrarily, so even if you have an exclusively financial site, they will label you a news site, or a blog, and then give you like $0.15 to $0.35 per click. There is no arguing or appealing. But I am sure there are political sites who put up one article about some business which get the financial label, and the money pours in. You could game the system, and set up a financial website, have thousands of friends go in each day and click ads, and you will find for a couple of hours work per day, you are making like a dollar, if you are lucky. You will never convince me that other sites with less loyal readerships do better. But if you never try it, and you see sites can get $35 for each person who clicks an ad, you would think the website business model is perfectly viable. It is not. The sites which make money are getting funneled payoffs to feed readers propaganda.

Rumble joins X to sue advertising cartel that allegedly conspired to withhold digital advertising revenue.

Ohio judge Michael Holbrook upholds ban on sex change surgeries and hormone therapy for minors and ruled the ban can go into effect immediately.

Far-Left “Squad” member Cori Bush loses by a landslide in Missouri primary.

A professor has won a multimillion dollar settlement after exposing retaliation he faced for challenging woke policies at a California community college.

Trump says he will sit for interview with Elon Musk.

Spread r/K Theory, because in this war, everyone who is not the enemy has to be an ally

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6 months ago

Ah! Back this morning. All I got yesterday was the WordPress install screen.

6 months ago

> Nevada’s system of automatically mailing a ballot to everyone on the voter roll makes the state’s failure to keep clean voter rolls more dire, says the president of a watchdog group

Helllooooo? That became public (that I noticed; it might not have been the first time) in 2016. Both sides of the Uniparty professed outrage and promised to fix that instantly.

Then it fell out of the news, and guess what? Nothing was changed. Nor in any other state with blatantly fraudulent election systems.

“Hey! Look at us! We discovered fraud in the voting system!” Yeah, right. It’s just the usual grandstanding; nobody on either side has any intention of doing anything about it.

6 months ago

> uninsured illegals show up, and they can’t just throw them out the door to die

And they’ll get slotted in front of Americans, because if the hospital doesn’t kiss their butt, they just tap the icon on their free smartphone to get hold of their assigned lawyer.


Trying to save this comment, I keep getting the red-bordered language screen. It didn’t do that with the comment a moment ago.

I’ll keep trying.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

10-4. Are these problem reports useful, or just extra noise you have to deal with?

6 months ago

> You could game the system, 

I’ve looked at the comments on some “big” blogs, or “news sites” as some style themselves.

“Article posted 5 hours ago”

Riiiight. Like I believe that. And when I actually look at the comments – most of them collapse or thread them, making it much harder to actually read them – I notice most of them are variations of the same half a dozen replies. You don’t even need “AI” for that; just a script to look for keywords, pick a prepared template, and iterate through a list of synonyms to “customize” each comment. Most people would never notice that the majority of comments were generated by a simple ‘bot.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

77th brigade, the UK social media propagandists use similar tricks.

6 months ago

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𝐄𝐗𝐂 – 𝐕𝐏 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐓𝐢𝐦 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐳 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐚 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩’𝐬 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟗 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.

He spoke alongside the president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), which leads a billion-dollar Chinese influence operation flagged by the U.S. State Department for “directly and malignly influencing” American politicians.

U.S. officials added the effort – the United Front Work Department – works “to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition” and “influence foreign individuals and the policies of foreign states to serve Beijing’s interests.”

Despite these ties, Walz headlined the national convention of another CCP influence group – the US China Peoples Friendship Association – in 2019 alongside CPAFFC President Li Xaolin.

6 months ago

The sidebar is gone.

6 months ago

> Rumble joins X to sue advertising cartel that allegedly conspired to withhold digital advertising revenue.

You’ve gone over this before, but for the benefit of newcomers to AC, click-based advertising is broken to start with.

“If you put these ads on your web site, we’ll give you one quatloo every time someone clicks on an ad.”

“We will do the counting, and it’s all electronic, and you have no access to the data we collect, and you’ll have to take everything we tell you on faith.”

“Every quatloo we give you comes directly out of our profit margin, but you can trust us; we would never lie to you, even though there’s no way we would ever be caught, and you have no legal recourse anyway.”


Ah. Red box trying to save this one, too.

6 months ago

> Far-Left “Squad” member Cori Bush loses by a landslide in Missouri primary.

Of course, we don’t know that she won her previous election, just that it was announced that she won.

6 months ago

> Trump says he will sit for interview with Elon Musk.

“Don’t let your guard down, Don! He was against you before. Maybe he has had a change of heart, but remember the old Russian proverb: ‘Trust, but verify.'”

6 months ago

They are coming for you, right now. I have seen them, and they have more than enough resources for you.”

Good morning, AC. It’s been a while since I wrote to thank you for your work here, so I thought I’d pick up on your opening comments to share a recent experience I had with our American Stasi.

Last weekend I’m out for a drive with my lovely other half who decided she wanted to show me our state’s botanical garden she’d visited a few months back with a friend. We get there, park the car in a large gravel lot and have a nice couple of hours walking the extensive grounds in the warm summer sun. Eventually, we’re back in the car, she’s taking a while getting organized with her garden brochures etc and I’m just looking out the windshield chilling in the AC. There are no cars immediately around me but across the lot maybe 20 yards away are several parked cars lined up facing me. An almost imperceptible movement from within the farthest right car catches my eye for a split second. I look there but see nothing – just a shaded, dark, tinted window depth. Nothing moves. No human outline. I know something drew my eyes there though. I continue to stare fixedly and I can feel something returning my gaze, not moving, waiting me out..Again something. Even less certain this time – just a faint shift in the dark interior of the vehicle. I haven’t said a word to my partner who’s finally ready to go. I pull my car back and make a wide turn left allowing me to see all the way under that car. Sure enough there’s a pair of feet standing up against and facing the rear right of the car. I pause for a second to see if there’s another pair of feet, thinking maybe some dude is banging his girlfriend up against the car. Nope. Suddenly, I swing my car around in a circle and gun it around the lot to come in behind the car. Just then a man backs out from leaning in the rear left door holding a camera with a large lens. He doesn’t look directly at me but has a faint smirk on his face. Thickset, Middle Eastern-looking guy. I give him the finger and drive on. As I drove I considered, of course, should I go back and confront the guy. It’s all so plausibly deniable. I have my woman with me. I don’t want to endanger her. She already thinks I’m overly paranoid…She did ask what did I just do and I told her what I’d seen. This time she just stayed quiet. No push back. No incredulity. She had seen a weird dude climbing out alone from the back seat of that car with a big camera. It wasn’t right and she knew it. We haven’t mentioned it since but for the first time ever she is now making the rounds at night making sure the door’s locked and the porch light is on.

Anyway, I am used to this shit because, thanks to your tutelage, AC, I’ve been aware and observing my surveillance now for several years. Everywhere I go. The incongruities of pedestrians with phones out on street corner after street corner. The incessant dog walkers with phone cameras facing my way. The contractor vehicles idling in front of my house.

I put this here for the record, for what it’s worth. AC is 100% correct about this American Stasi cancer. It’s everywhere. No one else talks about it but will focus you on the deep state’s electronic surveillance instead. It’s way worse. This is the full court press. They are on you with in-person human assets all day long. The inconceivability of it is its strength.

AC, thank you again for waking me up. If you’re a reader here and you don’t think you have this coverage you’re either a fool or you’re not a problem for this evil. Think about that.

Just a Medic
Just a Medic
Reply to  Huck
6 months ago

“They are coming for you, right now. I have seen them, and they have more than enough resources for you.”

“Good morning, AC. It’s been a while since I wrote to thank you for your work here…”

I’ll echo that sentiment. AC’s advance preview of the watchers’ behavior enables me to plan ahead. When my watchers escalate, I will retaliate swiftly and decisively. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one. The community assembled here, around AC, is priceless. Thank you, AC.

Bix Noodleman
6 months ago

Real quick, it was asinine of me to react like that. Suffice to say, a teenager made me witness some stuff when I was really little. It causes strong emotions sometimes. I respect you a ton.
About “programming,” I think we are all susceptible to it. Most are totally brainwashed, hypnotized, by media, especially the Internet.
Yes, we’re more aware, we few, more alert, but still we have to mind what we consume. I did an experiment in 2022, for a month I consumed MSM only. Nothing alt or right wing. I was aware of the lies and bullshit, I never went into a trance, but it definitely changed my thought processes. I definitely became convinced that resistance is futile and at least morally ambiguous. That immigrants are inevitable and some form of multicultural nuclear stalemate was the best we could hope for. I became fatalistic.
I start each day here, 6AM, and catch up on headlines and refreshing in my mind that we are being spied upon, and injured and harassed by an organized enemy, that events are scripted, that media is coordinated enemy agitprop. These reminders, this “programming” (not meant pejoratively) prepared me to do my day in a watchful frame of mind. Without it, I’d be more vulnerable. So, I’m tremendously grateful for what you do.

6 months ago

In regard to the internet cell service being out for 25 minutes in Butler—Crooks flew a drone earlier in the day. Yet when the Secret Service attempted to put their drones up they had trouble with communication errors. Also local enforcement had trouble communicating with the Secret Service. During 9/11 emergency services agencies had trouble communicating with each other because not all of them were using compatible radios operating on the same frequency. Since 9/11 there has been a concerted effort to improve the emergency communications network. So what really happened in Butler? It begins to sound like signals were being deliberately jammed. Think about who has the ability to do that.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anon
6 months ago

Maybe, but there are videos on YouTube and other places about how to make signal jammers, although I would assume secret service have or should have sophisticated counter jamming technology.

Reply to  Anon
6 months ago

Since 9/11 there has been a concerted effort to improve the emergency communications network. So what really happened in Butler? It begins to sound like signals were being deliberately jammed. 

I don’t think anything as overt as deliberate jamming was needed given the shitty planning.
The 9/11 effort — that was the P25 radio system. Yes, pretty much every department in America now has P25 radios (even if they are still using plain old VHF like Dallas PD does.) The problem is P25 is a digital system with a bunch of time-sharing channel systems and (optional) authentication and (optional) encryption.
But all that digital means no one really knows how to use it, and everyone has a different way that they use them. Most states have been pretty good about having an interop channel for their people, but even then, you have to use it and the feds don’t care about it anyway.
Standardizing on P25 is like saying that everyone standardized on Windows for chat programs. OK, but when one group is using discord, another group is using discord (but invite only) and another group is using MS Teams, that standardizing did no good. All the reports are that USSS, PA State Police, and local PD were all on different radio (best word I can think of) kingdoms.
As for the internet cell service, that’s even easier to explain. They were “jammed” by the simple number of people there. You are in a rural location. Suddenly there are tens of thousands of phones connecting to a tower that usually sees a couple of hundred, and ALL of them are uploading video and pictures to IG, FB, Twitter, etc. And that’s the same network that the agencies are trying to use, because the real P25 system is, “what’s your guy’s number? Ok, my guy will text him.” And they end up setting up a big group text, or maybe even a channel on signal (which is illegal, but again, they aren’t supposed to do it that way in the first place.)

Just a Medic
Just a Medic
Reply to  phelps
6 months ago

“But all that digital means no one really knows how to use it, and everyone has a different way that they use them… Standardizing on P25 is like saying that everyone standardized on Windows for chat programs.

Agreed. Too many agencies fell into the trap of joining larger “radio kingdoms” rather than investing in interoperability between “radio kingdoms.” Billions of taxpayer dollars wasted.

6 months ago

Used to follow this guy when I was on gab, seemed like a good dude

It appears he’s getting the full treatment now

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

I read that link and made a comment directing people to and

6 months ago

The people whining about the gore videos are way off. I will agree that enjoying it is not the way to go. But it did cause facebook censors a lot of problems so you might be onto something. I remember that article discussing it, if it can be believed. I don’t think you want it to view yourself, you want it so that anyone monitoring you has to at least look at it a little bit, which will cause them problems maybe. Although they might be satanic psychopaths who enjoy that sort of thing. If no one is monitoring, then no one is watching it. Its just playing on a device. If someone is monitoring, they shouldn’t be and that is a good punishment.

That unfortunate events occurred and were caught on video isn’t your fault.

6 months ago

>magnetic field bullet

It should be possible to make a magnetically inert bullet I imagine. IIRC in college they did a quick experiment dropping a magnet through first a copper pipe and second through an aluminum pipe. The magnet fell very slowly through the copper and no effect really with the aluminum. With competing conspiracies you would think they would account for that possibility. Though aluminum wouldn’t be heavy enough for a bullet, so I am not sure how they would handle that.

6 months ago

On the transplant industry—It’s not the hospital making all the money. Yes, the hospital does make money from the procedure to harvest the organs and each transplant and there are plenty of opportunities to pad the bill here and there. I spent 40 years in healthcare. The prices have probably gone up since then. Back a few years the human body was worth about $1 mil parted out. The organ procurement specialist was making $10K per patient signature on the procurement form. This procurement specialist, who worked for a private “non-profit” company, was paying doctors and nurses $500 under the table to twist patients’ arms while they were medicated, awaiting surgery. Of course the patient was incapable of making an informed decision under those circumstances. One of my favorite incidents concerned nurses trying to trick a patient awaiting a transplant into signing an organ procurement form. These ghouls troll hospitals and nursing homes trying to trick you or your loved one into signing the procurement form. You get nothing. They are making thousands of dollars off of your ignorance. You aren’t saving lives. Your signature helps fund an enormous unscrupulous industry. I just saw bits and pieces at the lower levels. I’m assuming the wheels are greased all the way to the top.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

Yeah, I had a relative in a high position, and in a position to know. Probably mentioned this here before. Said not to be on organ donors list or they would let you die. This person was highly competent, and under a friendly exterior was steel. So yes, I very much followed their advice.
Say no to organ doner lists.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

They will take what they want while you’re still alive, because your organs are useless mere seconds after you die.

English Tom
English Tom
6 months ago

AC re the gore. There are many videos on youtube that may be applicable. Type in on the search, young animals being eaten. Some are compilations others are short. You might be able to create a playlist and loop it.

Also, have you thought about audio? Loud audio of death etc happening? Just some thoughts.

6 months ago

AC, regarding your link yesterday about graphene oxide being in dental anesthesia, do you have any resources on theories of how to purge graphene oxide from the body? I vaguely recall there might have been a proposed regimen back when the push was on for the covid shots. I did not pay much attention because I did not get the shots. However, I had dental work last month which involved several numbing injections to the gums.

Reply to  GPA
6 months ago

Had the same issue when I had teeth pulled in December of 23. The dentist said there were none, but, I did not trust him; yet. I needed to have the work done.

6 months ago

> “Nasty fibres” given off by wind turbine blades are as dangerous as asbestos.

The linked article is drivel. Windmill rotors are generally some combination of fiberglass, carbon fiber, Kevlar, epoxy, or polyester resin. The epoxy or polyester hold all the fibers in place. Even if they were using (gasp!) asbestos, it would be solidly locked into the binding matrix, and it’s not going anywhere.

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

Unless the epoxy etc. degrades in the sun and the friction from the wind.

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

They’re safe and effective!

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

Until destroyed en masse, as windmills are regularly for being inefficient expensive pieces of shit.

The asbestos in most homes is safe too, until disturbed by demolition or remodel work. The danger is when the thing holding it in place is destroyed.

Reply to  TRX
6 months ago

My response to this must have been hidden from AC, it’s still awaiting approval.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

My comment a few days ago RE the mtf boxers never made it through…

6 months ago

> A Maine congresswoman who told Americans to wear hand-me-downs to fight climate change has clocked in over 100,000 miles traveling the globe in the lap of luxury.

You’re supposed to show “respect for her office”. First-class or chartered air travel limousine service, and five-star hotels are required to maintain the Congressional image.

Sounds like you are entertaining some political badthink, Comrade. You should be careful, lest you get to enjoy another vacation at the Happy Fun Camp.

6 months ago

The sidebar is gone again.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

Gone again.

6 months ago

American Stasi: Tulsi Gabbard Confirms “Quiet Skies” Nightmare

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 months ago

It still might end up leading people to your site.
It certainly helps prepare their minds when people share your site.

6 months ago

Fun fact. I lived in NV between 1999 and 2003. After I left, I registered to vote in all the other places I lived: Washington, Ohio, and two other different states. I registered to vote in each of those states, and confirmed each time that my old registration was scrubbed.

So imagine my (not really) surprise in 2020 when I checked again, all the states I have lived in, and found lo and behold I was an active voter in NV! I am sure I voted for Trump though so it’s fine.

A few months after the election, my registration was gone again.

It’s real, can confirm.

6 months ago

Image of a kimber 1911 on gun broker. Elon Musk commemorative edition, (first amendment hero) faintly cute in a propped up cabal figure head kind of way. This plan and movie still sucks, no matter how many types of faggy idolatry guns are created for actors in the script. Jesus weeps.
Stay frosty anyways anons.

Reply to  Frosty
6 months ago

Yeah, but it’s a Kimber, so it’s not like they wasted a good 1911.

6 months ago

There’s a 3D printable belt-fed 5.56 gattling gun that’s OBVIOUSLY designed for the crank to be replaced with some kind of motor. There are now functioning 3D printed PLASTIC silencers that handle the recoil from .308 rifles. Pick your popular pistol or rifle, there are 3D printable magazines for it. The FCG-9mm is an almost fully printed firearm that uses ZERO parts from the firearms industry and metal parts available in any hardware store, which is why the rebels in Burma are currently dependent on them for arming their troops to great effect. The law cannot keep pace with technology in the era of hobby CNC.

Why Everyone Needs to Pay Attention to This Case. (Especially Oregon).
Washington Gun Law

6 months ago

Good News for Lowell:

Oregon’s “Ghost Gun” Ban Challenged in Court

6 months ago

Thailand: Court Dissolves Country’s Most Popular Party

Thailand’s Constitutional Court dissolved the main opposition Move Forward Party, or MFP, on the grounds that its platform was tantamount to calling to overthrow the monarchy, the Bangkok Post reported on Aug. 7….

6 months ago

The sidebar is missing.

6 months ago

The WordPress thing has been insane over the last couple weeks

6 months ago

“When he crossed over the 1 million subs mark on YouTube he was on radar of You Know Who.”
Nerdrotic calls Disney woke movies the trash they are–Cabal’s entertainment arm launches private accounts on X to astro-turf this guy into going away.
Because only Cabal is allowed to be popular. And Nerdrotic wasn’t willing to do Ben Stiller things at David Geffen’s parties.

Last edited 6 months ago by Chief_Tuscaloosa